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Edmund B. Chaffee Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Chaffee, Edmund Bigelow,1887-1936.
Title: Edmund B. Chaffee Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1902-1937
Quantity: 47 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the American clergyman, educator. Chaffee was a Presbyterian minister in New York City. Correspondence, letters to magazines to which Chaffee contributed, notes, sermons, scrapbooks, diaries, and published material. Sermons (1914-1936) include such topics as religion, specifically Christianity, and its relationship to politics, labor, technocracy, war, pacifism, communism, and socialism.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Edmund Bigelow Chaffee was born on a farm at Rose Centre, Michigan, on February 19, 1887, the son of John and Marietta Chaffee. If we give credence to the idea that the child born into an affectionate, sober and industrious family will develop these same traits then we need go no further to discover an excellent example. At the time of their marriage, his mother was a widow, a father a widower, and as each of them had at least two children by their previous unions, the new son was at once surrounded by half brothers and sisters a good deal older than he, who gave him much love and affection.

Edmund Chaffee's father died when he was eight years old, but his mother, with the aid of his sisters, Mary and Margaret, determined he should have the best education available. The earliest written record of Edmund's scholastic progress is a report card for the 10th grade, dated 1902. The teacher has written across the card, "To show your son someday in the future." He had ranked FIRST in his class.

In 1909, he received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Michigan, and as he had already decided on a career in the law, he entered the University of Michigan Law School. Then something quite unpredictable happened. In his first year of law he decided to devote his life to the ministry. According to his diary, the decision was somewhat sudden and dramatic. Actually, he had been doing pulpit work at small churches in the vicinity of the University and had enjoyed the experience. At the end of his first year of law he interrupted his education to serve as lay assistant at the Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church in Detroit. The following year he obtained his degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence and was then ready to take up his theological studies.

The next two years, 1913-1915, he spent at Hartford Theological Seminary, in Hartford, Connecticut. He himself says of this period, "In the summer of 1914 I was assistant in the Maverick Church in East Boston, Massachusetts. This was a church which was meeting the new industrial problem in a constructive way."

From 1915 to 1916 he attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City, graduating in 1916 with the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. He was ordained a Presbyterian minister in April of that same year, but not until an ordination controversy ensued over his beliefs that agitated the Presbyterian Church from coast to coast.

It should be recalled that 1916 preceded the Scopes Trial in which the Presbyterian fundamentalist William Jennings Bryan played such a prominent role. The theology espoused by Edmund Chaffee, candidate for Licensure and Ordination, had quite a different connotation in 1916 than it would today. He asserted in a paper read before the Committee on Licensure and Ordination: 'I . More specifically, with regard to the doctrine of the Virgin Birth, the evidence in the New Testament is, at best, relatively slight.... Frankly, I do not know what happened at the beginning of the formation of the body of Jesus, and I do not feel disposed to speculate. But this I do know, viz. --that far more important than physiological processes are the life and character and influence of Jesus. These facts are for me a constant, even an increasing, wonder and inspiration. Jesus is the highest that I know in human life. . .

There was more in this statement than this excerpt, but it did not soften or erode this central view. The confrontation only confirmed what most of his associates already knew--that here was a man of conviction who would fight for what he believed was right. Eight years later he was to declare, "My primary interest in life is in interpreting the spirit of Jesus to the masses of men and women who have to work for their living."

After his ordination he became assistant pastor in the Greenwich Presbyterian Church in New York City. Again controversy struck. The pastor, William Fincke, was an ardent pacifist, and so was Chaffee. When the United States entered World War I they found themselves out of tune with their congregation. The dispute reached such proportions that Fincke and Chaffee resigned.

He then became associate pastor at the Church of the Good Shepherd, leaving after a short stay to join the American Red Cross in Palestine. He emerged a Captain in the Red Cross, returning home in 1920 by the way of the Orient, where he observed and studied economic and social conditions in India, China, Korea and Japan.

In that same year two far-reaching events in his life took place. He married Florence Mearns, a Red Cross associate in Palestine and he was named Associate Director of Labor Temple. Florence Mearns proved to be-the love of his life, and as a hard working, loyal, cheerful, energetic and witty wife the was able to serve her "Ted" wondrously well. In the Labor Temple he was to find an instrument for the work to which he would devote the rest of his life.

To understand the Labor Temple organization requires a glance at its early history. The Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church of the lower East Side had declined to the point where it was merged with the Thirteenth Street Church on the lower West Side, becoming the Greenwich Presbyterian Church, where, as we have seen, Dr. Chaffee had been associate pastor in 1916.

In 1910, the Reverend Charles Stelzle had taken over a vacant Fourteenth Street Church Building to found a new sort of Sunday School for working people. His idea was that working people could be evangelized through a Sunday School, with emphasis on the School. He called the institution he established The Labor Temple. In 1913, he brought a remarkable man to help him in the person of the Reverend Jonathan C. Day, whose chief interest was in developing the social settlement work of the Labor Temple. Jonathan Day brought in return a talented young intellectual in the person of Will Durant. Durant's interest was in the School of Stelzle original concept, but without the evangelical features, and he lectured every week on a variety of philosophical and cultural subjects. Furthermore, Jonathan Day, feeling in his capacity as a Presbyterian minister that the spiritual needs of the neighborhood should not be neglected, organized the American International Church. By the time Edmund Chaffee was named Associate Director, the combined School and Church was an East Side fixture. In June of 1921, he was made full Director of the entire enterprise.

From that moment on, he plunged into the work of Labor Temple and the Presbyterian Church with an almost superhuman strength and zeal. It seemed as though he was always prepared with the proper answer to the question of the moment, and he had a rare gift of disarming an opponent and winning him over without arousing rancor and ill feeling. Many men observed and felt his charm, and he could count his friends in every walk of life. Politicians, settlement workers, Congressmen, millionaires, lawyers, doctors and humble workers were his devoted friends and admirers. Norman Thomas, Paul Blanshard, Theodore Savage, John Nevin Sayre, George Richards, Gerald Nye, John Haynes Holmes, Kirby Page, and Henry Sloan Coffin were only a handful of the men who early came to recognize the rare qualities he possessed in such abundance.

Soon he was writing articles for John Haynes Holmes' publication Unity, then for the Christian Century and many other magazines, and finally he was editor of the Presbyterian Tribune. Whether addressing the General Assembly of the Presbytery, a YWCA Conference, or a Labor Temple Forum, his central theme was always the same. As he had declared it in 1925, "My primary interest in life is in interpreting the spirit of Jesus to the masses of men and women who have to work for their living."

Under his guidance the Labor Temple quickly outgrew its ancient quarters, and a new and resplendent Temple was built on the old location. In the fall of 1925, the Labor Temple was comfortably settled in the new building.

Will Durant left the Temple in 1927. Gustavus Francis Beck, the religious editor of Macmillan's came to Labor Temple as a lecturer that same year. He was an American educated in Germany and England who possessed a keen knowledge and appreciation of the classics and philosophy. By 1928, he was the Director of Labor Temple School and lecturing on such learned topics as Sophocles, Voltaire, Euripedes, Dostoevski, Plato and scores of other subjects equally as difficult and erudite. John Cowper Powys lectured on the Great Romantic Writers. Norman Thomas lectured on Economics. There were courses on Speech Improvement, Poetry, Current Events, Anthropology, The New Morality, The New Psychology, and other subjects. Sunday evenings at 7:30,

Dr. Chaffee addressed the American International Church Congregation on such topics as the following, taken from the 1928 Fall Program; Churches and Politics, Is Jesus Any Guide for Today?, Moral Issues in This Campaign, The Kellogg Pact--Does It Outlaw War?, Moral Gains and Losses Since 1918, Is the Church Slipping? Can a Social Revolution Come Without Violence?, and Science and God.

The guest speakers were the Who's Who of that era. There were the Doctors Abraham and Hannah Stone, Senator Royal S. Copeland, Professor Mark Van Doren, William J. Perlman, Harry A. Overstreet, Reinhold Niebuhr, Harry Elmer Barnes, W. F. Calverton, Samuel Schmalhausen, Bishop Francis J. McConnell, Jerome Davis and many, many more shining intellects of that period_ In addition to these adult activities, there were for children the play hours, vocational and gymnastic programs as well as Violin Lessons for beginners and advanced students. There were many other courses equally exciting for young and old; Live Books and People; The Labor Temple Players and the Drama; Concert and Poetry Recital; The Making of the Modern Mind, The Art Class; American Social Politics; Our Own Times Forum; The Marriage Consultation Center and The Dance, to name but a few.

In short, Labor Temple was in full swing. As many as 175,000 people a year enjoyed its many courses. Immigrants on the lower East Side came in droves, eager to exchange their hard earned money for a better understanding of the world and of Christianity.

In one year, Dr. Chaffee took an active part in the programs of many major organizations, including such divergent subjects as the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the Minister's Union of America, the Committee of Five, Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, the Committee on Social and Industrial Relations of the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, and the War Registers League. In addition, there were the many audiences before whom he spoke and his services as fill-in pastor for his friends among the clergy, all of which took much hard work and time.

When the Great Depression came, Labor Temple was severely hit. Sources of revenue dried up. Labor Temple members were out of work, and many of them were starving. The years 1932 to 1933 were probably the worst for Dr. Chaffee. Want and deprivation surrounded Labor Temple like the lapping waves of an ocean. No one was ever turned away. Finally, the doors of the American International Church itself were thrown open each night to allow the homeless and dispossessed to sleep in the pews and on the floors. For a time, the Temple itself was threatened. Its Financial Crisis came in 1934, but after a long and anxious struggle it was saved. Times were truly desperate, but they seemed to strengthen rather than weaken Dr. Chaffee's faith in his religion and in his fellow man. He threw himself into his labors with an ever greater abandon and the hard work and long hours left their toll.

He might have rested on his laurels, but it was not his way. He put the Labor Temple on a firm foundation; he attended innumerable conferences and gave hundreds of speeches on subjects dear to his heart and his religious beliefs; he wrote and published his book, The Protestant Churches and the Industrial Crisis; and he assumed the heavy task of the editorship of the Presbyterian Tribune.

Honors and recognition came to him from every quarter. In 1936, Syracuse University conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He had purchased a farm in New Hampshire where, surrounded by his wife and two children, Margaret and Dugald, he could return for brief moments to the rural life of his boyhood.

On September 15, 1936, he was at St. Paul attending the Minnesota State Conference of Social Work. He had just begun his address at a dinner meeting when he collapsed. Death came within fifteen minutes.

His headstone, at Rose Centre where he is buried, and a bronze plaque to his memory at Labor Temple, bear the identical inscriptions: “Servant of God and Man, Toiler for Peace and Justice.”

Eloquent as this tribute seems, it would be remiss to close this sketch of Edmund Bigelow Chaffee with only these words. To him and his fellow workers had come a conviction, distilled from the dark and bitter days of the depression that the social position of the church had been tried and found wanting. From the beginning, the New York Times of February 25, 1967, was to report that the social stand of the church had indeed changed, for on that day the majority of the Presbyteries ratified the proposed confession of 1967, "pin-pointing three specific so-called missions for the contemporary church; racial integration, the quest for peace, and the abolition of poverty."

In the ceaseless search for truth and knowledge, no accomplishments are ever completely lost or obscured. Perhaps the confession of 1967 must be the final evaluation of the work of Edmund Bigelow Chaffee.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Edmund B. Chaffee Papers contains correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, diaries, notebooks, photographs, scrapbooks, and published material.

Correspondence includes letters received, mimeographed letters received, original letters sent, copies of letters send, post-cards and telegrams with accompanying brochures, advertisements, reports and other materials pertaining to Edmund B. Chaffee's personal and professional activities. The letters relate to The Labor Temple, its activities and administration; social reform; labor; labor unions, local, national and international Presbyterian church business; editing; and publishing. Personal correspondence with family and friends is also included. Individual correspondents include Edwin Markham, Harry Emerson Fosdick, John Haynes Holmes, Oswald Garrison Villard, Will Durant, Sidney Hillman, Lewis S. Gannett, A. J. Muste, Reinhold Niebuhr, Norman Thomas, Clement Wood, Sherwood Eddy, Senator Royal S. Copeland, S. Parkes Cadman, August Heckscher, Channing Pollock, John Cowper Powys, Kirby Page, Harry Elmer Barnes, Arthur Garfield Hays, Stephen S. Wise, Fiorello La Guardia, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John L. Lewis, Herbert H. Lehman, Governor Alfred E. Smith, Mayor James J. Walker, Senator Gerald Nye, and Senator Robert F. Wagner.

Subject files contains published and mimeographed material pertaining to both personal and professional activities and source material for writings. Included are bills and receipts, bibliographies, inventories, memorial tributes and sympathy cards, programs, reports, material on war prevention, labor, Technocracy, Palestine (1918-1933), The Labor Temple and the banking crisis (1932-1933).

Manuscripts include articles, the manuscript of a book called Protestant Churches and the Industrial Crisis, book reviews, a hymn called "Be Thou Supreme," lectures, papers, and sermons. The series also contains a few manuscripts by others.

Diaries contains holograph diaries, "Thoughts," descriptions of work and leisure activities, and accounts of trips to Canada and Europe.

Notebooks relate to courses taken, and courses and seminars given; also included are one early school notebook and a series of note-books pertaining to the Labor Temple schedule of activities.

Photographs contains notebooks of photographs taken on trips and two folders of family photographs.

Included in Scrapbooks are newspaper and magazine clippings, letters, and manuscripts of Mr. Chaffee and others, reports, brochures and pamphlets.

Published material includes magazine articles, books, book reviews, catalogues, letters to the editor, minutes of meetings, newsletters, newspaper clippings, newspapers, pamphlets, programs, reports, speeches, statements, and symposiums.

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Arrangement of the Collection

All correspondence is arranged chronologically by year, and within each year alphabetically by name of correspondent. Correspondence which is unidentifiable by date or name is located at the end of the series. Correspondence to or from other than Edmund Chaffee is also located at the end of the series. Subject files are arranged alphabetically by subject. Manuscripts are arranged alphabetically by type and, within that, by title. Manuscripts by others are located at the end of the series. Diaries, notebooks, and scrapbooks are arranged chronologically. Photographs from trips are arranged alphabetically by name of country. Published material is arranged alphabetically by type. Within that, articles about Mr. Chaffee and clippings about Mr. Chaffee and others are arranged chronologically; all other material is arranged alphabetically by title.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Subject Headings


Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1889-1968.
Cadman, S. Parkes (Samuel Parkes), 1864-1936.
Chaffee, Edmund Bigelow, 1887-1936 Archives.
Copeland, Royal Samuel, 1868-1938.
Durant, Will, 1885-1981.
Eddy, George Sherwood, 1871-
Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969.
Gannett, Lewis Stiles, 1891-
Hays, Arthur Garfield, 1881-1954.
Heckscher, August, 1913-
Hillman, Sidney.
Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964.
La Guardia, Fiorello H. (Fiorello Henry), 1882-1947.
Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963.
Lewis, J. L. (John L.)
Markham, Edwin, 1852-1940.
Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967.
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971.
Nye, Gerald Prentice, 1892-1971.
Page, Kirby, 1890-1957.
Peale, Norman Vincent, 1898-1993.
Pollock, Channing, 1880-1946.
Powys, John Cowper, 1872-1963.
Richards, George H.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873-1944.
Speers, Thomas Guthrie, 1890-
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968.
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949.
Walker, John James, 1881-1946.
Wise, Stephen Samuel, 1874-1949.
Wood, Clement, 1888-1950.

Corporate Bodies

American Society for Psychical Research (1906- )
Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.
Fellowship of Faith.
Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.)
Labor Temple (Presbyterian)
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Clergy.
Union Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.)
Young Men's Christian Associations.
Young Women's Christian Associations.


Adult education -- United States.
Christian sociology.
Christianity and politics.
Church and labor.
Clergy -- Political activity.
Clergy -- United States.
Communism -- Religious aspects.
Diaries -- Clergy.
Educators -- United States.
Pacifism -- Religious aspects.
Presbyterians -- United States.
Religion and labor.
Religion and politics.
Religious education of adults.
Sermons, American.
Socialism, Religious aspects.
War -- Religious aspects -- Christianity.

Genres and Forms

Bills of sale.
Clippings (information artifacts)
Receipts (financial records)



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Edmund B. Chaffee Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Mrs. Chaffee, 1964.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: WT
Date: Jan 1968
Revision history: 6 Jun 2008 - converted to EAD (MRC)

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Biographical Material
Box 1 Miscellaneous
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of
Box 1 Ba - F
Box 1 Hartford Theological Seminary
Box 1 A, K, L, M, N, P, S, W, unidentified
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of (2 folders)
Box 1 Presbytery of New York; Forbes, Jesse F., Stated Clerk
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of (2 folders)
Box 1 A, T
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of (5 folders)
Box 1 Forbes, Reverend Jose
Box 1 Jaquith, Harold
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of
Box 1 Danil, Danil E.
Box 1 G, unidentified
Box 1 Labor Temple, Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel
Box 1 McGibbon, Robert Wilson
Box 1 Theobald, H. M.
Box 1 American Board - Red
Box 1 Awad, K. and S.
Box 1 Baird, Dr. Addison W.
Box 1 Bil - Bir
Box 1 Brede, Edwin
Box 1 Burr, Reverend Hugh Chamberlain
Box 1 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 1 Christian Work, The
Box 1 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 1 Columbia University
Box 1 Dom - Dor
Box 1 Durbin, William R.
Box 1 Easle, Al
Box 1 Fag - Far
Box 1 Feiker, Mabel
Box 1 Fitch, George A.
Box 1 Fra - Fre
Box 1 Gol - Gom
Box 1 Gordon, Dugald
Box 1 Gubino, Angeline
Box 1 Haddad, E. and A.
Box 1 H. M. Stationery Office
Box 1 Hov - How
Box 1 Hunte - Hunti
Box 1 Jones, Tom
Box 1 Kahns, Joseph
Box 1 Ke - Kh
Box 1 Labor Temple
Box 1 Affirmations - Notices of Church Service
Box 1 Programs and Activities
Box 1 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 1 Markham, Edwin
Box 1 Mays, Mark
Box 1 Mea - Mer
Box 1 Michigan, University of
Box 1 Mor - Mot
Box 1 Near East Relief
Box 1 New York, University of the State of
Box 1 Nicol, Major
Box 1 Nolting, A. J. - E.
Box 1 Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Home and Foreign Missions
Box 1 Presbytery of New York Church Extension Committee
Box 1 Revell, Fleming H.
Box 1 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 1 Storrs, Ronald
Box 1 Struthers and Dixon Steamship Lines
Box 1 Tagore, R.
Box 1 Thomas, Norman
Box 1 Tobin, Margie
Box 1 Union Theological Seminary
Box 1 Webley, Mr. and Mrs.
Box 1 Williams, F. E.
Box 1 Y.M.C.A.
Box 1 Y.W.C.A.
Box 1 Abramovich, Lena
Box 1 Addis, Leonard M., and Company
Box 1 Ama - Ame
Box 1 Anorato, Charles
Box 1 Ash - Asia
Box 1 Atk - Atl
Box 1 Awad, Khalil
Box 1 Bal - Bar
Box 1 Bec - Ben
Box 1 Bird, Israel
Box 1 Bla - Blo
Box 1 Boy Scouts of America
Box 1 Bri - Bro
Box 1 Bruc - Bruns
Box 1 Bur - Bus
Box 1 Byrd, Pearl
Box 1 Campbell, Humphrey
Box 2 Chaffee, Zachariah
Box 2 Chaffee, Family of
Box 2 China Famine Fund
Box 2 Christian Herald, The
Box 2 Christian Work, The
Box 2 Cit - Civ
Box 2 Clark, Elene
Box 2 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 2 Columbia University
Box 2 Community House
Box 2 Con - Cou
Box 2 Cushing, M. J.
Box 2 Daniel, Francis
Box 2 Darr, John Whittier
Box 2 Day, Jonathan
Box 2 De Lavare, Marie
Box 2 Dom - Don
Box 2 Durant, Will
Box 2 Easa - East
Box 2 Eojar folks
Box 2 Farber, B. F. - J.
Box 2 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Box 2 Fellowship of Reconciliation (3 folders)
Box 2 Fif - Fit
Box 2 Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. William
Box 2 Forbes, Mrs. Jesse
Box 2 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 2 Freeman - Freeman, K.
Box 2 Gellin, Francis
Box 2 Goodwin, J. H.
Box 2 Gordon, Dugald
Box 2 Gre - Gro
Box 2 Had - Hart
Box 2 Harr - Hay
Box 2 Hill Top Club
Box 2 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 2 Holmq - Hor
Box 2 Hou - How
Box 2 Hug - Hur
Box 2 Ind - Int
Box 2 Jaquith, Harold C.
Box 2 Jenning, J. E.
Box 2 Judd, Gertrude Brown
Box 2 Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Box 2 Khosla, A. N.
Box 2 Knight, Reverend Walter D.
Box 2 Krell, David
Labor Temple
Box 2 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services
Box 2 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 2 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes
Box 2 Educational and Young People's Committee Meetings
Box 2 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations
Box 2 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment
Box 2 Programs and Activities
Box 2 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 2 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel
Box 2 Miscellaneous
Box 2 League for Mutual Aid, The
Box 2 Long, Cedric
Box 2 Maclntosh, Mabel
Box 2 McE - McK
Box 2 Merr - Methe
Box 2 Methodist-Episcopal Church Board of Home Missions
Box 2 Mic - Min
Box 2 Mosher, C. W.
Box 2 Murphy, Albert John
Box 2 Nas - Nat
Box 2 Near East Relief
Box 2 Needles, Cora
Box 2 New York Cal - Cat
New York City
Box 2 Department of Education - Police Department
Box 2 Mission Society
Box 2 Sunday School Association
Box 2 New York Evening Post-Times
Box 2 Newton, Ray
Box 2 Nicol, Reverend James H.
Box 2 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 2 Outlook, The
Box 2 Pai - Pat
Box 2 Perkins, R. O.
Box 2 Perlman, Nathan (congressman)
Box 2 Pratt, I. Gentle
Box 2 Presbyterian Church in the United States of America Board of Home Missions
Box 2 Presbyterian Minister's Fund
Presbytery of New York
Box 3 Church Extension Commission (2 folders)
Box 3 Committee on Ministerial Relief and Sustenation
Box 3 Forbes, J. F., Stated Clerk
Box 3 Red - Rel
Box 3 Richards, George H.
Box 3 Ril - Riv
Box 3 Roberts, Richard
Box 3 Sachtleben, A. F.
Box 3 Sayre, John Nevin
Box 3 Scribner, Charles and Son
Box 3 She - Shu
Box 3 Simpson, William G.
Box 3 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 3 Spring Street Neighborhood House
Box 3 Ste - Str
Box 3 Swartz, Charles B.
Box 3 Thompson, Michael
Box 3 Union Theological Seminary
Box 3 United States Department of Labor, Immigration Commissioner F. A. Wallis
Box 3 Vickerey, Charles
Box 3 Villard, Oswald Garrison
Box 3 Watson, Blanche
Box 3 Web - Wes
Box 3 White, Mrs. R. C.
Box 3 Wil - Wit
Box 3 Woo - Wor
Box 3 Y.M.C.A.
Box 3 Y.W.C.A.
Box 3 Zimmer, A.
Box 3 Unidentified
Box 3 Academy of Political Science in the City of New York
Box 3 American, Civil - Friends
Box 3 Bai - Bar
Box 3 Bergmann, Minnie
Box 3 Bil - Bir
Box 3 Bonamo, John and Marie
Box 3 Brede, Alexander
Box 3 Butler, Alicia
Box 3 Chaffee, Family of
Box 3 Christian Work, The
Box 3 Civic Club of New York
Box 3 Clarke, Merril F.
Box 3 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 3 Col - Con
Box 3 Dav - Day
Box 3 Dea - Den
Box 3 Disciples Community House
Box 3 Durant, Will
Box 3 Eash - East
Box 3 Farber, John Henry
Box 3 Fellowship of Reconciliation (3 folders)
Box 3 Fin - Fit
Box 3 Foo - For
Box 3 Fosdick, Harry E.
Box 3 Gordon, B. Gordon, Dugald
Box 3 Gre - Gri
Box 3 Haa - Har
Box 3 Hat - Hay
Box 3 Hillman, Sidney
Box 3 Hillquit, Morris
Box 3 Hor - How
Box 3 Hunter, A. J.
Box 3 Hygienic Laboratories
Box 3 Jaquith, Harold C.
Box 3 Kele - Kels
Box 3 Labor Defense Council
Labor Temple
Box 3 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses Arranged for
Box 3 Contributions, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes
Box 3 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations
Box 3 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment
Box 3 Programs and Activities
Box 3 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel
Box 3 Miscellaneous
Box 3 Land, Leon
Box 3 Leagues for Industrial - Mutual
Box 3 Mac C - May
Box 3 McC - McL
Box 3 Mea - Met
Box 3 Mic - Mil
Box 3 Mon - Mot
Box 3 Musolino, Mary
Box 3 Myers, James
Box 3 Nan - Nar
Box 3 Needles, C. Blanche
Box 3 New York City Department of Health
Box 3 New York Federation of Churches
Box 3 New York L - T
Box 3 Nicol, James H.
Box 3 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 3 Non - Noy
Box 3 Page, Kirby
Box 3 Pei - Par
Box 3 Pfeiffer, Timothy
Box 3 Presbyterian Minister's Fund
Box 3 Presbytery of New York
Box 3 Rel - Ret
Box 3 Richards, George H.
Box 3 Rivenburg, Narola
Box 3 Sag - Say
Box 3 Scarpaci, Frank
Box 3 Seltzer, Thomas
Box 3 Simpson, William
Box 3 Sink, Senator Charles A.
Box 4 Slater, F. M.
Box 4 Smith, Shirley W.
Box 4 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 4 Ste - Sto
Box 4 Theta
Box 4 Union Theological Seminary
Box 4 Vedder, Beverley
Box 4 Watk - Wats
Box 4 Webber, Charles (Chuck)
Box 4 Whita - Whitm
Box 4 Wom - Wor
Box 4 Yale University
Box 4 Y.M.C.A.
Box 4 Y.W.C.A.
Box 4 Unidentified
Box 4 Academy of Political Science
Box 4 American, Board - Friends
Box 4 Anti-Saloon League of New York
Box 4 Baird, Dr. Addison W.
Box 4 Berns, Albert
Box 4 Bird, J. S.
Box 4 Bowe, H. Eugene
Box 4 Brede, Alexander
Box 4 Buckley, Minnie A.
Box 4 Cap - Cas
Box 4 Chaffee, Family of January (3 folders)
Box 4 Chi - Chr
Box 4 Civic Club of New York
Box 4 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 4 Col - Con
Box 4 Durant, Will
Box 4 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 4 Edgar, M - S
Box 4 Enc - End
Box 4 Erie Railroad Company
Box 4 Farber, Mr. and Mrs.
Box 4 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (3 folders)
Box 4 Fellowship for a Christian Social Order
Box 4 Fellowship of Reconciliation (4 folders)
Box 4 Fideles Club
Box 4 Franco, Joseph
Box 4 Gannett, Lewis S.
Box 4 Gordon, Dugald
Box 4 Har - Hay
Box 4 Hillquit, Morris
Box 4 Horton, Douglas
Box 4 Hun - Hut
Box 4 Jennings, H. R.
Box 4 Joi - Jon
Box 4 Kaliet, Isadore
Box 4 Kee - Kel
Box 4 King, Reverend G. Allen
Box 4 LaMonte, Caroline
Labor Temple
Box 4 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 4 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arranged for
Box 4 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes
Box 4 Programs and Activities (2 folders)
Box 4 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 4 Miscellaneous
Box 4 League for Mutual Aid
Box 4 Liberal, The
Box 4 Lower New York Church League
Box 4 Lyons, Rabbi Alexander
Box 4 Mat - Mau
Box 4 Merrill, William Pierson
Methodist Episcopal Church
Box 4 Board of Home Missions and Church Extension
Box 4 Miscellaneous
Box 4 Mil - Min
Box 4 Muste, A. J.
Box 4 Nation - Nationa
Box 4 New York Bible Society
Box 4 New York City Mission Society
Box 4 New York Federation of Churches
Box 4 New York State Department of Comptroller - Tax
Box 4 New York Stomatological Society
Box 4 Nicol, James H.
Box 4 Niebuhr, Reinhold
Box 4 Nipps, J. W.
Box 4 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 4 Pool, David De Sola
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 4 Board of Home Missions
Box 4 Board of National Missions
Box 4 Synod of New York
Presbytery of New York
Box 4 Church Extension Committee, Savage, Theodore F., Secretary
Box 4 Miscellaneous
Box 5 Randolph, A. Philip
Box 5 Restucci Family
Box 5 Richards, George H.
Box 5 Rochester, Anna
Box 5 Sayre, John Nevin
Box 5 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 5 Teller, Chester Thomas, Norman
Box 5 Union Theological Seminary
Box 5 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation
Box 5 United States, The White House
Box 5 Vermont, State of, re: Houses for Sale
Box 5 Wai - Wal
Box 5 War Resisters' League
Box 5 Williams - Williamsb
Box 5 Women's Peace Society - Union
Box 5 Wood, Clement
Box 5 Work - Worl
Box 5 Y.M.C.A.
Box 5 Y.W.C.A. (2 folders)
Box 5 Academy Press
Box 5 American Association - Parish
Box 5 Arb - Art
Box 5 Bai - Bak
Box 5 Berg - Bern
Box 5 Big - Bir
Box 5 Bond, Grace E.
Box 5 Brooklyn Jewish Center, The
Box 5 Can - Cas
Box 5 Chaffee, Family of
Box 5 Christian - Jewish Fellowship
Box 5 Civic - Civil
Box 5 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 5 Com - Coo
Box 5 Copeland, Senator Royal S.
Box 5 Crapullo, George A.
Box 5 Darby, Hooper and McDaniel
Box 5 Davis, Jerome
Box 5 Day, C - S
Box 5 Delta Sigma Rho
Box 5 Dol - Dor
Box 5 Du Bois, Paul
Box 5 Durant, Will
Box 5 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 5 Eller, A. D.
Box 5 Eugenics Committee of the United States
Box 5 Evans, H. G.
Box 5 Federal - Federat
Box 5 Fellowship for Christian Social Order
Box 5 Fellowship of Faiths
Box 5 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 5 Foote, Mrs. E. M.
Box 5 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 5 Fowler, Doris
Box 5 Fraternity for Friendly Service
Box 5 Gannett, Lewis S.
Box 5 Garman, Roy
Box 5 Gie - Gil
Box 5 Gordon, Dugald
Box 5 Greater New York Federation of Churches, The
Box 5 Hard - Harl
Box 5 Hart - Hat
Box 5 Hill, Clifford
Box 5 Hillman, Sidney
Box 5 Hitchcock, William Foster
Box 5 Holly High School Alumni
Box 5 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 5 Hop - Hor
Box 5 Hum - Hun
Box 5 International Association of Daily Vocational Bible Schools
Box 5 Iowa State Traveling Men's Association
Box 5 Jaquith, Harold C.
Box 5 Johnson, Charles
Box 5 Kelsey, A. Edward and Marion
Box 5 Kilborne, Reverend T. T.
Box 5 Klein, Reverend W. E.
Box 5 Knopf, Alfred A.
Box 5 Labor D - M
Labor Temple
Box 5 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 5 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 5 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses Arranged for
Box 5 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations
Box 5 Programs and Activities (3 folders)
Box 5 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 5 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel
Box 5 Landy Brothers Music House
Box 5 Lea - Lev
Box 6 Liberal - Listener
Box 6 McAll, R. L.
Box 6 Mil - Min
Box 6 Mothershill, Rolland V.
Box 6 Muste, A. J.
Box 6 National Association for Church Development
Box 6 National Conference on the Christian Way of Life (3 folders)
Box 6 National S - Natu
Box 6 Needles, C. Blanche
Box 6 New York American
New York City
Box 6 Board of Education
Box 6 Mission Society
Box 6 New York Governor, Smith, Alfred E
Box 6 New York State Board of Charities
Box 6 Niebuhr, Reinhold
Box 6 Nolting, Ed
Box 6 Odvin Brothers
Box 6 Page, Kirby
Box 6 Palisades Interstate Park, Commissioners of
Box 6 Penguins Club, The
Box 6 Pratt and McAlpin (Merle-Smith)
Box 6 Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Presbytery of New York
Box 6 Church Extension Committee, Savage, Theodore - Secretary
Box 6 Evangelistic Committee
Box 6 Miscellaneous
Box 6 Provincetown Playhouse
Box 6 Rathburn, Alan
Box 6 Rec - Rei
Box 6 Richards, E.
Box 6 Richards, George H.
Box 6 Roth, Emory
Box 6 Salmon, Ellen
Box 6 Sch - Sco
Box 6 Sea - Sel
Box 6 Sim - Sip
Box 6 Socialist Labor Party, The
Box 6 Speers, Guthrie
Box 6 Ste - Stu
Box 6 Sumner, John S.
Box 6 Teacher's Union Auxiliary
Box 6 Theta
Box 6 Thomas, Norman
Box 6 Timper, Mrs. A.
Box 6 Union Theological Seminary
Box 6 United States, Government of, re: War
Box 6 Ver - Ves
Box 6 Villard, Oswald Garrison
Box 6 Wadsworth, James W. (congressman)
Box 6 Walser, Jean
Box 6 Web - Wei
Box 6 Wilb - Will
Box 6 Wise, Stephen S.
Box 6 Wom - Wor
Box 6 X A
Box 6 Young, Thomas H.
Box 6 Y.M.C.A.
Box 6 Y.W.C.A. (3 folders)
Box 6 Zito, George and Anthony
Box 6 Unidentified
Box 6 Acq - Act
Box 6 Ale - All
Box 6 Birth - Committee
Box 6 Farm - Seam
Box 6 Seat - Stomatological Society
Box 6 Anderson, Reverend S. R.
Box 6 Appasamy, K.
Box 6 Ara - Arn
Box 6 Atkinson, Henry A. (Church Peace Union)
Box 6 Baj - Bap
Box 6 Barr - Bart
Box 6 Beardsley, Lyndon
Box 6 Blood, John W.
Box 6 Boy Rangers of America
Box 6 Bra - Bron
Box 6 Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture
Box 6 Brow - Bry
Box 6 Cadman, S. Parkes
Box 6 Carter, E. C.
Box 6 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 6 Cham - Chu
Box 6 Citi - City
Box 6 Civic Club of Carlisle (Pennsylvania)
Box 6 Civic Club, The (New York City)
Box 6 Clarke, Merrill Fowler
Box 6 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 6 Com - Con
Box 6 Cooper, Elizabeth
Box 6 Dailey, Granville P.
Box 6 Davis, Jerome
Box 7 Day, Jonathan C.
Box 7 Dod - Don
Box 7 Dud - Duf
Box 7 Durant, Will (6 folders)
Box 7 Durgin, Chester
Box 7 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 7 Edgar, Samuel
Box 7 Eva - Eve
Box 7 Fag - Far
Box 7 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 7 Fellowship of Faiths (3 folders)
Box 7 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 7 Fif - Fin
Box 7 Flanagan, Albert
Box 7 Foreign Language Information Service
Box 7 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 7 Fowler, Frederick
Box 7 Fra - Fri
Box 7 Gen - Ger
Box 7 Gillies, Florence A.
Box 7 Gordon, Dugald
Box 7 Greene, Amy and Theodore
Box 7 Hamilton, George
Box 7 Harkness, Edward S.
Box 7 Harr - Hart
Box 7 Heckscher, August
Box 7 Hepner, Joseph
Box 7 Hill, Clifford
Box 7 Holmes, John Haynes (3 folders)
Box 7 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 7 Hoo - Hop
Box 7 Hor - Hoy
Box 7 Hunter, Graham
Box 7 Hymn Society, The
Box 7 Imes, William
Box 7 Industrial Pioneer
Box 7 Italian-American Artistic League, The
Box 7 Jaquith, Harold C.
Box 7 Johnson, E. L.
Box 7 Kasherman, Bessie
Box 7 Kel - Ket
Box 7 Knight, Walter David
Box 7 Kurnvilla, K. K.
Labor Temple
Box 7 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services
Box 7 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 7 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 7 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses Arranged for
Box 7 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (2 folders)
Box 7 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (7 folders)
Box 7 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment, etc. (6 folders)
Box 7 Programs and Activities (5 folders)
Box 7 Work Schedules, Instructions to Personnel (5 folders)
Box 7 Miscellaneous
Box 7 Labor Temple, East 84th Street
Box 7 Lai - Las
Box 7 League for Industrial Democracy
Box 7 League, Abolition - Neighbors
Box 7 Lib - Lis
Box 7 Loria, Anthony
Box 7 MacK - May
Box 7 Mc A - Mc C
Box 8 McG - McQ
Box 8 Mer - Met
Box 8 Miller C - R
Box 8 Moh - Mow
Box 8 National A - C
Box 8 National F - U
Box 8 Near - New York A
Box 8 New York City Departments of Health and Public Welfare
Box 8 New York State Board of Charities
Box 8 New York T - U
Box 8 Nicol, James H.
Box 8 Nolting, Ed - Non Partisan Committee for the Election of Norman Thomas
Box 8 O'Brien, Daniel
Box 8 Opportunity
Box 8 Pal - Pat
Box 8 Per - Pet
Box 8 Pfaffli, Marguerite
Box 8 Phelps, Grace
Box 8 Pillsbury, Mr. and Mrs. George
Box 8 Pioneer Youth of America (2 folders)
Box 8 Pollock, Channing
Box 8 Powys, John Cowper
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 8 Board of Christian Education
Box 8 Board of National Missions (3 folders)
Box 8 Social Commission of 1925
Presbytery of New York, Church Extension Committee
Box 8 Merle-Smith, Treasurer
Box 8 Savage, Theodore F., Secretary (3 folders)
Box 8 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk
Box 8 Miscellaneous
Box 8 Quill Club, The
Box 8 Ram - Rat
Box 8 Reconciliation Trips
Box 8 Red - Ret
Box 8 Richards, Edward
Box 8 Richards, George H. (2 folders)
Box 8 Rick - Riv
Box 8 Rogers Peet Company
Box 8 Roth, Emery (2 folders)
Box 8 Russe - Russi
Box 8 Rybicki, Edward C.
Box 8 Sai - Sap
Box 8 Saw - Say
Box 8 Schneider, Albin F.
Box 8 Sevenoak, F. L.
Box 8 Shapleigh, Elisabeth
Box 8 Sim - Sip
Box 8 Slater, F. M.
Box 8 Sme - Smi
Box 8 Socialist Party, Italian Socialist Branch
Box 8 Speers, Thomas Guthrie (3 folders)
Box 8 Spi - Spr
Box 8 Sta - Str
Box 8 Thomas, Norman
Box 8 Underwood and Underwood Studios
Box 8 Union Theological Seminary
Box 8 United H - N
Box 8 Val - Van
Box 8 Voorhis, Therese
Box 8 Waid, D. Everett
Box 8 Wal - Wat
Box 8 Web - Wes
Box 8 Wilb - Wils
Box 8 Wise, Stephen S.
Box 8 Women's I - T
Box 8 Work - Worl
Box 8 Wray, Elizabeth
Box 8 Wylee, W.
Box 8 Yergin, Howard
Box 8 Y.M.C.A. (2 folders)
Box 8 Y.W.C.A. (3 folders)
Box 8 To and From Others
Box 8 Alb - All
Box 8 American A - F
Box 8 American P - T
Box 8 Arb - Arg
Box 8 Association of Volunteers in Social Service
Box 8 Atlas Iron Workers, Inc.
Box 8 Avery, C. L.
Box 8 Bab - Bat
Box 9 Bea - Bec
Box 9 Ben - Ber
Box 9 Bon - Bow
Box 9 Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
Box 9 Bun - Bur
Box 9 Cai - Cam
Box 9 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 9 Char - Chi
Box 9 Christian Century Press, The
Box 9 Christian-Jewish Fellowship (2 folders)
Box 9 Christian Work
Box 9 Civic Club, The
Box 9 Clar - Clas
Box 9 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 9 Col - Con
Box 9 Copeland, Senator Royal S.
Box 9 Council of W - on I
Box 9 Crandon, L. R. G.
Box 9 Dai - Day
Box 9 De Witt G - T
Box 9 Dob - Dom
Box 9 Dud - Dun
Box 9 Durant, Will (4 folders)
Box 9 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 9 Emergency Committee on Strikers' Relief
Box 9 Emmons, J. T.
Box 9 Erikson, John
Box 9 Everett, Mrs. E. (2 folders)
Box 9 Fag - Far
Box 9 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
Box 9 Feiker, Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Box 9 Fellowship of Faiths
Box 9 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 9 Fisk University
Box 9 Flans, H. Ford, Prentice
Box 9 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 9 Foster, Helen H.
Box 9 Fra - Free
Box 9 Fren - Fri
Box 9 Garrigues, Mrs. E. B.
Box 9 General Defense Committee
Box 9 Gillies, Florence
Box 9 Gordon, Dugald
Box 9 Gra - Gre
Box 9 Harrington, Barr
Box 9 Hartford Theological Seminary
Box 9 Hatch, Harold
Box 9 Hea - Hes
Box 9 Hill, Clifford S.
Box 9 Hillquit, Morris
Box 9 Hirst, Dr. V. B.
Box 9 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 9 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 9 Hop - Hou
Box 9 Hum - Hun
Box 9 Imes, William Lloyd
Box 9 Ind - Inw
Box 9 Iowa State Traveling Men's Insurance
Box 9 Jae - Jaq
Box 9 Jelliffe, W. R.
Box 9 Joh - Join
Box 9 Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Box 9 Khan, William B.
Box 9 King, C - G
Box 9 Kling, Phina
Box 9 Knight, Walter David
Box 9 Koukol, Alois
Box 9 L. T. Building Corporation
Labor Temple
Box 9 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 9 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arranged for
Box 9 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (2 folders)
Box 9 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (3 folders)
Box 9 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment (4 folders)
Box 9 Programs and Activities January, February (2 folders)
Box 10 Programs and Activities March-December (7 folders)
Box 10 Solicitations for Labor Temple Business
Box 10 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (4 folders)
Box 10 Miscellaneous
Box 10 Lasker, Bruno
Box 10 League for Age Security (3 folders)
Box 10 League for A - M
Box 10 Lem - Li
Box 10 Lower East Side Community Council
Box 10 Mad - Mar
Box 10 Mc A - Mc K
Box 10 Mer - Met
Box 10 Moo - Mot
Box 10 Muste, A. J.
Box 10 Nash, A. Company, The
Box 10 National, Association - Winter
Box 10 Naturalization, Aid - League
Box 10 Nea - Nei
Box 10 New Process Comoanv
Box 10 New York Amsterdam News, The
Box 10 New York City Board of Education
Box 10 New York Evening Graphic
Box 10 New York City Mission Society
Box 10 New York State Department of Labor
Box 10 New York University
Box 10 Nich - Nick
Box 10 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 10 Nye, Gerald P., Senator
Box 10 Ortoluno, Nick
Box 10 Page, Kirby
Box 10 Par - Pat
Box 10 Pea - Pet
Box 10 Phelps, Mary
Box 10 Pillsbury, George
Box 10 Pioneer Youth of America
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 10 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 10 Board of National Missions (3 folders)
Box 10 General Council
Box 10 Synod of New York
Box 10 Presbyterian Magazine, The
Presbytery of New York
Church Extension Committee
Box 10 Merle-Smith, Treasurer
Box 10 Savage, Theodore F., Secretary (2 folders)
Box 10 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk
Box 10 Ruling Elders' Association
Box 10 Miscellaneous
Box 10 Presbytery of Rochester, Executive Council
Box 10 Provincetown Playhouse
Box 10 Quil - Quin
Box 10 Randolph, A. Philip
Box 10 Reconciliation Trips
Box 10 Rel - Ret
Box 10 Richards, Edward
Box 10 Richards, George H.
Box 10 Rick - Riv
Box 10 Roc - Roy
Box 10 Rutgers Presbyterian Church
Box 10 Samson, Leon
Box 10 Sche - Schi
Box 10 Schneider, Charles A.
Box 10 Seaboard Coke Company
Box 10 Sheetz, Leroy
Box 10 Simons, Minot
Box 10 Social - Sociali
Box 10 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 10 Springer, C. L.
Box 10 Squires, Lester
Box 10 Stauer, A.
Box 10 Stelzle, Charles
Box 10 Stew - Sto
Box 10 Straton, John Roach
Box 10 Stro - Stu
Box 10 Talbott, George
Box 10 Teachers' Union, The
Box 11 Theta
Box 11 Thomas, Norman
Box 11 Tra - Tru
Box 11 Union Theological Seminary
Box 11 United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Incorporated (2 folders)
Box 11 United States Civil - Department of Commerce
Box 11 University of Michigan
Box 11 Vanc - Van D
Box 11 Vermont Realty Company, Incorporated
Box 11 Viking Press, Incorporated, The
Box 11 Waid, D. Everett
Box 11 Wait - Wal
Box 11 Wei - Wes
Box 11 Wilson, Edna-Eleanor
Box 11 Wise, Stephen S.
Box 11 Wom - Wor
Box 11 Wronker, Louis J., Alderman from Eighth District, City of New York
Box 11 Young, Dr.
Box 11 Y.M.C.A.
Box 11 Y.W.C.A. (3 folders)
Box 11 Ziegler, Vinton
Box 11 Unidentified
Box 11 "Action"
Box 11 Allen, Florence E. - Judge in Supreme Court of Ohio
Box 11 American Association of Adult - Social Workers
Box 11 American Birth Control League
Box 11 American Civil - Worker
Box 11 Asg - Assoc
Box 11 Baird, Dr. Addison W.
Box 11 Barr - Barru
Box 11 Bashford, J. C.
Box 11 Battle, George Gordon
Box 11 Bea - Bech
Box 11 Beck. G. F. (3 folders)
Box 11 Beine, Deborah
Box 11 Ben - Bet
Box 11 Bird - Birm
Box 11 Blair, W. D.
Box 11 Blanshard, Paul
Box 11 Blans - Blu
Box 11 Bor - Bow
Box 11 Broo - Brow
Box 11 Burrelle Press Clippings
Box 11 Buttrey, A. J.
Box 11 Cadman, S. Parkes
Box 11 Came - Camp
Box 11 Car - Cay
Box 11 Chaffee, Family of (8 folders)
Box 11 Chamberlain, Roy
Box 11 Chap - Char
Box 11 Chas - Chic
Box 11 Christian-Jewish Fellowship
Box 11 Christian Century, The
Box 11 Church and Drama Association
Box 11 Cit - Civ
Box 11 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 11 Cole - Colo
Box 11 Columbia University
Box 11 Com - Conf
Box 11 Cong - Cou
Box 11 Cushier, Carrie
Box 11 Dai - Dan
Box 11 Darr - Dart
Box 11 Davis, Jerome
Box 11 Davis & Sandt
Box 11 Day Family
Box 12 Debs - Deut
Box 12 Dilles, Bertha
Box 12 Dod - Doy
Box 12 Durant, Will (2 folders)
Box 12 East - Eastm S.
Box 12 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 12 Emergency Committee for Strikers' Relief
Box 12 Emergency Committee for Chinese Self-Government
Box 12 Encyclopaedia Britannica
Box 12 Erickson, John A.
Box 12 Esperanto Institute
Box 12 Everett, Mrs. Edward
Box 12 Fam - Far
Box 12 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 12 Federated - Federation of A
Box 12 Feiker, Mabel
Box 12 Fellowship for a Christian Social Order
Box 12 Fellowship of Faiths (2 folders)
Box 12 Fellowship of Reconciliation (3 folders)
Box 12 Fif - Fin
Box 12 Flanagan, John
Box 12 Fon - For
Box 12 Franc - Frank
Box 12 Free - Fren
Box 12 Friends Seminary (2 folders)
Box 12 Gannett, Lewis
Box 12 General Relief Committee, Textile Strikers
Box 12 Gib - Gil
Box 12 Gordon, Dugald
Box 12 Greater New York Federation of Churches
Box 12 Griswold, Dorothy
Box 12 Gundlach Advertising Company
Box 12 Hal - Han
Box 12 Har - Hat
Box 12 Heck - Herm
Box 12 Hill, Clifford
Box 12 Hillman, Sidney
Box 12 Hillquit, Morris
Box 12 Holly, Michigan
Box 12 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 12 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 12 Home Life - News
Box 12 Hopkins, J. H.
Box 12 Hor - How
Box 12 Hud - Hut
Box 12 Imrie, Gordon
Box 12 Ind - Inq
Box 12 International - Inwood
Box 12 Jelliffe, Reverend W. R.
Box 12 Jewish Social Service Association
Box 12 Journal of the National Educational Association
Box 12 Kaneda, Kazno
Box 12 Kee - Kel
Box 12 Kips Bay Neighbor
Box 12 Knight, Walter D.
Box 12 Kuger, Alfred A.
Box 12 L. T. Building Corporation
Box 12 La Guardia, Fiorello (congressman)
Labor Temple
Box 12 Affirmation, Notices of Church Services, Replies
Box 12 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (2 folders)
Box 12 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses Arranged for
Box 12 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes
Box 12 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (8 folders)
Box 12 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment, etc. (2 folders)
Box 12 Programs and Activities January-September
Box 13 Programs and Activities October-December
Box 13 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 13 Work Schedule and Instructions to Personnel (3 folders)
Box 13 Lan - Lau
Box 13 League for, I to A
Box 13 Leig - Levy
Box 13 Lindb - Linde
Box 13 Lord's Day Alliance of the United States
Box 13 Lyon, A. - W. H.
Box 13 MacCracken, Mrs. H. N.
Box 13 Mach - Man
Box 13 Massachusetts, Office of the Governor, Fuller, Alvan T.
Box 13 McC - McK
Box 13 Mead, Vern S.
Box 13 Merr - Met
Box 13 Mic - Min
Box 13 Mof - Mothers A
Box 13 Mothersill, Mark
Box 13 Mothersill, Roland
Box 13 Motin, Reverend Nicholas
Box 13 Muste, A. J. (2 folders)
Box 13 Nation, The
Box 13 National Bureau-Committee
Box 13 National, Con - Cou
Box 13 National, S - W
Box 13 Near East Relief
New York City
Box 13 Government and Departments of
Box 13 Hospitals
Box 13 Mission Society
Box 13 Newspapers
Box 13 New York University
Box 13 Newman, Wilson L.
Box 13 Nickless, Reverend Alfred L.
Box 13 Nicola, C. Blanche
Box 13 Noble, Daniel R.
Box 13 Nolting, Edward L. (2 folders)
Box 13 O'Brien, Daniel
Box 13 Occomy, Katherine
Box 13 Oquossoc Union Parish
Box 13 Outlook, The
Box 13 Overstreet, Harry A.
Box 13 Page, Kirby
Box 13 Par - Pau
Box 13 Pe - Pi
Box 13 Pioneer Youth of America
Box 13 Plai - Play
Box 13 Pol - Powe
Box 13 Powys, John Cowper
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 13 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 13 Board of Ministerial Relief and Sustenation
Box 13 Board of National Missions (4 folders)
Box 13 General Assembly's Committee on Temperance
Box 13 Synod of New York
Box 13 Presbyterian Minister's Fund
Box 13 Presbytery of Brooklyn - Nassau, Church Extension Board
Presbytery of New York, Church Extension Committee
Box 13 Merle-Smith, Treasurer
Box 13 Savage, Theodore F., Secretary (3 folders)
Box 13 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk
Box 13 Protestant Brotherhood
Box 13 Pulaski, Mrs.
Box 13 Quill Club, The
Box 13 Quinlan, Florence
Box 13 Rand School of Social Science, The
Box 13 Randolph, A. Philip
Box 13 Rea - Rei
Box 13 Richards, Edward
Box 13 Richards, George
Box 13 Ric - Riv
Box 13 Roc - Ros
Box 13 Roth, Emery
Box 13 Sacc - Saks
Box 13 Schiff, Jacob H. Center, The Sisterhood of
Box 13 Scife, Josephine
Box 13 Schuster, M. Lincoln
Box 13 Schwa - Schwi
Box 13 Searle, Miss A. C.
Box 13 Sha - Sho
Box 14 Somerville, John
Box 14 Speers, Thomas Guthrie (2 folders)
Box 14 Spi - Spr
Box 14 Sta - Stel
Box 14 Stewart, Reverend George, Jr.
Box 14 Stone, Dr. Abraham
Box 14 Str - Stu
Box 14 Sun - Sur
Box 14 Tal - Tay
Box 14 Teacher's Union, The (City of New York)
Box 14 The - Thomas, M.
Box 14 Thomas, Norman
Box 14 Thorne, Mary E.
Box 14 Tibbits, J. H.
Box 14 Totah, Ermina Jones
Box 14 Trade Union Delegation to Europe
Box 14 Tucker, Mrs. Christine Wilson
Box 14 Union Theological Seminary
Box 14 United Neighborhood Houses (2 folders)
Box 14 United Textile Workers of America
Box 14 Veillierre, Mae
Box 14 Vic - Vin
Box 14 Waid, D. Everett
Box 14 Wal - Wan
Box 14 Web - Wei
Box 14 Welfare Council of New York City (2 folders)
Box 14 Wel - Wes
Box 14 Wheeler, Burton K., Senator (2 folders)
Box 14 Wheeler, C. - Whi
Box 14 Wilb - Will
Box 14 Wise, James W.
Box 14 Wise, Stephen S. (2 folders)
Box 14 Women's Press, The
Box 14 Worker's Education Bureau
Box 14 Workman's Education Association
Box 14 World Alliances
Box 14 Wright, Mary
Box 14 X A
Box 14 Yergin, Howard
Box 14 Young, J. Lowe
Box 14 Y.M.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 14 Y.W.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 14 Zic - Zit
Box 14 Unidentified
Box 14 "Action" (Clement Schwinges)
Box 14 Albarino, Sam
Box 14 All-America Anti-Imperialist League
Box 14 Allison, Milton Myers
Box 14 Amalgamated B - S
Box 14 American Association for Adult Education
Box 14 American Association for Labor - OAS
Box 14 American Bi - Bo
Box 14 American C - X-Ray (includes X-Rays of Chaffee's teeth)
Box 14 Ana - And
Box 14 Arnold Constable
Box 14 Artist's Council for Prison Service, The
Box 14 Association for the Welfare of the Children of China
Box 14 Atlas Social Service Exchange, Incorporated
Box 14 Bag - Bail
Box 14 Baird, Dr. Addison W.
Box 14 Ball - Bait
Box 14 Barnes, Harry Elmer
Box 14 Barr - Barro
Box 14 Barrus, George L.
Box 14 Baumes, Caleb H., New York State Senator
Box 14 Beck, G. F. (2 folders)
Box 14 Bel - Bet
Box 14 Berman, Max
Box 14 Birmingham Public - T. W.
Box 14 Bre - Bru
Box 14 Bug - But
Box 14 Cadman, S. Parkes
Box 14 Cal - Cap
Box 14 Carnegie Corporation of New York
Box 14 Cavert, Samuel McCrae
Box 14 Central Trades and Labor Council
Box 14 Cercle Victor Hugo, Le
Box 14 Chaffee, Professor Zacharia
Box 14 Chaffee, Family of January-June (3 folders)
Box 15 Chaffee, Family of July-December (4 folders)
Box 15 Cham - Chu
Box 15 Civic Club, The
Box 15 Clergy Club of New York and Neighborhood, The
Box 15 Coffey, Gertrude
Box 15 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 15 Cog - Col
Box 15 Com - Con
Box 15 Cool - Coop
Box 15 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 15 Craig, Francis
Box 15 Crain, Thomas C. T., Justice in the Supreme Court of the State of New York
Box 15 Cre - Cro
Box 15 Cusimano, Mary M.
Box 15 Damrosch, Mrs. Walter
Box 15 Darling, George A.
Box 15 Dartmouth Christian Association
Box 15 Davis, Jerome (2 folders)
Box 15 Day, Stanley
Box 15 Dea - Denn
Box 15 Doerfler, L.
Box 15 Duffield, Reverend Howard
Box 15 Durant, Will
Box 15 East - Eastm S.
Box 15 Emanuel Sisterhood of Personal Service
Box 15 Emergency Committee for Striker's Relief
Box 15 Encyclopaedia Britannica
Box 15 Equitable Trust Company of New York
Box 15 Esmond, Burton D., Assemblyman
Box 15 Evangelical Trumpeters, The
Box 15 Everett, Mrs.
Box 15 Fam - Far
Box 15 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 15 Fellowship of Faiths (2 folders)
Box 15 Fellowship of Reconciliation (2 folders)
Box 15 Ferris, Gilbert B.
Box 15 Fie - Fit
Box 15 Flagler, Harry Harkness
Box 15 Flanagan, Sue
Box 15 Ford - Fore
Box 15 Frence - French
Box 15 Friendly Lodge for Blind Girls
Box 15 Friends Seminary
Box 15 Friendship Center
Box 15 Ful - Fun
Box 15 Gal - Gar
Box 15 Gen - Ger
Box 15 Gilfillian, S. Columb
Box 15 Gordon, Dugald
Box 15 Greater New York Federation of Churches
Box 15 Green, William, President of the American Federation of Labor
Box 15 Hab - Hal
Box 15 Harkness, Edward S.
Box 15 Harr - Hat
Box 15 Hays, Arthur Garfield
Box 15 Hays, Theodore
Box 15 Hea - Hes
Box 15 Hill ...
Box 15 Hoa - Holl
Box 15 Holmes, John Haynes (2 folders)
Box 15 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 15 Hoo - Hou
Box 15 Hud - Hut
Box 15 Ime - Imp
Box 15 Independent Committee for Thomas (Norman) for President
Box 15 Inter-Group Bureau of Social Education
Box 15 International, House - Pocketworkers
Box 15 Iowa State Traveling Men's Association
Box 15 Japanese-Christian Association
Box 15 Jel - Jen
Box 15 Jones, Thomas E., President of Fisk University
Box 15 Kei - Kel
Box 15 Kil - Kin
Box 15 Knight, Reverend Walter D.
Box 15 Kristnapp, S. S.
Box 15 Kugel, Alfred
Box 15 L. T. Building Corporation
Box 15 La Guardia, Fiorello, Congressman
Box 15 Labor Defender, The
Labor Temple
Box 16 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services, Responses
Box 16 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 16 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (4 folders)
Box 16 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arrangements for (3 folders)
Box 16 Contributions to Labor Temple, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (5 folders)
Box 16 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (3 folders)
Box 16 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment (3 folders)
Box 16 Programs and Activities (10 folders)
Box 16 Solicitations for Labor Temple Business
Box 16 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (4 folders)
Box 16 Miscellaneous
Box 16 Lai - Lav
Box 16 League, Abolish - Industrial
Box 16 Lee, Ivy
Box 16 Leiper, H. S.
Box 16 Lenox Hill Association
Box 16 Levine, Isaac Don
Box 16 Lewis, R. E.
Box 16 Lib - Lis
Box 16 Lor - Low
Box 16 Lucille LaVerne Theatre
Box 16 Lyn - Lyons
Box 16 Mac - Man
Box 16 Mar - May
Box 16 McConnell, Francis J.
Box 16 McCr - McM
Box 16 Melendy, Emery A.
Box 16 Met - Mey
Box 16 Mil - Mini
Box 16 Mod - Mon
Box 16 Muniz, Manuel
Box 16 Muste, A. J.
Box 16 Myers, James
Box 16 Nar - National C
Box 16 National Geographic Society
Box 16 National, R - V
Box 16 Nea - New M.
Box 16 New York, City of
Box 16 New York City Mission Society
Box 16 New York Department of Education, Special Schools Bureau, Hague, John B., chief
Box 16 New York, E - Sk
Box 16 New York, T - U
Box 16 Newell, Frederick
Box 16 Nicola, Blanche
Box 16 Nieubuhr, Reinhold
Box 16 Noble, H. W.
Box 16 Nolting, Edward
Box 17 Nye, Senator Gerlad P.
Box 17 Open Forum Speakers' Bureau
Box 17 Ortolono, Nicholas
Box 17 Osborne, Agnes Wilson
Box 17 Outlook, The (2 folders)
Box 17 Overstreet, Harry A.
Box 17 Page, Kirby
Box 17 Pai - Pax
Box 17 Perkins, Margaret
Box 17 Pierson, Anna
Box 17 Pioneer Youth of America
Box 17 Pond, James B.
Box 17 Presbyterian Board of Ministerial Relief and Sustenation
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 17 Board of Christian Education
Box 17 Board of National Missions (2 folders)
Box 17 Board of Pensions
Box 17 Office of the Moderator
Box 17 Presbyterian Ministers Fund for Life Insurance
Box 17 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Box 17 Presbytery of Chicago, Church Extension Board
Presbytery of New York
Church Extension Committee
Box 17 Merle-Smith, Treasurer (2 folders)
Box 17 Savage, Theodore F., Secretary (3 folders)
Box 17 Department of Christian Education
Box 17 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk (2 folders)
Box 17 Youth of New York Presbytery
Box 17 Miscellaneous
Box 17 Pub - Put
Box 17 Randolph, A. Philip
Box 17 Rao - Rau
Box 17 Rec - Rep
Box 17 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 17 Richards, George H.
Box 17 Rivenberg, Harold
Box 17 Rog - Rot
Box 17 Rus - Rutg
Box 17 Sal - Say
Box 17 Schmalhausen, Samuel D. (3 folders)
Box 17 Schneider, Mrs. A. F.
Box 17 Sea - Sem
Box 17 Sha - Shi
Box 17 Sill, Alfreda P.
Box 17 Silver, Alfred A.
Box 17 Smith College
Box 17 Social S - Socialist P
Box 17 Sod - Son
Box 17 Spea - Speer
Box 17 Speers, Thomas Guthrie (2 folders)
Box 17 Spi - Spr
Box 17 Stei - Stew
Box 17 Stone, Drs. Abraham and Hannah
Box 17 Stra - Stro
Box 17 Survey Graphic
Box 17 Telephone Message Bureau
Box 17 Thes - Thet
Box 17 Thomas, Norman
Box 17 Thomas Testimonial Dinner Committee
Box 17 Tib - Tip
Box 17 Tron, Bartholemew
Box 17 Tucker, Mrs. W. Ellsworth
Box 17 Union Theological Seminary (2 folders)
Box 17 United Neighborhood Houses
Box 17 United States Departments of Government
Box 17 Universal Religious Peace Conference
Box 17 Vac - Vande
Box 17 Van Dy - Van T
Box 17 Vermont, State of, re: buying a summer home
Box 17 Vineyard Shore Workers’ School
Box 17 Voc - Von
Box 17 Wagner, C. Everett
Box 17 Wagner, Robert F., Senator
Box 17 Waid, B. E.
Box 17 Waid, D. Everett
Box 17 Walker, J. E.
Box 17 Walker, James J., Mayor, New York City
Box 17 Wal - Wat
Box 17 Webber, Charles C.
Box 18 Welfare Council of New York City
Box 18 Welg - Wes
Box 18 Wheeler, Burton K., Senator
Box 18 White - Whiton
Box 18 Wiesenberg, Mrs. C.
Box 18 Wise, James and Stephen S.
Box 18 Woll, Matthew
Box 18 Wom - World
Box 18 World A - T
Box 18 Wronker, L. J., Alderman, New York City
Box 18 Yale Graduate Placement Bureau
Box 18 Yergin, Howard
Box 18 Young, Dr. J. Lowe
Box 18 Y.M.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 18 Y.W.C.A.
Box 18 Unidentified
Box 18 Abbe - Abr
Box 18 "Action"
Box 18 Affiliated Baptist City Societies
Box 18 Airolite Company, The
Box 18 Alb - All
Box 18 American Ar - As
Box 18 American B - F
Box 18 American L - R
Box 18 American Society for the Control of Cancer
Box 18 American Se - Soc
Box 18 American T - America's
Box 18 Anookulam, James J.
Box 18 Arbitrator, The
Box 18 Arnold Constable and Company
Box 18 Ashley, Miss Mildred
Box 18 Baj - Bak
Box 18 Balfour, Mary
Box 18 Bali - Barb
Box 18 Barn - Barr
Box 18 Barru - Bau
Box 18 Beck, G. F. (2 folders)
Box 18 Bel - Ben
Box 18 Ber - Bet
Box 18 Bib - Big
Box 18 Bloom, Sara
Box 18 Bon - Boy
Box 18 Bre - Bro
Box 18 Bur - But
Box 18 Camps...
Box 18 Campb - Car
Box 18 Central Needle Trades School and Evening School
Box 18 Chaffee, Family of (5 folders)
Box 18 Char - Chu
Box 18 Citi - City
Box 18 Clarke, Merril Fowler
Box 18 Cle - Cli
Box 18 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 18 Cohen, E - G
Box 18 Coleman, McAllister
Box 18 Collins, Ross A., Congressman
Box 18 Columbia Book Company
Box 18 Columbia University
Box 18 Com - Coo
Box 18 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 18 Cou - Cox
Box 18 Cra - Cro
Box 18 Cusimano, Mary
Box 18 Daidone
Box 18 Damrosch, Mrs. Walter
Box 18 Dartmouth Christian Association
Box 18 Daublin, Benjamin
Box 18 Davis, Jerome
Box 18 Dend - Denn
Box 18 Dod - Dou
Box 18 Downing, Bernard, New York State Senator
Box 18 Dress Manufacturers' Protective Association
Box 18 Durant, Will
Box 18 Dutton, E. P., and Company
Box 18 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 18 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 18 Edge, Reverend James
Box 18 Elliot, James H.
Box 19 Emmerich Bureau
Box 19 Epworth Herald, The
Box 19 Equitist, The
Box 19 Estill, Reul
Box 19 Evang - Evans
Box 19 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 19 Federation F - O
Box 19 Feldman, Mrs.
Box 19 Fellowship of Faiths
Box 19 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 19 Fett, Clair B.
Box 19 Fie - Fir
Box 19 Fla - Flo
Box 19 Fos - Fow
Box 19 Fred - Fren
Box 19 Friends Neighborhood Guild
Box 19 Friends Seminary
Box 19 Gai - Gat
Box 19 Gel - Geo
Box 19 George School
Box 19 Gib - Gil
Box 19 Goldman, Leo
Box 19 Gordon, Dugald
Box 19 Gota - Goth
Box 19 Greater New York Federation of Churches (3 folders)
Box 19 Greater New York Taxpayers Association
Box 19 Gro - Gu
Box 19 Hai - Hal
Box 19 Harb - Harr
Box 19 Hartford Seminary Foundation
Box 19 Hars - Has
Box 19 Hea - Hes
Box 19 Hillman, Alexander
Box 19 Hold - Holm
Box 19 Holmes, John Haynes (2 folders)
Box 19 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 19 Holt, Henry and Company
Box 19 Hopkins, J. A. H.
Box 19 Hum - Huy
Box 19 Inn - Inq
Box 19 Intef - Intern
Box 19 Italian Chamber of Labor
Box 19 Jac - Jap
Box 19 Jelliffe, W. R.
Box 19 Joi - Jos
Box 19 Kahon, Henry Q., Assemblyman, State of New York
Box 19 Kanagawaken-Kyosaikai (Association for Social Work)
Box 19 Kee - Kes
Box 19 Kimball, Emily
Box 19 Klinger, Charles
Box 19 Knight, Walter D.
Box 19 Knop - Knot
Box 19 Kre - Kri
Box 19 L. T. Building Corporation
Labor Temple
Box 19 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services and Responses (2 folders)
Box 19 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 19 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (3 folders)
Box 19 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arrangements for (3 folders)
Box 19 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (6 folders)
Box 19 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (3 folders)
Box 20 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations January-May (3 folders)
Box 20 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations June-December (2 folders)
Box 20 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment (2 folders)
Box 20 Programs and Activities (9 folders)
Box 20 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 20 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (4 folders)
Box 20 Labor Temple, East 84th Street
Box 20 Lak - Lay
Box 20 Lea - Lee
Box 20 Leiper, H. S.
Box 20 Lewis, J.
Box 20 Lib - Lit
Box 20 Llano - Lloyd
Box 20 Lor - Low
Box 20 Mac - Mag
Box 20 Mai - Man
Box 20 Mar - Mat
Box 20 McAlpin, Charles W.
Box 20 McAf - McAl
Box 20 McC - McM
Box 20 Med - Mer
Box 20 Methodist Episcopal Church
Box 20 Meyers Invention
Box 20 Mie - Mil
Box 20 Mod - Mur
Box 20 Muste, A. J.
Box 20 Nag - National C
Box 20 National F - W
Box 20 Nea - Nel
Box 20 New York A - B
Box 20 New York, City of
Box 20 New York E - Sc
Box 20 New York Sk - State C.
Box 20 New York State Department of Labor
Box 20 New York T - U
Box 20 Newa - Newt
Box 20 Niebuhr, Reinhold
Box 20 Noble, Charles - H. W.
Box 20 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 20 North - Northfield
Box 20 Nye, Gerald P., Senator
Box 20 O'Brien, Dave
Box 20 Ohori, Reverend E. A.
Box 20 Open Forum Speakers' Bureau
Box 20 Open Road, The
Box 20 Outlook Company (2 folders)
Box 21 Page, Kirby
Box 21 Par - Pas
Box 21 Pat - Pax
Box 21 Pea - Peo
Box 21 Perkins, Margaret - R. O.
Box 21 Pioneer Youth of America
Box 21 Playground and Recreation Association of America
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 21 Board of Christian Education
Box 21 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 21 Board of National Missions
Box 21 Miscellaneous
Box 21 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Box 21 Presbytery of Cincinnati, Board of National Missions and Church Extensions
Presbytery of New York
Church Extension Committee
Box 21 Savage, T. F., Secretary (3 folders)
Box 21 Merle-Smith, Treasurer
Box 21 Committee on Program and Field Activities
Box 21 Department of Christian Education
Box 21 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk (2 folders)
Box 21 Miscellaneous
Box 21 Ralston, Mrs. E. S.
Box 21 Randolph, A. Philip
Box 21 Reade, Mrs. Cordelia
Box 21 Reconciliation Trips
Box 21 Reese, Charles
Box 21 Richards, Edward C. M. January, (2 folders)
Box 21 Richards, George H.
Box 21 Righter, Miss
Box 21 Robb - Rock
Box 21 Rogers, Florence - Noah
Box 21 Rom - Roy
Box 21 Rul - Rus
Box 21 San - Sar
Box 21 Sawyer, Roland D., Congressman, Massachusetts
Box 21 Sayre Family
Box 21 Sche - Schl
Box 21 Schmalhausen, Samuel D. (2 folders)
Box 21 Sco - Scr
Box 21 Sea - Sen
Box 21 Sha - She
Box 21 Sil - Sin
Box 21 Smith, L. R. - Tucker
Box 21 Soc - Sol
Box 21 Spa - Speed
Box 21 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 21 Spinnato, Joseph P.
Box 21 Stel - Stev
Box 21 Stewart, George
Box 21 Stone, Hannah M.
Box 21 Strac - Straff
Box 21 Straton, John Roach
Box 21 Strong, Sydney
Box 21 Str - Stu
Box 21 Sulzberger, Mrs. Cyrus L.
Box 21 Talmage, Mr. David H.
Box 21 Tea - Tel
Box 21 Theta
Box 21 Thomas, Norman
Box 21 Thorne, Reverend Frederick R.
Box 21 Tinker, Mr. W. H.
Box 21 Trimble, Mrs. William S.
Box 21 Tucker, Mrs. William Ellsworth
Box 21 Twitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Hanford M.
Box 21 Tynes, Wendell
Box 21 Unif - Union S
Box 21 Union Theological Seminary (2 folders)
Box 21 United Neighborhood Houses (3 folders)
Box 21 Universal - University
Box 21 Valentines Day Committee
Box 21 Venus, Mr. A.
Box 21 Villelli, Mr. Joseph A.
Box 21 Vollenweider, Mr. John A.
Box 22 W E V D
Box 22 Wagner, Robert, Senator
Box 22 Waid, D. Everett
Box 22 Wal - Wat
Box 22 Wef - Wei
Box 22 Wel - Wes
Box 22 White - Whito
Box 22 Wille - Willi
Box 22 Woj - Wom
Box 22 Woo - Wor
Box 22 Y.M.C.A. (3 folders)
Box 22 Y.W.C.A.
Box 22 Unidentified
Box 22 Action Membership Corporation
Box 22 A.I.C.P.
Box 22 Alb - All
Box 22 American A - C
Box 22 American E - U
Box 22 Apel, Marie
Box 22 Artist's Council
Box 22 Association of Advertising Men
Box 22 Atlantic Monthly, The
Box 22 Bai - Ban
Box 22 Barb - Barr
Box 22 Beattie, Reverend Lee W.
Box 22 Beck, G. F.
Box 22 Becke - Ber
Box 22 Birm - Birt
Box 22 Blake, Harry
Box 22 Blanchard, Mrs. W. O.
Box 22 Blanshard, Paul
Box 22 Bog - Bor
Box 22 Bow - Boy
Box 22 Bro - Bru
Box 22 Buc - Bur
Box 22 Butt - Butz
Box 22 Car - Caw
Box 22 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 22 Char - Chi
Box 22 Christian Century, The
Box 22 Christian Union Quarterly, The
Box 22 Church - Churchman
Box 22 Citi - City
Box 22 Cia - Cle
Box 22 Cli - Clu
Box 22 Coe, William W.
Box 22 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 22 Cog - Col
Box 22 Committee - Community
Box 22 Con - Cope
Box 22 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 22 Cou - Cox
Box 22 Cra - Cro
Box 22 Cum - Cur
Box 22 Davis, Jerome
Box 22 De Nanny, Francis G.
Box 22 Discussion Guild
Box 22 Dodd - Dodds
Box 22 DuB - Dunn
Box 22 Durant, Will
Box 22 Eby, Louise
Box 22 Edd - Edu
Box 22 Ell - Elm
Box 22 Elmore, Carl
Box 22 Ennist, Robert G.
Box 22 Equitist, The
Box 22 Evans, Reverend A. H.
Box 22 Farb - Farr
Box 22 Federal Council of Churches
Box 22 Fellowship of Faiths
Box 22 Fellowship of Reconciliation (2 folders)
Box 23 Fenner Brockway Dinner Committee
Box 23 Fie - Fit
Box 23 Flanagan, Sue
Box 23 Floral Hill High School
Box 23 Forbes and Company, H. C.
Box 23 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 23 Fou - Fox
Box 23 French, Fred-Lawrence
Box 23 Friends of the Soviet Union
Box 23 Friends Seminary
Box 23 Frisbee, Frances Young Peoples’ Society
Box 23 Ful - Fur
Box 23 Gai - Gar
Box 23 Gei - Ger
Box 23 Gilb - Gill
Box 23 Golden Rule Foundation
Box 23 Gordon, Dugald
Box 23 Gordon, Mary
Box 23 Goss, Isaac
Box 23 Graham, Stella F.
Box 23 Greater New York Federation of Churches
Box 23 Greenwich House - Greenwich House Workshops
Box 23 Hai - Han
Box 23 Harbison, William
Box 23 Harkness, Edward S.
Box 23 Harp - Harr
Box 23 Hartford Seminary
Box 23 Hartl - Haz
Box 23 Hea - Hey
Box 23 Hoa - Hoe
Box 23 Hofstader, Samuel H., New York State Senator
Box 23 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 23 Hol - How
Box 23 Hum - Hut
Box 23 Imes, William Lloyd
Box 23 Inq - Ins
Box 23 International Ladies' - Unemployed
Box 23 Isaacs, Martin
Box 23 Italian Settlement, The
Box 23 Jac - Jam
Box 23 Jennings, Pauline
Box 23 Joh - Jon
Box 23 Kahan, Henry O., New York State Assemblyman
Box 23 Kammerer, Rafael
Box 23 Kei - Kej
Box 23 Kips Bay Neighborhood Association
Box 23 Kling, Phina
Box 23 Knic - Knig
Box 23 Koval, Philip
Box 23 L. T. Building Corporation
Labor Temple
Box 23 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services, Responses (2 folders)
Box 23 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 23 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arranged for
Box 23 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (2 folders)
Box 23 Employment Inquiries, Recommendations (2 folders)
Box 23 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment (2 folders)
Box 23 Programs and Activities (6 folders)
Box 23 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 23 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (2 folders)
Box 23 Labour Party, The
Box 23 La Guardia, Fiorello, Congressman
Box 23 L'Am - Law
Box 23 Lea - Lew
Box 23 Listener's Club, The
Box 24 Loo - Low
Box 24 Luccock, Halford S.
Box 24 Lyford, Oliver S.
Box 24 Macc - Man
Box 24 Mar - May
Box 24 McA - McG
Box 24 McGinnies, Joseph A., New York State Assemblyman
Box 24 McGr - Mek
Box 24 Merrill, William P.
Box 24 Methodist - Episcopal Church
Box 24 Mil - Mis
Box 24 Moak Printing Company
Box 24 Moffat, Abbot Low, New York State Assemblyman
Box 24 Mon - Mot
Box 24 Mue - Mul
Box 24 Muste, A. J.
Box 24 Muthu, C.
Box 24 Nation - National U.
Box 24 Nea - New M.
Box 24 New York A - M
Box 24 New York, City of (Municipal Government Listings)
Box 24 New York City S - New York L.
Box 24 New York, State of (Government Listings)
Box 24 New York T - U
Box 24 Newell, Reverend Frederick (Fritz)
Box 24 Nieubuhr, Lydia G.
Box 24 Noble, Charles C.
Box 24 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 24 Nye, Gerald P., Senator
Box 24 O'Brien - Rex, Daniel
Box 24 Orphal, Reverend Alfred John
Box 24 Oul - Out
Box 24 Pad - Pap
Box 24 Par - Pay
Box 24 Pfeiffer, Timothy Newell
Box 24 Pel - Per
Box 24 Pic - Pitt
Box 24 Pon - Pop
Box 24 Powys, John Cowper
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 24 Board of National Missions
Box 24 Board of Pensions
Box 24 Synod of New York
Box 24 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Box 24 Presbytery of Baltimore
Box 24 Presbytery of Chicago
Box 24 Presbytery of Milwaukee
Presbytery of New York
Church Extension Committee
Box 24 Merle-Smith, Treasurer
Box 24 Savage, Theodore F., Secretary (2 folders)
Box 24 Mendenhall, Stated Clerk
Box 24 Social Service Committee
Box 24 Prine - Print
Box 24 Psychological Corporation, The
Box 24 Quill Club, The
Box 24 Ramb - Rams
Box 24 Reade, Cordelia
Box 24 Reconciliation Trips
Box 24 Red - Rev
Box 24 Richard, R. - Riv.
Box 24 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 24 Richards, George H. (3 folders)
Box 24 Roe - Ros
Box 24 Rutgers Presbyterian Church, David Russell, Minister
Box 24 Rybicki, Edward C.
Box 24 Saint John - Sayre
Box 24 Sch - Sco
Box 24 Searles, W. G.
Box 24 Sha - Sho
Box 24 Sie - Sin
Box 24 Sma - Smy
Box 24 Soc - Sol
Box 24 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 24 Spinnato, Joseph
Box 24 Spoerie, Raymond L.
Box 24 Sta - Ste
Box 24 Sti - Stoc
Box 24 Stone, Drs. Abraham and Hannah
Box 24 Strong, Sydney
Box 24 Survey Graphic and Survey Midmonthly
Box 24 Talbott, George H.
Box 24 Teachers' Union, The
Box 25 Theta
Box 25 Thilin, Georges
Box 25 Thomas, Norman
Box 25 Thomp - Thu
Box 25 Tippy, Worth M.
Box 25 Unif - Union S.
Box 25 Union Theological Seminary (3 folders)
Box 25 United Hospital Fund
Box 25 United Neighborhood Houses
Box 25 United States Daily, The
Box 25 United States Department of Labor
Box 25 United States, Government of, Hoover, Herbert - President
Box 25 Universal - University
Box 25 Van D - Vang
Box 25 Veach, Robert Wells
Box 25 Villard, Oswald Garrison
Box 25 Vondermuhll, Mrs. Kate
Box 25 Wagner, Robert, Senator
Box 25 Wai - Wan
Box 25 War Registers' League
Box 25 Wate - Watt
Box 25 Wef - Wev
Box 25 Wheeler, Burton K., Senator
Box 25 White, F - R
Box 25 White, Walter, N.A.A.C.P., Acting Secretary
Box 25 Whittaker, George
Box 25 Wic - Wis
Box 25 Women's Peace Union
Box 25 Woolton, Barbara
Box 25 Workers' Education Bureau of America (2 folders)
Box 25 World C - World
Box 25 Wronker, Louis J., Alderman, New York City
Box 25 Wylie, Dwight
Box 25 Yergin, Reverend Howard V.
Box 25 Young, Reverend Bradford
Box 25 Y.M.C.A. (2 folders)
Box 25 Y.W.C.A.
Box 25 Unidentified
Box 25 To and From Others
Box 25 Abingdon Press, The
Box 25 Adult Education Association, The
Box 25 Affiliated Summer Schools for Women Workers in Industry
Box 25 Ainslie, Peter
Box 25 Ali - All
Box 25 American A - W
Box 25 Anti-Saloon League of New York
Box 25 Aohenz, Mildred P.
Box 25 Apel - Apeli
Box 25 Arb - Arn
Box 25 Association for Jewish Colonization in the Soviet Union, Incorporated
Box 25 Austin Advertising Agency
Box 25 Ball - Barn
Box 25 Barr - Bau
Box 25 Beacon Press, The
Box 25 Beck, G. F.
Box 25 Becker - Benedict
Box 25 Bennett, John C.
Box 25 Bennett, Vincent - Ber
Box 25 Berman, Max
Box 25 Bin - Bir
Box 25 Blac - Bland
Box 25 Blanshard, Paul, City Affairs Committee of New York
Box 25 Blod - Bloo
Box 25 Bnais Israel Old Age Home
Box 25 Bor - Bow
Box 25 Bre - Brons
Box 25 Bronx - Broo
Box 25 Brot - Brown, C. S., Jr.
Box 25 Brown, H. - Bru
Box 25 Buc - But
Box 25 Cald - Carm
Box 25 Carnegie C. - Cav
Box 25 Carnegie, Mrs. Andrew
Box 25 Central E. - T.
Box 25 Chaffee, Family of January-November (4 folders)
Box 26 Chaffee, Family of December
Box 26 Chap - Chas
Box 26 Che - Chi
Box 26 Christian Century, The (2 folders)
Box 26 Christian H - Chu
Box 26 Citi - City
Box 26 Cla - Cli
Box 26 Coe - Coffe
Box 26 Coffin, Henry Sloan
Box 26 Col - Commi
Box 26 Commu - Conf
Box 26 Cong - Coo
Box 26 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 26 Correlated Graphic Arts
Box 26 Cors - Cou
Box 26 Cra - Cro
Box 26 Curr - Cust
Box 26 Dar - David
Box 26 Davis, Jerome
Box 26 Daw - Day
Box 26 Dec - Dew
Box 26 Dixon, Mrs. Joseph West
Box 26 Dodge, Astrid M.
Box 26 Drysdale, Euphemia
Box 26 Dub - Dun
Box 26 Ear - Eat
Box 26 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 26 Edg - Edi
Box 26 Einstein World Peace Fund
Box 26 Elli - Ely
Box 26 Ema - Emergency U.
Box 26 Emergency Work Bureau
Box 26 Ennis, John
Box 26 Equitist, The
Box 26 Erie Chapel Institute, The
Box 26 Essex County Council of Religious Education
Box 26 Evans, Jessie
Box 26 Executive Service - Executives & Foremans
Box 26 Farb - Farr
Box 26 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 26 Federat - Fei
Box 26 Fellowship of Faiths
Box 26 Fellowship of Reconciliation
Box 26 Fellowship of Reconciliation, International
Box 26 Ferris, Mrs. Joseph W.
Box 26 Fie - Fin
Box 26 Flanagan, Sue
Box 26 Flood, Arthur F.
Box 26 Foreign Affairs Forum
Box 26 Fre - Friends O.
Box 26 Friends Seminary
Box 26 Gala - Gall
Box 26 German Consulate General
Box 26 Gillmore, Maria
Box 26 Gol - Goo
Box 26 Gordon, Dugald
Box 26 Graham, Stella S.
Box 26 Greater New York Federation of Churches
Box 26 Greater Protestant Social Service
Box 26 Greater New York Interfaith Committee
Box 26 Gundlach, Laura
Box 26 Hab - Hai
Box 26 Hall, Cameron
Box 26 Hall, W. - Hard
Box 26 Harkness, Edward S.
Box 26 Harr - Hay
Box 26 Hea - Hes
Box 26 Hill - Hillm
Box 26 Hodson, John Edward
Box 26 Holmes, John Haynes (3 folders)
Box 26 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 27 Hoh - How
Box 27 Hue - Hunter, J.
Box 27 Hunter, S. - Hut
Box 27 Imes, W. L.
Box 27 Imr - Inn
Box 27 Ins - Io
Box 27 Jac - Jan
Box 27 Jaquith, Harold C.
Box 27 Jenk - Jenne
Box 27 Jennings, Pauline - Ruth
Box 27 Joh - Joi
Box 27 Jones, Philip C.
Box 27 Jump, Herbert A.
Box 27 Kaufman, Abraham
Box 27 Kel - Ken
Box 27 Kim - Kir
Box 27 Kjellstrom, Erik
Box 27 Klo - Klu
Box 27 Kni - Kno
Box 27 Kre - Kro
Box 27 L. T. Building Corporation (2 folders)
Labor Temple
Box 27 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services, Responses
Box 27 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (2 folders)
Box 27 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arrangements for
Box 27 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes
Box 27 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (2 folders)
Box 27 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment (2 folders)
Box 27 Programs and Activities (8 folders)
Box 27 Solicitations for Temple Business
Box 27 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (3 folders)
Box 27 Lac - Lat
Box 27 Leag - Leav
Box 27 Led - Lei
Box 27 Lie - Lit
Box 27 Ler - Low
Box 27 Lyf - Lyo
Box 27 MacC - Mas
Box 27 McAlpin, Charles
Box 27 McConnell, Francis J., Bishop, Methodist Episcopal Church
Box 27 McCr - McD
Box 27 Med - Mez
Box 27 Mic - Miller, K. D.
Box 28 Miller, M. - Mit
Box 28 Moa - Mou
Box 28 Mullins, Mrs. W. H.
Box 28 Muste, A. J.
Box 28 Myers, Dr. Thomas
Box 28 Nas - National Conference
Box 28 National Cou - National U
Box 28 Nea - New Wo
Box 28 New York A - B
New York City
Box 28 City of
Box 28 Mission Society, Jelliffe, W. R., Executive Vice-President
Box 28 New York Committee of One Thousand
Box 28 New York Con - L
Box 28 New York, State Department of Social Welfare
Box 28 New York T - U
Box 28 Newman, Samuel
Box 28 Nic - Nis
Box 28 Nol - Noy
Box 28 Nuovo Mundo, Il
Box 28 O’B - Op
Box 28 Outlook, The
Box 28 Pag - Pax
Box 28 Pea - Penno
Box 28 Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of
Box 28 Peo - Pet
Box 28 Pioneer Youth of America
Box 28 Platt, Joseph E.
Box 28 Poo - Pos
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 28 Board of Christian Education
Box 28 Board of National Missions (3 folders)
Box 28 Board of Pensions Hubbard Press
Box 28 Office of Moderator
Box 28 Presbyterian Ministers Fund
Box 28 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Box 28 Presbytery of Cincinnati, Ohio
Presbytery of New York
Church Extension Committee
Box 28 Savage, Theodore F. Secretary (2 folders)
Box 28 Merle-Smith Treasurer
Box 28 Committee on Evangelism
Box 28 Department of Christian Education
Box 28 Social Service Committee, Jelliffe, W. R., Chairman (3 folders)
Box 28 Mendenhall, R.G., Stated Clerk
Box 28 Youth of New York
Box 28 Presbytery’s Committee of the Board of Pensions
Box 28 Pride of Judea Orphan’s Home
Box 28 Protestant Charities Commission
Box 28 Protestant S. - Prov.
Box 28 Pyle, Stephen L.
Box 28 Que - Qui
Box 28 Ram - Ran
Box 28 Reconciliation trips (4 folders)
Box 28 Ree - Rey
Box 28 Rice - Richards, A.
Box 28 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 28 Richards, George H. January-April (4 folders)
Box 29 Richards, George H. May-December (5 folders)
Box 29 Ril - Riv
Box 29 Rog - Rom
Box 29 Roosevelt, Franklin D., New York State Governor
Box 29 Rose - Ross
Box 29 Russell, Ga - Ge
Box 29 Russell, Reverend William K.
Box 29 Ryd - Ryl
Box 29 Sal - Sau
Box 29 Sav - Say
Box 29 Scha - Schm
Box 29 Searle, Robert W.
Box 29 Schorr, Jack
Box 29 Sill - Six
Box 29 Smith, Frank - Fred
Box 29 Soc - Sou
Box 29 Spe - Spi
Box 29 Ste - Sto
Box 29 Str - Stu
Box 29 Suf - Sur
Box 29 Tag - Tay
Box 29 Tel - Ter
Box 29 Theta
Box 29 Thomas, Norman
Box 29 Thomas, W. L. – W. T.
Box 29 Tillinghast, R. C.
Box 29 Tolman, Wilmer C.
Box 29 Tra - Tru
Box 29 Tumia, Emanuel
Box 29 Unemployed Union of New York, The
Box 29 Uniformed Fireman’s Association
Box 29 Union Theological Seminary
Box 29 United Neighborhood Houses
Box 29 Unit - Univ
Box 29 VanD - Vang
Box 29 Vedder, Beverly
Box 29 Vic - Vik
Box 29 W E V D
Box 29 Wagner, Helen
Box 29 Wagner, Robert A., Senator
Box 29 Waid, D. E.
Box 29 Walker, James J., Mayor of New York City
Box 29 Wam - Wan
Box 29 War Registers’ League (4 folders)
Box 29 Was - Wat
Box 29 Wei - Welf
Box 29 Well - Wes
Box 29 Whe - Whi
Box 29 Wie - Win
Box 29 Wom - Wor
Box 29 Wright, C. M. – Thomas
Box 29 Wylie, D. W.
Box 29 Y.M.C.A. (2 folders)
Box 29 Y.W.C.A. (6 folders)
Box 29 Yager, Herman
Box 29 Young, Reverend Bradford
Box 29 Zollikoffer, Mrs. O. F.
Box 29 Unidentified
Box 29 To and From Others
Box 30 Add - Ade
Box 30 Affiliated Schools for Workers, The
Box 30 Ali - All
Box 30 American A - F
Box 30 American Federation of Labor, The
Box 30 American Friends Service Committee
Box 30 American League to Abolish Capital Punishment
Box 30 American League for India’s Freedom
Box 30 American M - P
Box 30 American Socia - Socie
Box 30 Anderson, Dr. B.
Box 30 Anderson, Nelson
Box 30 Anderson, Sherwood
Box 30 Andrews, George Reed
Box 30 Arnold Constable and Company
Box 30 Association for Improving the Poor
Box 30 Atlantic Monthly, The
Box 30 Ayers, Benjamin R.
Box 30 Bai - Bel
Box 30 Barlow, Reverend John
Box 30 Barnes, Harry Elmer
Box 30 Barnes, R. - Barr
Box 30 Beck, G. F.
Box 30 Becker - Ber
Box 30 Bird - Brim
Box 30 Blanshard, Paul
Box 30 Blood - Bloom
Box 30 Boc - Bow
Box 30 Bra - Bron
Box 30 Brooklyn
Box 30 Brookw - Brot
Box 30 Brown M. - O. M.
Box 30 Brown, Thatcher M., Chairman, Yale Dramatic Association
Box 30 Brownlee, M. R.
Box 30 Buc - But
Box 30 Cai - Car
Box 30 Cente - Central S.
Box 30 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 30 Chaffee, H. Elliott
Box 30 Chap - Chas
Box 30 Chi Alpha
Box 30 Christian Century, The (2 folders)
Box 30 Christian U - Chug
Box 30 Church League for Industrial Democracy
Box 30 Church Loyalty and Home Visitation Evangelism Crusade
Box 30 Churchman, The
Box 30 Cit - Civ
Box 30 Cla - Cli
Box 30 Coa - Coe
Box 30 Coffin, Henry S.
Box 30 Cog - Col
Box 30 Com - Cong
Box 30 Cons - Cont
Box 30 Correlated Graphic Industries
Box 30 Corsi, Edward, Commissioner of Immigration, N. Y. District, U.S. Department of Labor
Box 30 Cox, Eugene A.
Box 30 Cul - Cur
Box 30 Dai - Davis, H. M.
Box 30 Davis, Jerome
Box 30 Daviso - Day
Box 30 Dimondstein, Boris
Box 30 Drysdale, Reverend Euphemia
Box 30 Dub - Duf
Box 30 Durant, Will
Box 30 Dwight, Dr. Kirby
Box 30 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 30 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 30 Eld - Els
Box 30 Emergency Shelter, The
Box 30 Emergency Unemployment Relief Committee
Box 31 Emergency Work Bureau
Box 31 Emmett, Ruth
Box 31 Equita - Equiti
Box 31 Erie Inter-Church Federation
Box 31 Fai - Fay
Box 31 Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America (2 folders)
Box 31 Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies
Box 31 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies Fellowship of Faiths
Box 31 Fellowship of Reconciliation (3 folders)
Box 31 Fellowship of Socialist Christians
Box 31 Fie - Fit
Box 31 Flanagan, Sue
Box 31 Fle - Flo
Box 31 Fog - For
Box 31 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 31 Foulkes, William Robertson
Box 31 Fra - Friends F.
Box 31 Friends Seminary
Box 31 Gardner, John, Garden City Community Church
Box 31 Geske, Walter A.
Box 31 Gillespie, James P.
Box 31 Gleason, John
Box 31 Gold - Golds
Box 31 Gordon, Dugald
Box 31 Goul - Gour
Box 31 Gram - Gran
Box 31 Greater New York Federation of Churches
Box 31 Gree - Gro
Box 31 Gu
Box 31 Hag - Hal
Box 31 Harkness, Edward J.
Box 31 Harp - Haw
Box 31 Hel - Hes
Box 31 Hil - Hit
Box 31 Hod - Holme
Box 31 Holmes, John Haynes (2 folders)
Box 31 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 31 Hom - How
Box 31 Hum - Hus
Box 31 Hyslop House
Box 31 Ickes, Harold L.
Box 31 Imes, William Lloyd (2 folders)
Box 31 Imrie, Gordon
Box 31 Ind - Inn
Box 31 Ins - Int
Box 31 Isaacs, Martin
Box 31 Italian Chamber of Labor
Box 31 Jac - Jap
Box 31 Jel - Jew
Box 31 Johnson, Albert, Congressman
Box 31 Joi - Jou
Box 31 Kaufman, Eleanor
Box 31 Kel - Ken
Box 31 Kin - Kip
Box 31 Kli - Klo
Box 31 Knight, Walter David
Box 31 Kroll, Reverend William
Box 31 L. T. Building Corporation
Box 31 Labor - Labor R
Labor Temple
Box 32 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services, Responses
Box 32 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 32 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (2 folders)
Box 32 Committee Meetings, Notices, Responses, Arrangements for (2 folders)
Box 32 Contributions to Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (2 folders)
Box 32 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (2 folders)
Box 32 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment
Box 32 Programs and Activities (4 folders)
Box 32 Solicitations for Labor Temple Business
Box 32 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (2 folders)
Box 32 LaGuardia, Fiorello H., Congressman
Box 32 Lai - Law
Box 32 Leach, Henry Goddard
Box 32 League for Independent Political Action
Box 32 League for Industrial Democracy
Box 32 League for Mutual Aid, The
Box 32 League of Nations Association, Inc.
Box 32 Leav - Leip
Box 32 Lib - Liv
Box 32 Lob - Low
Box 32 Lutheran Welfare Council
Box 32 Lyons, Alexander
Box 32 Mac - Mari
Box 32 Marti - Marts
Box 32 Mas - May
Box 32 McA - McN
Box 32 Mei - Meth
Box 32 Metr - Mez
Box 32 Mil - Miz
Box 32 Mod - Mol
Box 32 Mosher, William E.
Box 32 Mul - Mur
Box 32 Muste, A. J.
Box 32 Nash, Mrs. John B.
Box 32 N.A.A.C.P.
Box 32 Nation, The
Box 32 National Catholic Welfare Conference
Box 32 National Committee to Aid Striking Miners
Box 32 National Committee of...
Box 32 National Conference Council
Box 32 National G - R
Box 32 Nea - New W
Box 32 New York A - New York City C
Box 32 New York City Mission Society, Jelliffe, W. R., Executive Vice-President
Box 32 New York City Municipal Listings
Box 32 New York Committee of One Thousand
Box 32 New York Conference for Unemployment
Box 32 New York F - H
Box 32 New York I - W
Box 32 Nieubuhr, Reinhold
Box 32 Noble, Harry W.
Box 32 Nolting, Edward L.
Box 32 Now - Noy
Box 32 Nye, Gerald P., Senator
Box 33 O'Hare, F. P.
Box 33 Open Forum Speakers' Bureau
Box 33 Opi - Ot
Box 33 Outlook (and Independent)
Box 33 Page, Kirby
Box 33 Pai - Patt
Box 33 Pek - Per
Box 33 Pic - Pit
Box 33 Poo - Pow
Box 33 Presbyterian Banner
Box 33 Presbyterian Board of Christian Education
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Box 33 Board of Christian Education
Box 33 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 33 Board of National Missions (2 folders)
Box 33 Board of Pensions
Box 33 Office of General Assembly
Box 33 The Presbyterian Magazine
Box 33 Synod of New York
Box 33 Presbyterian Ministers Fund
Box 33 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Presbytery of New York
Box 33 Bartlett, M., Stated Clerk
Church Extension Commission
Box 33 Merle-Smith, Van S., Treasurer
Box 33 Savage, T. F., Secretary (2 folders)
Box 33 Department of Christian Education
Box 33 Mendenhall, H. G., Stated Clerk
Box 33 Social Service Committee (3 folders)
Box 33 Youth of New York
Box 33 Protestant Charities Commission
Box 33 Protestant Social Service, Inc.
Box 33 Public Committee on Power Utilities and Labor
Box 33 Quill Club, The
Box 33 Raf - Rat
Box 33 Rebel Poet, The
Box 33 Reconciliation Trips (3 folders)
Box 33 Ref - Rel
Box 33 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 33 Richards, George H. (5 folders)
Box 33 Richma - Richmo
Box 33 Rob - Rot
Box 33 Rus - Rux
Box 33 Rybicki, Edward C.
Box 33 Sal - Sau
Box 33 Save the Children Fund
Box 33 Sche - Scoo
Box 33 Scott, Philip Gordon
Box 33 Sea - Set
Box 33 Sha - Shi
Box 33 Sib - Sim
Box 34 Slater, Thomas
Box 34 Sloan, Alfred P., Jr.
Box 34 Smith...
Box 34 Sockman, Ralph W.
Box 34 Soci - Sou
Box 34 Sparks, John B.
Box 34 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 34 Spoerri, Raymond
Box 34 Star - Stau
Box 34 Stelzle, Charles
Box 34 Stew - Stu
Box 34 Subke, Walter C.
Box 34 Swift, Arthur
Box 34 Syroka, Mary
Box 34 Tamblyn and Brown
Box 34 Tea - Tee
Box 34 Theta
Box 34 Thomas A - F
Box 34 Thomas, Norman
Box 34 Threefold Commonwealth League
Box 34 Til - Tim
Box 34 Tresca, Carlo
Box 34 Und - Unif
Box 34 Union Settlement
Box 34 Union Theological Seminary
Box 34 Unitar - United N
Box 34 United P - Univ
Box 34 Van Dyke, Tertius
Box 34 Veterans of Foreign Wars
Box 34 Vondermuhhl, Kate
Box 34 W.E.V.D.
Box 34 Walk - Walt
Box 34 Ward - Warren
Box 34 War Resisters League (3 folders)
Box 34 Was - Watts
Box 34 Web - Wel
Box 34 White - Whiteh
Box 34 Wil - Win
Box 34 Wise, Stephen S.
Box 34 Wolfson, John
Box 34 Woll, Matthew
Box 34 Wom - World C.
Box 34 World Tomorrow
Box 34 World's, S - Worn
Box 34 Wright
Box 34 Wyer, Samuel S.
Box 34 Yarrow, Clarence H.
Box 34 Y.M.C.A. (2 folders)
Box 34 Young People's Peace Conference
Box 34 Y.W.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 34 Zito, George
Box 34 Unidentified
Box 34 To and From Others
Box 34 Ada - Adi
Box 34 Affiliated Schools for Workers
Box 34 Age - Agn
Box 34 Ahrend, D. H. Company
Box 34 Akin, Miss Mildred
Box 34 Ale - All
Box 34 Ama - American Ch
Box 34 American Co. - American League Against
Box 34 American League for - American Legion
Box 34 American P - Y
Box 34 Ammon, Bertha A.
Box 34 And - Ant
Box 34 Are - Art
Box 34 Ash - Ass
Box 34 Austin...
Box 34 Axelbank, H.
Box 34 Ayers, Benjamin K.
Box 34 Bab - Bai
Box 34 Bak - Bau
Box 35 Bea - Beck C.
Box 35 Beck, G. F.
Box 35 Bel - Berk
Box 35 Berman, Max
Box 35 Berte, Mrs. Jean
Box 35 Bib - Bir
Box 35 Blac - Blanshard B.
Box 35 Blanshard, Paul
Box 35 Bloch, Joshua
Box 35 Bon - Bow
Box 35 Bra - Brooks
Box 35 Brookw - Brow
Box 35 Bul - But
Box 35 Cam - Car
Box 35 Central R - T
Box 35 Chadborne, Mrs. A. H.
Box 35 Chaffee, Family of (4 folders)
Box 35 Chaffee, H. A.
Box 35 Christian Advo
Box 35 Christian Century, The (3 folders)
Box 35 Christian S - Chu
Box 35 Citi - City
Box 35 Clark - Clarke
Box 35 Cle - Clu
Box 35 Codina, Cicero
Box 35 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 35 Coh - Colle
Box 35 Colli - Colt
Box 35 Columbia University
Box 35 Coma - Committee on H
Box 35 Committee on M - Communist
Box 35 Communit - Comp
Box 35 Conference for Progressive Labor Action
Box 35 Conference of - Conference On
Box 35 Cong - Cont
Box 35 Coo - Corb
Box 35 Correlated Graphic Enterprises
Box 35 Cory, Reverend David
Box 35 Crai - Craw
Box 35 Cuo - Cur
Box 35 Dal - Dan
Box 35 David - Davis
Box 35 Davison - Day
Box 35 Den - DeR
Box 35 Die - Din
Box 35 Dod - Dow
Box 35 Dressmakers' Union Local 22
Box 35 Duff, George M.
Box 35 Dwight, Margarethe
Box 35 East S - Easter
Box 35 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 35 Edwards, Deane
Box 35 Eggeling Bindery
Box 35 Elliot...
Box 35 Emergency C - S
Box 35 Emergency Work Bureau
Box 35 Emergency Unemployment Relief Committee
Box 35 Epworth League, New York District
Box 35 Eva - Eve
Box 35 Fai - Far
Box 35 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America January-March
Box 36 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America April-December (3 folders)
Box 36 Federation O - S
Box 36 Fei - Fellowship of Faiths
Box 36 Fellowship of Reconciliation (2 folders)
Box 36 Fellowship of S - Fey
Box 36 Fif - Fit
Box 36 Flag - Flanagan
Box 36 Flanagan, Sue
Box 36 Flanagan, W. - Fly
Box 36 Foo - Ford
Box 36 Foreign A - P
Box 36 Fosdick, Harry E.
Box 36 Foster, Marjorie
Box 36 Fra - Fren
Box 36 Fric - Fried
Box 36 Friends Seminary (2 folders)
Box 36 Frost, Dr. Henry D.
Box 36 Fulcomer, Reverend W. N.
Box 36 Gal - Gat
Box 36 Ged - Ger
Box 36 Gif - Gip
Box 36 Gol - Goo
Box 36 Gordon, Dugald
Box 36 Gordon, Wendell Chaffee
Box 36 Gor - Gos
Box 36 Gratton, Reverend John
Box 36 Greater New York Federation of Churches (2 folders)
Box 36 Gree - Gro
Box 36 Gua - Gut
Box 36 Hal - Harc
Box 36 Harkness, Edward S.
Box 36 Harris, Helen M.
Box 36 Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford Theological Seminary
Box 36 Hartl - Hay
Box 36 Hea - Hes
Box 36 Hig - Hin
Box 36 Hoa - Holl
Box 36 Holmes, John Haynes (2 folders)
Box 36 Holmes, Richard S.
Box 36 Holt - Hor
Box 36 Hou - How
Box 36 Hud - Hun
Box 36 Hymn Society, The
Box 36 Imes, W. L. (2 folders)
Box 36 Inne - Innes
Box 36 Institute of F - R
Box 36 International C - L
Box 36 International Relief Association
Box 36 Isaacs, Martin
Box 36 Jac - Jap
Box 36 Jacquith, Harold C.
Box 36 Jen - Jew
Box 37 Joint Peace Committee of New York Quakers
Box 37 Jones, John Paul
Box 37 Jones, Mary - Robert
Box 37 Kahwaii, Assad
Box 37 Kee - Kes
Box 37 Kistler, Reverend Raymond
Box 37 Kling, Phina
Box 37 Knic - Knig
Box 37 Kroll, Reverend William
Box 37 Kuh - Kun
Box 37 La - Labor Temple, 243 E. 84th St.
Labor Temple
Box 37 Affirmations, Notices of Church Service, Responses
Box 37 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 37 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances
Box 37 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arrangements for
Box 37 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (3 folders)
Box 37 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (2 folders)
Box 37 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment
Box 37 Programs and Activities (6 folders)
Box 37 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (3 folders)
Box 37 Lackland, George S.
Box 37 Laconia Savings Bank
Box 37 LaGuardia, Fiorello, Mayor of New York City
Box 37 Landman, J. H.
Box 37 League for Independent Political Action
Box 37 League for Industrial Democracy
Box 37 League of Mothers’Clubs
Box 37 Lehman, Herbert H., Governor of New York
Box 37 Lev - Lew
Box 37 Lic - Lis
Box 37 Lloyd, George
Box 37 LoP - Low
Box 37 Lundeen, Ernest, Congressman
Box 37 Lyons, Dr. Alexander
Box 37 Macmillan Company, The
Box 37 Mac - Mac P
Box 37 Mad - Mar
Box 37 Mas - Mat
Box 37 Mc
Box 37 Med - Mer
Box 37 Methodist-Episcopal Church
Box 37 Metropolitan L - S
Box 37 Mil - Min
Box 37 Mor - Mou
Box 37 Murray, Helen G.
Box 37 Muste, A. J.
Box 37 Nation, The
Box 37 National A - Conference of
Box 37 National Cons - National Rec
Box 37 National Religion and Labor Foundation
Box 37 National U - National W
Box 37 Nea - Nei
Box 37 New E - W
Box 37 New York A - B
Box 38 New York C - New York City Mission Society
Box 38 New York, City of (Official City Gov't Listings)
Box 38 New York Civic - New York L
Box 38 New York School of Social Work
Box 38 New York Society for the Suppression of Vice
Box 38 New York, State of (Official State Gov't Listings)
Box 38 New York State P - New York Un
Box 38 New York Ur - New York W
Box 38 Nic - Nicolson
Box 38 Nied - Nix
Box 38 Nob - Noy
Box 38 Nye, Gerald P., Senator
Box 38 O'Brien, Dan
Box 38 Ohio Unemployed League
Box 38 Onondaga Club
Box 38 Opinion
Box 38 Order of K - S
Box 38 Osborne, A - H
Box 38 Other Economics League, The
Box 38 Owen, Ruth Bryan, Congresswoman
Box 38 Owners and Tenants Electric Company
Box 38 Page, Kirby
Box 38 Pai - Pal
Box 38 Park - Part
Box 38 Pat - Pay
Box 38 Ped - Pet
Box 38 Philbrook, Ralph A.
Box 38 Pic - Pioneer P.
Box 38 Pioneer Youth of America
Box 38 Planten, W. R. J.
Box 38 Pon - Pot
Box 38 Presbyterian, The
Box 38 Presbyterian Advance
Box 38 Presbyterian Banner
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Box 38 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 38 Board of National Missions (2 folders)
Box 38 Board of Pensions
Box 38 General Council Office of General Assembly
Box 38 Synod of New York, Social Service Committee
Box 38 Presbyterian Headquarters
Box 38 Presbyterian Union of New York City
Box 38 Presbytery of Brooklyn Nassau Department of Christian Education
Presbytery of New York
Box 38 Bartlett, M., Stated Clerk
Church Extension Committee
Box 38 Savage, T. F., Executive Secretary (2 folders)
Box 38 Committee on Evangelism, Committee on Pensions, Committee on Programs and Field Activities
Box 38 Department of Christian Education
Box 38 Social Service Committee (3 folders)
Box 38 Youth of New York Presbytery
Box 38 Press - Pro
Box 38 Pu
Box 38 Quill Club, The
Box 38 Rad - Ram
Box 38 Read, Reverend Ralph H.
Box 38 Reconciliation Trips
Box 38 Ree - Res
Box 38 Richards, Edward C. M. (2 folders)
Box 39 Richards, George H. (4 folders)
Box 39 Riverdale Country School
Box 39 Rob - Ros
Box 39 Ross - Rou
Box 39 Russell Sage College
Box 39 Rybicki, Edward S.
Box 39 Sac - Sanb
Box 39 Sanger, Margaret
Box 39 Save the Children Fund (3 folders)
Box 39 Saw - Say
Box 39 Sche - Schwa
Box 39 Schwimmer, Rosika
Box 39 Scott, C - H
Box 39 Scott, Howard
Box 39 Scully, John H.
Box 39 Searle, Robert Wyckoff
Box 39 Set - Sev
Box 39 Shan - Shau
Box 39 Sib - Sie
Box 39 Sinclair, Upton
Box 39 Sma - Sni
Box 39 Sol - Son
Box 39 Spe - Spr
Box 39 Sta - Stee
Box 39 Stel - Stoc
Box 39 Stone, Hannah M.
Box 39 Stone, M. D. - Stra
Box 39 Stro - Stu
Box 39 Subke, Walter Carl
Box 39 Syracuse University, Hendricks Chapel, William H. Powers, Dean
Box 39 Tam - Tay
Box 39 Terzani Defense Committee
Box 39 The - Thu
Box 39 Tim - Tip
Box 39 Tobbit, Reverend R. Hilton
Box 39 Tre - Tri
Box 39 Tuttle, Charles
Box 39 Twee - Twen
Box 39 Underwood, Lorraine
Box 39 Union of Churches of Christ
Box 39 Union Theological Seminary (3 folders)
Box 39 United - United States C
Box 39 United States, Government Listings
Box 39 Universa - Universi
Box 39 Urstadt, Emily M.
Box 39 Van Doren, Irita
Box 39 Van Du - Vas
Box 39 Vermont, State of
Box 39 Vik - Vil
Box 39 Voca - Voci
Box 39 Wal - Warren
Box 39 War Resisters League (2 folders)
Box 39 Wats - Watt
Box 39 Webb - Webs
Box 39 Wef - Wel
Box 39 Wer - Wes
Box 39 Whe - Whi
Box 39 Wilb - Will
Box 39 Woll, Matthew
Box 39 Wom - Wood
Box 39 Woos - Wor
Box 40 Wright, Glen
Box 40 Wye - Wyl
Box 40 Yale University School of Divinity, Luther Weigle, Dean
Box 40 Yergin, Howard V.
Box 40 Y.M.C.A. (5 folders)
Box 40 Y.W.C.A. (5 folders)
Box 40 Za
Box 40 Unidentified
Box 40 To and From Others
Box 40 Ada - Ade
Box 40 Ailanthus Hall Association, Inc.
Box 40 Affiliated Schools for Workers, The
Box 40 Ald - All
Box 40 Ambruster, Howard W.
Box 40 American A - Ba
Box 40 American Birth Control League, Inc.
Box 40 American Christian Alliance
Box 40 American Civil Liberties Union
Box 40 American Fa - American League Against
Box 40 American League to A - American Pe
Box 40 American Psy - Socia
Box 40 American Society - Young
Box 40 American Worker's Party
Box 40 And - Ant
Box 40 Apelian, Bedros
Box 40 Association for University Teas
Box 40 Atlins, John A.
Box 40 Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford
Box 40 Ayers, B. K.
Box 40 Bahnsen, Roland
Box 40 Bail - Bair
Box 40 Baker, Newton D.
Box 40 Ball, Lee H.
Box 40 Barber, George G.
Box 40 Barnes, Roswell P.
Box 40 Bar - Bat
Box 40 Ben - Ber
Box 40 Berman, Max
Box 40 Bid - Bis
Box 40 Bla - Blu
Box 40 Bonanno, John and Mary
Box 40 Bon - Bow
Box 40 Bra - Bre
Box 40 Bronx Free Fellowship
Box 40 Bronx - Brooklyn
Box 40 Brooks, Rachel G.
Box 40 Broo - Brot.
Box 40 Broun, Heywood
Box 40 Brow - Bru
Box 40 Burgess, J. S.
Box 40 Burns, Vincent G.
Box 40 Buttrick, George A.
Box 40 Buttrey, Adelbert J.
Box 40 Cal - Car
Box 40 Central Trades and Labor Council
Box 40 Chaffee Family
Box 40 Chalmers, Allan K.
Box 40 Chal - Chap
Box 40 Chicago Commons
Box 40 Christian Endeavor World
See also Davis, Bert H.
Box 40 Christian C - Chur
Box 40 Ci
Box 40 Clark - Clarke
Box 40 Clee, F. Ray
Box 40 Cle - Cli
Box 40 Colby, Bainbridge
Box 40 Colg - Colt
Box 40 Columbia University
Box 40 Commission on Evangelism and Devotional Life
Box 40 Committee on Militarism in Education
Box 40 Committee on N. - Commu.
Box 40 Conf - Cong
Box 40 Connecticut College
Box 40 Cons - Cool.
Box 40 Cooperative League
Box 40 Cope, Ellen
Box 41 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 41 Cor - Cot
Box 41 Cou - Cow
Box 41 Croc - Croz
Box 41 Cum - Cur
Box 41 Danaher, Hortense
Box 41 Dar - David
Box 41 Davis, Bert H.
See also Christian Endeavor World
Box 41 Davis, Jerome
Box 41 Davis T - W
Box 41 Deb - Deu
Box 41 Dinsmore, William W.
Box 41 Dudley, William E.
Box 41 Durant, Will
Box 41 East Si - Eastern
Box 41 Eddins, F. K., Jr.
Box 41 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 41 Edi - Edu.
Box 41 Ell - Elm
Box 41 Emergency Relief Fund for Destitute and Unemployed
Box 41 Epworth H - L
Box 41 Erit, John B.
Box 41 Essex Suburban Federation of Men's Bible Classes
Box 41 Eva - Eve
Box 41 Expositor, The
Box 41 Fam - Fay
Box 41 Federal Civil Works Administration
Box 41 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (7 folders)
Box 41 Federation of Churches of Rochester and Monroe County
Box 41 Federation for Support of Jewish Philanthropic Society of New York City
Box 41 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc. (3 folders)
Box 41 Feiker, Mabel
Box 41 Fellowship of Reconciliation (10 folders)
Box 41 Fellowship of Socialist Christians
Box 41 Ferguson, J. M.
Box 41 Fis - Fiv
Box 41 Fla - Flo
Box 41 Fog - For
Box 41 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 41 Fost - Fox
Box 41 France, Melville J.
Box 41 Fra - Fri
Box 41 Gard - Garr
Box 41 Gates, Goodrich
Box 41 General D - S
Box 41 Gille - Gillm
Box 41 Gol - Gov
Box 41 Grace House
Box 41 Greater New York Federation of Churches (3 folders)
Box 41 Gree - Gru
Box 41 Guh - Gul
Box 41 Guthrie, William Norman
Box 41 Gypson, Ward
Box 41 Hall, Cameron P.
Box 41 Hal - Ham
Box 41 Hari - Hars
Box 41 Hartford Seminary Foundation
Box 41 Hatch, Harold
Box 41 Hawthorne, Reverend Walter T.
Box 41 Hays, Will H.
Box 41 Hea - Her
Box 41 Hig - Hir
Box 42 Hog - Holl
Box 42 Holmes, John Haynes (2 folders)
Box 42 Horton, Reverend Douglas
Box 42 Houck, Winton R.
Box 42 Howa - Hows
Box 42 Hug - Hull
Box 42 Hum - Hunn
Box 42 Hutchinson, Paul (2 folders)
Box 42 Ind - Int
Box 42 Internation R - S
Box 42 Jam - Jap
Box 42 Jenney, Chester E.
Box 42 Jenney, Ray Freeman
Box 42 Jewish War Veterans
Box 42 Joh - Joi
Box 42 Jones, Edgar - Paul
Box 42 Jones, Phillip - Josephson, Anna
Box 42 Jui - Jun
Box 42 Kaplan, Mrs. Rose
Box 42 Keb - Kes
Box 42 Kie - Kin
Box 42 Kla - Klo
Box 42 Knight, Walter David
Box 42 Kop - Kos
Box 42 Kraus Defense League
Box 42 Kri - Kro
Labor Temple
Box 42 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services
Box 42 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 42 Budget Allocation of Funds, Finances (5 folders)
Box 42 Committee Meetings, Notices, Responses, Arrangements for (3 folders)
Box 42 Contributions to Labor Temple, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (3 folders)
Box 42 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (3 folders)
Box 42 Maintenance and Repairs, Complaints, Supplies, Equipment (7 folders)
Box 42 Programs and Activities (8 folders)
Box 42 Solicitations for Temple Business (3 folders)
Box 42 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (4 folders)
Box 42 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 42 Lack - Laco
Box 42 Lad - Lar
Box 42 Lea - Lei
Box 42 League for Industrial Democracy
Box 42 League of National Association, Inc.
Box 42 Leat - Lei
Box 42 Lic - Lis
Box 42 Lindlof, Johanna
Box 42 Lor - Low
Box 42 Luccock, Emory W.
Box 42 Luce, Henry R.
Box 42 Lundquist, Alice
Box 42 Lyman...
Box 43 Lyon, Hiram W.
Box 43 Mac C - Mac M
Box 43 Mack - Madison House
Box 43 Madison House Society - Mai
Box 43 Man - Mar
Box 43 Mas - Mat
Box 43 Mc A - Mc G
Box 43 Mec - Merril
Box 43 Merritt - Met
Box 43 Methodist-Episcopal Church (National, North, South) (2 folders)
Box 43 Metr - Mey
Box 43 Michigan, University of
Box 43 Minc - Minister's A
Box 43 Minister's Union (6 folders)
Box 43 Moh - Mor
Box 43 Mot - Mou
Box 43 Mooney, Tom
Box 43 Morgenthau, Henry
Box 43 Nagpada Neighbourhood House
Box 43 N.A.A.C.P. National Civic Federation
Box 43 National Conference of Jews and Christians
Box 43 National Congress for Unemployed and Social Insurance - National Council for the Prevention of War
Box 43 National Council Protestant-Episcopal Church - National Italian Evangelical Conference
Box 43 National League for American Citizenship, Inc. - National Religion and Labor Foundation
Box 43 National Unemployment League - National Urban League Natural Eyesight System
Box 43 Near East Camp
Box 43 Near East Foundation
Box 43 New En. - New Er
Box 43 New Deal - New Haven
Box 43 New Jersey Joint Council on International Relations
Box 43 New Leader (2 folders)
Box 43 Newark and New Jersey Annual Reports
Box 43 New York American - New York City Conference on Worker's Education
New York (City of)
Box 43 Board of Aldermen
Box 43 C.C.N.Y.
Box 43 Commissioner of Accounts
Box 43 Commissioner of Parks Moses, Robert
Box 43 Commissioner of Department Public Markets, Weights and Measures Morgan, William Fellowes, Jr.
Box 43 Comptroller of Department of Finance
Box 43 Cunningham, W. Arthur
Box 43 Department of Public Welfare (2 folders)
Box 43 Department of Taxes and Assessments
Box 43 Home Relief Bureau
Box 43 Office of the Mayor LaGuardia, Fiorello
Box 43 Office of the President of the Boroughts of Brooklyn-Queens
New York
Box 43 Committee on the Use of Leisure Time
Box 43 Conference Against War
Box 43 Evening Post-Herald Tribune
Box 43 I - Po
Box 43 Protestant-Episcopal City Mission Society
Box 43 Sc - So
New York State
Box 43 Council of Churches and Religious Education
Box 43 Federation of Labor
Box 43 Labor Committee
Box 43 State of
Box 43 Governor, Lehman, Herbert H.
Box 43 State Education Department
Box 43 New York Tuberculosis and Health Association
Box 43 New York U - W
Box 43 Nich - Nico
Box 43 Niebuhr, Reinhold
Box 43 Nixon, Reverend Justin
Box 43 No Frontier News Service
Box 43 No More War Parade
Box 43 Nob - Nor
Box 43 Nye, Gerald P.
Box 43 Oberlin College
Box 43 Ocean City Seashore Home for Babies
Box 43 Oftendahl Einer
Box 43 Ohio State University
Box 43 Olm - Oly
Box 43 Open Road, The
Box 43 Osborne, Harold
Box 43 Owen...
Box 43 Pad - Pai
Box 43 Page, Kirby (2 folders)
Box 43 Pal - Pare
Box 43 Papazian, Bertha Sullivan
Box 43 Parker, Fletcher Douglas
Box 43 Parker, M - Pay
Box 43 Peabody, George Foster
Box 43 Peale, Norman Vincent
Box 43 Pell, Mrs. F. Livingston, Jr.
Box 43 Pendle Hill (Joseph O. Platt)
Box 43 Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of
Box 43 Peoples’ Crusader, The
Box 44 Pi
Box 44 Precita Valley Community Center
Box 44 Presbyterian Advance
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Box 44 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 44 Board of National Missions
Box 44 Office of the General Assembly
Box 44 Office of the Moderator
Box 44 Synod of New Jersey
Box 44 Synod of New York
Box 44 Synod of Ohio
Box 44 Synod of Tennessee
Box 44 Presbyterian Fellowship for Social Action
Box 44 Presbyterian Headquarters Minnesota
Box 44 Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Chicago
Box 44 Presbyterian Union of Cleveland
Box 44 Presbytery of Chicago Church Extension Board
Box 44 Presbytery of Cincinnati
Box 44 Presbytery of Dayton
Box 44 Presbytery of Detroit
Box 44 Presbytery of the Hudson Young People's Christian Union
Presbytery of New York
Box 44 Bartlett, Maitland Stated Clerk
Box 44 Committee on Evangelism
Box 44 Department of Christian Education
Box 44 Emergency Relief Fund
Box 44 Miscellaneous
Box 44 Savage, Theodore E., Executive Secretary (6 folders)
Box 44 Social Service Commission
Box 44 Special Committee of Presbytery
Box 44 Pric - Pro
Box 44 Quill Club, The
Box 44 Rad - Rat
Box 44 Read, Ralph H.
Box 44 Reconciliation Trips
Box 44 Ref - Rei
Box 44 Revell Company, Fleming H.
Box 44 Rhoad, Frank T.
Box 44 Rid - Riv
Box 44 Richards, George H. (7 folders)
Box 44 Rob - Ros
Box 44 Rub - Rut
Box 44 Rybicki, Edward C.
Box 44 Sad - Say
Box 44 Sch - Sco
Box 44 Schieffelin, Bayard
Box 44 Schieffelin, Mrs. William Jay
Box 44 Schieffelin, William Jay
Box 44 Schroeder, Theodore
Box 44 Sea - Set
Box 44 Sha - Shu
Box 44 Simkhovitch, Mrs. V. G.
Box 44 "Singer of Psalms" Management
Box 44 Skinner, E. B.
Box 44 Smith, A - W
Box 44 Soc - Sou
Box 44 Society for the Advancement of Judaism
Box 44 Sockman, Ralph W.
Box 44 Spe - Spr
Box 44 Sta - Stel
Box 44 Stewart
Box 44 Stillman, Mrs. Ernest G.
Box 44 Stitt, Reverend Jesse William
Box 44 Stockdale, George M.
Box 44 Stone, Abraham
Box 44 Stone, Mrs. Lewis
Box 44 Stover, Charles B., Memorial Association, Inc.
Box 44 Strong, Sydney
Box 44 Stud - Stuy
Box 44 Sub - Sur
Box 44 Swaim, J. Carter
Swope, Gerard
See Simkhovitch, Mrs. V. G.
Box 44 Tar - Tay
Box 44 Tea - Techni
Box 44 Technocracy, Inc.
Box 44 Ten - Tes
Box 44 Thea - Thet
Box 44 Thomas, Norman
Box 44 Thom - Thou
Box 44 Tioga Community Forum
Box 44 Toastmaster’s Club
Box 44 Trag - Trav
Box 44 Tuc - Tur
Box 44 Uesugi, Sumio
Box 44 Unif - Union Se
Union Theological Seminary
Box 44 Coffin, Henry Sloane
Box 45 Curry, Bruce
Box 45 General File
Box 45 Gould, Ivan M.
Box 45 Mabon, James B.
Box 45 Maurer, Harry A.
Box 45 Swift, Arthur L., Jr.
Box 45 Webber, Charles C.
Box 45 United Neighborhood Houses of New York (4 folders)
Box 45 United States Government
Box 45 Unit - Univ
Box 45 Van - Vau
Box 45 Verkey, Stanley
Box 45 Vil - Vis
Box 45 Wai - Wal
War Resisters League
Box 45 Hugan, Jessie Wallace
Box 45 Kaufman, Abraham
Box 45 Others
Box 45 Ward - Warr
Box 45 Web - Wef
Box 45 Weid - Weis
Box 45 Welfare Council of New York City
Box 45 Well - Wes
Box 45 Whe - Whi
Box 45 Who's Who Among Association Executives
Box 45 Wig - Wil
Box 45 Wise, Stephen S.
Box 45 Woe - Wom
Box 45 Women's Peace Union
Box 45 World Alliance for International Friendship Through the Churches
Box 45 World Fellowship of Faiths
Box 45 World Tomorrow, The
Box 45 Wou - Work
Box 45 Wright, C - T
Box 45 Wylie, H. W.
Box 45 Yale
Box 45 Yea - Yer
Box 45 Youn - Yout
Box 45 Y.M.C.A. Various Branches (8 folders)
Box 45 Y.W.C.A. Various Branches (5 folders)
Box 45 Abyssinian Baptist Church
Box 45 African Welfare Committee
Box 45 Adams, B W
Box 45 Ald - Alp
Box 45 American Birth Control League, Inc
Box 45 American Christian Committee for German Refugees
Box 45 American Ch - Ec
Box 45 American Eugenics Society
Box 45 American Federation of Labor
Box 45 American Friends Service Committee
Box 45 American League Against War and Fascism
Box 45 American League Youth
Box 45 Anth - Anti
Box 45 Arg - Art
Box 45 Associated W - Association for
Box 45 Auburn Theological Seminary Campus
Box 45 Bailey, Boyd L.
Box 45 Bailey, Mrs. George R.
Box 45 Barnes, George Emerson
Box 45 Barnes, Roswell P., Bates College
Box 45 Battle, George Gordon
Box 45 Bea - Ber
Box 45 Big - Bis
Box 45 Bla - Blo
Box 45 Boy Scouts of America
Box 45 Bra - Bron
Box 45 Broo - Brow Bu
Box 45 Cadman, S. Parkes
Box 45 Cal - Car
Box 45 Central C - P
Box 45 Chaffee, Family of
Box 45 Chalmers, Allen Knight
Box 46 Cham - Chic
Box 46 Chil - Christian Am.
Box 46 Christian Century (2 folders)
Box 46 Christian Citizenship Council
Box 46 Chronicle of World Affairs
Box 46 Churchman, The
Box 46 Ci
Box 46 Clarke, K - W
Box 46 Coffin, Henry S.
Box 46 Coll - Colu
Box 46 Commi - Commu
Box 46 Conf - Cong
Box 46 Conn. Coll. - Conn. Cong.
Box 46 Connecticut Council of Churches and Religious Education
Box 46 Connecticut State
Box 46 Conse - Consu
Box 46 Cope, Ellen
Box 46 Copeland, Royal S., Senator
Box 46 Correlated Enterprises
Box 46 Cou - Cov
Box 46 Cow - Cur
Box 46 Dartmouth Union
Box 46 Davis, Chester M.
Box 46 Davis, Jerome (2 folders)
Box 46 Daviso - Day
Box 46 Department of Religious Radio
Box 46 Dic - Dir
Box 46 Dod - Dou
Box 46 Dudley, Reverend William
Box 46 Eastern States Cooperative League
Box 46 Economic Planning and Social Engineering League
Box 46 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 46 Edi - Edu
Box 46 Eleazer, R. B.
Box 46 Elliot, J - P
Box 46 Emergency Committee for Striker’s Relief
Box 46 Emergency Peace Campaign (4 folders)
Box 46 Essel - Essex
Box 46 Evang - Evans
Box 46 Exe - Exp
Box 46 Fam - Far
Box 46 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (9 folders)
Box 46 Federation of Christian Women
Box 46 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
Box 46 Fellowship of Reconciliation (7 folders)
Box 46 Ferrero-Sallitto Defense Conference
Box 46 Fisher, Ruby
Box 46 Flanagan, Sue
Box 46 Foreign Affairs Forum
Box 46 Fra - Fre
Box 46 Fric - Frie
Box 46 Furnald, Henry N.
Box 46 Gad - Gar
Box 46 Gilman, Mrs. Edith
Box 46 Gol - Gov
Box 46 Greater New York Federation of Churches (3 folders)
Box 46 Gree - Grol
Box 46 Group Theatre, Inc., The
Box 46 Guthrie, William Norman
Box 46 Hall - Hals
Box 46 Hark - Harris, C.
Box 46 Harris, P - Harrison
Box 46 Hartford Seminary Foundation (2 folders)
Box 47 Har - Haw
Box 47 Heb - Her
Box 47 Hill, Reverend George A.
Box 47 Hill School
Box 47 Hollister, J. H.
Box 47 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 47 Holz - Hosk
Box 47 Hor - How
Box 47 Hud - Hut
Box 47 Ins - Inter R
Box 47 Intern C - L
Box 47 International Missionary Council
Box 47 International R - S
Box 47 Iowa State Traveling Men’s Association
Box 47 Jenney, Ray F.
Box 47 Jewish Welfare Board
Box 47 Jones, John Paul
Box 47 Kim - Kiw
Box 47 Kla - Kli
Box 47 Knox, Herbert W.
Box 47 Kra - Kre
Labor Temple
Box 47 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services
Box 47 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 47 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (4 folders)
Box 47 Committee Meetings, Notices, Responses, Arrangement for (4 folders)
Box 47 Contributions to Labor Temple, Appeals, Responses, Thank You Notes (6 folders)
Box 47 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations (5 folders)
Box 47 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies, Equipment
Box 47 Programs and Activities (8 folders)
Box 47 Solicitations for Temple Business (4 folders)
Box 47 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (4 folders)
Box 47 Miscellaneous
Box 47 Lackland, George S.
Box 47 Lai - Lav
Box 47 Leag - Lek
Box 47 Leber, Charles T.
Box 47 Lei - Lev
Box 47 Lid - Lip
Box 47 Loc - Low
Box 47 Lyon, Reverend James
Box 47 MacRury, Reverend J. Allison
Box 47 Mai - Matt
Box 47 Maverick, Maury, Congressman
Box 47 Mc A - Mc De
Box 47 Mc Do - Mc N
Box 47 Med - Mer
Methodist-Episcopal Church
Box 47 Board of Foreign Missions
Box 47 Board of Home Missions
Box 47 Methodist Federation for Social Service
Box 47 Metropo D - Y
Box 47 Mile - Milli
Box 47 Miner, Theodore
Box 47 Ministers' Union of America
Box 48 Minneapolis Committee of One Hundred
Box 48 Minnesota State Conference and Institute of Social Work
Box 48 Minu - Mis
Box 48 Mod - Moh
Box 48 Mol - Moor
Box 48 Morr - Moth
Box 48 Moti - Mou
Box 48 Muste, A. J.
Box 48 Myers, Orel J.
Box 48 Nastasi, Samuel
Box 48 National Ch - Nat. Com. for
Box 48 Nat. Com. on - Nat. Conf. of
Box 48 Nat. Cong. - Nat. Or.
Box 48 National Religion Labor Foundation (2 folders)
Box 48 Nat. Tr - Nat. Un
Box 48 Natu
Box 48 Nea - Nel
Box 48 New D. - New J.
New York City
Box 48 Am - Bi
Box 48 Ba - Chi
Box 48 Christian Endeavor Union
Box 48 Congregational Association
Box 48 Mission Society
New York (City of)
Box 48 Board of Education
Box 48 Board of Estimates
Box 48 C.C.N.Y.
Box 48 Commissioner of Accounts, Blanshard, Paul
Box 48 Department of Health
Box 48 Department of Public Welfare
Box 48 Emergency Home Relief Bureau
Box 48 Office of the Mayor, La Guardia, Fiorello H.
Box 48 Police Department
Box 48 New York Co - T
New York State
Box 48 Council of Churches and Religious Education
Box 48 Federation of Labor
New York (State of)
Box 48 Assembly Chamber
Box 48 Division of Military and Naval Affairs
Box 48 The Governor, Lehman, Herbert E.
Box 48 New York T - Ub
Box 48 New York Un - Yo
Box 48 Nicol, Reverend James and family
Box 48 Niebuhr, H. Richard
Box 48 No M - Non
Box 48 Northfield League
Box 48 Northfield S. - Ny
Box 48 Oberlin College
Box 48 O'Connor, John J., Congressman
Box 48 Oli - Olm
Box 48 Open Road, The
Box 48 Order of Corinthians
Box 48 Osborne Association, Inc., The
Box 48 Our - Out
Box 48 Page, Kirby (3 folders)
Box 48 Pan - Pap
Box 48 Park - Pars
Box 48 Partlow, John D.
Box 48 Payne, Franklin R.
Box 48 Pea - Pei
Box 48 Pell, Mrs. F. Livingston, Jr.
Box 48 Pen - Peo
Box 48 Phillips, Wilbur
Box 48 Pie - Pio
Box 48 Play of the Month Club
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
Box 48 Board of Christian Education
Box 48 Board of National Missions and Board of of Foreign Missions (6 folders)
Box 48 Board of Pensions
Box 48 Office of General Assembly
Box 48 Office of General Assembly Committee of Five (2 folders)
Box 48 Publicity Department
Box 48 Synod of New York
Box 48 Synod of Ohio (2 folders)
Box 48 Presbyterian Fellowship for Social Action
Box 48 Presbyterian Minister's Fund for Life Insurance
Box 48 Presbyterian Tribune
Box 48 Presbyterian Union of Cleveland
Box 48 Presbytery of Chicago Church Extension Board
Box 48 Presbytery of Cincinnati
Box 48 Presbytery of Dayton
Box 48 Presbytery of the Hudson
Box 48 Presbytery of Minneapolis Church Extension Board
Presbytery of New York
Box 48 Bartlett, Maitland, Stated Clerk
Box 48 Committee on Spiritual Advance
Box 49 Department of Christian Education
Box 49 Miscellaneous
Box 49 Savage, Theodore E., Executive Secretary (4 folders)
Box 49 Social Service Committee
Box 49 Special Committee of Presbytery
Box 49 Union of New York City
Box 49 Quinn, Elmer F., Senator
Box 49 Rac - Rat
Box 49 Rec - Rel
Box 49 Rhoad, Reverend Frank T.
Box 49 Richards, George H. (4 folders)
Box 49 Richie, Frank
Box 49 Ril - Rio
Box 49 Robinson, C - J
Box 49 Roc - Rom
Box 49 Roosevelt, Franklin D., President
Box 49 Rou - Roy
Box 49 Russel, R - S
Box 49 Rutgers University
Box 49 Rybicki, Edward C.
Box 49 Sag - Saw
Box 49 Schacht, Robert H.
Box 49 Schieffelin, Bayard
Box 49 Schieffelin, William Jay
Box 49 Schil - Schm
Box 49 Schuster, M. Lincoln
Box 49 Scientific Colonization League
Box 49 Sha - She
Box 49 Sib - Sic
Box 49 Siddal, Marion
Box 49 Simkhovitch, Mary K.
Box 49 Sippola, R. W.
Box 49 Skinner, David
Box 49 Sloan, Eleanor
Box 49 Smith, F - R
Box 49 Soc - Son
Box 49 Speers, Thomas Guthrie
Box 49 Stan - Stat
Box 49 Stauffer, Milton T., New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Box 49 Stee - Stev
Box 49 Stew - Ston
Box 49 Stor - Str
Box 49 Student Volunteer Movement
Box 49 Su - Sy
Box 49 Tag - Tay
Box 49 Teachers Guild-Union
Box 49 Technocracy, Inc.
Box 49 The - Tho
Box 49 Thomas, Norman
Box 49 Thomas, W. - Thor
Box 49 Timme, Ida
Box 49 Tri - Tro
Box 49 Twiddy, William
Box 49 Tyndal, Stanley Grant
Box 49 Underwood, Mary E.
Box 49 Union of Churches of Christ
Union Theological Seminary
Box 49 Coffin, Henry Sloane, President
Box 49 General File
Box 49 Swift, Arthur L., Jr.
Box 49 Webber, Charles C.
Box 49 White, Charles T.
Box 49 United Neighborhood Houses of New York, Inc. (3 folders)
United State Government
Box 49 Government of WPA (3 folders)
Box 49 Universal University
Box 49 Van - Vas
Box 49 Versteeg, Reverent John M.
Box 49 Voc - Von
Box 49 Wag - Wal
Box 49 Ward - Wardm
Box 49 War Resisters League (3 folders)
Box 49 Warr - Wars
Box 49 Webster, George S.
Box 49 Welfare Council of New York City
Box 49 Wer - Wes
Box 49 Whe - White
Box 49 Whitehead, Reverend Robert C.
Box 49 Wic - Wil
Box 49 Wol - Woo
Box 49 Workers Education Bureau of America
Box 49 Workers Party of the United States
Box 49 World F - U
Box 49 Yag - Yal
Box 49 Yergin, Reverend Howard V.
Box 50 Y.M.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 50 Y.W.C.A. (4 folders)
Box 50 Younge - Youth
Box 50 Unidentified
Box 50 Allwardt, Paul
Box 50 American Association for - of
Box 50 American Birth Control League
Box 50 American Christian Conference for German Refugees (3 folders)
Box 50 American H - J
Box 50 American League Against War and Fascism (2 folders)
Box 50 American League to - American Women's Association
Box 50 Argument
Box 50 Ashley, Albert R.
Box 50 Ashurst, Senator Henry P.
Box 50 Barbour, Clarence A.
Box 50 Barnes, George E.
Box 50 Battle, George G.
Box 50 Bea - Ber
Box 50 Biblical Seminary in New York, The
Box 50 Boe - Bos
Box 50 Bricklayers, Stone Masons, Marble Masons, Terrazzo and Mosaic Workers Union Number 2 of Minnesota
Box 50 Bronx Free Fellowship
Box 50 Brooks, Rachel G.
Box 50 Brookwood
Box 50 Broun, Heywood
Box 50 Bucknell University
Box 50 Cam - Car
Box 50 Central Conference on American Rabbis
Box 50 Chaffee, Family of
Box 50 Cham - Chi
Box 50 "Christian American" and Bible Student
Box 50 Christian Century, The
Box 50 Christo - Chu
Box 50 Cit - Civ
Box 50 Clinchy, Everett R.
Box 50 Columbia University
Box 50 Committee for - to
Box 50 Commo - Commu
Box 50 Consumer C - U
Box 50 Coo - Cor
Box 50 Davis - John W.
Box 50 Des Moines Independent School District
Box 50 Drysdale, Mrs. J. M.
Box 50 Dudley, J. M.
Box 50 Durant, Will
Box 50 Durham, "Gene"
Box 50 Eastern Clergy Bureau
Box 50 Eddy, Sherwood
Box 50 Elliott, Phillips
Box 50 Emergency Peace Campaign
Box 50 Expositor and the Homiletic Review, The
Box 50 Fam - Farr
Box 50 Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (5 folders)
Box 50 Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
Box 50 Fellowship of Reconciliation (3 folders)
Box 50 Ferrero - Salitto Defense Conference
Box 50 Fig - Fis
Box 50 Fla - Fly
Box 50 Forb - Fort
Box 50 Fosdick, Harry Emerson
Box 50 Fra - Fri
Box 50 Gol - Goo
Box 50 Greater New York Federation of Churches (2 folders)
Box 50 Gull - Guin
Box 50 Hartford Theological Seminary, Hornell Hart
Box 50 Hem - Hen
Box 50 Holmes, John Haynes
Box 50 Hol - Hop
Box 50 International Relief Association
Box 50 Jac - Jap
Box 50 Jennes, Mary
Box 50 Jenney, Ray F.
Box 50 Jewish Theological Seminary of New York
Box 50 John Hope Memorial Fund Committee
Box 50 Kam - Kat
Box 50 Kennedy, Ann Cochran
Box 50 Kips Bay Neighborhood Conference
Labor Temple
Box 50 Affirmations, Notices of Church Services
Box 50 Annual Reports, Statements, Audits
Box 50 Budget, Allocation of Funds, Finances (3 folders)
Box 50 Committee Meetings, Notices and Responses, Arrangements for
Box 50 Contributions to, Appeals and Responses, Thank You Notes (4 folders)
Box 50 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations January, March-May
Box 51 Employment Inquiries and Recommendations June-July, September
Box 51 Maintenance and Repairs, Supplies and Equipment
Box 51 Programs and Activities (4 folders)
Box 51 Solicitations for Temple Business (3 folders)
Box 51 Work Schedules and Instructions to Personnel (3 folders)
Box 51 Lanning, Reverend Jesse H.
Box 51 Lea - Lei
Box 51 Lewis, John L., United Mine Workers of America
Box 51 Lin - Lis
Box 51 Log - Low
Box 51 Lydenberg, Mrs. H. M.
Box 51 Magill, Reverend Andrew
Box 51 Mandelbaum, Samuel, New York State Senator
Box 51 Marcantonio, Vito, United States Congress (2 folders)
Box 51 March of Time, The
Box 51 Mart - Mas
Box 51 McA - McE
Box 51 McSwain, John J., United States Congressman
Box 51 Merril - Merrit
Box 51 Methodist Episcopal Church, Church School Publications
Box 51 Metropolitan Host - Youth
Box 51 Mille - Mills
Box 51 Ministers' Union
Box 51 Minnesota State Conference of Social Work
Box 51 Mitchell, Professor Lewis
Box 51 Moh - Mos
Box 51 National Child - Committee on
Box 51 National Conference of Jews and Christians (2 folders)
Box 51 National Negro - Probation
Box 51 National Religion and Labor Foundation
Box 51 National Unemployment League
Box 51 Nea - Nei
Box 51 New England-Jersey College
Box 51 New Jersey Council of Religious Education
Box 51 New School for Social Research
New York City
Box 51 Christian Endeavor Union
Box 51 Committee of Social Scientists and Workers
Box 51 Mission Society
New York (City of)
Box 51 Board of Education
Box 51 City College of New York
Box 51 Department of Buildings
Box 51 Department of Parks, Moses, Robert, Commissioner
Box 51 Home Relief Unit
Box 51 Office of the Mayor, La Guardia, Fiorello H.
Box 51 Police Department
Box 51 New York E - H
Box 51 New York State Conference on Marriage and the Family
Box 51 New York State Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Box 51 New York State P - T
Box 51 Nicholas, Dewitt
Box 51 Niebuhr, H. Richard
Box 51 Non - Nor
Box 51 Nye, Gerald P., United States Senator
Box 51 O'Shay, Madeline
Box 51 Page, Kirby
Box 51 Partlow, John D.
Box 51 Peale, Norman Vincent
Box 51 Pell, Mrs. F. Livingston, Jr.
Box 51 Peoples' Committee Mandate
Box 51 Per - Pew
Box 51 Phillips, Wilbur C.
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Box 51 Board of National Missions and Board of Foreign Missions (2 folders)
Box 51 Office of the General Assembly
Box 51 Synod of Indiana
Box 51 Synod of New York
Box 51 Synod of Ohio (2 folders)
Box 51 Presbyterian Fellowship for Social Action
Box 51 Presbyterian Tribune, The (2 folders)
Presbytery of New York
Box 51 Bartlett, Maitland Stated Clerk
Church Extension Committee
Box 51 Savage, Theodore, Executive Secretary (4 folders)
Box 51 Department of Christian Education
Box 52 Social Service Committee
Box 52 Miscellaneous
Box 52 Proh - Prov
Box 52 Pub - Pus
Box 52 Rath, Reverend Theodore
Box 52 Rec - Rel
Box 52 Rhoad, Reverend Frank T.
Box 52 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 52 Richards, George H. (3 folders)
Box 52 Rob - Roy
Box 52 Rutgers University
Box 52 Rutherford, Elizabeth (Mars Hill College)
Box 52 Sad - Sav
Box 52 Schappes, Morris U.
Box 52 Schieffelin, Bayard
Box 52 Sco - Scr
Box 52 Sibley, Harper
Box 52 Sik - Sim
Box 52 Sirovich, William I., United States Congressman
Box 52 Smith College
Box 52 Soc - Sou
Box 52 Speers, Reverend Thomas Guthrie
Box 52 Stee - Stew
Box 52 Sto - Str
Box 52 Stud - Stuy
Box 52 Subke, Reverend Walter Carl
Box 52 Summers, Hatton W., United States Congressman
Box 52 Sunday School Board
Box 52 Syracuse University
Box 52 Taylor, Mary Sanford
Box 52 Teachers' Guild-Union
Box 52 Technocracy Incorporated
Box 52 The - Tho
Box 52 United Labor May Day Committee
Box 52 Union Theological Seminary (3 folders)
Box 52 United Committee to Aid Vermont Marble Workers
Box 52 United Neighborhood Houses of New York (2 folders)
Box 52 United States Works Progress Association (4 folders)
Box 52 Universal Christian Council
Box 52 Van Hooser, Ruby
Box 52 Verit, W. E.
Box 52 Vieth, Paul H.
Box 52 Voc - Voe
Box 52 War Resisters' League
Box 52 Washington and Jefferson College
Box 52 Web - Wen
Box 52 Westminster Foundation at Ohio State University
Box 52 Wil - Wis
Box 52 White - Whitn
Box 52 Wom - Wor
Box 52 World Alliance - Friendship
Box 52 Yale University Divinity School
Box 52 Yergin, Reverend Howard
Box 52 Yorkville Forum
Box 52 Y.M.C.A.
Box 52 Y.W.C.A.
Box 52 Young Peoples' Society
Box 52 Unidentified
No Date
Box 52 B, unidentified
To and from others
Box 52 A - Ho (15 folders)
Box 53 Hu - Y (26 folders)
Box 53 Unidentified
Box 53 A - W (11 folders)
Box 53 T
Box 53 R
Subject files
Box 54 Banking Crisis, The 1932-1933, undated
Box 54 Bibliographies
Bills and Receipts
Box 54 1920
Box 54 1921
Box 54 1922
Box 54 1923
Box 54 1924
Box 54 1925 (2 folders)
Box 54 1926
Box 54 1927 (4 folders)
Box 54 1928 (4 folders)
Box 54 1929 (4 folders)
Box 54 1930 Trip to Europe
Box 55 1931 (4 folders)
Box 55 1932 (4 folders)
Box 55 1933 (4 folders)
Box 55 1934
Box 55 1935
Box 55 1936
Box 55 Chi Alpha 1922, 1924-1926
Box 55 Excerpts from Sermons and Articles, Pres. Trib. 1935-1936
Box 55 Holly Union High School 1906
Box 55 Immortality 1926, 1929, 1934, undated (3 folders)
Box 55 Inventories 1929
Labor Temple
Box 55 Budget A April 1932-1933
Box 55 Sunday School (curriculum and enrollment 1921-1929
Box 56 Labor
Box 56 Memorial Tributes and Sympathy Cards 1936
Box 56 Neighborhood Houses 1925
Box 56 Palestine 1918-1920
Box 56 Passport Applications February 1918-1919
Box 56 Poetry and Song Hits 1922, 1934-1936
Box 56 The Presbytery of New York 1915
Box 56 Programs 1916, 1933-1936
Box 56 Questionnaire
Box 56 Reports 1933, 1936, undated
Box 56 School Report Card, about 1902
Box 57 Technocracy 1930-1935
Box 57 War Prevention 1929-1935
About Chaffee
Box 58 1916, 1932, 1936, undated
Articles by
Box 58 "Capitalism, Communism and Prophetic Religion" undated
Box 58 "Challenge of Communism, The" undated
Box 58 "F.O.R. Swarthmore Conference, The" undated
Box 58 "France viz the Arabs" undated
Box 58 "Is Religion a Bound or a Barrier?" undated
Box 58 "Korean Situation Today, The" undated
Box 58 "Labor Temple" undated
Box 58 "Labor Temple, an Attempt of the Church to Solve Problems of Today" undated
Box 58 "Manning vs. Lindsay" 1930
Box 58 "My Personal Creed" 1916
Box 58 "Near East Relief, The - The Sequel" undated
Box 58 "Opium and Morphine in China" undated
Box 58 "Pacifism and the Class War--The Issue in the F.O.R." undated
Box 58 "Red Cross 'Carrying On,' A" undated
Box 58 "Saving the Constitution" undated
Box 58 "Savonarola" 1914
Box 58 "Some Adventures in Palestine" 1919
Box 58 "Some Recent Lives of Jesus" undated
Box 58 "Suicide" undated
Box 58 "Special Correspondence, June 3, 1936," Christian Century
Box 58 "Sun Yat Sen A Chinese Robert Bruce" undated
Box 58 "Technocracy, An Interpretation and a Criticism" undated
Box 58 "Technocracy's Warning" undated
Box 58 "Testing Fellowship Ideals in Jerusalem" undated
Box 58 "Visit to the Home of Tagore, A" 1920
Box 58 Untitled undated
Books by
Box 58 "Protestant Churches and the Industrial Crisis, The" undated
Book Reviews
Box 58 Business and the Church, by Jerome Davis
Box 58 Does Civilization Need Religion? by Reinhold Niebuhr
Box 58 Does Man Survive? by George Lindsay Johnson
Box 58 Jesus, by Henri Barbusse
Box 58 John White of Mashonaland, by C. F. Andrews
Box 58 Preachers Present Arms, by Ray H. Abrams
Box 58 Spengler’s Second Volume 1929
Box 58 Thayer's Life of Washinqton undated
Box 58 Hymn, "Be Thou Supreme"
Box 59 "The Mind of Christ in a Machine Age"
Box 59 "New Vistas in Science"
Box 59 "Our Present Day Civilization in the Light of the Teachings of Jesus" I-VI
Box 59 Y.W.C.A. Conference, 1st through 5th Periods
Box 59 Y.W.C.A. Conference, Lectures II-III
Box 59 Outlines 1917, 1922, 1934, undated (4 folders)
Box 59 Undated
Box 59 School 1914, 1915, 1916 (3 folders)
Box 59 The Captain's Book, with others 1918
Box 59 "Distinctive Elements in the Religion of Jesus"
Box 59 "How Shall We Teach Morality" 1915
Box 59 "My Personal Creed" 1916
Box 59 "Personal Immortality"
Box 59 "What Has Psychical Research Accomplished?"
Box 59 Untitled undated
Box 59 Prayer (an untitled prayer by Chaffee)
Box 59 1932, undated
Box 60 Age of Plenty, The
Box 60 American and Japan, Some Facts--Not Propaganda
Box 60 American Proletariat, The
Box 60 America's Way Out
Box 60 Are Modernists Destructive?
Box 60 Asoka, One of the World's Great
Box 60 Backgrounds of Scientific and Psychological Thought in our Churches Affecting the Presentation of the Cause of Foreign Missions
Box 60 Book of Daniel and Our Life Today, The
Box 60 Book of Revelation, The
Box 60 Can We Achieve an Ethical Society by Unethical Methods?
Box 60 Can We Change Human Nature?
Box 60 Capital Punishment
Box 60 Changing Mood of Science, The
Box 60 Christian Answer to a Despairing World, The
Box 60 Christian Men in a Pagan World
Box 60 Christianity and Profits
Box 60 Christianity and Rent
Box 60 Christianity and Six Per Cent Interest
Box 60 Christianity and the Industrial Crisis
Box 60 Christianity and War
Box 60 Christianity and World Unrest
Box 60 Christianity, a Proletarian Movement
Box 60 Christianity in a Capitalist World
Box 60 Christians in a Lost World
Box 60 Christians and War
Box 60 Christ's Message for a Day of Crisis
Box 60 Church and a Changing Order, The
Box 60 Church and the Labor Movement, The
Box 60 Church and the Social Challenge, The
Box 60 Church and War Resistance, The
Box 60 Churches and Politics
Box 60 Communism and Religion
Box 60 Communism, Hope or Menace?
Box 60 Communism in the Light of the Christian Ethic
Box 60 Communism--Its Truth and Error
Box 60 Communism or Fascism, Must We Choose?
Box 60 Concept of Equality, The
Box 60 Cooperative Movement, The
Box 60 Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God in the Light of Recent Science, The
Box 60 Courage
Box 60 Cross and Its Meaning for Us, The
Box 60 Cross and the Revolution, The
Box 60 Democracy, An Appraisal
Box 60 Did Jesus Really Live?
Box 60 Did Jesus Teach Anything New?
Box 60 Dr. Fosdick and the Presbyterians
Box 60 Do You Believe in Free Speech?
Box 60 Does Civilization Need Religion?
Box 60 Does Labor Need a God?
Box 60 Duty of the Church in the Industrial Crisis, The
Box 60 Economic Waste--A Moral Issue
Box 60 Economics Is Not Enough
Box 60 Energies of Men, The
Box 60 Ethic of Jesus, The
Box 60 Ethics and Propaganda
Box 60 Ethics of Propaganda, The
Box 60 Exploitation--The Sun of the Ages
Box 61 Fascism Fails
Box 61 Fascism--From the Ethical Standpoint
Box 61 Fear Not
Box 61 Finding the Good Life
Box 61 First Step Toward the New Social Order, The or Child Likeness, The Door to the Kingdom of God
Box 61 Free Speech
Box 61 Galilean Carpenter and the Industrial Crisis, The
Box 61 Gandhi
Box 61 Gandhi or Dynamite
Box 61 God Is
Box 61 Good Friday Day Sermon
Box 61 Government in Business
Box 61 Great Social Sin
Box 61 Headed for War
Box 61 High Power Machinery and Its Social Consequences
Box 61 Holism and Evolution
Box 61 Home Missions and "Community Work"
Box 61 If War Comes
Box 61 Immortality--Fact or Fancy
Box 61 Implications of the Present Economic Situation for the Program of the Church and Neighborhood House
Box 61 Is Christianity Democratic?
Box 61 Is Christianity Practicable?
Box 61 Is Depression Over?
Box 61 Is God Any Guide for Today?
Box 61 Is One Race Better Than Another?
Box 61 Is Progress an Illusion?
Box 61 Is Science Passing?
Box 61 Is the United States an Empire?
Box 61 Is the World a Soul-less Mechanism?
Box 61 Is There a Future Life? Is There a God?
Box 61 Isaiah
Box 61 It Is Finished
Box 61 Italy and the League of Nations
Box 61 Jesus and Marx, Alike and Different
Box 61 Jesus and the Industrial Crisis
Box 61 Jesus and the Romans
Box 61 Jesus Teaching Concerning the Kingdom of God
Box 61 Jesus, The Revolutionist
Box 61 John Ball, The Mad Priest of Kent
Box 61 Labor and the Christian Conscience
Box 61 Labor Needs a God
Box 61 Labor Sunday Message
Box 61 Life As An Adventure
Box 61 Limitations of Physical Science
Box 61 Living Wage, a Mellifluous Phrase, The
Box 62 Lost World, A
Box 62 Machine Age and Religion, The
Box 62 Man and Machinery
Box 62 Menace of the Closed Mind, The
Box 62 Method of Bringing in the Kingdom, The
Box 62 Mind of Christ in a Day of Crisis, The
Box 62 Moral Issue in Taxation, The
Box 62 Moral Issues in This Campaign
Box 62 Moral Issues in West Virginia
Box 62 More About Gandhi
Box 62 More About Technocracy
Box 62 Motives of Men, The
Box 62 My Idea of God
Box 62 Nature of the Christian Ethic
Box 62 New Days
Box 62 Next War, The--What Will It Be Like?
Box 62 Optimism True and False
Box 62 Origin of the Social Gospel, The
Box 62 Our American Debt Structure
Box 62 Our Greatest Collective Sin
Box 62 Our Message for Today
Box 62 Pacifism of the Early Christians, The
Box 62 Pacifism and the Social Revolution
Box 62 Peace and Brotherhood
Box 62 Peace--How to Attain It
Box 62 People and the Corporations, The
Box 62 Personal Virtues and the Social Gospel
Box 62 Philosophy of Oswald G. Spengler
Box 62 Politics and Preachers
Box 62 Poverty (causes of)
Box 62 Prejudice Against Immortality, The
Box 62 Progress, A Fact or a Fancy
Box 62 Prohibition--A Summary and a Forecast
Box 62 Propaganda--Is It Ethical?
Box 62 Property in the Light of the Teaching and Spirit of Jesus
Box 62 Prophets, The
Box 62 Prosperity--Fact or Myth?
Box 62 Radical Parties and the American Voter
Box 62 Radical’s Thanksgiving, A
Box 62 Reflections on Armistice Day
Box 62 Religion and Evolution
Box 62 Religion and Exploitation, A Study in Origins
Box 62 Religion and Revolution
Box 62 Religion and the God-State
Box 63 Religion and the Materialistic Conception of History
Box 63 Religion and the Modern State
Box 63 Religion and the New Biology
Box 63 Religion and the New Physics
Box 63 Religion and the New Psychology
Box 63 Religion and the New Sociology
Box 63 Religious and Philosophical Basis of Free Speech, The
Box 63 Religious Mind in a Day of Crisis, The
Box 63 Religious Sanctions of the Doctrine of Free Speech
Box 63 Resolutions for Radicals
Box 63 Resolved that Labor Needs a God
Box 63 Revolt of Asia, The
Box 63 Role of Machinery in the Present Crisis, The
Box 63 Roosevelt in May
Box 63 Science and Religion--Are They in Conflict?
Box 63 Shall We Have Free Speech?
Box 63 Shock Troops of Peace
Box 63 Signs of the Times, The
Box 63 Social Hope of the Ancient World, The
Box 63 Social Trends Report, The
Box 63 Some Conditions in North America That Affect the Foreign Missionary Enterprises of the Church
Box 63 Some Issues That Confront the Ministry Today
Box 63 Some Peace Axioms
Box 63 Some Things Worth While
Box 63 Spear Head of Fascism, The
Box 63 Spiritual Needs of Modern Men
Box 63 Spiritual Resources of a Radical, The
Box 63 Student Movement in China, The
Box 63 Strength of Capitalism
Box 63 Supreme Court, The Constitution and the People, The
Box 63 Supreme Demand of Our High Power Age
Box 63 Teachings of Jesus and Our Social Order, The
Box 63 Test of a Christian, The
Box 63 Three Great Issues Facing the Church
Box 63 Throwing Your Vote Away
Box 63 Tired Radicals
Box 63 Totalitarian State, The
Box 63 Tribute to Moses, A
Box 63 Two Years of Roosevelt
Box 63 Unemployment, Menace or Hope?
Box 63 Union Course
Box 63 Unpardonable Sin, The
Box 63 War and One Hundred Percent Pacifism
Box 63 War and the Christian Conscience
Box 63 What Can We Do to Prevent It?
Box 63 Was Jesus Insane?
Box 63 What Did Jesus Teach?
Box 63 What Does a Man Need to be Happy?
Box 63 What Evidence is There for the Resurrection of Jesus?
Box 63 What is a Liberal?
Box 63 What is a Christian?
Box 63 What Is This Technocracy?
Box 63 What Makes a Man Great?
Box 63 What One Church Is Doing: Labor Temple
Box 64 What Was Jesus' Idea of Immortality?
Box 64 Who Is Sufficient for These Things?
Box 64 Who Killed Jesus? Who Needs God?
Box 64 Who Was Jesus?
Box 64 Who Was Jesus Christ?
Box 64 Why I Believe in God
Box 64 Why Join the Church?
Box 64 Why Religion?
Box 64 Will America Go Fascist?
Box 64 Will American Capitalism Survive the Present Crisis?
Box 64 Will Science Displace Religion?
Box 64 The Workableness of Non-resistance
Box 64 World Peace and the Recent Election
Box 64 The World We Live In
Box 64 Youth Faces the New Day
Box 64 Untitled, 1914, 1925, 1926, undated
Box 64 Incomplete undated
Box 64 Notes
Box 64 1916, 1934, undated
Manuscripts of Others
Box 64 Unidentified
Box 64 Barnham, Henry D.
Box 64 Chaffee, Margaret Ann 1933
Box 64 Clarke, Reverend Merrill
Box 64 Richards, Edward C. M.
Box 64 Thomas, Edward
Box 64 Thomas, Norman
Box 65 1905-1906
Box 65 1908
Box 65 1909
Box 65 1910
Box 66 1911
Box 66 1912
Box 66 1912
Box 66 1912? European Trip
Box 66 1913-1915
Box 66 1918
Box 66 1930, European Trip
Box 66 Undated, Canadian Trip
Box 67 School 1916
Box 67 Undated (Orient)
Box 67 1922
Box 67 1925-1926
Box 67 1926-1927
Box 67 1926-1927
Box 67 1928
Box 68 1928-1929
Box 68 1929-1930
Box 68 1930-1931
Box 68 1931-1932
Box 68 1933-1934
Box 68 1933-1934
Box 68 1934-1935
Box 68 Undated
Photograph book
Box 69 China
Box 69 Egypt
Box 69 Japan
Box 69 Korea
Box 69 Palestine
Box 69 India
Box 70 Palestine and Trips
Box 70 Chaffee family
Box 70 Mearns family
Box 70 Others
Box 70 Chaffee family and other subjects
Box 71 1918-1923
Box 71 1918-1924 - Newspaper clippings, manuscripts, publications, and material on various subjects
Box 71 1920, 1929, 1931, 1932
Box 72 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927 - Newspaper clippings
Box 72 1924-1926, 1930, 1933 - Newspaper clippings
Box 72 1930, 1932, 1934 - Newspaper clippings
Published material
Box 73 1917, 1926, 1929
Box 73 1930, 1933, 1936
Box 73 Are Religous Liberals Destructive
Box 73 Christians and War
Box 73 The Church and the Labor Movement
Box 73 The Church and the Social Challenge
Box 73 Communism or Fascism: Must We Choose
Box 73 Communism or Fascism
Box 73 Communism and Religion
Box 73 Critical Mindedness and Its Peril
Box 73 Do Forums, Get Anywhere
Box 73 El Cristianismo: on Movimento del Pueblo
Box 73 Ethics and Propaganda
Box 73 France and the Arabs
Box 73 Is Progress an Illusion
Box 73 The Labor Churches of Canada
Box 73 The Mind of Christ in This Day
Box 73 Partners in Nefarious Traffic
Box 73 Religion and Everyday Life
Box 73 Science Falters
Box 74 Some Conditions in North America That Affect Foreign Missions
Box 74 Some Issues Confronting the Ministry Today
Box 74 Some Thoughts on Humanism
Box 74 The Student Movement in China
Box 74 Son Yat Sen A Chinese Robert Bruce
Box 74 Technocracy’s Stop! Look! Listen!
Box 74 Technocracy's Warning
Box 74 Testing Economic Remedies
Box 74 Unemployment Challenges Religion
Box 74 A Visit to the Home of Tagore
Box 74 What Contributions Has Religion to Make Through the Church for Social Reconstruction
Box 74 What Has Psychical Research Accomplished
Box 74 What Has Religion to do With Economics
Box 74 What Is a Liberal
Box 74 What Is Technocracy
Box 74 What of the Church
Box 74 Unidentified
Box 74 Religion's Voice-Outlook and Independent (column)
Box 75 Special Correspondence for The Christian Century
Box 75 By Others-Various Subjects
Box 75 Protestant Churches and the Industrial Crisis 1933
Books by Others
Box 75 Harriet Martineau 1932
Box 75 Raja Yoga, by Swami Vivekananda 1917
Book Reviews
Box 76 1934
Box 76 1931, 1932
Box 76 Catalogues 1936
Box 76 Letters to the Editor 1921
Box 76 Minutes of Meetings 1935, 1936
Box 76 Information Service 1935, 1936
Box 76 The Social Service Bulletin 1930-1934
Newspaper Clippings
Box 76 1911
Box 76 1916, 1924, 1925, 1929, 1932 - About Chaffee
Box 76 1933, 1934, 1936 - About Chaffee
Box 76 Undated - About Chaffee
Box 76 1920, undated - By Chaffee
About Others
Box 77 1916, 1918, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931
Box 77 1932
Box 77 1933
Box 77 1934
Box 77 1935-1936
Box 77 Undated
Box 77 1924, 1928, 1932, 1933, 1934 (Labor Temple)
Box 77 1890, 1918
Box 77 Annual Letter from the "Upper Room," The
Box 77 Give Us Work
Box 77 Meaning of the Evolutionary Process, The
By and About Others
Box 78 A-B 1913, 1920, 1934-1936
Box 78 C-E 1918-1920, 1931-1932
Box 78 F-G, I-J, L-M 1888, 1910, 1918, 1923, 1925, 1933, 1934
Box 78 The Labor Temple January, April, 1930, October 1931, 1932
Box 78 N-S 1902, 1915, 1920, 1921, 1924, 1925, 1928, 1932, 1934-1936
Box 78 T-U, W 1888, 1919, 1923, 1928, 1931-1933, 1936
Programs and Announcements-Labor Temple
Box 78 1917-1918, 1922-1927
Box 79 1928-1937, undated
Box 79 Reports
Box 79 Reports by Others-Labor Temple Annual Reports 1921-1929, 1929-1938
Box 79 Speeches 1934, 1936
Box 79 Statements 1928
Box 79 Symposiums With Others 1925, 1933
Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research
Box 80 1907?
Box 80 1907?
Box 80 1907
Box 80 1907-1908
Box 80 1908, September
Box 81 1908, December
Box 81 1909, July
Box 81 1909, December
Box 81 1910, May
Box 82 1911, April
Box 82 1911, December
Box 82 1913, February
Box 82 1912, May
Box 83 1913, July
Box 83 1913, December
Box 83 1914, July
Box 83 1914, August
Box 83 1914, September
Box 84 1915, August
Box 84 1916, August
Box 85 1917, August
Box 85 1918, June
Box 86 1919, August
Box 86 1919, December
Box 86 1920
Box 86 1921
Box 87 1924
Box 87 1925
Box 87 1926
Box 88 1927, February
Box 88 1928, February-June
Box 89 1929
Box 89 1930
Journal of American Society for Psychical Research:
Box 90 1931
Box 90 1931
Box 90 1932
Box 90 1933, January-June
Box 91 1933, July-December
Box 91 1934, January-June
Box 91 1934, July-December 1935
Box 91 1936
Interstate Migration
Box 92 Part 6 1940
Box 92 Part 7 1940
Box 92 Part 8 1940
Box 92 Part 9 1940
Box 92 Part 10 1941
National Defense Migration
Box 92 First Interim Report 1941
Box 93 Part 11 1941
Box 93 Part 18 1941
Box 93 Part 19 1941
Box 93 Part 20 1941
Box 93 Part 21 1941
Box 93 Part 22 1941
Box 94 Part 23 1941
Box 94 Part 24 1941
Box 94 Third Interim Report 1942
Box 94 Part 29 1942
Box 94 Part 30 1942
Box 94 Part 31 1942

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