package flare.vis.operator.label { import flare.display.TextSprite; import flare.util.Shapes; import; import; import flash.text.TextFormat; /** * Labeler that positions labels around a circle in polar coordinates. * *

If rotateLabels is set to , labels will * be rotated such that they align radially. That is, the will be aligned * along lines emanating out of the center of the circle. In this case, it * is recommend that each label's textMode property be set to * TextSprite.EMBED and that the appropriate fonts be * embedded in your application. Otherwise, the text labels may be * illegible due to rotation artifacts (for BITMAP labels) or * will disappear alltogether (for DEVICE labels).

*/ public class RadialLabeler extends Labeler { /** If true, labels will be rotated to align along the radius. */ public var rotateLabels:Boolean = false; /** The number of pixels to offset labels along the radius. */ public var radiusOffset:Number = 0; /** The number of radians to offset a label's angle. */ public var angleOffset:Number = 0; /** * Creates a new RadialLabeler. * @param source the property from which to retrieve the label text. * If this value is a string or property instance, the label text will * be pulled directly from the named property. If this value is a * Function or Expression instance, the value will be used to set the * textFunction property and the label text will be * determined by evaluating that function. * @param rotate flag indicating if labels should be rotated to align * along the radius. If true, all text sprite labels should use * embedded fonts to keep the rotated labels legibile. If false, * labels will instead have their horizontal and vertical anchor * settings adjusted according to their angle. * @param format optional text formatting information for labels * @param filter a Boolean-valued filter function determining which * items will be given labels * @param policy the label creation policy. One of LAYER (for adding a * separate label layer) or CHILD (for adding labels as children of * data objects) */ public function RadialLabeler(source:*=null, rotate:Boolean=false, format:TextFormat=null, filter:*=null, policy:String=CHILD) { super(source, Data.NODES, format, filter, policy); this.rotateLabels = rotate; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected override function process(d:DataSprite):void { var label:TextSprite = getLabel(d, true); var o:Object, r:Number, a:Number, b:Number, v:Boolean; if (_policy == LAYER) { label.origin = d.origin; o = _t.$(d); if (o.shape == Shapes.WEDGE) { r = o.h; a = o.u + o.w/2; } else { r = o.radius; a = o.angle; } b = o.alpha; v = o.visible; o = _t.$(label); o.radius = r + radiusOffset; o.angle = a + angleOffset; o.alpha = b; o.visible = v; } else { a = _t.$(d).angle; o = _t.$(label); o.radius = radiusOffset; o.angle = a + angleOffset; } if (rotateLabels) rotate(d, label); label.render(); } private function rotate(d:DataSprite, label:TextSprite):void { var a:Number = _t.$(d).angle; while (a > Math.PI) a -= 2*Math.PI; while (a < -Math.PI) a += 2*Math.PI; var o:Object = _t.$(label); if (a > -Math.PI/2 && a <= Math.PI/2) { o.rotation = -(180/Math.PI) * a; o.horizontalAnchor = TextSprite.LEFT; } else { o.rotation = -(180/Math.PI) * (a + Math.PI); o.horizontalAnchor = TextSprite.RIGHT; } } } // end of class RadialLabeler }