package { import flare.util.IEvaluable; import flare.util.Property; import flare.util.heap.FibonacciHeap; import flare.util.heap.HeapNode; import flash.utils.Dictionary; /** * Calculates a spanning tree for a graph structure. This class can * create spanning trees by breadth-first search, depth-first search, or by * computing a minimum spanning tree. The default is to find a minimum * spanning tree, which in turn defaults to breadth-first search if no edge * weight function is provided. * *

This class can annotate graph edges as belonging to the spanning tree * (done if the annotateEdges property is true), and can * construct a Tree instance (done if the * buildTree property is true). Generated Tree * instances are stored in the tree property. Generated trees * contain the original nodes and edges in the input graph, and any * previous parent or child links for input nodes will be cleared and * overwritten.

* *

This class is intended as a support class for creating spanning trees * for instances. To create annotated * spanning trees for other purposes, see the * class, which provides a * tree builder that can also be used a visualization operator.

*/ public class TreeBuilder { /** Policy for a spanning tree built using depth-first search. */ public static const DEPTH_FIRST:String = "depth-first"; /** Policy for a spanning tree built using breadth-first search. */ public static const BREADTH_FIRST:String = "breadth-first"; /** Policy for building a minimum spanning tree. */ public static const MINIMUM_SPAN:String = "minimum-span"; private var _s:Property = Property.$("props.spanning"); private var _w:Function = null; private var _policy:String = MINIMUM_SPAN; private var _links:int = NodeSprite.GRAPH_LINKS; private var _tree:Tree = null; /** Flag indicating if a spanning tree instance should be created. */ public var buildTree:Boolean; /** Flag indicating if edges in the spanning tree should be annotated. * If so, the spanningField property will be set for * each edge in the graph. */ public var annotateEdges:Boolean; /** The tree created by this operator. */ public function get tree():Tree { return _tree; } /** The traveral policy used to generate the spanning tree. Should be * one of DEPTH_FIRST, BREADTH_FIRST, or MINIMUM_SPAN (default). */ public function get policy():String { return _policy; } public function set policy(p:String):void { if (p==DEPTH_FIRST || p==BREADTH_FIRST || p==MINIMUM_SPAN) { _policy = p; } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized policy: "+p); } } /** The property with which to annotate edges that make up the spanning * tree. The default value is "props.spanning". This property is used * to annotate edges as "true" (if in the spanning forest) or "false" * (if not in the spanning forest). */ public function get spanningField():String { return; } public function set spanningField(f:String):void { _s = Property.$(f); } /** The root node for the spanning tree. */ public var root:NodeSprite; /** The link type to consider when constructing a spanning tree. Should * be one of NodeSprite.GRAPH_LINKS, * NodeSprite.IN_LINKS, or * NodeSprite.OUT_LINKS. */ public function get links():int { return _links; } public function set links(linkType:int):void { if (linkType == NodeSprite.GRAPH_LINKS || linkType == NodeSprite.IN_LINKS || linkType == NodeSprite.OUT_LINKS) { _links = linkType; } else { throw new Error("Unsupported link type: "+linkType); } } /** A function determining edge weights used in the spanning tree * calculation. When setting this value, one can pass in either a * Function, which should take an EdgeSprite as input and return a * Number as output, or a String, in which case the string will be * used as a property name from which to retrieve the edge weight * value from an EdgeSprite instance. If the value is null (the * default) all edges will be assumed to have weight 1. * *

NOTE: Edge weights must be greater than or equal to zero! *

*/ public function get edgeWeight():Function { return _w; } public function set edgeWeight(w:*):void { if (w==null) { _w = null; } else if (w is String) { _w = Property.$(String(w)).getValue; } else if (w is IEvaluable) { _w = IEvaluable(w).eval; } else if (w is Function) { _w = w; } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized edgeWeight value. " + "The value should be a Function or String."); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new SpanningTree operator * @param policy the spanning tree creation policy. The default is * SpanningTree.MINIMUM_SPAN * @param buildTree if true, this operator will build a new * Tree instance containing the spanning tree * @param annotateEdges if true, this operator will annotate the * edges of the original graph as belonging to the spanning tree * @param root the root node from which to compute the spanning tree * @param edgeWeight the edge weight values. This can either be a * Function that returns weight values or a * String providing the name of a property to look up on * EdgeSprite instances. */ public function TreeBuilder(policy:String=null, buildTree:Boolean=true, annotateEdges:Boolean=false, root:NodeSprite=null, edgeWeight:*=null) { if (policy) this.policy = policy; this.buildTree = buildTree; this.annotateEdges = annotateEdges; this.root = root; this.edgeWeight = edgeWeight; } /** * Calculates the spanning tree. * @param data the data set containing a graph * @param n the root of the spanning tree */ public function calculate(data:Data, n:NodeSprite):void { var w:Function = edgeWeight; if (n==null) { _tree = null; return; } // do nothing for null root if (!buildTree && !annotateEdges) return; // nothing to do // initialize if (buildTree) { data.nodes.visit(function(nn:NodeSprite):void { nn.removeEdges(NodeSprite.TREE_LINKS); }); _tree = new Tree(); _tree.root = n; } else { _tree = null; } if (annotateEdges) { data.edges.setProperty(, false); } switch (_policy) { case DEPTH_FIRST: depthFirstTree(data, n); return; case BREADTH_FIRST: breadthFirstTree(data, n); return; case MINIMUM_SPAN: if (w==null) { breadthFirstTree(data, n); } else { minimumSpanningTree(data, n, w); } return; } } // -- Minimum Spanning Tree ------------------------------------------- private function minimumSpanningTree(data:Data, n:NodeSprite, w:Function):void { var hn:HeapNode, weight:Number, e:EdgeSprite; _tree = null; if (buildTree) { _tree = new Tree(); _tree.root = n; } // initialize the heap var heap:FibonacciHeap = new FibonacciHeap(); data.nodes.visit(function(nn:NodeSprite):void { nn.props.heapNode = heap.insert(nn); }); heap.decreaseKey(n.props.heapNode, 0); // collect spanning tree edges (Prim's algorithm) while (!heap.empty) { hn = heap.removeMin(); n = as NodeSprite; // add saved tree edge to spanning tree if ((e=(n.props.treeEdge as EdgeSprite))) { if (annotateEdges) _s.setValue(e, true); if (buildTree) _tree.addChildEdge(e); } n.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var nn:NodeSprite = e.other(n); var hnn:HeapNode = nn.props.heapNode; weight = (w==null ? 1 : w(e)); if (hnn.inHeap && weight < hnn.key) { nn.props.treeEdge = e; // set tree edge heap.decreaseKey(hnn, weight); } }, _links); } // clean-up nodes data.nodes.visit(function(nn:NodeSprite):void { delete nn.props.treeEdge; delete nn.props.heapNode; }); } // -- Breadth-First Traversal ----------------------------------------- private function breadthFirstTree(data:Data, n:NodeSprite):void { var visited:Dictionary = buildTree ? null : new Dictionary(); var q:Vector. = new Vector.(); q.push(n); while (q.length > 0) { n = q.shift(); n.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var nn:NodeSprite = e.other(n); if (buildTree ? _tree.nodes.contains(nn) : visited[nn]) return; if (annotateEdges) _s.setValue(e, true); if (buildTree) { _tree.addChildEdge(e); } else { visited[nn] = true; } q.push(nn); }, _links); } } // -- Depth First Traversal ------------------------------------------- private function depthFirstTree(data:Data, n:NodeSprite):void { depthFirstHelper(n, buildTree ? null : new Dictionary()); } private function depthFirstHelper(n:NodeSprite, visited:Dictionary):void { n.visitEdges(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { var nn:NodeSprite = e.other(n); if (buildTree ? _tree.nodes.contains(nn) : visited[nn]) return; if (annotateEdges) _s.setValue(e, true); if (buildTree) { _tree.addChildEdge(e); } else { visited[nn] = true; } if ( > 1) depthFirstHelper(nn, visited); }, _links); } } // end of class TreeBuilder }