package flare.vis.operator.encoder { import flare.animate.Transitioner; import flare.util.Filter; import; import; import flare.vis.operator.Operator; /** * Encodes property values for a collection of visual items. * A property encoder simply sets a group of properties to static * values for all data sprites. An input object determines which * properties to set and what their values are. * *

For example, a PropertyEncoder created with this code: * new PropertyEncoder({size:1, lineColor:0xff0000ff{); * will set the size to 1 and the line color to blue for all * data sprites processed by the encoder.

* *

Property values can take a number of forms, as determined by * the method: *

*/ public class PropertyEncoder extends Operator { /** The name of the data group for which to compute the encoding. */ protected var _group:String; /** Boolean function indicating which items to process. */ protected var _filter:Function; /** Flag indicating if property values should be set immediately. */ protected var _ignoreTrans:Boolean; /** The properties to set on each invocation. */ protected var _values:Object; /** A transitioner for collecting value updates. */ protected var _t:Transitioner; /** The name of the data group for which to compute the encoding. */ public function get group():String { return _group; } public function set group(g:String):void { _group = g; } /** Boolean function indicating which items to process. Only items * for which this function return true will be considered by the * labeler. If the function is null, all items will be considered. * @see flare.util.Filter */ public function get filter():Function { return _filter; } public function set filter(f:*):void { _filter = Filter.$(f); } public function get ignoreTransitioner():Boolean { return _ignoreTrans; } public function set ignoreTransitioner(b:Boolean):void { _ignoreTrans = b; } /** The properties to set on each invocation. */ public function get values():Object { return _values; } public function set values(o:Object):void { _values = o; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new PropertyEncoder * @param values The properties to set on each invocation. The input * should be an object with a set of name/value pairs. * @param group the data group to process * @param filter a Boolean-valued function that takes a DataSprite as * input and returns true if the sprite should be processed * @param ignoreTransitioner Flag indicating if values should be set * immediately rather than being processed by any transitioners */ public function PropertyEncoder(values:Object=null, group:String=Data.NODES, filter:*=null, ignoreTransitioner:Boolean=false) { _values = values==null ? {} : values; _group = group; this.filter = filter; _ignoreTrans = ignoreTransitioner; } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function operate(t:Transitioner=null):void { t = (t==null || _ignoreTrans ? Transitioner.DEFAULT : t); if (_values == null) return; var list:DataList =; list.setProperties(_values, t, _filter); } } // end of class PropertyEncoder }