/* * $Id: MarkerEvent.as 713 2008-11-27 01:56:31Z tom $ */ package com.modestmaps.events { import flash.events.Event; import com.modestmaps.geo.Location; import flash.display.DisplayObject; public class MarkerEvent extends Event { // these are prefixed marker to avoid conflicts with MouseEvent public static const MARKER_ROLL_OVER:String = 'markerRollOver'; public static const MARKER_ROLL_OUT:String = 'markerRollOut'; public static const MARKER_CLICK:String = 'markerClick'; protected var _marker:DisplayObject; protected var _location:Location; public function MarkerEvent(type:String, marker:DisplayObject, location:Location, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false) { super(type, bubbles, cancelable); _marker = marker; _location = location; } public function get marker():DisplayObject { return _marker; } public function get location():Location { return _location; } } }