Collection inventory

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Marcel Breuer Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Breuer, Marcel, 1902-1981.
Title: Marcel Breuer Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1921-2001
Quantity: 684 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the Modernist architect and designer, includes architectural drawings, photographs and slides, project files, writings, correspondence and other materials related to every phase of Marcel Breuer's career.
Language: Majority in English, some items in French, German, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Japanese
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Marcel Lajos Breuer (1902-1981) was a Hungarian-born American Modernist architect and designer.

Marcel Breuer was born on May 21, 1902 in the southwestern Hungarian city of Pécs. His family home at 4 Irgalmasok Boulevard near Szechenyi square may have afforded a view of the nearby Pasha Qasim mosque (built from the ruins of a Gothic church), or the four landmark towers of the nearby Pécs Cathedral. Noted historically for its diverse ethnic population, Pécs had long been a regional cultural center and a university town (home of the 5th oldest university in Europe), as well as an important religious center. Breuer's father Jakab Breuer was a dental technician from Gyor, Hungary. Breuer's mother, Franciska Kann (sometimes given as "Kan") came originally from Budapest. Breuer had two older siblings, Alexander and Hermina Maria.

Always reticent about the facts of his early life, Breuer's formative years must have been marked by the profound political conflicts that defined the era. He would have been just twelve years old when Hungary entered World War I as part of the Austro-Hungarian/German alliance (incidentally, Breuer's subsequent architectural mentor and partner, Walter Gropius, was severely wounded in 1914 while serving as a German reservist on the Western Front). From 1918-1920, the Baranyi region surrounding Breuer's home town was heavily occupied by Serbian forces who, on the basis of ethnic nationalism, had made significant territorial claims there (tentatively resolved by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920). Against this backdrop, Breuer attended secondary school at Pécsi Allami Forealiskola where he excelled at art and mathematics, graduating summa cum laude and earning a scholarship to the Akademie der Bildenden Kunst in Vienna.

Breuer arrived in Vienna in the late summer of 1920, but he quickly abandoned the academy, instead taking up an apprenticeship in the shop of a local cabinetmaker by the name of Bolek. It was during this brief respite that Breuer learned about an innovative new school in Weimar from a fellow Hungarian, the Pécs born architect Alfred Forbat. Within a few weeks, Breuer had assumed a place as one of the 143 students enrolled at the Bauhaus in only the second year of its formative existence.

While there is some uncertainty as to exactly when Breuer began his studies at the Bauhaus during the fall of 1920, it is very likely that he arrived about six weeks into the term and began in the Vorkurs, or Preliminary Course, then taught by Johannes Itten. Later that year, he would have done work in the carpentry workshop under Walter Gropius, the Master of Form for the shop at that time, and Josef Zachmann, the shop's first Master of Craft. While many of the personal relationships forged during these years were crucial for Breuer's artistic development, perhaps none more so than his career-defining linkage with Walter Gropius, it was quite possibly the painter Paul Klee who exerted the most formative influence (later in life, Breuer recollected that Klee had been one of the two most important teachers in his life, the other being his high school geometry teacher). As Franciscono contends, in his history of the school, " his [Klee's] lessons were conceived in terms closely analogous to those of architecture...painting itself was understood as a construction built up or put together from repeatable, more or less geometric -- in effect modular -- units in ways generally comparable to the way architecture is put together" (quoted in Hyman, p.61, n.73).

Breuer's architectural training at the Bauhaus came largely through apprentice work done in Walter Gropius' active practice, as the school offered no formalized program in architecture during those early years. As such, Breuer gained much hands-on experience on a number of projects -- contributing furniture and interior designs to the collaborative Sommerfeld House project (1921), the Haus am Horn exhibition house (1923), and the Bauhaussiedlung housing project (planned 1922, but not built).

After completing his apprentice work at the Bauhaus, Breuer headed to Paris, eventually landing a position in the office of Pierre Chareau in September of 1924. By the following year though, he was back in Weimar to accept a position as instructor and head of the furniture and carpentry shop at the Bauhaus, just prior to its official relocation to Dessau. In additional to involvement in furniture and interior design work for the new Bauhaus buildings in Dessau -- contributing to the design and furnishing of the canteen, theatre and several of the Master's Houses -- Breuer also developed innovative architectural schemes for a series of houses for junior faculty members, known as the BAMBOS houses (1927).

It was during this second period at the Bauhaus (1925-1928) that Breuer began to make the innovative experiments with bent tubular steel furniture for which he became so famous. The first version of his iconic "B3" club chair was developed around 1925, and many experiments with cantilevered steel constructions rapidly followed. In 1926, Breuer established the Standard Möbel company and began marketing a full line of steel furniture. Later that year, Breuer married fellow Bauhaus graduate Marta Erps, a talented artist who had studied in the weaving workshop and collaborated with Breuer on the Haus am Horm interiors. Their marriage seems to have been short lived, as Erps left Germany sometime around 1928-1929 for Brazil, where she later had a successful career as a biologist and illustrator at the University of São Paolo. Breuer and Erps were officially divorced in 1934.

As internal politics at the Bauhaus grew increasingly volatile in the late 1920s, Breuer joined a major exodus from the school, following Gropius, Moholy-Nagy, Josef Albers, Herbert Bayer and others out of Dessau. Breuer made his way to Berlin, officially joining the Bund Deutscher Architekten and setting up an architectural practice with a former student, Gustav Hassenpflug as his assistant. His commissions were small, primarily apartment and commercial interiors, but he also completed a number of formalized designs for competitions and was represented at many important exhibitions of the period, including the Weissenhof estate exhibition (1928), the Paris exposition of 1930 and the Berlin Building exhibition of 1931. In 1932, Breuer secured his first independent architectural commission to build a modern house in Wiesbaden for Paul and Marianne Harnischmacher. During this period, Breuer also maintained a partnership in Budapest with Farkas Molnár and József Fischer and traveled extensively through southern Europe and North Africa. In 1935, with the assistance of Gropius, Breuer secured papers to relocate to London where he practiced for a short time in partnership with British architect F.R.S. Yorke, while independently developing a line of bent plywood furniture that was marketed through Jack Pritchard's Isokon Control Ltd.

Frustrated by the limited building prospects in England and always concerned about the possibility of political deportation, in 1937 Breuer was again on the move. The efforts of Gropius were once more instrumental, as he was able to help secure for Breuer a faculty position at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design. Aesthetically, Breuer was well suited to his new environment, sharing with his fellow Bauhaus émigrés a strong appreciation for the structural transparency and efficient design of American industrial buildings. The strong appeal of the traditional New England domestic architecture, though, with its reliance on native stone and balloon-frame construction proved an unexpected source of inspiration for many of the European Modernists, Breuer included. He spent roughly the next decade making his mark with a series of iconic modern houses spread across Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New York (for more on the influence of American domestic architecture on Breuer's mid-century work, see Bergdall, "Encountering America: Marcel Breuer and the Discourses of the Vernacular from Budapest to Boston", in Marcel Breuer: Design and Architecture).

Initially, Breuer practiced in the U.S. in partnership with his long-time mentor under the official designation, "Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects." The partnership was relatively fruitful during lean economic years, producing a series of now canonical houses, including the Frank House in Pittsburgh (1939), the Hagerty House in Cohasset (1938) and, the Ford (1939), Gropius (1938) and Breuer (1939) houses at the Woods End colony in Lincoln, Massachusetts. In 1940, Breuer married his second wife, Constance Crocker Leighton. Connie, a native New Englander, had grown up in Salem, Massachusetts and attended the Brimmer School. Originally a secretary for Gropius and Breuer, she played an important role in the formative years of Breuer's Cambridge practice (for a brief period, her father, O.S. Leighton, also served as a sort of business manager and accountant for Breuer). Their son, Tamas (Thomas) Breuer was born in 1943.

The Gropius-Breuer partnership ended in 1941, and Breuer set-up shop on his own in Cambridge with the assistance of several of his former Harvard design students. Although work came slowly at first -- building supply shortages during the war made new construction a difficult endeavor -- by the mid-1940s, the Breuer office was operating at a robust pace.

Breuer took several of his Cambridge cohorts to New York in the spring of 1946, opening a practice there on 438 East Eighty-Eighth Street. The subsequent phase of work in the late 1940s marked the pinnacle of Breuer's domestic architectural production. Working from his fundamental conception of the "bi-nuclear" arrangement of living areas, Breuer progressively refined his design vocabulary into a popular signature style. Stand-out designs of this period include the Geller House I (1945), Robinson House (1948) and Thompson House (1949), as well and the House in the Museum Garden, constructed for a 1949 MoMA exhibition on the modern house.

The 1950s saw the exponential growth of Breuer's creative prospects and subsequent emergence internationally as a seminal figure of modern design (one of the canonical "form-givers" of the twentieth century, as dubbed in a 1956 Time magazine piece). In an astonishing creative outburst, encompassing roughly the ten year span from 1953-1963, Breuer saw the realization of the half-dozen or so masterworks most definitive of his major phase: the UNESCO headquarters in Paris (1953), Saint John's Abbey Church in Minnesota (1953-1958), the De Bijenkorf Department Store in Rotterdam (1953), the United States Embassy at the Hague (1956), the IBM Research Center in La Gaude, France (1960), and the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York (1963). Breuer's work during this period was largely defined by the transition from small-form, residential projects in wood and stone, to monumental sculptural forms rendered in patterned concrete and steel.

In 1956, in order to accommodate the rapid boom in large-project commissions coming into his office, Breuer sought to formalize a partnership agreement with several of the young and talented architects in his employ. Stipulating a formative ten year period under the designation "associate", Breuer promised eventual full partnerships to his colleagues. Operating thereafter as Marcel Breuer and Associates, by 1967 Herbert Beckhard, Hamilton Smith and Robert Gatje had all achieved full partner status (former partner Murray Emslie had left the firm in 1965). Later, Tician Papachristou also achieved partner status in the firm.

By the mid-sixties, Breuer had settled his operations at 635 Madison Avenue in New York, and had opened a much needed European office on the Rue Chapon in the former garment district of Paris, an office established by Robert Gatje and later run by Mario Jossa to manage projects at Flaine, the ZUP development in Bayonne and elsewhere on the continent. During these years, Breuer's collaborative partnerships with Smith, Gatje, Beckhard and Papachristou reached their productive peak, yielding a formidable and diverse roster of works: the IBM France complex, the Flaine resort, the Armstrong Rubber Building with Robert F. Gatje; Annunciation Priory, the Whitney Museum of Art, the Grand Coulee Dam Project with Hamilton P. Smith; the HUD and HEW buildings in Washington, D.C. and the Church and Refectory of St. Francis de Sales with Herbert Beckhard; the Soriano House and Stillman House III, with Tician Papachristou.

The effects on Breuer of many years of incessant work and travel began to show by the early 1970s, and after a harrowing trip to Afghanistan that saw Breuer suffer a nearly fatal heart attack, his day-to-day working role in his firm significantly diminished. Breuer's declining health coincided with a difficult economic climate for building; regardless, Marcel Breuer and Associates continued to realize significant building projects throughout the seventies, including the Atlanta Public Library (1971-1980), the American Press Institute in Reston, Virginia (1971), and the Australian Embassy in Paris (1973, with Harry Seidler). These years also saw the realization of two late-phase minor masterpieces -- the third Stillman House (1972) and the stunning slate-roofed Chapel at Flaine (1974-1976). Despite his formal retirement on March 1, 1976, Breuer refused to abandon work altogether, characteristically vowing to his supervising architect at the Baldegg Convent site that he would remain on the project until it was done. The last decade of Breuer's life saw a number of prominent honors and exhibitions of his work. In addition to an honorary doctorate from the Budapest Technical University in 1970, there were major exhibitions at MoMA (1981) and at the Bauhaus-Archiv Museum in 1975 (the first exhibition of his work in Germany since his days at the Bauhaus), as well as a major retrospective exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (1972-1973), the first ever one-man architectural show in the Met's history. Marcel Breuer died July 1, 1981.

[In addition to material from the collection, this account relied on: Isabelle Hyman, Marcel Breuer, Architect: The Career and the Buildings; Christopher Wilk, Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interiors; Robert F. Gatje, Marcel Breuer: A Memoir.]

Breuer's Offices/Partnerships

1928-1931 Marcel Breuer, Architekt, Berlin
1933-c. 1935 Marcel Breuer, Farkas Molnar and Joszef Fischer
1935-1937 Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects, London
circa Oct 1937-Aug 1941 Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects, Cambridge
Aug 1941-c. May 1946 Marcel Breuer, Architect, Cambridge
circa May 1946-Sep 1948 Marcel Breuer, Architect, 438 East Eighty-Eighth Street, NY
Sep 1948-Aug 1956 Marcel Breuer, Architect, 113 East Thirty-Seventh Street, NY
Aug 1956-Jun 1965 Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects, 201 East Fifty-Seventh Street, NY
established Nov 1964 Marcel Breuer, Architecte, Paris
Jun 1965-Mar 1978 Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects, 635 Madison Avenue, NY
established Mar 1978 Marcel Breuer Associates (MBA), 635 Madison Avenue, NY

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Marcel Breuer Papers collects over sixty years of work product generated by a prolific international architectural practice spanning a large part of the twentieth century. The comprehensive collection includes architectural drawings, photographs, project files, published materials, writings, interviews and other materials from every phase of Marcel Breuer's long and distinguished career. In addition, the collection contains biographical material, material related to Breuer's teaching days at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design, and material representing his many professional endeavors including awards, exhibitions, writings on architecture and correspondence with artists, architects, editors and clients.

Material in the Personal papers series ranges from Breuer's days as an instructor at the Bauhaus in Dessau to the centenary celebration of his birth held at St. John's University in 2001/2002. The bulk of the material consists of Financial records from his early years in the United States (1937-1943).

The Professional papers series collects material related to Breuer's professional endeavors as an architect and includes records related to awards, exhibitions and juries, as well as non-project related correspondence with important artists, architects, editors and patrons. Additional project related material can be found in the writings and publications subseries, and in the scrapbooks of press clippings and memorabilia that Breuer maintained through the 1940s.

Faculty papers contains administrative and course material from Breuer's years on the faculty of the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University (1939-1948).

The vast bulk of the Office records series consists of interoffice correspondence between Breuer's New York and Paris offices between the years 1964-1978. In addition, there are Financial documents and bills, most of which date from the late 1930s to the early 1950s (including small amounts of material from the Breuer-Yorke and Breuer-Gropius partnerships), and extensive travel files (1938-1970) documenting travel arrangements, schedules, contact lists and itineraries for Breuer's many travels during these years. The Administrative Records sub-series includes the Marcel Breuer and Associates partnership agreement and miscellaneous files related to Breuer's architectural licenses.

Sketchbooks contains a number of Breuer's sketchbooks with designs for houses (exteriors and interiors), furniture, and more. All drawings have been digitized and can be found in the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive.

The Furniture series collects materials related to Breuer's furniture designs and furniture business dealings. This series contains several hundred original furniture drawings, and represents the four major phases of Breuer's furniture work -- wood, tubular steel, aluminum and bent plywood.. This series also contains Correspondence (1920s-1960s) with manufacturers and distributors of Breuer furniture (Thonet, Embru, Isokon, Gavina), correspondence with patent attorneys and agencies (including patent applications and drawings), as well as Financial documents, license agreements and contracts. There are a few files related to furniture design competitions, as well as furniture photographs and slides, articles and clippings. Of special note in the Published materials series are several early furniture catalogs from Thonet and Wohnbedarf, including the Herbert Bayer designed Wohnbedarf aluminum furniture catalog.

The Project records series contains the vast bulk of the collection and consists of architectural drawings, project files (correspondence, specifications, Financial records, product literature), published materials and photographs documenting the process of architectural design development, project construction and subsequent presentation/reception of completed projects. The extent of documentation varies by project, but the entirety of Breuer's career is represented, including his earliest architectural work at the Bauhaus (1923-1928), his subsequent work as an independent architect in Berlin (1928-1931), his work in Budapest in partnership with Farkas Molnár and József Fischer (1933-1935), his work in London in partnership with F.R.S. Yorke (1935-1937), his early work in the U.S. in partnership with Walter Gropius (1937-1941) and, by far the majority of the collection, his work as an independent architect and head of the firm Marcel Breuer and Associates (1941-1976). In addition, the collection contains significant project work accomplished by the firm Marcel Breuer Associates after Breuer's retirement in 1976, as well as work completed by his associates under the name BreuerA after his death in 1980. [See Biographical History above for additional information on Breuer's associated firms and partnerships.]

An Alphabetical index of projects and name variants is provided at the end of this finding aid.

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Arrangement of the Collection

The conceptual structure for arrangement of the collection follows the recommendations advanced in Waverly Lowell and Tawny Ryan Nelb's guide, Architectural Records: Managing Design and Construction Records (Society of American Archivists : Chicago, 2006). Project identification largely follows the listing in Isabelle Hyman, Marcel Breuer, Architect: The Career and the Buildings.

Personal papers, 1925-2001 (Biographical material, 1938-2001; Correspondence, 1935-1969; Financial records, 1934-1954; House papers, 1935-1952; Legal documents, 1925-1941; Photographs, 1928-1978). Professional papers, 1923-1992 (Associations and memberships, 1940-1960; Awards and honors, 1947-1973; Competitions, 1938-1948; Consulting, 1942-1947; Correspondence, 1935-1981; Exhibitions, 1938-1972; Interviews, 1962-1992; Juries and committees, 1944-1950; Publications, 1923-1983; Reference files, 1933-1981; Scrapbooks and clippings, 1923-1950; Slides (teaching and travel); Writings, 1923-1970). Faculty papers, 1939-1948 (Administrative, 1939-1948; Course Material, 1939-1941). Office records, 1931-1979 (Administrative records, 1931-1976; Correspondence, 1937-1979; Financial records, 1936-1951; Miscellaneous office material, 1930-c.1959; Prospects, 1938-1956; Travel, 1938-1970). Sketchbooks, circa 1939-1978 (Green sketchbook; Red sketchbooks; Miscellaneous non-project sketches). Furniture, 1921-1982 (Catalogs and promotional materials, 1920s-c.1980; Competitions and exhibitions, 1936-1982; Correspondence and business records, 1932-1977; Legal documents, 1934-1936; Patent documents, 1920-1938; Published material and writings, 1929-1981; Drawings, 1928-1970s; Photographs, 1921-1948). Project records, 1923-1984 (subseries for each project, with Drawings; Project files; Published material; Photographs, as applicable).

Because the files are arranged by project, an Alphabetical index of projects and name variants is provided at the end of this finding aid.

Boxes beginning with "SL-" contain glass lantern slides.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

The Marcel Breuer Digital Archive represents a collaborative effort headed by Syracuse University Library to digitize over 30,000 drawings, photographs, letters and other materials related to the career of Marcel Breuer. Many of the items inventoried in this finding aid, up to approximately 1955, can be found in the digital archive.

Additional archival material related to Marcel Breuer is located at The Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution. An online finding aid is available, A Finding Aid to the Marcel Breuer Papers, and many of the materials in the collection have been digitized.

For additional materials in Special Collections Research Center related to Marcel Breuer, see also:

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Subject Headings


Beckhard, Herbert.
Breuer, Marcel, 1902-1981.
Gatje, Robert F.
Gropius, Walter, 1883-1969.
Jossa, Mario.
Papachristou, Tician.
Smith, Hamilton P.
Yorke, F. R. S. (Francis Reginald Stevens)

Corporate Bodies

MBA (Marcel Breuer Associates)
Marcel Breuer Associates/Architects and Planners.
Marcel Breuer and Associates.


Architects -- United States.
Architectural design.
Architectural drawing -- United States -- 20th century.
Architectural firms.
Architectural practice.
Architecture -- Designs and plans.
Architecture -- United States -- 20th century.
Architecture -- United States.
Architecture, American.
Architecture, Domestic.
Architecture, Industrial.
Bauhaus -- History.
Church architecture -- United States.
Furniture design -- United States.
Furniture designers.

Genres and Forms

Architectural drawings (visual works)
Blueprints (reprographic copies)
Change orders.
Clippings (information artifacts)
Detail drawings (drawings)
Exhibition catalogs.
Exterior perspectives.
Interior perspectives.
Lantern slides.
Manuscripts for publication.
Schematic drawings.
Slides (photographs)
Topographic surveys.
Writings (documents)



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Marcel Breuer Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Bulk of collection, gift of Constance Breuer (1961-2004) and Thomas Breuer (2009-2010).

14 drawings of the Gropius House in Lincoln, MA, gift of Mary Daniels, 2012.

9 drawings of the Atlanta Public Library and one perspective drawing of a courtroom (possibly in North Carolina), gift of Rick Yestadt, Gordon + Yestadt Architects, 2012.

24 digital images of the Englund House, designed by Marcel Breuer and commissioned by John Englund's parents. gift of John Englund, 2012.

7 photographs of the Grand Coulee Dam Project; 2527 color slides of various Breuer project, gift of Robert Gatje, 2013.

23 blueprints and drawings of the McComb House, purchased, 2019.

Set of 4 Kacmarcik house drawings, gift of Christopher Monkhouse, 2021.

8 blueprints and assorted other Marshad House items, gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.

6 Breuer House II contract drawings, gift of Wendy Oberlander, 2023.

Ink and paint drawing of Talgo diesel engine, gift of Richard Glueck, 2023.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: MBD
Date: 22 Mar 2012
Revision history: 10 Jan 2013 - minor revisions and additional project inventories added (MBD); 27 Aug 2013 - Gatje slides added, Box 207 (MRC); 19 Jan 2016 - updated interview location (MRC); 22 Mar 2016 - updated content of oversize 13, 23, 26, 30 (SM); 26 Feb 2020 - additional McComb material, OS 37; added acquisition information for this and previous additions (MRC); 9 Oct 2023 - added full set of Breuer House II contract drawings; Fairbanks Morse Locomotive drawing; Marshad House photographs and miscellaneous material; set of Kacmarcik house drawings (MRC)

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Personal papers
Biographical material
Box 1, Folder 1-2 Biographical sketches and notes 1938-1950
Personal effects
Box 1, Folder 3 Passports 1947-1963
Box 1, Folder 4 Driving permits 1952-1966
Box 1, Folder 5 Immunization records, membership cards and miscellaneous 1942-1962
Box 1, Folder 6 Address book circa 1947
Box 1, Folder 7 "Breuer-Words" crib sheet 1941
Box 1, Folder 8 Connie Breuer items 1942-1969 - photos (2 color negatives), driving permits, travel documents, father's obituary notice and miscellaneous clippings
Box 1, Folder 9 Martha Erps (Breuer) items 1939, 1947 - handwritten note (MB) and book invoice
Box 1, Folder 10 Memorial service registry, Whitney Museum of American Art 21 Sep 1981 (1 bound volume)
Articles - obituaries and retrospectives
Box 1, Folder 11 "Emlékezés Breuer Marcelra" by József Fischer, Magyar Ėpítőművészet Jun 1981 - in Hungarian
Box 1, Folder 12 "Marcel Lajos Breuer as He is Remembered," AIA Journal Aug 1981
Box 1, Folder 13 "Marcel Breuer, 1902-1981," Bulletin of the Whitney Museum of American Art 1981-1982
Box 1, Folder 14 Breuer: Saint John's Celebrates Marcel Breuer, Architect 2001 - pamphlet
Box 1, Folder 15 "Marcel Breuer, 79, Dies: Architect and Designer," New York Times. 2 Jul 1981
Box 1, Folder 16 "Marcel Breuer 1902-1981," Encyclopaedia Universalis circa 1981 - in French
Box 1, Folder 17 Press release issued by Marcel Breuer and Associates upon Breuer's death; correspondence, career highlights, partial list of projects and long biographical piece 1981
Family correspondence
Box 2, Folder 1 Breuer, Hermina Maria (sister) and Breuer, Franciska (Kan) (mother) 1938-1969
Box 2, Folder 2 Leighton, Elizabeth "Betty" (Ika Arango; Mrs. Jorge Arango) (Connie Breuer's sister) 1947
Box 2, Folder 3 Leighton, Orlando S. (O.S. Leighton) (Connie Breuer's father) 1946-1947
Box 2, Folder 4-7 General household correspondence 1936-1950
Moving and emigration correspondence
Box 2, Folder 8 Move to London 1935-1936
Box 2, Folder 9 Move to United States 1936-1937
Financial records 1934-1954
Box 3, Folder 1-6 Bank documents 1934-1951
Box 3, Folder 7-8 Insurance documents 1936-1954
Box 4, Folder 1 Tax returns 1937-1940
Box 4, Folder 2-10 Bills 1934, 1938-1951
House papers
For additional material related to Breuer's residences, see project records for Breuer Apartment; Breuer Cottage; Breuer House I; Breuer House II; Breuer House III.
Box 2, Folder 11 Lawn Road Flats (Flat No. 1), London 1935
Box 2, Folder 12 4 Tregunter Road, London Jan 1936-Jun 1936
Box 2, Folder 13 Terry Terrace (Apt. 47), 15-17-19 Everett St., Cambridge, Massachusetts 1938-1939
Box 2, Folder 14 Woods End Road, Lincoln, Massachusetts (Breuer House I) 1939-1952
Box 2, Folder 15 Sunset Hill Road, New Canaan, Connecticut (Breuer House II) 1948-1951
Box 2, Folder 16 West Road, New Canaan, Connecticut (Breuer House III) 1950-1951
Legal documents
Box 2, Folder 17 Contract to teach at the Bauhaus, Dessau 1 Apr 1925 - German with English translation
Box 2, Folder 18 Declaration regarding religious affiliation Jun 1926 - in German (2 items)
Box 2, Folder 19 Legal and tax documents, Germany 1932-1934 - in German
Box 2, Folder 20 Legal documents, Hungary 1935, 1937 - Hungarian; brief English cribs included
Box 2, Folder 21 Legal documents, United States 1938-1941
Photographs 1928-1978
Box 2, Folder 22 1920s-1930s (4 photos)
Box 2, Folder 23 1940s-1950s (11 photos)
Box SL-11 Breuer portrait (slide 698) circa 1940 (1)
Oversize 12, Folder 2 Breuer portrait circa 1956 - board mounted photo; published in the book Sun and Shadow (1)
Box 2, Folder 24 1960s (16 photos)
Box 2, Folder 25 1970s (9 photos)
Box 2, Folder 26 Portrait of Marcel Breuer and Breuer Associates [Dec 1978] (multiple copies)
Oversize 12, Folder 1 Portrait of Marcel Breuer and Breuer Associates Dec 1978 (1 oversize photo)
Professional papers
Associations and memberships
Box 9, Folder 1 American Academy of Political and Social Science 1945
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
Box 9, Folder 2 Membership documents and correspondence 1941-1960
Box 9, Folder 3 Langley Scholarship proposal Jan 1941-Jan 1942
Box 9, Folder 4 Boston Society of Architects 1941-1946
Box 9, Folder 5 Harvard Club 1946
Box 9, Folder 6 MARS Group (Modern Architectural Research) 1940-1941 - correspondence, membership list, minutes
Box 9, Folder 7 Mayor's Panel of Architects, New York 1949-1958 - applications, correspondence, lists of projects, notes
Box 9, Folder 8 St. Botolph Club 1940
Box 9, Folder 9 Sociedad Central de Arquitectos 1947-1952 - correspondence, society bulletins and clippings
Awards and honors
Box 9, Folder 10A Sociedad Columbiana de Arquitectos, Honorary Member 1947 - in Spanish
Box 9, Folder 10B American Institute of Architects, Gold Medal 1968 - correspondence and program
Box 9, Folder 10C Colegio de Arquitectos Del Peru, Honorary Member 1968 - correspondence in Spanish and English
Box 9, Folder 10D-10F Budapest Technical University, Honorary Doctorate 1970 - address, correspondence and press clippings in Hungarian and English
Oversize 12, Folder 3-4 American Institute of Architects, Honor Award, Whitney Museum 6 Feb 1970
Oversize 31, Folder 1 American Institute of Architects, Honor Award, Whitney Museum 6 Feb 1970
Oversize 12, Folder 5 American Institute of Architects, Honor Award, St. Francis de Sales Church 6 Feb 1973
See also Furniture: Competitions and exhibitions. Also, some of the projects listed under Project Records, the last series in the collection, are also competitions, e.g. CHICAGOLAND PRIZE HOMES, COMPETITION.
Box 9, Folder 12 Goucher College Competition, Baltimore, Maryland (Gropius-Breuer) 1938 - program, campus maps and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 13 Sanatorium at Ballyowen, Co. Dublin, Ireland 1944 - program, site map and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 14 General Motors Design Competition for Dealer Establishments 1945 - program and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 15 State Veterans Service Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 1946 - correspondence
Box 9, Folder 16 Campus Plan, University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru 1947 - correspondence
Box 9, Folder 17 Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Missouri 1947 - announcement, clippings and correspondence
Box 9, Folder 18 Miscellaneous competitions 1943-1948 - competition announcements, programs and correspondence
See also Project Records: Bogota Master Plan.
Box 10, Folder 1 General Bronze Corporation Jul 1943-Dec 1943 - correspondence, proposals, research reports and Financial documents
Plastics Lab/Design Laboratory for Plastics (in collaboration with Herbert Bayer)
Box 10, Folder 2 Correspondence 1942-1944
Box 10, Folder 3 Exposé 1943
University of Buenos Aires
Box 10, Folder 4 Correspondence Jan 1947-Jun 1948
Box 10, Folder 5 Notes, reports, class project documents and clippings Aug 1947-Oct 1947
Box 10, Folder 6 Honorary dinner (including Breuer's address), conference invitations and photos Aug 1947
Correspondence 1935-1981
Most of the material in this subseries consists of correspondence with artists, architects, publishers and government and corporate entities. Notable among the many correspondents are numerous Bauhaus affiliates (Josef and Anni Albers, Herbert Bayer, László Moholy-Nagy), important architects and critics (Philip Johnson, I.M. Pei, José Luis Sert, Eduardo Catalano, Henry-Russell Hitchcock), modern artists (Alexander Calder, Henry Moore, Joan Miró, Kurt Schwitters), clients and friends (Crofton Gane, Paul and Marianne Harnismacher, Edgar Kaufmann Jr., Jacques Koerfer, Jack Pritchard, Hans Falkner). The Professional Correspondence series also contains letters from many of Breuer's former partners -- Walter Gropius, Farkas Molnár, Joszef Fischer and F.R.S. Yorke.
Correspondence foldered in alphabetical order by correspondent.
Box 5 Unidentified
Box 5 A-L (miscellaneous)
Box 5 M-Z (miscellaneous)
Box 5 Agostini, Alfredo 1949
Box Box 5 5 Albers, Josef and Anni (Black Mountain College) 1937-1941
Box 5 Albert, Edouard 1963
Box 5 American Architect and Architecture (magazine) 1938
Box 5 American Designers Committee for French Civilian Relief 1940
Box 5 Andrews, Wayne 1951
Box 5 Aoyagi, Tetsu 1967
Box 5 Architect's Journal (magazine) 1936
Box 5 Architectural Forum (magazine) 1938-1951
Box 5 Architectural Record (magazine) 1938-1952
Box 5 Architectural Review (magazine) 1935-1944
Box 5 Architecture d'aujourd'hui (magazine) 1948-1950
Box 5 Atkins, George A. 1938-1939
Box 5 Atthowe, Jean Berg 1941
Box 5 Baldwin, Benjamin 1941
Box 5 Barnes, Charles B., Jr. (The Four Winds) 1941
Box 5 Barnes, Edward Larrabee 1939
Box 5 Bayer, Herbert and Joella 1937-1981
Box 5 Bayne, Oscar A. 1939
Box 5 Beaux-Arts Institute of Design (New York) 1940-1947
Box 5 Bell Telephone 1949
Box 5 Berger, Otti 1938
Box 5 Bertalan, Hoch 1941
Box 5 Black Mountain College 1937-1941
Box 5 Blake, Peter 1941-1950
Box 5 Bogner, Walter Francis 1940
Box 5 Boissonnas, Eric 1967
Box 5 Bőjthe, Tamas 1956
Box 5 Bulletin Index (magazine) 1941
Box 5 Burchard, John Ely 1937-1941
Box 5 Calabresi, Renata 1939
Box 5 Calder, Alexander "Sandy" 1938-1956
Box 5 California Graduate School of Design 1939
Box 5 Carter, Robert 1938
Box 5 Catalano, Eduardo Fernando 1947-1950
Box 5 Cefaratti, Anthony 1963
Box 5 Chamberlain, Mrs. Henry G. 1941
Box 5 Chapi, Alfons 1961
Box 5 Chelsea Association for Planning and Action (New York) 1941
Box 5 Clark, John Porter 1941
Box 5 Clergue, Lucien 1966
Box 5 Click (magazine) 1944
Box 6 College Art Association 1940
Box 6 Collings, Geoffrey 1938
Box 6 Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies 1940
Box 6 Cooke, Mary 1939-1941
Box 6 Coolidge, John P. 1938
Box 6 Cordes, Jorge A. 1965
Box 6 Crane, Jacob, Jr. 1941
Box 6 Crowther, J.G. 1935
Box 6 Current Biography (H.W. Wilson) 1941
Box 6 Currie, Leonard 1941
Box 6 Damora, Robert 1950
Box 6 Davison, Robert L. 1937
Box 6 De Coene, Pierre 1958
Box 6 Department of State (U.S.) 1950-1951
Box 6 Design for To-Day (magazine) 1935
Box 6 Detroit Steel Products Co. 1941
Box 6 Domus (magazine) 1935-1936
Box 6 Dreier, Theodore and Barbara 1939-1940
Box 6 Editorial Contempora (magazine) 1950-1951
Box 6 Eitner, William, Dr. (Modern Traders Co.) 1938-1940
Box 6 Elzas, Abraham 1964
Box 6 Espace (group) 1951
Box 6 Evans, Randall 1937-1938
Box 6 Falkner, Hans 1938
Box 6 Favero, Romeo 1947
Federal Works Agency
See U.S. Housing Authority.
Box 6 Fejér, George 1949
Box 6 Fenyoe, Maria 1947-1952
Box 6 Fischer, Edward and Margrit (Grit) 1937-1938
Box 6 Fischer, Joszef 1926-1947
Box 6 Földes, André 1938
Box 6 Ford, James 1939
Box 6 Ford, Katherine Morrow 1950-1951
Box 6 Fortune (magazine) 1937-1944
Box 6 Frey, Albert 1941
Box 6 Fuller, Horace W. 1957-1967
Box 6 Gábor, László (Laci) 1939-1941
Box 6 Gadsby, F.C. 1938-1939
Box 6 Gane, Crofton 1937-1958
Box 6 Gavina, Dino 1966-1967
Box 6 Geddes, Robert 1948
Box 6 General Panel Corporation (Konrad Wachsmann) 1947
Box 6 Gergely, Tibor 1940-1941
Box 6 Gerson, Hans U. (H.U.) 1937
Box 6 Giedion, Sigfried (Pepp) 1942
Box 6 Giedion-Weichen, Carola (C.W.) 1947
Box 6 Gordon, John E. 1940
Box 6 Gropius, Walter 1935-1949
Box 6 Gutnayer, Henry 1948
Box 7 Haidekker, Sandor 1938
Box 7 Harnischmacher, Paul and Marianne 1946-1957
Box 7 Harrison, Wallace K. 1937-1945
Box 7 Hatje, Gerd 1961-1969
Box 7 Hausner, Djin 1940
Box 7 Herrey-Zweigenthal, Herman 1940-1945
Box 7 Hill, Albert 1940-1941
Box 7 Hitchcock, Henry-Russell 1938-1939
Box 7 Holiday (magazine) 1950
Box 7 Holmes, Eugene 1938
Box 7 Holtkamp, Walter 1954
Box 7 House and Garden (magazine) 1939-1951
Box 7 Howe, George 1942
Box 7 Hunter Douglas Corporation 1948
Box 7 Hutchhausen, Walther 1939
Box 7 Industrial Arts (magazine) 1935
Box 7 Informes de la Construccion (magazine) 1950
Box 7 Institute for Research in Biography (publisher) 1942-1948
Box 7 Institutions (magazine) 1951
Box 7 Interiors (magazine) 1941-1951
Box 7 International Who's Who 1944-1949
Box 7 Iriarte, Alberto (Mefisto) (undated)
Box 7 Isaacs, Reginald R. 1939-1950
Box 7 Ivany, John L. 1940
Box 7 Jacobus, David 1948
Box 7 Johansen, John 1942
Box 7 Johnson, Joseph 1940
Box 7 Johnson, Philip 1945-1963
Box 7 Kahn, Louis 1954
Box 7 Kalivoda, Frantisek (Telehor; Forum) 1937-1938
Box 7 Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr. 1939-1949
Box 7 Kaufmann, Edgar, Sr. 1941
Box 7 Kennedy, Robert Woods 1940-1942
Box 7 Kentiku Sekai (magazine) 1935
Box 7 Kepes, György (undated)
Box 7 Kocher, A. Lawrence (Architectural Record) 1937-1938
Box 7 Koerfer, Jacques and Christina 1965-1969
Box 7 Kokusai-Kenchiku (magazine) 1935, 1950
Box 7 Korn, Arthur 1937
Box 7 Kowalski, Piotr 1961
Box 7 Kurchan, Juan 1951
Box 7 Landauer, Walter 1939
Box 7 Léger, Fernand 1945
Box 7 Lescaze, William 1938
Box 7 Lesznai, Anna 1945
Box 7 Liebes, Dorothy 1940
Box 7 Life (magazine) 1948-1951
Box 7 Lion, André 1950
Box 7 Lloyd, M.E. 1937-1939
Box 7 Logie, Gordon 1945
Box 7 Lohse, Richard 1951
Box 7 London Gallery 1937-1938
Box 7 Major, Máté 1947-1955
Box 7 Martin, J.L. 1938
Box 7 Massachusetts State Association of Architects 1942
Box 7 Mayer, Albert 1937
Box 7 McAndrew, John 1938
Box 7 McCann-Erickson (ad agency) 1950
Box 7 McGrath, Patrick 1938-1939
Box 7 Medgyés, L. 1937
Box 7 Mellon, Mrs. Paul 1938
Box 7 Merrett, Campbell 1939
Box 7 Mertz, O.E. 1940
Box 7 Miller, E. Jean Blanc 1941
Box 7 Miller, John and Madeline 1938
Box 7 Mindlin, Henrique E. 1947-1951
Box 7 Miró, Joan 1958
Box 7 Moholy-Nagy, László 1936-1945
Box 7 Molitor, Joseph W. 1951
Box 7 Molnár, Farkas 1937-1938
Box 7 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1940-1941
Box 7 Moore, Henry 1957-1958
Box 7 Morton, Peter W. 1958
Box 8 Nagel, Chester 1940-1941
Box 8 Napier, Frieda (undated)
Box 8 National Broadcasting Company 1944-1945
Box 8 Navarro, Horacio Moyano 1947
Box 8 Nelson, George 1938
Box 8 Neutra, Richard 1938
Box 8 North Bennet Street Industrial School 1938
Box 8 Norton, Noël E., Lady (Peter Norton) 1951-1958
Box 8 Noyes, Eliot 1940
Nuestra Arquitectura
See Editorial Contempora.
Box 8 Office of War Information (U.S.) 1945
Box 8 Olgyay, Aladár 1937-1938
Box 8 Ortega, Alvaro 1947-1968
Box 8 Papadaki, Stamo 1938-1942
Box 8 Patrini, Gianni 1949
Box 8 Payer, Ernest 1938
Box 8 Pei, I.M. 1958-1967
Box 8 Peluffo, Valerio 1947
Box 8 Pencil Points (magazine) 1942-1944
Box 8 Pilcher, Donald 1936
Box 8 Pilotis (magazine) 1950
Box 8 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 1949-1950
Box 8 Posse, Ricardo Muratorio 1947
Box 8 Pritchard, Jack 1935-1966
Box 8 Producers' Council Club of Boston 1940-1942
Box 8 Progressive Architecture (magazine) 1950-1951
Box 8 Rogers, Ernesto 1949
Box 8 Rosenberg, E. 1946
Box 8 Roth, Alfred (1938-1939, undated)
Box 8 Rothschild, Walter 1952
Box 8 Saarinen, Eero 1940-1942
Box 8 Samuel, Godfrey 1935
Box 8 Sanders, Morris 1947
Box 8 Sanders, Walter 1938-1951
Box 8 Sarton, May 1938
Box 8 Schawinsky, Xanti 1940-1966
Box 8 Schoendorff, Ellen 1937
Box 8 Schwitters, Kurt 1947
Box 8 Seidler, Harry 1980
Box 8 Sert, José Luis 1939-1964
Box 8 Sgalitzer, Gerda 1940
Box 8 Shelter (magazine) 1937-1938
Box 8 Solano, Gabriel 1947
Box 8 Spreckels, Emelie, Mrs. 1945
Box 8 Squire, Allan T. 1941
Box 8 St. John's University 1959-1975
Box 8 Staehelin, William 1958-1966
Box 8 Stillman, Rufus 1967
Box 8 Stoller, Ezra 1941
Box 8 Stölzl, Gunta (Gunta Stadler-Stölzl) 1977
Box 8 Studio, The (magazine) 1936
Box 8 Szegö, Ing. St. 1939
Box 8 Tange, Kenzo 1967
Box 8 Task (magazine) 1943-1944
Box 8 Thornton, Peter 1939-1940
Box 8 Thost, Eberhard 1935-1937
Box 8 Time (magazine) 1938
Box 8 Tobito, Augusto 1948
Box 8 Tompkins, Gilbert 1940
Box 8 Trend (magazine) 1936
Box 8 Turner, Judith 1947
Box 8 Uchoa, Helio
Box 8 US Housing Authority 1938-1942
Box 8 US Public Health Service 1941
Box 8 Van der Wal, G 1966-1967
Box 8 Van Deusen, Robert 1950
Box 8 Ventris, Dorothea 1938-1939
Box 8 Ventris, Michael 1939
Box 8 Villa and Pajor (architects) 1947
Box 8 Wachsmann, Konrad (undated)
Box 8 Wasson-Tucker, Susanne 1940
Box 8 Weidlinger, Pablo 1940
Box 8 Weissberger, Jose 1947
Box 8 Who's Who (A.N. Marquis Co.) 1940-1950
Box 8 Who's Who in the Western Hemisphere 1942-1943
Box 8 Willard, Marian G. (Willard Gallery) 1941
Box 8 Wu, King Lui 1947
Box 8 Yorke, F.R.S. 1935-1945
Box 8 Zehrfuss, Bernard 1958
Box 8 Zerbe, Karl 1940
See also Furniture: Competitions and exhibitions. Some of the projects listed under Project Records, the last series in the collection, are also exhibitions, e.g. BAUAUSSTELLUNG, Berlin, Germany.
Marcel Breuer and the American Tradition in Architecture, Harvard University 1938
Box 15, Folder 3 Catalog by Henry-Russell Hitchcock - mimeograph; 18 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 7 Clippings and correspondence
Bauhaus 1919-1928, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Exh.#82) 7 Dec 1938-30 Jan 1939
See Professional Papers: Correspondence: Bayer, Herbert and Joella.
Box 10, Folder 9 Mulvane Art Museum, Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas Jan 1939 - correspondence
Box 10, Folder 10 Guatemala National Fair, Guatemala City, Guatemala Nov 1941 - correspondence
Box 10, Folder 11 Outlines Gallery exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania May 1942-June 1942 - correspondence and clippings
See also Project Records: Aluminum City Terrace.
Box 10, Folder 12 Shelter in Transit and Transition, Cincinnati Modern Art Society, Cincinnati, Ohio Nov 1942 - correspondence
Box 10, Folder 13 Built in U.S.A., 1932-1944, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Exh.# 258c) 24 May 1944-22 Oct 1944 - correspondence
Box 10, Folder 14 America Builds, National Museum of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden 14 Jun 1944-15 Aug 1944 - correspondence, exhibit description and photos
Box 10, Folder 15 Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Philadelphia Art Alliance, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 14 May 1945-5 Jun 1945 - correspondence, plan of exhibit space and exhibit bulletins
Box 10, Folder 16 House in the Museum Garden, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Exh.# 405) 12 Apr 1949-30 Oct 1949 - exhibition bulletin
For additional material related to this project, see also Project Records: House in the Museum Garden.
Tube 706 Exhibition of St. John's Abbey, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota Aug 1961-Sep 1961 - exhibition plans, gallery and wall layouts; 10 drawings, some with annotations
Tube 706 Marcel Breuer section, Exhibition for the American Academy of Arts and Letters, The National Institute of Arts and Letters 20 Oct 1970 - photographic layout
Tube 1122 Marcel Breuer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 30 Nov 1972-14 Jan 1973 - exhibition design and presentation drawings related to Civic Center of the Future, IBM Research Center (La Gaude) and Saint John's University Library
Miscellaneous exhibitions 1938-1944, 1972
Box 10, Folder 17 Correspondence related to miscellaneous exhibitions - includes Gropius-Breuer
Tube 706 Detail of exhibition photo panels 4 Jan 1972 - 1 drawing, possibly for Metropolitan exhibition
Box 10, Folder 18 Lists of exhibitions circa late 1950s
Box 208 Marcel Breuer interviewed by Jeffrey Aronin for WNYC radio broadcast of Architecture in the Space Age 2 Jan 1962 (1/4" reel tape, running time 23:14) (ID#: breuer_m_001)
Box 15, Folder 4 Remembering Marcel Breuer: Katherine Kuh, with Constance Breuer 3 Aug 1983 - typed transcript, 15 pgs.
Box 15, Folder 5 Remembering Marcel Breuer: Gyorgy Kepes, with Constance Breuer 29 Aug 1983 - typed transcript, 11 pgs.
Box 15, Folder 6 Remembering Marcel Breuer: Harry Seidler, with Constance Breuer 2 Jan 1985 - typed transcript, 22 pgs.
Box 15, Folder 7 Remembering Marcel Breuer: John Johansen, with Constance Breuer 2 Dec 1985 - typed transcript, 13 pgs.
Juries and Committees
Box 10, Folder 19 Industrial Design Exhibition Advisory Committee, Museum of Modern Art Jan 1944 - correspondence and program notes
Box 10, Folder 20 Army Art Contest, U.S. Army. Jury member for Boston District Feb 1945-Mar 1945 - correspondence and advertisement poster
Box 10, Folder 21 Symposium on the Contemporary Arts: Designing the Modern House, Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland (panelist) 6-7 May 1949 - museum bulletin
Box 10, Folder 22 Lamp Design Competition, Museum of Modern Art (jury member) Aug 1950-Sep 1950 - correspondence and entry forms
Box 10, Folder 23 Miscellaneous juries and committees 1938, 1945, 1950 - correspondence
This subseries contains published material about Breuer and his work. Duplicate copies of published materials have also been filed with their respective project records.
Marcel Breuer: Architect and Designer, by Peter Blake (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1949)
Box 11, Folder 1 Ads and reviews circa 1950
Box 11, Folder 2 Correspondence and notes Dec 1948-Mar 1950
Box 11, Folder 3 Galley proofs circa May 1949 - acknowledgments, preface and appendix
Box 11, Folder 4 Typed manuscripts by Peter Blake circa late 1948-May 1949 - preliminary draft with annotations by Breuer, corrected draft and jacket text
Box 11, Folder 5-7 Marcel Breuer: Buildings and Projects, 1921-1961, introduction and captions by Cranston Jones (New York: Praeger, 1962) - pp. 1-169 paste-up; pp. 170-end color pages paste-up
Marcel Breuer: Sun and Shadow: The Philosophy of an Architect, editing and notes by Peter Blake; book design and cover by Alexey Brodovitch (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1956)
Box 12, Folder 1 Printing plate, page 130
Box 12, Folder 2-4 Pages 4-end (paste-ups)
Box 12, Folder 5 Miscellaneous page proofs and photostats
Box 12, Folder 6 Miscellaneous production materials - photo copies, cut-outs, paste-ups
Box 13, Folder 3 "Aluminum City Terrace Housing," Architectural Forum, Jul 1944
Box 13, Folder 4 "Casa rustica," Domus, Sep 1949 - Robinson House; in Italian
Box 13, Folder 5 "'De Bijenkorf' te Rotterdam", Bouwkundig Weekblad, 24 Apr 1956 - in Dutch
Box 13, Folder 6 "Discoveries in Living," Science Illustrated, Apr 1942 - Breuer House II
Box 13, Folder 7 "Guest Architect in the Netherlands," Katholick Beowblad, vol. xxvi, no. 21
Box 13, Folder 8 "Grand magasin à Rotterdam" - De Bijenkorf; in French
Box 13, Folder 9 "Habitations 50." L'architecture d'aujourd'hui, Jul 1950 - Breuer House II, House in the Museum Garden, Robinson House (House in the Berkshires); in French
Box 13, Folder 10 "House for the Growing Family." Architectural Forum, May 1949
Oversize 11, Folder 1 "Houses by F.R.S. Yorke and Marcel Breuer." Architectural Review, Jan 1939
Box 13, Folder 11 "Marcel Breuer." Interiors, Sep 1977
Box 13, Folder 12 "Marcel Breuer: Almacenes, en Rotterdam." Revista Informes de la construcción, Apr 1956 - De Bijenkorf; in Spanish
Box 14, Folder 1 "Marcel Breuer Builds for Himself." Architectural Record, Oct 1948 - Breuer House II
Box 14, Folder 2 "Marcel Breuer: da Bauhaus à Casa no Jardin," Pilotis, Feb 1950 - in Spanish
Box 14, Folder 3 "Marcel Breuer: Teacher and Architect," House and Home, May 1952
Box 14, Folder 4 "Netherlands Department Store Rebuilds," Architectural Record, May 1955
Box 14, Folder 5 "Noi pietra, essi legno: La casa di Marcel Breuer nel Connecticut," Domus, 1949 - Breuer House II; in Italian
Box 14, Folder 6 "Oeuvres Récentes de Marcel Breuer, Architecta," L'architecture d'aujord'hui, Jul 1946 - in French
Oversize 11, Folder 3 "Revisiting the Bauhaus," New York Times Magazine, 14 Aug 1983
Box 14, Folder 8 "Symmetrical Cantilevers on Asymmetrical Base," House and Home, Jan 1952
Box 14, Folder 9 "Tomorrow's House Today," House and Garden, Feb 1947 - Geller House I
Box 14, Folder 10 "Two Modern Summer Cottages (Blueprints for Tomorrow)," House and Garden, circa 1948
Magazine and journal issues
Oversize 11, Folder 5 Bouwkundig Weekblad Architectura, no. 40 5 Oct 1929 - in Dutch
Oversize 11, Folder 4 Cobouw, no.12 22 Mar 1957 - in Dutch
Oversize 11, Folder 4 Cobouw, no.13 29 Mar 1957 - in Dutch
Box 14, Folder 11 Nuestra Arquitectura 9 Sep 1947 - in Spanish; contains the article "Trabajos de Marcel Breuer"
Box 14, Folder 12 Process: Architecture 32 Sep 1982 - in English and Japanese; includes the article "MBA: The Legacy of Marcel Breuer"
Exhibition catalogs
For additional exhibition catalogs, see under Furniture : Competitions and exhibitions; for furniture promotional and sales catalogs, see Furniture: Catalogs and promotional material.
Box 15, Folder 1-2 "The House in the Museum Garden, Marcel Breuer, Architect," Museum of Modern Art Bulletin, vol. 16: no. 1, 1949
Box 15, Folder 3 "Marcel Breuer and the American Tradition in Architecture" by Henry-Russell Hitchcock, Jun-Sep 1938 - mimeograph copy, 18 pgs.
Publication production material 1940s-early 1960s
This subseries includes production images/prints, line negatives, contact sheets, page proofs, paste-ups and other miscellaneous material used in the production of published materials. Primarily related to the books Marcel Breuer: Architect and Designer, Marcel Breuer: Buildings and Projects, 1921-1961 and Marcel Breuer: Sun and Shadow
Oversize 17-18 Images, paste-ups and proofs
Box 13, Folder 1-2 Printing plates (engraved plates of photographs) - Breuer House I, Living room; published in Architectural Forum
Reference files 1933-1981
This subseries collects articles, clippings, brochures, catalogs and other materials related to architecture, other architects, artists and other areas of professional interest to Breuer.
Box 16, Folder 1 Albers, Josef and Anni 1938-1940, undated - pamphlets and writings
Box 16, Folder 2 Artist and architect promotional materials circa 1940-circa 1950 - exhibition announcements, fliers, book announcements, etc.
Box 16, Folder 3 Black Mountain College 1938-1940 - bulletins, playbills, concert programs
Map-Case 111 Buckminster Fuller, Dymaxion Airocean World Map 1955 - explanatory text poster and 2 copies of map (nos. 0227 and 0228)
Box 16, Folder 4A Concrete 1973 - Schokbeton promotional literature featuring pictures of Breuer works and interview with Breuer on architectural uses of concrete
Box 16, Folder 4B Contemporary architects and architecture 1939-1950 - CIAM meeting minutes (1939), miscellaneous articles and clippings
Box 16, Folder 5 Engineering and structural systems 1937-1946 - articles and clippings
Box 16, Folder 6 Exhibition bulletins, not related to Breuer 1938, 1947, 1949, 1972
Box 16, Folder 7 Housing and town planning 1938-1944 - articles, clippings, conference announcements
Box 16, Folder 8 Hungarian newspaper clippings Mar 1939
Box 16, Folder 9 Johnson, Philip, "War Memorials: What Aesthetic Price Glory?" Art News, Sep 1945
Le Corbusier
Box 16, Folder 10 "Le Corbusier als Maler," Bücher-Beilage, 22 May 1938
Box 16, Folder 10 "Un plan pour Saint-Dié," L'Homme et L'Architecture, 1945
Box 16, Folder 11 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowships bulletin 1941-1942
Box 16, Folder 12 Moholy-Nagy, László, Bulletin of Mills College Feb 1940
South American architecture
Box 16, Folder 13 Auditorium de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires [Auditorium for the City of Buenos Aires] circa 1947 - architects Catalano, Nery, Grego, De Giorgi, Gandolfi and Lanus; 15 photos of plans and 13 model photos; in Spanish with some English captions
Box 16, Folder 14 Auditorium de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires [Auditorium for the City of Buenos Aires] circa 1947 - program document by Catalano, et. al.; typed manuscript, 17 pgs.; in Spanish
Box 16, Folder 15 Casas Economicas [Affordable Housing] 1943 - architect Catalano; 2 photos of plans; in Spanish
Box 16, Folder 16 Estado de Cartagena [Baseball stadium in Cartagena] 1947-1948 - architects Solano, Gaitán, Ortega and Burbano; 2 photos of plans, 6 construction photos and article from Architectural Record; in English and Spanish
Box 16, Folder 17 Obra en Martinez [Houses in Martinez] 1942 - architects Vivance, Benet, Peluffe; 1 photo of plans and 4 of finished houses; in English and Spanish
Box 16, Folder 18 Planteamiento de un Problema Urbanistico (Un Ingenio de Azucar en Tucuman), Trabajo presentado al Salón National de Arquitectura del año 1942 [Approach to Urban Problems...] 1942 - architects Catalano, Coire and Caminos; pamphlet in Spanish; 6 pgs.
Box 16, Folder 19 Miscellaneous photos 1933, undated - photos of finished architectural projects found with other Catalano project photos; includes some photos of Robert Mallet-Stevens bridges
Box 16, Folder 20 Wright, Frank Lloyd 1940 - newspaper clipping and invitation
Box 16, Folder 21-24 Miscellaneous publications 1935, 1945, 1978, 1981 - art and architecture magazines and bulletins not directly related to Breuer
Scrapbooks and clippings
Oversize 19 Blue scrapbook (1) 1923-1938
Oversize 19, Folder 1 Die Möbelabteilung des Staatlichen Bauhauses zu Weimar, Fachblatt für Holzarbeiter 1925 - HAUS AM HORN, Weimar, Germany; magazine clippings, pgs. 17-19
Oversize 19, Folder 2 Beiträge zur Frage des Hochhauses, Die Form Mar 1930 - APARTMENT-HOUSE COMPLEX, COMPETITION, SPANDAU-HASELHORST, Berlin, Germany; H. FULD AND COMPANY TELEPHONE FACTORY, COMPETITION, Frankfurt, Germany; HOSPITAL FOR 1,100 BEDS, COMPETITION, Elberfeld, Germany; clippings, pgs. 113-117
Oversize 19, Folder 2 Paris Exhibition 1930 - PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 3 Piscator Apartment, Illustrierte Zeitung Jul 1929 - PISCATOR APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 4 [Moholy-Nagy Apartment] circa 1932 - BAUHAUS MASTERS' HOUSES INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 19, Folder 4 Die Arbeit des Staatlichen Bauhauses, Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung 19 Oct 1924 - HAUS AM HORN, Weimar, Germany; newspaper clippings, 2 pgs.
Oversize 19, Folder 4 [Weissenhof Interiors: Gropius and Stam Houses] Innen-Dekoration Dec 1927 - WEISSENHOF HOUSING EXHIBITION, Stuttgart, Germany; magazine clippings, tear sheet
Oversize 19, Folder 5 Rückenlehnstuhl, Drehstuhl B5, B6, B7a - 2 clippings of photos of chairs
Oversize 19, Folder 6 Wirtschaftshefte, Frankfurter Zeitung - clipping, pgs. 27-28
Oversize 19, Folder 7 Aerial view and elevation, Bauwelt 1931 - APARTMENT-HOUSE COMPLEX, COMPETITION, SPANDAU-HASELHORST, Berlin, Germany; tear sheet, pg. 29
Oversize 19, Folder 7 Bedroom and study-living-dining room - DE FRANCESCO APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; magazine clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 7 Elevation, Bauwelt 1931 - HOSPITAL FOR 1,100 BEDS, COMPETITION, Elberfeld, Germany; magazine clippings, pg. 29
Oversize 19, Folder 7 View of part of living quarters - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany
Oversize 19, Folder 8-9 Architecto Marcel Breuer: Progetto per il 'Teatro Attivo' di Carchow, La Casa Bella Nov 1932 - UKRANIAN STATE THEATER, COMPETITION, Kharkov, Soviet Union; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 9 Marcel Breuer: Pianta e Veduta Prospettica del 'Teatro Attivo' per il Concorso di Charkow, La Casa Bella Oct 1932 - UKRANIAN STATE THEATER, COMPETITION, Kharkov, Soviet Union; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 10 Gropius House bedroom, living room - BAUHAUS MASTERS' HOUSES INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 10 Fireplace, Die Pyramide 1929 - HEINERSDORFF HOUSE, Berlin, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 10 Living room and bathroom - PISCATOR APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 11 Dresser or desk, Dokumentum; Moderne Büro- und Ladenstühle 1924, 1927 - clippings, 2 pgs.; in German
Oversize 19, Folder 12 Desk and chair, Fachblatt für Holzarbeiter Apr 1931 - APARTMENT FOR A GYMNASTICS TEACHER, Berlin, Germany; clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 12 Tubular Steel Chair and Wooden Desk (Desk for a Gymnastics Teacher) - APARTMENT FOR A GYMNASTICS TEACHER, Berlin, Germany; clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 12 Gropius House, bedroom for a lady - BAUHAUS MASTERS' HOUSES INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 12 Dining room and music room - BOROSCHEK APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 13 Architekt Marcel Breuer, Dessau: Das Stahlhaus, Frankfurter Zeitung; Das Technische Blatt 1927, 1929 - newspaper clipping; clippings of photos of desks and chairs
Oversize 19, Folder 14 [House for a Sportsman], Der Deutsche Tischlermeister Jun 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 14 Marcel Breuer, Berlin: Haus für einen Sportsmann, Moderne Bauformen Aug 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 377-379
Oversize 19, Folder 14 70 qm clippings, Die Form Jul 1931 - SEVENTY SQUARE METER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; 3 magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 14 Bedroom and study-living-dining room, Der Deutsche Tischlermeister Jun 1931 - SEVENTY SQUARE METER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; 1 magazine clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 14 Living room and bathroom, Der Deutsche Tischlermeister Jun 1931 - SEVENTY SQUARE METER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; 1 magazine clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 15 Das Einfamilienwohnhaus des Staatlichen Bauhauses, Illustrierte Rundschau 1923 - HAUS AM HORN, Weimar, Germany; magazine, 6 pgs.
Oversize 19, Folder 16 [Wohnbedarf AG, Zurich], Der Konfektionair Sep 1933 - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 16 Bachelor's Quarters - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 16 Showroom - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 17 Das Kleinmetallhaus Typ 1926, Offset Buch und Werbekunst 1926 - SMALL METAL HOUSE (KLEINMETALLHAUS); tear sheet, pgs. 371-374
Oversize 19, Folder 18 House for a Sportsman, Der Deutsche Tischlermeister Jun 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; 2 clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 19 Gropius House, bedroom closets, Sachblatt fur Holzarbeiter Mar 1927 - BAUHAUS MASTERS' HOUSES INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 20 Marcel Breuer (Bauhaus): Seriový Kovovýdomek Typ L, Saudohá Mézináradni Architektura (1928) 1928 - SMALL METAL HOUSE (KLEINMETALLHAUS); 1 magazine clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 20 Plans and perspective - SMALL METAL HOUSE (KLEINMETALLHAUS); magazine clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 21 Architekt Marcel Breuer, Dessau: Das Stahlhaus, Frankfurter Zeitung - SMALL METAL HOUSE (KLEINMETALLHAUS); tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 19, Folder 22 Aus der Wohnung von Piscator, Berlin, Die Form Apr 1929 - PISCATOR APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 22 Dining room and music room - THOST HOUSE, Hamburg, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 19, Folder 22 Studio - THOST HOUSE, Hamburg, Germany; catalog
Oversize 19, Folder 23 Perspective - APARTMENT-HOUSE COMPLEX, COMPETITION, SPANDAU-HASELHORST, Berlin, Germany; clipping
Oversize 19, Folder 23 Die Industrie im Dienste der Volksgesundheit, Wissen und Fortschritt Jul 1930 - HOSPITAL FOR 1,100 BEDS, COMPETITION, Elberfeld, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 74-75
Oversize 19, Folder 24 [Photographs] Die Form Jul 1936 - clippings; 2 photos of an interior and 1 of a plan/drawing
Oversize 19, Folder 25 Apartment d'un Boarding House, Art and Decoration Jul 1930 - PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France; magazine clippings
Oversize 20 Blue scrapbook (2) 1923-1938
Oversize 20, Folder 27 Woonhuis van Piscator, Bauwkundig Weekblad Architectura 1929 - PISCATOR APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 28 Desk and window, Die Form Feb 1930 - APARTMENT FOR A GYMNASTICS TEACHER, Berlin, Germany; clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 28 Dining room and music room, Die Form Feb 1931 - BOROSCHEK APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 28 Main room and cabins, Die Form Feb 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings, 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 28 Arbeitszimmer im Golfhaus Wannsee, Die Form Feb 1931 - WANNSEE GOLF HOUSE OFFICE, Berlin, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 29 "Stahlmöbel in der Wohnung," Die Baugilde Sep 1930 - APARTMENT FOR A GYMNASTICS TEACHER, Berlin, Germany; tear sheet
Oversize 20, Folder 29 Ankauf. Ad. Breuer, Hassenpflug und Samueli-Berlin, Der Baumeister Apr 1930 - H. FULD AND COMPANY TELEPHONE FACTORY, COMPETITION, Frankfurt, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 29 Entworf Nr. 835, Wettbewerbe fur Baukunst und Schwesterkünste D.Z.B. Mar 1930 - H. FULD AND COMPANY TELEPHONE FACTORY, COMPETITION, Frankfurt, Germany; 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 30 City of Tomorrow, Boston Traveler 29 Dec 1939 - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 30 Aménagement des places et carrefours suivant les données nouvelles de la circulation, Plans Jul 1931 - POTSDAMER PLATZ, Berlin, Germany; magazine clippings, pgs. 68-69
Oversize 20, Folder 30-31 Die Werkbundausstellung in Paris 1930, Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung 9 Jul 1930 - PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France; magazine clippings, 3 pgs.
Oversize 20, Folder 31 Werkbundausstellung Paris, Bauwelt Jun 1930 - PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 32 Wohnraum und Biologie, Innen-Dekoration Jul 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; SEVENTY SQUARE METER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany; tear sheet, 258-261
Oversize 20, Folder 33 Casa Per Uno Sportsmann, Rossegna di Architettura Sep 1931 - HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany; tear sheet, 2 pgs.; in Italian
Oversize 20, Folder 34 [Tables and chairs, from Innen-Dekoration and Wohnbedarf catalog; bookshelf and office table from Wohnbedarf catalog] 1932-1933 - clippings of photographs
Oversize 20, Folder 35 Una Casa Del Arquitecto Hungaro Marcel Breuer, A.C. Documentos de Actividad Centemporanea 1933 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 25-29
Oversize 20, Folder 35 Ausstellungs und Verkaufsraum der Wohnbedarf AG Zürich, Schweizerische Bauzeitung Apr 1933 - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 35 Showroom - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 35 View from upper gallery, Schweizerische Bauzeitung Apr 1933 - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 35 View of entire showroom floor - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 36 View of dining room terrace from living room, Kentiku Sekai Aug 1935 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 36 View of entrance from garden, Kentiku Sekai Aug 1935 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 36 View of terrace from above, Kentiku Sekai Aug 1935 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 37 "Wo Stehen Wir?" lecture, reprint from Casabella 1935 - in Italian
Oversize 20, Folder 38 [General view of apartment houses] 1938 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 38 [View from south west] 1938 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 38 View of model from above - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; magazine clipping
Oversize 20, Folder 39 House in Wiesbaden, Germany, Kokusai-Kenchiku Sep 1934 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 280-284; in Japanese
Oversize 20, Folder 39 Elevation, Schweizerische Bauzeitung Apr 1933 - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 39 Store window - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 39 View from staircase, Schweizerische Bauzeitung Apr 1933 - WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 40 Una Villa Moderna, Natura 1934 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 41-43; in Italian
Oversize 20, Folder 41 Haus Harnischmacher, Wiesbaden, Das Werk Jul 1934 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 197-201; in German
Oversize 20, Folder 42 Huis "Harnischmacher" te Wiesbaden, 1932, de den Opbouw Mar 1934 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 56-60; in Dutch
Oversize 20, Folder 43 Aerial perspective, elevation and floor plan, entrance facade, side view, A Magyar Mérnök-és Épitész Egylet Kozlönye Jan 1935 - UKRANIAN STATE THEATER, COMPETITION, Kharkov, Soviet Union; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 44 Una villa de Breuer, Quadrante Feb 1933 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; magazine clippings, 5 pgs.; in Italian
Oversize 20, Folder 44 El arquitecto Marcel Breuer, Arquitectura No. 3 1932 - HOSPITAL FOR 1,100 BEDS, COMPETITION, Elberfeld, Germany; UKRANIAN STATE THEATER, COMPETITION, Kharkov, Soviet Union; tear sheet, pgs. 82-86
Oversize 20, Folder 45 Zwei Mehrfamilienhäuser im Doldertal, Das Werk Sep 1936 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; tear sheet, pgs. 285-290; in German
Oversize 20, Folder 46 House at Wiesbaden, Architectural Review Jul 1935 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 13-14
Oversize 20, Folder 46 House in Wiesbaden, Architectural Record May 1934 - HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany; tear sheet, pgs. 426-429
Oversize 20, Folder 47 [Clippings], Die Form 7 Jun 1930 - PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 48 [Unidentified poster or painting] - clipping from unidentified publication; color
Oversize 20, Folder 49 [General view of apartment houses] Profil 1936 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 49 [Living room], Profil 1936 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings
Oversize 20, Folder 49 Park és városcentrum, Ter és Forma 1936 - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; tear sheet, pgs. 217-220; in Hungarian
Oversize 20, Folder 50 A Garden City of the Future, Architects' Journal 29 Mar 1936 - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; reprint, 6 pgs.
Oversize 20, Folder 51 "Wo Stehen Wir?" lecture, reprint from Kokusai-Kenchiku Mar 1935 - in Japanese; 4 pgs.
Oversize 20, Folder 52 Az új évfolyam élére, Ter és Forma 1937 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings, pgs. 1-5; in Hungarian
Oversize 20, Folder 52 Das Ausstellungshaus in Bristol, Forum 1936 - GANE'S PAVILION, Bristol, England; magazine clippings, pgs. 225-226
Oversize 21 Brown scrapbook (1) 1933-1949
Oversize 21, Folder 1 "Wo Stehen Wir?" lecture, reprint from Architectural Review Apr 1935 - in English; 4 pgs.
Oversize 21, Folder 2 Chairs, Arts and Decoration; Aluminium Furniture Design, The Cabinetmaker and Complete Home Furnisher 1935 - clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 3 Souvenir of the Royal Agricultural Show, Bristol 1936 - GANE'S PAVILION, Bristol, England; colored envelope with printed graphic of pavilion
Oversize 21, Folder 4 Visitors Welcome at this Bristol House with Re-modelled Interior, News of Gane 1936 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 21, Folder 4 Pavilion in Cotswold Stone: Marcel Breuer's Design for the Royal Agricultural Show, News of Gane 1936 - GANE'S PAVILION, Bristol, England; magazine clippings, 1 pg.
Oversize 21, Folder 5 Garden City of the Future, Listener 23 Sep 1936 - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 5 View of model from above - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; magazine clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 6 Remodelled Interior at Clifton, Architectural Review 1936 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; reprint, 4 pgs.
Oversize 21, Folder 6-8 Heal's Seven Architects Exhibition, Heal and Son, Ltd., London, England 1936 - exhibition catalog and clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 8 Exhibition Notes, Architects' Journal Sep 1936 - BUILDING TRADES EXHIBITION; 2 clippings, showing both exhibition stand designs
Oversize 21, Folder 9 House at Clifton, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; 3 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 9 Interior and plan, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - GANE'S PAVILION, Bristol, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 9 Lighting Gallery, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - LONDON THEATER STUDIO, London, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 9 Living room, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 10 Asbestos-Cement Wall, Architects' Journal Jun 1937 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 10 House at Clifton, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; magazine clippings, 1 pg.
Oversize 21, Folder 10 Living room and Tea Trolley, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England; 2 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 11 Dress Showrooms, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - MOTLEY'S FASHION STUDIO, London, England; magazine clippings, 1 pg.
Oversize 21, Folder 11 Bedrooms, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England; 2 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 12 Desks and chairs 1924, 1926 - clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 13 Flats at Doldertal, Zurich, Architectural Review Feb 1937 - DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland; magazine clippings, 3 pgs.
Oversize 21, Folder 13 Dress Showrooms, Architectural Review Dec 1937 - MOTLEY'S FASHION STUDIO, London, England; magazine clippings, 1 pg.
Oversize 21, Folder 14 Architecture: Garden Landscape, Mars Group Exhibition; [Chairs], Architectural Review 1937 - clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 15 Analysis of a Building: House at Milvil Road, Lee-On-Solent, Architects' Journal 6 Jan 1938 - ROSE HOUSE, Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire, England; tear sheet, pgs. 8-16
Oversize 21, Folder 16 Flat at Highpoint, Highgate, Architectural Review Apr 1937 - VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England; tear sheet, pgs. 191-194
Oversize 21, Folder 17 Living room and bathroom, Architectural Review Oct 1938 - GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England; 2 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 17 Living room, Architectural Review Oct 1938 - VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England; 1 clipping
Oversize 21, Folder 18 [Elevations and plot plan of unidentified building]; "Design placed second: Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer," The Architectural Forum; Invitation to Gropius lecture 1938-1939 - clippings; item labeled "invitation" is a clipping from a magazine of a photo of a poster or painting
Oversize 21, Folder 19 Breuer Designs, Students Build, Hypothetic Ski Club in Austria, Architectural Record Sep 1938 - HANS FALKNER SKI LODGE , Ober-Gurgl, Austria; tear sheet, pgs. 57-59
Oversize 21, Folder 20 What Cities of Future Will Look Like, Boston Herald 31 Dec 1939 - GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England; newspaper clippings, 2 pgs.
Oversize 21, Folder 21 Ultra Modern Houses Make First Bid in Staid New England, Christian Science Monitor 29 Jul 1938 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; 3 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 21 Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, California 1939 - exhibition catalog clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 22 Harvard Men Build[...], Christian Science Monitor 7 Jul 1939 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA; 3 clippings
Oversize 21, Folder 22 Isokon For the Rest of Your Life 1939 - folded cover and 5 folded pages of catalog
Oversize 22 Brown scrapbook (2) 1933-1949
Oversize 22, Folder 23 House in Lincoln, Mass., Architectural Forum Dec 1939 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; tear sheet, pgs. 455-459
Oversize 22, Folder 23 Members of Faculty of School of Architecture Think Early American Trend is Overdone, Christian Science Monitor 7 Jul 1939 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; FORD HOUSE, Lincoln, MA; GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA; 3 clippings
Oversize 22, Folder 24 Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, California 1939 - clippings
Oversize 22, Folder 24 Four American Houses, Architectural Review Nov 1939 - GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA; HAGERTY HOUSE, Cohasset, MA; tear sheet, pgs. 188-194
Oversize 22, Folder 25 [Breuer House], House and Garden Apr 1940 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 25-27 Hagerty House, Cohasset Beach, Mass., Architectural Forum Apr 1940 - HAGERTY HOUSE, Cohasset, MA; 6 clippings
Oversize 22, Folder 27 [Dressing table and bathroom], Architectural Forum Oct 1941 - FRANK HOUSE, Pittsburgh, PA; tear sheet, pg. 303
Oversize 22, Folder 28 House in Pittsburgh, PA, Architectural Forum Mar 1941 - FRANK HOUSE, Pittsburgh, PA; reprint, 6 pgs.
Oversize 22, Folder 28 Students in Graduate School of Design Plan to Remodel Yard, Harvard Crimson 4 Mar 1941 - HARVARD YARD PROJECT, Cambridge, MA; 1 clipping
Oversize 22, Folder 29 Architects for Defense, Time 25 Aug 1941 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; 1 clipping
Oversize 22, Folder 29 [Miscellaneous magazine clippings] 1941 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; 2 clippings
Oversize 22, Folder 30 [Living room], Fortune Jan 1942 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 31 Another Revolution Near Concord, St. Louis Post-Dispatch 7 Dec 1941 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; FORD HOUSE, Lincoln, MA; GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 31 [Wheaton College Art Center], Architectural Forum Aug 1938 - WHEATON COLLEGE, ART CENTER, COMPETITION, Norton, MA; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 32 Defense Housing II, Bulletin Index 25 Sep 1941 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; tear sheet, pg. 21
Oversize 22, Folder 32 Old Homes and New Mingle in Lincoln, Christian Science Monitor 9 Feb 1940 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA; 1 clipping
Oversize 22, Folder 32 Isokon Furniture 1935 - catalog
Oversize 22, Folder 33 Living room, Interiors Aug 1941 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; 1 clipping
Oversize 22, Folder 33 [Wheaton College], Pencil Points Sep 1938 - WHEATON COLLEGE, ART CENTER, COMPETITION, Norton, MA; tear sheet, pg. 555
Oversize 22, Folder 34 [Marcel Breuer House], Magazine of Art Mar 1944 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; 1 clipping
Oversize 22, Folder 34-35 House at Wayland, Mass., Architectural Forum Nov 1942 - CHAMBERLAIN COTTAGE, Wayland, MA; tear sheet, pgs. 76-77
Oversize 22, Folder 35 From Wartime Plastics-Bonded Plywoods...This 'Plas-2-Point House' for Postwar Living 1943 - PLAS-2-POINT HOUSE; reprint of Monsanto advertisement, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 36 Cantilevered stairway: Selected Details, New Pencil Points Mar 1943 - FRANK HOUSE, Pittsburgh, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 76-77
Oversize 22, Folder 37 Wartime Housing Estate in Pennsylvania, Architectural Review Sep 1944 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 71-76
Oversize 22, Folder 38 New Kensington Saga, Task Spring 1944 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 28-36
Oversize 22, Folder 38 Designing to Live in a Post War House, Monsanto Magazine Oct-Nov 1943 - PLAS-2-POINT HOUSE; tear sheet, pgs. 22-24
Oversize 22, Folder 39 Aluminum City Terrace Housing, Architectural Forum Jul 1944 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 65-76
Oversize 22, Folder 40 Disporting in Florida Sunshine, Architectural Record Apr 1946 - BINUCLEAR HOUSE, Miami, FL; tear sheet, pgs. 82-85
Oversize 22, Folder 40 Dormitory Interiors, Architectural Record Apr 1946 - BRYN MAWR COLLEGE DORMITORY, Bryn Mawr College, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 116-117
Oversize 22, Folder 40 Air Line Office With a Lift, Architectural Record Apr 1946 - EASTERN AIR LINES TICKET OFFICE, Boston, MA; tear sheet, pgs. 104-105
Oversize 22, Folder 40 Stuyvesant Six: A Redevelopment Study, Pencil Points Jun 1944 - STUYVESANT SIX: A REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL, New York, NY; 7 pgs., multiple copies, reprint
Oversize 22, Folder 41 Defense Houses at New Kensington, PA, Architectural Forum Oct 1941 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; tear sheet, pgs. 218-220
Oversize 22, Folder 42 Glass Walls in New England, House and Garden Apr 1940 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; 1 pg., tear sheet
Oversize 22, Folder 43 Housing: The Why of Planning, Fortune Nov 1944 - ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA; clipping, pg. 150
Oversize 22, Folder 43 [Living room], Fortune Jan 1942 - BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA; tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 22, Folder 43 Tomorrow's House Today, House and Garden trade edition Jan 1947 - GELLER HOUSE I, Lawrence, NY; magazine excerpt, 8 pgs.
Box 9, Folder 11 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings 1948-1950
Box SL-11 Travel and teaching slides - includes Greek and Egyptian monuments, Southwestern U.S. cave dwellings, Taos Pueblo, etc. (26 lantern slides and 2 color negatives)
See also Furniture: Published material and writings.
This sub-series contains writings by Breuer listed alphabetically by title. Duplicate copies of writings are also filed with their respective project records.
Box 10, Folder 24 "Address at the Dedication of the Vassar Cooperative House" October 5, 1951 - typewritten manuscript; 4 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 25 "Address upon receiving the honorary degree of Doctor in Budapest" May 11, 1970 - copy of handwritten original manuscript in Hungarian; original handwritten English translation by Breuer; and typed copy of English translation; 3 pgs.
See also Professional papers : Awards and honors : Budapest Technical University, Honorary Doctorate.
Box 10, Folder 26 "Aspects of the Art of Paul Klee," Museum of Modern Art Bulletin, vol. 27, no. 4 Summer 1950
Box 10, Folder 27 "Das innere des hauses" lecture, originally delivered in Delft, Holland 1931 - typed manuscript in German with handwritten annotations; 5 pgs.
"Form Funktion" lecture, originally delivered at the Bauhaus in 1923
Box 10, Folder 28 Original manuscript 1923 - in German; photostat; 6 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 28 "Form Funktion," Junge Menschen Monatshefte für Politik, Kunst, Literatur und Leben Nov 1924 - in German; photostat; 1 pg.
Box 10, Folder 28 Original manuscript translation undated - handwritten in English by Breuer[?]; 5 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 28 Typed manuscript translation 17 Jun 1960 - in English; 6 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 29 "From a statement made during the Museum of Modern Art Symposium, February 11, 1948," Art and Architecture May 1948 - tear sheet, 1 pg.
Box 10, Folder 30 "Horizont" [The blue horizon) undated - handwritten manuscript, 2 pgs.; in German
Box 10, Folder 31 "Origin of our architectural thinking" undated - handwritten manuscript, 5 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 32 "A Study for the Redevelopment of the 'New York Street District' in Boston's South End" circa 1943 - typed manuscript, 5 pgs.
"Stuyvesant Six: A Redevelopment Study"
Box 10, Folder 33 Typed manuscript 29 Apr 1944
Box 10, Folder 33A Reprint, Pencil Points Jun 1944
Box 10, Folder 34 "Tell Me, What is Modern Architecture?" (published in House and Garden Feb-April 1940 - typed draft manuscript with red pencil annotations and editor's letter; 2 pgs.
"Wo stehen wir?" [Where do we stand?] lecture, originally delivered in Zürich 27 Apr 1934
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Box 10, Folder 35 Typed manuscript - in German with handwritten note and signed by Breuer; 24 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 35 Typed manuscript - in German with handwritten note; 13 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 35 Typed manuscript translation - in Hungarian; 10 pgs.
Box 10, Folder 36 Untitled [Hans Falkner Ski Lodge] 12 Aug 1938 - article for Architectural Recordtyped manuscript, 2 pgs.
Faculty papers
Box 17, Folder 1 Academic calendars, course catalogs and schedules 1940-1942
Box 17, Folder 2 Correspondence 1941-1942
Box 17, Folder 3 Memos (Department) 1939-1942
Box 17, Folder 4 Memos (University) 1939-1942
Box 17, Folder 5 Meeting Minutes, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting May 1940
Box 17, Folder 6 "An Opinion on Architecture," Cambridge, Massachusetts May 1941 - typed draft manuscript and printed pamphlet
Box 17, Folder 7 Petition urging Breuer to return to the School of Architecture 9 Feb 1948 - photostat copy and original signature pages
Box 17, Folder 8 Miscellaneous printed material 1941-1942
Course Material
Box 17, Folder 9 Problems 1939-1940
Box 17, Folder 10 Problems 1940-1941
Box 17, Folder 11 Reading lists and handouts
Office records
Administrative records
Box 18, Folder 1-7 Partnership papers 1935-1974
Box 18, Folder 8 Breuer's resignation Feb-Mar 1976
Box 18, Folder 9A Registration and licensing documents, Germany 1931-1933 - correspondence with Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA) and Deutscher Werkbund; in German
Box 18, Folder 9B Registration and licensing documents, Hungary 1935 - in Hungarian with brief English summaries
Box 18, Folder 9C Registration and licensing documents, United States 1943-1946
Box 18, Folder 10 Seals
Box 18, Folder 22 General correspondence, Breuer-Yorke partnership 1936
See also Professional Papers : Correspondence : Yorke, F.R.S..
Box 18, Folder 23 General correspondence, Gropius-Breuer partnership 1937-1942
See also Professional Papers : Correspondence : Gropius, Walter.
General correspondence, Marcel Breuer, Architect and Marcel Breuer and Associates
Box 18, Folder 24-26 1941-1958
Box 19, Folder 1-12 1960-1974
Box 20, Folder 1-5 1975-1977
Box 21, Folder 1-3 1978-1979
Box 21, Folder 4 Audio equipment 1940, 1950
Box 21, Folder 5 Breuer house visit requests 1939-1941
Box 21, Folder 6 Morocco suppliers 1954-1958 - carpet and textile suppliers
Box 21, Folder 7 Washington, D.C. office, not realized Aug 1950-May 1951
Box 21, Folder 8 Contractors and manufacturers 1948-1953 - includes product literature
Financial records
Box 18, Folder 11 Account balance sheets, Breuer-Yorke partnership Dec 1936-Jun 1937
Box 18, Folder 12 Bank documents, Gropius-Breuer partnership Jun 1938
Box 18, Folder 13-14 Bills, Gropius-Breuer partnership 1938-1941
Box 18, Folder 15-18 Bills 1942-1951
Box 18, Folder 19 Job hour analysis notes) 1945
Box 18, Folder 20 Tax papers, Breuer-Yorke partnership Feb 1937-Oct 1938
Box 18, Folder 21 Tax papers Jan 1939-Mar 1942
Miscellaneous office material
Box 21, Folder 9 Maps 1939-1946
Box 21, Folder 10 Notes, addresses, cards 1937-1941 - Gropius-Breuer partnership
Box 21, Folder 11 Notes, addresses, letterhead 1941-late 1950s
Box 21, Folder 12 Slide list in German circa 1930
Box 22, Folder 1-14 Correspondence, surveys, sketches and other materials related to unrealized and prospective residential and institutional projects 1938-1956 - includes material related to a hospital in Ithaca, New York, and numerous government related projects
Box 23, Folder 1 Travel information sheets and lists 1947-1948, 1952-1959
Box 23, Folder 2-15 Travel arrangements 1938-1962 - schedules, contacts, correspondence
Box 24, Folder 1-9 Travel arrangements 1963-1970 - schedules, contacts, correspondence
Oversize 29 Green sketchbook circa 1950-1970 - unsigned and undated sketchpad with human figure studies
Red sketchbooks circa 1941-1978
Donated to Syracuse University Library by Constance Breuer a few years before her death (2002), these brittle drawings were conserved by having them deacidified, encapsulated, and bound. Isabelle Hyman and Joachim Driller, noted Breuer researchers, have contributed to the identification of many of the drawings. All drawings have been digitized and can be found in the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive.
Oversize 33 Sketches 1-222
Oversize 34 Sketches 223-341
Oversize 35 Sketches 342-465
Oversize 36 Sketches 466-606
Miscellaneous non-project sketches
Box 139, Folder 1 Breuer house types sketch circa 1940s - 2 pgs.
Box 139, Folder 2 Notes and sketches for interior and furniture photo display circa 1939 - handwritten manuscript with sketches by Breuer of photo captions and display arrangement for unknown publication or exhibit; no projects mentioned later than Frank House (1939-1940); 28 pgs.
Catalogs and promotional material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 25, Folder 1 Isokon Furniture catalog
Box 25, Folder 1 Isokon Book Shelves 1930s - folded cover and card
Knoll Associates
Oversize 11, Folder 6 Knoll Office Planned Furniture catalog 1954 - 23 pgs.
Oversize 11, Folder 7 Knoll Planning Unit presentation book circa 1962 - 34 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 2 Meubles modernes pour Salons, Fumoirs brochure 1930s - in French; also includes photo negative
Standard Möbel
Box 25, Folder 3 Hocker mit Holzsitz (B9) brochure circa 1927
Box 25, Folder 4 Das Neue Möbel brochure-poster 1928
Box 25, Folder 5 Thonet detached card catalog circa 1930 - cover/folder and 32 cards
Box 25, Folder 6 Thonet K 3212 1932 - 6 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 7 Thonet 3311, "Meubles en tubes d'acier thonet pour tous les employs" catalog 1933 - 58 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 8 Thonet 3430, Steel Furniture (Thonet Bros. Ltd, London) catalog circa 1936 - 17 pgs. and price list; handwritten note on cover: "Ventris"
Box 25, Folder 9 Thonet cards 1930s - various steel furniture models (12)
Box 25, Folder 10 Thonet Stahlrohrmöbel: Federnder Stuhl (B33) brochure 1930s - furniture sketches on verso
Box 25, Folder 10 Thonet Bent Ply catalog, pages 23-24. undated - wood frame chairs/children's furniture; tear sheet from catalog
Box 25, Folder 11 Wohnbedarf: das federnde Aluminium-Möbel catalog 1933 - catalog designed by Herbert Bayer, 6 pgs. and price list; 3 copies of catalog and 1 set of photostats
Box 25, Folder 12 Wohnbedarf catalog 1934 - catalog designed by Herbert Bayer; cover jacket and 18 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 13 Wohnbedarf miscellany circa 1935 - 2 post cards, catalog price list and 2 promotional article materials reprints; in German
Box 25, Folder 14 Miscellaneous furniture brochures - furniture not designed by Breuer; 4 brochures, in German and English
Box 25, Folder 15 Zanotta furniture brochures circa 1980 - 11 items, in Italian
Competitions and exhibitions
Heal's Seven Architects Exhibition, Heal and Son, Ltd., London, England, 1936
Box 25, Folder 16 Correspondence 1936
Exhibition catalog and clippings
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Golden Gate International Exposition, San Francisco, California, 18 Feb 1939-2 Dec 1939
Box 25, Folder 17 Correspondence, clippings, plan of exhibit space 1939
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 25, Folder 18 Wohnbedarf Furniture Competition, July 1939-October 1939 1939 - invitation, program and questionnaire; in German and English
International Competition for Low-Cost Furniture Design (MoMA), 1947-1950
See Project Records : International Competition for Low Cost Furniture Design.
Box 25, Folder 25 Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interior Design, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Exh.#1314), 22 Jul 1981-15 Sep 1981 - xerox copy of exhibition bulletin; related monograph
Box 25, Folder 26 Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interiors, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, May 1982-Jun 1982 - museum bulletin
Correspondence and business records
Box 26, Folder 1-2 General correspondence 1936-1951 - general inquiries regarding furniture, requests to purchase furniture, correspondence with materials suppliers including product literature, and notes regarding furniture manufacturers and manufacturing processes
Manufacturers and furniture companies
Box 26, Folder 3-4 Miscellaneous A-Z 1936-1949
Box 26, Folder 5 A.L. Colombo 1933-1936 - correspondence and agreements
Box 26, Folder 6 Aluminio Español 1933-1936 - correspondence and agreements; in French and German
Box 26, Folder 7-9 Anton Lorenz 1935-1938 - correspondence, patent documents and agreements; in German
Box 26, Folder 10 Artek/Finmar 1936, 1940 - correspondence
Box 26, Folder 11 British Aluminum Company, Ltd. 1936-1937 - correspondence
Box 26, Folder 12 Burton-Rodgers, Inc. 1946 - draft agreements
See Anton Lorenz.
Box 26, Folder 13 Duncan Miller, Ltd. 1936 - correspondence and draft agreements
Box 26, Folder 14 E. Brondel 1937 - correspondence in French and English
Box 26, Folder 15 Embru-Werke 1933-1938, 1950 - correspondence, contracts and Financial documents in German and English
See Artek/Finmar.
Box 26, Folder 16 F. Russell Beebe 1939 - correspondence and draft agreements
Gane, Crofton
See P.E. Gane.
Box 26, Folder 16 General Fireproofing Company 1935-1937 - correspondence
Box 26, Folder 17 Heal and Son, Ltd. 1935-1938 - correspondence
Box 26, Folder 18 Herman Miller Furniture Company 1940 - correspondence
Box 26, Folder 19 H.G. Knoll (Knoll Associates) 1938-1949, 1975-1977 - correspondence
Box 27, Folder 1-5 Isokon 1935-1972 - correspondence and agreements
Box 27, Folder 6 J. Starkie Gardner, Ltd. 1937 - correspondence
Knoll Associates
See H.G. Knoll.
Box 27, Folder 7 L. and C. Arnold 1933-1937 - correspondence, agreements and royalty statements in German
Box 27, Folder 8 London Aluminum Company, Ltd. 1936-1937 - correspondence and draft agreement
Lorenz, Anton
See Anton Lorenz.
Lumium Ltd.
See Whitney Straight/Lumium Ltd..
Box 27, Folder 9 Marcel Michaud 1933-1937 - correspondence and contracts in French
Box 27, Folder 10 Metal Furniture Works, Ltd. 1936 - correspondence
Box 28, Folder 1 New Furniture, Inc. 1938-1940 - correspondence
Box 28, Folder 2 N.V. Induventa 1934-1937 - correspondence in German and English
Box 28, Folder 3 P.E. Gane 1936 - correspondence and royalty statements
Box 28, Folder 4 Reynolds Metals Company 1946 - draft agreements
Box 28, Folder 5 Schneider and Wolkenberg 1935 - correspondence in German
Box 28, Folder 6 SIDAM (Société Industrielle D'Ameublement) 1933-1934 - contract and correspondence; in German and French
Box 28, Folder 7 Sigg RT (Sigg Részvénytársaság Aluminiumárugyár) 1935-1936 - contract and correspondence; in Hungarian and German
Box 28, Folder 8 Stylclair 1934-1938 - correspondence and contract; in French, English and German
Box 28, Folder 9 Thonet 1930, 1933, 1937-1950 - correspondence, proposals, agreements and royalty statements; in German and English
Box 28, Folder 10 Whitney Straight/Lumium Ltd. 1935 - correspondence and draft agreements
Box 28, Folder 11 W. Lusty and Sons / F.E. Schmitt, representing Breuer 1935 - correspondence, agreements, notes on manufacturing and invoices; in German and English
Box 28, Folder 12 Wohnbedarf 1937 - correspondence; in German
Patent agents and attorneys
See also Furniture: Patent Documents.
Box 28, Folder 13 Béla Weissmahr 1933-1938 - correspondence and patent documents; in Hungarian and German
Box 28, Folder 14 Blair and Kilcoyne 1937-1939 - correspondence
Box 28, Folder 15 B. Tolsdorf 1936 - invoice; German
Box 28, Folder 16 Fritz Isler 1934-1939 - correspondence, patent documents and billing documents; in German and English
Box 28, Folder 17 Gill, Jennings and Every-Clayton 1936-1938 - correspondence and patent documents
Box 28, Folder 18 Hans Staudinger 22 May 1936 - agreement
Box 28, Folder 19 Roberts, Cushman and Grover 1944, 1948 - correspondence and invoice
Box 28, Folder 20 Tenenbaum and Heimann 1932-1934 - correspondence and royalty statements; in German
Legal documents
Box 28, Folder 21 Bemerkungen zu dem Brief von Herrn Anton Lorenz vom 30-8-36 [Comments on the letter from Mr. Anton Lorenz from 30-8-36] 30 Aug 1936 - typed manuscript, 4 pgs.; in German
Box 28, Folder 21 Notes on contract between Breuer and Lorenz circa 1936 - handwritten manuscript, 3 pgs.; in German
Box 28, Folder 22 Miscellaneous draft license agreements 1934, 1936 - 1 German and 2 British generic draft license agreements; typewritten manuscript with handwritten annotations
Patent documents
Patents held by Breuer are listed first, followed by patents held by others. Unless otherwise noted, the document is in the same language as the title given in the finding aid.
Box 29, Folder 1 Application no. 312578, Meuble Supporté Elastiquement 22 Nov 1933
Box 29, Folder 2 Application no. P.6970-33, Federndes Sitzmöbel 18 Nov 1933 - in German and Czech
Box 29, Folder 3 Patent no. 416758, Spring seat and reclining chair 20 Nov 1933
Box 29, Folder 3 Application no. 19236/36, Improvements in chairs 10 Jul 1936
Box 29, Folder 3 Application no. 22238/36, Improvements in furniture 12 Aug 1936
Box 29, Folder 3 Application no. 4812/37, Improvements relating to plywood 17 Feb 1937
Box 29, Folder 3 Application no. 19800/37, Nesting furniture 16 Jul 1937
Box 29, Folder 3 Application no. 19801/37, Aluminum nesting chair 16 Jul 1937
Box 29, Folder 3 Patent no. 479529, Improvements in chairs, tables, stools and like pieces of furniture 8 Feb 1938
Box 29, Folder 4 Application no. 360375, Federndes Sitzmöbel (Chaises, chaises-longues et fauteuils élastiques) 21 Nov 1933 - in French and German
Box 29, Folder 4 Patent no. 764919, Chaises, chaises-longues et fauteuils élastiques 12 Mar 1934
Box 29, Folder 5 Patent no. 468736, Zusammenklappbarer Sessel 22 Nov 1928
Box 29, Folder 5 Application no. B158377x/34g, Federndes Sitzmöbel 22 Nov 1932
Box 29, Folder 5 Gebrauchs-Muster no. 304982, Federndes Sitz- und Liegemöbel 16 Nov 1933
Box 29, Folder 5 Application no. B24219gm/34g, Federndes Sitz- und Liegemöbel 16 Nov 1933
Box 29, Folder 6 Application no. 67491, Federndes Sitzmöbel 21 Nov 1933 - in German and Dutch
Box 29, Folder 7 Patent no. 110944, Ruganyos ülő és fekvőbútor 21 Nov 1933
Box 29, Folder 8 Model no. 3308, Chaises, sièges et chaise-longues 25 Oct 1933 - in German and French
Box 29, Folder 9 Application no. 68803, Italaiatura elastic per sedie, potrone, e mobile a sdraio 21 Nov 1933 - in German and Italian
Box 29, Folder 9 Patent no. 317188, Italaiatura elastic per sedie, potrone, e mobile a sdraio 21 Nov 1933 - in German and Italian
Box 29, Folder 10 Application no. 3466, Gestell für federnde Sitzmöbel 31 Oct 1933
Box 29, Folder 10 Patent no. 170985, Gestell für federnde Sitzmöbel 31 Oct 1933
Box 29, Folder 10 Application no. 8516, Reihensitz 29 May 1934
Box 29, Folder 10 Patent no. 186508, Reihenbestuhlung 15 Nov 1935
United States
Box 29, Folder 11 Application no. 700725, Frames for spring seats 2 Dec 1933
Box 29, Folder 11 Patent no. 2084310, Frames for spring seats 2 Dec 1933
Box 29, Folder 11 Application no. 152456, Reclining chair 7 Jul 1937
Box 29, Folder 11 Application (not filed), Improvements in furniture 16 Jul 1937
Patents held by others
Lorenz, Anton
Box 29, Folder 12 German Application no. 1069697/34g, Sitz- oder Liegemöbel mit einem aus fortlaufend schlingenförmig gebogenem Metall -z.B. Stahlrohr bestehenden Rahmen und schmiegsamer Sitzfläche 12 Feb 1929 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 12 German Application no. 1073347/34g, Gestellrahmen für Sitz-oder Liegemöbel 26 Mar 1929 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 12 German Application no. 1113197/34g, Gestellrahmen für Sitzmöbel 28 Feb 1930 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 12 German Patent no. 545974, Sitzmöbel aus fortlaufend schlingenförmig gebogenem Stahlrohr 9 Mar 1932 (2 copies)
Box 29, Folder 12 German Patent no. 554560, Stuhl aus Stahlrohr mit nach einem liegenden U gebogenem Untergestell 11 Jul 1932
Box 29, Folder 12 German Application no. L84647x/34g, Federnder Holzstuhl 18 Aug 1934
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Box 29, Folder 13 French Patent no. 658156, Chaise 27 Jul 1928
Box 29, Folder 13 Swiss Patent no. 151626, Sitzmöbel 16 Mar 1932 - photostat
Stam, Mart
Box 29, Folder 14 German Application no. 1206033/34g, Sitzmöbel 9 Jul 1929 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 14 German Application no. 1184815/34g, Stuhl mit Stahlrohrgestell 6 Aug 1929 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 14 German Application no. 1185994/34g, Federnde Sitz-und Liegemöbel aller Art 27 Aug 1929
Box 29, Folder 15 French Patent no. 652865, Sièges. Felix del Marle 7 Apr 1928 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 15 German Application no. 1140169/34g, Sitzmöbel aus gebogenem Metallrohr, Gebrüder Thonet 5 Jul 1930 - photostat
Box 29, Folder 15 German Patent no. 532037, Stuhl aus Stahlrohr, Anton Heythum 21 Aug 1931
Box 29, Folder 15 German Application no. 1229195/34g, Stahlrohrsitzmöbel, Mauser Maschinenbau 1 Aug 1932
Box 29, Folder 15 Swiss Patent no. 156705, Federndes Metallröhrengestell für Sitzmöbel, R.A. Zutt 1 Nov 1932
Box 29, Folder 15 U.S. Patent no. 1344164, Antiglare device for headlights, Willliam Bennett 22 Jun 1920
Box 29, Folder 15 U.S. Patent no. 1680037, Antiglare attachment for headlights, Augustus De Tartas / Emery Weller / E. Woodward Duke / John Cornell 7 Aug 1928
Box 29, Folder 15 U.S. Patent no. 1915480, Resilient Chair. Felix J. Trainor/National Spring Corporation 27 Jun 1933 - photostat
Published material and writings
Box 29, Folder 16 "Breuer: Yes Form Follows Function, But Not Always," publication unknown after 1979 - photocopy; 3 pgs.
Box 29, Folder 16 "Century of Curves," TW 9 Aug 1953 - tear sheet, 1 pg.
Oversize 11, Folder 2 Il potere agli oggetti: Dino Gavina 1955-1975 circa 1975 - retrospective magazine publication on career of Gavina, includes section on Breuer's furniture and text on Gavina by Breuer; in Italian
Box 29, Folder 16 "New Designs in Plywood," New York Times Magazine 5 Jan 1947 - tear sheet and copy, 1 pg.
Box 29, Folder 16 "New Furniture by Marcel Breuer," Interiors Feb 1946 - tear sheet, pgs. 90-94
Box 29, Folder 16 "The Shape Chairs are In," Life Mar 1958 - tear sheet, 3 pgs.
Box 29, Folder 16 "Teurer Schwinger," der Spiegel Apr 1977 - tear sheet, pgs. 217-219
Box 25, Folder 25 Marcel Breuer: Furniture and Interiors, by Christopher Wilk (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1981) - published in conjunction with exhibition
Box 29, Folder 17 Clippings 1931-1946 - newspaper clippings; in German, English and Hungarian
Box 29, Folder 18 "Die federnden aluminiumstühle" Dec 1934 - typed manuscript, 1 pg.; in German
Box 29, Folder 19 "Stahlküchen" 1929 - descriptions to accompany furniture drawings 102 and 103; typewritten manuscript, 2 pgs.; in German
See also Drawings : Stahlküche - Typenteile (Nr. 102); Stahlküchem Parallelprojektion (Nr. 103), below.
Box 29, Folder 20 "System Marcel Breuer for Aluminum Furniture" circa 1941 - typed manuscript, 3 pgs.
Drawings (307 items)
Oversize 1 Schrank mit Nickelschinen (Nr. 20) 18 Dec 1928 - Leaf 12; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Schrank mit Nickelschinen (Nr. 21) 18 Dec 1928 - Leaf 13; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Rückenlehnstuhl (Nr. 22) 19 Dec 1928 - Leaf 14; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Armlehnstuhl (Nr. 23) 19 Dec 1928 - Leaf 15; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Zweiteiliges Buffet (Nr. 30) undated - Leaf 21; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Chaiselongue Bett (Nr. 49) 9 Jan 1929 - Leaf 39; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Glasvitrine (Nr. 83) 5 Mar 1929 - Leaf 70; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Stahlküche. Parallelprojektion. (Nr. 103) 25 Mar 1929 - Leaf 88; presentation drawing; German
See also Published material and writings : Writings : "Stahlküchen" above for accompanying written description.
Oversize 1 Schreibtisch Wohnzimmertisch (Nr. 130) 21 Apr 1929 - Leaf 114; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Schlafzimmer (Nr. 150) 3 May 1929 - Leaf 134; working drawing; German
Oversize 1 Ausstellungsvitrine für Kragen (Nr. 153) 6 May 1929 - Leaf 137; working drawing; German
Oversize 2 Kinderbett (Nr. 266) 2 Dec 1929 - Leaf 223; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 List undated - Leaf 1; other drawing; German
Oversize 3 Toilettentisch (Nr. 3) undated - Leaf 2; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Nachtschrank (Nr. 4) 13 Dec 1928 - Leaf 3; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Schränke mit Nickelschienen (Nr. 24) 20 Dec 1928 - Leaf 16; presentation drawing; German
Oversize 3 Rückenlehnstuhl Werkz. Nr. 22 (Nr. 26). Armlehnstuhl Werkz. Nr. 23 (Nr.27). 20 Dec 1928 - Leaf 18; presentation drawing; German
Oversize 3 Schreibtisch 4 Teilig Werkz. Nr. 18 (Nr. 28) 20 Dec 1928 - Leaf 19; presentation drawing; German
Oversize 3 Esszimmer Tisch (Nr. 33) undated - Leaf 24; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Kleiner Sessel m. Rosshaarpolster (Nr. 37) undated - Leaf 26; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Kugelrollen für Teewagen e.t.c. (Nr. 69) 18 Feb 1929 - Leaf 60; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Breuer Stühle Spezialnieten (Nr. 1888) 22 Apr 1934 - Leaf 395; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Sperrholzsitz für Stuhl no. 1223 und Sessel no. 1224 (Nr. 1591) 23 Apr 1934 - Leaf 396; working drawing; German
Oversize 3 Toiletten Tisch (Nr. 1). Nachtschrank (Nr. 2). 12 Dec 1928 - Leaf 1a; presentation drawing; German
Oversize 4 Gardenrobenschrank (Nr. 374) 17 Jun 1930 - Leaf 306; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Chaiselongue (Nr. 443) 17 Apr 1931 - Leaf 364; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Blumentisch aus Anticorodal No. 322, 322a, 322b (Nr. 1123) 2 Nov 1934 - Leaf 393; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Rückenlehne H. Glarus 301 (Nr. 1673) 14 Feb 1936 - Leaf 397; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Rückenlehne H. Glarus 301 (Nr. 1673) 14 Feb 1936 - Leaf 398; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Rückenlehne für Stuhl No. 1223, Sessel No. 1224 (Nr. 952) undated - Leaf 399; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Büchergestell mit geschl. Unterteil 31 Apr 1932 - Leaf 407; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Toiletten-Tisch, Mod. Breuer (Nr. 749) 4 Aug 1932 - Leaf 415; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Geschirrschrank II, "Breuer" (Nr. 745) 1 Aug 1932 - Leaf 416; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Tisch "Breuer" (Nr. 744) 1 Aug 1932 - Leaf 417; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Schreib-Tisch "Breuer" (Nr. 750) 5 Aug 1932 - Leaf 420; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Schrank 2 Nov 1932 - Leaf 422; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Armchair and Nesting Table 8 Feb 1936 - Leaf 448; presentation drawing
Oversize 5 Table II 21 Jul 1936 - Leaf 457; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Table II 17 Jul 1936 - Leaf 458; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Airplane Seats: Plan and section undated - Leaf 462; design development drawing; English
Oversize 5 Plywood Side Chair 9 Feb 1936 - Leaf 463; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Airplane Seats: Plan and section undated - Leaf 465; design development drawing; English
Oversize 5 Nesting Stool 10 Aug 1936 - Leaf 468; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Table 13 Oct 1937 - Leaf 479; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Dining table 20 Apr 1937 - Leaf 481; working drawing; English
Oversize 5 Nesting chair 12 Aug 1937 - Leaf 485; presentation drawing; English
Oversize 5 Büchergestell Mit Geschl. Unterteil 31 Apr 1932 - Leaf 407b; working drawing; German
Oversize 5 Tisch "Breuer" (Nr. 744) 1 Aug 1932 - Leaf 417a; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Bücherregal (Nr. 25) 19 Dec 1928 - Leaf 17; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Tischkonstruktionen (Nr. 29) 21 Dec 1928 - Leaf 20; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Bett und Nachttisch (Nr. 31) undated - Leaf 22; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Schubkastenschrank (Nr. 32) undated - Leaf 23; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Konstruktion eines Sperrholzschrankes (Nr. 36) undated - Leaf 25; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Furniture Contruction Detail (Nr. 38) undated - Leaf 27; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Schreibtisch Weller (Nr. 40) 31 Dec 1928 - Leaf 29; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Klappenschrank (Nr. 42) 2 Jan 1929 - Leaf 31; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Klappenschrank (Nr. 51) 9 Jan 1929 - Leaf 41; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Tischkonstruktion B 14 (Nr. 68) 15 Feb 1929 - Leaf 59; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Hocker mit Stoffsitz (Nr. 76) 15 Feb 1929 - Leaf 64; working drawing; German
Oversize 6 Toilettentisch (Nr. 442) 16 Apr 1931 - Leaf 363; working drawing; German
Oversize 7 Schreibtisch aus 4 Teilen (Nr. 18) 18 Dec 1928 - Leaf 10; working drawing; German
Oversize 7 Schrank (Nr. 19) 11 Dec 1928 - Leaf 11; working drawing; German
Oversize 7 Kinderschrank 4 Teilig (Nr. 41) 31 Dec 1928 - Leaf 30; working drawing; German
Oversize 7 Chaiselongue - Bett (Nr. 58) 15 Jan 1928 - Leaf 47; working drawing; German
Oversize 7 Küchentisch (Nr. 220) 4 Sep 1929 - Leaf 193; working drawing; German
Oversize 8 Chaiselongue aus 3 Sesseln (Nr. 295) 11 Jan 1930 - Leaf 250; working drawing; German
Oversize 8 Schreibtisch mit Kristallglaswänden (Nr. 297) 20 Jan 1930 - Leaf 252; working drawing; German
Oversize 9 Klapptisch (Nr. 375) 17 Jun 1930 - Leaf 307; working drawing; German
Oversize 9 Tubular Steel Tables and Chairs undated - Leaf 394; presentation drawing
Oversize 9 Schrankwand (Nr. 403) 29 Jan 1931 - Leaf 334a; working drawing; German
Oversize 9 Toilettentisch (Nr. 404) 29 Jan 1931 - Leaf 335a; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Antikorrodal-Stuhl No.302 (Nr. 1320) 31 Jan 1936 - Leaf 400; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Antikorrodal-Stuhl No. 303 (Nr. 1321) 23 Jan 1936 - Leaf 401; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Antikorrodal-Stuhl No. 307 (Nr. 1322) 25 Jan 1936 - Leaf 402; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Stühle, Sessel und Liegesessel in federnder Form undated - Leaf 405; presentation drawing; German
Oversize 10 Antikorrodal- Stuhl No. 301 (Nr. 1319) 27 Jan 1936 - Leaf 406; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Esszimmertisch (Nr. 34) undated - Leaf 410; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Runder Tisch (Nr. 455) 5 Aug 1932 - Leaf 414; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Schrank Mod. Breuer (Nr. 452) 2 Aug 1932 - Leaf 418; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Kommoden Mod. Breuer (Nr. 455) 3 Aug 1932 - Leaf 419; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Bücherschrank undated - Leaf 443; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Dressing Table and Mirror (with Seated Figure) undated - Leaf 444; design development drawing; German
Oversize 10 Table: Light Birch White Matt Finish 20 Feb 1936 - Leaf 450; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Nesting Armchair 24 Jul 1936 - Leaf 470; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Nesting Chair 8 Dec 1936 - Leaf 472; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Table 23 Nov 1936 - Leaf 475; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Easy Chair 19 Feb 1937 - Leaf 477; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Table 4 Feb 1937 - Leaf 478; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Nesting Chair Separated 12 Aug 1937 - Leaf 486; working drawing; English
Oversize 10 Alteration to Seat-Profile of Reclining Chair Drawing of 20.5.36 10 May 1937 - Leaf 491; design development drawing; English
Oversize 10 Plywood Chair with Arms undated - Leaf 504; design development drawing; English
Oversize 10 Plywood Chair with Arms undated - Leaf 505; design development drawing
Oversize 10 Büchergestell Mit geschl. Unterteil 31 Apr 1932 - Leaf 407a; working drawing; German
Oversize 10 Breuer Tisch (Nr. 485) 6 Oct 1932 - Leaf 411a; working drawing; German
Oversize 23 Nachtschrank (Schuhe) (Nr. 97) 15 Mar 1929 - Leaf 82; working drawing; German
Oversize 23 Vitrine um eine Säule (Nr. 104) 26 Mar 1929 - Leaf 89; working drawing; German
Oversize 23 3 Tische 60cm hoch, Platte 90x90 cm (Nr. 151) 4 May 1929 - Leaf 135; working drawing; German
Oversize 23 Bücherschrank (Nr. 225) 5 Sep 1929 - Leaf 198; working drawing; German
Oversize 24 Chaiselongue (Nr. 264) 23 Nov 1929 - Leaf 221; working drawing; German
Oversize 24 Tisch 150 x 75 (Nr. 271) 9 Dec 1929 - Leaf 225; working drawing; German
Oversize 24 Chaiselonguebank mit verstellbarer Rückenlehne (Nr. 292) 6 Jan 1929 - Leaf 246; working drawing; German
Oversize 24 Schubkästen (Nr. 322) 21 Feb 1929 - Leaf 265; working drawing; German
Oversize 24 Tisch mit Schwarzglasplatte (Nr. 351) 20 Mar 1930 - Leaf 287; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ A für Kleider (Nr. 462) 8 Jun 1931 - Leaf 379; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ A für Wäsche (Nr. 463) 8 Jun 1931 - Leaf 380; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ A für Kleider und Wäsche (Nr. 464) 8 Jun 1931 - Leaf 381; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ B für Wäsche (Nr. 465) 8 Jun 1931 - Leaf 382; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ C mit Böden (Nr. 466) 9 Jun 1931 - Leaf 383; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ D mit Böden (Nr. 467) 9 Jun 1931 - Leaf 384; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ E mit Boden (Nr. 468) 9 Jun 1931 - Leaf 385; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Kinderstuhl (Nr. 473) 2 Jul 1931 - Leaf 389; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Kindertisch (Nr. 474) 2 Jul 1931 - Leaf 390; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schreibtisch (Nr. 394) 20 Nov 1930 - Leaf 325a; working drawing; German
Oversize 25 Schrank Typ F mit Boden (Nr. 469) 9 Jun 1931 - Leaf 386a; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Wohnzimmer (Nr. 39) undated - Leaf 28; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Glasvitrine Werkzeichnung (Nr. 89) 11 Mar 1929 - Leaf 75; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 3 Vitrinen (Nr. 101) 21 Mar 1929 - Leaf 86; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Stahlküche - Typenteile (Nr. 102) 25 Mar 1929 - Leaf 87; working drawing; German
See also Published material and writings : Writings : "Stahlküchen" above for accompanying written description.
Map-Case 75 Übersichtsplan der Typenschränke (Nr. 470) 10 Jun 1931 - Leaf 386; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Konstruktionszeichn. Typenschränke (Nr. 471) 10 Jun 1931 - Leaf 387; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Speise- und Barschrank Mod. Breuer (Nr. 746) 7 Oct 1932 - Leaf 413; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Speise- und Barschrank Mod. Breuer (verso) (Nr. 746) 7 Oct 1932 - Leaf 413; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Tisch mit drehbarem Mittelteil 3 Nov 1932 - Leaf 421; working drawing; German
Map-Case 75 Schrank 2 Nov 1932 - Leaf 424; working drawing; German
Map-Case 76 Büchergestell Breuer (Nr. 396) 23 Apr 1932 - Leaf 435; working drawing; German
Map-Case 76 Aluminum Reclining Chair 23 Nov 1935 - Leaf 445; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Reclining Chair III 9 Jan 1936 - Leaf 446; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Sofa with Adjustable Backrest 21 Jan 1936 - Leaf 447; working drawing
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 19 Feb 1936 - Leaf 449; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair With Arms, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 20 Feb 1936 - Leaf 451; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 19 Feb 1936 - Leaf 452; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair with Arms, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 20 Feb 1936 - Leaf 453; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair with Arms, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 20 Feb 1936 - Leaf 454; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair With and Without Arms, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 27 May 1936 - Leaf455; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 28 May 1936 - Leaf 456; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Chair With and Without Arms, Light Birch, White Matt Finish 23 Jul 1936 - Leaf459; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Reclining Chair 20 May 1936 - Leaf 460; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Pilot's Seat (Revised Detail) 14 Aug 1936 - Leaf 461; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 21 Jul 1936 - Leaf 469; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Easy Chair 3 Oct 1936 - Leaf 471; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Easy Chair 9 Dec 1936 - Leaf 473; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Easy Chair 31 Jan 1937 - Leaf 476; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 2 Apr 1937 - Leaf 480; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Aluminum Nesting Chair 24 Apr 1937 - Leaf 482; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Aluminum Nesting Chair 24 Apr 1937 - Leaf 483; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Full Size Working Detail of Aluminum Chair Frame (Dwg. No. B.13.518) 29 Apr 1937 - Leaf484; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 28 May 1937 - Leaf 487; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 One Legged Table 1 Jun 1937 - Leaf 488; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Full Size Working Detail of Aluminum Chair Satin Finish Clear Laquered(Dwg. No. B.13.927) 22 Jul 1937 - Leaf 489; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 25 Oct 1937 - Leaf 490; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Plywood Nesting Table, Light Birch, Matt Finish 3 Jun 1936 - Leaf 492; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Nesting Chair 4 Feb 1937 - Leaf 500; working drawing; English
Map-Case 76 Reclining Chair 23 Nov 1935 - Leaf 445a; working drawing; English
Tube 574 [Tubular Steel Arm Chair] undated - related model: B35
Tube 574 1925 Tubular Steel Stool 28 Jun 1962 - related model: B9
Tube 574 1927 Glass Table 28 Jun 1962 - related model: B19
Tube 574 Easy Chair (For Isokon) 25 May 1937 - related model: Short Chair/Isokon
Tube 574 Easy Chair (For Isokon) 25 May 1937 - related model: Short Chair/Isokon
Tube 574 Plywood Nesting Table (For Isokon Ltd.) 27 May 1936 - related model: Nesting tables/Isokon
Tube 574 Plywood Nesting Table (For Isokon Ltd.) 27 May 1936 - related model: Nesting tables/Isokon
Tube 574 Reclining Chair 4 Feb 1952 - Dwg. No. PWF 1; related model: Chaise Lounge/Isokon
Tube 574 Reclining Chair 4 Feb 1952 - Dwg. No. PWF 1; related model: Chaise Lounge/Isokon
Tube 574 Reclining Chair 4 Feb 1952 - Dwg. No. PWF 1; related model: Chaise Lounge/Isokon
Tube 574 Reclining Chair (For Isokon Co.) 24 May 1937 - related model: Chaise Lounge/Isokon
Tube 574 Reclining Chair (For Isokon Co.) 24 May 1937 - related model: Chaise Lounge/Isokon
Tube 574 Tubular Chair 25 Mar 1958 - related model: B3
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Chair Details - Backrest 4 Jan 1956 - Dwg. No. 2; related model:B32/B64
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Chair Details - Seat and Armrest 4 Jan 1956 - Dwg. No. 1; related model: B32/B64
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Chair for Walter Gropius 20 Jul 1938 - related model: B35
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Side Chair 12 Mar 1962 - Dwg. No. 1of2; related model: B64
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Side Chair 12 Mar 1962 - Dwg. No. 2of2; related model: B32
Tube 574 Tubular Steel Side Chair with Plastic Seat and Back 1 Mar 1963
Tube 574 Wassily Chair 12 May 1971 - related model: B3
Tube 705 [Kinostuhl D]ea-Polster 26 Oct 1934 - Dwg. No. 1002
Tube 705 Aluminiumfauteuil No. 302 18 Dec 1934 - Dwg. No. 1044
Tube 705 Aluminiumstuhl No. 2 14 Mar 1934 - Dwg. No. 842
Tube 705 Aluminiumstuhl No. 301 12 Dec 1934 - Dwg. No. 1042; related model: 301/WB
Tube 705 Aluminiumstuhl No. 6 mit Latten 20 Mar 1934 - Dwg. No. 847; related model: 305/WB
Tube 705 Aluminum Nesting Chair 19 Jul 1937 - related model: A1
Tube 705 Aluminum Nesting Chair 19 Jul 1937 - related model: A1
Tube 705 Aluminum Reclining Arm Chair 24 May 1976 - related model: 311 Armchair/WB
Tube 705 Aluminum Reclining Arm Chair 24 May 1976 - related model: 311/WB
Tube 705 Blumentisch auf Anticorodal No. 322,322a,322b 2 Nov 1934 - Dwg. No. 1123; related model: 322/WB
Tube 705 Breuer Federstühl 3 Apr 1934 - Dwg. No. 1015
Tube 705 Breuerstuhl No. 101 6 Mar 1934 - Dwg. No. 833; related model: 101/WB
Tube 705 Eisenstuhl No. 33 mit Armlehnen undated
Tube 705 Eisenstuhl No. 332 mit Armlehnen 25 Jul 1934 - Dwg. No. 850; related model: 332/WB
Tube 705 Eisenstuhl No. 332 mit Armlehnen 25 Jul 1934 - Dwg. No. 850; related model: 332/WB
Tube 705 Eisenstuhl No. 332 mit Armlehnen 25 Jul 1934 - Dwg. No. 850; related model: 332/WB
Tube 705 Federnder Stuhl No. 31 11 Dec 1933 - Dwg. No. 726; related model: 301/WB
Tube 705 Federnder Stuhl No. 31 11 Dec 1933 - Dwg. No. 726; related model: 301/WB
Tube 705 Federnder Stuhl No. 31 11 Dec 1933 - Dwg. No. 726; related model: 301/WB
Tube 705 Federnder Stuhl No. 31 11 Dec 1933 - Dwg. No. 726; related model: 301/WB
Tube 705 Federnder Stuhl No. 35 11 Dec 1933 - Dwg. No. 726a; related model: 305/WB
Tube 705 Federstuhl mit Holtzbügel No. 717 18 Dec 1933
Tube 705 Kinostuhl Dea-Polster 26 Oct 1934 - Dwg. No. 1002
Tube 705 Kinostuhl mit Sperrholzsitz 26 Oct 1934 - Dwg. No. 10[01]
Tube 705 Kinostuhl mit Sperrholzsitz 26 Oct 1934 - Dwg. No. 1001
Tube 705 Kinostuhl mit Sperrholzsitz 26 Oct 1934 - Dwg. No. 1001
Tube 705 Satztisch No. B9-9c aus Flach-Anticorodal 2 Nov 1934 - Dwg. No. 1124; related model:B9
Tube 711 [ALCOA Chair] undated
Tube 711 [Chair - Split Aluminum Construction] undated - Dwg. No. 1001[?]
Tube 711 ALCOA Aluminum Desk 1 Jul 1959 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 711 ALCOA Aluminum Desk 1 Jul 1959 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 711 ALCOA Aluminum Desk 18 Sep 1959 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 711 ALCOA Aluminum Desk 18 Sep 1959 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 711 ALCOA Chair 15 Sep 1959
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Armchair Arm and Back Joined 13 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL3
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Armchair Arm and Back Joined 13 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL3
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Armchair Arm and Back Joined 14 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL4
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Armchair with floor Piece 20 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL7
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Perspective Views 28 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL13
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Upright Armchair 8 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL1
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Upright Armchair 8 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL1
Tube 711 Aluminum Chair - Upright Armchair 10 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL2
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Armchair with floor Piece 21 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL9
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Reclining Armchair 23 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL11
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Reclining Armchair 22 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL12
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Reclining Armchair 22 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL12
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Relaxed Armchair 15 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL5
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Relaxed Armchair 15 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL5
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Relaxed Armchair 17 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL6
Tube 711 Aluminum Chairs - Relaxed Armchair 17 Dec 1943 - Dwg. No. AL6
Tube 711 Armchair - Split Aluminum Construction 1 Nov 1944 - Dwg. No. 1002
Tube 711 Armchair - Split Aluminum Construction 1 Nov 1944 - Dwg. No. 1002
Tube 711 Armchair - Split Aluminum Construction 1 Nov 1944 - Dwg. No. 1002
Tube 711 Chair - Split Aluminum Construction 8 Dec 1944 - Dwg. No. 1001A
Tube 711 Chair - Split Aluminum Construction 8 Dec 1944 - Dwg. No. 1001A
Tube 711 Typical pieces of furniture of the Hotel Statler in Washington, D.C. 9 Oct 1947
Tube 715 [Chair cut out of plywood] undated
Tube 715 [Plywood cut-outs graphic] undated
Tube 715 Arm Chair Cut Out of Plywood 14 Dec 1945 - Dwg. No. COP107
Tube 715 Armchair Cut Out of Plywood 13 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP103
Tube 715 Chair Cut Out of Plywood 1 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP101
Tube 715 Chair Cut Out of Plywood 1 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP101
Tube 715 Chair Cut Out of Plywood 7 Jan 1946 - Dwg. No. COP109
Tube 715 Chair Cut Out of Plywood 6 Jan 1946 - Dwg. No. COP110
Tube 715 Chair Cut Out of Plywood 2 May 1946 - Dwg. No. COP116
Tube 715 Desk 4 Feb 1946 - Dwg. No. COP113
Tube 715 Dining Table Cut Out of Plywood 7 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP106
Tube 715 Dining Table Cut Out of Plywood 13 Jan 1946 - Dwg. No. COP112
Tube 715 Easy Chair Cut Out of Plywood 1 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP102
Tube 715 Nesting Chair Cut Out of Plywood 7 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP104
Tube 715 Nesting Chair Cut Out of Plywood 7 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP104
Tube 715 Nesting Chair Cut Out of Plywood 6 Jan 1946 - Dwg. No. COP111 (Revised)
Tube 715 Nesting Chair Cut Out of Plywood 6 Jan 1946 - Dwg. No. COP111
Tube 715 Nesting Table Cut Out of Plywood 7 Nov 1945 - Dwg. No. COP105
Tube 715 Nesting Table Cut Out of Plywood 4 Feb 1946 - Dwg. No. COP114
Tube 715 Sofa 5 Feb 1946 - Dwg. No. COP115
Tube 716 [Plywood Arm Chair]
Tube 716 [Plywood cabinet] undated
Tube 716 [Plywood Chair] undated
Tube 716 [Plywood Sofa] undated
Tube 716 [Plywood table] undated
Tube 716 [Sofa for Marcel Breuer] undated
Tube 716 [Sofa for Marcel Breuer] undated
Tube 716 Masonite Top Table 31 Jul 1939 - Dwg. No. BPF 2
Tube 716 Nesting Chair 9 Oct 1942
Tube 716 Plywood Chair 12 Feb 1938 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 716 Plywood Sofa 2 Mar 1938 - Dwg. No. 2 (Revised)
Tube 716 Plywood Sofa 14 Feb 1938 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 716 Plywood Stacking Chair 3 Aug 1938 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 716 Rattan Chair 25 Jul 1939 - Dwg. No. BPF1
Tube 716 Small Masonite Top Table 1 Aug 1939 - Dwg. No. BPF 3
Tube 716 Sofa for Marcel Breuer undated
Tube 716 Table D[...] Masoni[te] 11 Oct 1939 - Dwg. No. [BPF # ?]
Tube 717 [Extension dining table] undated
Tube 717 Cabinet for Radio-Phonograph-Television 14 Feb 1949 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 717 Cabinet with Television Screen, Speaker, Record Changer and Storage, preliminary Study. 7 Feb 1949
Tube 717 Dining Table 29 Mar 1951
Tube 717 Extension Dining Table 17 Jan 1949 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 717 Extension Dining Table. working drawings. 12 Jan 1949 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 717 Plywood Armchair 6 Jan 1949 - Dwg. No. 2
Tube 717 Plywood Armchair 1 Apr 1949 - Dwg. No. 2A
Tube 717 Plywood Armchair 7 Aug 1949 - Dwg. No. 2B
Tube 717 Plywood Chair 4 Jan 1949 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 717 Plywood Chair 30 Mar 1949 - Dwg. No. 1A
Tube 717 Plywood Chair 8 Jul 1949 - Dwg. No. 1B
Tube 717 Plywood Chairs - Sidechair and Armchair 6 Apr 1949 - Dwg. No. 3
Tube 717 Plywood Chairs. Side Chair and Armchair. 7 Aug 1949 - Dwg. No. 3A
Tube 717 Radio and Television Control Table 14 Feb 1949 - Dwg. No. 1
Tube 717 Table with Radio-Television Controls. Preliminary Study. 7 Feb 1949
Tube 1131 [Coffee table and granite table]
Tube 1131 Bookcase for Breuer House - New Canaan 23 Dec 1957
Tube 1131 Breuer Desk 27 May 1970 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1131 Breuer Desk 27 May 1970 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1131 Breuer Desk Canaan II: Preliminary design 18 Aug 1970 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1131 Breuer Desk Canaan II: Preliminary design 18 Aug 1970 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1131 Breuer Office Desk undated
Tube 1131 Cabinet for Breuer House Jan 1958
Tube 1131 Candle Holder 21 Jan 1959
Tube 1131 Candle Holder undated
Tube 1131 Candle Holder undated
Tube 1131 Conference Table and Telephone Table for New Office, 201 E. 57th St. New York. 8 Aug 1956
Tube 1131 Desks Nos. 1 and 2 undated
Tube 1131 Dining Chairs 19 May 1976
Tube 1131 Dining Chairs 5 May 1967 - Dwg. No. 31
Tube 1131 Granite Table 7 May 1950
Tube 1131 Revision of Tables for New Office, 57th St. 22 Aug 1956 - Dwg. No. SK1
Tube 1131 Table and Desk for Breuer House 21 Jul 1958 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1131 Teakwood Table for Mr. Breuer 9 Feb 1950
Tube 1131 Two-Way Cantilevered Desk 29 Jan 1963 - related model: New Canaan Desk
Tube 1317 Typen Möbel (Nr. 332) 1 Mar 1930 - Leaf 270; presentation drawing; Germannumbered chart showing furniture line
Tube 1317 Anticorodal Sessel 312 (Dwg. No. 1323) 28 Jan 1936 - Leaf 403; working drawing; German
Tube 1317 Liegestuhl No. 313 (Dwg. No. 1324) 30 Jan 1936 - Leaf 404; working drawing; German
Box 139, Folder 4 Modular Cabinets Diagram - presentation drawing
Box 139, Folder 3 Plywood Chair sketch - design development drawing
Oversize 13, Folder 1 Es gelten die eingeschriebenen Profilstärken, sonst die Hauptasze der Zng.4/842 27 Nov 1934 - related model: 301/WB
Oversize 13, Folder 8 Als Federndes Gestell sketches - design development drawings; German; 1sheet
Photographs (105 items)
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum chair and armchair with upholstery 1933 - related model: 307/WB and 308/WB; black and white photograph; "1933 bittezurick!" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum lounge chairs 1933 - related model: 345/WB and 346/WB; black and white photograph; "Federnder Liegestuhl aus Aluminium 1933" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum lounge chairs [1933] - related model: 345/WB and 346/WB; black and white photograph; "1935" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum chair and armchair with upholstery 1933 - related model: 307/WB and 308/WB; black and white photograph; "1933" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum short lounge chair with upholstery [1933] - related model: 311/WB; black and white photograph; back view; Paris competition chair; "1935"written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum short lounge chair with upholstery 1933 - related model: 311/WB; black and white photograph; front view; "Federnder Aluminium Sessel 1933. I. Preis am Internat. Aluminium Wettbewerb Paris" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum lounge chairs [1933] - related model: 345/WB and 346/WB; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum lounge chair with zebra print upholstery 1933 - related model: 345/WB; black and white photograph; "Aluminium Liegestuhl, elastisch, 1933. I. Preisam Internat. Aluminium wettbewerb Paris" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum armchair with upholstery (straight arms) [1933] - Paris competition chair; black and white photograph; "Federnder Aluminiumsessel" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum chair with plywood seat 1933 - related model: 301/WB; black and white photograph; "Federnder Aluminium stuhl, 1933. I. Preis am Internat. Aluminium wettbewerb Paris" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Banded steel armchairs (plywood seat and slatted seat) 1933 - related model: 332/WB and 336/WB; black and white photograph; "Federnde Sessel aus Stahlband 1933" and>"Aluminum Furniture Paris Competition 1933" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum chair with slatted seat [1933] - related model: 305/WB; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 21 Aluminum chair with slatted seat [1933] - related model: 305/WB; black and white photograph; "sedia in Aluuminio per giardino" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Steel club armchair (B3) [1925] - related model: B3; black and white photograph; post card; photo by Consemüller
Box 29, Folder 22 Folding club armchair (B4) [1927] - related model: B4; black and white photograph; "Klubsessel, zusammenklappbar"
Box 29, Folder 22 Folding armchair [1928] - black and white photograph; assembled view; "Zusammenklappbarer Armlehnstuhl"
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel chair with cane seat (B32) 1925-1928 - related model: B32; black and white photograph; "Tubular Chair, 1925-28" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel stools (B9) 1925 - related model: B9; black and white photograph; "1925 stool/table steel" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel stools (B9) [1925] - related model: B9; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 22 Folding armchair [1928] - black and white photograph; assembled view and folded, side view
Box 29, Folder 22 Steel club armchair (B3) 1925 - related model: B3; black and white photograph; "Wassily Chair 1925" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Steel club armchair (B3) [1927] - related model: B3; black and white photograph; side view, c.1927 version with springs; "First bent continuous tubular steel furniture, 1925" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Steel club armchair (B3) [1927] - related model: B3; black and white photograph; side view, c.1927 version with springs; "Wassily Chair 1925. First bent continuous tubular steel furniture" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Steel club armchair (B3) 1925 - related model: B3; black and white photograph; original version; "First tubular steel chair 1925" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel chair and armchair with cane seat (B32 and B64) 1928 - related model: B32 and B64; black and white photograph; "sedie in tubi metallici e vimini, 1928" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel chair with cane seat (B32) 1928 - related model: B32; black and white photograph; "Tubular Steel Cantilevered Chair 1928" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel chair with fabric seat (B5) [1926-1927] - related model: B5 (first version); black and white photograph; "Sedia per sala da pranzo 1926" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 22 Tubular steel chair with fabric seat (B5) [1926-1927] - related model: B5 (first version); black and white photograph; "Rückenlehnstuhl mit Stoffbespann" on front of photo, "c.1927" on back
Box 29, Folder 23 Isokon chaise lounge chair 1935-1936 - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph; "Isokon 1935-36" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 23 Isokon chaise lounge with upholstery and plywood table 1935-1936 - related model: Long Chair/Isokon and Nesting Table/Isokon; black and white photograph; Ventris Apt. furniture. "Isokon 1935-36" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 23 Isokon chaise lounge with upholstery 1935-1936 - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph; "Sedie a sdraio adattabili" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 23 Isokon chaise lounge with upholstery 1936 - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph; "Chaise longue 1936 Isokon" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 23 Plywood reclining chair 1935 - black and white photograph; Heal's exhibition/Frank House chair; "Heal's exhibition, reclining chair 1935 cut-out plywood" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 23 Isokon chaise lounge chair [1935-1936] - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 24 Arm chair 1935-1936 - black and white photograph; Heal's exhibition; "arm chair 1935 in Heal's 7 architects exhibition 1936 London" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Cut-out plywood side chair 1935 - black and white photograph; "experimental plywood cut-out chair 1935"on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Cut-out plywood arm chair 1935-1936 - black and white photograph; "Isokon 1935-1936" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Side chair (ti 2) 1922 - related model: ti 2; black and white photograph; "1922 fabri:horsehair" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Wood-slat arm chair (ti 1a) 1922 - related model: ti 1a; black and white photograph; "Poltrona 1922 (arm chair)"" fabric by Helena [illegible]" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Plywood side chair 1935 - related model: Dining Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph; "1935 Isokon" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 24 Plywood nesting chair 1935 - related model: Dining Chair/Isokon; black and white photograph; "1935" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Plywood nesting tables [1936] - related model: Nesting Tables/Isokon; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 25 Tubular steel and wood desk 1927 - related model: 97/WB; black and white photograph; "Schreibtisch 1927" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Aluminum tables for flowers 1933 - related model: 322/WB; black and white photograph"Blumentische Aluminum tables for flowers1933" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Tea table (Sommerfeld table) 1921 - black and white photograph; "table 1921 first designe" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Tubular steel and glass table (B19) 1928 - related model: B19; black and white photograph; "Glastische 1928" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Plywood nesting table [1936] - related model: Nesting Tables/Isokon; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 25 Plywood dining table 1935 - related model: Dining Table/Isokon; black and white photograph; "One-piece table, molded and cut-out plywood,1935" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Tables with chromium pipe legs (WB 91,92,93) [1928] - related model: 91/WB,92/WB and 93/WB; black and white photograph
Box 29, Folder 25 Tubular steel tea cart (B54) 1928 - related model: B54; black and white photograph; "Service table with removable trays 1928"written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 25 Tubular steel tea cart (B54) 1928 - related model: B54; black and white photograph; "Tea wagon 1928" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 26 Bookshelve units 1931 - related model: 131/WB; black and white photograph; "Bücherregale 1931 (Typenmöbel)" written onback of photo
Box 29, Folder 26 Bookshelve units circa 1931 - related model: 131/WB; black and white photograph; "Bookshelve units 1932 (1931)" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 26 Tubular metal and wood bed 1929 - black and white photograph; "[illegible] H. Wiesbaden 1929"
Box 29, Folder 26 Cabinet 1921 - black and white photograph; "Cabinet 1921" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 26 Kitchen cabinets 1923 - black and white photograph; "1923 Küchenschrank" on back of photo; photo by Eckner
Box 29, Folder 26 Breuer Furniture Exhibition - black and white photograph; photo of unidentified exhibition; "Milano(Gavina?)" written on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 27 Metal lounge chair with curved front - black and white photograph; "Embru-Werke AG" stamped on back of photo. Not identified as a Breuer design. Chair very similar to Lorenz tubular steel models KS46 and 47.
Box 29, Folder 27 Tubular steel lounge chair by Mart Stam 1927 - black and white photograph; Weissenhof estate exhibition furniture. "Juli 1927" on back of photo
Box 29, Folder 27 Tubular steel lounge chair by Mart Stam [1927] - black and white negative
Box SL-3 Aluminum chaise lounge with upholstery removed [Slide 90] [1934] - black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tables with chromium pipe legs (WB 91, 92, 93) 1928 - Slide 97; related model: 91/WB, 92/WB and 93/WB; black and white slide; "Table units 1928" written on slide
Box SL-3 Modular Furniture System [Slide 119] [circa 1926] - black and white slide; Design for modular wall units
Box SL-3 Desk, chair and lamp [Slide 240] [circa 1930] - black and white slide; interior setting
Box SL-3 Desk, cabinets, tubular steel chair and table [Slide 241] [circa 1930] - black and white slide; interior setting
Box SL-3 Modular furniture system ][Slide 243] [circa 1926] - black and white slide; Typen Möbel; axonometric
Box SL-3 Tubular steel chair with cane seat (B32) [Slide 348] 1925-1928 - related model: B32; black and white slide; "Tubular Chair, 1925-28" written on slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum chair and armchair with upholstery [Slide 397] 1932-1933 - related model: 307/WB and 308/WB; black and white slide; "Alum. Chairs - 1932-33" written on slide
Box SL-3 Double cantilever aluminum chair [Slide 398] - black and white slideALCOA chair?" BR 21" written on slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum tables for flowers [Slide 399] [1933] - related model: 322/WB; black and white slide; Blumentische
Box SL-3 Aluminum lounge chairs [Slide 402] [1933] - related model: 345/WB and 346/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum chairs with plywood seat and slatted seat [Slide 403] [1933] - related model:301/WB and 305/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Double cantilever aluminum chair [Slide 404] - black and white slideALCOA chair?
Box SL-3 Short lounge chairs, aluminum and banded steel versions [Slide 405] [1933] - related model: 311/WB and 341/WB; black and white slide; "Aluminum lounge chairs" written on slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum chairs with plywood seat and slatted seat [Slide 416] [1933] - related model:301/WB and 305/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum lounge chairs [Slide 417] [1933] - related model: 345/WB and 346/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Folding armchair [Slide 658] 1928 - black and white slide; folded, back view; "Folding Chair, 1928" written on slide
Box SL-3 Steel club armchair (B3) [Slide 659] [circa 1927] - related model: B3; black and white slide; Herbert Bayer designed cover for Standard Möbel catalog
Box SL-3 Steel club armchair (B3) [Slide 660] [1925] - related model: B3; black and white slide; photo by Consemüller
Box SL-3 Tubular steel and glass table (B19) [Slide 661] [1928] - elated model: B19; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tubular steel chair profiles [Slide 662] [circa 1930] - related model: B3/B35/B9/B7/B7a/B55; black and white slide; drawing
Box SL-3 Tubular steel tea cart (B54) [Slide 664] [1928] - related model: B54; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Folding armchair [Slide 665] [1928] - black and white slide; folded, side view
Box SL-3 Tubular steel chair with cane seat (B32) [Slide 666] [1925-1928] - related model: B32; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tubular steel tea cart (B54) [Slide 668] [1928] - related model: B54; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tubular steel chairs and conference table, tubular metal and wood bed [Slide 669] [circa 1930] - black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tubular steel stools (B9) [Slide 671] [1925] - related model: B9; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Wood-slat arm chair (ti 1a) [Slide 674] [1922] - related model: ti 1a; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Side chair (ti 2) [Slide 675] [1922] - related model: ti 2; black and white slide; front and side views
Box SL-3 Wood-slat arm chair (ti 1a) [Slide 676] [1922] - related model: ti 1a; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Side chair (ti 2) [Slide 677] [1922] - related model: ti 2; black and white slide; front and side views
Box SL-3 Tubular steel and glass table (B19) [Slide 683] [1928] - related model: B19; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tubular steel stools (B9) [Slide 685] [1925] - related model: B9; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Bookshelve units [Slide 686] [1931] - related model: 131/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Tables with chromium pipe legs (WB 91, 92, 93) [Slide 689] [1928] - related model: 91/WB,92/WB and 93/WB; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Plywood nesting chair [Slide 690] [1935] - related model: Dining Chair/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Isokon chaise lounge chair [Slide 691] [1935-1936] - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Plywood nesting table [Slide 692] [1936] - related model: Nesting Tables/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Cut-out plywood side chair [Slide 697] [1935] - black and white slide
Box SL-3 Isokon chaise lounge chair [Slide 700] [1935-1936] - related model: Long Chair/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Plywood dining table [Slide 701] [1935] - related model: Dining Table/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Plywood side chair [Slide 702] [1935] - related model: Dining Chair/Isokon; black and white slide
Box SL-3 Children's room furniture, chairs, table and rug [Slide 705] [1922] - related model: ti 1b/ti 3a/ti 3b/ti 6; black and white slide; interior setting, rug by Benita Otte
Box SL-3 Tubular steel and wood desk [Slide 707] [1927] - black and white slide
Box SL-3 Aluminum chair and armchair with upholstery [Slide 745] [1933] - related model: 307/WB and 308/WB; black and white slide
Project records
Within each project, Drawings consists of preliminary sketches and designs, design development drawings, presentation and publication drawings, working drawings (including construction sets) and shop drawings. Project files contain correspondence with clients, engineers, contractors and manufacturers; program notes and documents; specifications documents; Financial documents (architect's fees, contractor billing and supplier invoices), consultant reports, construction bulletins, change orders, contracts, etc. Published material contains project specific articles and clippings related to subsequent presentation of completed projects. Photographs includes finished project photographs and construction photographs, slides and negatives.
ABRAHAM AND STRAUS, EXTERIOR, Hempstead, Long Island, NY (1950-1954). Marcel Breuer, Consulting Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: A & S Department Stores; Princeton Project.)
Drawings (55)
Tube 1110 Draft elevations - design development drawings (originals); some rendered and/or with sketches in the margins (13)
Tube 1110 Rendered preliminary storefront elevations - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1110 Presentation sheet with two rendered elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1110 Exterior perspective rendering [photostat] - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1110 Drafts of exterior perspective views of the storefront - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1110 Large rendered exterior perspectives - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1111 Stair details - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1111 Plan drafts and sketches in various stages of completion - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1111 Preliminary plan of building exterior wall - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1111 Preliminary and revised elevations - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1111 Design details: Entrance, stone textures, showcases, etc. - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1111 Large scale exterior texture studies - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Project files
Box 78, Folder 1 Correspondence: Associated architects (Sep 1950-Feb 1954) - The Austin Co., Engineers and Builders
Box 78, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1950-Nov 1953) - Abraham and Straus (R.H. Brown)
Box 78, Folder 3 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1950-1954) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 78, Folder 4 Financial records - architect invoices/payments
Box 78, Folder 5 Memos (Nov 1950-Aug 1953) - Project Memoranda
Box 78, Folder 6 Office records - internal memoranda, miscellaneous notes
Box 78, Folder 7 Promotional materials I - Abraham and Strauss Booklet
Box 78, Folder 8 Promotional materials II - The Austin Co. promotional literature
Box 78, Folder 9 Publicity (1950-1952) - press releases, correspondence with photographers and with Architectural Record
Box 78, Folder 10 Transmittals
Published material
Box 78, Folder 11 "A & S-Nassau Store Outlying Area " Architectural Record (Feb 1951) tear sheet; 10 pgs.
Box 78, Folder 11 "New Nassau Store to Cost $2,500,000" New York Times (28 Dec 1950) photocopy; 1 pg.
Photographs (6)
Box 78, Folder 12 A & S President viewing exhibit of scale model - model; black and white photographs (1)
Box 78, Folder 12 Building façade including entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 78, Folder 12 Night view of elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 78, Folder 12 Watercolor view of proposed façade - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photographs (2)
AIRPORT TERMINAL BUILDINGS, Fairbanks and Anchorage, AK (1948-1953). Marcel Breuer, Consulting Architect. [Other]
(Alternate names: Anchorage Airport; Fairbanks Airport; Alaska Air Terminal.)
Drawings (39)
Box 88, Folder 3 Construction plans for Anchorage International Express Airport (28 Sep 1948) (Thomas B. Bourne and Associates) - working drawings (reproductions) (39 bound sheets)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 1 Correspondence (May 1949-Mar 1953) - bulk of the correspondence is between Breuer and representatives of Bourne Associates
Box 88, Folder 2 Office records (1950-1953) - architect invoices, travel documents, design specifications and miscellaneous notes
ALMY, BIGELOW AND WASHBURN, Salem, MA (1944-1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
Drawings (42)
Box 79, Folder 11-12 Rough sketches and draftsman's project sketchbook - design development drawings (originals) (30)
Tube 718 Details, floor layouts, interiors - working drawings (reproductions) (12)
Project files
Box 79, Folder 1 Building permits (Jan 1945-Apr 1946) - correspondence/application with city of Salem authorities
Box 79, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1944-Apr 47) - Almy, Bigelow and Washburn Dept. Store
Box 79, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants (Feb 1946-Apr 1947) - Cleverdon, Varney & Pike, Structural Engineers.
Box 79, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Feb 1945-Feb 1947) - William H. Porter Co., Inc., general contractor.
Box 79, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1945-46) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 79, Folder 6 Correspondence: Office (Jun 1946-Apr 1947) - internal office correspondence with Charles Burchard, O.S. Leighton.
Box 79, Folder 7 Financial records - billing documents and billing correspondence.
Box 79, Folder 8 List of drawings
Box 79, Folder 9 Office records - miscellaneous administrative documents, notes and contact information.
Box 79, Folder 10 Program documents I (Aug 1944-Dec 1944) - cost analysis, notes and computations
Box 79, Folder 11 Program documents II (1944-1946) - miscellaneous notes, meeting notes, computations and sketches.
Box 79, Folder 12 Program documents III - Ira Rakatansky notebook (draftsman's notebook): notes, computations and sketches.
ALUMINUM CITY TERRACE, New Kensington, PA (1941-1944). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: Defense Housing, Pittsburgh; New Kensington Project)
Drawings (25)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 General site plan (Dwg. No. A-1) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Grading plan: Northern and southern portions (Dwg. Nos. A3a, A3b) - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Plans and elevations: 2 and 3 BRM Unit (Dwg. No. A-5) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Plans and elevations: 1 BRM Unit (Dwg. No. A-8) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Plans, elevations, sections: Twin House (Dwg. No. A-9) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Stud frame wall sections and details (Dwg. No. A-11) - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Brick veneer wall sections and details (Dwg. No. A-12) - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Miscellaneous exterior details, including sunshades (Dwg. No. A-13) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Miscellaneous exterior details, including sunshades (Dwg. No. A-13) - presentation drawings (reproduction, board mounted photostat) (1)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Community and Administration Building: Plans and elevations (Dwg. No. A-16) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Community and Administration Building: Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Twin House: Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Sunshade diagrams showing critical relations of sunlight to building - presentation drawings (reproduction, negative photostat) (1)
Project files
Box 59, Folder 1 Architect's statement and notes - includes notes from Breuer's post-project visit
Box 59, Folder 2 Bid docs, cost estimates, etc.
Box 59, Folder 3 Contract
Box 59, Folder 4-6 Correspondence: Client (FWA) (Apr 1941-Jan 1942)
Box 59, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultants
Box 59, Folder 8 Correspondence: Contractor and manufacturers - includes product literature
Box 59, Folder 9 Correspondence: General - includes post-project correspondence relating to public reception of the project
Box 60, Folder 10 Drawing list
Box 60, Folder 11-13 Financial records - Claims for Reimbursement (Nos. 1-9) and architect invoices
Box 60, Folder 14 Miscellaneous documents - Administrative Orders and Procedures documents issued by FWA
Box 60, Folder 15 Office records - office correspondence, receipts and miscellaneous
Box 60, Folder 16 Publicity - quotation from Architectural Review
Box 60, Folder 17 Reports - Weekly Progress Reports on Design Process submitted to FWA
Box 60, Folder 18 Schedules, color scheme
Box 60, Folder 19-21 Specifications - preliminary and miscellaneous; heating, electrical, plumbing; workmanship and material (submitted by breuer); workmanship and material (FWA issued); addendums (nos. 1-6) and revisions
Box 61, Folder 12-24 Specifications - preliminary and miscellaneous; heating, electrical, plumbing; workmanship and material (submitted by breuer); workmanship and material (FWA issued); addendums (nos. 1-6) and revisions
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 61, Folder 25 "Aluminum City Terrace Housing " Architectural Forum (Jul 1944) tear sheet; 12 pgs
Box 61, Folder 25 "Housing: The Why of Planning, " Fortune (Nov 1944) - copy; 6 pgs
Box 61, Folder 25 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings (circa 1942-1943) (3)
Photographs (7)
Box 61, Folder 24 Exterior view - finished project; black and white photograph (1)
Box 61, Folder 24 Site model, aerial view - black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Site model, aerial view - Slide 358; model, aerial view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 14 Site model - site/landscape, model; black and white photographs; photo and copy negative (2)
Oversize 14 Site model - site/landscape, model; black and white photograph; large format, board mounted, 14 x 20 in. (1)
Box 61, Folder 24 Site rendering, aerial view - drawings, aerial view; photostat (1)
AMERICAN PRESS INSTITUTE CONFERENCE CENTER, Reston, VA (1971-1980). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Other]
(Alternate names: API)
This section contains material related to the original construction phase (circa 1972) and a conference center extension phase (circa 1979).
Drawings (243)
Map-Case 116, Folder 3 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); artist unknown; graphite on illustration board, 18 x 30 in (1)
Oversize 27 Presentation book (Jan 1972): Site plan, perspective rendering, architect's report, ground floor plan, upper floor plan, elevations and sections - bound volume of presentation drawings, 9 pages
Tube 1383 Presentation set (Jan 1972): Site plans, ground floor plan, upper floor plan, elevations and sections (Dwg. Nos. 1-4) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1383 Presentation set / book negatives (Jan 1972) - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for presentation book and presentation set (11)
Tube 1383 Furniture plan: Ground and upper floors - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1383 Ground and upper floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1383 Furnishing layout: Ground and upper floors - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1384 Construction set (26 May 1972): Architectural (A1-A23) - working drawings (originals); marked "issued for bid" (26)
Tube 1384 Construction set (1 Jun 1972): Structural (S1-S3) - working drawings (originals); marked "issued for bid" (3)
Tube 1384 Construction set (1 Jun 1972): Mechanical (ME1-ME7), electrical (E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "issued for bidding" (12)
Tube 1384 Miscellaneous revisions (Feb 1973-Mar 1974): Dwg. Nos. A4-A6, A17, A20, A22-A23 - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1381 Site work, surveys and topographic maps (1972-1978) - design development drawings (reproductions); some annotated prints; includes original phase and extension phase (34)
Tube 1382 Design development, SK drawings and miscellaneous detail and furniture drawings (1972-1980) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes conference table drawings (circa 1980), furniture built-ins and floor plan studies (32)
Tube 1382 General study (Nov 1978): Dwg. Nos. D1-D10 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (14)
Tube 1382 Audio-visual facilities plan (28 Dec 1978) (Habert Wilke) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1382 Carpet and drapery (15 Jan 1980): Dwg. Nos. CD1-CD2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1382 Furniture layout (15 Jan 1980): Dwg. Nos. LA1-LA2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1382 Wall finishes (15 Jan 1980): Dwg. Nos. FI1-FI2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1382 Credit wall (6 Jun 1980) - working drawings (reproductions) (3 copies, 1 with revisions)
Tube 1382 Lighting (26 Jan 1979): Dwg. Nos. L2-L3 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1382 Ground floor power plan (14 Sep 1979) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1382 Square footage, ground and upper floors - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 1382 Furniture SK drawings (Nov-Dec 1979): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK13 and miscellaneous sheets - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (21)
Tube 1385 Conference Center Expansion. Construction set (15 Feb 1979): Architectural (A0-A18), structural (S1-S4), plus 2 duplicates and S4-S5 reference drawings from 1972 Construction set - working drawings (originals) (27)
Tube 1386 Conference Center Expansion. Construction set (15 Feb 1979): Architectural (A0-A17), structural (S1-S3); mechanical (M3-M4) - working drawings (reproductions); some with annotations (23)
Project files
Box 141, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 141, Folder 2 Building codes
Box 141, Folder 3-4 Change orders (Nos. 1-30)
Box 141, Folder 5 Closing documents
Box 141, Folder 6-7 Contracts and contract negotiation
Box 141, Folder 8-10 Correspondence: Client (1971-1977) - American Press Institute
Box 141, Folder 11 Correspondence: Consultant acoustic engineer -
Box 141, Folder 12 Correspondence: Consultant - engineers, concrete inspection
Box 141, Folder 13 Correspondence: Consultant - food service
Box 141, Folder 14 Correspondence: Consultant - lighting
Box 142, Folder 1 Correspondence: Consultant - material research
Box 142, Folder 2 Correspondence: Consultant - mechanical and electrical engineers
Box 142, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultant - structural engineer
Box 142, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultant - surveyor
Box 142, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultant - Edward Zekala, specifications writer
Box 142, Folder 6-8 Correspondence: Contractor (1972-1975) - Sharpe and Hamaker, Inc., general contractor
Box 143, Folder 1 Correspondence: Gulf Reston
Box 143, Folder 2 Correspondence: Office
Box 143, Folder 3 Correspondence: Miscellaneous
Box 143, Folder 4 Correspondence: Municipal agencies -
Box 143, Folder 5 Correspondence: Supplier - carpeting
Box 143, Folder 6 Correspondence: Supplier - furnishings
Box 143, Folder 7 Correspondence: Supplier - graphics
Box 143, Folder 8 Correspondence: Supplier - hardware schedule
Box 143, Folder 9 Correspondence: Supplier - paving
Box 143, Folder 10 Correspondence: Supplier - pre-cast concrete
Box 143, Folder 11-22 Financial documents - consultant and contractor invoices, Gulf Reston billing, and Payment Certificates
Box 144, Folder 1 List of drawings
Box 144, Folder 2-3 Memos - General and site Visit Memos
Box 144, Folder 4 Office records
Box 144, Folder 6 Product literature
Box 144, Folder 8 Reports
Box 144, Folder 9 Specifications
Box 144, Folder 10-13 Transmittals (1971-1977)
Published material
Box 144, Folder 7 "API's New Home Takes Shape" American Press Institute (28 Dec 1973) (pgs. 1-3) copy
Box 144, Folder 7 "April Opening Scheduled for New API Home" Editor and Publisher (12 Jan 1974) (pg. 36) photocopy
Photographs (18)
Box 144, Folder 5 Ground floor plan (Dwg. No. 2) - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 144, Folder 5 Upper floor plan (Dwg. No. 3) - drawings, plan; black and white photographs (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "American Press Institute (API)" - color slides (16)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
ANNUNCIATION PRIORY OF THE SISTERS OF ST. BENEDICT, PHASE I, Bismark, ND (1955-1959). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate; Traynor and Hermanson, Associated Architects. [Religious]
Phase I includes the classroom and dormitory wing and the community facilities wing. Phase II (see below) includes the convent wing, chapel and bell tower.
See also University of Mary.
Drawings (342)
Oversize 30 Presentation book. Comprehensive plan: Architect/engineer report, plans, sections, circulation Diagrams, site plans (Jun 1955) - presentation drawings, bound volume; 22 pgs.
Map-Case 117, Folder 6 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Helmut Jacoby, artist; oil on Strathmore board, 22 x 29.5 in. (1)
Tube 1180 Aerial site photo and maps - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1180 Design development sketches and drawings (Feb 1955-Aug 1956) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site maps, preliminary site plans, preliminary planning studies, space allocation studies and program analysis, preliminary schemes, plan and elevation studies, perspective studies of complex, night lighting scheme (89 originals and 2 prints)
Tube 1180 Presentation set: Convent of the Annunciation: Title sheet, sheet nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1180 Presentation set: Convent of the Annunciation: Title sheet, sheet nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (7 originals and 1 print)
Tube 1181 Site maps - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1181 Design development sketches, drawings and annotated prints (Mar 1956-Jun 1956) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes structural framing plans and details, community hall building elevations and sections, window details, wall sections, night lighting scheme, chaplain's apartment, cross design, cloister columns, interior and exterior details, interior perspectives (83 originals and 9 prints)
Tube 1182 Structural details (5 Jan 1956-11 May 1956): Classroom and dormitory building, community hall building: Dwg. Nos. D1-D12 and unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (reproductions) (18)
Tube 184 Construction set (14 Mar 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A2, A4-A16, A18-A27) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated diazo prints (25)
Tube 1173 Small-scale topographic maps and aerial photos - site surveys (reproductions) (16)
Tube 1173 Topographic maps (1944) - site surveys (originals and reproductions) (3)
Tube 1173 Preliminary site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1173 Construction set (22 Nov 1957-14 Mar 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A2) - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1173 Construction set (28 Jan 1958): "R" Series (Dwg. No. R1) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1173 Construction set (Apr 1959): Landscaping (Dwg. Nos. L1-L3) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1173 Construction set (Apr 1959): Landscaping (Dwg. No. L1) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1173 Construction set (28 Jul 1959-8 Oct 1959): Furniture (Dwg. Nos. F1-F4) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1173 Construction set (8 Oct 1959): Furniture (Dwg. No. F1) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1174 Construction set (14 Mar 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A28-A39), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10), mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M9), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E6) - working drawings (reproductions) (37)
Photographs (122)
Box 136, Folder 1 Construction progress (1958-1959) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (102)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Annunciation Priory (AP)" - color slides (20)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
ANNUNCIATION PRIORY OF THE SISTERS OF ST. BENEDICT, PHASE II, Bismark, ND (1960-1964). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate; Traynor and Hermanson, Associated Architects. [Religious]
Phase I (see above) includes the classroom and dormitory wing and the community facilities wing. Phase II includes the convent wing, chapel and bell tower.
See also University of Mary.
Drawings (375)
Tube 1184 Presentation sheets: Floor plans, elevations, details, bell tower perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1184 Presentation set: Sheet Nos. 2-9 - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1184 Sections through chapel (1 Oct 1960): Dwg. No. SK-31 - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1184 Isometric of buttress, west courtyard - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1184 Interior perspective with Sisters - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1183 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for production of numbered presentation set (12)
See Tube 1184 for original drawings.
Tube 1183 Presentation set: Sheet Nos. 2-8 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (9)
See Tube 1184 for original drawings.
Tube 1183 Miscellaneous presentation sheets - presentation drawings (reproductions); prints and photostats (12)
Tube 185 Preliminary plan of chapel (10 Apr 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 185 Preliminary plan of library (6 May 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print, "office copy" (1)
Tube 185 Balcony details, north and south corner (16 Sep 1960): Dwg. No. SK-18 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 185 Record set (5 May 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK3 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints, "sent to Holtkamp; Gausman and Moore" (3)
Tube 185 Landscaping plan (Apr 1959): Dwg. Nos. L1-L3 - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 185 Comprehensive site plan (5 Jul 1961): Sheet No. 1 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 185 Presentation set (7 Mar 1962): Sheet Nos. 2-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (3)
Tube 185 Presentation set Revised (29 Jun 1960): Sheet Nos. 2-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated print (3)
Tube 185 Presentation set (20 Jun 1960): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated print (5)
Tube 185 Comprehensive site plan Study (18 Apr 1960): Sheet No. 3 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated presentation sheet (1)
Tube 185 Topographic surveys - site surveys (reproductions) (3)
Tube 185 Dalles stained glass window (20 Sep 1962) - shop drawings (reproductions); "office copy" plus 2 duplicates (3)
Tube 1173 Site plan studies (4 Mar 1960-18 Apr 1960): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1173 Site plan Study (4 Mar 1960): Sheet No. 1 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1289 Design development sketches and drawings (Jul 1958-Feb 1961) - design development drawings (originals); includes chapel plans, chapel seating studies and bench designs, chapel interior elevations and perspectives, stained glass window plans and details, bell tower elevations and concrete pour plans, scheme for buttresses (72)
Tube 618 Design development sketches and drawings (Apr 1960-Dec 1961) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site surveys and maps (photostats), convent floor plans, chapel floor plans, convent elevations, chapel sections and elevations, buttress geometry study, perspective of chapel roof, caretaker's cottage, bell tower sketches and elevations (36 originals and 7 prints)
Tube 1282 Design development sketches, drawings and annotated prints (May 1960-Nov 1962) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes library floor plans, library furniture layout, entrance fountain plans and details, interior elevations, community building plans and details, interior perspectives, dorm room plans and perspectives, reception alcoves plans and perspectives, cemetery plan, miscellaneous chapel details (47 originals and 7 prints)
Tube 1175 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes waiting room sketch, small-scale connection/furniture details, schemes for study halls and recreation lounges, community room furniture layout, waiting alcove seating details, sketches for various community rooms, preliminary room plan (16)
Tube 1175 Chapel furniture (12 Oct 1962): Dwg. No. SK-F25 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1175 Furniture set (20 Mar 1962-29 Oct 1962): Dwg. Nos. SK-F1 to SK-F26 - working drawings (originals) (27)
Tube 1175 Furniture set (19 Jul 1961-30 Apr 1962): Dwg. Nos. F1-F6 - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 617 Construction set (1 Mar 1961): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A29) - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 617 Architectural details Set (Jun 1961-Oct 1962): Dwg. Nos. SK-A-1 to SK-A-32 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (30 originals and 2 prints)
Tube 617 South cloister details, bell tower details (1 Mar 1961): Dwg. No. S12 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1315 Construction details set (Aug 1960-May 1962): Dwg. Nos. SK3-SK47 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (31 originals and 3 prints)
Photographs (490)
Box 136, Folder 2-3 Construction progress photos (Jun 1961-Apr 1963) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; with annotations on verso (415)
Box 136, Folder 2 Construction progress photos (Aug 1961) - construction, exterior view; color photographs; with annotations on verso (6)
Box 136, Folder 3 Construction progress photos (Apr 1962) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; large format, with annotations on verso (9)
Box 136, Folder 3 Views of priory and bell tower - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (11)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Annunciation Priory II (AP2)" - color slides (49)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
APARTMENT FOR A GYMNASTICS TEACHER, Berlin, Germany (1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
(Alternate names: Wohnung eine gymnastik lehrerin; Levi Apartment)
Drawings (1)
Oversize 2 Grundriss (Nr. 313) [Leaf 260] (11 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
Photographs (4)
Box 119, Folder 1 Studio with living area in background - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Studio and living room with phonograph (Berlin, 1930) [Slide 394] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living area [Slide 663] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Tubular steel chair and wooden desk (desk for a gymnastics teacher) [ Slide 684] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
APARTMENT HOTEL (1929) (not built). Marcel Breuer, with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: Wohn Hotel)
See also Paris Werkbund Exhibition.
Drawings (1)
Oversize 2 Appartement eines Wohnhotels (Nr. 263) [Leaf 220] (7 Nov 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Photographs (4)
Box 124, Folder 9 Aerial perspective view with overlaid plan - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Aerial perspective view with overlaid plan [Slide 400] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Aerial perspective view with overlaid plan [Slide 425] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-12, Folder 7 Aerial perspective view with overlaid plan - drawings, perspective rendering; glass-plate negative (1)
APARTMENT HOUSE, NEW YORK, New York, NY (1944-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: East Side Apartments; Kaufmann Apartments; New York Apartment House; Sutton Place)
The bulk of the material consists of correspondence between Breuer and the Kaufmans, as well as a variety of cost computations/comparisons done by Breuer. Retained by Edgar Kaufmann, Jr. to investigate possibilities for a proposed New York City apartment building, Breuer located 3 potential site options -- Sutton Place, Washington Square and 415-423 E. 79th St. ("East Side Apartments"). In addition, Breuer proposed various building options including 6, 10 and 14 story buildings.
Drawings (50)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Plans, section and perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions); board mounted (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Map-Case 112, Folder 10 Aerial perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); ink rendering on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 663 Sketches and design development drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes elevations, sections and plans (29)
Tube 663 Preliminary study for computations only: Plans - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (1 original and 1 reproduction)
Tube 663 Building floor plans, apartment floor plans, site plans and building section drawing - design development drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 663 Perspective drawing - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 1 Correspondence (Aug 1944-Jan 1946) - primarily with Edgar Kaufmann, Sr. and Edgar Kaufmann, Jr.
Box 112, Folder 2 Report, comparison of rents and cost computations (Oct 1944-Jun 1946)
Photographs (2)
Box SL-1 Perspective rendering [Slide 262] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Unit plans, floor plan, section [Slide 357] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
APARTMENT HOUSE, PROJECT FOR BERT GELLER, Lawrence, NY (1945) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
Drawings (3)
Box 112, Folder 3 Sketches - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 3 Correspondence and cost computations
APARTMENT-HOUSE COMPLEX, COMPETITION, SPANDAU-HASELHORST, Berlin, Germany (1930-1931) (not built). Marcel Breuer, with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: Spandau-Haselhorst Apartments)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook.
Photographs (4)
Box 119, Folder 2 Housing scheme and building section - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 2 Site plan and elevation - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 2 Two exterior perspective views, "multistory units mixed with one family row houses" - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Two exterior perspective views [Slide 391] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
ARISTON CLUB, Mar del Plata, Argentina (1947-1948). Marcel Breuer, with Eduardo Catalano and Francisco Coire, Architects. [Recreational]
Published material
Box 112, Folder 4 "A Beach Club to Sell a View " Architectural Record (Jul 1948) - tear sheet (pg. 136-139)
Photographs (21)
Box 112, Folder 5 Construction progress - black and white photographs (12)
Box 112, Folder 5 Exterior views - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; marked "for Arts and Architecture" (1)
Box 112, Folder 5 Interior views - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; marked "for Arts and Architecture" (7)
Box 112, Folder 5 Partial elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
ARMSTRONG RUBBER COMPANY, HEADQUARTERS, West Haven, CT (1967-1970). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Pirelli Tire Building)
Drawings (162)
Map-Case 119, Folder 2 Perspective rendering, façade pattern 1 - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; oil on illustration board in matte frame, 30 x 36 in. (1)
Map-Case 119, Folder 3 Perspective rendering, façade pattern 2 - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; oil on illustration board in matte frame, 30 x 36 in. (1)
Map-Case 119, Folder 1 Perspective rendering, façade pattern 2 - presentation drawings (reproductions); mounted color photograph of Lutz rendering, 16 x 20 in.) (1)
Tube 1185 Presentation set (Jan 1967): Perspective rendering, site plan (Sheet No. 1), 1st and 2nd floor plans (Sheet No. 2), 5th-9th floor plans (Sheet No. 3), east elevation (Sheet No. 4), south elevation (Sheet No. 5) - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1185 Site work: survey and topographic maps - design development drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1185 Occupancy and egress data "as submitted to building department" (4 Aug 1967): Dwg. Nos. SK 11, 11A, 12, 26, 46, 31, 33 - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1185 Miscellaneous prints: SK-A-2, 4-6; C-SK-5 - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1185 Presentation set (Apr 1967): Site plan (Sheet No. 1), 1st and 2nd floor plans (Sheet No. 2), 5th-9th floor plans (Sheet No. 3), east elevation (Sheet No. 4), south elevation (Sheet No. 5) - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1185 Design development drawings (Jun 1967-Feb 1969): C-SK drawings, SK drawings and miscellaneous unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (originals) (31)
Tube 1185 Bid sheets (5 Jan 1968) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1186 Boring location plan (18 Aug 1967): Sheet No. B1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1186 Boring location plan (11 Dec 1967): Sheet No. B1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1186 Boring log data (31 Oct 1967): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1186 Construction set, "chronoflex originals" (20 Nov 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A18, A20-A32) - working drawings (originals) (39)
Tube 1187 Construction set, "chronoflex originals" (20 Nov 1967): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1A-S12) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1188 Construction set, "chronoflex originals" (20 Nov 1967): Plumbing (P1-P7), HVAC (HVAC1-HVAC10), electrical (E1-E15), mechanical (ME1-ME2), sprinkler (SP-1) - working drawings (originals) (37)
Photographs (85)
Box 129, Folder 1-3 Construction progress photos (1968-1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; some annotated (82)
Box 129, Folder 3 Exterior view, finished project - color photographs (3)
ATLANTA CENTRAL PUBLIC LIBRARY, Atlanta, GA (1971-1980). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects; Stevens and Wilkinson, Associate Architects. [Library]
Drawings (461)
Map-Case 118, Folder 5 Perspective of entry plaza - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 19 x 22 in. (1)
Map-Case 118, Folder 4, 6 Perspective from street - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 15.5 x 20 in. (1 original and 1 facsimile)
Tube 1189 Rough sketches and studies (Dec 1970-Jan 1971): Plans, elevations, sections - design development drawings (originals) (120)
Tube 1189 Elevation studies - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1189 Atlanta Library elevations (Dwg. No. SK-1) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1189 Building elevations (30 Jul 1976) (Dwg. No. 9) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Perspective rendering: Entrance plaza from plaza level - presentation drawings (originals); ink and graphite on tracing paper (1)
Tube 1190 Service area diagram (11 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Rendered elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1190 Draft elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Site plan (3 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Functional diagrams of service areas - presentation drawings (originals); with color (5)
Tube 1190 Site plan (9 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Schematic roof plan (17 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1190 Schematic sections and elevations (17 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (1 original and 1 print)
Tube 1190 Schematic site plan: Bank building (17 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (1 original and 1 print)
Tube 1190 Schematic plans and sections (10 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (1 original and 1 print)
Tube 1190 Schematic plan for model (17 Nov 1971) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (1 original and 1 print)
Tube 1190 Alternate site schemes - presentation drawings (reproductions); with color (5)
Tube 1190 Site feasability study for Five Points area (Dec 1971) (Dwg. Nos. 1-2) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1190 Trust Company of Georgia (Carson, Lundin and Shaw, Architects) (circa 1970): Plot plan and elevations - reproductions (4)
Tube 1190 Site survey - site surveys (reproductions) (2 copies)
Tube 1496 Large format film negatives for site feasability study Presentation set - presentation drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1191 Isometric of precast sample (1 Feb 1977) - presentation drawings (original) (1)
Tube 1191 Schematic design (30 Sep 1976): Drawing Nos. 10, 11, 13-14, 25-28 and unnumbered - presentation drawings (reproductions); photocopies with coloring (10)
Tube 1191 Plans, elevations and sections - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original set and annotated print set (26)
Tube 1191 TWFB-Atlanta, Georgia (I.M. Pei and Partners, Architects) (circa 1970): Site plan - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1191 Presentation set: Ground floor plan, upper floor plan and rendered elevations (Dwg. Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1191 Presentation sheets: Basement plan, ground floor plan, 3rd floor plan and 6th floor plan, cross section - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1191 Presentation set: Site plan, plans, elevations, sections (cover sheet and Dwg. Nos. 1-4) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1496 Film negatives, typed sheets and miscellaneous material used for making of Presentation sets - presentation drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1192 Design development set (preliminary working drawings) (28 Dec 1976): site work, plans, sections, interior and exterior elevations (Dwg. Nos. 01-02, 1-8, 10-16,18R, 20-28, 38-40) - design development drawings (originals) (30)
Tube 1193 Design development set, preliminary working drawings (28 Dec 1976): site work, plans, sections, interior and exterior elevations (Dwg. Nos. 41-90) - design development drawings (originals) (50)
Tube 1194 Design development se, (preliminary working drawings (28 Dec 1976): site work, plans, sections, interior and exterior elevations, etc (Dwg. Nos. 91, 93-108) - design development drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 1194 Design development set: Sun study (28 Dec 1976) (Dwg. Nos. SS1-SS4 ) - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1194 Design development set: Precast panels only (Dec 1976-Feb 1977) (Dwg. Nos. 01P, 1P-6P) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (7)
Tube 1194 Egress diagrams (Aug-Oct 1976) (Dwg. Nos. 01-02, 1-6) - design development drawings (reproductions); 3 sets, including record prints; some with annotations (23)
Tube 1195 SK drawings and miscellaneous construction details (Mar 1978-Feb 1980) - working drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1195 Sections through concrete walls and granite steps (25 Sep 1979) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1195 Gift shop, "issued for pricing" (23 May 1979): Dwg. Nos.1-2 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1195 Library gift shop (23 Feb 1979) (Rich's Store Planning): Floor plan, wall sections and interior elevations (Dwg. Nos.1-5) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1195 Drawer at Drive-in Window (25 Jul 1979) (S and W) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1195 Channel wall, various wall sections and details - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (12)
Tube 1195 Floor plans - design development drawings (reproductions); 2 sets of prints, 1 with annotations (16)
Tube 1195 Drive-in drawer construction details (22 Aug 1979) (S and W) - consultant drawings (reproductions); annotated (1)
Tube 1195 Annotated survey (Oct 1970), Map and site plan revisions - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (5)
Tube 1195 Revised forecourt and Forsyth Street gradients (Sep-Oct 1979) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of originals, 2 sets of prints (6)
Tube 1195 Wall panels at gift shop (Feb-Apr 1980) (Nelson and Smith): Dwg. Nos. 37 and 37A - consultant drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1195 Car study at drive-in window (27 Jan 1977) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1195 Design development set (20 Apr 1979): 7th floor reflected ceiling plan (Dwg. No. 7) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (1)
Tube 1195 Design development set (19 May 1977): Dwg. Nos. 01, 1-6 - design development drawings (reproductions); "issued for bookstack only"; annotated (7)
Tube 1195 Miscellaneous duplicate prints - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1195 Acoustics set (Apr-May 1977) (Acoustics and Noise Control Co.) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (28)
Tube 1195 Water table level analysis (10 Nov 1971) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 164, Folder 1-5 Acoustics (Oct 1976-Dec 1978) - ANCC, acoustics consultant; correspondence, proposals, consultant reports and specifications
Box 164, Folder 6-10 Change orders (Jul 1978-Dec 1980) (Nos. 1-37)
Box 165, Folder 1-4 Change proposals (Nos. 81037-81196, incomplete)
Box 165, Folder 5 Concrete pre-cast panels (Southeast Schokbeton) (Oct 1973-Jan 1977) - correspondence, specifications and product literature
Box 165, Folder 6-7 Construction bid documents (Feb 1972-Aug 1977) - bid form, correspondence and firm information
Box 165, Folder 8-9 Contract documents (1969-1978) - contract negotiations, interim contract and architectural contract
Box 166, Folder 1-4 Contract documents (1969-1978) - contract negotiations, interim contract and architectural contract
Box 166, Folder 5-10 Correspondence: Associate Architects (Nov 1966-Apr 1982) - Stevens and Wilkinson, Associate Architects
Box 167, Folder 1-4 Correspondence: Client (May 1970-Jan 1982) - Carlton Rochell (Director, Atlanta Public Library); Ella Gaines Yates-Edwards (Director, Bureau of Libraries); Library Board of Trustees; Joseph Zavodny (Acting Director, Atlanta Public Library)
Box 167, Folder 5-7 Correspondence: Contractor (Dec 1975-Dec 1981) - George Hyman Construction Co., general contractor
Box 168, Folder 1-3 Correspondence: Contractor (Dec 1975-Dec 1981) - George Hyman Construction Co., general contractor
Box 168, Folder 4 Correspondence: Municipal agencies (Sep-Mar 1977) - includes project memos
Box 168, Folder 5 Cost estimate (Dec 1975-Jan 1977) - Cost Management Consultants, Inc.
Box 168, Folder 6-7 Financials: Application and certificate for payment (Nos. 1-43, closed circuit TV Nos. 1-2) (Nov 1977-Jun 1981)
Box 169, Folder 1-7 Financials: Application and certificate for payment (Nos. 1-43, closed circuit TV Nos. 1-2) (Nov 1977-Jun 1981)
Box 170, Folder 1-9 Interiors and furnishings (Dec 1975-Jan 1977) - bid documents, food service, granite, graphic design, lighting, sculpture, supplier correspondence and product literature
Box 170, Folder 10-11 Office records (Jun 1970-Jun 1976) - lists of major suppliers, installers and subcontractors; notes; correspondence; and miscellaneous documents
Box 170, Folder 12-17 Program documents - Atlanta Building proof sheets and negatives; background data: clippings, photos and drawings of Atlanta buildings; general considerations; notes and office memos (Oct 1970-Feb 1971); preliminary cost data (Nov 1970-June 1972); articles: "Public Library Building in 1970" and "Lighting for Libraries"
Box 170, Folder 18 Project representative (Apr 1970-Dec 1978) - William Durkin
Box 171, Folder 1 Publicity: Awards (24 Nov 1980-9 Jun 1981) - Atlanta Urban Design Commission Award of Excellence; Prestressed Concrete Institute Special Recognition; Architectural Precast Association Awards Plaque; AIA Honors Awards application submission (includes building/program descriptions and xerox copies of building photos).
Box 171, Folder 2-3 Publicity: Clippings and correspondence (circa 1971-Apr 1981)
Box 171, Folder 4 Publicity: Dedication (circa May 1980-6 Jun 1980) - dedication program and clippings
Box 171, Folder 5 Publicity: "The Library Building Steps Down from its Pedestal: An Architect's View" by Hamilton Smith (20 May 1980) - draft manuscript
Box 171, Folder 6-7 Site feasability study: Five Points site (Oct 1970-Dec 1971) - reports, notes, correspondence and invoices
Box 171, Folder 8 Site studies: Alternate site (Aug-Sep 1971) - memos, correspondence, notes and sketches
Box 171, Folder 9 Transmittals (1970-1977)
Photographs (31)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Atlanta Library (AL)" - color slides (31)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
AUFRICHT HOUSE, ADDITION, Mamaroneck, NY (1951-1954). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (23)
Tube 1070 Preliminary scheme A: Plan and rendered elevation - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1070 Preliminary scheme B: Plan and south elevation - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1070 Preliminary scheme C (9 Jun 1953): Plan and south elevation - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1070 Detail of dining room niche (6 May 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1070 Preliminary: Plans, sections, elevations - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1070 Preliminary No. 2 (26 Dec 1951): Plan and elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1070 Preliminary plan and elevation (1 Nov 1951) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1070 Construction set (25 Mar 1953-11 Feb 1954): Plans and elevations (Dwg. No. 1); column location plan (Dwg. No. 1A); window details (Dwg. No. 2); sections and details (Dwg. No. 3); electrical layout; plans and elevations (Dwg. No. 1) (Revised 8/31/53) - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1070 Bid set (28 Mar 1952): Plans (Dwg. No. 1), elevations, typical wall section (Dwg. No. 2), sections and details (Dwg. No. 3), building sections (Dwg. No. 3), fireplace details (Dwg. No. 4) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1070 Air conditioning (26 May 1954) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY, Paris, France (1974-1975). Harry Seidler, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Consulting Architect; Mario Jossa, Associate; Pier Luigi Nervi, consulting engineer. [Government]
Project files
Box 132, Folder 1 Office correspondence (1974-1975)
Photographs (29)
Box 132, Folder 2 Excavation work (14 Mar 1975) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; sent by G. McDonald to T. Papachristou (6)
Box 132, Folder 2 Foundation work (Photo-Lomprez) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (4)
Box 132, Folder 2 Entrance - construction, detail; black and white photographs (4)
Box 132, Folder 2 Scrapbook montage of construction progress - construction, detail; black and white photographs of 3 sheets (9)
Box 132, Folder 2 Excavation and foundation work - construction, exterior view; color photographs (6)
B.B. CHEMICAL COMPANY, Boston, MA (1937-1938). Coolidge Shepley Bulfinch and Abbott, Architects; Marcel Breuer, Furniture. [Furniture]
Project files
Box 120, Folder 1 Correspondence, sketches and invoices (Dec 1937-Nov 1938)
BALTIMORE GARDEN APARTMENTS, Baltimore, MD (1953-1954) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
Drawings (86)
Tube 578 Topographical maps and surveys - site surveys (reproductions) (12)
Tube 578 Preliminary site development (schemes 1-5): Plans, sketches and revisions - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (18)
Tube 578 Building sketches and tracings: Elevations, plans, perspective sketches. - design development drawings (originals) (24)
Tube 578 Preliminary building schemes (23 Nov 1953) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (18)
Tube 578 Proposed site layout and building types A-C (5 Apr - 12 Apr 1954) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (6)
Tube 578 Preliminary presentations (20 Apr 1954). Site plan and building types A-C: Plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); originals and copies with red pencil annotations (8)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 4 Correspondence, program description and project analysis
BAMBOS HOUSES, TYPES 1, 2 AND 3 (1927) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Bauhaus. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Young Master Houses)
Designed as Bauhaus, Dessau faculty housing for the young masters. BAMBOS is an acronym for the names Bayer, Albers, Meyer, Breuer, Otto, Schmidt.
Photographs (5)
Box 119, Folder 3 BAMBOS Type 2: Axonometric and sections - drawings, multiple drawings; photostat (1)
Box 119, Folder 3 BAMBOS Type 1: Ground plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 3 BAMBOS Type 1: Perspective - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 BAMBOS Type 1: Plan and section [Slide 381] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 BAMBOS Type 1: Plans, sections, isometric, perspective [Slide 418] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
BANDLER HOUSE, Cambridge, MA (1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (8)
Tube 641 Construction set (1 Apr 1946-4 Jun 1946): Plans, elevations, details - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 641 Dimension studies (15 Mar-26 Mar 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 6 Correspondence, contracts and architect invoice (Feb-Jul 1946)
BANTAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Bantam, CT (1953-1957). Marcel Breuer and O'Connor & Kilham, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Educational]
Drawings (44)
Tube 187 Presentation sheet (14 Oct 1953): Site plan, floor plan, section, four elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 187 Presentation sheet: Site plan, floor plan, section, two elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 187 Preliminary plan (6 Aug 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 187 Revised Preliminary plan (4 Nov 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 187 Construction set (15 Feb 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-8, 101-105, 300-301); structural (Dwg. Nos. ST1-ST3); heating (Dwg. Nos. H1-H3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E3); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3); sewage (Dwg. Nos. S1-S2); landscaping (Dwg. Nos. L1-L4) - working drawings (reproductions); some duplicates (40)
Published material
Box 88, Folder 5 "Elementary School: Bantam, Connecticut " Progressive Architecture (Feb 1957) - copy (pgs. 116-121)
Photographs (6)
Box SL-1 View of model from above [Slide 515] - black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Diagonally patterned concrete screen [Slide 516] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Entrance elevation [Slide 517] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 View below pergola toward courtyard wall [Slide 518] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-1 View below pergola toward courtyard wall [Slide 519] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-1 View of elevation of multipurpose wing [Slide 520] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
BAUAUSSTELLUNG, Berlin, Germany (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Berlin Building Exhibition; Die Wohnung Unserer Zeit; The Apartment of Our Time)
See also House for a Sportsman, Building Exhibition; Seventy Square Meter Apartment; Cork Exhibition.
Drawings (22)
Oversize 3 Wandlampe mit Reflektor (Nr. 419) [Leaf 351a] (24 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Soffittenwandleuchte (Nr. 420) [Leaf 351b] (25 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Schrankwand I 4 teilig (Nr. 421) [Leaf 344a] (28 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Schrankwand II 6 teilig (Nr. 422) [Leaf 343a] (30 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schrankwand III 3 teilig (Nr. 423) [Leaf 342] (30 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schrank IV 3 teilig (Nr. 424) [Leaf 345] (31 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schrank IV 3 teilig (Nr. 424) [Leaf 346] (31 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Tischplatten (Nr. 425) [Leaf 347] (31 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Bücherregal (Nr. 426) [Leaf 348a] (31 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Wohnraumwand 3 teilig (Nr. 427) [Leaf 349] (31 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Bettzeugkasten (Nr. 428) [Leaf 350] (1 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Schubkastenschrank (Nr. 429) [Leaf 351] (1 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Einzelzimmerwand (Nr. 430) [Leaf 352] (3 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Böden in der Speisekammer (Nr. 431) [Leaf 353a] (3 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Begehbarer Schrank (Nr. 432) [Leaf 354a] (3 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Küchenschrank 4 teilig (Nr. 434) [Leaf 355] (8 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Besenschrank - Einrichtung (Nr. 435) [Leaf 356] (9 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Harmonikatür - Detail (Nr. 436) [Leaf 357] (10 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Küche (Nr. 437) [Leaf 358] (13 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Bad (Nr. 438) [Leaf 359] (13 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Toilette (Nr. 439) [Leaf 360] (14 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Fussbodenplan (Nr. 440) [Leaf 361] (14 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
BAUHAUS BUILDING INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany (1926). Walter Gropius, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Furniture. [Furniture]
(Alternate names: Auditorium (Bauhaus); Canteen (Bauhaus))
See also Bauhaus Masters' Houses Interiors (Dessau); BAMBOS Houses, Types 1, 2 and 3.
Photographs (10)
Box 119, Folder 4 Auditorium theater seats (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box SL-1 Auditorium theater seats (1926) [Slide 667] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 5 Canteen, "Bauhaus Kantine Blick zur Terrasse" (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 5 Canteen, "Bauhaus Kantine Blick zur Terrasse" (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 5 Canteen, "Bauhaus Kantine Blick zur Terrasse" (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box SL-1 Canteen, "Bauhaus Kantine Blick zur Terrasse" (1926) [Slide 657] - finished project, interior view; black and white slides; Erich Consemüller, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 6 Bauhaus building, Dessau. "Werkstattgebäude mit Verbindungsgang" (1926) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 6 Bauhaus building, Dessau. "Werkstattgebäude hofseite" (1926) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 6 Bauhaus building, Dessau. "Ateliergebäude mit kantina" (1926) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 6 Bauhaus building, Dessau. "Vogelschaubild" (1926) - finished project, aerial view; black and white photograph; Junkers, photographer (1)
BAUHAUS MASTERS' HOUSES INTERIORS (DESSAU), Dessau, Germany (1926-1932). Marcel Breuer, Bauhaus. [Interior Design]
(Alternate names: Masters' houses (Bauhaus); Gropius House, Dessau; Moholy-Nagy House; Moholy-Nagy Apartment; Muche House)
See also Bauhaus Building Interiors (Dessau); BAMBOS Houses, Types 1, 2 and 3.
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (9)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses, Gropius House, "Table for Gropius House, Dessau" (circa 1932) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses, Gropius House, "Toilet nische" (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses, Moholy-Nagy House "Toilet tisch" (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses, Moholy-Nagy House, studio (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
Box SL-1 Masters' houses, Moholy-Nagy House, living room [Slide 95] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Masters' houses, Moholy-Nagy House, dining room [Slide 656] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses, Muche House, Living room (1926) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Masters' houses, Muche House, Living room with desk [Slide 60] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 7 Masters' houses. "Die Meisterhäuser vom Dach aus gesehen" (1926) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; Lucia Moholy, photographer (1)
BERGER APARTMENT (1929). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
Drawings (9)
Oversize 6 Arbeitstisch 100 x 200 (Nr. 90) [Leaf 76] (13 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Wohnzimmer (Nr. 91) [Leaf 77] (13 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Chaiselongue (Nr. 92) [Leaf 78] (13 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Schuhschranke (Nr. 93) [Leaf 79] (13 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Tischplatten (Nr. 94) [Leaf 80] (15 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Schuhschrank (Nr. 96) [Leaf 81] (15 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Wohnzimmer Schrank (Nr. 98) [Leaf 83] (15 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Bücherregal (Nr. 99) [Leaf 84] (15 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schreibtischteil (Nr. 100) [Leaf 85] (15 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
BINUCLEAR HOUSE, Miami, FL (1945-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Florida Beach House; Florida House; Miami House; "S. Residence." Also referred to as: Florida Beach House (Driller cat. no. 42), Florida House (AAA Reel 5735, Frames 243-251).)
Drawings (5)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Perspective rendering: Patio and pool - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative photostat (1)
Tube 581 Perspective rendering: Patio and pool - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Perspective rendering: Patio and pool with diver - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 581 Plan (6 Oct 1945) - presentation drawings (originals); "S. Residence, Miami Fla." (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (1)
Box 120, Folder 2 Bi-Nuclear House Study, Florida House (1945) - model; black and white photographs (1)
BLACK MOUNTAIN COLLEGE, LAKE EDEN CAMPUS, Black Mountain, NC (1938-1940) (not built). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (25)
Box 76, Folder 20 Rough sketches - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Box 76, Folder 20 Rough contour map by Theodore Dreier - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 591 Cubage calculations and sketch - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 591 Proposed arrangement of kitchen (Edison General Electric Appliance Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 591 Presentation set: Plot plan and sections (1 BMCol), basement plan (2 BMCol), ground floor plan (3 BMCol), 2nd floor plan (4 BMCol), 3-4-5 plan (5 BMCol) - presentation drawings (originals); includes roof plan (5)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Presentation set: 1-4 BMCol - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative and positive photostat sets (8)
Project files
Box 76, Folder 15 Correspondence: Client - correspondence between Gropius/Breuer and various BMC agents (primarily Theodore Dreier); includes correspondence related to presentation/fundraiser held at The Museum of Modern Art (Jan 1940)
Box 76, Folder 16 Correspondence: Consultants, contractors, manufacturers
Box 76, Folder 17 Office records
Box 76, Folder 18 Printed materials - various Black Mountain College brochures and booklets
Box 76, Folder 19 Program notes / project description - includes report on Breuer site visit (Apr 1939), preliminary statement on building requirements, and a project description for Time magazine (Jun 1939)
Box 76, Folder 20 Sketches and notes - Rough sketches, miscellaneous process notes and figures
Photographs (13)
Oversize 14 Model - black and white photographs of model, board mounted, 11 x 16 in.; signed Ezra Stoller (1)
Box 76, Folder 21 Site photos - black and white photographs (12)
BOELCKE INTERIOR, Wiesbaden, Germany (1933-1934). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
Drawings (1)
Map-Case 111, Folder 1 Desk (24 Mar 1934) elevations and top view - working drawings](originals); in German; "Schreibtisch für Frau Boelcke" (1)
Project files
Box 119, Folder 8 Correspondence, sketch (Floor plan) and description of furniture - in German
BOGOTA MASTER PLAN, Bogota, Columbia (1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Consulting Architect; Alvaro Ortega and Gabriel Solano, Associated Architects. [Urban Planning]
Project files
Box 120, Folder 3 Correspondence, contract and architect invoices (May-Dec 1947)
Box 120, Folder 4 Program and reports (circa Oct 1947)
Published material
Box 120, Folder 5 Newspaper clippings (1947) in Spanish (3)
BOROSCHEK APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
(Alternate names: B. Apartment)
Drawings (8)
Oversize 2 Tür im Landhaus (Nr. 251) [Leaf 215] (22 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Damenzimmer Schuh- und Toilettenschrank (Nr. 365) [Leaf 299] (31 May 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Damenzimmer Schrank für Kleider, Wäsche und Bettzeug (Nr. 366) [Leaf 300] (2 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Damenzimmer Schreibecke (Nr. 367) [Leaf 301] (4 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Damenzimmer umgeändertes Bett (Nr. 369) [Leaf 302] (4 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Herrenschlafzimmer Bettzeug u. Toilettenkasten (Nr. 371) [Leaf 303] (5 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Herrenschlatzimmer Schrankwand (Nr. 372) [Leaf 304] (5 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Herrenschlafzimmer Tisch (Nr. 373) [Leaf 305] (6 Jun 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (4)
Box 119, Folder 9 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 119, Folder 9 View of Dining from Music Room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box SL-1 Dining room and Music Room [Slide 98] - finished project, interior view; black and white slides (1)
Box SL-1 Dining room and Music Room [Slide 390] - finished project, interior view; black and white slides (1)
BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, LOCOMOTIVE AND PASSENGER CARS (1955-1956). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects; Herbert Matter, Graphic Designs. [Other]
(Alternate names: Fairbanks Morse Locomotive; ACF Talgo Train; Talgo Train)
See also McGinnis Penthouse Apartment (NSIBP); New Haven Railroad, Locomotives and Passenger Cars.
Drawings (29)
Tube 1177 Design development sketches and drawings (circa 1955-1956) - design development drawings (originals); includes color scheme and exterior finish studies, elevation studies, logo designs, interior details and car seating plans (22)
Tube 1177 Materials layout, paint diagram and miscellaneous exterior details (Dwg. Nos. L1-L3) (Jun-Aug 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1177 Ceiling lighting fixture, bag rack and reading light (draft and print) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (2 items)
Tube 1177 Fairbanks Morse Locomotive, preliminary only (21 May 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1 item)
Oversize 2 Fairbanks Morse Locomotive, ink and paint drawing (1 item)
Gift of Richard Glueck, 2023.
BOSTON DISPENSARY WINDOW DISPLAY, Boston, MA (1941). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition Design]
(Alternate names: Greater Boston Community Fund exhibition)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 6 Correspondence, program notes and research material on the Boston Dispensary
BRATTI HOUSE, New Haven, CT (1975-1980). Herbert Beckhard, Architect; Robert Kupies, Associate. [Residential, Single]
See also Breuer House III.
Renovation of Breuer House III for second owners, Nancy and Gerald Bratti.
Drawings (36)
Tube 1125 Presentation plans - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1125 Plan of Survey Requirement: Bratti House Green House (16 Feb 1978) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1125 Perspective sketch, Bratti House Green House (28 Apr 1978) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1125 Buffet (Dwg. No. SK-100) (18 Sep 1975) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1125 Window details (Arcadia Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1125 Floor plan (Dwg. No. A1), revised 29 Oct 1979 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); annotated print, from construction set (1)
Tube 1125 Construction set (Dwg. Nos. A1-A10) (May-Aug 1975) - working drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1125 Greenhouse (Dec 1977-Jan 1979): Site plans, plans, sections, elevations for multiple schemes. - design development drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1125 Construction set: Swimming pool and pool house (May-Jul 1980): Dwg. Nos. A1-A3 and electrical plan - working drawings (originals) (4)
BREUER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1928). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
Photographs (2)
Box SL-1 Berlin, 1928, tubular steel table, stool, architect's model [Slide 89] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Berlin, 1928, tubular steel table, stool, architect's model [Slide 114] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
BREUER COTTAGE, Wellfleet, MA (1948-1949). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Wellfleet Cottages; Cape Cod Cottages; Summer House)
See also Breuer Cottage, First Addition; Breuer Cottage, Second Addition; Kepes Cottage.
Drawings (19)
Box 53, Folder 12 Sketches of floor plans and sections - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 US Geological Survey Topographic Maps of Wellfleet, Cape Cod - published maps (reproductions) (2)
Tube 643 Site plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Site plan (rough) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Site map - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Floor plan, Wellfleet Cottage - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Side perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Dale Byrd, artist; ink on vellum, 20 x 17 in. (1)
Tube 643 Side perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Front perspective (through car windshield) - presentation drawings (originals); Dale Byrd, artist; ink on vellum, 25.5 x 15.5 in. (1)
Tube 643 Rear perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Dale Byrd, artist; ink on vellum, 28.5 x 15.5 in. (1)
Oversize 14 Rear perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); Dale Byrd, artist; board mounted photostat (1)
Tube 643 Rear perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Construction set (23 Aug 1945-10 Feb 1949): Dwg. Nos. 101- 104 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 643 Hardware installation detail (27 Mar 1951): Dwg. A-1 - working drawings (originals); marked "all jobs" (1)
Tube 643 Window details (27 Oct 1953): Dwg. No. A - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 53, Folder 8 Correspondence: Contractor (Aug 1948-Jul 1949) - Ernest Rose, general contractor
Box 53, Folder 9 Correspondence: Insurance (May 1949) - Everett P. Kelley
Box 53, Folder 10 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors, suppliers and service providers
Box 53, Folder 11 Financials - manufacturer and contractor invoices
Box 53, Folder 12 Office records - materials lists, cost summaries, miscellaneous notes and sketch
Box 53, Folder 13 Product literature
Photographs (21)
Box SL-1 Breuer playing chess with son as wife looks on [Slide 4] [Slide 21] - finished project, interior view; color slides (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-14 Living room with Children Reading [Slide 821] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevation [Slide 822] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 End elevation [Roll 4, Frames 19-26] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (8)
Box SL-14 Entry Walk and Wall at Entrance [Roll 9, Frame 14] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial elevation [Roll 9, Frame 15] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Screened Porch [Roll 9, Frames 16-22] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (7)
BREUER COTTAGE, FIRST ADDITION, Wellfleet, MA (1961-1962). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Studio Addition; Summer House Addition)
See also Breuer Cottage; Breuer Cottage, Second Addition; Kepes Cottage.
Drawings (26)
Tube 643 Plan made for Cape Lands, Inc. (17 Aug 1962) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 643 Presentation sheet (void) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Construction set (Dwg. Nos. 1-3, 1E) (30 Jun 1961-14 Dec 1961) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 643 Layout for Homasote Ceiling (29 Dec 1961) - working drawings (original and print) (2)
Tube 643 Window details (29 Dec 1961) - working drawings (original and print) (2)
Tube 643 Revision to cover between units (26 Mar 1962) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Cover between units (28 Feb 1962) - working drawings (original and print) (2)
Tube 643 Construction set (Dwg. Nos. 1-3) (30 Jun 1961) - working drawings (reproductions); diazo prints (3)
Tube 643 Construction set (30 Jun 1961): Dwg. Nos. 1-3, electrical plan - working drawings (reproductions); annotated diazo prints (4)
Tube 643 Construction set (Dwg. Nos. 1-3) (30 Jun 1961) - working drawings (reproductions); blueprints (3)
Tube 643 Construction set (Dwg. Nos. 1-3) (30 Jun 1961) - working drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives (3)
Project files
Box 53, Folder 14 Correspondence: Contractor (20 Dec 1961) - Ernest Rose, general contractor
BREUER COTTAGE, SECOND ADDITION (1967). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard Architects. [Residential, Single]
See also Breuer Cottage; Breuer Cottage, First Addition; Kepes Cottage.
Drawings (10)
Tube 643 Plans (Dwg. No. 1) (24 Aug 1967) (Void) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Elevations (Dwg. No. 2) (25 Aug 1967) (void) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Section (void) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 643 Plans (Dwg. No. 1) (24 Aug 1967) - working drawings (reproductions); print (1)
Tube 643 Construction set (1 Nov 1967): Plans (Dwg. No. 1), section and details (Dwg. No. 2), elevations (Dwg. No. 3) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 643 Construction set (1 Nov 1967): Plans (Dwg. No. 1), section and details (Dwg. No. 2), elevations (Dwg. No. 3) - working drawings (reproductions); prints (3)
BREUER HOUSE I, Lincoln, MA (1938-1944). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Breuer House; Woods End colony)
See also Biographical Material : House Papers.
Drawings (12)
Box 70, Folder 10 Rough sketches - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 595 Kitchen cabinets (Dec 1938-Jan 1939) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (5 prints and 1 original)
Project files
Box 70, Folder 1 Change orders (Mar 1939-Aug 1939)
Box 70, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Jan 1939-Aug 1940) - Custance Bros. Inc., general contractor
Box 70, Folder 3 Correspondence: Manufacturers and suppliers (1939-1940) - furniture, carpets and textiles
Box 70, Folder 4 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors, manufacturers and suppliers (1938-1940)
Box 70, Folder 5 Correspondence: Owner (Jul 1938-Jul 1940) - Helen Storrow (Mrs. James Jackson Storrow) and David H. Howie (attorney for Mrs. Storrow)
Box 70, Folder 6 Correspondence: Repairs / maintenance of boiler (Feb 1941-Dec 1941)
Box 70, Folder 7 Correspondence: Subsequent addition and miscellaneous maintenance (1939-1942)
Box 70, Folder 8-9 Financial records (Mar 1939-Sep 1939) - architect invoices, contractor invoices
Box 70, Folder 10 Office records - miscellaneous notes, correspondence and sketches
Box 70, Folder 11-14 Specifications (1939) - short form specifications; schedule of hardware; general specifications (draft); general specifications and addenda (duplicates)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (13)
Box SL-1 Elevation [Slide 250] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Elevation [Slide 251] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 70, Folder 15 Elevation of enclosed porch - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Elevation of enclosed porch [Slide 424] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 70, Folder 15 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 43] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 58] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 249] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 273] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 769] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 15 Living room / dining room - finished project, interior view; board mounted, 16 x 20 in.; black and white photograph (1)
Oversize 15 Living room seen from balcony bedroom - finished project, interior view; board mounted, 16 x 20 in.; black and white photograph (1)
Oversize 15 Living room through window - finished project, interior view; board mounted, 10.5 x 12.5 in.; black and white photograph (1)
BREUER HOUSE II, New Canaan, CT (1947-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Breuer House, New Canaan I; Robeck House (1986 Renovation, Herbert Beckhard, Architect))
See also Biographical Material : House Papers.
Drawings (29)
Oversize 15 Structural section - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 595 Presentation set: Main floor plan, lower floor plan - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 595 Building permission presentation (7 May 1947) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original sheet, annotated print and executed submission (3)
Tube 595 Rough plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Construction set (7 Apr 1947-7 Jul 1947): Floor plans, framing plans (Dwg. No. 101); elevations (Dwg. No. 102); details (Dwg. No. 103); mill sections exterior stair detail (Dwg. No. 104); details (Dwg. No. 105); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 106); details of cable supports (Dwg. No. 107); interior details (Dwg. No. 108); interior details (Dwg. No. 109); plumbing plans and details (Dwg. No. P-1); heating plans and details (Dwg. No. H-1) - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 595 Window details (12 Jun 1947) (Hope's Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 595 Contract drawings (7 Apr 1947): Dwg. Nos. 101-106 - 3 sets; two are incomplete (101-103), the other is complete and annotated (12 items)
Full set with annotations, gift of Wendy Oberlander, 2023
Box 43, Folder 9 Entrance change - working drawings (originals) (1)
Box 43, Folder 9 Details of cables - working drawings (originals) (1)
Box 43, Folder 9 Additional steel plates (4 Sep 1947) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Box 43, Folder 9 Plywood, telephone niche, suspension - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 43, Folder 1 Contract
Box 43, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Apr 1947-Jun 1948) - Irving Wood, general contractor
Box 43, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractors / consultants (1947-1948) - W.R. Johnson (Plumbing/Heating), Benjamin Spivak (Engineer), and miscellaneous
Box 43, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1947-1948)
Box 43, Folder 5 Correspondence: Publicity
Box 43, Folder 6 Correspondence: Russell Roberts (1951-1953) - correspondence with/concerning Russell Roberts (subsequent owner), including redecorating and re-furnishing interior
Box 43, Folder 7 Financial records - manufacturer and contractor invoices
Box 43, Folder 8 Legal documents (1949-1950) - correspondence and notes related to dispute with Irving Wood (General Contractor)
Box 43, Folder 9 Office records - cost computations, sketches and miscellaneous notes.
Box 43, Folder 10 Project description - adapted from October 1948 issue of Architectural Record
Box 43, Folder 11 Specifications and schedules - general specifications with addendum, heating specs, painting specifications, hardware schedule, cable details
Published material
Box 43, Folder 12 "A Dollar Buys More Room " Science illustrated (Apr 1949) - tear sheet, pgs. 65-73
Box 43, Folder 12 "Gondolatok: Breuer Marcel Legujabb Muvehez" - magazine clippings, pgs. 33-35; in Hungarian
Box 43, Folder 12 "Home of Marcel Breuer Outstanding Modern Type " - photocopy
Box 43, Folder 12 "Homes With a Future Have Telephone Raceways (Bell Telephone)" - advertisement, 1 pg.
Box 43, Folder 12 "House of Marcel Breuer " New Canaan Advertiser (30 Mar 1950) - newspaper clippings
Box 43, Folder 12 "La Casa di Marcel Breuer nel Connecticut " Domus 233 (1949) - tear sheet, pgs. 2-6
Box 43, Folder 12 "Marcel Breuer Builds for Himself " Architectural Record (Oct 1948) - tear sheet, pgs. 92-99
Box 43, Folder 12 "Marcel Breuer Construye su Casa [Marcel Breuer Builds for Himself] " Architectural Record (Oct 1948) - reprint, 8 pgs.; Spanish language edition
Box 43, Folder 12 "Marcel Breuer's Own House" Architectural Review (1949) - tear sheet, pgs.11-14
Box 43, Folder 12 "Una Nueva Obra de Marcel Breuer " Nuestra Arquitectura (Nov 1948) - magazine clippings, pgs. 363-370
Box 43, Folder 12 "Wohnhaus mit aufgehangtem Balkon " Bauen und Wohnen (1949) - magazine clippings, pgs. 2-5
Photographs (39)
Box 43, Folder 13 Cantilevered porch and cable - finished project, exterior view; production image
Box SL-14 Cantilevered porch and stair [Slide 295] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Detail of suspended porch and sunshade [Slide 593] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Oversize 15 Dining room / Living room through window - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; woman seated at table (1)
Box SL-14 Dining table with sliding doors open to kitchen [Slide 318] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 15 Living room - finished project, interior view; board mounted; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-14 Living room [Slide 45] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Living room [Slide 387] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Living room with Calder Sculpture - finished project, interior view (duplicates); black and white photographs (2)
Box SL-14 Living room with Calder Sculpture [Slide 31] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Main floor plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 North elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 North elevation - finished project, exterior view (duplicates); black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-14 North elevation [Slide 439] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Northeast elevation in winter - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (print and negative) (2)
Box SL-14 Plywood chaise and mobile, bookshelf in background [Slide 328] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Porch table and benches - finished project, exterior view; production image (1)
Box SL-14 Porch table and benches [Slide 289] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 15 Radio table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 Radio table [Slide 290] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Side view of fireplace [Slide 350] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Southeast elevation in winter - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Southeast elevation in winter (long view) - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Southeast elevation in winter - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Southeast elevation in winter - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; print and negative (2)
Oversize 15 Southeast view - finished project, exterior view; board mounted, 14.5 x 16.25 in. (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Southeast view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 Structure of house - drawings, elevations; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southeast [Slide 24] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 43, Folder 13 View of stairway down from suspended terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 View of stairway down from suspended terrace [Slide 638] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
BREUER HOUSE III, New Canaan, CT (1951-1960). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Breuer House, New Canaan II)
See also Bratti House; Biographical Material: House Papers.
Drawings (18)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Rendered elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Building permission presentation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Steel plate details (30 Mar 1951) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Landscaping (24 Sep 1951) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Construction set (21 Feb 1951-22 Aug 1951): Plans (Dwg. No. 1), elevations (Dwg. No. 2), sections (Dwg. No. 3), kitchen and closet details (Dwg. No. 4), bath details (Dwg. No. 5), cabinet details (Dwg. No. 6), typical window details (Dwg. No. W-3), typical window details (Dwg. No. W-3) (annotated print for contractor), electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1-E) - working drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 595 Storage room addition - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Covered terrace and storage room addition (23 Jun 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Addition to Breuer House (Dwg. No. 1) (5 Oct 1954): Plans, elevations and details (Dwg. No. 1) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 595 Site plan, Oenoke Properties East Subdivision (19 Feb 1947) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 35, Folder 1 Contract documents (Mar 1951) - Contractor-owner contract
Box 35, Folder 2 Correspondence: Consultant (Oct 1951) - John Riordan, Engineer (water testing)
Box 35, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (Mar 1951-Apr 1952) - Ernest Rau, general contractor; includes contractor invoices
Box 35, Folder 4-5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and suppliers - correspondence, proposals and invoices
Box 35, Folder 6 Correspondence: Utilities (Jun 1951-Feb 1952)
Box 35, Folder 7 Office records - cost computations, notes and sketches.
Box 35, Folder 8 Permits (Mar-Jun 1951 - Design Approval, Private Driveway Construction Permit
Box 35, Folder 9 Product literature
Box 35, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules
Box 35, Folder 11 Transmittals (Mar 1951-Dec 1951, Jun 1954)
Published material
Box 35, Folder 12 "Maison de l'Architecte, New Canaan, Connecticut " - tear sheet, 3 pgs.
Photographs (37)
Oversize 15 Dining room - finished project, interior view; Hans Nemuth, photographer; 13.25 x 16.5 in.; black and white photograph; (1)
Oversize 15 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; Hans Nemuth, photographer; 13.25 x 16.5 in. (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Terrace dining table - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 35, Folder 13 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Living room and master bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Master bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Entry - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Screen between living and dining area - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Living room with sculpture - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 View of garden side in winter - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Children's room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Floor plan - drawings, plan; photostat (1)
Box 35, Folder 13 Entrance façade - finished project, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 101] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Construction details (drawing) [Slide 107] - drawings, detail; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Master bedroom [Slide 108] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Terrace dining table [Slide 109] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 East elevation [Slide 112] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Floor plan [Slide 133] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 West elevation [Slide 134] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Entrance [Slide 317] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Screen between living and dining area [Slide 714] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Kitchen [Slide 64] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Children's room [Slide 99] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Dining room [Slide 132] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Living room [Slide 170] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Partial east elevation [Roll 5, Frame 1] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial east elevation [Roll 5, Frame 2] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial east elevation [Roll 5, Frame 3] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 5, Frame 4] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Front view [Roll 5, Frame 5] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 North elevation at corner [Roll 5, Frame 6] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Entrance [Roll 5, Frame 7] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 5, Frame 8] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View from Living room [Roll 5, Frame 9] - construction, interior view; negative (1)
BRISTOL CENTER (HARRISON STATE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION) OFFICE BUILDING, Syracuse, NY (1968-1971) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Near East Side Urban Development Project
Drawings - noted on many drawings: "stopped work June 1971" (194)
Tube 1196 Bristol Center (7 Apr 1971): Floor plans, elevations and wall details (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1196 Bristol Center (7 Apr 1971): Floor plans, elevations and wall details (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1196 The Center (10 Aug 1970): Floor plans and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1196 The Center (10 Aug 1970) - presentation drawings (reproductions); print of elevations sheet only (1)
Tube 1196 Office building for the Harrison State Development Corporation (5 Mar 1969): Floor plans, elevations, typical wall details - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1196 Office building for the Harrison State Development Corporation (5 Mar 1969): Floor plans, elevations, typical wall details - presentation drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1196 Context plan - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1196 Large format film negatives used for production of Presentation sets - presentation drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 1197 Site work: site maps and surveys, "Near East Side Urban Renewal Project" - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1197 Design development set (Nov 1968-Jan 1969): Preliminary schemes, site plans, floor plans, schematic sections and elevations, PC panel studies (Dwg. Nos. 3-14 of numbered set) - design development drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 1197 SK drawings (Feb-Jun 1971): Dwg. Nos. SK2, SK7, SK8, SK17, SK26, SK27, SK39, SK50 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1198 SK drawing set (Feb 1971-Jun 1971) (Dwg. Nos. SK2-SK57) - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes exterior wall sections and elevations, roof screen wall, lobby elevations, tree column studies, typical window details, sections through plaza, core plans, basement plans, building sections and elevations, stairs, site details (28)
Tube 1198 Design development set (Nov 1968-Mar 1969) (Dwg. Nos. 2-17) - design development drawings (originals); incomplete with multiples of some sheets; includes site plans, elevations, floor plans, core plans, precast panel studies, alternate schemes A-C (30)
Tube 1198 Design development set (18 Feb 1969) (Dwg. Nos. M1-M2): site plan and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1198 Transverse section (10 Mar 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1198 Sections at lobby - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1460 Aerial site photos (May-Jul 1968) - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1460 Redevelopment site maps and surveys (1966-1971) - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1460 Proposed redevelopment of site IA and IB (Harrison-State Development Corp.) (11 Mar 1969) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated; land use and preliminary development plans (2)
Tube 1460 Proposed modification and subdivision of redevelopment Site IA-IB (Harrison-State Development Corp.) (8 Jan 1970) - presentation drawings (reproductions); with color annotations (1)
Tube 1460 Preliminary study: Site development (18 Feb 1969) - presentation drawings (reproductions); with color annotations (1)
Tube 1460 Panel studies (28 Jul 1970): Panel type Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1460 Preliminary (2 Jan 1969): Typical risers, fan room and basement plans - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1460 Office building for the Harrison-State Development Corporation (Dwg. Nos. 1-4) (5 Mar 1969): Site plan, floor plans, elevations, typical wall details - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (4)
Tube 1460 Design development drawings and sketches (Mar-Jun 1971) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes mechanical floor plans, wall panel studies, floor plan studies, section through service entrance, penthouse plan (27 originals and 6 prints)
Tube 1460 Design development set (Jul 1970): Plans, elevations, panel studies - design development drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1460 Basement plan and typical core (Feb 1971) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY, CHEMISTRY BUILDING, Upton, Long Island, NY (1960, 1967) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Commercial]
For a closely related lab design, see also Harvard University, Biology and Chemistry Building.
Drawings (111)
Tube 1436 Existing site plans: Topographical survey and utility distribution (circa 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (16)
Tube 1437 Design development drawings (Aug-Dec 1960) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes SK drawings, location site studies, preliminary schemes, site plans and plan studies (54 originals, 9 prints)
Tube 1438 Presentation sheets (Apr 1967) - presentation drawings (originals); includes "A Plan for Immediate and Long Range Development"; site plans; zone plan; Traffic Plan 1985; miscellaneous sheets and film negatives for creation of presentation sheets (32)
BRYN MAWR COLLEGE DORMITORY, Bryn Mawr College, PA (1938-1939, 1946). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Interior Design]
(Alternate names: Rhoads Hall)
Drawings (11)
Tube 1116 Construction set: Furniture (Sheets 1-11 plus revisions and supplements) (12 May 1938-1 Aug 1938) - working drawings (originals); includes dormitory desk (Sheet no. 1); dormitory desk chair (Sheet no. 2); dormitory chest and mirror (Sheet no. 3); dormitory bookcase and typical plan of furniture arrangement (Sheet no. 4); dormitory desk (Sheet no. 5) (revision of Sheet no. 1); dormitory chest and mirror (Sheet no. 6) (revision of Sheet no. 3); dormitory desk (Sheet no. 7) (supplement to Sheet no. 4); dormitory desk chair (Sheet no. 8); dormitory furniture elevations (Sheet no. 9) (revision of the elevations of Sheet nos. 5, 6 and 7); dormitory desk and chest elevations (Sheet no. 10) (revision of the chest and desk on Sheet no. 9); nesting chair (Sheet no. 12) (supplements Sheet nos. 2, 8 and 11) (11)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 7A Correspondence, notes and invoices (Apr 1938-Nov 1939)
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 120, Folder 23 "The Furnishing of Rhoads " Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin (Dec 1938) - magazine, pgs. 17-18
BRYN MAWR LOWER SCHOOL and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (BRYN MAWR SCHOOL FOR GIRLS OF BALTIMORE CITY), Baltimore, MD (1970-1973). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (186)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Box 146, Folder 1 Construction details (Feb-May 1971): Miscellaneous construction detail drawings - working drawings (xerox copies); including roadwork, parking lot, paving, site grading, retaining walls, miscellaneous interior electrical and fire alarms (34)
Tube 1020-1021 Shop drawings: Doors and windows, built-ins and miscellaneous interior details - shop drawings (reproductions); marked "File Copy" (51)
Tube 1022 Shop drawings: Steel and structural - shop drawings (reproductions); marked "File Copy" (20)
Tube 1023 Topographic survey (23 Oct 1970) - site survey (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1023 Presentation set (Sheet Nos. 1-4) (4 Jan 1971) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1023 Design development drawings and sketches (Aug 1970-Jun 1972) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, perspectives, plan studies, site plans, furniture and interior details (includes some numbered SK drawings) (46)
Tube 1024 Site plan (15 Feb 1971) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 1024 Occupancy and egress (8 Jan 1971) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1024 Construction set (15 Apr 1971): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A14) and structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4) - working drawings (originals) (18)
Tube 1024 Construction set (15 Apr 1971): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (4)
Tube 1024 Construction details (Dwg. Nos. SK1, SK4, SK5) (May-Oct 1971) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1024 Boring plan (2 Dec 1970) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 145, Folder 1 Bid documents (1971)
Box 145, Folder 2 Building permits (1971)
Box 145, Folder 3 Building requirements (1970-1971)
Box 145, Folder 4 Correspondence: Client (1970-1973)
Box 145, Folder 5 Correspondence: Electrical and mechanical engineers (1970-1973)
Box 145, Folder 6 Correspondence: Road consultant (1970-1972) - David Gregory
Box 145, Folder 7 Correspondence: Structural engineers (1970-1972)
Box 145, Folder 8 Correspondence: Surveyors (1970-1971)
Box 145, Folder 9 Correspondence: Construction specifications consultant (1971) - Edward Zekala, architectural specifications
Box 145, Folder 10 Correspondence: General contractor (1971-1973) - John Lochary
Box 145, Folder 11 Correspondence: Subcontractor (1971) - Elmer T. Hebert
Box 145, Folder 12 Correspondence: Miscellaneous (1971-1973) - Dept. of Housing, Fire Dept., photographer
Box 145, Folder 13 Correspondence: Project representative (1971-1973) - Anthony J. Ianniello Associates
Box 145, Folder 14 Correspondence: Suppliers (1971-1973)
Box 146, Folder 1 Drawings (1971-1972)
Box 146, Folder 2-3 Financial records (1971-1972) - Change orders, Payment Applications
Box 146, Folder 4 Memoranda and bulletins (1970-1972)
Box 146, Folder 5 Notes (1970-1972)
Box 146, Folder 7 Product literature (1971-1972)
Box 146, Folder 8-10 Daily project and progress reports (1971-1972)
Box 147, Folder 1-3 Schedules and specifications (1970-1972)
Box 147, Folder 4 Technical reports (1970-1972)
Box 147, Folder 5-7 Transmittals (1970-1973)
Photographs (22)
Box 146, Folder 6 Construction progress - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box 146, Folder 6 Concrete brick pillar with glaze - construction, detail; color photographs (4)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Bryn Mawr School (BM)" - color slides (15)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
BUILDING TRADES EXHIBITION (1936). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Exhibition]
See also Garden City of the Future, Model.
This project consists of 2 exhibition stands designed by Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke for the London Building Trades Exhibition of 1936: The Architectural Press Stand (106F) and the Wood Products Ltd. Stand (164J).
Project files
Box 120, Folder 7B Correspondence and clipping (1936) - Wood Products Ltd.
Box 88, Folder 6 Description (25 Sep 1957)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
CAESAR COTTAGE, Lakeville, CT (1950-1951, 1957). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (10)
Tube 635 Presentation sheet (19 Oct 1951, revised 24 Oct 1951): Plan and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 635 Construction set (24 Oct 1951-5 Mar 1952): Foundation and heater room plan. wall section (Dwg. no. 1); framing plans, truss under porch (Dwg. no. 3); fireplace details, door sections (Dwg. no. 4); millwork details, windows and doors (Dwg. no. 5); revised fireplace, kitchen and cabinet details (Dwg. no. 6); kitchen elevations (Dwg. no. 7); bath details, ramp details (Dwg. no. 8); furnishing details (Dwg. no. 9); electrical layout (Dwg. no. 2-e) - working drawings (originals) (9)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 6 Correspondence: Client (1950-1951) - Harry Caesar
Box 88, Folder 6 Description (25 Sep 1957)
Photographs (8)
Box 88, Folder 7 Living room with fireplace - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 View of fireplace and window overlooking lake [Slide 25] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Entrance [Slide 70] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 View of porch [Slide 110] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 East elevation [Slide 113] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 Entrance ramp [Slide 131] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 View of west elevation [Slide 771] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Porch view overlooking lake [Slide 831] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide; damaged (1)
CALIFORNIA ARTS and ARCHITECTURE/PEPPERELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY HOUSE, COMPETITION (1943-1944) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Post-War House; Study for a "binuclear house" (Driller cat. no. 33).
Project files
Box 120, Folder 8 Correspondence (Jun 1943-Apr 1944)
Box 120, Folder 8 Project description
Published material
Box 120, Folder 9 "Design for Postwar Living" California Arts and Architecture (Dec 1943) - typewritten sheet, 1 pg.
Photographs (4)
Box 120, Folder 10 Elevations, section, diagrams: "Flow of Living in House" and "Organization of Outdoor Areas" - drawings, multiple drawings; photostat (1)
Box SL-1 Elevations, section, diagrams: "Flow of Living in House" and "Organization of Outdoor Areas" [Slide 232] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 10 Plans, roof plan, perspective of entrance view - drawings, multiple drawings; photostat (1)
Box SL-1 Plans, roof plan, perspective of entrance view [Slide 428] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL, Roxbury, MA (1967-1978). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: SEC (Secondary Education Complex); New Campus High School; Madison Park High School; Roxbury Campus High School)
See also Madison Park Urban Renewal.
Drawings (378)
Map-Case 115, Folder 4 Perspective rendering (1967) - presentation drawings (originals); color rendering on illustration board, 22 x 19.5 in. (1)
Map-Case 115, Folder 5 Aerial perspective (April 1968) - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; graphite on illustration board, 19.25 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 115, Folder 6 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; marked "late but not final version"; graphite on illustration board, 15 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 115, Folder 7 Perspective rendering from street - presentation drawings (originals); marked "late but not final version"; graphite on illustration board, 22 x 29.75 in. (1)
Tube 1357 Construction set [14 Jul 1972]: Title sheet, boring (B1-B4), site plan (ASP-2, AS1-2), building 1 (A1:1-A1:8, A1:10-A1:19), building 2 (A2:1-A2:7), building 2 and 3 (A2/3:8-A2/3:12, A2/3:14-A2/3:21), building 2 (A2:22-A2:24), building 3 (A3:1-A3:14) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "not for construction" (62)
Tube 1358 Construction set (14 Jul 1972): Building 4 (A4:1-A4:22), building 5 (A5:1-A5:9), buildings 1-6 door and finishes (AD1-AD7), kitchens (KE1-KE4) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "not for construction" (42)
Tube 1359 Construction drawings (3 Mar 1971-14 Jul 1972): Boring (B1-B5), site plan building location and excavation (ASP-2), site electrical plan and garage electrical plan (ELS-1), situation plan (SP-1), site plumbing and utilities (ULS1-ULS4), site plan existing conditions, athletic fields and landscaping (ALS1-ALS8), site plan (AS1-AS3) - working drawings (reproductions); many sheets showing revisions (38)
Tube 1360 Construction set (14 Jul 1972): Building 3 (A3:1-A3:14), building 4 (A4:1-A4:22) - working drawings (reproductions); most sheets marked "not for construction"; some sheets show dated revisions (45)
Tube 1361 Construction set (14 Jul 1972): Building 5 (A5:1-A5:9), building 6 (A6:1-A6:10), kitchen (KE1-KE4) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); original sheets with revision sheets (44)
Tube 1362 Construction set (Apr 1971-Jan 1975): Building 6 (A6:1-A6:8), building 2 plumbing (P2:3-P2:4), building 3 plumbing (P3:3-P3:4), building 4 plumbing (P4:1-P4:3), building 5 plumbing (P5:1-P5:3), profiles (Sheets A-B), pile cap revisions (CM2 and CM2A), foundations (FS2-FS5), building 1 structural (S1:4), foundation plan (FLS1-FLS2), framing plan (SLS1-SLS2), finish and door schedule (AD1-AD7) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (43)
Tube 1363 Furnishings (11 Mar 1977): building 1 (A1:1), building 2 (A2:1-A2:4), building 3 (A3:1-A3:4), building 4 (A4:2-A4:3), Building 5 (A5:1), building 6 (A6:1) - working drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1364 Architectural details (Mar 1975-Oct 1977): SKA-7 to SKA-83 and miscellaneous unnumbered drawings - working drawings (originals); incomplete (53)
Tube 1458 General boring plan (2 Oct 1967): Preliminary (B1) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1458 Water and sewer plans (17 Nov 1967): Schemes A and C - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1458 Block diagrams / area requirements (9 Aug 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1458 Basic classroom units (16 Aug 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1458 Instructional houses tower scheme (14 Aug 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1458 Schematic floor plans (circa Aug 1967): Basement, ground and plaza levels - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1458 Auditorium (8 Oct 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1458 General facilities building (26 Oct 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1458 Campus High School (Dwg. Nos. C3-C4, A3-A5): Site plans, plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1458 Preliminary submission (Schemes A-C) (11 Oct 1967) (Dwg. Nos. A1-A4, B1-B2, C1): Site plans, plans, sections and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1458 Gymnasia (Schemes A and C) (7 Nov-8 Nov 1967): plans - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1458 Auditorium - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1458 Presentation set: 3 renderings - presentation drawings (originals); photostats mounted on paper (3)
Project files
Box 133, Folder 1 Correspondence: Consultant (1977-1978) - Briggs Engineering and Testing Co., Inc.
Box 133, Folder 2-15 Correspondence: Consultant (Mar 1976-Dec 1978) - The Thompson and Lichtner Co., Inc., consulting engineers
CARDINAL STRITCH COLLEGE, TRI-ART CENTER, Milwaukee, WI (1965-1966) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Brielmaier, Shever and Shever, Associated Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (125)
Map-Case 112, Folder 1 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); graphite and ink on illustration board 13 x 21 in. (1)
Tube 182 Sketch renderings - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 7 originals, 5 large positive photostats, 6 small negative photostats (18)
Tube 182 Presentation sheet: Circulation diagram - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 182 Preliminary set (31 Jan 1966): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 182 Design development drawings and sketches . - design development drawings (originals); graphite and ink on trace paper; includes interior elevations, exterior elevations, plan studies and details (18)
Tube 182 Roof plans - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 182 Heating plan (18 Mar 1966): Sheet Nos. 1-4 - design development drawings (reproductions); Holland-Beske and Kurtz (4)
Tube 182 Plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 182 Presentation sheet No. 6 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 182 Site map - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 183 Presentation set, Tri-Arts Center (Apr 1966): Title page, Sheet Nos. 1-8 - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 183 Presentation set, Tri-Arts Center (Apr 1966): Title page, Sheet Nos. 1-8 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 183 Film negatives, production sheets and caption text elements for production of Presentation set (Apr 1966) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (24)
Tube 1158 Multiple sectional schemes for building organization - presentation drawings (hybrids) (4)
Tube 1158 Presentation set: Plans, sections - presentation drawings (originals) (19)
Tube 1158 Presentation set: Plans, sections - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1158 Film negatives for Presentation set: Plans, sections - presentation drawings (reproductions) (4)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 1 Notes (1965) - Breuer's annotated travel schedule for project visit
Photographs (1)
Box 128, Folder 2 Rendering of Tri-Arts Center - site/landscape, perspective rendering; black and white photographs (1)
CCI, New York, NY (1945). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior Design]
(Alternate names: Commission on Community Interrelations (CCI) of the American-Jewish Congress)
Drawings - some drawings stamped "Marcel Breuer & S. Papadaki" (13)
Tube 1073 Working set (13 Feb 1945-28 Feb 1945): Floor plan; office furniture (Dwg. No. 2); details (Sheet No. 3); color scheme (Sheet No. 4) (2 copies); floor schedule; acoustic ceiling; electrical fixtures. - working drawings (reproductions); some annotated (6)
Tube 1073 Floor plan and office furniture (31 Jan 1945-14 Feb 1945): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1073 Perspective sketch and elevations - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1073 Color scheme (28 Feb 1945) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1073 Perspective sketch and elevations - working drawings (reproductions); print and duplicated with red pencil (2)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 7 Specifications: Furniture, built-in equipment and miscellaneous (13 Feb 1945) - 1 pg.; compiled by "S.P." (Stamos Papadaki)
CENTRAL PARK STABLES AND POLICE PRECINCT HOUSE, COMPETITION, New York, NY (1966-1967) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architect. [Government]
Drawings (18)
Map-Case 116, Folder 1 Perspective rendering from north - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 15 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 116, Folder 2 Perspective rendering from Southeast - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 15 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1430 Site maps - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1430 Presentation set: Site plans, building plans, elevations, sections, folded concrete wall diagram - presentation drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1430 Site plan (4 Oct 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); print and film negative (2)
CHAMBERLAIN COTTAGE, Wayland, MA (1940-1942). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Wayland Cottage)
Drawings (3)
Box 49, Folder 7 Floor plans and elevation sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 609 Sunbeam Air Conditioning System layout and details - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Project files
Box 49, Folder 1 Contracts - owner-architect contract
Box 49, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1940-1941) - Mrs. Henry G. Chamberlain
Box 49, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (1940-1942) - Stanley I. Phalen, general contractor
Box 49, Folder 4-6 Financial records (1940-1941) - Architect invoices; Breuer's office file with manufacturer/contractor bids, proposals and correspondence; manufacturer/contractor invoices
Box 49, Folder 7 Office records - specifications, miscellaneous notes and original Breuer sketch; includes Isabelle Hyman / Robert Gatje correspondence regarding identification of sketch
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 49, Folder 8 "Cottage at Wayland, Mass. " Architectural Record (Nov 1942) - typewritten sheet, 1 pg.
Photographs (8)
Oversize 15 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; board mounted, 10.25 x 13.25 in. (1)
Box 49, Folder 9 Front elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 Front elevation [Slide 247] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 49, Folder 9 View along elevation with sheltered entry - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 View along elevation with sheltered entry [Slide 379] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 49, Folder 9 West elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-1 West elevation [Slide 26] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-1 West elevation [Slide 248] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
CHICAGOLAND PRIZE HOMES, COMPETITION (1945-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Project files
Box 120, Folder 11 Competition program, rules and correspondence (Oct 1945-Apr 1946)
CHURCH AND RECTORY OF ST. FRANCIS DE SALES, Muskegon, MI (1961-1966). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Religious]
(Alternate names: St. Francis de Sales Church)
Drawings (347)
Tube 249 Construction set (1 Nov 1963): Architectural (A1-A26), structural (S1-S8), heating and ventilation (HV1-HV4), plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (E1-E6) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "bid set" (49)
Tube 250 Construction set (1 Nov 1963): Architectural (A1-A26), Structural (S1-S8), heating and ventilation (HV1-HV4), plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (E1-E7) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; marked "Superseded" (49)
Tube 247 Construction set: Structural (Dwg. No. S1-S8) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "issued for reinforcing steel fabrication, Jun 1964" (11)
Tube 248 Foundation plan (Sketch S-1) (25 May 1964) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 248 Construction set (1 Nov 1963): Plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (E1-E7), heating and ventilation (HV1-HV4), plumbing revisions (P1-P4), electrical revisions (E1-E7) - working drawings (originals) (28)
Tube 248 Lighting layouts (Nov 1962-Jan 1963) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (12)
Tube 248 Construction set (1 Nov 1963): Miscellaneous prints (A6, A9, A11-A13, A17, A 21, A22, A28, S1-S2, E3) - working drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 251 Record prints (May-Jul 1964): Framing plans and details, wall sections, foundation plan, etc (Dwg. Nos. Sketch S-1 (Foundation Plan), S1-S8, S4R, A3R, A4R, A12-A13, A15-A16, A27 ) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (23)
Tube 1199 Perspective sketches - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (8)
Tube 1199 Presentation set (Nov 1961) (Sheet Nos. 1-7) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); originals and print set (8 originals and 7 reproductions)
Tube 1199 Unnumbered presentation sheets - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (5)
Tube 1200 Unnumbered design development drawings (1961-1963) - design development drawings (originals); includes HP studies, interior elevations, draft plans, brick estimate chart, diagrammatic studies, perspectives (66)
Tube 1201 Design development drawings (Dwg. Nos. D1-D67) (1961-1963) - design development drawings (originals); most marked "Void"; includes HP studies, building sections, elevation studies, plan studies, wall studies, structural studies, details (68)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 3 Notes - calculations of hours and cost
Photographs (121)
Box 128, Folder 4 Construction details - color slides (8)
Box 128, Folder 5 Top view of model - model, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Site plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 View from the northeast - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Interior elevation looking toward sanctuary showing communion tables, presider's seat - finished project, interior view; color photographs (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 East elevation through opening to atrium court and trees - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 South entrance to rectory with southwest corner of church in foreground - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Detail of ladder to roof at west façade - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Interior detail at sanctuary showing main lectern, altar, pedestal in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Partial west elevation with figures - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 View of southeast corner of church from atrium court - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Structural supports of balcony with access stair - finished project, detail; photocopies (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Ladder and Blessed Sacrament Chapel at west façade - finished project, detail; color photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Detail showing texture at hyperbolic paraboloid walls - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Detail of east façade - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 View from west with window of rectory in foreground - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 5 Contact sheets with annotations - finished project, detail; black and white photographs (4)
Box 128, Folder 6 Different views of proposed site and present buildings (1961) - proposed site documentation; black and white photographs (14)
Box 128, Folder 6 Progress of wood frame construction (1964) - construction, detail; black and white photographs (7)
Box 128, Folder 6 Project progress (1965) and near completion (1966) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (3)
Box 128, Folder 6-7 Construction progress photos (1964-1966) - construction, exterior view and details; black and white photographs (59)
Box 128, Folder 7 Interiors and exteriors with figures - finished project, detail; black and white photographs (9)
Box 128, Folder 7 Contact sheets - finished project, detail; black and white photographs with annotations (2)
CLARK HOUSE, Orange, CT (1949-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (33)
Tube 628 Preliminary floor plan (22 Dec 1949) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 628 Preliminary floor plan (12 Dec 1949) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 628 Preliminary floor plans (14 Jan 1950): Upper level and lower level - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 628 Proposed change - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 628 Preliminary elevations - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 628 Preliminary plans: Lower level and upper level - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 628 Revision of window sill detail (7 Apr 1953) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 628 Construction set (1 Mar 1950-23 May 1951) - working drawings (originals) (19)
Tube 628 Map showing property (20 Sep 1946) - site plan/land survey (reproductions) (1)
Tube 628 First floor framing (27 Jul 1950) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Box 36, Folder 2 Suggested revision for Sect. 8, Dwg. No. 5 (26 Mar 1951) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 36, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (1949-1953) - Donald Clark
Box 36, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractors (1949-1951)
Box 36, Folder 3 Financial records
Box 36, Folder 4 Office records - notes and sketch
Box 36, Folder 5 Product literature - Goodyear Rubber Products
Box 36, Folder 6 Specifications and schedules
Box 36, Folder 7 Transmittals (1950-1951)
Photographs (15)
Box SL-2 Children's playroom [Slide 188] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 East elevation [Slide 234] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Elevation with entry [Slide 276] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Entrance terrace [Slide 235] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Exterior view [Slide 61] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Kitchen [Slide 187] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Living room [Slide 181] - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Living room fireplace [Slide 180] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Plan of lower level [Slide 84] - drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Plan of upper level [Slide 168] - drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Stairway [Slide 182] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Trellis roof [Slide 717] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View out to patio [Slide 35] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 West elevation [Slide 176] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 West elevation, partial [Slide 770] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
CLARKSBURG HARRISON PUBLIC LIBRARY, Clarksburg, WV (1973-1976). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Library]
(Alternate names: Clarksburg Public Library)
Drawings (61)
Tube 1318 Retaining garden wall (1 Nov 1973) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1318 Miscellaneous graphics for presentation drawings - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1318 Draft elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1318 Door graphics and symbol locations (28 Oct 1975) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1318 Planting diagram (Aug 1975) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1318 Preliminary framing plans and miscellaneous detail drawings - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1318 Preliminary plans (Mar 1973) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 1318 Topographic map (Feb 1973) - site surveys (reproductions); annotated (3 copies)
Tube 1318 Floor plans (14 Mar-30 Mar 1973) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1318 Floor plans - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1318 Furnishings layout (25 Apr 1975) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 original sheets, in color with tracing paper overlays and 2 prints (4)
Tube 1318 Elevations (30 Mar 1973) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1318 Clip angle location plan (7 Feb 1975) (Weidlinger and Assoc.) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1318 Presentation set: No. 1 (site and section), No. 2 (ground floor) and No. 3 (upper floor and elevations) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated (3)
Tube 1318 Preliminary floor plans (26 Jun 1973) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (2)
Tube 1318 Details (28 Oct 1975): Girl / boy symbols - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1318 Miscellaneous shop drawings - shop drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 15 reproductions (19)
Tube 1318 Clarksburg Area Development (Whalen L. King, Architect), aerial rendering of Clarksburg - presentation drawings (reproductions); includes annotations for library location; photostat (1)
Tube 1318 Presentation graphic - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative (1)
Project files
Box 204, Folder 1 Bid documents and negotiations (Nov 1973-Apr 1974)
Box 204, Folder 2 Bookstacks (Apr 1975-Sep 1975)
Box 204, Folder 3 Carpeting (May 1975-Sep 1975)
Box 204, Folder 4 Certificates for payment (Nos. 1-18) (Jun 1974-Jan 1976)
Box 204, Folder 5 Change orders (Nos. 1-26) (Apr 1974-Oct 1975)
Box 204, Folder 6 Completion documents (Apr 1975-Mar 1976)
Box 204, Folder 7 Contracts (Jan 1973-Aug 1974)
Box 204, Folder 8 Correspondence: City of Clarksburg (Jun 1974-May 1975)
Box 204, Folder 9 Correspondence: Clarksburg Public Library (Jan 1973-Jun 1976)
Box 204, Folder 10 Correspondence: Consulting engineers (Feb 1973-Aug 1975)
Box 204, Folder 11 Correspondence: Government agencies (Mar 1973-May 1975)
Box 205, Folder 1 Correspondence: Hope's Windows (Jul 1974-Aug 1974)
Box 205, Folder 2 Correspondence: Hoyt Galvin and Associates, Library Consultants (Mar 1972-Apr 1973)
Box 205, Folder 3-4 Correspondence: Mellon-Stuart Co., general contractor (Apr 1974-Feb 1976)
Box 205, Folder 5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous Consultants and suppliers (Mar 1973-Jul 1975)
Box 205, Folder 6 Correspondence: Weidlinger Associates, consulting engineers (Mar 1973-Feb 1975)
Box 205, Folder 7 Furniture (Feb 1974-Dec 1976)
Box 205, Folder 8 Job progress meetings (Nos. 1-10) (Mar 1975-Aug 1975)
Box 205, Folder 9 Job progress reports (Jun 1974-Sep 1975)
Box 205, Folder 10 Job site visits (Nos. 1-9) (Jul 1974-Sep 1975)
Box 206, Folder 1 Office records I (Jul 1972-Dec 1972) - correspondence and memos
Box 206, Folder 2 Office records II (May 1973-Sep 1975) - inter-office memos and correspondence
Box 206, Folder 3 Office records III - program notes and calculations
Box 206, Folder 4 Office records IV - research material and clippings
Box 206, Folder 5 Publicity and dedication ceremony (Dec 1972-Dec 1976)
Box 206, Folder 6 Test borings (May 1973-Aug 1974)
Box 206, Folder 7-8 Transmittals (May 1973-Jun 1976)
Photographs (37)
Box 206, Folder 9 Construction progress and site photos (Jul 1974-Jul 1975) - construction, exterior view; black and white photograph (37)
CLEVELAND MUSEUM OF ART, EDUCATION WING, Cleveland, OH (1965-1973). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Museum]
(Alternate names: North Building Expansion)
Drawings (295)
Map-Case 116, Folder 6 Perspective of entry - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 15 x 40 in. (1)
Oversize 30 Presentation book (Oct 1967): Model photos, architect's report, site plan, floor plans, mechanical floor plan, elevations and sections - presentation drawings (bound volume) (24 pgs.)
Tube 1207 Preliminary drawings (P1-P166 incomplete) (Aug 1967-Apr 1968) - design development drawings (originals); includes interior details and elevations, wall sections, floor paving plans, building sections, exterior elevations, preliminary floor plans, granite veneer walls, lighting plans (77)
Tube 1204 Construction set (10 Jun 1968): Architectural (A0-A30) - working drawings (originals) (31)
Tube 1205 Construction set (10 Jun 1968): Architectural (A31-A47) - working drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 1206 Construction set (10 Jun 1968): Structural (S1-S20) - working drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 1208 Construction details (SK1-SK70 incomplete) (Sep 1968-Jun 1972) - working drawings (originals); includes interior details, limestone paving, clarification sketches, signage, curtains, furnishings (31)
Tube 1208 Doors and Hardware (H1-H4 and unnumbered) (Apr 1969) - working drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1209 Topographic survey maps - site surveys (reproductions); some with annotations (9)
Tube 1209 Annotated prints, consultant drawings and shop drawings - working drawings (reproductions); includes materials plan, auditorium acoustics, caisson dowels and caps, granite details and landscaping plans (34)
Tube 1210 Original for A0 construction set cover sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1210 Presentation set (CMA1-CMA8) (Oct 1967): Site plan, floor plans, sections and elevations [originals and print set] [8 originals and 8 reproductions] - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); originals and print set, 8 originals and 8 reproductions (16)
Tube 1210 "Super Master Sheet" (CMA2) (31 Oct 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1210 Occupancy and egress (CMA1-CMA8) (6 Dec 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; date stamp on verso (8)
Tube 1210 Occupancy and egress (CMA1-CMA8) (8 Dec 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated/corrected prints (8)
Box 161, Folder 17 Holtkamp organ sketches and bronze plaque (circa 1971) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 7 originals and 4 photocopies (11)
Project files
Box 155, Folder 1-2 Contract negotiations (1967-1971)
Box 155, Folder 3 Correspondence: City of Cleveland (1967-1971) - municipal agencies
Box 155, Folder 4-10 Correspondence: Client (1965, 1967-1973)
Box 156, Folder 1 Correspondence: Consultants (1969-1971) - Construction Consultants, Inc.
Box 156, Folder 2 Correspondence: Consultants (1967-1969) - Edward Zekala
Box 156, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - McKee, Berger, Mansueto (budget)
Box 156, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants, acoustics (1967-1972) - Goodfriend-Ostergaard Associates
Box 156, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants, artwork (1967-1972)
Box 156, Folder 6-11 Correspondence: Consultants, engineers (1967-1972) - HWH Associates
Box 156, Folder 12 Correspondence: Consultants, engineers (1967-1970) - Paul Weidlinger
Box 156, Folder 13 Correspondence: Consultants, technical (1967) - Paul Ruth
Box 157, Folder 1-10 Correspondence: Contractor (1968-1971) - Turner Construction Company
Box 158, Folder 1-4 Correspondence: Contractor (1968-1971) - Turner Construction Company
Box 158, Folder 5 Correspondence: Landscape architect (1969-1970) - William Behnke
Box 158, Folder 6 Correspondence: Landscape architect (1968-1970) - Dan Kiley
Box 158, Folder 7-8 Correspondence: Legal (1967-1970, 1972) - Hahn, Loeser, Freedheim, Dean and Wellman
Box 158, Folder 9 Correspondence: Photographer (1970-1971) - C.W. Ackerman Interpretive Photography
Box 158, Folder 10 Correspondence: Project representative (1969-1971) - J. Fred Triggs, Jr.
Box 158, Folder 11 Correspondence: Subcontractors (1967-1971) - Edison Price Lighting
Box 158, Folder 12 Correspondence: Subcontractors (1967-1971) - Holtkamp Organ Co.
Box 158, Folder 13 Correspondence: Subcontractors (1968-1971) - Novelty Scenic Studios Inc.
Box 158, Folder 14 Correspondence: Subcontractors (1969-1970) - Tyler Company
Box 158, Folder 15 Correspondence: Suppliers (1967-1971) - Various
Box 158, Folder 16 Correspondence: Suppliers (1968-1970) - American Seating
Box 159, Folder 1 Correspondence: Suppliers (1967-1969) - Cold Spring Granite Company
Box 159, Folder 2 Correspondence: Suppliers (1968) - George Worthington Co.
Box 159, Folder 3 Correspondence: Suppliers (1969-1970) - Modenco (traffic kiosk)
Box 159, Folder 4 Correspondence: Suppliers (1969-1970) - U.S. Plywood
Box 159, Folder 5 Correspondence: Surveyor (1967-1968) - Robert H. Krause
Box 159, Folder 6 Correspondence: Miscellaneous consultants and subcontractors (1967-1969)
Box 159, Folder 7 Electric bulletins (1969-1970)
Box 159, Folder 8 Final guarantees (1970-1971)
Box 159, Folder 9 Fine Arts Guide (1966)
Box 159, Folder 10 Furnishings (1968-1970)
Box 159, Folder 11-12 Meeting minutes (1968-1970)
Box 159, Folder 13-14 Modification requests (1968-1971)
Box 160, Folder 1-8 Modification requests (1968-1971)
Box 161, Folder 1 Office records (1967-1971, 1973)
Box 161, Folder 2 Office records (1969, 1971) - General Correspondence- Schaefer, Flynn, vanDijk
Box 161, Folder 3 Office records (1971) - General Correspondence- Walker Art Center
Box 161, Folder 11 Publicity (1969-1970)
Box 161, Folder 12 Reports (1967-1968)
Box 161, Folder 13-14 Requisitions (1968-1973)
Box 161, Folder 15 Site data (1963, 1967-1968)
Box 161, Folder 16 Specifications (1967-1969)
Box 162, Folder 1-6 Transmittals (1967-1972)
Box 163, Folder 1-3 Transmittals (1967-1972)
Photographs (199)
Box 161, Folder 4 Views Nos. 4-30 (Jul 1968-Jan 1969) - construction, interior and exterior views; black and white photographs (17)
Box 161, Folder 5 Views Nos. 38-60 (May-Aug 1969) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (23)
Box 161, Folder 6 Views Nos. 61-81 (Sep-Nov 1969) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (21)
Box 161, Folder 7 Views Nos. 82-103 (Dec 1969-Feb 1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (21)
Box 161, Folder 8 Views Nos. 104-119 (Mar-Apr 1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (16)
Box 161, Folder 9 Views Nos. 120-136 (May-Nov 1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (17)
Box 161, Folder 10 Granite (1968) - construction, detail; black and white photographs, mostly snapshots (18)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Cleveland Museum (CM)" - color slides (42)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
CLEVELAND TRUST COMPANY, HEADQUARTERS, Cleveland, OH (1967-1971). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Cleveland Trust Tower; Ameritrust Tower (AT Tower); Marcel Breuer Tower)
Drawings (703)
Map-Case 119, Folder 5 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 600 Presentation set (11 Sep 1968): Lounge study plan, elevation, rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 600 Presentation sheet: Precast / window pattern - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 600 Presentation sheet: Plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 600 Presentation set : Floor plans, precast panel plans and section - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 600 Lounge courtyard rendering - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 600 Miscellaneous letters and paste-ups for presentation drawings - presentation drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1211 Feasability studies (Sep-Nov 1967) - design development drawings (originals); various preliminary schemes and area calculations; includes several numbered sets (105)
Tube 1211 Presentation set B (6 Nov 1967) (Dwg. Nos. B1-B4): Floor plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1211 Presentation set A (6 Nov 1967) (Dwg. Nos. A1-A4): Floor plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1212 Design development sketches and drawings (Dec 1967-Sep 1968) - design development drawings (originals); includes precast concrete panel and system studies, panel attachment plans, induction unit, elevation studies, wall sections (85)
Tube 1213 Design development sketches and drawings (Jun-Jul 1968) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, precast panel studies, banking space interior elevations (44)
Tube 1214 Design development sketches and drawings (Jan-Feb 1968) - design development drawings (originals); includes bridge plans and elevations, reflected ceiling plans, elevations and details of elevator lobby, floor plan studies, stair sections, washrooms, paving patterns (66)
Tube 1215 Building renovation / expansion (Jun-Aug 1971) - design development drawings (originals) (16)
Tube 1215 Design development sketches and drawings (Sep 1968-Mar 1969) - design development drawings (originals); includes executive floor layout studies, cafeteria plan, lobby interior elevations, bridge plans and sections, acoustical tile plan, seating plan for auditorium, vault plans (44)
Tube 1217 Design development drawings (Oct 1967-Jun 1968) (Dwg. Nos. SK-2 to SK-79) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, precast panels, core plans, basement plans, Barn Court bridge, stairs, wall sections; 89 originals and 4 prints (93)
Tube 1218 Design development drawings (Jun 1968-Oct 1971) (Dwg. Nos. SK-80 to SK-198 and unnumbered) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes mechanical systems, building elevations, precast panels, window details, Barn Court bridge, basement plans, miscellaneous details; 83 originals and 3 prints (86)
Tube 1420 Construction set (31 Jan 1969): Architectural (A0-A26) - working drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1421 Construction set (31 Jan 1969): Architectural (A27-A44) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 1421 Construction set (19 Sep 1968): Food service equipment (KE1-KE4) - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1421 Occupancy and egress (stamped 11 Mar 1968): O and E 1-O and E 12 - working drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1422 Construction set (Jul 1968-Feb 1970): Structural (S1-S19) - working drawings (originals) (21)
Tube 1219 Bank interior (May 1971) (Wigand Corp.): Dwg. Nos. W1-W5 - consultant drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of set, some with annotations (28)
Tube 1219 Bank office furniture (Jun-Jul 1970): Dwg. Nos. F1-F4 - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Photographs (168)
Box 131, Folder 1 Pre-demolition office Buildings - existing conditions, detail; black and white photographs; with annotations (12)
Box 131, Folder 1 Framework and stairwell detail (13 Feb 1970) - construction, detail; color photographs (2)
Box 131, Folder 1 Concrete windows - construction and finished project, detail; black and white photographs (11)
Box 131, Folder 2-4 Construction progress photos (1968-1971) (Nos. 1-129, incomplete) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (115)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Cleveland Trust (CT)" - color slides (28)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
COMMERCIAL LEASEHOLDS LTD., Burlington, Ontario, Canada (1954-1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Office Building for Commercial Leaseholds Ltd.)
Drawings (14)
Tube 1147 Plan: Part of lot 14 (18 Feb 1954) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1147 Preliminary plans (9 Feb 1955-5 Apr 1955) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1147 Presentation set (17 Mar 1955): Drawing Nos. 1-3 - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1147 Construction set (24 Mar 1955-4 Apr 1955): Drawing Nos. 1-6 - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1147 Revised interior stair (Dwg. No. SK-1) (11 Apr 1955) - working drawings (originals) (1)
three versions of a concrete block screen wall for an unidentified building
Drawings (3)
Tube 1468 Concrete block screen (28 Nov 1958) (Sheet Nos. 1-3): Elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
CONNECTICUT JUNIOR REPUBLIC, Litchfield, CT (1953-1959, 1969-1980). Marcel Breuer and Thomas C. Babbitt, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Connecticut Junior Republic Association Dormitory; Connecticut Junior College)
Tube 1117 and Tube 1118 contain drawings related to the initial planning and construction of the Connecticut Junior Republic (1955-59); drawings in Tube 1119 show subsequent additions and alterations made from 1969-1980.
Drawings (124)
Tube 1117 Topographic study (7 Dec 1953) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1117 Draft Plans - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1117 Preliminary landscape designs (Dan Kiley) - design development drawings (hybrids) (2)
Tube 1117 Preliminary schemes for plan arrangement - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1117 Preliminary schemes for site plan (14 Mar 1955): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1117 Dedication plaques - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1117 Drawing set (10 Jun 1955) (Dwg. Nos. 1-8): Plans, sections, elevations, details - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (8)
Tube 1117 Construction set (20 Aug 1956): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A10); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S2); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2); heating layout; plumbing layout - working drawings (reproductions) (16)
Tube 1118 Preliminary plans, sections, and elevations of barn, classroom revisions, utility plans (1957-1958) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1118 Unit No. 4. construction set (3 Jun 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A12); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S2); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E3); plumbing (Dwg. No. P1) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 1118 Miscellaneous sheets (undated): A2, A4-A10; S1 - working drawings (reproductions) (17)
Tube 1118 SK drawings: SK1-SK3, SK101 - working drawings (originals); revisions and supplementary details (10)
Tube 1118 Unit No. 4. construction set (16 Nov 1959): Heating and ventilating (HV-1A); electrical (E-1A); plumbing (P-1A) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1119 Rebuild dormitory unit No.2 (Dwg. Nos. 1-2, E1); Plans, interior elevations, details, electrical Plan - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1119 Shop addition construction set (6 Oct 1969-19 May 1970): Architectural (Sheets 219-1 and 219-2); structural (Sheet 219-S1); heating and ventilating (Sheets 219-H1, 219-ME1); electrical (Sheet 219-E1); plumbing/sprinkler (Sheet 219-PS1) - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1119 Colgate Cottage alteration plan (10 Jun-30 Jun 1980) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1119 Colgate Cottage alteration plan (10 Jun-30 Jun 1980) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); prints with colored ink annotations (3)
Tube 1119 Colgate Cottage alteration plan (10 Jun-30 Jun 1980) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple iterations (6)
Tube 1119 Acoustic partition details (10 Jul 1980): SK-100 to SK-101 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
(Alternate names: St. Paul Campus)
The extent of Marcel Breuer and Associates' involvement in this project is not clear.
Drawings (3)
Oversize 31, Folder 4 University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus, Long Range Development: Continuing Education Site (John Andrews, Architects) (Jan 1971): Site plans and photos - presentation drawings (originals); mounted on foam board (3)
CONVENT OF THE SISTERS OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE, Baldegg, Switzerland (1968-1976). Marcel Breuer, Robert F. Gatje and Mario Jossa, Architects; Beat A.H. Jordi, Associated Architect; Beat von Segesser, Associated Architect. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Baldegg Convent; Infirmary and Old Mother's Home)
Project material includes design and construction of the Convent (1968-1972) and the Infirmary and Old Mother's Home (1975-1976).
Drawings (211)
Tube 1159 Convent, Aerial perspective of complex - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1159 Convent, preliminary scheme set (Sheets V1-V7) - design development drawings (hybrids); annotated prints (7)
Tube 1159 Convent, construction set (Sheet Nos. B2-B17, B19-B25, B27): Plans, sections, elevations, details - working drawings (reproductions) (24)
Tube 1391 Convent, preliminary scheme set (May 1968): Sheet Nos. V1-V7 and rendering - design development drawings (originals); Neubau Sonnenhalde Baldegg; in German (8)
Tube 1391 Convent. Preliminary scheme Set: Sheet Nos. V1-V7, duplicate V1 and rendering - design development drawings (reproductions); Neubau Sonnenhalde Baldegg; in German (9)
Tube 1393 Convent, construction set (Bau projekt) (Sep 1968): Sheet Nos. B1-B17, B19-B25, B27 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "autotracings of drawings sent to Paris Sept. 1968"; in German (25)
Tube 1394 Convent, original SK drawings and design development drawings (Dec 1967-Nov 1968) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary sketches, elevations, sections, schematic plans, chapter house study, façade studies, isometric studies, column study (28)
Tube 1394 Convent, SK drawings and design development drawings (Jul 1968) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; includes façade studies, isometric studies, sections and site plans (18)
Tube 1394 Convent, Baldegg Banner (23 Apr 1968) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print; marked "keep: only record" (1)
Tube 1395 Site surveys - site surveys (reproductions); large format film negatives (4)
Tube 1395 Surveys, maps and preliminary site work - site surveys (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1395 Rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Box 134, Folder 13 Infirmary, presentation set (Sheets Nos. 1-7): Plans, sections, elevations, and perspective of Old Sisters' Home - presentation drawings (reproductions); small format; (8)
Tube 1392 Infirmary, presentation set (27 May 1975) (Sheets Nos. 1-4): Site plan, floor plans - presentation drawings (hybrids); Schwesteninstitue Baldegg Pflege -und Altersheim; in German (4)
Tube 1392 Infirmary, presentation sheet rendering (Sheet No. 7) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1392 Infirmary, rendering and elevations - presentation drawings (originals); unnumbered presentation sheets (5)
Tube 1392 Infirmary, schematic plans (14 Mar 1975): Sheet Nos. 1, 2, 3, 3A, 4 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1389 Infirmary, construction set (Jun-Sep 1976): Architectural (A2-A13, A20-A27, A30-A33, A40, A60-A64) - working drawings (reproductions); in German (30)
Tube 1389 Infirmary, landscaping plan (Umgebungsplan) (Oct 1976): Dwg. Nos. G1-G2 - working drawings (reproductions); in German (2)
Tube 1390 Infirmary, Preliminary set (Feb 1976): Dwg. Nos. Prov1-Prov8, Prov20-Prov21, Prov25 - design development drawings (reproductions); Pflegeheim Sonnenhalde; in German; poor condition, very fragile (11)
Tube 1390 Infirmary, facades (Jan-Feb 1976): Dwg. Nos. A30-A32, A35, A40, 40A, 41A, 43A, 45A and unnumbered - design development drawings (reproductions) (10)
Project files
Box 134, Folder 1 Contracts (20 Sep 1967-26 May 1975) - owner-architect agreements; in German with English translations
Box 134, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architect (1968) - Walter Birchmaier
Box 134, Folder 3 Correspondence: Associated architect (1973-1979) - Beat A. H. Jordi
Box 134, Folder 4-5 Correspondence: Associated architect (1967-1975) - Beat von Segesser
Box 134, Folder 6 Correspondence: Client (1969-1979) - Institut der Schwestern von der Gottlichen Vorsehung Baldegg; includes some financial records
Box 134, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultant (1973) - Basler and Hoffman, Engineers and Planners
Box 134, Folder 8 Office records I - Area Computations
Box 134, Folder 9 Office records II - SIA Honorarordnung fur Architektonische Arbeiten [Fee Scales for Architectural Work]
Box 134, Folder 10 Office records III - miscellaneous notes and memoranda
Box 134, Folder 11 Program - Raumprogramm [Building Program]
Box 134, Folder 12 Transmittals
Photographs (72)
Box 134, Folder 14 Exterior views - finished project, exterior view; photocopies (4)
Box 134, Folder 14 Exterior views - finished project, exterior view; from Basler and Hoffman, Engineers; color photographs (2)
Box 134, Folder 14 Breuer standing in front of finished project (22 May 1973) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (6)
Box 134, Folder 14 Aerial perspective (Sheet Nos. V4 and V7) - multiple drawings; negatives (3)
Box 134, Folder 14 Views of convent site in context - site/landscape, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 134, Folder 15 Façade construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box 134, Folder 15 Concrete ceiling construction - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 134, Folder 15 Exterior view - construction; color photographs (15)
Box 134, Folder 15 Religious statuary - color photographs (5)
Box 134, Folder 15 Old Sisters' Home - construction, exterior view; color photographs (4)
Box 134, Folder 15 Various exterior views and details - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (22)
Box 134, Folder 15 Ground level plan with legend - drawings, plan; photocopy (1)
CORK EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Korkindustrie Austellung)
See also Bauausstellung.
Drawings (5)
Oversize 9 Korkindustrie (Nr. 444) [Leaf 365] (19 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Fussbodenplan (Nr. 444a) [Leaf 366] (22 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Kork- und Fotos (Nr. 445) [Leaf 367] (22 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Landkarte (Nr. 446) [Leaf 368a] (22 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Tisch für Apparate (Nr. 447) [Leaf 367a] (22 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Photographs (1)
Box 119, Folder 10 Exhibition installation; - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
COSTON HOUSE, Oldfield Lane, Greenford, England (Apr-Sep 1937) (not built). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Shatsow House)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 12 Correspondence - F.R.S. Yorke, J. Shastow
COUNTRY CLUB OF PURCHASE, Westchester, NY (1960-1963) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects; Francis J. Duane, Golf Course Architect. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Purchase Hills; Brae Burn Country Club)
Drawings (41)
Tube 1469 Aerial site photo (2 Mar 1960) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1469 Survey (20 Dec 1962) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1469 Golf course, preliminary plan B (3 Apr 1963) (Francis J. Duane, Golf Course Architect) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1469 Golf Course. Preliminary plan C (29 Apr 1963) (Francis J. Duane, Golf Course Architect) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1469 Presentation set, The Country Club of Purchase, Purchase Hills Realty Associates, Schulman-Pack (3 May-7 May 1963): Entrance elevation, site plan, floor plans, north elevation at face of building, west elevation at face of building - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1469 Site plan and floor plans (3 May 1963) - design development drawings (reproductions); 3 sheets with color annotations (3)
Tube 1469 Entrance elevation, west elevation and north elevation - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1469 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes interior-exterior elevations, plans and site work (25)
CRALL HOUSE, Gates Mills, OH (1953) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (38)
Tube 647 Preliminary elevations (20 Nov 1953) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 647 Presentation set, pre-preliminary (25 Sep 1953): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 647 Presentation set, preliminary (9 Dec 1953-12 Jan 1954) - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 647 Gross square foot area (10 Jan 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 647 Exterior door details (Dwg. No. SK-1) (13 Aug 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 647 Outside stair along north wall of garage (21 Sep 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 647 Supplementary details - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 647 Bathroom and cabinet work - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 647 Construction set (19 Mar 1954-24 Aug 1954): Dwg. Nos. 1-10, 2E - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 647 Curtain plan (19 Mar 1954) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 647 Elevations (19 Mar 1954) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 647 Painting and finishing plan (19 Mar 1954) - working drawings (hybrid); annotated print with color samples attached (1)
Tube 647 Electrical layout (19 Mar 1954) - working drawings (hybrid); annotated print (1)
Tube 647 Air conditioning plans (Dwg. No. —1) (3 Aug 1954) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 8 Correspondence: Client (18 Dec 1953) - James Crall
DE BIJENKORF DEPARTMENT STORE COMPLEX, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1953-1957). Marcel Breuer and A. Elzas, Architects; Daniel Schwartzman, Consultant. [Commercial]
See also De Bijenkorf Department Store Parking Garage.
Drawings (177)
Oversize 15 Perspective rendering of elevation at corner, alternate scheme - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1069 Construction set (18 Nov 1954-16 Dec 1954): Kelder (1); Beganegrond (2); Tussenverdieping (3); 1st Verdieping (4); 2nd Verdieping (5); 3rd Verdieping (6); 4th Verdieping (7); DAK (8); Dwarsdoorsnede Tussen Syst. 8 and 9 (9); Langsdoorsnede Tussen Syst. C en D (10); Zvidgevel (12); Westgevel en Dwarsdoorsneden Tussen Syst. 2 en 3 and Syst. 1 en 2 (13); Noordgevel en Dwarsdoorsnede Tussen Syst. 4 en 5 (14); Langsdoorsnede Tussen Syst. H en G (15); Situatie (16) - working drawings (originals); in Dutch (15)
Tube 1071 Furniture and fixtures details, schedules, lighting plans and details, store displays, Cineac theatre details, Quick Lunch Bar - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (86)
Tube 1072 Construction field office sketches (Aug 1953 - Feb 1954): Preliminary plans, sections, elevations and details - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (21)
Tube 1072 Preliminary plans, sections, and details (May - Jul 1954) - design development drawings (originals); includes drawings for model maker (20)
Tube 1072 Floor plans, Ceiling plans (Dec 1954 - Aug 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1072 Undated sketches of plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1072 Elevation/façade renderings - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1096 Ceiling plans (Aug-Sep 1955) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1096 Programmatic zoning plans (May 1954) - design development drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1096 Floor layout plans (1955) [Dutch] - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1096 Electrical and lighting plan for Macy's White Plains expansion (Jul 1953) (Daniel Schwartzman, Architect) - other drawings (reproductions) (8)
Published material
Box 88, Folder 9 "Almacenes, en Rotterdam," Instituto Técnico De La Construcción Y Del Cemento (Apr 1956) - reprint, 4 pgs.; in Spanish
Box 88, Folder 10 "Architect Marcel Breuer... " Het Parool (Amsterdam) (16 Mar 1954) - newspaper clipping; in Dutch
Box 88, Folder 9 "'De Bijenkorf' te Rotterdam " Bouwkundig Weekblad (24 Apr 1956) - tear sheet, pgs. 189-194; in Dutch
Box 88, Folder 9 "Estados Unidos De Norteamerica - 1957," Integral (Aug 1957) - tear sheet, 1 pg.; in Spanish
Box 88, Folder 9 "Grand magasin à Rotterdam" - tear sheet, 5 pgs.; in French
Box 88, Folder 9 "Netherlands Department Store Rebuilds" Architectural Record (May 1955) - reprint, pgs. 205-208
Photographs (62)
Oversize 15 Elevation at corner with sculpture - model; copy negative (1)
Box 88, Folder 11 Model - black and white photograph (1)
Box 88, Folder 11 Excavation and foundation work - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (4)
Box 88, Folder 11 Construction field office - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (13)
Box SL-2 Model view [Slide 144] - model; color slides (1)
Box SL-2 View of Gabo sculpture and building elevation [Slide 504] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Partial building elevation [Slide 505] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Construction field office in context [Slide 506] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of elevation with Cineac entrance [Slide 507] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Elevation with glass curtain wall [Slide 508] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View from above of store in context [Slide 509] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of Cineac entrance [Slide 511] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of Henry Moore Sculpture on upper level terrace [Slide 512] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Merchandise display case [Slide 513] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Exterior space sculpture prior to installation [Slide 514] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of elevation with Gabo Sculpture [Slide 528] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of two elevations at exterior corner [Slide 529] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of construction field office and elevation beyond [Slide 530] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of two model elevations at corner from above [Slide 531] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of two model elevations at corner [Slide 532] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View through staggered windows [Slide 533] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Parking entrance ramp and building façade [Slide 534] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of glass-enclosed pavilion and building elevation [Slide 535] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Exterior space sculpture prior to installation [Slide 536] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of building façade at corner [Slide 537] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Night view of exterior space sculpture in place [Slide 538] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Exterior space sculpture in the process of installation [Slide 539] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slides (1)
Box SL-2 View out from entrance hall [Slide 540] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Night view of exterior space sculpture and elevation [Slide 541] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of sign at main entrance [Slide 542] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Night view of illuminated sign at main entrance [Slide 543] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Night view of elevation with illuminated sign / windows [Slide 544] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of construction field office from above [Slide 545] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of main entrance doors with custom handles [Slide 546] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of entrance vestibule [Slide 547] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of glass pavilion and building elevation [Slide 548] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of site model with context [Slide 549] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of illuminated model elevations at corner [Slide 550] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Elevation [Slide 551] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of glass pavilion under construction [Slide 552] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of glass pavilion under construction [Slide 553] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Construction progress on glass pavilion [Slide 598] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Construction field office in context [Slide 773] - construction, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 506) (1)
Box SL-14 View of Cineac entrance with Gabo Sculpture installation [Slide 774] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of plaza with Gabo Sculpture installation [Slide 775] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of elevation with Gabo Sculpture installation [Slide 776] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of Gabo Sculpture installation [Slide 777] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
DE BIJENKORF DEPARTMENT STORE PARKING GARAGE, Rotterdam, Netherlands (1970-1972). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Commercial]
See also De Bijenkorf Department Store Complex.
Drawings (38)
Tube 1121 Composite plan, elevation studies, area calculations - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1121 Alternate schemes: Scheme B (10 Apr 1970) (Dwg. nos. 1-3); Scheme C (10 Apr 1970) (Dwg. nos. 1-5); Scheme D (7 Aug 1970); 1 unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1121 Presentation set (14 Sep 1970) (Nos. 1-6): Plans, elevations, sections - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1121 Presentation sheets (Feb - Mar 1971 and revisions May 1972): Plans, elevations, sections, details - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1121 Presentation set (25 Feb 1972) (Nos. 5-9, 6A): Elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1121 Presentation sheets: Elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1121 Perspective rendering (17 Aug 1972) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
DE FRANCESCO APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (10)
Oversize 25 Grundriss Rudolstätterstr. 9 (Nr. 395) [Leaf 326a] (24 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Schreibtisch (Nr. 396) [Leaf 327a] (24 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Schrankwand (Nr. 397) [Leaf 328a] (25 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Bettwand (Nr. 398) [Leaf 329] (25 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Schrankwand Wohnz (Nr. 399) [Leaf 330a] (26 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Bücherwand (Nr. 400) [Leaf 331a] (26 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Tisch (Nr. 401) [Leaf 332a] (26 Jan 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Ahorn Natur Mattiert (Nr. 409) [Leaf 340a] (5 Feb 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Ablegeplatten im Vorraum (Nr. 410) [Leaf 341a] (10 Feb 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Bettbügel (Nr. 411) [Leaf 342a] (20 Feb 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (7)
Box 119, Folder 11 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Bedroom [Slide 346 ] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Bedroom and study-living-dining room [Slide 735] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 11 Bedroom wall cabinets - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Bedroom wall cabinets, two views [Slide 237] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 11 Study / living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Study / living room [Slide 680] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
DE GUNZBURG CHALETS, Megève, France (1963-1964) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Project files
Box 128, Folder 8 Correspondence: Architects (1964) - Robert F. Gatje
Box 128, Folder 9 Correspondence: Client (1963-1964) - Baron Alain de Gunzburg
Box 128, Folder 10 Miscellaneous (1963) - advisory in French from Construction ministry; business card from French architect
DEFENSE HOUSING, Wethersfield, CT (1942) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: Wethersfield Project)
See also Aluminum City Terrace.
Project files
Box 85, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Jan-Mar 1942) - FWA/NHA
Box 85, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractors and manufacturers (Jan 1942)
Box 85, Folder 3 Office records - rough sketches, preliminary cost estimates, office correspondence, receipts and site sketch
Box 85, Folder 4 Specifications - government issued standards/specifications for defense housing
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE (HEW), HEADQUARTERS (HUBERT H. HUMPHREY FEDERAL BUILDING), Washington, DC (1960-1984 inclusive, 1967-1977 bulk). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects; Nolen-Swinburne and Associates, Architects. [Government]
(Alternate names: FOB; HEW; Hubert H. Humphrey Building; South Portal Building; United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) headquarters building. )
Drawings (574)
Tube 1216 Feasability study (25 Aug 1960): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); set of originals and print set, multiples of some sheets (23)
Tube 1229 Air Rights Building (Feb 1968) (David Volkert and Assoc.): Site plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1229 Alternate scheme (3 Jun 1967): Situation plan - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (1)
Tube 1229 Diagrammatic study: South portal site (20 Feb 1968): Sheet Nos. 20-1 to 20-9 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1229 Sections (9 Feb 1968): Sections A-A to D-D - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 7 prints, multiples of some sheets (11)
Tube 1229 South ventilation facility (circa Apr 1968) (David Volkert and Assoc.): Plans, elevations, sections, details - working drawings (reproductions) (28)
Tube 1229 South ventilation facility: Isometric above grade and isometric below grade - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 2 prints (3)
Tube 1229 Preliminary set: Air Rights Building II (24 Jan 1968): Sheet Nos. P-1 to P-7 - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1229 Electrical room egress alternative (30 Apr 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1229 Egress: Water fountain, FHC, toilets (15 Jan 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1229 Air Rights Building: Plan (5 Jan 1967): Plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1229 Feasability study, Air Rights Building (21 Apr 1966) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1230 Site plan (30 Jun 1966): Dwg. No. FSS-30 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1230 Preliminary set (Jan-Feb 1967): Dwg. Nos. TSK1-TSK22 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals, 4 prints; incomplete (8)
Tube 1230 Preliminary site plans and details (31 Aug 1970): Dwg. Nos. 2-1 to 2-8 - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1230 Tentative sketches (20 Mar 1961): Structural (Dwg. Nos. 21-23 to 21-30) - design development drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1230 Typical column locations (10 Jun 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); Sverdrup and Parcel (1)
Tube 1230 Revised highway alignment scheme 'H' and basement plan diagram (9 May 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1231 Design development drawings and sketches (Feb 1969-Apr 1970): SK-WD1 to SK-WD131; SK116-SK205 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete, some unnumbered; includes pre-cast concrete details, core plans, garage and parking studies, interior plan studies and perspectives, elevations and facade studies, isometrics of building corners, garage and tunnel studies, interior and exterior details, sample granite panels; 62 originals and 23 prints (85)
Tube 1232 Design development drawings and sketches (Jul 1973-Oct 1976): WSK-104 to WSK-146 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete and unnumbered; includes sign details, walkway color designs, fine arts proposal, visitor information center, lobby plans and details, terrace details, interior and exterior details; 33 originals and 10 prints (43)
Tube 1221 Partial tentative sketches (30 Apr 1968): Architectural (21-1 to 21-12); structural (21-13 to 21-23) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 1222 Tentative sketches (circa 1969) (Sverdrup and Parcel): Structural (21-201 to 21-216) - working drawings (reproductions) (16)
Tube 1222 Tentative sketches (29 May 1969) (Joseph R. Loring and Associates): Mechanical-electrical (21-301 to 21-313) - working drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 1223 Tentative sketches (29 May 1969) (Joseph R. Loring and associates): Mechanical-electrical (21-401 to 21-410, 21-500 to 21-515) - working drawings (reproductions) (26)
Tube 1224 Completed tentative sketches (29 May 1969): Dwg. Nos. 21-101 to 21-141 - working drawings (reproductions); incomplete (36)
Tube 1224 Tentative sketches (circa 1969): Lighting (E509 to E515) - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1225 Construction set (31 Aug 1970): Architectural (5-1 to 5-62) - working drawings (originals); marked "final revision, 1 Oct 1970"; most annotated; some duplicates (65)
Tube 1226 Executive conference room, audiovisual projection plan (12 Apr 1974): Dwg. No. 509-1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1226 HEW executive areas (18 Oct 1974): Dwg. Nos. CD-1 and CD-5 - working drawings (hybrids) (2)
Tube 1226 Conference room and interior details (9 Dec 1969-31 Aug 1970): Architectural (5-38 to 5-59) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete and unnumbered sheets (17)
Tube 1226 Executive suites and conference room (10 Feb 1975): Architectural (11-A-1 to 11-A-11) - working drawings (originals); some duplicates (12)
Tube 1227 Federal Office Building at the South Portal Site, Diagrammatic study (20 Feb 1968): Situation plan (20-1), street level floor plan (20-2), mezzanine floor plan (20-3), typical office floor plan (20-4), penthouse floor plan (20-5), sections (20-6), elevations (20-7), 1st basement floor plan (20-8), 2nd basement floor plan (20-9), 3rd basement floor plan (20-10) - presentation drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1227-1228 "Diagrammatic Study (20 Feb 1968)" presentation set; miscellaneous master presentation sheets - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); film negatives, master sheets and small format reproductions; (48)
Tube 1228 Rendering of street level view - presentation drawings (reproductions); Pierre Lutz, artist; photostat (1)
Tube 1435 Construction set (31 Aug 1970): Cover sheet (0-1), site survey (1-1), test boring (1-2 to 1-4), planting plan (17-1), site (2-1 to 2-8), floor plans (3-1 to 3-23), elevations and sections (4-1 to 4-3), food service (5-KE1 to 5-KE11) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); marked "final revision, 1 Oct 1970"; 45 originals and 8 prints (53)
Project files
Box 194, Folder 1 Acoustical design (Dec 1972-Dec 1975)
Box 194, Folder 2 Artwork (Nov 1974-Jan 1977)
Box 194, Folder 3-4 Bid documents (Aug 1966-Nov 1973) - bid summaries and abstracts; cost estimates and bid analysis
Box 194, Folder 5-6 Change requests (Jun 1973-Sep 1976)
Box 194, Folder 7 Concrete specifications (Jun 1967) - architectural and structural concrete
Box 194, Folder 8-9 Contract amendments (Jan 1969-May 1976) - amendment nos. 1-14 and proposals
Box 195, Folder 1-2 Correspondence: Blake Construction (Apr 1972-Mar 1977)
Box 195, Folder 3-6 Correspondence: GSA (Jun 1967-Dec 1976)
Box 196, Folder 1-2 Correspondence: GSA (Jun 1967-Dec 1976)
Box 196, Folder 3 Correspondence: Joseph R. Loring (Jan 1968-Oct 1976)
Box 196, Folder 4-6 Correspondence: Nolen-Swinburne (Nov 1967-Jan 1977)
Box 197, Folder 1-7 Correspondence: Nolen-Swinburne (Nov 1967-Jan 1977)
Box 198, Folder 1 Correspondence: Sverdrup and Parcel (Dec 1967-Jun 1977)
Box 198, Folder 2-4 Correspondence: Various suppliers, consultants and service providers (1968-1976)
Box 198, Folder 5 Diagrammatic study (20 Feb 1968)
Box 198, Folder 6 Graphics and signage I (Nov 1970-Mar 1972) - Page, Arbitrio and Rosen
Box 198, Folder 7 Graphics and signage II (Sep 1975-Feb 1977) - RTKL
Box 198, Folder 8 Graphics and signage III (Jun 1978-Jun 1979) - GSA
Box 199, Folder 1 Interiors: Executive areas I (May 1975-Sep 1976) - General Correspondence
Box 199, Folder 2 Interiors: Executive areas II (Jan 1975-Apr 1975) - Construction Cost Estimates
Box 199, Folder 3 Interiors: General correspondence (Jul 1974-Dec 1976)
Box 199, Folder 4 Interiors: Specifications for painting and finishing (Apr 1968)
Box 199, Folder 5 Interiors: Specifications for partitions
Box 199, Folder 6 Lighting (Dec 1968)
Box 199, Folder 7 Litigation I: Correspondence (Mar 1979-Sep 1980)
Box 199, Folder 8 Litigation II: Correspondence (Feb 1981-Jul 1981; May 1984-Jun 1984)
Box 199, Folder 9 Litigation III: Deposition of Herbert Beckhard (15 Oct 1976)
Box 199, Folder 10 Memoranda (Sep 1971-Jan 1977)
Box 200, Folder 1 Office records: Bicentennial Exhibit (Apr 1975-Sep 1976)
Box 200, Folder 2 Office records: Correspondence with photographer (Apr 1973-Dec 1976)
Box 200, Folder 3 Office records: Miscellaneous correspondence and clippings (Dec 1968-Apr 1980)
Box 200, Folder 4 Office records: Miscellaneous notes (Apr 1976)
Box 200, Folder 5 Office records: Occupancy calculations
Box 200, Folder 6-7 Plaza improvements (Mar 1978-Jan 1981)
Box 200, Folder 8 Possible revision to health suite
Box 200, Folder 9 Slate (Nov 1969-Jan 1972) - Exterior slate and paving
Box 200, Folder 10 Surveys and test boring (Oct 1968-Oct 1970)
Box 200, Folder 11-13 Transmittals (Jul 1971-Aug 1976)
Photographs (153)
Box 201, Folder 1-2 Steel work - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; 34 contact sheets and 26 xerox copies (52)
Box 201, Folder 3, 5-7 Construction progress (Jun 1972-Nov 1974) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; negatives (91)
Box 201, Folder 4 Construction progress (Oct 1973-Nov 1973) - construction, exterior view; negatives (10)
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD), HEADQUARTERS, Washington, DC (1963-1969). Marcel Breuer, Nolen-Swinburne and Associates, and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Government]
(Alternate names: HUD Headquarters; Robert C. Weaver Federal Building)
Drawings (1,785)
Map-Case 119, Folder 6 Perspective rendering (1964) - presentation drawings (originals); Helmut Jacoby, artist; graphite on tracing paper, mounted on illustration board, 29.75 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 1105 Various plans and details (Jan 1963-Jan 1964): Site work (surveys, topo surveys, test boring reports), diagrammatic sketches (20-1A to 20-7A), square footage computations, floor plan work - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); with annotations (51)
Tube 193 Preliminary plans and studies (Aug-Sep 1963) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); some with pencil annotations (30)
Tube 194 Preliminary plans and studies (Aug-Oct 1963): core designs, modular and dimensional Investigations (SC1-9), corner elevations - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); some with pencil annotations (38)
Tube 195 Design development sketches and drawings (circa Nov 1963): includes exterior façade details/variations, wall module studies (transparencies and drawings), schematic plans, area calculations, core study and cost comparisons, reflected ceiling and lighting sketches, office floor plans - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (98)
Tube 195 Preliminary schemes: Site, plans and elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (6)
Tube 1108 Diagrammatic layout study (17 Dec 1963): Office layouts, space allocation plans and cost computations - presentation drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1103 Office set (Jun 1964): Plumbing, HVAC, site plan (21-1 to 21-33, S-1 to S-8) - design development drawings (reproductions); marked "Tentative Sketches"; with pencil annotations (73)
Tube 1106 "Tentative Drawings. Development of Visual Details - Int/Ext, elevations" (Jun 1964-Feb 1965) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); with annotations; includes interior/exterior details, structural details (pour joints), dimensional/modular studies (geometrical form of building), tree columns, basement and garage plans (65)
Tube 1107 Presentation set (17 Jun 1964) (Nos. 1-7): Site plan, floor plans, elevations, transverse sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); includes presentation labels (13)
Tube 1107 Line renderings of 3 elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); 1 marked "Record" (3)
Tube 1107 Various details - working drawings (originals); includes loading dock, lobby, transportation Information center (elevations, sections, plans), "Revised Details for Core Stairs" (9)
Tube 1107 GSA standard details: SD-1 to SD-5 - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 204 Various plans and details - working drawings (reproductions); some with pencil annotations; includes kitchen/food service details and mail room elevator (5-29) (14)
Tube 1104 Office set (4 Aug 1964): 21-1 to 21-30 - design development drawings (originals); marked "Tentative Sketches"; includes site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections (30)
Tube 196 "GSA Marked Up Tentative Architectural Drawings" (4 Aug 1964): Nos. 21-1 to 21-28 and 21-72 (line rendering) - working drawings (reproductions) (29)
Tube 197 "Tentative Sketches, Structural and Mechanical Drawings. Set for Marcel Breuer and Associates." (4 Aug 1964): Nos. 21-29 to 21-37, 21-40 to 21-71. - working drawings (reproductions) (41)
Tube 207 Progress prints and distribution copies (circa Oct 1964) - working drawings (reproductions); includes entrance plaza and lobby, administrative suite, conference rooms, site grading, kitchen/food service, end wall finishes and screen wall; some with pencil annotations (29)
Tube 208 Electrical development drawings (Jun-Aug 1964) (Paul Weidlinger) - working drawings (reproductions); includes interior/exterior lighting plans and details, and "Live Load Delineation" (LD-1 to LD-3); annotated prints (41)
Tube 211 Details, revisions, consultant drawings and distribution copies (circa Oct-Dec 1964) - working drawings (reproductions); includes paving and landscaping, elevators, space plan, administrative suite details, conference rooms, end wall revisions; some with pencil annotations (51)
Tube 203 GSA set (13 Oct 1964): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), surveys (Nos. 1-0 to 1-5), site plan (No. 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-1 to 4-3), architectural (Nos. 5-1, 5-8 to 5-15, 5-17 to 5-20, 5-23 to 5-27, 5-29 to 5-32, 5-36, 5-38 to 5-42, 5-49 to 5-51, 5-60, 5-61, GSA standard details) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "25% Submission Set"; with pencil annotations (71)
Tube 198 GSA set (13 Oct 1964): Structural (Nos. 7-1 to 7-5, 7-9 to 7-16, 7-18 to 7-19, 7-26 to 7-28) - working drawings (reproductions)marked "25% Submission Set"; (18)
Tube 1328 Construction set (13 Oct 1964): Heating and ventilation (9-AC-1 to 9-AC-34), electrical (9-E-1 to 9-E-20), plumbing (9-P-1 to 9-P-17) - working drawings (reproductions) (71)
Tube 200 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), site (Nos. 17-1, 1-6, 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-1 to 4-3), architectural (Nos. 5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-8 to 5-20, 5-23 to 5-27, 5-29 to 5-31, 5-36 to 5-44, 5-51, 5-52, 5-55, 5-58, 5-70, 5-75) - working drawings (originals); marked "50% Submission Set" (61)
Tube 199 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), site plan (No. 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-2 to 4-3), architectural (Nos. 5-1, 5-3, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-12 to 5-20, 5-23 to 5-27, 5-29 to 5-35, 5-37, 5-40 to 5-44, 5-46 to 5-49, 5-51 to 5-52, 5-55, 5-57, 5-58, 5-70, 5-74, 5-75) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set"; with pencil annotations (62)
Tube 198 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Structural (Nos. 7-9 to 7-28, 7-30 to 7-31) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set" (24)
Tube 204 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Kitchen / food service (Nos. 5-61 to 5-66) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set" (6)
Tube 237 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Heating and ventilation (Nos. 9-AC-1 to 9-AC-20, 9-AC-22 to 9-AC-45) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set" (44)
Tube 239 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Electrical (Nos. 9-E-1 to 9-E-6, 9-E-8 to 9-E-38, 9-E-40 to 9-E-43, 9-E-44 to 9-E-51) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set" (48)
Tube 238 GSA set (24 Nov 1964): Plumbing (Nos. 9-P-1 to 9-P-19, 9-P-21 to 9-P-22) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "50% Submission Set" (21)
Tube 201 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), site plan (No. 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-1 to 4-3), architectural (Nos. 5-1 to 5-20) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "75% Submission Set" (39)
Tube 202 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Architectural (Nos. 5-21 to 5-74), structural (Nos. 7-1 to 7-4), (No. 17-1) - working drawings (reproductions) (59)
Tube 204 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Kitchen / food service (Nos. 5-16 to 5-63, 5-65 to 5-68), structural (Nos. 7-9 to 7-28, 7-30 to 7-35), heating and ventilation (Nos. 9-AC-22, 9-AC-24, 9-AC-26) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "75% Submission Set" (37)
Tube 236 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Heating and ventilation (Nos. 9-AC-1 to 9-AC-29, 9-AC-31, 9-AC-33 to 9-AC-40, 9-AC-43 to 9-AC-45, 9-AC-47 to 9-AC-53, 9-AC-55) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "75% Submission Set" (49)
Tube 234 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Electrical (Nos. 9-E-1 to 9-E-55) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "75% Submission Set" (55)
Tube 235 GSA set (7 Jan 1965): Sprinklers (Nos. 9-SP-1 to 9-SP-3), plumbing (Nos. 9-P-1 to 9-P-15, 9-P-19 to 9-P-22, 9-P-25 to 9-P-28) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "75% Submission Set" (26)
Tube 205 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), Surveys (Nos. 17-1, 1-0 to 1-6), Site plan (No. 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-1 to 4-3), Architectural (Nos. 5-1 to 5-21) - working drawings (reproductions) (48)
Tube 206 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Architectural (Nos. 5-22 to 5-74), structural (Nos. 7-1 to 7-4) - working drawings (reproductions) (57)
Tube 209 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Structural (Nos. 7-5 to 7-37) - working drawings (reproductions) (33)
Tube 192 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Sprinklers (9-SP-1 to 9-Sp-3), heating and ventilation (9-AC-1 to 9-AC-55) - working drawings (reproductions) (58)
Tube 210 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Electrical (Nos. 9-E-1 to 9-E-56) - working drawings (reproductions) (56)
Tube 193 GSA set (18 Feb 1965): Plumbing (9-P-1 to 9-P-31) - working drawings (reproductions) (31)
Tube 198 "Sent to NSA" (5 Feb 1965) - working drawings (reproductions) (14)
Tube 1101 GSA set (1 Apr 1965): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), surveys (Nos. 1-0 to 1-5), site plan (No. 2-1), floor plans (Nos. 3-1 to 3-14), elevations (Nos. 4-1 to 4-3), architectural (Nos. 5-1 to 5-40) - working drawings (reproductions) (65)
Tube 1102 GSA set (1 Apr 1965): Architectural (Nos. 5-41 to 5-74), structural (Nos. 7-1 to 7-4); contract change drawings (Mar-Dec 1966) (Nos. 11-100 to 11-105); contract change drawings (Dec 1966 - Jan 1967) (Nos. 11-201 to 11-210); granite facing alternate "L" (May 1965) (Nos. 17-1, 34-1 to 34-2) - working drawings (reproductions) (57)
Tube 1109 Auditorium, DHUD office building, original architectural drawings and sketches (Jan 1966-Jul 1967): Auditorium plan, details, site plan, furniture, penthouse elevations, fallout shelter details - design development drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1109 Auditorium, DHUD office building, various details: Test boring (Dec 1968), revised site grading (Mar 1967), revised plumbing, roughing plans, penthouse composite - working drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1109 Auditorium, DHUD office building, GSA set (Oct 1968 - May 1969) (Phase I and Phase II): Index to drawings (No. 0-1), Site plan (No. 2-1), plan and details (No. 3-1, auditorium bldg. sections (No. 4-1), architectural (Nos. 5-1 to 5-5), structural (No. 7-1) - working drawings (reproductions) (14)
Tube 1109 Auditorium, GSA set (4 Oct 1968): Structural (Nos. 7-1 to 7-2) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Photographs (63)
Box 129, Folder 4 Excavation and foundation progress (Nov 1965 - Feb 1966) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (18)
Box 129, Folder 5 Façade details and building elevations (Nov 1967) - construction, exterior views; black and white photographs; photos by Herb Beckhard (40)
Box 129, Folder 5 Façade details and building elevations (Nov 1967) - construction, interior view; negatives; photos by Herb Beckhard (24)
Box 129, Folder 5 Interior corridor (11 Apr 1968) - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 129, Folder 5 Building dedication ceremony (with Breuer) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
DOLDERTAL APARTMENT HOUSES, Zurich, Switzerland (1933-1938). Alfred and Emil Roth, and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Multi]
Drawings (1)
Map-Case 111, Folder 2 3 Wohnblocke im Doldertal: Keller-Grundrisse (circa 1933): Basement floor plans - presentation drawings (reproductions); in German (1)
Project files
Box 119, Folder 12 Correspondence (Aug 1933-Jan 1935) - Sigfried Giedion, Alfred Roth; in German
Box 119, Folder 13 Correspondence (Jan 1936-Dec 1936) - Sigfried Giedion, Alfred Roth, Peter Meyer, Farkas Molnar, and others; in German
Box 119, Folder 14 "Abklärung: betreffend die bauten im doldertal zürich darlegungen der architekten a. und e. roth" (Clarification document) (3 Oct 1936) - typewritten manuscript with handwritten notes; 9 pgs.; in German
Box 119, Folder 15 Miscellaneous documents - contract, Building Commission report and contact information; in German
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 119, Folder 16 "Technische Voraussetzungen für ein freies, ruhiges Wohnen " Neue Zürcher Zeitung (23 Jul 1936) - newspaper clipping; in German
Photographs (18)
Box 119, Folder 17 Model apartment - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 View of lobby - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 South elevation in winter - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 Partial east elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 View of ground floor from northwest - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 View of ground floor and entrance from southwest - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 Elevation from the southeast - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 17 Elevation from the south - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-2 View From the southeast [Slide 172] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View From the Southeast [Slide 196] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (duplicate of Slide 172) (1)
Box SL-2 View of entrance foyer [Slide 198] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 View From the northeast [Slide 217] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slides (1)
Box SL-2 Stairwell with tubular metal railing [Slide 258] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Elevation [Slide 264] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 View of entrance foyer [Slide 362] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (duplicate of Slide 198) (1)
DUPLEX-APARTMENT COMPLEX, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1946-1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: New Jersey Housing Project)
Drawings (6)
Tube 575 Preliminary plans: Plot plan - presentation drawings (mixed); 1 original and 1 reproduction (2)
Tube 575 Preliminary plans: Upper and lower duplex plans, unit plan and section - presentation drawings (mixed); 1 original and 1 reproduction (2)
Tube 575 Site maps - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 8 Correspondence (Oct 1946-Mar 1947) - Alexander Summer Co. (Real Estate) and various government housing agencies.
Box 112, Folder 9 Cost computations (Oct 1946-Nov 1946) - Various scenarios titled "New Jersey Project I" and "Cliff Development"
Box 112, Folder 10 Notes and research material (Oct 1946-Dec 1946) - Includes FHA circular "Rental Housing for Veterans"
DUVE APARTMENT (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (5)
Oversize 4 Schrank (Nr. 412) [Leaf 343] (1 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schrank (Nr. 412) [Leaf 344] (1 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Schrankwand (Nr. 413) [Leaf 345a] (2 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Heizkörperverkleidung (Nr. 414) [Leaf 346a] (2 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Änderungen zu 413 (Nr. 416) [Leaf 348] (14 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
DWELLING (WOHNHAUS) I AND II (1929) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Wohnhaus I; Wohnhaus II)
Drawings (3)
Oversize 5 Wohnhaus I (Nr. 81) [Leaf 496] (2 Mar 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Wohnhaus I (Nr. 82) [Leaf 497] (2 Mar 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Wohnhaus II (Nr. 84) [Leaf 498] (22 Feb 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
EASTERN AIR LINES TICKET OFFICE, Boston, MA (1945-1946). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (13)
Box 79, Folder 20 Project sketches and reference material for signs and map - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 569 Presentation sheet: Plan and interior elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 569 Glass map insert - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 569 Lighting fixtures (A. Ward Hendrickson and Co., Inc.) - shop drawings (originals); stapled in paper cover (3)
Tube 569 United Airlines Transport Corp. ticket counter: Illuminated signs (Price Brothers, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Project files
Box 79, Folder 13 Building permits - War Production Board application
Box 79, Folder 14 Contract (23 Jan 1945) - owner-architect agreement
Box 79, Folder 15 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1945-Aug 1946) - Eastern Air Lines
Box 79, Folder 16 Correspondence: Contractors (Feb 1945-May 1945) - John H. Boyle and Son, Plastering Contractors
Box 79, Folder 17 Correspondence: Manufacturers (Jan 1945-May 1945)
Box 79, Folder 18 Financial records (Jan 1945-Dec 1945) - architect invoices/payments
Box 79, Folder 19 Office records - miscellaneous correspondence and notes, magazine clipping on ticket counters
Box 79, Folder 20 Project sketches and reference material - Eastern Air Lines brochures, list of destinations, photostats of logos, route network map
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (3)
Box 79, Folder 21 Seating area - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Interior view [Slide 189] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Floor plan [Slide 259] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
EL RECREO URBAN CENTER, Caracas, Venezuela (1958-1960) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Ernesto Fuenmayor Nava and Manuel Sayago, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Urban Planning]
CAC indicates property of Compania Anomina Commercial, El Recreo - Caracas
Drawings (243)
Map-Case 112, Folder 8 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; 16.25 x 20.5 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Presentation elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 243 Sketch renderings: Façade elements, balconies and HP elevator cover - presentation drawings (reproductions); in Spanish (3)
Tube 243 Store details (Mar-Jun 1960) (annotated prints): Ornamental blocks, typical façade and concrete sections (Dwg. Nos. B1, B3, B6) - working drawings (reproductions); in Spanish (3)
Tube 243 Site/street plans, ramps, etc. (Rampas-Avenida Venezuela) (circa 1960): Dwg. Nos. R6-R8 - working drawings (reproductions); in Spanish (3)
Tube 243 Working drawings (Dec 1959-May 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. Y3-Y7, Y10-Y13, Y18-Y23, Y26, Y34-Y38, Y40-Y42, Y44, Y46-Y49) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; in Spanish (34)
Tube 244 Working drawings (May-Oct 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. Y50-Y64, Y66-Y84) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; in Spanish (34)
Tube 245 Working drawings (1960): Mechanical, sanitary and electrical (Dwg. Nos. 115-116, 119-123, 125-129, 138, 140, 144-145, 147 and unnumbered sheets) - working drawings (reproductions) (30)
Tube 246 Site, traffic circulation and roadway studies (circa 1958) - design development drawings (originals); in Spanish (9)
Tube 246 Terrace balcony, traffic/site studies, schematic studies (1958-1959) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated and colored prints; in Spanish (12)
Tube 710 Prints of working drawings (10 Mar 1960): Dwg. Nos. Y21, Y23, Y36, Y41 and unnumbered - working drawings (reproductions); multiples of some sheets; in Spanish (10)
Tube 710 Presentation set: East elevation (Sheet No. 7); south elevation (Sheet No. 8); Casanove Ave. elevation (Sheet No. 11); west elevation (Sheet No. 12); Venezuela Ave. elevation (Sheet No. 13) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 710 Casanove Ave. elevation (Sheet No. 11) - presentation drawings (reproductions); color print (1)
Tube 710 Presentation set (4 Mar 1959) (Ernesto Fuenmayor, M. Sayago): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (reproductions); in Spanish (10)
Tube 1235 Site maps and surveys - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1235 Preliminary study (3 Oct 1958): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (5)
Tube 1235 Traffic study (31 Oct 1958) - design development drawings (reproductions); colored prints (10)
Tube 1235 Design development drawings and sketches (Sep 1958-Apr 1959) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, parking plans and studies, site plans (22)
Tube 1235 Preliminary studies (28 Jan 1959): Dwg. Nos. A1-A6 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1235 Schematic study (14 Nov 1958): Sheet No. 4 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1236 Preliminary studies (28 Jan 1959): Dwg. Nos. B1-B4 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1236 Site sections (SK-2) (10 Sep 1958) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1236 Preliminary study (3 Oct 1958): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1236 Schematic study (14 Nov 1958): Sheet Nos. 1-3 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1236 Plaza, balcony and orchestra level plans (Type 1 and Type 2) - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1236 Traffic study (31 Oct 1958) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1236 Rough sketches: site, side elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1236 Site/parking schemes - design development drawings (reproductions); photostats (6)
Tube 1236 Presentation set (Oct 1958-May 1959): Sheet Nos. 1-13 - presentation drawings (originals) (13)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 1 Correspondence and project notes (1958-1959)
Photographs (2)
Box SL-2 Perspective rendering [Slide 564] - drawings; color slide (1)
Box SL-2 Perspective rendering [Slide 565] - drawings; color slides (1)
Box SL-14 Perspective rendering [Slide 832-833] - drawings; color slides (duplicates) (2)
ENGLUND HOUSE, Pleasantville, NY (1950-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (34)
Tube 629 Ductwork plans (W. Gallagher): Basement, first floor, second floor - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 629 Plot plan (14 Jun 1950) - site surveys (reproductions) (3)
Tube 629 Survey of property (18 May 1950) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 629 Preliminary plans (19 May 1950-11 Jul 1950) - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 629 Construction set (21 Aug 1950-26 Apr 1951): Floor plans, framing plans (Dwg. no. 1); elevations (Dwg. no. 2); details (Dwg. no. 3); kitchen, fireplace, stair and closet elevations (Dwg. no. 4); window details (Dwg. no. 5); window details (Dwg. no. 6); kitchen details (Dwg. no. 7); closet and bathroom details (Dwg. no. 8); closet no. 5 revised (Dwg. no. 8-a); interior details (Dwg. no. 9); south retaining wall (Dwg. no. 10); roof deck and railing. cable railing (Dwg. no. 11); electrical plan (Dwg. no. 1-e) - working drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 629 Construction set (21 Aug 1950-29 Dec 1950) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated blueprints (4)
Project files
Box 55, Folder 1 Building permit documents - building code, building permit application, application for zoning variance
Box 55, Folder 2 Correspondence: Building permits and zoning (Jun 1950-Jul 1951) - George Smith (Village Engineer), William Gilchrist (Zoning Board?), Zoning Board of Appeals
Box 55, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Jul 1950-Mar 1952)
Box 55, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Oct 1950-Jul 1951) - Joseph Moje, general contractor; includes bid documents
Box 55, Folder 5 Correspondence: Suppliers, miscellaneous contractors and service providers (1950-1951)
Box 55, Folder 6-7 Financial records (May 1950-Nov 1951) - architect invoices and certificates of payment; includes contractor and manufacturer invoices
Box 55, Folder 8 Office records - miscellaneous notes, internal correspondence, cost summaries and plot sketch
Box 55, Folder 9 Specifications and schedules - preliminary drawing list, short specification with addendum, hardware schedule, lighting fixture schedule
Box 55, Folder 10 Structural computations
Box 55, Folder 11 Transmittals
Box 55, Folder 12 Exterior elevations, construction photos, images of Englund family and 1 interior photo - finished project; black and white digital photographs; 24 images on compact disc (24) (ID#: breuer_m_002)
Gift of John Englund, 2012.
ESALEN STAFF HOUSE ("BIG SUR"), Big Sur, CA (1971-1974). Herbert Beckhard, Architect; Thomas Hayes, Associate. [Projects by Others]
(Alternate names: Gagarin Retreat House; "Big Sur" House)
Drawings (1)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheet: Site plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 131, Folder 5 Correspondence: Client (1971-1973) - Andrew Gagarin/Esalen Institute
Box 131, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (1971) - Zoldos Silman, consulting engineers; Reynolds Associates, soil engineers; GFDS Engineers, structural engineers
Box 131, Folder 7 Correspondence: Contractor (1971-1972) - Ken Price
Box 131, Folder 8 Correspondence: Local Architect (1972) - Richard Stratman; hired to comply plans with Monterey County building codes
Box 131, Folder 9 Correspondence: Suppliers (1970-1974)
Box 131, Folder 10 Financial documents (1971-1972)
Box 131, Folder 11 Memoranda (1971-1972)
Box 131, Folder 12 Miscellaneous (1971) - Esalen Institute promotional letter, policy and map; Monterey County building plan check correction list, building ordinance; Monterey County geological map
Box 131, Folder 13 Notes and sketches (1971-1972)
Box 131, Folder 14 Product literature (1971)
Box 131, Folder 15 Transmittals (1971-1973)
Photographs (9)
Box 131, Folder 16 Contact sheet showing construction details - construction, detail; black and white photographs (8)
Box 131, Folder 16 Negatives of pictures on contact sheet - construction, detail; negatives (8)
EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK, Luxembourg (1973) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Consultant. [Commercial]
Drawings (22)
Tube 1388 European Investment Bank Luxembourg (5 Oct 1973): Site plan, typical floor, sections and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of originals, 1 set of prints (6)
Tube 1388 Design development drawings: Building sections, elevations, parking studies - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (10)
Tube 1388 Surveys, topographic maps and preliminary site work - design development drawings (reproductions); prints and photostats (6)
FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS APARTMENTS, Ithaca, NY (1961-1964). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Residential, Multi]
Drawings (492)
Tube 1238 Construction details (May 1963-Apr 1964): Dwg. Nos. SK 1-3 and unnumbered - working drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1238 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Architectural (A1-A25), structural (S1-S16) - working drawings (originals) (41)
Tube 1329 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Topographical survey / boring data (A3), plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (e1-E5), mechanical (M1-M3), heating (H1-H4) - working drawings (originals); graphite on mylar (17)
Tube 188 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Architectural (A1-A23, A25-A26) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated blueprints; continues in Tube 189 (25)
Tube 189 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Structural (S1-S16), mechanical (M1-M3), heating (H1-H4), plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (E1-E5) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated blueprints; continuation of Tube 188 (32)
Tube 190 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Architectural (A1-A26) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated blueprints; continues in Tube 191 (26)
Tube 191 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Structural (S1-S16), mechanical (M1-M3), heating (H1-H4), plumbing (P1-P4), electrical (E1-E5) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated blueprints; continuation of Tub 190 (32)
Tube 571 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Architectural (A1-A26) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Office Copy: Construction and Closing"; annotated diazo prints; continues in Tube 572 (26)
Tube 572 Construction set (28 Dec 1962): Structural (S1-S16), Mechanical (M1-M3), Plumbing (P1-P4), Heating (H1-H4), electrical (E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Office Copy: Construction and Closing"; annotated diazo prints; continuation of Tube 571 (31)
Tube 572 Slab / beam sections (28 Jun 1963) (Farkas and Barron): SK No. 1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 573 Presentation set (3 Nov 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (10)
Tube 573 Presentation set (revised 19 Mar 1962): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (reproductions); marked "Office Set"; annotated prints (7)
Tube 573 Presentation set (29 Aug 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (reproductions); marked "First Presentation"; annotated prints (6)
Tube 573 Presentation set (15 Sep 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-8 - presentation drawings (reproductions); marked "Second Presentation"; annotated prints (8)
Tube 573 Presentation set (15 Sep 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-8, SK-A-1 to SK-A-8 - presentation drawings (reproductions); heavily annotated (16)
Tube 1237 Presentation set (revised 19 Mar 1962): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1237 Presentation set (15 Sep 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-8 - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1237 Presentation set (29 Aug 1961): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1237 Site work (1961-1962) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary site plans, boring plan, program analysis, survey and topographic maps, parking plan, tree inventory (30)
Tube 1237 Design development drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary wall sections, row house elevation studies, unit plan studies, bath layouts (21)
Tube 1239 Design development and construction details (Oct 1961-Jun 1962): SK-A-1 to SK-A-35 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals); includes elevator building designs, elevation studies, alternate unit schemes, window and door details, stair sections, façade studies, wall sections, site plans (130)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 11 Request for proposal (1962)
Photographs (17)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Fairview Heights (FH)" - color slides (17)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
FISCHER HOUSE AND STUDIO, New Hope, PA (1939-1942). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Fischer House I; Waldenmark)
See also Fischer House, Guest Cottage; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Fischer, Edward and Margrit.
Drawings (60)
Box 44, Folder 11A Assorted project sketches, plans and furniture details - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Box 44, Folder 11B Kitchen cabinet layout (20 Apr 1939) (Eames Company) - shop drawings (reproductions); multiple copies/revisions (6)
Box 44, Folder 11C Site map (Bushy Ridge Farms) (22 Aug 1937) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 601 Plan sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 601 Construction set (1 Mar 1939-27 Sep 1939) - working drawings (originals) (37)
Tube 601 Plans, sections, elevations, details - working drawings (reproductions); reduced photostats (4)
Tube 601 Proposed plan of protection (13 Sep 1939) (Rhea Lighting Rod Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 601 Window details (6 Jun 1939) (Hope's Windows, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 44, Folder 1 Change orders and extras (Mar-Oct 1939)
Box 44, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1938-Jun 1942) - Edward and Margrit (Grit) Fischer; in German and English
Box 44, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (1939-1940) - R.A. Large
Box 44, Folder 5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and manufacturers (1939-1940)
Box 44, Folder 6 Financial records - manufacturer and contractor invoices
Box 44, Folder 7 Office records (1939) - Notes, memos, contract documents (MB's project file)
Box 44, Folder 8 Product literature and clippings
Box 44, Folder 9 Specifications and schedules - General Specifications, Hardware Schedule, Plumbing Specifications, Schedule Of Radiation
Photographs (14)
Box 44, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; small color photograph (1)
Box 44, Folder 10 Elevation, corner and window - finished project, exterior view; small black and white photograph (1)
Box 44, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; small black and white photograph and negative (2)
Box 44, Folder 10 Corner elevation - finished project, exterior view; small black and white photograph and negative (2)
Box 44, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; small black and white photograph and negative (2)
Box 44, Folder 10 Living room - finished project, interior view; small black and white photograph and negative (2)
Box 44, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 44, Folder 10 View of house and surrounding site - finished project, aerial view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Aerial view looking down on front of house [Slide 246] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Aerial view looking down on back of house [Slide 433] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
FISCHER HOUSE, GUEST COTTAGE, New Hope, PA (1945-1948). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Fischer House II)
See also Fischer House and Studio; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Fischer, Edward and Margrit.
Drawings (12)
Tube 601 Construction set (25 Oct 1946-28 May 1947): Plans, elevations (Dwg. No. 1); framing plan details (Dwg. No. 2); details (Dwg. No. 3); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 4); convector plans (Dwg. No. 5) - working drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 601 Construction set (25 Oct 1946-12 Nov 1946) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Office Print" (5)
Tube 601 Steel screen doors (4 Nov 1947) (Kane Mfg. Corp.) - shop drawings (reproductions); 1 print and 1 duplicate with annotations (2)
Project files
Box 44, Folder 12 Contract (6 Nov 1946)
Box 44, Folder 13 Correspondence: Client (1945-1948) - Edward and Margrit Fischer; in German and English
Box 44, Folder 14 Correspondence: Contractor (1946-1948) - R.A. Large
Box 44, Folder 15 Correspondence: Miscellaneous consultants, contractors and manufacturers (1946-1948)
Box 44, Folder 16 Correspondence: Project financing (Sep-Oct 1947)
Box 44, Folder 17-18 Financial records (1946-1948) - architect invoices, certificates of payment, contractor and manufacturer invoices
Box 44, Folder 19 Specifications (1946) - Short Form Specifications
FLAINE, Camonix, France (1960-1979). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects; Bureau D'Etudes et de Realisations Urbains (BERU), Consultants. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Flaine, Phase I; Flaine, Phase II; Flaine, Phase III; Flaine, Chapel)
Drawings (253)
Box 74, Folder 12 Miscellaneous details sketches and modifications (1975-1978) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 35 xerox copies (36)
Map-Case 117, Folder 4 Flaine Chapel perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Flaine Chapel presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1242 Aerial site photo - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1242 Presentation set (9 Nov 1960): Site plan, elevation from south, building sections (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1242 Presentation set (3 Sep 1960): Site plan, elevation from South, site section, building sections (Sheet Nos. 1-4) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1242 Topographical plans - site surveys (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1242 Plan Masse General (16 Aug 1963): Dwg. No. 10019 - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1242 Preliminary site plans - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube B-001 Presentation sheet: Elevation of resort complex - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on paper master (1)
Tube B-001 Presentation sheets: Site plans, elevations of resort complex and rendering - presentation drawings (originals); masters for presentation set (5)
Tube B-001 Flaine III S12/S13 (22 Aug 1976): Rendered elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube B-001 Presentation set (28 Nov 1977): Elevations of resort complex, site plans - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1244 Hotel Residence S1 construction set (26 Sep 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-1001 to S1-1043 - working drawings (reproductions); in French (47)
Tube 1245 Hotel Residence S1 design development drawings and prints (Aug 1974-Mar 1975) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, structural studies, fireplace studies, typical floor plan studies, apartment types study, elevation studies; in French and English; 24 originals, 9 prints (33)
Tube 1245 Hotel Residence S1 interiors and furnishings (Sep-Nov 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-1101 to S1-1103 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1245 Hotel Residence S1 Flaine III hotel residence (15 Jul 1974) (Sheet nos. 1-5): Site plan, floor plans, sections and elevations, apartment types - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1245 Hotel Residence S1 construction set: (26 Sep 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-1001 to S1-1013 - working drawings (originals); incomplete; in French (8)
Tube 1246 Apartments S5/S6 studies: Sheet Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1246 Apartments S5/S6 construction set (6 Feb 1976): Dwg. Nos. S5/6-1001 to S5/6-1010 - working drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1246 Apartments S5/S6 design development drawings (May 1975) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes building renderings, building floor plans, preliminary plans, sections and elevations; 18 originals, 1 print (19)
Tube 1246 Apartments S5/S6 Flaine III apartment studies (2 Sep 1975): Dwg. Nos. S5-01001 to S5-01005 - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1246 Comparison study of neighboring resorts - design development drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1247 Building 10 alternate schemes (Schemes 2-3): Elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1247 Flaine arrival building (15 Jul 1974): Site plans, elevations, plans and sections - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1247 Lift and lift stations, ascenseur incline Y (16 May 1975) (Dwg. Nos. Y-01001 to Y-01004): Site plans, plans, facades - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1247 Lift and lift stations design development drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes revised floor plans, elevation studies, lift station renderings, site plans (11)
Tube 1248 S1, S10, S12/13 working drawings - working drawings (reproductions); film negatives (13)
Tube 1248 S10 (11 Nov 1977) - design development drawings (reproductions); marked "progress prints" "void" (8)
Project files
Phase I
Box 74, Folder 1 Correspondence: Architects (1972-1973)
Box 74, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1966-1973)
Box 74, Folder 3 Meeting minutes (1972)
Box 74, Folder 5 Chapel correspondence (1972-1975)
Phase III
Box 74, Folder 6-9 Correspondence: Architects (1973-1978)
Box 74, Folder 10 Correspondence: Clients: SEPAD (1973-1979)
Box 74, Folder 11 Correspondence: Miscellaneous (1973-1979)
Box 74, Folder 12 Drawings (1975-1978)
Box 74, Folder 13 Financial documents (1977)
Box 74, Folder 14 Meeting minutes: SEPAD, COTEBA (1973-1977)
Box 74, Folder 16 Project description and press release (1975)
Box 74, Folder 18 Transmittals (1973-1979)
Box 74, Folder 19 Office (1966-1975) - miscellaneous internal correspondence
Published material
Box 74, Folder 17 "Flaine-French-Alps, the International Resort" Herald Tribune (1978) - newspaper clipping, 1 pg.
Box 74, Folder 17 "Flaine, Haute Savoie, France. Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects" Architectural Record - photocopy, 2 pgs.
Box 74, Folder 17 "Flaine - Too Futuristic for the Traditional Skier" Passport (Dec 1976) - photocopy of magazine article, pgs. 5-6
Box 74, Folder 17 "Skiing Europe Off the Beaten Slope" Business Week (31 Jan 1977) - magazine clipping, pgs. 83-84
Photographs (40)
Box 74, Folder 4 Flaine Valley - site/landscape, aerial view; color photograph (1)
Box 74, Folder 4 Flaine Valley - site/landscape, aerial view; color negative (3)
Box 74, Folder 4 Flaine Valley - site/landscape, aerial view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 74, Folder 4 Skiers - site/landscape, detail; black and white photographs (3)
Box 74, Folder 4 Model - black and white photographs (4)
Box 74, Folder 4 Pre-cast concrete forms - construction, detail; color photographs (6)
Box 74, Folder 14-15 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (14)
THE FLOWERING OF AMERICAN FOLK ART, EXHIBITION, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY (1973). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Exhibition Design]
Drawings (4)
Tube 594 Presentation plans (5 Dec 1973) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 original plans, 1 photostat and 1 film negative (4)
FOOTE HOUSE, Chappaqua, NY (1949-1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
House in the Museum Garden design adapted for construction in Chappaqua, NY.
See also House in the Museum Garden.
Project files
Box 81, Folder 1 Correspondence regarding bids (Nov 1949-Dec 1949)
Box 81, Folder 2 Correspondence with client (Dec 1949-Oct 1950) - W. Elliott Foote and Caroline Foote
Box 81, Folder 3 Correspondence with manufacturers, suppliers and contractors (Mar 1950-Sep 1950, Jun 1953-Aug 1953)
Box 81, Folder 4-5 Financial records (Dec 1949-Nov 1950) - architectural invoices and certificates of payment
Box 81, Folder 6 Office records - miscellaneous notes
Box 81, Folder 7 Specifications and schedules (circa Nov 1949) - short specifications, lighting fixture schedule
FORD HOUSE, Lincoln, MA (1939-1941). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Woods End colony)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (3)
Box 120, Folder 13 South façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 13 South façade with close view of slatted canopy - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 13 Stairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
FRAMELESS GLASS SLIDING WINDOW, 1942, 1953. Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Other (non-architectural)]
(Alternate names: Sliding Window)
Drawings (3)
Tube 609 Sliding window details (23 Feb 1942): Dwg. No. DM-6 - working drawings (originals); "shows details of an invention for two types of horizontally sliding windows developed by Marcel Breuer" (1)
Tube 609 Window details (27 Oct 1953) - working drawings (original and reproduction); relates to a formal agreement between Breuer, Knoll Associates and Calcasieu Lumber (Bill Drake) "to explore the commercial feasibility of Marcel Breuer's newly designed sliding windows" (2)
Project files
Box 83, Folder 2 Correspondence (Jul 1953-Mar 1954) and agreement (3 Nov 1953)
Box 83, Folder 3 Research materials (1953) - market research materials relating to sliding glass windows
FRANK HOUSE, Pittsburgh, PA (1939-1940). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: House in Pittsburgh)
Drawings for the Frank House, while extensive, are almost exclusively of custom furniture designed by Breuer for this residence, and, with the exception of a single sketch, do not pertain to the design or construction of the building itself. The project files also represent the second phase of the Frank House project: design and fabrication of furnishings and interiors. Gropius and Breuer were commissioned for this phase in addition to their work on the design and construction of the Frank House itself. Drawings and other materials related to the house construction can be found through the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive. Additional drawings and photographs related to the Frank House furniture designs can be found in the Furniture section of the finding aid.
Drawings (55)
Box 50, Folder 10 Project sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Chair sketch (14 Jan 1940) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Armchair sketch (14 Jan 1940) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Sofa in the study and miscellaneous table sketches - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Adjustable long chair sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Study for chair - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Study for chair - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Sofa in the study sketches - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Living room sofa sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Chaise-lounge - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Dining room chair sketches - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 First floor study, interior perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 712 Construction set: Furniture (24 Jan 1940-9 Jul 1940): Dwg. Nos. F101-F142 - working drawings (originals); incomplete (43)
Project files
Box 50, Folder 1 Correspondence: Consultant (Apr 1939-Apr 1940) - Anni Albers, Consultant for Fabrics and Patterns for Interiors
Box 50, Folder 2 Correspondence: Manufacturers (Aug 1939-Nov 1940) - unbound correspondence with manufacturers
Box 50, Folder 3 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 1 (Harry Meyers Co.) (Jan 1940-Jan 1941) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume
Box 50, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 2 (Saybolt, Cleland Alexander, Inc.) (Jan-Mar 1940) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume
Box 50, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 3 (Schmieg Kotzian, Inc.) (Mar-Nov 1940) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume
Box 50, Folder 6 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 4 (Thonet Brothers) (Jan-Jul 1940) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume
Box 50, Folder 7 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 5 (Wohnbedarf) (Jan 1940-Apr 1941) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume; in German and English
Box 50, Folder 8 Correspondence: Manufacturers, bound volume part 6 (miscellaneous furniture bids) (Oct 1939-Sep 1940) - correspondence originally part of a single bound volume
Box 50, Folder 9 Correspondence: Publicity (Jul-Aug 1939) - Kaufmann Dept. Stores
Box 50, Folder 10 Office records (circa 1939-1940) - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 50, Folder 11 Program, "Description of the Functional Distribution of Spaces" - typewritten mss., 27 pgs.
Box 50, Folder 12-13 Specifications and schedules (Dec 1939-Apr 1940) - furnishing and yardage lists, furniture specifications, specifications for Frank House grounds
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (21)
Box 50, Folder 14 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Cantilevered armchair and side chair - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Cantilevered armchair and side chair [Slide 694] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Curved wall with staircase - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Curved wall with staircase [Slide 244] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Cut-out plywood reclining chair - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Cut-out plywood reclining chair [Slide 96] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Cut-out plywood reclining chair [Slide 696] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Dressing Room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Dressing table [Slide 254] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Dressing table [Slide 423] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-2 Elevation with landscaping [Slide 238] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Garage in hillside - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Garage in hillside [Slide 252] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Living room and dining room through window at night - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Swimming pool - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Swimming pool [Slide 239] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 50, Folder 14 Terraced yard - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-2 Terraced yard [Slide 253] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slides (1)
Box SL-14 View from east [Slide 778] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL, Washington, DC (1966) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Monument]
(Alternate names: FDR Memorial)
Drawings (64)
Tube 1150 Presentation set (Sheet Nos. 1-4): Plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1150 Presentation sheets: Plans - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1155 Axonometric sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plans and site sections - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Site plan (14 Nov 1966) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Perspective of central space - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1155 Site plan of building proposal adjacent to Lincoln Memorial (14 Nov 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Legend to the plan - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1155 Site plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan - design development drawings (reproductions); red pencil note: "out of scale" (1)
Tube 1155 Aerial site photograph - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Plan (1 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan (21 Nov 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Aerial perspective - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Perspective studies of Central Space - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1155 National Rose Garden plans and sections (29 Dec 1966): Dwg. Nos. S1-S1A - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Memorial details and elevations: Dwg. Nos. M2-M4 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1155 Cladding and plan grid study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Sun shadow diagram (Aug 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan (Jul 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan with pencil notes (Jul 1966) - design development drawings (hybrids) (1)
Tube 1155 Contour studies (3 Oct 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Site plan (30 Jul 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Contour study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Geometry studies (17 Aug 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1155 Plan (1 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Parti sketches - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Partial plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Plan (15 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 West elevation (19 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site section (16 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Perspectives (6 Sep-9 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1155 Intersection study (12 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Parking lot plan (16 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1155 Site plan (23 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 Site plan (23 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1155 West elevation (19 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1155 Parking lot plan (16 Sep 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Photographs (5)
Box 129, Folder 6A Top view (1966) - model, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 6B Site plan (Oct-Nov 1966) - drawings, multiple drawings; negatives (4)
GAGARIN HOUSE I, Litchfield, CT (1953-1965). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (224)
Box 117, Folder 16 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 655 Plans at two levels - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 592 Topographic map of Gagarin property - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 592 Design development drawings and sketches (Sep 1953-Jan 1954) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); including preliminary schemes, site plans, floor plans, elevations, perspectives (35)
Tube 592 Presentation set (3 Feb 1954): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 592 Living room fireplace (7 Apr 1954) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 592 Design development drawings for interior work - design development drawings (originals); includes draft furniture designs and sketches, carpets, wood table, wood terrace, granite couch and table (7)
Tube 592 Revised sections (Farkas and Barron) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1089 Construction set (18 June 1954): Plot plan, drawing schedule, pool section (Dwg. no. 1); upper level plan (Dwg. no. 2); lower level plan (Dwg. no. 3); main building section a-a (Dwg. no. 4); elevations (Dwg. no. 5); elevations (Dwg. no. 6); details: master bedroom wing (Dwg. no. 7); upper level details (Dwg. no. 8); lower level details (Dwg. no. 9); main building section b-b, covered terrace and miscellaneous details (Dwg. no. 10); stair details, handrail details (Dwg. no. 11); fireplace details; plant room concrete finish details (Dwg. no. 12); window details (Dwg. no. 13); window details, door schedule, (Dwg. no. 14); lower levels details (Dwg. no. 15); cabinet work (Dwg. no. 16); kitchen-laundry, dining room buffet cabinet work (Dwg. no. 17); master bedroom and sitting room cabinet work (Dwg. no. 18); bathroom details (Dwg. no. 19); cabinet work details: light baffle, window seat, and guest closet (Dwg. no. 20); cabinet work: bedroom closets and cabinets (Dwg. no. 21); cabinetwork details, lower level, u.l. service areas (Dwg. no. 22); bath no. 1 ( revised). bottle gas niche details (Dwg. no. 23); upper terrace plan (Dwg. no. 23); miscellaneous details (Dwg. no. 24); lower level plumbing plan (Dwg. no. P1) - working drawings (originals) (24)
Tube 1089 Draft and incomplete working drawing sheets and duplicates - design development drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 1089 Construction details (13 Aug 1954-23 Aug 1957): SK drawings - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (32)
Tube 1089 Design development drawings for later additions and repairs (1954-1966) - design development drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1090 Ventilating Addendum —2 (Fred Dubin and Associates) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1090 Swimming pool designs (Paddock Engineering Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1090 Heating equipment (National Heater Co., Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1090 Sliding steel screen details (Kane Manufacturing Corporation) - shop drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1090 Kitchen equipment (Consolidated Kitchen Products Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1090 Metal work (Waterbury Iron Works) - shop drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1090 Steel work (Topper and Griggs) - shop drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1090 Column fabrication (Bethlehem Fabricators) - shop drawings (reproductions) (54)
Project files
Box 116, Folder 1 Art (Apr 1958-Nov 1963) - correspondence, photos and client sketch.
Box 116, Folder 2 Bid documents (Jan 1954-Sep 1954)
Box 116, Folder 3 Change orders (Jan 1955-Nov 1956)
Box 116, Folder 4-6 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1953-Feb 1962) - Andrew and Jamie Gagarin
Box 116, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultant (Apr 1954-Mar 1955) - Farkas and Barron, Engineers
Box 116, Folder 8 Correspondence: Consultant (Nov 1953-Feb 1957) - Fred S. Dubin Assoc., E.M. Tarnoff Co.
Box 116, Folder 9 Correspondence: Consultant (Dec 1955-Sep 1956) - Slocum Fuller, construction engineers
Box 116, Folder 10 Correspondence: Consultant (Sep 1954-Dec 1954) - Topper Griggs, engineers/steel contractors
Box 116, Folder 11-14 Correspondence: General Contractor (Jun 1954-Jul 1957) - George J. Switzer Co.
Box 117, Folder 1 Correspondence: Repairs (1959-1965) - client and contractor correspondence concerning repair of damaged areas
Box 117, Folder 2-4 Correspondence: Suppliers and miscellaneous contractors - includes invoices
Box 117, Folder 5-8 Financial records (Feb 1954-Jun 1959) - architectural, contractor and consultant services including certificates of payment and invoices
Box 117, Folder 9 Office records I (Jun 1955-Jun 1956) - job supervision trips
Box 117, Folder 10 Office records II (Nov 1953-Aug 1956) - memos and internal correspondence
Box 117, Folder 11 Office records III - notes and miscellaneous
Box 117, Folder 12 Product literature
Box 117, Folder 13 Program documents - Description of Client Needs and Desires; Final Area and Cost Tabulations
Box 117, Folder 14 Specifications and schedules - Hardware Schedule, Window Schedule, Color Schedule, Mechanical and electrical Specifications
Box 117, Folder 15 Transmittals (Oct 1953-May 1959)
Photographs (12)
Box SL-3 Cantilevered stairs [Slide 55] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Cantilevered stairs [Slide 441] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Dining room with view toward fireplace [Slide 766] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Front elevation [Slide 412] - finished project, exterior view; color slides (1)
Box SL-3 Front elevation [Slide 440] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Front elevation [Slide 760] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Garden patio [Slide 764] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Garden terrace [Slide 825] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Rear elevation [Slide 56] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Rear elevation [Slide 823] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Rear elevation [Slide 824] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-3 Side elevation with view of pool [Slide 436] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
GAGARIN HOUSE II, Litchfield, CT (1972-1975). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (37)
Tube 633 Topographic map of the Property of Andrew Gagarin (Oct 1972) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 633 Construction set (15 May 1973) - working drawings (originals); includes site plan; floor plans; framing plan; fireplace details; elevations; wall sections; millwork; heating; lighting and electrical plans; built-in cabinets (12)
Tube 633 Revised steel beam Detail (16 Aug 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Design development drawings (Feb 1973-Apr 1973) - design development drawings (originals); includes wall section details; concrete slab details; rendered elevations, upper and main floor plans, garage floor plan (6)
Tube 633 Revised site plan (2 Aug 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Roof steel beam support (12 Jun 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Elevation of retaining wall (13 May 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Wall section detail - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 snow melting system and recess for bathroom baseboards (30 Jul 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Details for Marlite panels in bathroom (25 Feb 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Detail of retaining Wall (13 May 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Formica backsplash Details (14 Apr 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Stair parapet details (4 Apr 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Revised fireplace details, lower level (3 Jul 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Lower level plan details (9 Sep 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Revised south and west elevations (14 Oct 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Rendered elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Built-in cabinet specifications (10 Oct 1974) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 633 Preliminary set (19 Jan 1973): Site plan, lower floor plan, upper floor plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
GANE HOUSE, Clifton, England (1936-1938). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Crofton Gane House; House at Clifton)
See also Professional Papers: Correspondence : Gane, Crofton; Furniture: Correspondence and Business Records.
Project files
Box 120, Folder 14 Program description - typewritten ms., 2 pgs; in German
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (3)
Box SL-3 Dining room [Slide 321] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Dining room [Slide 724] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 15 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
GANE'S PAVILION, Bristol, England (1936-1937). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Royal Agricultural Show; Bristol Pavilion)
See also Professional Papers: Correspondence : Gane, Crofton; Furniture: Correspondence and Business Records.
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (13)
Box SL-3 Elevation [Slide 712] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 17 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 17 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 17 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-3 Exterior view [Slide 27] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Exterior view [Slide 431] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 17 Living room and entranceway - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 16 Site views and masonry construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photograph (4)
Box 120, Folder 17 South façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 17 South façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
GARDEN CITY OF THE FUTURE, MODEL, London, England (1936-1939, 1972). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Urban Planning]
(Alternate names: Civic Center of the Future; London Building Exhibition, 1936)
Drawings (13)
Box 120, Folder 18 Site plan - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (duplicates) (3)
Tube 1122 Presentation set: Site plan; shopping center (1); offices (2); theater (3); cafes and waterfront elevation (4); cafes and roadside kiosk (5, 6, 7); apartments (8); apartments (8A-8B); shops (10); school (11) - presentation drawings (originals); created for a 1972 exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (10)
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Box 120, Folder 19 "A Garden City of the Future" Architects' Journal (26 Mar 1936) - photostat, 3 pgs.
Box 120, Folder 19 "What Cities of Future Will Look Like" Boston Herald (31 Dec 1939) - newspaper clippings, 2 pgs.
Photographs (18)
Box SL-3 Aerial view of the Model [Slide 91] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Diagram showing spacing of blocks of flats [Slide 396] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Diagram showing spacing of blocks of flats [Slide 709] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Elevation views [Slide 385] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Perspective of traffic interchange and landscaping [Slide 737] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Section of shopping center with underground garage [Slide 124] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Section of shopping center with underground garage [Slide 223] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Side view of shopping center [Slide 222] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 Site plan of overall scheme [Slide 382] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of model from above [Slide 376] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of model from above [Slide 383] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of model from above [Slide 384] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of model elevation [Slide 736] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of model landscaping [Slide 377] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of overall scheme [Slide 351] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-3 View of overall scheme [Slide 352] - model; black and white slide (1)
GELLER HOUSE I, Lawrence, NY (1944-1951). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Some of the furniture designed for Geller House I was later marketed independently by Breuer. Additional drawings and photographs related to these designs can be found in the Furniture section of the finding aid.
Drawings (80)
Tube 639 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary schemes, plans, elevations, rendered elevations and sections (25)
Tube 639 Plans and elevations (preliminary) - presentation drawings; 1 original, 1 reproduction (2)
Tube 639 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (original) (1)
Tube 639 Presentation plans - presentation drawings (original) (2)
Tube 639 Rendered elevations - presentation drawings (original) (3)
Tube 639 Construction set (27 Apr 1945-13 Jun 1947): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 101); floor plan (Dwg. No. 102); roof framing plan (Dwg. No. 103); section (Dwg. No. 104); elevations (Dwg. No. 105); wall sections (Dwg. No. 106); wall and window sections (Dwg. No. 107); interior details (Dwg. No. 108); interior details (Dwg. No. 109); interior details (Dwg. No. 110); interior details (Dwg. No. 111); exterior and interior details (Dwg. No. 112); interior details (Dwg. No. 113); details: master bathroom (Dwg. No. 114); details: children's bath (Dwg. No. 115); details: maid's bathroom (Dwg. No. 116); interior details (Dwg. No. 117); details (Dwg. No. 118); garage (Dwg. No. 119); details (Dwg. No. 120); garage and guest house (Dwg. No. 121); section and details of guest house (Dwg. No. 122); landscaping (Dwg. No. 123); screen porch (Dwg. No. 124); guest house heating; heating and plumbing plan - working drawings (originals) (26)
Tube 639 Construction set (27 Apr 1945-7 Jul 1947) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (19)
Tube 639 Ground floor plan showing suggested arrangement of expansion Joints (7 Jun 1945) - working drawings (reproduction) (1)
Tube 639 Roof coping details (25 Oct 1949) - working drawings (reproduction) (1)
Project files
Box 30, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (1944-1946) - Bert and Phyllis Geller
Box 30, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (1945-1946) - Gordon Roth, general contractor
Box 30, Folder 3 Correspondence: Suppliers and service providers (1945-1951) - includes product literature
Box 30, Folder 4-5 Financial records
Box 30, Folder 6 Office records
Box 30, Folder 7 Product literature
Box 30, Folder 8 Specifications - general specifications with notes, plumbing specifications
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 30, Folder 8 "Geller House, Lawrence, Long Island," Progressive Architecture (Feb 1947) - tear sheet, pgs. 51-66
Box 30, Folder 8 "House, Lawrence, Long Island, N.Y.," Progressive Architecture (Jun 1947) - tear sheet, pg. 57
Box 30, Folder 8 "On the Cover: The Geller House," Empire State Architect (Jul/Aug 1947) - tear sheet, pgs. 9-11
Box 30, Folder 8 "Tomorrow's House Today," House and Garden (Jan 1947) - tear sheet, pgs. 61-67
Box 30, Folder 8 "Tomorrow's House Today, Part II - The Secret Life of a House," House and Garden (Feb 1947) - tear sheet, pgs. 57-60
Photographs (54)
Box 30, Folder 10 Arm chair and side table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Bedroom [Slide 609] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Children's playroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Children's playroom [Slide 230] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Desk and chair - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Dining chair [Slide 703] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Dining room [Slide 206] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Dining room with furniture - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Dining room with furniture [Slide 229] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Easy chair without upholstery - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; 2 prints and 1 copy negative (3)
Box SL-4 Elevation [Slide 209] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Guest house, yard with fieldstone wall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box SL-4 Guest house, yard with fieldstone wall [Slide 275] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 Guest house, yard with fieldstone wall [Slide 349] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Guest house, yard with fieldstone wall [Slide 779] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 275) (1)
Box SL-14 Guest house, yard with fieldstone wall [Slide 780] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 275) (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Kitchen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Living room [Slide 228] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Lounge chair [Slide 699] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Mechanical room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Mechanical room [Slide 210] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Nesting chairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-4 Nesting chairs [Slide 693] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Nesting chairs [Slide 695] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Plan [Slide 136] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Plywood chair [multiple prints and negatives] - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (13)
Box 30, Folder 10 Sun louvers - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 Utility room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 View from the west - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of backyard with building elevations [Slide 582] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slides (1)
Box 30, Folder 10 View of dining room and living room from rear entry - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (1)
Box SL-4 View of dining room and living room from rear entry [Slide 231] - finished project, interior view; black and white slides (1)
Box SL-4 View of entrance [Slide 211] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slides (1)
GELLER HOUSE II, Lawrence, NY (1967-1970). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (76)
Map-Case 120, Folder 2 Perspective from across courtyard - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 20 x 29 in. (1)
Map-Case 120, Folder 3 Floor plan - presentation drawings (originals); sepia print mounted on illustration board, 26.5 x 28.75 in. (1)
Box 114, Folder 36 Furniture details: Tables, record player, stairs, speaker cabinets - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Box 114, Folder 36 Floor grill detail - working drawings (originals) (1)
Box 114, Folder 37 SK drawings (8 Jul 1968-2 Apr 1969): Dwg. nos. SK-A2 to SK-A16 - working drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 640 SK drawings: Dwg. nos. SK-A1, SK-A2, SK-A15, SK-A17, SK-A18 - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 640 Survey of Geller property - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 640 Plans - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 640 Construction set (26 Oct 1967-19 Feb 1969): Architectural (A1-A17); structural (S1-S6); furniture (F1-F4, F6); electrical (E1-E2); HVAC (H1) - working drawings (originals) (39)
Tube 640 Cabinetwork (Sheet Nos. 1-2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 640 Garage details and schedule (1 Oct 1968) (Azzarone Concrete Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 640 Repairs to ties and piers (22 Mar 1968): Sheet No. X1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 113, Folder 1 Bid documents (1967-1968)
Box 113, Folder 2 Building codes - Lawrence, Long Island building codes and promotional materials
Box 113, Folder 3 Change orders
Box 113, Folder 4 Contract documents - contract for electrical work, schedule for drawings, reductions and changes in scope of work
Box 113, Folder 5 Correspondence: Client (1967-1970) - Bert and Phyllis Geller
Box 113, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (1968) - Arthur J. Klonsky Associates, landscape designers
Box 113, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - Cohen, Hartzell and Corcoran, site engineers
Box 113, Folder 8 Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - Quentin Disher, surveyor
Box 113, Folder 9 Correspondence: Consultants (1967-1969) - Laurie Maurer
Box 113, Folder 10 Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - Edward Zekala, architectural specifications
Box 113, Folder 11 Correspondence: Consultants (1967-1968) - William Dunne, mechanical/electrical engineer
Box 113, Folder 12 Correspondence: Consultants (1967-1968) - Zoldos Meagher, consulting engineers
Box 113, Folder 13 Correspondence: Contractor (1969-1970) - Azzarone Construction Co.
Box 113, Folder 14-15 Correspondence: Contractor (1968-1970) - Barnes Building Co., Inc.
Box 113, Folder 16 Correspondence: Contractor (1967-1968) - Weitz-Menn Contracting Co.
Box 113, Folder 17 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1968-1969) - building suppliers and service providers
Box 113, Folder 18 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1968-1969) - furniture and finishes suppliers and service providers
Box 113, Folder 19 Correspondence: Publicity - correspondence with photographers and publishers
Box 114, Folder 20-25 Financial records (1967-1969) - certificates of payment and consultant invoices
Box 114, Folder 26-29 Office records (1967-1969) - furnishings office file, memoranda and miscellaneous notes
Box 114, Folder 30 Product literature
Box 114, Folder 31 Program for interior furnishings
Box 114, Folder 32 Specifications and schedules - hardware schedule, plumbing fixture schedule, lighting fixtures
Box 114, Folder 33-34 Testing reports - concrete compression tests; soil/ foundation investigation
Box 114, Folder 35 Transmittals
Photographs (6)
Box 114, Folder 38 Views from the south - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (4)
Box 114, Folder 38 View from southwest corner - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
GELLER SHOWROOM, New York, NY (1976-1977). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Andrew Geller Shoes; 1370 Avenue of the Americas, 7th floor)
Drawings (32)
Tube 1495 Contractor's sheet metal (31 Mar 1977) (Penguin Air Conditioning Corp.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1495 Built-in banquettes (19 May 1977) (BPC Industries) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1495 Wood ceiling and shoe display unit (29 Apr 1977) (James T. Mackey, Inc.): Drawing Nos. 1-3 - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1495 Miscellaneous shop drawings (circa Apr 1977) - shop drawings (reproductions) (24)
Project files
Box 125, Folder 1 Bid proposals (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 2 Contracts and building permits (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 3 Correspondence: Clients (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consulting engineers (1976-1977) - William J. Dunne
Box 125, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractors (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 6 Correspondence: Suppliers (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 7 Drawings and sketches (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 8 Financial documents (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 9 Job meeting minutes (1977)
Box 125, Folder 10 Memoranda (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 11 Notes and addresses (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 12 Product literature (1977)
Box 125, Folder 13 Schedules (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 14-15 Specifications (1976-1977)
Box 125, Folder 16 Technical reports (1977)
Box 125, Folder 17 Transmittals (1976-1977)
GRAND COULEE DAM, COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT, THIRD POWER PLANT AND FOREBAY DAM, Grand Coulee, WA (1968). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Government]
See also Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia Basin Project, Visitor Arrival Center.
Drawings (137)
Map-Case 115, Folder 1 Rendering from across basin - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat on illustration board, 15 x 18 in. (1)
Map-Case 115, Folder 2 Interior perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 19 x 25 in. (1)
Tube 1249 Environmental studies of double tour circuit (28 Jun 1968) (Kenneth W. Brooks, Architect): Sheet No. 1 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1249 Tourist circuitry investigation (circa 26 Mar 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-4 and 2 unnumbered - presentation drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1249 Master environmental plan (Kenneth W. Brooks, Architect): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1249 Total study No. 3 (1 Aug 1968) - presentation drawings (reproductions); colored print (1)
Tube 1249 Master environmental plan: Site rendering (Kenneth W. Brooks, Architect) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1250 Wall details (25 Jul 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1250 Design development drawings (SK2-SK11 and unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; 10 originals and 2 prints (12)
Tube 1250 Preliminary design development (25 Jul 1968, revised 11 Oct 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-23 - presentation drawings (reproductions); includes typed index (26)
Tube 1251 Preliminary design development (25 Jul 1968, with revisions through 20 Dec 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-27 - presentation drawings (originals) (33)
Tube 1253 Preliminary design development (25 Jul 1968, with revisions through 20 Dec 1968): Sheet nos. 2-6, 8, 10-12, 15 - presentation drawings (reproductions); small sheets (10)
Tube 1252 Preliminary design development (25 Jul 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-13A - presentation drawings (reproductions) (15)
Tube 1253 Preliminary design development (27 Nov 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-13 - presentation drawings (reproductions); multiples of some sheets (19)
Photographs (302)
Box 149, Folder 1 Model - black and white photographs (86)
Box 149, Folder 4 Construction progress photos - black and white photographs (79)
Box 149, Folder 7 Construction progress: Site views - black and white photographs (44)
Box 149, Folder 8 Construction progress: Substructure - black and white photographs (65)
Box 149, Folder 10-11 Construction progress: Superstructure - black and white photographs; with captions (28)
GRAND COULEE DAM, COLUMBIA BASIN PROJECT, VISITOR ARRIVAL CENTER, Grand Coulee, WA (1972-1977). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Government]
(Alternate names: Visitor Arrival Center (VAC))
See also Grand Coulee Dam, Columbia Basin Project, Third Power Plant and Forebay Dam.
Drawings (317)
Tube 1254 Topographical maps and site development drawings (May-Sep 1974) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (13)
Tube 1254 Design development drawings (Jul-Dec 1974) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site studies, floor plan studies, precast sections, wall sections, elevations, precast roof and wall studies, concrete details, auditorium, reflected ceiling plan and wall treatments; 51 originals and 10 prints (61)
Tube 1255 Preliminary (25 Jul 1972): Dwg. Nos. 1-5 - design development drawings (originals); includes site plan, floor plans and sections, sections and elevations; annotated prints; some duplicate sheets (19)
Tube 1255 Design development drawings (Apr-Oct 1972) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); annotated prints; includes site work, preliminary plans and elevations; 6 originals and 3 prints (9)
Tube 1256 Landscaping plan (15 Mar 1973): Dwg. No. L1 - presentation drawings (originals); very large sheet (1)
Tube 1256 Presentation set (23 May 1972): Overall plan, building plans and sections, overall section - presentation drawings (originals); very large sheets (4)
Tube 1256 Presentation set (Aug 1974) (Sheet Nos. 1-7): Site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations, rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1256 Presentation set (Aug 1974) (Sheet Nos. 1-70: Site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations, rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1256 Miscellaneous presentation sheets used to create the finished sets - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1257 Construction set (15 Mar 1973): Architectural (A1-A18), road construction (R1-R3), structural (S1-S5) - working drawings (originals) (26)
Tube 1258 Construction set (17 Jan 1975): Architectural (A1-A12) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1258 Construction set (17 Jan 1975): Electrical (E2) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1258 Construction details (Mar-Jul 1977) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1432 Presentation drawings - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives (37)
Tube 1433-1434 Shop drawings and consultant drawings (circa 1977) - working drawings (reproductions); includes elevators, windows, steel work, concrete work, interior fixtures and furnishings (109)
Project files
Box 148 Specifications (1976-1977)
Box 149, Folder 1-18 Specifications (1976-1977)
GREENWICH VILLAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL 3, New York, NY (1971-1973) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Meiser Charette School; PS 3)
Drawings (39)
Box 206, Folder 10 SK drawings (Jan 1972-Mar 1972): Dwg. nos. SK1-SK6 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (8)
Box 206, Folder 11 Home rooms (Dec 1971) - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Box 206, Folder 12 Occupancy typical loads and egress (Jan 1972) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Box 206, Folder 13 SK1-2 (Jan 1972) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated copies (2)
Box 206, Folder 14 Second round layouts (Feb 1972) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Box 206, Folder 15 Third round layouts (Mar 1972) - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Box 206, Folder 16 Typical upper floor - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); original and multiple copies (5)
Box 206, Folder 17 Existing conditions (1955) (Board of Education of the City of New York) - working drawings (reproductions); blueprints (12)
Project files
Box 206, Folder 18 Miscellaneous notes and sketch
Box 206, Folder 19 Predesign memoranda (Nos. 1-6) (Nov 1971-Feb 1972)
Box 206, Folder 20 Presentation to Board of Education (Sep 1973)
Box 206, Folder 21 Program data
GRIECO HOUSE, Andover , MA (1954-1963). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (58)
Box 78, Folder 19 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals); rough sketches (2)
Tube 636 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 636 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 636 Design development drawings (circa Jul 1954) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary schemes, interior and exterior elevations, floor plans, sections, fireplace details, sun shade details, kitchen plans (27)
Tube 636 Site plan (22 Jun 1954) - site surveys (original) (1)
Tube 636 Plot plan and topograph - site surveys (original) (1)
Tube 636 Construction set (6 Jul 1954-1 Mar 1955): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1); lower floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); upper floor plan. door schedule. (Dwg. No. 3); elevations (Dwg. No. 4); main building sections A-A, B-B. miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 5); main building sections C-C, D-D. miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 6); window details, siding details (Dwg. No. 7); louvered window details, sunshade details (Dwg. No. 8); fireplace and stair details (Dwg. No. 9); bath details (Dwg. No. 10); interior details (Dwg. No. 11); kitchen and utility room details (Dwg. No. 12); kitchen and utility room details (Dwg. No. 13); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 14); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 15); exterior flagging and grille (Dwg. No. 16); structural: first floor plan (Dwg. No. S-1); electrical plan: lower floor (Dwg. No. 2-E); electrical plan: upper floor (Dwg. No. 3-E) - working drawings (originals) (19)
Tube 636 Heating layout (12 Jul 1954) (J.A. Mercier, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 636 Alteration of existing bathroom (10 Jul 1962-23 Jul 1962) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 636 Revisions to existing bathroom (27 Sep 1962): Dwg. No. 10A - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 78, Folder 13 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1954-Apr 1963) - Vito and Mrs. Grieco
Box 78, Folder 14 Correspondence: Consultant (16 Jun 1954) - Weisenfeld and Hayward, consulting structural engineer
Box 78, Folder 15 Correspondence: Contractor (Aug 1954-Jun 1955) - Jules Cesarini
Box 78, Folder 16 Correspondence: Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (1954-1955)
Box 78, Folder 17 Correspondence: Publicity (1955) - Ben Schnall, photographer
Box 78, Folder 18 Financial records (May 1954-Jun 1955)
Box 78, Folder 19 Office records - Miscellaneous Notes and sketches
Box 78, Folder 20 Specifications - general specifications (partial), hardware specifications, plumbing fixture specifications
Box 78, Folder 21 Transmittals
Photographs (5)
Box 78, Folder 22 Lower level plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 78, Folder 22 Rear elevation and garden - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 78, Folder 22 Rear elevation showing sunshade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 78, Folder 22 Side elevation showing entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 78, Folder 22 Side elevation showing garage - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
GROPIUS HOUSE, LINCOLN, Lincoln, MA (1938-1941). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Woods End colony; House for Mrs. J.J. Storrow)
Drawings (14)
Tube 181 Construction set (25 Mar 1938-29 Mar 1938): Plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); basement floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 3); second floor plan (Dwg. No. 4); roof plan (Dwg. No. 5); east and west elevations (Dwg. No. 7); first floor framing plan (Dwg. No. 8); second floor framing plan (Dwg. No. 9); roof framing plan (Dwg. No. 10); north and south elevations: framing (Dwg. No. 11); east and west elevations: framing (Dwg. No. 12); details (Dwg. No. 13); garage (Dwg. No. 14); window details (Dwg. No. 15) - working drawings; photocopies (14)
Gift of Mary Daniels, 2012.
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (2)
Box 120, Folder 20 Garden view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 20 North façade at night - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Grosse Pointe, MI (1951-1958) [Library]
(Alternate names: Ferry-Sales Central Library)
Drawings (104)
Box 68, Folder 30 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan, "Kerchevel Ave." - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1074 Survey of building site on the Grosse Pointe High School property (May 1951) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1074 Survey of the 250' building site on the Grosse Pointe High School property (Jul 1951) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1074 Drainage plan and details: Grosse Pointe High School - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1074 Design development sketches and drawings (circa Apr-Jul 1951) - design development drawings (originals); includes draft and preliminary plans, elevations, sections, interior and exterior details, preliminary furniture drawings (26)
Tube 1074 Presentation sheet (12 Apr 1951): 2 plans, 2 sections, 4 elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1074 Plans and sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats, originally rendered in ink (3)
Tube 1075 Construction set (15 Aug 1951-9 Jun 1952): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-15); structural (S1-S3); furniture arrangement (Dwg. Nos. 2-3); telephone layout (Dwg. No. 2); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P2); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E3); finish hardware (Dwg. No. 2-3); heating (Dwg. Nos. H1, H1A, H2) - working drawings (originals); some duplicate sheets (32)
Tube 1075 Construction details (3 Dec 1951-11 May 1953): Dwg. Nos. SK-1 to SK-9 - working drawings (originals); some numbers duplicated (12)
Tube 1075 Furniture set (27 Mar 1952-13 May 1953): Dwg. Nos. F1-F14 - working drawings (originals) (19)
Tube 1075 Detail of memorial plaque - working drawings (original) (1)
Tube 1075 Column plan (15 Jun 1951) (Farkas and Barron) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1075 Transformer vault (24 Jan 1952) (Detroit Edison Company) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1075 Special card file unit (27 Mar 1952) (Art Metal Construction Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 66, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 66, Folder 2 Building materials request application - National Production Authority
Box 66, Folder 3 Change orders
Box 66, Folder 4 Consultant reports I - Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory (Concrete Tests)
Box 66, Folder 5 Consultant reports II - Michigan Drilling Co. (Soil Tests)
Box 66, Folder 6 Contracts - owner-contractor agreement, owner-architect letter of agreement concerning furnishings
Box 66, Folder 7 Correspondence: Accreditation (1951) - National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) concerning Michigan licensure
Box 66, Folder 8 Correspondence: Client (Apr 1951-Nov 1952) - Charles Mohrhardt, Detroit Public Library Associate Director
Box 66, Folder 9-10 Correspondence: Client (1951-1958) - Robert M. Orr, Grosse Pointe Public Library Director of Public Libraries
Box 66, Folder 11-12 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1951-Jun 1953) - J. H. Husband, Board of Education
Box 66, Folder 13 Correspondence: Consultant (Jun 1951-Sep 1952) - Farkas and Barron, consulting structural engineers
Box 66, Folder 14 Correspondence: Consultant (Jun 1951-Oct 1953) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting mechanical engineer
Box 66, Folder 15 Correspondence: Consultant (Jun 1951-May 1953) - Bernard Greene, consulting electrical engineer
Box 66, Folder 16-20 Correspondence: Contractor (Jan 1951-Mar 1953) - Albert A. Albrecht Co., general contractor
Box 67, Folder 21 Correspondence: Contractor (Sep 1951-Jul 1952) - L.L. McConachie Co., mechanical contractor
Box 67, Folder 22 Correspondence: Donor (1951-1955) - Dexter M. Ferry, W. Hawkins Ferry
Box 67, Folder 23-24 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and suppliers
Box 67, Folder 25 Correspondence: Real estate agent (Mar 1951-May 1951) - Kenneth L. Moore Co.
Box 67, Folder 26-28 Financial records (1951-1968) - includes architectural invoices, certificates of payment and invoices
Box 68, Folder 29 Material samples
Box 68, Folder 30 Office records - contacts, correspondence, cost summaries, miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 68, Folder 31 Photo mural, sculpture and art objects - Herbert Matter, photo mural; David Hare, sculpture
Box 68, Folder 32 Product literature
Box 68, Folder 33 Program documents - "Space Requirements" [typewritten sheet] and notes
Box 68, Folder 34 Publicity I (1951-1954) - correspondence, promotional material (Grosse Pointe public schools and library)
Box 68, Folder 35 Publicity II (25 Jan 1953) - Dedication Ceremony: program and photo
Box 68, Folder 36-42 Specifications - general specifications (final and draft); furniture and equipment specifications; hardware schedule; plumbing specifications; mechanical specifications, air conditioning addition; electrical specifications with addendum; lighting fixture specifications; bulletins (revisions to specifications and drawings); list of revisions to drawings
Box 68, Folder 43 Transmittals
Published material
Box 68, Folder 44 "Look What Happened in Just Sixteen Months," Grosse Pointe News (29 Jan 1953) - newspaper clippings
Box 68, Folder 44 "To Dedicate Library Sunday," Grosse Pointe News (22 Jan 1953) - newspaper clippings
Box 68, Folder 44 "3,000 Grosse Pointers Visit New Library," Detroit Free Press (26 Jan 1953) - newspaper clippings
Photographs (9)
Box 68, Folder 45 Elevation view of long side toward rntrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 68, Folder 45 "History of Writing" photo mural - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box 68, Folder 45 Listening table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 68, Folder 45 Night view of illuminated sign and glass wall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 68, Folder 45 Proposed site photos [1951] - site/landscape; black and white photographs; with captions by real estate firm (5)
GROTE HOUSE, Dessau, Germany (1926) [Interior]
(Alternate names: Grote Residence; Ludwig Grote House)
Photographs (2)
Box SL-4 Interior with desk and tubular steel chair [Slide 236] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Interior with Desk and Tubular Steel Chair [Slide 238] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
H. FULD AND COMPANY TELEPHONE FACTORY, COMPETITION, Frankfurt, Germany (1930) (not built). Marcel Breuer with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Fuld Factory)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (5)
Box 119, Folder 20 Ground floor plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Perspective and plans with assembly line [Slide 325] - drawings, plans and perspective; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-12, Folder 1 Perspective rendering, aerial view [Slide no. 1820] - drawings, perspective rendering; glass-plate negative, damaged (1)
Box SL-12, Folder 2 Perspective rendering, elevation [Slide no. 1818] - drawings, perspective rendering; glass-plate negative (1)
Box SL-12, Folder 3 Perspective rendering, elevation [Slide no. 1819] - drawings, perspective rendering; glass-plate negative (1)
HAGERTY HOUSE, Cohasset, MA (1937-1940). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (6)
Oversize 15 Stair sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); board mounted photostat (1)
Tube 660 Presentation sheets: Ground floor plan, first floor plan, second floor plan, stair sections - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Project files
Box 47, Folder 1 Contract (1938) - owner-architect contract
Box 47, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1937-1939) - John and Josephine Hagerty
Box 47, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (1938-1939) - Cheney-Rice, Inc.
Box 47, Folder 4 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and suppliers (1937-1939)
Box 47, Folder 5-6 Financial records - architect invoices and certificates, change orders and contractor requisitions
Box 47, Folder 7 Legal papers
Box 47, Folder 8 Office records - cubage calculations and miscellaneous notes
Box 47, Folder 9 Product literature
Box 47, Folder 10 Publicity
Box 47, Folder 11 Specifications - general and short form specifications; hardware schedule
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Photographs (20)
Box SL-4 Elevation [Slide 729] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation [Slide 733] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 Front elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 Rear elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 Service stair - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 47, Folder 12 Side elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Side elevation [Slide 41] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 Site photos (Nov 1937) - site/landscape; black and white photographs; with annotations (6)
Box 47, Folder 12 Terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; photo by Breuer (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 View of interior stair with tubular metal banister - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of interior stair with tubular metal banister [Slide 592] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 47, Folder 12 View toward water from below house - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View toward water from below house [Slide 732] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
HALVORSON FISHING CAMP, Dryberry Lake Island, Toronto, Canada (1955-1961). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Dryberry Lake Island Project)
For additional material related to Roy Halverson, see Starkey House (Alworth) House.
Drawings (29)
Tube 583 Design development sketches and drawings (circa May 1959) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes elevations, roof plan, interior and exterior perspectives, preliminary master plan, revised site plan (14)
Tube 583 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 583 SK drawings: SK-A-1, SK-4, SK-5, SK-6 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 583 SK drawings: SK-A-1, SK-1, SK-2, SK-4, SK-6; - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 583 Construction set: Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A4), mechanical (Dwg. No. M), electrical (Dwg. No. E-1) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (5)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 2 Correspondence (1957-1961)
Box 127, Folder 3 Financial documents (1955-1960)
Box 127, Folder 4 Miscellaneous notes, product literature and sketch (1959)
Photographs (6)
Box 127, Folder 5 Aerial view of Dryberry Lake Island - site/landscape, aerial view; black and white photograph (1)
HALVORSON POOL, Duluth, MN (1954-1957). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Sheltered Pool for Roy E. Halvorson)
For additional material related to Roy Halverson, see Starkey House (Alworth) House.
Drawings (5)
Tube 602 Preliminary presentation (21 Feb 1955) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 photocopy (2)
Tube 602 Plans, sections, elevations and details (22 Mar 1955): Dwg. No. 1 of 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 602 Cast concrete seat and floodlight mounting (11 Jul 1955) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 photocopy (2)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 6 Correspondence (1954-1957)
Box 127, Folder 7A Correspondence: Interiors and furnishings (1956-1971) - ongoing correspondence related to various interior and furniture purchases made by Roy E. Halvorson through the Breuer office
Photographs (3)
Box 127, Folder 7B Site photos (from letter dated 12-02-1957) - existing conditions, interior and exterior views; black and white photographs (3)
HANS FALKNER SKI LODGE , Ober-Gurgl, Austria (1937-1938) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Winter Sports Hotel)
Drawings (2)
Tube 610 Plans, section, elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 21 Correspondence (Aug-Nov 1937, Jun 1938)
Box 120, Folder 22 Project description - handwritten manuscript, 2 pgs.; in German
Box 120, Folder 22 Project description - typewritten manuscript, 2 pgs.; in English
Box 120, Folder 22 Project description (12 Aug 1938) - typewritten manuscript, 2 pgs.; in English
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (6)
Box 120, Folder 23 Elevation - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 23 Elevation - model; negatives (2)
Box SL-4 Model view [Slide 92] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 23 Partially constructed model - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of two elevations of model [Slide 363] - model; black and white slide (1)
HANSON HOUSE, Lloyd Harbor, NY (1950-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (20)
Box 65, Folder 9 Map of property situated in the incorporated village of Lloyd Harbor - site surveys (originals); [hand-drawn map with notes on small sheet (1)
Tube 638 Topographical map of property (Jan 1951) - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 638 Contour map - site surveys (originals) (1)
Box 65, Folder 9 Construction details (May-Nov 1951): SK-1 to SK-3, Dwg. No. D-1 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 638 Framing plans and foundation plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 638 Construction set (2 Feb 1951-18 Jun 1951): Foundation plan and details, framing plan and details (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); fireplace details, sliding panel details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 6); kitchen details continued (Dwg. No. 7); bathroom and closet details (Dwg. No. 8); living room cabinet and miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 9); typical window details (Dwg. No. W-3); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 2-E) - working drawings (originals) (11)
Project files
Box 65, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Dec 1950-May 1953) - John W. Hanson
Box 65, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Feb 1951-Mar 1952) - William Kennedy III, general contractor
Box 65, Folder 3 Correspondence: Suppliers, contractors and service providers (1951)
Box 65, Folder 4-5 Financial records (Jan 1951-Jan 1952) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, contractor and supplier invoices
Box 65, Folder 6 Office records - miscellaneous notes, forms, etc.
Box 65, Folder 7 Specifications and schedules - general specifications with addendum; hardware schedule
Box 65, Folder 8 Transmittals
Published material
Box 65, Folder 10 "Lessons of the American Home" - tear sheet, pgs. 11-16
Photographs (1)
Box 65, Folder 11 Living room [1951] - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
HARNISCHMACHER APARTMENT, Wiesbaden, Germany (1929). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
See also Harnischmacher House I; Harnischmacher House II; Harnischmacher Office; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Harnischmacher, Paul and Marianne.
Drawings (54)
Oversize 23 Glasschränke (Nr. 109) [Leaf 93] (3 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Bücherregal (Nr. 110) [Leaf 94] (4 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Mappenschrank (Nr. 111) [Leaf 95] (4 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schiebbare Ablegebretter (Nr. 112) [Leaf 96] (4 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Arbeitszimmer-Schrank (Nr. 113) [Leaf 97] (5 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Bett, Schuh, und Nachtschrank (Nr. 114) [Leaf 98] (5 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Glasvitrine (Nr. 115) [Leaf 99] (5 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Likörschrank (Nr. 116) [Leaf 100] (10 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Glasschrank (Nr. 117) [Leaf 101] (10 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Tische im Speisezimmer (Nr. 118) [Leaf 102] (10 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Küchenschrank für Schürzen etc. (Nr. 120) [Leaf 104] (13 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Küchentisch 130 x 60 (Nr. 121) [Leaf 105] (13 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Arbeitszimmerschrank (Nr. 122) [Leaf 106] (16 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Küchenschrank mit Gemüseputztisch (Nr. 123) [Leaf 107] (17 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Besenschrank (Nr. 124) [Leaf 108] (17 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Küchenschränke (Nr. 125) [Leaf 109] (18 Apr 1929) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 1 Vorräte- und Gewürzschrank (Nr. 126) [Leaf 110] (19 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Mappenschrank (Nr. 127) [Leaf 111] (20 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Chaiselongue Schrank (Nr. 128) [Leaf 112] (20 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Chaiselonguebank (Nr. 129) [Leaf 113] (21 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Kleiderschrank (Nr. 131) [Leaf 115] (21 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Wäscheschrank (Nr. 132) [Leaf 116] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Bett (Nr. 133) [Leaf 117] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Linker Nachtschrank (Nr. 134) [Leaf 118] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Rechter Nachtschrank (Nr. 135) [Leaf 119] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schuhschrank (18 Paar) (Nr. 136) [Leaf 120] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Flurschrank (Nr. 137) [Leaf 121] (22 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Flur Schränke (Nr. 138) [Leaf 122] (23 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Grundriss (Nr. 139) [Leaf 123] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Bett Damenzimmer (Nr. 141) [Leaf 125] (25 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Bett Herrenzimmer (Nr. 142) [Leaf 126] (25 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Türkonstruktion (Nr. 144) [Leaf 128] (28 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Wandabwicklungen Speise-, Herren-, Wohnzimmer (Nr. 145) [Leaf 129] (28 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Abwickelungen Küche, Anrichte, Flur (Nr. 146) [Leaf 130] (29 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Wandabwicklung Schlafzimmer (Nr. 147) [Leaf 131] (29 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Grundriss (Nr. 149) [Leaf 133] (2 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Chaiselonguebank (Nr. 152) [Leaf 136] (6 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Wohnzimmertisch 90x90x60 (Nr. 154) [Leaf 138] (6 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Schränke Im Wirtschaftszimmer (Nr. 155) [Leaf 139] (7 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Tisch Wirtschaftszimmer (Nr. 156) [Leaf 140] (8 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Bügelbrett Wirtschaftszimmer (Nr. 157) [Leaf 141] (8 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Wandabwickelung Vorraum (Nr. 158) [Leaf 142] (8 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Tisch in der Anrichte (Nr. 159) [Leaf 143] (8 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schuhanzieher (Nr. 160) [Leaf 144] (10 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Wintergarten (Nr. 161) [Leaf 145] (13 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Radioschrank (Nr. 163) [Leaf 147] (17 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schema der Neukonstr. des Schlafzimmers (Nr. 165) [Leaf 149] (24 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Türen zur Terrasse (Nr. 166) [Leaf 150] (24 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Schreibtisch Frl. Berndt (Nr. 167) [Leaf 151] (25 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Lautsprecher (Nr. 170) [Leaf 154] (6 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Lautsprecher (Nr. 170a) [Leaf 155] (8 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Umänderung zu Zeichnung 123 (Nr. 182) [Leaf 156] (14 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Stoffarmlehnstuhl (Nr. 207) [Leaf 180] (22 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Stoffarmlehnstuhl (Nr. 212) [Leaf 185] (29 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE I, Wiesbaden, Germany (1933-1935). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
See also Harnischmacher Apartment; Harnischmacher House II; Harnischmacher Office; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Harnischmacher, Paul and Marianne.
Project files
Box 118, Folder 1 Project description - typewritten manuscript, 1 pg.; in German
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (72)
Box 118, Folder 6 Armchair from study - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 Breuer in living room chair - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 4 Detail of cable support - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-4 Floor plan [Slide 216] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 118, Folder 2 Floor plans - drawings, plan; black and white photographs (2)
Box 118, Folder 4 Front entrance canopy with Marianne Harnischmacher in window - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 Glass door to terrace from study - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 4 Group dining in the garden - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 Interior stairs to upper level - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 Kitchen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-4 Living room [Slide 213] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide; duplicate (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 Living room from dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 118, Folder 6 Living room wall unit and armchair - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-4 Living room wall unit and armchair [Slide 742] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide; duplicate (1)
Box SL-4 Living room wall unit and armchair, long view [Slide 354] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Living room wall unit with flower arrangement [Slide 741] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 Living room window with flower arrangement - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 118, Folder 3 Marianne Harnischmacher descending west terrace stairs - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 118, Folder 4 Marianne Harnischmacher looking out of bedroom window - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 6 Pottery display cabinet - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 Side elevation with view of service yard [Roll 3, Frame 2] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Side elevation with view of service yard [Roll 3, Frame 3] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 Second bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 Second bedroom table and mirror - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 South terrace columns - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 6 Study with reclining chair - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (4)
Box SL-4 Study with reclining chair [Slide 584] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide; duplicate (1)
Box 118, Folder 6 Study with reclining chair and armchair - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 Upper terrace column and railing - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 View of bocce ball court beneath south terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 View of dining room terrace from above - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 4 View of façade from below with blinds extended - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 View of house from south terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 4 View of house from south terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-4 View of house from south terrace [Slide 123] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of House from terrace [Slide 214] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 118, Folder 2 View of house from the garden - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 118, Folder 2 View of house from the south - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (2)
Box 118, Folder 2 View of house from the southwest - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 View of lower terrace from living room window with flower arrangement in foreground - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 5 View of lower terrace from living room window with flower arrangement in foreground - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of lower terrace from living room window with flower arrangement in foreground [Slide 426] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of lower terrace from living room window with flower arrangement in foreground [Slide 744] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 View of south terrace stairs - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 4 View of South terrace with glass wall beneath - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 2 View of terrace and building façade from ground level - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of terrace and building façade from ground level [Slide 362] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of terrace and building façade from ground level [Slide 591] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of upper terrace from above [Slide 215] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of upper terrace from above [Roll 3, Frame 1] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of upper terrace from above [Roll 3, Frame 4] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of upper terrace from above [Roll 3, Frame 5] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of upper terrace from above [Roll 3, Frame 6] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 118, Folder 7 View of upper terrace from southeastern bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 3 View of west terrace stairs - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 118, Folder 6 Work table, wall unit and bookshelves - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
HARNISCHMACHER HOUSE II, Wiesbaden, Germany (1953-1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Wilhelm Neuser, Associated Architect. [Residential, Single]
See also Harnischmacher Apartment; Harnischmacher House I; Harnischmacher Office; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Harnischmacher, Paul and Marianne.
Drawings (45)
Box 80, Folder 5 Rough sketches: Plans and miscellaneous details - design development drawings (originals) (14)
Box 80, Folder 6 Gemarkung Wiesbaden (4 Aug 1953) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Box 80, Folder 6 Lageplan (5 Aug 1953) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 576 Construction set (12 Feb 1954): Plans, framing and basement diagrams (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); wall sections and details (Dwg. No. 3) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 576 Fireplace details (15 Jun 1954) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 blueprint (2)
Tube 576 Anordnung der Rauchrohre [Ventilation Plan] (May 1954) (Wilhelm Neuser, Architect) - C (reproductions); in German (1)
Tube 576 Erdgegeschoss (Mar 1954) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print; in German (1)
Tube 576 Garten Harnischmacher: Vogeltranke [12 Jan 1954] - design development drawings (originals); in German (1)
Tube 576 Garten Harnischmacher: Studie 1 (14 Jan 1954) - design development drawings (originals); in German (1)
Tube 576 Window details - design development drawings (originals); in German (1)
Tube 576 Preliminary scheme (7 May 1953): Perspective, elevations and plan - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 576 Preliminary scheme (16 Jun 1953): Perspective, elevations and plan - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes original sketches, original set and annotated reproductions (10)
Tube 576 Preliminary scheme (18 Aug 1953): Elevations and plan - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 1 reproduction of elevations (3)
Tube 576 Preliminary scheme (9 Dec 1953): Elevations and plan - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 1 reproduction of elevations (3)
Project files
Box 80, Folder 1 Awards (Aug 1955-Dec 1955) - Auszeichnung Vorbildlich Gestalteter Neubauten in Wiesbaden; in German
Box 80, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architect (Jul 1953-May 1954) - Wilhelm Neuser; in German
Box 80, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1953-May 1956) - Paul and Marianne Harnischmacher; in German and English
Box 80, Folder 4 Correspondence: Various suppliers and service providers (1954) - includes invoices.
Box 80, Folder 5 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 80, Folder 6 Shop drawings, product literature and samples - with annotations
Box 80, Folder 7 Transmittals
Photographs (11)
Box 80, Folder 8 Bird bath - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 80, Folder 8 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 Entrance [Slide 781] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 80, Folder 8 Harnischmacher and house - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 80, Folder 8 Harnischmacher and house - finished project, exterior view; copy negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of elevation from garden with Paul Harnischmacher [Slide 782] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of elevation from garden with Paul Harnischmacher [Slide 783] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of terrace from garden [Slide 784] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of terrace with Paul Harnischmacher [Slide 787] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View out from terrace [Slide 785] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View out from terrace [Slide 786] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
HARNISCHMACHER OFFICE, Mainz, Germany (1929). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
See also Harnischmacher Apartment; Harnischmacher House I; Harnischmacher House II; Professional Papers: Correspondence : Harnischmacher, Paul and Marianne.
Drawings (8)
Map-Case 75 Büro (Nr. 233) [Leaf 205] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Büro (Nr. 234) [Leaf 206] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Büro (Nr. 235) [Leaf 207] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Büro (Nr. 236) [Leaf 208] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Büro (Nr. 237) [Leaf 209] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Büro (Nr. 238) [Leaf 210] (Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Tisch der Sekretärin (Nr. 240) [Leaf 211] (2 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Tisch der Sekretärin (Nr. 248) [Leaf 212] (14 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Photographs (3)
Box 118, Folder 8 Large office with table and wall units - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Large office with table and wall units [Slide 392] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 118, Folder 8 Small office with desk and cabinets - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
HARVARD UNIVERSITY, BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY BUILDING, Cambridge, MA (1968-1971) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Robinson Hall)
Drawings (220)
Map-Case 118, Folder 8 Courtyard perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 26.25 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 118, Folder 9 Detail perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 26.25 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1439 Large format film negatives for creation of presentation sheets/sets - presentation drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1440 Perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1440 Schematic design (Oct 1969) (Sheet Nos. 1-12 and overlays): Floor plans, sections, elevations, façade details, perspectives - presentation drawings (originals) (16)
Tube 1440 Schematic design (Oct 1969) (Sheet Nos. 1-12): Floor plans, sections, elevations, façade details, perspectives - presentation drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 1440 Site plans (Nov-Dec 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1441 Design development drawings (Jul-Aug 1969) - design development drawings (originals); includes schematic elevations and panel studies, schematic sections for lecture hall layout (96)
Tube 1443 Preliminary schemes (Sep-Oct 1969) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (52)
Tube 1443 Existing building / conditions - design development drawings (reproductions); photostats (25)
Project files
Box 130, Folder 1 Architect's report (1969)
Box 130, Folder 2 Area calculations
Box 130, Folder 3 Building codes (1969)
Box 130, Folder 4 Contract (1969)
Box 130, Folder 5 Correspondence: Client (1968-1971) - William Gardiner, Deputy Director, Dept. of Buildings and Grounds; Ronald Vanelli, Chemistry Dept., Building Committee Co-Chair
Box 130, Folder 6 Correspondence: Suppliers (1969-1970) - inquiries with product literature
Box 130, Folder 7 Financial documents (1969-1970) - cost estimates by John O. Meadows Associates
Box 130, Folder 8 Memoranda (1969-1970) - Includes minutes of a 1970 Harvard Building Committee meeting
Box 130, Folder 9 Transmittal (1969)
Photographs (16)
Box 130, Folder 10 Brookhaven National Lab: Floor plans - drawings, plan; corridor scheme and reference drawings; photocopies (4)
HARVARD YARD PROJECT, Cambridge, MA (1941) (not built) [Educational]
(Alternate names: Redesigning Harvard Yard)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
HAUS AM HORN, Weimar, Germany (1923-1925). [Exhibition structures]
(Alternate names: Bauhaus Weimar exhibition house)
The Haus am Horn was designed by George Muche, with interiors by Bauhaus workshops, for the 1923 Bauhaus Weimar exhibition (Bauhaus Ausstellung Weimar). Breuer collaborated on interior designs and furnishings for the Living room, one of the bedrooms and possibly part of the kitchen.
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (7)
Box 119, Folder 18 Bed (lemonwood and walnut, Haus-am-Horn) - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 18 Bedroom axonometric drawing - drawings, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 18 Bedroom axonometric drawing - drawings, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Bedroom dressing table [Slide 672] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 18 Kitchen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 18 Kitchen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Kitchen [Slide 681] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
HAUS M (MELDER HOUSE), Maehrisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia (1930) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Melder House; House in Maehrisch-Ostrau)
Drawings (3)
Oversize 25 Grundstück Haus m. [Leaf 316] - design development drawings (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Haus m. (Nr. 384) [Leaf 317] (9 Sep 1930) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Haus m.m. (Nr. 384) [Leaf 317a] (9 Sep 1930) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
HECKSCHER MUSEUM EXPANSION, Huntington, NY (1973-1981) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Museum]
Drawings (70)
Tube 1426 Heckscher Museum expansion project (26 Oct 1976): Site plan (Sheet No. 1), floor plans (Sheet No. 2), elevations (Sheet No. 3), sections (Sheet No. 4) - presentation drawings (originals); marked "work terminated 25 Aug 1977" (4)
Tube 1426 Site plan (5 Dec 1980) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1426 Preliminary (30 May 1980): Site plan, first floor and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1426 Preliminary plans (26 Mar 1981): Site plan, basement plan, first floor plan and elevations [VERY FRAGILE] - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1426 Design development drawings and sketches (Dec 1976) - design development drawings (originals) (26)
Tube 1426 Preliminary (18 Dec 1973): Site plan, floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1426 Sketch rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1427 Design development SK drawings, unnumbered development drawings, annotated progress prints and draft working drawings (Dec 1976-Aug 1977) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (22)
Tube 1427 Mechanical plan (10 Aug 1977) (Jansen and Rogen): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK3 - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1427 Electrical (Jun 1977): Dwg. Nos. E1-E2 - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1427 Egress diagram (21 Jun 1977): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
HEINERSDORFF HOUSE, Berlin, Germany (1929-1930). Walter Wurzbach, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Interiors and Furniture. [Interior]
Drawings (31)
Oversize 6 Wall cabinet (Nr. 5) [Leaf 4] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Wall cabinet (Nr. 6) [Leaf 5] (12 Dec 1928) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Wandschrank I (Nr. 43) [Leaf 32] (3 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Wandschrank II (Nr. 44) [Leaf 33] (5 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Umänderung Zeichnung 44 (Nr. 44a) [Leaf 34] (11 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Küchenschrank Eingebaut (Nr. 45) [Leaf 35] (7 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Wäscheschrank eingebaut (Nr. 47) [Leaf 37] (7 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Ablegeboden in der Anrichte (Nr. 48) [Leaf 38] (9 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Gemüse Putz Tisch (Nr. 50) [Leaf 40] (9 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Bett (Nr. 52) [Leaf 42] (10 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Schrank für Vorräte (Nr. 53) [Leaf 42a] (10 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Schreibtisch (Nr. 54) [Leaf 43] (11 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Nachttisch (Nr. 56) [Leaf 45] (14 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Küchentisch (Nr. 57) [Leaf 46] (14 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Kamin (Nr. 59) [Leaf 48] (16 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Kamin (Nr. 59a) [Leaf 49] (25 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Kaminschrank (Nr. 60) [Leaf 50] (21 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Kaminschrank (Nr. 66) [Leaf 56] (29 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Kaminschrank (Nr. 66a) [Leaf 57] (29 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Schrankwand Herrenzimmer (Nr. 78A) [Leaf 66] (26 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Schrankwand Herrenzimmer (Nr. 78B) [Leaf 67] (4 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Bildhaken, Vern. (Nr. 79) [Leaf 68] (27 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Garderobe Vern. (Nr. 80) [Leaf 69] (28 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Bett Herrenzimmer (Nr. 85) [Leaf 71] (6 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Nachttisch (Nr. 86) [Leaf 72] (6 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 1 Gartentisch (Nr. 88) [Leaf 74] (8 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Bett (Nr. 252) [Leaf 216] (22 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Herrenschreibtisch (Nr. 265) [Leaf 222] (25 Nov 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Damenzimmer Nachttisch (Nr. 341) [Leaf 278] (8 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Damenzimmer Toilettentisch (Nr. 342) [Leaf 279] (13 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Damenzimmer Tisch (Nr. 343) [Leaf 280] (13 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (3)
Box 119, Folder 19 Multi-lens window - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Multi-lens window [Slide 327] - finished project, detail; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Multi-lens window [Slide 639] - finished project, detail; black and white slide (1)
HERRICK HOUSE, Canajoharie, NY (1949-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (19)
Box 54, Folder 9 Sketches and miscellaneous details (circa Aug 1949) - design development drawings (originals); includes fireplace sketches (5)
Tube 630 Map of a portion of lands of Newton J. Herrick, Jr. and wife - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 630 Map of a portion of lands of Lyman Moore, Lucinda Moore and William E. Loats - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 630 Presentation set: Elevations and perspective, floor plan - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 630 Construction set (6 Jun 1949-29 Nov 1949): foundation plan, sections (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan, framing plan, details (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 5); bathroom details, living room bookshelf and dressing room details (Dwg. No. 6); alternate fireplace (Dwg. No. 7); heating plans and details (Dwg. No. h-1-0); revised piping in heater room (Dwg. No. h-2-0); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 2 ) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (10)
Project files
Box 54, Folder 1 Contract - partial owner-contractor agreement
Box 54, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (Mar 1949-Oct 1952) - Newton J. Herrick, Jr. and Annette Herrick
Box 54, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultant (Jun 1949-Nov 1949) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer; Arthur Sparrow, civil engineer
Box 54, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractor (Aug 1949-Mar 1950) - Raymond Olmstead Construction Co.
Box 54, Folder 6 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1949-1950) - suppliers, miscellaneous contractors and service providers
Box 54, Folder 7-8 Financial records (May 1949-Oct 1952) - architect invoices, certificates of payment, manufacturer and contractor invoices
Box 54, Folder 9 Office records - miscellaneous notes, correspondence, cost summaries and sketches
Box 54, Folder 10 Product literature
Box 54, Folder 11 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, heating specifications, lighting fixture schedule, hardware schedule, plumbing fixture specifications
Photographs (7)
Box 54, Folder 12 Foundation construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (7)
HEYDT APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1929). Karl Hoffmann, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Furniture and Interiors. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Von der Heydt Apartment)
Drawings (15)
Oversize 2 Golfhaus (Nr. 278) [Leaf 232] (17 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Herrenzimmer Chaiselongue (Nr. 281) [Leaf 235] (20 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Gardenrobenschrank (Nr. 282) [Leaf 236] (20 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Herrenzimmer Schr. (Nr. 283) [Leaf 237] (21 Dec 1929) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 2 Zimmer der Sekretärin (Nr. 284) [Leaf 238] (23 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Bett der Sekretärin (Nr. 285) [Leaf 239] (23 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Eingebauter Schrank Schlafzimmer (Nr. 286) [Leaf 240] (24 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Bett (Nr. 287) [Leaf 241] (24 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Schrank (Nr. 288) [Leaf 242] (24 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Chaiselonguebank (Nr. 289) [Leaf 243] (24 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Küchenschrank (Nr. 290) [Leaf 244] (24 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Herrenzimmer Heizkörperverkleidung (Nr. 293) [Leaf 248] (9 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Herrenzimmer Heizkörperverkl. II (Nr. 294) [Leaf 249] (9 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Schnapprollo im Herrenzimmer (Nr. 296) [Leaf 251] (17 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Schiebetüren im Herrenzimmer (Nr. 299) [Leaf 254] (24 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
HOOPER HOUSE I, Baltimore, MD (1948-1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (26)
Map-Case 121, Folder 8 Rendered floor plan - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink with montage on illustration board, 30.25 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 596 Window details (18 Apr 1948) (Hope's Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 596 Plans showing relocation of new wing (14 Apr 1949) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 596 Preliminary sketch (2 Dec 1948) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 596 Preliminary sketch No. 2 (14 Dec 1948) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 596 Construction set (20 Feb 1949-23 Mar 1950): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); second floor plan (Dwg. No. 3); elevations (Dwg. No. 4); elevations (Dwg. No. 5); exterior details (Dwg. No. 6); fireplace and terrace details (Dwg. No. 7); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 8); bathroom details (Dwg. No. 9); living and dining room alterations (Dwg. No. 10); living and dining room details (Dwg. No. 11); entrance court plan showing paved and planted areas (Dwg. No. 12); master bedroom (Dwg. No. 13); concrete and reinforcing details (Dwg. No. S-1); heating plans and details (Dwg. No. —1-0); electrical plan: second floor (Dwg. No. E-1); electrical layout: first floor plan (Dwg. No. 2) - working drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 596 Interior elevations: Living and dining rooms (5 May 1949): Dwg. No. SK-1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 31, Folder 1 Bid documents (1948)
Box 31, Folder 2 Change orders (1949)
Box 31, Folder 3 Contract documents (1948) - architect-client contract and general conditions
Box 31, Folder 4 Correspondence: Client (1948-1952) - Arthur and Edith Hooper
Box 31, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (1949) - Benjamin Spivak and Sigman Farkas, consulting engineers
Box 31, Folder 6 Correspondence: Contractor (1949-50) - Harry A. Hudgins Co
Box 31, Folder 7 Correspondence: Manufacturers
Box 31, Folder 8 Correspondence: Publicity (1950)
Box 31, Folder 9 Documentation of existing house - photostats of plan drawings
Box 31, Folder 10-11 Financial records (1948-1951) - certificates of payment and invoices for architectural services
Box 31, Folder 12 Office records - travel documents, telegrams and miscellaneous
Box 31, Folder 13 Specifications and schedules (1949) - short form specifications; heating and plumbing specifications; hardware and lighting fixture schedules
Box 31, Folder 14 Transmittals
Published material
Box 31, Folder 15 "The Case of the Aging House," House and Garden (Apr 1951) - magazine clipping, pgs. 97-103
Photographs (28)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 27] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 28] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 29] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 33] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 35] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation [Slide 319] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation [Slide 642] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation detail [Slide 274] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 End elevation of new wing [Slide 54] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 End elevation of new wing [Slide 655] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Garage and passage to house [Roll 4, Frame 36] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Main house, east elevation [Roll 4, Frame 34] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Main house entry [Roll 9, Frame 4] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Main house entry [Roll 9, Frame 5] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Patio and passage to house [Roll 9, Frame 1] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation detail [Roll 9, Frame 9] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 9, Frame 10] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 4, Frame 30] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 4, Frame 31] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 4, Frame 32] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southwest [Roll 9, Frame 11] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southwest [Roll 9, Frame 12] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southwest [Roll 9, Frame 13] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation at corner of main house [Roll 9, Frame 2] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation at corner of main house [Roll 9, Frame 3] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation at corner of main house [Roll 9, Frame 6] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation at corner of main house [Roll 9, Frame 7] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation with view of main house [Roll 9, Frame 8] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
HOOPER HOUSE II, Baltimore, MD (1956-1961). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (264)
Tube 597 Design development sketches, drawings and annotated prints (Jan-Aug 1957) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes framing, foundations, roofs and masonry walls, site plans, floor plan studies, elevation studies (hand colored on tracing paper (35)
Tube 597 Presentation plans (2 Jan 1957): Drawing Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 597 Presentation set (10 Jan 1957): Floor plan (upper level) and site plans (Drawing Nos. 1, 1A and 2) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 597 Presentation set (6 Mar 1957): Floor plans (upper and lower levels), site plan, elevations (Drawing Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 597 Presentation set (21 Mar 1957): Floor plans (upper and lower levels), site plan, elevations (Drawing Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 597 Construction set (Jan 1957-Apr 1958): Basement and foundation plan, site plan (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); vertical sections (Dwg. No. 4); fireplaces, stairs, miscellaneous details, retaining walls, (Dwg. No. 5); window and millwork details (Dwg. No. 6); stable details, entrance door details (Dwg. No. 7); [drawing no. 8 not in set]; kitchen plan and elevations, kitchen cabinetwork details (Dwg. No. 9); living room cabinets and bookshelves, dining room buffet, bedroom no. 1 headboard, desk and shelves (Dwg. No. 10); bedroom and playroom closets, bookcases and mirror in bedroom area, desks in bedrooms 2-4 (Dwg. No. 11); basement and outdoor lighting plan (Dwg. No. 1-e); upper level lighting plan (Dwg. No. 2-E) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 597 Construction details (Sep 1957-Nov 1958): SK-1 to SK-15, SK-17 and miscellaneous unnumbered - working drawings (originals); includes fireplaces, entrance court, cabinets and furniture, flooring, kitchen design and equipment schedule (29)
Tube 1128 Duplicates of SK drawings - working drawings (reproductions); partial duplicate set of originals in Tube 597 (15)
Tube 1128 Surveys and site maps: Plot plan (26 Feb 1959); plat of survey (26 Jul 1954); plat of topographic survey (1 Jun 1956); site map (Apr 1958) - site surveys (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1128 Site work, grading and landscaping (Jun-Oct 1958) (Dan Kiley, landscape architect / site consultant) - design development drawings (hybrids); includes landscape layout, retaining wall, drainage plan, approach roadway and site grading, parking areas and alternate grading plans [prints with pencil annotations and sketches] (15)
Tube 1128 Landscaping set (15 Sep 1958-2 Oct 1958) (Dan Kiley, landscape architect / site consultant): Approach roadway and site grading (Dwg. No. L1); landscape and roadway details (Dwg. No. L2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1128 Furniture, cabinets and built-ins (Sep-Nov 1958) (Knipp and Co.): Drawing nos. 5326-1 to 5326-13C - shop drawings (reproductions); prints with red pencil annotations, multiple revisions of most sheets (35)
Tube 1128 Steel work (Jan-Mar 1958) (Dietrich Brothers, Inc.): Drawings Nos. 4-7, 9, 11, B-1 to B-3, E1 - shop drawings (reproductions); prints with red pencil annotations, multiple revisions of most sheets (27)
Tube 1128 Plan of radiant floor panels (Jan-Mar 1958) (N.H. Yates and Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions); prints with pencil annotations and revisions (4)
Tube 1128 Window frames, door frames and schedule (Mar-Apr 1958) (John J. Burns Inc.): Drawing Nos. 287-1 to 287-4 - shop drawings (reproductions); prints with pencil annotations, multiple revisions of most sheets (7)
Tube 1128 Sliding aluminum screen details (Jun-Oct 1958) (Kane Manufacturing Corp.) - shop drawings (reproductions); prints with red pencil annotations, multiple revisions of most sheets (11)
Tube 1128 Piping for water and waste system (Mar-Sep 1958) (E.W. Skoglin): Drawing Nos. P-1 to P-2 - shop drawings (reproductions); some red pencil annotations (2)
Tube 1128 Structural system revisions (Sep 1958) - working drawings (reproductions); 2 prints, 1 with pencil annotations, sketches and notes on verso (2)
Tube 602 Additional shop drawings, prints and duplicates - shop drawings (reproductions) (51)
Project files
Box 32, Folder 1 Change orders
Box 32, Folder 2 Contract documents - contractor-owner contract and correspondence
Box 32, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Dec 1956-May 1961) - Arthur and Edith Hooper
Box 32, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (May-Oct 1958) - Dan Kiley, landscape architect
Box 32, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (Jul 1957-Jul 1958) - Marvin Segner, mechanical/electrical engineers
Box 32, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (Jul 1957-Dec 1958) - Wiesenfeld and Hayward, structural engineers
Box 32, Folder 7-8 Correspondence: Contractor (Apr 1957-Apr 1959) - Harry Hudgins Co.
Box 32, Folder 9-10 Correspondence: Manufacturers - includes materials related to interior design and furniture
Box 32, Folder 11-12 Financial records - certificates of payment and invoices, invoices for architectural services
Box 32, Folder 13 Office records - project memoranda
Box 32, Folder 14 Requisitions for labor and materials
Box 32, Folder 15 Specifications and schedules - general specifications and hardware schedule
HOSPITAL FOR 1,100 BEDS, COMPETITION, Elberfeld, Germany (1928-1932) (not built). Marcel Breuer with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Hospital]
(Alternate names: Elberfeld Hospital)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (25)
Box 119, Folder 21 Blatt 1 (site plan) - drawings, plan; black and white photographs (2)
Box 119, Folder 21 Blatt 2 (perspective of site plan) - drawings, aerial view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 21 Blatt 3 (plans, elevations, sections) - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photographs (3)
Box 119, Folder 21 Blatt 4 (sections) - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 21 Blatt 5 (plans, elevations, sections) - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photographs (2)
Box 119, Folder 22 Blatt 6 (plans, elevations, sections) - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 22 Aerial view of site in perspective - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photographs (2)
Box SL-12, Folder 6 Aerial view of site model [Slide no. 1862]. - model; glass-plate negative (1)
Box 119, Folder 22 Elevation in perspective - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph; marked "view of the service side" (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation in perspective [Slide 420] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Elevation in perspective [Slide 614] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Model elevation at corner [Slide 191] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Plans, elevations, sections [Slide 411] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Plans, elevations, sections [Slide 427] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Site plan of overall scheme [Slide 730] - drawings, proposed site documentation; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 22 View of model elevation - model; black and white photographs (3)
Box SL-4 View of model elevation [Slide 204] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of model elevation [Slide 361] - model; black and white slide (1)
HOTEL Y C.I.C., Paipa, Columbia [Projects by Others]
(Alternate names: Hotel Y Centro de Convenciones; Hotel for 300 Habitaciones)
Unattributed and undated Presentation set in Spanish labeled as "Hotel Y C.I.C". Based on references in the drawings to Laga Sochagota and Paipa, these are most likely plans for the Hotel and Convention Center in Paipa, Columbia (currently the Esteler Hotel and Convention Center). It is not known if these are the realized designs, or in what context they were kept on file by the Breuer firm.
Drawings (15)
Tube 1241 Presentation set (no date): Analysis of program, building sections, sections through complex, site plan, floor plans, elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); in Spanish (15)
HOTELS (AFGHANISTAN), Kabul and Bāmmiān, Afghanistan (1974) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Associates, in association with Walter Brune and Partner, Architects. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Afghanistan project; Kabul hotel; Bamyan hotel)
Drawings (24)
Tube 1431 Afghanistan UNDP/IBRD (Mar 1974): Kabul 1 (K1A-K13), Kabul 2 (K2), typical rooms (BKR), yurt studies (BY), Bamyan 1 (B1A-B1B), Bamyan 2 (B2, B2A, B2B), Bamyan 3 (3A-3B) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of originals and 1 set of prints (24)
HOUSE FOR A SPORTSMAN, BUILDING EXHIBITION, Berlin, Germany (1931) (not built). Marcel Breuer, with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Haus für einen Sportsman)
See also Bauausstellung.
Drawings (6)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 4 Preliminary plan (Nr. 402) [Leaf 333] (28 Jan 1931) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Preliminary plan (Nr. 415) [Leaf 347a] (10 Mar 1931) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Wohnung des Gymnastikers (Nr. 417) [Leaf 349a] (14 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Bad (Nr. 441) [Leaf 362] (15 Apr 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1316 Site plan - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Box 119, Folder 23 "Bauausstellung Berlin 1931," Kölnische Zeitung (Jul 1931) - tear sheet, 1 pg.
Photographs (9)
Box 119, Folder 24 Gymnasium area - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Interior view [Slide 116] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Perspective [Slide 121] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Plan and section [Slide 117] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 24 View of cabin with tables and chairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 24 View of cabins from living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 24 View of living room with tea cart - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View of three Rooms with folding partition [Slide 355] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 View of undivided long room with furniture [Slide 734] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
HOUSE IN THE MUSEUM GARDEN, MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, New York, NY (1948-1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Exhibition house; MoMA house; Museum house; Marcel Breuer House at Pocantico)
For additional projects based on the House in the Museum Garden design, see also Foote House; Lauck House; Tibby House and Tilley House.
Originally designed for an exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA Exh.# 405), the house was subsequently purchased by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and relocated to Pocantico Hills, New York, near the Rockefeller Estate Kykuit.
Drawings (36)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions); Dale C. Byrd, artist; photostat (1)
Map-Case 120, Folder 4 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Dale C. Byrd, artist; ink drawing on illustration board, 23 x 28.75 in. (1)
Map-Case 120, Folder 5 House in the Museum Garden (17 Jun 1948): Plan and elevations - presentation drawings (originals); marked "Prelim"; graphite on paper in matte frame, 26.5 x 41.5 in. (1)
Map-Case 120, Folder 6 Museum House perspective rendering (Jul 1948) - presentation drawings (originals); Willo, artist; pen and ink on vellum in matte frame, 27 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 1076 Plot plan (1 Jul 1948) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1076 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1076 Section - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1076 House in the Museum Garden: Plan and elevations (17 Jun 1948) - presentation drawings (originals); annotated print (1)
Tube 1076 Construction set (11 Oct 1948-24 Mar 1949): Floor plans, framing plans (Dwg. No. 1); revised foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1a); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); sections details (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); fireplace and stair (Dwg. No. 5); garden plan (Dwg. No. 6); exterior stairway and balcony details (Dwg. No. 7); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 8); bathroom and closet details (Dwg. No. 9); site plan (for model) and house in first stage (Dwg. No. 10); revised plot plan for model (Dwg. No. 10A); ticket booth no. 1 (Dwg. No. 11); garden plan and ticket booth B (Dwg. No. 11A); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 1076 Ticket collector's booth in Museum Garden (13 Apr 1949) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1076 Appliance plans: Utility room, baths, kitchen (20 Jan 1949) (General Electric) - shop drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1076 Window details (7 Oct 1948) (Hope's Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1076 Floor panels: Heating plans (Dwg. No. 1) (Indoor Rays Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1076 Modern steel cabinets: Kitchen layout (8 Apr 1938) (Eames Company) - shop drawings (reproductions); labeled for Hagerty House; possibly used as a reference drawing for this project? (1)
Tube 1076 Flush ceiling downlight (4 Aug 1937) (Kliegl Bros.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 37, Folder 1 Bid documents (Aug 1948-Apr 1948)
Box 37, Folder 2 Building permit documents (1948)
Box 37, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Jul 1948-Jan 1950) - Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMA)
Box 37, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Dec 1948-May 1949) - Murphy and Brinkworth, general contractor
Box 37, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1948-1950)
Box 37, Folder 6 Correspondence: Potential clients for Museum House replicas (1949)
Box 37, Folder 7 Office records - miscellaneous notes, correspondence, business cards, guest lists and project sketch
Box 37, Folder 8 Product literature
Box 37, Folder 9 Program document, "Interim Report: House in the Museum Garden, 1949" (12 May 1948) - typewritten ms., 5 pgs.
Box 37, Folder 10 Publicity I (1948-1949) - advertising materials and press releases
Box 37, Folder 11 Publicity II - bulletin and invitation to members opening of exhibit
Box 37, Folder 12 Publicity IIII - film proposal: "Blueprint: The Autobiography of a Modern House"
Box 37, Folder 13 Publicity IV - correspondence, manuscript and published material concerning debate over modern portable lamps
Box 37, Folder 14 Specifications I - hardware schedule, lighting schedule and short specifications (multiple versions)
Box 37, Folder 15 Specifications II - preliminary list of furnishings and list of firms donating materials or services
Box 37, Folder 16 Specifications III - description of basic house (two and three bedroom models) (multiple versions)
Published material
Box 37, Folder 17 "About the House," New Yorker (21 May 1949) - tear sheet, pg. 88-89
Box 37, Folder 17 "American Gift," New Yorker (5 Mar 1949) - tear sheet, pg. 26-27
Box 37, Folder 13 "Architects Criticism Holds No Fears for Lamp Industry," Retailing Daily (17 May 1949 ) - newspaper clippings (2 copies)
Box 37, Folder 18 "Breathing Space in Manhattan " (circa 1949) - newspaper clippings
Box 37, Folder 13 "Breuer Expands Remarks on Modern Lamp Designs," Retailing Daily (20 May 1949) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 17 "The Breuer House at the Museum of Modern Art New York" Architect and Building News (20 May 1949) - magazine clipping, pgs. 451-453
Box 37, Folder 18 "Breuer Plan for a Modern Home," NY Herald Tribune (12 Apr 1949) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 17 "Casa Para La Familia que Crece," Nuestra Arquitectura (Sep 1949) - magazine clipping, pgs. 296-299
Box 37, Folder 13 New York Times Magazine (10 Apr 1949) - newspaper clipping, pg. 25
Box 37, Folder 17 Interior Design (Jan 1950) - magazine clipping
Box 37, Folder 17 Exhibition notice, Progressive Architecture (1949) - tear sheet, pg. 128
Box 37, Folder 17 "Fireplace: House in New York," Supplement to THE ARCHITECT and Building News (14 Oct 1949) - tear sheet, pgs. 91-101
Box 37, Folder 17 "House for the Growing Family," Architectural Forum (May 1949) - tear sheet
Box 37, Folder 18 "House in the Museum Garden," New York Journal-American (17 Jul 1949) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 18 "The House on 53rd Street," New York Times (6 Jun 1948) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 13 "Industry in Tizzy Over Lamp Design"
Box 37, Folder 18 "Modern House Accents Good Living and Design-With a Price Tag," Christian Science Monitor (20 Apr 1949) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 18 "Museum House is Romantic but Has Its Flaws," NY Herald Tribune (17 Apr 1949) - newspaper clipping
Box 37, Folder 13 "New Light on Those Portables," Retailing Daily (13 May 1949) - newspaper clipping, pg. 17
Box 37, Folder 13 "New Lighting Plan Omits Most Lamps," New York Times (15 Sep 1949) - newspaper clipping, pg. 33
Box 37, Folder 13 "New Modern House Opens Without Portable Lamps," Retailing Daily (6 May 1949) - newspaper clipping, pg. 16
Box 37, Folder 17 "Sulla media die sogni di un cittadino americano," Domus (1949) - magazine clipping, pgs. 4-5
Photographs (15)
Box SL-4 Dining room [Slide 438] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Garden façade [Slide 316] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Guest bedroom [Slide 294] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 37, Folder 19 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 Living room [Slide 1] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 Living room [Slide 44] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Living room [Slide 788] - finished project, interior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 1) (1)
Box SL-4 Parents bedroom [Slide 19] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 Plan [Slide 430] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Play room [Slide 320] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-4 Play room [Slide 429] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Play room [Slide 789] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box 37, Folder 19 View across house from upper level - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-4 View from the northeast [Slide 23] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-4 Wall section [Slide 220] - drawings, detail; black and white slide (1)
HUNTER COLLEGE LIBRARY, CLASSROOM AND ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGS, Bronx, NY (1955-1959). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate; Eduardo Catalano, Consulting Architect. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Fine Arts Building, Lehman College, City University of New York; Shuster Hall)
Drawings (180)
Tube 707 Rendered perspective of building complex in context - presentation drawings (originals and reproduction); 1 original and 2 print copies (3)
Tube 707 Rendered roof plan of complex - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 707 Presentation set (Sheet Nos. 2-8): Site plans, floor plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 707 Construction set (24 Apr 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A30), furniture (Dwg. No. F1) - working drawings (originals) (31)
Tube 1326 Construction set (24 Apr 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A30), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S13) [VERY FRAGILE CONDITION] - working drawings (reproductions) (43)
Tube 1327 Construction set (24 Apr 1957): Heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. H&V1-H&V10), plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P9), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E11) - working drawings (reproductions); very fragile condition (30)
Tube 1146 Campus layout diagram - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1146 Library and administration building layout studies (27 Sep 1955): Sheet No. 1 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1146 Surveys of Hunter College campus and environs - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1146 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary schemes and details for various furniture pieces; lighting fixture details; reflected ceiling plan of library main lobby; ceiling lighting grid; masonry details and coursing study; classroom layout study (20)
Tube 1146 Miscellaneous Details: Dwg. Nos. SK2, SK4-6, SK11, SK15, SK20-25 and unnumbered - working drawings (originals) (12)
Box 127, Folder 8A Miscellaneous details: Dwg. Nos. SK1, SK3, SK7-9, SK11-13, SK15 and unnumbered - working drawings (originals) (22)
Tube 1146 Elevation of main entrance location of dedication plaque (16 Jul 1959) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (4)
Published material
Box 127, Folder 20 "College library/classrooms/administration," Progressive Architecture (May 1957) - photocopy of cover, pgs. 112-115
Photographs (150)
Box 127, Folder 8 Construction progress photos (1958-1959) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (38)
Box 127, Folder 8 Construction progress photos: Umbrella roof - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (41)
Box SL-5 Elevation [Slide 455] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation [Slide 458] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation [Slide 463] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-15 Elevation [Roll 8, Frame 1] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 127, Folder 9 Exterior view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box 127, Folder 8 Exterior wall details - finished project, exterior view; 3 x 4.5 in. black and white photographs (21)
Box 127, Folder 8 Interior and exterior details - finished project, detail; 3 x 4.5 in. black and white photographs (14)
Box SL-15 Interior views [Roll 8, Frames 3-14] - finished project, interior view; negatives (12)
Box SL-5 Open block façade with hyperbolic paraboloid roof [Slide 465] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-15 Open block façade with hyperbolic paraboloid roof [Roll 8, Frames 15-16] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-5 Perspective rendering from above [Slide 599] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Perspective sketch rendering [Slide 600] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Rendered elevation [Slide 617] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Sections and details of roof construction [Slide 616] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Site plan [Slide 618] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-15 View along open block façade [Roll 8, Frame 19] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-5 View of court with planter [Slide 462] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of entrance [Slide 459] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of exterior façade corner [Slide 454] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-15 View of exterior façade corner [Roll 8, Frame 2] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-15 View of exterior façade corner [Roll 8, Frame 18] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-5 View of model from above [Slide 601] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of model from above [Slide 619] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-15 View of open blocks through window [Roll 8, Frame 17] - finished project, interior view; negative (1)
Box SL-5 View through trees toward elevation [Slide 464] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View up ramp toward entrance [Slide 461] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
IBM ADMINISTRATIVE, LABORATORY AND MANUFACTURING FACILITY, PHASE I, II and III, Boca Raton, FL (1968-1979). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: IBM Complex, Blue Lake; T-REX Corporate Center; Boca Corporate Center and Campus.)
Phase I and II (1968-1970) includes manufacturing and warehouse facilities, as well as the double Y-form administrative and laboratory wings. Phase III (1969-1972) and subsequent development was largely focused on additional administrative and manufacturing facilities.
Drawings (26)
Oversize 32 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 22 x 50 in. (1)
Map-Case 116, Folder 4 Office building, perspective rendering of east façade (circa 1977) - presentation drawings (originals); Mark de Nalovy-Rozvadovski, artist; ink on illustration board, 20.25 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1243 Grading and site work (May 1968-Mar 1969): Dwg. Nos. ST.7A, ST.9A, ST.11 - working drawings (reproductions); duplicates of some sheets (5)
Tube 1243 Storm sewer layout (1 Aug 1968): Dwg. No. ST-23-B - working drawings (reproductions); 2 copies (2)
Tube 1243 Sprinkler head layout: Building 002 (23 Apr 1969): Dwg. No. —10 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1243 Fitting-up drawings (May 1971): Dwg. Nos. A10, A10F - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiple copies (8)
Tube 1243 Construction set, building L-3 (17 Jun 1970): Dwg. Nos. A1, A3, A4 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (3)
Tube 1243 Mezzanine framing, building W-1 (19 Feb 1969) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1243 Window details (26 Sep 1977) (Allied Glass Corp.): Dwg. No. 10 of 10 - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1243 Plumbing details (20 Jun 1969): Dwg. No. SK-PS-1 (2 copies) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1243 Building sections and elevations, buildings W-1, W-2, X-1 and connecting corridor (1 Aug 1968): Dwg. No. A27 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Henry C. Beck
Box 172, Folder 1-6 Bulletins (Aug 1968-Jul 1970)
Box 173, Folder 1-5 Bulletins (Aug 1968-Jul 1970)
Box 173, Folder 6 Fitting-up bulletins (Apr 1969-Apr 1970)
Box 174, Folder 1-5 Change orders (Feb 1969-Mar 1971)
Box 174, Folder 6-7 Correspondence (Oct 1968-Aug 1971)
Box 175, Folder 1-8 Correspondence (Oct 1968-Aug 1971)
Box 176, Folder 1-6 Correspondence (Oct 1968-Aug 1971)
Box 176, Folder 7-10 Field orders (Dec 1968-Aug 1970)
Box 177, Folder 1-7 Field orders (Dec 1968-Aug 1970)
Box 178, Folder 1-5 Field orders (Dec 1968-Aug 1970)
Box 178, Folder 6 Fitting-up field orders (Jan-Sep 1970)
Box 178, Folder 7-8 Job site meetings (Jan 1969-Jul 1970)
Box 179 IBM correspondence 1966-1979
Box 180 IBM correspondence 1966-1979
Box 181 IBM correspondence 1966-1979
Box 182 IBM correspondence 1966-1979
Box 183 IBM correspondence 1966-1979
Marcel Breuer Associates
Box 184, Folder 1 Boca Raton correspondence (Apr-Sep 1969)
Box 184, Folder 2-3 Field office correspondence (Nov 1968-Jan 1972)
Box 184, Folder 4-7 General correspondence (1967-1978)
Box 185, Folder 1-2 Internal correspondence (Sep 1967-Apr 1969, Nov 1977) - correspondence between Robert Gatje, Elliot Noyes, and Marcel Breuer
Box 185, Folder 3 Letter from the Florida Governor (Apr 1970)
Box 185, Folder 4-9 Miscellaneous correspondence (1967-1977)
Box 185, Folder 10 Office records, Beck claim (Jul 1973)
Box 185, Folder 11 Office records: Building 4 (Feb-Nov 1978) - correspondence, transmittals, miscellaneous
Box 185, Folder 12 Office records: Bidding (May-Sep 1968)
Box 185, Folder 13 Office records: Bidding (Mar-Apr 1970)
Box 185, Folder 14 Office records: Bidding Central Lake Island (Apr 1969-May 1970)
Box 185, Folder 15 Office records: Bidding general contractor (May-Jul 1970)
Box 186, Folder 1 Office records: Certificates of occupancy, guarantees (May 1970-Feb 1972)
Box 186, Folder 2 Office records: Closing data (Mar-Jun 1970)
Box 186, Folder 3 Office records: Contracts (Apr 1977)
Box 186, Folder 4 Office records: Jobsite meeting minutes (May 1969-Jan 1970)
Box 186, Folder 5 Office records: Office memos (Jul 1969-Jan 1979)
Box 186, Folder 6 Office records: Rodkin claim (Dec 1968-May 1971)
Box 186, Folder 7-8 Office records: Pay requests (Nov 1970-Oct 1972
Box 186, Folder 9 Promotional materials I (May 1969-Aug 1971) - project nominations
Box 186, Folder 10 Promotional materials II (Mar 1971-Sep 1972) - awards
Box 186, Folder 11 Promotional materials III (Dec 1970) - correspondence with Architectural Record
Box 186, Folder 12 Promotional materials IV (Aug 1969) - correspondence with photographer
Box 186, Folder 13 Promotional materials V (Mar 1970) - dedication plaque
Box 186, Folder 14 Promotional materials VI (Nov 1970) - Program Description
Box 187, Folder 1 Air Balance Corporation (1977-1978)
Box 187, Folder 2 Brick Consultants (1968)
Box 187, Folder 3 Robert L. Cahn Associates (1968-1971)
Box 187, Folder 4 Construction Inspection Service, Inc. (1970)
Box 187, Folder 5 Florida Testing Engineering Company I (1968)
Box 187, Folder 6 Florida Testing Engineering Company II (1977) - Field Density Test
Box 187, Folder 7 Geotec Inc. (1968)
Box 187, Folder 8 John A. Grant (1967-1977) - field data
Box 187, Folder 9 Houdaille Duval Wright (1970)
Box 187, Folder 10-11 Joseph P. Loring (1968-1979)
Box 188, Folder 1-2 Joseph P. Loring (1968-1979)
Box 188, Folder 3-4 McKee Berger Mansueto (1967-1971)
Box 188, Folder 5 Meekins Baman (1970-1977)
Box 188, Folder 6 Nova Sod (1970)
Box 188, Folder 7-8 Pavarini Construction (1977-1979)
Box 188, Folder 9 Pittsburgh Testing Lab (1970-1978)
Box 189, Folder 1 Quible Associates (1977-1978) - site work
Box 189, Folder 2-5 Rubin Construction (1968) - bulletins, change orders and field orders
Box 189, Folder 6 Sevrud Associates (1969-1978) - structural engineers
Box 189, Folder 7-8 Wilbur Smith Associates (1967-1970) - consulting engineers
Box 189, Folder 9 Robert M. Stafford (1968-1978)
Box 189, Folder 10 Edward D. Stone (1969-1979) - landscape architect
Box 189, Folder 11 Vibroflotation Foundation Company (1970)
Box 189, Folder 12 Joseph S. Ward (1970) - consulting engineers
Box 189, Folder 13 Edward Zekala (1969-1970)
Box 193, Folder 5-6 Wiggs and Maale, bulletins (1970-1972)
Box 190, Folder 1-2 Wiggs and Maale, change orders (Oct 1970-Nov 1972)
Box 190, Folder 3 Wiggs and Maale, correspondence (Jul 1970-Jan 1973)
Box 190, Folder 4-5 Wiggs and Maale, field orders (Dec 1970-Aug 1971)
Box 190, Folder 6 Wiggs and Maale, fitting-up bulletins (Jan 1971-Jul 1971)
Box 190, Folder 7 Wiggs and Maale, fitting-up field orders (Jan 1971-Feb 1972)
Box 190, Folder 8 Wiggs and Maale, request for extension (Jul 1971)
Box 191-193 Transmittals (1967-1979)
Photographs (26)
Box 190, Folder 9 Construction photos (Jan-Jul 1978) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (13)
Box 190, Folder 10 Construction photos (Feb-Jul 1978) - construction, interior view; color photographs (11)
Box 190, Folder 11 Site photos - construction, aerial view; black and white photographs (2)
IBM RESEARCH CENTER (LA GAUDE), La Gaude, France (1960-1984). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects; Richard and Michel Laugier, Supervising Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: Centre D'Etudes et Recherches; IBM Forum La Gaude; IBM Innovation Center)
Material relates to original construction phase (1960-1962), first expansion (1968-1970) and second expansion (1976-1978).
Drawings (395)
Map-Case 116, Folder 5 First expansion, perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 18 x 36 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Bicycle shed, presentation plan and elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 212 Centre D'Etudes et Recherches (Apr 1960): Sheet Nos. 1, 2, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5 - presentation drawings (reproductions); marked "check set"; in French (7)
Tube 212 Working drawings (May-Oct 1960): Architectural (cover sheet, Dwg. Nos. 1-23), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S5) Dwg. SK-S-1 (Weisenfeld, Hayward and Leon) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; in French (30)
Tube 212 Working drawings (7 Sep 1960): Architectural (cover sheet, Dwg. Nos. 1-5, 10-20) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office set"; annotated prints (17)
Tube 212 Working drawings (18 Jul 1960): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S5) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "check set"; annotated prints (5)
Tube 213 Working drawings (15 Jul 1960-8 Aug 1961): Architectural (cover sheet, Dwg. Nos. 1-28) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (29)
Tube 213 Clock (23 Oct 1963) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 240 SK drawings (4 Mar 1960-27 Aug 1963): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK87 and SK-S-5 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; incomplete (72)
Tube 240 Ensemble Maçonnerie Pour Réfrigérant D'Eau (17 Dec 1962) (Tunzini) - shop drawings (reproductions); in French (1)
Tube 1122 Pilottis - presentation drawings (originals); presentation drawing created for 1972 exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1)
Tube 1259 Construction set (Jul 1960-May 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A29) - working drawings (originals) (32)
Tube 1260 Working (SK) drawings (Mar 1960-Oct 1963): Dwg. Nos. SK1-12, SK14-31, SK40-48, SK50-56, SK59, SK79-87, and unnumbered drawings - design development drawings (originals) (85)
Tube 1261 Centre D'Etudes et Recherches (B4): Sheets 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original set and 1 print set; in French (12)
Box 137, Folder 23 Centre D'Etudes et Recherches: Sheets 1-20 - presentation drawings (reproductions); photocopy of complete Presentation set (20)
Tube 1261 "B4 set": Miscellaneous master sheets, transparencies and film negatives for production of presentation set - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); in French and English (21)
Tube 1261 IBM France (Apr 1960): Sheet Nos. 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original master sheets and print set; in French (17)
Tube 1262 IBM Usine de Montpellier restaurant (29 Feb 1984) (Marc Held Architectes): Elevations, sections and landscaping - presentation drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1262 Site work (circa 1960): Surveys, topographic drawings and maps - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated (12)
Tube 1262 Batiment 3 (Apr 1974): Plan Masse (Solutions A, A2, A3, B, C, C) - presentation drawings (reproductions); in French (13)
Tube 1262 Batiment 3 (12 Jan 1973): Plan Masse General du Terrain (Dwg. No. 1565) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 1262 Batiment 3 (4 Mar 1973): Plan Masse, Etat Existent (Dwg. Nos. 01-05) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1262 Cie IBM France new laboratory building (19 Feb 1960): Plans and construction stages (Dwg. No. 3) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 137, Folder 1 Contracts (1967)
Box 137, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (IBM) (1965-1967)
Box 137, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants (1968)
Box 137, Folder 4-8 Correspondence: Internal (1964-1978)
Box 137, Folder 9 Expansion proposal prepared by IBM France (circa 1968), "Extension de La Gaude"
Box 137, Folder 10 Financial documents, notes and internal communication (1967, 1968) - regarding fee negotiations
Box 137, Folder 11 List of plans
Box 137, Folder 12 Meeting minutes (1968, 1974)
Box 137, Folder 13 Office records (1968, 1974) - summary of estimate of phase I, 1968; copy of site plan, 1974; miscellaneous notes
Box 137, Folder 14 Program documents (1974)
Box 137, Folder 15 Publicity (1972-1979)
Box 137, Folder 16 Transmittals (1968-1969, 1974-1975)
Photographs (121)
Box 137, Folder 17 Construction photos (1960-1961) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (12)
Box 137, Folder 17 Contact sheets (1960-1961) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (4)
Box 137, Folder 18 Construction photos (1960-1962) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (26)
Box 137, Folder 18 Contact sheets (1960-1962) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (2)
Box 137, Folder 19 Construction photos 1961 (small format) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (24)
Box 137, Folder 19 Construction photos - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 137, Folder 20 Views of site, stone wall, details of concrete (1960-1962) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (42)
Box 137, Folder 21 Construction photos (8 Feb 1976) (Studio Domino, Cannes) - construction, exterior view; color photographs (2)
Box 137, Folder 22 IBM publicity photos (circa 1970s) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 137, Folder 22 Exterior view - construction; color photograph (1)
Box SL-5 View of paneled end wall [Slide 482] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation view [Slide 483] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, LIBRARY, Princeton, NJ (1956) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Library]
(Alternate names: Princeton Library)
Drawings (75)
Tube 1263 Presentation set (Oct 1956): Rendering and sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1263 Presentation set (Oct 1956): Rendering and sheet Nos. 1-6 [photostats] - presentation drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1263 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1263 Design development drawings and sketches (circa 1956) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary schemes, façade studies, preliminary sketch plans (56)
Tube 1263 Site work: Topographic maps and landscaping plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY, MEMBERS' HOUSING, Princeton, NJ (1956-1959). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Residential, Multi]
(Alternate names: Princeton Institute)
Drawings (150)
Oversize 127, Folder 11A Rough sketches: Plans, elevations and notes, by Breuer - [Sketch/Study] (originals) (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 2 bedroom unit type E: Elevations and plan - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 589 Construction set (24 Feb 1956): Architectural and structural (Dwg. Nos. 1-22), landscaping (Dwg. Nos. L1-L9), plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1A-P5), Mechanical (Dwg. No. M1), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1A-E3), heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV6) - working drawings (originals) (49)
Tube 589 Construction details (SK drawing set) (Jun 1956-Aug 1957): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK22, SK-E1, SK-P101, SK-ME101A, SK-H and V1A and unnumbered - working drawings (originals) (31)
Tube 589 Plan and profile of proposed sewer (11 Jul 1956) (Slocum and Fuller): Dwg. Nos. 1-5 - working drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 589 New posts and free standing wall at terrace (9 Apr 1959) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 589 Revised grading and drainage plan (23 Apr 1959): Dwg. No. L1A - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 589 Proposed underground electric and telephone distribution (26 May 1956) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Void" (1)
Tube 1264 Presentation set: Unit types A-F - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1264 Presentation sheet: Apartment floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1264 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes plan studies, elevation and façade studies, draft unit plans, perspective sketch, kitchen schemes, kitchen details, preliminary site schemes (51)
Photographs (30)
Box SL-5 Elevation view of two-story unit [Slide 488] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation view of two-story unit [Slide 489] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation view of two-story unit [Slide 491] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Elevation view of two-story unit [Slide 492] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 End Wall and View Along 2-Story Unit Garden elevation [Slide 466] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 End Wall of two-story unit [Slide 468] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Entrance elevation of two-story unit [Slide 467] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Perspective rendering of house exterior and terrace [Slide 257] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 11B Site plan - drawings, plan; negative print (1)
Box SL-5 Site plan of overall scheme [Slide 498] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Unit plans [Slide 494] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Unit plans [Slide 495] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Unit plans [Slide 497] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Unit plans [Slide 499] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Unit plans for three bedroom unit [Slide 496] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of cluster of one-story buildings [Slide 456] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of balcony from below [Slide 470] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of elevation of two-story unit [Slide 486] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of end wall with service box [Slide 490] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of entrance side of two-story unit [Slide 485] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 11B View of model elevations - model, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box SL-5 View of model elevations [Slide 500] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of model elevations [Slide 501] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of open balcony under overhang [Slide 469] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 View of overall scheme model from above [Slide 493] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View toward end wall of one-story unit [Slide 487] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View toward one-story unit [Slide 484] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View toward one-story unit from below overhang [Slide 471] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
INTERAMA (STATE OF FLORIDA INTER-AMERICAN CENTER AUTHORITY TERMINAL BUILDING), MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Miami, FL (1965-1967) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Exhibition]
Drawings (182)
Tube 1169 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on paper, 19 x 23.5 in. (1)
Tube 1168 Construction set (22 Sep 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A35) - working drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1169 Construction set (22 Sep 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A36-A44) - working drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1169 Construction set (22 Sep 1967): Structural (Dwg. Nos.S1-S14) - working drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1169 Presentation set (22 Apr 1966): Dwg. Nos. DD1-DD8 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1170 Presentation set (22 Apr 1966): Dwg. Nos. DD1-DD8 - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1170 Process "D" Series (Nov 1965-Aug 1966): Schematic plans, sections, and isometric - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1170 SK Set (12 Jul 1965-18 Aug 1965): Preliminary plans and sections - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1170 Isometric of assembly hall - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1170 Assembly hall reflected ceiling plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1170 Diagram of hospitality houses - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1170 Sun path diagram (29 Dec 1965) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1170 Schematic program arrangement (7 Apr 1965) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1171 National House interior elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1171 WD set (31 Jan 1967-25 Aug 1967): Plans and detailed studies - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1171 Process "D" Series (20 Jan 1965-30 Mar 1966): Schematic plans, sections, and isometric - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1171 Drawing showing location of sunken court (8 Aug 1967) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1171 Auditorium drawings: Reflected ceiling plan, plan, section - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1171 Process SK series: Dwg. Nos. SK4, SK107 - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Auditorium studies - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1171 Structural bay study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1171 WD set (1967): Section studies - design development drawings (hybrids) (4)
Tube 1171 Auditorium plan studies - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Auditorium entrance study (11 May 1967) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Auditorium sections (10 May 1967) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Auditorium diffuser layouts - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 International House Lighting Layouts (5 Sep 1967) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Assembly Hall Sound System Layouts - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1171 Preliminary Housing Isometric, plan, and elevation Study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1172 Process "D" Series (10 Sep 1965): Dwg. Nos. D1-D2 - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1172 Perspective vignette negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1172 Exterior perspectives - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1172 Aerial perspectives - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on vellum, 19 x 23 in. (6)
Tube 1172 Exterior perspective vignettes - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1172 Process "D" series: Dwg. Nos. D1, D8-D20, D23, D25, D26, D28, D29 - design development drawings (hybrids) (19)
Tube 1172 Planting plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1172 Landscape planting study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1172 Site plan (20 Jan 1967): Dwg. No. WD1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
International Competition for Low Cost Furniture Design (MoMA) (1948). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Competition]
(Alternate name: MoMA International Competition for Low-Cost Furniture; The Resilient Chair)
Drawings (115)
Tube 1133 Chair: Presentation set (3132): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Oversize 13 Chair: Presentation set (3132): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (2)
Tube 1133 Chair A-2 (1 Jul-18 Oct 1948): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1133 Chair design development drawings and sketches: Chair (A-1); Side Chair (A-2); Arm Chair (A-3); Low Chair; Lounging Chair - design development drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 1132 Roto unit: Presentation set (13892): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1132 Chest of drawers (20 Aug 1948): Dwg. No. 1 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 annotated print (2)
Tube 1132 Roto unit design development drawings and sketches: Chest of drawers (A-1); desk (A-14); desk (A-11); others - design development drawings (originals); also includes elevation and plan of installation; storage unit (standard unit); desk or dressing table; sideboard; dresser or buffet; desk with filing cabinet; hinge details (41)
Oversize 13 Resilient chair sketches for research report - presentation drawings (originals); original sketches for report booklet (41)
Oversize 13 Low chair - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Oversize 13 Lounge chair - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Project files
Box 25, Folder 19 Contest announcement, brochure and program documents
Box 25, Folder 20 Correspondence: MoMA
Box 25, Folder 21 Correspondence: Research partners and manufacturers
Box 25, Folder 22 Sketches, notes and draft report manuscript
Box 25, Folder 22 "The Resilient Chair" report - draft typescript manuscript with revisions, 17 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 23 "The Resilient Chair" materials list - photostat, 28 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 24 "The Resilient Chair" general specifications - production paste-ups, 27 pgs.
Box 25, Folder 25 "The Resilient Chair" production material - layout and production material and original sketches for report booklet
Photographs (5)
Box 29, Folder 24 Side chair (MoMA Competition) - finished project; black and white photograph; "1948 MoMA competition chair" written on back of photo (1)
Box 29, Folder 24 Side chair (MoMA Competition) - finished project; black and white photograph (1)
Box 29, Folder 24 Armchair (MoMA Competition) - finished project; black and white photograph; "cut-out plywood chair for MoMA competition 1948" written on back of photo (1)
Box 29, Folder 24 Armchair (MoMA Competition) - finished project; black and white photograph; "cut-out plywood chair for MoMA competition 1948 (based on 1936 London experiments)" written on back of photo (1)
Box 29, Folder 24 Armchair (MoMA Competition) - finished project; black and white photograph (1)
ISOKON BAR, London, England (1937). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Isobar)
Photographs (1)
Box 120, Folder 24 Dining room with plywood furniture - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
JACK L. HONIG OFFICES AND SHOWROOM, New York, NY (1956-1957). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Honig Offices; 520 8th Avenue)
Drawings (40)
Tube 1461 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes plan studies, signs and interior sketch renderings (11 originals and 6 photostats) (17)
Tube 1461 SK drawing set (Oct 1956-Feb 1957): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK9 - design development drawings (originals); multiples of some sheets (12)
Tube 1461 Existing conditions (29 Aug 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1461 Preliminary plan (10 Sep 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1461 Revised preliminary plan (17 Sep 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1461 Construction set (2 Oct 1956): Dwg. Nos. 1-6, E1, E2 - working drawings (originals) (8)
JEWISH HOSPITAL FOR 220 BEDS, COMPETITION, Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1930) (not built). Marcel Breuer, with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Hospital]
(Alternate names: Zagreb Hospital; Jüdisches Krankenhaus
Photographs (5)
Box SL-5 Floor plans, section [Slide 122] - drawings, multiple drawings; 5 floor plans and 1 section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Scheme with offset levels and projecting block [Slide 422] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide; charcoal perspective (1)
Box SL-5 Scheme with offset levels and projecting block: Rendered elevations [Slide 421] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Site plans, plans, section, section perspective [Slide 738] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Three perspectives of scheme with offset levels and projecting block [Slide 401 ] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
KACMARCIK HOUSE, St. Paul, MN (1960-1962). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (22)
Tube 650 Plan and site plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Library layout studies (22 May 1961) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Elevations (10 Jun 1960) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Plan, site plan, and section (Jun 1961) - design development drawings (hybrids); annotated prints (1)
Tube 650 Preliminary plan (25 May 1961) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Plan, site plan and section (14 Jun 1961) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Preliminary plan and site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Library shelf and elevation studies - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Sketch plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Site plan and detail of exterior lighting (16 Oct 1962) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Various schemes for library layout (22 May 1961) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 650 Wall section details - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Plat plan - site surveys (hybrids); with colored pencil annotations (1)
Tube 650 Electrical plan (15 Dec 1961) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 650 Plan specifications and door bucks (1 Sep 1961) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Supplementary millwork details (1 Sep 1961) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Various section details (1 Sep 1961) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Elevations and millwork (1 Sep 1961) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 650 Stapled set (1 Sep 1961): Plans, specifications and door bucks (Dwg. No. 1), elevations and millwork (Dwg. No. 2), sections and details (Dwg. No. 3), and electrical plan (Dwg. No. E-1) - full-size reproductions, with mailing wrapper (4 sheets)
Gift of Christopher Monkhouse, 2021.
KARSTEN HOUSE, Owings Mill, MD (1954-1956). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (24)
Tube 623 Topographical survey - design development drawings (reproductions); 2 copies (2)
Tube 623 Plot plan (1 Aug 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Preliminary plans (7 Dec 1954) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (2)
Tube 623 Gravel platform and retaining walls (21 Mar 1955) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 West wall elevation and isometric showing grading (12 Sep 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Retaining wall elevations (22 Aug 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Courtyard perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Elevations (7 Dec 1954) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Preliminary foundation plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Construction set (15 Apr 1955-6 Mar 1956): Plot plan, foundation plan, framing plan and details (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); horizontal and vertical sections (Dwg. No. 4); window details (Dwg. No. 5); miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 6); details bath no. 1 (Dwg. No. 7); details bathroom no. 2 and kitchen (Dwg. No. 8); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 9); cabinet details bedroom no. 1 (Dwg. No. 10); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 11); dining room cabinet (Dwg. No. 12); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1-E) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 623 Presentation sheet: Plan and site plan (7 Dec 1954) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
KENT SCHOOL, GIRLS' CHAPEL, Kent, CT (1966-1969) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (205)
Map-Case 117, Folder 3 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 19 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1152 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (reproductions); 4 plans (1)
Tube 1152 Draft plan and elevations - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1152 Site plans, plans, sections, and elevations (9 Jan 1967-7 Mar 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1152 SK set: Dwg. nos. SK2, SK6, SK8, SK10-13 - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1152 Bell frame details and ringing diagrams (Mears and Stainbank, The Whitechapel Bell Foundry) - shop drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1153 Sheets SK-14, SK-15: Site plan and site plan shadow diagram (30 Mar - 2 Apr 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions); two of each (4)
Tube 1153 Preliminary plans, sections, elevation - design development drawings (reproductions); negative transparencies (4)
Tube 1153 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1153 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheet Nos. 1-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions); multiples of some sheets (27)
Tube 1153 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheets No. 1-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions); mylar set (4)
Tube 1153 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheets No. 1-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative transparencies (4)
Tube 1153 Reflected ceiling plan (17 Feb 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1153 Section (21 Feb 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1154 Design development drawings and sketches: Plans, sections, elevations, details - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (76)
Tube 1157 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheets No. 1-4 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1157 SK set (22 Mar-8 Apr 1967): Dwg. nos. SK1-SK18 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 17 originals and 16 prints, multiples of some sheets (33)
Tube 1157 Miscellaneous shop drawings (Mears and Stainbank, The Whitechapel Bell Foundry; I.T. Verdin Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1157 Soil boring sheets - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1157 Presentation set (28 Apr-1 May 1967): Sheet Nos. 1-4 - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Project files
Box 129, Folder 7 Agreement (1967) - agreement between owner and architect
Box 129, Folder 8 Correspondence: Client (1966-1967) - Sidney Towle, Headmaster of Kent School
Box 129, Folder 9 Correspondence: Consultant: Bell (1967-1968) - Mears Stainbank, Whitechapel Bell Foundry
Box 129, Folder 10 Correspondence: Consulting engineering (1967) - Rutherford Stinard, mechanical and electrical; Matthys Levy, structural
Box 129, Folder 11 Correspondence: Suppliers (1967)
Box 129, Folder 12 Memoranda (1967)
Box 129, Folder 13 Miscellaneous (1966-1968) - Kent School prospectus (1967-1968); notes on project, including notes by T. Papachristou (1966)
Box 129, Folder 14 Transmittals (1967, 1969)
KEPES COTTAGE, Wellfleet, MA (1948-1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate name: Wellfleet Cottages; Cape Cod Cottages)
See also Breuer Cottage.
Drawings (1)
Tube 643 Summer house No. 2 (29 Jul 1948): Dwg. No. 102 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 53, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1948-Sep 1950) - Gyorgy and Juliet Kepes
Box 53, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Sep 1948-May 1949) - Ernest Rose, general contractor
Box 53, Folder 3 Correspondence: Insurance (6 Jun 1949) - Everett P. Kelley
Box 53, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (1948-1949)
Box 53, Folder 5 Financial records - certificates of payment and invoices
Box 53, Folder 6 Office records (Sep 1948) - materials list
Box 53, Folder 7 Specifications - General Specifications
KNIFFIN HOUSE, New Canaan, CT (1947-1953). Marcel Breuer and Eliot Noyes, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (15)
Tube 611 Preliminary plan sketches - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 611 Site plan sketch (15 Mar 1948) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 611 Preliminary set (18 Mar 1948): Dwg. Nos. Prel. 1 - Prel. 3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 611 Contour map - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 611 Construction set (1 Apr 1948-9 Sep 1948): Foundation plan. fireplace details (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans. framing plans. (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); living room details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details, service entrance details (Dwg. No. 6); exterior stair detail. bathroom details (Dwg. No. 7); interior details (Dwg. No. 8); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 2-E) - working drawings (originals) (9)
Project files
Box 42, Folder 1 Contracts - contractor-owner contract
Box 42, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1947-1953) - Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Kniffin
Box 42, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultant (1948-1949) - Elliot Noyes
Box 42, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (1948-1951) - Paul Borglum
Box 42, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1948-1952)
Box 42, Folder 6-8 Financial records (1948-1951) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, manufacturer invoices
Box 42, Folder 9 Program
Box 42, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, plumbing specifications, lighting fixture schedule, outline specifications
Photographs (12)
Box SL-14 Catherine and Ogden Kniffin [Roll 13, Frame 12] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 42, Folder 11 Child's play area - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 42, Folder 11 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; print and negative (2)
Box 42, Folder 11 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 42, Folder 11 First floor plan - drawings, plan; photostat (1)
Box SL-14 Side elevation [Roll 13, Frames 8-10] - finished project, exterior view; negative (3)
Box 42, Folder 11 Two-way fireplace (1948) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 View from the south [Roll 13, Frame 7] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of yard [Roll 13, Frame 11] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
KNOLL SHOWROOM (BRUSSELS), Brussels, Belgium (1952-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Knoll International Belgium (KIB))
Drawings (8)
Tube 609 Brussels showroom for Knoll International Belgium (29 Jul 1953): Plans, elevations, photomural Details and furniture layout (Dwg. Nos. 1-4) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 609 Plans and elevations (measurements) for Brussels showrooms (10 Feb 1952) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 609 Plan of existing space - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 12 Correspondence, sketches and miscellaneous notes
KOERFER HOUSE, Moscia, Switzerland (1963-1970). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (146)
Tube 1316 Presentation plans: First floor, second floor, ground floor - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 215 Electrical plans (3 Mar 1964): Dwg. Nos. E1-E4 - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 215 Ceiling lighting fixture detail section (20 Aug 1964) (Harry Gitlin) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Lighting fixture detail for cork/concrete ceiling: Sheet Nos. C and E - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Sketch site plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 "Sezioni": Pool plan and sections with sketch of poolhouse - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 [Reflected ceiling plan sketch?] - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 215 Preliminary plan and sections of pool area - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 215 Proposed pool and pool house (30 Jan 1964): Plan and sections - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 215 Site plan and elevation (3 Sep 1965) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 215 Pool house plans and sections (19 Oct 1965) (2 originals and 2 prints) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (4)
Tube 215 Pool house plans (9-21 Dec 1965) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Pool house detail (2 Aug 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Details (31 Aug 1964) (American Cyanamid Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Nuova Piscina Situazione (16 Dec. 1965) (Losinger and Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Sketch site sections, sketch of pool deck, sections - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 215 Sketch site plan, sketch of pool deck, site plan of pool and pool house - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 215 Strada Privata al Mappale No. 1254: Survey of private road - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 215 Various lighting details (3 Oct 1963-8 Jun 1965) (Edison Price, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (17)
Tube 215 Window fabrication details (30 Jul 1965) (Fenster Fabrik Neuffer): Sheet Nos. 5-14 - shop drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 649 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, plans, rendered elevations, sketch details; 40 originals and 1 print (41)
Tube 649 Plans (6 Mar 1963) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1148 Elevations, existing site plan, floor plans (22 Mar 1963) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 6 originals and 5 prints (11)
Tube 1148 Elevations, floor plans, wall sections, plumbing diagram (25 Apr 1963) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 9 originals and 5 prints (14)
Tube 1148 Presentation set (6 May 1963): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of originals and 1 set of prints (12)
Tube 1148 Stair to roof terrace on east side (20 May 1963) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1148 Presentation set (19 Jul 1963): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (reproductions); reversed transparencies (5)
Project files
Box 110, Folder 1 Contracts - owner-architect agreement
Box 110, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architects (1963-1966) - Rudolph Frank, Eberhard Eidenbenz
Box 110, Folder 3-6 Correspondence: Client (1963-1970) - Dr. Jacques Koerfer
Box 110, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultants (1963-1966) - Rudolf Graber, Tamas Szekely, Emile Vestuti, Rene Meyer, consulting engineer
Box 110, Folder 8 Correspondence: Consultant (1968) - Alexander Calder
Box 110, Folder 9 Correspondence: Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (1964-1966)
Box 110, Folder 10 Correspondence: Publicity (1966, 1968, 1970) - journalists, photographers, etc.
Box 111, Folder 11-14 Financial documents - architectural invoices, consultant invoices, manufacturer invoices, purchase orders
Box 111, Folder 15-16 Office records - memoranda and miscellaneous notes
Box 111, Folder 17 Product literature
Box 111, Folder 18 Specifications and schedules - lighting fixture schedule
Box 111, Folder 19 Transmittals
Photographs (8)
Box 111, Folder 20 Building exterior - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 111, Folder 20 Close up of masonry texture - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 111, Folder 20 Roof terrace from above - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 111, Folder 20 Two-person dining arrangement - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 111, Folder 20 View of exterior concrete stair with open risers - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
KREIZEL HOUSE, ADDITION, Sands Point, Long Island, NY (1965-1967). Herbert Beckhard, Consulting Architect. [Projects by Others]
(Alternate names: Arthur Kreizel House)
Project files
Box 129, Folder 15 Financial documents (1965-1967)
KRIEGER HOUSE, Bethesda, MD (1957-1959). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Seymour Krieger House)
Drawings (50)
Map-Case 121, Folder 10 Plan - presentation drawings (originals); ink and film on illustration board, 30 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 214 Drawing Nos. 1-11; Plans, elevations, sections, details, furniture, and electrical - working drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 619 Plan and site plan (14 Feb 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Parapet detail section (12 Aug 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Column plan (7 Mar 1957) - design development drawings (hybrids); with handwritten notes (1)
Tube 619 Kitchen sink revision (31 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Preliminary electrical layout sketch (28 Mar 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Alternate column detail (18 Mar 1958) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Fireplace elevations (8 Aug 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Countertop details (22 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Drawing for living-dining room screen - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Insulation installation (18 Feb 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Living room storage wall - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Bedroom window section Detail (7 Aug 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Air conditioner installation details (15 Aug 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Window section details (11 Jan 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Various details (30 Jul 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Preliminary site plan (7 Jan 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Plat plan (9 Nov 1956) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 619 Elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Perspective and section of dining room buffet - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Site and house landscape plan (9 Jul 1958) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 619 Kitchen details (3 Jul 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Floor plan and plan details (24 Apr 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Section details (24 Apr 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Plan of Bluestone Paving (13 May 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Electrical plan (13 May 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Cabinet Work Specifications (9 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Kitchen and bathroom plans and details (9 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Cabinet work and cork wall details (9 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Hi-fi cabinet specifications (17 Apr 1958) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Sunken bed details (10 Jun 1958) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 619 Master bedroom fountain details (30 Jun 1958) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 619 Elevations (14 Feb 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Foundation plan (15 Apr 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Elevations (15 Apr 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Window details (24 Apr 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 619 Perspective from driveway - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 12 Note on area tabulation (1959)
Box 127, Folder 13 Specifications for plumbing (1957)
LAAFF HOUSE, Andover , MA (1953-1958). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (59)
Map-Case 121, Folder 9 Rendered floor plan - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink with montage on illustration board, 30 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 586 Topographic survey - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 586 Site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Site work - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Revisions to bedroom No. 4 and utility area (Dwg. No. SK 2) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Plan studies - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 586 Presentation plans (29 Apr 1955) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 586 Elevation studies - design development drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 586 Framing plan studies - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 586 Perspective renderings (29 Apr 1955) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 586 Construction set (12 Sep 1955-10 Nov 1956): Plot, foundation, and framing plans and details (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan, door schedule (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); building sections (Dwg. No. 4); window details (Dwg. No. 5); miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 6); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7) (superseded); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7); bath details (Dwg. No. 8); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 9); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 10); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 586 Construction set (12 Sep 1955-10 Nov 1956): Plot, foundation, and framing plans and details (Dwg. No. 1); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 9); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 10); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (4)
Tube 586 Bookcase for dining area (13 Nov 1958) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Cabinet details (24 Aug 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 586 Cabinet details (24 Aug 1956) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 586 Heating Plan (23 Mar 1955) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 586 Landscaping plans (7 Oct 1957-24 Jun 1958) (Dan Kiley, Landscape Architect): Exterior courts and details (Dwg. No. 1); exterior details (Dwg. No. 2); pool at bedroom no. 1 (Dwg. No. 2A); entrance drive and court (Dwg. No. 3); planting plan: pool area, aquatics and ferns (Dwg. No. 3); planting plan for entrance ramp (Dwg. No. L-3); plumbing and electric (Dwg. No. —1) - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 586 Preliminary sketch: Landscape (19 Sep 1957) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 586 Presentation set (29 Apr 1955): Plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Photographs (4)
Box 88, Folder 13 East view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 88, Folder 13 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Side view [Slide 64] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Stone walls [Slide 719] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
LAUCK HOUSE, Princeton, NJ (1950-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (15)
Tube 637 Plan of property (Aug 1948) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 637 Construction set (13 Feb 1950-10 Apr 1950): Plans, details (Dwg. No. 1); elevations, details (Dwg. No. 2); fireplace and stair, full size milled sections, schedules (Dwg. No. 3); exterior stair louvered walls (Dwg. No. 4); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 5); bathroom and closet details (Dwg. No. 6); electrical plans (Dwg. No. 1-E) - working drawings (originals); 1 original set and 1 print set (14)
Project files
Box 57, Folder 1 Contracts (10 Feb 1950) - contractor-owner contract
Box 57, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1950-Feb 1952) - construction bids from various contractors
Box 57, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (Feb 1950-Dec 1950) - Golden Construction Co., general contractor
Box 57, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Jan 1950-Oct 1952) - Indoor Rays Co., heating contractor
Box 57, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1950)
Box 57, Folder 6-7 Financial records - architect invoices, certificates of payment, contractor and manufacturer invoices
Box 57, Folder 8 Office records - miscellaneous notes
Box 57, Folder 9 Specifications and schedules - short specification, lighting fixture schedule, hardware schedule, color schedule
Box 57, Folder 10 Transmittals
LAWNHURST HOUSE, Greenburgh, NY (1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (11)
Tube 605 Preliminary elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 605 Preliminary plans (7 Jan 1947): Dwg. No. Prelim. 1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 605 Preliminary plans (20 Jan 1947) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 605 Preliminary plans, revised (29 Jan 1947) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 605 Perspective of exterior terrace and landscaping - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 605 Construction set (19 Mar 1947): Plans (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); details (Dwg. No. 3); fireplace, exterior stair (Dwg. No. 4); details (Dwg. No. 5) - working drawings (originals) (5)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 14 Correspondence (Dec 1946-Dec 1947) - correspondence with client and various contractors
Box 88, Folder 15 Office records (Oct 1946-May 1947) - agreement, architect invoices, contacts, miscellaneous notes and sketch
Box 88, Folder 16 Specifications (Mar 1947) - draft specifications and final specifications (multiple copies)
LAWTON COMMUNITY PLAN (1975-1976). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Consultants. [Urban Planning]
(Alternate names: Master Development Plan; PUD (Planned Unit Development), Lawton, Oklahoma)
Drawings (73)
Tube 1409 Aerial site photos of Lawton, Oklahoma - site surveys (reproductions); large format film negatives (2)
Tube 1409 Research materials for master development plan [circa 1976] - other drawings (reproductions); includes site photos, surveys, maps and consultant drawings and proposals (71)
LEISER STORES (1929-1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Leiser shoe stores)
Drawings (15)
Oversize 6 Winkel für die Ausstellung von Schuhen (Schuhgeschäft Leiser Belle) Alliancestr. (Nr. 87) [Leaf 73] (5 Mar 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Strumpfregale (Nr. 106) [Leaf 91] (28 Mar 1929) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1317 Strumpfvitrinen (Nr. 107) [Leaf 92] (29 Mar 1929) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 7 Glasvitrine für Schuhe mit verstellb. Rohren Anstatt Einlegeböden (Nr. 119) [Leaf 103] (12 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Glasvitrine A 2,00 Breit, B 1,50 Breit (Nr. 162) [Leaf 146] (14 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Grundriss I (Nr. 326) [Leaf 268] (24 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Grundriss II (Nr. 327) [Leaf 269] (24 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Damensalon Tauentz Grundriss (Nr. 347) [Leaf 283] (17 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Grundriss I (Nr. 348) [Leaf 284] (18 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Tisch im Damensalon (Nr. 350) [Leaf 286] (20 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Orthopädische Abt. Blatt 1 (Nr. 354) [Leaf 289] (1 Apr 1930) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1317 Orthopädische Abt. Längsschnitte Blatt 2 (Nr. 355) [Leaf 290] (2 Apr 1930) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Map-Case 75 Orthopäd Abt. Blatt 3 (Nr. 356) [Leaf 291] (2 Apr 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Pedicure Abt. Grundriss (Nr. 359) [Leaf 294] (16 Apr 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Pedicure Abt. Schnitte (Nr. 360) [Leaf 295] (16 Apr 1930) - working drawings (originals) (1)
LEVY HOUSE, Princeton, NJ (1951-1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (31)
Box 56, Folder 10 Site sketch - design development drawings (originals); on transparent plastic film (1)
Tube 624 Site plan showing contour lines - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 624 Topographical plan (Jun 1951) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 624 Topographical plan (Jun 1951) - site surveys (reproductions); annotated photostat (1)
Tube 624 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes plot plans, draft floor plans and elevation studies (10)
Tube 624 Preliminary schemes (8 Jul-1952-12 Aug 1952): Scheme 3 lower level plan; scheme 3 upper level plan; scheme 3A plans; scheme 3B plans (Dwg. No. 1); scheme 3B elevations (Dwg. No. 2) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 624 Construction set (19 Sep 1952-29 Jul 1953): Foundation plan, plot plan, section (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans, framing plans (Dwg. No. 2); elevations, door and finish schedules (Dwg. No. 3); stair details, fireplace details (Dwg. No. 4); window details (Dwg. No. 5); bath room details (Dwg. No. 6); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7); details of bookshelves, headboard (Dwg. No. 8); revision to exterior retaining walls and steps (Dwg. No. R1) - working drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 624 Landscaping (24 Jul 1954): Dwg. No. SK1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 624 Details and elevations of hand rail (2 Sep 1953) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 56, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (1952-1955)
Box 56, Folder 2 Correspondence: Consultant (1952-1953) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer
Box 56, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (1952-1953) - Bard Construction Company
Box 56, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1952-1953)
Box 56, Folder 5-6 Financial records - architect invoices, certificates of payment and invoices
Box 56, Folder 7 Program
Box 56, Folder 8 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, hardware schedule, lighting fixture schedule
Box 56, Folder 9 Transmittals
LEVY HOUSE, ADDITION, Princeton, NJ (1956, 1965). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings covering a 1956 addition to the Levy House. Also present are three construction drawing sheets dated May-August 1965, related to a further addition to the house.
Drawings (22)
Tube 624 Construction details (9 Jul 1956-7 Aug 1956): Dwg. No. SK1-SK2 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 624 Unit for child's room in main house (29 Aug 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 624 Porch wire connecting details (6 Dec 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 624 Preliminary foundation plans: Plan and section - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 624 Preliminary plans (29 Dec 1955-30 Jan 1956): Plot plan and floor plans - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 624 Preliminary upper and lower level plans (2 Feb 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 624 Rendered elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 624 Construction set (30 Mar 1956): Plans, plot plan, framing (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); sections (Dwg. No. 3); stair details, skylight details, roof drain detail (Dwg. No. 4); full size millwork, miscellaneous window details (Dwg. No. 5) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 5 originals and 3 prints (8)
Tube 624 1965 addition variance appeal: Plan and elevations - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 624 1965 addition construction set (5 May 1965-2 Aug 1965): Plans (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); window details (Dwg. No. 5) - working drawings (originals) (3)
LEVY INTERIOR, Paris, France (1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect, Interior Designs. [Interior]
Drawings covering different types of furniture designed for an international exhibition in Paris. The drawings are drafted by Gustav Hassenpflug who had been Breuer's furniture design student at the Dessau Bauhaus from 1926 to 1928 and who worked for his office until 1931.
Drawings (8)
Oversize 2 Furniture (4 Mar 1930-5 Mar 1930): Dwg. No. 235-238 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Oversize 3 Handlauf der Treppe (14 Mar 1930): Dwg. No. 346 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 8 Furniture (3 Mar 1930-4 Mar 1930): Dwg. No. 233-234 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Oversize 24 Beleuchtung W.C. (26 Mar 1930): Dwg. No. 353 - working drawings (originals) (1)
LEWIN HOUSE, Dessau, Germany (1928-1930). Peter Behrens, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Interior Designs. [Interior]
Original house for psychologist Kurt Lewin was designed by architect Peter Behrens; Marcel Breuer was subsequently commissioned to complete the interior work.
Drawings (46)
Oversize 6 Doppel-Schreibtisch (Nr. 16) [Leaf 8] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Doppel-Schreibtisch (Nr. 17) [Leaf 9] (14 Dec 1928) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Toilettentisch (Nr. 46) [Leaf 36] (7 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Erdgeschoss Grundriss (Nr. 203) [Leaf 174] (6 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Erdgeschoss Grundriss (Nr. 203) [Leaf 175] (6 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Obergeschoss Grundriss (Nr. 204) [Leaf 176] (6 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Herrenzimmer Chaiselongue (Nr. 208) [Leaf 181] (24 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Herrenzimmertische (Nr. 210) [Leaf 183] (26 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Herrenzimmer Schrank (Nr. 211) [Leaf 184] (29 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Bücherregal (Nr. 213) [Leaf 186] (28 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Herrenzimmerwand (Nr. 214) [Leaf 187] (30 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Akten-Kasten (Nr. 215) [Leaf 188] (31 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Damenschreibtisch (Nr. 216) [Leaf 189] (27 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Speisezimmertisch (Nr. 217) [Leaf 190] (2 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Speisezimmerwand (Nr. 218) [Leaf 191] (3 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Speisezimmerschrank (Nr. 219) [Leaf 192] (3 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Küchenschrank (Nr. 221) [Leaf 194] (4 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Flurschrank (Nr. 222) [Leaf 195] (5 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Schuh- und Toilettenschrank (Nr. 223) [Leaf 196] (5 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Wäscheschränke (Nr. 224) [Leaf 197] (5 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Wäscheschränke (Nr. 226) [Leaf 199] (10 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Küchenvorratsschrank (Nr. 227) [Leaf 200] (12 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Dielenschrank (Nr. 228) [Leaf 201] (12 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Herrenschuhschrank (Nr. 229) [Leaf 202] (12 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Schuh- and Toilettenschrank (Nr. 230) [Leaf 203] (12 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Kleiderschrank (Nr. 231) [Leaf 204] (12 Sep 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Küchenvorratsschrank (Nr. 249) [Leaf 213] (14 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Herrenzimmerschrank (Nr. 250) [Leaf 214] (15 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Küchenschrank (Nr. 253) [Leaf 217] (23 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Küchenschrank (Nr. 254) [Leaf 218] (29 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Kleiner Küchenschrank (Nr. 255) [Leaf 219] (29 Oct 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Schema zu Besen- und Mattenschr. (Nr. 267) [Leaf 224] (4 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Mädchenzimmer Betten (Nr. 272) [Leaf 226] (9 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Badeschrank (Nr. 273) [Leaf 227] (9 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Tisch 75 x 75 cm (Nr. 274) [Leaf 228] (11 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Abtropfbrett (Nr. 275) [Leaf 229] (11 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Runder Spiegel mit Doppelgelenk (Nr. 276) [Leaf 230] (11 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Spiegelbeleuchtung (Nr. 277) [Leaf 231] (12 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Tisch 75 x 75 cm (Nr. 279) [Leaf 233] (18 Dec 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Klapptisch am Mottenschrank (Nr. 300) [Leaf 255] (25 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Ablegeplatten in der Diele (Nr. 344) [Leaf 281] (13 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Herrenzimmer (Nr. 376) [Leaf 308] (5 Jul 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Radioschrank (Nr. 377) [Leaf 309] (8 Jul 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Wohnzimmer Sofa (Nr. 378) [Leaf 310] (9 Jul 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Schreibmaschinentisch (Nr. 383a) [Leaf 315] (28 Jul 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Schreibmaschinentisch (Nr. 386) [Leaf 318] (16 Oct 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
LITCHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL, Litchfield, CT (1950-1963). Marcel Breuer and O'Connnor & Kilham, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Educational]
Drawings (100)
Tube 579 Presentation sheets: Site plans, plans, and elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (2)
Tube 579 New louvers in south wall of gymnasium (31 Jan 1963) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 579 Main building plan (14 Oct 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 579 Presentation set: Main building plan (Dwg. No. 5); Plot plan and elevations (Dwg. No. 6) - presentation drawings (originals); ink on coated cloth (2)
Tube 579 Construction set (15 Feb 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-7, 101-108, 300-301) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (20)
Tube 580 Construction set (26 Mar 1954): Auditorium (Dwg. Nos. 401-405) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (15)
Tube 580 Construction set (15 Feb 1954-28 Oct 1954): Structural (Dwg. Nos.ST1-ST5, ST11, ST12) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (12)
Tube 582 Construction set: Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E9) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (13)
Tube 582 Construction set (15 Feb 1954-28 Oct 1954): Heating (Dwg. Nos. H1-H14) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (18)
Tube 582 Construction set (15 Feb 1954): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (9)
Tube 582 Construction set (15 Feb 1954): Sewage disposal system (Dwg. Nos.S1-S3) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (3)
Tube 582 Auditorium grading and draining, paving and planting Plans (No. L8) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 14 Correspondence (1950-1952)
Photographs (9)
Box SL-8 Glass enclosed walkway [Slide 526] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 15 Gymnasium and connecting link to Main building - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Gymnasium elevation [Slide 523] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Gymnasium elevation [Slide 524] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Gymnasium elevation [Slide 525] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Gymnasium elevation [Slide 826] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 15 Gymnasium Interior - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Site model from above [Slide 521] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Site model from above [Slide 522] - model; black and white slide (1)
LONDON THEATER STUDIO, London, England (1937). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: L.T.S.)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (1)
Box SL-5 View of stage [Slide 118] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
LONG BEACH HOSPITAL, NURSES' RESIDENCE, Long Beach, Long Island, NY (1944-1945) (not built). Marcel Breuer, in association with Serge Chermayeff. [Hospital]
(Alternate names: Nurses' Residence)
Drawings (9)
Tube 1077 Construction set (15-27 Mar 1945): Ground floor plan, auditorium details (Dwg. No. 101); second floor plan (Dwg. No. 102); third floor plan, roof deck details (Dwg. No. 103); elevations (Dwg. No. 104); framing plans, foundation plan, (Dwg. No. 105); stair and column details (Dwg. No. 106); sections (Dwg. No. 107); typical details (Dwg. No. 108); diagrammatic heating layout, typical nurse's room elevation, (Dwg. No. 109) - working drawings (reproductions); negative photostats (9)
Project files
Box 84, Folder 1 Architect's notes and miscellaneous sketches
Box 84, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client - Long Beach Hospital
Box 84, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor - Gordon Roth
Box 84, Folder 4 Correspondence: Legal - Robert Benjamin, Esq.
Box 84, Folder 5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous - correspondence with consultants, including Serge Chermayeff, and various suppliers
Box 84, Folder 6 Permit / authorization to begin construction (24 Oct 1944) - issued by War Production Board to S. Walter Katz, architect
Box 84, Folder 7 Product literature
Box 84, Folder 8-9 Specifications - final general specifications document (30 typed pages) and drafts, plumbing specifications and fixture schedules and product literature
MAAS HOUSE, Lattingtown, NY (1945-1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (16)
Tube 607 Site map - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 607 Ground floor plan (28 Jan 1946) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 607 Construction set, revised (8 Mar 1946-6 Jun 1946): Plans and elevations (Dwg. No. 101); plan (Dwg. No. 101 revised); framing plans (Dwg. No. 102); framing plans (Dwg. No. 102 revised); wall sections (Dwg. No. 103); wall sections (Dwg. No. 103 revised); wall sections (Dwg. No. 104); wall sections (Dwg. No. 104 revised); elevations (Dwg. No. 105); elevations (Dwg. No. 105 revised); elevations (Dwg. No. 106); foundation and basement plan (Dwg. No. 107) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 607 Plan of bath-dressing room for master bedroom (19 Feb 1946) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 607 Plan of bath-dressing room for master bedroom (Revised) (28 Feb 1946) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 77, Folder 1 Application for residential construction (12 Jun 1946) - Federal Housing Administration
Box 77, Folder 2 Contract (19 Mar 1946) - contractor-owner agreement
Box 77, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Nov 1945-Nov 1947) - Walter S. Maas and Sibyl Maas
Box 77, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Mar 1946-Oct 1947) - W.L. Oestricher Co., Inc.
Box 77, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (Jun 1946-Mar 1947) - Cleverdon, Varney and Pike, consulting engineers
Box 77, Folder 6 Correspondence: Herbert Bayer
Box 77, Folder 7 Correspondence: Real estate developer (Dec 1945-Apr 1946) - Lattington Harbor Estates, Inc. (Theodore Merril, President)
Box 77, Folder 8 Financial records (Jan 1946-Feb 1947) - architectural and consultant invoices
Box 77, Folder 9 Office records - travel arrangements, miscellaneous notes and correspondence
Box 77, Folder 10 Specifications (Mar-Jun 1946) - short specifications, heating and air conditioning specifications, Tompkins house specifications (revised for Maas house)
MADISON PARK URBAN RENEWAL, Boston, MA (1968) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Urban Planning]
See also Campus Park High School.
Drawings (48)
Tube 1459 Madison Park renewal area site plans: Dwg. Nos. 1-2 and unnumbered sheets - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1459 Schematic land division plan (28 Aug 1968): Schemes A-C - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1459 Presentation sheets: Site plans, site utility plans, circulation diagrams (Dwg. Nos. A1, A6, C5 and miscellaneous sheets) - presentation drawings (originals) (16)
Tube 1459 Presentation sheets/sets negatives - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); large format film negatives (25)
MARGOLIUS HOUSE, Palm Springs, CA (1938-1940) (not built). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (37)
Box 62, Folder 6 Rough sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes photo negative of sketch (2)
Tube 615 Topographic plot plan - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 615 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes drafts of plans, elevation and perspective studies, sun studies, interior details (17)
Tube 615 Construction set (17 Oct 1938-30 Jan 1939): Preliminary sketches (Dwg. No. 1); preliminary sketches (Dwg. No. 2); site plan (Dwg. No. 3); site and roof plan (Dwg. No. 4); floor plan (Dwg. No. 5); elevations (Dwg. No. 6); foundation plan (Dwg. No. 7); first floor framing (Dwg. No. 8); roof framing (Dwg. No. 9); elevation framing (Dwg. No. 10); wall section (Dwg. No. 11); wall sections (Dwg. No. 12); door schedule (Dwg. No. 13); details (Dwg. No. 14); garden wall (Dwg. No. 15) - working drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 615 Elevation - working drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 615 Kitchen and pantry layout (16 Dec 1938) (Modern Steel Cabinets) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 62, Folder 1 Contract (19 Aug 1938) - owner-architect agreement
Box 62, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1938-Jan 1940)
Box 62, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultant (Sep 1938-Apr 1940) - John Porter Clark, supervising architect
Box 62, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1938-1939) - includes product literature
Box 62, Folder 5 Financial records - architectural invoices
Box 62, Folder 6 Office records - notes and sketches; includes photo negative of sketch
Box 62, Folder 7 Product literature
Box 62, Folder 8 Specifications - short form specifications, addendum, plumbing specifications (multiple drafts)
MARLBOROUGH GALLERY, New York, NY (1971). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Marlborough-Gerson Gallery)
Drawings (9)
Tube 1387 Floor plans and reflected ceiling plans (8 Mar 1971) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1387 Design development drawings - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1387 Existing floor plans (25 Feb 1971): Dwg. No. SK1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1387 Elevations and sections (25 Feb 1971): Dwg. No. SK2 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 131, Folder 17 Notes and rough sketches
Box 131, Folder 18 Product literature
Photographs (1)
Box 131, Folder 19 Existing conditions - interior view; black and white photograph; contact sheet of 25 photos (1)
MARSHAD HOUSE, Croton-on-Hudson, NY (1949-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (19)
Tube 608 Window details (8 May 1950) (Hope's Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 608 Sketch showing tree location (28 Oct 1949) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 608 Topographical sketches - site surveys (originals) (2)
Tube 608 Construction set (29 Dec 1949-22 Jun 1950): Plot and roof plan, finish door and window schedule, mill sections (Dwg. No. 1); plans for foundation, framing, and floor (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); sections and details (Dwg. No. 4); details, fireplace and kitchen (Dwg. No. 5); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 2) - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 608 Construction set (29 Dec 1949): Plot and roof plan, finish door and window schedule, mill sections (Dwg. No. 1); plans for foundation, framing, and floor (Dwg. No. 2, 2 copies); elevations (Dwg. No. 3, 2 copies); sections and details (Dwg. No. 4); details, fireplace and kitchen (Dwg. No. 5, 2 copies) - blueprints (original) (8)
Gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Project files
Box 58, Folder 0 Contract and hange orders
Gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Box 58, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1949-Jun 1951; Aug 1970) - Jack Marshad
1970 letter and originals of a few carbons, gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Box 58, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractors (Feb 1950-Oct 1950) - Joseph Moje, general contractor
Box 58, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractors (Jan 1950-Oct 1950) - Indoor Rays Co., radiant heating
Box 58, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1950)
Box 58, Folder 5-6 Financial records (Oct 1949-Aug 1952) - architect invoices, certificates of payment, contractor invoices
2 original certificates of payment, gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Box 58, Folder 7 Office records - miscellaneous notes and office correspondence
Box 58, Folder 7A Photographs
Gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Box 58, Folder 7B Printed material - "Preview" card with details about Marshad House, copy of booklet about House in Museum Garden
Gift of Neal Marshad, 2022.
Box 58, Folder 8 Product literature
Box 58, Folder 9 Specifications and schedules - Short Specification, Lighting fixture Schedule, Hardware Schedule
Box 58, Folder 10 Transmittals
MARTINE HOUSE, Stamford, CT (1946-1947) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (2)
Tube 662 Draft plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 662 Preliminary plans (Dwg. No. 1) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 17 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1946-Oct 1947) - Layng Martine
Box 88, Folder 18 Financial records - architect invoices
Photographs (11)
Box 88, Folder 19 Front view of model - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 1] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Aerial view of model [Roll 11, Frame 2] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Aerial view of model [Roll 11, Frame 3] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 4] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 12] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Aerial view of model [Roll 11, Frame 13] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 14] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Aerial view of model [Roll 11, Frame 15] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 16] - model; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of model [Roll 11, Frame 17] - model; negative (1)
MCCOMB HOUSE, Poughkeepsie, NY (1950-1954). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (51)
Oversize 37 Blueprints and drawings (23)
Purchase, 2019.
Tube 613 Site maps, grid topography, contour map, plot survey, site topography - site surveys (originals and reproductions) (5)
Tube 613 Site plan (with floor plan overlay) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 613 Presentation drawings (4 Aug 1950): Plans, elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 2 photostats (4)
Tube 613 Construction set (20 Sep 1950-30 Apr 1951): Plans, framing plans, foundations (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); building section, fireplace and stairway details (Dwg. No. 3); window details (Dwg. No. 4); window details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 6); bath details (Dwg. No. 7); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 1-E) - working drawings (originals) (8)
Project files
Box 73, Folder 12 Building codes - Zoning Ordinance for Poughkeepsie, NY
Box 73, Folder 13 Correspondence: Client (Jun 1950-Jul 1954) - Peter K. McComb
Box 73, Folder 14 Correspondence: Contractor (Oct 1950-Aug 1951) - Howard H. Zimmer
Box 73, Folder 15 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and manufacturers
Box 73, Folder 16-17 Financial records (Dec 1950-Jan 1952) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment
Box 73, Folder 18 Office records - miscellaneous notes, correspondence and sketches
Box 73, Folder 19 Specifications and schedules - hardware schedule with supplement, lighting fixture schedule
Box 73, Folder 20 Transmittals
MCGINNIS HOUSE, Charlemont, MA (1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (4)
Tube 1314 Existing conditions (11 Oct 1955): Elevations and plans - design development drawings (originals) (4)
MCGINNIS PENTHOUSE APARTMENT (NSIBP), Boston, MA (1956-1957) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: NSIBP; North Station Industrial Building Penthouse, Boston and Maine Railroad)
Drawings (48)
Tube 1115 SK drawings (20 Dec 1956-25 Sep 1957): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK24, SK27-SK29 - design development drawings (originals) (27)
Tube 1115 Construction set (10 Apr 1957-10 Aug 1957): Dwg. Nos. A1-A9 - working drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1115 Construction set (Jun-Jul 1957) (print set): Dwg. Nos. A1-A2, A4, A6-A8, S1, S2, S5 - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (10)
Tube 1115 Fireplace studies (22 Jul 1957): Dwg. No. SK-19 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1115 Kitchen layout (24 Jun 1957): Dwg. No. SK-8 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
MCMULLEN BEACH HOUSE, Mantolooking, NJ (1959). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (147)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 627 Presentation set (19 Jan 1959): 1st floor plan (dwg. No. 1); 2nd and 3rd floor plan (dwg. No. 2); elevations (north and south) (dwg. No. 4); elevations (east and west) (dwg. No. 5) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 627 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary designs, kitchen designs, structural elements (66)
Tube 627 SK drawings: Structural details, framing details, roof details, finish details, dumbwaiter, matting layout, porch bench (Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK13 and unnumbered) - working drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 627 Construction set (20 Feb 1959-14 Sep 1959): Foundation and framing plans (includes site plan) (Dwg. No. 1); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); second and third floor plan (Dwg. No. 3); elevations (Dwg. No. 4); detailed section (Dwg. No. 5); sections (Dwg. No. 6); full size window millwork details (Dwg. No. 7); stair and fireplace details (Dwg. No. 8); kitchen and bath elevations (Dwg. No. 9); interior details (Dwg. No. 10); revised kitchen and bath no. 2. (Dwg. No. 11); miscellaneous details (includes stairs details) (Dwg. No. 12); first floor electrical plan (Dwg. No. 2E); second and third floor electrical plan (Dwg. No. 3E) - working drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 216 Construction sets - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office sets"; multiple sets, most with pencil annotations (47)
Photographs (2)
Box 128, Folder 12A Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 12A Northeast corner - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
MERCK, SHARP and DOHME, West Point, PA (1980-1981). BreuerA, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: MSD)
Photographs (45)
Box 132, Folder 3 Construction photos (3 Dec 1980) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (6)
Box 132, Folder 3 Construction photos (3 Apr 1981) - construction, detail; black and white photographs (39)
MILLS HOUSE, New Canaan, CT (1947-1948). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (14)
Box 69, Folder 8 Sketches - design development drawings (originals); graphite on graph paper (5)
Tube 622 Contour map - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 622 Map showing property (3 Dec 1941) - site surveys (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 622 Map Showing Property (4 Dec 1941) (annotated print) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 622 Construction set (11 Apr 1947-24 May 1947): Plans, elevations, framing (Dwg. No. 101); details (Dwg. No. 102); heating plan and details (Dwg. No. H-1); plumbing plan and details (Dwg. No. P-1) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 622 Window details (11 Aug 1947) (Hope's Windows) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 622 Topographic plot plan, enlarged detail - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 69, Folder 1 Contracts (1947) - owner-architect agreement, owner-contractor agreement
Box 69, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Mar 1947-May 1951) - Edward E. Mills
Box 69, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants (Jul 1947-Sep 1947) - Benjamin Spivak, Consulting Mechanical Engineer
Box 69, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (Apr 1947-Feb 1948) - Irving Wood, general contractor
Box 69, Folder 5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors, manufacturers and suppliers (1947-1950)
Box 69, Folder 6-7 Financial records (Mar 1947-Oct 1951) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment
Box 69, Folder 8 Office records - miscellaneous notes, correspondence and sketches
Box 69, Folder 9 Product literature
Box 69, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules - General Specifications, Lighting fixture Schedule
Box 69, Folder 11 Transmittals
MILLS HOUSE, ADDITION, New Canaan, CT (1951). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (7)
Tube 622 Construction set (6 Apr 1951-2 Sep 1954): Plans, elevations, and details (Dwg. No. 1); plans, elevations (Dwg. No. 2); plans, elevations, section (Dwg. No. 3); living room cabinet work (Dwg. No. 4) - working drawings (originals); two copies of Dwg. No. 3, one marked "for estimating purposes" (5)
Tube 622 Details of fireplace for Mills addition (16 Mar 1951): Dwg. No. 1 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (2)
MODEL BATHROOM (1953). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Model Bathroom for Tile Council of America/Tile Council of America Bathroom)
Drawings (11)
Tube 609 Bathroom plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 609 Bathroom plans, elevations, garden wall section, details and schedules (14 Jul 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 609 Bathroom renderings with figure - presentation drawings (originals); sketch/tracing and 2 prints, 1 hand colored (3)
Tube 609 Bathroom plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); some hand colored (4)
Tube 609 Model bath room for Tile Council of America (7 Dec 1953): Interior elevations, plan, frame plans and schedule (Dwg. No. 1); details (Dwg. No. 2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Photographs (3)
Box SL-5 Model bathroom with mosaic tile [Slide 447] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Model bathroom with mosaic tile [Slide 715] - finished project, interior view; color slide; duplicated of Slide 447 (1)
Box SL-14 Model bathroom with mosaic tile [Slide 790] - finished project, interior view; color slide; duplicated of Slide 447 (1)
MOTLEY'S FASHION STUDIO, London, England (1936). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Motley's Dress Shop)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (1)
Box 120, Folder 25 Reception area and stairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
MUNDIPHARMA, HEADQUARTERS AND MANUFACTURING PLANT, Limburg, Germany (1972-1974). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: Sackler II; Defendon Pharma)
Drawings (134)
Tube 1444 Expansion study (29 Jun 1973): Nos. 01-02 - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1444 Site plans (12 Jun 1973 ) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1444 Design development drawings - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); annotated prints; 62 originals and 11 prints (73)
Tube 1445 Design development drawings (May 1973-Nov 1974) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes perspectives, plan studies, sections, elevations, site studies, sign studies; 23 originals and 3 prints (26)
Tube 1446 Interiors and furnishings (Apr-May 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (29)
Tube 1446 Progress prints (12 Jun 1973): Site plans, plans, elevations (Nos. 1-3) - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Project files
Box 140, Folder 20 Correspondence (1972-1973)
MUSEUM FOR THE NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN COLLECTION, COMPETITION, Düsseldorf, Germany (1974-1975) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Museum]
(Alternate names: Dusseldorf Museum)
Drawings (30)
Tube 1265 Topographical map - site surveys (reproductions); film negative (1)
Tube 1265 Presentation set: Site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-7) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of originals and 1 print set; in German (14)
Tube 1265 Miscellaneous plastic sheets and prints for making presentation set - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (14)
Tube 1265 Isometric of east elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
NEUMANN HOUSE, Croton-on-Hudson, NY (1953-1954). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (26)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative photostat (1)
Tube 645 Preliminary design (16 Jan 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Stone terrace design - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Construction set (25 Mar 1953-5 May 1954): Plan, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); foundation plan, framing plan (Dwg. No. 2); building sections (Dwg. No. 3); elevations, door schedule (Dwg. No. 4); retaining walls, elevations, section 1-1, fireplace details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7); interior elevations and details (Dwg. No. 8); swimming pool (Dwg. No. 9); swimming pool (Dwg. No. 9A); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 645 Construction set contract prints (25 Mar 1953): Plan, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); foundation plan, framing plan (Dwg. No. 2); building sections (Dwg. No. 3); elevations, door schedule (Dwg. No. 4); retaining walls, elevations, section 1-1, fireplace details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7); interior elevations and details (Dwg. No. 8); swimming pool (Dwg. No. 9) - working drawings (reproductions); contract p (6)
Tube 645 Construction set print set (25 Mar 1953): Plan, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); foundation plan, framing plan (Dwg. No. 2); building sections (Dwg. No. 3); elevations, door schedule (Dwg. No. 4); retaining walls, elevations, section 1-1, fireplace details (Dwg. No. 5); window details (Dwg. No. 6) - working drawings (reproductions) (6)
Photographs (9)
Box SL-5 Courtyard with trellis shadows [Slide 145] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 20 Entrance patio - finished project, exterior view; production image (1)
Box SL-5 Exterior patio with curved stone walls [Slide 53 ] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 20 Garden patio with view of bedroom - finished project, exterior view; color production image (1)
Box SL-5 Garden patio with view of living room [Slide 413] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 Partial elevation [Slide 720] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 20 Side elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 View of colored exterior walls [Slide 435] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-5 View toward blue exterior wall [Slide 449] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
NEUMANN HOUSE, POOL HOUSE, Croton-on-Hudson, NY (1955-1974). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (18)
Tube 645 Survey of property (21 Jul 1955) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 645 Construction details (5 Jul 1972-9 May 1973): Dwg. Nos. SK1, SK8, SK12, SK13 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 645 Preliminary plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Test hole locations (7 Jul 1972) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Test hole locations (7 Jul 1972) (annotated print) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 645 Door details (20 Jul 1972) (Arcadia) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 645 Preliminary plan and elevation (26 Sep 1972) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 645 Floor plan, site plan, elevations and foundation plan (1 Dec 1972): Dwg. No. 1 - design development drawings (originals); progress print (1)
Tube 645 Construction set (1 Dec 1972-22 Dec 1972): Floor plan, site plan, elevations and foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1); building sections (Dwg. No. 2); wall sections and details (Dwg. No. 3); millwork (Dwg. No. 4); millwork (Dwg. No. 5); electrical plan, framing plan. (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (6)
Project files
Box 63, Folder 1 Contracts (1972)
Box 63, Folder 2 Correspondence (1972-1974) - architects, client, contractors
Box 63, Folder 3 Financial records (1973-1974) - Change orders, billings, invoices
Box 63, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (1972-1974) - Larchmont Construction Co.
Box 63, Folder 5 Memos (1972-1973)
Box 63, Folder 6 Office records (1972-1973) - notes, sketches, budget estimates
Box 63, Folder 7 Product literature (1971)
Box 63, Folder 8 Shop drawings (1972)
Box 63, Folder 10 Transmittals (1972-1973)
Box 63, Folder 11 Roof repair for Neumann House (1964, 1971)
Photographs (37)
Box 63, Folder 9 Pool excavation and wall construction - construction, detail; black and white photographs (20)
Box 63, Folder 9 Drainage and sealant features - construction, detail; black and white photographs (16)
Box 63, Folder 9 Pool location at existing house - existing conditions, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
NEW ENGLAND MERCHANTS' BANK BUILDING, COMPETITION, Boston, MA (1964) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Boston Competition)
Drawings (162)
Tube Tube 625 634 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes diagrammatic sketches, site plans, floor plans, elevations, sections, wall panel and column variations, parking studies (134)
Tube 1091 Presentation set: Typical office floor, 3-20 (Dwg. No. P-1); typical office floor, 21-22 (Dwg. No. P-2); typical office floor, 23-40 (Dwg. No. P-3); lower mechanical floor plan - 2nd floor (Dwg. No. P-4); upper mechanical floor plan - 41st floor (Dwg. No. P-5); roof plan - cooling towers (Dwg. No. P-6); ground floor and site plan (Dwg. No. P-7); bearing wall panel details (Dwg. No. P-8); non bearing wall panel and corner column details (Dwg. No. P-9); north and south tower elevations (Dwg. No. P-10); east and west tower elevations (Dwg. No. P-11); sections through lowest floors (Dwg. No. P-12); basement plans (Dwg. No. P-13); details elevations of lower floors (Dwg. No. P-14); west wall sections (Dwg. No. P-15) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets; 11 originals and 5 prints (16)
Tube 1091 Presentation set: Situation plan - phasing diagram (Dwg. No. 1); plaza level plan (Dwg. No. 2); circulation diagram - exterior lighting plan (Dwg. No. 3); floor plans (Dwg. No. 4); elevations (Dwg. Nos. 5, 6); sections (Dwg. No. 7); elevation details (Dwg. No. 8); typical wall details (Dwg. No. 9) - presentation drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (10)
Tube 1091 Site plan: Dwg. No. SK1 - presentation drawings (reproductions); 2 copies, 1 with color annotations (2)
NEW HAVEN RAILROAD, LOCOMOTIVES AND PASSENGER CARS (1955-1956). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects; Herbert Matter, Graphic Designs. [Other]
(Alternate names: ACF Talgo; Budd; Pullman Train X)
See also Boston and Maine Railroad, Locomotive and Passenger Cars.
Drawings (72)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, details of drinking glass niche (8 Jul 1955): SK. No. 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, elevations and color scheme (31 Aug 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, hand rail assembly at wheel well (18 Jan 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, toilet and vestibule (Void) (13 Jul 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, toilet plan and elevations (18 Aug 1955) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 ACF Talgo Train, working drawings (30 Jun 1955-3 Feb 1956) - working drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1178 Budd Train, interior perspective (2 Mar 1956) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Budd Train, interior perspective (Mar 1956) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1178 Budd Train, location of identification light and number (10 Feb 1956): SK No. 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Budd Train, working drawings (22 Jul 1955-7 Feb 1956): Dwg. Nos. 1-9 - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 1178 Fairbanks-Morse Locomotive, insignia and painting details (6 Jun 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Fairbanks-Morse Locomotive, partial side elevation (31 Jan 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Locomotive - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Locomotive - design development drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, color and pattern, exterior skin (10 Jun 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, north side elevation, color scheme (16 Jun 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, presentation sheet [photostat] - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1178 Pullman Train X, working drawings (21 Jun 1955-2 Feb 1956) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1179 All high speed trains, comparative data - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 All high speed trains, layout for sizes - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 All high speed trains, application of plastic cup holders to seats (17 Oct 1955): Dwg. No. X - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 All high speed trains, insignia and number details (5 Jan 1956-15 Mar 1956) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1179 All high speed trains, plastic cup holders - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 All trains, master key for color designation (22 Nov 1955) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Bag rack details (19 Oct 1955): Dwg. No. SK1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Bag rack details: Dwg. No. SK1 (draft) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Commuter coach, preliminary drawing (10 Oct 1955): Plan and elevation (Dwg. No. 1) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Commuter coach, seat plan and window studies - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1179 Commuter coach, walkover seat (15 Dec 1955): Dwg. No. SK1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Commuter coach, working drawings (11 Nov 1955): Dwg. Nos. 1-6 - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1179 Reclining, reversible seat - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1179 Dwg. No. X-3 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
NEW HAVEN RAILROAD, PASSENGER STATION (NEW LONDON, CT), New London, CT (1954-1955) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Eduardo Catalano, Consultant. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: New London Station)
See also New Haven Railroad, Passenger Station (Rye, NY).
Drawings (99)
Tube 1126 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes structural studies for concrete shell, preliminary schemes for station, process prints, plan of existing station (32)
Tube 1126 Passenger station, New London, Conn. (Aug 1955): Key plan indicating areas of new construction and new traffic routes (Dwg. No. 1); site development and bridge (Dwg. No. 2); elevations and sections of station (Dwg. No. 3/3 "obsolete"); plan of station (Dwg. No. 4/4 "obsolete"); elevations of bridge (Dwg. No. 5); plan of bridge (Dwg. No. 6); concrete shell (Dwg. No. 7) - presentation drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1127 Design development drawings and sketches: - design development drawings (originals); includes alternate viaduct schemes (schemes A and B), parking studies and preliminary site work (12)
Tube 1127 Proposed Federal Street viaduct and parking, Scheme 1 (25 May 1955): Dwg. Nos. PR.1-PR.9 (no PR.7) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); reproduction prints with hand coloring and pencil annotations (8)
Tube 1127 Presentation set: Site development (22 Jun 1955): Dwg. Nos. D1-D12 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); reproduction prints with hand coloring and pencil annotations (13)
Tube 1127 Proposed parking facilities plan (25 Oct 1954) - presentation drawings (reproductions); includes typed cover sheet (1)
Tube 1127 Passenger station, New London, Conn (Aug 1955): Key plan indicating areas of new construction and new traffic routes (Dwg. No. 1); site development and bridge (Dwg. No. 2); elevations and sections of station (Dwg. No. 3); plan of station (Dwg. No. 4); elevations of bridge (Dwg. No. 5); plan of bridge (Dwg. No. 6); concrete shell (Dwg. No. 7); proposed viaduct at present R.R. station at New London scheme D (Apr 1955) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (8)
Tube 1127 Property affected by new viaduct and re-location of C.V.R.R. Track. 7 (Sep 1955) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original drawing and 1 blueprint (2)
Tube 1127 Property, R.R. track and pavement adjustments in connection with new overpass and parking facilities (9 Dec 1955): Dwg. No. SK-1 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original drawing and 2 hand colored print (3)
Tube 1127 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (reproductions); includes site work, maps and survey material of New London and project site, alternate viaduct schemes (schemes B and C) (11)
NEW HAVEN RAILROAD, PASSENGER STATION (RYE, NY), Rye, NY (1955-1956) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Eduardo Catalano, Consultant. [Other]
(Alternate names: Rye Station)
See also New Haven Railroad, Passenger Station (New London, CT).
Drawings (32)
Tube 1144 Preliminary site plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1144 Dimensions of No.11 phone booth - other drawings (hybrids); reproduced product specifications with pencil annotations (1)
Tube 1144 Rendered perspective of station building with view toward platform - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1144 Traffic pattern studies for circulation around station: Schemes No. 1-3 - design development drawings (hybrids) (6)
Tube 1144 Preliminary Sketch: Full Scale details of furring on metal partitions in executive offices - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Details of furring on metal partitions in executive offices (9 Jan 1956): Dwg. No. SK1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Preliminary plan (26 Apr 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Revised plan (5 Jul 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Sketches of toilet layouts - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1144 Typical exterior window details (22 May 1956) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Project sketches: Plan layouts - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1144 Plan (22 Jun 1956) - design development drawings (originals); marked "Void" and "Issued as Progress Drawings Only" (1)
Tube 1144 Construction set: Site plan, plans, elevations, details (Sheet Nos. 1-6) - working drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1144 Structural details (24 Aug 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Heating and ventilating, plumbing (24 Aug 1956): Sheet No. M1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1144 Electrical, mechanical (24 Aug 1956): Sheet Nos. E1, ME1 - working drawings (hybrids) (2)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 16 Correspondence: Consultants (1956) - George E. Strehan, Engineers and Architects
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY BUILDING COMPLEX, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CAMPUS, New York, NY (1956-1969). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Bronx Community College (CUNY))
See also New York University Residence Hall; New York University Student Center; New York University Technology I; New York University Technology II.
Drawings (120)
Map-Case 113, Folder 4 Aerial perspective of campus - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on vellum mounted on board, 17 x 24 in. (1)
Map-Case 113, Folder 3 Perspective rendering: Dormitory (1965) - presentation drawings (originals); graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 14 x 20 in. (1)
Map-Case 113, Folder 7 Interior perspective of library - presentation drawings (originals); window-mounted color rendering with montage, 22.5 x 29 in. (1)
Map-Case 113, Folder 6 Interior perspective of classroom - presentation drawings (originals); window-mounted color rendering with montage, 22.5 x 29 in. (1)
Map-Case 113, Folder 2 Aerial perspective of campus - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on vellum mounted on board, 13 x 29 in. (1)
Tube 1474 Presentation set, comprehensive plan: Plates I-IV - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1474 Presentation set, exiting buildings, new construction Program areas - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1474 Miscellaneous presentation sheets - presentation drawings (originals); legends, cover sheets and cut-outs used to make presentation sets (5)
Tube 1266-1267 Design development drawings and studies related to comprehensive plan, site analysis/planning and long range development (Jul 1956-Feb 1963) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 61 originals and 43 prints (104)
Project files
Box 135, Folder 1 Bid documents and notices (1959)
Photographs (83)
Box 135, Folder 2-3 Construction progress photos of Begrisch Hall, Technology Building, Residence Hall, Student Center - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; most with captions (70)
Box 135, Folder 2 Construction progress photos of Begrisch Hall, Technology Building, Residence Hall, Student Center - construction, exterior view; negatives (9)
Box 135, Folder 2 Construction progress photos of Begrisch Hall, Technology Building, Residence Hall, Student Center - construction, exterior view; contact sheets (4)
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE HALL, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CAMPUS, New York, NY (1954-1965). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Silver Hall; Colston Hall; Student Dormitory)
See also New York University Building Complex; New York University Student Center; New York University Technology I; New York University Technology II.
Drawings (692)
Tube 1269 Presentation sheets: Site plan, perspective renderings and typical dorm room - presentation drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1269 Presentation set, new dormitory for New York University (Jan 1958): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions; 1 set of 6 originals, 1 set of 6 prints and 2 miscellaneous duplicate prints (14)
Tube 1269 Student dormitory (15 Jan 1960): (Dwg. Nos. DS-1, DS-2, DS-4): Revisions to retaining wall - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 217 Construction set (5 Dec 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-27); boring (Dwg. Nos. B1-B6); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S18) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "desk copy" (45)
Tube 218 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV12); kitchen plans (Dwg. No. K1); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P11); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "desk copy" (41)
Tube 219 Construction set, earlier scheme (1 Apr 1954) (Eggers and Higgins, Architects): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 100-114); structural (Dwg. Nos. S501-S505) - working drawings (reproductions); very fragile (21)
Tube 220 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV12); kitchen plans (Dwg. No. K1); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P11); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office copy: bid set" (41)
Tube 221 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 2-25); electrical vault (Dwg. No. SK1); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S13, S15-S18) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints with sketches on back of some sheets (41)
Tube 221 Revised kitchen area (May 1960): Dwg. Nos. 3R, P11A, HV9A, E13A, plan of piping connections - working drawings (reproductions); some duplicate sheets (7)
Tube 222 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-27); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV12) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Architect's Record set" (39)
Tube 223 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV12); kitchen plans (Dwg. No. K1); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P11); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14), structural (Dwg. No. S12) - working drawings (reproductions); "Housing Home Finance Agency" stamp on verso (42)
Tube 224 Construction set contract drawings (15 Dec 1958): plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P11); kitchen plans (Dwg. No. K1); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14); boring (Dwg. Nos. B1-B6); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S18) - working drawings (reproductions); "approved as to form" 15 Apr 1959 (53)
Tube 225 Construction set contract drawings (15 Dec 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-27); boring (Dwg. Nos. B1-B6); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S18) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "executed" (51)
Tube 1271 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-27); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S18) - working drawings (originals) (45)
Tube 1272 Construction set (15 Dec 1958): Heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV12); kitchen plans (Dwg. No. K1); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P11); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14) - working drawings (originals) (41)
Tube 1273 Design development drawings (Oct 1957-Oct 1959): Residence hall (Dwg. Nos. R1-R45 incomplete, and unnumbered) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary plot plan, floor plan studies, window details, penthouse and bulkhead schemes, connecting bridge, typical room studies, masonry details, stair plans and details, column details, core layout, wall section studies, kitchen plan, cabinet details (98)
Tube 1273 Submission to Housing and Home Finance Agency (30 Oct 1957): Plans, elevations, site plan (Sheet Nos. 1-2) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1273 Dormitory for New York University: Preliminary design (circa Nov 1957): Sheet Nos. 1-2 and plot diagram - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1273 Preliminary residence hall sunscreen (Sep 1958): Dwg. Nos. S46 and S46A - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1273 Open center floor scheme (7 Nov 1957) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1273 Design development drawings (Apr-Oct 1958): Community Hall (Nos. C5-C21 incomplete and unnumbered) - design development drawings (originals); includes lighting details, plan studies, plans, connecting bridge, entry details, subframe details, typical sections, toilet and stair details (24)
Tube 1273 Mechanical and structural shop drawings, residence hall and community hall (circa Jun-Sep 1958) - design development drawings (reproductions); includes annotated prints (9)
Tube 1273 Boring report and data sheets (Jun 1958) - design development drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1270 Design development sketches and drawings (Feb 1958-Jun 1965) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site work, retaining wall, parking garage, electrical vault, typical room studies and interior details, plan studies, section studies, elevation studies, sketch renderings; 50 originals and 2 prints (52)
Tube 1270 New York University dormitory garage (14 May 1965): Schemes A-D - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1270 Preliminary design submission (21 Nov 1957): Dwg. No. 3 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Photographs (95)
For additional photographs of this project, see also New York University Building Complex: Photographs; New York University Technology I: Photographs
Box 135, Folder 4 Excavation and foundation work (1959): Residence Hall and Technology I - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (11)
Box 135, Folder 5 Construction progress photos (1960): Residence Hall and Technology I - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (44)
Box 135, Folder 6 Construction progress photos (1961): Residence Hall, Student Center, Begrisch Hall and Technology I - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (24)
Box 135, Folder 6 View looking north-east - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 1] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Elevated walk [Roll 6, Frame 2] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 3] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 4] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 5] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Elevated walk [Roll 6, Frame 6] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 7] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 8] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Residence Hall [Roll 6, Frame 12] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Residence Hall [Roll 6, Frame 17] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Connecting bridge [Roll 6, Frame 18] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Elevated walk [Roll 6, Frame 19] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Residence Hall [Roll 6, Frame 20] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Residence Hall [Roll 6, Frame 36] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-15 Residence Hall [Roll 8, Frame 20] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY STUDENT CENTER, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CAMPUS, New York, NY (1959-1961). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Community Hall)
See also New York University Building Complex; New York University Residence Hall; New York University Technology I; New York University Technology II.
See New York University Residence Hall .
Photographs (4)
For additional photographs of this project, see also New York University Building Complex : Photographs; New York University Residence Hall : Photographs ; New York University Technology I : Photographs
Box SL-14 Student Center [Roll 6, Frame 13] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Student Center [Roll 6, Frame 15] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Student Center [Roll 6, Frame 16] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-15 Student Center [Roll 8, Frame 22] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY I, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CAMPUS, New York, NY (1956-1961). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Begrisch Hall; Gould Hall of Technology; Polowczyk Hall; NYU Tech I)
See also New York University Building Complex; New York University Residence Hall; New York University Student Center; New York University Technology II.
Drawings (702)
Tube 1274 Westinghouse Science Hall (20 Jan 1958): Preliminary scheme - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1274 Technology Center Building No. 1 (Apr 1958): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 7 originals and 4 prints (11)
Tube 1274 Technology Center Building No. 1 (Jan-Feb 1958): Program study (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 6 originals and 9 annotated/colored prints (15)
Tube 1274 Framing study (29 Aug 1956) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1274 Design development sketches and drawings (circa Apr 1958) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes elevations and facade studies for technology building and Begrisch Hall, plan studies for Begrisch Hall; 56 originals and 3 prints (59)
Tube 1275 Begrisch Hall, design development drawings (Aug-Nov 1958): preliminary and unnumbered drawings - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes interior perspective, plan studies, sections, elevation studies and sketches (30 originals and 3 prints) (33)
Tube 1275 Begrisch Hall, preliminary working drawings (25 Aug 1958): Dwg. Nos. 26A-26B - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1275 Begrisch Hall, detail planning stage (revised design) (10 Jul 1958): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1275 Begrisch Hall, detail planning stage (16 May 1958): Dwg. Nos. 1-4 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1275 Begrisch Hall, column details (May-Sep 1958): Dwg. Nos. X1-X5 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1276 Begrisch Hall, design development numbered SK drawings (Jan 1958-Jun 1961) - design development drawings (originals); includes interior and exterior elevations, plans, sections, structural concrete details, entrance details, interior details, column details (30)
Tube 1280 Design development drawings and SK drawings (Apr-Aug 1958): Entrance canopy and Technology Building elevation studies - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 17 originals and 2 prints (19)
Tube 1280 Presentation sheets: Plans, elevations, sections - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1280 Auditorium (Dwg. No. 8) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1278 Framing studies (6 Feb 1958) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1278 Plans for equipment layout (9 May 1958): Dwg. Nos. L1-L5 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 5 originals and 1 print (5)
Tube 1278 Preliminary working drawings (10 Jun 1958): Dwg. Nos. A3-A8 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1278 Physics Department, preliminary office layout (23 May 1958): Dwg. Nos. SK8-SK10 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1278 Design development drawings and SK drawings (Jan 1958-Mar 1962) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes stairs, mechanical rooms, window and mullion details, lab plan studies, building elevations, Cryostat area plans; 80 originals and 3 prints (83)
Tube 1278 Human Factors Research Building, diagrammatic sketch plan (17 Oct 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1278 Human and Environmental Factors Research Building, space allocation plans: Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1277 Engineering Center, design development sketches and drawings (Aug 1956-Jul 1957) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, preliminary plans, elevations and sections; 94 originals and 9 prints (103)
Tube 1277 Engineering Center, preliminary drawings Set (17 Sep 1956): Dwg. Nos. 1-10 - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 1277 Engineering Center, schematic plans (29 Mar 1957): Dwg. Nos. SK1A-SK3A - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 226 Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A29); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S12) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints with sketches on back of some sheets; very fragile, some partial sheets (41)
Tube 227 Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A29); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S12) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (41)
Tube 227 Boring (22 Apr 1958): Dwg. Nos. B1-B6 - working drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 228 Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P9); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC15); steam power plant (Dwg. Nos. UST1-UST3, UST6-UST8, UST1R-UST3R, UST8 Revised, UST 9 Revised); electrical: steam power plant (Dwg. Nos. UE1, UE1R, UE1R Revised); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E12, E8 Revised) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; marked "office copy: bid set" (54)
Tube 229 Construction set (9 Feb 1959) (annotated prints): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P9); plumbing utilities (Dwg. Nos. UP1-UP3); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC15); steam power plant (Dwg. Nos. UST1-UST7, UST8 Revised, UST 9 Revised); electrical, steam power plant (Dwg. No. UE1); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E12) - working drawings (reproductions) (51)
Tube 232 Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P9); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC15); steam power plant (Dwg. Nos. UST1-UST8, UST1R-UST3R, UST8 Revised, UST 9 Revised); electrical, steam power plant (Dwg. No. UE1); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E12, E8 Revised) - working drawings (originals) (51)
Tube 708 Construction set (9 Feb 1959): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A29, A20R); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S12) - working drawings (originals); annotated prints; "No. 2: Site plan" not on roll (42)
Tube 1276 Begrisch Hall, steel work (18 Dec 1959) (Igoe Bros.): Bending details - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1276 Begrisch Hall, lecture hall Pour Joints (14 Jan 1959) (Fakas and Barron) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1276 Begrisch Hall, lighting details (20 Jan 1959) (Kent Lighting) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Box 135, Folder 8 Revision of foundation in reactor area (28 Aug 1959) (Fakas and Barron): Dwg. No. T-S1 - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 135, Folder 7A Program documents - Area calculations and schematic diagrams for multiple schemes
Photographs (178)
For additional photographs of this project, including Begrisch Hall, see also New York University Building Complex : Photographs; New York University Residence Hall : Photographs
Map-Case 113, Folder 5 Begrisch Hall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; mounted on illustration board, 20 x 24 in. (1)
Oversize 31, Folder 2 Panorama of NYU adjacent site with Begrisch Hall and Residence Hall in background - site/landscape, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 135, Folder 7B Construction progress photos (1960-1961): Tech I, Begrisch Hall, Residence Hall, Student Center - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (20)
Box 135, Folder 9-11 Construction progress photos (1959-1961): Tech I and Begrisch Hall - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (53)
Box 135, Folder 12 Shell construction: Tech I, Begrisch Hall, Residence Hall, Student Center - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; Bernie Marson, photographer (32)
Box SL-15 Shell construction [Roll 15, Frames 2-33] - construction, exterior view; negative (32)
Box SL-14 Begrisch Hall and Technology Building [Roll 6, Frames 9-11, 14-15, 21-35] - construction, exterior view; negative (20)
Box SL-15 Begrisch Hall and Technology Building [Roll 8, Frame 21] - construction, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Field stone wall [Slides 813-820] - construction, exterior view; color slides (8)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "NYU Tech I (NYU/TI)" - color slides (8)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY II, UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS CAMPUS, New York, NY (1961-1969). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Meister Hall; NYU Tech II)
See also New York University Building Complex; New York University Residence Hall; New York University Student Center; New York University Technology I.
Additional material associated with this NYU project includes drawings (circa 1969) for a contemplated last phase of the comprehensive plan, which was not realized by the Breuer firm.
Drawings (1,125)
Map-Case 113, Folder 1 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on tracing paper, mounted on illustration board, 10 x 24.5 in. (1)
Tube 1279 Presentation set: Typical plan, floor plan plaza Level, floor plan library level - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1279 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives (11)
Tube 1279 Miscellaneous presentation sheets: Sections - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1279 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1472 Presentation set (1 Sep 1964): Sheet Nos. 1-16 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original set of 16, print set of 16 and 20 miscellaneous duplicate sheets (52)
Tube 1472 Site plans - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 1 print (3)
Tube 1472 Site renderings - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1472 Preliminary floor plans (3 Apr 1963) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (10)
Tube 1281 Technology II space allocation - design development drawings (reproductions); colored print (1)
Tube 1281 Program analysis sheet - design development drawings (reproductions); colored print (1)
Tube 1281 Design development drawings and sketches (Apr 1963-Sep 1964) - design development drawings (originals); includes site studies, rendered elevations, site sections, facade studies, pre-cast panel studies, space allocation and program analysis drawings (85)
Tube 1281 New York University Heights Campus, pilot scheme (28 Sep 1962): Plan A-C and perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1268 Design development drawings and sketches for Parking Structure and Library: includes site studies, building sections and building elevation studies (61 originals and 6 prints) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (67)
Tube 1268 Design development drawings and sketches (Oct 1962-Oct 1966) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, plan studies, pilot schemes, column details and elevations, site plans and program analysis data, sketch renderings (79)
Tube 230 Proposal for an undergraduate facilities grant in connection with the construction of Technology Building II (1 Sep 1964): Site plans, plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-16) - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (16)
Tube 230 Engineering Laboratory Building (5 Jun 1940) - design development drawings (reproductions); existing structure (1)
Tube 230 Engineering Library (May 1961) - design development drawings (reproductions) (15)
Tube 230 Preliminary set (28 Apr 1965): Dwg. No. PA2-14 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "submitted to Building Dept., April 1965" (12)
Tube 230 Preliminary set (29 Jul 1965): Cover sheet and Dwg. Nos. PA1, A3-A14, PA15-PA18, A19 - working drawings (reproductions) (18)
Tube 230 Preliminary set (29 Jul 1965): Dwg. Nos. A3-A14 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "Revised Aug. 5, 1965"; annotated prints (12)
Tube 230 Preliminary set (29 Jul 1965): Dwg. Nos. A3-A14 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "filed for Egress and Occupancy August 9, 1965" (12)
Tube 231 Reference set (circa Jul 1966): SK150, 46, SK121-SK130 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "completed corrections on 15 Jul 1966"; annotated prints; some duplicate sheets (15)
Tube 231 Building permit issue (15 Jul 1966): Dwg. Nos. A1-A16 - working drawings (hybrids) (16)
Tube 231 Area calculations (12 Sep 1966): Dwg. Nos. A3x-A16x - working drawings (hybrids) (14)
Tube 231 Addendum No. 1 (25 Nov 1966) - working drawings (originals); typed sheet with list of drawings and 26 sheets of unnumbered drawings (27)
Tube 231 Relocation of existing waterline (18 Jul 1967) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 231 Recessed light fixture support (18 Sep 1968): Dwg. No. SK-C-1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 231 Outrigger and anchor for window washing scaffold (1 Jul 1968) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1470-1471 Preliminary architectural and SK drawings (Mar 1965-Sep 1966): Title sheet and Dwg. Nos. A1-A36; SK1-SK200 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete, with multiples of some sheets; 108 originals and 18 prints (126)
Tube 233 Preliminary construction set (15 Jun 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. PA0-PA35); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S15); heating and ventilation (Dwg. Nos. M1-M8); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E5) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (71)
Tube 241 Construction set (Sep 1966): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S21); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M29) - working drawings (reproductions) (50)
Tube 242 Construction set (Sep 1966): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E32); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P23) - working drawings (reproductions) (55)
Tube 1283 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A00-A27) - working drawings (originals) (28)
Tube 1284 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A28-A36, A38-A56) - working drawings (originals) (28)
Tube 1285 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A36, A38-A41) - working drawings (reproductions) (42)
Tube 1286 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A42-A56); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S25) - working drawings (reproductions) (40)
Tube 1287 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M27, M30); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P23) - working drawings (originals); some drawings with annotations (52)
Tube 1288 Construction set (1 Nov 1966): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E35, SKE-100) - working drawings (originals); some drawings with annotations; includes duplicate and revised sheets (36)
Tube 1475 Design development drawing sets, drawings and sketches for Library, Behavioral Science Building and Communications Sciences Building (Jul 1965-Oct 1969) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary floor plans and plan studies, site plans for proposed library, perspective renderings, library interior furnishings and details, elevation studies; 57 originals and 17 prints (74)
Tube 1475 Residence and parking structure feasability study (Oct 1965): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1475 New York University parking study (3 Nov 1969): Plan (Dwg. No. P1) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1475 Library, preliminary (25 Sep 1969): Dwg. Nos. L1-L5 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 set of 5 draft originals, 1 set of 5 originals, 1 set of 5 prints (15)
Tube 1475 Library, site plan of proposed library (27 Jul 1965) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1475 New York University Communications Sciences, preliminary (29 Oct 1969): Dwg. Nos. C1-C5 - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1475 New York University Communications Sciences, preliminary (25 Set 1969): Dwg. Nos. C1-C6 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1475 New York University Behavioral Sciences, preliminary (25 Set 1969): Dwg. Nos. B1-B4 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Project files
Box 135, Folder 13A Program documents (1964) - program notes and building program revisions
Photographs (57)
Box 135, Folder 13B Progress snapshots (18 Aug 1967) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 135, Folder 13B Construction progress photos (Sep 1967, Sep 1968) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs with captions (17)
Box 135, Folder 13B External views (13 Aug 1969) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs with captions (12)
Box 135, Folder 13B Interior views (13 Aug 1969) - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs with captions (8)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "NYU Library (NYU/L)" - color slides (3)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "NYU Tech II (NYU/TII)" - color slides (12)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
NORTHFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Litchfield, CT (1953). Marcel Breuer and O'Connor & Kilham, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (3)
Tube 186 Presentation sheet (4 Nov 1953): Site plan, plan, and elevations (Dwg. No. 10) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 186 Preliminary site plan (10 Aug 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 186 Floor plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
O.E. MCINTYRE, INC., Westbury, Long Island, NY (1953-1954). Marcel Breuer and William Landsberg, Architects. [Commercial]
Drawings (66)
Tube 1112 Construction set (7 May 1953-30 Jul 1954): Floor and plot plans (Dwg. No. 1); floor and plot plans (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan (Dwg. No. 1D); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 2A); elevations (Dwg. No. 2B); elevations (Dwg. No. 2C); elevations (Dwg. No. 2d); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); wall sections (Dwg. No. 3); details (Dwg. No. 3); window and door details: partial elevations (Dwg. No. 4); private office area (Dwg. No. 4D); sliding window details of drive-in typing booth (Dwg. No. 5); lobby details (Dwg. No. 5D); coping details (Dwg. No. 6); details of marquee (Dwg. No. 7); revised office layout (Dwg. No. 7d); plan, sections and details: entrance lobby (Dwg. No. 8); women's lounge furniture layout (Dwg. No. 9D) - working drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 1113 Design development drawings and sketches (8 Apr 1953-30 Sep 1954) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes circulation diagrams, preliminary plans, elevations, sections, details, perspectives; 44 originals and 2 prints (46)
Photographs (2)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Entrance canopy - finished project, detail; negative image (1)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Sunshade detail - finished project, detail; negative image (1)
OGLALA COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL (PINE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL), Pine Ridge, SD (1969-1975) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Pine Ridge High School; PRHS)
Drawings (538)
Tube 1365 High school, construction set (17 Feb 1975): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A49) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "17 Feb 1975 submission"; annotated prints (54)
Tube 1366 High School, construction set (17 Feb 1975): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S7), mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M22), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E22) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "17 Feb 1975 submission"; annotated prints (54)
Tube 1367 High school and phase 1 construction set (31 Jul 1975): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A11, A13-A43), kitchen (Dwg. Nos. AKE1-AKE3) - working drawings (reproductions) (46)
Tube 1368 High school, bus garage and phase 2 construction set (31 Jul 1975): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A7, A11-A21, A24-A29, A31-A37, A41-A49) - working drawings (reproductions) (44)
Tube 1369 High school, phase 1 and phase 2 construction set (31 Jul 1975): Mechanical: HS (Dwg. Nos. M1-M22), HS-Phase 1 (Dwg. Nos. M1-M13, M17-M20), HS-Phase 2 (Dwg. Nos. M1-M2, M14-M17, M19-M22) - working drawings (reproductions) (49)
Tube 1370 High school, phase 1 and phase 2 construction set: Electrical: HS (Dwg. Nos. E1-E22), HS-Phase 1 (Dwg. Nos. E1-E10, E13-E20), HS-Phase 2 (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2, E11-E12, E15, E18-E22) - working drawings (reproductions) (50)
Tube 1371 Structural (13 Sep 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-S4 - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1371 Structural (24 Oct 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-S4 - design development drawings (reproductions); marked "progress prints"; annotated prints (4)
Tube 1371 Structural (20 Dec 1974): Dwg. Nos. S1-S7 - design development drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1371 Mechanical (20 Dec 1974): Dwg. Nos. M1-M20 - design development drawings (reproductions) (20)
Tube 1371 Electrical (20 Dec 1974): Dwg. Nos. E1-E20 - design development drawings (reproductions) (20)
Tube 1372 Design development drawings (Sep 1974-May 1975) - design development drawings (reproductions); includes topographic maps, surveys, preliminary site plans, test hole locations (16)
Tube 1372 Phase 1 site plan: Preliminary (29 Apr 1975) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1372 Boring location (A-1a) (10 Dec 1974) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1372 Site drawings (20 Dec 1974): Dwg. Nos. A1-A6 - design development drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1372 Plan for community facilities, existing land use, future land use (16 May 1969) - presentation drawings (reproductions); prepared by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (3)
Tube 1373 Design development drawings, sketches and prints (Dec 1973-Jan 1975): - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site surveys and topographic maps, site plans, gymnasium and swimming pool plans, pre-cast concrete panels, elevation studies, plan studies, sections, perspective renderings, project phasing plans, interior and exterior details; 45 originals and 11 prints (56)
Tube 1373 Gym study (Mar-Apr 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1373 Gym wall (Apr 1974) - design development drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1374 Construction set (Jul 1974-Feb 1975): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A37); food service (Dwg. Nos. AKE1-AKE3); kitchen (Dwg. Nos. KE1-KE5), site plan - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; architectural set incomplete, duplicates of some sheets; site plan set includes alternate and void sheets (45)
Tube 1374 Occupancy and egress (29 Aug 1974): Dwg. Nos. 1-6 - design development drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1483 Equipment (16 May 1974): Dwg. Nos. EQ1-EQ5 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some sheets; 4 originals and 2 prints (6)
Tube 1483 Landscaping (2 May 1974): Dwg. Nos. L1-L2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1483 Electrical (2 May 1974): Dwg. Nos. E1-E4 - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1483 Heating (2 May 1974): Dwg. Nos. H1-H2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1483 Mechanical site (2 May 1974): Dwg. No. MS1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1483 Structural (2 May 1974): Dwg. No. S1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1483 Preliminary site plan and floor plans (Dec 1973-Aug 1974): Dwg. Nos. SK5, SK5a, SK6, SK6a and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1483 Schematic set (25 Feb 1974): Dwg. Nos. SD1, SD2, SD5, SD8 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Project files
Box 132, Folder 4 Financial documents (1975) - cost summary and estimates report by McKee, Berger and Mansueto Inc.
OLGIATA PARISH CHURCH (CHIESA PAROCCHIALE DELLE SANTE RUFINA E SECONDA, OLGIATA ROMANA), Rome, Italy (circa 1968-1970) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Mario Jossa, Associate. [Religious]
Drawings (1)
Map-Case 117, Folder 5 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings; Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 12B Contracts (12 Nov 1968) - draft owner-architect agreement
ONE CHARLES CENTER, Baltimore, MD (1960) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Charles Center)
Drawings (73)
Tube 585 Site maps and preliminary site plans - design development drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 585 SK drawings (Feb 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK11 - design development drawings (reproductions); marked "Budget estimate of 2/23/1960" (12)
Tube 585 Design development drawings and sketches (Jan-Nov 1960) - working drawings (originals); includes exterior wall profiles, plan studies, comparative scheme studies, schematic Plans and elevations, elevation studies, column studies (32)
Tube 620 One Charles Center (1 Mar 1960): Site plan, floor plan, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 620 Presentation sheet: Floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 620 Study for alternate office tower construction with steel frame and stone veneer (26 Feb 1960): Plans and partial elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 620 No. 1 Charles Center: Office and retail structure for lot 7 (25 Jun 1960): Plans and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-6) - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 620 Elevations and site plan - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Photographs (3)
Box 128, Folder 13 View of building model - model, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box SL-5 View of model elevation [Slide 562] - model, exterior view; color slide (1)
PACK HOUSE, Scarsdale, NY (1950-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (22)
Tube 1078 Preliminary schemes (15-17 Feb 1950): Schemes 1-2 - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1078 Landscaping (21 Sep 1951) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1078 Construction set (24 Mar 1950-29 Jan 1951): Plans: Plot, foundation and floor framing (Dwg. No. 1); plans: floor and roof framing (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); wall sections (Dwg. No. 4); details: fireplace and kitchen (Dwg. No. 5); miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 6); closet details (Dwg. No. 7); furniture details (Dwg. No. 8); porch details (Dwg. No. 9); landscaping (Dwg. No. 10); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 2E); playroom bench - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1078 Hardware installation detail (27 Mar 1951): Dwg. No. A-2 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1078 Revision of frameless window (6 Jun 1951) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1078 Door details (22-27 Jun 1950): Playroom, dining room (Dwg. No. D-1); main entrance (Dwg. No. D-2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1078 Tables for Pack house (24 Aug 1950) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1078 Survey - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1078 First floor framing plan - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Project files
Box 52, Folder 1 Building codes - building and zoning codes for Scarsdale, NY
Box 52, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Mar 1950-Mar 1952)
Box 52, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractor (1950-1951) - Woodle Construction and Supply Co., general contractor
Box 52, Folder 4 Correspondence: Manufacturers and miscellaneous contractors (1950-1951)
Box 52, Folder 5 Correspondence: Publicity (1952) - Ben Schnall, photographer
Box 52, Folder 6-7 Financial records (Dec 1950-Jan 1952) - architectural invoices and certificates of payment
Box 52, Folder 8 Office records - miscellaneous notes and documents
Box 52, Folder 9 Product literature
Box 52, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules - Short Description, Hardware Schedule, Lighting fixture Schedule
Box 52, Folder 11 Transmittals
Photographs (7)
Box 52, Folder 12 Detail of pierced brick wall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Detail of pierced brick wall [Slide 581] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 East elevation [Slide 81] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Kitchen [Slide 75] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 52, Folder 12 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Living room [Slide 74] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 West elevation [Slide 73] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
PACK HOUSE ADDITION , Scarsdale, NY (1955-1957). Herbert Beckhard, Architect. [Projects by Others]
The 1955 addition to the Pack House by Herbert Beckhard included an additional bedroom, porch, storage and work space.
Drawings (16)
Tube 1078 Preliminary drawing (24 Nov 1955) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1078 Construction set (28 Feb-27 Dec 1956): Floor plans, upper level details, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); building sections (Dwg. No. 3); foundation plan, framing plans, stair details (Dwg. No. 4); exterior stair details, skylight details (Dwg. No. 5); door details, quarry tile detail, finish schedule, bath elevations, all purpose room elevations (Dwg. No. 6); window details (Dwg. No. 7); new window details (Dwg. No. 7A); revised bathroom elevations and details, cabinetwork details (Dwg. No. 8); cabinetwork and details (Dwg. No. 9); general revisions to drawings of 28 Feb 1956 (Dwg. No. R); heating Plans, schematic diagrams. (Dwg. No. H1); heating details, temp control system, heating symbols, register and grille schedule (Dwg. No. H2); electrical plan (Dwg. No. E) - working drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1078 Storage shed (2 May 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
PAEPCKE VACATION HOUSE, Aspen, CO (1959) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Aspen House)
Drawings (35)
Map-Case 121, Folder 5 Aerial perspective (1959) - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; mounted color rendering on illustration board, 30.5 x 37.5 in. (1)
Tube 593 Aerial site photograph - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 593 Topographical plan - site surveys (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 593 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes fireplace, roof, stone facing (7)
Tube 593 Presentation sheet: Ground Level Plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 593 Presentation set: Ground level plan and elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative transparencies (2)
Tube 593 Plans and elevations (12 Aug 1959): Sheet Nos. 1-2 - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 593 Plans and elevations (31 Aug 1959): Sheet Nos. 1-2 - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 593 Structural drawings (6 Nov 1959): Plans, sections, details (Sheet No. 2) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 593 Preliminary floor plan (22 Oct 1959) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 593 SK drawings: Concrete roof parabolas, roof plan, section, details (Dwg. Nos. SK1, SK2, SK5, SK7) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 593 SK drawings (prints): Dwg. Nos. SK2, SK3, SK4, SK-S2 (2), SK-S1 (2) - working drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 593 Construction set (10 Nov 1959): Site/floor/structural/foundation plans, sections, elevations, details (Sheet Nos. 1-6) - working drawings (originals) (6)
PARIS WERKBUND EXHIBITION, Paris, France (1929-1930). Herbert Bayer, Marcel Breuer, Walter Gropius, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Paris Exhibition, 1930; Deutscher Werkbund Exhibition)
See also Apartment Hotel.
Drawings (35)
Oversize 24 Pariser Ausstellung (Nr. 291) [Leaf 245] (3 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Pavilion floor plan (Nr. 291a) [Leaf 247] (2 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Kleider- und Wäscheschränke (Nr. 301) [Leaf 337] (1 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Wäscheschrank im Damenzimmer (Nr. 302) [Leaf 336] (1 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Klappenschrank im Damenzimmer (Nr. 303) [Leaf 335] (2 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Wanderschrank im Damenzimmer (Nr. 304) [Leaf 334] (2 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Herrenzimmer (Nr. 305) [Leaf 333a] (3 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schubkastenschrank im Herrenzimmer (Nr. 306) [Leaf 330] (3 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Drehbarer Toilettenkasten der Dame (Nr. 307) [Leaf 331] (4 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Grundriss - Schema (Nr. 308) [Leaf 256] (4 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Arbeitszimmerwand (Nr. 309) [Leaf 257] (5 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schubkastenschrank Arbeitszimmer (Nr. 310) [Leaf 332] (6 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Arbeitszimmertisch (Nr. 311) [Leaf 258] (6 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Delta Profile Blatt 12, nr. 64137 (Nr. 312) [Leaf 259] (10 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Stahlküchenschrank (Nr. 314) [Leaf 341] (12 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Gemauerte Küche (Nr. 315) [Leaf 352a] (12 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Schwenkbare Nachttischplatte (Nr. 316) [Leaf 353] (13 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Sitzbad (Nr. 317) [Leaf 354] (14 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Damenschreibtisch (Nr. 318) [Leaf 261] (15 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Schubkastenschrank mit Schlitten (Nr. 319) [Leaf 262] (17 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 24 Spültisch Küche (Nr. 320) [Leaf 263] (18 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Waschtisch (Nr. 321) [Leaf 264] (19 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Abwickelungen (Nr. 323) [Leaf 266] (23 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Tube 1317 Grundriss in Sockelhöhe (5cm) geschnitten (Nr. 324) [Leaf 267] (23 Feb 1930] - working drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 4 Ablegeplatte im Arbeitszimmer (Nr. 325) [Leaf 325] (23 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Arbeitszimmertisch (Nr. 328) [Leaf 338a] (24 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Stahlrohr Geländer (Nr. 329) [Leaf 339] (24 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Garderobe (Nr. 330) [Leaf 326] (24 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Drehspiegel zu Zeichnung 309 (Nr. 331) [Leaf 327] (26 Feb 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Glasvitrine (Nr. 339) [Leaf 277] (6 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Glasvitrine (Nr. 339) [Leaf 328] (6 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Ablegeplatte neben Waschtisch im Bad (Nr. 340) [Leaf 340] (7 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Linoleumwand (Nr. 352) [Leaf 329a] (24 Mar 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Modell der Typenmöbel (Nr. 357) [Leaf 292] (2 Apr 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Glasschliffe (Nr. 358) [Leaf 293] (7 Apr 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Project files
Box 124, Folder 1-5 Project documents and correspondence (A-Z) - MB's original project folder; includes project introduction ("Abschrift") at front of folder 1
Box 124, Folder 6 Unsorted correspondence (Nov 1929-Jun 1930)
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Box 124, Folder 8 "Ausstellung des Deutschen Werkbundes in Paris," Die Form (7 Jun 1930) - magazine, pgs. 281-296
Photographs (8)
Box SL-5 Apartment plan with furniture layout [Slide 389] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Cabinet units (Typenschränke) [Slide 242] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 124, Folder 7 Overview of model rooms, view from bridge - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Overview of model rooms, view from bridge [Slide 126] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 124, Folder 7 Room for a gentleman - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 124, Folder 7 Room for a gentleman, broad view - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 124, Folder 7 Room for a lady - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Textiles display [Slide 682] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
PEABODY MUSEUM, Buffalo, NY (1938-1941) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Museum]
Project files
Box 120, Folder 26 Correspondence (1938-1941)
PENCIL POINTS/PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY HOUSE, COMPETITION (1945) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Pittsburgh Glass House)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 11 Program, "For the Design of A House for Cheerful Living" - issued by Pencil Points
Box 112, Folder 11 Outline specifications - Breuer submission under the name "UTYA-IPG" [1 typed page]
Box 112, Folder 11 Correspondence (8 Nov 1945)
PENNSYLVANIA STATE EXHIBITION, WORLD'S FAIR, New York, NY (1937-1939). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: New York World's Fair Exhibition; 1939 World's Fair Exhibition)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 27 Correspondence and miscellaneous notes (Apr-Nov 1937)
Box 120, Folder 28 Specifications (6 Feb 1939) - blueprints (80 pgs.)
Photographs (5)
Box 120, Folder 29 Anthracite wall and Chairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 29 Exhibit detail, "In a Pennsylvania Oil Well, The Machine Age Was Born" - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 29 Hall of Democracy - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 29 Unity Bridge from below - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; 1 print and 1 copy negative (2)
PHILIP MORRIS MANUFACTURING FACILITY, Concord, North Carolina (circa1980). BreuerA, Architects. [Industrial]
Drawings (2)
Map-Case 114, Folder 1 Perspective from across park - presentation drawings (originals); Mark de Nalovy-Rozvadovski, artist; ink on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 114, Folder 2 Interior perspective of manufacturing area - presentation drawings (originals); Mark de Nalovy-Rozvadovski, artist; ink on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
PICKER HOUSE, Lake Carmel, NY (1972-1974) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential]
Drawings (32)
Tube 1296 Construction set (22 May 1973): Dwg. Nos. A1-A7 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "for record reference" (7)
Tube 1296 Construction set (22 May 1973): Dwg. Nos. A1-A6 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; marked "from P. Weidlinger, Engin." (6)
Tube 1296 Adjusted location of house (14 Aug 1973): Dwg. No. C-SK-1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1296 Cut and fill sections (22 Aug 1973): Dwg. No. C-SK-2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1296 Cut and fill (10 Jun 1973): Study of site contours (Dwg. No. SK-1) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1296 Presentation set (16 Feb 1973): Sheet Nos. 1-3 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1296 Structural section and details (7 Mar 1973) (P. Weidlinger and Assocs.) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; 3 versions of same sheet (3)
Tube 1296 Site work, topographic maps and surveys - design development drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1296 Duct plans (9 Mar 1973): Upper and lower floors - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Project files
Box 132, Folder 5 Bid documents
Box 132, Folder 6 Contracts
Box 132, Folder 7 Correspondence: Attorneys (1973) - Emil, Kobrin, Klein and Garbus
Box 132, Folder 8 Correspondence: Bidding contractors (1973)
Box 132, Folder 9 Correspondence: Client (1972-1974) - David V. Picker
Box 132, Folder 10 Correspondence: Consultants (1973) - John L. Altieri, Construction Engineers
Box 132, Folder 11 Correspondence: Consultants (1973) - Frederick Adams, Excavator; Richard Gorr, Surveyor
Box 132, Folder 12 Correspondence: Contractors (1973) - Marinus Both, Judson Schultz
Box 132, Folder 13 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1973) - Designed Wood Flooring Center, Inc.
Box 132, Folder 14 Memoranda and notes (1973)
Box 132, Folder 15 Product literature
Box 132, Folder 16 Specifications
Box 132, Folder 17 Transmittals
PISCATOR APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1929). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (5)
Box 119, Folder 25 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Bedroom [Slide 706] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-5 Bedroom exercise equipment [Slide 409] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 25 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-5 Dining room [Slide 708] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
PLAS-2-POINT HOUSE (1942-1945) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (4)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Plans and perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Box 85, Folder 5 Plans and perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Box 85, Folder 5 Elevations, plans, perspective of structural system) - photostat
Tube 575 Floor framing plan, sections and elevation - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 85, Folder 6 Correspondence: Gardner Advertising Co. (Dec 1942-Nov 1943) - J.H. Leach
Box 85, Folder 7 Correspondence: General (Dec 1942-Sep 1945)
Box 85, Folder 8 Correspondence: Monsanto Chemical Co. (Jan 1943-May 1944) - W.A. Lang
Box 85, Folder 9 Miscellaneous notes - program notes, cost estimates, list of possible names for project
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 85, Folder 10 "Designing to Live in a Post War House," Monsanto Magazine (1943) - proof, 3 pgs.
Box 85, Folder 10 "From Wartime Plastics-Bonded Plywoods...This 'Plas-2-Point House' for Postwar Living" (1943) - reprint of Monsanto advertisement, 1 pg.
Box 85, Folder 10 ["From Wartime Plastics-Bonded Plywoods...This 'Plas-2-Point House' for Postwar Living"] (1943) - typed draft of text for Monsanto advertisement, 3 pgs.
Photographs (4)
Box SL-6 Floor plan [Slide 219] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Foundation plan [Slide 207] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Plans, elevations, Isometric [Slide 197] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Side view of two elevations of the model [Slide 263] - model; black and white slide (1)
POSTWAR HOUSE FOR LADIES' HOME JOURNAL (1945-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Journal House; 1200 Square Feet House)
Drawings (9)
Tube 581 Elevations and section (10 Feb 1945) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Plan and elevations (2 Feb 1945) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 581 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Preliminary elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 581 Preliminary plans - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 12 Correspondence, program and description of Breuer's design (Nov 1945-Jan 1946) - (see letter dated 7 Feb 1945 for Breuer's description of design)
POTSDAMER PLATZ, Berlin, Germany (circa 1928-1931) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Urban Planning]
Drawings (2)
Map-Case 76 Potsdamer Platz (Nr. 140) [Leaf 503] - presentation drawings (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 76 Site plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (3)
Box SL-6 Platzgestaltung auf grund neuer verkehrsregelung, Beispiel 1 Postdamer platz (1929) [Slide 725] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Postdamer Platz [Slide 212] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (duplicate of Slide 725) (1)
Box SL-6 Postdamer Platz [Slide 380] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (duplicate of Slide 725) (1)
POTTER HOUSE, Cape Elizabeth, ME (1949-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (18)
Tube 661 Preliminary sketch (24 Feb 1949) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 661 Preliminary scheme (30 Mar 1949): Floor plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 661 Preliminary scheme (revision) (4 Aug 1949): Kitchen layout and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 661 Construction set (24 May 1949-17 Oct 1949): Foundation and first floor plans (Dwg. No. 1); second floor plan, framing plans (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); fireplace details and millwork (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen and utility room details (Dwg. No. 6); bathroom details (Dwg. No. 7); [audio details]; heating plans and details (Dwg. No. H-1-0); electrical plan first floor (Dwg. No. 1); electrical plan second floor (Dwg. No. 2) - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 661 Plan of land (29 Aug 1949) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 661 Plan of land (Mar 1949) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 661 Plan showing elevations (Jan 1949) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 57, Folder 11 Building permit documents - Cape Elizabeth by-laws and zoning ordinance
Box 57, Folder 12 Contract - owner-architect agreement, owner-contractor agreements
Box 57, Folder 13 Correspondence: Client (Feb 1949-Oct 1952)
Box 57, Folder 14 Correspondence: Consultant (Jun 1949-Oct 1952) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer; Arthur Sparrow, Civil Engineer
Box 57, Folder 15 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1949) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 57, Folder 16-17 Financial records (Jan 1949-Jul 1953) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, contractor and supplier invoices
Box 57, Folder 18 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 57, Folder 19 Product literature
Box 57, Folder 20 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, heating specifications with addendum, lighting fixture schedule
PROJECT FOR A CATHEDRAL (ST. PAUL'S), Burlington, VT (circa 1970) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Religious]
(Alternate names: St. Paul's Cathedral, Competition; Saint Paul's)
Drawings (21)
Map-Case 117, Folder 2 Rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 17 x 36 in. (1)
Tube 704 Renderings (A and B) - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on tracing paper (2)
Tube 704 Presentation set: Interim site plan, long range site plan, section through complex (sheet no. 1); entrance elevation, upper level floor plan, details (sheet no. 2); lower level floor plan, roof plan at apartment, longitudinal section (sheet no. 3); perspective rendering (L. Perron), cubbage for basement, lower level, upper level, roof level (sheet no. 4) - presentation drawings (originals); multiple copies of sheets, some with annotations (13)
Tube 704 Cut-outs from site plan (Sheet No. 1) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 704 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (originals); negatives (2)
RAND HOUSE, Harrison, NY (1948-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (31)
Tube 664 Plot plan (13 Apr 1949) - site surveys (reproductions); annotated print, 2 versions (2)
Tube 664 Plot plan (Apr 1949) - site surveys (reproductions); annotated print, 2 versions (2)
Tube 664 Topographic contours - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 664 Design development drawings and sketches (Sep 1948-Apr 1949) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary site plans, preliminary floor plans, elevation studies, rendered elevations, door schedule, foundation plan and details (12)
Tube 664 Construction set (30 Sep 1948-13 Jul 1949): Foundation plans and details (Dwg. No. 1); foundation plan, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan, section and framing plan (Dwg. No. 2); floor plans, framing plans (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); fireplace detail, section through living room (Dwg. No. 4); fireplace details, sunshade details (Dwg. No. 4a); sliding window and door details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 6); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 7); bathroom details (Dwg. No. 8); shelving and closet details (Dwg. No. 9); cement floor detail (Dwg. No. 10); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 2-E) - working drawings (originals) (14)
Project files
Box 64, Folder 1 Building permit documents - Building Department correspondence, Tarrytown map
Box 64, Folder 2 Contracts (1948-1949) - owner-architect agreement, owner-contractor agreements
Box 64, Folder 3 Correspondence: Bids (1949)
Box 64, Folder 4 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1948-Aug 1949)
Box 64, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (1948-1949) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer; Ward Carpenter Engineers, Inc.; surveyors; George Mayhew
Box 64, Folder 6 Correspondence: Contractor (Jun 1949-Aug 1949) - Woodle Construction Co., general contractor
Box 64, Folder 7 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and manufacturers (1949)
Box 64, Folder 8-9 Financial records (1948-1952) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment
Box 64, Folder 10 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 64, Folder 11 Specifications and schedules - general specifications with addendum, lighting fixture schedule, hardware schedule
(Alternate names: House in Georgia; A Realistic House for a Family in Georgia)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 13 Competition program, specifications, and shipping receipt (21 Jan 1946) - Breuer's submission under the name "Barney Google"
Photographs (1)
Box SL-6 Floor plan, sections, site plan, perspective [Slide 221] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
RECREATIONAL APARTMENTS, Tanaguarena, Caracas, Venezuela (1958) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Julio Volante, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Tanaguarena Apartments; Conjunto Recreacional en Tanaguarena)
Drawings (118)
Map-Case 112, Folder 9 Aerial perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); mounted on illustration board, 20 x 23 in. (1)
Tube 1233 Design development drawings (circa Feb 1958) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site layout studies, elevation studies, Beach Club elevations, apartment plans, tower plans, garage and parking plans, servant/service plans, facade studies, dressing circle Plans and elevations, rendered elevations and perspectives; 76 originals and 14 prints (90)
Tube 1234 Presentation sheets: Site plans, typical room plan, dressing circle and beach club elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1234 Presentation set, Conjunto Recreacional en Tanaguarena (6 Mar 1958) (Marcel Breuer and Julio Volante, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (originals); in Spanish (7)
Tube 1234 Presentation sheet (6 Mar 1958): Sheet No. 3 - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1234 Presentation sheets (19 Feb 1958): Perspectives - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1234 Perspectives - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1234 Presentation sheet: Elevation and facade detail - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1234 Presentation set (19 Feb 1958) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (5)
REIDEMEISTER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1929, 1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (15)
Oversize 23 Tisch 90x90 (Nr. 169) [Leaf 153] (28 May 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Grundriss (Nr. 453) [Leaf 368] (12 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Damen-Schlafzimmer Schränke (Nr. 454) [Leaf 369] (26 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Damen-schlafzimmer schränke (Nr. 454) [Leaf 371] (26 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Trennwand im Schlafzimmer (Nr. 455) [Leaf 370] (26 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Trennwand im Schlafzimmer (Nr. 455) [Leaf 370a] (26 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Schreibtisch (Nr. 456) [Leaf 373] (27 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Bibliothek (Nr. 457) [Leaf 374] (28 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Küchenschrank (Nr. 458) [Leaf 375] (29 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Garderoben-Schrank (Nr. 459) [Leaf 376] (29 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Küche (Nr. 460) [Leaf 377] (29 May 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Nachtschrank (Nr. 461) [Leaf 378] (8 Jun 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Flurschrank II (Nr. 472) [Leaf 388] (11 Jun 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Runder Tisch (Nr. 475) [Leaf 391] (11 Aug 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 9 Sofa (Nr. 476) [Leaf 392] (11 Aug 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
RESORT TOWN (AMENAGEMENT DE LA COTE AQUITAINE), Bordeaux, France (1971) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Acquitaine; Amenagement de la Cote Aquitaine)
Drawings (73)
Tube 713 Presentation set master sheets: Site plans - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 713 Amenagement de la Cote Aquitaine: UPA 8 (15 Jul 1971): Comprehensive site plans and renderings (Sheet Nos. 1-12) - presentation drawings (reproductions); colored prints (12)
Tube 713 Amenagement de la Cote Aquitaine: UPA 8 (Dec 1971): Site map and site plan - presentation drawings (hybrids); colored prints (2)
Tube 714 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); film negatives (22)
Tube 1290 Beach sections and preliminary schemes / studies for beaches 1-5 (Apr-May 1971) - design development drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1290 Maps and preliminary site work - design development drawings (reproductions); Jones Beach and Wellfleet maps used as reference material for this project (16)
Tube 1290 Site Study C (25 May 1971) - design development drawings (reproductions); 2 copies (2)
ROBINSON (GEORGE) HOUSE, Redding Ridge, CT (1952) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (2)
Box 88, Folder 22 Site survey - reproductions (1)
Tube 603 Preliminary study (18 Feb 1952): Site plan, floor plans, elevations - presentation drawings (originals); all on one sheet (1)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 21 Correspondence: Client (Jan-Mar 1952) - George Robinson
Box 88, Folder 21 Financial records (Jan-Feb 1952) - architect invoices
Box 88, Folder 21 Specifications (20 Feb 1952) - Short Specifications
Box 88, Folder 22 Plot survey
ROBINSON HOUSE, Williamstown, MA (1946-1951). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: House in the Berkshires (Williamstown, Mass.); Preston Robinson House)
Drawings (29)
Tube 603 Detailed contour map - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 603 Plan of portion of land [for] Dr. Preston Robinson - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 603 Preliminary study (18 Feb 1952): Site plan, floor plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 603 Window details (3 Apr 1947) (Hope's Windows) - [Shop drawings] (reproductions); multiple copies (4)
Tube 603 Presentation set (Dec 1946): Floor plan and elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 1 print (3)
Tube 603 Floor plan - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 603 Preliminary floor plan (3 Jan 1947): Dwg. No. Prelim. 1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 603 Construction set (7 Mar 1947-11 Feb 1948): Foundations, framing (Dwg. No. 1); floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); elevations, section (Dwg. No. 3); sections, details (Dwg. No. 4); details (Dwg. No. 5); fireplace detail, lighting details (Dwg. No. 6); screen door sizes (Dwg. No. 7); full-size mill sections (Dwg. No. 7); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 108); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 109); bathroom 104 and 105 details (Dwg. No. 110); bathroom 111 detail. interior details (Dwg. No. 111); cabinet work details (Dwg. No. 112); floor plan showing electrical wiring (Dwg. No. 2-E); plumbing plan and details (Dwg. No. P-1); heating plan and details (Dwg. No. H-1) - working drawings (originals) (16)
Project files
Box 38, Folder 1 Building permits (1947)
Box 38, Folder 2 Correspondence: Consultants (1947-1948) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer
Box 38, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (1946-1951) - Preston and Helen Robinson
Box 38, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (1947-1949) - Earl T. Combs, general contractor
Box 38, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractor (1947-1948) - Ashley Wood, Heating and Plumbing
Box 38, Folder 6-7 Correspondence: Manufacturers - building materials manufacturers, furnishings and interiors manufacturers
Box 38, Folder 8 Correspondence: Publicity - magazine editors, etc.
Box 38, Folder 9-10 Financial records - certificates of payment, architectural invoices
Box 38, Folder 11 Office records - notes, rough sketch and miscellaneous
Box 38, Folder 12 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, hardware schedule, list of double glazing, heating and plumbing specifications
Published material
Box 38, Folder 13 "Casa en Las Colinas de Berkshire," Informes de la Construccion (Dec 1949) - tear sheet, pgs. 2-11
Box 38, Folder 13 "A House Fitted to the Berkshire Hills," Architectural Record (Feb 1949) - magazine clipping, pgs. 85-91
Box 38, Folder 13 "House in Berkshires," House and Garden (Feb 1949) - tear sheet, pgs. 104-106
Photographs (39)
Box SL-6 Dining room [Slide 226] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 Entrance Court and Service Wall (large format mounted 13.5 x 13.5 in.) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-6 Entrance patio [Slide 386] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 Fireplace - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; large format, mounted, 13.5 x 13.5 in. (1)
Box SL-6 Fireplace [Slide 289] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Floor plan [Slide 224] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Kitchen [Slide 225] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Kitchen [Slide 378] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; large format, mounted, 13.5 x 13.5 in. (1)
Box SL-6 Living room [Slide 18] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Living room [Slide 452] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Living room [Slide 791] - finished project, interior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 452) (1)
Box SL-6 Living room Fold-Down Writing Desk [Slide 356] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Model [Roll 11, Frames 5-11, 18-20] - model; negatives (10)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 Service yard - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; large format, mounted, 13.5 x 13.5 in. (1)
Box SL-6 Service yard [Slide 359] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 38, Folder 14 South elevation - finished project, exterior view; color negatives (2)
Box SL-6 South elevation [Slide 723] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Terrace [Slide 135] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 View along fieldstone wall toward overhang with cutout [Slide 451] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View along fieldstone wall toward overhang with cutout [Slide 792] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 451) (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 View from the northeast - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; large format, mounted, 13.5 x 13.5 in. (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 1 View from the south - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; large format, mounted, 13.5 x 13.5 in. (1)
Box SL-6 View from the south [Slide 227] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 View from the southeast [Slide 722] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 View of side elevation with roof overhang [Slide 414] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 View of side elevation with roof overhang [Slide 415] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Windows [Slide 758] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Windows [Slide 793] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 758) (1)
ROCKEFELLER (WINTHROP) HOUSE, ADDITION, Tarrytown, NY (1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Addition of Servants' Quarters House of Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller)
It is not known if this project was ever realized.
Drawings (3)
Tube 581 Preliminary plan study (31 Jul 1952) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Plans and elevations (22 Aug 1952): Dwg. No. 1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Alternate elevations (22 Aug 1952): Dwg. No. 2 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
ROCKVILLE CENTRE HOUSE, Rockville Centre (Hempstead, Long Island), New York (1949). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: House - Rockville Centre, N.Y.)
It is not known if this project was ever realized.
Drawings (2)
Tube 581 Floor plan (1 Sep 1949): Dwg. No. PREL-1 - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 581 Elevations (1 Sep 1949): Dwg. No. PREL-2 - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
ROOF COPING PROJECT (1949). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Other (non-architectural)]
(Alternate names: Coping Project)
Correspondence and technical discussion of metal coping design for flat roof edges with J.D. Stebbins of the Barrett Division of Allied Chemical & Dye. Breuer produced a detailed design, but Barrett was unable to market/manufacture the device. This roof coping design was standard issue for many of the Breuer projects of this period.
Drawings (1)
Tube 609 Roof coping details (25 Oct 1949): Sections through low, high and intermediate point of roof - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 83, Folder 1 Correspondence: Manufacturers (Jul-Dec 1949)
ROSE HOUSE, Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire, England (1938). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Shangri-La; Lee-on-Solent house)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
ROSEN HOUSE (1956-1959). Herbert Beckhard, Architect. [Projects by Others]
(Alternate names: Richard Rosen House)
Drawings (4)
Tube 1468 Richard Rosen House master bedroom-den (26 Apr 1959) (Herbert Beckhard, Architect): Plans, elevations, details (Dwg. No. 1); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1468 Richard Rosen House, preliminary plans (3 Dec 1956) (Freidin-Beckhard, Architects): Presentation plan and development sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
ROSS HOUSE (1954). Herbert Beckhard, Architect. [Projects by Others]
Drawings (1)
Tube 1468 Ross House interior, presentation plan (4 May 1954) (Herbert Beckhard, Architect) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
SAIER HOUSE, Glanville, France (1973). Marcel Breuer and Mario Jossa, Architects. [Residential, Single]
See also Ustinov House for material related to the original design.
Drawings (2)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Plan and section - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Project files
Box 131, Folder 20 Correspondence (1973)
Photographs (12)
Box 131, Folder 21 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (8)
Box 131, Folder 21 Detail of angled roof and windows - finished project, detail; black and white photograph; Y. Guillemaut, photographer (1)
Box 131, Folder 21 Roof connection to buttress - finished project, detail; black and white photograph; P. Joly and V. Cardot, photographers1 (1)
Box 131, Folder 21 Roof connection to buttress - finished project, detail; black and white photograph; Y. Guillemaut, photographer (1)
Box 131, Folder 21 View of north face (P. Joly and V. Cardot, photographers) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
SAINT JOHN'S ABBEY AND UNIVERSITY COMPLEX, Collegeville, MN (1952-1977). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects; Traynor and Hermanson, Associated Architects. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Comprehensive 100-Year Plan; St. John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's University)
See also Saint John's Campus Center (Student Union & Swimming Pavilion); Saint John's Church and Campanile; Saint John's Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Bush Center; Saint John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research; Saint John's Library; Saint John's Monastery Wing; Saint John's Residence Hall I; Saint John's Residence Hall II; Saint John's Science Building.
Drawings (292)
Oversize 15 Presentation set: Site plans, building arrangements, church and campanile elevations, sun control diagram and church floor plan (Dwg. Nos. 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16) - presentation drawings (reproductions); marked "First Presentation" (9)
Box 89, Folder 22 Space and occupancy studies (1953) - design development drawings (reproductions) (13)
Box 89, Folder 23 Site maps and miscellaneous development prints - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 692 preliminary building layouts and arrangement on campus - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 692 Drafts of overall campus plan - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 692 Scheme "C" Plans (10 Jul 1953) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 9 originals and 8 prints (17)
Tube 692 studies of existing building usefulness in terms of program requirements - technical studies/research (originals and reproductions); 23 originals and 15 prints (38)
Tube 692 Project sketches - design development drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 692 Descriptions of construction stages - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 692 Square footage calculations - technical studies/research (originals) (4)
Tube 692 Program distribution schemes - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 692 Preliminary campus plans - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 692 Building plan schemes - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 692 Diagrams of plan and campus layouts - design development drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 700 Development diagrams (Sheet Nos. I-VIII) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some sheets; 5 originals and 10 colored prints (15)
Tube 700 Presentation set: Church and monastery building (20 Aug 1953): Development diagrams and building stages - presentation drawings (reproductions); colored prints with annotations (13)
Tube 700 Presentation set: St. John's Abbey - presentation drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 700 Presentation sheet: Overall site plan (Sheet 3/4) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 700 Presentation sheet: Elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Occupancy diagrams and grid (drafts) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 700 Counter proposal No. 1 (15 Sep 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Circulation level plan (20 Aug 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Overall site plan (20 Aug 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Development diagrams (20 Aug 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Building program stages (20 Aug 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Stage IV, building program complete (20 Aug 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Overall site plan (1 Nov 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Occupancy diagrams (1 Nov 1953) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 700 Topographic plot plan: Dwg. No. 1 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1124 Site plan: Dwg. No. 1 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1124 "St. John's Site plan for Breuer Book" - presentation drawings (reproductions); print and film negative (2)
Tube 1124 Presentation sheet: Rendering of central mall, elevation of Science Center and sections through Library and Abbey Church - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1124 Site plan - presentation drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (4)
Tube 1129 Existing utility tunnel - site surveys (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1129 Small topo map with site plan sketch - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Church and monastery wing, sketches for multiple arrangements - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1129 Revised comprehensive plan expansion study (1 Mar 1960): Dwg. Nos. A-B - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1129 Comprehensive plan expansion study (10 May 1957): Road rerouting study, long range development - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1129 Comprehensive plan expansion study (23 Aug 1965): Road rerouting study, long range development (revised) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1129 St. John's Abbey comprehensive plan review 1964 (Feb 1964) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1129 Central mall grading plan (7 Oct 1960): Dwg. No. L - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1129 Utility tunnel and test boring locations (3 Nov 1960): Sheet 1 of 2 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1129 Site plan showing campus zones - design development drawings (reproductions); marked with applique patterning film (1)
Tube 1129 Site plan - design development drawings (reproductions); with colored pencil annotations (1)
Tube 1129 Revised comprehensive plan expansion study (1 Mar 1960): Dwg. No. A - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1129 Prep. school sewer line service (13 Oct 1961) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Science Hall (14 Dec 1964, revised 1 Feb 1965): Plot plan - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Additional survey data (16 Oct 1964): East and northeast of proposed Science Hall - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Field measured sewer location (6 Jul 1964) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Partial topographic plan: Sheet Nos. 1-6, 9,11 and unnumbered - site surveys (reproductions); some duplicate sheets with annotations (11)
Tube 1129 Plot plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Retaining wall plan, section and details (3 Mar 1961): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK2 - working drawings (reproductions); with color annotations (2)
Tube 1129 Retaining wall plans, elevations and details - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1129 Liturgical Press building, construction set (22 Sep 1956): Plot plan, roof plan (A1), elevations (A4) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1129 Central mall grading plan, paving and site details (7 Mar 1961): Dwg. No. L1 - working drawings (reproductions); print and print with annotations (2)
Tube 1129 Central mall retaining walls and details (17 Mar 1961): Dwg. No. LS1 - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (2)
Tube 1129 Central mall underground utilities (17 Mar 1961): Dwg. No. LU1 - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (2)
Tube 1130 Gymnasium and swimming pool (Sep 1966): Plans and sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 1130 St. John's Abbey Church, new concrete walks (28 Aug 1975) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1130 Residence Halls II, plan of existing conditions (28 Dec 1966) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1130 Site plan, immediate construction (Sep 1966) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 2 prints (4)
Tube 1130 Site plan (26 Nov 1965) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Intermediate development, long range development: Dwg. No. 6 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Campus plan, student dormitory development study, student union location proposal (Revised Sep 1966) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); original and annotated print (2)
Tube 1130 Student residence zone, long range development plan (20 Sep 1966) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original and annotated print (2)
Tube 1130 Partial topographic plan - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
See also Partial topographic plan, Tube 1129 for composite reproduction of sheets.
Tube 1130 Topographical survey for St. John's University - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Site plan - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Contour map, dormitory area - site surveys (reproductions); with pencil annotations (1)
Tube 1130 Site plan with utility line notations - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (3)
Tube 1130 Ecumenical Center, site plan (9 Mar 1967): Dwg. No. SKM-1 - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Ecumenical Center, topographical survey, sewer line link-up (revised 16 Mar 1967); location road center lines and base lines (revised 16 Mar 1967) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1130 Site plan, long range development (Sep 1966) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Residence Hall II site plan (5 Feb 1966): Dwg. No. A1 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Campus Center site plan (1 May 1967): Dwg. No. A2 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Student residence zone schematic plan: Long range development (21 Sep 1965) - presentation drawings (reproductions); print and revised print (2)
Tube 1130 Student residence zone site plan (4 Nov 1965) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1130 Diagrammatic campus directory plan: Signage plan - presentation drawings (reproductions); with ink annotations (1)
Tube 1143 Survey of Building No. 2 (Art Department) (27 Mar 1954): Dwg. Nos. 1-6 - site surveys (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1143 Pre-existing building plans - site surveys (reproductions); with program annotations in pencil (5)
Tube 1143 Large scale surveys of existing campus buildings with dimensions - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1143 Suggested interior louvers for gymnasium (14 Sep 1953) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1143 Monastery plan scheme variation: Alternate H - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1143 Church and monastery first floor plan scheme variation: Alternate G - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1143 Sketch of proposed grading and gravel areas north of new monastery (13 Aug 1955) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1143 Detail for part of east entrance of Building No. 2 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1143 Various site surveys and surveys of pre-existing campus buildings - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Project files
Box 89, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client, comprehensive plan (1953-1966) - St. John's Abbey and University
Box 89, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client, landscaping (1960-1961) - St. John's Abbey and University
Box 89, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants, landscaping (1961-1963) - Construction Engineers: Gausman Moore, Johnston-Salhman Co.
Box 89, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants, circulation Study (1977) - Interdesign, Inc.
Box 89, Folder 1B Correspondence: Field office (1959) - Val Michelson
Box 89, Folder 5 Correspondence: Instituto Internazionale di Arte Liturgica (1965)
Box 89, Folder 6 Correspondence: Publicity (1961)
Box 89, Folder 7 Financial records - architectural invoices
Box 89, Folder 8 "Invitation to 12 American and European Architects to Develop Proposals for the St. John's Complex"
Box 89, Folder 9 Office records I - Planning Committee meeting minutes, internal memoranda
Box 89, Folder 10 Office records II - project file
Box 89, Folder 11 Office records III - travel related documents, correspondence and memoranda
Box 89, Folder 12 Product literature - curbing, precast concrete parking blocks
Box 89, Folder 13 Project description, "Principles of Sacred Architecture"
Box 89, Folder 14 Promotional materials (1974) - includes St. John's University President's Report
Box 89, Folder 15-17 Research - history of St. John's as an institution; Order of St. Benedict; "The New Campus in Britain"
Box 89, Folder 18 Studies I - Comprehensive Plan Report
Box 89, Folder 19 Studies II - Space Occupancy, Existing conditions
Box 89, Folder 20 Studies III - electric utilities study by Gausman Moore, consulting engineers
Box 89, Folder 21 Studies IV (1977) - conceptual circulation study by Interdesign, Inc.
Published material
Box 89, Folder 25 "The Next Step," The Off-Campus Record St. John's University (Feb 1964) - magazine, 11 pgs.
Box 89, Folder 25 "El Monasterio Benedictino de San Juan, en Minnesota," Informes de la Construccion (Jan 1956) - tear sheet, 6 pgs.
Box 89, Folder 25 "Modern Monastery: Preview of... St. John's Abbey," Architectural Forum (Jul 1954 ) - tear sheet, 8 pgs.
Box 89, Folder 25 "1960 Air View of St. John's Abbey and University" (1960 ) - newspaper clipping
Photographs (118)
Box 89, Folder 24 The Athlete granite sculpture - finished project, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box 207 "St. John's "The Athlete" sculpture" - color slides (4)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box SL-6 Diagrams of construction phases [Slide 633] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Diagram of proposed expansion areas [Slide 634] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Plan [Slide 37] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Rendered campus plan [Slide 630] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 89, Folder 24 Science Hall and Library elevations - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-6 Site plan of initial conditions [Slide 637] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 89, Folder 24 View of campus after completion of Science Hall - finished project, aerial view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 89, Folder 24 View of campus prior to Breuer Plan - existing conditions, aerial view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 89, Folder 24 View of church and monastery model (preliminary scheme) - model, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Abbey (SJA) I" - color slides (16)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Abbey (SJA) III" - color slides (37)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Abbey (SJA) IV" - color slides (20)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Abbey (SJA) V" - color slides (30)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SAINT JOHN'S CAMPUS CENTER (STUDENT UNION AND SWIMMING POOL PAVILION), Collegeville, MN (1965-1971). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: St. John's Campus Center)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex.
Files relating to the Saint John's Campus Center include documents concerning both a preliminary scheme for a Student Union building and Swimming Pavilion, and the later Campus Center that was actually constructed with a drastically reduced program (designed, but not realized by Breuer). The files also include records for a separate Gymnasium project.
Drawings (356)
Box 107 Design development drawings and sketches for gymnasium - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 3 originals and 1 print (3)
Tube 695 Design development drawings and sketches (Sep 1965-Mar 1967): Dwg. Nos. SK2-SK57 - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes entrance bridge details, auditorium entrance, roof and roof truss details, wall sections, framing plans, stair sections, elevations, schematic diagram of program, interior furnishing and details, precast panel details (48)
Tube 697 Design development sketches and drawings (May 1966-Jan 1967) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes elevation studies, plan studies, site studies, sun shade studies, lighting and reflected ceiling plans; 30 originals and 8 prints (38)
Tube 697 Presentation set (Sep 1966): Site plan, long range development, floor plans, sections and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 697 Preliminary (22 Nov 1965): Swimming pavilion and campus center - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1220 Gymnasium and pool (Sep 1966) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1220 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes plan studies, elevation studies, program data sheets (59)
Tube 1465-1466 Design development drawings and sketches (Oct 1965-Aug 1966) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site surveys, site studies, plan studies, elevation studies, framing studies, precast panel and façade studies, sketch perspectives; 110 originals and 4 prints (114)
Tube 1341 Construction set (1 May 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A15, A17-A28) - working drawings (originals); there is no A16 in this set, drawing was omitted (27)
Tube 1342 Construction set (5 May 1967): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M16); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E12) - working drawings (reproductions); some sheets have multiple numbered drawings; some drawings in "S" set have annotations (33)
Tube 1342 Pool hydraulic equipment (Adolph Kiefer and Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1342 Furnishing plan (Dec 1966) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 3 prints (7)
Tube 1342 Occupancy and egress (Jan 1967) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 5 prints (9)
Tube 1342 Room finish schedules: Dwg. Nos. A3-A6 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Project files
Box 107, Folder 1 Contracts - agreement between BreuerA and Robert L. Cahn Associates (Food Service Consultants)
Box 107, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1965-1967) - St. John's University
Box 107, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consultants (1965-1967) - various consultants
Box 107, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - Edward Zekala, architectural specifications
Box 107, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (1965-1967) - Gausman Moore, consulting engineers
Box 107, Folder 6 Correspondence: Field office (1966) - Norman Dorf
Box 107, Folder 7 Correspondence: Manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (1967)
Box 107, Folder 8 Correspondence: Regulatory agencies (1967) - Minnesota Fire Marshall
Box 107, Folder 9-11 Financials - architectural invoices, budget estimates, consultant invoices
Box 107, Folder 12-13 Office records - memoranda of Building Committee meetings; internal memoranda
Box 107, Folder 14 Product literature
Box 107, Folder 15-16 Program documents - includes first project before program reduction
Box 107, Folder 17 Research - student centers
Box 107, Folder 18 Studies - Food Service Arrangements
Box 107, Folder 19-20 Transmittals
Box 107, Folder 1B Contract - owner-architect agreement
Box 107, Folder 2B Correspondence: Associate architects (1969-1971) - Traynor Hermanson, Associated Architects
Box 107, Folder 3B Correspondence: Client (1966-1969) - St. John's University
Box 107, Folder 4B Correspondence: Consultants (1968)
Box 107, Folder 5B Correspondence: Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare (1968)
Box 107, Folder 6B Financials - architectural invoices
Box 107, Folder 7B Program documents
Box 107, Folder 8B Publicity
Box 107, Folder 9B Research - college gymnasium facilities
Box 107, Folder 10B Transmittals
SAINT JOHN'S CHURCH AND CAMPANILE, Collegeville, MN (1953-1968). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Abbey and University Church; Chapter House; St. John's Abbey Church; St. John's Bell Tower; St. John's Church and Campanile)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's Monastery Wing.
Drawings (1,117)
Oversize 26, Folder 3 Bell banner elevation studies - design development drawings (originals); original rough sketches by Breuer (1)
Box Box 99 66 Bell banner elevations and sections, interior perspective and plans, alternate scheme - design development drawings (originals); rough sketches (2)
Box Box 99 64 Church lighting (1957-1960) (Century Lighting, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (11)
Box Box 99 65 Altar granite details: Altar 1-9 - working drawings (reproductions) (20)
Box Box 99 65 Cross detail (10 Mar 1961) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Box Box 99 67 Baptistry interior perspectives (15 Mar 1957) - presentation drawings (originals); with color (3)
Box Box 99 68 Truss pouring procedure (2 Dec 1960) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 7 copies (9)
Box Box 99 68 Steel reinforcing test diagram - [Technical Report] (originals) (1)
Map-Case 122 Perspective rendering (color, 25 x 30 in.) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 252 Various electrical plans and details: Dwg. Nos. SK-E-2 to SK-E4, SK- E-8, SK-E-10, SK-E-11 - working drawings (reproductions); some with attachments (8)
Tube 252 Existing manholes, partial crypt plan: Dwg. Nos. SK-—1, SK-—2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 256 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Architectural (Dwg Nos. A1-A37) - working drawings (reproductions); incomplete; annotated prints (22)
Tube 252 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Mechanical (Dwg Nos. M1-M10) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "check set" (15)
Tube 252 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E8) - working drawings (reproductions); some with attachments (9)
Tube 252 Piazza snow melting plan - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 691 Construction set: Furniture (Dwg Nos. F1-F33) - working drawings (originals) (33)
Tube 691 SK and SK-F Drawings - design development drawings (originals) (18)
Tube 693 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes numbered SK sheets (10)
Tube 693 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Structural (Dwg Nos. S1-S18); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E7); mechanical (Dwg Nos. M1-M10) - working drawings (reproductions) (35)
Tube 696 Sample wall to be erected as a permanent monument: Sheet Nos. AA1, AA2, and A12 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 696 Church roof trusses (Bethlehem Steel, Weisenfeld Hayward and Leon, McGough) - consultant drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 696 Plan of church gardens; Plans, sections, and details of church garden fountain - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 696 Details for housings of church sound system (Northwestern Sash and Door Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 696 Design development sketches, drafts and preliminary schemes - design development drawings (originals) (65)
Tube 698 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary plans, site plan, crypt plan, project sketches of monastery gardens (35)
Tube 698 "The Story of the Church and Connected Problems" - other drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 698 Presentation sheet: Elevation of Campanile - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 702 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A37) - working drawings (originals) (37)
Tube 702 SK-A and unnumbered drawings: Furnishings, enclosure, paving details, campanile geometry studies - working drawings (originals) (26)
Tube 703 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes building details, interior details, interior elevations, interior perspectives, sketches of various furniture pieces, orthographic views, perspectives, details (78)
Tube 1092 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A37) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (42)
Tube 1093 Construction set (4 Oct 1957): Structural (Dwg Nos. S1-S18) - working drawings (reproductions); incomplete (13)
Tube 1093 SK drawings: Banner geometry, furnishing, equipment, and wiring details - working drawings (reproductions) (16)
Tube 1094 Orthographic views and details of furniture pieces for various spaces - working drawings (reproductions) (46)
Tube 1094 Lighting fixtures (Century Lighting, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (27)
Tube 1095 Furniture design development drawings: Dwg. Nos. 1-6 (8 Jan 1959); Dwg. Nos. 2-12 (12 Aug 1958); Dwg. Nos. D3-D11 (11 Nov 1959); Dwg. Nos. 1-15 (no date) - design development drawings (originals); 4 numbered sets (39)
Tube 1095 Presentation sheets: Large campanile elevations, section, private altar perspective, church elevations, sections, plans and roof plans - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 2 photostats (6)
Tube 1097 SK drawing set (1957) - working drawings (originals); partial set, includes superseded sheets and drafts (50)
Tube 1134 Design development drawings, sketches and prints - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes bell banner, preliminary church plans and structural drawings (many with annotations), monastery gardens sketches and tracings, interior perspectives, altar screen, baptistry, windows and father's room (some with color), preliminary church schemes and studies (Dec 1953), details for model maker, preliminary schemes and studies for bell banner and side wall with annotations; 40 originals and 24 prints (64)
Tube 1134 Fenestration study (17 Dec 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1134 Preliminary plans of church (1 Nov 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1134 Miscellaneous prints from construction set (4 Oct 1957): main seating balcony (Dwg. No. A22), stairs No. 3-4 (Dwg. No. A23), typical stair details (Dwg. No. A24) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (3)
Tube 1134 Seating pattern (25 May 1960): Dwg. No. SK-A22 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1134 Stairs no. 3-4 (Dwg. No. A23) (4 Oct 1957) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1137 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes chapter house and crypt elevations, section, studies; cloister plan and elevations; church elevations, sections, details, dimension studies; church plan, section, perspectives, elevation, detail (Dec 1953) (38)
Tube 1138 Rendered sketch perspective of church and monastery wing - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1138 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies for church; longitudinal section of church; choir stall and private altar details; floor plan and reflected ceiling plan studies for chapterhouse; floor plan and reflected ceiling plan studies for church and baptistry (65)
Tube 1139 Design development drawings and sketches (Oct 1956-Aug 1957) - design development drawings (originals); includes bell banner; church plans, sections, elevations, rendered elevations and details; site plans; cloister elevations; wall mock-up drawings; narthex and baptistry plans, sections, wall section; chapter house studies; stairs and retaining walls (46)
Tube 1140 Plan diagrams of church and abbey complex development stages; Rendered section showing mural - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1140 Presentation set: Rendered plans, elevations and sections (Sheet Nos. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and variations) - presentation drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1140 Presentation Set: Sheet Nos.1-8 - presentation drawings (hybrids); reproduction masters with annotations on verso (8)
Tube 1141 Model: Details for model maker - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1141 Façade studies - design development drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1141 Draft perspectives of "Sample wall to be erected as a monument" - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1141 Stair studies: Plans and sections - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1142 Air supply outlets - design development drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 1142 Diagrammatic ductwork plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1142 Typical bay dimension and geometry studies: Sections, elevations, details - design development drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 1142 Furniture and Interiors: Plans, sections, Sketch Perspectives - design development drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1145 Construction set reproduction masters (4 Oct 1957)): Dwg. Nos. A1-A37, AA1, AA2, S1-S18 - working drawings (reproductions) (57)
Project files
Box 94, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 94, Folder 2 Change orders
Box 94, Folder 3 Contracts - owner-architect agreement, contractor-owner agreement
Box 94, Folder 4 Correspondence: Associated architect (1956-1957) - Traynor and Hermanson, Architects
Box 94, Folder 5-7 Correspondence: Client (1956-1968) - St. John's Abbey and University
Box 94, Folder 8 Correspondence: Client (1957-1961) - Frank Kacmarcik
Box 95, Folder 9 Correspondence: Consultants (1954-1960) - consulting engineers Farkas Barron; Paul Weidlinger; Jaros, Baum Bolles; acoustical consultants
Box 95, Folder 10-11 Correspondence: Consultants (1957-1962) - Gausman Moore, Construction Engineers
Box 95, Folder 12 Correspondence: Consultants (1965-1968) - Instituto Internazionale di Arte Liturgica (International Institute of Liturgical Art)
Box 95, Folder 13 Correspondence: Consultants (1958-1963) - Wiesenfeld, Hayward, Leon, construction engineers
Box 95, Folder 14 Correspondence: Contractors (1958-1961) - Cold Spring Electric Co., electrical contractors
Box 95, Folder 15 Correspondence: Contractors (1958-1961) - McGough Construction Co., Inc., general contractor
Box 95, Folder 16-17 Correspondence: Contractors (1958-1959) - construction field reports
Box 95, Folder 18-19 Correspondence: Contractors (1959-1961) - McGough Construction Co. project reports
Box 96, Folder 20-21 Correspondence: Field office (1958-1962) - Val Michelson
Box 96, Folder 22 Correspondence: Insurance (1957) - M.W. Vandeputte Associates
Box 96, Folder 23 Correspondence: Legal (1960-1961) - Poletti and Freidin, attorneys
Box 96, Folder 24 Correspondence: Manufacturers - various suppliers and service providers
Box 96, Folder 25 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1956-1961) - Cold Spring Granite Co.
Box 96, Folder 26 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1953-1960) - I.T. Verdin Co. electric bells
Box 96, Folder 27 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1957-1961) - Century Lighting, Inc.
Box 96, Folder 28 Correspondence: Model (1957-1959) - fabrication and transportation of scale model
Box 96, Folder 29 Correspondence: Publicity
Box 96, Folder 30 Dedication Events (Aug 1961) - dedication and consecration events for the Abbey Church
Box 97, Folder 31-36 Financial records (1957-1968) - architectural invoices; budget documents; certificates of payment; consultant invoices; contract recapitulations; manufacturer invoices
Box 97, Folder 37 Office records I - Church Committee minutes
Box 97, Folder 38 Office records II - drawing keys
Box 97, Folder 39 Office records III - memoranda
Box 97, Folder 40 Office records IV - miscellaneous notes
Box 97, Folder 41 Office records V - office file with bound correspondence, notes, etc.
Box 97, Folder 42 Office records VI - project record book
Box 97, Folder 43 Office records VII - roof trusses file
Box 98, Folder 44 Product literature
Box 98, Folder 45 Promotional materials I - construction firm promotional materials
Box 98, Folder 46 Promotional materials II - St. John's University
Box 98, Folder 47 Research I - church fixtures, artwork, bells, etc.
Box 98, Folder 48 Research II - principles of sacred architecture; Benedictine practices
Box 98, Folder 49 Research III - religious art
Box 98, Folder 50 Research IV - religious buildings
Box 98, Folder 51 Specifications - miscellaneous equipment (organ, etc.), outline specifications for hexagonal windows, list of lighting fixtures specifications
Box 98, Folder 52 Studies I - structural safety of roof trusses
Box 98, Folder 53 Studies II - acoustic study
Box 98, Folder 54-56 Testing reports (1958-1961) - Twin City concrete compression tests
Box 99, Folder 57-59 Transmittals - assorted transmittal forms
Church sample wall monument
Box 99, Folder B1 Correspondence: Associated architects (1957-58) - Traynor and Hermanson, associated architects
Box 99, Folder B2 Correspondence: Client (1957) - St. John's Abbey and University
Box 99, Folder B3 Transmittals
Church artwork
Box 99, Folder C1 Correspondence: Client (1960) - St. John's Abbey and University
Box 99, Folder C2 Correspondence: Consultants (1960-1961) - artists for church
Box 99, Folder C3 Correspondence: Consultants (1957-1960) - Josef Albers
Box 99, Folder C4 Office records - artist list, church artworks inventory
Box 99, Folder C5 Promotional materials - work samples, solicitation letters
Box 99, Folder C6 Transmittals
Published material
Box 99, Folder 63 excerpt from Liturgical Arts - tear sheet, pg. 47
Box 99, Folder 63 "Local Man's Photographs On Display in Minneapolis," Bismarck Tribune (2 Dec 1961) - newspaper clipping
Box 99, Folder 63 "The Reality of a Dream," Liturgical Arts (Nov 1962) - reprint, 6 pgs.
Box 99, Folder 63 "St. John's Abbey Church- An Appraisal," Worship (Aug 1961 ) - proof, 2 pgs.
Photographs (78)
Box SL-6 Campanile [Slide 42] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Campanile [Slide 794] - model; color slide; duplicated of Slide 42 (1)
Box 99, Folder 61 Concrete and landscaping construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (6)
Box 99, Folder 61 Concrete exterior construction photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (21)
Box 99, Folder 61 Concrete interior construction photos - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Oversize 15 Elevation of model, preliminary scheme - model; copy negative (1)
Box 99, Folder 62 Elevations - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box SL-6 Exterior with campanile and honeycomb façade [Slide 149] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Floor plan [Slide 629] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Gardens [Slide 49] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box 99, Folder 61 Granite samples (Cold Spring Granite Co.) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (12)
Box SL-6 Model view, preliminary scheme [Slide 7] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Model view [Slide 122] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Perspective rendering of sanctuary interior [Slide 152] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Perspective rendering of campanile and façade [Slide 159] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Plan and elevation [Slide 632] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Plan diagrams [Slide 826] - drawings; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Rendered exterior perspective [Slide 148] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Sanctuary interior [Slide 46] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Sanctuary interior [Slide 48] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Sanctuary interior [Slide 50] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Sanctuary interior [Slide 51] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Sanctuary interior [Slide 147] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Side view of model [Slide 11] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Side view of model [Slide 13] - model; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Side view of model [Slide 795] - model; color slide (duplicate of Slide 11) (1)
Box SL-6 Site plan [Slide 631] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Stained glass [Slide 827] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Stained glass [Slide 828] - finished project, interior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 827) (1)
Box SL-6 Transverse and longitudinal sections [Slide 635] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Two rendered elevations [Slide 353] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide; both on single sheet (1)
Box SL-6 View from above into courtyard [Slide 150] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box 99, Folder 62 Views of balcony, sanctuary, baptistry - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box SL-6 View of model from above [Slide 603] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 View of wall with Inscription [Slide 153] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
SAINT JOHN'S HILL MONASTIC MANUSCRIPT LIBRARY, BUSH CENTER, Collegeville, MN (1973-1976). Hamilton P. Smith, Architect. [Library]
(Alternate names: Bush Center; Hill Museum and Manuscript Library (HMML); St. John's Hill Monastic Manuscript Library)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex.
Drawings (32)
Tube 1333 Construction set (28 Feb 1975) : Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A12); furniture (Dwg. Nos. F1-F2); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M3); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (21)
Tube 1333 SK drawings (Apr-Nov 1975): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK11 - working drawings (reproductions) (11)
Project files
Box 109, Folder 1 Contract - owner-architect agreement
Box 109, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architects (1974-1975) - Traynor, Hermanson, Kahn
Box 109, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (1973-1975) - St. John's University
Box 109, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (1974-1976) - Gausman and Moore, consulting engineers
Box 109, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (1974-1975) - George Waldenmayer, architectural specifications
Box 109, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (1974-1975) - Johnston-Sahlman Co., consulting engineers
Box 109, Folder 7 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1974-1975) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 109, Folder 8-10 Financial records - budget documents, grants and donors, insurance documents
Box 109, Folder 11-12 Office records - code requirements, computations and memoranda
Box 109, Folder 13 Product literature
Box 109, Folder 14 Program
Box 109, Folder 15 Specifications - specifications for mechanical work
Box 109, Folder 16-17 Testing reports - Soil Investigation Report; Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory
Box 109, Folder 18 Transmittals
Published material
Box 109, Folder 20 "MMML: A New Way to Preserve the Past," Saint John's (Fall 1970) - magazine, pgs. 28-33
Box 109, Folder 20 "Monastic Scholars Microfilming...Manuscripts" New York Times Paris Edition (21 Jan [circa 1970?]) - photocopy of newspaper article, 1 pg.
Photographs (3)
Box 109, Folder 19 Construction progress photographs of foundation - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
SAINT JOHN'S INSTITUTE FOR ECUMENICAL AND CULTURAL RESEARCH, Collegeville, MN (1965-1968). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Collegeville Institute; Ecumenical Center; St. John's Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex.
Drawings (109)
Box 108, Folder 24 Sketches for oak altar - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Box 108, Folder 25 Site sketch showing relation to main campus, construction phase schedule - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
Map-Case 122 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 17 x 28 in.) (1)
Tube 1339 Window opening details (29 Dec 1967) - working drawings (originals); 2 sheets (2)
Tube 1339 Furniture (Feb-Apr 1968): Desks (Dwg. Nos. D1, D2, D3), cabinets (Dwg. Nos. C1-C11), tables (Dwg. Nos. T1-T8A) and unnumbered sheet - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 1339 Site plan revisions (6 Sep 1967): Dwg. No. SK-001 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1339 Administrative building chapel (18 Oct 1967): Folding door details, bench and cabinet details - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1339 Ecumenical Center offices (28 Jul 1967): Dwg. No. A1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1339 Furniture plan (26 Feb-8 Mar 1968): Apartments (Dwg. Nos. C1/D1, C2/D2 and unnumbered) and building (A) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); also includes master sheets for each (8)
Tube 1339 Construction set (1 May 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A10 - working drawings (originals); includes duplicate A9 marked "void" (11)
Tube 1339 Construction set (1 May 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A11) - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 1339 Institute for Ecumenical Research (Jan 1967): Sheet Nos. 1-3 and rendering - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 3 prints (7)
Tube 1340 Design development drawings, sketches and prints - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes topo maps and surveys (some with annotations), floor plan studies, structural studies, administrative office building preliminary plan, site work and site plan revisions (38)
Project files
Box 108, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 108, Folder 2 Change orders
Box 108, Folder 3 Contract documents - Bulletin No. 1
Box 108, Folder 4 Correspondence: Client (1965-1968) - St. John's University
Box 108, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consultants (1966-1968) - Gausman and Moore, consulting engineers
Box 108, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (1966-1968) - E.C. Bather Assoc., surveying; Edward Zekala, architectural specifications
Box 108, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultants (1966-1967) - Johnston-Sahlman Co., consulting engineers
Box 108, Folder 8 Correspondence: Contractor (1967) - Cold Spring Electric Co.; Weidner's Plumbing Heating
Box 108, Folder 9 Correspondence: Contractor (1967-1968) - M.A. Mortenson Co., general contractor
Box 108, Folder 10 Correspondence: Field office (1967) - Norman Dorf
Box 108, Folder 11 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1966-1968) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 108, Folder 12 Dedication Events
Box 108, Folder 13-16 Financial records (1957-1968) - architectural invoices, breakdown of costs, estimates for partial payment, consultant invoices, insurance documents
Box 108, Folder 17-18 Office records - memoranda, daily construction reports, miscellaneous notes, office project file
Box 108, Folder 19 Product literature
Box 108, Folder 20 Specifications - cabinetwork
Box 108, Folder 21 Subcontractors - subcontractor list and approval forms
Box 108, Folder 22 Testing reports - Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory
Box 108, Folder 23 Transmittals
Photographs (4)
Box 108, Folder 25 Construction progress photos of foundation and sitework - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box 108, Folder 26 Partial view of a typical apartment - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
SAINT JOHN'S LIBRARY, Collegeville, MN (1960-1968). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Library]
(Alternate names: Alcuin Library; St. John's University Library; Tree column)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Bush Center.
Drawings (282)
Map-Case 122 Perspective rendering - design development drawings (originals); 19 x 21.5 in. (1)
Tube 1122 Tree column - presentation drawings (originals); presentation drawing created for 1972 exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1)
Tube 699 Occupancy and egress (20 Jan 1961): Dwg. Nos. O&E1-O&E4, A18 and O&E2 revised - working drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 699 Construction set (15 May 1964) (annotated prints): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A23); furniture (Dwg. Nos. F1-F6); landscaping (Dwg. No. L1) - working drawings (reproductions); F5 marked "Preliminary" (34)
Tube 1330 Construction set (15 May 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A23); furniture (Dwg. Nos. F1-F6); landscaping (Dwg. No. L1) - working drawings (originals); F5 marked "Preliminary" (35)
Tube 1331 Construction details (SK Set) (Mar 1964-Oct 1965): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK35, SK100-SK101 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; 33 originals and 9 prints (42)
Tube 1331 Occupancy and egress (Jan-Mar 1964): O&E1-O&E4 - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (4)
Tube 1332 Main circulation desk (4 Nov 1964) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print with catalog clippings of furnishing taped on (1)
Tube 1332 Design development sketches and drawings (Nov 1960-Feb 1965) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes circulation desk, reading and reference tables, interior furnishings and fittings, lighting, Ceiling plans, interior elevations, large and small auditorium rooms, window details, spiral staircase; 45 originals and 1 print (46)
Tube 1332 Design development set (circa Nov 1960): Dwg. Nos. D3-D44d - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes stair sections and details, interior elevations of glass pattern, interior elevations, wall sections (27)
Tube 1467 Tree column details (4 Oct 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK-1A, SK2-S, SK-4A, SK-6A - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1467 Tree column details (28 Sep 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK-1 to SK6 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1467 Tree column taper studies (30 Sep 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK8, SK10 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1467 Design development sketches and drawings: - design development drawings (originals); includes floor plan studies, elevation studies, wall sections, site plan, classroom plan, preliminary presentation section (44)
Tube 1467 Presentation sheet (3 Jun 1960): Main mall, library siting - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1467 Schematic floor plans, programming and site plan (17 Jun 1960): Cover sheet, Sheet Nos. 1-4 - presentation drawings (originals); includes multiple version of Sheet No. 2 (6)
Tube 1467 Presentation set (30 Aug 1960): Main floor, lower floor, partial cross section, lower floor (Sheet Nos. 1-4) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1467 Presentation sheet: Section showing tree column - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1467 Presentation set: Sheet Nos. 1-7 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 1467 Library Building (Oct 1964): Title sheet and reflected ceiling plan, site plan (Dwg. No. 1), upper floor (Dwg. No. 2), lower floor plan (Dwg. No. 3), mezzanine floor plan and construction plan (Dwg. No. 4), elevations and sections (Dwg. Nos. 5-6) - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Project files
Box 100, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 100, Folder 2 Change orders
Box 100, Folder 3 Contracts - owner-architect agreement (1960), owner-contractor agreement (1964)
Box 100, Folder 4 Correspondence: Associated architects (1964) - Hanson-Michelson, Architects
Box 100, Folder 5 Correspondence: Awards (1968) - AIA Library Building Awards Program
Box 100, Folder 6-10 Correspondence: Client (1959-1968) - St. John's University
Box 101, Folder 11-13 Correspondence: Consultants (1960-1966) - Gausman and Moore, construction engineers; Johnston-Sahlman Co., construction engineers; miscellaneous consultants
Box 101, Folder 14 Correspondence: Contractor (1964-1966) - Cold Spring Electric Co.
Box 101, Folder 15 Correspondence: Contractor (1964-1966) - Gunnar I. Johnson Son, Inc.
Box 101, Folder 16 Correspondence: Donors (1964) - Dr. James Kritzeck
Box 101, Folder 17 Correspondence: Field office (1965-1966) - David Vachon
Box 101, Folder 18 Correspondence: Grant (1965-1966) - Title 45 grant materials (Housing Home Finance Agency; Dept. of Health, Education Welfare)
Box 101, Folder 19 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1960-1965) - Cold Spring Granite Co.
Box 101, Folder 20 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1963) - Contract Interiors, Inc. (Library Reading Table)
Box 101, Folder 21 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1964) - Century Lighting
Box 101, Folder 22 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1960-1966) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 101, Folder 23-26 Financial records (1957-1968) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, consultant invoices, Housing and Home Finance Agency periodic estimates for partial payment
Box 102, Folder 27-30 Office records - St. John's University Building Committee meeting minutes, interoffice memoranda, miscellaneous notes, project records
Box 102, Folder 31 Product literature
Box 102, Folder 32 Program
Box 102, Folder 33 Specifications - specifications for furnishings and equipment
Box 102, Folder 34 Testing reports - Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory; Soil Exploration Co.
Box 102, Folder 35 Transmittals
Library ecumenical offices
Box 102, Folder 1B Correspondence: Client (1967) - St. John's University
Box 102, Folder 2B Correspondence: Consultants (1967) - Gausman and Moore, consulting engineers
Box 102, Folder 3B Correspondence: Contractor (1967) - M.A. Mortenson Co., general contractor
Box 102, Folder 4B-5B Financials (1957-1968) - architectural and consultant invoices
Box 102, Folder 6B Transmittals
Published material
Box 102, Folder 39 "A Pictorial Review of the New Library," The Off-Campus Record St. John's University (Winter 1965) - magazine, pg. 16
Photographs (51)
Box 102, Folder 38 Elevation view from the north - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 102, Folder 38 Exterior wall detail - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 102, Folder 37 Progress photos of façade construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (19)
Box 102, Folder 37 Progress photos of reading room and stacks - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (7)
Box 102, Folder 38 Tree column in main reading room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Library (SJL)" - color slides (21)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SAINT JOHN'S MONASTERY WING, Collegeville, MN (1953-1957). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Breuer Monastic Wing; Monastery Gardens; St. John's Monastery)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's Church and Campanile.
Drawings (243)
Oversize 15 Brothers' recreation room fireplace - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink, applied film and opaque white on illustration board, 15 x 20 in. (1)
Oversize 15 Fathers' recreation room fireplace - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink, applied film and opaque white on illustration board, 15 x 20 in.) (1)
Box 91, Folder 35 Preliminary plan of monastery gardens - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Box 91, Folder 36 SK drawings: Dwg. Nos. 70, 71 (3 copies), 72, 75, 77, 81, 84, 95B, 1 unnumbered - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 701 SK Set: Details and alternate layout schemes (Dwg. Nos. 1-94 - working drawings (originals); incomplete (72)
Tube 1135 Presentation set: Floor plans at three Levels (Sheet Nos.1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1135 Furniture and cabinetry for Abbot's chapel (15-21 Feb 1956): Sheets C1-C3 and F7 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1135 Construction set (28 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A25) - working drawings (originals) (25)
Tube 1136 Construction set (28 May 1954- 20 Sep 1954): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S9); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4); plumbing (Dwg. No. P6); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. SM0, M1-M4) - working drawings (originals) (19)
Tube 1123 Sketch survey of existing building with colored differentiation of elevation zones - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 1123 Counter proposal for monastery wing with multiple variations - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1123 Construction details (Aug 1953- Feb 1955): Door schedule; preliminary wall sections and photo-mural mounting panels; furniture layouts for various monastery wing rooms; bench design - working drawings (originals) (25)
Tube 1123 Landscaping (Dwg. Nos. L1-L2) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 255 Construction set (28 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A25) - working drawings (reproductions) (25)
Tube 254 Construction set (28 May 1954): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S9); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P2-P6); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M0-M4); heating and ventilating (Dwg. Nos. H1-H8); door location plans and schedules (Dwg. Nos. A-2 to A-6, A-16) - working drawings (reproductions) (37)
Tube 253 Construction set (28 May 1954) (print set): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A-4 to A-18 - working drawings (reproductions); incomplete (12)
Tube 253 Third floor heating and ventilating plan - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 90, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architects (1954-1956) - Traynor and Hermanson, associated architects
Box 90, Folder 3-6 Correspondence: Client (1953-1957) - St. John's Abbey personnel, including Fr. Meinberg, Fr. Eidenschink, Rt. Rev. Dworschak (Abbot), Frank Karmarcik
Box 90, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultant (1955) - Josef Albers
Box 90, Folder 8 Correspondence: Consultant (1954) - Cowin Co., Inc.
Box 90, Folder 9 Correspondence: Consultant (1954) - Farkas and Barron, structural engineers
Box 91, Folder 19-23 Financial records - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, consultant invoices
Box 91, Folder 24 Negatives for photomurals
Box 91, Folder 25-27 Office records - project memoranda, scale model, travel documents
Box 91, Folder 28 Program
Box 91, Folder 29 Specifications - general specifications
Box 91, Folder 30-34 Transmittals - Covin Co., Inc.
Photographs (16)
Box SL-6 Abbot's office [Slide 640] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Brothers' chapel [Slide 641] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 91, Folder 37 Brothers' recreation room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-6 End wall [Slide 47] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Exterior view [Slide 10] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Exterior view [Slide 147] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Exterior view [Slide 156] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Group of monks with monastery building in background [Slide 155] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Monastic cell [Slide 636] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-6 Partial elevation [Slide 602] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 Plan [Slide 9] - drawings, plan; color slide (1)
Box SL-6 View at a distance with site context [Slide 151] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Monastery (SJM)" - color slides (4)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SAINT JOHN'S RESIDENCE HALL I, Collegeville, MN (1957-1963). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith, Associate. [Educational]
(Alternate names: St. John's Residence Hall I; Saint John's University; Saint Thomas Aquinas Hall; St. Thomas Hall)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's Residence Hall II .
Drawings (124)
Tube 1337 Construction set (4 Feb 1958): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A19); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S6) - working drawings (originals) (25)
Tube 262 Construction set [4 Feb 1958]: Architectural (title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A2-A5, A7-A19); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S6); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M9); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints, some with sketches on back of sheets (37)
Tube 262 SK set (Feb 1958-Mar 1961): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. SKA2-SKA4, SKA6-SKA9); structural (Dwg. Nos. SKS1-SKS3); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. SKM1-SKM2); electrical (Dwg. Nos. SKEM-3RJ); Dwg. Nos. SKLU1 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (14)
Tube 261 Construction set (4 Feb 1958): Mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M9); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 1338 SK drawings and miscellaneous Details (Feb-Oct 1958): Dwg. Nos. SK1, SKA1-SKA12, SKS1-SKS3, Painting 1-2, Special Issue (P1), SKM1 and unnumbered - working drawings (originals); SKA set is incomplete (19)
Tube 1338 Furniture (Mar 1958-Mar 1959): Dwg. Nos. F1A, F2, F2A, F3A, F3a, F3b - working drawings (originals); 2 copies of F2 (8)
Tube 1338 Dwg. No. A8 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1338 Site plan - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1338 Student residence hall: Photo murals (22 Jun 1959): Dwg. Nos. PM1-PM3 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 3 originals and 3 prints (6)
Project files
Box 92, Folder 1 Bid documents: Furnishings
Box 92, Folder 2 Change orders
Box 92, Folder 3 Correspondence: Associated architects (1957-1958) - Traynor and Hermanson, Associated Architects
Box 92, Folder 4-5 Correspondence: Client (1957-1963) - St. John's University
Box 92, Folder 6 Correspondence: Consultants (1957-1960) - Gausman and Moore, construction engineers
Box 92, Folder 7 Correspondence: Consultants (1957-1963) - Wiesenfeld, Hayward and Leon, construction engineers
Box 92, Folder 8 Correspondence: Contractor (1958-1959) - Maurice Mandel, Inc.
Box 92, Folder 9 Correspondence: Financing (1958-1959) - Housing Home Finance Agency
Box 92, Folder 10 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1958-1961) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 92, Folder 11 Correspondence: Publicity
Box 92, Folder 12 Correspondence: Regulatory Agencies (1957-1960) - Minnesota State Fire Marshall, Dept. of Health, Industrial Commission of Minnesota
Box 93, Folder 13-16 Financial records - architectural invoices, consultant invoices, periodic estimates and construction reports, insurance documents
Box 93, Folder 17-20 Office records - Housing and Home Finance Agency office file; internal correspondence with field office (Val Michelson); project memoranda; travel documents
Box 93, Folder 21-23 Specifications - furnishings proposals; furniture schedules; specifications for transformer installation
Box 93, Folder 24-25 Testing reports - foundation investigation; Twin City Testing Laboratory concrete compression tests and cement reports
Box 93, Folder 26 Transmittals
Published material
Box 93, Folder 28 "About 500 Persons Attended the Dedication... ," The Record (Aug 1959) - newspaper clipping
Box 93, Folder 28 "Aquinas Hall to be Dedicated Aug. 9," The Record (24 Jul 1959) - newspaper clipping
Box 93, Folder 28 "Brothers Fashion New Desks," The Record (27 Feb 1959) - newspaper clipping
Box 93, Folder 28 "Johnnies Enjoy Plush Quarters," (25 Sep 1959) - newspaper clipping
Box 93, Folder 28 "New Church, St. Thomas Hall Ahead of Schedule," The Record (10 Oct 1958) - newspaper clipping
Box 93, Folder 28 "Thomas Hall at Night," The Record (23 Oct 1959) - newspaper clipping; photograph with caption
Photographs (39)
Box 93, Folder 27 Construction photos - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; prints and negatives (19)
Box 93, Folder 27 Images for photomural - art work, detail; negatives (10)
Box 93, Folder 27 View of two elevations - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Residence Hall (SJR) I" - color slides (9)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SAINT JOHN'S RESIDENCE HALL II, Collegeville, MN (1961-1968). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Saint Bernard Hall; Saint Boniface Hall; St. John's Residence Hall II; Saint John's University; Saint Patrick Hall)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex; Saint John's Residence Hall I.
Drawings (230)
Map-Case 115, Folder 3 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 12 x 28 in. (1)
Box 106, Folder 35 Detail for etched emblems in glass panels: Dwg. No. SK A-4 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Box 106, Folder 35 Furniture: Dwg. Nos. F2-F8A - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (10)
Tube 1356 Construction set (15 Feb 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A21) - working drawings (originals) (22)
Tube 259 Construction set (15 Feb 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A20); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E9, A9); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M11, A9) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "bid set"; annotated prints (42)
Tube 260 Construction set (15 Feb 1966): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A20); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S7); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E9); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M11) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "revised bid set"; annotated prints (47)
Tube 694 Proposed student residence hall (Aug-Sep 1965): Dwg. Nos. H1-H3 - presentation drawings (originals); H1 marked "void" (4)
Tube 694 Window panel and interior elevation of typical bedroom exterior wall (10 Dec 1965): Dwg. No. SK1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 694 Miscellaneous design development drawings and sketches (Jul-Aug 1965) - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 694 Schematic west elevation rendering - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 694 Site plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1493 Miscellaneous construction sheets (A0, A2-A5, A7-A9) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (16)
Tube 1493 Bid Sheet (Mar 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); 2 sheets (2)
Tube 1493 Student Dormitory Development Study (3 Sep 1965) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (1)
Tube 1493-1494 Design development drawings, sketches and annotated prints (Oct 1965-Apr 1967) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, elevation and facade studies, pre-cast concrete panels, cafeteria plan, interior cabinets and furniture; 58 originals and 13 prints (71)
Project files
Box 105, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 105, Folder 2 Change orders
Box 105, Folder 3-4 Correspondence: Client (1961-1968) - St. John's University
Box 105, Folder 5-8 Correspondence: Consultants (1965-1968) - Edward Zekala, architectural specifications; Gausman and Moore, consulting engineers; Johnston-Sahlman Co., consulting engineers; various consultants
Box 105, Folder 9-11 Correspondence: Contractors (1966-1968) - M.A. Mortenson Co., general contractor; Knapp Plumbing Heating, Inc.; Cold Spring Electric Co.
Box 105, Folder 12 Correspondence: Field office (1966-1967) - Norman Dorf, David Vachon, Noel Jones (Field Engineer)
Box 105, Folder 13 Correspondence: Grant (1966) - Dept. of Housing Urban Development application materials, HHFA Periodic Inspection Reports
Box 105, Folder 14-15 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1965-1967) - various suppliers and service providers; Cold Spring Granite Co.
Box 105, Folder 16 Correspondence: Regulatory agencies (1966) - Minnesota fire marshall
Box 106, Folder 17-23 Financial records (1957-1968) - architectural invoices; building costs; certificates of payment; consultant invoices; insurance certificate
Box 106, Folder 24-25 Office records - field office expenses, memoranda
Box 106, Folder 26 Program - program-area analysis
Box 106, Folder 27 Punch lists
Box 106, Folder 28 Site certificate - includes site survey
Box 106, Folder 29 Specifications - preliminary specification for mechanical utilities work, furnishing specifications
Box 106, Folder 30 Testing reports - Soil Exploration Co.
Box 106, Folder 31-32 Transmittals
Photographs (18)
Box 106, Folder 33 Façade construction photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (14)
Box 106, Folder 33 Stair railing installation - construction, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 106, Folder 34 Views of facades and close-ups - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
SAINT JOHN'S SCIENCE BUILDING, Collegeville, MN (1962-1968). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Peter Engel Science Center; Saint John's University; Science Center)
See also Saint John's Abbey and University Complex.
Drawings (377)
Tube 257 Construction set (1 Mar 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A27) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (28)
Tube 257 Construction set (1 Mar 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A24-A27) - working drawings (reproductions); prints of revised sheets (4)
Tube 257 Occupancy and egress set (13 Nov 1964) - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1334 Construction set (1 Mar 1965): Architectural (A0-A21, A23-A27) - working drawings (originals) (27)
Tube 1334 Test boring and survey data (6 Jul 1964) - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 1335 SK drawing set (Sep 1964-Jan 1965): SK1-SK100 - design development drawings (originals); incomplete (40)
Tube 1335 SK-D (13 Jan 1964) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1335 SK-B-1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1335 SK architectural set (Aug 1965-Oct 1965): SK-A-1 to SK-A-19 and unnumbered - design development drawings (originals) (28)
Tube 1336 Architect's report (Aug 1964): Sheets 1-9 - presentation drawings (reproductions); 1 set negative photostats, 1 set positive photostats (18)
Tube 1336 Presentation set (Aug 1964): Site plan, floor plans, elevations, sections, auditorium sections (Sheet Nos. 1-8) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 complete set and 2 duplicate sets without Sheet No. 8 (22)
Tube 1462 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes sketch renderings, elevation studies, plan studies, auditorium plans and interior elevations, building sections (57)
Tube 1463 Preliminary HVAC Plans (29 Jun 1964) (Gausman and Moore): Dwg. No. SK-—1 to SK-—4 - consultant drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1463 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes perspective renderings, window details, plan studies, lab plans, early sketches (before 13 Apr 1964) (28)
Tube 1463 Preliminary scheme (9 Apr 1964) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 4 annotated prints (5)
Tube 1463 Preliminary scheme (13 Apr 1964) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 annotated print (2)
Tube 1463 Space use diagram (11 May 1961) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1463 Comparative schemes (11 May 1964) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964): Floor plans and elevations (Dwg. Nos. 2-7) - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964, date stamped 11 May 1964): Dwg. Nos. 2-6 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964, date stamped 6 May-27 May 1964): Dwg. Nos. 1-7 - design development drawings (reproductions); marked as "office set"; annotated prints (8)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964, date stamped 27 May 1964): Dwg. Nos. 2-7 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (6)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964, date stamped 5 Aug 1964): Dwg. Nos. 3, 6 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 1463 Preliminary plans (11 May 1964, date stamped 21 Aug 1964): Dwg. Nos. 2-5 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (4)
Tube 1463 Space Allocation Diagram (Mar 1964) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1463 Rendering - design development drawings (reproductions); photostats, multiple copies (3)
Tube 1464 Design development and preliminary working drawings: - design development drawings (originals); includes site work, elevation studies, plan studies, window details, structural studies, auditorium plans and interior elevations, concrete details (66)
Project files
Box 103, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 103, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (1964-1967) - St. John's University
Box 103, Folder 4-8 Correspondence: Consultants (1964-1967) - Gausman and Moore, Inc., consulting engineers; Goodfriend-Ostergaard Associates, consulting acoustical engineers; Johnston-Sahlman, consulting engineers; Edward Zekala, architectural specifications
Box 103, Folder 9-11 Correspondence: Contractor (1965-1968) - Gunnar I. Johnson Sons, Inc.
Box 104, Folder 12 Correspondence: Field office (1965-1967) - David Vachon
Box 104, Folder 13 Correspondence: Grant (1962-1968) - Title 45 application materials
Box 104, Folder 14-15 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1964-1967) - various suppliers and service providers; Cold Spring Granite Co.
Box 104, Folder 16 Correspondence: Publicity (1967)
Box 104, Folder 17 Correspondence: Regulatory agencies (1964-1966) - Minnesota State Fire Marshall, Minnesota Dept. of Health
Box 104, Folder 18 Grant documents - Title 45 application supporting materials
Box 104, Folder 19 Financial records - insurance documents
Box 104, Folder 20 Office records - memoranda, Building Committee meeting minutes, interoffice memoranda
Box 104, Folder 21 Product literature
Box 104, Folder 22 Program
Box 104, Folder 23 Promotional materials - "Proposed Science Hall for St. John's University, Collegeville, Minnesota"
Box 104, Folder 24 Specifications - furniture, book stack specifications, addendum for electrical work
Box 104, Folder 25 Testing reports - Soil Exploration Co.
Box 104, Folder 26 Transmittals
Published material
Box 104, Folder 29 "The New Science Center," The Off-Campus Record (Spring 1967) - magazine, pgs. 7-9
Photographs (9)
Box 104, Folder 28 Science Hall and Library elevations - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 104, Folder 28 Science Hall stair detail - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 104, Folder 28 View of Science Hall façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "St. John's Science Hall (SJS)" - color slides (5)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SANDOR HOUSE, Mamaroneck, NY (1948) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Project files
Box 88, Folder 23 Correspondence: Client (Jan 1948-Jun 1948) - includes drawings from client
Box 88, Folder 23 Contract (4 Feb 1948)
Photographs (8)
Box 88, Folder 23 Existing site photos - site/landscape, exterior view; black and white photographs (8)
SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE, ART CENTER, Bronxville, NY (1950-1958). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Charles R. DeCarlo Performing Arts Center)
Drawings (140)
Map-Case 122, Folder 1 Perspective rendering of experimental theatre for 500 - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on paper, 19.75 x 28 in.) (1)
Tube 1079 Design development drawings and sketches for auditorium, dance studio, bookstore/music dept. and snack bar ( 1950-1951): - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary sketches and drawings; plan revisions, details and studies; structural investigations and preliminary designs; preliminary site work, site survey, topo map, boring plan and site layout revisions (34)
Tube 1079 Auditorium, preliminary set (12 Jun 1951-25 Jul 1951): Dwg. Nos.1A-7C - design development drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1079 Preliminary plans (20 Sep 1950-15 Nov 1950): Schematics 1-4 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1080 Construction set (Jun 1951-Feb 1954): Architectural (Drawings Nos. 1-26); structural (Dwg. Nos. S-1 to S-6) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (40)
Tube 1081 Construction set (Sep 1951-Aug 1952): Heating and ventilation (H&V-1 to H&V-4); electrical (E-1 to E-4); plumbing (P-1 to P-2, HP-1); furniture plan (2F) - working drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1081 Detail sketches and drawings: Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK9 and unnumbered - working drawings (originals); includes auditorium chairs, furniture designs, structural details and engineers' drawings (33)
Tube 1081 Bates Assembly Room (19 Aug 1952): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 and unnumbered plan - working drawings (originals) (3)
Project files
Box 88, Folder 24 Correspondence: Client (1951, 1958)
Published material
Box 88, Folder 25 "Complete Plans for New Building," Campus (31 Jan 1951) - newspaper clipping
Box 88, Folder 25 Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine (Feb 1951) - magazine, multiple articles in issue
Box 88, Folder 25 Sarah Lawrence Alumnae Magazine (Jan 1953) - magazine, multiple articles in issue
Box 88, Folder 25 "Theater Arts Center" Architectural Forum (Dec 1952) - tear sheet, pgs. 134-140
Photographs (37)
Box SL-7 Auditorium and Light Gallery [Slide 375] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 Auditorium chairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 Auditorium chairs - finished project, interior view; copy negative (1)
Box SL-7 Auditorium chairs [Slide 102] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Auditorium chairs [Slide 371] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Balustrade [Slide 559] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 Dance studio - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Dance studio [Slide 561] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Detail of acoustical wall treatment [Slide 560] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 East and west elevations - drawings, elevations; photostat (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 East elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation with entrance [Slide 556] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 2 Entrance foyer - finished project, interior view; production image (1)
Box SL-7 Entrance foyer [Slide 100] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Entrance hall and staircase [Slide 71] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 2 Entrance to lounge - finished project, exterior view; production image (1)
Box SL-7 Entrance to lounge [Slide 166] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Façade [Slide 557] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Façade [Slide 558] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Lounge with fireplace [Slide 162] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Lounge with fireplace [Slide 163] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Lower level plan, 2 diagrams [Slide 130] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 Portion of south elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Portion of south elevation [Slide 368] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Section through auditorium [Slide 164] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Side elevation [Slide 757] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Terrace off south side of building [Slide 369] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Upper level plan [Slide 111] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 View from the southeast - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 88, Folder 26 View from the southeast - finished project, exterior view; color negatives (1)
Box SL-7 View from the southeast [Slide 165] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southeast [Slide 796] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of building façade [Slide 555] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of and elevation at a Distance [Slide 763] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16, Folder 2 View of landscaping brick, fieldstone walls and walk - finished project, exterior view; production image (1)
Box SL-7 View of landscaping brick and fieldstone walls [Slide 554] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 West elevation [Slide 370] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
SARGET-AMBRINE, HEADQUARTERS AND PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES, Merignac, France (1964-1972). Marcel Breuer and Robert F.Gatje, Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: Sarget I.)
See also Sarget-Ambrine, Headquarters and Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Expansion (Sarget II).
Drawings (1)
Map-Case 112, Folder 7 Perspective rendering (Jan 1966) (Pierre Lutz, artist - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 12 x 17 in. (1)
Project files
Box 140, Folder 1 Contracts (1965)
Box 140, Folder 2 Correspondence: Architects (1965-1967)
Box 140, Folder 3 Correspondence: Associated architect (1966-1969) - Eric Cercler
Box 140, Folder 4 Correspondence: Clients (1966-1968) - Dr. Mortimer Sackler, George Negrevergne
Box 140, Folder 5 Correspondence: Consulting architect (1965-1969) - Jack Freidin
Box 140, Folder 6 Correspondence: Local architect (1965-1966) - Paul Daurel
Box 140, Folder 7 Correspondence: Miscellaneous (1966-1972)
Box 140, Folder 8 Correspondence: Publicists and suppliers (1966-1967)
Box 140, Folder 9 Drawings, notes and sketches (1965-1966)
Box 140, Folder 10 Financial documents (1966-1968)
Box 140, Folder 12 Product literature (1964-1967)
Box 140, Folder 13 Reports (1965-1969)
Box 140, Folder 14 Transmittals (1965-1971)
Photographs (30)
Box 140, Folder 11 Aerial photographs - finished project, detail; black and white photographs (2)
Box 140, Folder 11 Concrete facades of office and manufacturing wings - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 140, Folder 11 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Façade - finished project, detail; color photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Manufacturing wing - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Night view of manufacturing wing seen under administration wing - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Office wing and reflecting pool - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Office wing with tree columns in the foreground - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 140, Folder 11 Photos not chosen for presentation book - finished project, detail; photocopies (15)
Box 140, Folder 11 Progress photos from site visit - construction, exterior view; black and white photograph; proof sheet of 12 photos (1)
SARGET-AMBRINE, HEADQUARTERS AND PHARMACEUTICAL LABORATORIES, EXPANSION (SARGET II), Merignac, France (1967-1975). Marcel Breuer, Robert F. Gatje and Mario Jossa, Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: Sarget II)
Project files
Box 140, Folder 15 Correspondence: Architects (1967-1975)
Box 140, Folder 16 Correspondence: Clients (1967-1973) - Dr. Mortimer Sackler, George Negrevergne
Box 140, Folder 17 Drawings and sketches (1967-1972)
Box 140, Folder 18 Financial documents and report (1970-1971)
Photographs (12)
Box 140, Folder 19 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (12)
SCARVES BY VERA, SHOWROOM, 417 5th Avenue, 5th floor, New York, NY (1952-1974). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
Drawings (162)
Tube 1476 Design development drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes interior elevations and perspectives (2)
Tube 1476 Furniture layout (24 Mar 1952) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Construction set (2 Apr-12 May 1952): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1476 Structural plan (9 Apr 1952) (M&R Engineering) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1476 Wall cabinet for Mr. Hamm's office (4 Feb 1953) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Additions to present showroom (29 Apr 1954): Dwg. No. 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Movable display Unit (17 May 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Interior details (11 Aug 1954) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Details of new screen in stockroom (13 May 1955) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1476 Construction set (5 May 1956): Alterations of office space (Dwg. Nos. 1-2) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original set and 1 set of prints (4)
Tube 1479 Construction set (26 Jan 1965) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (24)
Tube 1479 Construction set (26 Jan 1965) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "bid set"; annotated prints (9)
Tube 1480 Construction set (26 Jan 1965): Dwg. Nos. A1B-21, P1, R, FB and air conditioning layout - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 25 originals and 2 prints (27)
Tube 1480 SK drawing set (circa May 1965) - working drawings (originals) (22)
Tube 1482 Construction set (21 May 1973): Dwg. Nos. A1-A7, F1-F5, E1 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 11 originals and 2 prints (13)
Tube 1482 Dwg. No. FB - working drawings (reproductions); large format film negative (1)
Tube 1482 Schematic design presentation (1973): Dwg. Nos. 1-2 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 4 prints (6)
Tube 1482 Lighting plan (Jul 1973) (M.R.C.) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 3 prints (4)
Tube 1482 Preliminary floor plan - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1482 Design development sketches and drawings (circa Mar 1973-Apr 1973): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK10 and unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes floor plan studies, interior elevations and perspectives, program analysis and space diagrams, display boutique, sign and logo designs, miscellaneous details (39)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 17A Correspondence (1973-1974)
Box 127, Folder 17B Specifications and schedules (1965, 1973) - outline specifications: basic construction (26 Jan 1965); addendum to outline specifications (2 Feb 1965); finish schedule (1 Apr 1965); Vera '73 addendum no. 1 (23 Aug 1973)
Published material
Box 127, Folder 17C "Designer Vera: She Started a 20-Million-Dollar Business on a Kitchen Table," Family Circle (May 1974) - tear sheet, 6 pgs.
Photographs (1)
Box 127, Folder 17D New York showroom (circa 1952) - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
SCARVES BY VERA, WAREHOUSE, 6th Avenue and 19th Street, New York, NY (1961). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
Drawings (15)
Tube 1477 Construction set (Dec 1961): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1477 Construction set (Dec 1961): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; multiples of some sheets (5)
Tube 1477 Design development sheets: Plan studies - design development drawings (originals) (7)
SCARVES BY VERA, SHOWROOM, 112 W. 9th Street, Los Angeles, CA (1961). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
Drawings (18)
Tube 1478 Construction set (Nov-Dec 1961): Dwg. Nos. 1-9 - working drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1478 Interior details (Nov-Dec 1961) - working drawings (originals) (9)
SCARVES BY VERA, SHOWROOM, 1411 Broadway, 29th floor, New York, NY (1968-1970). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
Drawings (73)
Tube 1481 Existing conditions: Architectural, structural, plumbing and electrical - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (16)
Tube 1481 Construction set (10 Jan 1969): Dwg. Nos. A1-A4 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 2 annotated prints (6)
Tube 1481 Preliminary plans (16 Sep 1968): Dwg. Nos. 1-5 - design development drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of set; annotated prints (19)
Tube 1481 Design development sketches, drawings and annotated prints (Jun 1968-Feb 1970) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes floor plan studies, furniture plans, interior elevations and perspectives, reflected ceiling and lighting plans, Y-shaped display stands; 28 originals and 4 prints (32)
SCHMIDT APARTMENT, New York, NY (1967-1973). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Interior]
(Alternate names: 120 East End Avenue; Benno Schmidt's Apartment)
Drawings (40)
Tube 584 Closet sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 584 General information (16 Apr 1968) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 2 prints (3)
Tube 584 Working drawings (1 Apr 1968): 9th floor plan, 10th floor plan, sections (2), detail revisions (3) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 4 originals and 10 prints (14)
Tube 584 Working drawings (1 Apr 1973): 9th floor plan, 10th floor plan, sections (2), detail revisions (3) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 3 originals and 1 print (4)
Tube 584 Preliminary room dimensioning - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 584 Doorway to stair on 9th floor, plan and elevation (18 Jul 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 584 Cabinet and shelf specifications (2 Aug 1968) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); one print addressed to Mrs. Schmidt; 1 original and 3 prints (4)
Tube 584 Various details - design development drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 584 Steel stair specifications (11 Jul 1968) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 584 Typical floor plan - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 584 Stair section and plan (4 Oct 1967) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 584 Plan and section of servants' corridor - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 129, Folder 16 Building permits (1968)
Box 129, Folder 17 Correspondence: Contractor (1968) - Koren-DiResta Construction
Box 129, Folder 18 Notes and addresses
Box 129, Folder 19 Outline specifications (1968)
Box 129, Folder 20 Transmittals (1968)
SCHMITT COTTAGE, Windelsham-Sunningdale, England (1929, 1936-1937). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Vine Cottage)
Drawings (7)
Box 120, Folder 30 Rough sketches: Floor plans and furniture - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Oversize 3 Schmidt London Tischplatte (Nr. 75) [Leaf 63] (25 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 30 Correspondence, quotes and invoices
SCHNEIDER HOUSE, Wiesbaden, Germany (1929) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Haus sch.)
Photographs (5)
Box 119, Folder 26 North elevation - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Plans of four levels [Slide 406] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Plans, sections, elevations, isometric [Slide 419] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Rear view of model [Slide 727] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of elevation and projecting terrace [Slide 407] - model; black and white slide (1)
SCOTT HOUSE, Dennis, MA (1947-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (30)
Box 51 Project sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Box 51 Murphy Cabranette - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 588 Plan of land in Dennis (Jul 1941) - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Topographical plan (Jul 1947) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 588 Preliminary plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 588 Presentation plan (Nov 1947) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Column detail (11 Mar 1949): Dwg. No. 112 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Terrace furniture details (5 Aug 1948): Dwg. No. 110 - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 588 Outdoor fireplace (21 Jul 1948): Dwg. No. S-1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Construction set (20 Nov 1947-31 Jan 1949): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 101); main floor plan (Dwg. No. 102); elevations (Dwg. No. 103); framing plan and detail elevations (Dwg. No. 104); details (Dwg. No. 105); fireplace details and mill work (Dwg. No. 106); dormitory details (Dwg. No. 107); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 108); interior details (Dwg. No. 109); grading plan (Dwg. No. 110); master bedroom details (Dwg. No. 111); heating main house plan and details (Dwg. No. H-1-0); electrical (Dwg. No. 102-E) - working drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 588 Construction set (18 Dec 1947-8 Jul 1948): Elevations (Dwg. No. 103); framing plan and detail elevations (Dwg. No. 104); fireplace details and mill work (Dwg. No. 106); grading plan (Dwg. No. 110); electrical (Dwg. No. 102-E) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Project files
Box 51, Folder 1 Contracts - architect-owner contract, contractor contract letter
Box 51, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (1947-1952)
Box 51, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (1947-1949) - Benjamin Spivak, consulting engineer; Arthur Sparrow, Civil Engineer
Box 51, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractor (1947-1949) - William T. Nickerson
Box 51, Folder 6 Correspondence: Manufacturers
Box 51, Folder 7 Correspondence: Publicity
Box 51, Folder 8-9 Financial records (1947-1949) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, bank correspondence
Box 51, Folder 10 Office records - miscellaneous notes
Box 51, Folder 11 Product literature
Box 51, Folder 12 Specifications and schedules - draft specifications, lighting fixture schedule, hardware schedule, plumbing specifications
Box 51, Folder 13 Structural computations
Photographs (25)
Box SL-14 Dormitory-garage wing: North elevation [Roll 4, Frame 16] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Dormitory-garage wing: West elevation [Roll 4, Frames 6-11] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (6)
Box SL-14 Main house: East elevation [Roll 4, Frame 15] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Main house: East elevation at Corner [Roll 4, Frame 12] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Main house: North elevation [Roll 4, Frames 4-5] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Main house: South elevation [Roll 4, Frames 17-18] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Main house: View along north elevation [Roll 4, Frames 13-14] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Main house: View of terrace [Roll 4, Frames 1-3] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 Model [Roll 12, Frames 1-7] - model; negatives (7)
SCOTT HOUSE, ADDITION, Dennis, MA (1958-1959, 1964). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (19)
Tube 588 Perspective sketches: Sketch 1-3 - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 588 Topographical plan (15 Aug 1958) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 588 Preliminary (25 Jul 1958): Plan and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Preliminary (1 Aug 1958): Plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Pre-working drawing (7 Aug 1958): Kitchen plan and court elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 588 Landscape plan - working drawings (reproductions); hand-colored print (1)
Tube 588 Landscape planting and features (15 Oct 1958) (Dan Kiley) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 588 Landscape set (4 Oct 1958-29 Apr 1959): Landscape plan and details (Dwg. No. L-1); plumbing and lighting plan. details of fittings (Dwg. No. 2); lighting and plumbing (Dwg. No. 2A) - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 588 Construction set (26 Aug 1958-28 Oct 1958): Foundation plan, framing plan, floor plan, details (Dwg. No. 1); elevations. vertical sections (Dwg. No. 2); window details (Dwg. No. 3); electrical plan and details (Dwg. No. 4); kitchen plan & elevations. kitchen cabinet work details (Dwg. No. 5); dining room closet and living room book shelf elevations & details (Dwg. No. 6); open passage details (Dwg. No. 7) - working drawings (originals) (7)
Project files
Box 51, Folder 14 Correspondence: Client (1958-1959, 1964) - Stuart and Katie Scott
Box 51, Folder 15 Correspondence: Consultants I (1958-1959) - Dan Kiley, site/landscaping engineer
Box 51, Folder 16 Correspondence: Consultants II (1958) - Jaros, Baum and Bolles, consulting engineers
Box 51, Folder 17 Correspondence: Contractor I (1958) - Ernest Rose
Box 51, Folder 18 Correspondence: Contractor II (1958) - Wilfred Trahan, heating and plumbing
Box 51, Folder 19-24 Financial records - architectural invoices, bank correspondence, breakdown of building costs, certificates of payment, consultant and supplier invoices
Box 51, Folder 25 Office records - memoranda and sketches (living room layout and heating system)
Box 51, Folder 26 Specifications and schedules - hardware schedule
SEVENTY SQUARE METER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: 70 m2 apartment)
See also Bauausstellung.
Drawings (1)
Map-Case 75 70 m2 Wohnung (Nr. 418) [Leaf 350a] (19 Mar 1931) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (5)
Box 119, Folder 27 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Bedroom with floor plan [Slide 739] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 27 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Living room [Slide 93] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 119, Folder 27 Plan - drawings; black and white photograph (1)
SINGER APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (5)
Oversize 4 Grundriss Grolmannstr. 29 (Nr. 388) [Leaf 320] (5 Nov 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Spiegel (Nr. 389) [Leaf 321] (11 Nov 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 4 Ankleideschränke (Nr. 390) [Leaf 322] (11 Nov 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Esszimmer (Nr. 392) [Leaf 323] (12 Nov 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Betten (Nr. 393) [Leaf 324] (13 Nov 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
SIXTY STATE STREET, Boston, MA (1969-1971) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: 60 State Street)
Drawings (347)
Tube 1413-1414 Design development drawings and sketches (Dec 1970-Jun 1971): SK1-SK104 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; includes plan studies, preliminary site plans, wall sections, steelwork and structural details, precast panels, preliminary plaza plan, window details, elevation studies, preliminary core studies, building sections, structural system diagram, precast panel types; 68 originals and 31 prints (99)
Tube 1411 Design development drawings and sketches (SK drawings) (Jul 1970) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes panel details, top of building studies, plan studies, preliminary site plan, module studies (30)
Tube 1411 Scheme A (8 Sep 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1411 Scheme A revised (30 Oct 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1411 Scheme A revised 90'R (Nov 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1411 Scheme AA (9 Dec 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1411 Scheme AA revised (20 Feb 1970) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1411 Scheme B (8 Sep 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1411 Scheme C (8 Sep 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1411 Scheme C-1 (22 May 1970) - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1411 Scheme D (30 Oct 1969) - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1411 Scheme D revised (20 Feb 1970) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1411 Scheme E (2 Jul 1970): Sheet Nos. 1-4 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1411 Scheme E-1 (17 Jul 1970): Sheet Nos. 2, 4-5 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1412 Schematic design (2 Nov 1970): Dwg. Nos. SD1-SD6, SD8-SD28, SD30-SD39 - design development drawings (originals) (37)
Tube 1415 Presentation set (16 Feb 1971): Site plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1F, 3F, 4F-7F) - presentation drawings (originals); some with annotations (6)
Tube 1415 Presentation set (2 Nov 1970): Plans, elevations, sections (Sheet Nos. 1-3, 5-8, 3R-6R, 8R) - presentation drawings (originals); some sheets with annotations, multiples of some sheets (18)
Tube 1415 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for production of presentation sets (25)
Tube 1415 Miscellaneous elements for production of presentation sets - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (7)
Tube 1416 Topographic plan of Land (May 1969) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1416 Construction set (28 May-10 Jun 1971): Dwg. Nos. A3, A8, A9 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "for excavation and foundation bidding only"; 2 copies of A8 (4)
Tube 1416 Construction set (16 Jun 1971): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A3, A8-A14, A16-A29, A33-A36, A40, A42-A47) - working drawings (originals) (33)
Tube 1417 Construction set (14 Jun 1971): HVAC (Dwg. Nos. H1-H4, H7P, H12-H27, H30-H41) - working drawings (originals); marked "for preliminary bidding" (33)
Photographs (1)
Box 129, Folder 21 View from Old State House, rendering (1970) - drawings, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
SMALL METAL HOUSE (KLEINMETALLHAUS), 1925-1926 TYPE (1926-1928). Marcel Breuer, Bauhaus. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Kleinmetallhaus)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (2)
Box SL-7 Plans, sections, axonometric [Slide 94] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Plans, sections, axonometric [Slide 731] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
SMITH COLLEGE, DORMITORIES, COMPETITION, Northampton, MA (1945-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Educational]
Drawings (3)
Oversize 16 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Oversize 16 Site plan, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Oversize 16 Site plan, plans, section, elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative photostat (1)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 14 Correspondence (Nov 1945-Jan 1946) - includes notification of Honorable Mention award
Photographs (2)
Box SL-7 Site plan, sections, elevations [Slide 608] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Site plan, plans, section, elevations [Slide 615] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
SMITH HOUSE, Aspen, CO (1949-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (61)
Tube 606 Window and Door Details (10 Aug 1950-19 Aug 1950): Details of doors nos. 8 and 26 (Dwg. No. D-1); elevation, door no. 7 maid's room (Dwg. No. D-2); detail of dining room window head (Dwg. No. D-3) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 606 Design development drawings and sketches (circa Feb-May 1950) - design development drawings (originals); includes fireplace, elevation studies, stair dimension study, preliminary plans, sections, interior details, perspective studies (22)
Tube 606 Preliminary Framing Plans (27 Jan 1950) (Farkas and Barron): Roof framing plan (Dwg. No. SK 5005-B); second floor framing plan (Dwg. No. SK 5005-A) - working drawings (reproductions); 2 copies of each sheet (4)
Tube 606 Cross section of building site - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 606 Plot plan showing house in reference to existing contours and to road (24 May 1950) - site surveys (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 annotated print (2)
Tube 606 Sunshade details: Preliminary studies (24 Feb 1950): Dwg. No. PS1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 606 Construction set (27 Feb 1950-18 Aug 1950): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); second floor plan, framing plan and details (Dwg. No. 3); elevations (Dwg. No. 4); elevations (Dwg. No. 5); sections (Dwg. No. 6); sections (Dwg. No. 7); sunshade detail (Dwg. No. 8); elevations showing sunshade (Dwg. No. 8A); concrete slab plan showing openings and locations (Dwg. No. 9); fireplace details (Dwg. No. 10); closet and cabinet details (Dwg. No. 11); additional window details (Dwg. No. 12); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 13); cabinets: living room, bed room no. 1, garage door details (Dwg. No. 14); concrete and reinforcing details (Dwg. No. S1); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 2E); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 3E); sliding window detail, large size (Dwg. No. W-2); heating, first and second floor plans and details (Dwg. No. H1) - working drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 606 Elevations (20 Mar 1950): Dwg. Nos. 4-5 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 606 Pipe framework for sunshade support (18 Jul 1950) (Vulcan Rail and Construction Co.): Dwg. No. 7794 - shop drawings (reproductions); annotated print; multiple copies (3)
Tube 606 Window section and sliding door details (19-21 Aug 1950): Sheet Nos. 3, 5 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 606 Kitchen sink in teak counter (18 Aug 1951): Dwg. No. K-1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 48, Folder 1 Contracts - owner-architect and owner-contractor contracts
Box 48, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (Nov 1949-Apr 1951) - James Hopkins Smith, Jr. and Nancy Smith
Box 48, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (1950-1951) - Benjamin Spivak, engineer; Sigman Farkas, engineer; Sam Huddleston, landscape architect; various
Box 48, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractor (1950-1951) - Horace Hendricks, general contractor
Box 48, Folder 6 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1950-1952)
Box 48, Folder 7-8 Financial records (1949-1951) - architect invoices, certificates of payment
Box 48, Folder 9 Legal documents - arbitration proceedings
Box 48, Folder 10 Office records - internal correspondence, travel documents, notes, etc.
Box 48, Folder 11 Product literature
Box 48, Folder 12 Promotional materials - maps, brochures, etc. concerning Aspen as a destination
Box 48, Folder 13 Specifications and schedules - general specifications with addendum, heating specifications, hardware and lighting schedules
Box 48, Folder 14 Sketches - owner sketches
Box 48, Folder 15 Transmittals
SNOWER HOUSE, Kansas City, KS (1953-1954). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (36)
Tube 587 Design development drawings, sketches and prints - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes interior details, furniture layout, preliminary furniture and storage units, site plan, framing plans, entry stair, elevation studies; 7 originals and 5 prints (12)
Tube 587 Presentation perspectives - presentation drawings (originals); marked "void" (2)
Tube 587 Presentation set: Elevations, site plan and floor plans - presentation drawings (originals); marked "superseded" (2)
Tube 587 Presentation set (21-28 Aug 1953): Elevations, site plan and floor plans, perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 587 Presentation sheet (10 Jul 1953): Elevations, site plan and floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 587 Construction set (15 Dec 1953-15 Mar 1954): Plot plan, foundation plan, framing plans and details (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans, finish schedule, door schedule (Dwg. No. 2); elevations, wall sheathing diagrams (Dwg. No. 3); sections, finished wall details (Dwg. No. 4); sections details (Dwg. No. 5); stair details (Dwg. No. 6); fireplace and cabinet details (Dwg. No. 7); window details (Dwg. No. 8); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 9); interior elevations and details (Dwg. No. 10); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 2-E); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 2-E) (office copy); heating and air conditioning (Dwg. No. H-1); heating and air conditioning (Dwg. No. H-2) - working drawings (originals) (14)
Tube 587 Detail of fastening at ends of both steel beams - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 587 Roof coping detail (25 Oct 1949) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Photographs (3)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 718] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 759] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Side view [Slide 59] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
SORIANO HOUSE, Greenwich, CT (1968-1974). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Residential, Single]
See also Ustinov House.
Drawings (192)
Map-Case 121, Folder 2 Sketch perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; pen and ink with marker on Arches paper, 18 x 23.5 in. (1)
Map-Case 121, Folder 3 Sketch perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; pen and ink with marker on Arches paper, 18 x 23.5 in. (1)
Map-Case 121, Folder 4 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 17.5 x 36.5 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Main floor and basement plans, and north-south section - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 658 Presentation sheets (15 Nov 1968): Site plan, upper level plan, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 9 originals, 6 small scale prints, 6 film negatives (21)
Tube 659 Topographic survey of Soriano property (17 Apr 1968) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 659 Design development sketches, drawings and prints (Aug 1968-Jun 1969) - design development drawings (originals); includes pier sketches and revisions; wall sections and wall section details; driveway proposal; entrance road; roofing and stair details; site plans; floor plan studies; sections; elevations; screen planting plan, massing sketches; kitchen and laundry room; roof geometry study; perspectives; lighting plan; miscellaneous details (59)
Tube 659 Bed frames (28 Aug 1972) (Irving and Cassons) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 656 Plans (27 Mar 1969): Lower level plan, upper level plan - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 656 Preliminary drawings (19 Jan 1970): Site plan, elevations, sections, piers and stairs, roof plan, fireplace details living room, fireplace details library and master bedroom - design development drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 656 Various details: Millwork, lower level foundation plan, structural details, upper level structural plan, roof structure plan, stair sections, fireplace details, typical structural details - design development drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 656 Plumbing (19 Aug 1969): Site plumbing plan lower level plumbing plan, upper level plumbing plan - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 656 Site electrical plan (19 Aug 1969) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 656 Heating & ventilation Plan (19 Aug 1969): Lower level heating & ventilation plan, upper level heating & ventilation plan - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 657 Design development drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary plans, section and elevations; outdoor table and bench; furniture designs and layouts; interior details (42)
Tube 657 Construction set (1971): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A16); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E3); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV2) - working drawings (originals) (24)
Tube 657 Ceiling plans and furniture details (1971): Dwg. Nos. SK6-SK8, SK38, SK38a, SK38b, SK46 - working drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 657 Site and grading (13 Mar 1973): site grading, entrance road plan and details, site paving plan - working drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some sheets; 1 original and 4 prints (5)
Photographs (111)
Box 131, Folder 22 Construction progress of framing, masonry, etc. - construction, exterior view; color photographs (15)
Box 131, Folder 22 Finished project - finished project, detail; black and white photographs; contact sheets (3)
Box 131, Folder 22 Photos of house, stairwell, sunken court, interiors, concrete bench - finished project, detail; color photographs (25)
Box 131, Folder 22 Photos of house, stairwell, sunken court, interiors, concrete bench - finished project, detail; negatives (66)
Box 131, Folder 23 View looking north - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 131, Folder 23 View of sunken court from dressing room - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
SOUTH BOSTON REDEVELOPMENT PLAN, Boston, MA (1943) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Urban Planning]
Project files
Box 112, Folder 15 Program document - "A Study for the Redevelopment of the 'New York Street District' in Boston's South End"; typed, 5 pgs.
Box 112, Folder 15 Cost-rental analysis
Box 112, Folder 15 Cost-rent computations and miscellaneous notes
Photographs (4)
Oversize 16 Plans and section - drawings; black and white photograph; board mounted negative photostat (1)
Box 112, Folder 16 Plans and section - drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Plans and section [Slide 125] - drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Plans and section [Slide 322] - drawings; black and white slide (1)
SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY, TRAFFIC SERVICE POSITION SYSTEMS BUILDING, Torrington, CT (1973-1974). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Commercial]
Drawings (39)
Tube 1418 Construction set (1 Jun 1973): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A7); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S2); site utilities plan (Dwg. No. SU1); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. M1-M3); sanitary sewer improvements (unnumbered); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E3) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); electrical includes 9 originals and 9 prints (18)
Tube 1418 Revised furnishings layout (12 Nov 1974) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1418 Kitchen layout (29 Mar 1973) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1418 Survey and site map - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1418 Tree plan - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1418 Miscellaneous SK drawings and detail drawings (Apr-Oct 1973) - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1419 Presentation set (31 Jan 1973): Site plan, floor plan and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); duplicate sets; 6 originals and 3 prints (9)
Tube 1419 Presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for production of presentation set (3)
Photographs (19)
Box 132, Folder 18 Exterior detail of cantilevered corner - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 132, Folder 18 Exterior Wall Detail - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Southern New England Telephone (SNE)" - color slides (17)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
SPACE SCULPTURE, Torrington, CT (1973). Marcel Breuer. [Other (non-architectural)]
(Alternate names: Breuer's Sculpture)
Drawings (6)
Box 83, Folder 4 Presentation sheets ( Sep-Aug 1973): Plans, elevations, section and perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (duplicates) (6)
SPORTS COMPLEX, Flushing Meadows-Corona, NY (1965-1968) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Flushing Meadows Park; Post World's Fair Development)
This multi-faceted development plan, sponsored by the New York City Department of Parks to re-develop a former World's Fair site, was structured as a joint enterprise with separate contracts between the city and independent architectural firms for the various components of the project. Marcel Breuer and Associates were contracted to complete designs for the South Complex and Spine Buildings. Kenzo Tange and URTEC were contracted to design the North Complex components, and Lawrence Halperin and Associates were to design the Central mall and to coordinate the Master Plan and Program in consultation with the other firms. Material in the collection primarily relates to several aspects of the South Complex work, including the Plaza, Spine Buildings, Indoor Arena, Swim-Bath Complex, as well as road and site development materials. The collection also includes materials from Kenzo Tange and URTEC related to the North Complex components of the project.
Drawings (333)
Map-Case 116, Folder 7 Perspective from plaza - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 14 x 48 in. (1)
Tube 1316 West elevation - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1291 "Post Fair Development Restoration Contract" drawing set (Jan 1966): Road, utility and landscape plans, key may, and topography - other drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 1291 Existing electrical distribution and telephone utilities (26 Jul 1967): Dwg. Nos. E1-E2 - other drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1291 Site work design development sketches, drawings and prints (May-Jul 1967) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes topographic maps, surveys, preliminary and final site plans, grading plan, schematic and diagrammatic site plans; 4 originals and 17 prints (21)
Tube 1291 Roadways, parking, bus terminals and roundabout design development sketches drawings and prints (Dec 1965-Jul 1967) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes road and traffic circulation studies; bus roundabout studies; roundabout/terminal plans, elevations and sections; pedestrian walkway elevations (57 originals and 4 prints) (61)
Tube 1292 Plaza design development sketches and drawings (Jun-Jul 1967) - design development drawings (originals); includes sections through berm, sections through plaza, sketch renderings of plaza and sports buildings in context, rough sketches (18)
Tube 1292 Spine building design development sketches and drawings (May-Oct 1967) - design development drawings (originals); includes plans elevation studies, building sections and cross sections, terrace plans, stair sections and elevations, plan studies, rendered elevations, upper and lower level plans (many numbered as "D" set) (36)
Tube 1293 Indoor arena design development sketches and drawings (May-Oct 1967) - design development drawings (originals); includes plans and seating layouts, elevation studies, diagrammatic elevations, building sections, stair sections, indoor elevations, seating diagram, arch studies, support beam studies, lobby/main entry plans, fire stairs, detail perspective sketches (81)
Tube 1294 Swim-bath complex design development sketches and drawings (May-Jul 1967) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary elevations, diagrammatic elevations, preliminary and diagrammatic plans (upper, main and lower levels), diagrammatic sections (32)
Tube 258 Column detail section (12 Jul 1967) (Severud-Elstad-Kruger and Assoc.) - consultant drawings (reproductions); photocopy (1)
Tube 258 North complex terrace level plan (Kenzo Tange and URTEC): Dwg. No. 2 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated print; 2 copies (2)
Tube 258 North complex presentation set (Kenzo Tange and URTEC): Elevations, plans and sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); small format (12)
Tube 1295 North complex presentation set (Kenzo Tange and URTEC): Elevations, plans and sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format (11)
Tube 1295 Recreation and performing arts building presentation set (circa Aug 1967) (Kenzo Tange and URTEC): Elevations, plans and sections (Sheet Nos. T101-T110) - presentation drawings (reproductions); (2 print sets (20)
Tube 1295 South complex presentation sheets (Jul 1967) (Marcel Breuer and Associates): Perspective renderings, elevations, plans, site plan (Dwg. Nos. D34, 35, 100, 101, 103, 107A, 107B, 113, 114, 121, 122, 123, 128B, 129B and unnumbered) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (14)
Tube 1295 Sports arena presentation sheets (Marcel Breuer and Associates): Floor plans - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1295 Limits of responsibility for cost estimating - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1295 Transverse cable groupings - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1295 Swim-bath complex, HVAC Preliminary Layout (26 Jul 1967): Upper, main and lower plans - design development drawings (reproductions) (3)
Project files
Box 129, Folder 22A North complex program documents (Kenzo Tange & URTEC) - description, list of area and costs estimate for the North Complex
Photographs (2)
Box 129, Folder 22B Master plan (1968) - site/landscape, plan; black and white photographs; 2 copies (2)
SPRING TRADE FAIR, COMPETITION, Budapest, Hungary (1934-1935). Marcel Breuer, Jozsef Fischer, and Farkas Molnar, Architects. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Budapest Spring Fair)
Photographs (4)
Box 119, Folder 28 Street level rendering - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph; marked "7. nagycsarnok elötti tèr" ["In front of square hall"] (1)
Box 119, Folder 28 Site plan - drawings, plan; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box 119, Folder 28 Rendered section and plan - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
ST. LUKE'S CHURCH, Fairport, NY (1964-1965) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Religious]
(Alternate names: Saint Luke's Episcopal Church)
Drawings (255)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Elevations and site plan (mislabeled as "Algiata Church") - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1202 Design development sketches, drawings and prints (Jun 1964-Jan 1965) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes elevation studies, plan studies, wall section studies, site sections, road sections, parking plans, diagrammatic sketches, interior elevations and details, annotated prints and print sets, site work, St. Francis Church reference set; 75 originals and 44 prints (119)
Tube 1203 Construction set (18 Mar 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-11), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S3), mechanical (Dwg. No. M1), heating (Dwg. Nos. H1-H2), plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P2), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2), kitchen (Dwg. No. K1) - working drawings (originals) (22)
Tube 1203 SK drawings (Oct 1964-Jan 1965): Dwg. Nos. SK3-SK5, SK7, SK11-SK19 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 12 originals and 1 print (13)
Tube 1203 Presentation set : Plan and section (Sheet Nos. 1-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1203 Specification cover sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1203 Presentation set (15 Sep 1964): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1203 Design development drawings - design development drawings (reproductions); includes site work, topographic maps, surveys, road section (27)
Tube 1203 Installation of acoustical treatment (2 Feb 1965) (Goodfriend-Ostergaard Assoc.): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK6 - shop drawings (reproductions); 2 duplicate sets (14)
Tube 263 Construction set (18 Mar 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 1-11), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S3), mechanical (Dwg. No. M1), heating (Dwg. Nos. H1-H2), plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P2), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2), kitchen (Dwg. No. K1) - working drawings (reproductions); 2 duplicate sets (44)
Tube 263 Miscellaneous annotated sheets from construction set: Dwg. Nos. M1, E1-E2, K1 - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 14 Correspondence: Consultant (1965) - Allen E. Galson, consulting engineer
Box 128, Folder 15A Notes - calculation of hours and cost
Box 128, Folder 15B Specifications (15 Dec 1965) - specifications for St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Perinton, New York, marked "spec for re-bid"
STAEHELIN HOUSE, Feldmeilen, Switzerland (1956-1968). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate; Eberhard Eidenbenz, Associate (Switzerland). [Residential, Single]
Material for this project relates to the design and construction of the original house (1956-1958), as well as to a subsequent addition (1968).
Drawings (138)
Box 115, Folder 11 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Map-Case 121, Folder 6 Rendered ground floor plan - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink with montage on illustration board, 30.25 x 40 in. (1)
Map-Case 121, Folder 7 Rendered second floor plan - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink with montage on illustration board, 30.25 x 40 in. (1)
Tube 626 Site plan sketch (10-22 Nov 1957) - other drawings (originals and reproductions); includes related correspondence (9)
Tube 626 Site plan, section and interior court elevations (9 Nov 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 626 Elevations (4 Mar 1957) - working drawings (reproductions); four on one sheet (1)
Tube 626 Working drawings (30 Jul 1957): Site plan, elevations, main floor plan, upper level floor plan, stairs, fireplace and various details - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 5 originals and 6 annotated prints (11)
Tube 626 Site plan - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 626 Topographic site survey - site surveys (reproductions); 2 prints and 1 negative (3)
Tube 626 Interior court landscaping (10 Nov 1957) - working drawings (hybrids) (4)
Tube 626 Section detail (10 Dec 1957) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 626 Foundation drawings of existing house - other drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 626 General site sections (Mar 1956) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 626 Main floor plan (25 May 1956) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 626 Gutter detail (22 Jan 1958) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 626 Floor details (12 Dec 1957) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 626 Section detail (12 Dec 1957) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 626 Section detail (6 Dec 1957) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 626 Roof plan and details (Nov 1957) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1151 Furniture layout at fireplace (19 Feb 1958) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Wall detail - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Section and plan sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Bathroom and service design (22 Aug 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Plan iterations over grid - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1151 Plans and elevations (Oct 1956): Lower level plan, upper level plan, elevations - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1151 Plans (25 May 1956): Lower level plan, upper level plan - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1151 Plans (27 Jul 1956): Plot plan, lower level plan, upper level plan - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 3 originals and 3 annotated prints (6)
Tube 1151 Plans and perspective (4 Mar 1957): Site plan and perspective, lower level plan, upper level plan - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1151 Kitchen plan and interior elevations (3 May 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Interior elevations (7 May 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Interior elevations (13 May 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Construction set (30 Jul-23 Dec 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. 5-16) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1151 SK set: Architectural and garden shed details (Dwg. Nos. SK2-SK15) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (19)
Tube 1151 Serving cart design (26 Feb 1959) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Display case design (31 Aug 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Lighting plans (29 Oct 1957): Dwg. Nos. E2-E4 - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 1151 Addition. elevations and sections (20 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1151 Addition sections (21 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition plan, sections, and elevations (23 Jul 1968) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1151 Addition plan, sections, and elevations (Jul 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1151 Addition, section studies (14 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1151 Addition, northeast elevation, existing and altered (21 May 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1151 Addition plan sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition, connection detail and section (27 May 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1151 Addition sections (28 May 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition plans (10 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1151 Addition sections (11 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition plan (12 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition, diagrammatic roof plan (13 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition elevations (13 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition sections (14 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition, fireplace detail (18 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition plan (19 Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1151 Addition sections (Jun 1968) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 115, Folder 1 Building code
Box 115, Folder 2 Correspondence: Associated architect (1956-1959) - Eberhard Eidenbenz
Box 115, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (1958) - Dr. William Staehelin
Box 115, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants (1958) - Jaros, Baum and Bolles, consulting engineers
Box 115, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1956-1959) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 115, Folder 6 Correspondence: Publicity (1959-1960, 1963) - Bernhard Moosbrugger, photographer; requests to visit
Box 115, Folder 7 Financial records - manufacturer invoices
Box 115, Folder 8 Office records - memoranda
Box 115, Folder 9 Project description
Box 115, Folder 10 Product literature
Photographs (91)
Box 115, Folder 12 Construction progress of framing and masonry - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (19)
Box 115, Folder 14 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 East corner of children's court - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 Elevation showing roof deck - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 13 Exterior views including Henry Moore sculpture - finished project, exterior view; negatives (17)
Box 115, Folder 14 Interior stair and interior garden - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 13 Interior views - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; various sizes, some duplicates (45)
Box 115, Folder 14 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 Living room and interior garden - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 Living room and interior garden - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 Studio court - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 115, Folder 14 View from roof deck showing west corner of living room - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
STANDARD HOUSE (1949). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Standard House 1949)
Drawings (1)
Tube 581 Plans, elevations and perspective (May 1949) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
STARKEY HOUSE (ALWORTH HOUSE), Duluth, MN (1954-1973 inclusive, 1954-1955 bulk). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard and Robert F. Gatje, Associates. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Alworth House)
For additional projects related to June Alworth-Starkey's father, Roy Halvorson, see also Halvorson Fishing Camp; Halvorson Pool.
A significant portion of the project files material relates to ongoing maintenance and redecorating efforts running from the late 1950s until circa 1972. Material from 1954-1955 relates to the original construction phase.
Drawings (99)
Oversize 16 Rendered elevations (Dwg. No. 3) - presentation drawings (reproductions); negative photostat and board mounted positive photostat (2)
Tube 644 Design development drawings, sketches and prints (Jun-Aug 1954 ) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes plan sketches and studies, elevation studies, sunshade studies, structural details, entry plans, site development work, fire-screen and miscellaneous details; 31 originals and 2 annotated prints (33)
Tube 644 Entry schemes (A-1, A-2, A-3) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 644 Perspective rendering (6 Jul 1954) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 644 Preliminary sketches (6 Jul 1954): Plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans (Dwg. No. 2) - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 644 Preliminary drawings for mechanical and structural discussions (11-12 Aug 1954) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 644 Fireplace studies (31 Aug 1954): Schemes 1-3 - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 644 Plot plan (20 Aug 1954): Dwg. Nos. A-B - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 644 Preliminary design (24-30 Aug 1954): Plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); Plans (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3) - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 644 Construction set (17 Sep 1954-14 Jul 1955): Plot plan, foundation plan and details, drawing schedule (Dwg. No. 1); framing plans and structural details (Dwg. No. 2); lower level plan, door schedule, interior details (Dwg. No. 3); upper level plan, garage plan, finish schedule (Dwg. No. 4); elevations (Dwg. No. 5); elevations, exterior stair details (Dwg. No. 6); main building sections A-A and B-B details 1-7 (Dwg. No. 7); main building sections C-C and D-D details, coping (Dwg. No. 8); lower level details, interior stair details, floor grille details (Dwg. No. 9); building section E-E, porch and entrance ramp details (Dwg. No. 10); fireplace details (Dwg. No. 11); millwork details (Dwg. No. 12); sunshade details (Dwg. No. 13); garage details (Dwg. No. 14); reflected ceiling plan and soffit plan (Dwg. No. 15); bathroom details (Dwg. No. 16); kitchen and utility room details (Dwg. No. 17); kitchen and miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 18); miscellaneous cabinet work details (Dwg. No. 19); miscellaneous cabinet work details (Dwg. No. 20); cabinet details (Dwg. No. 21); electrical lower level plan, door schedule, interior door details (Dwg. No. E1); electrical upper level plan, garage plan (Dwg. No. E2) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 644 Sliding screen details (3 Apr 1956) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 644 Construction details (6 Jul 1955-5 Oct 1955): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 644 Handrail details (26 Aug 1955): Dwg. Nos. 1-3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 644 Topographical map (Jun 1954) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 644 Topographic survey (13 Aug 1954) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 644 Duplicate photocopies of various drawings and sketches - other drawings (reproductions); likely copied circa 1998 (17)
Project files
Box 123, Folder 1-2 Correspondence: Client (1955-1972) - June Alworth (a.k.a. June Starkey, Mrs. Robert Starkey)
Box 123, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Mar 1955-Jun 1955, 1958) - Roy Halvorson (June Alworth's father)
Box 123, Folder 4 Correspondence: Suppliers (1955-1970)
Box 123, Folder 5-6 Financial records (1955-1970) - certificates of payment and invoices
Box 123, Folder 7 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Photographs (20)
Box SL-7 Detail section of envelope and sunshade construction [Slide 476] - drawings, detail; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 East corner showing two elevations [Slide 478] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 Elevations - drawings, elevations; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Exterior fireplace below overhanging wing [Slide 38] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Exterior view of projecting blocks [Slide 457] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 Front elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Living room with curved sofa and large fireplace [Slide 474] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 South corner showing two elevations [Slide 479] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 South elevation from hill - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Upper level plan [Slide 475] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View from south [Slide 17] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 View of end of wing with drawn colored sunshades - finished project, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box SL-7 View of end of wing with drawn colored sunshades [Slide 477] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of entrance elevation [Slide 503] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of living room [Slide 16] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 123, Folder 8 View of living room from Entrance Foyer - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 View of outdoor fireplace [Slide 434] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View out of foyer toward entrance ramp [Slide 472] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View toward exterior terrace and fireplace [Slide 473] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
STATE SCHOOL FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED, Hempstead, Long Island, NY (1969-1971) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Nassau State School)
Drawings (397)
Map-Case 114, Folder 3 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 19 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 114, Folder 4 Perspective from Across Campus - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 14 x 33 in. (1)
Map-Case 114, Folder 5 Perspective rendering of Play Court - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 114, Folder 6 Interior Perspective of Cafeteria - presentation drawings (originals); Larry Perron, artist; graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1019 Preliminary set (30 Jul 1969): Dwg. Nos. 1-12, 14-17 - presentation drawings (originals) (16)
Tube 1019 Presentation sheet: Elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1019 Schematic design (17 Sep 1969): Dwg. Nos. 1-16 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 15 originals and 1 print (16)
Tube 1019 Schematic design (17 Sep 1969, revised Nov 1969): Dwg. Nos. 1-4, 8 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1017-1018 Design development drawings, drawing sets and sketches (Apr-Nov 1969) - design development drawings (originals and negatives); includes elevation studies, facade studies, preliminary plan sets, miscellaneous presentation sheets, plan studies, sections, interior and exterior details, large composite negatives (elevations), aerial site photo; 119 originals and 3 negatives (122)
Tube 1016 Design development drawings and sketches (Jan-Nov 1970): SK1-SK102 - design development drawings (originals); includes plan studies, precast panels, wall sections, foundation details, elevations and perspectives, interior and exterior details; incomplete (113)
Tube 1350 Building I construction set (10 Feb 1971): Title and notes, Site Preparation (Dwg. Nos. SP1-SP3), Boring (Dwg. No. B1), Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A32), Kitchen (Dwg. Nos. K1-K4), Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S3) - working drawings (originals) (48)
Tube 1351 Building II construction set (30 Apr 1971): Title and notes, architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A16), kitchen (Dwg. No. K1), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S3) - working drawings (originals) (21)
Tube 1352 Building III construction set (5 Mar 1971): Title and notes, key plan (Dwg. No. SP1), boring (Dwg. No. B1), architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A21), kitchen (Dwg. No. K1), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4) - working drawings (originals) (30)
Tube 1353 Building IV construction set (2 Apr 1971): Title and notes, key plan (Dwg. No. SP1), boring (Dwg. No. B1), architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A21), kitchen (Dwg. No. K1), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S5) - working drawings (originals) (31)
(Alternate names: Earthquake Simulation Laboratory (Ketter Hall); Furnas Hall (E&AS 2); Jarvis Hall (E&AS 1); Ketter Hall (E&AS 4); SUNY Buffalo)
Drawings (611)
Tube 1489 Aerial site photos (Sep 1964) - site surveys (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1303 Presentation set (Jun 1969): Sheet Nos. 0-5 - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1303 Concept phase, plan development (Sep 1969): Sheet Nos. 0-4 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1303 Final phase, plan development: Sheet Nos. 1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3-8, 9A, 9B - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); master sheets/production sheets (31)
Tube 1309 Proposed location of staging areas (5 Nov 1969): Aug 1971-Sep 1974 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1309 Master action program: Sep 1971-Sep 1977 - presentation drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 1309 Program and site analysis (Mar 1969): Sheet Nos. 1-4 - presentation drawings (originals); includes duplicate of sheet 3 (5)
Tube 1308 Schematic site utility plans (10 Oct 1969) (Fred S. Durbin Assoc.) - presentation drawings (reproductions); 2 copies of set (13)
Tube 1308 Schematic action plan (10 Dec 1969) (Sasaki, Dawson, Demay Assoc.): Jan 1970-Jan 1975 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 1308 Action program (10 Dec 1969; Jan 1970-Jul 1980) (Sasaki, Dawson, Demay Assoc.): Sheet Nos. 1-12 - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (12)
Tube 1308 Action program, site Utilities (Fred S. Durbin Assoc.): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 1490 E&AS, general site planning design development drawings and prints (Dwg. Nos. SK6-SK37) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 13 originals and 5 prints (18)
Tube 1491-1492 E&AS 1, 2, 4, design development sketches, drawings and prints (Dec 1969-Jul 1976) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, plan studies, elevation studies, perspective renderings, typical lab layouts, wave and flume tank, earthquake simulator building, lecture hall plans, interior elevations and isometric, science library; 127 originals and 11 prints (138)
Tube 1306 E&AS 1, schematic design (Jul 1970): Title page, Dwg. Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original set and 1 print set (11)
Tube 1307 E&AS 1, furniture layout (17 Mar 1971): Dwg. Nos. F1-F4 - working/construction drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1307 E&AS 1, design manual phase (12 Oct 1970): Dwg. Nos. M1-M5, E1-E5, S1 and code calculation drawing - presentation drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1304 E&AS 2-4, schematic design: Dwg. Nos. 1-11 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original set and 1 print set, multiples of some sheets (24)
Tube 1305 E&AS 2-4, preliminary framing plan (Feb 1976) (Paul Weidlinger): Dwg. No. DS-S1 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1305 E&AS 2-4, preliminary mechanical and electrical (Cannon Partnership): Dwg. Nos. ME1, M1-M4, E1-E6 (11 originals and 6 prints) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (17)
Tube 1297 E&AS 1, industrial engineering construction set (24 Oct 1972): Architectural (Title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A1-A24) - working drawings (originals) (30)
Tube 1297 E&AS 1, industrial engineering construction set (18 Jan 1971): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S7) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "progress issue" (7)
Tube 1297 E&AS 1, industrial engineering construction set (1 Feb 1971): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P4), HVAC (Dwg. Nos. H2-H6) - working drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1297 E&AS 1, industrial engineering construction set (15 Jul 1970): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E14) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "schematic design" (15)
Tube 1298 E&AS 2, chemical engineering construction set (10 Oct 1974): Architectural (title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A1-A35) - working drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1298 E&AS 2, chemical engineering miscellaneous revised sheets (10 Jan 1975): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2, A5, A12, A19, A30) - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1299 E&AS 2, chemical engineering construction set (10 Oct 1974): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A36-A58) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 1299 E&AS 2, chemical engineering construction set (4 Jan 1974): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "progress issue" (10)
Tube 1300 E&AS 4, civil engineering construction set (31 May 1977): Architectural (Title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A1-A63, incomplete) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); marked "R-8" (39)
Tube 1301 E&AS 4, mechanical/civil engineering construction set (28 Jun 1977): Architectural (title sheet, Dwg. Nos. A1-A37) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); marked "R-3" and "R-8" (43)
Tube 1302 E&AS 4, mechanical/civil engineering construction set (28 Jun 1977): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A38-A63) - working drawings (originals); marked "R-3" and "R-8" (25)
Tube 1302 E&AS 4, mechanical/civil engineering miscellaneous architectural revisions, paving plan and lighting layout - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 1302 E&AS 4, mechanical/civil engineering construction set (28 Jun 1977): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S15) - working drawings (originals); marked "R-3" and "R-8" (15)
Project files
Box 132, Folder 20 Correspondence: Supplier inquiry (1970)
Box 132, Folder 21 Transmittals (1976-1977)
Published material
Box 132, Folder 25 "Burst water pipes, blown snow made interesting patterns at Furnas Hall " University of Buffalo Reporter (10 Feb 1977) - newspaper clipping
Photographs (125)
Box 132, Folder 23 Broken water pipes from winter conditions (8 Feb 1977) - construction, detail; black and white photographs (2)
Box 132, Folder 23 Building frame progress - construction, exterior view; negatives (9)
Box 132, Folder 22-23 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; numbered 1-111, incomplete (90)
Box 132, Folder 23 Engineering building construction progress photos - construction, detail; color photographs (3)
Box 132, Folder 24 Engineering building construction progress photos - construction, detail; color photographs (6)
Box 132, Folder 23 Plastering work (1975) - construction, detail; color photographs (9)
Box 132, Folder 23 Precast screen unit (5 Aug 1975) - construction, detail; color photographs (2)
Box 132, Folder 23 Water damage on building exterior from broken pipes (3 Feb 1977) - construction, detail; black and white photographs (3)
Box 132, Folder 23 Water damage on building exterior from broken pipes (8 Feb 1977) - construction, detail; black and white photograph (1)
STILLMAN (EDGAR, JR.) COTTAGE, Wellfleet, MA (1953-1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Cape Cod Cottages; Edgar Stillman Cottage; Wellfleet Cottages)
Drawings (27)
Tube 653 Rendered perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 653 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (originals); marked "void" (1)
Tube 653 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 653 Presentation sheet - presentation drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 653 Rendered perspective from above - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 653 Duplicates of original presentation drawings - presentation drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 653 Construction set (2 Oct 1953-8 Jun 1954): floor plan, finish and door schedules (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); window, sliding door and screen details (Dwg. No. 3, superceded); window sliding door, and screen details, kitchen and screen details (Dwg. No. 3); sections, elevations and details (Dwg. No. 4); framing and footing plans, details (Dwg. No. 5); cabinet and table details (Dwg. No. 6); electrical plan (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 653 Construction set - working drawings (reproductions); multiple print copies, some with annotations (10)
Project files
Box 75, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1953-Sep 1954) - Edgar Stillman, Jr.
Box 75, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Nov 1953-Sep 1954) - Ernest Rose
Box 75, Folder 3 Correspondence: Manufacturers and suppliers (1954)
Box 75, Folder 4-5 Financial records (Jan 1953-Feb 1955) - architect invoices, certificates of payment and invoices
Box 75, Folder 6 Office records - photostat of plot survey, travel instructions, material sample
Box 75, Folder 7 Specifications and schedules (21 Oct 1953) - general specifications
Box 75, Folder 8 Transmittals
Photographs (7)
Box SL-7 Elevation from water [Slide 767] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevation from water [Slide 829] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 767) (1)
Box 75, Folder 9 Elevations - drawings, elevations; photostat (1)
Box 75, Folder 9 View from water - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 View of end wall [Slide 443] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of end wall [Slide 830] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 443) (1)
Box 75, Folder 9 West elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (duplicates) (1)
STILLMAN HOUSE I, Litchfield, CT (1950-1956, 1965). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Rufus Stillman House I)
Drawings (19)
Map-Case 121, Folder 1 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); pen and ink on illustration board, 20.5 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 654 Window details (12 Oct 1951): Sections - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 654 Floor panel layout - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 654 Topography map (6 Jul 1950) - site surveys (reproductions); (2 copies (2)
Tube 654 Living room porch alteration (24 Jun 1953) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 654 Stillman House cabinetwork (9 May 1956): Dwg. Nos. 1, 2 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 654 Studio and garage addition (8 Oct 1951): Dwg. No. 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 654 Presentation set (29 Jun 1950): Plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 654 Presentation sheet (11 Jul 1950): Plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 654 Construction set (10 Aug 1950-13 Oct 1950): Floor plans and section (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); framing plans and foundation plan (Dwg. No. 3); sections (Dwg. No. 4); kitchen and entrance closet details (Dwg. No. 5); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 5) (obsolete); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 1E) - working drawings (originals) (7)
Project files
Box 33, Folder 1 Construction bid documents (1950)
Box 33, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1950-1952) - Rufus Stillman
Box 33, Folder 3 Correspondence: Contractors (1950-1951) - George J. Switzer Co., general contractor
Box 33, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractors (1950-1952) - Heating, Plumbing and electric
Box 33, Folder 5 Correspondence: Furniture and interiors suppliers (1950-1952)
Box 33, Folder 6 Correspondence: Sale of Stillman House I (1965) - request for information made by purchaser, Peter Dalton-Morris
Box 33, Folder 7-8 Financial records (1950-1952) - certificates of payment, invoices for architectural services
Box 33, Folder 9 House prospectus
Box 33, Folder 10 Office records - Notes and miscellaneous
Box 33, Folder 11 Product literature
Box 33, Folder 12 Specifications and schedules - hardware schedule, lighting schedule, short specification
Box 33, Folder 13 Transmittals (1950-1952)
Published material
Box 33, Folder 13 "House, Litchfield, Connecticut," Progressive Architecture (Jan 1951) - tear sheet, pg. 91
Photographs (64)
Box SL-7 Construction details [Slide 72] - drawings, detail; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16 Dining room and stairwell with Calder mobile - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; board mounted, 12 x 14 in. (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Dining room and stairwell with Calder mobile - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Dining room and stairwell with Calder mobile [Slide 63] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 East elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 East elevation [Slide 39] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 East elevation [Slide 721] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 2] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 139] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 140] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 141] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation [Slide 762] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevation [Slide 797] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 2) (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation at a distance [Slide 142] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation at a distance [Slide 768] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Elevation detail with Calder mural in background [Slide 277] - finished project, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box 33, Folder 16 Elevations, entrance and exterior details - finished project, exterior view; color slides; some photos with Mr. and Mrs. Stillman (19)
Oversize 16 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted, 12 x 14 in. (1)
Box SL-7 Exterior view with Calder sculpture [Slide 3] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 Kitchen [Slide 82] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Living room fireplace [Slide 69] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Living room with view of dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Living room with view of hall - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Plan of lower level - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Plan of lower level [Slide 88] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Plan of upper Level - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 Plan of upper level [Slide 87] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Portion of east elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-7 Portion of east elevation [Slide 76] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 Stairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-7 Stairs [Slide 770] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View across pool toward Calder mural [Slide 445] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View at a distance with site context [Slide 57] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of Calder sculpture with elevation in background [Slide 444] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 View of pool and terrace - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-7 View of pool and terrace [Slide 20] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of pool and terrace [Slide 716] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of pool with Calder mural in background [Slide 29] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View of porch from poolside [Slide 442] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-7 View out toward bedroom porch [Slide 169] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 View toward balcony [Slide 67] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 33, Folder 15 West elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-7 West elevation [Slide 83] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
STILLMAN HOUSE II, Litchfield, CT (1963-1967). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Rufus Stillman House II)
Drawings (82)
Box 138, Folder 16 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes downlight at bottom of stairs detail; project sketches; plan sketch with preliminary dimensions; suggested floor installation details; 2 originals and 3 prints (5)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 651 Tree survey - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 651 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes draft elevations; sketch plan and elevation; preliminary site plan, floor plans, elevation; details for fireplace grille, night table, and desk (9)
Tube 651 Rendered exterior perspective - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 651 Transverse section - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 651 Sketch details (24 Feb-12 Nov 1965): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK6 and unnumbered sheets - working drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 651 Heating plans (4 Jun 1965) (John L. Altieri, consulting engineers): Dwg. Nos. H1-H2 - consultant drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 651 Construction set, original (25 Mar 1965): Plans, elevations, sections, details, Furniture (Dwg. Nos. 1-16) - working drawings (originals); includes millwork and cabinetwork (16)
Tube 651 Construction set, miscellaneous prints (25 Mar 1965): Dwg. Nos. 2, 8, 12, 14 - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 264 Construction set, print set (25 Mar 1965): Plans, sections, elevations, details(Dwg. Nos. 1-11) - working drawings (reproductions); plans include roof, floor, framing; details include millwork (12)
Tube 264 Map of the Litchfield Wild Garden; topographic map of Stillman property - site surveys (reproductions); garden map has survey area indicated (5)
Tube 264 Metal details (Waterbury Iron Works) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 264 Base ventilation (Torrington Manufacturing Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 264 Designs for various built-in and freestanding furniture pieces - design development drawings (originals) (8)
Project files
Box 138, Folder 1 Change orders
Box 138, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1963-1967) - Rufus and Leslie Stillman
Box 138, Folder 3-4 Correspondence: Consultants (1965) - Paul Weidlinger, construction engineer; John Altieri, construction engineer; Edward Zekala, architectural specifications; Laurie Maurer, drafting
Box 138, Folder 5 Correspondence: General contractor (1965) - Hirsch Brothers
Box 138, Folder 6 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1965-1966) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 138, Folder 7-9 Financials - architectural invoices, certificates of payment, purchase orders and Invoices
Box 138, Folder 10 Office records - memoranda
Box 138, Folder 11 Product literature
Box 138, Folder 12 Program
Box 138, Folder 13-14 Specifications and schedules - general construction specifications (3 copies), lighting fixture schedule, hardware schedule, plumbing and heating specifications, construction schedule, color schedule
Box 138, Folder 15 Transmittals
Photographs (5)
Box 138, Folder 17 Fieldstone wall details - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 138, Folder 17 Master bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 138, Folder 17 South view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 138, Folder 17 Yard and living room - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
STILLMAN HOUSE III, Litchfield, CT (1972-1979). Marcel Breuer and Tician Papachristou, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (51)
Tube 652 Axonometric - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Garage and greenhouse addition (29 May 1979) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Construction set (2 Mar 1973): Site plan, upper level plan, lower level plan, elevations, wall sections, fireplace details, millwork, electrical plans - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 652 Cabinet and furniture details (20 Jul 1973) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 652 Topographic site plan (10 Nov 1972) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 652 Revised casement window detail (18 May 1973) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Built-in speaker details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Main level plan (19 Jan 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Fireplace studies (16 Mar 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Interior elevation study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Basement plan and section (8 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 West elevation (8 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Section (8 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Sketch basement plan (13 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Sketch main floor plan (13 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Upper level plan - design development drawings (reproductions); film negative (1)
Tube 652 Pool addition (13 Feb 1978) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 652 Garage and greenhouse addition (29 May 1979) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 652 Construction set: Dwg. Nos. A1-A11; F1-F2 - working drawings (reproductions) (13)
Tube 652 Shaded elevations (8 Feb 1973) - design development drawings (originals); four shown on two sheets (2)
Tube 655 Presentation set: Site plan, plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Photographs (2)
Box 132, Folder 19 View of a sitting room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 132, Folder 19 View of entrance looking south - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
STROBEL INTERIOR (1929). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Dr. Strobel Apartment)
Drawings (8)
Oversize 3 Wandschrank (Nr. 61) [Leaf 51] (24 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Wandschrank für Bücher (Nr. 62) [Leaf 52] (24 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Küchenschrank (Nr. 63) [Leaf 53] (25 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Schreibtisch (Nr. 64) [Leaf 54] (25 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Chaiselongue Schrank für Bettzeug (Nr. 65) [Leaf 55] (26 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 6 Nischenschrank (Nr. 67) [Leaf 58] (30 Jan 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Besenschrank (Nr. 70) [Leaf 61] (18 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Schrank (Nr. 77) [Leaf 65] (26 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
STROM THURMOND FEDERAL BUILDING AND U.S. COURTHOUSE, Columbia, SC (1975-1982). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects; James C. Hemphill, Jr., Associated Architect. [Government]
(Alternate names: FOB; STFOB; Strom Thurmond FOB)
Drawings (160)
Tube 1484 Aerial site photo - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1484 Design development drawings, sketches and prints (Sep 1975-Jul 1976) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site plans, maps and surveys, sunshade designs, precast concrete panels, landscaping; 12 originals and 18 prints (30)
Tube 1485 Design development drawings, sketches and prints (Nov 1975-May 1976): Dwg. Nos. WDSK2-WDSK87 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes preliminary working drawings, core drawings, Preliminary floor plans, elevations, sections, interior and exterior details, interior perspective renderings; 49 originals and 16 prints (65)
Tube 1487 Design development drawings and sketches (1974-1977) - design development drawings (originals); includes executive areas, lighting and reflected ceiling plans, interior and exterior details (13)
Tube 1487 Presentation sheets (circa Apr 1974): Site plan, floor plans, graphics layout - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1486 Presentation sheet negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for production of presentation sheets (8)
For final presentation sheets, see Tube 1487.
Tube 1488 Construction set (13 Nov 1975): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2), plumbing (Dwg. No. P1), mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M3) - working drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 1488 Elevations: Dwg. Nos. V1-V2 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1488 Preliminary parking plans - design development drawings (reproductions) (12)
Tube 1488 Precast panels: Panel types A-J - working drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 1488 Miscellaneous design development prints (1975-1977) - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Project files
Box 202, Folder 1 Contracts (1975-1978)
Box 202, Folder 2 Correspondence: Cameron Hood (1978-1980)
Box 202, Folder 3 Correspondence: GSA (1977-1982)
Box 202, Folder 4-6 Correspondence: Joint venture (1977-1981)
Box 202, Folder 7 Correspondence: Weidlinger Associates (Jan-Nov 1978)
Box 202, Folder 8 Dedication ceremony (Jun 1980-Jan 1981)
Box 202, Folder 9 General description
Box 203, Folder 1-8 Litigation files (1978-1982)
Box 203, Folder 9 Office records (1977-1982) - miscellaneous correspondence and legal invoices
STUYVESANT SIX: A REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL, New York, NY (1943-1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Multi]
Drawings (24)
Oversize 16 Presentation book: Typical floor plans, elevations, site plan, data sheet and site model photos - presentation drawings (reproductions); 8 pgs. (8)
Oversize 16 Site plans and apartment plans for "Stuyvesant Town" project by Met Life's Board of Design (May 1943) - other drawings (reproductions) (5)
Box 112, Folder 21 Sketches with notes and computations - design development drawings (originals); 11 sheets (11)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 17 Correspondence (Nov 1943-Feb 1946)
Box 112, Folder 18 Cost and rent computations (Dec 1943-Sep 1944) - reports, notes, drafts and correspondence.
Box 112, Folder 19 Comparative data (circa Feb 1944) - report, drafts and notes.
Box 112, Folder 20 Research data (May 1943) - statistics and program data on the "Stuyvesant Town" project
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 112, Folder 22 "Stuyvesant Six: A Redevelopment Study" (Apr 1944) - typewritten sheet, 5 pgs.
Photographs (11)
Box SL-7 Site plan and elevation [Slide 120] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Typical floor plan [Slide 395] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-7 Typical floor plan [Slide 410] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
SUN TOWER (1929) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Julius Turm; Sonnen-Turm; Sun Platform)
Drawings (2)
Oversize 1 Klausner, Sonnenbad (schema) (Nr. 105) [Leaf 90] (25 Mar 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Julius Turm (Nr. 143) [Leaf 127] (27 Apr 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Photographs (1)
Box 119, Folder 29 Elevations and plans of the upper and lower platform - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
TANDEM TENNIS COURTS AND CLUB, New York, NY (1946) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Charles Burchard, Architects. [Recreational]
Drawings (3)
Box 112, Folder 23 Presentation set (1 Mar 1946): Perspective, plans, elevations and sections - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (3)
Project files
Box 112, Folder 23 "A report comprising a brief descriptive preliminary specification, preliminary cost estimates and design drawings" - 13 typed pages; "for Sherman M. Fairchild"
TAPESTRY DESIGNS (1970-1977). Designs by Marcel Breuer. [Other (non-architectural)]
(Alternate names: ABC-XYZ; Balance; Blue Eyes; Scarlet)
Project files
Box 83, Folder 5 Catalogs and promotional materials: Modern Master Tapestries (1970-1977) - fliers, catalogs and price lists; "Balance" illustrated in 1977 catalog
Box 83, Folder 6 Correspondence: Agents and clients (1971-1975) - correspondence related to production of various Breuer tapestry designs
Box 83, Folder 7 Design and color scheme for "Scarlet" tapestry (Jan 1972) - xerox copy of sketch with pencil annotations
TEMPLE B'NAI JESHURUN, Short Hills, NJ (1961-1962) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Religious]
Drawings (276)
Tube 265 Surveys and site maps - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Tube 265 Presentation set (May 1961): Site plans, floor plans, sections, interior and exterior elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-9 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); includes stained glass/ceiling plan; 1 original set and 1 print set (19)
Tube 265 Interior and exterior perspectives - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1375 Construction set (2 Oct 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A55) - working drawings (originals) (55)
Tube 1375 Project III, sanctuary revision: Diagrammatic sketch (9 Sep 1963): Schemes A and B - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1376 Site plan (1 Aug 1962): Dwg. No. D133A - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 1376 Retaining wall (4 Oct 1962): Dwg. No. D137 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1376 Caretaker's cottage (3 Dec 1962): Dwg. Nos. ME5, S4, L8 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1376 Kitchen equipment (2 Oct 1962): Dwg. Nos. KE1-KE4 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1376 Structural details (26 Dec 1962): Dwg. Nos. X17-X19 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1376 Topo map: Dwg. No. D31 - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1376 Parking study (25 Jun 1962) - design development drawings (reproductions); with color (1)
Tube 1376 Courtyard Study (23 Aug 1962) - design development drawings (reproductions); with color (1)
Tube 1376 Landscaping plan [20 Oct 1962]: Dwg. Nos. L1P-L3P - design development drawings (reproductions); with parking areas (3)
Tube 1377 Construction set (2 Oct 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A55) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office check set"; annotated prints (55)
Tube 1378 Construction set (2 Oct 1962): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S19, S21-S23); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. ME1-ME5) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office check set"; annotated prints (37)
Tube 1379 Construction set (2 Oct 1962): Kitchen equipment (Dwg. Nos. KE1-KE4) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office check set"; annotated prints (5)
Tube 1379 Construction set (2 Oct 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2X, A3X, A6X, A18X, A29X, A37X); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. ME1X-ME4X); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1X-E10X, E13X); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1X-HVAC2X, HVAC5X-HVAC9X, HVAC11X-HVAC12X, HVAC2XX, HVAC6XX-HVAC9XX); structural details (Dwg. Nos. X17-X19) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "project reduction"; annotated prints (38)
Tube 1380 Construction set (2 Oct 1962; general revisions Dec 1962-Jan 1963): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2X, A3X, A6, A6X, A18X, A29X, A37X); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. ME1X-ME4X); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1X-E10X, E13X); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1X-HVAC2X, HVAC5X-HVAC9X, HVAC11X-HVAC12X, HVAC2XX, HVAC6XX-HVAC9XX) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (36)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 17 Request for proposal (1962)
Photographs (4)
Box 128, Folder 16 Front view - model, exterior view; color photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 16 Side view - model, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 16 Ceiling and seating - site/landscape, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 16 Perspective of entrance and sanctuary - site/landscape, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
THOMPSON HOUSE, Ligonier, PA (1947-1952). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (70)
Tube 612 Sketch showing proposed method of hanging low beam (25 Jul 1947) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Steel details (30 Jun 1947) (Griffith-Custer Steel Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 612 Lighting plan and projector locations (9-11 Mar 1947) (Rudolf Wendel, Inc.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 612 Granite details (Sep 1948-Feb 1949) (H.E. Fletcher Co.): Table top and bench tops; fireplace granite - shop drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 612 Column detail - shop drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 612 Plan of septic system (Acme Stone and Concrete Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 612 Bathroom details (30 Dec 1948) (Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 612 Louvred panel (28 Jun 1948) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Miscellaneous interior details, preliminary (20 Feb 1948) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Rendered elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Screening detail: Screened porch (6 May 1949) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Alteration to southeast elevation (21 Jun 1950) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Screening detail: Screened porches (21 Jun 1950) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Landscaping set: General plan, entrance ramp and retaining walls - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 612 Ground floor plan (31 Mar 1947) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 612 Elevations (2 Jun 1947): Dwg. No. 103 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 612 Topographic survey (Nov 1945) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 612 Topographic survey - site surveys (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Site plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Landscaping plan: Preliminary drawing - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Site plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 612 Ground floor plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Ground floor plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Ground floor plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Ground floor plan: Preliminary scheme - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 612 Construction set (2 Jun 1947-31 Dec 1948): Plot plan (Dwg. No. 101); floor plan (Dwg. No. 102); elevations (Dwg. No. 103); details (Dwg. No. 104); pergola framing, wood columns (Dwg. No. 105); mill work (Dwg. No. 105a); fireplaces (Dwg. No. 106); garden retaining walls (Dwg. No. 107); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 108); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 109); full size kitchen details and basement stair rail (Dwg. No. 110); bathroom details rooms 111 and 112 (dwg, no. 111); bathroom details rooms 108, 117 and 118 (Dwg. No. 112); garage terrace details (Dwg. No. 114); dressing room details (Dwg. No. 115); addition to fireplace, room 104 (Dwg. No. 115-a); miscellaneous interior details (dwg, no. 116); interior details (Dwg. No. 117); closet details, miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 118); fireplace details (Dwg. No. 119); garage and servants quarters (Dwg. No. 201); garage and servants quarters: details (Dwg. No. 202); main house: roof framing plan (Dwg. No. s-101); main house: foundation plan (Dwg. No. S-102); main house foundation details (Dwg. No. S-[103?]); garage building framing and foundation (Dwg. No. S-104); floor plan, electrical (Dwg. No. E-1-2); 110/220 v, 3 wire, ac, service and miscellaneous wiring (Dwg. No. E-2-1); garage electrical (dwg, no. E-3-1); plumbing main house first floor plan (Dwg. No. P-1-2); plumbing main house basement plan and details (Dwg. No. P-2-0); plumbing garage plans and details (Dwg. No. P-3-1); outdoor piping (Dwg. No. P-4-2); heating main house first floor plan (Dwg. No. H-1-4); heating main house basement plans and details (Dwg. No. H-2-3); heating garage plans and details (Dwg. No. H-3-0); basement plan (Dwg. No. B-1) - working drawings (originals) (37)
Project files
Box 40, Folder 1 Contracts - owner-architect contract, owner contractor contract
Box 40, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (1947-1952) - Mrs. A.W. Thompson
Box 40, Folder 4-8 Correspondence: Consultants (1947-1949) - Irene Renehan, interior decorator; Frederick Peck, landscape architect; Rudolf Wendel Inc., lighting designer; Benjamin Spivak, mechanical engineer; Sigman Farkas, structural engineer
Box 40, Folder 9-10 Correspondence: Contractor (1947-1951) - Carstensen, Inc., general contractor
Box 40, Folder 11 Correspondence: Contractor (1947-1949) - John Hall, Heating and Plumbing Contractor
Box 40, Folder 12 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1947-1949)
Box 40, Folder 13 Correspondence: Publicity (1948-1951)
Box 40, Folder 14-23 Financial records - architectural invoices; certificates of payment; contractor, consultant and supplier invoices
Box 41, Folder 24 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketches
Box 41, Folder 25 Product literature
Box 41, Folder 26 Program notes and rough sketch - original notes on client requirements
Box 41, Folder 27 Specifications and schedules - general specifications, lighting fixture schedule, electrical specifications, plumbing specifications, door schedule, hardware schedule
Box 41, Folder 28 Transmittals
Photographs (118)
Box SL-8 Approach to house [Slide 178] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Approach to house [Roll 2, Frames 14-16] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 Approach to House [Roll 13, Frames 15-16, 35] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 Covered Passage [Roll 1, Frames 25-28, 30-32] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (7)
Box SL-14 Covered passage [Roll 2, Frame 25] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Covered passage [Roll 13, Frames 23-24, 37] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-8 Cantilevered stair and roof terrace [Slide 34] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Cantilevered stair and roof terrace [Slide 645] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Cantilevered stair and roof terrace [Roll 2, Frames 4-5] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-8 East elevation [Slide 278] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Entrance [Roll 2, Frames 2, 18, 20-21] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (4)
Box SL-14 Entrance [Roll 13, Frames 18, 25] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Entry walk and wall at entrance [Roll 2, Frame 19] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Entry walk and wall at entrance [Roll 13, Frame 26] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-8 Exterior view of terraced landscaping with house beyond [Slide 40] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Exterior view of terraced landscaping with house beyond [Slide 643] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Garage and servants quarters, southwest elevation [Roll 2, Frames 24, 31] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box 41, Folder 29 In-floor radiant heating installation - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (8)
Oversize 16 Lattice in stone wall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted, 14.75 x 17.25 in. (1)
Box SL-14 Lattice in stone wall [Roll 2, Frame 1] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-8 Master bedroom terrace [Slide 177] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Master bedroom terrace [Roll 13, Frame 32] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Mrs. Thompson and Rollo Thompson [Roll 2, Frames 34-35] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Mrs. Thompson seated beneath trellis [Roll 1, Frame 20] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Northeast elevation [Roll 1, Frames 9-13, 23] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (6)
Box SL-14 Northeast elevation with view of roof terrace [Roll 2, Frame 26] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Northwest elevation [Roll 2, Frames 17-18, 22-23, 32] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (5)
Box SL-14 Northwest elevation [Roll 13, Frames 17, 19-22, 27-28, 36] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (8)
Box SL-14 Outdoor dining room [Roll 1, Frame 24] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-8 Outside stair leading to roof deck [Slide 62] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 41, Folder 29 Part of east elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 41, Folder 29 Part of east elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Part of east elevation [Slide 68] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Part of east elevation [Slide 175] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Plan [Slide 85] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box 41, Folder 29 Pond and lattice in stone wall - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Pond and lattice in stone wall [Slide 644] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Pond and lattice in stone wall [Slide 765] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Pond and lattice in stone wall [Roll 1, Frames 33-34, 36] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 Pond and lattice in stone wall [Roll 13, Frames 29-31] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-8 Rear entrance with trellis [Slide 646] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Roof Terrace [Roll 2, Frames 27-29] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 Southeast elevation [Roll 1, Frames 14-18] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (5)
Box SL-14 Southeast elevation [Roll 2, Frames 10-12] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 View along northwest elevation [Roll 13, Frames 33-34] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 View along southeast elevation [Roll 1, Frame 35] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View along southeast elevation [Roll 2, Frames 3, 13] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-8 View from living room [Slide 328] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 View of entrance [Slide 65] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of entrance and covered passage [Roll 2, Frame 33] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of garden retaining walls and trellis [Roll 1, Frames 21-22] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 View of garden retaining walls and trellis [Roll 2, Frames 6-9] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (4)
Box SL-8 View of trellis with cantilevered stair [Slide 22] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of trellis with cantilevered stair [Roll 1, Frame 19] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View up cantilevered stairs to roof terrace [Roll 2, Frame 30] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 41, Folder 29 Wall at entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Wall at entrance towards servants quarters [Slide 167] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 West elevation [Slide 183] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Wood columns [Roll 1, Frame 29] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
THOST HOUSE, Hamburg, Germany (1926). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
Photographs (4)
Box 119, Folder 30 Kid's room with furniture, "kinderzimmer bei Thost" - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph; photo by Consemuller Klischee (1)
Box 119, Folder 30 Living room with furniture, "wohn raum" - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 30 Nursery furniture - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Wooden drawer units [Slide 673] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
TIBBY HOUSE, Port Washington, NY (1952-1953) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (14)
Tube 648 Preliminary plans - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (2)
Tube 648 Exterior rendered perspective from above - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 648 Preliminary: Revision (23 Dec 1952): Floor plans (Dwg. No.3) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 648 Preliminary (7 Nov 1952): Site plan and floor plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 648 Preliminary (19 Nov 1952): Site plan, floor plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 648 Construction set (13 Feb 1953): Coping detail, section A-A, plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans, finish schedule (Dwg. No. 2); framing plans, framing details, section B-B, section C (Dwg. No. 3); elevations, door schedule (Dwg. No. 4); fireplace details (Dwg. No. 5); carport louvered wall (Dwg. No. 6); window details, door sections (Dwg. No. 7) - working drawings (originals) (7)
Project files
Box 82, Folder 1 Bid documents (Feb 1953-Mar 1953)
Box 82, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (Sep 1952-Apr 1953) - John and Emily Tibby
Box 82, Folder 3 Financial records (Jan 1953-Apr 1953) - architectural invoices
Box 82, Folder 4 Program documents - manuscript, "Notes About Our House"; sketches and program description composed by client
Box 82, Folder 5 Specifications (13 Feb 1953) - General Specifications
Box 82, Folder 6 Transmittals (Nov 1952-Feb 1953)
TILLEY HOUSE, Red Bank, NJ (1949-1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings for this project include a single sheet of revisions to the base drawings for the House in the Museum Garden, which is the prototype for this residence.
For additional material, see also House in the Museum Garden, Museum of Modern Art.
Drawings (1)
Tube 1076 Tilley House revisions (23 Sep 1949): Fireplace, staircase, east elevation, bedroom No. 1 (Dwg. No. 12) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 72, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (Aug 1949-Sep 1950) - Alvin R. Tilley
Box 72, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (Sep 1949-Jun 1950) - Murphy-Brinkworth Construction Corp., general contractor
Box 72, Folder 3 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and manufacturers
Box 72, Folder 4-5 Financial records (Oct 1949-Jul 1950) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment
Box 72, Folder 6 Office records - Miscellaneous Notes and Sketches
Box 72, Folder 7 Specifications - Description of Basic Three-Bedroom House Model, Addendum, Lighting fixture Schedule
TOMPKINS HOUSE, Hewlett Harbor, NY (1945-1949). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (21)
Box 39, Folder 9 Plans and perspective - presentation drawings (reproductions); magazine clippings mounted on board (1)
Tube 642 Preliminary Framing Plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 642 Preliminary elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 642 Preliminary plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 642 Preliminary plans - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 642 Map of Seawane Estates Inc. No. 1 with sketch on verso - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 642 Second floor plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 642 Construction set (28 Jul 1945-28 Aug 1946): Framing plans and section (Dwg. No. 101); floor plans (Dwg. No. 102); elevations (Dwg. No. 103); exterior details (Dwg. No. 104); details (Dwg. No. 105); details (Dwg. No. 106); electrical plans and details (Dwg. No. 107); interior details (Dwg. No. 108); interior details (Dwg. No. 109); heating plan (Dwg. No. 110); plot plan and details (Dwg. No. 111); planting plan (Dwg. No. 112) - working drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 642 Heating plan - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office copy"; annotated print (1)
Tube 642 Electrical plan (30 Jul 1945) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office copy"; annotated print (1)
Project files
Box 39, Folder 1 Correspondence: Client (1945-1948) - Gilbert Tompkins
Box 39, Folder 2 Correspondence: Contractor (1945-1947) - Gordon Roth
Box 39, Folder 3 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1945-1949) -
Box 39, Folder 4 Correspondence: Publicity (1947-1948) - Architectural Forum, list of international publications
Box 39, Folder 5 Financial records - invoices for architectural services
Box 39, Folder 6 Promotional materials: Hewlett Harbor
Box 39, Folder 7 Specifications and schedules - General Specifications, Heating Specifications
Box 39, Folder 8 List of drawings (8 Nov 1945)
Published material
Box 39, Folder 10 "The Tompkins House," Architectural Record (Sep 1947) - tear sheet, pgs. 67-73
Photographs (27)
Box 39, Folder 11 Bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Elevation [Slide 315] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevations [Slide 834-836] - finished project, exterior view; color slides (3)
Box SL-14 Elevation with terrace railing [Slide 801] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Exterior view [Slide 33] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 Kitchen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 Living room with fireplace - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 39, Folder 11 Model - black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Service yard [Slide 613] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Slide 800] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 South façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 39, Folder 11 Stairs - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box SL-8 Suspended staircase [Slide 594] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View along south façade [Slide 799] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 View from southeast - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 39, Folder 11 View from southwest - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 View of living room through fireplace - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 View of two elevations at corner [Slide 761] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of two elevations at corner [Slide 798] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 761) (1)
Box SL-8 View through living room fireplace [Slide 713] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 39, Folder 11 West façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
TORIN CORPORATION (NIVELLES), Nivelles, Belgium (1962-1969). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects; Andre and Jean Polak, Architects (Brussels "Coordinators"). [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Torrington Manufacturing Co.; TSA Division)
Drawings (90)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Plans and precast panel details - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 266 Revision of south road and parking (Oct-Nov 1969) - working drawings (originals); 2 sheets (2)
Tube 266 Site plan (12 Sep 1969) - presentation drawings (reproductions); 2 copies (2)
Tube 266 Design development sketches and drawings (Dec 1962-Sep 1964) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes precast panel and façade studies, window details, preliminary site plans, office layout plans, schematic plans, preliminary schemes, structural details, plan studies and office elevations (62)
Tube 266 Proposed changes at Torrington S.A. (22 Sep 1967) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 267 Office lighting (7 Mar 1963): Dwg. No. SK3 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 267 Drip details (15 Jul 1969): Dwg. No. SK1A - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 267 Office partitions (20 Apr 1964): Dwg. No. F1-F2 - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 267 Construction set (Feb-Apr 1963): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A8) - working drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 267 Exterior elevations (9 Jul 1969): Dwg. No. A3A - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 267 Hanger to fasten crane to concrete beams - working drawings (reproductions); marked "office file" (1)
Tube 267 Factory sign (5 Jun 1964) (Chermayeff and Geismar) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 267 Office lighting and electrical (8 Mar 1963): Dwg. No. SK1-SK2 - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 267 Miscellaneous prints from construction set (Feb-Apr 1963): Dwg. Nos. A1, A2, A7 - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (3)
Project files
Box 86, Folder 6 Correspondence (1963-1968) - Kenneth Crowe, Branch Manager
Photographs (55)
Box 86, Folder 7 Concrete precast wall panels - construction, detail; color photographs (5)
Box 86, Folder 7 Construction progress photos (Nov 1963-May 1964) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; annotated (30)
Box 86, Folder 7 Concrete wall panel frame and finished panel - construction, detail; black and white photographs (6)
Box 86, Folder 7 Details of east façade precast panels - construction, detail; black and white photographs (8)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Torin S. A. (TS) (Belgium)" - color slides (6)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
TORIN CORPORATION (OAKVILLE), Oakville, Ontario, Canada (1953-1955). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Canadian Division; Ontario (Oakville) Plant; Torrington Manufacturing Co.)
Drawings (19)
Tube 1147 Plan of part of lot 17, Con. 3, S.D.S. (11 May 1953) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1147 Presentation set, 3 schemes: Elevations, floor plan and site plan - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1147 Presentation set, 2 schemes: Elevations, floor plan and site plan - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 2 prints (4)
Tube 1147 Perspective of façade and main entrance - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1147 Manufacturing unit: Typical plan layout (11 May 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1147 Wall section - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1147 Manufacturing unit: Details of brick pier cement cap (12 Oct 1953) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1147 manufacturing unit typical layout construction set (Jun-Oct 1953): Plot plans (Dwg. No. 1); floor plans (Dwg. No. 2); elevations (Dwg. No. 3); wall sections and details (Dwg. No. 4); window details (Dwg. No. 5); sign details (Dwg. No. 6); lobby details (Dwg. No. 7) - working drawings (originals) (7)
Published material
Box 86, Folder 9 "Factory by Marcel Breuer is Bright," Architectural Forum (Feb 1955) - reprint, 7 pgs.
Photographs (7)
Box 86, Folder 8 Entrance façade - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 8 Façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 8 Front elevation and entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (3)
Box 86, Folder 8 Rear elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 8 Sunshade detail - finished project, detail; black and white photograph; negative image (1)
TORIN CORPORATION (PENRITH), Penrith, Australia (1973-1974). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects; Harry Seidler and Associates, Associated Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Torrington Manufacturing Company)
Drawings (53)
Tube 1399 Preliminary (23 Apr 1974): Dwg. Nos. 1, 1A, 2-5 - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1399 Design development drawings (Jan 1974-Dec 1974) - design development drawings (originals); includes façade studies, elevations studies, proposed site plan, stair sections and preliminary schemes (27)
Tube 1400 Topographic maps of town of Penrith - site surveys (reproductions); with trace paper overlay (2)
Tube 1400 Scheme 3A (28 Dec 1973) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (4)
Tube 1400 Presentation sheet: Floor plan - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1400 Torrington, U.K.D. Construction set (10 Oct 1973): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2-A8, and photostat copy) - working drawings (reproductions); date stamped on verso; annotated prints, possibly used as reference drawings (8)
Tube 1400 Preliminary (14 Jun 1974): Dwg. Nos. 1-5 - design development drawings (reproductions); marked "office copy" (5)
Project files
Box 86, Folder 10A Specifications (14 Jun 1974) - "Outline of principal materials and general notes "
Photographs (20)
Box 86, Folder 10B Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (20)
TORIN CORPORATION (ROCHESTER, IND.), Rochester, IN (1959-1963, 1965-1968, , 1978). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Indiana Division; Torrington Manufacturing Company)
Material for this project relates to the original project phase (1959-1960), as well as subsequent additions and renovations (1962, 1965, 1978).
Drawings (85)
Tube 1397 SK drawings (Sep 1959-Feb 1961): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK13 and unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (originals); incomplete (12)
Tube 1396 Construction set (1 Feb 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A10), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S5), plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3), site plumbing (Dwg. No. SP1), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4), HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC2) - working drawings (originals) (25)
Tube 1397 Construction set (1 Feb 1960): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3), Site Plumbing (Dwg. No. SP1), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4), HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC2) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (10)
Tube 1398 Construction set (1 Feb 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A10), Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S5), Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3), Site Plumbing (Dwg. No. SP1), HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC2), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E4) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "contract issue" (24)
Tube 1396 Addition, construction set (9 Feb 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A3) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1398 Addition, construction set (9 Feb 1962): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A3), structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (7)
Tube 1397 Office furnishing layout (5 Feb 1963) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1397 Office extension (13 Jan 1965) - working drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1396 Mezzanine renovation (26 Jul 1978): Dwg. No. 1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 86, Folder 11 Correspondence (1967-1968) - Bernard Marson, drafting
Photographs (110)
Box 86, Folder 13-16 Construction progress photos - construction; black and white photographs; exteriors, interiors and details (104)
Box 86, Folder 12 Entrance - finished project, detail; negative (1)
Box 86, Folder 12 Rendering - drawings, perspective rendering; Brian Burr, artist; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 12 Wall detail near entrance - finished project, detail; color photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 12 Wall detail near entrance - finished project, detail; black and white photographs (3)
TORIN CORPORATION (SWINDON), Swindon, England (1964-1971). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects; Frishman Spyer Associates, Supervising Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: British Division; Torrington Manufacturing Co.; Torrington UKD)
Drawings (20)
Box 87, Folder 7 Design development drawings for construction details (SK drawings): Loading dock, pedestrian control, bikeshed and mural design - design development drawings (reproductions); xerox copies with annotations (7)
Tube 1400 Construction set (10 Oct 1973): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2-A8) - working drawings (reproductions); date stamped on verso; annotated prints; originally in tube with Torrington, Penrith drawings, possibly used as reference drawings for that project (8)
Tube 1410 Floor plan (15 Aug 1965; annotated post-inspection 6 Mar 1968): Dwg. No. A2 - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1410 Shop drawings and miscellaneous details (Sep-Nov 1966) - working drawings (reproductions) (4)
Project files
Box 87, Folder 1 Correspondence: Architects (1964-1971)
Box 87, Folder 2 Correspondence: Clients (1964-1968) - Rufus Stillman, Vice President; Glenn McRae, Branch Manager
Box 87, Folder 3 Correspondence: Consulting engineers (1965-1969)
Box 87, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contracted architects (1964-1968)
Box 87, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractors and suppliers (1965-1968)
Box 87, Folder 6 Correspondence: Miscellaneous (1966-1967) - correspondence regarding article in Architectural Review and site visit by architecture students
Box 87, Folder 8 Financial documents (1965-1968) - cost reports, invoices, statements
Box 87, Folder 9 Product literature
Box 87, Folder 10 Transmittals (1964-1967)
Photographs (10)
Box 87, Folder 11 Construction progress photos - construction; black and white photographs; interiors, exteriors and details (10)
TORIN CORPORATION (VAN NUYS), Van Nuys, CA (1955-1957). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Craig Ellwood, Supervising Architect. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Torrington Manufacturing Co.; Van Nuys Plant; Western Division)
Drawings (54)
Tube 1120 Rendered perspective of office entrance - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1120 Design development drawings (Jul-Aug 1955) - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary plans and structural drawings, draft sections and elevations (14)
Tube 1120 Construction set (20 Oct 1955-23 May 1956): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A13); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S3); mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M8); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E6) - working drawings (originals) (30)
Tube 1120 SK drawings (29 Jun 1956-26 Mar 1957) - working drawings (originals) (8)
Tube 1120 Structure to house air compressor (Craig Ellwood Assoc.) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Photographs (17)
Box 86, Folder 17 East façade and pergola - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-14 Elevation at corner [Slide 803] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevation with detail view of sunshades [Slide 805] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 86, Folder 17 Luncheon terrace and pergola - finished project, detail; color photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 17 Luncheon terrace and pergola - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Luncheon terrace and pergola [Slide 480] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Luncheon terrace and pergola [Slide 481] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Luncheon terrace and pergola [Slide 806] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (duplicate of Slide 480) (1)
Box SL-14 Luncheon terrace and pergola [Slide 807] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Luncheon terrace and pergola [Slide 808] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 North elevation [Slide 804] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 86, Folder 17 Steel work - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box SL-14 View from road [Slide 802] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View out from terrace [Slide 809] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View out from terrace [Slide 810] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 View out from terrace [Slide 811] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
TORIN CORPORATION, ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, Torrington, CT (1965-1966). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: General Offices; Torin Corporate Office; Torrington Manufacturing Co.)
Drawings (78)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1404 Construction set (Jul-Aug 1965) (Westcott and Mapes, Inc., Architects and Engineers): Structural (Dwg. Nos. 1500-1505), mechanical plot and roof plan (Dwg. No. 2001), plumbing (Dwg. No. 2501), hvac (Dwg. Nos. 2801-2807, 2810), electrical (Dwg. Nos. 3000-3002) - working drawings (originals) (18)
Tube 1404 Construction set (5 Aug 1965): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A17) - working drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 1404 Furniture (Mar-May 1966): Dwg. Nos. F1-F4 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1405 Site plan (28 Jun 1965): Dwg. No. 1 - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1405 SK drawings (Dec 1965-Jul 1966): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK15 - working drawings (originals); incomplete (14)
Tube 1405 Design development drawings and prints (Feb 1965-Jul 1966) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes site work and parking studies (20)
Published material
Box 86, Folder 1 Torin brochure - features 7 Torin buildings (7 copies)
Photographs (12)
Box 86, Folder 2 Cast stone wall panels - finished project, detail; black and white photographs; 5 prints and 1 proof sheet (6)
Box 86, Folder 2 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 86, Folder 2 Construction progress photos - construction, interior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 86, Folder 2 Northwest façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 2 Torrington symbol and partial building elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
TORIN CORPORATION, ASSEMBLY PLANT (LAWTON), Lawton, OK (1978-1979). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architects. [Industrial]
Drawings (13)
Tube 1408 Aerial site photos of Lawton, Oklahoma - site surveys (reproductions); large format (2)
Tube 1408 Survey, site map and proposed block layout (1978-1979) - site surveys (reproductions) (4)
Tube 1408 Design development drawings: Reflected ceiling plan and unnumbered sheet - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1408 Presentation sheet: Plan, elevations, details - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1408 Construction set (23 Feb 1979): Dwg. Nos. 1-6 - working drawings (originals) (6)
TORIN CORPORATION, FRANKLIN DRIVE PLANT, Torrington, CT (1978-1979) [Industrial]
There is little additional information in the collection providing context for this late 1970s design proposal by the Breuer firm. According to an article published in The Register Citizen (Litchfield) on the occasion of the plant's demolition, this was the only of the Torin Corp buildings not designed by Marcel Breuer ("A piece of Torrington history is razed," The Register Citizen, 21 Mar 2010).
Drawings (71)
Tube 1402 Existing conditions: Plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1402 Presentation set (1 Aug 1978): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1402 Presentation set: Site plan, plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1402-1403 Design development sketches, drawings and prints (Jul 1978-Feb 1979) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); many prints annotated; including loading dock plan, miscellaneous details and draft plans, lighting, cafeteria and food service plans, SK drawings on trace paper, reflected ceiling plans, framing foundation plan; 22 originals and 39 reproductions (61)
TORIN CORPORATION, MACHINE DIVISION FACTORY, Torrington, CT (1962-1969). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Industrial]
(Alternate names: Torrington Factory; Torrington Manufacturing Co.)
Drawings (102)
Tube 1406-1407 Design development sketches, drawings and prints (Aug-Dec 1962) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes surveys, site studies, topographic maps, preliminary site work, façade studies, elevations studies, plan studies, wall sections, signs, telephone room, reception area, reflected ceiling plans (81)
Tube 1407 Structural studies (Feb-Mar 1962) - design development drawings (reproductions) (9)
Tube 1407 Structural studies (3 Feb 1962): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1407 Furnishing layout (Jan-Feb 1963): Dwg. Nos. F1-F3, IF1 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1407 Presentation sheets (circa Oct 1962): Plans and elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Project files
Box 86, Folder 3 Correspondence (1968-1969)
Photographs (2)
Box 86, Folder 4 Aerial view of building - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 4 Northeast façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
TORIN CORPORATION, TECHNICAL CENTERS, Torrington, CT (1970-1971, 1983). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects (Tech I); BreuerA, Architects (Tech II). [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Tech I, Tech II; Torin Tech Centers; Torrington Manufacturing Co.)
Drawings (22)
Tube 1401 Site maps (9 Jan 1962) - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1401 Serving area (9 Apr 1971): Dwg. No. SK17 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1401 Presentation sheet: Plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1401 Kitchen elevations and details (9 Apr 1971) (Herbert Beckhard, Architect) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1401 Construction set (18 Mar 1970): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2, A7, A8, A10) - working drawings (reproductions); diazo prints and xerox copies (7)
Tube 1401 Construction set (4 May 1970): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S2) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (4)
Tube 1401 Construction set (4 May 1970): Site plan and details (L1-L2) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies (3)
Tube 1401 Torin Tech II (22 Apr 1983) (MBA): Floor plans and new furnishings (Dwg. No. F1) - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Photographs (3)
Box 86, Folder 5 Offices - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 5 View from northwest - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 86, Folder 5 Window units and split concrete blocks - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
TORRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL, Torrington, CT (1955-1957) (not built). Marcel Breuer and O'Connor & Kilham, Architects; Herbert Beckhard, Associate. [Educational]
Drawings (37)
Tube 1114 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, preliminary floor plans, site plans, perspectives (29)
Tube 1114 Schematic Circulation Diagrams (25 Sep 1957): Teacher, public and student circulation - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); annotated prints; 1 original master sheet and 3 print sheets (4)
Tube 1114 Presentation sheets: Site plan in broader context, immediate site plan, ground floor plan - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1114 Heating system detail (19 Aug 1957) (Slocum and Fuller): Sketch No. HV1 - consultant drawings (reproductions) (1)
TWO DRESSERS FOR MR. AND MRS. H. BECKHARD (1958). Herbert Beckhard. [Projects by Others]
Drawings (1)
Tube 1468 Two dressers for Mr. and Mrs. H. Beckhard (31 Jul 1958): Dwg. No. D - working drawings (originals) (1)
UKRAINIAN STATE THEATER, COMPETITION, Kharkov, Soviet Union (1930-1935) (not built). Marcel Breuer, with the assistance of Gustav Hassenpflug. [Recreational]
(Alternate names: Kharkov Theater; Kharkow Theater)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (17)
Oversize 15 Aerial perspective view of theater project - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-8 Aerial perspective view of theater project [Slide 388] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 9 Elevation [Kharkov Theater?] - drawings, perspective rendering; glass-plate negative (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 6 Elevations [Slide no. ANCT8/8974] - drawings, multiple drawings; glass-plate negative (1)
Box 119, Folder 31 Interior details - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 7 Interior details [Slide no. ANCT10/8974; dup] - drawings, multiple drawings; glass-plate negative (2)
Box SL-8 Perspective and site plan [Slide 115] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Plan and longitudinal section [Slide 128] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 1 Plan and longitudinal section [Slide no. ANCT2/8974] - drawings, multiple drawings; glass-plate negative (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 5 Plan and longitudinal section [Slide no. ANCT5/8974] - drawings, multiple drawings; glass-plate negative (1)
Box 119, Folder 31 Plan and longitudinal section with seat detail - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 31 Plan and longitudinal section with seat detail - drawings, multiple drawings; duplicate copy negative (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 2 Plan and longitudinal section with seat detail [Slide no. ANCT3/8974] - drawings, multiple drawings; glass-plate negative (1)
Box SL-8 Plan and section [Slide 728] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-13, Folder 3 Plans, diagrams, seating details [Slide no. ANCT4/8974] - drawings, multiple drawings; duplicate glass-plate negative (2)
UNESCO, HEADQUARTERS (PORTE MAILLOT), Paris, France (1952) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Bernard Zehrfuss, Architects; Pier Luigi Nervi, Structural Engineer. [Government]
(Alternate names: Porte Maillot; UNESCO I)
See also UNESCO, Headquarters (Place de Fontenoy); UNESCO, Headquarters, 4th Building.
Designs for the original Porte Maillot site were not realized. Material related to the the built design is filed under UNESCO, Headquarters (Place de Fontenoy).
Drawings (1)
Oversize 16 Perspective rendering of Entrance (board mounted) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Photographs (4)
Box SL-9 Longitudinal section [Slide 300] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Site plan [Slide 143] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16 View of model from above - model; negative (1)
Box SL-9 View of model from above [Slide 576] - model; color slide (1)
UNESCO, HEADQUARTERS (PLACE DE FONTENOY), Paris, France (1954-1958). Marcel Breuer and Bernard Zehrfuss, Architects; Pier Luigi Nervi, Structural Engineer. [Government]
(Alternate names: Place de Fontenoy)
See also UNESCO, Headquarters (Porte Maillot); UNESCO, Headquarters, 4th Building.
Drawings (250)
Oversize 16 Site plan and sections through Secretariat and conference building - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostats (4)
Tube 268 Presentation set: Site plans, plans, sections, elevations, perspectives, diagrams (Sheet Nos. 4, 6-14) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); with hand coloring (11)
Tube 1149 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes project sketches, preliminary site plans, floor plans, design for office cupboard (67)
Tube 1149 Program organization network diagram - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1176 Presentation sheets: Site plan, floor plans - presentation drawings (reproductions); multiples of some sheets; FRAGILE (8)
Tube 1082 Sun control studies and design development drawings for sun shading devices - technical studies/research (originals and reproductions) (35)
Tube 1085 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A-1 to A-20) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (24)
Tube 1086 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A-21 to A-45) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (25)
Tube 1087 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A-46 to A-60) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (18)
Tube 1088 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A-61 to A-86) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (27)
Tube 1083 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S-1 to S-12); Plan General du 7e Stage (1); Plan General du 1er Stage (1); Plan General du Rez de Chaussée et Amenagements Exterieur (1) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (15)
Tube 1084 UNESCO Complex (31 May 1954): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S-13 to [S-27]) - working drawings (reproductions); FRAGILE (15)
Project files
Box 121, Folder 1 Committee of Art Advisors: Committee documents I (May 1954) - Draft Rules of Procedure (CA); in French and English
Box 121, Folder 2 Committee of Art Advisors: Committee documents II (May 1955-Jun 1955) - First Session, 16-18 May 1955 (1CCA); in French and English
Box 121, Folder 3 Committee of Art Advisors: Committee documents III (Oct 1955-Nov 1955) - Second Session, 3-4 Nov 1955 (2CCA); in French and English
Box 121, Folder 4 Committee of Art Advisors: Committee documents IV (Oct 1956-Nov 1956) - Third Session, 1-3 Oct 1956 (3CCA); in French
Box 121, Folder 5 Correspondence: Arp, Jean (Sep 1956-Dec 1956)
Box 121, Folder 6 Correspondence: Bayer, Herbert and Joella (Jan 1956-Dec 1956)
Box 121, Folder 7 Correspondence: Calder, Alexander (June 1955-Nov 1956, Aug 1958)
Box 121, Folder 8 Correspondence: Huxley, Julian (3 Nov 1955) - letter/statement "Works of Art in UNESCO House" from former UNESCO Director-General
Box 121, Folder 9 Correspondence: Markelius, Sven (Nov 1956)
Box 121, Folder 10 Correspondence: Miro, Joan (Oct 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 11 Correspondence: Moore, Henry (Nov 1956-Dec 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 12 Correspondence: Noguchi, Isamu (Oct 1955-Aug 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 13 Correspondence: Rogers, Ernesto (Nov 1956)
Box 121, Folder 14 Correspondence: UNESCO Arts and Letters Division/Michel Dard (Jun 1955-Dec 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 15 Correspondence: UNESCO Bureau du Siege/Eugene Callison (Sep 1955-Jul 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 16 Correspondence: UNESCO Committee of Art Advisors (Oct 1955-Dec 1956) - A. Manuelides, B. Abramski, M.C. Parra-Perez; in French and English
Box 121, Folder 17 Correspondence: UNESCO Director-General (Aug 1955-Jan 1956) - in French and English
Box 121, Folder 18 Miscellaneous notes and correspondence (circa 1956)
Box 121, Folder 19 General correspondence I (1953, 1958) - Hans Knoll (1953). Breuer, Nervi, Zehrfuss (1958)
Sun control studies
Box 121, Folder 21 Drawing List (25 Sep 1958) - H. Seymour Howard, Jr. (architect)
Box 121, Folder 22 Hektograph sheet, "Observations du Vent" - mimeograph copy; in French
Box 121, Folder 23 "Sun Control Studies" by Kowalski (19 Dec [1954?]) - handwritten, 19 pgs.
Box 121, Folder 24 "Steps in Designing Sunshades" by Kowalski - handwritten, 6 pgs.
Box 121, Folder 25 "Sun Control Studies for the Secretariat Building for UNESCO in Paris" by Seymour Howard (17 Dec 1958) - typewritten, 8 pgs.
Box 121, Folder 26 Temperature Chart
Published material
Box 121, Folder 27 "Nueva Sede de la UNESCO en Paris," Informes de la Construccion (Feb 1954) - photocopy, 8 pgs.
Box 121, Folder 27 "Le Nouveau Siege de L'UNESCO a Paris" - tear sheet, pgs. 77-81
Photographs (494)
Box SL-8 Aerial view of complex in context [Slide 287] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Aerial view of complex in context [Slide 812] - finished project, aerial view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Aerial view of Place de Fontenoy [Slide 338] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Bush-hammering of concrete [Slide 343] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 121, Folder 30 Finished project - 1 color contact sheet and 22 color negatives (23)
Box SL-9 Conference building ceiling [Slide 342] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Conference building, conference hall interior [Slide 627] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Conference building, corner of building from above [Slide 298] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Conference building, view along folded wall [Slide 280] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Conference building, view of folded wall [Slide 314] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Conference building, view of sculpture with folded wall [Slide 305] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Conference hall interior [Slide 622] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Conference hall windows [Slide 192] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Conference room [Slide 311] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos [Slide 323] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 121, Folder 32-34 Construction photos - construction; black and white photographs; small format (69)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Concrete pilotis and stone clad core [Slide 587] - construction, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Conference building [Slide 756] - construction, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Conference building folded wall [Slide 286] - construction, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Conference building roof [Slide 285] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Conference building shell [Slide 586] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 122, Folder 8 Construction photos: Details - construction; black and white photographs (28)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Exterior view [Slide 199] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 122, Folder 1-7 Construction photos: Exterior views - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; including aerial site views (206)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Folded wall [Slide 255] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 122, Folder 9 Construction photos: Interior views - construction; black and white photographs (24)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Overall site [Slide 282] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Pilotis with formwork [Slide 283] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Construction photos: Secretariat [Slide 292] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Secretariat [Slide 306] - construction, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Secretariat frame [Slide 579] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Construction photos: Secretariat frame [Slide 752] - construction, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Curved wall with rectangular cutouts, deep concrete beams [Slide 332] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Double-height hall with tapered columns and mezzanine [Slide 341] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 121, Folder 31 Drawings and model photos - drawings and model; black and white photographs (7)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Building plan [Slide 574] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Drawings: Elevations (Dwg. No. A22) [Slide 299] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Floor plan [Slide 747] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Mechanical diagrams [Slide 309] - drawings, systems; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Mechanical diagrams [Slide 310] - drawings, systems; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Drawings: Plan du 7th Etage [Slide 201] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Preliminary plans [Slide 308] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Drawings: Section, perspective, details [Slide 302] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Section, perspective, details of Secretariat [Slide 303] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Drawings: Site plan [Slide 307] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Elevation detail [Slide 203] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Elevation detail [Slide 205] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Elevation of canopy and partial building elevation [Slide 749] - drawings, elevations; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Elevations from plaza [Slide 754] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 End elevation [Slide 154] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Entrance [Slide 158] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Entrance canopy and partial elevation [Slide 750] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Entrance canopy with façade [Slide 336] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Exterior stair and façade [Slide 256] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Exterior stair and façade of Secretariat [Slide 606] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Exterior view of conference hall windows [Slide 161] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 121, Folder 28 Exterior views - finished project; black and white photographs (14)
Box SL-8 Façade detail [Slide 190] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Façade, partial [Slide 146] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Façade, partial, with garden in foreground [Slide 281] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Ground level reception area [Slide 313] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Hall leading to restaurant with mural [Slide 711] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Henry Moore sculpture in front of conference building [Slide 628] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Henry Moore sculpture with curved façade [Slide 589] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 121, Folder 29 Interior views - finished project; black and white photographs (11)
Box SL-8 Library [Slide 157] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Library [Slide 333] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Library [Slide 334] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Lounge with staggered rectangular windows [Slide 607] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Miro mural [Slide 710] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Miro mural detail [Slide 293] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Miro mural in front of building [Slide 52] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Miro mural in front of building Façade [Slide 324] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Miro mural signature [Slide 331] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Miro mural with conference building in background [Slide 337] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Night view of illuminated secretariat [Slide 625] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Office view with displayed mechanical diagrams [Slide 301] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Partial elevation view [Slide 604] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Partial elevation view [Slide 626] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Pilotis [Slide 195] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Secretariat curved wall elevation [Slide 288] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Secretariat exterior stair and façade [Slide 291] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Secretariat façade detail [Slide 296] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Secretariat main hall [Slide 748] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Secretariat main hall [Slide 755] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Secretariat main hall with arrayed guards [Slide 605] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 Section through conference building roof [Slide 597] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Section through conference rooms [Slide 138] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Section through exterior wall showing sunshade details [Slide 575] - drawings, detail; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Section through office floors and lower level [Slide 137] - drawings, section; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Sections and plan of entrance canopy [Slide 202] - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Stone walls and pathway below Secretariat [Slide 621] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 Sun shading devices [Slide 160] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Sun shading devices [Slide 335] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Sun shading devices [Slide 345] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 Sun shading devices and window with reflected view [Slide 330] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 Terrace with view toward city [Slide 284] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View along curved Secretariat wall [Slide 623] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View along sunshade of curving wall [Slide 751] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View along sunshade of curving wall [Slide 753] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-8 View at a distance in context [Slide 279] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-8 View from above [Slide 297] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View from below of canopy with curved beams [Slide 344] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of assembly hall [Slide 437] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of conference building from above [Slide 590] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of curved elevation [Slide 580] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of end wall [Slide 448] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of end wall of Secretariat [Slide 624] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of flag poles, Secretariat in background [Slide 339] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of garden from above [Slide 450] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of high ceilinged room with acoustical wall treatment [Slide 563] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of landscape from above with sunshade [Slide 596] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of low wing with staggered windows [Slide 620] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of Miro mural with building facade beyond [Slide 585] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of model conference Building from above [Slide 578] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of model Secretariat elevation [Slide 577] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of side elevation of conference building [Slide 595] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View of spiral exterior stair [Slide 340] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-9 View out toward entrance canopy [Slide 312] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-9 View toward landscaped plaza with sunshade [Slide 746] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
UNESCO, HEADQUARTERS, 4TH BUILDING (PLACE DE FONTENOY), Paris, France (1960-1966) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Bernard Zehrfuss, Architects; Pier Luigi Nervi, Structural Engineer. [Government]
(Alternate names: 4th Batiment)
See also UNESCO, Headquarters (Porte Maillot); UNESCO, Headquarters (Place de Fontenoy.
Design work for an additional office building at the UNESCO Headquarters complex began circa August 1960 with Breuer, Nervi and Zehrfuss as collaborators. The resulting 1960-1961 design was never realized. In 1965, an underground portion was built at the complex by Bernard Zehrfuss as sole architect.
Drawings (192)
Tube 1098 UNESCO 4th Batíment (Jun 1961): Site plan, floor plans, sections, details (Dwg. Nos. 1-9, 11-12) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 1098 Presentation set (24 Jun 1960): Site plan schemes - presentation drawings (reproductions) (6)
Tube 1098 Site planning sketches (circa 1960-1961) - design development drawings (originals); includes multiple schemes (59)
Tube 1098 Photomontages with white pencil sketches of schemes (circa 1960-1961) - design development drawings (hybrids) (4)
Tube 1099 Design development sketches and drawings (1961) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes office and floor layouts, sketch details, preliminary plans, sections, elevations, structural and façade details, consultant/associate architect process prints and tracings (Nervi/Zehrfuss) (83)
Tube 1099 Presentation sheets (1961): Elevation, site plan, plans at two floor Levels - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions) (4)
Tube 1100 Presentation set (5 May 1961): Plans, sections, details (Dwg. Nos. 1-12) - presentation drawings (originals) (12)
Tube 1100 UNESCO 4th Batíment (Jun 1961): Perspective, site plan, plans, sections, elevations, details (Dwg. Nos. 0-12) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (13)
Project files
Box 121, Folder 20 General correspondence (May 1960-Feb 1966) - regarding fourth building
UNITED STATES EMBASSY, The Hague, Netherlands (1956-1960). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Government]
(Alternate names: Hague Embassy)
Drawings (96)
Map-Case 118, Folder 7 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); annotated; ink on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
Tube 1428 Design development sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes plan studies, elevations and façade studies, ceiling pattern studies (48)
Tube 1428 Preliminary drawings (15 May 1956): Floor plans (Dwg. Nos. P1-P4) - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1428 Preliminary drawings (15 May 1956): Floor plans and elevations (Dwg. Nos. P1-P6) - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1428 Preliminary drawings (15 Jun 1956): Floor plans, elevations, typical wall sections (Dwg. Nos. P1-P9) - presentation drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1429 Construction details (Jun 1957-Mar 1960): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK15 and miscellaneous drawings - working drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete (14)
Tube 1429 Interior paneling and doors (Jul 1959-May 1960): Dwg. Nos. C1-C5 - working drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1429 Existing site tree elevations - design development drawings (reproductions); in Dutch (5)
Tube 1429 Preliminary framing plans (Dec 1956): Dwg. Nos. S1-S4 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Published material
Box 127, Folder 20 "A New Kind of Bearing Wall" Architectural Record (Dec 1956) - photocopy of magazine article, pgs. 171-176
Photographs (12)
Box 127, Folder 18 Daytime view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box 127, Folder 18 Nighttime view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; Frits Van Santen, photographer; board mounted (1)
Box 127, Folder 19 Library, office and exterior wall - finished project, detail; black and white photographs; marked "discarded" (5)
Box 127, Folder 19 Wall and window views; marked "discarded" - finished project, detail; color slides (4)
Box SL-10 Perspective rendering of main elevation [Slide 510] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
UNIVERSITY OF MARY, ANNUNCIATION PRIORY OF THE SISTERS OF ST. BENEDICT, Bismark, ND (1965-1968). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Hamilton P. Smith and Tician Papachristou, Associates. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Mary College)
See also Annunciation Priory of the Sisters of St. Benedict, Phase I; Annunciation Priory of the Sisters of St. Benedict, Phase II.
Drawings (252)
Tube 1319-1320 Design development sketches, drawings and prints (circa Sep 1965-Feb 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); includes site maps, site development drawings, preliminary plans, SK drawings; 50 originals and 39 prints (89)
Tube 1321 Comprehensive plan presentation sheets (Sep 1965-Dec 1966) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); originals, prints and film negatives (15)
Tube 1322 Construction set (1 Jul 1966-8 Mar 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0, A13, A23-44, KE1-KE4) - working drawings (originals); some of the A series drawings are on mylar sheets (22)
Tube 1323 Construction set (1 Jul 1966-8 Mar 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1A-A22) - working drawings (originals) (32)
Tube 1324 Construction set (1 Jul 1966): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E17), mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M24), kitchen (Dwg. Nos. KE1-KE4), and carpet plans - working drawings (reproductions); note on original tube reads "original elec., mech., KE before split into two stages" (48)
Tube 1325 Construction details (Feb 1966-Aug 1968): SK drawings and miscellaneous details - working drawings (originals) (46)
Project files
Box 136, Folder 8 Transmittal (1968)
Photographs (253)
Box 136, Folder 4-7 Construction progress photos (May 1967-Aug 1968) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs with annotations on verso (201)
Box 136, Folder 7 Caulking of concourse and other details - construction, detail; black and white photographs (12)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Mary College (MC) I" - color slides (40)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, MURRAY LINCOLN CAMPUS CENTER AND GARAGE, Amherst, MA (1965-1973). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Campus Center and Hotel; UMass; University Center)
Drawings (575)
Tube 923 Campus Center design development drawings, sketches and prints (Feb 1965-Jan 1967): SK1-SK61 and unnumbered sheets - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; includes site maps and preliminary site plans for Continuing Education Center, Continuing Education Center circulation studies and flow diagrams, site sections, boring plan, precast concrete screen; 9 originals and 30 prints (39)
Tube 924 Campus Center design development drawings, sketches and prints (Jun 1965-Dec 1969) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes sections through precast concrete units, elevation studies, sections through underground service area, study drawings, scheme for hotel, skylight patterns, preliminary landscaping plan, mechanical room plans, interior details; 64 originals and 1 print (65)
Tube 180 University Center feasability study (28 May 1965): Dwg. Nos. FD1-FD6 - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 180 University Center feasability study (7 May 1965): Dwg. Nos. F1-F5 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 180 University Center feasability study (26 Apr 1965): Dwg. Nos. F1-F4 - presentation drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 180 University Center feasability study (9 Apr 1965): Dwg. Nos. F1-F2, F4-F7 - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 180 Feasability study (15 Apr 1965): Unnumbered drawings - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 180 Feasability study: Unnumbered drawings - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 180 Occupancy diagrams: Dwg. No. 7 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 178 Campus Center presentation sheets: Site plan, floor plans, site sections and rendering - presentation drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 178 Campus Center presentation set: Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 926 Campus Center presentation set negatives - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for production of presentation drawings (10)
See Tube 178 for originals.
Tube 179 Campus Center working drawings (28 Oct 1966): Dwg. Nos. BD1-BD35 - working drawings (originals); marked "bid set"; multiples of some sheets (38)
Tube 179 Working drawings (1 Nov 1968): Dwg. Nos. BS1-BS3 - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1343 Campus Center construction set (7 Jun 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A4, A6-A11, A13-A33) - working drawings (originals); marked "cronaflex originals" (33)
Tube 1344 Campus Center construction set (7 Jun 1967): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A34-A54, A56-A62, A64-A67) - working drawings (originals); marked "cronaflex originals" (32)
Tube 1345 Campus Center construction set (7 Jun 1967): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P13), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E22) - working drawings (originals) (36)
Tube 1346 Campus Center construction set (7 Jun 1967): Mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M18) - working drawings (originals) (18)
Tube 925 Campus Center construction details (Oct 1968-Sep 1970): Dwg. Nos. C-SK-1 to C-SK-38 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; 33 originals and 1 print (34)
Tube 925 Campus Center interior details (Jun 1967): Dwg. Nos. A1-A7 - working drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1347 Campus Center furniture (1 Nov 1968-21 May 1969): Dwg. Nos. F1-F26 - working drawings (originals) (45)
Tube 1347 Campus Center furniture Development drawings - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); prints and originals (38)
Tube 1348 Parking garage construction set (1 Feb 1968): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A0-A30) - working drawings (originals) (31)
Tube 1348 Parking garage construction set [31 Aug 1967]: Dwg. Nos. BD1-BD12 - working drawings (originals); marked "bid set" (12)
Tube 1349 Parking garage construction set (1 Feb 1968): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S17) - working drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 1349 Parking garage construction set (3 Jun 1968): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7), electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E11), mechanical (Dwg. Nos. M1-M4) - working drawings (originals) (22)
Tube 1423 Campus Center construction set (7 Jun 1967): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S44, SK-S2) - working drawings (originals); with red pencil annotations (45)
Project files
Box 150, Folder 1-3 Bid documents (1967-1968) - Campus Center and garage
Box 150, Folder 4 Change orders (1967, 1969)
Box 150, Folder 5 Comments on parking garage (1968) - W.A. Lambert and architect's response
Box 150, Folder 6 Correspondence: Client (1967, 1969)
Box 150, Folder 7-13 Correspondence: Consultants (1965-1970) - Allstate Drilling (test boring); Edward Zekala; Jersey Testing Laboratories; Haley Aldrich (soil)
Box 150, Folder 14-16 Correspondence: Contractor (1967-1973) - Daniel O'Connell's Sons
Box 151, Folder 1-5 Correspondence: Contractor (1967-1973) - Daniel O'Connell's Sons
Box 151, Folder 6-14 Correspondence: Engineers (1965-1971) - Conlon Associates; Greenleaf Associates; Severud Associates
Box 152, Folder 1-8 Correspondence: Engineers (1965-1971) - Conlon Associates; Greenleaf Associates; Severud Associates
Box 152, Folder 9 Correspondence: Insurance (1967-1968)
Box 152, Folder 10 Correspondence: Legal ( Aug-Oct 1967) - Mahoney, McGrath, Atwood, Piper and Goldings
Box 152, Folder 11 Correspondence: Miscellaneous (1967-1970, 1972-1973) - consultants, suppliers, publishers
Box 152, Folder 12 Guarantees: Garage (1969)
Box 152, Folder 13-14 Field Inspection Reports (1968-1970) - Greenleaf Associates
Box 152, Folder 15-20 Financial records (1967-1970) - consultant invoices, certificates of payment, cost analysis
Box 152, Folder 21 List of drawings: Garage
Box 153, Folder 1-3 Memoranda: Campus Center and garage (1967, 1969-1970)
Box 154, Folder 9 Punch lists (1968, 1970)
Box 154, Folder 10-11 Specifications (1967-1970)
Box 154, Folder 12 Transmittals (1967-1969)
Photographs (261)
Box 153, Folder 4 Construction progress photos: Precast panels and brickwork (1969) - construction, detail; black and white photographs (13)
Box 153, Folder 5-9 Campus Center construction photos (1968-1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; Neil Doherty, photographer (77)
Box 153, Folder 10-13 Garage construction photos (1968-1970) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; Neil Doherty, photographer (62)
Box 154, Folder 1 Campus Center construction photos (circa 1969) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; Ben Schnall, photographer (28)
Box 154, Folder 2-3 Campus Center interiors (1969-1970) - construction, interior view; black and white photographs; Neil Doherty, photographer (37)
Box 154, Folder 4 Garage interiors (1969-1970) - construction, interior view; black and white photographs; Neil Doherty, photographer (19)
Box 154, Folder 5 Presentation (1967) - drawings; black and white photograph (1)
Box 154, Folder 6 Exteriors (1970) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs; Ben Schnall, photographer (3)
Box 154, Folder 7 Campus Center (1970) - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; Neil Doherty, photographer (15)
Box 154, Folder 8 Exterior photos (circa 1971-1972) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (6)
UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, PHYSICS BUILDING, Charlottesville, VA (1972) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects; Rawlings, Wilson, and Fraber, Associate Architects. [Educational]
Photographs (3)
Box 130, Folder 11 Presentation set (10 Jan 1972): Site plan, floor plans, and elevations - drawings, multiple drawings; black and white photographs (3)
USTINOV HOUSE, Montreaux, Switzerland (1959-1961) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Residential, Single]
See also Saier House for a later version of this design.
Drawings (102)
Box 115, Folder 11B Rough sketches - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Box 115, Folder 11B "First idea sketch of house" - design development drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 577 Ceiling plans (3 February 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Preliminary pier details (29 Jan 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Studies of joints in shell roof - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Site section - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Interior elevations (9 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 577 Lighting specifications (May 1960) - working drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 577 Kitchen elevations (9 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 577 Kitchen plan (9 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Shoe pier (6 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary design for entry return grille (3 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Floor heating supply grilles (9 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Roof shell millwork details (4 May 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary millwork details (29 Jan 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Lower level plan (3 Feb 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary section through roof (29 Jan 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Shoe details (29 Mar 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Topographical map (1959) - site surveys (hybrids); annotated (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary floor plan (23 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary elevations (29 Jan 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Fireplace study (8 Feb 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Site plan (30 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Parabolic curve study (5 Feb 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Section details (24 Apr 1957) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary main plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary lower plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary site plan (23 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Preliminary main plan (25 Nov 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 577 Site plan - site surveys (hybrids); annotated (1)
Tube 577 Topographical site plan - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 577 Fireplace details (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Millwork details (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Detailed sections (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 577 Flooring and paving plan (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Site plan (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Heating plan: Upper and lower level (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Site survey - site surveys (hybrids); annotated (1)
Tube 577 Site photo - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 577 Kitchen cabinet sketches - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 577 Contruction drawings (10 Jun 1960): Dwg. Nos. 3-6, H1, S1-S2 - working drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 577 Foundation plan (10 May 1960) - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 577 Roof plan (10 May 1960) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 577 Structural details (1 Apr 1960) - working drawings (hybrids); marked "office copy"; annotated (1)
Tube 577 Structure sketches (18-21 Mar 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 577 Guest and main house lighting plans (28 Jun 1960) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 577 Topographical site maps - site surveys (hybrids); annotated (2)
Tube 577 Diagrammatic plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Plan sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Perspective sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 577 Elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 621 Elevations (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 621 Main plan (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 621 Elevations and key plan (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 621 Garage and guest wing plans and elevations (10 Jun 1960) - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 621 Aerial perspective (23 Dec 1959) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 115, Folder 10B Office records - miscellaneous notes and memoranda
Box 115, Folder 1B Contract documents (1959) - owner-architect agreement
Box 115, Folder 2B Correspondence: Associated architect (1959-1960) - Eberhard Eidenbenz
Box 115, Folder 3B Correspondence: Building permit (1960)
Box 115, Folder 4B Correspondence: Client (1959-1960) - Peter Suzanne Ustinov
Box 115, Folder 5B Correspondence: Legal (1959-1961) - William Staehelin, Attorney; Lee Steiner, Attorney
Box 115, Folder 6B Correspondence: Publicity (1960) - Bruno Meyer, photographer
Box 115, Folder 7B-9B Financial records - architectural invoices; payments to Igmar-Anstalt (Holding Company), consultant invoices
VAN DER WAL HOUSE, Amsterdam, Netherlands (1960-1966) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (57)
Map-Case 120, Folder 1 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on illustration board, 17 x 23.5 in. (1)
Tube 646 Basic roof section at side walls - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 646 Preliminary plans and elevations - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 646 Furniture and interiors: Fireplace, cabinetry, several versions of a table, paving patterns - design development drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 646 Presentation set: Roof plan, floor plan and section - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 646 Presentation set: Roof plan, floor plan and section, elevations - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 646 Presentation sheets: Plans, sections, elevations - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 646 SK drawings: Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK-6 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some numbers; 8 originals and 2 prints (10)
Tube 646 Construction set (8-22 Aug 1963): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A20), lighting plan (Dwg. No. L1) - working drawings (originals) (21)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 18 Building permit application (1963) [Dutch]
Box 128, Folder 19 Correspondence: Associated architect (1963-1964) - Rein H. Fledderus
Box 128, Folder 20 Correspondence: Client (1962-1966) - Dr. Gerrit van der Wal
Box 128, Folder 21 Financial documents (1963)
Box 128, Folder 22 Memoranda (1963)
Box 128, Folder 23 Notes and sketches (1963)
Box 128, Folder 24 Product literature (1960)
Box 128, Folder 25 Schedules (1963) - finish schedules
Box 128, Folder 26 Transmittals (1963, 1966)
VAN LEER OFFICE BUILDING, Amstelveen, Netherlands (1957-1958, 1965). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Commercial]
Drawings (370)
Tube 269 Steel work (Inland Steel Products Co.) - shop drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 269 Window vents and gears (Apr 1965) (Henry Hope and Sons) - shop drawings (reproductions); with color annotations (2)
Tube 269 SK drawings (annotated): Dwg. Nos. SK30-SK44 - design development drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (22)
Tube 269 Site plan: Dwg. No. SK1 - design development drawings (reproductions); 2 copies, 1 with color annotations (2)
Tube 1447 Construction set (1957-1958) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; in Dutch (47)
Tube 1448 Construction set (Oct-Dec 1957): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A4, A6-A9, A14 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some sheets) (8 originals and 3 prints (11)
Tube 1448 Design development drawings and sketches (1957-1959) - design development drawings (originals) (20)
Tube 1449 Presentation set (18 Sep 1957): Site plan, floor plan, elevations, sections (Dwg. Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1449 Presentation set: Site plan, concrete details, floor plan, elevations, sections (Dwg. Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1449 Presentation set: Site plan, floor plan, elevations, sections, roof umbrella details (Dwg. Nos. 1-9) - presentation drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1454 SK drawing set (Oct 1957-Jan 1958): SK1-SK27 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; includes stairs, wall sections and details, columns, steel details, elevators, site plan, foundation plan, elevations, plan of basic dimensions, finish schedule; 30 originals and 6 prints (36)
Tube 1454 Design development sketches and drawings (Apr 1957-Jul 1958) - design development drawings (originals); includes mechanical system schematics, building plan studies (19)
Tube 1454 Site photo - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1455 SK drawing set (Jan 1957-Oct 1958): SK28-SK60 - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes furnishing and interior details, stairs, central hall details, lighting, wall sections, floor plans, roof plan, sun filters, column geometry, entrance hall, suspended bridge, canteen building (39)
Tube 1456 Van Leer Extension SK drawing set (Jan-May 1965): SK1-SK44 - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; includes door and window details, elevations, sections, plans, exterior wall details, entrance canopy, site plan, steel work; 49 originals and 11 prints (60)
Tube 1457 Van Leer Extension design development drawings and sketches (Feb-May 1965) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, exterior wall studies, wall mounts/modules, plan studies, stair sections (85)
Project files
Box 127, Folder 21 Correspondence (1958)
Photographs (58)
Box 127, Folder 22 Aerial views - finished project, aerial view; black and white photographs (9)
Box SL-10 Angled elevation with large glass sunshades [Slide 572] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 23 Building frame - construction, detail; black and white photographs (8)
Box 127, Folder 22 Canteen - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 127, Folder 23 Canteen construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 127, Folder 23 Details - construction, detail; black and white photographs (7)
Box SL-10 Double height office floor with suspended mezzanine [Slide 569] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 24 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; color slides (6)
Box SL-10 Entrance canopy [Slide 570] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 22 First floor plan - site/landscape, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 127, Folder 22 Inverted umbrella roof in exposed concrete - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box 127, Folder 22 Office detail showing curtain wall arrangements - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Office interior with external sunshading devices [Slide 566 ] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Open plan office floor with windows on two sides [Slide 568] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Open riser stair with stone wall [Slide 573] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Perspective rendering [Slide 502, 527] - drawings, perspective; color slides (2)
Box 127, Folder 22 Section of south façade showing solar glass filter arrangement - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 127, Folder 24 Solar glass filter - finished project, exterior view; color slides (8)
Box 127, Folder 22 Undersight of the upper level and of the central hall concrete roof - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 View along angled façade [Slide 571] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box 127, Folder 22 View of angled façade - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 View of dining area with slanted ceiling [Slide 567] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
VASSAR COLLEGE, FERRY COOPERATIVE DORMITORY (FERRY HOUSE), Poughkeepsie, NY (1949-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Educational]
(Alternate names: Ferry House)
Drawings (42)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 First and second floor plans - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (1)
Tube 590 Design development drawings and sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes preliminary plot plans, second floor plans and miscellaneous sketches (11)
Tube 590 Presentation sheets: Plan, elevations and wall section - presentation drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 590 Construction set (25 Apr 1950-26 Jan 1951): Foundation plan (Dwg. No. 1); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 2); second floor plan, details in bathroom (space 22) (Dwg. No. 3); elevations (Dwg. No. 4); elevations and cross-section (Dwg. No. 5); wall section and sunshade detail (Dwg. No. 6); sections (Dwg. No. 7); staircase details (Dwg. No. 8); window details (Dwg. No. 9); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 10); interior finish, cabinet details, closet and desk (Dwg. No. 11); steel framing plans and steel connection details (Dwg. No. 12); revision and addition (Dwg. No. 13); revised ground floor plan and construction details (Dwg. No. 14); revised construction details (Dwg. No. 15); fireplace and sliding door, closet space no. 2 (Dwg. No. 16); furniture details (Dwg. No. 17); picture moulds (Dwg. No. 18); bookshelf detail (Dwg. No. 19); plumbing second floor plan and details (Dwg. No. P-1-1); plumbing ground floor plan and details (Dwg. No. P-2-0); plumbing ground floor plan and details (Dwg. No. P-2-1); heating and ventilating ground floor plan and details (Dwg. No. H-1-0); heating and ventilating; ground floor plan and details (Dwg. No. H-1-1); heating and ventilating: second floor plan and details (Dwg. No. H-2-1); electrical plan: first floor (Dwg. No. 2A); electrical plan second floor (Dwg. No. 3A); electrical plan ground floor (Dwg. No. 14E); - working drawings (originals) (28)
Tube 590 Topographical map of section between Blodgett and Baldwin House - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Tube 590 Dedication plaque inscription - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 45, Folder 1 Bid documents, proposals and contracts
Box 45, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (1949-1953)
Box 45, Folder 4 Correspondence: Consultants
Box 45, Folder 5 Correspondence: Contractors - G.D. Campbell
Box 46, Folder 6 Correspondence: Contractors - Knoll Associates
Box 46, Folder 7 Correspondence: Contractors - miscellaneous
Box 46, Folder 8 Financial documents - architect invoices and certificates
Box 46, Folder 9 Program description and miscellaneous - includes copy of Breuer's dedication address
Box 46, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules
Box 46, Folder 11 Transmittals
Published material
Box 46, Folder 12 "An Architecture of Energy," Architectural Record (Jan 1952) - reprint, pgs. 127-134
Box 46, Folder 12 "For Practice in Housekeeping," Architectural Record (Jun 1950) - tear sheet, pgs. 118-19
Box 46, Folder 13 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings (1951) - clippings; 3 pgs.
Box 46, Folder 12 "Return to Tradition," Flair (Aug 1950) - tear sheet, pg. 60
Box 46, Folder 13 "Vassar Cooperative...Running Smoothly in 2nd Week" New York Herald- Tribune (6 Oct 1951) - newspaper clipping, 1 pg.
Box 46, Folder 13 "Vassar Dedicates Cooperative Unit" New York Times (6 Oct 1951) - newspaper clippings
Box 46, Folder 13 "Vassar Opens Cooperative Student House" New York Herald- Tribune (6 Oct 1951) - newspaper clipping, 1 pg.
Box 46, Folder 13 "$200,000 Gift to Vassar" New York Herald-Tribune (21 Feb 1950) - newspaper clipping, 1 pg.
Photographs (31)
Box 46, Folder 14 Entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Entrance [Slide 171] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 46, Folder 14 Entrance elevation with section showing interior - drawings, perspective rendering; photostat (1)
Box 46, Folder 14 Entrance hall and staircase - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Entrance hall and staircase [Slide 86] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Exterior detail [Slide 173] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Exterior detail [Roll 10, Frame 26] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-10 First floor plan [Slide 233] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Kitchen [Slide 174] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Living room [Slide 186] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Partial elevation [Roll 10, Frame 35] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial south elevation [Roll 10, Frame 30] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial south elevation [Roll 10, Frame 34] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 Partial west elevation [Roll 10, Frame 27] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-10 Second floor lounge [Slide 185] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Second floor plan [Slide 79] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Section perspective [Slide 78] - drawings, perspective rendering; black and white slide (1)
Box 46, Folder 14 South elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 South elevation [Slide 453] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 South elevation [Roll 10, Frame 33] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-10 Studio area of typical bedroom [Slide 374] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Typical bedroom [Slide 184] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of dorm through trees [Roll 10, Frame 31-32] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box 46, Folder 14 View of entrance - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 View of entrance [Slide 129] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 View of entrance [Roll 10, Frame 28-29] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-10 View toward dining room [Slide 373] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 View toward living room [Slide 372] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 West elevation [Slide 194] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
VENTRIS APARTMENT, London, England (1936-1938). Marcel Breuer and F.R.S. Yorke, Architects. [Interior]
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (1).
Photographs (15)
Box 120, Folder 31 Armchair - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-10 Armchair [Slide 704] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (duplicate) (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Bedroom with dressing table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Boy's bedroom - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Chaise lounge and plywood side table - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Chaise lounge and plywood side table [Slide 347] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Dining room - finished project, interior view; black and white photographs; print and copy negative (2)
Box SL-10 Dining room [Slide 208] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Dining room wall cabinet - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Living room couch and cabinets - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 31 Radio-gramophone cabinet - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Radio-gramophone cabinet [Slide 612] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Radio-gramophone cabinet [Slide 670] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
WANNSEE GOLF HOUSE OFFICE, Berlin, Germany (1931). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: Arbeitszimmer im Golfhaus Wannsee)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
WAR MEMORIAL (CAMBRIDGE HONOR ROLL), Cambridge, MA (1944-1945) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Lawrence B. Anderson, Architects. [Government]
(Alternate names: Cambridge Memorial; Cambridge Honor Roll)
Drawings (40)
Oversize 14, Folder 1 Perspective rendering of site from above - presentation drawings (reproductions); photostat (duplicate) (2)
Box 76, Folder 14 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals) (17)
Tube 570 Project sketches - design development drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 570 Plan, section, details - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 570 Shop drawings (Litecontrol Corp., Quincy Ornamental Iron Works) - shop drawings (reproductions) (7)
Project files
Box 76, Folder 1 Bid documents
Box 76, Folder 2 Contracts - contractor-owner agreement, owner-architect agreement
Box 76, Folder 3 Correspondence: Associated architect (1944-1949) - Lawrence B. Anderson
Box 76, Folder 4 Correspondence: Client (1944-1946) - City of Cambridge officials
Box 76, Folder 5 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1944-1945) - various suppliers and service providers
Box 76, Folder 6 Correspondence: Publicity (1945) - Engineering News-Record, ARTNews, correspondence with Philip Johnson at MoMA
Box 76, Folder 7 Financial records - architectural invoices
Box 76, Folder 8 Memoranda - Cambridge War Memorial Committee
Box 76, Folder 9 Office records - miscellaneous notes and documents
Box 76, Folder 10 Project description - notes to accompany preliminary drawings and model
Box 76, Folder 11-12 Specifications I - general specifications, electrical specifications
Published material
Box 76, Folder 15 "What Will Cambridge Do About Memorial?" Cambridge Chronicle-Sun (5 Sep 1946) - photocopy of newspaper article (2)
Photographs (17)
Box 76, Folder 13 Model - model; black and white photographs (9)
Box SL-10 Model from above [Slide 260] - model; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Model from above [Roll 7, Frames 1-2] - model; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 Detail of model [Roll 7, Frame 3-7] - model; negatives (5)
WEEKEND HOUSE, TYPES I AND II (1929) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Wochenendhaus)
Drawings (3)
Oversize 25 Wochenendhaus Typ I (Nr. 71) [Leaf 494] (7 Feb 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Wochenendhaus Typ II (Nr. 72) [Leaf 495] (7 Feb 1929) - presentation drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Wandkonstruktionen (Nr. 73) [Leaf 62] (18 Feb 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Project files
Box 119, Folder 32 Description and cost projections - in German
WEINTRAUB AGENCY, New York, NY (1948-1953). Marcel Breuer and Associates, Architect. [Interior]
(Alternate names: 488 Madison Ave)
Drawings (55)
Tube 616 Miscellaneous details, layouts and furniture sketches - design development drawings (originals); includes Mr. Weintraub's desk, coffee table and conference table (11)
Tube 616 Partition and preliminary layouts - design development drawings (reproductions); with tracing paper overlays (5)
Tube 616 Conference room and theatre: Plan and details, elevations and details - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 616 Plan study of entrance lobby and Mr. Weintraub's office(Dwg. Nos. PS1-PS2) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 616 Preliminary layout and partition layout: Floor plans - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 616 Details of hanging wall cabinets, schedule of cabinets and locations - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (4)
Tube 616 Corridor details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Conference room - theatre plan, sections and details - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 616 Reception area-USP partition plan: Plans, elevations and details - working drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 616 Mr. Weintraub's office: Plan, sections and details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Furniture layout - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Tacking board details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Furniture details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Reception room furniture - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Additional furniture details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Art department - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Miscellaneous details, layouts and furniture sketches - working drawings (originals); includes Mr. Weintraub's desk, coffee table and conference table (2)
Tube 616 Office lighting fixture - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Study for Mr. Weintraub's desk: Perspective and elevation - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Corridor lighting - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Storage cabinets: Elevation and details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 616 Flooring, heating, electrical layout and telephone layout (Emery, Roth and Sons) - working drawings (reproductions); includes duplicates and revisions (10)
Tube 616 Layout for marble benches and wainscoting - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 126, Folder 1-2 Correspondence (1949-1950) - client, contractors, suppliers
Box 126, Folder 3 Cost breakdowns (1949)
Box 126, Folder 4 Estimates, invoices, order confirmations, proposals (1949-1950)
Box 126, Folder 5-6 Legal documents (1950-1953)
Box 126, Folder 7 Miscellaneous (1948-1950)
Box 126, Folder 8 Schedules (1949)
Box 126, Folder 9 Shop drawings and product literature (1949-1950)
WEISSENHOF HOUSING EXHIBITION, Stuttgart, Germany (1927). Marcel Breuer, Furniture and Interiors for Gropius and Stam Houses. [Exhibition]
(Alternate names: Weissenhof Estate; Weissenhofsiedlung)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1).
WEIZENBLATT HOUSE, Asheville, NC (1940-1946). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (27)
Tube 614 Construction set (23 Aug 1940-3 Dec 1940): Plot plan (Dwg. No. 1); basement plan (Dwg. No. 2); first floor plan (Dwg. No. 3); second floor plan (Dwg. No. 4); north and south elevations (Dwg. No. 5); east and west elevations (Dwg. No. 6); first floor framing (Dwg. No. 7); second floor framing (Dwg. No. 8); roof framing plan (Dwg. No. 9); kitchen cabinets and door schedule (Dwg. No. 10); windows and convector details (Dwg. No. 11); fireplace details (Dwg. No. 12); stair details (Dwg. No. 13); window details (Dwg. No. 14); interior door frames and miscellaneous details (Dwg. No. 15); exterior wall sections (Dwg. No. 16); living room window, second floor and sections both floors (Dwg. No. 17); living room window, first floor (Dwg. No. 17a); living room windows (Dwg. No. 18); living room bookcase (Dwg. No. 19); interior elevations (Dwg. No. 20); interior elevations (Dwg. No. 21); entrance (Dwg. No. 22) - working drawings (originals) (23)
Tube 614 Plot plan, elevations - working drawings (reproductions) (3)
Tube 614 Sink unit (Eames Co.) (6 Jan 1941) - shop drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 71, Folder 1 Contracts (May-Oct 1940) - architect-owner agreement, contractor-owner agreement
Box 71, Folder 2-3 Correspondence: Client (1940-1946) - Dr. Sprinza Weizenblatt
Box 71, Folder 4-6 Correspondence: Consultants (1940-1941) - Anthony Lord, supervising architect; C.A. Whittemore, consulting engineer
Box 71, Folder 7 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors, manufacturers and suppliers - includes invoices
Box 71, Folder 8 Financial documents - includes architect invoices
Box 71, Folder 9 Office records - miscellaneous notes and sketch
Box 71, Folder 10-11 Specifications - short form specifications, hardware schedule and miscellaneous, 2 versions of general specifications
Photographs (11)
Box 71, Folder 12 Construction progress photos - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (5)
Box 71, Folder 12 Elevation (board mounted 10.25 x 13.25 in.) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 71, Folder 12 Elevation - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph; board mounted (1)
Box SL-10 Elevation [Slide 245] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Elevation [Slide 360] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Elevation [Slide 432] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Elevation [Slide 583] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
WEST QUEENS HIGH SCHOOL, Long Island City, NY (1969-1972) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Educational]
(Alternate names: WQHS)
Drawings (72)
Tube 632 Presentation set (24 Nov 1969): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (originals); duplicates of some sheets (16)
Tube 1354 Construction set (21 Mar 1972): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A30) - working drawings (originals); incomplete (23)
Tube 1355 Construction set (21 Mar 1972): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A31-A62), elevator (Dwg. No. EL1) - working drawings (originals) (33)
Photographs (1)
Box 129, Folder 23 Rendering (1969-1970) - drawings, perspective; black and white photograph (1)
WESTCHESTER REFORM TEMPLE, Scarsdale, NY (1957-1959). William W. Landsberg, Architect; Marcel Breuer, Consultant. [Religious]
Photographs (1)
Box 127, Folder 25 Exterior view of temple proper from approach - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
WHEATON COLLEGE, ART CENTER, COMPETITION, Norton, MA (1938) (not built). Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (2)
Oversize 16 Main floor plan and section AA - presentation drawings (reproductions); board mounted photostat 16 x 20 in.; duplicate (2)
Project files
Box 120, Folder 32 Correspondence (Jan-Jul 1938)
Box 120, Folder 33 Program, supplementary information sheets and jury report
Published material
See also Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Brown scrapbook (2).
Box 120, Folder 34 Miscellaneous newspaper clippings (15 May-3 Jul 1938)
Photographs (6)
Box 120, Folder 35 Model detail - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box 120, Folder 35 Partial view of model from above - model; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Partial view of model from above [Slide 743] - model; black and white slide (1)
Oversize 16 View of site model from above - model; black and white photograph; Paul Davis, photographer; mounted on board, 13.25 x 16 in. (1)
Box 120, Folder 35 View of site model from above - model; copy negative (1)
Box SL-10 View of site model from above [Slide 408] - model; black and white slide (1)
WHITBY SCHOOL, Greenwich, CT (1959-1961) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect; Robert F. Gatje, Associate. [Educational]
Drawings (131)
Map-Case 117, Folder 1 Perspective looking to courtyard (1961) - presentation drawings (originals); Tesla, artist; graphite and ink on illustration board, 16 x 25 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Presentation section - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 270 Construction set (23 Feb 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A12); kitchen details (Dwg. No. K1); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S4); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P3); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HV1-HV20); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E2) - working drawings (reproductions) (24)
Tube 1156 North elevation of multipurpose building - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Elevations of classroom building (24 Nov 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Elevations of kindergarten building (24 Nov 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Reflected roof plan (30 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Fireplace sketch (2 Feb 1960) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 SK drawings (Oct-Nov 1959): Dwg. Nos. SK1, SK1A, SK2, SK7, SK10A-SK10E; roof and wall details, elevations, boring plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (11)
Tube 1156 Main plan (Oct 1959) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1156 Schematic site plan and elevations (Oct 1959) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 1156 Main plan (Oct 1959) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Schematic site plan and elevations (Oct 1959) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Whitby School logo - other drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 1 print (2)
Tube 1156 Perspective of central court - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1156 Topographic survey (26 Oct 1959) - site surveys (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 1 print (2)
Tube 1156 Pier study - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Dimension lists - other drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1156 Hexagonal grid studies - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 1156 Door elevations - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1156 Wall section - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Elevations - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 adult-child proportion studies - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1156 Elevations of kindergarten building - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Elevation bay proportions - design development drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1156 Kindergarten W.C. plan and elevation - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Reflected roof plan (30 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Window detail plans (15 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Main plan (28 Aug 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Site plan (1 Sep 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Entry elevation of multipurpose room (26 Aug 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Elevations (3-4 Sep 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1156 Elevations (3-4 Sep 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Interior elevations - design development drawings (originals) (2)
Tube 1156 Entry plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Project sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Paving plan - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Main plan (15 Sep 1959) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1156 Main plan (15 Sep 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Dutch door details (15 Feb 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1156 Kitchen arrangement study (7 Jan 1960) ) - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); 1 original and 2 prints (3)
Tube 1156 Kitchen plan and elevations (22 Jan 1960) - design development drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1156 Interior door details (15 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Millwork details (15 Dec 1959) - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 "Suggested Location of Plan on Final Sheets" - other drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1156 Window sizes - design development drawings (hybrids) (1)
Tube 1156 Construction set (23 Feb 1960): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A12); kitchen details (Dwg. No. K1) - working drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1156 SK drawings (1959): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK8, SK10A-SK10B; various details - working drawings (originals) (11)
Photographs (1)
Box 127, Folder 26 Artist's conception of the new Whitby School - site/landscape, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART, New York, NY (1963-1966). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects; Michael H. Irving, Consulting Architect. [Museum]
Drawings (1,023)
Map-Case 122 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); Helmut Jacoby, artist; black and white, photo-mounted image, 29 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 122 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on paper in matte frame, 30 x 33.5 in. (1)
Tube 1166 Construction set (22 Jul 1964): Architectural Dwg. Nos. (A1-A34) - working drawings (originals) (34)
Tube 278 Construction set (15 Jun 1964) (bid set): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A31) - working drawings (reproductions) (31)
Tube 271 Construction set (15 Jun 1964) (John Lowry, Inc.): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions); estimating set (41)
Tube 271 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (21)
Tube 272 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A34) - working drawings (reproductions) (34)
Tube 273 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A34); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (74)
Tube 274 Construction set (15 Jun 1964) (annotated prints): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (40)
Tube 275 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A19, A21, A32-A34); structural (Dwg. No. S5); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E10, E12-E13); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1, P2, P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC8, HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (31)
Tube 276 Construction set (22 Jul 1964): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10) - working drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 276 Architectural Dwg. Nos. 1-7 (11 Dec 1963) - working drawings (reproductions); large- and small-scale reproductions (14)
Tube 277 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints; (2 sets (27)
Tube 279 Construction set (22 Jul 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A8, A10-A13, A16-A34) - working drawings (reproductions) (31)
Tube 280 Construction set (16 Jun 1964): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10) - working drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 280 Construction set (22 Jul 1964): Architectural - working drawings (reproductions) (8)
Tube 281 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (33)
Tube 282 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A8, A10-A34, A20) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (33)
Tube 283 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E-1 - E-13) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (13)
Tube 284 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7) - working drawings (reproductions) (7)
Tube 285 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A3); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions); multiple copies of some sheets (42)
Tube 286 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A34) - working drawings (reproductions) (34)
Tube 287 Coatroom details (22 Oct 1965) - working drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 287 5th floor reflected ceiling plan (9 Oct 1965) - working drawings (reproductions) (5)
Tube 287 Lounge construction and electrical details (21 May-19 Jul 1965) - working drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 287 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (23)
Tube 288 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A34); structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S10); electrical (Dwg. Nos. E1-E13); plumbing (Dwg. Nos. P1-P7); HVAC (Dwg. Nos. HVAC1-HVAC10) - working drawings (reproductions) (74)
Tube 289 Construction set (15 Jun 1964): Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A2-A34) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (33)
Tube 1160 Working drawings (20 Sep 1963-2 Oct 1963): Sheet Nos. 1-5 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1160 Working drawings (11 Dec 1963-30 Mar 1964): Sheet Nos. 1-7 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (8)
Tube 1161 Construction details (22 Nov 1963-11 May 1964): Dwg. Nos. SK10-SK23, SK25-SK27, SK29-SK34, SK36-SK50, SK52-SK56, SK58-SK61 - working drawings (originals) (50)
Tube 1162 Construction details (9 Oct 1964-20 May 1966): Dwg. Nos. SK102, SK105, SK110-SK112, SK110-SK118, SK120-SK121, SK123-SK136 - working drawings (originals); duplicates of some numbers (38)
Tube 1162 Drawing set for gallery mock-up (28 Jan 1964-6 Feb 1964): Dwg. Nos. X1-X4 - working drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1162 Foundation wall sections - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1162 Movable gallery partition drawings - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1162 Elevations - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated print (1)
Tube 1163 Exterior perspective from opposite corner - presentation drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 1163 Presentation set (Nov 1963): Interior and exterior perspectives, plans, sections, and elevations (Dwg. Nos. No. 1-9) - presentation drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 1163 Presentation plans (20 Sep 1963-2 Oct 1963): Dwg. Nos. 1, 3-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1163 Plans: Sheets Nos. 2-7 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (6)
Tube 1163 Circular stair - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1164 Design development sketches and drawings (1964-1966) - working drawings (originals); includes various finish details, process sketches, drawings related to site conditions, schedules, CD format, furniture designs (46)
Tube 1164 Presentation set: Gallery perspective, plans, sections, and reflected Ceiling plans - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 1165 Restoration room (25 Sep 1964-26 Feb 1965) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (6)
Tube 1165 Friends' lounge (28 May 1965-21 Jun 1965) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (5)
Tube 1165 Kitchen (15 Feb 1965-17 Sep 1965) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (5)
Tube 1165 Various room details - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (16)
Tube 1165 Miscellaneous construction drawings (24 Sep 1963-20 Oct 1964) - working drawings (originals and reproductions) (26)
Tube 1167 Plan and section studies (19 Jul 1963-11 Oct 1963) - design development drawings (originals) (42)
Tube 1167 Plans and sections (20 Sep 1963-15 Jun 1964) - design development drawings (hybrids); annotated prints (13)
Tube 1167 Exterior perspective from opposite corner - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1167 Details of stair, furniture, lighting - design development drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 1167 Site conditions for adjacent buildings, boring locations - design development drawings (originals and reproductions) (3)
Photographs (135)
Box 129, Folder 24 Lower floor plan - site/landscape, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 24 Site plan and ground floor plan - site/landscape, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 24 Longitudinal section and cross section - site/landscape, elevations; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 24 Rendering - site/landscape, perspective rendering; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 24 West façade - finished project, exterior view; color photographs (2)
Box 129, Folder 24 Entrance bridge and sculpture court - finished project, detail; color photographs (3)
Box 129, Folder 24 Sculpture gallery and ceiling tile - finished project, detail; color photographs (3)
Box 129, Folder 24 Print room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 129, Folder 24 M. Breuer inspecting site - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (2)
Box 129, Folder 24 Masonry work - construction, detail; black and white photographs (2)
Box 129, Folder 25-26 Construction progress photos (1964-1966) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; Rothschild, photographer (63)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Whitney Museum (WM) III" - color slides (37)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Whitney Museum (WM) IV" - color slides (18)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
WILINSKY APARTMENT, Berlin, Germany (1929-1930). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Interior]
Drawings (22)
Oversize 2 Erdgeschoss Grundriss (Nr. 186) [Leaf 157] (25 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Geschirrschrank Küche (Nr. 187) [Leaf 158] (26 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 75 Küchenschrank (Nr. 188) [Leaf 159] (27 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Garderobe mit Ablegeplatte (Nr. 189) [Leaf 160] (29 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Küchenvorratsschrank (Nr. 190) [Leaf 161] (29 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Eingebauter Schrank Wohn- und Esszimmer (Nr. 191) [Leaf 162] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Küche Arbeitsplatte (Nr. 191A) [Leaf 163] (29 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Chaiselongue im Wohnzimmer (Nr. 192) [Leaf 164] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Beleuchtung Wohnzimmer (Nr. 193) [Leaf 165] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Damenwohnzimmer (Nr. 194) [Leaf 166] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Damenschreibtisch (Nr. 195) [Leaf 167] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Damen Schuhschrank (Nr. 197) [Leaf 168] (30 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Herren Schuhschrank (Nr. 198) [Leaf 169] (31 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 7 Anrichte (Nr. 199) [Leaf 170] (31 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Blumentisch Frühstücksraum (Nr. 200) [Leaf 171] (31 Jul 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 2 Eingebauter Schrank Anrichte (Nr. 201) [Leaf 172] (1 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Obergeschoss Grundriss (Nr. 202) [Leaf 173] (1 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Wohnzimmertisch (Nr. 205) [Leaf 177] (7 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 Garderobe Ob. Flur (Nr. 206) [Leaf 178] (7 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 23 FlA.urgarderobe (Oberg) (Nr. 206A) [Leaf 179] (19 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 3 Handlauf der Treppe (Nr. 209) [Leaf 182] (27 Aug 1929) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 8 Kinderschrank (Nr. 298) [Leaf 253] (24 Jan 1930) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Photographs (1)
Box 119, Folder 33 Storage wall unit - finished project, detail; black and white photograph (1)
WISE HOUSE, Wellfleet, MA (1962-1963). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: Wise Cottage; Wellfleet Cottages; Cape Cod Cottages)
Drawings (5)
Tube 709 Furniture: Plan, elevations, details - working drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 709 Plans and elevations - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Tube 709 Lighting plan - working drawings (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 27 Correspondence: Client (1962-1963) - Howard Wise
Box 128, Folder 28 Correspondence: Contractor (1962-1963) - Ernest Rose
Box 128, Folder 29 Correspondence: Manufacturers (1962-1963)
Box 128, Folder 30-31 Financial documents (1962-1963) - invoices, certificates of payment
Box 128, Folder 32 Memoranda (1963)
Box 128, Folder 34 Specification and product literature (1962)
Box 128, Folder 35 Transmittals (1962-1963)
Photographs (5)
Box 128, Folder 33 Completed platforms - finished project, exterior view; color photograph; from letter dated 11 Oct 1963 written by H. Wise (1)
Box 128, Folder 33 Platforms between house and studio - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 128, Folder 33 Bedroom desk-dresser unit - drawings, detail; photocopies (2)
Box 128, Folder 33 Baffle in kitchen and baffle at niche in studio - drawings, detail; photocopies (1)
WISE HOUSE, ADDITION, Wellfleet, MA (1972). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (4)
Tube 709 Plan, section, elevations - working drawings (originals) (4)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 36 Financial documents (1972) - invoices
WITALIS HOUSE, King's Point, NY (1948-1953). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (26)
Box 73, Folder 9 Project sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 631 Site sketches and measurements - site surveys (originals) (3)
Tube 631 Property map and topographic survey - site surveys (reproductions) (2)
Tube 631 Furniture details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 631 Plot plan, topographic site plan - site surveys (originals) (2)
Tube 631 Draft framing plans and details - design development drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 631 Preliminary elevations - design development drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 631 Presentation sheet: Elevations and plans - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 631 Construction set (17 Nov 1950-16 Mar 1951): Plot plan, floor plans. plumbing diagram (Dwg. No. 1); elevations (Dwg. No. 2); framing plans, sections, details (Dwg. No. 3); kitchen details (Dwg. No. 4); stair details, porch details (Dwg. No. 5); bath details, closet details (Dwg. No. 6); electrical layout (Dwg. No. E-1) - working drawings (originals); includes print copy of no. 1 (8)
Project files
Box 73, Folder 1 Building permit - application and documents for King's Point, Nassau County, NY
Box 73, Folder 2 Contract (27 May 1948) - owner-architect agreement
Box 73, Folder 3 Correspondence: Client (Jun 1948-Jun 1952) - Edmond V. Witalis
Box 73, Folder 4 Correspondence: Contractor (1950-1951) - W.L. Oestreicher Co., Inc.
Box 73, Folder 5 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and manufacturers
Box 73, Folder 6-7 Financial records (1948-1953) - architectural invoices, certificates of payment
Box 73, Folder 8 Legal documents (Jan-Jul 1952) - correspondence and documents related to arbitration proceedings
Box 73, Folder 9 Office records - miscellaneous notes, memoranda and sketch
Box 73, Folder 10 Specifications and schedules - General Specifications, Short Specifications, Heating Specifications, Hardware Schedule, Lighting fixture Schedule
Box 73, Folder 11 Transmittals
WOHNBEDARF STORES, Zurich/Basel, Switzerland (1932-1933). Marcel Breuer, Interiors. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Wohnbedarf, Basel; Wohnbedarf, Zurich)
Drawings (13)
Oversize 5 Längsschnitt 1:50 [Leaf 426] (29 Sep 1932) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Glastafel- Aufhängung [Leaf 427] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 76 Packtisch [Leaf 429] (13 Dec 1932) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Geschirrschrank Für Wohnbedarf [Leaf 430] (28 Oct 1932) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 76 Storefront [Leaf 431] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 10 Bauliche Änderungen der Liegenschaft (Nr. 1001) [Leaf 434] (1 May 1932) - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 10 Laden-Grundriss [Leaf 436] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Ladeneinrichtung der Wohnbedarf AG Zürch IM Hause Talstrasse [Leaf 437] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 5 Ladeneinrichtung der Wohnbedarf AG Zürch IM Hause Talstrasse [Leaf 438] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 10 Ladenfront [Leaf 439] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Ladeneinrichtung der Wohnbedarf AG Zürich IM Hause Talstrasse 15 [Leaf 440] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Oversize 25 Ladeneinrichtung Der Wohnbedarf AG Zürich IM Hause Talstrasse 15 [Leaf 441] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Map-Case 76 Schiebetüre [Leaf 442] - working drawing (originals); in German (1)
Published material
See Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (1); Professional Papers : Scrapbooks and clippings : Blue scrapbook (2).
Photographs (7)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Basel, storefront - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Zurich, ground floor - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Zurich, ground floor - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Zurich, ground floor - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Zurich, stair detail - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box 119, Folder 34 Wohnbedarf, Zurich [?], upper level - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Showroom [Slide 740] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
WOLFSON TRAILER HOUSE, Pleasant Valley, NY (1950). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
Drawings (17)
Box 34, Folder 6 Rough sketch - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 604 Design development drawings: - design development drawings (originals and reproductions); includes HVAC layout diagram, window hardware details, plan study; 3 originals and 2 prints (5)
Tube 604 Construction set (6 Feb 1950-10 Nov 1950): Plans, elevations, foundations (Dwg. No. 1); framing details (Dwg. No. 2); window and door details (Dwg. No. 3); details (Dwg. No. 4); details (Dwg. No. 5); revised basement preliminary submittal (Dwg. No. 5); revised basement no 2 (Dwg. No. 5); passage wall (Dwg. No. 6); electrical layout (Dwg. No. 1-E); revised basement electrical layout (Dwg. No. 5-E) - working drawings (originals) (10)
Tube 604 Portion of the property of Sydney Wolfson (Jun 1947) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Project files
Box 34, Folder 1 Contracts - contractor-owner
Box 34, Folder 2 Correspondence: Client (1949-1956) - Sidney Wolfson
Box 34, Folder 3 Correspondence: Miscellaneous contractors and suppliers
Box 34, Folder 4-5 Financial documents - certificates of payment, invoices for architectural services
Box 34, Folder 6 Office records - notes, sketches and miscellaneous documents
Box 34, Folder 7 Specifications and schedules - specifications, lighting schedule, hardware schedule, wiring diagrams; multiple copies
Box 34, Folder 8 Transmittals
Published material
Box 34, Folder 10 "Symmetrical Cantilevers on Asymmetrical Base," House and Home (Jan 1952) - tear sheet, pgs. 120-23
Box 34, Folder 10 "Trailer Annex " Herald Tribune (11 Jan 1952) - newspaper clipping
Photographs (36)
Box SL-10 Connecting link [Slide 103] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Detail of porch support [Roll 10, Frames 20-21, 23] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 East elevation [Roll 10, Frames 17-19] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box 34, Folder 9 Living room - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Living room [Slide 104] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Partial west elevation [Roll 10, Frame 9] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box 34, Folder 9 Plans - drawings, plans; photostat (1)
Box SL-10 Plans [Slide 80] - drawings, plan; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-10 Porch [Slide 66] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Porch detail [Roll 10, Frames 4-5] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box 34, Folder 9 South view - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (duplicates) (2)
Box SL-10 South view [Slide 30] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 South view [Roll 10, Frames 1-3, 13-14] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (5)
Box SL-10 Studio [Slide 105] - finished project, interior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 Trailer detail [Roll 10, Frame 22] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (1)
Box SL-14 View from the southeast [Roll 10, Frames 15-16] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 View from the southwest [Roll 10, Frame 12] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-14 View of house in context [Roll 10, Frame 24-25] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (2)
Box SL-14 View of trailer [Roll 10, Frame 10] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
Box SL-10 West elevation [Slide 106] - finished project, exterior view; black and white slide (1)
Box SL-14 West elevation [Roll 10, Frames 6-8] - finished project, exterior view; negatives (3)
Box SL-14 West elevation at corner of main house [Roll 10, Frame 11] - finished project, exterior view; negative (1)
YALE UNIVERSITY, BECTON ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE CENTER, New Haven, CT (1964-1970). Marcel Breuer and Hamilton P. Smith, Architects. [Educational]
Drawings (303)
Map-Case 112, Folder 2 Elevator car rendering (Tyler Company, Design 48513-R) - presentation drawings (originals); graphite and ink with montage, 15 x 20 in. (1)
Map-Case 112, Folder 3 Perspective rendering, view from across campus - presentation drawings (originals); graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 14.25 x 20 in. (1)
Map-Case 112, Folder 4 Perspective rendering, view from across campus - presentation drawings (reproductions); graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 14.25 x 20 in. (1)
Map-Case 112, Folder 5 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (reproductions); graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 14.25 x 20 in. (1)
Map-Case 112, Folder 6 Perspective rendering - presentation drawings (originals); graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 14.25 x 20 in. (1)
Tube 290 Presentation set (Jun 1965): Site plan, floor plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-6) - presentation drawings (originals); includes set master, duplicate print sheets and revised sheet 3R (11)
Tube 290 Assignment plan - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 290 Perspective From corner of Prospect and Grove (29 Jun 1965) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); original and print (2)
Tube 1310 Construction set (30 Mar 1967): Title sheet, site plan (Dwg. No. AS), Architectural (Dwg. Nos. A1-A46) - working drawings (originals); incomplete (41)
Tube 1310 Miscellaneous details (27 Nov 1967): Dwg. No. SUA1 - working drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1311 Construction set (29 Mar 1967): Structural (Dwg. Nos. S1-S19 ) - working drawings (reproductions); incomplete (duplicates) (23)
Tube 1311 Plaza plan (20 Sep 1967): Sidewalk elevation (Dwg. No. A1) - working drawings (reproductions); print with graphite additions (1)
Tube 1311 Laboratory changes (20 May 1968): Dwg. Nos. A2, A5-A7, A38, A40) - working drawings (reproductions); marked "issued for cost estimate"; annotated prints (6)
Tube 1311 Occupancy and egress (22 Apr 1966): Dwg. Nos. A2, A3, A4, A6, A9) - working drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1311 Laboratory equipment and services (Nov 1968): Dwg. Nos. AS, A2-A9 - working drawings (reproductions); marked "NSF"; prints with graphite additions (9)
Tube 1312 Design development drawings (Aug 1965-Dec 1966): Dwg. Nos. SK1-SK82 and unnumbered drawings - design development drawings (originals); incomplete; includes structural studies, interior elevations, preliminary plans and plan studies, mechanical systems, library plans, auditorium plans, stair sections, building sections, service rack and lighting system for lab, expansion joint details, stair tower studies, lab details (59)
Tube 1313 Diagrammatic plan (26 Oct 1964) - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Tube 1313 Original program scheme (1 Sep 1964): Diagrammatic plan, floor plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-13) - presentation drawings (originals) (13)
Tube 1313 Preliminary (27 May 1964): Site plans, floor plans, typical floor diagram and occupancy diagram - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 1313 Preliminary plan (Aug-Oct 1965): Dwg. Nos. P6-P9 - design development drawings (originals) (4)
Tube 1313 Design development drawings (Jul 1965) - design development drawings (originals); includes elevation studies, façade studies, precast panel studies, fire tower plan and elevation studies, building sections (17)
Tube 1424 Preliminary drawings (26 Jan 1966): Dwg. Nos. SK2-SK6 - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1424 Progress prints (8 Mar 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1424 Progress prints (15 Mar 1966) - design development drawings (reproductions); annotated prints (5)
Tube 1424 Miscellaneous sketches and drawings - design development drawings (originals); includes library interiors and furnishings (17)
Tube 1425 Construction sketches: Dwg. Nos. SK-CA1 to SK-CA57 - working drawings (originals and reproductions); incomplete; includes sidewalk elevations, signage, window and door details, revised framing details, reflected ceiling plans (61)
Tube 1425 Site map (May 1958) - site surveys (reproductions); marked "copy of map handed to contractor at Yale meeting 13 April" (1)
Project files
Box 128, Folder 12A Specifications (1969) - paint schedule; finishes selected by architects
Photographs (178)
Box 130, Folder 12B-13 Construction progress photos (1967-1970): Set Nos. 1-31 - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (127)
Box 130, Folder 14 Ground floor plan - drawings, plan; black and white photograph (1)
Box 130, Folder 14 Elevations and façade details (1969-1970) - finished project, exterior view; black and white photographs (7)
Box 130, Folder 14 Elevations and façade details (1969-1970) - finished project, exterior view; color photographs (3)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, "Yale University Becton Center (YU)" - color slides (20)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
YANKEE PORTABLES (1942) (not built). Marcel Breuer, Architect. [Residential, Single]
(Alternate names: De-mountable Housing)
Holdings include a full set of Yankee Portables assembly drawings, including assembly schedule and sliding window detail. Plans cover 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units ®-1, R-2 and R-3) and alternate 2 bedroom unit (T-2). Note, as per drawings, R2 details are typical for all types.
Drawings (12)
Tube 575 Construction set (25 Mar 1942): Assembly schedule and schedule of drawings; T-2 plans, elevations and perspective; R-1, R-2 and R-3 plans and perspective; R-2 plans and elevations, porch stair detail, including foundation plan; R-2 detail of vertical section of bearing wall; R-2 detail of vertical section of non-bearing wall; R-2 detail of horizontal section of exterior wall; R-2 panels, floor and roof; R-2 exterior wall panels, elevations and reference plan; R-2 partitions elevations; R-1, R-2, R-3 and T-2 electrical layouts - working drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 575 Sliding window details - working drawings (originals) (1)
Project files
Box 85, Folder 11 Correspondence - includes notes for manufacturing agreement with Jay Roy Lewis
Box 85, Folder 12 Cost estimates and proposal (Custance Brothers) (Mar 1942) - proposal as submitted to NHA
Box 85, Folder 13 Office records - includes sheet of potential names for project
Box 85, Folder 14 Program notes (Dec 1942) - description of project with cost estimates, sent to Jack Pritchard
Box 85, Folder 15 Schedules - Assembly Schedule
Box 85, Folder 16 Specifications - government-issued specs "Defense Housing" and "Demountable Housing"
ZUP DE BAYONNE, Bayonne, France (1965-1974). Marcel Breuer and Robert F. Gatje, Architects. [Urban Planning]
(Alternate names: Bayonne; Zone à urbaniser par priorité)
Drawings (6)
Map-Case 118, Folder 1-2 Perspective rendering of town center - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); Pierre Lutz, artist; graphite, pen and ink on illustration board, 11.5 x 21.75 in.; original and print (2)
Map-Case 118, Folder 3 Aerial perspective - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; graphite on trace mounted on corrugated cardboard, 23.5 x 29 in. (1)
Tube 1316 Presentation sheets: Site plans and isometric - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Project files
Box 130, Folder 15 Correspondence (1965-1974)
Photographs (31)
Box 130, Folder 16 Ground breaking and construction progress - construction, exterior view; color photographs (8)
Box 130, Folder 16 Construction progress (1966-1967) - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs (20)
Box 130, Folder 16 Construction - construction, exterior view; black and white photographs; contact sheets (3)
30 BEEKMAN PLACE, 9TH FLOOR, New York, NY (1960) [Interior Design]
The extent of Breuer's involvement on this project is not known. The sole original drawing is unsigned.
Drawings (3)
Tube 1468 Presentation plan for interior renovation (20 Mar 1960) - presentation drawings (original) (1)
Tube 1468 Annotated photostats of existing floor plan - design development drawings (reproductions) (2)
175 PARK AVENUE, New York, NY (1967-1969) (not built). Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Architects. [Commercial]
(Alternate names: Grand Central Tower)
Drawings (260)
Map-Case 123, Folder 1 Perspective rendering, Scheme II: View from southwest corner, elevated point - presentation drawings (original); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 18 x 29 in. (1)
Map-Case 123, Folder 2 Perspective rendering, Scheme II: View from southwest corner, ground level. ( - presentation drawings (original); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 20 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 123, Folder 3 Perspective rendering: View from southwest corner, elevated point - presentation drawings (original); Larry Perron, artist; graphite on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 123, Folder 4 Perspective rendering: View of entry at street level - presentation drawings (original); artist unknown; graphite, ink and gouache on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 123, Folder 5 Perspective rendering: View at ground level - presentation drawings (originals); artist unknown; graphite, ink and gouache on illustration board, 22 x 30 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 1 Perspective rendering, Scheme II: View from southwest corner, ground level - presentation drawings (original); Pierre Lutz, artist; graphite and gouache on illustration board, 17 x 34 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 2 Perspective rendering: View at ground level - presentation drawings (original); Larry Perron, artist; graphite and gouache on illustration board with trace overlay, 24 x 36 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 3 Perspective rendering: View at ground level - presentation drawings (original); "A-1" written on back; Larry Perron, artist; graphite, ink and gouache on illustration board with trace overlay, 24 x 36 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 4 Perspective rendering: View from southwest corner, elevated point - presentation drawings (originals); Pierre Lutz, artist; oil on illustration board in matte frame, 23 x 40 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 5 Perspective rendering, Scheme II: View from center of Park Ave. below 40th, ground level - presentation drawings (original); Pierre Lutz, artist; oil on illustration board in matte frame, 27 x 40 in. (1)
Map-Case 124, Folder 6 Sketch renderings at street level - presentation drawings (originals); graphite on trace paper (2)
Tube 665 175 Park Avenue I presentation set (11 Jun 1968) - presentation drawings (reproductions); 6 sheets and miscellaneous sheets used to produce the set (10)
Tube 665 175 Park Avenue I, Grand Central Tower preliminary set (13 May 1968): Transverse and longitudinal sections, floor plans and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-13) - presentation drawings (originals) (15)
Tube 665 175 Park Avenue I, Grand Central Tower preliminary set (13 May 1968): Sheet nos. 1, 6, 7 and site Map - presentation drawings (reproductions); chronoflex copies (4)
Tube 665 175 Park Avenue I schedule of gross areas - [Presentation drawings] (original) (1)
Tube 665 175 Park Avenue I presentation sheets: Transverse section, street level plan, express concourse plan - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Tube 666 175 Park Avenue, I preliminary set negatives. - presentation drawings (reproductions); large format film negatives for "Preliminary (13 May 1968)" (11)
Tube 667 Grand Central Subway Station preliminary set (10 Jun 1968): Dwg. Nos. Sub 1 and Sub 2 - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); 2 originals and 4 prints (6)
Tube 667 175 Park Avenue II: Plan study of express concourse - design development drawings (original) (1)
Tube 667 175 Park Avenue II presentation set (25 Oct 1968, with revisions through Jan 1969): Transverse and longitudinal sections, building plans, zoning calculations, floor plans and elevations (Sheet Nos. 1A-15A, ) - presentation drawings (originals and reproductions); multiples of some sheets; 5 originals and 17 prints (22)
Tube 667 175 Park Avenue II (circa Jun-Oct 1968): Site work - design development drawings (reproductions) (4)
Tube 668 175 Park Avenue III (29 May 1969): Transverse section - presentation drawings (original) (1)
Tube 668 175 Park Avenue III zoning schematics (6 Jun 1969): Sheet Nos. 1-10 - presentation drawings (reproductions) (10)
Tube 668 175 Park Avenue III zoning schematics (6 Jun 1969, revised 28 Jul 1969): Sheet Nos. 1-11 - presentation drawings (originals) (11)
Tube 668 175 Park Avenue III: Site plan and street map/grid. - presentation drawings (reproductions) (2)
Tube 669 175 Park Avenue IV design development sketches and drawings (circa Jul 1969) - design development drawings (originals); includes service access (alternate schemes), plan studies, sections, elevations and site work (50)
Tube 670 175 Park Avenue V design development sketches and drawings (Sep-Dec 1969) - design development drawings (originals); includes alternate schemes A-C, plan studies, sections and site work (47)
Tube 671 Vanderbilt Avenue and 42nd St. zoning schematics (21 Jun 1968): Sheet Nos. 1-6 - presentation drawings (originals) (6)
Tube 671 Commodore Hotel site zoning schematics (12 Dec 1968): Sheet nos. 1-6a - presentation drawings (originals) (7)
Tube 671 Roosevelt Hotel site zoning schematics (Aug 1969): Sheet nos. 1-9 - presentation drawings (originals) (9)
Tube 671 333 Madison Avenue basement/cellar study - presentation drawings (reproductions); 2 colored prints with companion text (5)
Tube 671 333 Madison Avenue proposed office building (15 Dec 1969): Site plan, plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (originals) (5)
Tube 671 333 Madison Avenue proposed office building (15 Dec 1969): Site plan, plans, sections, elevations (Sheet Nos. 1-5) - presentation drawings (reproductions); 5 small format plastic prints and 5 large format film negatives for production of presentation set (10)
Tube 672 Grand Central Terminal North End Access: Proposal to Metro North Commuter Railroad for Engineering, Architectural and Design Service (Dec 1983) - presentation drawings (reproductions); Vollmer Associates, in association with Gatje Papachristou Smith; film negatives for production of advertising brochure (8)
Project related drawings and photographs that could not be definitively associated with a known Breuer project.
Drawings (20)
Tube 1316 Academic house: Partial elevation, precast facade - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 26, Folder 6-7 Elevations and floor plans, new Canaan desk - design development drawings (originals); rough sketches (2)
Oversize 26, Folder 5 Elevations and perspective sketches of HP structure [Hunter College Library?] - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Oversize 26, Folder 4 Elevations, plans and perspective sketches of HP church structure [St. Francis de Sales?] - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Box 139, Folder 8 Existing elevations and elevations shown on plot plan (15 Jul 1972) - site surveys (reproductions) (1)
Oversize 31, Folder 3 Organizational charts for unidentified project involving Saudi Arabia and the US Army (circa 1970) - presentation drawings (reproductions) (3)
Box 139, Folder 5 Partial sketchpad with unidentified project sketches, miscellaneous sketches and notes - design development drawings (originals); original Breuer sketches, 7 attached sheets (7)
Tube 1316 Perspective sketch - presentation drawings (originals); marked "Torrington Factory" (4)
Tube 1316 Precast panel study (6 Sep 1968): Detail, elevation and Section - presentation drawings (originals) (3)
Oversize 26, Folder 2 Presentation drawings for merchandise display cabinets - presentation drawings (originals); some in color (4)
Tube 1316 Presentation plan: Lower level plan - presentation drawings (originals) (1)
Box 139, Folder 6 Rough plan and detail sketches by Breuer - design development drawings (originals); original Breuer sketches (1)
Box 139, Folder 7 Rough plan sketch by Breuer - design development drawings (originals); original Breuer sketch (1)
Tube 1316 Section (14 Jun 1979) - presentation drawings (originals); marked "Stepped Seating Study - 7 Tiers" (1)
Oversize 26, Folder 9 Sketch floor plan and notes for unidentified house [Sketch 217] - design development drawings (originals) (1)
Photographs (45)
Box 139, Folder 9 Aluminum frame - finished project, exterior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Apartment scheme: Plan [Slide 726] - drawings; black and white slide; in German (1)
Box SL-10 Diagram (Sheet No. 5) [Slide 304] - drawings; black and white slide; possibly UNESCO presentation diagram (1)
Box SL-10 Dining room [Slide 5] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-14 Elevations and garden facade of unknown house [Roll 14, Frames 1-10] - finished project, exterior view; possibly the relocated MoMA Exhibit House; negatives (10)
Box 139, Folder 11 Elevations at corner with garden trellis - finished project, exterior view; color negatives (2)
Box SL-10 Elevation with entry [Slide 276] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Living room with children reading [Slide 15] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Living room with fireplace and abstract painting [Slide 326] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box 139, Folder 10 Toy closet - finished project, interior view; black and white photograph (1)
Box SL-10 Trellis roof [Slide 717] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Unidentified building with concrete facade [Slide 460] - finished project, exterior view; color slide (1)
Box SL-10 Unidentified diagram, "gelandeersparnis bei hochhausern," study of building massings [Slide 393] - drawings; black and white slide; "gelandeersparnis bei hochhausern"; in German (1)
Box SL-10 Unidentified project, "eingeschossiges reihenhaus," showing 2 elevations, 1 section, 2 plans [Slide 127] - drawings; black and white slide; in German (1)
Box SL-10 View of stair balustrade with irregular cutouts [Slide 446] - finished project, interior view; color slide (1)
Box 207 Miscellaneous, unidentified - color slides (20)
Gift of Robert F. Gatje, 2013
Published material
Box 139, Folder 12 Raum I (circa 1930) - tear sheet, pgs. 13-16; publication unknown; in German ()

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Index of projects and name variants

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