package com.modestmaps.extras { import com.modestmaps.Map; import; import com.modestmaps.extras.ui.Button; import com.modestmaps.extras.ui.FullScreenButton; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import; import; import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; import flash.geom.ColorTransform; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.ui.Keyboard; /** * this is a bit of a silly class really, * implementing a whole mini layout framework * just so that you don't have to have * the same button layout that I like. * * even though you have to have * rounded corners and bevels. * * take that! */ public class MapControls extends Sprite { public var leftButton:Button; public var rightButton:Button; public var upButton:Button; public var downButton:Button; public var inButton:Button; public var outButton:Button; public var fullScreenButton:FullScreenButton = new FullScreenButton(); private var map:Map; private var keyboard:Boolean; private var fullScreen:Boolean; private var buttons:Array; private var actions:Array; // you can change these if you want, // each button is positioned by it's top-left point // and is 20x20px // positionFunctions understand top, bottom, left and right // in px or % // if you use %, be aware the default alignment is left-top // but that you'll probably want top-center for horizontal % // and center-left for vertical % public static const GROUPED:Object = { leftButton: { left: '15px', bottom: '15px' }, rightButton: { left: '65px', bottom: '15px' }, upButton: { left: '40px', bottom: '40px' }, downButton: { left: '40px', bottom: '15px' }, inButton: { left: '95px', bottom: '40px' }, outButton: { left: '95px', bottom: '15px' }, fullScreenButton: { left: '125px', bottom: '15px' } }; public static const SIDES:Object = { leftButton: { left: '15px', top: '50%', align: 'center-left' }, rightButton: { right: '15px', bottom: '50%', align: 'center-left' }, upButton: { left: '50%', top: '15px', align: 'top-center' }, downButton: { right: '50%', bottom: '15px', align: 'top-center' }, inButton: { left: '15px', top: '15px' }, outButton: { left: '15px', top: '40px' }, fullScreenButton: { left: '15px', bottom: '15px' } }; private var positions:Object = GROUPED; private var hAlignFunctions:Object = { center: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return child.width / 2; }, left: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return 0; }, right: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return child.width; } }; private var vAlignFunctions:Object = { center: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return child.height / 2; }, top: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return 0; }, bottom: function(child:DisplayObject):Number { return child.height; } } private var positionFunctions:Object = { left: function(child:DisplayObject, s:String, a:String):void { if (s.lastIndexOf("%") >= 0) { child.x = map.getWidth() * parseFloat(s.substring(-1)) / 100.0; } else { child.x = parseFloat(s.substring(-2)); } child.x -= a ? hAlignFunctions[a.split('-')[1]](child) : 0; }, right: function(child:DisplayObject, s:String, a:String):void { if (s.lastIndexOf("%") >= 0) { child.x = map.getWidth() - (map.getWidth() * parseFloat(s.substring(-1)) / 100.0) - child.width; } else { child.x = map.getWidth() - parseFloat(s.substring(-2)) - child.width; } child.x += a ? hAlignFunctions[a.split('-')[1]](child) : 0; }, top: function(child:DisplayObject, s:String, a:String):void { if (s.lastIndexOf("%") >= 0) { child.y = map.getHeight() * parseFloat(s.substring(-1)) / 100.0; } else { child.y = parseFloat(s.substring(-2)); } child.y -= a ? vAlignFunctions[a.split('-')[0]](child) : 0; }, bottom: function(child:DisplayObject, s:String, a:String):void { if (s.lastIndexOf("%") >= 0) { child.y = map.getHeight() - (map.getHeight() * parseFloat(s.substring(-1)) / 100.0) - child.height; } else { child.y = map.getHeight() - parseFloat(s.substring(-2)) - child.height; } child.y += a ? vAlignFunctions[a.split('-')[0]](child) : 0; } }; public function MapControls(map:Map, keyboard:Boolean=true, fullScreen:Boolean=false, buttonPositions:Object=null, buttonClass:Class=null) { if (!buttonClass) buttonClass = Button; leftButton = new buttonClass(Button.LEFT); rightButton = new buttonClass(Button.RIGHT); upButton = new buttonClass(Button.UP); downButton = new buttonClass(Button.DOWN); inButton = new buttonClass(Button.IN); outButton = new buttonClass(Button.OUT); = map; this.keyboard = keyboard; this.fullScreen = fullScreen; if (buttonPositions) { this.positions = buttonPositions; } filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(1,45,0,1,3,3,.7,2) ]; var buttonSprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); addChild(buttonSprite); actions = [ map.panLeft, map.panRight, map.panUp, map.panDown, map.zoomIn, map.zoomOut ]; buttons = [ leftButton, rightButton, upButton, downButton, inButton, outButton ]; if (fullScreen) { buttons.push(fullScreenButton); actions.push(fullScreenButton.toggleFullScreen); } for (var i:int = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actions[i]); buttonSprite.addChild(buttons[i]); } addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage); } public function setButtonTransforms(overTransform:ColorTransform, outTransform:ColorTransform):void { for each (var button:Button in buttons) { button.overTransform = overTransform; button.outTransform = outTransform; button.transform.colorTransform = outTransform; } } private function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void { if (keyboard) { map.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyboardEvent); map.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyboardEvent); } if (fullScreen) { stage.addEventListener(FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, onFullScreenEvent); } // since our size is based on map size, wait for map to be resized, so we don't // accidentally get sized before the map on stage resize events map.addEventListener( MapEvent.RESIZED, onMapResize ); map.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown); onMapResize(null); } private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void { map.focusRect = false; stage.focus = map; } private function onKeyboardEvent(event:KeyboardEvent):void { if (!stage || stage.focus is TextField) return; var buttonKeys:Object = { '+': inButton, '=': inButton, '-': outButton, '_': outButton }; buttonKeys[Keyboard.LEFT] = leftButton; buttonKeys[Keyboard.RIGHT] = rightButton; buttonKeys[Keyboard.DOWN] = downButton; buttonKeys[Keyboard.UP] = upButton; var char:String = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode); if (buttonKeys[char]) { if (event.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) { buttonKeys[char].onMouseOver(); } else { buttonKeys[char].onMouseOut(); (actions[buttons.indexOf(buttonKeys[char])] as Function).call(); } } else if (buttonKeys[event.keyCode]) { if (event.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN) { buttonKeys[event.keyCode].onMouseOver(); } else { buttonKeys[event.keyCode].onMouseOut(); (actions[buttons.indexOf(buttonKeys[event.keyCode])] as Function).call(); } } //event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } private function onMapResize(event:Event):void { var w:Number = map.getWidth(); var h:Number = map.getHeight(); for (var child:String in positions) { var position:Object = positions[child]; for (var reference:String in position) { if (reference == 'align') continue; positionFunctions[reference](this[child], position[reference], position['align']); } } } public function onFullScreenEvent(event:Event):void { onMapResize(null); } } }