package flare.vis.operator.label { import flare.animate.Transitioner; import flare.display.TextSprite; import flare.util.Filter; import flare.util.IEvaluable; import flare.util.Property; import flare.util.Shapes; import; import; import flare.vis.operator.Operator; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.TextFormat; /** * Labeler that adds labels for items in a visualization. By default, this * operator adds labels that are centered on each data sprite; this can be * changed by configuring the offset and anchor settings. * *

Labelers support two different approaches for adding labels: * CHILD mode (the default) and LAYER mode. *

* *

To access created labels after a Labeler has been run, * use the props.label property of a DataSprite. * To have labels stored under a different property name, set the * access property of this class to the desired name.

*/ public class Labeler extends Operator { /** Constant indicating that labels be placed in their own layer. */ public static const LAYER:String = "layer"; /** Constant indicating that labels be added as children. */ public static const CHILD:String = "child"; /** @private */ protected var _policy:String; /** @private */ protected var _labels:Sprite; /** @private */ protected var _group:String; /** @private */ protected var _filter:Function; /** @private */ protected var _source:Property; /** @private */ protected var _access:Property = Property.$("props.label"); /** @private */ protected var _cacheText:Boolean = true; /** @private */ protected var _t:Transitioner; /** The name of the property in which to store created labels. * The default is "props.label". */ public function get access():String { return; } public function set access(s:String):void { _access = Property.$(s); } /** The name of the data group to label. */ public function get group():String { return _group; } public function set group(g:String):void { _group = g; setup(); } /** The source property that provides the label text. This * property will be ignored if the textFunction * property is non-null. */ public function get source():String { return; } public function set source(s:String):void { _source = Property.$(s); } /** Boolean function indicating which items to process. Only items * for which this function return true will be considered by the * labeler. If the function is null, all items will be considered. * @see flare.util.Filter */ public function get filter():Function { return _filter; } public function set filter(f:*):void { _filter = Filter.$(f); } /** Boolean function indicating whether label text values should be * cached or not. If set to true then the label text is calculated * only the first time it's needed and re-used from them on. If set * to false then the label is recalculated at each update. */ public function get cacheText():Boolean { return _cacheText; } public function set cacheText(c:Boolean):void { _cacheText = c; } /** A sprite containing the labels, if a layer policy is used. */ public function get labels():Sprite { return _labels; } /** The policy for how labels should be applied. * One of LAYER (for adding a separate label layer) or * CHILD (for adding labels as children of data objects). */ public function get labelPolicy():String { return _policy; } /** Optional function for determining label text. */ public var textFunction:Function = null; /** The text format to apply to labels. */ public var textFormat:TextFormat; /** The text mode to use for the TextSprite labels. * @see flare.display.TextSprite */ public var textMode:int = TextSprite.BITMAP; /** The horizontal alignment for labels. * @see flare.display.TextSprite */ public var horizontalAnchor:int = TextSprite.CENTER; /** The vertical alignment for labels. * @see flare.display.TextSprite */ public var verticalAnchor:int = TextSprite.MIDDLE; /** The default x value for labels. */ public var xOffset:Number = 0; /** The default y value for labels. */ public var yOffset:Number = 0; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new Labeler. * @param source the property from which to retrieve the label text. * If this value is a string or property instance, the label text will * be pulled directly from the named property. If this value is a * Function or Expression instance, the value will be used to set the * textFunction property and the label text will be * determined by evaluating that function. * @param group the data group to process * @param format optional text formatting information for labels * @param filter a Boolean-valued filter function determining which * items will be given labels * @param policy the label creation policy. One of LAYER (for adding a * separate label layer) or CHILD (for adding labels as children of * data objects) */ public function Labeler(source:*=null, group:String=Data.NODES, format:TextFormat=null, filter:*=null, policy:String=CHILD) { if (source is String) { _source = Property.$(source); } else if (source is Property) { _source = Property(source); } else if (source is IEvaluable) { textFunction = IEvaluable(source).eval; } else if (source is Function) { textFunction = source; } _group = group; textFormat = format ? format : new TextFormat("Arial",12); this.filter = filter; _policy = policy; } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function setup():void { if (_policy == LAYER) { _labels = visualization.labels; if (_labels == null) { _labels = new Sprite(); _labels.mouseChildren = false; _labels.mouseEnabled = false; visualization.labels = _labels; } } } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function operate(t:Transitioner=null):void { _t = (t ? t : Transitioner.DEFAULT);, group, filter); _t = null; } /** * Performs label creation and layout for the given data sprite. * Subclasses should override this method to perform custom labeling. * @param d the data sprite to process */ protected function process(d:DataSprite):void { var label:TextSprite = getLabel(d, true); var o:Object, x:Number, y:Number, a:Number, v:Boolean; if (_policy == LAYER) { o = _t.$(d); if (o.shape == Shapes.BLOCK) { x = o.u + o.w/2; y = o.v + o.h/2; } else { x = o.x; y = o.y; } a = o.alpha; v = o.visible; o = _t.$(label); o.x = x + xOffset; o.y = y + yOffset; o.alpha = a; o.visible = v; } else { o = _t.$(label); o.x = xOffset; o.y = yOffset; } label.render(); } /** * Computes the label text for a given sprite. * @param d the data sprite for which to produce label text * @return the label text */ protected function getLabelText(d:DataSprite):String { if (textFunction != null) { return textFunction(d); } else { return _source.getValue(d); } } /** * Retrives and optionally creates a label TextSprite for the given * data sprite. * @param d the data sprite to process * @param create if true, a new label will be created as needed * @param visible indicates if new labels should be visible by default * @return the label */ protected function getLabel(d:DataSprite, create:Boolean=false, visible:Boolean=true):TextSprite { var label:TextSprite = _access.getValue(d); if (!label && !create) { return null; } else if (!label) { label = new TextSprite("", null, textMode); label.text = getLabelText(d); label.visible = visible; label.applyFormat(textFormat); _access.setValue(d, label); if (_policy == LAYER) { _labels.addChild(label); label.x = d.x + xOffset; label.y = d.y + yOffset; } else { d.addChild(label); label.mouseEnabled = false; label.mouseChildren = false; label.x = xOffset; label.y = yOffset; } } else if (label && !cacheText) { var o:Object = _t.$(label); o.text = getLabelText(d); } label.textMode = textMode; label.horizontalAnchor = horizontalAnchor; label.verticalAnchor = verticalAnchor; return label; } } // end of class Labeler }