package { import; import; import; import flare.util.Property; import flare.util.Sort; import flare.util.Vectors; import; import; [Event(name="add", type="")] [Event(name="remove", type="")] /** * Data structure for managing a collection of visual data objects. The * Data class manages both unstructured data and data organized in a * general graph (or network structure), maintaining collections of both * nodes and edges. Collections of data sprites are maintained by * DataList instances. The individual data lists provide * methods for accessing, manipulating, sorting, and generating statistics * about the visual data objects. * *

In addition to the required nodes and edges * lists, clients can add new custom lists (for example, to manage a * selected subset of the data) by using the addGroup method * and then accessing the list with the group method. * Individual data groups can be directly processed by many of the * visualization operators in the flare.vis.operator package. *

* *

While Data objects maintain a collection of visual DataSprites, * they are not themselves visual object containers. Instead a Data * instance is used as input to a Visualization that * is responsible for processing the DataSprite instances and adding * them to the Flash display list.

* *

The data class also manages the automatic generation of spanning * trees over a graph when needed for tree-based operations (such as tree * layout algorithms). This implemented by a * operator which can be * parameterized using the treePolicy, * treeEdgeWeight, and root properties of this * class. Alternatively, clients can create their own spanning trees as * a Tree * * @see * @see */ public class Data extends EventDispatcher { /** Constant indicating the nodes in a Data object. */ public static const NODES:String = "nodes"; /** Constant indicating the edges in a Data object. */ public static const EDGES:String = "edges"; /** Internal list of NodeSprites. */ protected var _nodes:DataList = new DataList(NODES); /** Internal list of EdgeSprites. */ protected var _edges:DataList = new DataList(EDGES); /** Internal set of data groups. */ protected var _groups:Object; /** The total number of items (nodes and edges) in the data. */ public function get length():int { return _nodes.length + _edges.length; } /** The collection of NodeSprites. */ public function get nodes():DataList { return _nodes; } /** The collection of EdgeSprites. */ public function get edges():DataList { return _edges; } /** The default directedness of new edges. */ public var directedEdges:Boolean; // -- Methods --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new Data instance. * @param directedEdges the default directedness of new edges */ public function Data(directedEdges:Boolean=false) { this.directedEdges = directedEdges; _groups = { nodes: _nodes, edges: _edges }; // add listeners to enforce type and connectivity constraints _nodes.addEventListener(DataEvent.ADD, onAddNode); _nodes.addEventListener(DataEvent.REMOVE, onRemoveNode); _edges.addEventListener(DataEvent.ADD, onAddEdge); _edges.addEventListener(DataEvent.REMOVE, onRemoveEdge); } /** * Creates a new Data instance from an array of tuples. The object in * the vector will become the data objects for NodeSprites. * @param a an array of data objects * @return a new Data instance, with NodeSprites populated with the * input data. */ public static function fromArray(a:Array):Data { var d:Data = new Data(); for each (var tuple:Object in a) { d.addNode(tuple); } return d; } /** * Creates a new Data instance from an object vector of tuples. The object in * the vector will become the data objects for NodeSprites. * @param a an Object Vector of data objects * @return a new Data instance, with NodeSprites populated with the * input data. */ public static function fromVector(a:Vector.):Data { var d:Data = new Data(); for each (var tuple:Object in a) { d.addNode(tuple); } return d; } /** * Creates a new Data instance from a data set. * @param ds a DataSet to visualize. For example, this data set may be * loaded using a data converter in the library. * @return a new Data instance, with NodeSprites and EdgeSprites * populated with the input data. */ public static function fromDataSet(ds:DataSet):Data { var d:Data = new Data(), i:int; var schema:DataSchema, f:DataField; // copy node data defaults if ((schema = ds.nodes.schema)) { for (i=0; iDataList instance will be created. * @return the added data group */ public function addGroup(name:String, group:DataList=null):DataList { if (name=="nodes" || name=="edges") { throw new ArgumentError("Illegal group name. " + "\"nodes\" and \"edges\" are reserved names."); } if (group==null) group = new DataList(name); _groups[name] = group; return group; } /** * Removes a data group. An error will be thrown if the caller * attempts to remove the groups "nodes" or "edges". * @param name the name of the group to remove * @return the removed data group */ public function removeGroup(name:String):DataList { if (name=="nodes" || name=="edges") { throw new ArgumentError("Illegal group name. " + "\"nodes\" and \"edges\" are reserved names."); } var group:DataList = _groups[name]; if (group) delete _groups[name]; return group; } /** * Retrieves the data group with the given name. * @param name the name of the group * @return the data group */ public function group(name:String):DataList { return _groups[name] as DataList; } // -- Containment -------------------------------------- /** * Indicates if this Data object contains the input DataSprite. * @param d the DataSprite to check for containment * @return true if the sprite is in this data collection, false * otherwise. */ public function contains(d:DataSprite):Boolean { return (_nodes.contains(d) || _edges.contains(d)); } // -- Add ---------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a node to this data collection. * @param d either a data tuple or NodeSprite object. If the input is * a non-null data tuple, this will become the new node's * data property. If the input is a NodeSprite, it will * be directly added to the collection. * @return the newly added NodeSprite */ public function addNode(d:Object=null):NodeSprite { var ns:NodeSprite = NodeSprite(d is NodeSprite ? d : newNode(d)); _nodes.add(ns); return ns; } /** * Add an edge to this data set. The input must be of type EdgeSprite, * and must have both source and target nodes that are already in * this data set. If any of these conditions are not met, this method * will return null. Note that no exception will be thrown on failures. * @param e the EdgeSprite to add * @return the newly added EdgeSprite */ public function addEdge(e:EdgeSprite):EdgeSprite { return EdgeSprite(_edges.add(e)); } /** * Generates edges for this data collection that connect the nodes * according to the input properties. The nodes are sorted by the * sort argument and grouped by the group-by argument. All nodes * with the same group are sequentially connected to each other in * sorted order by new edges. This method is useful for generating * line charts from a plot of nodes. *

If an edge already exists between nodes, by default this method * will not add a new edge. Use the ignoreExistingEdges * argument to change this behavior.

* * @param sortBy the criteria for sorting the nodes, using the format * of flare.util.Sort. The input can either be a string * with a single property name, or an array of property names. Items * are sorted in ascending order by default, prefix a property name * with a "-" (minus) character to sort in descending order. * @param groupBy the criteria for grouping the nodes, using the format * of flare.util.Sort. The input can either be a string * with a single property name, or an array of property names. Items * are sorted in ascending order by default, prefix a property name * with a "-" (minus) character to sort in descending order. * @param ignoreExistingEdges if false (the default), this method will * not create a new edge if one already exists between two nodes. If * true, new edges will be created regardless. */ public function createEdges(sortBy:*=null, groupBy:*=null, ignoreExistingEdges:Boolean=false):void { // create vectors and sort criteria var a:Vector. = Vectors.copy(_nodes.list); var g:Vector. = new Vector.; // Workaround code as a result of initialization bug in the Vector class if(groupBy){ if(groupBy is Vector.) g = groupBy as Vector.; else if(groupBy is Array)g = Vectors.copyFromArray(groupBy); else g.push(groupBy); } var len:int = g.length; if (sortBy is Vector.) for each(var svi:Object in (sortBy as Vector.)) g.push(svi); else if(sortBy is Array) for each(var sai:Object in (sortBy as Array)) g.push(sai); else g.push(sortBy); // sort to group by, then ordering a.sort(Sort.$(g)); // get property instances for value operations var p:Vector. = new Vector.(); for (var i:int=0; idata property. * @return the newly added EdgeSprite */ public function addEdgeFor(source:NodeSprite, target:NodeSprite, directed:Object=null, data:Object=null):EdgeSprite { if (!_nodes.contains(source) || !_nodes.contains(target)) { return null; } var d:Boolean = directed==null ? directedEdges : Boolean(directed); var e:EdgeSprite = newEdge(source, target, d, data); if (data != null) = data; source.addOutEdge(e); target.addInEdge(e); return addEdge(e); } /** * Internal function for creating a new node. Creates a NodeSprite, * sets its data property, and applies default values. * @param data the new node's data property * @return the newly created node */ protected function newNode(data:Object):NodeSprite { var ns:NodeSprite = new NodeSprite(); _nodes.applyDefaults(ns); if (data != null) { = data; } return ns; } /** * Internal function for creating a new edge. Creates an EdgeSprite, * sets its data property, and applies default values. * @param s the source node * @param t the target node * @param d the edge's directedness * @param data the new edge's data property * @return the newly created node */ protected function newEdge(s:NodeSprite, t:NodeSprite, d:Boolean, data:Object):EdgeSprite { var es:EdgeSprite = new EdgeSprite(s,t,d); _edges.applyDefaults(es); if (data != null) { = data; } return es; } // -- Remove ------------------------------------------- /** * Clears this data set, removing all nodes and edges. */ public function clear():void { _edges.clear(); _nodes.clear(); for (var name:String in _groups) { _groups[name].clear(); } } /** * Removes a DataSprite (node or edge) from this data collection. * @param d the DataSprite to remove * @return true if removed successfully, false if not found */ public function remove(d:DataSprite):Boolean { if (d is NodeSprite) return removeNode(d as NodeSprite); if (d is EdgeSprite) return removeEdge(d as EdgeSprite); return false; } /** * Removes a node from this data set. All edges incident on this * node will also be removed. If the node is not found in this * data set, the method returns null. * @param n the node to remove * @returns true if sucessfully removed, false if not found in the data */ public function removeNode(n:NodeSprite):Boolean { return _nodes.remove(n); } /** * Removes an edge from this data set. The nodes connected to * this edge will have the edge removed from their edge lists. * @param e the edge to remove * @returns true if sucessfully removed, false if not found in the data */ public function removeEdge(e:EdgeSprite):Boolean { return _edges.remove(e); } // -- Events ------------------------------------------- /** @private */ protected function onAddNode(evt:DataEvent):void { for each (var d:DataSprite in evt.items) { var n:NodeSprite = d as NodeSprite; if (!n) { evt.preventDefault(); return; } } fireEvent(evt); } /** @private */ protected function onRemoveNode(evt:DataEvent):void { for each (var n:NodeSprite in evt.items) { for (var i:uint=n.outDegree; --i>=0;) removeEdge(n.getOutEdge(i)); for (i=n.inDegree; --i>=0;) removeEdge(n.getInEdge(i)); } fireEvent(evt); } /** @private */ protected function onAddEdge(evt:DataEvent):void { for each (var d:DataSprite in evt.items) { var e:EdgeSprite = d as EdgeSprite; if (!(e && _nodes.contains(e.source) && _nodes.contains( { evt.preventDefault(); return; } } fireEvent(evt); } /** @private */ protected function onRemoveEdge(evt:DataEvent):void { for each (var e:EdgeSprite in evt.items) { e.source.removeOutEdge(e);; } fireEvent(evt); } /** @private */ protected function fireEvent(evt:DataEvent):void { // reset the spanning tree on adds and removals if (evt.type != DataEvent.UPDATE) _tree = null; // fire event, if anyone is listening if (hasEventListener(evt.type)) { dispatchEvent(evt); } } // -- Visitors ----------------------------------------- /** * Visit items, invoking a function on all visited elements. * @param v the function to invoke on each element. If the function * return true, the visitation is ended with an early exit * @param group the data group to visit (e.g., NODES or EDGES). If this * value is null, both nodes and edges will be visited. * @param filter an optional predicate function indicating which * elements should be visited. Only items for which this function * returns true will be visited. * @param reverse an optional parameter indicating if the visitation * traversal should be done in reverse (the default is false). * @return true if the visitation was interrupted with an early exit */ public function visit(v:Function, group:String=null, filter:*=null, reverse:Boolean=false):Boolean { if (group == null) { if (_edges.length > 0 && _edges.visit(v, filter, reverse)) return true; if (_nodes.length > 0 && _nodes.visit(v, filter, reverse)) return true; } else { var list:DataList = _groups[group]; if (list.length > 0 && list.visit(v, filter, reverse)) return true; } return false; } // -- Spanning Tree --------------------------------------------------- /** The spanning tree constructor class. */ protected var _span:TreeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); /** The root node of the spanning tree. */ protected var _root:NodeSprite = null; /** The the spanning tree. */ protected var _tree:Tree = null; /** The spanning tree creation policy. * @see */ public function get treePolicy():String { return _span.policy; } public function set treePolicy(p:String):void { if (_span.policy != p) { _span.policy = p; _tree = null; } } /** The edge weight function for computing a minimum spanning tree. * This function will only have an effect if the * treePolicy is * SpanningTree.MINIMUM_SPAN */ public function get treeEdgeWeight():Function { return (_span ? _span.edgeWeight : null); } public function set treeEdgeWeight(w:*):void { _span.edgeWeight = w; } /** The root node of the spanning tree. */ public function get root():NodeSprite { return _root; } public function set root(n:NodeSprite):void { if (n != null && !_nodes.contains(n)) throw new ArgumentError("Spanning tree root must be within the graph."); if (_root != n) { _tree = null; _span.root = (_root = n); } } /** * A spanning tree for this graph. The spanning tree generated is * determined by the root, treePolicy, * and treeEdgeWeight properties. By default, the tree * is built using a breadth-first spanning tree using the first node * in the graph as the root. */ public function get tree():Tree { if (_tree == null) { // build tree if necessary if (_root == null) _span.root = _nodes[0]; _span.calculate(this, _span.root); _tree = _span.tree; } return _tree; } public function set tree(t:Tree):void { if (t==null) { _tree = null; return; } var ok:Boolean; ok = t.root.visitTreeDepthFirst(function(n:NodeSprite):Boolean { return _nodes.contains(n); }); if (ok) _tree = t; } } // end of class Data }