package flare.vis.controls { import; import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.display.InteractiveObject; import; [Event(name="add", type="")] [Event(name="remove", type="")] /** * Interactive control for responding to mouse hover events. Select and * deselect event listeners can be added to respond to mouse roll over * and roll out, respectively. * *

This control also provides multiple policies on how the drawing order * of items may be affected by a hover event. By default no changes are made * (DONT_MOVE). The MOVE_TO_FRONT policy moves a * hovered-over item to the end of its parent container's * children list, such that it is drawn over its sibling items. Upon roll-out * the item is left at the top of the list, such that the order of items * partially reflects the order of mouse visits. The * MOVE_AND_RETURN policy moves items to the top as well, but * returns them to their original index upon roll-out.

* * @see */ public class HoverControl extends Control { /** Constant indicating that objects hovered over should not be moved * within their parent container changed. */ public static const DONT_MOVE:int = 0; /** Constant indicating that objects hovered over should be moved to * the front of their parent container and kept there. */ public static const MOVE_TO_FRONT:int = 1; /** Constant indicating that objects hovered over should be moved to * the front of their parent container and then returned to their * previous position when the mouse rolls out. */ public static const MOVE_AND_RETURN:int = 2; private var _cur:DisplayObject; private var _idx:int; private var _movePolicy:int; /** The policy for moving items forward when highlighted. * One of DONT_MOVE, MOVE_TO_FRONT, or * MOVE_AND_RETURN. */ public function get movePolicy():int { return _movePolicy; } public function set movePolicy(p:int):void { if (p == _movePolicy) return; if (_cur != null && p != MOVE_TO_FRONT && _movePolicy == MOVE_AND_RETURN) { _cur.parent.setChildIndex(_cur, _idx); } _movePolicy = p; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new HoverControl. * @param filter a Boolean-valued filter function indicating which * items should trigger hover processing * @param movePolicy indicates which policy should be used for changing * the z-ordering of hovered items. One of DONT_MOVE (the default), * MOVE_TO_FRONT, or MOVE_AND_RETURN. * @param rollOver an optional SelectionEvent listener for roll-overs * @param rollOut an optional SelectionEvent listener for roll-outs */ public function HoverControl(filter:*=null, movePolicy:int=DONT_MOVE, rollOver:Function=null, rollOut:Function=null) { this.filter = filter; _movePolicy = movePolicy; if (rollOver != null) addEventListener(SelectionEvent.SELECT, rollOver); if (rollOut != null) addEventListener(SelectionEvent.DESELECT, rollOut); } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function attach(obj:InteractiveObject):void { super.attach(obj); if (obj != null) { obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); obj.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function detach():InteractiveObject { if (_object != null) { _object.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOver); _object.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseOut); } return super.detach(); } private function onMouseOver(evt:MouseEvent):void { var n:DisplayObject = as DisplayObject; if (n==null || (_filter!=null && !_filter(n))) return; _cur = n; if (_movePolicy != DONT_MOVE && n.parent != null) { var p:DisplayObjectContainer = n.parent; _idx = p.getChildIndex(n); p.setChildIndex(n, p.numChildren-1); } if (hasEventListener(SelectionEvent.SELECT)) { dispatchEvent( new SelectionEvent(SelectionEvent.SELECT, _cur, evt)); } } private function onMouseOut(evt:MouseEvent):void { if (_cur == null) return; if (hasEventListener(SelectionEvent.DESELECT)) { dispatchEvent( new SelectionEvent(SelectionEvent.DESELECT, _cur, evt)); } if (_movePolicy == MOVE_AND_RETURN) { _cur.parent.setChildIndex(_cur, _idx); } _cur = null; } } // end of class HoverControl }