package flare.vis.operator.layout { import flare.animate.TransitionEvent; import flare.animate.Transitioner; import flare.vis.Visualization; import flare.vis.axis.Axes; import flare.vis.axis.CartesianAxes; import; import; import; import; import flare.vis.operator.Operator; import flash.display.Shape; import; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * Base class for all operators that perform spatial layout. Provides * methods for retrieving the desired layout bounds, providing a layout * anchor point, and returning the layout root (for tree layouts in * particular). This class also provides convenience methods for * manipulating the visibility of axes and performing common updates * to edge control points in graph/tree visualizations. */ public class Layout extends Operator { /** Constant indicating Cartesian (x, y) coordinates. */ public static const CARTESIAN:String = "cartesian"; /** Constant indicating polar (radius, angle) coordinates. */ public static const POLAR:String = "polar"; /** @private */ protected static const _dummy:Shape = new Shape(); /** @private */ protected static const _rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(); // -- Properties ------------------------------------------------------ /** The type of layout and axes. This value should be * CARTESIAN for x,y axes, POLAR for polar * coordinates (radius, angle), or null for no axes. */ public var layoutType:String = null; /** A transitioner for storing value updates. */ protected var _t:Transitioner = null; protected var _anchor:Point = new Point(0,0); protected var _setAnchor:Boolean = false; private var _bounds:Rectangle = null; private var _root:DataSprite = null; /** The layout bounds for the layout. If this value is not explicitly * set, the bounds for the visualization is returned. */ public function get layoutBounds():Rectangle { if (_bounds != null) return _bounds; if (visualization != null) return visualization.bounds; return null; } public function set layoutBounds(b:Rectangle):void { _bounds = b; } /** The layout anchor, used by some layout instances to place an * initial item or determine a focal point. */ public function get layoutAnchor():Point { if (!_setAnchor) autoAnchor(); return _anchor; } public function set layoutAnchor(p:Point):void { _anchor = p; _setAnchor = true; } /** Automatically-generate an anchor point. */ protected function autoAnchor():void { if (layoutType == POLAR) { var b:Rectangle = layoutBounds; _anchor.x = (b.left + b.right) / 2; _anchor.y = ( + b.bottom) / 2; } else { _anchor.x = 0; _anchor.y = 0; } } /** The layout root, the root node for tree layouts. */ public function get layoutRoot():DataSprite { if (_root != null) return _root; if (visualization != null) { return; } return null; } public function set layoutRoot(r:DataSprite):void { _root = r; } // -- Placement and Axis Helpers -------------------------------------- /** @inheritDoc */ public override function operate(t:Transitioner=null):void { _t = (t ? t : Transitioner.DEFAULT); adjustAxes(); layout(); _t = null; } /** * Calculates the spatial layout of visualized items. Layout operators * override this method with their layout implementations. * @param t a Transitioner instance for collecting value updates. */ protected function layout():void { // sub-classes should override } /** @private */ protected function adjustAxes():void { if (layoutType == CARTESIAN) { showAxes(_t); } else { hideAxes(_t); } } /** * Reveals the axes. * @param t a transitioner to collect value updates * @return the input transitioner */ public function showAxes(t:Transitioner=null):Transitioner { var axes:Axes = visualization.axes; if (axes == null || axes.visible) return t; if (t==null || t.immediate) { axes.alpha = 1; axes.visible = true; } else { t.$(axes).alpha = 1; t.$(axes).visible = true; } return t; } /** * Hides the axes. * @param t a transitioner to collect value updates * @return the input transitioner */ public function hideAxes(t:Transitioner=null):Transitioner { var axes:Axes = visualization.axes; if (axes == null || !axes.visible) return t; if (t==null || t.immediate) { axes.alpha = 0; axes.visible = false; } else { t.$(axes).alpha = 0; t.$(axes).visible = false; } return t; } /** * Returns the visualization's axes as a CartesianAxes instance. * Creates/modifies existing axes as needed to ensure the * presence of CartesianAxes. */ protected function get xyAxes():CartesianAxes { var vis:Visualization = visualization; if (vis == null) return null; if (vis.xyAxes == null) { vis.axes = new CartesianAxes(); } return vis.xyAxes; } /** * Returns an angle value that minimizes the angular distance * between a reference angle and a target angle. This * method may shift the angle value by multiples of 2 pi. * @param a1 the reference angle to stay close to * @param a2 the target angle value * @return an angle that minimizes the distance */ protected function minAngle(a1:Number, a2:Number):Number { var inc:Number = 2*Math.PI*(a1 > a2 ? 1 : -1); for (; Math.abs(a1-a2) > Math.PI; a2 += inc); return a2; } // -- Edge Helpers ---------------------------------------------------- private static var _clear:Boolean; /** * Updates all edges to be straight lines. Useful for undoing the * results of layouts that route edges using edge control points. * @param list a data list of edges to straighten * @param t a transitioner to collect value updates */ public static function straightenEdges(list:DataList, t:Transitioner):Transitioner { // set end points to mid-points list.visit(function(e:EdgeSprite):void { if (e.points == null) return; _clear = true; var src:NodeSprite = e.source; var trg:NodeSprite =; // create new control points var i:uint, len:uint = e.points.length, f:Number; var cp:Vector. = new Vector.(len); var x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number; // get target end points x1 = t.$(src).x; y1 = t.$(src).y; x2 = t.$(trg).x; y2 = t.$(trg).y; for (i=0; i