package com.modestmaps.overlays { import com.modestmaps.Map; import com.modestmaps.core.Coordinate; import com.modestmaps.core.MapExtent; import com.modestmaps.core.TileGrid; import com.modestmaps.geo.Location; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.LineScaleMode; import flash.display.Sprite; import; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; public class PolygonMarker extends Sprite implements Redrawable { protected var map:Map; protected var drawZoom:Number; public var zoomTolerance:Number = 4; public var locations:Array; protected var coordinates:Array; // cached after converting locations with the map provider public var extent:MapExtent; public var location:Location; public var line:Boolean = true; public var lineThickness:Number = 0; public var lineColor:uint = 0xffffff; public var lineAlpha:Number = 1; public var linePixelHinting:Boolean = false; public var lineScaleMode:String = LineScaleMode.NONE; public var lineCaps:String = null; public var lineJoints:String = null; public var lineMiterLimit:Number = 3; public var autoClose:Boolean = true; public var fill:Boolean = true; public var fillColor:uint = 0xff0000; public var fillAlpha:Number = 0.2; public var bitmapFill:Boolean = false; public var bitmapData:BitmapData = null; public var bitmapMatrix:Matrix = null; public var bitmapRepeat:Boolean = false; public var bitmapSmooth:Boolean = false; /** * Creates a polygon from the given array (or array of arrays) of Locations. * * The polygon will use the given map to project the locations, and should be added to an * instance of PolygonClip, which will add and remove it from the stage and position it * as required. * * If an array of arrays of Locations is given, the first array will be drawn as the outer * ring of the polygon, and subsequent arrays will be treated as holes if they overlap it. * */ public function PolygonMarker(map:Map, locations:Array, autoClose:Boolean=true) { = map; this.mouseEnabled = false; this.autoClose = autoClose; if (locations && locations.length > 0) { if (locations.length > 0 && locations[0] is Location) { locations = [ locations ]; } if (locations[0].length > 0 && locations[0] is Array) { this.locations = [ locations[0] ]; this.extent = MapExtent.fromLocations(locations[0]); this.location = locations[0][0] as Location; this.coordinates = [ locations[0].map(l2c) ]; for each (var hole:Array in locations.slice(1)) { addHole(hole); } } } } public function addHole(hole:Array):void { this.locations.push(hole); this.extent.encloseExtent(MapExtent.fromLocations(hole)); this.coordinates.push(; updateGraphics(); } protected function l2c(l:Location, { return map.getMapProvider().locationCoordinate(l); } public function redraw(event:Event=null):void { if (drawZoom && Math.abs(map.grid.zoomLevel-drawZoom) < zoomTolerance) { scaleX = scaleY = Math.pow(2, map.grid.zoomLevel-drawZoom); } else { updateGraphics(); } } protected function updateGraphics():void { var grid:TileGrid = map.grid; drawZoom = grid.zoomLevel; scaleX = scaleY = 1; graphics.clear(); if (line) { graphics.lineStyle(lineThickness, lineColor, lineAlpha, linePixelHinting, lineScaleMode, lineCaps, lineJoints, lineMiterLimit); } else { graphics.lineStyle(); } if (fill) { if (bitmapFill && bitmapData) { graphics.beginBitmapFill(bitmapData, bitmapMatrix, bitmapRepeat, bitmapSmooth); } else { graphics.beginFill(fillColor, fillAlpha); } } if (location) { var firstPoint:Point = grid.coordinatePoint(coordinates[0][0]); for each (var ring:Array in coordinates) { var ringPoint:Point = grid.coordinatePoint(ring[0]); graphics.moveTo(ringPoint.x-firstPoint.x, ringPoint.y-firstPoint.y); var p:Point; for each (var coord:Coordinate in ring.slice(1)) { p = grid.coordinatePoint(coord); graphics.lineTo(p.x-firstPoint.x, p.y-firstPoint.y); } if (autoClose && !ringPoint.equals(p)) { graphics.lineTo(ringPoint.x-firstPoint.x, ringPoint.y-firstPoint.y); } } } if (fill) { graphics.endFill(); } } } }