Name: The Neal House
Address: 537 James Street
Constructed: 1850

Extensively repaired and altered in the 'nineties, there is little left to say concerning any Greek qualifications of this structure. Fortunately, much of its history is known.

Originally held by the Syracuse Company the plot was sold in 1849 by a William James to Mr. Thomas T. Davis who subsequently built the house. In 1851 it was sold to Moses W. Lester and shortly thereafter came into the possession of the Neal famaly, with whom the building is now most closely connected. Its builder, Thomas Davis, was a prominent lawyer who graduated from Hamilton and was elected to Congress in 1862.

Of a basic box type, the house at the present time is solely distinguished b-,r a magnificent doorway, one of t'ne finest in Syracuse (figure two). Wonderfully fine pairs of Ionic columns flank an outstanding door and are capped by, coumplete entablatures. The small sidelights and panels below them, amplify the Revival aspect of the otherwise classic doorway.

Rear wings, so completely typical and the only other remaining feature, with exception of the entablature, are to be noted in figure three.