package com.bit101.charts { import com.bit101.components.Label; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.Sprite; /** * Note: the data parameter of the PieChart, like the other charts, is an array. * It can be a simple array of Numbers where each number represents one slice of the pie. * It can also be an array of objects. * If objects are used, each object represents one slice of the pie and can contain three properties: * - value: The numeric value to chart. * - label: The label to display next to the slice. * - color: The color to make the slice. */ public class PieChart extends Chart { protected var _sprite:Sprite; protected var _beginningAngle:Number = 0; protected var _colors:Array = [ 0xff9999, 0xffff99, 0x99ff99, 0x99ffff, 0x9999ff, 0xff99ff, 0xffcccc, 0xffffcc, 0xccffcc, 0xccffff, 0xccccff, 0xffccff, 0xff6666, 0xffff66, 0x99ff66, 0x66ffff, 0x6666ff, 0xff66ff, 0xffffff ]; /** * Constructor * @param parent The parent DisplayObjectContainer on which to add this Label. * @param xpos The x position to place this component. * @param ypos The y position to place this component. * @param data The array of numeric values or objects to graph. */ public function PieChart(parent:DisplayObjectContainer=null, xpos:Number=0, ypos:Number=0, data:Array=null) { super(parent, xpos, ypos, data); } /** * Initializes the component. */ protected override function init() : void { super.init(); setSize(160, 120); } /** * Creates and adds the child display objects of this component. */ protected override function addChildren():void { super.addChildren(); _sprite = new Sprite(); _panel.content.addChild(_sprite); } /** * Graphs the numeric data in the chart. */ protected override function drawChart() : void { var radius:Number = Math.min(width - 40, height - 40) / 2; _sprite.x = width / 2; _sprite.y = height / 2;;, 0x666666, 1); while(_sprite.numChildren > 0) _sprite.removeChildAt(0); var total:Number = getDataTotal(); var startAngle:Number = _beginningAngle * Math.PI / 180; for(var i:int = 0; i < _data.length; i++) { var percent:Number = getValueForData(i) / total; var endAngle:Number = startAngle + Math.PI * 2 * percent; drawArc(startAngle, endAngle, radius, getColorForData(i)); makeLabel((startAngle + endAngle) * 0.5, radius + 10, getLabelForData(i)); startAngle = endAngle; } } /** * Creates and positions a single label. * @property angle The angle in degrees to position this label. * @property radius The distance from the center to position this label. * @property text The text of the label. */ protected function makeLabel(angle:Number, radius:Number, text:String):void { var label:Label = new Label(_sprite, 0, 0, text); label.x = Math.cos(angle) * radius; label.y = Math.sin(angle) * radius - label.height / 2; if(label.x < 0) { label.x -= label.width; } } /** * Draws one slice of the pie. * @property startAngle The beginning angle of the arc. * @property endAngle The ending angle of the arc. * @property radius The radius of the arc. * @property color The color to draw the arc. */ protected function drawArc(startAngle:Number, endAngle:Number, radius:Number, color:uint):void {;, 0); for(var i:Number = startAngle; i < endAngle; i += .01) { * radius, Math.sin(i) * radius); } * radius, Math.sin(endAngle) * radius);, 0);; } /** * Determines what label to use for the specified data. * @property index The index of the data to get the label for. */ protected function getLabelForData(index:int):String { if(!(_data[index] is Number) && _data[index].label != null) { return _data[index].label; } var value:Number = Math.round(getValueForData(index) * Math.pow(10, _labelPrecision)) / Math.pow(10, _labelPrecision); return value.toString(); } /** * Determines what color to use for the specified data. * @property index The index of the data to get the color for. */ protected function getColorForData(index:int):uint { if((!_data[index] is Number) && _data[index].color != null) { return _data[index].color; } if(index < _colors.length) { return _colors[index]; } return Math.random() * 0xffffff; } /** * Determines what value to use for the specified data. * @property index The index of the data to get the value for. */ protected function getValueForData(index:int):Number { if(_data[index] is Number) { return _data[index]; } if(_data[index].value != null) { return _data[index].value; } return NaN; } /** * Gets the sum of all the data values. */ protected function getDataTotal():Number { var total:Number = 0; for(var i:int = 0; i < _data.length; i++) { total += getValueForData(i); } return total; } /////////////////////////////////// // getter/setters /////////////////////////////////// /** * Sets/gets the default array of colors to use for each arc. */ public function set colors(value:Array):void { _colors = value; invalidate(); } public function get colors():Array { return _colors; } /** * Sets/gets the angle at which to start the first slice. */ public function set beginningAngle(value:Number):void { _beginningAngle = value; invalidate(); } public function get beginningAngle():Number { return _beginningAngle; } } }