Collection inventory

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Sydor Rey Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Rey, Sydor.
Title: Sydor Rey Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1940-1969
Quantity: 1.0 linear ft.
Abstract: Polish American poet and novelist. Collection includes correspondence, clippings, photographs, writings.
Language: English, Polish
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Sydor Rey (b. 1908) was a Polish-American Jewish novelist and poet. He studied at the Universities of Warsaw and Lvov, where he received master's degrees in law and political science. He practiced law for a time in Warsaw where he also became known for his writing and was a member of the literary group Przedmiescie (Suburbs). His first novel, Kropiwniki, was published in 1937. Shortly thereafter (1939) he came to the United States where his work often appeared in the Polish-American press and in the Polish press in London, particularly Wiadomosci Tygodnik. He published numerous novels, short story collections and poetry anthologies in Polish and in English translation and, later, he wrote in English for American publication.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Sydor Rey Papers consist of biographical material, correspondence, memorabilia and writing.

Biographical material contains a brief autobiographical sketch by Rey and information about the Wiadomosci Tygodnik (Weekly Magazine), a Polish-language newspaper published in London.

Correspondence consists of letters from Rey (most of these are to John S. Mayfield, former librarian at Syracuse University) and letters from others about Rey.

Memorabilia contains clippings about Rey, including one from the Syracuse University Daily Orange on the occasion of his donation of his papers, and a few black-and-white photographs of Rey and Mayfield.

Writings includes both published and typescript pieces. The vast majority of the published pieces are in issues of Wiadomosci Tygodnik and include letters to the editor, poems, excerpts from Rey's novels, and other items. Typescripts include poems and short pieces, some of which may eventually have been published. There is also one folder of miscellaneous lists of published pieces.

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Arrangement of the Collection

Material is arranged within each series alphabetically, except for the Wiadomosci Tygodnik newspapers which are arranged chronologically.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Subject Headings


Rey, Sydor.

Associated Titles

Wiadomosci Tygodnik.


Authors, Polish -- 20th century.
Polish literature.
Polish poetry.
Polish-American literature.
Polish-American newspapers.
Polish-American poetry.

Genres and Forms

Manuscripts for publication.



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Sydor Rey Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Sydor Rey, 1966.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: MRC
Date: 9 May 2011
Revision history:

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Biographical material
Box 1 Miscellaneous - typed autobiographical sketch by Rey; printout of information about Wiodomosci Tygodnik
Box 1 Rey, Sydor 1940, 1943, 1947-1948, 1956-1960, 1965-1968 - majority are from Rey to John S. Mayfield
Box 1 Others (about Rey) 1967-1969
Box 1 Clippings 1940, 1962, 1965-1966 - originals and photocopies (2 folders)
Box 1 Photographs 1966, undated - of Rey alone, and several of Rey and Mayfield, taken in London
Published items
Wiodomosci Tygodnik (Weekly Magazine) 1957-1967 - poems, letters to the editor, essays, short stories; English title provided in parenthesis if known (62 issues)
Oversize 1 6/16/1957 [untitled] - poem, with Rey's annotations
Oversize 1 10/6/1957 Anioł-Stróż (Angel of [?]) - footnote says: Fragment z "Ksiegi rozbitków"
Oversize 1 12/22-29/57 List (Letter) - poem
Oversize 1 2/16/1958 Mój mit (My myth) - footnote says: Fragment z "Ksiegi rozbitków"
Oversize 1 4/27/1958 Nekrofilia (Necrophilia)
Oversize 1 7/13/1958 Felicja (Felicia)
Oversize 1 7/20-27/58 Cisza (Silence) - poem
Oversize 1 8/17/1958 Pisarze emigracyjni a literatura Krakowa (Emigrant writers, literature of Krakow) - only one paragraph of article is by Rey
Oversize 1 11/2/1958 Portret bez twarzy (Portrait without a face) - lengthy article
Oversize 1 12/21-28/58 Smutek (Sadness) - poem
Oversize 1 3/1/1959 Pasternak i Hemingway (Pasternak and Hemingway) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 3/8/1959 Tyrzy fragmenty (Tyrzy fragment) - footnote says: Fragment z "Ksiegi rozbitków"
Oversize 1 4/19/1959 Pierwszy Maja (First of May) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 6/7/1959 Tyrzy Szkice (Sketch of Tyrzy?) - footnote says: Fragment z "Ksiegi rozbitków"
Oversize 1 6/14/1959 Swiątkarz beskidzki - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 8/9/1959 Przyjemniejszy szmer - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 10/11/1959 [nothing by Rey]
Oversize 1 10/18/1959 Najcichszy Krok (Quietest step) - poem
Oversize 1 11/15/1959 Pisarze nie zawodowi (Writers not professionals?) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 1/31/1960 Odzyskane dzieciństwo (Recovered childhood)
Oversize 1 2/28/1960 Niebo jest moim domen (Heaven is my home) - poem
Oversize 1 4/3/1960 Generał (General)
Oversize 1 4/24/1960 Na Pustyni (In a desert) - poem
Oversize 1 6/5/1960 Miasto na Long Island (City on Long Island) - poem
Oversize 1 6/26/1960 Ksiądz-Technik (Priest-Technician)
Oversize 1 10/2/1960 Cudotwórca (Miracle worker)
Oversize 1 11/20/1960 Jadłodajnia
Oversize 1 12/18-25/60 Bajka - poem
Oversize 1 1/29/1961 Dobrzi sąsiedzi (Good neighbors) - poem? Very short piece, quotes Dylan Thomas apparently
Oversize 1 2/12/1961 Nasz Stosunek do Twórczości Sienkiewicza - only 4 paras are by Rey; footnote says "por. Odpowiedzi Ferdynanda Goetla, …[lots of other names] w nr. Nr. 774 i 775 Wiadomości"
Oversize 1 4/30/1961 Pisarki (Female writers) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 5/14/1961 Para mistrzów (Pair of masters) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 5/21/1961 Fraszki (Epigrams) / Poezja Nierymowana (Unrhymed poetry) / Kłamca - very short, possibly quotations of others?
Oversize 1 6/4/1961 Cisza (Silence) - Same page also includes lengthy piece by Vladimir Nabokov (Wladimir Nabokow) and Jerzy Tepa on Lolita, "Ostatnie Spotkanie" [??]
Oversize 1 9/3/1961 Balzac i Victor Hugo (Balzac and Victor Hugo) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 12/24-31/61 Ojce nasz (Our father) / Wioska po wojnie (Village after a war) / Banita (Exile) - three poems
Oversize 1 1/21/1962 Barabasz i Judasz (Barabbas and Judas) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 3/25/1962 Konfident (Confidence) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 4/8/1962 Deser czy Danie Głowne? - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 5/20/1962 Krawiec Grzegorz (Tailor of Grzegorz) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 6/17/1962 Polska szkola poetycka (Polish school of poetry) - letter to the editor
Oversize 1 8/26/1962 Emilia i Antoni (Emily and Antony) - footnote says "Fragment wiekszej całości"
Oversize 1 12/9/1962 Edmund (Edmund) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 5/26/1963 Ofiara Radość (Victim? of Joy) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 6/23/1963 Pearl
Oversize 1 7/21/1963 [untitled] - letter to the editor, begins "W związku z arytkułem Stanisława Irzyka…" Also includes issue #4 of "Na Antenie: mówi Rozgłośnia Polska Radia Wolna Europa" and front page article on election of Pope John XXIII
Oversize 1 7/28/1963 Pan własnego życia (Your? personal life)
Oversize 1 9/15/1963 Festyn (Gala) / Thorntonowi Wilderowi (Thornton Wilder) - translation into Polish of poem by Thornton Wilder
Oversize 1 1/26/1964 Dwór - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 5/1/1964 Całopalenie - poem
Oversize 1 5/10/1964 Śmierć nieuzasadniona (Unfounded? death) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 9/20/1964 Pan i Sługa (You and the servant) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 10/18/1964 Dysputa (Debate) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 11/15/1964 Przytułek (Refuge) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 2/14/1965 Salomon, nie Dawid (Solomon, not David) - letter to the editor (dated from Paris)
Oversize 1 6/6/1965 Wariacje na temat śmierci - very long piece, spans 2 pages
Oversize 1 7/11/1965 Scena Miłosna - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"; also includes issue #27/28 of "Na Antenie: mówi Rozgłośnia Polska Radia Wolna Europa"
Oversize 1 8/22/1965 Bankiet (Banquet) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 10/10/1965 Swaty (Matchmaking) - footnote says "Fragment powieści p.t. "Ludzie miejscowi"
Oversize 1 1/9/1966 [nothing by Rey]
Oversize 1 5/8/1966 Lekcja Historii (History lesson) - only one sheet, pages 3-5
Oversize 1 1/2/1967 Nowy tom wierszy Sydora Reya (New book of poems by Sydor Rey) / Mi ato? / Kraniec miasta (End of the city) / Smak słowa i śmierci / Raz kozie śmierć / Bestia (Beast) / Egzystencjalizm (Existentialism)
Box 1 Miscellaneous 1929, 1940, 1963 - Polish and English, includes copy of Rey's first published piece in 1929
Box 1 Earth
Box 1 The general
Box 1 Hitler's mother
Box 1 Letter from the cashier
Box 1 Nastia's cloth
Box 1 Poems, miscellaneous
Box 1 Portrait without a face
Box 1 Shulim
Box 1 Stella and Wasylcio
Box 1 Miscellaneous - lists of published titles, notes

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