package flare.vis.operator.layout { import; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * Layout that places tree nodes in a radial layout, laying out depths of a tree * along circles of increasing radius. * This layout can be used for both node-link diagrams, where nodes are * connected by edges, and for radial space-filling ("sunburst") diagrams. * To generate space-filling layouts, nodes should have their shape * property set to Shapes.WEDGE and the layout instance should * have the useNodeSize property set to false. * *

The algorithm used is an adaptation of a technique by Ka-Ping Yee, * Danyel Fisher, Rachna Dhamija, and Marti Hearst, published in the paper * Animated Exploration of * Dynamic Graphs with Radial Layout, InfoVis 2001. This algorithm computes * a radial layout which factors in possible variation in sizes, and maintains * both orientation and ordering constraints to facilitate smooth and * understandable transitions between layout configurations. *

*/ public class RadialTreeLayout extends Layout { // -- Properties ------------------------------------------------------ /** Property name for storing parameters for this layout. */ public static const PARAMS : String = "radialTreeLayoutParams"; /** The default radius increment between depth levels. */ public static const DEFAULT_RADIUS : int = 50; private var _maxDepth : int = 0; private var _radiusInc : Number = DEFAULT_RADIUS; private var _theta1 : Number = Math.PI / 2; private var _theta2 : Number = Math.PI / 2 - 2 * Math.PI; private var _sortAngles : Boolean = true; private var _setTheta : Boolean = false; private var _autoScale : Boolean = true; private var _useNodeSize : Boolean = true; private var _prevRoot : NodeSprite = null; /** The radius increment between depth levels. */ public function get radiusIncrement() : Number { return _radiusInc; } public function set radiusIncrement(r : Number) : void { _radiusInc = r; } /** Flag determining if nodes should be sorted by angles to help * maintain ordering across different spanning-tree configurations. * This sorting is important for understandable transitions when using * a radial layout of a general graph. However, it is unnecessary for * tree structures and increases the running time of layout. */ public function get sortAngles() : Boolean { return _sortAngles; } public function set sortAngles(b : Boolean) : void { _sortAngles = b; } /** Flag indicating if the layout should automatically be scaled to * fit within the layout bounds. */ public function get autoScale() : Boolean { return _autoScale; } public function set autoScale(b : Boolean) : void { _autoScale = b; } /** The initial angle for the radial layout (in radians). */ public function get startAngle() : Number { return _theta1; } public function set startAngle(a : Number) : void { _theta2 += (a - _theta1); _theta1 = a; _setTheta = true; } /** The angular width of the layout (in radians, default is 2 pi). */ public function get angleWidth() : Number { return _theta1 - _theta2; } public function set angleWidth(w : Number) : void { _theta2 = _theta1 - w; _setTheta = true; } /** Flag indicating if node's size property should be * used to determine layout spacing. If a space-filling radial * layout is desired, this value must be false for the layout * to be accurate. */ public function get useNodeSize() : Boolean { return _useNodeSize; } public function set useNodeSize(b : Boolean) : void { _useNodeSize = b; } // -- Methods --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new RadialTreeLayout. * @param radius the radius increment between depth levels * @param sortAngles flag indicating if nodes should be sorted by angle * to maintain node ordering across spanning-tree configurations * @param autoScale flag indicating if the layout should automatically * be scaled to fit within the layout bounds */ public function RadialTreeLayout(radius : Number = DEFAULT_RADIUS, sortAngles : Boolean = true, autoScale : Boolean = true) { layoutType = POLAR; _radiusInc = radius; _sortAngles = sortAngles; _autoScale = autoScale; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected override function layout() : void { var n : NodeSprite = layoutRoot as NodeSprite; if (n == null) { _t = null; return; } var np : Params = params(n); // calc relative widths and maximum tree depth // performs one pass over the tree _maxDepth = 0; calcAngularWidth(n, 0); if (_autoScale) setScale(layoutBounds); if (!_setTheta) calcAngularBounds(n); _anchor = layoutAnchor; // perform the layout if (_maxDepth > 0) { doLayout(n, _radiusInc, _theta1, _theta2); } else if (n.childDegree > 0) { n.visitTreeDepthFirst(function(n : NodeSprite):void { n.origin = _anchor; var o : Object = _t.$(n); // collapse to inner radius o.radius = o.h = o.v = _radiusInc / 2; o.alpha = 0; o.mouseEnabled = false; if (n.parentEdge != null) _t.$(n.parentEdge).alpha = false; }); } // update properties of the root node np.angle = _theta2 - _theta1; n.origin = _anchor; update(n, 0, _theta1 + np.angle / 2, np.angle, true); if (!_t.immediate) { delete _t._(n).values.radius; delete _t._(n).values.angle; } _t.$(n).radius = 0; _t.$(n).angle = 0; _t.$(n).x = _anchor.x; _t.$(n).y = _anchor.y; updateEdgePoints(_t); } private function setScale(bounds : Rectangle) : void { var r : Number = Math.min(bounds.width, bounds.height) / 2.0; if (_maxDepth > 0) _radiusInc = r / _maxDepth; } /** * Calculates the angular bounds of the layout, attempting to * preserve the angular orientation of the display across transitions. */ private function calcAngularBounds(r : NodeSprite) : void { if (_prevRoot == null || r == _prevRoot) { _prevRoot = r; return; } // try to find previous parent of root var p : NodeSprite = _prevRoot, pp : NodeSprite; while (true) { pp = p.parentNode; if (pp == r) { break; } else if (pp == null) { _prevRoot = r; return; } p = pp; } // compute offset due to children's angular width var dt : Number = 0; for each (var n:NodeSprite in sortedChildren(r)) { if (n == p) break; dt += params(n).width; } var rw : Number = params(r).width; var pw : Number = params(p).width; dt = -2 * Math.PI * (dt + pw / 2) / rw; // set angular bounds _theta1 = dt + Math.atan2(p.y - r.y, p.x - r.x); _theta2 = _theta1 + 2 * Math.PI; _prevRoot = r; } /** * Computes relative measures of the angular widths of each * expanded subtree. Node diameters are taken into account * to improve space allocation for variable-sized nodes. * * This method also updates the base angle value for nodes * to ensure proper ordering of nodes. */ private function calcAngularWidth(n : NodeSprite, d : int) : Number { if (d > _maxDepth) _maxDepth = d; var aw : Number = 0, diameter : Number = 0; if (_useNodeSize && d > 0) { //diameter = 1; diameter = n.expanded && n.childDegree > 0 ? 0 : _t.$(n).size; } else if (d > 0) { var w : Number = n.width, h : Number = n.height; diameter = Math.sqrt(w * w + h * h) / d; if (isNaN(diameter)) diameter = 0; } if (n.expanded && n.childDegree > 0) { for (var c : NodeSprite = n.firstChildNode;c != null;c = c.nextNode) { aw += calcAngularWidth(c, d + 1); } aw = Math.max(diameter, aw); } else { aw = diameter; } params(n).width = aw; return aw; } private static function normalize(angle : Number) : Number { while (angle > 2 * Math.PI) angle -= 2 * Math.PI; while (angle < 0) angle += 2 * Math.PI; return angle; } private function sortedChildren(n : NodeSprite) : Vector. { var cc : int = n.childDegree; if (cc == 0) return new Vector.(); var angleIndices : Vector. = new Vector.(cc); var angles : Vector. = new Vector.(cc); if (_sortAngles) { // update base angle for node ordering var base : Number = -_theta1; var p : NodeSprite = n.parentNode; if (p != null) base = normalize(Math.atan2(p.y - n.y, n.x - p.x)); // collect the angles var c : NodeSprite = n.firstChildNode; for (var i : uint = 0;i < cc;++i, c = c.nextNode) { angleIndices[i] = normalize(-base + Math.atan2(c.y - n.y, n.x - c.x)); } // get array of indices, sorted by angle angleIndices = angleIndices.sort(Array.NUMERIC | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY); // switch in the actual nodes and return for (i = 0;i < cc;++i) { angles[i] = n.getChildNode(angleIndices[i]); } } else { for (i = 0;i < cc;++i) { angles[i] = n.getChildNode(i); } } return angles; } /** * Compute the layout. * @param n the root of the current subtree under consideration * @param r the radius, current distance from the center * @param theta1 the start (in radians) of this subtree's angular region * @param theta2 the end (in radians) of this subtree's angular region */ private function doLayout(n : NodeSprite, r : Number, theta1 : Number, theta2 : Number) : void { var dtheta : Number = theta2 - theta1; var dtheta2 : Number = dtheta / 2.0; var width : Number = params(n).width; var cfrac : Number, nfrac : Number = 0; for each (var c:NodeSprite in sortedChildren(n)) { var cp : Params = params(c); cfrac = cp.width / width; if (c.expanded && c.childDegree > 0) { doLayout(c, r + _radiusInc, theta1 + nfrac * dtheta, theta1 + (nfrac + cfrac) * dtheta); } else if (c.childDegree > 0) { var cr : Number = r + _radiusInc; var ca : Number = theta1 + nfrac * dtheta + cfrac * dtheta2; c.visitTreeDepthFirst(function(n : NodeSprite):void { n.origin = _anchor; update(n, cr, minAngle(n.angle, ca), 0, false); }); } c.origin = _anchor; var a : Number = minAngle(c.angle, theta1 + nfrac * dtheta + cfrac * dtheta2); cp.angle = cfrac * dtheta; update(c, r, a, cp.angle, true); nfrac += cfrac; } } private function update(n : NodeSprite, r : Number, a : Number, aw : Number, v : Boolean) : void { var o : Object = _t.$(n), alpha : Number = v ? 1 : 0; o.radius = r; o.angle = a; if (aw == 0) { o.h = o.v = r - _radiusInc / 2; } else { o.h = r + _radiusInc / 2; o.v = r - _radiusInc / 2; } o.w = aw; o.u = a - aw / 2; o.alpha = alpha; o.mouseEnabled = v; if (n.parentEdge != null) _t.$(n.parentEdge).alpha = alpha; } private function params(n : NodeSprite) : Params { var p : Params = n.props[PARAMS]; if (p == null) { p = new Params(); n.props[PARAMS] = p; } return p; } } // end of class RadialTreeLayout } class Params { public var width : Number = 0; public var angle : Number = 0; }