package flare.vis.operator.layout { import flare.scale.LinearScale; import flare.scale.OrdinalScale; import flare.scale.QuantitativeScale; import flare.scale.Scale; import flare.scale.TimeScale; import flare.util.Maths; import flare.util.Orientation; import flare.util.Stats; import flare.util.Vectors; import flare.vis.axis.CartesianAxes; import; import flash.geom.Rectangle; /** * Layout that consecutively places items on top of each other. The layout * currently assumes that each column value is available as separate * properties of individual DataSprites. */ public class StackedAreaLayout extends Layout { // -- Properties ------------------------------------------------------ private var _columns:Vector. = new Vector.(); private var _peaks:Vector. = new Vector.(); private var _poly:Vector. = new Vector.(); private var _orient:String = Orientation.BOTTOM_TO_TOP; private var _horiz:Boolean = false; private var _top:Boolean = false; private var _initAxes:Boolean = true; private var _normalize:Boolean = false; private var _padding:Number = 0.05; private var _threshold:Number = 1.0; private var _scale:QuantitativeScale = new LinearScale(0,0,10,true); private var _colScale:Scale; /** Vector containing the column names. */ public function get columns():Vector. { return _columns; } public function set columns(cols:Vector.):void { _columns = Vectors.copy(cols); _peaks = new Vector.(cols.length); _poly = new Vector.(4*cols.length); _colScale = getScale(_columns); } public function get colScale():Scale{ return _colScale;} /** Flag indicating if the visualization should be normalized. */ public function get normalize():Boolean { return _normalize; } public function set normalize(b:Boolean):void { _normalize = b; } /** Value indicating the padding (as a percentage of the view) * that should be reserved within the visualization. */ public function get padding():Number { return _padding; } public function set padding(p:Number):void { if (p<0 || isNaN(p) || !isFinite(p)) return; _padding = p; } /** Threshold size value (in pixels) that at least one column width * must surpass for a stack to remain visible. */ public function get threshold():Number { return _threshold; } public function set threshold(t:Number):void { _threshold = t; } /** The orientation of the layout. */ public function get orientation():String { return _orient; } public function set orientation(o:String):void { _orient = o; _horiz = Orientation.isHorizontal(_orient); _top = (_orient == Orientation.TOP_TO_BOTTOM || _orient == Orientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT); initializeAxes(); } /** The scale used to layout the stacked values. */ public function get scale():QuantitativeScale { return _scale; } public function set scale(s:QuantitativeScale):void { _scale = s; _scale.dataMin = 0; } // -- Methods --------------------------------------------------------- /** * Creates a new StackedAreaLayout. * @param cols an ordered object vector or array of properties for the column values * @param padding percentage of space to leave as a padding margin * for the stacked chart */ public function StackedAreaLayout(cols:*=null, padding:Number=0.05) { layoutType = CARTESIAN; if (cols != null) { if(cols is Array) this.columns = Vectors.copyFromArray(cols); else if(cols is Vector.) this.columns = cols; } this.padding = padding; } private static function getScale(cols:Vector.):Scale { var stats:Stats = new Stats(cols); switch (stats.dataType) { case Stats.NUMBER: return new LinearScale(stats.minimum, stats.maximum, 10, true); case Stats.DATE: return new TimeScale(stats.minDate, stats.maxDate, true); case Stats.OBJECT: default: return new OrdinalScale(stats.distinctValues, true, false); } } /** @inheritDoc */ public override function setup():void { if (!_initAxes || visualization==null) return; initializeAxes(); (_horiz ? (xyAxes as CartesianAxes).yAxis : (xyAxes as CartesianAxes).xAxis).showLines = false; } /** * Initializes the axes prior to layout. */ protected function initializeAxes():void { if (!_initAxes || visualization==null) return; var axes:CartesianAxes = xyAxes as CartesianAxes; if (_horiz) { axes.xAxis.axisScale = _scale; axes.yAxis.axisScale = _colScale; } else { axes.xAxis.axisScale = _colScale; axes.yAxis.axisScale = _scale; } } /** @inheritDoc */ protected override function layout():void { // get the orientation specifics sorted out var bounds:Rectangle = layoutBounds; var hgt:Number, wth:Number; var xbias:int, ybias:int, sign:int, len:int; hgt = (_horiz ? bounds.width : bounds.height); wth = (_horiz ? -bounds.height : bounds.width); xbias = (_horiz ? 1 : 0); ybias = (_horiz ? 0 : 1); sign = _top ? 1 : -1; len = _columns.length; var minX:Number = _horiz ? bounds.bottom : bounds.left; var minY:Number = _horiz ? (_top ? bounds.left : bounds.right) : (_top ? : bounds.bottom); // perform first walk to get the data distribution _scale.dataMax = peaks(); initializeAxes(); // initialize current polygon var axes:CartesianAxes = super.xyAxes as CartesianAxes; var scale:Scale = (_horiz ? axes.yAxis : axes.xAxis).axisScale; var xx:Number; for (var j:uint=0; j0; var filtered:Boolean = !obj.visible; // set full polygon to current baseline for (i=0; i height) height = h; } // if size is beneath threshold, then hide if (height < _threshold) { d.visible = false; } // update data sprite layout obj.x = 0; obj.y = 0; if (_t.immediate) { d.points = Vectors.copy(_poly, d.points); } else { obj.points = Vectors.copy(_poly, d.props.poly); } }, null, true); } private function peaks():Number { var sum:Number = 0; // first, compute max value of the current data Vectors.fill(_peaks, 0); { if (!d.visible || d.alpha <= 0 || !_t.$(d).visible) return; for (var i:uint=0; i<_columns.length; ++i) { var val:Number =[_columns[i]]; _peaks[i] += val; sum += val; } }); var max:Number = Vectors.max(_peaks) as Number; // update peaks array as needed // adjust peaks to include padding space if (!_normalize) { Vectors.fill(_peaks, max); for (var i:uint=0; i<_peaks.length; ++i) { _peaks[i] += _padding * (_peaks[i] as Number); } max += _padding*max; } // return max range value if (_normalize) max = 1.0; if (isNaN(max)) max = 0; return max; } } // end of class StackedAreaLayout }