package flare.util.heap { /** * A Fibonacci heap data structure for maintaining a sorted priority queue. * For more about this particular implementation see * * Wikipedia's Fibonacci Heap article. */ public class FibonacciHeap { private var _min:HeapNode; private var _size:int; /** True if the heap is empty, false otherwise. */ public function get empty():Boolean { return _min == null; } /** The number of nodes contained in this heap. */ public function get size():int { return _size; } /** * Clears the heap, removing all nodes. */ public function clear():void { _min = null; _size = 0; } /** * Decrease the key value for a heap node, changing its key and * potentially re-configuring the heap structure * @param x the heap node * @param k the new key value for the node. If this value is greater * than the node's current key value an error will be thrown. */ public function decreaseKey(x:HeapNode, k:Number):void { if (k > x.key) throw new Error("Only lower key values allowed"); x.key = k; var y:HeapNode = x.parent; if ((y != null) && (x.key < y.key)) { cut(x, y); cascadingCut(y); } if (x.key < _min.key) { _min = x; } } /** * Removes a node from the heap. * @param x the heap node to remove */ public function remove(x:HeapNode):void { decreaseKey(x, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); removeMin(); } /** * Inserts a new node into the heap. * @param data the data to associate with the heap node * @param key the key value used to sort the heap node * @return the newly added heap node */ public function insert(data:Object, key:Number=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY):HeapNode { var n:HeapNode = new HeapNode(data, key); n.inHeap = true; if (_min != null) { n.left = _min; n.right = _min.right; _min.right = n; n.right.left = n; if (key < _min.key) _min = n; } else { _min = n; } _size++; return n; } /** * Returns the heap node with the minimum key value. * @return the heap node with the minimum key value */ public function min():HeapNode { return _min; } /** * Removes and returns the heap node with the minimum key value. * @return the heap node with the minimum key value */ public function removeMin():HeapNode { var z:HeapNode = _min; if (z == null) return z; var kids:int =; var x:HeapNode = z.child; var r:HeapNode; // for each child of z do... while (kids > 0) { r = x.right; // remove x from child list x.left.right = x.right; x.right.left = x.left; // add x to root list of heap x.left = _min; x.right = _min.right; _min.right = x; x.right.left = x; // set parent[x] to null x.parent = null; x = r; kids--; } // remove z from root list of heap z.left.right = z.right; z.right.left = z.left; if (z == z.right) { _min = null; } else { _min = z.right; consolidate(); } // decrement size of heap and return _size--; z.inHeap = false; return z; } /** * Constructs the union of two fibonacci heaps. * @param h1 the first heap * @param h2 the second heap * @return the union of the two heaps */ public static function union(h1:FibonacciHeap, h2:FibonacciHeap):FibonacciHeap { var h:FibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap(); if (h1 != null && h2 != null) { h._min = h1._min; if (h._min != null) { if (h2._min != null) { h._min.right.left = h2._min.left; h2._min.left.right = h._min.right; h._min.right = h2._min; h2._min.left = h._min; if (h2._min.key < h1._min.key) h._min = h2._min; } } else { h._min = h2._min; } h._size = h1._size + h2._size; } return h; } private function cascadingCut(y:HeapNode):void { var z:HeapNode = y.parent; if (z != null) { if (!y.mark) { y.mark = true; } else { cut(y, z); cascadingCut(z); } } } private function consolidate():void { var vectorSize:int = _size + 1; var vector:Vector. = new Vector.(HeapNode); var i:uint; // Initialize degree vector for (i=0; i 0) { // Access this node's degree.. d =; next = x.right; // ..and see if there's another of the same degree. while (vector[d] != null) { // There is, make one of the nodes a child of the other. y = vector[d] as HeapNode; // Do this based on the key value. if (x.key > y.key) { temp = y; y = x; x = temp; } // FiboHeapNode y disappears from root list. link(y, x); // We've handled this degree, go to next one. vector[d] = null; d++; } // Save this node for later when we might encounter another // of the same degree. vector[d] = x; // Move forward through list. x = next; numRoots--; } // Set min to null (effectively losing the root list) and // reconstruct the root list from the vector entries in vector[]. _min = null; for (i=0; i