package flare.util.heap { /** * A node in a heap data structure. * For use with the FibonacciHeap class. * @see */ public class HeapNode { /** Arbitrary client data property to store with the node. */ public var data:*; /** The parent node of this node. */ public var parent:HeapNode; /** A child node of this node. */ public var child:HeapNode; /** The right child node of this node. */ public var right:HeapNode; /** The left child node of this node. */ public var left:HeapNode; /** Boolean flag useful for marking this node. */ public var mark:Boolean; /** Flag indicating if this node is currently in a heap. */ public var inHeap:Boolean = true; /** Key value used for sorting the heap nodes. */ public var key:Number; /** The degree of this heap node (number of child nodes). */ public var degree:int; /** * Creates a new HeapNode * @param data arbitrary data to store with this node * @param key the key value to sort on */ function HeapNode(data:*, key:Number) { = data; this.key = key; right = this; left = this; } } // end of class HeapNode }