Introduction, Exhibition Catalogs, Peer Honors The Artist and His Media, Cartoons, and Murals, Paintings and Prints Book and Pamphlet Illustration, Caricatures |
Magazine IllustrationsGropper contributed artwork to such mainstream magazines as Fortune, Life, the Nation, the New Pearson's, and Vanity Fair, as well as left-wing periodicals like Fight, Ken, Liberator, New Masses, Pagan, Revolutionary Age, and Shadowland. Gropper made this comment on the apparent ease with which he contributed to both popular and radical publications:
17. Revolutionary Age 2, no. 4 (26 July 1919): cover.
Published in 1918 and 1919 in New York by the national organ of the Left
Wing Section of the Socialist Party, this publication covered the status
of Socialism in Europe. It was absorbed by the Communist in Chicago. 18. Pagan, May 1921. Published between 1916 and 1922
and edited by Joseph Kling and Hart Crane, it was described as a "magazine
for eudaemonists," those subscribing to the concept that personal
happiness was a legitimate ethical goal. 19. Liberator, August 1922. Published between 1918
and 1924 and edited by Max and Crystal Eastman, the Liberator later
merged with the Labor Herald and Soviet Russia Pictorial
to form Workers Monthly. 20. "To the Ladies from William Gropper," New
Pearson's, June 1923. 21. "Drawings by Wm. Gropper," Tennis,
June 1931. 22. New Masses 7, no. 11 (May 1932): cover. Published
between 1926 and 1948, New Masses was edited by Michael Gold, Joseph
Freeman, Herman Michelson, Granville Hicks, Joseph North, and others.
It merged with Mainstream to form Masses and Mainstream.
This particular copy was the gift of Egmont Arens. 23. Fight against War and Fascism 2, no. 5 (March
1935): cover. This was published monthly by the National Executive Committee
of the American League against War and Fascism founded in 1933. Its vice
chairmen included Lincoln Steffens and Earl Browder. 24. "Gropper Visits Youngstown," Nation,
3 July 1937. The purpose of this trip was coverage of the steel mill strikes. 25. "Lizz-The Stupendous, Collossal [sic], Magnificent,
Superb, Million Dollar Spectacle," Motion Picture Magazine,
n.d. |
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June 09, 2012 12:35 PM