Collection inventory

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Osborne Family Papers

An inventory of the collection at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Osborne family.
Title: Osborne Family Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1786-1968
Bulk Dates: 1880-1925
Quantity: 200 linear ft., including 338 bound volumes
Abstract: Encompasses the records of three generations of the Osborne family of Auburn, N.Y. Thomas Mott Osborne, son of businessman David Munson Osborne, was associated with Democratic politics, philanthropy, and social reform, especially prison reform. He was a trustee and later president of the George Junior Republic in Freeville, New York. In 1913, he was appointed chairman of the New York State Commission on Prison Reform. His third son, Lithgow, served in the foreign service in Germany from 1914-1917, and later in Havana, Copenhagen, and Norway. He subsequently left government service to pursue a career in newspaper publishing with the Auburn Citizen-Advertiser. Collection includes correspondence (1812-1968); speeches (1895-1945); legal and financial papers (1786-1962); organizational records (1813-1967); memorabilia (1845-1965); diaries (1843-1946), and other material.
Abstract: The correspondence (over 150,000 items) includes letters of authors, bankers, businessmen, U.S. cabinet officers, civil servants, clergy, convicts, diplomats, educators, inventors, journalists, lawyers, legislators, musicians, politicians, publishers, and social reformers. Correspondence which is of most significant depth and duration includes that with Josephus Daniels, Charles Devens, Christian A. Herter, Louis M. Howe, Herbert H. Lehman, Lucretia Coffin Mott, George Foster Peabody, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alfred E. Smith, Katrina Trask, and Oswald Garrison Villard.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Three generations of the Osborne family are represented in this collection. There are, in addition, papers from an earlier generation of the Coffin, Pelham and Wright families. Major figures in the collection are described in the following historical sketch.

The papers of Peter Pelham (b. Dec. 18, 1785) form the earliest body of records. As a U.S. Army officer in the War of 1812, he was wounded and captured by the British, then returned to American lines in exchange for British prisoners. After the war Pelham was promoted to captain and stationed in the Florida Territory as a sub-agent for Indian affairs. Among his correspondents between 1812 and 1826 were Secretary of War John C. Calhoun, Col. Henry Atkinson, who was his uncle, Col. Henry Leavenworth, and Col. Josiah Snelling. Later, as an Army recruiter, Capt. Pelham toured the Middle States and traveled the frontier from St. Louis to the Upper Mississippi. Correspondence and military orders are dated from such outposts as Camp Cold Water, St. Peters, Detroit and Prairie du Chien. Pelham married Martha Coffin, the sister of Lucretia Coffin Mott and the daughter of Nantucket and Philadelphia Quakers. They had one child, Marianna. Capt. Pelham again dispatched to the Florida Territory, died on July 10, 1826, near Pensacola.

Martha Coffin Pelham remarried in 1829. Her second husband was David Wright (b. Mar. 18, 1806), who moved from Pennsylvania as a young man and practiced law in Auburn, N.Y. There were six children from the second marriage, among them Eliza (see below); Ellen, who married William Lloyd Garrison Jr; and William, who married Flora MacMartin, a relative of Elizabeth Cady Stanton. The Wrights and the Coffins, and their relatives in the Mott family, were active in the movements for women's rights and abolition. Martha Coffin Wright died in 1875 and David Wright in 1897.

Eliza Wright, Martha and David's eldest daughter, married David Munson Osborne in 1851. Osborne (b. Dec. 15, 1822) was the son of John Hall Osborne and Caroline Bulkley of Rye, N.Y. When John Osborne died in 1839, David was left to support his mother, brothers and sisters. He began his business career as a clerk in a New York City hardware store. In the course of his work he met James Watrous, an Auburn storekeeper who invited Osborne to become a junior partner in his enterprise. Osborne moved to Auburn and in the following year sent for his family in Rye.

When James Watrous retired, Osborne assumed control of the store but abandoned it soon afterwards to manufacture straw cutters and corn shellers. After the business failed, Osborne moved to employment in Buffalo. As general superintendent of the Buffalo Agricultural Works, he met William Kirby, a mechanic who possessed untried patents for agricultural machinery. Soon Osborne was back in Auburn with Kirby. Their new company turned out 200 combination mowers and reapers in 1857, and in the national trials held in Syracuse that year the Kirby machine took second prize behind the winning entry of Cyrus McCormick. By 1866, having won two blue ribbons in the national trials, D.M. Osborne & Co. was solidly established, and about to distribute machines in Europe as well as America. Eventually there were offices and warehouses in Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Hamburg, Paris, Odessa, Sydney and Buenos Aires.

As a Republican, David Munson Osborne took an active part in local politics, being elected alderman from 1871 to 1874 and mayor from 1879 to 1880. After his death in 1886, his wife continued to interest herself in the arts and education in Auburn. She died in 1911.

The Osbornes had four children: Emily married Frederick Harris, a banker from Springfield, Mass.; Florence, the second born, died when she was twenty-one; Thomas Mott (see below) married Agnes Devens of Cambridge; and Helen married James J. Storrow Jr., a financier in the Boston firm of Lee, Higginson & Co. All these people wrote scores of letters around the turn of the century, and the correspondence of Thomas Mott Osborne amounts to thousands of items between 1880 and 1926.

Thomas Mott Osborne (b. Sep 23, 1859), only son of Eliza and David Munson Osborne, acquired a taste for music and the theater from his mother. At Harvard he directed the orchestra and glee club and was a member of the Hasty Pudding Club. Once back in Auburn, he turned his personal recreations into service for the community by inviting troupes of actors to the city and underwriting the cost of their performances. He conducted the city's amateur orchestra, which he founded, and before the concerts he sometimes delivered lectures on the music of Mozart, Beethoven and Wagner. Osborne was acquainted with Walter Damrosch, corresponded with Melville Clark, and on one occasion conducted the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra. In spare moments he wrote closet drama. Later in life, as a prison warden, he encouraged inmates to produce musicals, while on other occasions he made them captives for one of his importations.

He performed well in his studies at Harvard, graduating with honors in 1884. The business-sense he gained from his father disposed him to be among the founders. of the Harvard Cooperative Society, but though he later kept careful accounts to survive for twenty years as a corporation executive, he detested the office of a businessman. In 1887 he assumed the presidency of his late father's company. He directed the firm until 1903 when J.P. Morgan and associates purchased factories and stock for the International Harvester Trust Co. Osborne also held the positions of president in the Auburn Iron Works and the Cayuga County Dairy Co. and vice-president in the Eagle Wagon Works and the Columbian Rope Co. He was a principal stockholder of the National Bank of Auburn and one of its directors.

In 1886 Osborne married Agnes Devens of Cambridge, Mass. They had four children, all boys: David Munson Osborne II, Charles Devens Osborne, Arthur Lithgow Osborne and Robert Klipfel Osborne. Agnes Devens died at thirty-one, a month after giving birth to her fourth child.

After losing his wife, Osborne channeled more energy into politics, philanthropy and social reform. In the first presidential election in which he had been eligible to vote he abandoned the Osborne heritage of Republicanism and the politics of James G. Blaine to support Grover Cleveland and the Democratic Party. Thereafter he was generally found among the Democrats, except for recurring intervals when his principles forced him into short-lived third parties or back to the fold of Republicans.

In 1894 he was candidate for Lt. Governor of New York on the Citizen's Union ticket. As an eastern manufacturer, Osborne bolted Bryan's plank of "Free Silver" in 1896 and 1900; but when the silver issue was dead in 1908, Osborne returned to Bryan and the Democratic Party. When the Buffalo Democratic Convention (1906) nominated William Randolph Hearst for governor, Osborne was among the "Honor-Democrats" who campaigned for the Republican, Charles Evans Hughes. With the patrician's contempt for Hearst's "hysterical journalism," Osborne denounced the publisher as a self-advertised "saviour" who played to the ignorance of the multitude while trading secretly with Tammany Hall and the trusts. Osborne went out on the stump for Hughes, who, when elected, rewarded Osborne with a seat on the Public Service Commission.

Osborne worked for the Hughes administration two and a half years, during- which he wrote two striking opinions against the New York Central Railroad. In the first case, he employed a tactic to which he reverted throughout his life: he obtained first-hand information by use of a disguise. Soon Commissioner Osborne was riding the rails in the rags of a hobo. Observing railroad procedures between New York and Albany, he perceived that the crews of heavy freights could not be reduced from six men to five without a loss of safety and that a second brakeman was essential for switching operations, especially at night.

In another decision, Osborne revealed an inclination to challenge wealth and power when they were used irresponsibly. His dissenting brief in the Buffalo, Rochester & Erie Railroad case argued against a continuation of the New York Central's monopoly along the westward route from Albany. He accepted the proposition that public service corporations confined to a small community might be maintained as "local monopolies" but he would not countenance a state-wide utility in private hands, "even with the curb of the Public Service Commission." According to Osborne, willing competitors like the B.R. & E. should not be discouraged by state agencies from challenging established monopolies. Public convenience and the state's network of transportation benefitted from sound competition.

Osborne resigned from the Public Service Commission to convene the Saratoga Conference, out of which emerged the Democratic League with Osborne as chairman. His political aspirations crested when Cayuga County put him forward as a gubernatorial candidate. He failed in the nomination of 1910 but remained with the Democratic Party. The winner and a lukewarm political ally, Governor John A. Dix, tucked him away as Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner, a post Osborne soon resigned.

Osborne was a leader of the Democratic Party of Cayuga County and a factor in New York State politics between 1905 and 1912, when he canvassed the state for Woodrow Wilson. In his first campaign for mayor of Auburn, Osborne had breathed new life into local politics. Among his achievements, he introduced new efficiency into municipal administration and won a home rule charter for the city. As Osborne left the mayor's office in 1905, he founded the Auburn Publishing Co. Through its daily newspaper, The Auburn Citizen, he extended his influence as the prod behind Democratic successes upstate. His "political dynamite," as a Harvard friend called it, pushed national issues into the background and battered the Republican steamroller to a standstill.

Concurrent with his activism in business, public administration and politics, Osborne carried a full burden of philanthropic obligations. The George Junior Republic of Freeville, N.Y., absorbed his time and money for fifteen years. The Republic accepted marginally delinquent youth and experimented with the honor system, paid labor and self-government to guide its "citizens" away from new brushes with the law.

In 1896 Osborne was a trustee and later was elected President of the Board. From this station he was able to translate into action his theories on education and citizenship. An indication of the mutual trust which tied "Uncle Tom" to the young who gave him the nickname was the heavy correspondence he maintained with them after they left Freeville. Osborne followed many a career with counsel and cash. At least three of the brightest young men Osborne spotted at the Republic were financed through prep schools and then, like his own sons, sent on to Harvard. It was much the same later with convicts whom he befriended, for his work at the George Junior Republic led to a concern for inmates of the state's prisons.

In 1913 Osborne was appointed chairman of the New York State Commission on Prison Reform. He cast about for a device to excite the public imagination and turned to his old tactic. In the guise of a sentenced criminal, Osborne had himself incarcerated in Auburn Prison as "Tom Brown-33333." A book-length account of his ordeal and that of the men forgotten there, Within Prison Walls (1913), created a sensation. The power of the state was committed to his reforms, and the politicians would have to give way. Osborne began to prune his interests in the field of Progressive reform in order to concentrate his energies in the service of an enlightened penology.

With Warden Charles Rattigan at Auburn, Osborne organized a self-governing body of convicts within the prison. The Mutual Welfare League, as it was called, took over large shares of prison management after an election of officers among the prisoners.. Old timers held their breath as Osborne spun out his theories. According to Osborne, the "old system".had crippled men by telling them when to move or speak; the "new system" loosened the lockstep of prison regime and prepared a man to live in freedom without being a threat to society. For too long, prisons had been "nurseries. of crime" where society retaliated against the "criminal type." Osborne rejected "bad seed" theories and proposed to cultivate the positive human instincts implanted in every man. On a few occasions Osborne was betrayed by a man in his custody, but for a decade in a handful of prisons he broke the cycle of revenge between society and the convict. The function of state prisons was "not revenge but education." The Mutual Welfare League became a school of reformation inside the walls, and an "outside branch" was to help parolees secure jobs. Otherwise, three out of every five men who left prison would return, convicted of a new crime.

A corollary of Osborne's doctrine of developing social responsibility was his active opposition to capital punishment. A scientific basis was lacking for the claim that fear of execution deterred major crimes and, in Osborne's opinion, the death sentence was proof of the system's ethic of reprisal.

Osborne wanted fundamental changes in the judicial structure to incorporate the "indeterminate sentence." This idea demanded the ultimate flexibility on the part of the state. In essence, it provided that men who were ill-equipped to function in society would not be released at the end of a fixed term, which was determined by the crime and not the evolving attitudes of the criminal. By the same token, a reformed man should not be required to go stale in prison until his sentence expired:

The whole of criminal legal procedure and prison government must be recast and should consist of two kinds of court. First, courts of condemnation, whose duty is to ascertain whether a given man had done a particular act. If so the man must receive an indeterminate sentence. And, second, courts of Release, Commissioners or Experts, whose duty shall be to decide when and whether it is safe to let the criminal out.

In December, 1914, Osborne began to implement some of his ideas as the new warden of Sing Sing Prison at Ossining, New York. His administration produced mixed results. A profound change occurred inside the prison as conditions leading directly to physical and psychological breakdowns were immediately attacked. Judging by the transformation of spirit which followed, the Sing Sing chapter of the Mutual Welfare League bore out Osborne's theories about tapping the good will of convicts. But outside the prison Osborne ran into a wall of obstruction. The Westchester County machine, which had counted the wardenship among its plums of patronage, regarded Osborne, the upstate reformer, an alien twice over. Other wardens and high administrators in the New York prison system were out of sympathy with his moral agitation, and a chorus within the press never let him off for "sentimental coddling." In this atmosphere political enemies plotted to defame Osborne before having him removed from office.

Late in 1915 Warden Osborne was summoned into court on trumped-up charges. The Westchester Grand Jury indicted him, but the absurdity of the charges was manifest when Judge Arthur S. Tompkins dismissed the case in mid-trial without hearing the case for the defense. Sing Sing celebrated the return of its warden, but though Osborne had been vindicated, the allegations remained fastened to his reputation. The atmosphere between Ossining and Albany turned sour. Osborne hung on till October, 1916, when, in an open letter of resignation, he blasted away at Governor Whitman for his lack of resolution and principle:

But I do so desire to influence the future, so far as I may, to the end that no man so weak as yourself, so shifty, so selfish, so false, so cruel, may be trusted with further power.

Osborne's effective service at Sing Sing amounted to little more than sixteen months. With George W. Kirchwey, Harry Elmer Barnes, Samuel A. Eliot and others, Osborne continued to advocate the cause of penal reform, but through private agencies. At the same time, Osborne sent out inquiries to Maryland, Maine, Pennsylvania and elsewhere for another job as warden.

While many avenues of Progressive reform were barred by the advent of World War I, Osborne was offered, through the good offices of his friend, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the wardenship of the U.S. Naval Prison in Portsmouth, N.H. Political mountebanks, hard-line penologists and a few ranking navy men received Lt. Cmdr. Osborne's unsparing criticism when they interfered with his program at the naval stockade, but at Portsmouth Osborne had the counsel and backing of the Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and his assistant, Roosevelt. Osborne's work at the Naval Prison was thus a success, despite the anticipated obstruction. It might also be noted that Osborne ushered in his mission to Portsmouth with a hitch in the Navy as "Landsman Tom Brown." By design, Brown served a stretch in the brig and had his enlistment cut short by a dishonorable discharge.

After leaving Portsmouth Osborne redoubled his efforts through private agencies and led a column of the Progressive drive deep into the Twenties. He was honorary chairman of the National Committee on Prisons, president of the New York State Prison Council, and chairman of the National Society of Penal Information. His practical efforts gave temporary relief to the people with whom he had personal contact, and the societies he founded continue to function. The National Society of Penal Information, the Welfare League Association and the Osborne Association banded together in 1932 under the name of the last agency. With headquarters in New York City, the Osborne Association continues to provide ex-prisoners with lodging, job information and social services which are calculated to discourage recidivism. At the same time, the Association provides information to active penologists in an effort to raise the nation's correctional standards.

During his life Osborne routinely collided with entrenched ignorance. At times he was close to despair: "It is no use talking, the politicians are too strong for us." Soon he would recover his former zest. Based upon Osborne's personal inspection of more than thirty prisons in the Twenties, reports were published on prison conditions in the United States, Britain and Greece. His film, The Right Way, enabled him to tour the country to spread the message of prison reform.

On the lecture circuit in Nashville six months before his death Osborne summed up his program:

Now what I have been trying to get at in my life-time is that in the vast majority of instances a prisoner is bound to take his place again in society. He can either be prepared for that obligation in a manner that will deter him from being a future menace, and make him a useful member, or he can be so treated during his incarceration that when he gets out again he will be a positive evil and tenfold more troublesome than before. My position on the problem is that criminals are prepared for a return to society neither by brutality and harshness, nor by sentimental, slushy treatment. My program has been to find out what good qualities• the prisoner has and to work on those qualities until his point of view toward life has been changed.

Thomas Mott Osborne died on October 20, 1926, while returning home from an evening at the theater.

Lithgow Osborne (b. Apr. 2, 1892) was the third son of Thomas Mott Osborne. When he was in the middle of his senior year at Harvard, Joseph C. Grew snapped him up for an assignment in the U.S. Embassy in Berlin. That was 1914, when American overseas staffs were expanding rapidly to deal with the repercussions of the European War. As private secretary to Ambassador James W. Gerard, and later as third secretary of the embassy, Lithgow Osborne was plunged into the diplomatic and social life of wartime Germany. His journals recount the excitement and the routine between 1915 and 1917. Shortly before President Wilson broke relations with Germany, Osborne was transferred to the American Legation in Havana. Because of his familiarity with European affairs he was soon returned to the Continent as Secretary of the American Legation in Copenhagen. There he met Countess Lillie Raben-Levetzau, whom he married. They had three sons: Richard, Lithgow Devens and Frederick Raben-Levetzau.

After the Paris Peace Conference Osborne returned to Washington, D.C. He worked within the State Department for a few years but resigned to cut a new career as a publisher. At Harvard Osborne had excelled in English and been elected to the Crimson. In 1922 he became the vice-president and editorial writer of the Auburn Citizen-Advertiser. A decade later he was back in government when Governor Herbert H. Lehman appointed him Commissioner of Conservation. After another ten years he departed Albany for Washington and a desk in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Late in the war, when Lehman was shaping the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA), Osborne joined his staff. A little later, President Roosevelt made Osborne. Ambassador to Norway, a post he held until May, 1946.

For several years after his return from Oslo Lithgow Osborne was chairman of the board of trustees for the American-Scandinavian Foundation. In 1954 he helped draft the original Declaration of Atlantic Unity, which was both a statement of purpose and an agency designed to bolster the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). A second Declaration of Atlantic Unity (1962) was sponsored by 270 American and European statesmen, some of whose correspondence is present in the collection.

Non-correspondence materials in the collection mostly relate to members of the Osborne family who have been described here, but there is an abundance of letters from other relatives and business acquaintances. A list of important correspondents is found in the description, which follows, and the accompanying genealogical charts will help in the identification of secondary figures in the family.

Genealogical charts:

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Osborne Family Papers consist of correspondence and private records of the Osborne family and related branches of the Coffin, Devens, Garrison, Harris, Mott, Pelham, Storrow, Wright and Yarnall families. The bulk dates of the papers are 1812-1968, with a concentration in the period 1880-1925. Auburn, New York, has been the Osborne family home since the early nineteenth century. Relatives whose correspondence is well represented among the papers also resided in Boston, Cambridge, and Springfield, Mass., and Philadelphia, Penn. Genealogical charts have been prepared (see end of Biographical History section); while they are not meant to be comprehensive, the charts will assist in identifying members who figure prominently in the correspondence.

The major contributor to the collection was Thomas Mott Osborne. He accumulated approximately half the papers in the course of a career in business, education, politics and penology. Other contributors include Peter Pelham, frontier army officer, David Wright, New York lawyer, David Munson Osborne, manufacturer of harvesting machinery, and Lithgow Osborne, diplomat, conservationist and foundation executive.

There are in excess of 150,000 letters, telegrams and postcards; with few exceptions the letters are arranged in chronological order. Correspondents include authors, bankers, businessmen, U.S. cabinet officers, churchmen, civil service employees, congressmen, convicts, diplomats (both American and European), educators, state governors, inventors, journalists, lawyers, musicians, politicians, publishers, U.S. presidents, reformers of every stripe and students. Particularly noteworthy are 80 letters from Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1910 to 1932) not counting those of his wife Eleanor; several hundred from Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels (1917 to 1920); Katrina Trask, who endowed Yaddo, a writers' colony in Saratoga Springs; Attorney General Charles Devens (1873 to 1891); and tens and scores from Lucretia Coffin Mott (1835 to 1875), George Foster Peabody (1903 to 1926), Christian A. Herter (1923 to 1966), Louis M. Howe (1912 to 1924), German General Ludwig Klipfel (1890 to 1915), Herbert H. Lehman (1901- 1963), Gerrit Smith Miller (1898 to 1926), Alfred E. Smith (1918 to 1928), Oswald Garrison Villard (1896 to 1913); a handful from frontier generals Henry Atkinson and Henry Leavenworth (1812 to 1822); and one by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1926).

Non-correspondence materials include account books, diaries and journals, institutional files, legal documents, photographs, speeches and the manuscript versions of published and unpublished writings. The papers comprise a range of subjects; among them, manufacturing, anti-imperialism, abolition, the social life and customs of Auburn, N.Y., the Auburn Barge Canal Project, Auburn Prison, campaign literature on the local, state and national levels, capital punishment, Cayuga County social life and customs, the Civil War, the Colorado State Penitentiary, conservation, convict labor, Creek Indians, crime and criminals, the Declaration of Atlantic Unity, the Democratic Party, disarmament, diplomacy, World War I, frontier and pioneer life in the American South and West, the George Junior Republic, gold mining in California, Harvard University, the International Harvester Trust Company, lawyers, the League of Nations, municipal government, music, the Mutual Welfare League, NATO, Norway and Norwegians, D.M. Osborne & Company, paroles and pardons, the Philippine Islands, Portsmouth Naval Prison, N.H., the Prison Association of New York, prisoners of war, probation, the Public Service Commission of New York, sawmills, Sing Sing Prison, Tammany Hall, temperance, travel, UNRRA, the U.S. Army, the War of 1812, Wells College, women's rights, and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.

To guard against disorientation in a collection of this scope, the materials have been organized into five major groups, then subdivided by type of document or subject. Within the various sections items are organized either chronologically or under proper names which are alphabetically arranged. The five groups are: (I) Communications & Writings, (II) Organization Records, (III) Financial Papers, (IV) Legal Records, and (V) Memorabilia. The major groups and their subdivisions are as follows:

  • I. Communications and writings
    • A. Correspondence
    • B. Speeches
    • C. Writings
  • II. Organization records
    • A. General
    • B. Prisons
  • III. Financial records
    • A. Corporate
    • B. Personal
  • IV. Legal records
    • A. General
    • B. Suits
  • V. Memorabilia
    • A. General
    • B. Genealogies
    • C. Photographs

Individual folders in the collection are fully labeled, beginning with the collection name followed by the category/ies and if applicable the names of individuals or organizations and the inclusive dates. For example:

Osborne Family Papers > Communications and writings > Correspondence > Smith, John 1877-1883

Osborne Family Papers > Financial records > Record book > D.M. Osborne & Co. Board of directors minutes 1875-1912

I. Communications and writings

A wide range of materials is located within this group: correspondence, speeches and sermons, diaries, journals and a number of writings prepared for publication or entertainment.

A. Correspondence

Letters, telegrams and postcards are arranged in chronological order, down to the month (Boxes 1-205). The correspondence opens in 1812 and closes in 1968. There are few gaps of more than one month's duration after 1842, and the correspondence is particularly heavy between 1880 and 1925.

Incoming and outgoing correspondence is interfiled. Carbon copies of business correspondence are often stapled to the incoming letter to which they explicitly refer whenever the dates of incoming and outgoing business correspondence are less than thirty days apart. Thus, the carbon of an outgoing letter by Thomas Mott Osborne, dated 1907 Apr 27, is attached to the incoming letter sent by G.S. Pierson, dated 1907 Apr 23.

Letters which could be dated down to the year, but not the month, are located in a "General" folder, which precedes the monthly folders of a given year. Correspondence which cannot be dated is arranged alphabetically under the name of the sender (Boxes 206-207). A folder of unidentified correspondence is included in Box 207.

There are eighteen letter books of outgoing correspondence by Thomas Mott Osborne (Boxes 208-225). All are carbon copies or roller letter impressions on lightweight paper. The first fifteen volumes comprise the business and personal correspondence of. Osborne between 1892 and 1906. The remaining letter- books contain his correspondence (1898-1900) as a trustee of the George Junior Republic in Freeville, N.Y. Each letter- book contains its index of correspondents.

The last box of correspondence (Box 226) holds transcriptions of letters sent home by William Morris Davis during a world tour. He was a companion of Thomas Mott Osborne during their travels in 1877-1878.

The genealogical charts (see end of Biographical History section above) may be of assistance in identifying correspondents of all periods. The names of principals who figure in the correspondence are written in upper case letters. Birth, death and marriage dates have been provided whenever available, as well as nicknames and initials of correspondents who signed in the familiar form. A complete list of initials and nicknames is available at the repository. A card index, which was maintained by Thomas Mott Osborne and Lithgow Osborne, is available in Box 323. From it may be obtained the names and addresses of recurring correspondents and, occasionally, notes on the business conducted between these correspondents and the Osborne family.

B. Speeches

These papers (Boxes 227-232) include notes, drafts, typescripts and printed. speeches delivered by Thomas Mott Osborne, Lithgow Osborne, and others, mainly within the period 18951945. There is also a reminiscence delivered by David Wright in the 1880's on farming in Pennsylvania during the 1820's. The materials are arranged under the names of speakers, in alphabetical order, then by title or general subject, also alphabetically arranged. New York politics and prison reform are the recurring topics.

C. Writings

Within this section (Boxes 232-254) are gathered the writings of several members of the family. Items include articles and essays, books (both fiction and non-fiction, whether published or unpublished), editorials, diaries, film scripts, journals, notes, plays, reminiscences, reviews, short stories, travelogs and verse. The materials are arranged alphabetically, first under authors' names, next by type of material, and finally by title or subject. The major contributors are Agnes Devens Osborne, David Munson Osborne, Eliza Wright Osborne, Lithgow Osborne, Thomas Mott Osborne -- all of whom have diaries here -- and various inmates of Auburn, Portsmouth, and Sing Sing prisons.

A substantial part of this section is taken up by the writings of Thomas Mott Osborne. The materials are in draft and printed form. Among his published works found here in various stages of draft are the articles and essays "Prison efficiency" (1915), "The prison of the future" (1917), and "Prison reform" (1915); a serial narrative, "The tale of a green duck on the Susquehanna" (1910), a discursive essay which sometimes dips into New York politics and newspaper wars; the script for the film "The right way" (1921); and three books, Within Prison Walls (1913), Society and Prisons (1916), and the second half of Prisons and Common Sense (1924). There are several unpublished articles, film scripts, and plays, as well as chapter drafts of a book, variously titled "Reforming Sing Sing" and "Politics and Prisons." Near completion at the time of his death in 1926, the latter is an extended narrative and defense of his tenure as warden of Sing Sing Prison.

There are several diaries and journals. The diaries include those of Agnes Devens Osborne (1882-1895), David Munson Osborne (1839-1856), Eliza Wright Osborne (1867-1894), Jane Abbey Osborne (1884), David Wright (1843), William Pelham Wright (1862-1863), and an unidentified businessman of New York City (1846). The two vest pocket diaries of William Pelham Wright record his experiences as an artillery lieutenant from the Peninsular Campaign to Gettysburg, where he was wounded.

Journals are here distinguished from diaries in that they are often transcribed, do not form units coinciding with the beginning and end of the calendar year, and focus on a special activity or theme. The writing may range over many topics, but the theme continually reverts to a central occupation, such as travel or diplomacy, and the journal closes with the termination of that activity. The travel journals were written by Eliza Wright Osborne and another unidentified member of the family on trips through the American West between 1871 and 1880; by Thomas Mott Osborne on European, Caribbean, and world tours (1877-1884); and by Lithgow Osborne on journeys to Australia and Norway (1944-1946). There is also a 63-page journal by David Munson Osborne II, on leaving Paris for the United States in August and September of 1939. Some journals cover a shorter period, such as that of David Wright for March, 1828. The most extended are those of Thomas Mott Osborne as head of D.M. Osborne Company (1891-1896), and Lithgow Osborne (191417), first as personal secretary to Ambassador James W. Gerard, and later as third secretary of the American Embassy in Berlin. The journal of Lithgow Osborne includes incoming and outgoing letters which supplement his day-to-day reporting of embassy activity between 1914 and 1917.

Other works in the writings section include the galley proof of There is No Truce (1935), a biography of Thomas Mott Osborne by Rudolph W. Chamberlain; essays by convicts in Auburn and. Sing Sing prisons; an eyewitness account of the San Francisco earthquake and fire (1906); the MGM film script for Osborne of Sing Sing (1939); annotated scripts used by the Hasty Pudding Club at Harvard (1883-1884); articles on prison life and penal systems by a number of reformers and convicts; and miscellaneous compositions by members of the Osborne family.

II. Organization records

All government, fraternal, social and institutional records, are located within this group. The materials include agendas, constitutions and by-laws, directives, membership lists, memoranda, minutes, reports, printed materials and scrapbooks. The records of prisons and prison societies are filed separately at the end of this group.

A. General

All government, fraternal, social and institutional records, other than prison records, are located in this section (Boxes 254-267). The papers are filed alphabetically under the names of organizations, then alphabetically by type of record. Within folders items are filed in chronological order.

Among the papers are records of federal, state and municipal agencies of government. There are special orders and memoranda exchanged between the U.S. War Office and Capt. Peter Pelham between 1814 and 1822. The subjects relate to Indian affairs, stolen slaves, army recruiting and frontier settlement from St. Augustine, Fla., to the Upper Mississippi in the present Wisconsin. Diplomatic papers are filed. under the heading, U.S. Department of State. All were collected by Lithgow Osborne, who served in American embassies and legations in Berlin (1914-1917), Havana (1917), Copenhagen (1917-1919) and Oslo (1944-1946). Other papers in this category relate to his service with the American Peace Commission in Paris (1919), the Arms Limitation Conference in Washington (19211922), the Office of Strategic Services (1942-1944), the Atlantic Council of the United States (1955-1967) and the Declaration of Atlantic Unity (1956-1967). Of the diplomatic papers in this collection, the largest single gathering derives from Mr. Osborne's work in Berlin during the First World War. The records include copies of dispatches, memoranda of conversation with German officials (some in the German language) and reports on conditions in prisoner-of-war camps. As with other organization records, these papers are supplemented by letters in the correspondence section, journals in the writings section, miscellaneous items in the financial records group and photographs located under memorabilia.

New York State records were accumulated by Thomas Mott Osborne and his son, Lithgow. They served in elected and appointed office between 1903 and 1942. Among the papers are records of the state commissions on crime, prisons, and public utilities, the departments of conservation and correction, and the New York National Guard.

There is an extensive file which chronicles municipal government in Auburn, N.Y., where David Munson Osborne, Thomas Mott Osborne and Charles Devens Osborne -- father, son and grandson -- were elected to the office of mayor. The topics include charter revision, police and fire protection, municipal finance, street railways and the water board.

Among the political, social, fraternal, charitable and educational institutions represented are the American-Scandinavian Foundation, the Auburn Beethoven Club, the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies, the George Junior Republic, for which there is an extensive file between 1896 and 1932, the League of Nations Non-Partisan Committee, the National Conference of Social Work, the Osborne School, Wells College in central New York, the Women's Educational and Industrial Union of Auburn, and the Yaddo reservation at Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

B. Prisons

The records of Auburn and Sing Sing prisons, and those of the Portsmouth Naval Prison constitute the bulk of this section (Boxes 268-278). Privately instituted and supported prison reform societies are also located in this section, among them, the Mutual Welfare League, the National Committee on Prisons, the Prison Association of New York, and the Prison Discipline Society. There are several reports prepared by the National Society of Prison Information on conditions in major prisons of the United States between 1920 and 1925.

III. Financial records

The financial papers are divided between corporate and private records, The materials are arranged in alphabetical order under the name of a person or company, then by type of record. Items include audits, bills and receipts, insurance policies, inventories, ledgers, minutes of board meetings, stock certificates, trust accounts and wage books. Loose materials are arranged chronologically within folders.

A. Corporate

The several firms represented in this section (Boxes 278284) include the Auburn Iron Company, the Auburn National Bank, the Auburn Publishing Company, the Auburn Savings Bank, the Buffalo Transparent Products Company, the Ellis Adding-Typewriting Company, D.M. Osborne & Company and the Osborne Hotel. The larger part of the records date from the period 1890-1910, with a handful of earlier records, such as the executive minutes of the Steam Saw-Mill Association, Manhattan Island (1824-1825), the accounts of Capt. Peter Pelham (1806-1826) and the receipt book of New York building contractor Ferris Pell (1824-1827). There is also a fine broadside, in color and dating from about 1875, which illustrates a variety of binders and reapers sold by D.M. Osborne & Company.

B. Personal

The family members whose financial papers appear in quantity include Thomas Mott Osborne, Lithgow Osborne and David Munson Osborne (Boxes 284- 294).

IV. Legal records

Legal records (Boxes 294-299) are arranged in alphabetical order under individual or corporate names then by type of document, also arranged alphabetically. Items include affidavits, contracts, deeds dating from 1808, guardianship papers from the eighteenth century, leases, mortgages, patents and wills of the Osborne family and the clients of David Wright. Court suits (Boxes 300-314) are filed together at the end of this group.

A. General

Many of the legal papers come from the files of David Wright and pertain to the sale of patents for farm machinery. Wright was on retainer for inventor William A. Kirby and businessman David Munson Osborne as their firm moved to the front rank in manufacturing. Several documents trace real estate transactions of the Osborne and Wright families in Cayuga County, N.Y. Among the corporate bodies represented here are the Auburn Gas Company, the Dolphin Point Association, the East Genesee Street and Seward Avenue Railway, the George Junior Republic, the Lake Ontario, Auburn & New York Railroad, the Lehigh Valley Railroad, the New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway, the New York Telephone Company, the Lippincott Publishing Company and the Owasco Valley Oil Company. Among the curiosities are a draft petition (ca. 1843) addressed to the New York State Legislature from a county Temperance Society, the indenture for an apprentice cordwainer in Massachusetts (1794), a will dating from 1778, a plan of Silas Kirby's land in Dartmouth, N.H. (1786), warrants for school taxes (1822), a deed of New York City property signed by Thomas Ludlow Ogden (1824), a sharecropping agreement in Putnam County, Fla. (1878) and miscellaneous papers on real estate holdings of the Swan family (1809-1842).

B. Suits

Court suits are arranged alphabetically under the name of a case, expressed as Plaintiff v. Defendant. There is a complete trial record of New York v. Osborne, with supporting documents for the defense. There are also several affidavits, briefs and trial transcripts for litigation pleaded by David Wright in behalf of David Munson Osborne. Patent rights were generally at issue in these cases.

V. Memorabilia

Memorabilia are divided into three sections: general; genealogies; and photographs. The materials, which include non-manuscript items such as engraving plates and phonodiscs are organized under individuals' names, alphabetically arranged, then subdivided by type.

A. General

This section (Boxes 315-344) contains papers and objects derived almost exclusively from the main branch of the Osborne family. Among the items are address books, appointment books, biographical data, book orders, commissions to appointive office, diplomas, guest lists, invitations, itineraries, medals, membership cards, newspaper clippings, notebooks, obituaries, political ephemera, school records, scrapbooks, transcripts of interviews and visas. One notable item is the scrapbook maintained by Lithgow Osborne during his years in the American Embassy in Berlin (1914- 1917). In it are notes and letters from Walter Hines Page, James W. Gerard and Robert Lansing.

B. Genealogies

The genealogies (Boxes 344-346) trace the lineage of the Osborne family and related branches back to the seventeenth century. The materials are organized under the name of family heads and include notes, charts and searches, both bound and unbound. Several family trees are also available (see Biographical History section, above).

C. Photographs

There is an extensive collection of unmounted photographs (Boxes 346-358). As with the assortment of general memorabilia, the photographs are mostly of the Auburn branch of the Osborne family. Other subjects include the George Junior Republic, Sing Sing Prison, agricultural machinery, travel in. Europe and the Carribean and German prisoner-of-war camps during World War I. There are autographed photos of Lucretia Coffin Mott and Charles Evans Hughes Nine albums and one box of glass negatives are located at the end of this section.

Bound volumes and oversize materials

Bound volumes, such as notebooks, published works and ledgers, are numbered consecutively throughout the collection and recapitulated at the end of the Shelf List. Oversized items, also numbered consecutively at the end of the Shelf List, are situated at the end of the boxed collection. Dummy folders for the oversized packages have been placed among the boxed papers.

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Arrangement of the Collection

See Scope and Contents above.

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Other Related Finding Aids

Several additional lists are available in the finding aids file, including:

  • A partial list of names, businesses, and subjects by year
  • A list of Lucretia Coffin Mott correspondence
  • Recapitulation of oversize packages and their contents
  • Recapitulation of bound volumes and their contents

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Material relating to W. R. George restricted until 2020 at the request of Lithgow Osborne.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Subject Headings


Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948.
Devens, Charles, 1820-1891.
Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895-1966.
Howe, Louis M. (Louis McHenry), 1871-1936.
Lehman, Herbert H. (Herbert Henry), 1878-1963.
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880.
Osborne family -- Genealogy.
Osborne family.
Osborne, David Munson, 1822-1886.
Osborne, Lithgow, 1892-1980.
Osborne, Thomas Mott, 1859-1926.
Peabody, George Foster, 1852-1938.
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962.
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945.
Smith, Alfred Emanuel, 1873-1944.
Trask, Katrina, 1853-1922.
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 1872-1949.
Wright, David Minton, 1809-1863.
Wright, Martha Coffin, 1806-1875.

Corporate Bodies

Democratic Party (N.Y.)
George Junior Republic (Freeville, N.Y.)


Capital punishment.
Philanthropists -- United States.
Prison reformers -- United States.
Prison wardens -- New York (State)
Prisoners -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- New York (State)
Social reformers -- United States.
Suffragists -- United States.
Upper class -- United States.
Women's rights.


Auburn, N.Y. -- History.
Cayuga County (N.Y.) -- Social life and customs.
New York (State) -- History.
New York (State) -- Officials and employees.
New York (State) -- Politics and government.
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1913-1921.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century.

Genres and Forms

Account books.
Financial records.
Letter books.
Speeches (documents)


Prison reformers.
Social reformers.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Osborne Family Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Finding Aid Information

Created by: John Janitz
Date: Aug 1971
Revision history: 28 Apr 2009 - converted to EAD (MRC); 12 Jul 2010 - adds (MRC); 26 May 2011 - original draft of Politics and Prisons, box 359 (MRC); 26 Feb 2013 - minor corrections, boxes 278, 293 (MRC); 21 Sep 2017 - oversize items rehoused, 1 item added to Box 321, Memorabilia : TMO : Misc.; 21 Jul 2021 - one item added to Box 321, Thomas Mott Osborne Miscellaneous (RMH); 31 oct 2023 - content warning added, Box 273 (MRC)

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Communications and writings
Chronological order
Box 1 1812 Gen - 1823 Jun
Box 2 1823 Jul - 1838 Apr
Box 3 1838 May - 1841 Mar
Box 4 1841 Apr - 1843 Nov
Box 5 1843 Dec - 1846 Oct
Box 6 1846 Nov - 1849 Jul
Box 7 1849 Aug - 1852 Dec
Box 8 1853 Gen - 1856 Dec
Box 9 1857 Gen - 1858 Nov
Box 10 1858 Dec - 1862 Jul
Box 11 1862 Aug - 1866 Jan
Box 12 1866 Feb - 1869 Jun
Box 13 1869 Jul - 1872 Mar
Box 14 1872 Apr - 1875 Nov
Box 15 1875 Dec - 1877 Jun
Box 16 1877 Jul - 1878 Oct
Box 17 1878 Nov - 1879 Nov
Box 18 1879 Dec - 1881 Feb
Box 19 1881 Mar - 1882 Apr
Box 20 1882 May - 1883 Oct
Box 21 1883 Nov - 1884 Oct
Box 22 1884 Nov - 1885 Jun
Box 23 1885 Jul - 1886 Jan
Box 24 1886 Feb - 1886 Jul
Box 25 1886 Aug - 1887 Mar
Box 26 1887 Apr - 1887 Dec
Box 27 1888 Gen - 1888 Sep
Box 28 1888 Oct - 1889 Jul
Box 29 1889 Aug - 1890 Mar
Box 30 1890 Apr - 1891 Gen
Box 31 1891 Jan - 1891 Nov
Box 32 1891 Dec - 1892 Aug
Box 33 1892 Sep - 1893 Sep
Box 34 1893 Oct - 1894 Sep
Box 35 1894 Oct - 1896 Jan
Box 36 1896 Feb - 1896 Oct
Box 37 1896 Nov - 1897 Oct
Box 38 1897 Nov - 1898 Jul
Box 39 1898 Aug - 1899 Jun
Box 40 1899 Jul - 1900 Jan
Box 41 1900 Feb - 1900 May
Box 42 1900 Jun - 1900 Sep
Box 43 1900 Oct - 1901 Jan
Box 44 1901 Feb - 1901 Apr
Box 45 1901 May - 1901 Jul
Box 46 1901 Aug - 1901 Dec
Box 47 1902 Gen - 1902 Apr
Box 48 1902 May - 1902 Sep
Box 49 1902 Oct - 1902 Dec
Box 50 1903 Gen - 1903 Mar
Box 51 1903 Apr - 1903 Jun
Box 52 1903 Jul - 1904 Gen
Box 53 1904 Feb - 1904 Apr
Box 54 1904 Apr - 1904 Aug
Box 55 1904 Aug - 1905 Feb
Box 56 1905 Feb - 1905 May
Box 57 1905 May - 1905 Nov
Box 58 1905 Nov - 1906 Jan
Box 59 1906 Feb - 1906 Apr
Box 60 1906 May - 1906 Jul
Box 61 1906 Jul - 1906 Oct
Box 62 1906 Oct - 1906 Nov
Box 63 1906 Dec - 1907 Feb
Box 64 1907 Feb - 1907 Apr
Box 65 1907 May - 1907 Jun
Box 66 1907 Jul - 1907 Oct
Box 67 1907 Oct - 1907 Dec
Box 68 1908 Gen - 1908 Feb
Box 69 1908 Feb - 1908 Apr
Box 70 1908 Apr - 1908 Jun
Box 71 1908 Jun - 1908 Aug
Box 72 1908 Aug - 1908 Oct
Box 73 1908 Nov - 1909 Gen
Box 74 1909 Jan - 1909 Feb
Box 75 1909 Mar - 1909 Apr
Box 76 1909 May - 1909 Jul
Box 77 1909 Jul - 1909 Oct
Box 78 1909 Oct - 1909 Nov
Box 79 1909 Dec - 1910 Jan
Box 80 1910 Jan - 1910 Mar
Box 81 1910 Mar - 1910 May
Box 82 1910 May - 1910 Jul
Box 83 1910 Jul - 1910 Aug
Box 84 1910 Aug - 1910 Oct
Box 85 1910 Oct - 1910 Dec
Box 86 1910 Dec - 1911 Jan
Box 87 1911 Feb - 1911 Mar
Box 88 1911 Mar - 1911 Apr
Box 89 1911 May - 1911 Jul
Box 90 1911 Jul - 1911 Oct
Box 91 1911 Oct - 1911 Dec
Box 92 1912 Gen - 1912 Feb
Box 93 1912 Feb - 1912 Apr
Box 94 1912 May - 1912 Jul
Box 95 1912 Jul - 1912 Sep
Box 96 1912 Sep - 1912 Dec
Box 97 1912 Dec - 1913 Feb
Box 98 1913 Mar - 1913 May
Box 99 1913 Jun - 1913 Aug
Box 100 1913 Aug - 1913 Oct
Box 101 1913 Oct - 1913 Dec
Box 102 1913 Dec - 1914 Feb
Box 103 1914 Feb - 1914 Apr
Box 104 1914 Apr - 1914 Jun
Box 105 1914 Jun - 1914 Aug
Box 106 1914 Aug - 1914 Oct
Box 107 1914 Oct - 1914 Nov
Box 108 1914 Dec
Box 109 1914 Dec - 1915 Jan
Box 110 1915 Jan - 1915 Feb
Box 111 1915 Feb - 1915 Mar
Box 112 1915 Mar - 1915 Apr
Box 113 1915 Apr - 1915 May
Box 114 1915 May - 1915 Jun
Box 115 1915 Jun - 1915 Jul
Box 116 1915 Jul
Box 117 1915 Aug
Box 118 1915 Aug - 1915 Sep
Box 119 1915 Sep - 1915 Oct
Box 120 1915 Oct - 1915 Nov
Box 121 1915 Nov - 1915 Dec
Box 122 1915 Dec - 1916 Gen
Box 123 1916 Jan
Box 124 1916 Feb - 1916 Mar
Box 125 1916 Mar - 1916 Apr
Box 126 1916 May - 1916 Jun
Box 127 1916 Jun - 1916 Jul
Box 128 1916 Jul - 1916 Aug
Box 129 1916 Sep - 1916 Oct
Box 130 1916 Oct - 1916 Nov
Box 131 1916 Nov - 1916 Dec
Box 132 1916 Dec - 1917 Jan
Box 133 1917 Jan - 1917 Mar
Box 134 1917 Mar - 1917 May
Box 135 1917 May - 1917 Jul
Box 136 1917 Jul - 1917 Aug
Box 137 1917 Sep - 1917 Oct
Box 138 1917 Oct - 1917 Nov
Box 139 1917 Nov - 1918 Gen
Box 140 1918 Jan - 1918 Feb
Box 141 1918 Mar - 1918 Apr
Box 142 1918 May - 1918 Jun
Box 143 1918 Jul - 1918 Aug
Box 144 1918 Sep - 1918 Nov
Box 145 1918 Nov - 1919 Jan
Box 146 1919 Jan - 1919 Mar
Box 147 1919 Mar - 1919 May
Box 148 1919 May - 1919 Jul
Box 149 1919 Aug - 1919 Sep
Box 150 1919 Oct - 1919 Nov
Box 151 1919 Nov - 1920 Gen
Box 152 1920 Jan - 1920 Feb
Box 153 1920 Mar - 1920 May
Box 154 1920 Jun - 1920 Aug
Box 155 1920 Aug - 1920 Oct
Box 156 1920 Nov - 1921 Jan
Box 157 1921 Jan - 1921 Apr
Box 158 1921 May - 1921 Aug
Box 159 1921 Aug - 1921 Nov
Box 160 1921 Nov - 1922 Feb
Box 161 1922 Feb - 1922 Apr
Box 162 1922 May - 1922 Sep
Box 163 1922 Oct - 1923 Jan
Box 164 1923 Feb - 1923 May
Box 165 1923 May - 1923 Aug
Box 166 1923 Aug - 1923 Nov
Box 167 1923 Nov - 1924 Feb
Box 168 1924 Feb - 1924 May
Box 169 1924 May - 1924 Aug
Box 170 1924 Sep - 1924 Oct
Box 171 1924 Oct - 1925 Jan
Box 172 1925 Jan - 1925 Apr
Box 173 1925 Apr - 1925 Jul
Box 174 1925 Aug - 1925 Oct
Box 175 1925 Nov - 1926 Jan
Box 176 1926 Feb - 1926 Jul
Box 177 1926 Aug - 1926 Nov
Box 178 1926 Dec - 1927 Jun
Box 179 1927 Jul - 1928 Mar
Box 180 1928 Apr - 1929 May
Box 181 1929 Jun - 1930 Oct
Box 182 1930 Nov - 1931 Oct
Box 183 1931 Nov - 1932 Sep
Box 184 1932 Oct - 1933 Mar
Box 185 1933 Mar - 1935 Jul
Box 186 1935 Aug - 1937 Sep
Box 187 1937 Oct - 1940 Feb
Box 188 1940 Mar - 1942 May
Box 189 1942 Jun - 1943 Sep
Box 190 1943 Oct - 1944 Aug
Box 191 1944 Sep - 1945 May
Box 192 1945 Jun - 1945 Nov
Box 193 1945 Dec - 1946 Jul
Box 194 1946 Aug - 1949 Sep
Box 195 1949 Oct - 1953 Aug
Box 196 1953 Sep - 1956 Aug
Box 197 1956 Sep - 1961 Jul
Box 198 1961 Aug - 1963 Aug
Box 199 1963 Sep - 1964 Apr
Box 200 1964 May - 1964 Oct
Box 201 1964 Nov - 1965 Jul
Box 202 1965 Jul - 1966 Apr
Box 203 1966 May - 1966 Nov
Box 204 1966 Dec - 1967 May
Box 205 1967 Jun - 1968 Jan
Alphabetical order
Box 206 A-O
Box 206 Osborne, Mrs. D. M. - few undated postcards; large number of empty envelopes
Box 206 Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 206 Osborne Family, general
Box 206 P, R-S
Box 206 Storrow, Helen (Osborne)
Box 206 T-U
Box 207 V-W
Box 207 Wright, Martha (Coffin)
Box 207 Y- Z
Box 207 Unidentified
Letter books, Thomas Mott Osborne
General correspondence
Box 208 1892 May - 1895 Aug (Vol. 1)
Box 209 1895 Aug - 1896 Jul (Vol. 2)
Box 210 1896 Jul - 1898 Jan (Vol. 3)
Box 211 1898 Jan - 1899 Jan (Vol. 4)
Box 212 1899 Jan - 1900 Jan (Vol. 5)
Box 213 1900 Jan - 1900 Sep (Vol. 6)
Box 214 1900 Sep - 1901 May (Vol. 7)
Box 215 1901 May - 1902 Feb (Vol. 8)
Box 216 1902 Feb - 1902 Oct (Vol. 9)
Box 217 1902 Oct - 1903 Apr (Vol. 10)
Box 218 1903 Apr - 1903 Dec (Vol. 11)
Box 219 1903 Dec - 1904 Aug (Vol. 12)
Box 220 1904 Aug - 1905 May (Vol. 13)
Box 221 1905 May - 1906 Jan (Vol. 14)
Box 222 1906 Jan - 1906 Feb (Vol. 15)
George Junior Republic
Box 223 1898 Jan - 1899 Apr (Vol. 16)
Box 224 1899 Apr - 1900 May (Vol. 17)
Box 225 1900 May - 1901 Jan (Vol. 18)
Box 226 Transcriptions, Will David on world tour 1877 Sep 17 - 1877 Oct 23, 1877 Oct 26 - 1878 Jun 9, 1878 Jun 18 - 1878 Aug 15 (6 folders)
Box 227 Anonymous and miscellaneous 1906-1938
Box 227 Adler, Mortimer / On Thomas Mott Osborne undated
Box 227 Battle, George Gordon / On Thomas Mott Osborne 1915
Box 227 Devens, Charles / On Patriotism 1887-1890 - printed material
Box 227 Dix, John A. / On State Finance 1915
Box 227 Doty, Madeleine Zabriskie / On Prisons and Reformatories 1915
Box 227 Drummond, R.S. / Nominating Thomas Mott Osborne undated
Box 227 Eliot, Samuel A. / On Thomas Mott Osborne 1927
Box 227 Harllee, William C., Major, U.S. Marines / On Discipline and Organization circa 1920
Box 227 Johnson, Grove Lawrence / On William Randolph Hearst and the Central Pacific Railroad 1897
Box 227 Karlin, Alexander / "Crimes and Criminals" 1915
Box 227 Kirchwey, George W. / On Thomas Mott Osborne 1927
Box 227 Kirchwey, George W. and others / On Thomas Mott Osborne 1927
Box 227 McCormick, Austin H. / On the Rehabilitation of Criminals 1935
Box 227 Mathews, Sylvester J. / "Jacob Leonard" 1902
Box 227 Osborne, David Munson / "Devonshire Tale" undated
Osborne, Lithgow
Box 227 Miscellaneous 1934-1939
Box 227 "The American-Friends of Danish Freedom" 1941
Box 227 "The American-Legion Convention" 1936
Box 227 "An American Point of View" circa 1945
Box 227 "American-Norwegian Trade Relations" 1946
Box 227 "Atlantic Union Practical Politics" circa 1967
Box 227 On the Auburn Kiwanis Club circa 1926
Box 227 On Boy Scouts circa 1930
Box 227 On British-American Defenses 1940
Box 227 "The Bureau of State Publicity" 1935-1940
Box 227 On the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 1933-1935
Box 227 On the Cold War 1946
Box 227 Commencement Address circa 1928
Box 227 On Campaign Issues 1923-1942 (5 folders)
Box 228 "Confessions of a Ham Actor" 1932
Box 228 On Conservation 1934-1942 (3 folders)
Box 228 "The Conservation Department and the Public" 1933
Box 228 On the Conservation Fund 1939-1940
Box 228 On Conservation Department Policies 1939-1940 (3 folders)
Box 228 "Conservation Education in the State Conservation Department" 1937
Box 228 "Crime and Community" 1953
Box 228 On Criminals and Prisons 1930
Box 228 Dedications 1934
Box 228 On the Economy 1932
Box 228 "English and American Debts" 1932
Box 228 On Farm Problems 1933
Box 228 "The Farmer and Reforestation"
Box 228 "The Farmer-Sportsman Problem" 1935-1938
Box 228 On Fish and Game 1933-1942 (3 folders)
Box 228 On Forests 1933-1940
Box 228 On Historic Sites in New York 1936
Box 228 "The Importance of Upstate Democrats" 1932
Box 229 On the International Situation 1941-1942
Box 229 Introduction of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1928
Box 229 On the Lack of Interest in Public Affairs circa 1928
Box 229 On the League of Nations circa 1925
Box 229 On the Life of Thomas Jefferson circa 1928
Box 229 On Mercy Hospital, Auburn, N.Y. circa 1928
Box 229 On the New York State Conservation Department 1933-1942
Box 229 On the New York State Constitutional Convention 1937-1938
Box 229 On the New York State Forest Preserve 1934, 1961
Box 229 "The New York State Park System" 1934
Box 229 On the Opening of Conservation Week 1935
Box 229 On Patronage 1955
Box 229 On Politics 1933-1940 (2 folders)
Box 229 On Pollution 1941
Box 229 On Postwar Norway 1946
Box 229 On the Presidential Election 1932, 1948 (2 folders)
Box 229 On Prohibition 1928, 1932 (2 folders)
Box 229 On Recreation in New York State 1936-1941
Box 229 On the Republican Administration 1956
Box 229 "Science and Democracy" circa 1950
Box 229 "Socialism and Capitalism Compared" circa 1932
Box 229 In support of F. J. Souhan for Congress circa 1948
Box 229 On the Tariff circa 1928
Box 229 "The Task of Norwegian Democracy" 1946
Box 229 On Truck Farming in New York State 1934
Box 229 "The United States and Germany, 1914-1917" circa 1932
Box 230 On the New York State Water Power and Control Commission 1934-1936
Box 230 "Where Do Atlanticans Go from Here" circa 1967
Box 230 On the Wildlife Institution and Biological Survey 1935, 1936
Box 230 On Wildlife Management 1936-1940
Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 230 Miscellaneous 1905-1912
Box 230 "American Ideals" 1921 - printed material
Box 230 "The Blight of Politics" 1903
Box 230 On Business 1899
Box 230 On Campaign Issues 1896-1912 (5 folders)
Box 230 On Charles F. Murphy and William Randolph Hearst 1906
Box 230 "The Children of the Municipality" circa 1904
Box 230 "The Civil Service of a Democracy" circa 1910
Box 230 On Death 1912
Box 230 "Democracy and Imperialism" 1908
Box 230 "Democracy and Progress" circa 1910
Box 230 "Democracy in Prison Organization" 1920
Box 230 On the Democratic Party in New York State 1909
Box 230 "The Duty of Democrats..." 1896
Box 230 "Education in a Democracy" circa 1910
Box 230 On Efficiency and Prisons 1915
Box 230 On the George Junior Republic 1901
Box 230 On Gothic Architecture circa 1900
Box 231 "Governor Roosevelt and the New York Independents" 1898
Box 231 "Modern Music: Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner" 1900
Box 231 On the Murphy Ring and Tammany Hall 1911
Box 231 On the Mutual Welfare League 1915
Box 231 On the National Party 1900
Box 231 "A New Theory of Education" 1906
Box 231 "The Obligations of Woman in a Democracy" 1914
Box 231 "Our Country" 1906
Box 231 On Politics 1903
Box 231 On the Position of the Independent Democrats in the National Party 1900
Box 231 "Politics in Prison Reform" 1920
Box 231 "Prison Reform" 1915
Box 231 "For the Prisoner and the State" 1915
Box 231 On Prisons 1915
Box 231 "Progress in the Treatment of the Deficient and Delinquent in the Last Hundred Years" 1925
Box 231 On Public Utilities circa 1907
Box 231 On Reciprocity 1902
Box 231 "The Public Service Commission's Law of New York State" circa 1907
Box 231 On Sing Sing 1915
Box 231 On Social Ethics 1905
Box 231 "Some Obstacles to Foreign Commerce" circa 1908
Box 232 "To the Teachers of the Public Schools" 1890
Box 232 "Training for Municipal Citizenship" 1909
Box 232 "The True Foundation of Prison Reform" 1906
Box 232 On Trusts 1899
Box 232 "The Waltz" 1900
Box 232 "War and Democracy" circa 1910
Box 232 "The War Monument" circa 1919
Box 232 On Woodrow Wilson 1912
Box 232 Robinson, Louis N. / On Prison Labor 1936
Box 232 Svaneborg, Kristen / "Scandinavia and America: The War and the Peace Which Will Come" 1915
Sweet, William E.
Box 232 "The Christianization of International Relations" 1924
Box 232 On Thomas Mott Osborne 1927
Box 232 Taber, John / On Campaign Issues 1942
Box 232 Tompkins, Arthur S. / On Thomas Mott Osborne 1915
Box 232 Wadhams, William H. / On the League of Nations 1920
Box 232 Warden, James A. / "Penal Institutions and the Prosecutor" 1916
Box 232 Wright, David / On Farming in Pennsylvania Around 1820 circa 1885
Box 232 Miscellaneous 1910-1920
Articles and essays
Box 232 Miscellaneous 1916-1921
Box 232 On Thomas Jefferson circa 1850
Box 232 "The Siege of Paris" 1870
Box 232 The World's Mystery (fiction) circa 1915 (2 folders)
Box 233 Chance (non-fiction) undated
Box 233 Journal, on Charles F. Murphy of Tammany Hall 1906
Box 233 Verse, miscellaneous 1832-1926
Adler, Margaret
Box 233 Article/essay, "Working with Prisoners" circa 1910
Becker, Robert Van
Box 233 Memorial letters on Auburn Prison
Bolasky, Harry B.
Box 233 Article/essay, "The Kid Goes Straight" circa 1920
Caponegro, Angelo
Box 233 Article/essay, "How and Where Men are Made Criminals" circa 1915
Chamberlain, Rudolph W.
Box 233 Book, There Is No Truce: A Life of Thomas Mott Osborne 1935 - galley proof
Chapman, John Jay
Box 233 Article/essay, "Osborne's Place in Historic Criminology," The Harvard Graduates' Magazine XXXV 1927
Codding, T.K.
Box 233 Article/essay, "Prison Recreation" 1911
Crane, Frank
Box 233 Article/essay, "Warden Osborne and the System," Los Angeles Express 1917
Curtis, M.
Box 233 Autobiography circa 1915
Box 233 Article/essay, "Third Tickets of the Past" circa 1900
Dalton, Arthur
Box 233 Article/essay, "An Amateur Detective" circa 1915
Dawes, Anna L.
Box 233 Article/essay, "My Impressions of the New Adventure at Sing Sing" 1916
Douglass, Royall
Box 233 Verse 1911-1913
Dickey, Basil
Box 234 Plays, 1313 and The Gray Brother 1919
Dutton, Samuel T.
Box 234 Article/essay on Katrina Trask circa 1910 - printed material
Eliot, Samuel A.
Box 234 Article/essay, "An Exponent of the Harvard Spirit" 1916
Erskine, John
Box 234 Play, Justice circa 1915
Farwell, Arthur
Box 234 Play, The Spring of Youth circa 1911
Box 234 Verse, "Hymn to Liberty" 1911 - printed material
Feinberg, Richard
Box 234 Reminiscence on the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire 1906
Finn, Jonathan and Harold Friedman
Box 234 Film script, Osborne of Sing Sing 1939
Fever, Charles
Box 234 Article/essay, "To Those Who Doubt" circa 1915
Glueck, Bernard
Box 234 Article/essay, "Types of Delinquent Careers," Mental Hygiene circa 1915
Goldstein, Jacob
Box 234 Letter to the editor on Thomas Mott Osborne 1916
Greenan, John
Box 234 Book chapter, "Crime and Its Treatment," American Democracy, Chapter XX 1923 - page proof
Harmon, Clifford B.
Box 234 Article/essay, "The Gray City: An Appeal" 1915
Hasty Pudding Club
Play and director's notes
Box 234 Ali Baba (Vols. 19-20) 1883
Box 234 Hernani (Vol. 21) 1884
Jacobs, Israel
Box 234 Diary 1837
Johnson, Clarence Richard
Box 234 Article/essay, "Prison Facts in Constantinople" circa 1915
Justice, Maibelle Heikes
Box 234 Article/essay, "Who Shall Take My Life?" 1916
Kirchwey, George W.
Articles and essays
Box 234 "The Paradox of Occoquan," The Survey 1921
Box 234 "What Prisons Do to Men," The Nation 1922
Lane, Winthrop D.
Box 234 Article/essay, "The Retirement of Thomas Mott Osborne," The Survey 1916
Box 234 Obituary, "Thomas Mott Osborne," The Nation 1926
Lowrie, Donald
Articles and essays
Box 234 "Prison Bars," Forum circa 1915 - printed material
Box 234 "The Tom Brown Knitting Class" 1915
MacCormick, Austin H.
Box 234 Report, on the Rehabilitation of Criminals 1935
Miller, Spencer Jr.
Box 234 Article/essay, "Penal Progress and Prison Democracy" circa 1920
Morris, Anna Wharton
Box 234 Obituary, "Thomas Mott Osborne, A Great Leader," Friends' Intelligencer, LXXXIII 1926
Murphy, Jack
Box 234 Article/essay, "Why Prisons Cannot Reform" circa 1913
Box 234 Book, The Fruits of Gangland (Vols. 22-24) circa 1913
Mutual Welfare League
Box 234 Article/essay, "Tom Brown and the Cons" 1915
Osborne, Agnes (Devens)
Box 234 Article/essay, On Architecture 1887
Box 234 Vols. 25-26 1882-1883
Box 235 Vols. 27-38 1883-1895 (6 folders)
Box 235 Journals 1881
Box 235 Notebook, "England and Her Colonies" (Vol. 39) 1887
Box 236 Verse circa 1890
Osborne, David Munson
Articles and essays
Box 236 "The Exploits of Montrose" circa 1885
Box 236 "Five New States" circa 1885
Box 236 On Urban Improvement Societies circa 1885
Box 236 Travelog on Scotland
Osborne, Eliza (Wright)
Box 236 Articles and essays, miscellaneous undated
Box 236 Diaries (Vols. 45, 47) 1861-1894
Box 236 Journal, "On Travel in the Western United States" (Vol. 48) 1871
Osborne, Jane Abbey
Box 236 Diaries (Vol. 49) 1884
Box 236 Verse 1884
Osborne, John Hall
Box 236 Miscellaneous 1901-1904
Osborne, Lillie (Raben-Levetzau)
Box 237 Miscellaneous circa 1965
Osborne, Lithgow
Box 237 Miscellaneous 1902-1943
Articles and essays
Box 237 "Al Smith and the Drinking Wets" 1928
Box 237 "American Foreign Policy and Atlantic Union" 1950
Box 237 On Denmark circa 1925
Box 237 "For a Finer Forest Preserve" 1959
Box 237 "The Importance of the Upstate Democracy" 1932
Box 237 "Is Wild Trout Fishing Doomed?" Outdoor America 1940
Box 237 "New York State's Ski Trails" 1938
Box 237 "Science and Conservation" 1941
Box 237 "The Task of Norwegian Democracy," The Norseman, IV 1946
Box 237 On Western Defense 1942
Box 237 On Woodrow Wilson circa 1925
Box 237 1904-1926 (Vols. 50-55) (6 folders)
Box 238 1929-1953 (Vols. 56-60) (6 folders)
Box 238 Editorials 1923-1942
Box 239 "Berlin Journal," volumes I-VI 1914-1917 (6 volumes)
Box 240 "Berlin Journal" 1914-1915 - extracts
Box 240 U.S. to Australia 1943
Box 240 U.S. to Norway 1944
Box 240 Norway to U.S. (Vol. 63) 1946
Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 240 Miscellaneous 1900-1925
Articles and essays
Box 240 On Abraham Lincoln undated
Box 240 "American Ideals" undated
Box 240 On Balzac undated
Box 240 "Bazebalfevre" undated
Box 240 "A Bit of Colored Glass!" undated
Box 240 On Capital Punishment 1924-1927
Box 240 "The Corporations vs. the People" undated
Box 240 "Democracy and Education" undated
Box 240 "Democracy and the Tariff" undated
Box 240 On the Democratic Party in New York circa 1910
Box 240 On Dissent in Wartime 1895
Box 240 On Germany's Participation in World War I circa 1920
Box 240 "Harry Bolasky, Pickpocket" circa 1920
Box 240 "Harry Klein, Gangster" circa 1915
Box 240 "The Harvard Graduate" undated
Box 240 "Has the Democratic Party a Future?" 1908
Box 240 "Has the Prison Failed?" undated
Box 240 "Italians and Poles" undated
Box 240 "Jack Dropper" undated
Box 240 On Lawyers undated
Box 240 On Letter Writing 1896
Box 241 "In the Light of the New Penology" undated
Box 241 "In Memory of Grace Hopkinson Eliot" 1924
Box 241 On Municipal Reform circa 1905
Box 241 "My Friends: The Thieves and Burglars" 1915
Box 241 On the Mutual Welfare League 1913-1915
Box 241 "The Origin of the Canoe" undated
Box 241 On Penology undated
Box 241 On Politics undated
Box 241 Prison Discipline and Character Building 1916
Box 241 "Our Prison System and a Suggestion" undated
Box 241 "The Prison of the Future" 1516 - drafts
Box 241 "The Prison of the Future" 1916 - galley proof and pamphlet
Box 241 "Prison Reform in England" undated
Box 241 On the Public Service Commission of New York State 1907-1909
Box 241 On the Schwitovosky Affair undated
Box 241 "A Sketch of the Life and Character of David Munson Osborne" undated
Box 241 On Susan B. Anthony circa 1901
Box 241 "The Syndicate, the Law and the People" 1907
Box 241 On Theodore Roosevelt circa 1904
Box 241 On Thomas Carlyle's Visit to a Model Prison undated
Box 241 "To A. W. M." undated
Box 241 "A True Basis of Wales" undated
Box 241 "The True Foundation of Prison Reform" 1915
Box 241 "The True Issues for 1900" 1900
Box 241 On Voting undated
Box 241 On Wagner's Flying Dutchman 1900
Box 241 On Washington Irving undated
Box 241 "What is the Democratic Party" undated
Box 241 "What Shall the Perplexed Voter Do?" The Ethical Record, II 1900
Box 241 "Who is to Get the Millions?" undated
Box 241 "William Lloyd Garrison" undated
Box 241 Autobiography circa 1921 - notes (Vol. 64)
Books, fiction
Box 241 An American Dreyfus Case undated - table of contents
Box 241 A Tangled Web undated - chapter I
Books, nonfiction
Adventures of a Green Dragon
Box 241 Holograph, fragment 1908
Box 242 Bound (Vol. 65) 1908
Box 359 Politics and Prisons circa 1926 - (4 folders)
Original typescript. Chapters are in a different order from the following draft. First folder includes a note from Mott's great-grandson and an annotated table of contents, mapping original chapter names to new chapter names.
Politics and Prisons circa 1926
Box 242 Miscellaneous notes
Box 242 Table of Contents
Box 242 Forward
Box 242 I "The Road Camp," drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 242 II "The Decision," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 242 III "Warden of Sing Sing"
Box 242 IV "Sing Sing Prison," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 242 V "The First Day," drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 242 VI "The Golden Rule Brotherhood"
Box 242 VII "Progress Within"
Box 242 VIII "The Sing Sing Courts"
Box 242 IX "Christmas...And a New Year," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 242 X "Progress Without"
Box 242 XI "Personalities"
Box 242 XII "The Great Test"
Box 242 XIII "Undercurrents"
Box 242 XIV "Prison Politics," draft A
Box 243 XIV "Prison Politics," draft B
Box 243 XV "The Death House"
Box 243 XVI "The Mutual Welfare League"
Box 243 XVII "Further Progress"
Box 243 XVIII "Exit. Cummins"
Box 243 XIX "Cross Currents"
Box 243 XX "Superintendent Riley"
Box 243 XXI "The First Attack," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 243 XXII "At Great Meadow," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 244 XXIII "Alarums and Excursions," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 244 XXIV "Charles Becker"
Box 244 XXV "The Confidential Agent"
Box 244 XXVI "A Lull in the Storm'" drafts A-D (4 folders)
Box 244 XXVII "The New Attack," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 244 XXVIII "The Greatest Prison Problem" drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 244 XXIX "Introducing. Dr. Diedling," drafts A-D (4 folders)
Box 244 XXX "The Blunderbuss," drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 244 XXXI "Preposterous Bosh," drafts A-D (6 folders)
Box 244 XXXII "Cataline" ("Luther C. White"), drafts
Box 244 XXXIII "The Artful Dodger," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 244 XXXIV "Charles H. Johnson," drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 244 XXXV "Pecksniff"
Box 244 XXXVI "Stacking the Cards," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 244 XXXIII "The Grand Jury (1)," drafts A-F (6 folders)
Box 245 XXXVIII "The Grand Jury (2)," drafts A-D (4 folders)
Box 245 XXXIX "The Grand Jury (3)," drafts A-F (6 folders)
Box 245 XL "Another Christmas"
Box 245 XLI "Exit Riley," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 245 XLII "Tony Marino"
Box 245 XLIII "The Party of the Fifth Part," drafts A-C (3 folders)
Box 245 XLIV "Carnegie Hall"
Box 246 XLV "Jack, the Dropper"
Box 246 XLVII "Warden Kirchwey," drafts A-B (2 folders)
Box 246 XLVIII "The Trial"
Box 246 XLIX "Victory and Vindication"
Salvaging Sing Sing
See Politics and Prisons
Society and Prisons (Yale Lectures: "The New Penology," 1916)
Box 246 Notes
Box 246 Draft A
Box 246 Draft B
Box 246 Galley proof
Box 246 Reviews
Box 246 Der Staat und die Gefangnisse: Einige Vorschlage fur eine neue Penelogie undated
Within Prison Walls: Being a Narrative of Personal Experience During a Week of Voluntary Confinement in the State Prison at Auburn, New York 1913
Box 246 Table of Contents
Box 246 I "Why I Went to Prison"
Box 246 II "Sunday's Journal"
Box 246 III "Monday Morning"
Box 246 IV "Monday Afternoon"
Box 246 V "The First Night"
Box 247 VI "Tuesday Morning"
Box 247 VII "Tuesday Afternoon and Evening"
Box 247 VIII "Wednesday Morning and Afternoon"
Box 247 IX "Wednesday Evening"
Box 247 X "Thursday"
Box 247 XI "Friday"
Box 247 XII "The Jail"
Box 247 XIII "A Night in Hell"
Box 247 XIV "Sunday--The End"
Box 247 XV "Cui Bono?"
Box 247 Reviews
Box 247 (Vols. 66-69) 1877-1909 (4 folders)
Box 248 (Vols. 70-74) 1908-1926 (6 folders)
Film scripts
Box 248 "Bruised Humanity" circa 1920
Box 248 The Gray Brothers circa 1920
Box 248 "Making Good" undated
Box 248 "The New Commandment" undated
Box 248 "A Prison Unprisoned" 1921
The Right Way
Box 248 Title page and contents
Box 248 Prelude
Box 248 Synopsis
Box 248 I "A Poor Little Rich Boy"
Box 248 II"A Poor Little Slum Boy"
Box 248 III "First Lessons in Crime"
Box 248 IV "Grown Up"
Box 248 V "The Ball"
Box 248 VI "The Sick Mother"
Box 248 VII "Dishonor Among Thieves"
Box 248 VIII "Cross Currents"
Box 248 IX "Blanksburg"
Box 248 X "Sowing the Wind"
Box 248 XI "First Fruits"
Box 249 XII "Easy the Descent"
Box 249 XIII "Punishment"
Box 249 XIV "Criminals"
Box 249 XV "The Shadow of the Prison"
Box 249 XVI "Jimmy's New Pal"
Box 249 XVII "Release"
Box 249 Interlude
Box 249 XVIII "At Large"
Box 249 XIX "The New Warden"
Box 249 XX "The New Deal"
Box 249 XXI "Jimmy's Return"
Box 249 XXII "An Escape"
Box 249 XXIII "At the Turn of the Road"
Box 249 XXIV "The Den of Wu Fang'
Box 249 XXV "Confession"
Box 249 XXVI "The Desperate Chance"
Box 249 XXVII "The Death-House"
Box 249 XXVIII "Harvest"
Box 249 Postlude
Box 249 Suggested music
Box 249 Film stills
Box 249 Publicity
Box 249 Reviews
Box 249 "The Way Out"
Box 249 Fragments circa 1920
Box 249 "Tom Brown at Auburn Prison" 1913
Box 249 As Warden of Sing Sing Prison 1914-1915
Box 249 "Tom Brown in the Navy" (Vol. 75) 1919
Box 249 European Travel (Vol. 76) 1873
Box 249 Around the World (Vol. 77) 1877-1879
Box 250 U.S. and European Travel (Vol. 78) 1822-1884
Box 250 European Travel (Vols. 79-81) 1894-1901 (3 folders)
Box 250 "Log of the Green Dragon" (Vol. 82) 1907
Box 250 European Travel (Vols. 83-86) 1911-1922 (4 folders)
Box 250 Miscellaneous undated
Box 250 On Music undated
Box 251 On Prisons undated
Box 251 On Travel undated
Box 251 Miscellaneous notes and drafts
Box 251 [unidentified] undated
Box 251 "Aladdin" undated
Box 251 "About an American Soldier who Meets a French Maiden" circa 1920
Box 251 "Bombastes Furioso" undated
Box 251 "Creatures of Impulse" circa 1920
Box 251 "Crooks" circa 1915
Box 251 "The Dawn: A Criminal Morality" circa 1915
Box 251 "Dorothy's Choice: A Romance of the Last Century" circa 1915
Box 251 "Faire Harvarde" circa 1884
Box 251 "Governor Hunts in Africa" circa 1910
Box 251 "In the Warden's Office" 1924
Box 251 "Pals" circa 1920
Box 251 "The Prison Unprisoned" circa 1920
Box 251 "The Speaker of the House" undated
Box 251 "Which? A Criminal Morality" circa 1915
Short Stories
Box 251 "Action and Reaction" circa 1916
Box 251 "An Amateur Detective" undated
Box 251 "Concerning Jimmy Gray" undated
Box 252 "An Evening's Amusement" undated
Box 252 "A Hobo Hold-Up" undated
Box 252 "Jim Holcomb: A Simple Story" undated
Box 252 "Making Good" undated
Box 252 "My Friend the Burglar" undated
Box 252 On Prison Council Employment Bureau undated
Box 252 "The Second Chance" undated
Box 252 "Where the Accident Happened" undated
Box 252 "The Adventures of Two Dragon-Flyers" circa 1910
Box 252 "Around the World Forty-Five Years Ago" 1922
Box 252 "A Glimpse of Japan" circa 1880
Box 252 "The Private Car," or "What We Saw in 'Dakoty' " (Vol. 87) 1882
Box 252 "The Sandwich Islands" undated
Box 252 "The Tale of a Green Duck on the Susquehanna," Auburn Citizen 1910 - Notes and drafts; clippings; galley proof, revised (3 folders)
Box 252 "Travel in Japan"
Box 253 Verse, miscellaneous 1900-1925
Osborne Family (Unidentified)
Box 253 Journal, Travel in the Western United States 1880
Pelham, Marianna
Box 253 Article/essay, "May Day Walk and Coronation Fete" 1839
Pennsylvania Reform School inmates
Box 253 Miscellaneous undated
Prisoner at Auburn State Prison
Box 253 Article/essay, "The Malefactor's Attitude Toward Society" circa 1915
Raleigh, Peter
Box 253 Short story, "They Wait and Hope" undated
Rattigan, Charles F.
Box 253 Biography, Hon. Thomas M. Osborne, Cayuga County's Candidate for Governor: A Brief Biographical Sketch and History of His Public Service (Vol. 88) 1910
Richards, Dick
Box 253 Journal, "Sing Sing Recollections" (Vols. 89-95) circa 1915 - holograph and typescript (2 folders)
"Mother Runyon"
Box 253 Report on Missouri State Prison circa 1910
Sellin, Thorstein
Box 253 Biography, "Thomas Mott Osborne" circa 1930
Storrow, Helen (Osborne)
Box 253 Reminiscence, "On Thomas Mott Osborne" circa 1933
Trask, Katrina
Box 253 Miscellaneous 1906-1915
Box 253 Film script, prospectus, "In the Vanguard: An Anti-War Drama" circa 1916
Box 253 Diaries (Vol. 96) 1846
Warner, John DeWitt
Box 253 Article/essay, "A Practical Income Tax" undated
Wood, Lewis
Box 253 Pamphlet, "Sing Sing from the Inside" 1914 - introduction by Thomas Mott Osborne, also "Compliments of Thomas Mott Osborne" printed on front cover
Woodward, N.F.
Box 253 Miscellaneous circa 1912
White, Frank Marshall
Box 253 Book, nonfiction, "A Five Year's Fight for an Underdog" circa 1920
Wilsey, C.D.
Box 253 Verse, "On Sing Sing Prison" 1915
Wright, David
See also Memorabilia: General: Wright, David (Box 344)
Box 254 Miscellaneous circa 1828
Box 254 Diaries 1843
Box 236 Diaries (Vols. 40-44) 1839-1856
Box 236 Journal, "On Leaving Paris for the U.S.A." 1939
Box 254 Reminiscences on the Civil War circa 1886
Wright, Martha Coffin
Box 236 Diary 1867-1874
Wright, William Pelham, 1st Lt., Artillery
Box 254 Diaries, Civil War: Peninsular Campaign to Gettysburg (Vols. 97-98) 1862-1863 (2 volumes)
Organization records
Box 254 American Proportional Representation League 1895-1916
Box 254 American-Scandinavian Foundation 1962-1964
Atlantic Council of the United States
Box 254 Miscellaneous 1955-1967
Box 254 Agenda 1963-1966
Box 254 Finance 1963-1966
Box 255 Memoranda 1961-1967 (2 folders)
Box 255 Minutes 1961-1967
Box 255 Newsletter, Atlantic Community News 1963-1967
Box 255 Officers and sponsors 1963-1965
Box 255 Policy statements 1957-1967
Box 256 Reports 1959-1967 (2 folders)
Box 256 The Atlantic Institute 1961-1965
Auburn, N.Y.
Box 256 Miscellaneous 1870-1939
Auburn Barge Canal Project
Box 256 General committee 1920-1930
Box 257 Reference files 1914-1919
Box 257 Chamber of Commerce 1927-1932
Charter Revision
Box 257 Miscellaneous 1904-1907
Box 257 Ledgers (Vols. 99-100) 1904-1905 (2 folders)
Box 257 Charter Revision Commission minutes (Vol. 101) 1903
Box 258 Charity Ball 1930-1933
Box 258 City Charter 1906 - printed material
Box 258 City Council 1906-1930
Box 258 City Comptroller 1928-1931
Box 258 City Manager 1928-1931
Box 258 City Treasurer 1904-1931
Box 258 Civil Service Commission 1906-1911
Box 258 Board of Education 1928
Box 258 Emergency Work Bureau 1934-1935
Box 258 Finances 1887-1928
Box 258 Mayor's annual messages (Vols. 102-104) 1903-1905 (3 volumes)
Box 259 Ordinances circa 1905-1920
Box 259 Police Department annual reports 1904-1930
Tube 2 "A Proposed Auburn University" 1949 - plan, 46 x 32 inches
Public utilities
Box 259 Auburn City Railway Company 1890-1902
Box 259 Auburn and Northern Electric Railway Company circa 1905
Box 259 East Genesee Street and Seward Avenue Railway 1874-1879
Box 259 Light and gas companies 1905-1930
Box 259 Road construction and maintenance 1899-1931
Water Board
Box 259 Bids 1901-1910
Box 259 Memorandums. circa 1904
Box 259 Water Department 1904-1905 - transcripts of hearings, Sections 1-11 (2 folders)
Auburn Beethoven Club
Box 259 Miscellaneous 1900-1907
Box 259 Mailing lists 1901
Box 260 Programs 1898-1902
Box 260 Boy Scouts of America, Cayuga County Council 1927-1932
Box 260 Cayuga County Memorial Building Committee, Incorporated undated
Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies 1940
Box 260 Miscellaneous
Oversize 1 Posters (2) and printing mat (1)
Box 260 Dartmouth, Mass., Petition for Pauper Relief 1786
Declaration of Atlantic Unity
Box 260 Miscellaneous 1959-1966
Box 260 Agenda 1956-1967
Box 260 Editorials 1965-1967
Box 260 Finance 1956-1966
Box 260 Memoranda 1951-1967 (2 folders)
Box 261 Minutes 1960-1967
Box 261 Policy statements 1961-1967
Box 261 Printed matter 1951-1963
Box 261 Reports 1953-1967
George Junior Republic, Freeville, N.Y.
Box 261 Miscellaneous 1897-1910
Box 261 Accounts 1898-1910
Box 261 Articles of Incorporation 1896
Oversize 12 Blueprints of buildings circa 1905 - also includes watercolor of schoolhouse
Box 261 Constitution and By-Laws 1898
Box 261 Finance 1898-1921
Box 261 Flag circa 1900
Box 261 Memoranda 1903-1912
Box 261 Minutes, Executive Committee 1898-1900 (2 folders)
Box 262 Minutes, Executive Committee 1906-1913 (7 folders)
Box 262 Newsletter, The Junior Republic Citizen, I-VII (Vols. 105-106) 1898-1905 (2 volumes)
Box 262 Newspaper clippings 1908-1912
Box 263 Printed matter 1895-1932
Box 263 Register of students 1895-1902
Box 263 Reminiscence by Citizen "200" circa 1918
Box 263 Miscellaneous 1897-1911
Box 263 New York State Board of Charities 1901-1908
Box 263 Student histories 1898-1900
Box 263 Student president circa 1910
Box 263 Superintendent 1908
Box 263 Treasurer 1901-1912
Box 263 Scrapbook, compiled by Thomas Mott Osborne (Vol. 107) 1897-1908
Box 263 Specifications and plans 1898
Box 263 Statistics, student 1896-1903
Box 263 Suits, student court 1896-1907
Box 264 League of Nations Non-Partisan Committee 1922-1923
Box 264 League to Abolish Capital Punishment 1916-1931
Box 264 Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society 1843 - circular letter on William Lloyd Garrison's Liberator
Box 264 Mutual Art Society of New York 1914
Box 264 National Crime Commission 1925
Box 264 New York Peace Society 1914
New York State
Box 264 Miscellaneous circa 1930
Box 264 Bureau of Municipal Information reports 1928-1935 (4 folders)
Box 265 Conservation Council 1935-1951
Conservation Department
Box 265 Miscellaneous 1933-1961
Box 265 Memoranda and printed matter 1933-1967
Box 265 Crime Commission 1928-1954
Box 265 Department of Correction 1936
Box 265 Fish and Game Commission 1911
Box 265 National Guard 1924
Public Service Commission
Box 265 Miscellaneous 1909-1931
Box 265 Reports 1906-1911
Box 265 Printed matter 1907-1910
Box 265 New York State Conference of Charities 1916
Box 265 New York State Conference of Mayors 1914-1936
Box 265 New York State Conference of Religion 1898-1900
Box 266 New York State Temperance Society 1843
Box 266 "Old Soldiers" (World War I) 1931-1938 - annual dinners guest registers and seating plans
Box 266 Osborne Relief Association 1905 - finance
The Osborne School
Box 266 Miscellaneous 1911-1920
Tube 2 Blueprints of buildings 1912
Oversize 2 Diagrams: Furniture 1912
Box 266 Reform Schools circa 1916 - inmates' statements
Box 266 Seymour Library Association 1877-1904
Box 266 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) 1943-1945
United States Army
Box 266 Pelham, Peter 1813-1826
Box 266 Indians, slaves, recruiting and frontier posts 1814-1822
U.S.. Department of State
American Embassy, Berlin
Box 266 Miscellaneous 1915-1917
Box 266 Dispatches and memoranda 1915
American Embassy, Oslo
Box 266 Miscellaneous 1944-1946
Box 267 Accounts (Vol. 108) 1945-1946
Oversize 3 Ledger (Vol. 109) 1945-1946
Box 267 Printed matter 1945-1946
American Legation, Copenhagen
Box 267 Dispatches and memoranda 1917-1919 (3 folders)
Box 267 Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 1942-1943
Box 267 Paris Peace Conference 1919 - protocol, draft
Box 267 Washington Conference on Arms Limitation 1921-1922
Box 267 Wells College, Aurora, N.Y. 1906-1912
Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Auburn, N.Y.
Box 267 Miscellaneous 1896-1944
Box 267 Fiftieth Anniversary Pageant 1932
Box 267 Specifications and plans 1905-1907
Box 267 Yaddo"/"Pine Garde," Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 1888-1926
Box 268 Miscellaneous 1907-1925
Box 268 Miscellaneous printed matter 1900-1923
Box 268 American Prison Association 1910-1941 - printed material
Auburn Prison
Box 268 Miscellaneous 1908-1923
Box 268 Murphy, John E. ("Canada Blackie") 1915
Box 268 Printed matter 1879-1921
Box 269 Clinton Prison, Clinton, N.Y. 1917
Box 269 Connecticut State Prison 1917
Box 269 Great Meadow Prison 1915
Box 269 Illinois State Penitentiary 1919
Box 269 Joint Committee on Prison Reform 1914
Box 269 League for the Abolition of Capital Punishment 1925
Mutual Welfare League
National organization
Box 269 Miscellaneous 1918-1927
Box 269 Accounts 1921
Box 269 By-Laws 1920
Box 269 Description and history 1913
Box 269 Incorporation of store 1915
Box 269 Minutes, Board of Directors 1928-1933
Box 269 Printed matter 1912-1927
Box 269 Monthly Record, Nos. 1-12. 1920-1921
Box 269 The O.E. Library Critic 1914-1920
Box 269 Publicity 1915
Box 269 Miscellaneous 1918-1920
Box 269 Treasurer 1918-1932
Auburn Chapter
Box 269 Miscellaneous 1913-1929
Box 269 Constitution undated
Box 269 Minutes 1913-1914
Box 270 Publication, The Bulletin, I-III 1914-1917
Portsmouth, N.H. Chapter
Box 270 Miscellaneous 1918-1921
Box 270 Memoranda 1918-1921
Box 270 Minutes 1919
Box 270 Printed matter 1919
Box 270 Publication, The Mutual Welfare News, I-V 1917-1921
Sing Sing Chapter
Box 270 Miscellaneous 1914-1921
Box 270 Finance 1916
Box 270 Golden Rule Brotherhood 1914-1915
Box 270 Printed matter 1911-1930
National Committee on Prisons and Prison Labor
Box 270 Miscellaneous 1913-1921
Box 271 Minutes, Executive Council 1914-1917
Box 271 Printed matter 1910-1931
National Society of Penal Information
Box 271 Miscellaneous 1920-1924
Box 271 Finance 1922-1926
Box 271 Handbook, state prisons circa 1924
Box 271 Memoranda 1923-1925
Box 271 Minutes 1922-1926
Box 271 Printed matter 1922-1931
Box 271 Publication, News Bulletin, I-XII 1930-1941 (2 folders)
Box 271 Annual 1925-1926
State prisons 1920-1924
Box 271 Miscellaneous
Box 271 Colorado
Box 271 Connecticut
Box 272 Delaware
Box 272 Maine
Box 272 Maryland
Box 272 Massachusetts
Box 272 Michigan
Box 272 New Jersey
Box 272 New Hampshire
Box 272 New York
Box 272 Pennsylvania
Box 272 Rhode Island
Box 272 Vermont
New York State
Commission of Prisons
Box 272 Miscellaneous 1913-1916
Box 272 Printed matter 1906-1913
Box 272 Transcript 1915
Box 272 House of Refuge, Randall's Island 1916 - treatment of inmates
Box 272 Superintendent of Prisons 1911-1915 - prison labor
New York State Prison Council
Box 272 Miscellaneous 1916-1917
Box 273 Printed matter undated
Box 273 Reports 1916-1917
Osborne Association
Box 273 Miscellaneous 1933-1945
Box 273 Printed matter (Vol. 110) 1933-1938
Box 273 Annual 1933-1940
Box 273 History, Organization and Accomplishments 1930-1934
Box 273 Survey of State and Federal Institutions for Delinquent Juveniles 1937
Portsmouth Naval Prison, N.H.
Box 273 Miscellaneous 1917-1920
Note: This folder contains graphic descriptions of sexual abuse as well as derogatory language..This material is preserved and presented for its historic and research value. Researchers may find some of this content objectionable.
Box 274 Notes, Warden 1918-1921
Box 274 Orders (leave and travel) 1917-1919
Box 274 Printed matter 1917-1920
Box 274 On Alleged Conditions 1918-1920
Box 274 Department of Justice Investigation 1919-1920
Box 274 Discharges 1917-1920
Box 275 Inmates' Histories 1917-1919
Box 275 Morning reports 1920
Box 275 Statements 1917
Prison Association of New York
Box 275 Miscellaneous 1914-1924
Box 275 Minutes, Executive Committee 1914-1921
Box 275 Printed matter (Vols. 111-117) 1910-1940 (7 volumes)
Box 275 Recommendations to New York State Legislature 1939
Box 275 Report, annual 1934
Box 275 Prison Discipline Society 1853-1859
Box 275 Prison Reform Commission 1925-1932
Sing Sing Prison, Ossining, N.Y.
Box 276 Miscellaneous 1839-1961
Box 276 Bulletins 1911-1915
Box 276 Capital punishment 1914-1916
Box 276 Chaplain 1916
Box 276 Daily passes 1915
Box 276 Escapes 1914-1916
Box 276 Finances 1898-1916
Box 276 Guards 1915
Box 276 Health and medical 1915-1916
Box 276 Industry and labor 1910-1915
Box 276 Investigations 1913
Box 276 Nos. 1-100 1914-1915
Box 277 Nos. 101-676 1914-1915 (6 folders)
Box 277 Pardons and paroles 1903-1916
Box 278 Prisoners' statements 1913-1923
Box 278 Printed matter 1913
Box 278 Report by Thomas Mott Osborne on his tenure undated
Box 278 Statistics 1910-1915
Box 278 Transfers 1913-1916
Box 278 Welfare League Association circa 1920
Financial records
Box 278 American Linen Fiber Company 1913 - prospectus
Box 278 Auburn Hame Company 1904 - stock certificates
Box 278 Auburn Iron Company 1905-1949 - yearly statements
Auburn National Bank
Box 278 Miscellaneous 1912-1958
Box 278 Ledger (Vol. 118) circa 1900
Auburn Savings Bank
Box 278 Miscellaneous undated
Box 278 History (Vol. 119) circa 1948
Box 278 Auburn Tack Company 1888 - shares
Box 278 Birch Point Farm (Vol. 120) 1907-1910 - accounts
Board of Education, Auburn, N.Y.
Box 278 Art Committee accounts 1898-1900
Box 278 Receipt 1888
Buffalo Transparent Products Company, Inc.
Box 279 Miscellaneous 1915
Box 279 Balance sheet 1908
Box 279 Bills of sale 1905-1915
Box 279 Production process 1909
Box 279 Case, Bronson and Company 1857-1859 - account with the Auburn Prison
Box 279 Cayuga County Dairy Company 1907-1923
Columbian Rope Company
Box 279 Miscellaneous 1907-1952
Box 279 Wage scales and union activity 1913
Box 279 Cuban Plantations Company 1899 - prospectus
Box 279 Diamond Shading Film Company 1906-1907
Box 279 Disston and Son Saw, Tool and Steel Works 1867 - price list
Box 279 Dolphin Point Association, Niles, N.Y. 1889-1905
Box 279 Eagle Wagon Works 1910-1928
Ellis Adding-Typewriter Company
Box 279 Miscellaneous 1910-1920
Box 279 Contracts 1910-1911
Box 279 Printed matter
Box 279 Statements, monthly 1912-1914
Box 279 Freeville Inn, Freeville N.Y. 1906 - specifications and contracts
Box 279 International Harvester Company 1903-1912 - re purchase of D.M. Osborne & Company
Box 279 John Hunter Corporation 1913-1922
Jefferson Theatre, Auburn, N.Y.
Box 279 Ledger (Vol. 121) 1918-1919
Box 280 Specifications and contracts 1909-1924
Box 280 Lisbon Oil Company 1865
Box 280 Merchants Union Express Company 1866
J. H. Messenger Company
Box 280 Printed matter circa 1910
Box 280 Reports 1909-1911
D.M. Osborne & Company
Box 280 Miscellaneous 1865-1921
Box 280 Assets and liabilities 1890-1895
Box 280 Bills receivable (Vol. 122) 1857-1859
Box 280 Collections department accounts and correspondence 1906-1907
Box 280 Dividends 1902
Box 280 Employees (Vol. 123) circa 1894
Box 280 Income and disbursements statements 1886-1896
Box 281 Insurance, real properties 1897-1898
Box 281 Labor relations 1887-1913
Box 281 Machinery orders 1897-1901
Box 281 Machinery design and construction illustrations circa 1860-1900
Box 281 Manufacturing and sales statistics (Vol. 124) 1890-1891
Box 281 Minutes, Board of Directors (Vol. 125) 1875-1912
Box 282 Net worth statements 1886-1899
Box 282 Newspaper clippings 1894-1897
Box 282 Plant operations and sales statements 1906-1912
Box 282 Real estate statements 1873-1878
Box 282 Sales department (Vol. 126) 1888-1899
Box 282 Stock certificates (Vol. 127) 1876-1903
Box 283 Trustee account statements 1903-1925
Osborne Hotel, Auburn, N.Y.
Box 283 Miscellaneous 1887-1957
Tube 1 Blueprints 1954-1955
Box 283 Inventory of furnishings 1941
Box 283 Receipts 1934-1955
Box 283 Specifications, contracts and plans 1898-1926
Box 283 Statements, monthly 1924-1934
Box 284 Osborne Memorial Fund 1908-1927 - contributions
Owasco Valley Oil Company
Box 284 Miscellaneous 1865
Box 284 Stock certificates 1865
Box 284 Robinson Monument Company 1908 - stock transfer
Box 284 Seneca Falls Woolen Company 1908-1909
Box 284 Steam Saw-Mill Association, Manhattan Island 1824-1825 - minutes, Executive Committee (Vol. 128)
Box 284 Toll-Gate Farm 1886 - inventory
Box 284 Tousey Varnish Company 1908 - printed material
Box 284 Transit Finance Company 1903
Box 284 Victoria Paper Mills Company 1917
Box 284 Allen, Amaziah and Willits, Abraham undated
Box 284 Baldwin, William H. 1905 - memorial fund
Box 284 Brister, Thomas 1875
Box 284 Devens, Mary 1920 - inventory of estate
Box 284 Gridley, Henry H. 1869 - account to the Wood and Mann Steam Engine Company
Box 284 Holmes, William 1825
Box 284 Kelley, Simeon 1849-1850
Box 284 Kirby Family, Dartmouth, N.H. 1786-1838
Box 284 Marsh, E.C. 1837-1860
Osborne, Agnes (Devens)
Box 284 Receiver's certificate 1895
Box 284 Stock sale 1886-1895
Osborne, David Munson
Box 284 Miscellaneous undated
Box 284 Account books (Vols. 130-134) 1847-1856, 1855, 1874-1887 (5 volumes)
Box 284 Bills and receipts 1872-1875 - for house construction, Auburn, N.Y.
Box 285 Cash books (Vol. 135-137) 1854-1855, 1880-1883 (3 volumes)
Box 285 Glass, china and linen (Vols. 138-140) 1879, 1879-1882, 1885 (3 volumes)
Box 285 Household furniture 1881
Box 285 Valuation of rented properties 1882
Box 285 Wage book (Vol. 142) 1878
Box 285 Osborne, David Munson II 1871-1957
Osborne, Eliza (Wright)
Box 285 Miscellaneous 1852-1907
Box 285 Account book (Vol. 143) 1904-1911
Box 286 Insurance policies, real estate 1889-1902
Box 286 Inventories of furniture 1874-1880
Box 286 Legacy 1911-1914
Box 286 Osborne, Josephine F. 1899 - stocks
Osborne, Lithgow
Box 286 Miscellaneous 1910-1963
Box 286 Employees: Wages and taxes (Vols. 144-145) 1953-1956 (2 volumes)
Income and disbursements
Box 286 Annual statements 1939-1949
Box 286 Ledger (Vol. 146) 1925-1933
Box 287 Ledger (Vol. 147) 1934-1949
Box 287 Trust account report 1936-1956
Box 287 Osborne, Lithgow Devens 1946-1949 - stock assignment
Box 287 Osborne, Robert K. 1912-1916 - guardianship of estate
Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 287 Miscellaneous 1907-1924
Account books
Box 287 Auburn National Bank (Vol. 148) 1898-1901
Box 287 European travel (Vols. 149-150) 1901 (2 volumes)
Box 288 Howland & Clark (Vol. 151) 1898-1899
Blueprints and specifications
Box 288 Residence, South Street, Auburn 1892-1912
Oversize 1 Residence, South Street, Auburn circa 1895
Oversize 12 Residence, South Street, Auburn circa 1895
Tube 2 Residence, Willow Point, Owasco Lake circa 1910
Income and disbursements
Box 288 (Vols. 152-156) 1883, 1892-1905 (5 volumes)
Box 289 (Vols. 157-160) 1906-1918 (4 volumes)
Box 290 (Vols. 161-162) 1919-1926
Box 290 Income tax returns 1894-1927
Insurance policies
Box 290 Miscellaneous 1907
Box 290 Real property 1896-1921
Box 290 Investment report prepared by Gerald D. Boardman 1919
Box 290 Osborne Estate 1927-1958
Receipts and expenditures for The Right Way
Box 290 Miscellaneous 1921-1925
Box 291 Journal (Vol. 163) 1921-1925
Box 291 Ledger (Vol. 164) 1921-1925
Box 291 Royalties 1915-1947
Box 291 Stock assignments, International Harvester Company 1907-1908
Osborne Family
Box 291 Blueprints and specifications undated - for residence, Willow Point, Owasco Lake
Household expenses
Box 291 (Vol. 165-169) 1853-1859, 1865-1866, 1876-1880 (5 volumes)
Box 292 (Vol. 170-171) 1881-1884, 1903-1906 (2 volumes)
Box 292 Notebook (Vol. 172) 1883
Box 292 Income and disbursements ledger (Vol. 173) 1907-1936
Box 292 Household furniture 1944-1952
Box 292 Household linen (Vol. 174) 1908
Box 292 Household silver 1901
Box 292 Servants' wages ledger (Vol. 175) 1876-1883
Box 293 Pelham, Peter 1806-1826 - bills, receipts and accounts (2 folders)
Box 293 Pell, Ferris (Vol. 176) 1824-1827 - receipt book
Box 293 Sherman, Caurnel 1837-1845
Box 293 Sillcox, Charles P. 1843-1845
Box 293 Spencer, Milo 1850-1854
Storrow, Helen (Osborne)
Box 293 Insurance policies for real estate 1898-1901
Box 293 Trust account 1936-1956
Box 293 Tobias, E.C. 1869-1870
Box 293 Wheeler, Cyrus 1868 - notebook regarding modifications to harvester machinery (Vol. 141)
Box 294 Wright, Amos 1827 - farm inventory
Wright, David
Miscellaneous 1839-1857
Bills and receipts 1830-1860
Wage book (Vol. 177) 1860-1865
Box 294 Wright, E. J. (Vol. 178) 1857
Box 284 [Unknown] ledger (Vol. 129)
Likely the work of either Martha Coffin Pelham Wright, or Anna Folger Coffin. For more information, see memo in Finding Aids file.
Legal records
Box 294 Miscellaneous 1856-1938
Box 294 Agnew, S. R. and A. G. McCaull to S. Brill: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1902-1904
Box 294 Agnew, W. and wife to J.D. Carhart: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1863
Box 294 Allen, A. to A. Gifford: Bond 1847
Box 294 Allen, A. to F. Gildersleve: Bond 1847
Box 294 Allen, C.T.: Parole 1914
Box 294 Amerman, I. and wife to M. Smith: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1844
Auburn, N.Y.
Box 294 Land survey undated
Box 294 Lot descriptions 1919
Box 294 Seymour Street School 1890
Box 294 Street railway companies contracts and deeds 1873-1880
Box 294 Auburn Gas Company to T.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1907
Box 294 Auburn Hame Company: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1904-1905
Box 294 Averill, C.S. and G.F. Gregory to E.W. Osborne, T.M. Osborne, H. Osborne, and E.O. Harris: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1890
Box 294 Avery, A.: Will 1843
Box 294 Backus, A. to M. Lynch and R. O'Connor: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1853-1858
Box 294 Badger, R.A. and S.H. Childs and Company: Agreement 1898-1903
Box 294 Barber, D. and Company and A. Babbit: Agreement 1849
Box 294 Beany, W. and A. Goodwin with Comstock and Dodge: Contract, Erie Canal commerce 1852
Box 294 Beardsley, D. and wife: Memorandum of agreement 1904
Box 294 Blood, J.P. and H.A. Blood to R. Wells: Indemnity bond 1860
Box 294 Bogert, T.L. to Savings Bank of Utica: Mortgage assignment, Oneida County, N.Y. 1887
Box 294 Borden, I. to A. Avery: Bond 1845
Box 294 Bostwick, J. with N. Alward: Agreement 1845
Box 294 Bourden, A. to A. Avery: Bond 1841
Box 294 Brown, F.: Opinion re the J. Osborne estate 1842
Box 294 Brown, J. to A. Ferris: Mortgage, Tompkins County, N.Y. 1850
Box 294 Brush, S. and wife to J. Swan: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1824-1825
Box 294 Buel, M.T.: Will 1899
Box 294 Buffalo Bi-Sulphite of Lime Works with Diamond Shading Film Company: Contract 1906
Box 294 Burdick, C. to J. Curtis: Bond 1855
Box 294 Burgess, D.: Will 1851
Box 294 Burgess, G. to H. Scott: Bond 1841
Box 294 Butler, John: Patents, Mowing and reaping machine 1860-1871
Box 294 Cady Reservation: Lot map undated
Box 294 Carpentier and Dwight Properties for Southern Central Railroad Company: Appraisal 1870
Box 294 Cartright, M. to E. Baldwin: Bond 1850
Box 294 "Case Memorial" to Seymour Library Association, Cayuga County, N.Y.: Deed of gift 1905
Box 294 Cayuga County, N.Y.: Sheriff's Certificate 1843
Box 294 Cayuga County Bank: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1849-1850
Box 294 Cayuga Omnibus Corporation to City of Auburn, N.Y.: Petition 1928-1929
Box 295 Chidester, Gardner and Sally to A. Foote: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1836-1837
Box 295 Clary, J. to E. Marvine: Bond 1847
Box 295 Cowan, J. to W. Morgan: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1846
Box 295 Cowing, George: Patents, Cylinder polisher 1865-1866
Box 295 Crofut, J. and wife to H. Shepard: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1853-1860
Box 295 Curtis, J. to Cayuga County National Bank: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1869
Box 295 Curtis, J. and wife to W.A. Kirby: Mortgage Cayuga County, N.Y. 1873
Box 295 Dale, S. and wife to D. Wright: Warranty deed 1899
Box 295 Dean, W , M. Alden and W.J. Machau with Orrin H. Burdick 1857
Box 295 Dehart, P. to R. Palmer: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1854
Box 295 Deshong, H.G.: Will and probate 1838-1842
Box 295 Dillon, M. and wife to City of Auburn: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1904
Box 295 Disston, Henry: Patents, Power saw 1868
Box 295 Dolphin Point Association and T.M. Osborne: Agreement 1895
Box 295 Dolphin Point Association to C.I. Avery: Sale of steamboat 1893
Box 295 Doty, Osborne and Ballard: Patents, Harvesting machine 1869
Box 295 Doyle, J. against T.M. Osborne: Notice of lien 1915
Box 295 Drummond, N.L. to T.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1906-1910
Box 295 Eason, M.: Will undated
Box 295 East Genesee Street and Seward Avenue Railway: Incorporation 1868-1880
Box 295 Egleston, L.: Patents, Cylinder polisher 1867
Box 295 Equitable Life Assurance Society to W.A. Kirby: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1888
Box 295 Ferris, A. to S. Benjamin: Power of attorney 1853
Box 295 Ferris, B.: Certificate concerning C. Bogert 1821
Box 295 Fisher, H.: Patents, Reaper 1864
Box 295 Foot, I. to E. Marsh: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1838
Box 295 Fowler, J. and Richardson Brothers: Patents, Grain binder 1870-1893
Box 295 Fowler, W. and J. Makie to D. Wright: Deed, Putnam County, Fla. 1881
Box 295 Freeoff, P.R. to A. Miller and others: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1856
Box 295 Fuller, B. to J. Swan: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1825
Box 295 George Junior Republic: Incorporation 1896
Box 295 George, W.R. and wife to George Junior Republic: Contract 1912
RESTRICTED: Material relating to W. R. George restricted until 2020 at the request of Lithgow Osborne.
Box 295 Gifford, S. to E. Marsh: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1838
Box 295 Gorter, Judge, J.P. to S.L. Richards: Parole circa 1920
Box 295 Gridley, H.H. with Kreider, Zindgraf and Company: Contract 1867
Box 295 Gridley, H.H.: Patents, Sawmills 1867-1869
Box 295 Groton Assessors: Affidavit 1867
Box 295 Harris, E.O. to E.W. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1898
Box 295 Harris, E.O. and H.O. Storrow to T.H. Garrett Jr.: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1898-1899
Box 295 Harris, E.O. and H.O. Storrow to E.W. and T.M. Osborne: Deed, Oneida County, N.Y. 1902
Box 295 Harris, E.O. and H.O. Storrow to J. Wiggins: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1898
Box 295 Harvey, F.W. and wife to T.M. Osborne: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1900
Box 295 Henderson, W. and wife to J. Swan: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1808
Box 295 The Holstein-Friesian Association of America: Certificates of registry, Cattle 1883-1888
Box 295 Hopkins, J.R. and wife to A. Sherwood: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1852
Box 295 Horton, S. to Keisler, J.: Bond 1844
Box 295 Hough, I. to T.M. Osborne: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y.. 1906-1907
Box 295 Howland, H.: Will circa 1850
Box 295 Hoyt, H.L. (agent) to Harvey, A.M.: Lease Cayuga County, N.Y. 1904
Box 295 Hoyt, H.L. to Rea and Vosburgh: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1900
Box 295 Huffman, T. to S. Willits: Bond 1839
Box 295 Hulton, H. and F. Wright:.Patents, Manufacturing Compound 1871
Box 295 Hughett, W.E. to H.H. Gridley: Fees and costs 1869
Box 295 Hurd, J.M.: Patents, Flour sacks 1871
Box 295 Husted,. S. to A. Wood and H. Ward: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1854
Box 295 Isham, J. and wife to T. Maxwell: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1846
Box 295 Jacobs, H.M.: Patents, Machine 1860
Box 295 Jemison, A., Jr. and wife to T.M. Osborne: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1903
Box 295 Johnson, R.G. and wife to A.G. Johnson: Deed, Tompkins County, N.Y. 1869
Box 295 Jones, A.E. to Cayuga County Savings Bank: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1890
Box 295 Jones, C. and wife to A. Cornwell: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1842
Box 295 Jordan, E. to B. Kerby: Indenture 1794
Box 295 Keirby, B.: Will 1778
Box 295 Kerby, N. to E. Kerby: Guardianship bond for son, Bestcome 1786
Box 295 For Kirby, B. (deceased): Administrative appointment 1838
Box 295 Kirby, B. to others: Leases, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1824-1827
Box 295 Kirby, E. with W.P. Wright: Agreement 1870
Box 295 Kirby, S.: Land survey 1784
Box 296 Kirby and Osborne with D.M. Osborne & Co.: Patents, Harvester 1856-1866
Box 296 Kirby and Osborne with Wells, Blood and Blood Patents, Harvester 1858
Box 296 Kniffin, N.: Will 1859
Box 296 Lehigh Valley Railroad to T.M. Osborne: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1905-1917
Box 296 Leail and Archer to Auburn Savings Institution: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1852
Box 296 Lelover, E. to C. Patten: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1873
Box 296 Lemmon, H.N. and others to T.M. Osborne: Deeds, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1889-1927
Box 296 Liveter, T. to D. and S. Littser: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1843
Box 296 Lot Maps: Miscellaneous undated
Box 296 Lowell, S.: Affidavits 1903
Box 296 McDonough, M. to T.M. Osborne: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1897
Box 296 McKain, M.E. to T.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1905
Box 296 McNeil, H.C. to E.W. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1905
Box 296 Macomber, S. to L. Macomber: Mortgage, Wayne County, N.Y. 1838
Box 296 Mallory, J. to H. Sheldon: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1852
Box 296 Marsh, J.S.: Patents, Harvester 1863-1869 (2 folders)
Box 296 Mathews, S.J. and wife to D.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1872
Box 296 Means, J.H.: Patents, Mechanical rake 1862
Box 296 Memoranda of Judgments 1843-1845
Box 296 Merriman, C. to P. Munro: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1857-1858
Box 296 Middlemiss, H.S.: Affidavit 1913
Box 296 Miller, B. to H. Treat: Bond 1846
Box 296 Miller, D. and wife to E. Wales: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1852
Box 296 Miller, S. and others to the George Junior Republic: Deeds, Tompkins County, N.Y. 1896-1901
Box 296 Miller, W.H.: Affidavit 1907
Box 296 Moravia Oil Company with Owasco Valley Oil Company: Agreement 1865
Box 296 Moses, W.J. to D.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1872
Box 296 Mosher, V.: Patents, Railroad axles 1854
Box 296 Mount Royal, Putnam County, Fla.: Lot maps and surveys 1883
Box 296 Munson, O. with A. Miller: Covenant 1849
Box 296 Mykoff, P.C. and wife to L.D. Harmon: Deeds, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1854
Box 296 New York and Santa Fe Mining Company of Nevada: Articles of Incorporation 1865
Box 296 New York Central Railroad Company to T.M. Osborne Memorial Committee and City of Auburn: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y.
Box 296 New York State: Legislation, Miscellaneous 1906-1921
Box 296 New York State Commission to Investigate State Prisons:. Executive order 1913
Box 296 Noyes, L. to D. Lester and others: Bond 1842
Box 296 Osborne, J.A.: Will and probate 1888-1936
Box 296 Osborne, A.: Will 1891-1914
Osborne, D.M.
Box 296 Miscellaneous 1864-1865
Box 296 Agreement with VanAuken and Doolittle 1884
Box 296 Bond to Equitable Life Assurance Society 1873-1888
Box 296 Estate 1886-1906
Box 296 Guardianship appointment for F.H. Osborne and A.J. Osborne 1847
Box 297 Leases to others, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1873-1888
Box 297 Lot maps, Utica, N.Y. properties 1875
Mortgages, Cayuga County, N.Y.
Box 297 to Cayuga County Savings Bank 1873-1880
Box 297 to J.S. Seymour 1879
Box 297 Power of attorney to D. Wright 1872-1874
Box 297 Will and probate 1889-1896
Osborne, D.M. and wife
Box 297 Deed: to New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railway Co., Oneida County, N.Y. 1882
Box 297 Mortgage, Cayuga County: to E. Leonard 1872
Box 297 Osborne, D.M., H. Barker and L. Baldwin: Articles of copartnership 1852
Box 297 Osborne, D.M., J.H. Osborne and O.H. Burdick: Articles of copartnership 1866
D.M. Osborne & Co.
Box 297 Articles of copartnership 1858-1866
Box 297 Contracts: Manufacture and sale of harvesters 1857-1860
Box 297 Patents, miscellaneous 1858-1867
Box 297 Osborne, D.M. II 1886-1923
Box 297 Osborne, D.: Will 1912
Osborne, E.
Box 297 Miscellaneous 1891-1906
Box 297 Agreement: with C. Gilbert 1909
Box 297 Leases 1887-1901
Box 297 Mortgage release, Oneida County, N.Y. 1887-1891
Box 297 Schedule of legal services with Underwood, Storke & Seward 1902-1906
Box 297 Will and probate 1881-1911
Osborne, E. and others
Box 297 Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y.: to D.R. Alward and others 1888
Power of attorney
Box 297 to C.F. Baldwin 1894
Box 297 to T.M. Osborne 1891-1894
Box 297 Mortgages, Oneida County, N.Y.: to the Savings Bank of Utica 1887, 1902
Box 297 Osborne, F.: Will and probate 1886-1887
Box 297 Osborne, J.: Land survey 1838
Box 297 Osborne, J.F. 1904-1914
Osborne, L.
Box 297 Miscellaneous 1926-1949
Box 297 Contract: with M. Dolm 1962
Box 297 Deeds, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1927-1930
Box 297 Guardianship of R. Osborne 1934-1949
Box 297 Power of attorney 1928-1946
Box 297 Osborne, L.D.: Trust 1927
Box 297 Osborne, R. to L. Osborne: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1942
Osborne, T.M.
Box 297 Miscellaneous 1906-1926
Real estate
Box 297 with P. Beardsley 1908-1917
Box 297 with Town of Dryden, N.Y. 1905
Box 297 with Village of Freeville, N.Y. 1905
Box 297 with E. B. and H. J. Koon 1912
Box 297 with J.F. Nagel 1916
Box 297 Right of way: with New York Telephone Co. 1917
Box 297 Public Works: with W.J. Slaver 1905
Box 297 Certificate of ownership: Oldsmobile 1902
Box 298 Miscellaneous: with J.A. Kilmer 1908
Box 298 with K.R. Bleeker, Inc. 1917
Box 298 with C.C. Hatchet and others 1921
Box 298 with J. Haupt 1917
Box 298 with Producers Security Corporation 1921
Box 298 with D. Appleton & Co. 1914
Box 298 with Lippincott Publishing Co. 1923
Box 298 Copyright, Adventures of a Green Dragon 1908
Box 298 Miscellaneous 1909-1917
Cayuga County, N.Y.
Box 298 to E.M. Osborne 1905
Box 298 to W. Payne 1913
Box 298 to L.E. Springer 1923
Box 298 to E. Volland 1909
Box 298 Eviction notice: to E.R. Redhead, Auburn Sanitary Milk Co., Inc. 1921-1922
Box 298 Leases 1848-1933
Mortgages, Cayuga County, N.Y.
Box 298 to Cayuga County Savings Bank 1905
Box 298 to C.B. Wheeler 1903
Box 298 Note to C. Osborne 1919
Power of attorney
Box 298 to G.D. Boardman 1915-1917
Box 298 to A.L. Devens 1894
Box 298 to D.M. Osborne 1913
Box 298 to E.W. Osborne 1907
Box 298 to L. Osborne 1923
Box 298 Stock Agreement: with E.R. Redhead and Cayuga County Dairy Co., Auburn, N.Y. 1917
Box 298 Wills 1913-1915
Box 298 Osborne, T.M. and wife: Power of attorney to C.F. Baldwin 1894
Osborne, T.M. and others
Box 298 Real estate: with E. Osborne 1886
Box 298 Retainer: with G.D. Boardman 1915-1918
Box 298 Contract: with Industrial Construction Co. 1906
Box 298 Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. to J. VanSickle 1905
Box 298 Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. to Monroe County Savings Bank 1898-1904
Osborne Family
Box 298 Wianno property, Barnstable, Barnstable County, Mass. 1912
Box 298 "The Wright Avenue Tract," Auburn, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1865-1903
Box 298 Owasco Valley Oil Company: Leases, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1865
Box 298 Owasco Valley Oil Company and Moravia Oil Co. with W.H. Johnson: Contract 1865
Box 298 Park, J. Jr. and wife to J. Park: Mortgage, Westchester County, N.Y. 1821
Box 298 Parks, I. and wife to H. Smith: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1840
Box 298 Payne Property for Southern Central Railroad Co.; Appraisal 1870
Box 298 Peabody, K.N.T. ("Katrina Trask"): Will 1921
Box 298 J.H. Peacock Property, Cayuga County, N.Y.: Deeds, contracts, memoranda 1870-1906
Box 298 Peabody, A.J.: Application for pardon 1920-1927
Box 298 Peavy, A.J.: Pardon 1927
Box 298 Pederson, S. to O.W. Guelick: Mortgage, Oneida County, N.Y. 1869
Box 298 Phelps, S. and wife to J. Swan: Deeds, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1810-1816
Box 298 T. Pomeroy to J. Alward: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1854
Box 298 Potts, G.: Patents, Copper lining of cylinders 1853
Box 298 Raben-Levetzau, F.C.O.: Will 1933
Box 298 Ransom, N.G. to F.A. Nelson: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1867
Box 298 Rattigan, C.F. with T.M. Osborne: Agreement 1916
Box 298 Raymond, C.F: Estate settlement 1912
Box 298 Reed, T. to B. and H. Weatherby: Referee's deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1878
Box 298 Rembert, W.P. to W.P. Wright: Deed, Putnam County, Fla. 1881
Box 298 Reynolds, A. and others to N. Alward: Bond 1844
Box 298 Richardson, S.L. to J. Swan; Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1818
Box 298 Robertson, A. to J. Whitely: Deed, Cayuga. County, N.Y. 1839
Box 299 Sant, C. and wife to J. VanDyne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1854
Scipio, N.Y.
Box 299 Lot Description undated
Box 299 Warrants to collect school tax 1822
Box 299 Searing, J.: Will undated
Box 299 Shea, C.P.: Parole 1914
Box 299 Shoemaker, D. and wife to D.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1880
Box 299 Sheldon, F. to B. Ashby: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1856
Box 299 Siveter, T. to J. Robee: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1845
Box 299 Smith, B.: Land survey undated
Box 299 Smith, E. to J. Borst: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1852
Box 299 Smith Property for the Southern Central Railroad Co.: Appraisal 1870
Box 299 Southern Central Railroad Company: Articles of Incorporation 1865
Box 299 Squire, G.L. with W.A. Kirby and D.M. Osborne: Agreement, Harvester patent 1866
Box 299 Stafon, D. to D. Hunter: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1851
Box 299 Stanton, J. to A. Fitch.: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1855
Box 299 J.W. Steere and Son, Organ Company with First Universalist Church of Auburn, N.Y. 1913
Box 299 Stevens, W.: Will 1854
Box 299 Stewart, A.: Application for Pardon 1905
Box 299 Storrow, H.O. to T.M. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1897
Box 299 Storrow, H.O.: Will undated
Box 299 Swan, Jonathan to S. Brush: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1825
Box 299 Swan, Jonathan: Will and probate 1828
Box 299 Swan, John to Jonathan Swan: Deed, Oneida County, N.Y. 1809
Box 299 Swan, Joseph R. and wife to E.C. Marsh: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1836
Box 299 Swan, Joseph R. and wife to D. Wright: Power of attorney 1842
Box 299 Tatum, H.V. to E.W. Osborne: Deed, Osterville, Mass. 1890
Box 299 Ten Eyck, F.G. to T.M. Osborne: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1912
Box 299 Thomas, D. and wife to S. Richardson: Quitclaim, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1815
Box 299 Thomas, R.W. and others to C.C. Dennis and others: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1842
Box 299 Thornton, F. to. R. Chamberlain: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1857
Box 299 Tousley, R. and wife to J. Swan: Deed, Seneca County, N.Y. 1815
Box 299 Townsend, H. to J. Earl: Mortgage, Steuben County, N.Y. 1836
Box 299 Townsend, W. to J. White: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1855
Box 299 Underhay, F.G.: Patents, Harvesters 1853
Box 299 VanMiddlesworth, J. to H. VanMiddlesworth: Bond 1841
Box 299 VanValkenburgh, J. to S. Goodwin: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1845
Box 299 Victory, H.L. to H.H. Victory: Mortgage, Oneida County, N.Y. 1902
Box 299 Voorhees, J. to S. Brown: Transfer of judgment 1855
Box 299 Waddington, J. and others to F. Pell: Deed, New York City 1824
Box 299 Ward, F.A. to L. Osborne: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1927
Box 299 Warden, A. and wife to C.C. Dennis and C.P. Wood: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1842
Box 299 Watrous, J. L.: with D.M. Osborne: Articles of copartnership 1848
Box 299 Watts, J. to J. Swan: Deed, Oneida County, N.Y. 1808
Box 299 Weatherby, G. and wife to S. Swan: Deed, Allegheny County, N.Y. 1833
Box 299 Wendell, B.: Estate 1921
Box 299 Wendell, J.: Estate 1920
Box 299 Whaley, R. to C. Cuyler and E. Burnham: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1833
Box 299 Whiting, B. to R. DeGang: Mortgage 1843
Box 299 Williams, L. and E. B. Koon to T.M. Osborne: Deed and title search, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1892-1903
Box 299 Williams, M. to G. Ashby: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1859
Box 299 Winegar, C.: Patents, Lime compound 1859
Box 299 Wood, C.P. to D.M. Osborne: Mortgage, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1871-1898
Box 299 Wood, W. and wife to J. Swan: Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1810
Box 299 Woodruff, Allen & Co.: Articles of copartnership 1867
Wright, D.
Box 299 Miscellaneous 1837-1872
Box 299 Loan, to P. Clerkin 1851
Box 299 Sharecropping, with E.D. Kirkpatrick 1878
Box 299 Contract: with D. Peete 1872
Box 299 Deed, Cayuga County, N.Y.: to M. J. Carroll 1872
Box 299 Fees and costs: to U.S. Circuit Court Clerk, Utica, N.Y. 1877
Box 299 Land titles, Cayuga County, N.Y. circa 1830-1870
Box 299 Barrels 1875
Box 299 Fences 1879-1881
Box 299 Retainer 1867
Box 299 Title searches 1870-1892
Box 299 Wright, D. and wife to Owasco Valley Oil Co.: Lease, Cayuga County, N.Y. 1865
Wright, W.P.
Deeds, Putnam County, Fla.
Box 299 to W. M. Bird 1881
Box 299 to J. A. M. Varnum 1875
Box 299 Wynne, R. P. to H.L. Victory: Mortgage, Oneida County, N.Y. 1899
Box 299 Young, McC.: Patent, Harvester 1861
Box 300 Aiken and others v. New York & Oswego Railroad Co. and others 1872
Box 300 Anderson v. Sterling Manufacturing Co. 1913
Box 300 Auburn National Bank v. Fisher 1937
Box 300 Auburn National Bank v. New York 1885
Box 300 Barber v. Morgan undated
Box 300 Bartlett v. Osborne and Wood 1860-1869
Box 300 Beardsley v. Curtis 1871
Box 300 Beardsley v. Finch 1827-1840
Box 300 Bradley v. Bradley and others 1839
Box 300 Brinkerhoff v. East Genesee Street & Seward Avenue Railway 1867-1874
Box 300 Brown v. Town of Lansing (Tompkins County, N.Y.) 1874-1876
Box 300 Citizens' Light & Power Co. v. Burgess and others 1901
Box 300 Clark v. Lawrence 1843
Box 300 Coffin v. Frost 1845
Box 300 Comstock v. Pettit and others 1845
Box 300 Cornwell v. Curtis 1873
Box 300 Cowan v. Osborne 1871-1872
Box 300 Cowing v. Rumsey 1868-1871
Box 300 Day v. Osborne 1905
Box 300 Delaware & Hudson Company v. Public Service Commission 1909
Box 300 DeWolf v. Morgan 1865-1872
Box 300 Dorsey Revolving Harvester Rake Co. v. Herbert circa 1874
Box 301 Dorsey Revolving Harvester Rake Co. v. Marsh and others 1870-1874
Box 301 Dorsey Revolving Harvester Rake Co. v. Osborne and others 1871-1874
Box 301 Doty v. Osborne 1869
Box 301 Duffy v. Osborne 1918-1921
Box 301 Fallbrook Coal Co. v. Curtis 1871
Box 301 Finn v. Munger 1840
Box 301 Flaherty v. Ross 1912
Box 301 Franklin v. Park 1823
Box 301 Graves v. New York 1887
Box 301 Gwynn v. Osborne 1924
Box 301 Hall and others v. Sheldon and others 1874
Box 301 Hardenburgh and others v. East Genesee Street & Seward Avenue Railway 1874
Box 301 Hart v. First National Bank of Groton 1867
Box 301 Hart v. Hathaway and others 1867-1868
Box 302 Hart v. Southern Central Railroad Co. and others 1867
Box 302 Town of Hartwick v. Swarthout and others undated
Box 302 Hoopes v. Auburn Water Works Co. 1882
Box 302 Hunter v. Osborne 1905-1924
Box 302 Kelly v. Eldred 1881
Box 302 Keyes and others v. Munger 1839-1840
Box 302 King and others v. Hudson 1837-1843
Box 302 Kirby v. Harvey 1831
Box 302 Kirby arnd Osborne v. Dodge & Stevenson Manufacturing Co. 1873
Box 302 Town of Lansing v. Lytle circa 1902
Box 302 Lewis v. Auburn Publishing Co. 1913
Box 302 Luther, D. and others v. T. Luther and others 1847
Box 302 McCabe v. Osborne 1905
Box 302 Macomber v. Bradley 1837
Box 302 McMaster & Co. v. Sing Sing Prison 1848-1854
Box 302 Marsh and others v. Adriance and others 1873
Box 302 Marsh and others v. Dodge and others 1869-1873
Box 303 Middlesworth v. Jenkins 1841
Box 303 Martin and Miller v. Brown 1878
Box 303 Murphy v. Foote 1860-1865
Box 303 New York v. Bartels and O'Hara 1905
Box 303 New York v. Boada 1917
Box 303 New York v. Cassidy and others 1930
Box 303 New York v. Dunn 1914-1915
Box 303 New York v. Kaplan (Vol. 179) 1915-1916
Box 304 New York v. Koerner (Vols. 180-181) 1897-1905 (2 volumes)
Box 304 New York v. Mercer 1909-1916
Box 304 New York v. Ohlson 1915
New York v. Osborne 1914-1916
Box 304 Miscellaneous
Box 305 Countersuits
Box 305 Grand Jury Indictment
Box 305 Interrogations
Box 305 Jurors
Private investigations
Box 305 February 1915
Box 306 March-April 1915 (4 folders)
Box 307 May-September 1915 (4 folders)
Box 307 Prison Commissioner's, and transcript of the testimony of witnesses
Box 307 Defense
Box 307 Miscellaneous
Box 308 Alger, T. J.
Box 308 Belden, E. H.
Box 308 Brenner, S.
Box 308 Broger, D.
Box 308 Brooks, E. H.
Box 308 Cass, E. P.
Box 308 Clifford, M.
Box 308 Cohen, A.
Box 308 Connolly, J.
Box 308 Cutler, J.
Box 308 Daley, A.
Box 308 DeLara, E.
Box 308 Diedling, R. F.
Box 308 Dillon, J.
Box 308 Farr, C. W.
Box 308 Fieseler, B.
Box 308 Finnin, J.
Box 308 Foreman, C.
Box 308 Gandy, J.W.
Box 308 Garfunkle, P.
Box 308 Goldman, J. L.
Box 308 Gwynn, C.A.
Box 308 Harvey, J.
Box 308 Hochwart, L.
Box 308 Juffe, I.
Box 308 Kessler, H.
Box 308 Kiero, J.
Box 308 Kleinberg, M.
Box 308 Klugman, M.
Box 308 Lipschitz, S.
Box 308 McDonald, P.H.
Box 308 McDonald, W.R.
Box 308 Miller, S.
Box 309 Milletello, F.
Box 309 Myers, M.
Box 309 Porter, R.
Box 309 Resta, V.
Box 309 Richards, F.W.
Box 309 Rosen, S.J.
Box 309 Steiglitz, E.
Box 309 Stroock, S.M.
Box 309 Thompson, W.B.
Box 309 Vogel, P.
Box 309 Welch, S.
Box 309 Willit, W.
Box 309 Transcript of testimony before Judge Tompkins
Box 310 Trial (Vol. 182) (3 folders)
Westchester County Grand Jury Minutes
Box 310 Vol. I (Vol. 183)
Box 311 Vols. II and III (Vols. 184-185) (2 volumes)
Box 312 Cross index
Box 312 New York v. Platt 1916
Box 312 Olmstead and others v. Stevens and others 1871
Box 312 Osborne v. Auburn Telephone Co. 1904
Box 312 Osborne v. Banks 1866
Box 312 Osborne v. Benjamin 1877
Box 312 Osborne v. Carnes 1924
Box 312 Osborne v. Curtis 1871
Box 312 Osborne v. McManus 1921
Box 312 Osborne v. New York Central Railroad 1914
Box 312 Osborne v. Scollins 1880
Box 312 Osborne v. Wills 1924
Box 312 Osborne v. Withington 1872
Box 312 Osborne and others v. Barber and others 1869
Box 312 Osborne and others v. Sheldon and others 1870-1874
Box 312 Osborne and others v. Snyder 1860-1861
Box 312 Osborne and others v. Wells and others 1872-1873
Box 312 Paddell v. City of New York 1906
Box 312 Patty v. Osborne 1872-1874
Box 312 Preston v. Southern Central Railroad Co. 1870-1871
Box 312 Price v. Allen and Turner 1864
Box 312 Queen City Printing Co. v. Rochester Herald Co. 1925
Box 312 Rattigan v. O'Neill 1911
Box 312 Remer v. Smith and others 1839
Richardson v. Osborne
Box 313 [untitled] 1897
Box 313 Appeal (Vols. 186-187) 1898
Box 313 Roberts v. Barber and others 1849
Box 313 Rumsey v. Cowing 1868-1871
Box 314 Sartakoff v. John Hunter Corporation and others 1919
Box 314 Selover v. Post 1859
Box 314 Shaver v. Eldred 1885
Box 314 Shirner v. Babbitt 1878
Box 314 Shirner v. Mosher 1878
Box 314 Smith v. City of Auburn 1901
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Bradley 1869
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Dodge 1868
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Easterly 1869
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Hutchinson 1868-1869
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Lewis 1868
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Parker 1870
Box 314 Southern Central Railroad Co. v. Reynolds 1871
Box 314 Swan v. Mowry and others 1843
Box 314 Townsend and Fleming v. Osborne 1912
Box 314 Treat v. Treat undated
Box 314 United States v. Osborne 1925
Box 314 Town of Venice v. Murdock 1875
Box 314 Wayne County Bank v. Folts and others 1841
Box 314 Wetzel v. Osborne undated
Box 314 Wheeler v. Clipper Mower & Reaper Co. 1871
Box 314 Wilson v. New York Evening Journal 1910
Box 314 Wright v. Cayuga County Bank 1853
Box 314 Wright v. Eldred 1885
Box 314 Wright v. Johnson 1858
Box 315 Almy, Frederic 1921-1923
Box 315 Cayuga County War Memorial 1925
Box 315 Devens, Charles 1863-1891
Box 315 Feinberg, Richard J. 1901-1903
Garrison, Ellen (Wright)
School Records
Box 315 English composition book (Vol. 188) 1856
Box 315 German composition book (Vol. 189) 1862
Box 315 Latin exercise book (Vol. 190) 1857
Box 315 Penmanship exercise books (Vols. 191-192) 1855 (2 volumes)
Box 315 O'Connor, James J. 1907-1912
Osborne, Agnes (Devens)
Box 315 Miscellaneous 1883-1896
Box 315 Autograph book (Vol. 193) 1875-1880
Box 315 Monogram dye "ADO" circa 1890
Box 315 Purse circa 1890
Osborne, David Munson
Box 315 Miscellaneous 1845-1886
Oversize 7 Scrapbooks (Vol. 194) 1886
Box 316 Tray and medal 1930
Osborne, David Munson II
Box 316 Miscellaneous 1876-1909
Box 316 School Records 1894-1903
Osborne, Eliza (Wright)
Box 316 Miscellaneous 1845-1886
Box 316 Address book (Vol. 195) 1908
Box 316 Osborne, Frederik 1945
Box 316 Osborne, Lillie (Raben-Levetzau) 1931
Osborne, Lithgow
Box 316 Miscellaneous
Box 316 Appointment books (Vols. 196-198) 1941-1943 (3 volumes)
Box 317 Appointment books (Vols. 199-210) 1945-1956 (12 volumes)
Box 317 Autobiography: Transcript of taped interviews 1952-1953
Box 317 Biographical 1948
Tube 2 Blueprints for residence, Fitch Avenue, Auburn circa 1923
Box 317 Itineraries 1947
Box 318 Medals, pins and ribbons
Box 318 Newspaper clippings and separates 1919-1951
Box 318 Passports 1919-1952 (4 items)
Political records
Box 318 Miscellaneous 1908-1942
Box 318 Doyle and Rich petition undated
Box 318 Financial 1928-1930
Box 318 Phonodisc, "The People Against John Taber" 1942
Box 319 Press releases 1923-1965
Box 319 School records 1927-1909
Box 319 Auburn: Views and reminiscences (Vol. 211) 1900-1932
Oversize 4 Conservation (Vol. 212) 1933-1937
Oversize 5 Editorials (Vol. 213) 1933
Oversize 6 New York State Crime Commission (Vol. 214) 1951-1952
Oversize 6 New York State Crime Commission (Vol. 215) 1952-1953
Oversize 7 Politics (Vol. 216) 1903-1906
Oversize 8 Politics (Vol. 217) 1929-1931
Box 319 Politics (Vol. 218) 1950
Oversize 9 School days (Vol. 219) 1903-1909
Oversize 10 School days (Vol. 220) 1909-1911
Box 320 Harvard (Vol. 221) 1911-1913
Box 321 Harvard (Vol. 222) 1913-1914
Oversize 11 Travel, (Vol. 223) 1914-1920
Box 321 Osborne, Lithgow Devens 1935
Osborne, Richard
Box 321 Biographical 1939-1946
Box 321 School records 1935
Box 321 Osborne, Robert K. 1909-1913
Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 321 Miscellaneous 1880-1926
Box 322 Address books (Vols. 224-226) 1905-1906 (3 volumes)
Box 322 Appointment books (Vols. 227-247) 1898-1913, 1917-1924 (21 volumes)
Oversize 12 Award for prison exhibit, Panama-Pacific International Exposition 1915
Box 322 Biographical 1880-1926
Box 323 Card file of names and addresses undated
Oversize 12 Cartoon, Sing Sing, hand-drawn circa 1915
Box 323 Certificate of election to Pierian Sodality of Harvard College 1880
Box 323 Miscellaneous 1909-1924
Oversize 1 New York State Fish, Forest and Game Commissioner 1911
Box 324 Funeral 1926
Box 324 Gavel, inscribed 1903
Box 324 Invitations 1900-1920
Box 324 Itineraries 1920-1924
Box 324 Log book, "Motor car, Green Dragon" (Vol. 248) 1907
Box 324 Medals, pins and ribbons circa 1880-1920
Oversize 12 Membership certificate, Chamber of Commerce, Auburn, N.Y. 1901
Oversize 5 Musical notation: Quartets, concertos and choral arrangements 1896
Box 324 Newspaper clippings 1891-1926
Box 325 Notebooks (Vol. 249-255) 1877-1878, 1886-1895, circa 1912, 1926-1927 (7 volumes)
Box 325 Obituaries 1926-1927
Political papers
Box 325 Miscellaneous 1900-1926
Box 325 The Democratic League of New York 1909-1911
Box 325 Democratic National Convention 1912
Box 326 Democratic State Conference 1906
Box 326 Democratic State Convention, Buffalo 1906
Box 326 Democratic State Convention, Rochester 1910
Box 326 Democratic State Convention, Syracuse 1912
Box 326 Finances 1906-1907
Box 326 National Democratic Party 1896
Box 326 Voters lists 1896, 1905 (2 folders)
Oversize 12 "Portrait of Lt. Commander T. M. Osborne C.O. of Portsmouth Navy Prison, painted at the prison Sept 1919 by Orlando Rouland" 1919 - painting
Oversize 1 Portrait, unidentified
School records
Box 326 Miscellaneous 1870-1924
Oversize 1 Diploma: Harvard 1884
Box 326 French exercise book (Vol. 256) 1874
Harvard lecture notes
Box 327 Fine arts (Vols. 257-258) 1882-1884 (2 volumes)
Box 327 History (Vols. 259-264) 1881-1883 (3 folders (6 volumes))
Box 328 History (Vols. 265-267) 1884 (3 volumes)
Box 328 Music (Vols. 268-271) 1883-1884 (4 volumes)
Box 328 Philosophy (Vols. 272-273) 1882-1883 (2 volumes)
Box 328 Political Economy (Vol. 274) 1884
Box 328 The A.D. Club of Harvard University, 1837-1916 (Vol. 275) 1916
Box 329 Class of 1884, Harvard: Twenty-fifth anniversary report of the secretary (Vol. 276) 1909
Oversize 13 (Vol. 277) 1893-1901
Box 330 (Vol. 278) 1898-1902
Oversize 14 (Vol. 279) 1926-1936
Box 331 Harvard College (Vol. 280) 1881-1884
Box 332 (Vol. 281-282) 1898-1902 (2 volumes)
Box 333 (Vol. 283-284) 1902-1903 (2 volumes)
Box 334 (Vol. 285-286) 1903-1904 (2 volumes)
Box 335 (Vol. 287-288) 1904-1905 (2 volumes)
Box 336 (Vol. 289-290) 1904-1905 (2 volumes)
Box 337 (Vol. 291-292) 1905-1906 (2 volumes)
Box 338 (Vol. 293-294) 1906 (2 volumes)
Box 339 (Vol. 295-296) 1906-1907 (2 volumes)
Oversize 17 (Vol. 297) 1907-1908
Box 340 (Vol. 298) 1911-1912
Box 341 (Vol. 299-300) 1911-1916 (2 volumes)
Oversize 3 (Vol. 301) 1919-1925
Box 342 (Vol. 302) 1913-1914
Oversize 3 (Vol. 303) 1915
Oversize 2 (Vol. 304) 1915-1916
Oversize 2 (Vol. 305) 1916-1918
Box 342 (Vol. 306) 1914-1926
Oversize 8 Public Service Commission, First District (Vol. 307) 1907 - scrapbook
Oversize 16 Public Service Commission, First District 1907 - box of loose clippings, associated with Vol. 307
Oversize 15 Public Service Commission, Second District (Vol. 308) 1907 - scrapbook
Box 343 Sketches, Thomas Mott Osborne, small painting "Ellen" 1914
Box 343 Miscellaneous 1911
Box 343 Signed by inmates of Auburn Prison 1914
Box 343 Columbia Rope Co. 1927
Box 343 Travel, Europe 1911
Osborne Family
Box 343 Miscellaneous (Vols. 309-310) undated (2 volumes)
Box 343 Book orders 1875-1924
Box 343 Newspaper clippings 1845-1930
Osborne Memorial
Box 343 Miscellaneous 1908-1945
Box 344 Specifications 1929
Box 344 Oxford, N.Y. 1831
Box 344 Sexton, Lawrence E. fl. 1910
Box 344 Storrow, Helen (Osborne) 1915-1944
Box 344 Storrow, James Jackson Jr. 1885-1926
Box 344 Trask, Katrina 1922 - newspaper clippings
Box 344 Valentine, Olivia (Osborne) 1940
Wright, David
See also Communications and writings: Writings: Wright, David (Boxes 236 and 254).
Box 344 Appointment books (Vols. 311-315) 1838-1841, 1844-1848 (12 volumes)
Box 344 Notebooks (Vols. 316-322) 1840-1873 (7 volumes)
Box 344 School records (Vol. 323-326) 1858-1861 - penmanship exercise books (4 volumes)
Box 344 Wright family undated
See also family trees, at end of Biographical History section (above).
Box 344 Andrews, Francis fl. 1663
Box 344 Barlow, John Sr. fl. 1674
Box 344 Barlow, John Jr. fl. 1691
Box 344 Bartram, Ebenezer 1699-1769
Box 344 Bartram, Ebenezer Jr. 1732-1783
Box 344 Bartram, John fl. 1740
Box 344 Bennett, James fl. 1659
Box 344 Burr, Andrew fl. 1710
Box 344 Burr, Jehue fl. 1654
Box 344 Burr, John fl. 1650
Box 345 Burr, John 1672-1759
Box 345 Burr, John fl. 1690
Box 345 Burr, John 1698-1752
Box 345 Burr, Nathaniel fl. 1665
Box 345 Coffin family 1600-1750
Box 345 Couch, Simon 1633-1688
Box 345 Couch, Simon Jr. fl. 1713
Box 345 Fitch, Thomas fl. 1704
Box 345 Goodyear, Stephen fl. 1638
Box 345 Hanford, Thomas 1621-1693
Box 345 Hawley, Ebenezer fl. 1675
Box 345 Hawley, Joseph 1603-1690
Box 345 Lockwood, Robert fl. 1658
Box 345 Miles, Deacon Richard fl. 1666
Box 345 Osborne, Daniel 1725-1804
Box 345 Osborne, Daniel Jr. 1760-1801
Box 345 Osborne, David fl. 1679
Box 345 Osborne, John 1650-1709
Box 345 Osborne, John Hall 1791-1843
Box 345 Osborne, Richard fl. 1612
Box 345 Osborne, Samuel 1680-1752
Osborne Family 1600-1750
Box 345 Vol. I, holograph, bound (Vol. 327)
Box 346 Vol. II, holograph, bound (Vol. 328)
Box 346 Notes by Thomas Mott Osborne
Box 346 Osborne, Wright, Lithgow, Devens, Coffin and other families (Vol. 329) 1600-1900
Box 346 Pelham, Peter 1785-1826
Box 346 Pinkney, Philip fl. 1689
Box 346 Sturges, Jonathan fl. 1711
Box 346 Wakeman, Francis fl. 1626
Box 346 Wakeman, John 1601-1661
Box 346 Wakeman, Joseph 1670-1726
Box 346 Wakeman, Samuel 1634-1691
Box 346 Ward, Andrew fl. 1659
Box 346 Ward, William fl. 1660
Box 346 Wheeler, Thomas fl. 1654
Box 346 Williams, John fl. 1725
Box 346 Wright Family 1750-1950
Miscellaneous and unidentified
Box 347 People
Box 347 Views
Box 347 Auburn, N.Y. 1870-1930
Box 347 Auburn City Hall 1930 - engravings (4 items)
Box 347 Barnes, Henry 1922
Box 347 Berlin, Germany 1914
Box 347 Devens, Charles 1865-1880
Box 347 Devens, Richard undated
Box 347 Devens, Mary circa 1880
Box 347 Eliot, Charles circa 1906
Box 347 Europe 1907
Box 348 Europe, views of tour in the "Green Dragon" 1907
Box 349 Europe, views of tour in the "Green Dragon" 1907
Box 350 Garrison, William Lloyd 1871
Box 350 George Junior Republic 1895-1910
Oversize 1 George Junior Republic circa 1910 (2 items)
Box 350 American Legation Staff circa 1915
Box 350 Ruhleben Prisoner of War Camp circa 1915
Box 350 Hamlen, Paul M. circa 1890
Box 350 Harris, Emily (Osborne) 1870-1890
Box 350 Hill, W.L. 1917
Box 350 Hughes, Charles Evans 1910-1912
Box 350 Klipfel Family circa 1915
Box 350 Lithgow, William undated
Box 350 Agricultural circa 1880
Box 350 Saw mill circa 1870
Box 350 Military 1928-1945
Box 350 Mott, Lucretia (Coffin) 1875-1879
Osborne, Agnes (Devens)
Box 351 Miscellaneous 1880-1896
Box 351 Portraits 1880-1896
Box 351 Osborne, Caroline (Bulkley) circa 1870
Osborne, David Munson
Box 351 Miscellaneous 1875-1886
Box 351 Engraving plate circa 1880
Box 351 Residence, Auburn 1880
Box 351 Osborne, David Munson and family 1860-1885
Box 351 Osborne, David Munson II 1890-1950
Box 351 Osborne, Eliza (Wright) 1860-1910
Box 351 Osborne, John circa 1890
Box 351 Osborne, Lillie (Raben-Levetzau) 1918-1930
Osborne, Lithgow
Oversize 1 Miscellaneous circa 1935 - mounted wide-angle views with canoe (4 items)
Box 352 Portraits 1915-1950
Box 352 U.S. Ambassador to Norway 1944-1946
Box 352 Osborne, Lithgow and wife 1918-1946
Box 352 Osborne, Lithgow and children 1920-1940
Box 352 Osborne, Lithgow and others 1915-1940
Box 352 Osborne, Mary (Morse) circa 1940
Osborne, Thomas Mott
Box 352 Miscellaneous 1895-1926
Box 352 Portraits 1875-1926
Oversize 1 Portraits circa 1915 (2 items)
Box 353 Portraits circa 1900 - engraving plates
Osborne, Thomas Mott and sons
Box 353 Miscellaneous 1895-1925
Box 353 Portraits 1886-1895
Box 353 Osborne, Thomas Mott and family circa 1890
Box 353 Osborne, Thomas Mott and others 1885-1925
Box 353 Osborne, Thomas Mott 1921 - film stills, The Right Way
Box 354 Osborne Family 1885-1895
Box 354 Osborne Memorial 1927
Sing Sing Prison
Box 354 "Tom Brown Honor Camp" 1914
Box 354 Return of Osborne 1916
Box 354 Storrow, Helen (Osborne) 1880-1900
Box 354 Storrow family circa 1900
Box 354 Valentine, Olivia (Osborne) 1940
Box 354 Willow Point circa 1890
Box 354 Wright Family circa 1855
Photograph albums
Box 354 Osborne, Agnes (Devens)and others (Vol. 330) circa 1880
Box 355 Osborne, Thomas Mott and sons (Vol. 331) 1887-1896
Osborne Family
Box 355 Caribbean travel (Vol. 332) circa 1910
Box 356 World tour (Vols. 333-335) 1910-1911
Box 357 Children (Vol. 336) 1890-1895
Box 357 Outings (album, Vol. 337) 1904
Box 357 Portraits (album, Vol. 338) 1860-1900
Box 358 Osborne Family (glass negatives) 1885-1900

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