Collection inventory

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George S. Schuyler Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Schuyler, George S. (George Samuel), 1895-1977.
Title: George S. Schuyler Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1912-1976.
Quantity: 15.0 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the conservative African-American journalist, author; died 1977. Collection includes correspondence (1916-1968); scrapbooks (1912-1961) which contain Schuyler's newspaper columns, photographs of Schuyler, his wife Josephine, and their daughter Philippa, and articles which he collected on civil rights, race relations and interracial marriage; and published material, including periodical issues which contain articles by Schuyler.
Abstract: Correspondents include Erskine Caldwell, Malcolm Cowley, Nancy Cunard, W.E.B. Du Bois, Amelia Earhart, Ralph Ellison, James Farmer, Eric Hoffer, H.L. Mencken, Alice Dunbar Nelson, Jackie Robinson, Philippa Schuyler, Josephine Schuyler, Phyllis Schafly, Lillian Smith, Carl Van Vechten, Robert Welch, Nathaniel Weyl, Roy Wilkins, and Whitney M. Young.
Language: Majority in English, some items in French, Norwegian, and German.
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

George S. Schuyler (1895-1977) was a conservative black journalist, satirist, author and editor. He was born in Providence, Rhode Island on February 25,1895 to George Francis Schuyler, a chef, and Eliza (Fischer) Schuyler. The Schuyler family was from the Albany-Troy area, a great grandfather having served under General Philip Schuyler, and his racially mixed maternal line was from the New York/New Jersey area. Schuyler grew up in Syracuse, New York and when not traveling for his career, spent most of his adult life in New York City.

Seeing few opportunities for an education or a career upon graduation from high school, Schuyler served in the United States Army from 1912-1918, becoming a first lieutenant. Most of his military career was spent in Hawaii, where he began writing satire in 1916 for The Service. After his military service Schuyler returned to Syracuse for a time where he worked as a handyman and construction worker. It was there, in November 1921, that he joined the Socialist Party of America in his search for intellectual stimulation.

In 1922, Schuyler rented a room at the Phyllis Wheatley Hotel in New York City, then operated by the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) which was headed by Marcus Garvey. Schuyler attended UNIA meetings but grew dissatisfied with the racist overtone of the Back-to-Africa Movement. He also attended meetings of other black groups including the socialist Friends of Negro Freedom run by Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, both of whom were also critics of the Back-to-Africa Movement.

From 1923-1928 Schuyler worked at The Messenger, first in the office and then writing a column for The Pittsburgh Courier, a black weekly newspaper. For eight months, from 1925-1926, he traveled around the south soliciting agents for circulation and writing on his observations of the relationship between the white and black communities. In 1926 he was asked to write the paper's editorials which he continued to do until 1969. During the mid 1920s, he also began publishing in The Nation, a Fabian socialist periodical, and other left wing publications. In 1927, at the invitation of H. L. Mencken, Schuyler published "Our White Folks" in The American Mercury which won him widespread attention.

Schuyler attributed his shift to conservative politics to his observations of the South during the 1925-1926 tour for The Pittsburgh Courier. It became his belief that the American black could only succeed by working in cooperation with whites within the democratic system toward mutual economic gain, a view he described as "economic self-help through consumers cooperation". In 1930 he attempted to implement this theory by establishing Young Negroes' Cooperation League. His work began appearing in The Freeman and other publications that he felt best expressed his new leanings. In addition, his work was published in literary anthologies.

In 1931 Schuyler's first book, Black No More, was published, a satiric novel in which blacks, through the use of science, become white and blend into mainstream society causing an upturn in the social and economic structure of the country. The early half of 1931 was spent editing The National News, a small newspaper for the United Colored Democracy, a Harlem based Democratic Party club, even though Schuyler for much of his life voted Republican. That same year, at the invitation of publisher George P. Putnam, Schuyler was sent to Liberia to investigate reports of modern day slave trading of Liberians to Spanish plantations off the coast of western Africirca Accounts of the trip were published in his newspaper column and in The American Mercury and The Globe.

The Scottsboro trial in 1931 led Schuyler to make a pledge to himself to devote much of his writing to the cause of exposing what he saw as communist infiltration of black civil rights movements. In 1935, James V. Spadea began a national syndication of anti-communist articles which included George Schuyler's column, "For the Record."

Schuyler joined Roy Wilkins of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1932 to investigate the working conditions of black laborers employed by the Mississippi Flood Control Project. For a few years Schuyler joined the NAACP publicity department which resulted in an eighteen-article history of the organization, and from 1937 to 1944, Schuyler acted as business manager for NAACP's organ The Crisis.

In 1935 The Pittsburgh Courier renewed its efforts to secure agents in every county of Mississippi and Schuyler was asked to accomplish this goal while sending back news items on his interviews and experiences. In 1937 he traveled throughout the country for an assignment on black labor and unions, and in 1939 he joined the Committee for Cultural Freedom, which dedicated itself to the promotion of international intellectual freedom. Their publication was a bulletin entitled Cultural Freedom.

Schuyler wrote for various publications (in some cases becoming their first Africa-American freelance contributor) in the early 1940s on World War II, Japanese internment, and problems caused by the mass influx of southern laborers to northern factories. An appeal was sent out to form the Association for Tolerance in America, aimed at white audiences for a mass education on race relations and the promotion of equality. The promotion, in the form of posters, newspaper advertisements, and brochures called on Americans to create an environment of equality for the black soldiers to come home to. The program came at a time of great urban unrest but Schuyler continued to believe that progressive education was the means to win equal rights and respect, and his efforts helped spur the eventual integration of the U.S. Armed Forces.

In 1944, The Pittsburgh Courier gave Schuyler the post of editor of their New York edition and he strove to express an international view on communism, race relations, and politics. From 1947 to 1950 Schuyler was a contributing editor to Plain Talk, an anti-communist periodical, and during this same period (1947-1948) he went on his third investigative tour for The Pittsburgh Courier, interviewing people across the country on the availability and condition of schools, accomodations, and work for blacks. This was followed by a profile on Harlem and in 1948 a tour of Latin America assessing racial conditions there.

At the end of June 1950, Schuyler attended and spoke at the first international conference for the Congress of Cultural Freedom in Berlin, held to counter communism. His paper "The Negro Question Without Propaganda" was subsequently published as Congress Paper number 23. A condensed version, retitled "The Phantom American Negro" was published in The Freeman and reprinted on a large scale including Reader's Digest and their international editions. During this European trip Schuyler visited Norway to cover the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to Ralph Bunche.

By the 1960s Schuyler's views were out of step with the growing civil rights movement. He believed that the mass media's attention to the problems within the black community and their standing in society did an injustice to the progress that had been made and hindered future gains. (He was also in favour of the United States' involvement in Vietnam.) He denounced rioting and marching alike as communist-inspired, made light of the "Black is Beautiful" promotion of African hair and clothing styles, and stated in an editorial that Martin Luther King was undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Pittsburgh Courier refused to publish the latter editorial and distanced itself from Schuyler's viewpoints by publicly stressing that he was not an associate editor, while The Crisis represented his views as outmoded. In 1965 Schuyler became affiliated as writer and lecturer with the American Opinion, edited by Robert Welch (founder of the John Birch Society) and with the American Opinion Speaker's Bureau. Much of Schuyler's work was published and aired through these two vehicles until 1970.

In 1969 Schuyler lost his wife, Josephine E. Lewis Schuyler (Josephine Cogdell Schuyler according to Schuyler's autobiography). Prior to her marriage in 1928, Texas-born Josephine had been an actress, model, dancer, and painter; later, their interracial marriage served as a subject for articles by both. Their daughter, Philippa Duke Schuyler, born in 1931, was a child prodigy. She knew six languages and at a very early age was an accomplished pianist, composer, orchestrator, and author. She travelled extensively in Europe, the West Indies, Africa, and Southeast Asia as a journalist, writing books and articles on world affairs as well as music. She was a foreign correspondent for the Manchester Union at the time of her death in 1967, in a helicopter accident while evacuating children from Hue to Da Nang.

The main outlets for Schuyler's writing during the 1970s were the conservative Manchester Union, where he was literary editor, and his "The Arts" column for Review of the News. George S. Schuyler died on August 31, 1977 in New York.

[Sources for this biographical sketch include Contemporary Authors, volumes 81-84 (Detroit: Gale Research, 1979), and a number of obituaries (New York Times, September 7,1977, p. D25; Washington Post, September 9,1977, p. C6; Schuyler, George S. Black and Conservative: The Autobiography of George S. Schuyler. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1966).]

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The George Schuyler Papers is divided into four series: correspondence, memorabilia, printed material and writings.

Correspondence (1916-1968, undated) contains miscellaneous correspondence and correspondence relating to American Opinion, American Opinion Speaker's Bureau, and Monrovia, Liberia. The correspondence is primarily of a business nature as Schuyler explained in his December 19,1966 letter to Syracuse University Manuscripts Librarian Howard Applegate: "A great deal of my correspondence has been destroyed and most of it consisted of letters in the course of business. I have been much too busy during my lifetime to enjoy the luxury of prolonged and leisurely correspondence". One letter of note in a lighter vein is from Amelia Earhart whom Schuyler met the day her fiance, George P. Putnam, hired him to investigate slave trading in Liberia. In the letter she states that on her transatlantic flight she did indeed wear the elephant toe bracelet which he had brought back from Liberia for her.

Memorabilia contains awards, cards and letters, invitations and announcements, artwork by Schuyler's daughter Philippa. Some of this material was originally housed in several scrapbooks (see Writings below).

Printed Material (1928-1973) consists of miscellaneous citations, Monrovia, Liberia documents, the newsletter "The Westchester Spotlight", and programs from various dinners and seminars.

Writings (1912-1976) make up the bulk of the papers. This section includes primarily published monographs, newspaper articles, periodical articles, news releases, and typescripts of writings by or about George S. Schuyler, his wife Josephine, and their daughter Philippa. It also includes publications such as National News which Schuyler edited. In some instances these are the only extant copies of materials, notably the Mississippi and other regional editions of the Pittsburgh Courier. Where several publications are bound together, the volumes are listed under the title of the first periodical (for example, see The American Parade, 1932-1947). Writings also includes transcripts of interviews and typescripts of speeches given by George Schuyler.

Writings originally included 29 scrapbooks which consisted mostly of clipped columns and short stories by Schuyler and articles regarding civil rights, race relations, and interracial marriage which he found of special interest. A few of the earlier scrapbooks included correspondence, memorabilia, and photographs of Schuyler, his wife Josephine, and early friends. These scrapbooks were disassembled and microfilmed in 1988. Photocopies of the scrapbooks were made prior to disassembly and are filed here, under Writings, while the original contents/pages were distributed throughout the collection.

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Arrangement of the Collection

Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by sender. Memorabilia is arranged alphabetically by type. Printed material is organized alphabetically by type of material. Writings are divided first by type, for example monographs, newspapers, news releases, periodicals, transcripts and interviews, and typescripts. Periodicals are further subdivided by title of publication. Individual items within these divisions are arranged chronologically.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

Twenty monographs by or about George or Josephine Schuyler and two periodicals have been removed from the collection and transferred to Rare Books for separate cataloging. These items are identified in the inventory below. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate these items.

In 1988, the 29 scrapbooks in the collection were microfilmed. Please contact Special Collections Research Center staff for information on accessing the microfilm versions of these items.

  • Reel 1
    • vol. 1, 1912-1930
    • vol. 2, 1924-1931
  • Reel 2
    • vol. 3, 1926-1930
    • vol. 4, 1930-Jun 1931
  • Reel 3
    • vol. 5, June 1931-February 1932
    • vol. 6, August 1931-March 1933
  • Reel 4
    • vol. 7 and 8, 1931 and 1931-1937
    • vol. 9, April-August 1934
    • vol. 10, August-December 1934
  • Reel 5
    • vol. 11, December 1934-April 1935
    • vol. 12, April 1935-August 1935
    • vol. 13, August 1935-May 1936
    • vol. 14, 1936-1937
  • Reel 6
    • vol. 15, 1936-1938, serial stories
    • vol. 16, 1936-1938, serial stories
    • vol. 17, 1937-1943
    • vol. 18, 1940-1947
  • Reel 7
    • vol. 19, 1943-1944
    • vol. 20, 1944-1945
    • vol. 21, 1944-1947
    • vol. 22, 1945-1947
    • vol. 23, 1946-1947
  • Reel 8
    • vol. 24, 1935, 1947-1951, "Views and Reviews"
  • Reel 9
    • vol. 25, 1950-1955, editorials, "The World Today"
    • vol. 26, 1951-1954, "Views and Reviews"
  • Reel 10
    • vol. 27, 1954-1957, "Views and Reviews"
    • vol. 28, August 1957-May 1959, "Views and Reviews"
  • Reel 11
    • vol. 29, June 1959-May 1961, Pittsburgh Courier, editorials
    • vol. 30, June 1959-October 1961, "Views and Reviews"

Related collections include the George S. Schuyler Typescript, which contains a manuscript of his "A Fond Farewell to Carlo" (about Carl Van Vechten), and the Philippa Schuyler Papers.

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Subject Headings


Azikiwe, Nnamdi, 1905-1996.
Caldwell, Erskine, 1903-1987.
Carter, Hodding, 1907-1972.
Cothran, Tilman C., 1918-
Cowley, Malcolm, 1898-1989.
Cunard, Nancy, 1896-1965.
Dies, Martin, 1900-1972.
Dobbs, Zygmund.
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963.
Earhart, Amelia, 1897-1937.
Ellison, Ralph.
Farmer, James, 1920-1999.
Fulbright, J. William (James William), 1905-1995.
Ginder, Richard.
Glazer, Nathan.
Gordon, Eugene, 1891-1974.
Greene, Percy, 1897-1977.
Gregor, A. James (Anthony James), 1929-
Hentoff, Nat.
Hoffer, Eric.
Ingle, Dwight J. (Dwight Joyce), 1907-1978.
Ivy, James W., 1901-1974.
Kilpatrick, James Jackson, 1920-2010.
Lincoln, C. Eric (Charles Eric), 1924-2000.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 1902-1985.
Loeb, William, 1905-1981.
Mencken, H. L. (Henry Louis), 1880-1956.
Miller, Loren.
Monnerville, Gaston.
Nelson, Alice Dunbar, 1875-1935.
Padmore, George, 1902-1959.
Putnam, Carleton, 1901-1998.
Reid, Ira De Augustine, 1901-1968.
Robinson, Jackie, 1919-1972.
Rose, Arnold M. (Arnold Marshall), 1918-1968.
Schlafly, Phyllis.
Schlafly, Phyllis.
Schuyler, George S. (George Samuel), 1895-1977.
Schuyler, Josephine.
Schuyler, Philippa, 1932-1967.
Smith, Lillian Eugenia, 1897-1966.
Thompson, Daniel C. (Daniel Calbert)
Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964.
Van den Haag, Ernest.
Waring, Thomas R.
Welch, Robert, 1899-1985.
Weyl, Nathaniel, 1910-2005.
Wilkins, Roy, 1901-1981.
Young, Whitney M.

Corporate Bodies

American Workers Party.
John Birch Society.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
North American Newspaper Alliance.

Associated Titles

American mercury (New York, N.Y. : 1924)
American opinion: An informal review.
Modern age.
Review of the news.
The crisis.


African American journalists.
African Americans -- Biography.
African Americans -- Civil rights.
African Americans -- Intellectual life.
African Americans in the newspaper industry.
Anti-communist movements -- United States -- Sources.
Authors, American.
Civil rights movements -- United States.
Conservatism in the press.


United States -- Intellectual life -- 20th century.
United States -- Race relations.

Genres and Forms

Clippings (information artifacts)
Newspaper columns.
Speeches (documents)



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

George S. Schuyler Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Finding Aid Information

Created by: Honor Conklin
Date: 1988
Revision history: 7 Mar 2007 - converted to EAD (AMCon); 30 May 2007 - updated and corrected inventory, biography, arrangement (MRC); 6 Nov 2015 - corrected box 11 contents, coding for index and elsewhere (MRC); 19 Dec 2018 - rehoused, additions integrated, inventory updated (MS/MRC)

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Note on alternate formats:

In 1988, the 29 scrapbooks in the collection were microfilmed. Please contact Special Collections Research Center staff for information on accessing the microfilm versions of these items.

Box 1 The Advertiser 1916-1917 - Most likely the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands
Box 1 The American Mercury 1935-1936
Box 1 American Opinion 1965-1967, 1970 - includes letters from The Review of the News, which had the same editor and began the same time Schuyler started writing for them
Box 1 American Opinion Speakers Bureau 1965-1968 (3 folders)
Box 1 American Workers Party 1934
Box 1 Arlington House Publishers 1964-1967 - includes letters from the Conservative Book Club which was affiliated with the publisher
Box 1 Avon Books 1965
Box 1 Azikiwe, Nnamdi 1960-1961
Box 1 The Baltimore Sun 1935
Box 1 Caldwell, Erskine 1964
Box 1 Carter, Hodding [William Hodding II] 1964
Box 1 Chattanooga Times 1965
Box 1 Coles, L. F. 1931, 1934, undated
Box 1 Cothran, Tilman C. 1964-1965
Box 1 The Crisis 1932, 1944
Box 1 Devin-Adair Publishing Company 1964-1966
Box 1 Dies, Martin Jr. 1939
Box 1 Dobbs, Zygmond 1965
Box 1 Earhart, Amelia 1932
Box 1 Ellison, Ralph Waldo 1964
Box 1 Evans, Leonard W. Jr. 1965
Box 1 Fulbright, J. William 1964
Box 1 Ginder, Richard 1967
Box 1 Glazer, Nathan 1964-1965
Box 1 Gordon, Eugene 1933-1934
Box 1 Green, Percy 1964-1966
Box 1 Gregor, A. James 1964-1965
Box 1 Hampton Institute 1937, 1964
Box 1 Hoffer, Eric 1964
Box 1 Ingle, Dwight J. 1964-1965
Box 1 Internal Revenue Service 1966
Box 1 Ivy, James W. 1931, 1935
Box 2 John Birch Society 1965-1966
Box 2 Julius Rosenwald Fund 1930-1931, 1936
Box 2 Kilpatrick, James J. 1964
Box 2 Knopf, Alfred A. (Sr.) 1930
Box 2 Liberia - letters related to 1931 trip to that country
Box 2 Lincoln, C. Eric 1964-1965
Box 2 Loeb, William III 1948, 1964-1968
Box 2 Lodge, Henry Cabot Jr. 1966
Box 2 Mencken, H. L. 1948, undated
Box 2 Miller, Loren 1964-1965
Box 2 Modern Age 1967
Box 2 Monnerville, Gaston 1950, 1961
Box 2 NAACP 1933, 1960, 1964
Box 2 National Baptist Convention USA Inc. 1964
Box 2 The New Republic 1962
Box 2 New York Amsterdam News 1937, 1964
Box 2 North American Newspaper Alliance 1965-1967
Box 2 Padmore, George 1932-1934
Box 2 The Pierre Berton Show 1967
Box 2 Pittsburgh Courier 1931-1942, 1945-1946, 1960-1967, undated (8 folders)
Box 2 Putnam, Carleton 1964-1965
Box 2 Reader responses to column of April 1968, "A Cool Appraisal of King" 1968
Box 2 Reader responses, miscellaneous 1931, 1942, 1964-1966
Box 2 Reid, Ira De Augustine 1964-1965
Box 2 Robinson, Jackie 1964
Box 2 Roosevelt, Archibald 1961-1963, 1967
Box 2 Rose, Arnold M. 1964-1965
Box 3 Saxon, Lyle 1937
Box 3 Schlafly, Phyllis 1968
Box 3 Schuyler, Josephine ('Jo', 'Jodie') 1935 - letters to Schuyler’s wife, Josephine Lewis Cogdell, written while working in Mississippi for the Pittsburgh Courier in 1935
Box 3 Syracuse University 1966-1968
Box 3 Thompson, Daniel C. 1964-1965
Box 3 Tillman, James [Albert] Jr. 1964-1965
Box 3 Toney, Charles E. 1932
Box 3 United States Army 1916-1920
Box 3 United States Civil Service Commission, Hawaii Civil Service District 1916
Box 3 United States Department of State 1967 - public voucher for refunds which refunded money Schuyler paid for returning the remains of his daughter Philippa, who died overseas in Vietnam
Box 3 Van den Haag, Ernest 1964-1965
Box 3 Van Vechten, Carl 1931
Box 3 Wahner, Robert F. Jr. 1959
Box 3 Waring, Thomas R. Jr. 1964-1965
Box 3 Weyl, Nathaniel 1958-1960, 1964-1965
Box 3 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 4 Christmas poems and cards
Box 4 Citations 1945, 1958, 1967
Box 4 Financial 1929-1932 - royalties, miscellaneous financial receipts
Box 4 Invitations and announcements
Box 4 Lecture notices 1922-1932, undated
Box 4 Correspondence and material relating to 1931-1934
Box 4 League of Nations material about 1929-1933
Box 4 Permit of Residence 1931
Box 4 Memberships
Box 4 Philippa Schuyler artwork
Box 4 Photographs - most seem to be from 1920s-1930s; many are unlabeled, some are taken from printed materials; unclear who the people are but Schuyler is in some of them
Box 5 Programs and publicity: Schuyler as a speaker 1920's-1950's (2 folders)
Oversize 1 Programs and publicity: Schuyler as a speaker 1960's-1970's (2 folders)
Box 5 Scrapbook, (cover only) 1912-1934
Box 5 Scrapbooks, miscellaneous pages - some pages include correspondence
Box 5 Souvenir Programs of the [Pittsburgh] Courrier Charities Fund galas 1952-1953 - featuring winners in the Courier Annual Theatrical Poll; includes forwards by Schuyler
Box 5 United States Army 1912-1916
Printed material
Box 5 Newsletter, The Westchester Spotlight 1967, 1970, 1973 (4 issues)
Monographs by George S. Schuyler
Black and Conservative: The Autobiography of George S. Schuyler. New Rochelle, NY: Arlington House Publishers 1966
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Black No More. New York: Collier Books 1931, 1971
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Monographs with essays by George S. Schuyler
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Monograph with essay by Josephine Duke (Mrs. George S.) Schuyler
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Monographs mentioning George S. Schuyler and/or Philippa Schuyler
Fax, Elton C. Contemporary Black Leaders New York: Dodd, Mead, and Company 1970
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 5 Keeley, Joseph. The China Lobby Man: The Story of Alfred Kohlberg. New Rochelle: Arlington House 1969
Box 6 Moon, Henry Lee. The Emerging Thought of W. E. B. Du Bois: Essays and Editorials from "The Crisis". New York: Simon and Schuster 1972
Monographs, other
Box 6 Lane, Thomas A. The War for the World. San Diego, CA: Viewpoint Books 1968
Box 6 McCallum, John D. The Story of Dan Lyons S.J.New York: Guild Books 1973
Box 6 Ovington, Mary White. Half A Man: The Status of the Negro in New York. New York: American Century Series/Hills and Wang 1969
1912-1931 Scrapbooks (3 volumes)
These scrapbooks were disassembled for microfilming. Material was distributed to various folders in the collection. See Related Material above for microfilm breakdown.
Box 6 1928 Clipping
Box 6 1932, Feb-Apr National News: The News Magazine of Colored America edited by George S. Schuyler (3 folders, 10 issues)
Box 7 1932, May-Jun National News: The News Magazine of Colored America edited by George S. Schuyler (2 folders, 6 issues)
1934-1947 Scrapbooks
These scrapbooks of newspaper clippings were disassembled for microfilming. Photocopies were made for the record, and original pages/material were distributed to various folders in the collection. See Related Material above for microfilm breakdown.
Box 7 Photocopies of 3 scrapbooks 1934-1935 (3 folders)
Oversize 2 Photocopy of scrapbook 'Serial Stories' 1936-1938
Oversize 3 Photocopies of 2 scrapbooks, 'Views and Reviews' 1935-1937 (2 folders)
Oversize 4 Photocopies of 2 scrapbooks, 'Views and Review' 1937-1943 (2 folders)
Oversize 5 Photopcopy of scrapbook 1940-1947
Oversize 5 Photocopy of scrapbook 1944-1947
Oversize 6 1950 Miscellaneous on Congress for Cultural Freedom - in English and German (2 folders)
Box 7 1950-1951 Norwegian newsclippings, with typescript translations
1950-1955 Scrapbooks (2 volumes)
These scrapbooks were disassembled for microfilming. Material was distributed to various folders in the collection. See Related Material above for microfilm breakdown.
Box 7 1953-1959 Clippings
1957-1961 Scrapbooks (3 volumes)
These scrapbooks were disassembled for microfilming. Material was distributed to various folders in the collection. See Related Material above for microfilm breakdown.
Box 7 1967-1971 Clippings, "The Literary Line," column from New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, by George S. Schuyler (5 folders)
Box 8 1972-1975 Clippings, "The Literary Line," column from New Hampshire Manchester Union Leader, by George S. Schuyler (4 folders)
News releases
Box 8 Spadea syndicate, "For the Record" 1953, 1956, 1959
May 15, 1953 "Negro Doctors Break Through"
Jan 9, 1956 "New Black Nation Spells Trouble for West"
Mar 26, 1956 "Casing an Uproar Over Campaign Gifts"
Apr 13, 1959 "Is Socialism Strangling American Cities?"
Box 8 North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) 1966
Nov 19/20, 1966 "Negroes Overcoming Fears, Speak Out Against Militants"
Dec 6, 1966 "Powell's School for Scandal Nearing End of It's Long Run"
Box 8 North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) 1967
Jan 7, 1967 "Reagan-Brooke Ticket in 1968 Would Put GOP in White House" (2 copies)
Jan 13, 1967 "Adam Clayton Powell's Scandal Shows Risk of Black Racism" (2 copies)
Jan 14, 1967 "Hollywood Everywhere: Brando Misses Paris Premiere of 'Countess from Hong Kong'"
Feb 10, 1967 "Negro Conservative Asks: Do We Really Want Another Civil Rights 'Total War'?"
Mar 29, 1967 "Explosive Cocktail: Luther King Mixes Bitter Potion of Negro Rights Plus 'Cong' Line"
Apr 15, 1967 "Black Mahatma or Pink Napoleon?: Negro Conservative Finds King Almost as Diverting as Twiggy"
Jul 1, 1967 "Can't Control Rioters: Rights Leaders are Victims of Own Frankenstein Monster"
Jul 22, 1967 "Integration is 'Out': Black Nationalists May Take America Down Apartheid Path"
Jul 29, 1967 "Put The Blame Where It Belongs: A Long, Hard Look at the Long, Hot Summer"
Aug 12, 1967 "Black Racists Can Now Sit Back and Wait for Big Whitewash"
Sep 16, 1967 "No Remorse for Riots?: A Few Words of Apology for America's Mid-summer Madness"
Oct 14, 1967 "Cult of Blackness: Militant Negroes Travel the Marcus Garvey Trail"
Dec 8, 1967 "More Strife Ahead: Rev. King's Christmastime Promise: Pandemonium by Cherry-Blossom Time"
Box 8 North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) 1968
Jan 27, 1968 "With Foundation Support: Black Revolutionists Need No Negro Dollars,"
Mar 2, 1968 "Can Negro Business Community Survive Crime and Hot Summers?"
Apr 6, 1968 "He Reaped the Whirlwind: A Cool and Critical Appraisal of Martin Luther King's Works"
Jun 14, 1968 "Capitol Camp-in Washington Awaits 'Juneteenth' Day"
Aug 10, 1968 "Negro History is 'In': Newest Educational Fad is 'Black Brainwashing'"
Oct 9, 1968 "Campuses Calmly Await the Fourth R - Rioting
Oct 26, 1968 "The Black-is-Beautiful Cult: Skeptical Negro Debunks the 'Natural Hero' Loo"
Periodicals with articles by George S. Schuyler
Box 9 The African: Journal of African Affairs [bound volume] 1943-1949
Volume 2, no. 2 pp. 14-15, "Things of No Importance"; May 1943
Volume 2, no. 3, p. 14 Jun 1943
Volume 2, no. 4, pp. 14-15 Jul 1943
Volume 2, no. 5 pp. 14-15 Aug 1943
Volume 2, no. 6 p. 14; Sep 1943
Volume 2, no. p. 14; Oct 1943
Volume 2, no. p. 14; Nov/Dec 1943
Volume 2, no. 9 p. 14; Jun 1944
Volume 2, no. 10 p. 14 Aug 1944
Volume 3, no. 1 p. 11, "It Happened in Africa" Apr 1945
Volume 3, no. 3 p. 15 Jul/Aug 1945
Volume 3, no. 4 pp. 15, 21 Oct 1945
Volume 4, no. 1 pp. 10-11, 22 Jan 1946
Volume 4, no. 2 pp. 18-20 Mar 1946
Volume 4, no. 2 pp. 14, 15, 23 (number is printing error) May 1946
Volume 4, no. 3 pp. 14-15 Jun 1946
Volume 4, no. 4 pp. 14-15 Aug 1946
Volume 4, no. 5 pp. 8, 14 Sep 1946
Volume 4, no. 6 pp. 14, 17 Oct 1946
Volume 4, no. 7 pp. 17, 20 Nov 1946
Volume 5, no. 1 pp. 14-15 Jan 1947
Volume 5, no. 5 pp. 18-19 May 1947
Volume 5, no. 7 pp. 17-18 Aug 1947
Also includes: Americas Vol. 1 no. 10, pp. 6-8, 41-42, "Haiti Looks Ahead" Dec 1949
Box 10 The American Mercury [bound volume] 1927-1930
Vol. XII no. 48 pp. 385-392, "Our White Folks" Dec 1927
Vol. XVII no. 68 pp. 469-476, "Keeping the Negro in His Place" Aug 1929
Vol. XIX no. 74 pp. 212-220, "A Negro Looks Ahead" Feb 1930
Vol. XX no. 80 pp. 423-432, "Traveling Jim Crow" Aug 1930 (2 copies: 1 bound, 1 individual copy)
Vol. XXI no. 83 pp. 288-297, "Black Warriors" Nov 1930
Box 10 The American Mercury [bound volume] 1931-1933
Vol. XXII no. 88 pp. 487-496, "Memoirs of a Pearl Diver" Apr 1931
Vol. XXV no. 100 pp. 423-430, "Black America Begins to Doubt" Apr 1932
Vol. XXVII no. 107 pp. 335-342, "Black Art" Nov 1932
Vol. XXVII no. 107 pp. 147-156, "Uncle Sam's Black Stepchild" Jun 1933
Box 11 The American Mercury 1939, 1944, 1949, 1957
Vol. XLVII no. 186 pp. 176-181, "Negroes Reject Communism" Jun 1939
Vol. LIX no. 252 pp. 686-691, "The Negro Problem Reaches a Crisis: B. More Race Riots Are Coming" Dec 1944
Vol. LXVIII no. 306 pp. 663-670, "Jim Crow in the North" Jun 1949 (2 copies)
Vol. LXXXIV no. 398 pp. 99-104, "The Negro Voter Comes of Age" Mar 1957
Box 11 American Opinion: An Informal Review Nov 1965-Sep 1967
Vol. VIII n. 10 pp. 11-16, "For America: Let Negroes Give Thanks" Nov 1965
Vol. IX no. 1 pp. 15-21, "Journalism: The Wagon That Broke Down" Jan 1966
Vol. IX no. 3 pp. 13-16, "The Farmer: Johnson's Taming of the Shrews" Mar 1966
Vol. X no. 2 pp. 29-34, "The Hangover: Negro Masses are Turning From the Revolution" Mar 1967
Vol. X no. 4 pp. 23-29, "Pastorniks: An Angry Essay by a Man of Faith" May 1967
Vol. X no. 7 pp. 51-52, "From Africa" Sep 1967
Box 11 American Opinion: An Informal Review Oct 1967-Mar 1968
Vol. X no. 8 pp. 53-54, "From Africa, and 87-92, Columnists: Style as the Great Journalistic Casualty" Oct 1967
Vol. X no. 9 pp. 25-30, "Babbit: Requiem for an American" and pp. 55-56, "From Africa" Nov 1967
Vol. X no. 10 pp. 57-58, "From Africa and pp. 81-86, "Filthopolis: What's Wrong with Our Cities" Dec 1967
Vol. XI no. 1 pp. 25-31, "Hellfare: A Look at the Welfare Racket" and pp. 55-56, "From Africa" Jan 1968
Vol. XI no. 2 pp. 27-32, "Acadummies: Socialism's Failure in Education" and pp. 55-56, "From Africa" and pp. 107-108, (review) The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual by Harold Cruse and pp. 113, "Henry L. Mencken" Feb 1968
Vol. XI no. 3 pp. 57-58, "From Africa" and pp. 103-112, "Mr. Schuyler: The Reds and I" Mar 1968
Box 11 American Opinion: An Informal Review Apr 1968-Oct 1968
Vol. XI no. 4 pp. 55-56, "From Africa" and pp. 73, "They Paused to Remark" Apr 1968
Vol. XI no. 5 pp. 55-56, "From Africa" May 1968
Vol. XI no. 6 pp. 65-66, "From Africa" Jun 1968
Vol. XI no. 7 pp. 77-87, "Middle East: Communists Score Major Victories" and 88, "They Paused to Remark" and pp. 173-176, "Our Cover: Anti-Communist Moise Tshombe" Jul/Aug 1968
Vol. XI no. 8 pp. 63-64, "From Africa" Sep 1968
Vol. XI no. 9 pp. 47-48, "From Africa" Oct 1968
Box 11 American Opinion: An Informal Review Nov 1968-Apr 1969
Vol. XI no. 10 pp. 45-46, "A Red Africa?: Communists are After Key African Ports" Nov 1968
Vol. XI no. 11 pp. 67-68, "Phony Tears: Africa's Nationalist Hypocrisy" Dec 1968
Vol. XII no. 1 pp. 21-30, "The Fall: From Decency to Degradation" and pp. 65-66, "Biafra: That Grisly War in Nigeria" Jan 1969
Vol. XII no. 2 pp. 75-76, "Where Oil Is: Propaganda, Genocide, and Biafra's Oil" Feb 1969
Vol. XII no. 3 pp. 21-24, "Bright Star: George S. Schuyler Reviews Philippa Schuyler" and pp. 41-42, "Mini-states: The Problem of All Those Lilliputs" Mar 1969
Vol. XII no. 4 pp. 71-72, "Portugal: Enjoying the Last Laugh in Africa" Apr 1969
Box 12 American Opinion: An Informal Review May-1969-Nov 1969
Vol. XII no. 5 pp. 77-78, "African Unity: A Look at Some Vanishing Fictions" May 1969
Vol. XII no. 6 pp. 73-74, "In Lilliput: The Republic of Equatorial Guinea" Jun 1969
Vol. XII no. 7 pp. 97-108, "Africa: The Red and the Black" Jul/Aug 1969
Vol. XII no. 8 pp. 37-38, "The Sudan: Shades of 'Chinese' Gordon!" Sep 1969
Vol. XII no. 9 pp. 85-87 (review) On Communism by J. Edgar Hoover and pp. 93-94 (review) Three- Fifths of a Man by Floyd McKissick. Oct 1969
Vol. XII no. 10 pp. 23-27, "Spirit of '76: The Declaration of Independence on Broadway" Nov 1969
Box 12 American Opinion: An Informal Review Jan 1970-Jun 1970
Vol. XIII no. 1 pp. 17-18, "Saint Martin?: The Martin Luther King Memorial" Jan 1970
Vol. XIII no. 2 pp. 27-28, "Bad Pennies: My, How They Do Run" Feb 1970
Vol. XIII no. 3 pp. 15-16, "Fleet Ralph: The Reverand Abernathy is Tired of Running" Mar 1970
Vol. XIII no. 4 pp. 23-25, "General Patton: A Film Salute to an American Rebel" Apr 1970
Vol. XIII no. 5 Cover, inside cover, p. 78, "They Paused to Remark" May 1970
Vol. XIII no. 6 pp. 27-28, "The Uptopians: And the Gurgle and Glow of Missionism" and 72, "They Paused to Remark" Jun 1970
Box 12 American Opinion: An Informal Review Jul/Aug 1970-Jul/Aug 1971
Vol. XIII no. 7 pp. 45-60, "Africa: The Comrades Beat the Bushes" Jul/Aug 1970
Vol. XIII no. 10 pp. 17-22, "Cowardice: And the Attack on American Morality" and 71, "Bullets..." Nov 1970
Vol. XIV no. 1 pp. 76, "They Paused to Remark" Jan 1971
Vol. XIV no. 7 pp. 31-36, "Middle East: It Is All Sinking in a Red Sea" Jul/Aug 1971
Box 12 American Opinion: An Informal Review Mar 1972-Jul/Aug 1973
Vol. XV no. 3 pp. 81-85, H. L. Mencken: Inconoclast From Baltimore by Douglas C. Stenerson reviewed by Medford Evans, mentions George S. Schuyler's relationship with Mar 1972
Vol. XV no. 7 pp. 71-80, "The Movers: Departments of H. U. D. and Transportation" Jul/Aug 1972
Vol. XVI no. 2 pp. 31-36, "Malcolm X: Better to Memorialize Benedict Arnold" Feb 1973
Vol. XVI no. 7 pp. 67-80, "Africa: Red, White, and Black" Jul/Aug 1973
Oversize 2 The American Spectator 1934
Vol. II no. 22 1-2, "Sam Leibowitz: Jonah in Modern Dress" Aug 1934 [with photocopies]
Box 13 Common Ground 1943
Vol. III no. 3 (Spring ) 41-44, "Vacation Daze" 1943
Box 13 The Crisis [bound volume] 1932-1945, 1949
Volume 41 no. 1 pp. 456, 472, "The Negro Co-operative League" Jan 1932
Volume 41 no. 9 pp. 258-260, 274, "To Boycott or Not to Boycott?" with Vere E. Johns Sep 1934
Volume 42 no. 1 p. 12, "Scripture for Lynchers" Jan 1935
Volume 42 no. 5 pp. 134-135, 148-149, "Which Way Out for the Negro? The Separate State Hokum" May 1935
Volume 42 no. 5 duplicate May 1935
Volume 43 no. 10 pp. 302-306, "Freedom of the Press in Mississippi" Oct 1936
Volume 43 no. 11 pp. 328-329, "New Job Frontiers for Negro Youth" Nov 1936
Volume 44 no. 4 pp. 102-103, "Do We Really Want Equality?" Apr 1937
Volume 44 no. 7 pp. 205-206, "Not Gone With the Wind" Jul 1937
Volume 44 no. 10 pp. 308-309, "A Treatise on Mulattoes" Oct 1937
Volume 44 no. 11 pp. 327-328, 347, "Reflections on Negro Leadership" Nov 1937
Volume 45 no. 8 pp. 255-257, 274-275, "The Rise of the Black Internationale" Aug 1938
Volume 45 no. 9 pp. 298-299, "The Nation Pays Tribute: James Weldon Johnson" Sep 1938
Volume 47 no. 5 pp. 143, 157-158, "Craftsmen in the Blue Grass" May 1940
Volume 47 no. 6 pp. 170-171, 178, "Garner - At Home" Jun 1940
Volume 47 no. 7 pp. 219, "Letters from Readers" Jul 1940
Volume 48 no. 12 pp. 384, 389, "Hitler Without Hitler" Dec 1941
Volume 49 no. 6 pp. 194-195, "American Caught Up With Him: The Story of Lucky Robert's 'Moonlight Cocktail'" Jun 1942
Volume 50 no. 11 pp. 328-329, 344, "A Long War Will Aid the Negro" Nov 1943
Volume 52 no. 1 pp. 25-26 (review) Top Hats and Tom-toms by Elizabeth Dearmon Furbay Jan 1945
Volume 56 no. 1 p. 3 (credits) Jan 1949
Box 13 The Crisis 1951, 1955, 1959
Volume 58 no. 3 pp. 163-164, "Forty Years of 'The Crisis'" Mar 1951
Volume 62 no. 5 pp. 314-315 (review) Black Moses: The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association by Edmund D. Cronon, and pp. 316-317 (review by Philippa Schuyler) America's Music: From the Pilgrim to the Present by Gilbert Chase. May 1955
Volume 76 no. 5 pp. 207-210, by Josephine Schuyler, "Race, Diet, and Intelligence" May 1969
Duke, Volumes 1-6
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Ebony and Topaz: A Collectanea 1927
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Farmand, pp. 25-26, "Intervju Meden Neger Redaktor" and miscellaneous materials. Jan 1951
See Norwegian newsclippings.
Box 13 The Freeman - duplicates of Nov 19, 1951 and May 3, 1954 issues (see bound issues below)
Globe [MISSING Dec 2018] 1937
Vol. 1 no. 1 pp. 56-60, "Woman Palavar" Mar 1937
Vol. 1 no. 4 pp. 10-16, "Monrovia Moocheson" Jul 1937
Vol. 1 no. 3 pp. 71-76, "The Lord's Work" Jun 1937
Box 13 Human Events 1959, 1968
Vol. XVI no. 16 p. 2, "Where Communists Fear to Tread: Why the Reds Are Out to Get Trujillo" Apr 22, 1959 - reprint (2 copies)
Vol. XVIII no. 11 p. 10 "Can Negro Business Survive Summer of Riots?" Mar 16, 1968
"New Educational Fad: Will Black History Really Be Brainwashing?" Aug 24, 1968 - reprint
Oversize 7 Human Events 1969
Vol. XXIX no. 15 p. 44, "Greetings on Human Event's 25th Anniversary" Apr 12, 1969
Box 13 Interracial Review 1943
"The Education of White Folks," 2 pp Jul 1943 - reprint
Box 13 Manion Forum 1968
no. 714, 4 pp, "Step by Step: Distinguished Journalist Views and Reviews Unfolding Tragedy" Jun 9, 1968 (2 copies)
Oversize 7 The Messenger: World's Greatest Negro Monthly 1925
Vol. VII no. 1 pp. 21-23, "Interviews with Actors" and pp. 35-36, "Shafts and Darts With Theophilus Lewis" Jan 1925
Box 13 Modern Age: A Quarterly Review 1967-1968
Vol. 11 no. 3 1967 (Summer 1967) pp. 320-323 (review) "The Negro's Dilemma" Negro Social and Political Thought by Howard Brotz, Freedom - When? by James Farmer (both issue and duplicate pages from the issue)
[v.11 no. 4 1967] (Fall 1967) pp. 414-417 (review) "Black History" The Secret City: A History of Race Relations in the Nation's Capitol by Constance M. Green, NAACP: A History of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People by Charles F. Kellogg. (pages only - no issue)
Vol. 12 no. 2 1968 (Spring ) pp. 200-201 (review) "Black Power Syndrome" Black Power and Urban Unrest by Nathan Wright Jr., Black Power by Stokley Carmichael and Charles V. Hamilton.
Box 13 Negro Digest 1940, 1943-1944
Vol. 1 no. 4 pp. 67-72, "Who Is Negro, Who Is White?" Nov 1940
Vol. 1 no. 7 pp. 69-72, "Vacation Daze" May 1943 (2 copies)
Vol. II no. 5 pp. 11-12, "My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience" Mar 1944
Vol. II no. 8 pp. 43-45, "Should Negroes in the South Migrate North?: Yes" Jun 1944 (2 copies)
Box 13 Negro Digest 1944-1946
Vol. III no. 2 pp. 60-64, "Have Communists Quit Fighting for Negro Rights? Yes" Dec 1944
Vol. III no. 7 pp. 52-54, "What the Negro Thinks of the South" May 1945
Vol. IV no. 9 pp. 1-6, "Do Negroes Want to be White?" Jul 1946; includes article on pp. 61-65 by Josephine Schuyler, "17 Years of Mixed Marriage"
Box 14 Negro Digest 1947, 1949
Vol. V no. 4 pp. 86-90, "Was Booker T. Wrong?" Feb 1947 (2 copies)
Vol. V no. 11 pp. 28-32, "What's Wrong With the NAACP?" Sep 1947 (2 copies)
Vol. VII no. 7 pp. 52-57, "Color Lines In Latin America" May 1949 (2 copies)
Vol. VII no. 10 pp. 37-42, "Race in Rio," by Charles Anderson Gauld Aug 1949
Box 14 Negro Digest 1950-1951
originally bound together, but the binding has separated and issues are foldered instead of being bound
Vol. VIII no. 7 pp. 3-7, "What's Wrong With Negro Authors" May 1950
Vol. IX no. 8 pp. 52-56, "Why I Want to Stay in America" Jun 1951
Vol. X no. 1 pp. 40-43, "Are Negroes More Prejudiced Than Whites?" Nov 1951 (2 copies)
Box 14 Phylon 1950
Fourth Quarter 1950 "The Van Vechten Revolution", reprint of article
Box 14 The Priest 1967
Vol. 23 no. 6 pp. 455-460, "All God's Chillun Got Wings" Jul 1967
Box 14 Reader's Digest 1951
Vol. 59 no. 351 pp. 61-63, "The Phantom American Negro" Jul 1951 (2 copies); includes bound international editions of the article and letter from De Witt Wallace, editor at Reader's Digest
Box 15 Reader's Digest 1951
"The Phantom American Negro" 1951
Box 15 Review of the News 1967
Volume 3 no. 20 pp. 27-32, "Analysis: The New Southern Africa" May 17, 1967
Volume 3 no. 24 pp. 27-32, "Analysis: The Perils of Provocation" Jun 14, 1967
Volume 3 no. 29 pp. 27-32, "Analysis: The Supreme Court, Again" Jul 19, 1967
Volume 3 no. 33 pp. 27-32, "Analysis: Rumpelstiltskin Unlimited" Aug 16, 1967
Volume 3 no. 38 pp. 15-20, "Analysis: Black Power Apartheid" Sep 20, 1967
Volume 3 no. 42 pp. 15-20, "Analysis: Love's Labor Lost in Mississippi" Oct 18, 1967
Volume 3 no. 46 pp. 15-20, "Analysis: School for Treason" Nov 15, 1967
Volume 3 no. 51 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: The Mini-Crusaders" Dec 20, 1967
Box 15 Review of the News 1968 (2 folders)
Volume 4 no. 3 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: Facing Open-Housing" Jan 17, 1968
Volume 4 no. 7 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: A Closet Full of Skeletons" Feb 14, 1968
Volume 4 no. 12 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: The Desperados" Mar 20, 1968
Volume 4 no. 16 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: Tempests in the Coffee-pot" Apr 17, 1968
Volume 4 no. 20 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: Toward a Long, Cool Summer" May 15, 1968
Volume 4 no. 26 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: Collective Guilt" Jun 26, 1968
Volume 4 no. 29 pp. 15-20, "Analysis: The Great Ghetto Swindle" Jul 17, 1968
Volume 4 no. 33 pp. 17-22, "Analysis: A Massacre of Fictions" Aug 14, 1968
Volume 4 no. 38 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: Chicago: Ominous Portent" Sep 18, 1968
Volume 4 no. 42 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: Narcotics, Anyone?" Oct 16, 1968
Volume 4 no. 45 pp. 23-27, "Report!: American Negro Leaders", by Kent Courtney on George S. Schuyler. Nov 6, 1968
Volume 4 no. 47 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: Drive for Discrimination" Nov 20, 1968
Volume 4 no. 51 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: NACCP: A Great Light Dawns" Dec 18, 1968
Box 16 Review of the News 1969
Volume 5 no. 4 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: How Black Your Alma Mater?" Jan 22, 1969
Volume 5 no. 8 pp. 17-22, "Report!: Who's Loony Now?" Feb 19, 1969
Volume 5 no. 11 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: The Semantic Jungle" Mar 12, 1969
Volume 5 no. 22 pp. 25-30, "Report!: Orphans of the Storm" May 28, 1969
Volume 5 no. 29 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: No Hidin' Place" Jul 16, 1969
Volume 5 no. 32 pp. 17-22, "Report!: Cinema Sodom" Aug 6, 1969
Volume 5 no. 34 pp. 25-30, "Analysis: Dangerous Games" Aug 20, 1969
Volume 5 no. 38 pp. 21-26, "Analysis: Why Not Detention?" Sep 17, 1969 (2 copies)
Volume 5 no. 39 pp. 24-26, "Red Sea Vacuum" Sep 24, 1969
Volume 5 no. 44 pp. 17-24, "Analysis: More Nerve Than Tracy!" Oct 29, 1969
Volume 5 no. 47 pp. 17-26, "Analysis: The 'Black Capitalism' Hoax" Nov 19, 1969
Volume 5 no. 52 pp. 17-26, "Analysis: The Foresight Saga" Dec 24, 1969
Box 16 Review of the News 1970
Volume 6 no. 3 pp. 17-26, "Analysis: Who Should Vote" Jan 21, 1970
Volume 6 no. 7 pp. 17-24, "Analysis: Friends of Foes" Feb 18, 1970
Volume 6 no. 11 pp. 17-26, "Analysis: Mortarboard Madness" Mar 18, 1970
Volume 6 no. 23 pp. 29-32, "Analysis: Reincarnation of the Jungle" Jun 10, 1970
Volume 6 no. 27 pp. 33-40, "Why Not Vouchers for Private Schools?" Jul 8, 1970
Volume 6 no. 41 pp. 31-40, "The Monster That Devoured Cleveland" Oct 14, 1970
Volume 6 no. 47 pp. 35-44, "Mao Will Push Dope Via Canada" Nov 25, 1970
Volume 6 no. 52 pp. 23-30, "George S. Schuyler" Dec 30, 1970
Box 16 Review of the News 1971 (2 folders)
Volume 7 no. 4 pp. 33-44, "Phantasm of the Pixilated Pedagogues" Jan 27, 1971
Volume 7 no. 12 pp. 35-44, "Mau-Mauing" Mar 24, 1971
Volume 7 no. 20 pp. 35-44, "Snooping" May 19, 1971
Volume 7 no. 24 pp. 23-32, "Gradueaten" Jun 16, 1971
Volume 7 no. 25 pp. 23-32, "Fellowship of Reconcilliation" by E. Merrill Rogt Jun 23, 1971
Volume 7 no. 29 pp. 42-44, "Prisoners" Jul 21, 1971
Volume 7 no. 34 pp. 35-42, "Ankle-bite" Aug 25, 1971
Volume 7 no. 39 pp. 23-32, "Krazy Kats" Sep 29, 1971
Volume 7 no. 42 pp. 25-26, "The Arts" Oct 20, 1971 (Succeeding articles are "The Arts" column)
Volume 7 no. 43 pp. 27-28 Oct 27, 1971
Volume 7 no. 44 pp. 25-26 Nov 3, 1971 (2 copies)
Volume 7 no. 46 pp. 27-28 Nov 17, 1971
Volume 7 no. 47 pp. 27-28 Nov 24, 1971
Volume 7 no. 49 pp. 27-28 Dec 8, 1971
Volume 7 no. 50 pp. 27-28 Dec 15, 1971 (2 copies)
Volume 7 no. 51 pp. 27-28 Dec 22, 1971
Volume 7 no. 52 pp. 27-28 Dec 29, 1971
Box 16 Review of the News 1972, Jan-Sep (3 folders)
Volume 8 no. 1 pp. 27-28 Jan 5, 1972
Volume 8 no. 2 pp. 25-26 Jan 12, 1972
Volume 8 no. 3 pp. 25-26 Jan 19, 1972
Volume 8 no. 4 pp. 27-28 Jan 26, 1972
Volume 8 no. 5 pp. 23-24 Feb 2, 1972
Volume 8 no. 6 pp. 25-26 Feb 9, 1972
Volume 8 no. 7 pp. 25-26 Feb 16, 1972
Volume 8 no. 8 pp. 25-26 Feb 23, 1972
Volume 8 no. 9 pp. 25-26 Mar 1, 1972
Volume 8 no. 10 pp. 25-26 Mar 8, 1972
Volume 8 no. 11 pp. 25-26 Mar 15, 1972
Volume 8 no. 12 pp. 25-26 Mar 22, 1972
Volume 8 no. 13 pp. 25-26 Mar 29, 1972
Volume 8 no. 14 pp. 27-28 Apr 5, 1972
Volume 8 no. 15 pp. 25-26 Apr 12, 1972
Volume 8 no. 16 pp. 25-26 Apr 19, 1972 (2 copies)
Volume 8 no. 17 pp. 23-24 Apr 26, 1972
Volume 8 no. 18 pp. 23-24 May 3, 1972
Volume 8 no. 19 pp. 23-24 May 10, 1972
Volume 8 no. 20 pp. 25-26 May 17, 1972
Volume 8 no. 21 pp. 23-24 May 24, 1972
Volume 8 no. 22 pp. 23-24 May 31, 1972
Volume 8 no. 23 pp. 25-26 Jun 7, 1972
Volume 8 no. 24 pp. 25-26 Jun 14, 1972
Volume 8 no. 25 pp. 25-26 Jun 21, 1972
Volume 8 no. 26 pp. 25-26 Jun 28, 1972
Volume 8 no. 27 pp. 25-26 Jul 5, 1972 (2 copies)
Volume 8 no. 28 pp. 25-26 Jul 12, 1972
Volume 8 no. 29 pp. 25-26 Jul 19, 1972
Volume 8 no. 30 pp. 25-26 Jul 26, 1972
Volume 8 no. 31 pp. 25-26 Aug 2, 1972
Volume 8 no. 32 pp. 25-26 Aug 9, 1972
Volume 8 no. 33 pp. 25-26 Aug 16, 1972
Volume 8 no. 34 pp. 25-26 Aug 23, 1972
Volume 8 no. 35 pp. 25-26 Aug 30, 1972
Volume 8 no. 36 pp. 25-26 Sep 6, 1972
Volume 8 no. 37 pp. 25-26 Sep 13, 1972
Volume 8 no. 38 pp. 25-26 Sep 20, 1972
Volume 8 no. 39 pp. 25-26 Sep 27, 1972
Box 17 Review of the News 1972, Oct-Dec
Volume 8 no. 40 pp. 25-26 Oct 4, 1972
Volume 8 no. 41 pp. 25-26 Oct 11, 1972
Volume 8 no. 42 pp. 25-26 Oct 18, 1972
Volume 8 no. 44 pp. 23-24 Nov 1, 1972
Volume 8 no. 45 pp. 25-26 Nov 8, 1972
Volume 8 no. 46 pp. 25-26 Nov 15, 1972
Volume 8 no. 47 pp. 25-26 Nov 22, 1972
Volume 8 no. 48 pp. 25-26 Nov 29, 1972
Volume 8 no. 50 [numbered incorrectly by publisher] pp. 25-26 Dec 6, 1972
Volume 8 no. 50 pp. 25-26 Dec 13, 1972
Volume 8 no. 51 pp. 25-26 Dec 20, 1972
Volume 8 no. 52 pp. 25-26 Dec 27, 1972
Box 17 Review of the News 1973 (4 folders)
Volume 9 no. 1 pp. 25-26 Jan 3, 1973
Volume 9 no. 2 pp. 25-26 Jan 10, 1973
Volume 9 no. 3 pp. 25-26 Jan 17, 1973
Volume 9 no. 4 pp. 25-26 Jan 24, 1973
Volume 9 no. 5 flyer Jan 31, 1973
Volume 9 no. 5 pp. 25-26 Jan 31, 1973
Volume 9 no. 6 pp. 25-26 Feb 7, 1973
Volume 9 no. 7 pp. 25-26 Feb 14, 1973
Volume 9 no. 8 pp. 25-26 Feb 21, 1973
Volume 9 no. 9 pp. 25-26 Feb 28, 1973
Volume 9 no. 10 pp. 25-26 Mar 7, 1973
Volume 9 no. 11 pp. 25-26 Mar 14, 1973 (2 copies)
Volume 9 no. 12 pp. 25-26 Mar 21, 1973
Volume 9 no. 13 pp. 25-26 Mar 28, 1973
Volume 9 no. 14 pp. 25-26 Apr 4, 1973
Volume 9 no. 15 pp. 25-26 Apr 11, 1973
Volume 9 no. 16 pp. 25-26 Apr 18, 1973
Volume 9 no. 17 pp. 25-26 Apr 25, 1973
Volume 9 no. 18 pp. 25-26 May 2, 1973
Volume 9 no. 19 pp. 25-26 May 9, 1973
Volume 9 no. 20 pp. 25-26 May 16, 1973
Volume 9 no. 21 pp. 25-26 May 23, 1973
Volume 9 no. 22 pp. 25-26 May 30, 1973
Volume 9 no. 23 pp. 25-26 Jun 6, 1973
Volume 9 no. 24 pp. 25-26 Jun 13, 1973
Volume 9 no. 25 pp. 25-26 Jun 20, 1973
Volume 9 no. 26 pp. 25-26 Jun 27, 1973
Volume 9 no. 28 pp. 25-26 Jul 11, 1973
Volume 9 no. 29 pp. 25-26 Jul 18, 1973
Volume 9 no. 30 pp. 25-26 Jul 25, 1973
Volume 9 no. 31 pp. 25-26 Aug 1, 1973
Volume 9 no. 32 pp. 25-26 Aug 8, 1973
Volume 9 no. 33 pp. 25-26 Aug 15, 1973
Volume 9 no. 34 pp. 25-26 Aug 22, 1973
Volume 9 no. 35 pp. 25-26 Aug 29, 1973
Volume 9 no. 36 pp. 25-26 Sep 5, 1973
Volume 9 no. 37 pp. 25-26 Sep 12, 1973
Volume 9 no. 38 pp. 25-26 Sep 19, 1973
Volume 9 no. 39 pp. 25-26 Sep 26, 1973
Volume 9 no. 40 pp. 23-24 Oct 3, 1973
Volume 9 no. 41 pp. 25-26 Oct 10, 1973
Volume 9 no. 42 pp. 23-24 Oct 17, 1973
Volume 9 no. 43 pp. 23-24 Oct 24, 1973
Volume 9 no. 44 pp. 23-24 Oct 31, 1973
Volume 9 no. 45 pp. 23-24 Nov 7, 1973
Volume 9 no. 46 pp. 23-24 Nov 14, 1973
Volume 9 no. 47 pp. 23-24 Nov 21, 1973
Volume 9 no. 48 pp. 23-24 Nov 28, 1973
Volume 9 no. 49 pp. 25-26 Dec 5, 1973
Volume 9 no. 50 pp. 25-26 Dec 12, 1973
Volume 9 no. 51 pp. 23-24 Dec 19, 1973
Volume 9 no. 52 pp. 23-24 Dec 26, 1973 (2 copies)
Box 17 Review of the News 1974, Jan-Mar
Volume 10 no. 1 pp. 23-24 Jan 2, 1974
Volume 10 no. 2 pp. 23-24 Jan 9, 1974
Volume 10 no. 3 pp. 23-24 Jan 16, 1974
Volume 10 no. 4 pp. 25-26 Jan 23, 1974
Volume 10 no. 5 pp. 23-24 Jan 30, 1974
Volume 10 no. 6 pp. 23-24 Feb 6, 1974
Volume 10 no. 7 pp. 23-24 Feb 13, 1974
Volume 10 no. 8 pp. 23-24 Feb 20, 1974
Volume 10 no. 9 pp. 23-24 Feb 27, 1974
Volume 10 no. 11 pp. 23-24 Mar 13, 1974
Volume 10 no. 12 pp. 25-26 Mar 20, 1974
Volume 10 no. 13 pp. 23-24 Mar 27, 1974
Box 18 Review of the News 1974, Apr-Dec (3 folders)
Volume 10 no. 15 pp. 25-26 Apr 10, 1974
Volume 10 no. 16 pp. 23-24 Apr 17, 1974
Volume 10 no. 17 pp. 25-26 Apr 24, 1974
Volume 10 no. 18 pp. 23-24 May 1, 1974
Volume 10 no. 19 pp. 21-22 May 8, 1974
Volume 10 no. 20 pp. 21-22 May 15, 1974
Volume 10 no. 21 pp. 23-24 May 22, 1974
Volume 10 no. 22 pp. 25-26 May 29, 1974
Volume 10 no. 23 pp. 23-24 Jun 5, 1974
Volume 10 no. 24 pp. 23-24 Jun 12, 1974
Volume 10 no. 25 pp. 23-24 Jun 19, 1974
Volume 10 no. 26 pp. 23-24 Jun 26, 1974
Volume 10 no. 27 pp. 23-24 Jul 3, 1974
Volume 10 no. 28 pp. 23-24 Jul 10, 1974
Volume 10 no. 29 pp. 23-24 Jul 17, 1974
Volume 10 no. 30 pp. 23-24 Jul 24, 1974
Volume 10 no. 31 pp. 23-24 Jul 31, 1974
Volume 10 no. 32 pp. 25-26 Aug 7, 1974
Volume 10 no. 33 pp. 23-24 Aug 14, 1974
Volume 10 no. 34 pp. 23-24 Aug 21, 1974
Volume 10 no. 35 pp. 25-26 Aug 28, 1974
Volume 10 no. 36 pp. 23-24 Sep 4, 1974
Volume 10 no. 37 pp. 25-26 Sep 11, 1974
Volume 10 no. 38 pp. 23-24 Sep 18, 1974
Volume 10 no. 39 pp. 23-24 Sep 25, 1974
Volume 10 no. 41 pp. 23-24 Oct 9, 1974
Volume 10 no. 42 pp. 23-24 Oct 16, 1974
Volume 10 no. 43 pp. 23-24 Oct 23, 1974
Volume 10 no. 44 pp. 23-24 Oct 30, 1974
Volume 10 no. 45 pp. 25-26 Nov 6, 1974
Volume 10 no. 46 pp. 25-26 Nov 13, 1974
Volume 10 no. 47 pp. 23-24 Nov 20, 1974
Volume 10 no. 48 pp. 25-26 Nov 27, 1974
Volume 10 no. 49 pp. 25-26 Dec 4, 1974
Volume 10 no. 50 pp. 23-24 Dec 11, 1974
Volume 10 no. 51 pp. 25-26 Dec 18, 1974
Volume 10 no. 52 pp. 23-24 Dec 25, 1974
Box 18 Review of the News 1975, Jan-Sep (3 folders)
Volume 11 no. 1 pp. 23-24 Jan 1, 1975
Volume 11 no. 2 pp. 23-24 Jan 8, 1975
Volume 11 no. 3 pp. 23-24 Jan 15, 1975
Volume 11 no. 4 pp. 25-26 Jan 22, 1975
Volume 11 no. 5 pp. 23-24 Jan 29, 1975
Volume 11 no. 6 pp. 21-22 Feb 5, 1975
Volume 11 no. 7 pp. 23-24 Feb 12, 1975
Volume 11 no. 8 pp. 23-24 Feb 19, 1975
Volume 11 no. 9 pp. 23-24 Feb 26, 1975
Volume 11 no. 10 pp. 21-22 Mar 5, 1975
Volume 11 no. 11 pp. 23-24 Mar 12, 1975
Volume 11 no. 13 pp. 23-24 Mar 26, 1975
Volume 11 no. 14 pp. 23-24 Apr 2, 1975
Volume 11 no. 15 pp. 23-24 Apr 9, 1975
Volume 11 no. 16 pp. 23-24 Apr 16, 1975
Volume 11 no. 17 pp. 23-24 Apr 23, 1975
Volume 11 no. 18 pp. 23-24 Apr 30, 1975
Volume 11 no. 19 pp. 23-24 May 7, 1975
Volume 11 no. 20 pp. 23-24 May 14, 1975
Volume 11 no. 21 pp. 23-24 May 21, 1975
Volume 11 no. 22 pp. 23-24 May 28, 1975
Volume 11 no. 23 pp. 23-24 Jun 4, 1975
Volume 11 no. 24 pp. 23-24 Jun 11, 1974
Volume 11 no. 25 pp. 23-24 Jun 18, 1975
Volume 11 no. 26 pp. 23-24 Jun 25, 1975
Volume 11 no. 27 pp. 23-24 Jul 2, 1975
Volume 11 no. 28 pp. 23-24 Jul 9, 1975
Volume 11 no. 29 pp. 23-24 Jul 16, 1975
Volume 11 no. 30 pp. 23-24 Jul 23, 1975
Volume 11 no. 31 pp. 23-24 Jul 30, 1975
Volume 11 no. 32 pp. 23-24 Aug 6, 1975
Volume 11 no. 33 pp. 23-24 Aug 13, 1975
Volume 11 no. 34 pp. 25-26 Aug 20, 1975
Volume 11 no. 35 pp. 25-26 Aug 27, 1975
Volume 11 no. 36 pp. 25-26 Sep 3, 1975
Volume 11 no. 37 pp. 23-24, The Films Sep 10, 1975 (Beginning here and subsequent issues Schuyler's column was called "The Films"
Volume 11 no. 38 pp. 23-24 Sep 17, 1975
Volume 11 no. 39 pp. 23-24 Sep 24, 1975
Box 19 Review of the News 1975, Oct-Dec
Volume 11 no. 40 pp. 23-24 Oct 1, 1975
Volume 11 no. 41 pp. 23-24 Oct 8, 1975
Volume 11 no. 42 pp. 23-24 Oct 15, 1975
Volume 11 no. 43 pp. 23-24 Oct 22, 1975
Volume 11 no. 44 pp. 25-26 Oct 29, 1975
Volume 11 no. 45 pp. 23-24 Nov 5, 1975
Volume 11 no. 46 pp. 25-26 Nov 12, 1975
Volume 11 no. 47 pp. 25-26 Nov 19, 1975
Volume 11 no. 48 pp. 23-24 Nov 26, 1975
Volume 11 no. 49 pp. 25-26 Dec 3, 1975
Volume 11 no. 50 pp. 23-24 Dec 10, 1975
Volume 11 no. 52 pp. 23-24 Dec 24, 1975
Volume 11 no. 53 pp. 21-22 Dec 31, 1975
Box 19 Review of the News 1976, Jan-Jul (2 folders)
Volume 12 no. 1 pp. 25-26 Jan 7, 1976
Volume 12 no. 2 pp. 23-24 Jan 14, 1976
Volume 12 no. 3 pp. 25-26 Jan 21, 1976
Volume 12 no. 4 pp. 23-24 Jan 28, 1976
Volume 12 no. 5 pp. 25-26 Feb 4, 1976
Volume 12 no. 6 pp. 23-24 Feb 11, 1976
Volume 12 no. 7 pp. 23-24 Feb 18, 1976
Volume 12 no. 8 pp. 23-24 Feb 25, 1976
Volume 12 no. 9 pp. 23-24 Mar 3, 1976
Volume 12 no. 10 pp. 25-26 Mar 10, 1976
Volume 12 no. 11 pp. 25-26 Mar 17, 1976
Volume 12 no. 12 pp. 35-36 Mar 24, 1976
Volume 12 no. 13 pp. 25-26 Mar 31, 1976
Volume 12 no. 14 pp. 25-26 Apr 7, 1976
Volume 12 no. 16 pp. 25-26 Apr 21, 1976
Volume 12 no. 17 pp. 23-24 Apr 28, 1976
Volume 12 no. 18 pp. 25-26 May 5, 1976
Volume 12 no. 19 pp. 21-22, The Films May 12, 1976
Volume 12 no. 21 pp. 21-22 May 26, 1976
Volume 12 no. 22 pp. 21-22 Jun 2, 1976
Volume 12 no. 23 pp. 21-22 Jun 9, 1976
Volume 12 no. 24 pp. 21-22 Jun 16, 1976
Volume 12 no. 25 pp. 21-22 Jun 23, 1976
Volume 12 no. 26 pp. 21-22 Jun 30, 1976 [MISSING Dec 2018]
Volume 12 no. 27 pp. 21-22 Jul 7, 1976
Volume 12 no. 28 pp. 21-22 Jul 14, 1976
Box 19 Review of the News 1967
v.16 no.12 Apr 28, 1967 "Dialogue With a John Bircher" - interview with George Schuyler
Oversize 7 St. John Fisher Pioneer
Oversize 7 Sepia 1962
Vol. 11 no. 5 pp. 55-58, "Freedom Through Finance" May 1962
Oversize 7 The Sepia Socialite 1942
Apr 1942 pp. 3, 5, 16, 82, "Forward: A Look at Negro Louisiana"
Periodicals with articles by George S. Schuyler
Box 19 [bound volume, contains several issues of various periodicals] 1932-1947
The American Parade, vol. III no. 1 (Oct/Nov/Dec 1928) 54-61, "Racial Intermarriage in the United States"
Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life, vol. XV no. 12 (Dec 1937) 377-378 (review) American Stuff by Henry G. Alsberg; vol. X no. 12 (Dec 1932) 388-389 (review) Georgia Nigger by John L. Spivak; vol. X no. 8 (Aug 1932) 257-258 (review) Race, Class, and Party by Paul Lewinson
Harlem: A Forum of Negro Life, vol. 1 no. 1 (Nov 1928) 17-20, "Woof"
Opportunity: Journal of Negro Life, vol. X no. 6 (Jun 1932) 175-176, "Mr. Embree Discovers a New Race"
Birth Control Review: A Negro Number, vol. XVI no. 6 (Jun 1932) 165-166, "Quality vs. Quantity"
The Forum: A Quarterly Review, vol. 2 no. 1 (Dec 1932) 18-20, "The Economic Outlook for the Negro" vol. 2 no. 4 (Sep 1933) 27-28, "The Negro of American Literature"
The Kaleidoscope, vol. 1 no. 4 (Apr 14, 1934) 13, "When Black Weds White"
The Record of Girl's Friendly Society of the U.S.A., vol. XLV no. 1 (Jan 1937) 244, 252, "Where Schools Count Most"
Cultural Freedom, (Jun 1940) 1-3, "Cultural Freedom and the American Negro"
Politics, vol. 1 no. 6 (Jul 1944) 181-182 (review) An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy by Gunnar Myrdal vol. 2 no. 5 (May 1945) 137, "F. D. R."
Interracial Review: A Journal for Christian Democracy, vol. XIX no. 4 (Apr 1946) 54-55, "The Negro and Communism"
The Negro Book Club News, vol. 1 no. 2 (Oct 194[?]) 3, "What's Wrong With Negro Writers"
The Negro South, vol. X no. 1 (Dec 1946) 16-18, "The Future of the Northern Negro in Politics"
Circuit, vol. 2 no. 8 (Jan 1947) 4-5, "A Date With Destiny for Women in 1947".
Box 20 [bound volume, contains issues of various periodicals] 1950-1956
The Freeman, vol. 1 no. 6 (Dec 11, 1950) 176-177, "The Pro-Slavery Propagandists"; vol. 2 no. 3 (Nov 5, 1951) 93-94, review of The Negro and the Communist Party, by Wilson Record; vol. 2 no. 4 (Nov 19, 1951) 117-118, "New Masks for Old" (vol. 1 printing error); vol. 2 no. 21 (Jul 14, 1952) 697-700, "FEPC is a Fraud"; vol. 3 no. 8 (Jun 1, 1953) 643-644 (review) "Clash of Cultures" Blanket Boy, by Peter Lanham and A. S. Mopeli-Paulus; vol. 4 no. 16 (May 3, 1954) 560, "Will the South Secede?"; vol. 4 no. 13 (Mar 22, 1954) 461-462, reviews of The Negro in American Life and Thought: The Nadir, 1877-1901, by Rayford W. Logan and Breakthrough on the Color Front by Lee Nichols
National Review, vol. 1 no. 4 (Dec 14, 1955) 28-29 (review) "More Rivers to Cross" How Far the Promised Land? by Wallace
The Freeman, vol. 6 no. 3 (Mar, 1956) 14-16, "The Case for the Private School"
Box 20 [bound volume, includes issues of several periodicals] 1929-1937
La Releve, vol. no. 7 (Jan 1937) photo, 2-6, "Quelques Considerations de Mr. Schuyler: Haiti et l'Amerique Noire" [in French]
The Modern Quarterly, vol. V no. 3 (Fall 1929) 361-363, "Emancipated Women and the Negro"; vol. V no. 4 (Winter 1930/1931) viii, 561-563, (review by John Chamberlin) Not Without Laughter by Langston Hughes and Black Manhattan by James Weldon Johnson and pp. 571-572 (review) Black Genesis by Samuel G. Stoney and Gertrude M. Shelby.
Box 20 [bound volume, includes issues of several periodicals] 1931-1950
The Modern Monthly, vol. VIII no. 1 (Feb 1934) 11-17, "When Black Weds White"
The Modern Quarterly, vol. XI no. 7 (Fall 1940) 84-87, "The Negro in the New Order"
The Spirit of Missions, vol. XCVI no. 2 (Feb 1931) 87-90, "Negro Critic Appraisis Institute Schools"
The Wheatsheaf, no. 419 (May 1931) 73-74, "Some Impressions of England"
Cooperation, vol. VXII no. 8 (Aug 1931) 144-145, "The American Negro's Salvation
Transatlantic, vol. 1 no. 6 (Feb 1944) 13-15, "Harlem: Half-way to Heaven"
Phylon: The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture, vol. XI no. 4 (1950) 362-368, "Phylon Profile; XXII: Carl Van Vechten"
Box 20 Miscellaneous 1928, 1947, 1965, 1968, 1969, undated
Periodicals, with articles about George S. Schuyler or Philippa Schuyler
Box 20 The American Writer, Vol. 1 Nov 1, 1946
Box 20 Arlington House publishers catalogue 1968/1969
Box 20 The Banner, p. 24, (review) Vander Ploeg, John. "New Books" Black and Conservative Jul 7, 1967
Box 21 Carver Federal Savings, on Philippa Schuyler in the Negro History Calendar Jan 1972 (2 copies)
Box 21 CLA Journal, v. XVIII no. 2 pp. 242-257, reprint, Peplow, Michael W. "George Schuyler, Satirist: Rhetorical Devices in Black No More" Dec 1974
Box 21 The Crisis 1937, 1967, 1976
Vol. 44 no. 6 pp. 165, 167, "Next Month"; pp. 184-185, "NAACP Youth Council News"; and pp. 188-189, "Letters from Readers" Jun 1937
Vol. 74 no. 2 pp. 68-71, Weinberger, Andrew. "Interracial Marriage in the U.S.A."; pp. 72-78, 101, Springarn, Arthur B. "Books: By Negro Authors in 1966" Mar 1967
Vol. 74 no. 5 pp. 248, 258, "Editorial: . . . and Philippa Duke Schuyler", obituary Jun 1967
Vol. 83 no. 1 pp. 7-10, Peplow, Michael. "The Black 'Picaro' in Schuyler's Black No More" Jan 1976
Box 21 Demography 1970, 1973
Vol. 7 no. 3 pp. 287-299, reprint, Monahan, Thomas P. "Interracial Marriage: Data for Philadelphia and Pennyslvania" Aug 1970
Vol. 7 no. 45 pp. 23-24, Nov 7, 1973 [MISSING Dec 2018]
Box 21 The Economic Facts of Life, Vol. 21 no. 7, Clark, Fred G. and Richard S. Rimanoczy. "The Realistic Black Man's Burden" Jul 1968
Box 21 Esquire, pp. 76-77, Lewis, Sinclair. "Books: 'Gentlemen, This is Revolution'" Jun 1945 (2 copies)
Box 21 The Freeman, Vol. 16 no. 12 pp. 53-56, Chamberlin, John. "Black and Conservative" Dec 1966
Box 21 Life, "The Real American Negro" May 7, 1959 - clipping
Box 21 The Midwest Journal, Vol. V no. 2 pp. 24-45, Winslow, Henry F. "George S. Schuyler: Fainting Traveller" Summer 1953
Box 21 Modern Age, Vol. 11 no. 1 pp. 96-98, Lyons, Eugene. "Reviews: One Who Overcame," on Black and Conservative Winter 1966-1967
Box 21 National Program Letter, "A Negro Speaks" Jan 1967 (2 copies)
Box 21 National Review, Vol. XXIII no. 35 pp. 978-989, Simonds, C. H. "The Strange Story of Willis Carto" Sep 10, 1971
Box 21 The New Yorker 1972
Vol. XLVIII no. 41 pp. 60-120, Anderson, Jervis. "Profiles: A. Philip Randolph - 1" Dec 2, 1972
Vol. XLVIII no. 42 pp. 48-106, Anderson, Jervis. "Profiles: A. Philip Randolph - 2" Dec 9, 1972
Vol. XLVIII no. 43 pp. 40-85, Anderson, Jervis. "Profiles: A. Philip Randolph - 3" Dec 16, 1972
Box 21 The Oral History Collection of Columbia University Catalogue pp. 107-108, "Biographical Section" 1964
See also Writings: Transcripts, interviews: Interview by William T. Ingersoll for copy of transcript, 725 pages.
Oversize 7 Our World, Vol. 7 no. 8 pp. 46-53, "Haiti Goes to the Movies" Aug 1952
Box 21 Pageant, Vol. 10 no. 5 pp. 22-27, "Who Are the Six Real Top Anti-Communists?" Nov 1954 (2 copies)
Box 21 The PTA Magazine, Vol. 62 no. 4 pp. 12-14, Ferguson, Charles W. "Americans Not Everyone Knows: Philippa Duke Schuyler" Dec 1967
Box 21 Social Forces, Vol. 48 no. 4 pp. 461-473, reprint, Monahan, Thomas P. "Are Interracial Marriages Really Less Stable?" Jun 1970
Box 21 A Spectrum of Conservative Views, Baltimore County Public Library, bibliography
Periodicals, miscellaneous
Survey Graphic, Vol. XXXI no. 11 [MISSING Dec 2018] Nov 1942
Transcripts, interviews
Box 21 Interview by William T. Ingersoll, Oral History Collection of Columbia University, pp. 1-200 1960 (2 folders)
Box 22 Interview by William T. Ingersoll, Oral History Collection of Columbia University, pp. 201-725 1960 (5 folders)
Box 22 Interview by Carl Bode, regarding association with H. L. Mencken. Oct 30, 1964
Typescripts, periodical
Box 22 American Mercury 1967
H. L. Mencken Nov 28, 1967
Box 22 American Opinion 1965-1967
Sep 15, 1965 Let Negroes Give Thanks
Jun 16, 1966 Booker T. Washington and Sidney J. Phillips
Dec 26, 1966 Requiem for the "Revolution"
Feb 22, 1967 Our Avant-Garde Clergy
Jun 29, 1967 June Moon in Africa
Aug 4, 1967 Africa
Aug 6, 1967 Style: The Great Journalistic Casualty
Sep 3, 1967 From Africa
Sep 5, 1967 Requiem for Babbit
Oct 3, 1967 Why Our Cities Ro
Oct 5, 1967 From Africa
Oct 27, 1967 Review: Not Yet Uhuru
Oct 30, 1967 Hellfare (missing and was not filmed)
Oct 30, 1967 From Africa
Nov 4, 1967 From Africa
Nov 29, 1967 The Mini-Crusaders
Dec 2, 1967 From Africa
Dec 3, 1967 Review: The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual
Dec 26, 1967 The Reds and I
Box 22 American Opinion 1968
Jan 1, 1968 From Africa
Jan 31, 1968 From Africa
Feb 29, 1968 From Africa
Mar 4, 1968 Homo on the Range, revised
Apr 7, 1968 From Africa
May 1, 1968 The Middle East
May 4, 1968 Moishe Tshombe
Jul 12, 1968 From Africa
Aug 6, 1968 From Africa
Aug 24, 1968 The Degradation of Democracy
Sep 6, 1968 From Africa
Oct 1, 1968 From Africa
Nov 3, 1968 From Africa
Dec 2, 1968 Realists of the Battle for Biafra
Box 22 American Opinion 1969
Jan 1, 1969 The Carefree Mini-States
Jan 5, 1969 The Semantic Jungle
Jan 13, 1969 Another Bright Star in the Sky
Jan 31, 1969 Portugal Laughs Last
Feb 3, 1969 Review: The American Fighting Man
Mar 4, 1969 Africa's Vanishing Fictions
Apr 3, 1969 Grief in Lilliput
Apr 14, 1969 Review: On Communism
Apr 16, 1969 Review: Three-fifths of a Man
Apr 25, 1969 Review: The Portugal Story
May 2, 1969 Africa
Jun 30, 1969 Shades of 'Chinese' Gordon!
Aug 4, 1969 Filling the Red Sea Vacuum
Sep 14, 1969 Birth of a Nation
Dec 9, 1969 Imaginary Emigrants
Box 22 American Opinion 1970-1971
Jan 7, 1970 Ralph is Tired!
Feb 7, 1970 Patton: Tribute to the C. F. R.
Feb 11, 1970 Requiem for Utopia
Mar 13, 1970 Daniel in the Panther's Den
May 5, 1970 The Red Network of Africa
Sep 2, 1970 Down the Drain
Dec 6, 1970 Liberalism Passes On
Mar 26, 1971 Write Off the Middle East!
Jun 29, 1971 Red Camp on Camera
undated The New Look in Southern Africa,
Box 23 Modern Age 1967-1968
Review: Centuries of Frustration: The Secret City and NAACP: A History of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1967
Review: The Black Power Syndrome: Black Power and Urban Unrest by Nathan Wright Jr. and Black Power by Stokley Carmichael, Jan 30, 1968
Box 23 North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) 1965-1968
Aug 18, 1965 Anatomy of Black Insurrection
Aug 29, 1965 Negro Has Two Revolutions - Real and Phony
Sep 23, 1965 Civil Rights Tripped by Labor Rights
Oct 31, 1965 Negroes Who Don't Need to be "Saved"
Dec 8, 1965 An Upcoming Happy New Year for Negroes
May 8, 1966 Rights Leaders Reviving the Revolution
Jun 8, 1966 Mississippi True to Form
Jul 24, 1966 Negro Rioting No Surprise to Informed
Sep 17, 1966 Sharing the Blame for Civil Rights
Dec 3, 1966 Powell: "To Be or Not to Be"
Dec 18, 1966 The Great Republican Dilemma
Jan 10, 1967 The Rising Tide of Black Racism
Mar 26, 1967 Our Canebreak Cassandra Threatens More Grief
Jun 24, 1967 Negro Leaders in Dilemma
Jul 26, 1967 Insurrection: The Failure of Negro Leadership
Aug 8, 1967 The "Revolution's" Upcoming Whitewash
Sep 10, 1967 Negro Leaders Not Remorseful
Dec 6, 1967 Dr. King Invokes Yuletide Spirit
1967 NAACP Hits the Sawdust Trail
Jan 12, 1968 Subsidies for Civil Turmoil
Feb 18, 1968 Negro Business Fears "Hot Summer"
Feb 26, 1968 Commission Produces Expected Whitewash
Apr 5, 1968 Dr. King: Non-violence Always Ends Violently
May 11, 1968 America Moving Toward Apartheid
Jun 13, 1968 Washington Awaits Juneteenth Day
Box 23 The Priest 1967
The Limits of Integration Jan 24, 1967
Box 23 Review of the News 1967
May 30, 1967 The Perils of Provocation
Jun 26, 1967 Burying Our Oldest Bugaboo
Jul 24, 1967 Rumplestiltskins Unlimited
Aug 31, 1967 Black Power Apartheid
Oct 6, 1967 Love's Labor Lost in Mississippi
Oct 31, 1967 School for Treason
Dec 4, 1967 Socialism's Failure in Education
Box 23 Review of the News 1968
Jan 1, 1968 The Many Faces of Open Housing
Feb 3, 1968 A Closet Full of Skeletons
Feb 28, 1968 The Desperados
Apr 5, 1968 Tempests in the Coffee-pot
May 4, 1968 Toward a Long, Cool Summer
Jun 5, 1968 Collective Guilt
Jul 2, 1968 The Great Ghetto Swindle
Aug 1, 1968 A Massacre of Fictions
Sep 4, 1968 Chicago: Ominous Portent
Oct 3, 1968 Narcotics, Anyone?
Oct 31, 1968 The Drive for Discrimination
Dec 1, 1968 NAACP: A Great Light Dawns
Box 23 Review of the News 1969
Jan 6, 1969 How Black is Your Alma Mater?
Feb 5, 1969 Who's Loony Now?
Mar 3, 1969 Orphans of the Storm
Jun 27, 1969 Cinema Sodom
Jul 3, 1969 No Hidin' Place
Aug 7, 1969 Dangerous Games
Sep 2, 1969 Why Not Detention?
Oct 6, 1969 More Nerve Than Tracy!
Nov 5, 1969 The "Black Capitalism" Hoax
Nov 7, 1969 Canonization of Dr. King
Dec 6, 1969 The Foresight Saga
Box 23 Review of the News 1970
Jan 3, 1970 Insanity Fair
Feb 3, 1970 Friends of Foes
Mar 5, 1970 Mortarboard Madness
May 28, 1970 Reincarnation of the Jungle
Jun 14, 1970 Vouchers for Freedom
Aug 3, 1970 The General Opts Out
Nov 7, 1970 New Dope for Old
Dec 28, 1970 Educational Phantasmagoria
Mar 5, 1971 Mau-Mauing Marches On
Jun 1, 1971 Miseducation
Jun 5, 1971 In Defense of Snooping
Box 23 Miscellaneous 1967, undated
Review: The Perpetual Negro Conundrum: Negro Social and Political Thought by Howard Brotz and Freedom-When? by James Farmer, 1967
Report on Levee Work Along the Mississippi River in Louisiana and Mississippi, undated
Typescripts, speeches
Box 23 Itinerary Logs 1965-1968
Box 23 Speeches 1951-1967
Was There Much Ado About Nothing? Josephine Baker vs. Stork Club circa 1951
[80th birthday of Carl Van Vechten] Jun 20, 1960
The Case Against the Civil Rights Bill Nov 11, 1963
[Introduction] Apr 19, 1965
The United Nations Apr 26 , 1965 - two versions
Domestic Peace Corps. Aug 30, 1965
Black Men as Fighters Spring 1966
The Siege of Mississippi Jun 29, 1966
The Future of the American Negro Apr 6, 1967
[Acceptance Speech, Portchester, New York, American Legion Club Jun 16, 1967
Box 23 Speeches 1968-1969
Rhodesian Realities Jan 5, 1968 - 2 copies
The Need for Conservatisim Feb 15, 1968
Build With Youth for a Better World Apr 20, 1968
Civil Rights May 5, 1968 - 2 copies
America's and South Africa's Multiracialism Jul 5, 1968
Conservative Priority List Nov 16, 1968
The Communist Conspiracy Against Negroes Feb 18, 1969
The Inner Rot of Society Nov 8, 1969
Youth in the Mire Nov 20, 1969

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