package com.modestmaps.mapproviders { import com.modestmaps.core.Coordinate; import com.modestmaps.geo.LinearProjection; import com.modestmaps.geo.Transformation; public class DailyPlanetProvider extends AbstractMapProvider implements IMapProvider { private static const MIN_ZOOM:int = 1; private static const MAX_ZOOM:int = 6; /** WARNING: this is extremely experimental, and * it might not make the correct calls to NASA every time * we are still testing 512px providers, too */ public function DailyPlanetProvider(minZoom:int=MIN_ZOOM, maxZoom:int=MAX_ZOOM) { super(); var t:Transformation = new Transformation(0.3183098861837907, 0, 1, 0, -0.3183098861837907, 0.5); __projection = new LinearProjection(1, t); __topLeftOutLimit = new Coordinate(0, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0).zoomTo(minZoom); __bottomRightInLimit = (new Coordinate(1, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0)).zoomTo(maxZoom); } public function getTileUrls(coord:Coordinate):Array { // zoom level 0 is a 512x512 tile containing a linearly projected map of the world in the top half: //,-270,180,90 // the -270 there works, and kind of makes sense, and gives the same image as: //,-90,180,90 coord = sourceCoordinate(coord); var tilesWide:Number = Math.pow(2, coord.zoom); var tilesHigh:Number = Math.pow(2, coord.zoom-1); var w:Number = -180.0 + (360.0 * coord.column / tilesWide); var n:Number = 90 - (180.0 * coord.row / tilesHigh); var e:Number = w + (360.0 / tilesWide); var s:Number = n + (180.0 / tilesHigh); var bbox:String = [ w, s, e, n ].join(','); // don't use URLVariables to build this URL, because there's a chance that the cache might require things in a particular order // here's the pattern: request=GetMap&layers=daily_planet&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/jpeg&styles=&width=512&height=512&bbox=-180,88,-178,90 // from var url:String = "" + "request=GetMap" + "&layers=daily_planet" + "&srs=EPSG:4326" + "&format=image/jpeg" + "&styles=" + "&width=512" + "&height=512" + "&bbox=" + bbox; //trace(coord, bbox); //trace(url); return [ url ]; } public function toString():String { return "DAILY_PLANET"; } override public function sourceCoordinate(coord:Coordinate):Coordinate { var tilesWide:Number = Math.pow(2, coord.zoom); var tilesHigh:Number = Math.ceil(Math.pow(2, coord.zoom-1)); coord = coord.copy(); while (coord.row < 0) coord.row += tilesHigh; while (coord.column < 0) coord.column += tilesWide; coord.row %= tilesHigh; coord.column %= tilesWide; return coord; } override public function get tileWidth():Number { return 512; } override public function get tileHeight():Number { return 512; } } }