package { import flare.display.DirtySprite; import flare.util.Colors; import; import; /** * Base class for display objects that represent visualized data. * DataSprites support a number of visual properties beyond those provided * by normal sprites. These include properties for colors, shape, size, * setting the position in polar coordinates (angle and * radius), and others. * *

The actual appearance of DataSprite instances are determined using * pluggable renderers that draw graphical content for the sprite. These * renderers can be changed at runtime to dynamically control appearances. * Furthermore, since these are sprites, they can contain arbitrary display * objects as children on the display list, including entire nested * visualizations.

* *

DataSprites provides two additional properties worth noting. First, * the data property references an object containing backing * data to be visualized. This data object is typically the data record * (or tuple) this DataSprite visually represents, and its values are often * used to determined visual encodings. Second, the props * objects is a dynamic object provided for attaching arbitrary properties * to a DataSprite instance. For example, some layout algorithms require * additional parameters on a per-item basis and store these values in the * props property.

*/ public class DataSprite extends DirtySprite { // -- Properties ------------------------------------------------------ /** The renderer for drawing this DataSprite. */ protected var _renderer:IRenderer = ShapeRenderer.instance; /** Object storing backing data values. */ protected var _data:Object = {}; /** Object for attaching additional properties to this sprite. */ protected var _prop:Object = {}; /** Fixed flag to prevent this sprite from being re-positioned. */ protected var _fixed:int = 0; /** The fill color for this data sprite. This value is specified as an * unsigned integer representing an ARGB color. Notice that this * includes the alpha channel in the color value. */ protected var _fillColor:uint = 0xffcccccc; /** The line color for this data sprite. This value is specified as an * unsigned integer representing an ARGB color. Notice that this * includes the alpha channel in the color value. */ protected var _lineColor:uint = 0xff000000; /** The line width for this data sprite. */ protected var _lineWidth:Number = 0; /** Optional object vector of x,y values for specifying arbitrary shapes. */ protected var _points:Vector.; /** Code indicating the shape value of this data sprite. */ protected var _shape:String = "circle"; /** The size value of this data sprite (1 by default). */ protected var _size:Number = 1; /** Auxiliary property often used as a width parameter. */ protected var _w:Number = 0; /** Auxiliary property often used as a height parameter. */ protected var _h:Number = 0; /** Auxiliary property often used as a shape parameter. */ protected var _u:Number = 0; /** Auxiliary property often used as a shape parameter. */ protected var _v:Number = 0; // -- General Properties ------------------------------- /** The renderer for drawing this DataSprite. */ public function get renderer():IRenderer { return _renderer; } public function set renderer(r:IRenderer):void { _renderer = r; dirty(); } /** Object storing backing data values. */ public function get data():Object { return _data; } public function set data(d:Object):void { _data = d; } /** Object for attaching additional properties to this sprite. */ public function get props():Object { return _prop; } public function set props(p:Object):void { _prop = p; _prop.self = this; } // -- Interaction Properties --------------------------- /** Fixed flag to prevent this sprite from being re-positioned. */ public function get fixed():Boolean { return _fixed > 0; } /** * Increments the fixed counter. If the fixed counter is greater than * zero, the data sprite should be fixed. A counter is used so that if * different components both adjust the fixed settings, they won't * overwrite each other. * @param num the amount to increment the counter by (default 1) */ public function fix(num:uint=1):void { _fixed += num; } /** * Decrements the fixed counter. If the fixed counter is greater than * zero, the data sprite should be fixed. A counter is used so that if * different components both adjust the fixed settings, they won't * overwrite each other. This method does not allow the fixed counter * to go below zero. * @param num the amount to decrement the counter by (default 1) */ public function unfix(num:uint=1):void { _fixed = Math.max(0, _fixed-num); } // -- Visual Properties -------------------------------- /** Auxiliary property often used as a shape parameter. */ public function get u():Number { return _u; } public function set u(u:Number):void { _u = u; dirty(); } /** Auxiliary property often used as a shape parameter. */ public function get v():Number { return _v; } public function set v(v:Number):void { _v = v; dirty(); } /** Auxiliary property often used as a width parameter. */ public function get w():Number { return _w; } public function set w(v:Number):void { _w = v; dirty(); } /** Auxiliary property often used as a height parameter. */ public function get h():Number { return _h; } public function set h(v:Number):void { _h = v; dirty(); } /** The fill color for this data sprite. This value is specified as an * unsigned integer representing an ARGB color. Notice that this * includes the alpha channel in the color value. */ public function get fillColor():uint { return _fillColor; } public function set fillColor(c:uint):void { _fillColor = c; dirty(); } /** The alpha channel (a value between 0 and 1) for the fill color. */ public function get fillAlpha():Number { return Colors.a(_fillColor) / 255; } public function set fillAlpha(a:Number):void { _fillColor = Colors.setAlpha(_fillColor, uint(255*a)%256); dirty(); } /** The hue component of the fill color in HSV color space. */ public function get fillHue():Number { return Colors.hue(_fillColor); } public function set fillHue(h:Number):void { _fillColor = Colors.hsv(h, Colors.saturation(_fillColor), Colors.value(_fillColor), Colors.a(_fillColor)); dirty(); } /** The saturation component of the fill color in HSV color space. */ public function get fillSaturation():Number { return Colors.saturation(_fillColor); } public function set fillSaturation(s:Number):void { _fillColor = Colors.hsv(Colors.hue(_fillColor), s, Colors.value(_fillColor), Colors.a(_fillColor)); dirty(); } /** The value (brightness) component of the fill color in HSV color space. */ public function get fillValue():Number { return Colors.value(_fillColor); } public function set fillValue(v:Number):void { _fillColor = Colors.hsv(Colors.hue(_fillColor), Colors.saturation(_fillColor), v, Colors.a(_fillColor)); dirty(); } /** The line color for this data sprite. This value is specified as an * unsigned integer representing an ARGB color. Notice that this * includes the alpha channel in the color value. */ public function get lineColor():uint { return _lineColor; } public function set lineColor(c:uint):void { _lineColor = c; dirty(); } /** The alpha channel (a value between 0 and 1) for the line color. */ public function get lineAlpha():Number { return Colors.a(_lineColor) / 255; } public function set lineAlpha(a:Number):void { _lineColor = Colors.setAlpha(_lineColor, uint(255*a)%256); dirty(); } /** The hue component of the line color in HSV color space. */ public function get lineHue():Number { return Colors.hue(_lineColor); } public function set lineHue(h:Number):void { _lineColor = Colors.hsv(h, Colors.saturation(_lineColor), Colors.value(_lineColor), Colors.a(_lineColor)); dirty(); } /** The saturation component of the line color in HSV color space. */ public function get lineSaturation():Number { return Colors.saturation(_lineColor); } public function set lineSaturation(s:Number):void { _lineColor = Colors.hsv(Colors.hue(_lineColor), s, Colors.value(_lineColor), Colors.a(_lineColor)); dirty(); } /** The value (brightness) component of the line color in HSV color space. */ public function get lineValue():Number { return Colors.value(_lineColor); } public function set lineValue(v:Number):void { _lineColor = Colors.hsv(Colors.hue(_lineColor), Colors.saturation(_lineColor), v, Colors.a(_lineColor)); dirty(); } /** The line width for this data sprite. */ public function get lineWidth():Number { return _lineWidth; } public function set lineWidth(w:Number):void { _lineWidth = w; dirty(); } /** The size value of this data sprite (1 by default). */ public function get size():Number { return _size; } public function set size(s:Number):void { _size = s; dirty(); } /** Name of the shape value of this data sprite. * @see flare.vis.util.Shapes */ public function get shape():String { return _shape; } public function set shape(s:String):void { _shape = s; dirty(); } /** Optional object vector of x,y values for specifying arbitrary shapes. */ public function get points():Vector. { return _points; } public function set points(p:Vector.):void { _points = p; dirty(); } // -- Methods --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new DataSprite. */ public function DataSprite() { super(); _prop.self = this; } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function render() : void { if (_renderer != null) { _renderer.render(this); } else {; } } } // end of class DataSprite }