package { import flare.animate.Transitioner; import flare.util.Property; import; import; import; import flare.vis.operator.Operator; import flash.utils.Dictionary; /** * Calculates the maximum flow along edges of a graph using the * Edmonds-Karp method. Each edge in the graph will be annotated with its * final flow value, as well as a boolean value indicating if the edge * is part of the minimum cut of the flow graph. Nodes are annotated with * their partition according to the minimum cut: a partition value of 0 * indicates the source-side of the cut, a value of 1 indicates the * sink-side of the cut. */ public class MaxFlowMinCut extends Operator { private var _c:Property = Property.$("props.capacity"); private var _f:Property = Property.$("props.flow"); private var _p:Property = Property.$("props.predecessor"); private var _k:Property = Property.$("props.mincut"); private var _cap:Function = null; /** The property in which to store computed flow values. This property * is used to annotate edges with the computed flow. The default * value is "props.flow". */ public function get flowField():String { return; } public function set flowField(f:String):void { _f = Property.$(f); } /** The property in which to store minimum-cut data. The default value * is "props.mincut". This property is used to annotate nodes with * their partition (0 for source-side, 1 for sink-side) and to * annotate edges with min-cut membership (true if part of the * minimum cut, false otherwise). */ public function get mincutField():String { return; } public function set mincutField(f:String):void { _k = Property.$(f); } /** The source node for which to compute the max flow. */ public var source:NodeSprite; /** The sink node for which to compute the max flow. */ public var sink:NodeSprite; /** A function defining the edge capacities for flow. When setting * this value, one can pass in either a Function, which should take an * EdgeSprite as input and return a Number as output, or a String, in * which case the string will be used as a property name from which to * retrieve the edge capacity value from an EdgeSprite instance. * If the value is null (the default) all edges will be assumed to have * capacity 1. * *

NOTE: Capacities must be greater than or equal to zero! *

*/ public function get edgeCapacity():Function { return _cap; } public function set edgeCapacity(c:*):void { if (c==null) { _cap = null; } else if (c is String) { _cap = Property.$(String(c)).getValue; } else if (c is Function) { _cap = c; } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized edgeCapacity value. " + "The value should be a Function or String."); } } /** The computed maximum flow value. This value is zero by default * and is populated once the max flow calculation is run. */ public function get maxFlow():Number { return _maxFlow; } private var _data:Data, _s:NodeSprite, _t:NodeSprite; private var _maxFlow:Number = 0; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new MaxFlowMinCut operator. * @param source the source node in the flow graph * @param sink the sink node in the flow graph * @param edgeCapacity the edge capacity values. This can either be a * Function that returns capacity values or a * String providing the name of a property to look up on * EdgeSprite instances. */ public function MaxFlowMinCut(source:NodeSprite=null, sink:NodeSprite=null, edgeCapacity:*=null) { this.source = source; this.sink = sink; this.edgeCapacity = edgeCapacity; } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function operate(t:Transitioner=null):void { calculate(, source, sink, _cap); } /** * Calculates the maximum flow and minimum cut for the given data * @param data the data set containing the flow graph * @param s the source node in the flow graph * @param t the target or "sink" node in the flow graph * @param c a function returning capacity values for edges */ public function calculate(data:Data, s:NodeSprite, t:NodeSprite, c:Function=null):void { _data = data; _s = s; _t = t; _data.nodes.visit(function(n:NodeSprite):void { _c.setValue(n, 0); _f.setValue(n, 0); _p.setValue(n, null); }); _data.edges.visit(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var cap:Number = (c==null ? 1 : c(e)); if (cap < 0) throw new Error("Edge capacity must be > 0!"); _c.setValue(e, cap); }); // update flows until no more augmenting path while (augmentingPath()) { var cap:Number = _c.getValue(_t); _maxFlow += cap; var v:NodeSprite = _t, u:NodeSprite, e:EdgeSprite; while (v != _s) { e = _p.getValue(v); u = e.source; _f.setValue(e, _f.getValue(e) + cap); _c.setValue(e, _c.getValue(e) - cap); v = u; } } minCut(); _data.visit(_c.deleteValue); _data.nodes.visit(_p.deleteValue); } /** * Uses a breadth-first-search to find an augmenting path that * increases the net flow through the graph. */ private function augmentingPath():Boolean { _data.nodes.setProperty(, Number.MAX_VALUE); var visited:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var queue:Array = [_s], u:NodeSprite, b:Boolean; while (queue.length > 0) { visited[u = queue.shift()] = true; b = u.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):Boolean { // get residual capacity on edge var cap:Number = _c.getValue(e); var v:NodeSprite = e.other(u); if (visited[v] || cap <= 0) return false; _c.setValue(v, Math.min(_c.getValue(u), cap)); _p.setValue(v, e); if (v == _t) return true; queue.push(v); return false; }, NodeSprite.OUT_LINKS); if (b) return true; } return false; } /** * Given that the max flow has been computed, finds the minimum-cut * of the flow graph, annotating nodes according to their partition * (source-side or sink-side) and annotating the edges that constitute * the minimum cut. */ private function minCut():void { _data.nodes.setProperty(, 1); var visited:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); var queue:Array = [_s], u:NodeSprite, b:Boolean; while (queue.length > 0) { visited[u = queue.shift()] = true; _k.setValue(u, 0); u.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var v:NodeSprite = e.other(u); if (!(visited[v] || _c.getValue(e) <= 0)) queue.push(v); }, NodeSprite.OUT_LINKS); } _data.edges.visit(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var up:int = _k.getValue(e.source); var vp:int = _k.getValue(; _k.setValue(e, (up==0 && vp==1)); }); } } // end of class MaxFlowMinCut }