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Marguerite Higgins Papers

An inventory of her papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Higgins, Marguerite.
Title: Marguerite Higgins Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1920-1986
Bulk Dates: 1943-1965
Quantity: 41 linear feet
Abstract: Correspondence, a diary, lectures, manuscript drafts of books, news releases, notebooks, notes, research material, scrapbooks, and memorabilia, including awards, clippings, and photographs. Material relating to the Korean War and the Vietnamese Conflict.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Marguerite Higgins (1920-1966), pioneering newspaperwoman, columnist, and author, was best known for reporting from the front lines during the Korean War. Honored as the first woman to receive a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of international affairs (1951), she had a long career with the New York Herald Tribune (1942-1963), and later, as a syndicated columnist for Newsday (1963-1965). She also wrote books on reporting, Korea, Russia and Vietnam, and contributed articles to several other newspapers and magazines including America, the Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), Mademoiselle, and McCall'. She made television appearances on shows such as "Meet the Press" and "Today." A frequently requested lecturer, she traveled as extensively inside the U.S. as abroad. She visited Vietnam several times, and while touring there in 1965 contracted leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease, which forced her to return to the U.S. where she died in Washington D.C. on January 3, 1966 at age 45. She is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Higgins was born in Hong Kong on September 3, 1920 to Lawrence Daniel Higgins, a WWI pilot, steamship freight manager, and businessman and Marguerite de Godard Higgins, a Frenchwoman and teacher. She grew up in Oakland, California and attended the prestigious Anna Head School in Berkeley. In 1941 she graduated cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley, after which she moved to New York City with the hopes of finding a newspaper job. Frustrated in her efforts, she applied for a master's degree in journalism from Columbia University. While attending Columbia, she became a campus correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune and upon graduating in 1942, joined the city desk staff. She married Stanley Moore, a philosophy professor at Harvard, in 1942, but their union later ended in divorce.

In 1944, she was appointed to the Tribune's London bureau and in 1945, the Paris bureau. One of the first two Americans to reach Dachau, she was met by German SS troops who surrendered to her and a colleague just before the allied troops arrived. Her coverage of the liberation earned a New York Newspaperwomen's Club award for Best Foreign Correspondent in 1945. She also reported the liberation of Buchenwald and the capture of Hitler's home Berchtesgaden. After the war she covered the Marshal Henri Pétain and Nuremberg Trials. In 1947 she was named chief of the Berlin bureau and spent the next few years traveling throughout Eastern Europe covering the communist take over of Poland and Czechoslovakia, and the Berlin blockade.

In 1950, a few weeks before the Korean War began, she was assigned chief of the Tokyo bureau. She was in Seoul during the invasion and landed at Inchon with the marines. She and Homer Bigart, her colleague at the Tribune, competed for front-page coverage that resulted in both winning Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting. In a much publicized effort to remain on the front lines, she persuaded General Douglas MacArthur, whom she had interviewed at the beginning of the war, to allow her return to the action after Lieutenant General Walton H. Walker had banned women reporters due to lack of proper "facilities." Her first book, War in Korea: Report of a Woman Combat Correspondent was published in 1951. And as her work in Korea became well known, her life-story was widely sought after by the major Hollywood studios and agents.

She returned to Vietnam in 1951 for the first time since childhood to interview Emperor Bao Dai. During this year she also interviewed world leaders such as the Shah of Iran, Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia, Queen Frederika of Greece, Generalissimo Francisco Franco of Spain, Prime Minister Nehru of India, and Premier Nikita Khrushchev, among others.

From 1952-1954 she remained based in the Far East where she covered the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu. The first westerner to penetrate the Black Sea since WWII, Higgins' travels throughout the USSR during 1954 and 1955 were used for the basis of her book, Red Plush and Black Bread.

In 1952 she married then Air Force Major General William E. Hall, a U.S. intelligence director, whom she met while bureau chief in Berlin. Their first daughter, born in 1953, died five days after a premature birth. In 1958 she gave birth to a son and in 1959, a daughter. Her autobiographical book on reporting, News is a Singular Thing, was published in 1955.

In addition to American presidents, politicians, and diplomats, she interviewed such international figures as: General MacArthur, General Gruenther, General Van Fleet, General K rulak, General Mohammed Naquib, Lord Ismay, Konrad Adenauer, Chiang Kai-Shek, Madame Kai-Shek, Syngman Rhee, Ngo Dinh Nhu and Madame Nhu, Ramon Magsaysay, Mohammed Mossadegh, and Prince Sihanouk.

She joined the Washington Bureau of the Tribune in 1956. As a diplomatic correspondent, she accompanied Nixon to Russia in 1959, Kennedy to Europe in 1961, and secured an interview with rebel leader Antoine Gizenga of the Belgian Congo, just as Indian planes arrived in Leopoldville. She interviewed Rose Kennedy after President Kennedy's assassination. In 1962, her only children's book, Jessie Benton Fremont, was published.

In November of 1963 she left the New York Herald Tribune to become a syndicated columnist for Newsday. Her column, "On the Spot," appeared three times a week in several newspapers. She also became a columnist for Die Welt (Hamburg), Die Welt am Sonntag (Hamburg), and the Evening Star (Washington, D.C.). She continued to write books, and in 1964, Overtime in Heaven: Adventures in the Foreign Service, which she co-authored with Peter Lisagor of the Chicago Daily News, was published. Vietnam consumed the final years of Higgins' life. Her last book, Our Vietnam Nightmare, was published in 1965.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

Spanning 1943 to 1986, the Marguerite Higgins Papers comprises correspondence, writings and memorabilia of the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and writer (1920-1966). The collection primarily covers the journalistic and writing career of Higgins, but also documents her pioneering role as a female war and political correspondent and to a lesser extent, the workings of two prominent newspapers of the time, the New York Herald Tribune and the Newsday syndicate.

Family Correspondence (Box 1), filed alphabetically, includes incoming and outgoing drafts and copies of letters to and from Higgins' parents during the time she met Stanley Moore, graduated from Columbia University, and began her employment with the Tribune. These letters illustrate Higgins' enthusiasm and thoughts about her first assignments.

The Correspondence-Subject Files (Boxes 2-19) include a combination of drafts and final copies of outgoing and incoming letters and telegrams, materials by or about correspondents, reports, publications, or newspaper clippings regarding a variety of topics.

Correspondence, sometimes extensive, covers her work at the Tribune and Newsday, current events, comments on book drafts, and social letters, such as wedding or publishing congratulatory notes, speaking invitations, or personal business. Subject files include countries such as Africa, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Greece, the Soviet Union and Vietnam, and topics such as protests at the University of California, Berkeley, the Buddhist riots in Vietnam, and the Vietnam War. Also included are "backgrounders," notes from conversations with the Clay Committee, President Johnson, Dean Rusk, Kennedy White House aide Fred Holborn, and Ted Kennedy.

Correspondents include newspaper, magazine, and book publishers, and other literary colleagues and personalities; U.S. and foreign presidents, aides and officials, senators and congressmen, ambassadors, diplomats, and military leaders; television and Hollywood personalities, producers, executives and advertising agents interested in portraying her life story or discussing Higgins' appearances on such programs as "At Random," "The Garry Moore Show," "Last Word," "Meet Betty Furness," "Meet the Press," "Milwaukee Presents," "Small World," or plans for Higgins' own syndicated show, "News Closeups"; organizations seeking Higgins as a speaker or honoring her; fan mail in response to television appearances, or articles, or columns; and Higgins' personal business associates including accountants, lawyers, real estate agents, doctors, secretarial or research services, and lecture bureaus. Following is a list of correspondents of particular interest in the various categories.

Newspaper editors, publishers, and colleagues: Chicago Daily News (Keyes Beech, Creed Black, Lawrence S. Fanning, Peter Lisagor); Chicago Sun-Times (Emmett Dedmon); Daily Reporter (Dover, OH) (Harry Yockey); Dallas Times Herald (Felix McNight); Evening Star (Washington, D.C.) (William I. Hill, Crosby Noyes, Newbold Noyes, Jeremiah O'Leary, Miriam Ottenberg, Marshall Peck, Charles Seib); Hearst Newspapers (Frank Coniff, Charles Gould, Willliam Hearst Jr.); New York Daily News (Michael O'Neill); Houston Post (Felton West, William J. Woestendick); El Mundo (P. Vargas Bardillo); New York Herald Tribune (Sylvan M. Barnet, Jim Bellows, Bob Cooke, George A. Cornish, Robert J. Donovan, Thomas B. Dorsey, L.L. Engelking, Joe Freed, Seymour Freidin, Joseph G. Herzberg, Eve D. Juster, Frank Kelley, Walter B. Kerr, Margaret Parton, Raymond K. Price Jr., Helen Reid, Ogden R. Reid, Whitlaw Reid, Hope Ridings Miller, Dwight D. Sargeant, Walter Thayer, Irita Van Doren, Richard Wald, Everett Walker, James E. Warner, Robert M. White, Don Whitehead, John Hay Whitney); New York Times (Arthur Krock, James Reston, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, C.L. Sulzberger); Newsday (Joseph Patterson Albright, Mark Etheridge, Bob Gillespie, Harry F. Guggenheim, Charles M. Hupp, Al Marlens, Robert E. Rhodes, Phil Sanborn, William J. Woestendick); Philadelphia Inquirer (Walter P. Annenberg), San Francisco Examiner (Ed Dooley, Charles Gould); Times-Picayune (George F. Healy); Washington Post (Benjamin C. Bradlee, Alfred Friendly, Katherine Graham, Philip Graham, James Russell Wiggins), Die Welt and Die Welt am Sonntag (Ernst J. Cramer, Günter Schlichting, Axel Springer).

Magazine editors and publishers: America; Armor Magazine (William G. Bell); Collier's (Cornelius Ryan); Commonweal (Philip Scharper); Human Events (Cy Peterman); Ladies Home Journal (Bruce Gould); Life Magazine (Emmet J. Hughes, Carl Mydans); Look Magazine (S.O. Shapiro); Mademoiselle; McCalls (Herbert R. Mayes, Otto Storch); National Review (Clare Booth Luce); Neue Illustrierte (Ewald Stuwe); Reader's Digest (William A.H. Birnie); Saturday Evening Post (Ralph Knight, Don McKinney, Martin Sommers); Saturday Review (Rochelle Girson, Raymond Walters Jr.); Time (Otto Fuerbringer, John Mecklin, Hugh Sidey); and U.S. News and World Report (David Lawrence).

Book publishers: Delacourte Press (Richard Gilston); Doubleday (Wolcott Gibbs Jr., Kenneth D. McCormick), Harper & Row (Cass Canfield, Stuart Harper, Marguerite Munson, Evan Thomas), and Houghton Mifflin (Sterling North).

Columnists, editors, reporters, and literary agents and figures: Joseph Alsop, Stewart Alsop, Margaret Bourke-White, George T. Bye, Jimmy Cannon, John Chamberlain, Roscoe Drummond, Norman and Ellen Cousins, Lucy Freeman, Harold Ober Associates, John Jakes, Paul Lendvai, Walter Lippmann, Clare Booth Luce, Father Patrick O'Connor, Bayard Herbert Swope, Dorothy Thompson, and Morris L. West.

U.S. Presidents, White House aides and personnel, and cabinet secretaries: McGeorge Bundy, William Bundy, Horace Busby, Frank Carlucci, Liz Carpenter, John Foster Dulles, Allen W. Dulles, Pres. Eisenhower, James C. Hagerty, Christian Herter, Roger Hilsman, Fred Holborn, Bob Jensen, Pres. Johnson, Pres. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln, Bill Moyers, George Reedy, Juanita Roberts, Walter Rostow, Carl T. Rowan, Dean Rusk, Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Bob Schulz, Harry F. Truman, Pamela Turnure, Jack Valenti, and W. Marvin Watson.

U.S. Ambassadors and diplomats: Chester Bowles, David Bruce, Jefferson Caffrey, James M. Gavin, Henry F. Grady, Donald R. Heath, William Leonhart, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., Robert D. Murphy, Frederick E. Nolting, and Jerauld Wright.

U.S. Military officials: Adm. Arleigh Burke, Gen. Lucius Clay, Gen. Alfred Gruenther, Gen. Victor H. Krulak, Maj. Gen. R. B. Landry, Gen. Edward G. Lansdale, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Lt. Gen. J. H. Michaelis, Lt. Gen. Joseph H. Moore, Gen. Lemuel C. Sheperd, Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, Gen. James A. Van Fleet, Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, and Gen. William C. Westmoreland.

U.S. Senators and Congressmen: Sen. Styles Bridges, Sen. Thomas Dodd, Congress. Gerald R. Ford, Sen. Barry Goldwater, Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Sen. Kenneth B. Keating, Congress. Melvin Laird, Sen. Mike Mansfield, Sen. Charles Mathias, Sen. Wayne Morris, Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, Sen. Hugh Scott, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, Sen. Stuart Symington, Sen. Robert A. Taft, Sen. Alexander Wiley, Congress, and Clement J. Zablocki.

International leaders, ambassadors, dignitaries and military officials: Ambassador Allah-Yar Saleh, Lt. Col. A.M. Amin, Ambassador Alex Beblar, Mayor Willy Brandt, Chiang Kai Shek, Madame Chang Kai Shek, King Constantine of Greece, Premier Alcide De Gasperi of Italy, Gen. Duong Ngo Lam, Gen. Muzzaffer Göksenin, Ambassador Mikhail Menshikov, Maj. Dang Sy, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Ambassador Tran Van Chuong, Nong Kimny, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlevi (Shah of Iran), Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, President Gamel Abdel Nasser, Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, Gen. Nguyen Khanh, Gen. Papathanasiades, Gen Pham Ngoc Thao, Santiago Polanco-Albreau, President Syngman Rhee, Prime Minister Norodom Sihanouk, Ambassador Tran Thiem Khiem, and Ambassador Mauclair Zephirim.

Television personalities and Hollywood producers/studios: Robert C. Bennett, Ned Calmer (CBS), Bob Considine, Wells Church (CBS), Walter Cronkite, Clifford Evans, Jinx Falkenberg, W.E. Flannery (Hollywood agent), Kurt Frings (Hollywood agent), Betty Furness, Viola Ilma, Jim Karayn, King Features Syndicate, Thomas Lowell, Kenneth MacKenna (actor), MCA, Garry Moore, Penny Morgan, NBC, Paramount Studios, Bill Perlberg, Lela B. Rogers (Ginger Rogers' mother and agent), Sprous Skouras, "Meet the Press" (Betty Cole, Martha Rountree, Lawrence Spivak), Twentieth-Century-Fox, Walter F. Wanger, and Lew Wasserman.

Advertising and promotional agents and firms: Paul F. Adler, Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc., Lennen & Newell, Inc., Maxon Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Ruder & Finn Incorporated, Ted Bates and Company, V.E. Friedman Associates, W. Colston Leigh, Inc., and William Esty Company.

Personal and business-related: Paul F. Adler (agent), Bienstock Associates, Inc. (accountant), Brown, Cross & Hamilton (lawyers), Gale, Bernays, Falk & Eisner (lawyers), Gimbel Brothers, Dr. Robert H. Glasgow, Harold Ober Associates, J. Leo Kolb Company (insurance/real estate), Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc., Migonis Secretarial Service, Diana Postel (secretary), Presbyterian Hospital (NYC), Round Hill Developments, Ltd. of Jamaica (real estate), Townley, Updike, Carter & Rodgers (lawyers), and Dr. Janet Travall.

Others: Malcolm Baldridge, Bernard M. Baruch, Leo Cherne, Tobé C. Davis, Henry Ford, Gimbel Brothers, Joseph H. Hirshhorn, R.W. Johnson, Edward Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Rose Kennedy, Edward R. Murrow, Walter P. Reuther, Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Lucie Biglow Rosen, Nettie Rosenstein, and Harold E. Stassen.

Higgins' Writings (Boxes 20-43) are categorized as books, articles (journal and newspaper), diary, notebooks, notes, and reviews. Included are drafts, galley proofs, and typescripts of books and journal articles, and drafts, copy, dispatches, galley proofs, clippings, by-line files and press releases for newspaper articles. A diary and notebooks used while on assignment or developing content for her books are also included as are notes from interviews with Sen. Humphrey, Jackie Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, a trip with Gen. Westmoreland, and an unidentified interview about the death of President Diem. Materials from interviews (notes, drafts or clippings) with W. German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Earl Browder, Gen. Chikov, Gen. Mark W. Clark, Angier Biddle Duke, Antoine Gizenga, William S.B. Lacy, Jean Letourneau, Gen. MacArthur, Mohammed Mossadegh, the King of Siam, Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame Ngo Ding Nhu, Shah of Iran, and Syngman Rhee are also included here.

Memorabilia (Boxes 44-58) encompass awards and certificates, biographical material, publicity, promotional advertising, reviews of Higgins' books, financial and legal material, photographs, scrapbooks and miscellanea.

Awards and certificates (Boxes 44, 47-50) includes Higgins' Pulitzer Prize certificate for distinguished reporting of international affairs in 1951, along with several other certificates and plaques.

Biographical material (Box 44) includes newspaper and journal articles and editorials (clippings) about Higgins' life and career, written by her or others, particularly during her coverage of the Korean War.

Publicity (Box 44) includes printed material (articles, press releases, posters, and advertising) from the New York Herald Tribune, Newsday, Die Welt and book publishers about Higgins' columns, newspaper series, and books.

Promotional advertising (Box 44) includes an ad for Camel cigarettes.

Reviews include essays about Higgins' books by others.

Financial and legal (Box 45) material includes newspaper and publisher contracts, employment records for Higgins' employees, and expense accounts at the New York Herald Tribune. Records document expenses for lunches and receptions with diplomats, ambassadors, White House officials and Cabinet chiefs such as Robert F. Kennedy, Chester Bowles and a reception for Khrushchev; travel for various assignments to the Congo, Hong Kong, Formosa, Vietnam, Cambodia, Europe, Asia, India, and travel in the U.S. including a trip to Hyannisport, Massachusetts to interview Joseph P. Kennedy and Washington, D.C. for background material and interviews with Eisenhower, Franco, Marshall, Truman, Pace and Griffis; and an interview with Bernard M. Baruch on a French ship. Also included are identification cards and travel documents as well as tax forms, leases, and personal financial material. Items include pay stubs, invoices, bills and receipts, expenses for a party, canceled checks, bank deposit slips, investment statements, office and salary expenses for personnel statements from Higgins' accountant, and appearance statements from the Keedick Lecture Bureau.

Photographs (Boxes 46 and 47) include an assortment of personal and family snapshots, professional portraits, and her appearances at lectures and social events. The bulk of the photographs document her trips to Cambodia, Korea, Egypt, the Soviet Union, and Vietnam. Many from Korea were taken by Life photographer Carl Mydans and used in her book, War in Korea. Several from the Soviet Union are used in her book Red Plush and Black Bread. Also included is a collection of photographs taken during the student protests and rallies at the University of California, Berkeley, during 1964 and 1965. Among others identified in the photographs are such notables as Ron Anastasi, Mark Comfort, Hal Draper, Sandor Fuchs, David Goines, Art Goldberg, Conn Hallinan, Mike Klein, Larry Loughlin, Jim Petras, Martin Roysher, Jerry Rubin, Mario Savio, Professor Steve Smale, Beth Stapleton, Robert Treuhaft, and Burton White. There are a few photographs of noted individuals such as Bernard M. Baruch (signed, with Higgins), Gen. Lucius D. Clay (signed), Gen. Willis D. Crittenberger (with Higgins), Ladybird Johnson (with Higgins and others), President Johnson (signed, with Higgins), Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh, Dean Rusk (with Higgins), and Lt. Gen. Walton Walker.

Scrapbooks (Box 51-58) contain newspaper clippings of articles by Higgins and others from 1944 to1965.

Miscellanea (Box 45) includes invitation lists for a "Welcome to Washington Party" for Sen. Edmundson, a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Rowan, and a paper target from Higgins' first lesson in marksmanship as witnessed (and signed) by Lt. Gen. Hall.

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Arrangement of the Collection

Correspondence-subject files, both Family and other, are arranged alphabetically by correspondent. Writings are arranged alphabetically by type and within each type alphabetically by title.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

Special Collections Research Center has made a concerted effort over the years to ensure that its manuscript and rare books holdings complement each other. As a result, many of our manuscript collections are supported by books, pamphlets, serials and other items which are cataloged in the Rare Books Collection. Please be sure to search Libraries Search for these related materials.

Of particular interest are Women war correspondents in the Vietnam War, 1961-1975 by Virginia Elwood-Akers (Spec Coll., Call No. DS557.7.E49 1988) and William V. Kennedy's Press Coverage of the Vietnam War: the third view, draft report of the Study Group (Spec Coll., Call No. DS557.8.T4 1979x).

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Subject Headings


Higgins, Marguerite -- Archives.


Journalists -- United States.
Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Journalists.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Journalists.
War correspondents -- United States.
Women authors, American.
Women journalists -- United States.

Genres and Forms

Clippings (information artifacts)
Manuscripts for publication.
Notes (documents)
Press releases.



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Marguerite Higgins Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Lieutenant General William E. Hall (husband)

Finding Aid Information

Created by: DO
Date: 30 Mar 2004
Revision history: Jun 2004 - unspecified revisions (-); Mar 2005 - unspecified revisions (-); 9 Sep 2005 - converted to EAD (MRR); 7 May 2009 - minor corrections (MRC); 17 Nov 2020 - Wayne Morse name corrected (MRC)

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Family correspondence-subject files
Box 1 Hall, Linda Marguerite (daughter)
Box 1 Hall, Linscott A. (brother-in-law)
Box 1 Hall, Sharon Lee (daughter)
Box 1 Hall, William E. (husband)
Box 1 Higgins, Lawrence D. and Marguerite de Godard (parents)
Correspondence-subject files
Box 1 A (2 folders)
Box 1 Adams, Scarritt (Captain)
Box 1 Adamson, Lee J.
Box 1 Adler, Paul F. (MH's radio/television agent)
Box 1 Africa
Box 1 Agriculture
Albright, Joseph Patterson
See Newsday
Box 1 Allah-Yar Saleh (Ambassador)
Box 1 Allied Artists
Box 1 Alsop, Joseph (2 folders)
Box 1 Alsop, Stewart (2 folders)
Box 1 America Magazine
Box 1 American Airlines
See also Lennen & Newell, Inc. (advertising firm)
Box 1 American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism, Inc.
Box 1 American South
Box 1 Amin, A. M. (Lt. Col.)
Amrehn, Franz
See Ernst Reuter Society
Anderson, Floyd
See National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
Anderson, Robert B. (Secr.)
See U.S. Department of the Treasury
Annenberg, Walter H.
See Philadelphia Inquirer
Box 1 Arlington House Publishers
Box 1 Armor Magazine
Box 1 Arnold, Bee (Mrs. Henry "Hap")
Box 1 Arnstein, Helen M.
See also complete cross-references at Levin, Carl
Box 1 "At Random" (WBBM)
Box 1 Austrian Embassy (U.S.)
Box 1 B
Baer, Harry W.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 1 Baldridge, Malcolm
Bardillo, P. Vargas
See El Mundo
Barnet, Sylvan M. Jr.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 1 Baruch, Bernard M.
See also Navarro, Miss
Bates, Ted
See Ted Bates and Company (advertising firm)
Box 1 Beauvoir School (Washington, D.C.)
Beblar, Alex (Ambassador)
See Yugoslavia (U.N. Delegation from)
Box 1 Beech, Keyes (2 folders)
Bell, William G.
See Armor Magazine
Bellows, Jim
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 1 Bennett, Robert C. (producer)
Box 1 Benson, Ezra T. (Secr. Ag)
Box 1 Bienstock Associates, Inc. (MH's accountant/lawyer)
Billings, K. LeMoyne
See Lennen & Newell, Inc. (advertising firm)
Birnie, William A. H.
See Reader's Digest
Black, Creed
See Chicago Daily News
Box 1 Boston Public Library
Box 1 Boston University
Box 1 Bourke-White, Margaret
Box 1 Bowles, Chester (Ambassador)
Box 1 Boyd, Hugh
Bradbury, Walter I.
See Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Box 1 Bradlee, Benjamin C.
See also Washington Post
Box 1 Brandt, Willy (Mayor)
See also Ernst Reuter Society
Box 1 Brazil
Box 1 Bridges, Styles (Senator)
Box 1 British Guiana
Box 1 Brown, Cross & Hamilton
See also complete list of cross-references at W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Bruce, David (Ambassador)
See U.S. Embassy (Great Britain)
Box 1 Buddhism
See also Vietnam: Buddhists
Box 1 Buddhist-Catholic Riots
See also Vietnam: Buddhists
Box 1 Bundy, McGeorge
See also White House, Johnson Administration
Bundy, William
See U.S. Department of State
Box 1 Burke, Arleigh (Admiral)
Busby, Horace
See White House, Johnson Administration
Box 1 Bye, George T. (literary agent)
Box 2 C (3 folders)
Caffrey, Jefferson (Ambassador)
See U.S. Embassy (Egypt)
Calmer, Ned
Box 2 Cambodia
Box 2 Cambodian Embassy (India)
Box 2 Canada
Canfield, Cass
See Harper & Row Publishers
Box 2 Cannon, Jimmy
Box 2 Captive Nations
Box 2 Carey, David
See also Moral Re-armament Center
Box 2 Carlucci, Frank
Box 2 Carpenter, Liz
See also White House, Johnson Administration; Ladybird Johnson
Carroll, Luke P.
See New York Herald Tribune
Castro, Fidel
See Cuba
Cavin, Patty
See Women's National Press Club (Washington, D.C.)
Box 2 CBS
See also:
"At Random" (WBBM)
Curtis Circulation Co.
"Garry Moore Show" (CBS)
"Last Word" (CBS)
"Milwaukee Reports" (WXIX)
"News Closeups" (KPIX)
"Small World" (CBS)
Television and radio appearances fan mail
"Views of the Press" (WCBS)
Box 2 Chamberlain, John
Box 2 Chase National Bank (New York)
Box 2 Cherne, Leo
Box 2 Chiang Kai-shek
Box 2 Chiang Kai-shek, Madame
Box 2 Chicago Daily News
See also Beech, Keyes; Lisagor, Peter
Box 2 Chicago Sun-Times
Box 2 China (3 folders)
Christian Science Monitor
See Drummond, Roscoe
Box 2 The Christophers
Church, Wells
Box 2 Churchill, Sir Winston
See Thomas, Lowell
Box 2 Citizens for Freedom, Inc. (New York)
Box 2 Citron, Robert R. (Dr.)
Box 2 Clark, Mark W. (General)
Clark, Peter B.
See Evening News Association (Detroit)
Box 2 Clay, Lucius D. (General)
Box 2 Clay, Lucius D. (General) - Clay Committee Backgrounder
Clemens, Cyril
See International Mark Twain Society
Box 2 Close, Dr. Willliam T. (and "Glennie")
Box 2 Coffey, Raymond R.
Box 2 Cohn, Roy M.
Box 2 Cold War and Communism
Cole, Betty (producer)
See "Meet the Press" (NBC)
Collier, Barnard L.Series
See Clippings - Barnard L. Collier under Dominican Republic
Box 2 Collier's
Box 2 Columbia University School of Journalism
Box 2 Commonweal
Box 2 Compact
Box 2 Congo
Coniff, Frank
See Hearst Newspapers; New York Journal American
Box 2 Considine, Bob
Box 2 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.
Constantine, King
See Greece
Cooke, Bob
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 2 Copley Press, Inc.
Corning Glass International
See Murphy, Robert D. (Ambassador/executive)
Box 2 Corinthian Broadcasting Corporation (New York)
Cornish, George A.
See New York Herald Tribune
Coronet Magazine
See Curtis Circulation Company
Box 2 Cosmopolitan
Box 2 Council of the Revolution Command (Egypt)
See also Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Box 2 Cousins, Norman and Ellen
See also Saturday Review
Box 2 Cowles Magazines & Broadcasting, Inc.
See also Look Magazine
Cramer, Ernst J.
See Die Welt
Box 2 Crime
Box 2 Critchfield, Richard
Box 2 Cronkite, Walter
Box 3 Cuba (4 folders)
Box 3 Curtis Circulation Company
See also Ladies Home Journal; Saturday Evening Post
Box 3 Cyprus
Box 3 D
Daily Home News (New Brunswick, NJ)
See Boyd, Hugh
Box 3 Daily Reporter (Dover, OH)
Box 3 Dallas Times Herald
Box 3 Dang Duc Khoi
Box 3 Dang Sy (Maj.)
See also O'Connor, Patrick (Fr.)
Dang Van Chau (Captain)
See Vietnamese Embassy (U.S.)
Daniel, Clifton
See New York Times
Box 3 Danish Embassy (U.S.)
Davis, Lee
See New York Herald Tribune
Davis, Tobé C.
See Fashion Division Federation (New York)
Dedmon, Emmett
See Chicago Sun-Times
See National Defense and Security
Box 3 De Gasperi, Alcide (Premier)
Deich, Werner
See Heine, Dr.
Box 3 Delacorte Press
Denson, John L.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 3 Dewey, Thomas E. (Governor)
Box 3 Diplomat
Box 3 Dodd, Thomas (Senator) (2 folders)
Box 3 Dominican Republic (6 folders)
Donovan, Robert J.
See New York Herald Tribune
Dooley, Ed
See San Francisco Examiner
Dorsey, Thomas B.
See New York Herald Tribune
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Box 4 General
See also Lisagor, Peter
Box 4 Overtime in Heaven - Fan Mail
Box 4 War in Korea - Fan Mail
Box 4 Doubleday Book Shops
Box 4 Douglas, William O. (Supreme Court Justice)
Douglas-Hamilton, Malcolm (Lord and Lady)
See Citizens for Freedom, Inc.
Box 4 Drake America Corporation (New York)
Box 4 Drummond, Roscoe
See also Corinthian Broadcasting Corporation
Box 4 Dudman, Richard
Box 4 Duke, Angier Biddle
Dulles, Allen W.
See U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Box 4 Dulles, John Foster (Secr.)
See also U.S. Department of State
Dungan, Ralph A.
See White House, Johnson Administration
Box 4 Duong Ngoc Lam (General)
Box 4 E
Box 4 East Asia
Box 4 Editions d'Art Lucien Mazenod
Box 4 Egypt (2 folders)
Box 4 Eisenhower, Dwight D.
See also White House: Eisenhower Administration
Box 4 Engelking, L.L.
See also New York Herald Tribune
Box 4 Ernst Reuter Society
See also Brandt, Willy
Esty, William
See William Esty Company (advertising firm)
Etheridge, Mark
See Newsday
Box 4 Eunson, Bob
Box 4 Europe
Box 4 European Economic Community
Evans, Clifford (television moderator/producer)
See "Ladies of the Press" (WOR-TV)
Box 4 Evening News Association (Detroit)
Box 4 Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Box 4 F
Box 4 Falkenburg, Jinx (radio/television personality)
Box 4 Family Circle
Fanning, Lawrence S.
See Chicago Daily News
Box 4 Fashion Division Federation (New York)
Box 4 Flannery, W.E. (Hollywood agent)
Box 4 Ford, Gerald R. (Congressman)
Box 4 Ford, Henry
Box 4 Ford Motor Company
Foreign Policy
See International Relations
Box 4 Forrest & Lynch (attorneys)
Box 4 France (2 folders)
Box 5 Free Cuba Patriotic Movement
Freed, Joe
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 5 Freedom Academy (concept of)
Box 5 Freeman, Lucy (author)
Freidin, Seymour
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 5 French Embassy (U.S.) (2 folders)
Box 5 French Ministry of Affairs
Box 5 Friedman, Abraham
See also complete cross-references at W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Friedman, V. E.
See V.E. Friedman and Associates
Friendly, Alfred
See Washington Post
Box 5 Frings, Kurt (Hollywood agent)
Box 5 "From the People" (RPI)
Fuerbringer, Otto
See Time Magazine Inc.
Furness, Betty
See "Meet Betty Furness" (NBC)
Box 5 G
Box 5 Gale, Bernays, Falk & Eisner
See also complete cross-references at W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Box 5 "Garry Moore Show" (CBS)
Gavin, James M. (Ambassador)
See U.S. Embassy (France)
Box 5 General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander for Allied Powers (GHQ/SCAP)
Box 5 German Embassy (U.S.)
Box 5 Germany (3 folders)
Box 5 Ghanian Embassy (U.S.)
Gibbs, Wolcott Jr.
See Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Gigantes, Gerassimos
See Greece
Gillespie, Bob
See Newsday
Gilston, Richard
See Delacorte Press
Box 5 Gimbel Brothers
Girson, Rochelle
See Saturday Review
Box 5 Glasgow, R. E. (Capt.)
Box 5 Glasgow, Robert H. (Dr.)
See also complete cross-references at W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Box 5 Göksenin, Muzaffer (General)
Box 5 Goldwater, Barry (Senator)
Gould, Bruce
See Ladies Home Journal
Gould, Charles
See San Francisco Examiner; Hearst Newspapers
Box 5 Grady, Henry F. (Ambassador)
Graham, Katherine
See Washington Post
Graham, Philip
See Washington Post
Box 5 Great Britain
See also British Guiana; U.S. Embassy (Great Britain)
Box 5 Greece
Box 5 Greene, Wallace M. Jr. (General)
Greenfield, Jim
See U.S. Department of State
Box 5 Grogan, Stanley (Col.)
Box 5 Grolier Society, Inc.
Grubbs, John E.
See John E. Grubbs Company (management company)
Box 5 Gruber, Karl (Dr.)
Gruenther, Alfred (General)
See Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers of Europe (SHAPE)
Guggenheim, Harry F.
See Newsday
Box 5 H
Hagerty, James C.
See White House: Eisenhower Administration
Haitian Embassy (U.S.)
See Zephirin, Mauclair
Hamilton, Natalie Wales
See Citizens for Freedom, Inc. (New York)
Box 5 Hanoi Radio
Box 5 Harkins, Paul D. (General)
Box 5 Harold Ober Associates (MHs literary agent)
Box 5 Harold R. Peat Incorporated (management firm)
Harper & Row Publishers
Box 6 Correspondence 1951, 1961-1965, undated (5 folders)
Box 6 Correspondence, Our Vietnam Nightmare - fan mail
Harris, Stuart
See Harper & Row Publishers
Box 6 Haywood, O.G.
Healy, George F.
See Times Picayune (New Orleans)
Box 6 Hearst Newspapers
See also New York Journal American
Hearst, William Jr.
See Hearst Newspapers
Box 6 Heath, Donald R. (Ambassador)
Box 6 Heine, Dr.
Herter, Christian
See U.S. Department of State
Herzberg, Joseph G.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 6 Hickenlooper, Bourke B. (Senator)
Hill, I. William
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Box 6 Hilsman, Roger
Box 6 Hirschhorn, Joseph H.
Box 6 Hoffman, Carl W. (Lt. Col.)
Holborn, Fred
See White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 6 Holcomb, Luther
Box 6 Honey, P.J.
Box 6 Hoover, Herbert
Box 6 Houghton Mifflin Co.
See also North Star Books (Houghton Mifflin Company)
Box 6 Houston Post
Box 6 Howley, Frank L. (Brig. Gen.)
Hughes, Emmet J.
See Life Magazine
Box 6 Human Events
Box 6 Human Rights
Humphrey, George M.
See U.S. Department of the Treasury
Box 6 Humphrey, Hubert H. (Senator)
See also White House: Johnson Administration
Box 6 Hungary
Hupp, Charles M.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 6 I
Box 6 Ilma, Viola
Box 6 Indonesia (Republic of)
Box 6 Instructor
Box 6 International Mark Twain Society
Box 6 International Platform Association
Box 6 International Relations
Ismay, Lord
Box 6 Italian Embassy (U.S.)
Box 6 J
Box 6 J. Leo Kolb Company (MH's insurance and real estate agency)
Jackson, C.D.
See White House: Eisenhower Administration
Box 6 Jackson, Henry M. (Senator)
Box 6 Jackson, William H. S
See also White House: Eisenhower Administration
Box 6 Jakes, John
Box 6 Japan
Jensen, Bob
See White House: Johnson Administration
Box 6 John E. Grubbs & Company (management company)
Johnson, Ladybird
See White House: Johnson Administration
Johnson, Lyndon B.
See White House: Johnson Administration
Box 6 Johnson, R. W. (Johnson & Johnson)
Jones, Howard P.
See U.S. Embassy (Taiwan); U.S. Embassy (Indonesia)
Jones, Robert Letts
See Copley Press, Inc.
Box 6 Jones, W. Alton
Box 6 Judd, Walter H. (Senator)
Juhn, Kurt
See Neue Illustrierte (New Illustrated)
Juster, Eve. D.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 6 K
Box 6 Kahn's Department Store (Oakland, CA)
Karayn, Jim (producer)
See National Educational Television and Radio Center (NET)
Box 6 Keating, Kenneth B. (Senator)
Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc.
See also Lecture and speech material
Box 7 Itineraries
Box 7 Publicity
Box 7 Reviews
Keller, James (Fr.)
See The Christophers
Kelley, Frank
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 7 Kennedy, Edward
Box 7 Kennedy, Ethel (Mrs. Robert F.)
Box 7 Kennedy, Jackie
See also White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 7 Kennedy, John F.
See also White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 7 Kennedy, Robert F.
Box 7 Kennedy, Rose
See also White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 7 Kent, Joanne (MH's secretary)
Kerr, Walter B.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 7 King Features Syndicate
See also Rogers, Lela B. (Ginger Rogers' mother/agent)
Knight, Ralph
See Saturday Evening Post
Box 7 Knowland, William F. (Senator)
Kolb, J. Leo
See J. Leo Kolb Company
Box 7 Korea - POWs
Box 7 Korean Embassy (U.S.)
Box 7 Korean War
KPIX (San Francisco)
See "News Closeups" (KPIX)
Box 7 Krock, Arthur
See also New York Times
Box 7 Krulak, Victor H. (General)
Box 7 L
Box 7 Ladies' Home Journal
Box 7 "Ladies of the Press" (WOR-TV)
Box 7 Laird, Melvin R. (Congressman)
Box 7 Lamborn, Robert See Left Wing Politics
Box 7 Land, Frank S.
Box 7 Landry, R.B. (Major General)
Box 7 Lansdale, Edward G. (General)
Box 7 Lasky, Melvin J.
Box 7 "Last Word" (CBS)
Box 7 Latin America (3 folders)
Lawrence, David
See U.S. News & World Report
Box 7 Lectures and Speech Materials
See also Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc.
Box 8 Left Wing Politics
See also Tocsin; University of California, Berkeley
Box 8 Legation of Switzerland (U.S.)
Leigh, W. Colston
See W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
Box 8 Lendvai, Paul (journalist/author)
Box 8 Lennen & Newell, Inc. (advertising firm)
Leonhart, William (Ambassador)
See U.S. Embassy (Tanzania)
Lequerica, Jose F. de
See Spanish Embassy (U.S.)
Box 8 Levin, Carl
See also:
Arnstein, Helen M. (Mrs. Joseph)
Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
El Mundo
Munroe, Pat
Newsday correspondence between Feb.-Apr. 1965
Polanco-Albreu, Santiago
Spencer, George
Townley, Updike, Carter & Rodgers
Box 8 Life
See also Mydans, Carl
Limpus, Lowell M.
See New York Daily News
Lincoln, Evelyn
See White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 8 Lippmann, Walter
Box 8 Lipscomb, Glenard P. (Congressman)
Box 8 Lisagor, Peter
See also Chicago Daily News; Doubleday & Company, Inc.; Pulitzer Prize; Saturday Evening Post
Box 8 Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr. (Ambassador)
See also U.S. Mission to the United Nations
Box 8 Look
See also Cowles Magazine & Broadcasting, Inc.
Box 8 Lucas, Jim
Box 8 Luce, Clare Booth
See also National Review
Box 8 M
Box 8 MacArthur, Douglas (General)
Box 8 MacArthur, Jean (Mrs. Douglas)
Box 8 MacDuffie, Marshall
Box 8 MacKenna, Kenneth (actor)
Box 8 Mademoiselle
Box 8 Manning Public Relations Firm (New York)
Box 8 Mansfield, Mike (Senator)
Marlens, Al
See Newsday
Box 8 Mathias, Charles McC. Jr. (Senator)
Box 8 Maury, Jack
Box 8 Maxon, Inc. (advertising firm, New York)
Mayes, Herbert R.
See McCalls
Box 8 Malaysia
Box 8 Mayor, Joe
See also O'Connor, Patrick (Father)
Box 8 MCA
See also Musicor (record company); Paramount Studios
Box 8 McCabe, Ralph (Scott Paper Co.)
McCaffrey, Neil
See Arlington House Publishers
Box 8 McCalls
McCormick, Kenneth D.
See Doubleday & Company, Inc.
McKinney, Don
See Saturday Evening Post
McKnight, Felix
See Dallas Times Herald
Box 8 McManus, Robert C.
Box 8 McManus, Robert L.
Box 8 McNamara, Francis J.
Mecklin, John
See Time Magazine Inc.
Box 8 "Meet Betty Furness" (NBC)
Box 8 "Meet the Press" (NBC) (2 folders)
Menshikov, Mikhail (Ambassador)
See Soviet Embassy (U.S.)
Box 8 Metropolitan Broadcasting Corporation (MBC)
See also "Opinion in the Capital" (MBC)
Box 8 Michaelis, J. H. (Lt. General)
Box 8 Migonis Secretarial Service (employed by MH)
Box 8 Miller, Hope Ridings
See also Diplomat; New York Herald Tribune
Box 8 "Milwaukee Reports" (WXIX)
Box 8 Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlevi (Shah of Iran)
Box 8 Montgomery, Ruth
Moore, Garry (talk show host)
See "Garry Moore Show" (CBS)
Box 8 Moore, Joseph H. (Lt. General)
Box 8 Moral Re-armament Center (note "Glennie Close") (Michigan)
Morgan, Penny
Box 8 Morse, Wayne (Senator)
Box 8 Mossadegh, Gollem (Dr.)
Box 8 Mossadegh, Mohammed (Prime Minister)
Moyers, Bill
See White House: Johnson Administration
Box 8 El Mundo
Box 8 Munroe, Pat
See also complete cross-references at Levin, Carl
Munson, Marguerite
See Harper & Row Publishers
Box 8 Murphy, Robert D. (Ambassador/executive)
Box 8 Murrow, Edward R.
Box 8 Musicor (record company, later MCA)
Box 8 Mydans, Carl (photographer)
Box 9 N
Box 9 NASA
See also U.S. Space Program; Soviet Union
Box 9 Nasser, Gamel Abdel (President)
Box 9 National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
See also Dang Sy (Maj.); O'Connor, Patrick (Fr.)
Box 9 National Defense and Security (2 folders)
See also Nuclear Weapons; U.S. Congress: National Defense and Security
Box 9 National Education Association (Washington, D.C.)
Box 9 National Educational Television and Radio Center (NET)
Box 9 National Review
See also Luce, Clare Booth
Box 9 NATO (2 folders)
Box 9 Navarro, Miss
See also Baruch, Bernard M.
Box 9 NBC
See also:
John E. Grubbs & Company, Inc.
"Meet Betty Furness" (NBC)
"Meet the Press" (NBC)
"News Closeups" (KPIX)
"Today" (NBC)
"Youth Wants to Know" (NBC)
Box 9 Netherlands Embassy (U.S.)
Box 9 Neue Illustrierte (New Illustrated)
Box 9 Newman, Joe
Box 9 New York Daily News
New York Herald Tribune
Box 9 Correspondence 1943, 1950-1965, undated (4 folders)
Box 9 Fan mail 1950-1964, undated (3 folders)
Box 9 New York Journal American
See also Hearst Newspapers
Box 9 New York Times
Box 9 New York World's Fair (1964-1965) Corp.
Box 9 "News Closeups" (KPIX)
Box 10 Correspondence 1963
Box 10 Correspondence 1964 (4 folders)
Box 10 Correspondence 1965 (4 folders)
Box 10 Correspondence, undated
Box 10 Fan Mail 1963
Box 10 Fan Mail 1964 (2 folders)
Box 10 Fan Mail 1965 (2 folders)
Box 10 Fan Mail, undated
Box 10 Newsweek
Box 10 Ngo Dinh Nhu
Box 10 Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame (2 folders)
See also Tran Van Chuong (Ambassador); Tran Van Chuong, Madame
Box 11 Nguyen Cao Ky (Premier)
Box 11 Nguyen Dinh Thuan
Box 11 Nguyen Huu Long
Box 11 Nguyen Khac Tan
Box 11 Nguyen Khanh (General)
Box 11 Nguyen Van Huan
Box 11 Nguyen ? Thi (Col.)
Box 11 Nicolai, Leon
Box 11 Nixon, Richard M.
Box 11 Nolting, Frederick E. Jr. (Ambassador)
Nong Kimny (Ambassador)
See Cambodian Embassy (India)
Box 11 North Star Books (Houghton Mifflin Company)
North, Sterling
See North Star Books (Houghton Mifflin Company)
Box 11 Norway
Box 11 Norwegian Embassy (U.S.)
Noyes, Crosby
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Box 11 Noyes, Crosby S.
Noyes, Newbold (Newby)
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Box 11 Nuclear Weapons
See also National Defense and Security; Soviet Union
Box 11 O
Ober, Harold
See Harold Ober Associates (MH's literary agent)
Box 11 O'Connor, Patrick (Fr.) (2 folders)
See also:
Buddhist-Catholic Riots
Dang Sy (Maj.)
Mayor, Joe
National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
Reed, John
O'Leary, Jeremiah
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
O'Neill, Michael
See Mayor, Joe; New York Daily News
Box 11 "Opinion in the Capital" (MBC)
Ottenberg, Miriam
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), Women's National Press Club
Box 11 Overseas Press Club of America
Box 11 P
Box 11 Panama
Papathanasiades (General)
See Greece
Box 11 Paramount Studios
See also MCA
Parton, Margaret
See New York Herald Tribune
Peat, Harold R.
See Harold R. Peat Incorporated (management firm)
Peck, Marshall
See Newsday
Perfect Home (magazine)
See STAMATS Publishing Company
Perlberg, Bill (producer)
See MCA; Paramount Studios
Peterman, Cy
See Human Events
Box 11 Pham Ngoc Thao (General)
Box 11 Philadelphia Inquirer
Box 11 Pittsburgh Press
Box 11 Polanco-Albreau, Santiago
Box 11 Poland
Box 11 Portugal
Box 11 Postel, Diana D. (MH's secretary)
Box 11 Presbyterian Hospital (NYC)
Price, Raymond K. Jr.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 11 Puerto Rico
Box 11 Pulitzer Prize
Box 11 R
Radio Press International (RPI)
See "From the People" (RPI)
Box 11 Reader's Digest
See also Lennen & Newell, Inc. (advertising firm)
Box 11 Reap, Joe
Box 11 Reed, John
Reedy, George
See White House: Johnson Administration
Reid, Helen
See New York Herald Tribune
Reid, Ogden R.
See New York Herald Tribune
Reid, Whitlaw (Whitie)
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 11 Report (magazine)
Reston, James
See New York Times
Box 11 Reuther, Walter P.
Box 11 Rhee, Syngman (President)
Rhodes, Robert E.
See Newsday
Box 11 Ridgeway, Matthew B. (General)
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.
See William Esty Company
Roberts, Juanita
See White House: Johnson Administration; White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 11 Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Governor)
Rogers, Ginger
See Rogers, Lela B.
Box 11 Rogers, Lela B. (Ginger Rogers' mother/agent)
See also King Features Syndicate
Box 11 Rosen, Lucie Bigelow
Rosenstein, Nettie (jewelry designer)
See Fashion Division Federation (New York)
Rostow, Walter
See White House: Johnson Administration
Box 11 Round Hill Developments, Ltd. (Jamaica) (2 folders)
Rountree, Martha (talk show host)
See "Meet the Press" (NBC)
Rowan, Carl T.
See U.S. Information Agency
Box 11 Ruder & Finn Incorporated (public relations)
Rusk, Dean (Secr.)
See U.S. Department of State
See Soviet Union
Ryan, Cornelius
See Collier's
Box 12 S
Box 12 Saga (magazine)
Box 12 Saltonstall, Leverett (Senator)
Box 12 San Francisco Examiner
Sandborn, Phil
See Newsday
Sargeant, Dwight D.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 12 Saturday Evening Post
Box 12 Saturday Review
Scharper, Philip
See Commonweal
Box 12 Scherbatov, Adelaide (Princess)
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr.
See White House: Kennedy Administration
Schlichting, Günter
See Die Welt am Sonntag
Schulz, Bob
See White House: Eisenhower Administration
Box 12 Scott, Hugh (Senator)
Scott Paper, Inc.
See McCabe, Ralph (Scott Paper, Inc.)
Seib, Charles
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Shapiro, S. O.
See Look Magazine
Box 12 Shepherd, Lemuel C. Jr. (General)
Box 12 Shriver, Robert Sargent Jr.
Sidey, Hugh
See Time Magazine Inc.
Box 12 Sign (magazine)
Box 12 Sihanouk, Norodom (Prime Minister)
Skouras, Sprous (studio executive)
See Twentieth-Century-Fox
Box 12 "Small World" (CBS)
Box 12 Smith, Margaret Chase (Senator)
Sommers, Martin
See Saturday Evening Post
Box 12 Southeast Asia
Box 12 Soviet Embassy (U.S.)
Box 12 Soviet Union (5 folders)
Box 13 Spanish Embassy (U.S.)
Box 13 Spartansburg Herald
Box 13 Spencer, George
See also complete cross-references at Levin, Carl
Spivak, Lawrence (talk show host)
See "Meet the Press" (NBC)
Springer, Axel
See Die Welt
Box 13 STAMATS Publishing Company
Box 13 Stassen, Harold E.
Box 13 State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Sterling, Dr. Carlos Marquez
See Free Cuba Patriotic Movement
Box 13 Stoneman, William H.
Storch, Otto
See McCalls
Struwe, Ewald
See Neue Illustrierte (New Illustrated)
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays
See New York Times
Sulzberger, C. L.
See New York Times
Box 13 Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers of Europe (SHAPE)
See Legation of Switzerland (U.S.)
Box 13 Swope, Herbert Bayard
Box 13 Symington, Stuart (Senator)
Box 13 Syracuse University
Box 13 T
Box 13 Taft, Robert A. (Senator)
See Tanzania (United Republic of)
Box 13 Taiwan
Box 13 Tanzania (United Republic of)
See also U.S. Embassy (Tanzania)
Box 13 Taylor, Maxwell D. (General)
Box 13 Ted Bates and Company
Box 13 Television and radio appearances fan mail
See also name of network; name of show
Box 13 Thailand
Box 13 Thayer, Mary V.R. (Mrs. Sigourney)
Thayer, Walter
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 13 Thich Duc Nhiep (Rev.)
Box 13 Thich Tri Quang
See also:
Buddhist-Catholic Riots
Mayor, Joe
National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
O'Connor, Patrick (Fr.)
Reed, John
Vietnam - Buddhists
Box 13 This Week (magazine)
See also "Youth Want to Know" (NBC)
Thomas, Evan
See Harper & Row Publishers
Box 13 Thomas, Lowell ("Cinerama")
See also International Platform Association
Box 13 Thompson, Dorothy
Box 13 Thuan (Msgr.)
Box 13 Time
Box 13 Time Magazine, Inc.
Box 13 Times Picayune (New Orleans)
See Fashion Division Federation (New York)
Box 13 Tocsin
See also Left Wing Politics; University of California, Berkeley
Box 13 "Today" (NBC)
Box 13 Townley, Updike, Carter and Rodgers (attorneys)
See also complete cross-references at Levin, Carl
Tran Thien Khiem (Ambassador)
See Vietnamese Embassy (U.S.)
Box 13 Tran Van Chuong (Ambassador)
See also Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame
Box 13 Tran Van Chuong, Madame
See also Ngo Dinh Nhu, Madame
Box 13 Tran Van Huong (Prime Minister)
Box 13 Trans World Airlines (TWA)
Box 13 Travall, Janet (Dr.) (MH's doctor)
Truman, Harry S.
See White House: Truman Administration
Box 13 Turagay, Seyfi
Box 13 Turkish Information Office
Turnure, Pamela
See White House: Kennedy Administration
Box 13 Twentieth-Century-Fox
Box 13 U
Box 13 United Nations
See also U.S. Mission to the United Nations
Box 13 University of California, Berkeley
See also Left Wing Politics; Tocsin
Box 14 U.S. Air Force
See also under name of person
Box 14 U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Box 14 U.S. Congress
See also under names of specific congressmen
Box 14 U.S. Congress - National Defense and Security
Box 14 U.S. Consulate (Hong Kong)
Box 14 U.S. Department of Commerce
Box 14 U.S. Department of Defense (4 folders)
U.S. Department of State
Box 14 Backgrounder: Herter, Christian
Box 14 Backgrounder: Rusk, Dean
Box 14 Correspondence See also under name of person
Box 14 Notes
Box 15 U.S. Department of the Army
See also under name of person
Box 15 U.S. Department of the Navy
See also under name of person
Box 15 U.S. Department of the Treasury
Box 15 U.S. Economy
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Egypt)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (France)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Great Britain)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (India and Nepal)
See also Bowles, Chester (Ambassador)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Indonesia)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Iran)
U.S. Embassy (Japan)
See Murphy, Robert D. (Ambassador/executive)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Soviet Union)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Taiwan)
Box 15 U.S. Embassy (Tanzania)
U.S. Embassy (Vietnam)
Heath, Donald R. (Ambassador)
Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr. (Ambassador)
Nolting, Frederick E. Jr. (Ambassador)
Vietnamese Embassy (U.S.)
Box 15 U.S. Information Agency
U.S. Marine Corps
See under name of person
Box 15 U.S. Mission to the United Nations
See also Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr. (Ambassador)
Box 15 U.S. News & World Report
Box 15 U.S. Politics
See also Left Wing Politics
Box 15 U.S. Senate
See also under name of Senator
Box 15 U.S. Space Program
See also NASA; Soviet Union
Box 15 V
Valenti, Jack
See White House: Johnson Administration
Van Doren, Irita
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 15 Van Fleet, James A. (General)
Box 15 V.E. Friedman Associates (advertising firm)
Box 15 Venezuela
Box 15 Viet Cong
Box 15 Buddhists
See also:
Buddhist-Catholic Riots
Dang Sy (Maj.)
Mayor, Joe
National Catholic Welfare Conference (NCWC)
O'Connor, Patrick (Fr.)
Reed, John
Box 15 Mar.-Dec. 1963 (2 folders)
Box 15 1964
Box 16 1965
Box 16 Undated
Box 16 Chicago Daily News
Box 16 Christian Science Monitor
New York Times 1964
Box 16, 17 General (6 folders)
Box 17 Religion
Box 17 Letters to the Editor
Box 17 Editorials
Box 17 New York Times Oct.-Dec. 1965 (3 folders)
Box 17 Saigon Post
Box 17 Provinces
Box 17 Publications (in English)
Box 17 Publications (in French and Vietnamese)
Box 18 Reports and Studies
War Protests
See Left Wing Politics; Tocsin; University of California, Berkeley
Vietnam Day Committee
See Left Wing Politics; Tocsin; University of California, Berkeley
Box 18 Vietnamese Embassy (U.S.)
See also Tran Van Chuong (Ambassador)
Box 18 "Views of the Press" (WCBS)
Box 18 Voice of America
Box 18 W
Box 18 W. Colston Leigh, Inc.
See also:
Brown, Cross & Hamilton
Friedman, Abraham
Gale, Bernays, Falk & Eisner
Glasgow, Robert H.
Wald, Richard
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 18 Walker, Everett
See New York Herald Tribune
Walters, Raymond Jr.
See Saturday Review
Wanger, Walter F. (producer)
See Allied Artists
Box 18 Warner Brothers Company (Bridgeport, CT)
Warner, James E.
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 18 Warren, Earl (Governor)
Washington Evening Star
See Evening Star (Washington, D.C.)
Box 18 Washington Post
See also Bradlee, Benjamin C.
Wassermann, Lew (studio executive)
See MCA; Paramount Studios
Watson, W. Marvin
See White House: Johnson Administration
WBBM (Chicago)
See "At Random" (WBBM)
See "Views of the Press" (WCBS)
Webb, James E.
Box 18 Wedemeyer, Albert C. (General)
Box 18 Die Welt
Box 18 Die Welt am Sonntag
West, Felton
See Houston Post
Box 18 West, Morris L.
Box 18 Westmoreland, William C. (General)
Box 18 White House, Eisenhower Administration
See also under name of Department
Box 18 White House, Johnson Administration
See also under name of Department
Box 18 Backgrounder: 1964
Box 18 Backgrounder: 1965
Box 19 Correspondence
Box 19 Humphrey, Hubert H.
Box 19 Ladybird Johnson
See also Carpenter, Liz
Box 19 News Conferences & Press Releases
White House, Kennedy Administration
See also under name of Department; Kennedy, Jackie
Box 19 Backgrounder: Holborn, Fred
Box 19 Backgrounder: Kennedy, Ted
Box 19 Correspondence
Box 19 News Conferences
Box 19 White House, Truman Administration
See also under name of Department
White, Robert M.
See New York Herald Tribune
Whitehead, Don
See New York Herald Tribune
Box 19 Whitney, Courtney (Major General)
Whitney, John Hay (Jock)
See New York Herald Tribune
Wiggins, James Russell
See Washington Post
Box 19 Wiley, Alexander (Senator)
Box 19 William Esty Company (advertising firm)
Wilson, Charles Erwin
See U.S. Department of Defense
Woestendick, William J.
See Houston Post; Newsday
Box 19 Women's National Press Club (Washington, D.C.)
See "Ladies of the Press" (WOR-TV)
Wright, Jerauld (Ambassador)
See U.S. Embassy (Taiwan)
WXIX (Milwaukee)
See "Milwaukee Reports" (WXIX)
Box 19 Y
Yockey, Harry
See Daily Reporter (Dover, OH)
You Chan Yang
See Korean Embassy (U.S.)
Box 19 "Youth Wants to Know" (NBC)
Box 19 Yugoslavia
Box 19 Yugoslavia (U.N. Delegation to)
Box 19 Z
Box 19 Zablocki, Clement J. (Congressman)
See Tanzania (United Republic of)
Box 19 Zephirim, Mauclair (Ambassador)
Box 19 Unidentified
Box 19 Unidentified wedding congratulations
Box 21 Jessie Benton Fremont (North Star Books, Houghton Mifflin Company) - drafts (2 folders)
Box 21 News is a Singular Thing (Doubleday) - drafts and galley proofs (2 folders)
Our Vietnam Nightmare (Harper & Row)
Drafts (50 folders total)
Box 22 Prologue and Chapters I-III (10 folders)
Box 23 Chapters IV-VI (8 folders)
Box 24 Chapters VII-IX (9 folders)
Box 25 Chapter X-XII (10 folders)
Box 26 Chapter XIII (6 folders)
Box 26, 27 Chapter XIV (7 folders)
Box 27 Typescripts - Chapters I-XIII (3 folders)
Box 28 Galley proofs (3 folders)
Box 29, 30 Overtime in Heaven - typescript and galley proofs (10 folders)
Box 20 Red Plush and Black Bread (Doubleday) - drafts and galley proofs (in poor condition)
Box 30 War in Korea (Doubleday) - drafts and galley proofs (4 folders)
Box 30 Unpublished: Young John Kennedy (Houghton Mifflin)
Articles (Journals)
Box 31 America Magazine, "Saigon summary" Jan. 4, 1964 - clipping
Box 31 America Magazine, "Ugly Americans in Vietnam" Oct. 3, 1964 - drafts and final
Box 31 The American Weekly, "The mysterious Mrs. Rhee" Sept. 13, 1953 - clipping
Box 31 Cosmopolitan, "China-rewrite, " Jan. 7, 1964 - galley one
Box 31 The Diplomat, "The charmed life of Henry Cabot Lodge" Dec. 1965 - draft, clipping
Box 31 The Instructor, editorial, undated - draft
Box 31 Mademoiselle, "Paris - heartbreak and hope" undated - clipping
Box 31 McCalls, "How to bring up a president" undated - draft
Box 31 McCalls, "Once a caesarean always a caesarean" undated - draft
Box 31 National Education Association Journal, " The American foreign service - from striped pants to wash 'n wear" undated - draft
Box 31 Reader's Digest, "Our secret allies - the people of East Germany" Oct. 1961 - draft
Box 31 Report Magazine, The chaos of Vietnam" Dec. 1964 - clipping
Box 31 Report Magazine, " What we lost in losing Vietnam's Diem" Oct. 1965 - clipping
Box 31 Saturday Evening Post, " The night raiders of Berlin" Jun. 17, 1950 - clipping
Box 31 Stern, "Wie uns die Anderen sehen" Jul. 1961 - clipping
See Box 47 for original
Articles (journals) - drafts
Box 31 "Are we still underestimating Soviet Power?" undated
Box 31 "Career in Crisis" undated
Box 31 "Death of a Man," (Ngo Dinh Diem)
Box 31 "He's taking the starch out of protocol," [Angier Biddle Duke] undated
Box 31 "Is Russia fooling the U.S.A.?" undated
Box 31 "My favorite Kennedy" undated
Box 31 "Peril in the Philippines" undated - interview with William S.B. Lacy, U.S. Minister in the Philippines
Box 31 "Red China '1964' " undated
Box 31 "They call it a vacation," [Kennedys] undated
Box 31 "Vietnam - or how to be an enemy to your friends" undated
Box 31 Untitled eye-witness essay about Korean War front undated
Articles (journals) - with Peter Lisagor
Box 31 The Diplomat, "Of skeptics and converts" Jul.-Aug. 1964 - clipping
Box 31 Saturday Evening Post," Every day is ladies day in Washington" undated - drafts
Box 31 "RSVP - The White House" undated - draft
Articles (newspapers)
Box 32 Chicago Daily News 1964-1965 - clippings
Box 32 Chicago Sun-Times 1959-1963 - clippings
Box 32 Evening Star (Washington, D.C.), 1964-1965 - clippings
New York Herald Tribune
Box 32 1953, from Japan
Box 32 1962, John F. Kennedy
Box 32 1963
Box 32 1963, Jul.-Aug., interview with Ngo Dinh Nhu
Box 32 1964, Greece
Box 32 undated, Africa, Buddhist monks, Robert F. Kennedy, Korean War POWs, interview with Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, Vietnam (8 folders)
Box 32 Galley proofs undated
Clipping and by-line files
Box 32 1950, May-Jul. (2 folders)
Box 33 1950, Aug.-Dec. (2 folders)
Box 33 1952, Sept.-Oct.
Box 33 1952, Oct.-Nov., interview with Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh
Box 33 1952, Oct. 5 , "These men surprised me" (This Week Magazine) - interviews with Nehru, Mossadegh, the King of Siam, the Shah of Iran, Gen. Chuikov, Gen. MacArthur
Box 33 1953
Box 33 1953 - syndicated articles on Earl Browder
Box 33 1953, Apr., interview with Major General Naguib (Egypt) (This Week Magazine)
Box 33 1953, Apr. 12, "They'll never love the U.S.A!"
Original is in Box 47.
Box 33 1953, Apr., interview with Jean Letourneau, French Minister
Box 33 1953, Apr.-May, Cold War Series
Box 33 1953, May 24, "Let's stop underestimating Soviet strength" (This Week Magazine)
Original is in Box 47.
Box 33 1953, Jun.-Sept., interview with Syngman Rhee, President of South Korea (series)
Box 33 1953, Jul., series on Nationalist Chinese Guerillas
Box 33 1953, Aug., series on Communist China
Box 33 1953, Sept., interview with General Mark W. Clark
Box 33 1953, Sept., series on trip to Korea, Japan, Formosa, Hong Kong, Indo-China
Box 33 1953, Dec., series on tour of Russia
Box 33 1956
Box 33 1960 (2 folders)
Box 33 1960, series on Africa
Box 33 1960, Dec. 12, Kennedy family
Box 33 1961, Jan.-Aug. (6 folders)
Box 34 1961, Sept.- Dec. (2 folders)
Box 34 1961, Mar., interview with Antoine Gizenga (Congo)
Box 34 1961 - letters to the editor
Box 34 1962, Jan.-Dec. (6 folders)
Box 34 1962, Feb.-Oct. - letters to the editor
Box 34 1963 (3 folders)
Box 34 1963, Aug.-Sept. , series on Vietnam (2 folders)
Box 34 1963, Aug.-Sept., series on Vietnam, letters to the editor
Box 34 1965
Box 34 Undated
Box 34 Syndicated Newsday articles appearing in the NYHT
Newsday columns
"Inside Washington"
Box 35 Drafts 1964
Box 35 Press releases 1964
"On the Spot"
Box 35 1964 (3 folders)
Box 35 1964Vietnam
Box 35 1964, Mar., Civil Rights
Box 35 1964, Sept., Buddhism
Box 35 1965
Box 36 1965 India trip
Box 36 1965, MaySanto Domingo,
Box 36 1965Vietnam trip (2 folders)
Box 36 1965 University of California, Berkeley
Box 36 undatedKashmir/miscellaneous (2 folders)
Press releases
Box 36 1963
Box 36 1964, Jan.-Oct.3 folders
Box 37 1964, Nov.-Dec.
Box 37 1965, Jan.-May (5 folders)
Box 38 1965, Jun.-Oct. (5 folders)
Box 39 1965, Nov.-Dec. (2 folders)
Box 39 undated
Box 39 Clippings 1963-1965, undated (10 folders)
Box 39 General articles 1964-1965 - clippings
Box 39 Reports Nov. 1963 - draft/clipping, interview with W. German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Box 39 Syndicated 1964-1965 - miscellaneous, clippings
Box 40 Oakland Tribune, 1964-1965 - clippings
Box 40 Park East (New York) 1964, Feb. 20 - clipping
Box 40 Philadelphia Inquirer, 1964-1965 - clippings
Box 40 St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1953-1954 - clippings
Box 40 Washington Post 1950, Jun.-Dec. - clippings
Die Welt
Box 40 1964 (2 folders)
Box 40 1965 (2 folders)
Box 40 undated
Box 40 Clippings 1962-1965
Box 41 [1 volume] - includes quotes, questions and references to Seoul, Taejon, and Puson, Korea; also includes entries about being a woman correspondent; Lt. Gen. Hall
Box 41 [Notebooks 1-17] undated
Box 42 [Notebooks 18-29] undated
Notes (handwritten)
Box 43 General (12 folders)
Box 43 Interview with Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey undated
Box 43 Interview (unknown); death of President Diem undated
Box 43 Questions for interview with Jackie Kennedy undated
Box 43 Memo of conversation with Robert F. Kennedy, Nov. 2, 1962
Box 43 Westmoreland trip and briefing undated 1965
Box 43 Higgins' review (clipping) of Morris L. West's book The Ambassador, in The Sign May 1965
Box 43 Drafts, L'Annam D'Autrefois (in French)
Awards and certificates
Box 44 Miscellaneous 1951, 1953, 1963
Includes Pulitzer Prize certificate for distinguished reporting of international affairs (1951), Long Island University Polk Memorial Award for outstanding foreign reporting (1953), Columbia University School of Journalism's 50th anniversary medal (1963), among others
Box 47 Miscellaneous 1951, 1959, 1965
Veterans of Foreign Wars (1951); Vice-president's "Kitchen Cabinet" (1959); Honorary Citizen of Dallas, TX (1965); Honor from the Free Cuba Patriotic Movement (1965); Honorary Doctorate
Box 48 George Polk Memorial Award (Overseas Press Club of America) 1950
Box 49 Miscellaneous 1952, 1953
Distinguished Service Award, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. (1952); George Polk Award, Long Island University Department of Journalism (1953)
Box 50 Miscellaneous 1956, 1957
Women of Achievement Award, American Federation of Soroptimist Clubs, Inc. (1956); Annual Award, Philadelphia Section of the National Council of Jewish Women (1957)
Box 44 Articles/editorials 1946, 1950-1965, undated 5 folders
Box 44 "Higgins Correspondent" (limerick) undated
Box 44 Chronologies, birth to 1953
Box 44 Obituaries and remembrances 1966-1986
Box 44 Wedding Announcements 1952 - clippings
See also Scrapbook No. 8
Financial and legal
Box 45 Contracts
Box 45 Adler, Paul F. 1953
Box 45 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1951, 1960
Box 45 Harper & Row Publishers 1965
Box 45 Houghton Mifflin Company 1962
Box 45 J. Leo Kolb Company, Inc. 1954
Box 45 Keedick Lecture Bureau, Inc. 1953-1965
Box 45 New York Herald Tribune 1959
Box 45 Employment Records 1953-1954
Box 45 Expense accounts, New York Herald Tribune 1951-1961, undated (3 folders)
Box 45 Foreign money
Box 45 Hall, Lawrence D. 1952
Box 45 Identification cards 1953-1966
Box 45 Income taxes 1951, 1953-1954 (3 folders)
Box 45 Leases 1953
Box 45 1951-1954 (3 folders)
Box 45 1959-1965
Box 45 Undated
Box 45 Round Hill Development, Inc. 1953
Box 45 Travel documents and letters 1953-1965
Box 46 Family and personal undated - informal photos of Higgins and others from childhood through graduation from the Anna Head School in Berkeley, CA; Higgins in unidentified locations (2 folders)
Box 47 Family (oversize) - Higgins as an infant with father, Lawrence D. Higgins (accession M03-43)
Professional and social (10 folders)
Box 46 Portraits undated
Box 46 Appearances 1951-1953 - includes Higgins at a Women's Home Companion luncheon; with Bennett Cerf and Mike Land.
Box 46 Social undated - Higgins at a party; dining with others
Box 46 Hollywood undated - Higgins with actors William Powell and Betty Grable
Trips Abroad (12 folders)
Box 46 Cambodia undated
Includes Higgins being met at the airport; with Prince Sihanouk in the Palais Khemarin; at a banquet hosted by General Nhiek Tianlong, Cambodian Chief of Staff.
Box 46 Egypt undated
Higgins with military leaders on the plane and at airport.
Box 46 Korea 1950
Several well annotated scenes from the front lines of soldiers and Higgins with others at her typewriter, airport, in front of jeep; includes photos taken by Carl Mydans of Life Magazine and the U.S. Army; many appear in Higgins' book, War in Korea.
Box 46 Soviet Union 1954-1955
From Higgins tour; many appear in her book, Red Plush and Black Bread.
Box 46 Vietnam undated
Photos of Vietnamese and U.S. military and civilians including Higgins (a few are annotated in Vietnamese).
University of California, Berkeley protests
Box 46 1964, November Fall Free Speech Movement (FSM) rally; several participants identified.
Box 46 1964, December Protest at Sproul Hall; several participants identified.
Box 46 1965, August Vietnam Day Committee (VDC) troop train demonstration; several participants identified
Box 46 Undated - includes a "Get out of Vietnam March" from Berkeley to the draft board office; Selma protest march; several participants identified.
Individuals (7 folders)
Box 46 Baruch, Bernard M. (with Higgins on a French ship, signed) 1957
Box 46 Clay, Lucius D. (General) (signed) undated
Box 46 Crittenberger, Willis D. (General) 1952 - with Higgins and Lt. Gen. Hall, annotated U.S. Army photograph
Box 46 Johnson, Ladybird undated - giving a tour with Higgins in attendance
Box 46 MacArthur, Douglas (General) undated - With President Syngman Rhee; aboard his plane with Brig. Gen. Courtney Whitney, includes photos taken by Carl Mydans.
Box 46 Rusk, Dean undated - with Higgins and unidentified other, signed
Box 46 Walker, Walton (Lt. General) 1950, undated - with Gen. William F. Dean; crossing the Kunho River; photos taken by Carl Mydans.
Box 47 Oversize
President Johnson (signed); Higgins with President Johnson (signed); Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh of Iran (signed); group photo of Higgins with others (unidentified) in Korea; 1 unidentified (signed).
Box 46 Unidentified - Higgins and Lt. Gen. Hall with others undated-1965
Box 46 Miscellaneous - mostly second-generation negatives for Family, Personal, Portraits, Egypt, Korea (above)
See also oversized photographs
Box 44 Doubleday & Company, Inc. 1964
Box 44 Harper & Row Publishers 1965
Box 44 New York Herald Tribune 1953, 1961
See also Box 47 for poster
Box 44 Newsday 1963-1964
Box 44 Die Welt undated
Promotional Advertising
Box 44 Camel cigarette ad undated
Box 44 Our Vietnam Nightmare 1965 - clippings
Box 44 Overtime in Heaven 1964 - clippings
Box 44 War in Korea 1951 - clippings
Box 44 [Assorted ephemera] 1952-1954
Invitation lists for a "Welcome to Washington Party" for Sen. Edmondson and a reception for Mr. And Mrs. Carl T. Rowan; paper target from Higgins first lesson in rifle marksmanship (signed by Lt. Gen. Hall); one sheet of Higgins' stationery; Authors Guild membership certificate and by-laws; publication: "Raising a family is a pleasure."
Box 51 [No. 1], "Europe Marguerite Higgins 1944-1945-1946" - news clips
Box 51 [No. 2], "Marg. Higgins 25 Jan. '46 Dec. '46 - July '47" - news clips
Box 51 [No. 3], "Russell Hill Jan. '46-July '46/Marg. Higgins July '47-31 Jan. '48" - news clips
Box 52 [No. 4], "Cuttings - Herald TribuneFeb. 1 '48" - news clips
Box 52 [No. 5], "Clippings - New York Times 4 June 1948-Aug. 24"
Box 53 [No. 6], Clippings - New York Times Aug 25" 1948
Box 54 [No. 7], [News clips] 10/21/48-1/1/51 - Higgins and others
Box 54 [No. 8], [News clips] May 1951 - Nov. 1951 - clips about Higgins
Box 54 [No. 9], [Russia clips] 1955
Box 54 [No. 10], "Marguerite Higgins interviews with world leaders 2/19/53 to 6/21/53"
Box 54 [No. 11], "Marguerite Higgins Far Eastern tour 6/22/53 to 9/19/53"
Box 55 [No. 12], [News clips] 11/2/63 - 4/3/64
Box 55 [No. 13], "Vietnam 11/?/63 - 2/26/65" - Higgins' columns and articles
Box 56 [No. 14], "Newsday Articles 2/19/64-6/1/64" - Higgins' column and articles
Box 56 [No. 15], "Newsday Articles 5/29/64-9/9/64" - Higgins' column and articles
Box 57 [No. 16], "Articles as they appear in the Evening Star" 9/2/64-3/10/65 - Higgins' columns
Box 57 [No. 17], "The Evening Star and Others" 3/22/65-8/30/65 - Higgins' columns
Box 58 [No. 18], "The Evening Star and other papers from Sept. 1, 1965" 9/1/65-12/16/65 - Higgins' columns
Box 58 [No. 19], [News clips] 9/11/64-12/31/65 - Higgins' columns

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