package flare.animate.interpolate { import flare.util.Property; import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName; /** * Base class for value interpolators. This class also provides factory * methods for creating concrete interpolator instances -- see the * create method for details about interpolator creation. */ public class Interpolator { /** The target object whose property is being interpolated. */ protected var _target:Object; /** The property to interpolate. */ protected var _prop:Property; /** * Base constructor for Interpolator instances. * @param target the object whose property is being interpolated * @param property the property to interpolate * @param value the target value of the interpolation */ public function Interpolator(target:Object, property:String, start:Object, end:Object) { reset(target, property, start, end); } /** * Re-initializes an exising interpolator instance. * @param target the object whose property is being interpolated * @param property the property to interpolate * @param value the target value of the interpolation */ public function reset(target:Object, property:String, start:Object, end:Object):void { _target = target; _prop = Property.$(property); init(start, end); } /** * Performs initialization of an interpolator, typically by * initializing the start and ending values. Subclasses should * override this method for custom initialization. * @param value the target value of the interpolation */ protected function init(start:Object, end:Object) : void { // for subclasses to override } /** * Calculate and set an interpolated property value. Subclasses should * override this method to implement custom interpolation routines. * @param f the interpolation fraction (typically between 0 and 1) */ public function interpolate(f:Number) : void { throw new Error("This is an abstract method"); } // -- Interpolator Factory -------------------------------------------- private static var _maxPoolSize:int = 10000; private static var _pools:Object = []; private static var _lookup:Object = buildLookupTable(); private static var _rules:Array = buildRules(); private static function buildLookupTable() : Object { // add variables to ensure classes are included by compiler var ni:NumberInterpolator; var di:DateInterpolator; var pi:PointInterpolator; var ri:RectangleInterpolator; var mi:MatrixInterpolator; var ai:ArrayInterpolator; var vi:VectorInterpolator; var ci:ColorInterpolator; var oi:ObjectInterpolator; // build the value->interpolator lookup table var lut:Object = new Object(); lut["Number"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::NumberInterpolator"; lut["int"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::NumberInterpolator"; lut["Date"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::DateInterpolator"; lut["Array"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::ArrayInterpolator"; lut["__AS3__.vec::Vector."] = "flare.animate.interpolate::VectorInterpolator"; lut["flash.geom::Point"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::PointInterpolator"; lut["flash.geom::Rectangle"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::RectangleInterpolator"; lut["flash.geom::Matrix"] = "flare.animate.interpolate::MatrixInterpolator"; return lut; } private static function buildRules() : Array { var rules:Array = new Array(); rules.push(isColor); return rules; } private static function isColor(target:Object, property:String, s:Object, e:Object) : String { return property.indexOf("Color")>=0 || property.indexOf("color")>=0 ? "flare.animate.interpolate::ColorInterpolator" : null; } /** * Extends the interpolator factory with a new interpolator type. * @param valueType the fully qualified class name for the object type * to interpolate * @param interpType the fully qualified class name for the * interpolator class type */ public static function addInterpolatorType(valueType:String, interpType:String) : void { _lookup[valueType] = interpType; } /** * Clears the lookup table of interpolator types, removing all * type to interpolator mappings. */ public static function clearInterpolatorTypes():void { _lookup = new Object(); } /** * Adds a rule to the interpolator factory. The input function should * take 4 arguments -- a target object, property name string, a * starting value, and a target value -- and either return a fully * qualified class name for the type of interpolator to use, or null if * this rule does not apply. * @param f the rule function for supplying custom interpolator types * based on contextual conditions */ public static function addInterpolatorRule(f:Function):void { _rules.push(f); } /** * Clears all interpolator rule functions from the interpolator * factory. */ public static function clearInterpolatorRules():void { _rules = new Array(); } /** * Returns a new interpolator instance for the given target object, * property name, and interpolation target value. This factory method * follows these steps to provide an interpolator instance: *
  1. The list of installed interpolator rules is consulted, and if a * rule returns a non-null class name string, an interpolator of * that type will be returned.
  2. *
  3. If all rules return null values, then the class type of the * interpolation value is used to look up the appropriate * interpolator type for that value. If a matching interpolator * type is found, an interpolator is initialized and returned. *
  4. *
  5. If no matching type is found, a default ObjectInterpolator * instance is initialized and returned.
  6. *
* *

By default, the interpolator factory contains two rules. The * first rule returns the class name of ColorInterpolator for any * property names containing the string "color" or "Color". The second * rule returns the class name of ObjectInterpolator for the property * name "shape".

* *

The default value type to interpolator type mappings are: *