package flare.vis.operator.layout { import flare.util.Shapes; import flare.util.Sort; import; import; import; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * Layout that places nodes as circles compacted into a larger circle. * *

Circle sizes are determined by a node's size property. * It is assumed that the sizes are set before this operator is run, * for example, by placing a SizeEncoder prior to this layout * in an operator list.

* *

If the treeLayout property is false, all * nodes will be treated the same and the result will be a "bubble" chart. * If the treeLayout property is true, circles will * be nested inside each other according to the tree structure of the data. *

* *

The results of this layout can vary dramatically based on the sort * order of the nodes. For example, sorting the nodes by the * size property (in either ascending or descending order) * can result in much cleaner layouts. Use the sort property * of this class to set a preferred sorting routine. By default, this * operator will not perform any sorting.

* *

NOTE: This operator will set a node's renderer and * shape properties, overriding any previous values.

* *

The algorithm used to perform the circle packing is adapted from * W. Wang, H. Wang, G. Dai, and H. Wang's * Visualization of large hierarchical data by circle packing, * ACM CHI 2006.

*/ public class CirclePackingLayout extends Layout { private var _sort:Sort = null; private var _order:int; private var _b:Rectangle = new Rectangle(); /** The data group to process. This setting will be ignored if tree mode * is set to true. */ public var group:String = Data.NODES; /** The amount of spacing between neighboring circles. * The default value is 4 pixels. */ public var spacing:Number = 4; /** Indicates if the view should be scaled to fit within the * display bounds. The default is true. */ public var fitInBounds:Boolean = true; /** Indicates if a tree layout (circles nested within circles) should * be computed. The default is false. Any data group settings will * be ignored if this operator uses a tree layout. */ public var treeLayout:Boolean = false; /** A sort criteria for ordering nodes in this layout. * Ordered nodes are placed in a spiral starting at the center. * The default is null, meaning no sorting is performed. */ public function get sort():Sort { return _sort; } public function set sort(s:*):void { _sort = s==null ? s : (s is Sort ? Sort(s) : new Sort(s)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new CirclePackingLayout. * @param spacing the minimum spacing between neighboring circles * @param treeLayout if true, a hierarchical circles-within-circles * layout will be peformed; if false (the default) all nodes will be * considered equally * @param sort a sort criteria for ordering nodes in the layout. * Ordered nodes are placed in a spiral starting at the center. */ public function CirclePackingLayout(spacing:Number=4, treeLayout:Boolean=false, sort:*=null) { this.spacing = spacing; this.treeLayout = treeLayout; this.sort = sort; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected override function layout():void { _order = 0; var data:Data =; data.nodes.setProperty("shape", Shapes.CIRCLE, _t); data.nodes.setProperty("renderer", ShapeRenderer.instance, _t); // determine layout anchor from bounds var bounds:Rectangle = layoutBounds; _anchor.x = (bounds.left + bounds.right) / 2; _anchor.y = ( + bounds.bottom) / 2; // compute the circle packing(s) var radius:Number; if (treeLayout) { // perform hierarchial tree layout var root:NodeSprite = layoutRoot as NodeSprite; var cn:ChainNode = getChainNode(root); cn.x = 0; cn.y = 0; if (root.childDegree > 0) { radius = (cn.r = packTree(root)); _t.$(root).size = radius / ShapeRenderer.instance.defaultSize; } shiftTree(root, cn.x, cn.y); } else { // perform flat layout var list:Vector. = new Vector.();; if (_sort) _sort.sort(list); for (var i:int=0; i 0) { if (n.expanded) { for (var i:int=0; i 0 && c.expanded) shiftTree(c, cn.x, cn.y); } } /** Perform hierarchical circle packing */ private function packTree(n:NodeSprite):Number { // do a post-order traversal, so recurse first var r:Number, list:Vector. = new Vector.(); for (var i:int=0; i 0 && c.expanded) { r = packTree(c) / ShapeRenderer.instance.defaultSize; _t.$(c).size = r; } list.push(c); } // now sort the child list and perform circle packing if (_sort) _sort.sort(list); for (i=0; i, N:int):Number { var a:ChainNode, b:ChainNode, c:ChainNode, j:ChainNode, k:ChainNode; // initialize bounds and order _b.left = = Number.MAX_VALUE; _b.right = _b.bottom = Number.MIN_VALUE; _order = 0; // create first node a = nodes[0] as ChainNode; a.x = -a.r; a.y = 0; updateBounds(a,_b); if (N==1) return center(nodes, _b); // create second node b = nodes[1] as ChainNode; b.x = b.r; b.y = 0; updateBounds(b,_b); if (N==2) return center(nodes, _b); // create third node build chain c = nodes[2] as ChainNode; place(a, b, c); updateBounds(c,_b); a.insert(c); a.prev = c; c.insert(b); b =; // now iterate through the rest for (var i:int=3; i 0) { a.splice(j); b = j; --i; } else if (isect < 0) { j.splice(b); a = j; --i; } } // return the radius that encompasses the data return center(nodes, _b); } /** Re-center a group of circles and return the encompassing radius. */ private function center(nodes:Vector., b:Rectangle):Number { var cx:Number = (b.left + b.right) / 2; var cy:Number = ( + b.bottom) / 2; var cr:Number = 0, r:Number; for each (var cn:ChainNode in nodes) { cn.x -= cx; cn.y -= cy; r = cn.r + Math.sqrt(cn.x*cn.x + cn.y*cn.y); if (r > cr) cr = r; } return cr; } /** Update the bounding box around the circles. */ private static function updateBounds(c:ChainNode, b:Rectangle):void { if (c.x-c.r < b.left) b.left = c.x-c.r; if (c.x+c.r > b.right) b.right = c.x+c.r; if (c.y-c.r < = c.y-c.r; if (c.y+c.r > b.bottom) b.bottom = c.y+c.r; } /** Create and initialize a ChainNode to represent the given node. */ private function getChainNode(n:NodeSprite):ChainNode { var cn:ChainNode, r:Number, size:Number = _t.$(n).size; r = spacing/2 + (size * ShapeRenderer.instance.defaultSize); n.props.chainNode = (cn = new ChainNode(r)); n.props.order = _order++; return cn; } /** Check for intersection between circles. */ private static function intersects(a:ChainNode, b:ChainNode):Boolean { var dx:Number = b.x - a.x; var dy:Number = b.y - a.y; var dr:Number = a.r + b.r; return (dx*dx + dy*dy) < dr*dr - 0.001; // within epsilon } /** Position circle c based on tangency to circles a and b. */ private static function place(a:ChainNode, b:ChainNode, c:ChainNode):void { var da:Number = b.r + c.r; // distance from b to c var db:Number = a.r + c.r; // distance from a to c var dx:Number = (b.x - a.x); var dy:Number = (b.y - a.y); var dc:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); // distance from a to b dx /= dc; dy /= dc; // normalize directional vectors // apply law of cosines to get angle at vertex a var cosA:Number = (db*db + dc*dc - da*da) / (2*db*dc); var A:Number = Math.acos(cosA); // compute coordinates based on right triangle relations var x:Number = cosA * db; var h:Number = Math.sin(A) * db; c.x = (a.x + x*dx) + h*dy; c.y = (a.y + x*dy) - h*dx; } } // end of class CirclePackingLayout } class ChainNode { public var r:Number; public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var next:ChainNode; public var prev:ChainNode; public function get dist():Number { return x*x + y*y; } public function ChainNode(radius:Number) { r = radius; next = prev = this; } public function insert(c:ChainNode):void { var b:ChainNode = next; next = c; c.prev = this; = b; b.prev = c; } public function splice(j:ChainNode):void { next = j; j.prev = this; } }