package com.modestmaps.extras { import com.modestmaps.Map; import com.modestmaps.core.MapExtent; import; import com.modestmaps.geo.Location; import flash.display.LineScaleMode; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * NavigatorWindow creates a small navigator map that will stick to the bottom * right-hand edge of a map and provide a zoomed-out context for the current * visible area. * * The main 'magic' performed by this class is suppressing the map events from * the nav map so that they don't bubble up and confused overlays that are * listening to the map. This would be an issue because the navigator window * might be added as a child of map. I considered making it an option in * Map and TileGrid to disable events, but then I realised I wanted the navMap * to be interactive after all so that it could update the main map. * * Hat tip to * for prompting the development of this class. * * Exercises for the reader: * 1) add alignment options (top left etc.)? * 2) add show and hide buttons * 3) add dragging for resizing * 4) add optional alternate map providers (a la * */ public class NavigatorWindow extends Sprite { protected var map:Map; protected var navMap:Map; protected var box:Shape; protected var zoomOffset:Number = 4; protected var ignoreMap:Boolean = false; protected var ignoreNav:Boolean = false; protected var navWidth:Number; protected var navHeight:Number; protected var navBorder:Number; protected var navBorderColor:uint; protected var boxLineThickness:Number; protected var boxLineColor:uint; protected var boxFillColor:uint; protected var boxFillAlpha:Number; /** create a new navigator window with optional size and style parameters */ public function NavigatorWindow( map:Map, navWidth:Number=128, navHeight:Number=128, navBorder:Number=5, navBorderColor:uint=0xffffff, boxLineThickness:Number=0, boxLineColor:uint=0xff0000, boxFillColor:uint=0x000000, boxFillAlpha:Number=0.2 ) { = map; this.navWidth = navWidth; this.navHeight = navHeight; this.navBorder = navBorder; this.navBorderColor = navBorderColor; this.boxLineThickness = boxLineThickness; this.boxLineColor = boxLineColor; this.boxFillColor = boxFillColor; this.boxFillAlpha = boxFillAlpha; navMap = new Map(navWidth, navHeight, true, map.getMapProvider()); = 'navMap'; navMap.grid.enforceBoundsEnabled = false; // TODO: should this zoom offset depend on the relative sizes? navMap.setCenterZoom(map.getCenter(), map.getZoom() - zoomOffset); addChild(navMap); // this makes sure that the nav exists for filters;;, 0, navWidth, navHeight); navMap.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(2,45,0,0.5,4,4,1,1,true) ]; box = new Shape(); navMap.addChild(box); setPosition(null); navMap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onNavDoubleClick, true); navMap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onNavMouseWheel, true); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.ALL_TILES_LOADED, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.BEGIN_EXTENT_CHANGE, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.BEGIN_TILE_LOADING, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.COPYRIGHT_CHANGED, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_PROVIDER_CHANGED, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.RENDERED, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.RESIZED, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.START_ZOOMING, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.STOP_ZOOMING, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.ZOOMED_BY, stopEvent); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.EXTENT_CHANGED, syncMap); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.START_PANNING, onStartPanning); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.PANNED, syncMap); navMap.addEventListener(MapEvent.STOP_PANNING, onStopPanning); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.MAP_PROVIDER_CHANGED, onProviderChanged); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.EXTENT_CHANGED, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.PANNED, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.RESIZED, setPosition); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.START_PANNING, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.START_ZOOMING, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.STOP_PANNING, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.STOP_ZOOMING, syncNavMap); map.addEventListener(MapEvent.ZOOMED_BY, syncNavMap); } protected function onNavDoubleClick(event:MouseEvent):void { var l:Location = navMap.pointLocation(new Point(event.localX, event.localY)); if (event.shiftKey) { map.panAndZoomOut(l); } else { map.panAndZoomIn(l); } event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } protected function onNavMouseWheel(event:MouseEvent):void { // TODO, if map is a TweenMap, do a version of TweenMap.onMouseWheel here event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } protected function setPosition(event:MapEvent):void { navMap.x = map.getWidth() - navWidth; navMap.y = map.getHeight() - navHeight; syncNavMap(event); graphics.clear(); graphics.beginFill(navBorderColor) graphics.drawRect(navMap.x - navBorder, navMap.y - navBorder, navWidth + navBorder, navHeight + navBorder); } protected function onProviderChanged(event:MapEvent):void { navMap.setMapProvider(event.newMapProvider); } protected function syncNavMap(event:MapEvent):void { if (!ignoreMap) { if (event && event.currentTarget != map) return; ignoreNav = true; navMap.setCenter(map.getCenter()); navMap.grid.zoomLevel = map.grid.zoomLevel - zoomOffset; ignoreNav = false; var extent:MapExtent = map.getExtent(); var nw:Point = navMap.locationPoint(extent.northWest); var se:Point = navMap.locationPoint(extent.southEast);;;, boxFillAlpha);,0,navWidth,navHeight);, boxLineColor, 1, false, LineScaleMode.NONE);,nw.y,se.x-nw.x,se.y-nw.y);; } } protected function onStartPanning(event:MapEvent):void { ignoreMap = true; stopEvent(event); } protected function onStopPanning(event:MapEvent):void { ignoreMap = false; stopEvent(event); } protected function syncMap(event:MapEvent):void { if (!ignoreNav) { map.setCenter(navMap.getCenter()); map.grid.zoomLevel = navMap.grid.zoomLevel + zoomOffset; } stopEvent(event); } protected function stopEvent(event:MapEvent):void { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } }