Collection inventory

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Ivan Meštrović Collection

An inventory of his collection at the Syracuse University Archives.


Creator: Meštrović, Ivan.
Title: Ivan Meštrović Collection
Dates: 1904-2009
Size: 7 boxes (4.75 linear ft)
Abstract: Books, correspondence, clippings, exhibit material, photographs, multimedia and subject files related to the work of Ivan Meštrović
Language: English, some items in Croatian, one item in French and two items in German.
Repository: University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Ave., Suite 600
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010


Ivan Mestrovic, ca. 1955

Ivan Meštrović (1883-1962) was a Sculptor-in-Residence and Professor of Sculpture at Syracuse University from 1947 to 1955. He participated in more than 150 exhibitions during his lifetime.

Born on August 15, 1883, in Vrpolje in the Sava Valley of Croatia, Ivan Meštrović grew up in the mountain village of Otavice in Dalmatian Croatia (then Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia) . He began carving under the influence of his father, while tending to his family's flock of sheep and goats. Meštrović used his surroundings as subjects for the stone and wood figures he carved. He was an apprentice to a stonecutter at fifteen in Split, and by 1899 he went to Vienna, where he was accepted by the Academy of Art the following year.

After being married in 1904, Meštrović and Ruža Klein moved to Paris. He exhibited works at at the Salon d'Automne and later at Salon des Artistes Francais, which garnered much attention and led to his friendship with the sculptor Auguste Rodin. Rodin described Meštrović as "the greatest phenomenon among sculptors." In 1909, after two years of intense sculpting, Meštrović was offered to show a comprehensive collection of his work at the Secession gallery in Vienna. In 1911 his participation in the Serbian Pavilion of the International Exhibition in Rome affirmed Meštrović's international significance as a sculptor.

In 1914, Meštrović was forced to flee Split on the eve of the Austro-Hungarian attack on Serbia. With Anton Trumbic and Frano Supilo, he formed the Yugoslav Committee on National Independence in London. The Committee was devoted to the creation of a southern Slavic or Yugoslav nation. In 1919 Meštrović held an exhibition at Petit Palais in Paris, concurrent with the Versailles Peace Conference. Once Yugoslavia was formed, Meštrović gave the new state all the sculptures he created for the Temple of Kossovo; it is considered his first public monument. From 1919 to 1922 Meštrović designed and worked on the memorial chapel for the Racic family in Cavtat, Dalmatia. After divorcing Ruža, Meštrović married Olga Kestercanek in 1923. They had four children, Marta, Tvrtko, Marica and Matthew.

Meštrović accepted the post of Rector of the Academy of Art in Zagreb, which he held until the beginning of World War II. He also visited the United States between 1924 and 1925, for a series of exhibitions that resulted in the commission for the sculptures known as the Indians, the Bowman and Spearman, in Grant Park, Chicago. Despite traveling to the U.S. and France for a few exhibits, Meštrović spent much of his time during the world wars in his homeland. In 1926, he executed the monument Gregory, Bishop of Nin, which he gave to the city of Split. Meštrović built his summer home in Split, which was given to the Croatian people after World War II and now is home to a collection of his art. In 1936 Meštrović erected the family chapel in his native village Otavice. In Split, on his own property, he also added a church with cloister to house Crucifix and thirty wood panel reliefs, known as his Life of Christ series--also given by the sculptor to the Croatian people. During his lifetime Meštrović donated over 1,000 of his works to the Croatian people.

Due to his political leanings, Meštrović was imprisoned by the Gestapo in 1941. With help from the Vatican, he was released in 1942 and sought refuge in Switzerland after living in Rome for a time. He worked on a book about the artist Michelangelo while residing with his family in Lausanne and Geneva between 1943 and 1946. During this time in Switzerland, Syracuse University's Chancellor William P. Tolley contacted Meštrović about a position with the University. While in Rome Meštrović accepted the position as Professor of Sculpture in the School of Art at Syracuse University, with encouragement from the artist Malvina Hoffman. He arrived in the United States in January, 1947, with his second wife, Olga, and his son Matthew or “Mate.”

That April, Meštrović exhibited 25 pieces at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the first time the museum honored a living artist with a one-man show. Sponsored by the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute of Arts and Letters, the exhibit showcased Meštrović's wide variety of skills, featuring sculpture in bronze, stone and wood, as well as his drawings.

At Syracuse University, Meštrović's students referred to his studio, a refurbished barn on Marshall Street, as the "Bauhaus." Most mornings were devoted to class and students would sculpt, while Meštrović dedicated afternoons to his own art in a private space.

Meštrović received honorary degrees from a number of universities, including Columbia, Colgate, Notre Dame and Marquette. He received awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the American Institute of Architects. He was a Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor and became an honorary member of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts in 1952. Several monographs on Meštrović's work have been published in multiple languages.

Meštrović was one of 20 people selected to represent 50,000 new citizens throughout the United States to receive American citizenship in 1954 at a televised ceremony conducted by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In 1955, Meštrović left his post at Syracuse University to teach as Professor of Sculpture at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. At the announcement of his leaving SU, there were signs of his influence and work around campus (as there still are).

Ivan Meštrović died on January 16, 1962.

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Scope and Content Note

The Ivan Meštrović Collection consists of the following series: Correspondence, Multimedia, Photographs, Printed Material and Subject Files.

Most of the Correspondence series comprise of letters written about Meštrović, his work and related subjects. Correspondents include Meštrović, his brother, Petar Meštrović, David Tatham, Mary Lewis, Norman L. Rice, and Jim Ridlon.

The Multimedia series contains printing plates that feature Meštrović's art, a CD featuring photographs, chronologies and bibliographies created in 2001 and a 2009 documentary from Croatian TV with English subtitles. A microfilm copy of the collection (one reel) is also included in this series.

The Photographs series includes items of Meštrović's two studios in Syracuse, New York, formal and informal publicity photographs and numerous photos of his works. Several of the items in this series are signed. The series is divided into the following categories: Drawings, Personal, Sculptures and Wood Carvings. Photographs of drawings, sculptures and wood carvings include some detail items or close ups of the art. There are also photographs of unidentified art by the sculptor.

Printed Material consists of books and book reviews; newspaper clippings, news releases, and other periodicals; and exhibition materials. All of the materials are about Meštrović and his art. While two books are published by Syracuse University Press, the majority of titles in this series are foreign language publications. Catalog and exhibit pamphlets are from numerous museum shows in the U.S., Croatia, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Subject Files contains a varierty of items, including commemorative postage stamps, a tribute to Meštrović on his 75th Anniversary from Pavle D. Ostovic and a tribute in memorium from artist Malvina Hoffman.

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Access Restrictions

Please note that the collection is housed off-site, and advance notice is required to allow time to have the materials brought to the Reading Room on campus.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or items from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

The Ivan Meštrović Papers at the University Notre Dame Archives is available in 35 mm microfilm in Syracuse University's Bird Library. There are 29 reels.

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Selected Search Terms


Hoffman, Malvina, 1887-1966.
Meštrović, Ivan, 1883-1962.
Syracuse University.


Croatia -- History.
Syracuse (N.Y.) -- History.
College teachers.
Higher education.

Types of material

Black-and-white photographs.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Ivan Meštrović Collection,

University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries.

Acquisition Information

The Meštrović Collection comprises of materials from a variety of sources acquired by the Syracuse University Archives between 1955 and 2011. A large part of the collection was donated, over time, by Donald P. Bean, Dick Case, Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Roger McLaughlin, Ellen Nims, George Norris, Frank Piskor, Jim Ridlon, Laurence Schmeckebier, Luella V. Synder, David Tatham, and Joseph J. Witt. Mr. Witt's gift was made in memory of Elizabeth Ann Lott Witt. Some materials were transferred to the Archives from the Syracuse University Library. Microfilm of the Ivan Meštrović Papers at the University of Notre Dame was given from that institution's archives to the Syracuse University Archives as part of a microfilm exchange in 1996. Lastly, some Meštrović items were purchased in 1969 and 2008.

Processing Information

Damaging material, such as staples, were removed, and newspaper clippings were photocopied. Multiples or duplicates of items have been discarded from the collection.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: Ameena Mohammad and Meg Mason
Date: 2011
Revision history:

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The collection is arranged by series and alphabetically within each series.

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Box 1 General correspondence 1926, 1933, 1948
Box 1 General correspondence 1950-1954
Box 1 General correspondence 1960-1963, undated
Box 1 Lewis, Mary 1950-1998
Includes copies of correspondence from Meštrović and photocopies of art by Lewis.
Box 1 Rice, Norman L., Director of the School of Art, Syracuse University 1954
Box 1 Ridlon, Jim 1946, 1955, 1964, 1967
Box 1 Tatham, David 22 Dec 1998-12 Jul 1999
Includes correspondence between Tatham and former student Julia Kalvartis; photocopies of Karl Karhumaa's art.
Box 1 Christmas card printing plates undated
Box 1 Ivan Meštrović 2001 - compact disc; from the Ivan Meštrović Foundation; Zagreb
Contains photographs, chronologies, bibliography, etc.
Box 1 Ivan Meštrović 2009 - documentary on DVD; from Zagreb TV
Has English subtitles.
Box 7 Microfilm reel, Ivan Meštrović Papers at the Syracuse University Archives, master negative
Box 1 Identified 1916-1952, undated
Pieta, 1942, brown chalk
Prophet, 1940
The Prophet, undated
Study of an archer, 1952, red chalk
He has Risen, The Ascenism, undated
St. Jerome, undated
Moses, 1916, conte crayon
Box 1 Home Studio, 817 Livingston Avenue Aug 10 1955
Interior of home studio, A Woman Playing
Interior of home studio, Study for Pieta, Isis and Horus
Box 1 Last year at Syracuse 1955, undated (8 items)
Box 1 Marshall St. Studio 1948, 1955, undated (24 items)
Contains four photos signed by Meštrović.
Box 1 Photos of Ivan Meštrović, by Keith Kennedy circa 1955
Artist working on Croatian Rhapsody
Portraits (4 items)
Meštrović and Job, two copies signed by Keith Kennedy
Artist in studio (2 items)
Box 1 A - B 1904-1957, undated
After Birth, bronze, 1932
Andrije Kacic Miosic, bronze, Franciscan Monastery Zaostrag, Croatia, 1957
The Archers of Domagoj, gray marble, 1955
At the Source of Life, black granite, Palais Wittgenstein, Vienna, 1904-1906
At the Well of Life, bronze, in front of the National Theatre, Zagreb, Croatia, 1905 (2 items)
Auto-Portrait, undated
Blind Homer, plaster, 1956 (3 items)
Head of Blind Homer, plaster, 1956
Simon Bolivar, monument, plaster, Zagreb, 1930
Bronze Door, Meštrović Family Chapel of Holy Redeemer, Otavice, Dalmatia, 1934
Box 1 C - F 1914-1958, undated
The Canadian Phalanx, marble, Ottawa, Canada, 1914-1918
Everet N. Case, portrait, bronze, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, undated (2 items)
Christ and Children, plaster, 1954
Christ in the Tomb, marble, St. Mark's Church, Zagreb, 1932
Crucifix, bronze, St. Mark's, Zagreb, undated
Crucifixion, Trinity Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN, 1956
Cyclops, bronze, Meštrović Gallery, Split, 1928
Cyclops, plaster, Split, 1928-1929
Father Lopez Memorial, bronze, Mission of Nombre de Dios, St. Augustine, FL, 1958
The Fall of Icarus, plaster, 1954 (2 items)
Feeding the Sick, marble relief, Bellevue School of Nursing, NY, 1953
Archangel Gabriel, marble, Brooklyn Museum, NY, 1919
Galerija Meštrović, Distant Chords, Split, undated
Galerija Meštrović, interior, Split, undated
Galerija Meštrović, Facade of the Gallery, Split, undated
Gallery at Split, (post card, includes note from Dean Piskor), 1965
Goethe, bronze, Zagreb, 1930
Gratitude to France Monument, bronze, Kalemegdan Park, Belgrade, 1930
Gratitude to France Monument, (post card, addressed to Laurence Schmeckebier), 1960
Gregory, Bishop of Nin, bronze, Split, 1926
Box 1 I - J 1925-1957, undated
Indian on horseback, 1925
Isis and Horus, African onyx, undated (2 items)
Jacob's Well, 1957 (2 items)
Joseph the Carpenter, 1957, plaster
Box 2 Job 1946 - bronze, Syracuse University. (3 items)
Box 2 John the Baptist 1954, undated - Bapistry, Split. (5 items)
Box 2 Life of Christ series, by Keith Kennedy undated
Flight into Egypt, one card with greeting and signature from Meštrović and his wife, Olga (4 items)
Presentation at the Temple (2 items)
The Last Supper
Raising of Lazurus
Lamb of God
Bearing the cross (2 items)
Box 2 Life of Christ series, unidentified, by Keith Kennedy undated
Seven items, including one card with Meštrović's greeting and signature. Some items are duplicates.
Box 7 Matted prints by Keith Kennedy 1907-1947 (Oversize)
The Maiden of Kossovo, 1907
The Archers of Domagoj, 1917
Saint Mark, 1923
Moses, 1926
The Indian with Bow, 1926-1927
Dreaming Stone, 1927
Christ on Cross, 1933
Croatian Rhapsody, 1947
Box 2 M 1907-1957, undated
Madonna with Child, diorite stone, 1937 (3 items)
Madonna with Children, bronze, Split, 1932
The Maiden of Kossovo, marble, State Museum, Belgrade, 1907
Man and Freedom, North face of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 1953 (3 items)
Marko Kraljevic, plaster study of head, State Museum, Belgrade, 1910
Marko Marulic, bronze, Split, 1924
Mary of the Immaculate Queen of the Universe, limestone relief, National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C., 1957 (2 items)
Migrating people, clay study for Jewish Memorial,1952
Mila Gojsalic, plaster, Poijica, Dalmatia, 1957
F. Cleveland Morgan, portrait, bronze, 1957
Moses, marble, Zagreb, 1926, (2 items)
Moses, plaster, Meštrović Museum, Zagreb, 1915
Study of Moses, plaster, 1953 (2 items)
Jewish Memorial, preliminary study in plaster, 1952
Mother Dolores, honix, undated
Mother's Offering, greek marble, Meštrović Gallery, Split, 1927
The Artist's Mother, Meštrović Gallery, Split, 1909
My Mother, marble, Art Institute of Chicago, 1926
My Mother at Prayer, 1926, marble, Art Gallery of Toronto
My Father, bronze, Belgrade, 1910
Box 2 Njegos Monument 1932, 1958, undated - granite; plaster model and details; one item by Keith Kennedy
Box 7 Njegos Monument undated (Oversize)
Box 2 Norris, George A. 1980-1995, undated
Photographs of works by a former Meštrović student.
Door in memory of Lief Norman Patterson, yew wood, 1980
Ewe #1, yew wood, undated
Life Story, yew wood, 1995
Jade Mountain Shrine, jade and yew wood, 1984-1989 (2 items)
Hobby horse for holy child, yew wood, undated (2 items)
Box 2 O - P 1920-1958, undated
Portrait of I. A. O'Shoughnessy, bronze, Collection of Notre Dame University, 1956, undated (2 items)
Our Lady of Angels: The Racic Memorial Church, Cavtat, Dalmatia, 1920-1922
The Memorial Church of Our Lady, Biskupija, Dalmatia, 1932-1938
Petar Berislavic, white marble, Trogir, Dalmatia, 1933
Supplicant Persephone, outside Lowe Art Center, Syracuse University, 1955
Pieta, Miami, Florida, 1958
Pieta, marble, 1942-1946
Pope Pius XII, Rome, 1943
Pope Pius XII, bronze, Memorial Library of Pope Pius XII, St. Louis, MO, 1957
The Prodigal Son, plaster, 1954
Prometheus, plaster sketch, 1946
Prophet, plaster, South Bend, IN, 1956
Prophet Jeremiah, limestone, 1952
Psyche, Meštrović Gallery, Split, 1927
Box 2 R - S 1908-1957, undated
Remembrance, marble, National Museum, Belgrade, 1908
Auguste Rodin, plaster, Zagreb, 1914
St. Andrew, plaster, St. Andrew, Honolulu, Hawaii, circa 1927
St. Anthony, plaster, Church of St. Anthony, Belgrade, 1954
St. Christopher, plaster, artist's collection, South Bend, IN, 1955
St. Jerome, bronze, Croatian Franciscan Fathers Home, Washington, D. C., 1954
St. Jerome, bronze, Croatian Church of St. Jerome, Detroit, MI, 1955
John the Baptist, detail of head, artist's collection, South Bend, IN, 1957 (3 items)
St. Mark's Church, Crucifix, Zagreb, 1933
Robert William Seton-Watson, plaque, undated
Socrates and His Disciples, bronze, Collection of Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1953 (2 items, one showing Dean Schmeckebier with the sculpture)
Cardinal Spellman, undated
Srdja Zlopogledja, plaster, Belgrade, 1908 (2 items)
Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac, White Plains, NY, 1950 (2 items)
Josip Juraj Strossmyer, bronze, Zagreb, 1926
Box 7 Sculpture prints by Keith Kennedy undated (4 items) (Oversize)
Box 2 St. Anthony undated - bronze, St. Anthony's College, Oxford, England (5 items)
Box 2 T - W 1902-1956, undated
Chancellor William P. Tolley, portrait, bronze. Collection of Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, 1954
Tolstoi, bronze, Meštrović Gallery, Split, 1902
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, black granite, Mount Avala, Yugoslavia, 1935-1938 (2 items)
Vase with Frieze of Dancers, bronze, 1908
Vase with Frieze of Warriors, marble, 1909
Vase with Frieze of Warriors and Peasants, marble, 1909
The Victor, bronze, Kalemegdan Park, Belgrade, monument to commemorate the Serbian victory of 1912 over the Turks in the Battle of Kumanovo, 1913
Weeping Women, marble, artist's collection, South Bend, IN, 1956
Widow, marble, National Museum, Belgrade, 1907 (2 items)
Widow, plaster, study, undated
Widow with Child, plaster, State Museum, Belgrade, 1912
Widows, State Museum, Belgrade, 1907
Box 2 Unidentified Meštrović exhibit, by Harry H. Lott 1945-1955 (4 items)
Box 2 Unidentified sculptures, by Keith Kennedy undated
Box 2 Unidentified sculptures undated
Wood Carvings
Box 3 Identified 1917-1957, undated
Ann and Mary, walnut, 1949
The Annunciation, 1927
The Ascension, walnut, Split, 1956
Baptism of Christ, undated (2 items)
The Book of Seven Seals, 1950 (2 items)
Christ and the Women of Samaria, wood reliefs, Meštrović Chapel, Split, 1927
Console Figure, detail of head, walnut, undated
Cruxification, mahogany, Notre Dame University Chapel, South Bend, IN, 1957 (2 items)
The Entombment, undated
Entry into Jerusalem, 1947
Fugitives to Egypt, 1940
Five Women Playing Instruments, mahogany, circa 1947-1956
The Guslar, walnut, 1954
He is Risen, 1943
Icarus, walnut, 1957
In Gethsemane, Meštrović Chapel, Split, 1942
Jesus and Mary Magdalen, Meštrović Chapel, Split, 1937 (2 items)
Joseph the Carpenter, walnut, Sacred Heart Church, Winnetka, Illinois, 1957
Judas Kiss, undated (2 items)
Judgment of the Sinner, 1943
Last Supper, undated (2 items)
Madonna and Angels, Split, 1921
Madonna with Child, 1917 (2 items)
Madonna with Child, mahogany, Sacred Heart Church, Winnetka, Illinois, 1957
The Nativity, Holy Cross Church, Split, circa 1953 (3 items)
The Presentation, undated
Sermon of the Mount, undated
The Three Wise Men, Holy Cross Church, Split (2 items)
The Transfiguration, undated
Visitation, walnut, 1957
Women under the Cross, undated
Box 3 Unidentified undated
Angel with Harp
Christ with Children
Madonna with Child
Printed material
Books and Reviews
Box 3 Advance copy of The Sculpture of Ivan Meštrović. Syracuse University Press, 1948 - Contains only a few pages of the 186 page book.
Box 3 Book reviews 1948, 1957-1959, undated
Box 3 Brinton, Christian. The Meštrović Exhibition, Introduction and Catalogue. The Brooklyn Museum, 1924
Box 3 Dezarrois, M. Andre. Exposition Ivan Meštrović. Minister of National Education, M. A. De Monzie, circa 1949 - French
Box 3 Grum, Zeljko. Ivan Meštrović. Matica Hrvatska (Yugoslavia), 1962 - photography by Toso Dabac
Box 3 Heroische Bildhauerkunst Fünf Werke Von Ivan Meštrović. Nova Europa Verlag, Hungary, 1939 - German
Box 3 Ivan Meštrović, Deutsche Kunst Und Dekoration. N.p., undated - German
Box 3 Ivan Meštrović, Gospa Od Andela, Zaduzbina Porodice Racic Cavtat. Zagreb, Nova Evropa. undated - Croatian
Box 4 Journal of Croatian Studies, Volume XXIV 1983 - Annual Review of the Croatian Academy in America
Box 4 Keckemet, Dusko. Ivan Meštrović. Graficki zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb 1964 - English translation. (2 copies)
Box 4 Mirth, Karlo. Iz Uspomena Na Meštrovića. Buenos Aires. 1962 - Croatian
Box 4 Ostovic, P.D. The Truth about Yugoslavia. 1952 - with introduction by Ivan Meštrović
Box 4 Rice, Norman L. The Sculpture of Ivan Meštrović. Syracuse University Press, 1948 (Two published copies; one proof)
Box 4 Schmeckebier, Laurence. Ivan Meštrović, Sculptor and Patriot. Syracuse University Press, 1959
Box 5 Zivot Umjetnosti, Cetrdesete 1998 - Croatian
Clippings, Periodicals and Releases
Box 5 Alumni News May-Jun 1953
Box 5 Art publications 1952-1954, 1966, undated
Box 5 Church publications 1947-1948, 1954, undated
Box 5 Clippings 1946-1947
Box 5 Clippings 1948-1949
Box 5 Clippings 1950-1953
Box 5 Clippings 1954
Box 5 Clippings 1955
Box 5 Clippings 1958-1962
Box 5 Clippings 1963-1964
Box 5 Clippings undated
Box 5 Jugoslavijia (Yugoslavia), Summer Issue 1951
Box 5 News releases 1933, 1946-1955, undated
Box 7 Post-Standard clipping 4 June 1950 (Oversize)
Exhibition Materials
Box 5 Catalogs 1924, 1959, 1983-1984, 1991-1992
Box 6 Pamphlets 1924, 1948, 1955, 1981, undated
Box 6 Pamphlets - outside of the U.S. 1915, 1951, undated
Box 6 Pamphlets - Syracuse University 1949, 1953, 1955, undated
Subject files
Box 6 Arts Medal of the American Institute of Architecture Speech 1955
Box 6 Christmas cards from Chancellor Tolley 1947, 1949, 1950-1952, 1954-1955, undated
Box 6 Commemorative Postage Stamps 1963 - includes a commerative booklet and letter from Petar Meštrović.
Box 7 Life of Christ, Ten Panels in Wood undated (Oversize)
Box 6 Meštrović 75th Anniversary Tribute by Pavle D. Ostovic undated
Box 6 Post cards undated - Meštrović gallery in Split, Croatia.
Box 6 Tribute by Malvina Hoffman Jan 11 1962

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