package{ import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.LoaderContext; import flash.system.ApplicationDomain; import; import; /** * Dispatched when the external file representing this serialized bulk loader intance has been downloaded and parse. At * this point the user can get references to all items and attach events to them accordingly. * * @eventType */ [Event(name="lazyComplete", type="")]; /** A serialized version of af BulkLoader instance. This class allows you to keep external files with a complete description of what loading items should be loaded. This class is not meant to be used directly, but used as a base classes for specific data transports (xml, json). * */ public class LazyBulkLoader extends BulkLoader { namespace lazy_loader = ""; lazy_loader var _lazyTheURL : URLRequest; /** @private */ lazy_loader var _lazyLoader : URLLoader; /** @private */ lazy_loader static const INT_TYPES : Array = ["maxTries", "priority"]; /** @private */ lazy_loader static const NUMBER_TYPES : Array = ["weigth"]; /** @private */ lazy_loader static const STRINGED_BOOLEAN : Array = ["preventCache", "pausedAtStart", "checkPolicyFile"]; public static const LAZY_COMPLETE : String = "lazyComplete"; public function LazyBulkLoader(url : *, name : String, numConnections : int = BulkLoader.DEFAULT_NUM_CONNECTIONS, logLevel : int = BulkLoader.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL){ if (url is String) { lazy_loader::_lazyTheURL = new URLRequest(url); } lazy_loader::_lazyTheURL = (lazy_loader::_lazyTheURL as URLRequest) || url; super(name, numConnections, logLevel); } /** Starts to fetch the external data that will define a BulkLoader instance when parsed. When the fetch operation * is done and the item is correctly parsed, it will dispatch an event with name LAZY_COMPLETE. */ override public function start(numConnections : int = -1):void { if (numConnections > 0){ this._numConnections = numConnections; } lazy_loader::_lazyLoader = new URLLoader(lazy_loader::_lazyTheURL); lazy_loader::_lazyLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, lazy_loader::_lazyOnComplete, false, 0, true); } /** @private */ lazy_loader function _lazyOnComplete(evt : Event):void { lazy_loader::_lazyParseLoader(; dispatchEvent(new Event(LAZY_COMPLETE)); super.start(); } /** Useful subclasses should implement this method for a specific seralization method. The .start method will be called right after * the serialized data is parsed. * @param withData A String to be turned into a BulkLoader instance. * @private */ lazy_loader function _lazyParseLoader(withData : String) : void{ throw new Error("subclasses should implement a useful method for this"); } /** @private */ lazy_loader static function toBoolean(value : String):Boolean { if (value == "true" || value == "1" || value == "yes") { return true; } return false; } override public function toString():String { return "[LazyBulkLoader] url: " + lazy_loader::_lazyTheURL.url + ", bulkloader: " + super.toString(); } } }