Collection inventory

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Bob Considine Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Considine, Bob, 1906-1975.
Title: Bob Considine Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1834-1976
Bulk Dates: 1945-1975
Quantity: 70 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the American print and radio journalist, war correspondent, author. Includes correspondence, manuscripts, clippings, newspaper columns, photographs, scrapbooks, audio recordings, and films.
Language: Vast majority of the collection is in English; there are scattered items (mostly translations of Considine's columns or books) in other languages including Spanish, Bengali, Japanese, Hungarian, and Dutch.
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Bob Considine (1906-1975) was an American journalist and author, best known as the author of Thirty Seconds over Tokyo and The Babe Ruth Story, and for his long-running syndicated daily column "On the Line," which ran for thirty years in newspapers across the United States.

Bob Considine was born in Washington, DC on November 4, 1906. He attended Gonzaga High School in the city, and afterward majored in journalism at George Washington University, taking evening classes while working a variety of government jobs during the day. As a clerk at the Department of State, he met Mildred (Millie) Anderson, his future wife. His tennis interest (Considine was a noted tennis player in his early years, winning the 1929 National Public Parks doubles championship, the 1930 District of Columbia singles championship, and later about fifty other state and regional titles) led to his first job as a journalist, when he began to write a weekly tennis column at the Washington Post in 1929. A year later he was offered a full-time job in the sports department at the paper, writing sports, drama, and Sunday feature articles. In 1933 he moved over to the Washington Herald, a Hearst paper, where he served as sports editor and editorial and feature writer, and started his column "On the Line," at this time only on sports.

William Randolph Hearst brought Considine to New York City in 1937 to work with the New York American, then transferred him to the New York Daily Mirror (another Hearst paper), and subsequently to the Hearst syndicate, the International News Service (INS), which began syndication of his famous near-daily column "On the Line." He served as war correspondent in both the European and Pacific theaters during World War II, also covered the Korean War in the same position. At that time, he became a syndicated columnist and was also heard nightly on the radio in a program of news analysis and opinion, "On the Line." As a correspondent and reporter, Considine covered many of the famous people of the era he was writing in, particularly from the 1940s to the early 1960s and especially political leaders like Eisenhower and Nixon, American military leaders, and Roman Catholic Popes. In his "On the Line" columns, he traded anecdotes from his many trips around the world and from New York City, where he lived. He was known for being a quick typist, and this contributed to his prolificacy and workaholic nature. Two historical trips stand out: the interview with Nikita Krushchev at the height of the Cold War in 1957 in Moscow by the Hearst Papers team (of which Considine was a part), and Richard Nixon's 1972 trip to China (Considine was part of the press corps that accompanied the President).

Considine was also active as an author, especially as a collaborator with famous persons writing their autobiographies. His books include Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (with Capt. Ted Lawson); Gen. Wainwright's Story (with Gen. Jonathan Wainwright); The Babe Ruth Story (with Babe Ruth); Men Against Fire, The Men Who Robbed Brink's. and The Remarkable Life of Dr. Armand Hammer. He also wrote for the movies, including The Babe Ruth Story for Allied Artists and The Beginning or the End (about the development of the first atomic bomb) for MGM.

Considine won numerous awards for his newspaper work including the Lasker Award and the Overseas Press Club Award, and was twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. He served as president of the Overseas Press Club and was a member of the National Press Club. Considine traveled the world as a reporter but New York City remained his home and he died there in 1975, an active writer to the very end -- his last "On the Line" column was published in September, only a few days before his death.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Bob Considine Papers consists of biographical material, correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, memorabilia, newspaper columns, published material, and recordings (both audio and visual).

A single folder of Biographical material is filed at the beginning of the collection.

Correspondence is divided into four parts: General correspondence, Fan mail, Outgoing correspondence, and Correspondence of others. General correspondence consists of letters from friends, fellow journalists and authors (Walter Annenberg, "Bugs" Baer, Richard Berlin, William Randolph Hearst, Anita Loos), celebrities (Maurice Chevalier, Clark Gable, Zsa Zsa Gabor), political and military figures (Spiro Agnew, Omar Bradley, Dwight Eisenhower, J. Edgar Hoover, Douglas MacArthur, Richard Nixon), businessmen (Bernard Baruch, Armand Hammer), religious leaders (Cardinal Francis Spellman), and various groups and organizations. Fan mail is from readers of his column.

Subject files, most of which were compiled by Considine and remain as he created them, cover a variety of topics. Most appear to be background material for potential or completed projects on individuals (Jack Dempsey, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower) or subjects such as the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, wonder drugs, and various types of aircraft including the F-80 and the Boeing 747. There are also bills and invoices, information on a Bob Considine Scholarship Fund, material relating to organizations with which Considine was involved, letters to the editor, memos, information on Pope Paul VI's visit to Israel, photographs of Considine (alone and with others), reviews of Considine's books, telephone messages, and so on.

Manuscripts includes both those by Considine and those by others. Manuscripts by Considine (1927-1975) contains a wide range of formats, including articles, books, broadcasts, interviews, movie scripts, reports, screenplays, speeches, stories, and television shows. Manuscripts by others (1926-1974) is likewise varied, including articles, books, interviews, outlines, poems, scripts, speeches, and stories.

Memorabilia consists mostly of scrapbooks. Of particular interest is the one on Considine's 1957 trip to the Soviet Union with William Randolph Hearst, Jr. and their meeting with Nikita Krushchev. A small amount of miscellaneous memorabilia completes this section.

The separate Newspaper column, "On the Line" series consists of typescripts of Considine's daily "On the Line" column, which was syndicated in hundreds of INS newspapers from coast to coast. Considine covered whatever was happening at the time, from national events (the Vietnam War, Watergate, the US space program) to political happenings (Nixon's trip to China, the Democratic and Republican conventions) to the New York City scene (the closing of Toots Shor's iconic restaurant). Occasionally his columns touched on personal thoughts, such as his "Newspaperman's Prayer," or his column on the occasion of his granddaughter starting kindergarten (where she would, she announced, "learn to protect her own cat.")

Published material contains a wide range of printed or published items, most of which are by, about, or featuring Considine. These include advertisements, articles, books, catalogs, newspaper clippings, magazines, newsletters, promotional material, and much more. A number of published editions of books by Considine have been transferred to Rare Books for cataloging; they are noted in the inventory below.

Recordings consists of more than 25 audio recordings in various formats, and two films. The audio recordings include news broadcasts (Chet Huntley and David Brinkley), speeches and addresses (Lt. Gen. Maxwell Taylor), notable events ("One Giant Step" featuring Neil Armstrong), and several commercial recordings of popular music (e.g., Elvis Presley).

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Arrangement of the Collection

Correspondence is subdivided by type; General correspondence and Correspondence of others is arranged alphabetically by sender, while Fan mail and Outgoing correspondence is arranged chronologically. Subject files are arranged alphabetically by title or topic. Manuscripts are subdivided into those by Considine and those by others. Each subseries is arranged alphabetically by type (articles, books, etc.); within each type, manuscripts by Considine are arranged alphabetically by title while those by others are arranged alphabetically by author. Newspaper columns consists entirely of copies of Considine's syndicated column "On the Line" and are arranged chronologically.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advance notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Access to recordings requires advance notice to produce a use copy.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

Published editions of several of Considine's books have been transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate these items.

Recordings from the collection have been digitized. Please contact the repository listed above for more information.

See also the papers of Mildred Considine, Bob Considine's wife.

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Subject Headings


Berlin, Richard E., 1894-
Considine, Bob, 1906-1975.
Costa, Joseph.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969.
Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951.
Hearst, William Randolph, Jr., 1908-1993.
Hoover, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1895-1972.
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973.
Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894-1971.
MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964.
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994.
Shor, Toots, 1903-1977.

Corporate Bodies

Hearst Corporation.
International News Service.


Astronautics -- United States.
Authors, American.
Journalists -- United States.
Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc.
Radio journalists -- United States.
Reporters and reporting -- United States.
Sportswriters -- United States.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 -- Press coverage.
War correspondents -- United States.
Watergate Affair, 1972-1974 -- Press coverage.


China -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
Russia -- Politics and government -- 20th century.
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century.

Genres and Forms

16mm (photographic film size)
Clippings (information artifacts)
Drafts (documents)
Film reels.
Galley proofs.
Lacquer discs.
Manuscripts for publication.
Newspaper columns.
Phonograph records.
Photograph albums.
Sound recordings.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Bob Considine Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Robert B. Considine, 1966-1968.

Gift of Mildred Considine, 1976.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: HBB
Date: Jan 1969
Revision history: 1 Mar 2007 - converted to EAD (AMCon); 11 Jun 2018 - additions processed, entire collection integrated and rehoused (MS); 9 Sep 2024 - post-digitization updates and digitization note added (IRP)

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Note on alternate formats:

Recordings from the collection have been digitized. Please contact the repository listed above for more information.

Biographical material
Box 1 Biographical material
General correspondence
Box 1 Agnew, Spiro 1969
Box 1 Allerup, Paul 1953, 1955, 1957, 1966, undated
Box 1 Annenberg, Walter H. 1957, 1969
Box 1 A
Box 1 Baer, Arthur "Bugs" 1966
Box 1 Banner, Jack 1950, 1964, undated
Box 1 Baruch, Bernard M. 1949, undated
Box 1 Batchelor, C. D. undated
Box 1 Berkson, Seymour 1947-1955
Box 1 Berle, Milton 1949
Box 1 Berlin, Richard E. 1946-1947, 1949, 1958, 1960-1961, 1965, undated
Box 1 Bishop, Jim [James Alonzo] 1958, 1964, 1968
Box 1 Black, Hugo L. 1968
Box 1 Bradley, Omar N. 1967, 1969
Box 1 Brewster, [Ralph] Owen 1948
Box 1 Brooke, Edward W.
Box 1 B
Box 1 Caniff, Milton 1960, 1962, 1967
Box 1 Cates, C. [Clifton] B. 1948
Box 1 Chamberlin, C. M. 1957, 1975
Box 1 Chevalier, Maurice 1967
Box 1 (Madame) Chiang Kai-Shek 1949
Box 1 Clark, Thomas Campbell 1947
Box 1 Considine family 1946, 1951, 1957-1958, undated
Box 1 Costa, Joseph 1957, 1959
Box 2 Ca-Cl
Box 2 Co-Cu
Box 2 Dawley, Grace (Mrs. J. Searle Dawley) 1947
Box 2 Doolittle, James Harold 1967, 1975
Box 2 Da-De
Box 2 Di-Dy
Box 2 Eagen, Edward P. [Patrick] F. [Francis] 1948
Box 2 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1950, 1955, 1959, 1967
Box 2 Elkins, Frank 1957-1959, 1963
Box 2 Eller, Ernest MacNeil 1947
Box 2 Epstein, Julius 1967
Box 2 E
Box 2 Fair, Harold 1956-1957, 1963-1964
Box 2 Faris, Barry 1947-1962
Box 2 Farley, James A. 1957, 1963, 1968, undated
Box 2 Farrell, Frank 1949
Box 2 Fawcett, Waldo 1957-1964
Box 2 Flaherty, (Pat) Edmund Joseph 1952, 1955, 1957, undated
Box 2 Flaherty, Vincent X. 1953, 1969, 1971
Box 2 Ford, Henry II 1957
Box 2 Fowler, Henry H. 1968
Box 2 F
Box 3 Gable, Clark and Kay undated
Box 3 Gabor, Zsa Zsa 1966
Box 3 Geis, Bernard 1973-1974
Box 3 Gilmore, Gordon 1950, 1957, 1959, 1964
Box 3 Ginsberg, Henry 1955
Box 3 Goldberg, Rube 1963, 1967
Box 3 Goldwyn, Samuel 1948
Box 3 Gortatowsky, J. D. 1950, 1957, 1962
Box 3 Gould, Charles L. 1962
Box 3 Grothus, Edward B. 1966
Box 3 Groves, Leslie R. 1947, 1952, 1959
Box 3 G
Box 3 Hammer, Armand 1973-1974
Box 3 Hanlon, Lou 1947 - cartoon
Box 3 Harris, Hunter [Jr.] 1966
Box 3 Hearst, David undated
Box 3 Hearst, Millicent undated
Box 3 Hearst Newspapers 1950, 1955-1957, 1962-1964, 1967, 1971-1972, undated
Box 3 Hearst, Randolph Apperson 1960, 1974
Box 3 Hearst, William Randolph Jr. 1958-1959, 1963-1964, 1967
Box 3 Holbrook, Hal 1967
Box 3 Hoover, Herbert 1958, 1960
Box 3 Hoover, J. Edgar 1951, 1959, 1961-1962, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1972
Box 3 Hull, Harris 1945
Box 3 Humphrey, Hubert H. 1967
Box 3 Hurley, Patrick J. 1957
Box 3 H
Box 3 International News Service 1946, 1950, 1955, undated
Box 3 Javits, Jacob K. 1967
Box 3 Johnson, Lyndon B. 1958, 1965, 1967, 1969-1970
Box 3 Johnson, Malcomb 1953, 1964
Box 3 I-J
Box 3 Kaplan, Milton L. 1957, 1966, 1970-1972, undated
Box 4 Kennedy, John F. 1958, 1960
Box 4 Kennedy, Robert F. 1961
Box 4 King Features Syndicate 1962, 1967, 1975, undated
Box 4 Kinnaird, Clark 1947, 1949, 1956, 1963
Box 4 Kolleck, Teddy 1967
Box 4 K
Box 4 Lawson, Ted [W.] 1953
Box 4 Lewis, Murray 1959, 1961, undated
Box 4 Lindsay, John V. 1967
Box 4 Long, Dorothy M. 1950, 1959
Box 4 Loos, Anita 1969
Box 4 Luce, Clare Booth 1950
Box 4 L
Box 4 Macarthur, Jean 1967-1968
Box 4 Marsh, Irving T. 1952, 1957
Box 4 Martin, Jackie 1947
Box 4 McCormack, John W. [William] 1964
Box 4 McCormick, Ken [Kenneth Dale] 1947, 1975
Box 4 Michener, James undated
Box 4 Mohr, Charles undated
Box 4 Ma
Box 4 Mc
Box 4 Me-Mu
Box 4 Nixon, Richard M. 1956, 1958, 1966, 1968-1969, 1971-1973
Box 5 N
Box 5 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 1973-1974, undated
Box 5 O'Dwyer, William 1948
Box 5 O'Neill, Michael J. 1972
Box 5 O
Box 5 Pickens, Champ 1947, 1955
Box 5 Pulitzer Prize support letters 1961-1962, 1972-1973
Box 5 P-Q
Box 5 Rockefeller, Nelson A. 1967
Box 5 R
Box 5 Scali, John A. 1972
Box 5 Selden, J. [John] T. [Taylor] 1948
Box 5 Shor, [Bernard] 'Toots' 1963
Box 5 Shoriki, Matsutaro 1960
Box 5 Sirica, John J. 1974
Box 5 Sister Bernard 1962-1963
Box 5 Skutt, V. J. 1958-1959, 1970
Box 5 Smith, J. Kingsbury 1955-1958, 1962
Box 5 Smith, Mary Elizabeth [Liz] 1967
Box 5 [Cardinal] Spellman, Francis 1948-1949, 1963-1967
Box 5 Stevenson, Adlai E. 1956
Box 5 Stone, Marvin L. 1950, 1954, 1957-1958, undated
Box 5 Storer, Douglas F. 1946, 1957, 1959, 1972-1973, undated
Box 5 Sullivan, Ed undated
Box 5 Sa-Sl
Box 6 Sm-So
Box 6 Sp-Sw
Box 6 Taylor, Rosemary [by, and about] 1971, 1974, undated
Box 6 Thompson, Robert E. 1968, 1972
Box 6 Tober, Johnny 1957, 1961-1962, 1964, undated
Box 6 Truman, Harry S. 1958, 1967, 1969
Box 6 T
Box 6 Vaughan, Harry H. 1975
Box 6 Vaughn, Jack 1966
Box 6 Vinson, Frederick Moore 1946
Box 6 U-V
Box 6 Wainwright, Jonathan M. 1945-1946
Box 6 Westmoreland, W. C. 1967-1968
Box 6 Willicombe, Joseph Jr. 1946-1947, 1950, 1957, 1964, 1969, 1971, undated
Box 6 W
Box 6 Y-Z
Box 6 Unidentified
Fan mail
Box 6 Fan mail 1945-1951 (5 folders)
Box 7 Fan mail 1953-1975 (14 folders)
Box 8 Fan mail undated (2 folders)
Outgoing correspondence
Box 8 [General] 1945-1974
Correspondence of others
Box 8 A-K
Box 8 Lindbergh, Charles A. 1967
Box 8 L-S
Box 8 Toker, J. Thomas (A-K) 1942-1946
Box 9 Toker, J. Thomas (L-W) 1942-1946 - includes photograph of Toker
Box 9 T-W
Subject files
Box 10 American Airlines 1971 - press kit
Box 10 American Museum of Immigration 1954-1955
Box 10 American Society for the Aged undated
Box 10 Anti-ballistic missile (ABM) 1969 - clippings
Box 10 Automobile, driving, and road safety 1965-1967 - correspondence, clippings
Box 10 Automobile, driving, and road safety 1963-1966 - Hearings, reports (2 folders)
Box 10 Aviation 1939-1965
Box 10 Awards and honors 1958, 1962, 1967-1975 - clippings and letters
Box 10 The Babe Ruth Story 1948-1949
Box 11 The Babe Ruth Story undated - movie script, screenplay by Considine
Box 11 The Banshees 1947-1964, 1969-1970, 1972-1974, 1976
Box 11 The Beginning or the End 19 Feb 1947 - global premier booklet from MGM
Box 11 The Beginning or the End - MGM movie photo stills
Box 11 Beverly Wilshire Hotel 1966 - appears to be material for a piece or book about this famous hotel
Box 11 Bills, invoices, etc. 1947-1972
Box 11 Bob Considine Scholarship Fund 1976
Box 11 Boeing 1968 - presskit of the 747 rollout
Box 11 Bulldog brochure, University of Georgia 1947
Box 11 Calendars 1958, 1966, undated
Box 11 Calling cards
Box 11 Cancer 1950-1957 - clippings, correspondence
Box 11 Cancer 1952-1953 - published material, reports (2 folders)
Box 12 Cancer undated - published material, reports (2 folders)
Box 12 Casanova Club [London] 1973 - booklet with picture of Considine and Millie in it
Box 12 Catalog list 1945
Box 12 Central Broadcasting System (Republic of China) 1972
Box 12 Certificates 1938-1963, 1974
Oversize 1 Certificates, oversize 1947, 1951, 1957, 1964-1965, 1968, undated
Box 12 Checks 1947-1956
Box 12 Chennault, Claire 1945-1950
Box 12 China trip 1972 - press trip accompanying Richard Nixon to China; includes correspondence, press pool reports, publications, and clippings of Considine's columns
Box 13 China trip 1972 - press trip accompanying Richard Nixon to China; includes correspondence, press pool reports, publications, and clippings of Considine's columns
Oversize 2 China trip, oversize material 3 Mar 1972 - issue of LIFE magazine
Box 13 Church, Roman Catholic 1950-1959
Box 13 Church, Roman Catholic 1960-1965
Box 13 Churchill, Winston 1965 - funeral service documents
Box 13 Closter Rescue and Salvage Corps Inc. - bylaws
Box 13 Condolences 1975 - sent to Millie Considine after Bob's death
Box 13 Contracts and agreements 1956-1963
Box 13 Cruelty to animals 1964 - reader responses to an On the Line column entitled "Shocking to a Conscience"
Box 13 Cuba & Castro 1959-1964, undated
The Day They Marched, Doris E. Saunders (ed.), Johnson Publishing Co. 1963
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 13 Dempsey, Jack 1920 - excerpts from a San Francisco Examiner story about his trial, by William C. Grant
Box 13 Dinners 1954, 1958-1959, 1963, 1967, 1969-1970
Box 14 Dooley, Thomas A. 1959-1961
Box 14 Donovan, James B. "Byways of Law" Dec. 13, 1962 - address to New York County Lawyers Association dinner
Box 14 Doolittle's Raiders 1962, 1964, 1972
Box 14 Drivers licenses 1958, 1962
Box 14 Eisenhower College 1965
Box 14 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1952-1954 - published material about
Box 14 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 1969 - funeral service
Box 14 Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 1947
Box 14 Epilepsy 1954
Oversize 2 Esquire magazine circa 1960s - profiles of the editorial staff
Box 14 Eulogies written by Considine 1971-1972, 1976
Box 14 F-80 jet 1950 - correspondence regarding article published Aug. 20, 1950
Box 14 Fact sheets 1948-1949
Box 14 Galleys, The Question [originally La Question] by Henri Alleg 1958
Box 14 Galleys, Someday Malaysia by Eduardo L. Martelino 1959
Box 14 Geist, Irving 1970-1972 - legal claims and background material relating to unpublished book
Box 14 Gemini Spacecraft Number Six Press Reference Book 1965
Oversize 2 George Washington University undated - booklet, "At Play in Colonial Fields"
Box 15 Griffin, John Howard [author of "Black Like Me"] May 1964 - transcript of interview with WMCA Radio's Barry Gray
Box 15 Hallmark 1959-1972 - background material for unpublished book (2 folders)
Oversize 2 Hallmark 1958 - background material for unpublished book
Box 15 Hammer, Armand 1965, 1973, 1975, undated - material for Considine's book on Hammer
Box 15 Highlights in the Life of Sir Thomas Lipton 1899-1930
Box 15 Honors received 1963, undated
Box 15 ITT (International Telephone and Telegraph), Chile 1973
Box 15 "Image: Minorities" NBC 1959 - radio or TV show; correspondence between 2 families of different racial backgrounds
Box 15 Indian Affairs 1958, undated - correspondence; program and clipping scrapbook of the Fifth Annual Institute on Indian Affairs in Montana, Montana State University, Apr. 9-11, 1958
Box 15 Indian Missionary Society 1954-1955
Box 15 Information booklets 1950
Box 15 Internal Revenue Service 1944-1947, 1955-1956, 1958
Box 15 Ireland, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Rising 1916, 1966
Box 15 Ireland Foundation - Considine was trustee; informational booklet
Box 15 Ishikawa, Shinji 1956-1958 - articles and exhibit poster/information
Box 15 Kennedy, John F. 1957, 1962-1964, undated
"The Kennedy Years and the Negro, a Photographic Record," Doris E. Saunders (ed.), Johnson Publishing Co. 1964
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 15 Kennedy family 1967 - articles and correspondence about the Kennedys
Box 15 Knights of Malta 1953-1955, 1957-1958, 1973
Box 15 Knights of Malta address 1972 - address given at annual dinner (2 copies)
Box 16 Latin American Times, "Memorandum relative to the Latin American Times Inc." 1965
"Leadership Is ..." 21st Annual Sales Conference, Bermuda 1971 - commemorative vinyl binder, with phonograph record, photographs, printed libretto, and clipping
See Recordings : Audiorecordings : "Leadership Is ..." 21st Annual Sales Conference, Bermuda.
Box 16 "Let's Take Sides" (TV program) - booklet, "Private comments for Robert Considine"
Box 16 Letter to the Editor 1967
Box 16 Letterheads
Box 16 Lists of names, miscellaneous
Box 16 Little League Foundation Trustees Meeting June 9, 1961
Oversize 1 The Log Cabin (newspaper) Sep. 18, 1840
Box 16 Lottery data 1956 - clippings and correspondence (2 folders)
Box 16 Lottery data 1951, 1955-1956 - printed material
Louise Baer Memorial: A Girl to Remember 1951 - souvenir book of remembrances
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 16 MacArthur, Douglas 1947 - press releases, speeches, interviews
Box 17 MacArthur, Douglas 1949 - press releases, speeches, interviews
Box 17 MacArthur, Douglas 1962-1964 - correspondence regarding article; includes 2 photographs
Box 17 MacArthur Memorial Foundation, Douglas MacArthur Statesman Scholarship undated
Oversize 2 Mahoney, David J. 1972
Box 17 Maps
Box 17 Meeting announcements and invitations 1943, 1949-1950, 1957-1958, 1962, 1968, 1970-1971, undated
Box 17 Melton, James Jul 1947 - letter about him, from John Daniels
Box 17 Membership cards
Box 17 Men of Destiny (television series) circa 1960 - promotional brochure regarding series of television shorts starring Considine narrating the lives of famous men, from series producer Pathé News
Box 17 Meyner, Robert B. (governor of New Jersey) 1954-1958 - biographical data (2 folders)
Box 17 Meyner, Robert B. (governor of New Jersey) 1957-1958 - clippings about
Box 18 Meyner, Robert B. (governor of New Jersey) 1957-1958 - clippings about
Box 18 Music scores
Box 18 Mutual of Omaha sponsorship 1964, undated
Box 18 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences 1973 - souvenir Emmy ballot pencil
Box 18 Negatives
Box 18 "A Newspaperman's Prayer," by Considine
Box 18 Newspaper data 1957 - clippings and quotes
Box 18 Newspaper data 1953-1957 - published material
Box 18 Nixon, Richard Feb. 7, 1969 - booklet containing remarks made to employees of the Dept. of Commerce
Box 18 Nixon, Richard 1962 - correspondence regarding article pub Nov. 8, 1962 "Open Letter to a Defeated Politician"
Box 18 Non-Violent Action Against Nuclear Weapons 1958
Box 18 Notepads undated (3 items)
Box 18 Oakland Naval Hospital 1968-1969 - clippings and photographs
Box 19 Office memos 1952-1965, undated (3 folders)
Box 19 "Old Age No. 1" 1955-1956 - clippings and research material
Box 19 "Old Age No. 2" 1954-1956 - clippings and research material
Box 19 Olympics 1956 - clippings
Box 19 "On the Line" program pitch
Box 19 "On the Line" transcripts (NBC Radio) 1957
Box 19 "The One and Only Solution to the Farm Problem" by Despain, Donald, Vantage Press 1961
Box 20 Oppenheimer case 1954
Box 20 "Over 80" series - correspondence, clippings, photographs, notes on people 80 years of age or older; includes information on Irving Berlin (including a score), James A. Farley, Harry Hershfield (including a hand-drawn cartoon), Robert Moses, Eddie Rickenbacker, and Adolph Zukor
Box 20 "Over 80" series - miscellaneous
Box 20 Overseas Press Club of America 1947-1965
Box 20 Paley, William S. 1965 - memos
Box 20 Parachuting championships 1962 - program booklet of the Sixth World Sport Parachuting Championshios in Orange, MA, August 11-Sept. 3, 1962
Box 20 Passport
Box 20 Pattillo, Frank A., Colonel 1951-1954
Box 20 Aer Lingus publicity photos with Considine's book, "It's the Irish" undated
Box 20 Aviation
Box 20 Bendix, William 1948, undated
Oversize 3 Blind children - photo poster
Box 20 Camp Mascoma 1955 - photo album of son Dennis at summer camp
Box 20 Conn, William David "Billy" [fighter] undated
Box 20 Considine solo
Box 21 Considine solo
Box 21 Considine with wife Millie and others
Box 21 Considine with others (3 folders)
Box 21 Craig, Elisabeth May Adams 1951 - signed
Box 21 Davidson, Howard Calhoun 1945 - signed
Box 21 Eisenhower, Dwight D. undated
Box 21 Family
Oversize 2 Fishing at Palm Beach, Florida 24-26 Aug 1973 - scrapbook, Soviet Union Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin's visit on Armand Hammer's yacht, with Considine and others
Box 21 Gabor, Zsa Zsa undated
Box 21 Hearst, William Randolph at Motion Picture Pageant 1932 - signed
Box 21 Hearst, William Randolph Jr. with Considine and others - includes airplane trips, meetings, and in Hong Kong
Oversize 4 Honors and awards - album with photos of award certificates, trophies, and plaques that Considine received
Box 22 Hope, Bob undated
Box 22 Japan
Box 22 Japanese air and naval photos of invasion of Pearl Harbor - released as "Official U.S. Air Force Photo"
Box 22 Lieb, Frederick (American sportswriter) undated - signed
Box 22 Meyner, Robert B. [governor of New Jersey] - photographs of photographs, with handwritten captions
Box 22 Military - includes some with Considine as war correspondent
Box 22 Mutual of Omaha - shots of Considine with guests on his show "On the Line"
Box 22 New Guinea, 433rd Weapons Squadron, U.S. Air Force WWII - mostly at Biak and nearby bases showing soldiers and day-to-day life
Box 22 Nixon, Richard, with copy of "Ask Me Anything" by Considine et al. circa 1960
Box 22 Nuclear bomb explosion
Box 22 Outdoors with others
Box 22 Pieta - move of Michelangelo's famous statue from the Vatican to New York for the 1963/1964 World's Fair
Box 22 Pope Pius XII undated
Box 22 Rice, Henry Grantland [American sportswriter] undated
Box 22 Ruark, Robert undated
Box 22 Ruth, Babe 1921, 1923, 1947-1948, undated
Box 23 Scrapbook, Trans World Airlines Super-G Constellation International Preview Flight April 1-11, 1955
Oversize 14 Scrapbook, Trip to Russia
Box 23 Social events - includes dinners, speeches, large group photos (2 folders)
Box 23 Space
Oversize 3 U.S. Air Force
Oversize 3 Vietnam
Box 23 Miscellaneous of others
Oversize 3 Miscellaneous oversize
Box 23 Poems and prayers 1932, 1958, undated
Box 23 Political buttons
Box 24 Politics, international 1950-1962
Box 24 Politics, U.S. 1950-1964
Box 24 Pope Paul VI visit to Israel 1964-1965 - explanation of sites and map of the route taken, by Zev Vilnay; tentative passenger list on Papal plane, Rome to New York Oct 4
Box 24 Press badges, cards, and passes
Oversize 4 Press Club of San Francisco 1970 - "Gang Dinner" souvenir caricature drawing
Box 24 Promotional materials
Box 24 Questions for Bob Considine undated - for students of journalism, possibly Famous Artists Schools related
Box 24 Radio scripts
Box 24 Receipts 1948-1958
Box 24 Recipes and menus 1834, 1946, 1957, undated
Box 24 "Reporter's Notebook" by Considine
Box 24 Alaskan Counties 1959 - a study for the establishment of counties in the then-new state of Alaska
Box 24 American Rocket Society, "Aspects of the Law of Space Activities" by Paul G. Dembling 1960
Box 24 "Brief Progress Report on the Political Reorientation of Japan," General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces 1949
Box 24 Chicago Crime Commission 1953
Box 24 Congressional Record 1962
Box 24 DMS Market Intelligence Report: Military and Civil Aircraft 1965
Box 25 DMS Market Intelligence Report: Rockets, Missiles, Spacecraft 1965
Box 25 "Dodger Fans of the World, Unite!" by Arthur King 1957
Box 25 Good Samaritan Society, London 1956-1957
Box 25 Hearst Newspapers, Writing Contest winners and "Editor-to-Editor Information Report No.10" 1956, 1963
Box 25 "Japanese Economic Statistics", General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces 1960
Box 25 Mutual of Omaha, Financial Report 1959
Box 25 NASA (various Project Mercury related) 1959-1960
Box 25 New Family Center of Japan [Tokyo] 1954
Box 25 New York Athletic Club 1963
Box 25 New York City. Department of Welfare. Bureau of Alcoholic Therapy 1947, 1951
Box 25 "A Showman's Guide to Better Business" Twentieth-Century Fox 1950s
Box 25 United Nations. "Violation of Human Rights in South Viet-Nam" 1963
Box 25 Miscellaneous 1944, 1950, 1957
Box 25 Reprints 1913, 1946-1965, 1975, undated
Box 25 Reprints of Considine columns 1953, 1965, undated
Box 25 Resumés 1957-1964
Box 25 Reuther, Walter 1957-1958
Box 26 Reuther, Walter 1958
Box 26 Reuther, Walter 1958 - clippings
Box 26 Revell, Nellie 1937, 1950, 1957-1958, undated
Box 26 "Ask Me Anything" 1959-1960
Box 26 The Babe Ruth Story 1948
Box 26 Eisenhower LP 1969 - review of phonograph disc narrated by Considine
Box 26 "It's All News to Me" (book) 1967
Box 26 "It's the Irish" (book) 1961
Box 26 Man Against Fire 1955
Box 26 "The Men Who Robbed Brinks" (book) 1961
Box 26 "The Remarkable Life of Dr. Armand Hammer" 1975
Box 26 "Ripley: The Modern Marco Polo" 1960-1961
Box 26 "Toots" (book) 1969
Box 26 Miscellaneous 1961, 1967, 1969, undated
Box 26 Rocket Sled (Deceleration), Col. John P. Stapp 1954-1956
Box 26 Route maps [of air flights]
Box 26 Russia horse racing 1958, 1962, undated
Box 26 Sacks, Emanuel 1956-1958
Box 27 Schedules for radio and TV 1946, 1957
Box 27 Schlieker, Willy 1946-1947, 1956, 1958
Box 27 Score cards undated
Box 27 Scripts for unproduced movie, and radio show
Box 27 Search message undated - air and naval search around Umboi Island-Vitiaz Strait, presumably from WWII
Box 27 Shor, Toots [Bernard] 1967-1969, undated
Box 27 Sister Bernard 1965, 1971
Box 27 Smith, Jack 1946-1947, 1960, 1966-1970, undated
Box 27 Space medicine 1952, 1958-1959 - articles by and about Dr. Hubertus Strughold
Box 27 Stagg, Amos Alonzo 1957, 1962
Box 27 Stassen, Harold E. 1946-1947
Box 27 Statements of commissions and royalties 1949-1958
Box 27 Sterling Movies USA Inc. undated - promotion and press kit
Strughold, Hubertus
See Space medicine, above.
Box 27 Summary from the Official Catholic Directory 1962
Box 27 Survey 1963 - Albuquerque Annual Business Survey
Box 27 Taxi drivers, New York City 1967
Box 27 Telecasts
Box 27 Tello, Manual 24 Oct 1961 - address on the 16th anniversary of the United Nations, at the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C.
Box 27 Telephone messages 1962-1964, undated
Box 27 "That Year" undated - TV show proposal
Box 27 Thorton, Robert Lee 1955-1957
Box 27 Tickets, air line 1956-1964
Box 27 Tickets, Irish Hospitals' Sweepstake 1957
Box 27 Tickets, miscellaneous 1956, 1958, undated
Box 27 Tregaskis, Richard [American journalist and author] 1973 - includes photograph taken 1 week before his death
Box 27 Tribute to Louise Baer, by Irving Wright at her funeral 1950
Box 28 Tributes to Considine 1975-1976
Box 28 Truman, Harry 1964 - interview
Box 28 U-2 1964 - includes photos of plane
Oversize 1 "Uncommon Valor" undated - promotional booklet for television series about the U.S. Marine Corps from General Teleradio
Box 28 United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) undated
Box 28 United States Army 1974-1975 - mostly about recruitment issues
Box 28 University of Missouri, "A Stronger Free Press for a Better World" 1958 - booklet announcing upcoming series of events honoring the American communications field
Box 28 Vietnamese orphans 1970, 1973-1974
Box 28 Virginia City, Nevada 1949, undated
Box 28 "Visit of Richard Nixon President of the United States of America to the Middle East - Press Notes" June 1974
Box 28 West, Bill 1975 - St. John's Military Academy, Delafield, Wisconsin
Box 28 Wilkes College commencement program 1975
Box 28 William Randolph Hearst Foundation Third Annual Journalism Awards Rules and Regulations 1962-1963
Box 28 Women's Titleholders Golf Association 1946, 1951
Box 28 Wonder drugs 1948-1950
Box 28 Young Island, St. Vincent 1965
Box 29 Zeckendorf, William [American real estate developer] 1951-1954
Box 29 Miscellaneous
Manuscripts by Considine
Box 29 Address to the John Carroll Society undated - spiritual and beneficent organization for Catholic professional laypersons in Washington, DC
Box 29 Anyway -- We Tried
Box 29 Autos, Safety and Your Life, article no. 3 1966
Box 29 Baseball Wife [written for Cosmopolitan] Jun 1938
Box 29 Behold the TU-104
Box 29 Big Bill - about William Tatum Tilden II, American tennis player
Box 29 Blunt Talk From Richard M. Nixon
Box 29 Broadway Columnist [written for Cosmopolitan] Jul 1951
Box 29 Cancer no. 1-no. 4
Box 29 Castiglia, Jim
Box 29 Churchill
Box 29 Churchill, Winston - two articles about his funeral service
Box 29 The Cirrhosis Club
Box 29 Craig - about Craig Wood, American golfer
Box 29 Dean, Jimmy
Box 29 Democratic National Convention, Chicago 1956
Box 29 The Doctor Who Made Faces undated
Box 29 The Downs and Ups of a People
Box 29 Duke and Duchess of Windsor
Box 29 Eichmann
Box 29 European refugees
Box 29 Ford - 8 articles about Henry Ford II
Box 29 The Frantic Fifties 1959
Box 29 Grantland Rice Memorial Lecture 1958 - named for Grantland Rice, noted American sportswriter
Box 29 The Great Decider 1957
Box 29 Hot Ice
Box 29 How Russia Stole America's Atomic Secrets 1952
Box 29 How to Write a How To Article
Box 29 If I Were King
Box 29 Indian Love Song 1949
Box 29 Japan during the Korean War
Box 29 Johnson, Lyndon - fragments
Box 29 June Marie 1928
Box 29 Kerensky (2 copies)
Box 30 Korea during Korean War
Box 30 Laughing Down to Rio
Box 30 Let's Talk About Football
Box 30 Life of My Grandmother
Box 30 Luce
Box 30 MacArthur, Douglas
Box 30 Mission Unaccomplished
Box 30 Mister Mustered Out...
Box 30 My Life with Toots Shor
Box 30 Napoleon's Balls
Box 30 Newspaperman's Prayer
Box 30 Niemöller, Martin
Box 30 Nixon, Richard M.
Box 30 The Nun and the Liberty Bell
Box 30 Paley, William S. - set of 7 articles about the CBS executive; typescript carbon, revised
Box 30 Pride Goeth Before...
Box 30 Project Mercury Space Program
Box 30 Reading Time: 3 Shots
Box 30 Target: Ike
Box 30 Test [written for Cosmopolitan] Sep 1956
Box 30 They Fight With Their Feet
Box 30 Think - regarding think tanks, particularly RAND Corporation
Box 30 Todd, Thelma
Box 30 The Unknown American Colossus
Box 30 Velez, Lupe
Box 30 Washington Hostess
Box 30 Miscellaneous - fragments or untitled (2 folders)
Box 30 Babe Ruth undated
Box 30 Bob Considine's Christmas Stocking 1958
Bugs Baer book [unpublished] - background material for a book Considine never really began; original folder titles retained, there is no Folder 3
Box 30 "Folder 1 Biographical stuff and stories by those who knew Bugs"
Oversize 1 "Folder 1 Biographical stuff and stories by those who knew Bugs" - oversize material originally in Folder 1
Box 31 "Folder 2 Short pieces by Bugs"
Oversize 1 "Folder 4 Short Stories - George Rector"
Oversize 1 "Folder 5 Sports Articles"
Box 31 "Folder 6 Letters to and from Bugs"
Box 31 "Folder 7 Bugs and the Banshees"
Box 31 "Folder 8 Louise Baer"
Box 31 Christian Brothers of Ireland [unpublished] - includes "Notes for a biography of Brother Edmund Rice, Founder of the Christian Brothers of Ireland, collected 1958" (4 folders)
Box 32 Eisenhower book [unpublished] undated - outline
Box 32 Fire Insurance, Protection from Disaster undated
Box 32 Innocents at Home 1949 - annotated as "Copy for the Press"
It's All News to Me 1967, undated
Box 32 Draft, Chapters I-III
Box 32 Draft, Chapters IV-VI
Box 32 Draft, Chapters VII-VIII
Box 33 Draft, Chapters IX-XI
Box 33 Draft copies of chapters - Caveat Emptor, Cissy, Fun n Games, INS (RIP), Moonlighting (2 copies), Intrusion
Box 33 Draft copies of chapters - It Broadens One, Task Force (2 copies), The Fraudulent Art of Spooking, You Meet Such Interesting People, Big Game, Bigger Game, Endit
Box 33 Miscellaneous draft fragments
Box 33 Miscellaneous fragments - includes correspondence and an article "Tales of the INS" by Charles Einstein, and other correspondence Considine used in the INS chapter
Box 33 Galley proof
Box 34 Galley proof
Box 34 It's the Irish - typescript draft (2 folders)
Box 34 Lengthened Shadows [unpublished] - rough outline of a book idea
MacArthur, Douglas - unclear whether this is the 1942 book MacArthur the Magnificent or the 1964 book General Douglas MacArthur
Box 34 Confidential research folder - evidently supplied by Julius Klein, newspaperman and Major General, to Considine; contains writings by Edward Ranzal, Tom Doherty, and Robert C. Richardson Jr.
Box 34 Draft fragments
The Men Who Robbed Brinks
Box 34 Background material 1960
Box 35 Chapters 1-10
Box 35 Chapters 11-18
Box 35 Galley proof
Money is to Give Away [unpublished book about Irving Geist]
Box 35 Draft [I] - typescript
Box 35 Draft [II] - typescript
Box 36 Draft [III] 10/27/72 - typescript
Box 36 Interview with Irving Geist, "#1" - transcription
Box 36 Interview with Irving Geist, "#2" - transcription
Box 36 Legal related 1972 - Irving Geist died while Considine was finishing the book; his family fought for it not to be published while Considine wanted to be paid
Box 36 Miscellaneous - draft fragments, notes, research
Box 36 Portrait of the NYAC [New York Athletic Club] - 100th anniversary volume, typescript carbon drafts
The Remarkable Life of Dr. Armand Hammer
Box 36 "Bloc Buster" "Final to N.Y. 10/30/74" Preface - chapter 12 - draft typescript
Box 37 "Bloc Buster" "Final to N.Y. 10/30/74" Chapter 13-Appendix E - draft typescript (2 folders)
Box 37 Preface - 4 versions, not used in final book
Box 37 "Bio" [chapter 1 Genesis of a Genius] - 6 versions
Box 37 "Rus" [chapter 2 Russia, Bolshevik Style] - 3 copies
Box 37 "Len" [chapter 3 Lenin The Ice Breaker] - 2 copies
Box 37 "Trot" [chapter 4 Trade and Trotsky] - 2 copies
Box 37 "Ford" [chapter 5 Fords in His Future] - 3 copies
Box 37 "frus" [chapter 6 Death of a Friend] - 2 copies plus fragments
Box 37 "Vic" [chapter 7 Invincible Victor Hammer]
Box 37 "Pen" [chapter 8 The Pencil Mightier than the Sword] - 2 copies
Box 37 "Nur" [chapter 9 Early Raids on Nuremberg and Birmingham] - incomplete
Box 37 "Art" [chapter 10 El Dorado, Russian Style] - 2 copies plus fragments
Box 37 "Sales" [chapter 11 Moscow and Paris to Gimbels] - 2 versions plus fragments
Box 37 "Whiskey" [chapter 12 Friskey Whiskey] - fragments
Box 37 "Eric" [chapter 13 The Golden Bull] - fragments
Box 37 "Cam" [chapter 14 A New Sunrise at Campobello] - 1 copy plus fragments
Box 37 "Oxy" [chapter 15 Accidental Occidental] - 2 copies
Box 37 "Vig" [chapter 17 A Man of Many Faces] - 3 copies
Box 37 "K" [chapter 18 Back to the U.S.S.R.] - 2 copies
Box 37 "Exch" [chapter 19 Grandma Leads the Parade] - 3 versions
Box 38 [chapter 20 How to Deal With Ivan] - various version fragments
Box 38 "Press" [chapter 21 The Doctor and His Public] - various versions and fragments, research material
Box 38 "Law" [chapter 22 A Law unto Himself]
Box 38 "Niz" [chapter 22 A Law unto Himself] - 1 copy plus fragments
Box 38 [chapter 26 The Aborted Coup]
Box 38 "Epilogue" - fragments
Box 38 "Stock" - several versions; unclear what chapter this relates to, as it includes direct passages from chapter 16 Allah's Messenger and others
Box 38 "Trade" - 2 copies; unclear what chapter this relates to, as "Chapter 19" is written on it, but the contents do not match chapter 19 of the book
Box 38 Miscellaneous chapter fragments
Box 38 Miscellaneous chapter notes, editorial comments
Box 38 "Doing Business with the Russians" - article by Armand Hammer incorporated into Considine's book
Box 38 Galley proof - photocopy? (2 folders)
Box 38 Interview with Armand Hammer, "AH1" - Japan, Getty, Libya, others; transcribed, 2 copies
Box 38 Interview with Armand Hammer, "AH 1-2-3" - Whiskey, son, Occidental, others; transcribed, 2 copies
Box 38 Interview with Armand Hammer, "AH4", "AH 4-8" - Soviet Union businesses, bulls, oil, others; transcribed, 2 copies
Box 39 Interview with Armand Hammer, "Hammer I-II", "Hammer III-IV" - marriages, politics, Grandma Moses, others; transcribed
Box 39 Interview with Neil H. Jacoby, transcribed
Box 39 Interview with Victor Hammer, Armand's younger brother "Vic 1-2" - transcribed, 2 copies
Box 39 Photocopy of draft typescript of book (2 folders)
Box 39 Research material (2 folders)
Box 39 RX for Riches: the Remarkable Life of Dr. Armand Hammer 2/10/75 - galley photocopy of paperback edition
Box 40 RX for Riches: the Remarkable Life of Dr. Armand Hammer 3/25/75 - galley photocopy of paperback edition (2 folders)
Box 40 Suggested titles
Box 40 St. Patrick's Cathedral [unpublished] 1958-1959 - notes for a history of the building
Box 41 They rose above it: True stories about men, women, and children who fought back in the face of pain, doubt, and dismay
Box 41 Draft typescript, working title "Guts"
Box 41 Draft typescript, working title "Guts #2" - incomplete
Box 41 Draft typescript, working title "Guts!" - incomplete
Box 41 Draft typescript, working title "They Call it Courage" - incomplete
Box 41 Draft typescript, working title "You Think You've Got Trouble?"
Box 41 Miscellaneous drafts - incomplete chapters and unidentified pages
Box 41 Miscellaneous background material - includes correspondence, columns by Considine
Box 42 Miscellaneous background material - stories by Maria Isabel Caceres "Unforgettable Roberto Clemente"; John Reddy "Woody Guthrie: Father of the Folk Singers"; and Toots Shor "The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met"
They Gave Us Wings [unpublished] - alternate title, "They Gave You Wings"
Box 42 Background material 1970-1971
Box 42 Draft [I] - typescript
Box 42 Draft - typescript (2 folders)
Box 42 Miscellaneous draft fragments
Box 42 Draft - typescript
Box 42 Miscellaneous material - includes correspondence, article "My Boss, Toots Shor" by Zigmund Krajewski (as told to Martin Scott) and chapter 8 draft
Broadcasts - scripts for Considine's "On the Line" radio show
Box 43 Broadcasts 1951
Box 43 Broadcasts 1952
Box 43 Broadcasts 1953
Box 43 Broadcasts 1954
Box 43 Broadcasts 1955
Box 43 Broadcasts 1956 Jan-May
Box 43 Broadcasts 1957
Box 43 Broadcasts 1962
Box 43 Broadcasts undated
Box 43 Cronkite, Walter 1975 - includes galley
Box 43 Franco, Francisco undated
Box 43 MacArthur, Douglas 1954
Movie scripts
Box 43 "Babe" - love story between Babe Didrikson and George Zaharias; outline
Box 43 "The Beginning or the End" undated - 1974 film about the development of the atomic bomb, story by Considine
Box 43 "Hoodlum Empire" undated - 1954 movie about organized crime, story by Considine
Box 44 [Bound volume] - MGM Pictures "Church of the Good Thief", 1944 (story by Considine); "The Beginning or the End" 1945-1946 (story by Considine); "The Beginning or the End", final version 1946; "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" by Dalton Trumbo, 1943 (based on Considine's book)
Box 44 Obituary, Dwight D. Eisenhower undated - prewritten
Box 44 Report on the Inquiry of Bruno Shaw charges, by Considine and Cecil Brown [1950s?] - regarding allegations of Communism
Box 44 Screenplay, "The Man Who Changed Faces" 1956 - story by Considine, screenplay by Guy Morgan
Box 44 Speeches 1966, undated
Box 44 1970 Trip
Box 45 Asylum
Box 45 The Beggar
Box 45 [Biafra] 1968-1970 - story and background material
Box 45 Death of an Afternoon undated - with Milt Kaplan
Box 45 Destiny
Box 45 Eyebrows 1927
Box 45 Or a Reasonable Facsimile, by Considine and Peter Finney - 2 copies
Box 45 Sentiment vs Sentimentality 1927
Box 45 Test
Box 45 Upon what Meat…? - 2 copies
Box 45 Miscellaneous untitled undated
Box 45 Television shows 1953, undated
Manuscripts by others
Box 45 Abramsky, Samuel, "The Battle of Megiddo"
Box 45 Brokaw, Tom, "The White House A.N., After Nixon"
Box 45 Brooks, Betty M., "The Co-Founder of AA and me; Ten Years of AA at Wallkill Prison"
Box 45 Brooks, Bill, [untitled] 1966
Box 45 Buttinger, Muriel M., "The Search for Jekelfalusi"
Box 45 Canham, Erwin D., "Shutters are Closed" 1956
Box 45 Carney, Frederick S., "Crisis of Conscience in Dallas"
Box 45 Chamberlain, John, "Resource Management and the Energy Picture" 1974 - 2 copies
Box 45 Cook, Hettie Milam, "Pathways to the Pit"
Box 45 Corson, John J. and McConnell, John W., "Economic Needs of Older People"
Box 45 Crockett, Albert Stevens, "Thanks to W. Clark Russell"
Box 45 de Gripenberg, George (Baron), "A Close-Up of Pius XII"
Box 45 Dutt, R. Palme, "An Anti-Marxist Book on the Jewish Question" 1958
Box 45 Ehrman, Anita, [untitled piece on U Thant]
Box 45 Farrell, Thomas F., "More About the Atomic Bomb" 1946
Box 45 Fenerty, Clare Gerald, "Mrs. Shaw and the Irish"
Box 45 Finnegan, Frank D.X., "1965 College Graduates - The Road to Success Isn't Through Short Work Week" 1965
Box 45 Finney, Ben, "Tall Tales but True"
Box 45 Goodman, Leonard Lewin-Murray, [untitled]
Box 45 Griffin, John David, "The Gettysburg Address as it would have been given by President Eisenhower"
Box 45 Hearst, William Randolph Jr., [untitled] 1958, 1974
Box 45 Hubbell, John, "The Affair of the Vanishing Pesos"
Box 45 Hurley, Robert, "Leukemia Speaking"
Box 45 Isaacs, Bob, [untitled]
Box 45 Leonidov, A., "Behind the Screen of Zionism" 1957
Box 45 McCarthy, Ellen Lucid, [untitled]
Box 45 McLaren, Robert, [untitled]
Box 45 McMillan, George S., "The Cocktail Party as a Social Institution - Its Place in the Modern World" 1958
Box 45 Meigs, Merrill C. [series of articles on WWII war surplus material]
Box 45 Nichols, May Canan, "The Killer Who Never Fails"
Box 45 Ramelson, Bert, "Socialism & the Jewish Question" 1958
Box 45 Reddy, John, "Danny Thomas Keeps a Promise"
Box 45 Reddy, John, "The Unconquerable Gertrude Ederle" undated
Box 45 Smedley, Arthur A. Jr., "T/SGT Richard J. Patton" 1957
Box 45 Smith, Kingsbury, [untitled] [1970]
Box 46 Stripling, Robert E., edited by Considine [series of 28 articles regarding communism in the United State] undated
Box 46 Thomas, Lowell, "Unforgettable Captain Eddie Rickenbacker" undated
Box 46 Van Nest, Melvina E., [untitled]
Box 46 West, William I., "Military and Education"
Box 46 Zotos, Helen, "Iron Curtain Newsnotes"
Box 46 Miscellaneous undated - untitled items and fragments
Box 46 Moore, Robin (with Milt Machlin), "The Family Man" 1974 (4 folders)
Box 47 Krushchev, Nikita (with Frank Conniff)
Box 47 Ulbricht, Walter (with William Randolph Hearst Jr.)
Box 47 Memorandum to Prospective Faculty Members of the Famous Writers School undated
Box 47 Outlines of Basic Course and Five Elective Courses, Famous Writers School undated
Box 47 Poems 1936-1959, undated
Box 47 Forging Aerospace Power, The Story of the Air Force Command 1962
Box 47 Hayden, Ross, "Tough Guy" [stories of Boystown]
Box 47 Speeches 1954, 1958
Box 47 Borodin, George, "Curves for Inferiority Complex"
Box 47 Considine, John W. Jr. and Wyss, Martha, "Hollywood Miracle for a London Slum"
Box 47 Fawcett, James Waldo, "Hurricane Law"
Box 47 Fulbright, Freeman, "Douglas the Dissenter (or) A Durocher in a Long Black Robe"
Box 47 Getchell, Ernest E., "Continuation of a Story of Escape from German Prison Camps as told by Sergeant Lee Gordon" 1950
Box 47 Gordon, Lee (as told to James H. Winchester) [2 untitled stories] undated
Box 47 Haskin, Helen, "Thanksgiving Kitten"
Box 47 Lawson, Ted. W. "Thirty Seconds over Tokyo" 1947
Box 47 McCann, Dick, "The Ulcer Half" 1951
Box 47 Winters, Bruce, [5 stories] - From Out of the Past; A Load of Hay; Lost, One Heart; Stay Home; The Wart
Box 47 Unknown author, "An Admirable Monomaniac" 1926
Box 47 Unknown author, "Do You Remember the Zeppelins?"
Box 47 Unknown author, "Guatemala"
Box 47 Unknown author, "Minor Leaguer"
Box 47 Unknown author, "Sgt. 'Shorty' Gordon Story"
Box 47 Unknown author, possibly Considine
Box 48 Unknown author, possibly Considine
Box 48 Stories for television show undated
Box 48 Story fragments undated
See also Subject files : Photographs : Scrapbook, Trans World Airlines Super-G Constellation International Preview Flight and Subject files : Photographs : Scrapbook, Trip to Russia
Oversize 27 "Book #3" Jan 4, 1937 - Oct 1, 1938
Oversize 28 "Book #4" Oct 7, 1939 - Apr 1940
Oversize 29 [Untitled] Apr 20, 1940 - Dec 31, 1942 - includes press badges dated 1938-1944
Oversize 30 [Untitled] Jan 1943 - Nov 1945 - includes material from 1941-1942 as well
Oversize 31 [Untitled] May 1943 - Feb 1950
Oversize 32 [Untitled] Dec 1946 - July 31, 1947
Oversize 33 [Untitled] Aug 1947 - Feb 1948
Oversize 34 [Untitled] Jan 1, 1948 - Dec 31, 1948
Oversize 35 [Untitled] Jan 1949 - June 30, 1951
Oversize 36 [Untitled] July 1, 1951 - July 31, 1952
Oversize 37 [Untitled] Sep 7, 1952 - Dec 1952
Oversize 38 "Entry for: William Randolph Hearst Jr., Bob Considine, Frank Conniff" - presentation scrapbook for unspecified entry about their 1957 trip to the Soviet Union, meeting with Nikita Krushchev, and published newspaper stories about the visit
Oversize 3 Miscellaneous memorabilia
Newspaper column, On the Line
All of these are typescripts, as submitted/transmitted to the news agency. A few have notes, annotations, or corrections. Undated columns have (where possible) been filed in the approximate correct location based on searches of newspaper databases to find publication dates.
Box 48 On the Line 1945 Sep, Nov, Dec
Box 48 On the Line 1946 Jan, Mar, May, Jul-Sep, Dec (3 folders)
Box 48 On the Line 1947 Jan-Mar (5 folders)
Box 49 On the Line 1947 May-Jul, Sep-Dec (6 folders)
Box 49 On the Line 1948 Feb
Box 49 On the Line 1949 Jun-Jul, Nov (2 folders)
Box 49 On the Line 1950 Jan-Apr (3 folders)
Box 50 On the Line 1950 May-Dec (8 folders)
Box 50 On the Line 1951 Jan-Feb (2 folders)
Box 51 On the Line 1951 Mar-Nov (8 folders)
Box 52 On the Line 1951 Dec (2 folders)
Box 52 On the Line 1952 Jan-May (8 folders)
Box 53 On the Line 1952 Jun-Jul, Sep-Dec (7 folders)
Box 53 On the Line 1953 Jan-Aug (6 folders)
Box 54 On the Line 1953 Sep-Dec (4 folders)
Box 55 On the Line 1954
Box 55 On the Line 1955 Jan-Oct (11 folders)
Box 56 On the Line 1955 Oct-Nov (2 folders)
Box 56 On the Line 1956 Feb-Apr, Jul-Dec (7 folders)
Box 56 On the Line 1957 Feb-Jun (6 folders)
Box 57 On the Line 1957 Jul-Oct (10 folders)
Box 58 On the Line 1957 Oct-Dec (5 folders)
Box 58 On the Line 1958 Jan-Mar (5 folders)
Box 59 On the Line 1958 Mar-Nov (11 folders)
Box 60 On the Line 1958 Nov-Dec (3 folders)
Box 60 On the Line 1959 Jan-Mar - includes short series on Russia/Communism, "Our moment of peril," in March (7 folders)
Box 61 On the Line 1959 Apr-Sep - includes two short series, "A talk with Mr. Truman" and "J. Edgar Hoover: A Considine close-up," in May (12 folders)
Box 62 On the Line 1959 Oct-Dec (6 folders)
Box 62 On the Line 1960 Jan-Feb (3 folders)
Box 63 On the Line 1960 Mar-Jul - includes short series, "What's happening to Japan," in June; July has extensive coverage of Democratic and Republican conventions (11 folders)
Box 64 On the Line 1960 Jul-Nov (9 folders)
Box 65 On the Line 1960 Nov-Dec (3 folders)
Box 65 On the Line 1961 Jan-Apr - includes short series about astronauts, "Those 7 daring young men," in January and February (9 folders)
Box 66 On the Line 1961 Apr - short series, "Eichmann: Crime and Punishment"
Box 66 On the Line 1961 May-Sep (9 folders)
Box 67 On the Line 1961 Sep-Dec (7 folders)
Box 67 On the Line 1962 Jan (2 folders)
Box 68 On the Line 1962 Feb-Jun (10 folders)
Box 69 On the Line 1962 Jul-Nov - includes short series, "America's Gandhi: Martin Luther King," in September (9 folders)
Box 70 On the Line 1962 Dec (2 folders)
Box 70 On the Line 1963 Jan-May (8 folders)
Box 71 On the Line 1963 May-Aug - includes two short series, "John XXIII: His life and works" and "Pope Paul VI: Man and mission," in June (9 folders)
Box 72 On the Line 1963 Sep-Dec (8 folders)
Box 72 On the Line 1964 Jan
Box 73 On the Line 1964 Jan-May (9 folders)
Box 74 On the Line 1964 Jun-Oct (9 folders)
Box 75 On the Line 1964 Oct-Dec (5 folders)
Box 75 On the Line 1965 Jan-Mar (5 folders)
Box 76 On the Line 1965 Mar-Aug (10 folders)
Box 77 On the Line 1965 Sep-Dec (8 folders)
Box 77 On the Line 1966 Jan (2 folders)
Box 78 On the Line 1966 Feb-Jun - includes partial short series, "Autos, safety and your life," in February (11 folders)
Box 79 On the Line 1966 Jul-Nov - includes short series, "Inside the think tanks," in August (10 folders)
Box 80 On the Line 1966 Nov-Dec (2 folders)
Box 80 On the Line 1967 Jan-Jul (7 folders)
Box 81 On the Line 1967 Aug-Dec - includes short series, "Viet Nam: Victory or stalemate?" in September (7 folders)
Box 81 On the Line 1968 Jan-Feb (3 folders)
Box 82 On the Line 1968 Feb-Sep (10 folders)
Box 83 On the Line 1968 Oct-Dec (3 folders)
Box 84 On the Line 1969 Jan-Sep (9 folders)
Box 85 On the Line 1969 Oct-Dec (3 folders)
Box 85 On the Line 1970 Jan-May (5 folders)
Box 86 On the Line 1970 Jun-Dec (8 folders)
Box 86 On the Line 1971 Jan
Box 87 On the Line 1971 Feb-Sep (8 folders)
Box 88 On the Line 1971 Oct-Dec (3 folders)
Box 88 On the Line 1972 Jan-Mar - includes Nixon's trip to China (Considine was part of the press corps that accompanied him) and then Japan in February and March (5 folders)
Box 89 On the Line 1972 Apr-Oct - includes Considine travel to Japan, Russia, Poland in April (7 folders)
Box 90 On the Line 1972 Nov-Dec (4 folders)
Box 90 On the Line 1973 Jan-Apr (6 folders)
Box 91 On the Line 1973 May-Oct (11 folders)
Box 92 On the Line 1973 Nov-Dec (4 folders)
Box 92 On the Line 1974 Jan-Apr (8 folders)
Box 93 On the Line 1974 May-Oct - includes Nixon's trip to Israel in June (Considine was part of the press corps that accompanied him) (12 folders)
Box 94 On the Line 1974 Nov-Dec (4 folders)
Box 94 On the Line 1975 Jan-Apr (8 folders)
Box 95 On the Line 1975 May-Sep (5 folders)
Box 95 Undated or misdated
Published materials
Box 96 Advertising featuring Considine
Oversize 1 Advertising featuring Considine, oversize
Articles by Considine
Box 96 Always a Gentleman, The Call Board Jun 1957
Box 96 Babe Ruth as I Remember Him, Sports World Sep. 1949
Oversize 4 Beau Pummel, Collier's 14 Nov 1942
Box 96 Bob Considine Interviews Don Ho, Mainliner Sep 1970 - 2 copies
Box 96 Bob Considine Reports, Las Vegas Magazine 1 Nov 1951
Box 96 Broadway Columnist, Cosmopolitan Jul 1951 - 2 copies
Oversize 4 Broadway Cop, Collier's 20 Dec 1941
Box 96 Brother Matthias and Babe Ruth, by babe Ruth as told to Bob Considine Oct 1948 - condensed chapter from Considine's Babe Ruth book
Oversize 4 Calling All Girls to the Skyways, American Weekly 26 Sep 1954
Box 96 Christmas Stocking undated - photocopy
Box 96 Chuck Yeager: Aerospace Schoolmaster, Air Force and Space Digest Jan 1963
Box 96 Cosmopolite of the Month and other articles, Cosmopolitan 1941-1943
This is a bound volume containing the following Cosmopolitan articles:
Cosmopolite of the Month: Alice Marble (Apr 1941)
Lunch for 250,000 (July 1941)
Where's Sammy? (by Sammy Schulman, edited by Considine) (Oct 1943)
"Mission Complete" (Dec 1943)
Box 96 Could You Have Loved as Much, Guideposts Magazine Mar 1959
Box 96 Could You Have Loved as Much, Readers Digest Apr 1966 - photocopy
Box 96 DC-8 Flight, Mainliner Oct 1959
Box 96 The Daily Miracle, July 14 1953 - reprint of an "On the Line" column
Box 96 Dateline: Olympics, The Ambassador Spring 1960
Box 96 Dream Jobs, Redbook Oct 1942
Box 96 Duffers Don't Fade -- Just Die, Golf undated
Oversize 6 Facts of After Life, Saturday Home Magazine 1949
Box 96 Fortune Awaits Man Finding Secret of Lost Dutchman Gold Mine Near PHX, TWA Skyliner 30 Mar 1950
Box 96 From One Ambassador to Another, TWA Ambassador Dec 1957
Box 97 A Ghost Goes to Rest, True Apr 1950
Box 97 God Love You, Cosmopolitan July 1952 - 2 copies
Box 97 The Hardiest Breed, The American Way Aug 1973
Oversize 6 How Ike Lives, The American Weekly 1954 - 5-part series on Eisenhower
Box 97 How Tennis Players Get That Way, Cosmopolitan May 1951
Box 97 I Should Have Bought More, Mutterings Jan 1956 - 2 copies
Oversize 6 Inside Inside, Esquire Jun 1951
Box 97 International News Service's 1956 Olympic Games Preview, special issue of INS Features Nov 1956
Oversize 6 The Irish in Us, unknown source Jun 1961
Box 97 It's a Rough One -- Isn't it? and other articles, True 1944-1945
This is a bound volume containing the following True articles:
It's a Rough One -- Isn't it?, by Bill McCarney as told to Considine (Feb 1945)
War on the Kee Kee Bird (Apr 1945)
Say it Ain't True, Joe (Sep 1944)
Switch Artists (Oct 1944)
Box 97 John Daly, Cosmopolitan Jul 1954 - 2 copies
Oversize 6 The Kentucky Derby's Bill Corum, Collier's 6 May 1950
Box 97 The Lively Ones, Signature Dec 1969
Box 97 Luchow's is Different, The Restaurant Digest Apr 1951 - condensed from an undated Collier's article
Box 97 Lunch with the General, Carnival Spring/Summer 1951
Box 97 The Miracle at Your Front Door, Minneapolis Star and Tribune undated - reprint of Considine column
Oversize 6 Mission Complete undated - 2 copies
Box 97 Mr. Considine Writes an Open Letter, The Courier 25 Feb 1957 - Saint Rose Catholic High School, Belmar, NJ
Oversize 6 Mutual of Omaha's Crusade Against Calamity 13 May 1956 - advertising supplement to the Sunday New York Times
Box 97 My Favorite Column, Cosmopolitan May 1950 - 2 copies
Box 97 My Favorite Column [A Newspaperman's Prayer], Diners' Club Magazine Apr 1962
Oversize 6 My Hits -- and My Errors (by Babe Ruth with Bob Considine), Saturday Evening Post 14 Feb 1948; 21 Feb 1948; 13 Mar, 1948 - five-part series; folder contains parts 1, 2, and 5
Box 98 The Navy Land War in China and other articles, Cosmopolitan 1945-1946
This is a bound volume containing the following Cosmopolitan articles:
The Navy Land War in China (Sep 1945)
Chiang and the Chinese Puzzle (Oct 1945)
Steve (Jan 1946)
Magazine Pieces Don't Die (Apr 1946)
Chic Young (July 1946)
Oversize 6 The New Society in Sports, Flair Jul 1950 - 2 copies
Box 98 Newspaperman's Prayer - reprint
Box 98 On the Line [regarding Archbishop Paul Yu-Pin], The Call Board Jun 1949
Box 98 On the Line, Eastern Tennis Aug/Sep 1975 - 2 copies
Box 98 On the Louis-Schmeling Fight, Diners' Club Magazine Mar 1963
Box 98 People, The American Way/American Way 1974 Jun, Aug, Oct, Nov; 1975 Apr-Sep, Nov - column that ran in the publication; 8 articles (2 folders)
Oversize 6 A Play for Glory and other articles, Collier's 1937-1941
This is a bound volume containing the following Collier's articles:
A Play for Glory (28 Aug 1937)
Carefree Conqueror (Sep 11, 1938)
Not a Clean Sweep (as told to Considine by Fred McDonald, June 4, 1938)
End of the Rainbow (July 2, 1938)
An Oscar for Love (July 1, 1939)
Child's Play (Sep. 9, 1939), Foghorn (Apr. 13, 1940)
Ivory from Cuba (Aug. 3, 1940)
One-Two Punch (Sep. 28, 1940)
Soose is no Goose (Jan. 11, 1941)
Pro and Coin (Feb. 22, 1941)
Old Bones (May 10, 1941)
Oversize 7 Portrait of a Prelate, Boston Sunday Advertiser 19 Oct 1958
Oversize 7 A President has Damned Few Friends, This Week 24 Aug 1968
Box 98 Pride Goeth Before...
Box 98 The Professionals - in an advertisement for the National Football League
Box 98 Robert L. Ripley, The Modern Marco Polo, True Nov 1961
Oversize 7 El Robo de la Bomba Atomica, parts 1 and 2, Bohemia 20 Jan 1952; 27 Jan 1952 - Spanish translation in Cuban magazine (2 folders)
Box 98 Russia's Ally -- The Wrong Letter from Home, Cosmopolitan Nov 1951 - 2 copies
Box 98 The Shame of Litchfield, True Jul 1947
Box 98 Spectators Without Calluses, Liberty 12 Apr 1947
Box 98 Summer is Hell for Millions of People, House Beautiful undated - reprint, 2 copies
Box 99 Sweden Watches the Sky, Cosmopolitan Jan 1947
Oversize 7 The 10 Most Colorful Men I've Met, American Weekly 26 Apr 1959
Box 99 Theatre World Wide, The Call Board Jun 1958
Box 99 Those Were the Days My Friend, The American Way Apr 1972
Box 99 To Donnycove, through Killbegs, Kilkerry and Kildare, Saturday Review 17 Mar 1962 - 2 copies
Box 99 To Smoke or not to Smoke, Cosmopolitan Apr 1954
Oversize 7 Tomorrow is too Late, The American Weekly 7 Jun 1953 - 2 copies
Box 99 A Tribute to Courage, Cancer News Oct 1952 - reprinted from a previous INS column
Box 99 Walter Cronkite: A Personal Perspective, American Way Dec 1975
Box 99 Walter Cronkite: Transitions, American Way Jan 1976
Box 99 Washington Hostess undated
Box 99 We Can Bury, You, Mr. K, Readers Digest Jul 1962 - condensed from article that ran in New York Journal-American, 2 copies
Box 99 We Caught Them Off Saipan, as told to Considine by Ben Tate, Cosmopolitan Dec 1944
Box 99 We Light the Target and other articles, Cosmopolitan 1944-1945
This is a bound volume containing the following Cosmopolitan articles:
We Light the Target and other articles, with Richard A. Wellington (Mar 1944)
An Island We Had to Take (as told to Considine by Gilbert Bundy, Nov 1944)
We Caught Them Off Saipan (as told to Considine by Ben Tate, Dec 1944)
God Said "Bail Out!" (with Arthur S. Ross, Feb 1945)
Oversize 7 Well, A Little More Time…, Collier's 24 Dec 1949 - 2 copies
Oversize 7 Well, A Little More Time… with 'The Nativity' - reprint from Mutual of Omaha; read on Mutual of Omaha's Bob Considine Show, broadcast Dec. 22, 1951
Oversize 7 Well, A Little More Time… - reprint from Mutual of Omaha; read on Mutual of Omaha's Bob Considine Show, broadcast Dec. 19, 1954
Oversize 7 Well, A Little More Time… undated - with printed note, "Merry Christmas Happy New Year from all the Considines"
Box 99 Where's Sammy?, by Sammy Schilman and edited by Considine, Cosmopolitan Oct 1943
Box 99 With Nixon in China… Visit to a Peking Pharmacy, American Druggist 3 Apr 1972 - photocopy, galley proof
Box 99 Word Tribute to a Beloved Picture Man, National Press Photographer Apr 1957
Articles about Considine
Box 99 Breig, Joe, "Mr. Bob Considine and Hot Cross Buns" 3 May 1958
Box 99 Dulan, Jimmy, "Considine Gets the Headline Stories," The Catholic Boy Jun 1953
Box 99 Gehman, Richard, "On the Line with Considine," Catholic Digest Dec 1958
Box 99 Paye, Paul, "Wanted: Catholic Journalists," Catholic Boy Feb 1963
Box 99 Storer, Douglas, "After Dark Reporter," View [in the Albany Times Union] 1 Jun 1957
Box 99 Sulivan, Frank, "The Dutch Treat Club," Lincoln-Mercury Times Mar/Apr 1952
Box 100 Unknown author, "Bob Considine to Give Special Report from Monaco, " The Nebraska Newspaper Apr 1956
Box 100 Miscellaneous material about Considine from Dateline, the magazine of the Overseas Press Club of America 1958, 1959, 1962
Box 100 Miscellaneous material about Considine
Oversize 15 Miscellaneous material about Considine, oversize
Articles by Millie Considine
Box 100 Celebrities at Play, The Diplomat Jul 1954
Articles by others
Box 100 Smith, Charlotte Hale, "Seven Children in Seven Months…Plus 400 More," Atlanta Journal and Constitution Magazine 1970
Box 100 Various authors, regarding law in the Soviet Union 1959-1960
Box 100 Unknown author, "Air Lines Set Pace for Industry" 1933 - chapter 3 from Aircraft Yearbook
Box 100 Unknown author, "North American Aviation, Inc.," Aero Digest Feb 1934
Box 100 Unknown author, "The Physical Fitness Index" undated
Box 100 Miscellaneous photocopied articles on aviation 1941-1944
Booklets by Considine
Box 100 13 excerpts (with pictures) from Dempsey by the Man Himself, as told to Bob Considine and Bill Slocum
Box 100 17 Lives 1956 - published by Mutual Benefit Health & Accident Association; photos in book match some in the photographs section of this collection; 2 copies
Box 100 The Great A-Bomb Robbery 1951-1952 - reprinted by Carbide and Carbon Chemical Co.; 2 copies
Box 100 How Russia is Winning the Peace...Uncensored, by William Randolph Hearst Jr. with Considine and Frank Conniff 1958 - published by Hearst Corp.; 2 copies
Box 100 How Russia Stole America's Atomic Secrets 1951 - 2 copies
Box 100 Your Newspaper 1954-1955 - 3 copies
Box 100 Your Newspaper Fights for Your Right to Know 1956 - 2 copies
Booklets by others
Box 100 Anderson, Ragnar H., The Greater Rockford: Off for Stockholm, 1928; Return 1969 Apr 1971 - reprinted from The Swedish Pioneer Quarterly
Box 100 Brooks, Jerome E., The America's Cup, Thomas J. Lipton Inc. 1958
Box 100 Dubach, Harold W. and Taber, Robert W., Questions About the Oceans, National Oceanographic Data Center 1969
Box 101 Dupree, O. C. 1957 - rejected stories; also includes a loose manuscript, Dr. Jekyll and Miss Hyde
Box 101 Hall, Floyd D., Sunrise at Eastern: Re-Birth of a Pioneer Airline, Newcomen Society 1965
Box 101 Harrison, Emma, Public Welfare, Public Affairs Committee 1963
Box 101 Hearst, William Randolph Jr., Report on Russia...uncensored, Hearst Corporation 1955
Box 101 Hoyt, Waite, Babe Ruth as I Knew Him. Dell Publishing Co. 1948
Box 101 Kilgallen, James L., It's a Great Life: My 50 years as a Newspaperman 1956 - 2 copies
Box 101 Reay, Thomas M., The Fantastic Story of the 'Hiking Viking' Bert R.J. 'Fish' Hassell, H.C. Johnson Press undated
Box 101 Schisgall, Oscar, The Enemy Property Issue, Public Affairs Committee 1957
Box 101 Shurcliff, William A., SST and Sonic Boom Handbook, Citizens League Against the Sonic Boom 1969
Box 101 Simmons, Gene, On the Moon with Apollo 15: A Guidebook to Hadley Rille and the Apennine Mountains, NASA 1971
Box 101 Skutt, V. J., Mutual of Omaha The Good Neighbor, Newcomen Society 1961
Box 101 Sullivan, Patrick M., Sportsline: A Television and Radio Production of Quizball, a Game Simulating a Baseball or Football Match, self-published 1957
Box 101 Taylor, Eugene J., Help at Last for Cerebral Palsy, Public Affairs Committee 1950
Oversize 7 Wainwright, Nicolas B., The History of the Philadelphia Inquirer 16 Sep 1962 - supplement to The Philadelphia Inquirer
Oversize 7 Various authors, 2nd Annual Global World Series of Baseball Souvenir Book Sep 1956
Box 101 Various authors, Dateline: 1776. Journalism in the United States, the First 200 Years, Overseas Press Club of America 1976
Box 101 Unknown author, Aeroflot 71 Illustrated Review, Aeroflot 1971
Box 101 Unknown author, The American Heritage World War II Chronology, American Heritage Publishing Co. 1966
Box 101 Unknown author, Apollo 15 July 26, 1971 Flight Plan Final, NASA 1971
Box 101 Unknown author, Apollo-Soyuz Astronyms, Aeronutronic Ford Corp. undated
Oversize 7 Unknown author, Bronx Veterans Administration Hospital, Four Chaplains' Memorial Swimming Pool Dedication Journal 1947
Oversize 7 Unknown author, A Holdra És a Rajta Túl Lévö Világokba [Hungarian booklet about Apollo 11 mission]
Oversize 7 Unknown author, America House, America Development Office undated
Box 101 Unknown author, How to Avoid Libel undated
Box 101 Unknown author, In Regard to the News… Time, Inc. 1957
Box 101 Unknown author, Man on the Moon, a Picture Chronology of Man in Space Exploration, Gallina Inc. 1969
Box 101 Unknown author, Marymount School 1026-1028 Fifth Avenue, New York undated
Box 101 Unknown author, The Productive Years, Age 45-65, National Association of Manufacturers [1961?]
Box 101 Unknown author, A Profile of Occidental and the Men Who Manage it, Occidental Petroleum Corp. undated
Box 101 Unknown author, Redwing in Retrospect, Joint Task Force Seven Headquarters 1956 - commemorative booklet of the 17 nuclear tests done in the Pacific Ocean; includes mention and photo of Considine
Box 101 Unknown author, The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Yesterday and Today undated
Box 101 Unknown author, Spacecraft with Wheels, the Lunar Roving Vehicle, NASA and Boeing undated
Box 101 Unknown author, The Story of Alcock & Brown, City of Manchester [England] Airport Committee 1969
Box 101 Unknown author, Think a Moment About Money...Your Money, Mutual of Omaha undated
Box 101 Unknown author, The U.S. Navy, Lockheed S-3A, Carrier-based ASW for the 70's, Lockheed California 1971
Books by Considine
Dempsey by the Man Himself (as told to Bob Considine and Bill Slocum), Simon and Schuster 1960
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
It's All News to Me, Meredith Press 1967
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
It's the Irish, Doubleday & Company 1961 - 2 copies
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 102 The Men Who Robbed Brinks, the Inside Story of One of the Most Famous Holdups in the History of Crime (as told by Specs O'Keefe to Bob Considine), Random House 1961 - book jacket only
The Men Who Robbed Brinks, the Inside Story of One of the Most Famous Holdups in the History of Crime (as told by Specs O'Keefe to Bob Considine), Random House 1961 - published edition
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
The Panama Canal [Bengali translation by Nurul Hoque, printed by City Library in Dacca] 1963
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 102 The Remarkable Dr. Armand Hammer, Harper & Row 1975 - book jacket and advertisement
The Remarkable Dr. Armand Hammer, Harper & Row 1975 - published edition
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo (by Captain Ted W. Lawson, edited by Considine), Random House 1953
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Books by others
Box 114 Baer, Arthur "Bugs", The Family Album, Albert & Charles Roni 1925
Box 114 Bishop, Jim, The Day Lincoln was Shot, Harper & Brothers 1955 - signed by the author
Box 114 Garst, Robert E. (ed.), Style Book of the New York Times, New York Times Co. 1956
Box 114 Gettelson, Leonard, Official World Series Records. Complete Box Scores of All Games 1903-1973, The Sporting News 1973
Box 114 Graham, Frank and Hyman, Dick, Baseball Wit and Wisdom: Folklore of a National Pastime, David McKay Company 1962
Box 114 Ingells, Douglas J., Tin Goose: the Fabulous Ford Trimotor, Aero Publishers 1968 - signed by the author
Box 114 Jacobs, Frank, The Highly Unlikely Celebrity Cookbook, New American Library 1964
Box 114 Kaufman, Louis; Fitzgerald, Barbara; Sewell, Tom, Moe Berg: Athlete, Scholar, Spy, Little Brown 1974 - signed dedication to Considine from Sewell and Kaufman
Box 114 Knappman, Edward W. (ed.), Watergate and the White House. V.1: June 1972-July 1973: Facts on File 1973
Box 114 Newman, Edwin, Strictly Speaking: Will America be the Death of English?, Bobbs-Merrill 1974
Box 114 Riabchikov, Evgeny, Russians in Space, Doubleday & Co. 1971
Saunders, Doris E. (ed.), The Day They Marched, Johnson Publishing Co. 1963
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Saunders, Doris E., (ed.), The Kennedy Years and the Negro: A Photographic Record, Johnson Publishing Co. 1964
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 114 Sparks, James C. Jr., Rescue From the Air and in Space, Dodd, Mead & Co. 1963 - signed by the author
Box 114 Schlafly, Phyllis, A Choice Not an Echo, Pere Marquette Press 1964
Box 114 Shirley, Sylvia W., Gourmet Wizardry, self published undated
Box 114 Stephenson, J. L., Anyone Can Have a Great Vocabulary, Avon undated
Box 114 Various authors, The Armand hammer Collection, Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1971
Various authors, A Girl to Remember [tributes to Louise Baer] [1951?]
Transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate this item.
Box 114 Various authors, Good News for Modern Man, American Bible Society 1974
Box 114 Various authors, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings from the U.S.S.R., M. Knoedler and Co. 1973 - 2 copies
Box 102 Miscellaneous
Oversize 28 Miscellaneous, oversize
Box 102 Armand Hammer Collection [University of Southern California] 1965
Box 102 Harper [publisher] 1975
Box 102 Meredith Press Books 1967
Box 102 Miscellaneous undated
Oversize 28 Clippings by Considine 1935, 1944-1948
Oversize 1 Clippings by Considine 1949-1950
Oversize 8 Clippings by Considine 1951-1956
Oversize 9 Clippings by Considine 1957-1959
Oversize 10 Clippings by Considine 1960
Oversize 11 Clippings by Considine 1961-1962
Oversize 12 Clippings by Considine 1963-1964
Oversize 13 Clippings by Considine 1965-1974
Box 103 Clippings by Considine, labeled as "Overflow" 1943-1948 Apr - originally in envelopes labeled "overflow"; most are "On the Line" but there are also magazine and other clippings (7 folders)
Box 104 Clippings by Considine, labeled as "Overflow" 1948, May-Dec - originally in envelopes labeled "overflow"; most are "On the Line" but there are also magazine and other clippings (6 folders)
Box 105 Clippings by Considine, labeled as "Overflow" 1949 - originally in envelopes labeled "overflow"; most are "On the Line" but there are also magazine and other clippings (6 folders)
Box 106 Clippings by Considine, labeled as "Overflow" 1950, undated - originally in envelopes labeled "overflow"; most are "On the Line" but there are also magazine and other clippings (6 folders)
Oversize 13 Clippings by Considine, translations 1948-1975 - translations of Considine articles into Spanish, Japanese, and Dutch for foreign press
Box 107 Clippings about Considine 1949-1957, undated
Oversize 14 Clippings about Considine 1945-1976, undated (5 folders)
Oversize 15 Clippings by and about others 1919, 1946-1974, undated (3 folders)
Box 107 Clippings, negative proofs
Box 107 Fliers
Oversize 16 Fliers, oversize
Box 107 Fundraising appeals
Oversize 16 Advertising Age 15 Jan 1963 - specially bound issue gifted to Considine by the publisher, G.D. Crain Jr.
Box 107 Air Force Jun 1958; Sep 1972
Box 107 Air Force and Space Digest Sep 1959; Jan, Sep, Nov 1962; Nov 1970
Box 107 Air Line Pilot Nov 1970; Jan 1972
Box 107 American Way Mar 1974; Oct 1975 - 2 copies
Oversize 16 Collier's May-Jun, 1943 - 4 issues
Box 107 Dun's Review Apr, Jul 1975
Box 108 Editor & Publisher 18 Aug 1951; 18 Jul 1953; 31 May 1958; 7 Jun 1958 - 2 copies
Box 108 Editor & Publisher 1957, May 18-Jun 1 - stories about newspaper promotion highlighting Considine
Oversize 16 Life 8 Aug 1969; 29 Aug 1969
Box 108 Newsweek Nov 10, 1952; June 2, 1958 - 2 copies
Box 108 Oxy Today spring 1973; winter 1973
Box 108 Reader's Digest Jan 1959; Dec 1974
Box 108 Shell Aviation News 1956, 1964, 1970 - 6 issues
Box 108 Space Log [TRW] winter 1964/65; fall 1965
Box 108 Space World 1961 Apr, Jun, Oct, Nov; 1962 Jan
Box 108 Time Apr 30, 1951; June 2, 1958; Feb 9, 1959
Box 109 Miscellaneous, A-C
Box 109 Miscellaneous, H-M
Box 109 Miscellaneous, N-Q
Box 109 Miscellaneous, R-Y
Oversize 16 Miscellaneous, oversize
Oversize 14 Newsletters 1948, 1958, 1962, 1975
News releases
Box 109 A 1949-1964
Box 109 B 1956-1963
Box 110 C 1947-1964
Box 110 D-H 1957-1964
Box 110 I-J 1957-1963
Box 110 K 1949-1963 (2 folders)
Box 110 L 1953-1964
Box 110 M-Me 1954-1964
Box 111 Me-Mu 1954-1961
Box 111 Pa-Po 1958-1966
Box 111 Pr-T 1958-1966
Box 111 U-Y 1946-1964
Newspaper columns
Oversize 17 On The Line clippings 1935-1959 (10 folders)
Oversize 18 On The Line clippings 1960-1962 (11 folders)
Oversize 19 On The Line clippings 1963-1965 (11 folders)
Oversize 20 On The Line clippings 1966-1971 (13 folders)
Oversize 21 On The Line clippings 1972, Jan-Jun (6 folders)
Oversize 22 On The Line clippings 1972, Jul-Dec; 1974 Jan (10 folders)
Oversize 23 On The Line clippings 1974, Feb-Sep (8 folders)
Oversize 24 On The Line clippings 1974, Oct-Dec; 1975, Jan-Aug (7 folders)
Oversize 25 On The Line clippings 1975, Sep; undated (4 folders)
Pamphlets and brochures from others
Box 112 New Family Center, Tokyo circa 1953
Box 112 Miscellaneous
Promotional material
Oversize 16 INS: The Story of International News Service undated
Box 112 International News Service, miscellaneous
Box 112 King Features
Oversize 16 On the Line
Box 112 Miscellaneous
Box 112 Programs 1946, 1966, undated
Box 112 Proceedings of the Fourth Eurospace U.S. - European Conference, Venice Sep 22-25, 1970
Note on alternate formats: Recordings from the collection have been digitized. Please contact the repository listed above for more information.
Oversize 5 A Time to Keep: 1964, Voices and events of the year... Narration by Chet Huntley and David Brinkley 1964 - RCA Victor LP recording; accompanied by a note from Elliot Horne to Bob Considine (VinylDisc; running time 53:20) (ID#: considine_b_015)
Side 1: Voices Of Protest Challenge The Old Disciplines; Sen. Barry Goldwater Enters The Presidential Race ; Pope Paul VI Visits The Holy Land; Discotheque And The New Dance Crazes; Earthquake Devastates Alaska; Cassius Clay Defeats Sonny Liston ; The Topless Bathing Suit; N. Y. World's Fair Opens; Mobs Riot In Cities In The North; President Signs The Civil Rights Bill; Sen. Goldwater Wins The California Primary; Goldwater Organizes Convention Drive; Republican Convention Highlights
Side 2: The War In South Vietnam, Crisis In The Gulf Of Tonkin; Fighting In Cyprus And The Congo; Surprise U. S. Victory In The Olympics; Obituaries: Herbert Hoover, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Eddie Cantor, Gracie Allen; The Warren Report On President Kennedy's Assassination; Jack Ruby Sentenced To Death; Democratic Convention Highlights; The Presidential Campaign And The Election; Soviet Premier Khrushchev "Resigns"; Red China Explodes Nuclear Bomb; Martin Luther King Wins Nobel Peace Prize; Court Officer Frees 21 In Deaths Of Three Civil Rights Workers; U. S. Scores Space Spectacular With Close-Up Moon Pictures, Fires Satellite Toward Mars
Box 113 Address by Lt. General Maxwell D. Taylor, C. G. Eighth US Army, Korea, at United Nations (UN) and 8th Army PIO Conference, Seoul. Gen. Taylor then presents Legion of Merit to Col. R. P. Rosengren, PIO 9 Mar 53; 23 December 1965 - accompanied by photocopy of the old tape box and a letter from Colonel R. P. Rosengren to Bob Considine (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: considine_b_024)
Oversize 5 Address by Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, C. S. C. New York Notre Dame President's Committee Dinner. Introduction by Mr. Harry Hagerty (part 1 and 2) November 10th, 1960 - Empire Broadcasting Corp. LP record; accompanied by Hesburgh's business card (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_017)
Box 113 Ask me Anything, J. Savard and Art. Slattery 10/6/60 - accompanied by an envelope from Arthur J. Slattery to Bob and old label (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: considine_b_025)
Oversize 5 Civil Air Patrol Testimonial: Public Service Spot Announcements (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_001)
Side 1 (one minute): 1. Joe E. Brown; 2. Bob Considine; 3. Bob Cummings; 4. Frank Gallup [sic]; 5. Arthur Godfrey; 6. Garry Moore; 7. Dick Powell; 8. James Stewart
Side 2 (20 second): 1. Joe E. Brown; 2. Bob Considine; 3. Bob Cummings; 4. Arthur Godfrey; 5. Garry Moore; 6. Dick Powell; 7. James Stewart; 8. James Stewart (30 second)
Oversize 5 Do not weep for me, Margaret Stanton, lyrics, Priscalla Stanton, music, Johnny Craig, vocals 4-9-49 - one of four versions with slightly different spoken introductions, accompanied by old sleeve with handwritten notes from Margaret Staton to Mr. Considine (Lacquer disc) (ID#: considine_b_020)
Oversize 5 Do not weep for me, Margaret Stanton, lyrics, Priscalla Stanton, music, Johnny Craig, vocals 4-21-49 - one of four versions with slightly different spoken introductions (Lacquer disc) (ID#: considine_b_021)
Oversize 5 Elvis Sings: Return To Sender; Where Do You Come From Oct 1962 - RCA Victor record with original sleeve (VinylDisc; running time 4:10) (ID#: considine_b_009)
Side 1: Elvis Presley With The Jordanaires ?– Return To Sender (from the Paramount Picture "Girls! Girls! Girls!") (Otis Blackwell-Winfield Scott)
Side 2: Where Do You Come From (from the Paramount Picture "Girls! Girls! Girls!") (Ruth Batchelor-Bob Roberts)
Oversize 5 Faron Young: Backtrack; I Can't Find The Time 1961 - Capitol Record with original sleeve (VinylDisc; running time 4:37) (ID#: considine_b_011)
Side 1: Faron Young - Backtrack (Alex Zanetis-Faron Yong
Side 2: Faron Young - I Can't Find The Time (Hank Cochran-Willie Nelson)
Oversize 5 (How Can I Write On Paper) What I Feel In My Heart; Losing Your Love 1961 - RCA Victor record (VinylDisc; running time 4:38) (ID#: considine_b_010)
Side 1: (How Can I Write On Paper) What I Feel In My Heart, Jim Reeves (Carter-Harrison-Kent Reeves
Side 2: Losing Your Love, Jim Reeves (Bill Anderson-Buddy Killen)
Box 16 Leadership Is... Performed by Maritz Men and Maiden 1971 - part of 21st Annual Sales Conference, Bermuda; in commemorative vinyl binder, with photographs, printed libretto, and clipping (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_005)
Side A: Leadership Is People
Side B: Leadership Is Change, Leadership Is You.
Oversize 5 Love and Marriage; Love is a Many-Splendored Thing 1955 - Columbia Promotion Record (VinylDisc; running time 5:5) (ID#: considine_b_006)
Side 1: Love and Marriage, from the NBC-TV Producers Showcase "Our Town" - Cahn-Van Heusen - The Joe Loco Quintet
Side 2: Love is a Many-Splendored Thing, sung in 20th Century-Fox Cinemascope Prod. "Love is a Many-Splendored Thing" - Webster-Fain - The Joe Loco Quintet
Box 113 New York Dinner: Speakers Barbara Hubbard, Orville Freeman, David Clark, Rod Corney, Bob Hieronimus, Jean Houston 4/2/74 - accompanied by photocopy of the old cassette box (1/8 inch audio cassette; running time 60:00) (ID#: considine_b_023)
Oversize 5 Old Time Melodies, Sisters of Providence, Sister Rose of Jesus at the Organ [copy 1] - Montana Centennial Memories LP record (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_018)
Oversize 5 Old Time Melodies, Sisters of Providence, Sister Rose of Jesus at the Organ [copy 2] - Montana Centennial Memories LP record (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_019)
Oversize 5 One Giant Step..., Neil Armstrong 07/20/1969 - front cover: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," on back cover: "The Triumph and the Tragedy of a Decade of Devotion to an Impossible Dream" (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_002)
Oversize 5 One Giant Step..., Neil Armstrong 07/20/1969; 1970 - front cover: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," on back cover: "The Triumph and the Tragedy of a Decade of Devotion to an Impossible Dream" (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_003)
Oversize 5 One Giant Step: The History in Sound of America's Man-In-Space Program 1973 - Mutual Broadcasting System LP Album; narrated by Bob Considine (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_014)
Oversize 5 Personal Power through Creative Selling, Elmer G. Leterman, World's Best-Known Insurance Salesman 1961 - Success Motivation Institute LP record, with original sleeve and complete script of the narration. (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_012)
Side 1: 1. An Introduction to Elmer Leterman; 2. Decide What You Want to do; 3. Salesmanship Is Work; 4. Know-How and Know-Yourself Turn Effort Into Profit; 5. Planning Is the Best Technique; 6. Magic Salesmanship
Side 2: 1. Showmanship; 2. Love People; 3. Watch Your Head and Keep Growing; 4. Dare To Believe; 5. Are You ready for Today?
Oversize 5 Rockets, Missiles and Space Travel, Written and Directed by Willy Ley 1958 - VOX LP album, with original album sleeve. (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_016)
Side 1: Count-Down And Take-Off Of An Atlas; Interview With General Yates; Interview With Colonel Stevens; Interview With Mr. B. G. MacNab; Interview With Capt. Griffith; Interview With Lt. Passi; Count-Down And Firing Of A Snark; Firing Of A Corporal; Firing Of An Honest John Rocket; Count-Down And Firing Of A Jupiter Missile
Side 2: The Sound Of a V-2; Interview With Wernher Von Braun; Interview With General Dornberger; Interview With Krafft Ehricke; Interview With Colonel Stapp; Interview With Professor Cooper; Interview With General Schriever; Count-Down And Take-Off Of Jupiter-C
Oversize 5 Seventieth birthday party in honor of Irving Geist, with tributes from Ed Sullivan, Stuart Symington, and Howard Rusk 06/21/1970 - dub from Bob Considine's tape recording (Lacquer disc) (ID#: considine_b_004)
Oversize 5 Something About Lee Wiley, on Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre 11 Oct 1963 - RCA Victor record with original sleeve (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_007)
Side 1: East of the Sun; Can't Get Out of This Mood, Lee Wiley with Ralph Burns and his Orchestra
Side 2: (Got the) South in My Soul; Time on My Hands (You in My Arms), Leo Reisman and his Orchestra Lee Wiley, vocal
Oversize 5 Stories Adapted From Classics Illustrated Magazine: Space Stories and Sounds 1959 - Lion Records LP album of science fiction stories (VinylDisc) (ID#: considine_b_013)
"The First Men in the Moon" by H. G. Wells; "The War of the Worlds" by H. G. Wells; "The Time Machine" by H. G. Wells; "A Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Jules Verne narrated by Bill Stern. Music by Bill Simon, script adapted by Roberta Strauss from Classics Illustrated Magazine, narrated by Bill Stern. Album produced by Arthur Pine. Bill Simon, Organ, Herb Harris, Percussion, Walter Gustafson, Sound Effects.
Oversize 5 The Twelve Days of Christmas; Ringo Bells 1964 - ATCO record with original sleeve (VinylDisc; running time 4:56) (ID#: considine_b_008)
Side 1: The Twelve Days of Christmas, (Trad. - Arr. Rufus Smith) Three Blonde Mice, Accompanied by The Rufus Smith Quintet; Ringo Bells (George T. Simon), Three Blonde Mice, Accompanied by The Rufus Smith Quintet
Oversize 5 The ballad of Earl K. Long, on-air piece, [unidentified performer] (Lacquer disc) (ID#: considine_b_022)
Cavanaugh film, Sportsmen, Inc. - accompanied by photocopy of the old label: "75 reel, 75, can. Property of Sportsmen, Inc. Brattleboro, Vt." (Film: 16mm) (ID#: considine_b_027)
NBC TV, News and Special Events present: On the Line with Bob Considine - accompanied by photocopy of the old label: "Charley Company 16mm Considine". Film credits: Dennis Daton, Editor, Thomas Galvin, Editor, Martin Hoade, Director (Film: 16mm) (ID#: considine_b_026)

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