package { import flare.animate.Transitioner; import flare.util.Property; import flare.util.heap.FibonacciHeap; import flare.util.heap.HeapNode; import; import; import; import flare.vis.operator.Operator; /** * Calculates the shortest paths to a source node using Dijkstra's algorithm. * Nodes are annotated with both the total distance and their incoming edge * along the shortest path. */ public class ShortestPaths extends Operator { private var _d:Property = Property.$("props.distance"); private var _p:Property = Property.$("props.predecessor"); private var _e:Property = Property.$("props.onpath"); private var _w:Function = null; /** The source node from which to compute the shortest paths. */ public var source:NodeSprite; /** A function determining edge weights used in the shortest path * calculation. When setting this value, one can pass in either a * Function, which should take an EdgeSprite as input and return a * Number as output, or a String, in which case the string will be * used as a property name from which to retrieve the edge weight * value from an EdgeSprite instance. If the value is null (the * default) all edges will be assumed to have weight 1. * *

NOTE: Edge weights must be greater than or equal to zero! *

*/ public function get edgeWeight():Function { return _w; } public function set edgeWeight(w:*):void { if (w==null) { _w = null; } else if (w is String) { _w = Property.$(String(w)).getValue; } else if (w is Function) { _w = w; } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized edgeWeight value. " + "The value should be a Function or String."); } } /** The property in which to store the link distance. This property * is used to annotate nodes with the minimum link distance to one of * the source nodes. The default value is "props.distance". */ public function get distanceField():String { return; } public function set distanceField(f:String):void { _d = Property.$(f); } /** The property in which to store incoming edges along a shortest * path. This property is used to annotate nodes with the incoming * along a shortest path from one of the source nodes. By following * sequential incoming edges, one can recreate the shortest path from * the nearest source node. The default value is "props.incoming". */ public function get incomingField():String { return; } public function set incomingField(f:String):void { _p = Property.$(f); } /** The property in which to store a path inclusion flag for edges. * This property is used to mark edges as belonging to one of the * computed shortest paths: true indicates that the edge * participates in a shortest path, false indicates that * the edge does not lie along a shortest path. The default value is * "props.onpath". */ public function get onpathField():String { return; } public function set onpathField(f:String):void { _p = Property.$(f); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new ShortestPaths operator. * @param source the source node from which to measure shortest paths * @param edgeWeight the edge weight values. This can either be a * Function that returns weight values or a * String providing the name of a property to look up on * EdgeSprite instances. */ public function ShortestPaths(source:NodeSprite=null, edgeWeight:*=null) { this.source = source; this.edgeWeight = edgeWeight; } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function operate(t:Transitioner=null):void { calculate(, source, _w); } /** * Calculates the shortest paths from a source node. * @param data the data set containing a graph * @param n the source node from which to measure path lengths * @param w a function returning weight values for edges. If null, * all edges will be assumed to have equal weight. */ public function calculate(data:Data, s:NodeSprite, w:Function=null):void { var u:NodeSprite, ud:HeapNode, dg:int; var dir:Boolean = data.directedEdges; // initialize heap and node distances var heap:FibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap(); data.edges.setProperty(, false); data.nodes.visit(function(n:NodeSprite):void { _p.setValue(n, null); n.props.heapNode = heap.insert(n); }); heap.decreaseKey(HeapNode(s.props.heapNode), 0); while (!heap.empty) { ud = heap.removeMin(); u = NodeSprite(; u.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var v :NodeSprite = e.other(u); var vd:HeapNode = v.props.heapNode; var ew:Number = (w==null ? 1 : w(e)); // ensure edge weight is non-negative if (ew < 0) throw new Error("Edge weights must be non-negative!"); // perform the relaxation if (vd.key > ud.key + ew) { heap.decreaseKey(vd, ud.key + ew); _p.setValue(v, e); } }, dir ? NodeSprite.OUT_LINKS : NodeSprite.GRAPH_LINKS); } data.nodes.visit(function(n:NodeSprite):void { var hn:HeapNode = n.props.heapNode; delete n.props.heapNode; _d.setValue(n, hn.key); var e:EdgeSprite = _p.getValue(n); if (e) _e.setValue(e, true); }); } public function getShortestPathTo(v:NodeSprite):Array { var path:Array = [v], e:EdgeSprite; while ((e = _p.getValue(v)) != null) { path.unshift(v = e.other(v)); } return path; } } // end of class ShortestPaths }