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Finding aid created by: DMW
Date: Jan 1994
05 May 2008 | converted to EAD (AMCon) |
24 Apr 2009 | corrected date format (LDC) |
9 Jul 2012 | numbered recordings (MRC) |
18 Oct 2016 | audiorecordings inventory added with box numbers (PJM) |
2018 | box 15/16 inventory corrected (MRC) |
7 Jun 2019 | media updated (MRC) |
29 Jan 2021 | oversize items moved out of Box 31 into new Oversize 3 (MRC) |
Sep 2024 | collection reprocessed and rehoused, additions incorporated, inventory expanded and updated; material relating to exhibits in the 1980s removed and transferred to SCRC's internal/adminitrative files (MRC) |
Overview of the Collection |
Creator: | Martin, Jackie, 1903-1969. |
Title: | Jackie Martin Papers |
Dates: | 1909-1971 |
Quantity: | 90 linear ft. |
Abstract: | Papers of the American photographer, journalist, war correspondent; born Cecilia Martin. Correspondence, family and general; financial records and office files; manuscripts and research relating to various projects and assignments, including her published books, magazine and newspaper features, and material about World War II, the American Battle Monuments Commission, and the United States Information Agency; subject files; and memorabilia, including clippings, maps, audio tapes and sound recordsings, and scrapbooks. Also glass plate negatives, lantern slides, photographs, and negatives which cover a wide range of subjects including the American Battle Monuments Commission (1967), Brazil (1941-1942), World War II (1944), Europe (1951-1954), world leaders, entertainment and theatrical personalities, and sports. |
Language: | Majority in English, some in French, German, and Portuguese |
Repository: | Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries 222 Waverly Avenue Syracuse, NY 13244-2010 |
Cecilia "Jackie" Martin (1903-1969) was an American photographer, journalist, writer, art director, and editor.
Born Cecilia Barber Martin in Maddock, Pennsylvania, Martin's family moved to Washington, D.C. while she was still very young. Martin had two sisters (Lydia and Lilian) and a brother (Philip Jr.), with all of whom she was close throughout her life. She attended Syracuse University for one year, then took the position of sports editor for the Washington Times in 1923. During the twenties, while working for various Washington D.C. newspapers, Martin discovered her talent for photography which led to a decade-long (1930-40) career as art director, photographer and editor of the Washington Times-Herald, an around-the-clock publication. These hectic years produced an extensive photographic collection and earned Martin national recognition as a leading newspaper photographer.
In 1940 her freelance photography career took off and features were published in more than thirty major American magazines including LIFE, Collier's, LOOK, Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post, and News-Week. During this period Martin also published four books, and willingly accepted difficult assignments such as war correspondent in France and Italy during World War II, photographer for the Brazilian Air Force, and official photographer for America's first women's military unit, the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). In the 1950s Martin worked for the United States Information Agency (USIA) as chief of its 18-country photo operation for the Marshall Plan stationed in Paris. She was later responsible for organizing the USIA world-wide display of Edward Steichen's "Family of Man" exhibit. When Martin returned from Paris in the late 1950s she went to work with her brother, Philip Martin, Jr., to run Norwood Studios, a motion picture production facility that specialized in government and commercial documentaries. In 1960 she became the company's vice president.
Martin never married. She died following a long illness on December 15, 1969, and is buried in Washington's Rock Creek Cemetery.
Chronology |
1903 | Born April 1 in Braddock, Pennsylvania, to Emma and Philip Martin. Birth name is Cecilia Barber Martin. | |
1918-1921 | Attended Eastern High School, Washington D.C. | |
1921-1922 | Office clerk and editor of store magazine at Kresge's. Salesperson and window decorator for Oppenheim's Shop. | |
1922-1923 | Attended Syracuse University for 1 year (Sep 1922-Jun 1923) on a sports scholarship as a pre-law major. | |
Editorial staff of the University monthly the "Phoenix". | ||
Member of Delta Gamma Sorority. | ||
Established "Personal Service Co." to pay tuition. | ||
Assistant physical education director at Y.W.C.A. Camp in Altemont, New York. (Jun 1922-Jul 1923) | ||
1923-1926 | Women's sports editor for Washington Times. (Oct 1923-May 1926) | |
1924 | Member of Women's National Press Club. | |
1925-1926 | Society editor for Underwood & Underwood Photo News Service. Learned how to take photographs and became feature photographer also. (Jun 1925-May 1926) | |
1926 | Became member of combined photo staff for Hearst Papers, Washington Times and Washington Herald. (Sep 1926-Dec 1926) | |
1927-1928 | Auditorium manager and publicity director for Arcadia Amusement Co., Washington D.C. Coach and manager of "Arcadians" girls basketball team. (Jan 1927-May 1928) | |
1928 | Trained for 1/2 mile event for Olympics but was injured at tryouts. (Jun 1928-Aug 1928) | |
1928-1929 | Assistant society editor for Washington Herald. (Sep 1928-Mar 1929) | |
1929-1930 | Special Editions editor, feature news reporter and photographer for Washington Daily News. Assistant society editor when needed. (Mar 1929-Sep 1930) | |
1930-1932 | Feature editor and photographer for Washington Herald (Sep 1930-Nov 1932). Became picture editor also. | |
1933-1937 | Art director and picture editor for Washington Times and Washington Herald. | |
1933 | Unofficial press attache to Ruth Bryan Owen, first woman minister to a foreign land. Traveled to Copenhagen. (Apr 1933-Jun 1933) | |
1935 | Attended portrait session at Winona Lake School of Photography, Indiana. (Jun 1935-Aug 1935) | |
1935 | Member of Newspaper Womens Club. | |
1936 | Associate member of Royal Photographic Society, Great Britain. | |
1937 | Washington Times and Herald combine. Photographic and art director for new Times-Herald. | |
1937-1938 | "Jackie in Movieland" photo-interview series in Hollywood. | |
1940 | Resigned from Washington Times-Herald (Aug 4th) and began freelance career that lasted throughout the 1940's. Lectured nationally for two seasons. | |
Advertising campaign for Chrysler Corporation. | ||
1941 | Toured Brazil with Alice Rogers Hager as guests of the Brazilian government.(Jun 1941-Sep 1941) Two books published: Frontier By Air (1942), Brazil: Giant To the South (1945). | |
Received George Arents Medal, distinguished alumni award from Syracuse University (first non-graduate to do so). | ||
1941-1942 | Established the photo department for the Chicago Sun's Washington Bureau. (Nov 1941-Jun 1942) | |
1941-1943 | Associate Editor for Woman's Home Companion. (Dec 1941-Apr 1943) | |
1942 | Expert consultant to Secretary of War. First official photographer and public relations officer for the WAACs at Des Moines, Iowa. (Jul 1942-Dec 1942) Published Bars On Her Shoulders (1943) | |
1942 | First female member of the White House News Photographers Association. | |
1944 | War Correspondent in Italy and France accredited by Ladies Home Journal. (Jun 1944-Dec 1944) | |
1944-1945 | Wrote two unpublished manuscripts: "The Nurses: World War II", "Nurses In Action" ("Oh, Medic!"). | |
1946 | Feature editor and photographer for International News Photos (INP), Washington Bureau. (Jan 1946-Oct 1946) | |
Received War Department Certificate of Merit and Theater Ribbon for war correspondence. | ||
1946-1947 | Lectured with Colston Leigh Co. for 3 seasons (25 total). | |
1948-1949 | Published Washington: City of Destiny (1949) with Alice Rogers Hager. | |
1950-1956 | U.S. Foreign Service (United States Information Agency); Chief of 18-country photo operation for the Marshall Plan stationed in Paris. Editor of Marshall Plan European daily photo service. Resigned from Foreign Service (Nov 1956). | |
1955-1957 | Under USIA, planned and organized world-wide display of Edward Steichen's "Family of Man" Exhibit in Washington D.C. | |
1957-1962 | Vice president of sales and promotion for Norwood Studios in Washington D.C. | |
1957 | Established own business, "Creative Communications". | |
1961 | Received Order of the Southern Cross from Brazilian Government. | |
1963 | Editorial consultant for "The Viewer". | |
Received Delta Gamma Rose Award. | ||
1963-1964 | Communications consultant for Delta Gamma Fraternity. | |
1966 | Medal of Merit of Santos Dumont, Brazilian Air Force. | |
1967 | Last government assignment as photographer for the American Battle Monuments Commission in Europe. (Oct 1967-Nov 1967) | |
1969 | Died December 15, 1969. |
The Jackie Martin Papers is rich with American social and political history from the Great Depression to Post-World War II and contains Biographical material, Correspondece, Financial records, Projects and assignments, Subject files, Memorabilia, Photographs, and Negatives and contact prints. The collection reflects Martin's professional career but also provides an insider's view of Washington society during its heyday, a period when extravagant parties were frequent and extravagant people were plenty.
Biographical material resumes, fact sheets, and employment applications that provide a clear chronology of Jackie Martin's career. Numerous accomplishments are reflected in newspaper clippings, magazine articles, awards, citations, and recognitions. A number of diary entries (1956-1965) and undated notes were labeled by Martin as "surveillance case." Their significance is unclear other than the fact that Martin apparently believed she was being followed.
Correspondence is divided into family and general, both of which are primarily incoming. Martin had close ties with her parents, Emma and Philip Martin; an older sister, Lydia (Pugh); a younger sister, Lillian (Clements), and younger brother, Philip Jr. She lived with her parents and worked out of a basement studio in their home until 1948. General correspondence reflects the broad network of business contacts and personal friendships Martin established and maintained throughout her life. Many were people she photographed in Washington D.C. including presidents, government officials, prominent politicians, wealthy society hostesses, magazine/newspaper publishers, writers, and artists. Among those represented are President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor, President Truman and his family, J. Edgar Hoover, Clare Boothe Luce, Perle Mesta, William Randolph Hearst Jr., Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson, Marjorie Post, Evalyn, McLean, Walter Winchell, Margaret Mitchell, Margaret Bourke-White, Ollie Atkins, Roscoe Drummond, Edward Steichen, and Beaumont Newhall. Others include Army Generals, Ambassadors, Hollywood movie stars (1930s). There are also significant correspondence between Martin and Alice Rogers Hager, with whom Martin collaborated on several projects. Correspondence relating to a particular project or assignment can also be found in the "Projects and assignments" series and the "Subject files" series.
Financial series, which includes Martin's office files, contains income tax figures, receipts, insurance policies, legal documents, and government service records. Also found here is documentation relating to Martin's years with Norwood Studios and a variety of projects that she worked on during the 1960s.
Memorabilia consists of clippings, maps, organizational items, scrapbooks, amd miscellanea. Clippings are on social, political, and military topics ranging from astronauts to Vietnam; John F. Kennedy is copiously represented, from his campaign to the aftermath of his assassination).. Maps include army war maps as well as commercial Michelin maps and National Geographic publications. Organizational material mostly pertains to journalistic societies such as the American Newspaper Womsn's Club and the National Press Club; also in this section is material related to the Delta Gamma sorority including Martin's receipt of the "Rose Award," the organization's highest honor. Scrapbooks, created by Martin, reflect all aspects of her work and career; three consist entirely of her work for the Times-Herald, including "Jackie in Movieland." Miscellaneous items include a set of French prints, several index card files, three folders of "Quotes and statements to be treasured and re-read," pices of foreign currency, menus, etc.
Projects and assignments spans all Martin's major career accomplishments. This series is subdivided by category into eight subseries: American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), books, feature storiee, magazine work, newspaper work, newspaper research files, United States Information Agency (USIA), and war correspondent. Types of material within each subseries include correspondence, photographs, captions, notes, rough drafts, typescripts, clippings, and more.
The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) was Martin's final government assignment (1967), and the material in this subseries documents her trip to American cemeteries in Europe through background files, clippings, correspondence, notes, more than 350 photographs of monuments in American and Europe, transcripts of various dedication speeches, and travel records.
Books contains material relating to Bars On Her Shoulders (1943), Brazil: Giant To the South (1945), Frontier By Air (1942), and Washington: City of Destiny (1949).. Published editions of these books have been transferred to Rare Books for cataloging; please refer to the Classic Catalog to locate these items.
Features, general contains stories photographed, written, and/or researched by Martin, but lacking references to prove publication. Topics include the electron microscope, Olga kahler, the kidnapping of ten-year-old Charles Mattson in 1935, and Saudi Arabian oil Magazines contains Martin's work in the form of tearsheets, correspondence, photographs, research files, notes, etc. arranged alphabetically by magazine name and within that by article title or topic.. Subjects encompass a broad scope of the American scene, including Washington DC political and social life, World War II army nurses and the Womens Army Air Corps (WAAC), smalltown America, sports figures, and professional career women. Similarly, Newspapers contains tearsheets and research files for Martin's work published in papers such as the Washington Times-Herald, Chicago Sun, New York Daily Journal, and syndicated nationally through King Features. These too are arranged alphabetically by publication and within that by title or ropic. Included here are the series "Jackie in Movieland" which covered Hollywood stars, "Dixie's Dead End" on poverty in the American South (a collaboration with Cissy Patterson), and "The Arcadians," coverage of women's sports events at The Arcadia in Wshington DC. Closing the portion of the collection relating to Martin's magazine and newspaper work are her Newspaper research files, encompassing people, events, and topics related to, or appearing in, Martin's work. Types of material include clippings, photographs, notes, printed material, proof sheets, typescripts, and more.
The United States Information Agency (USIA) subseries documents Martin's work as chief of the 18-country photo operation for the Marshall Plan stationed in Paris, and as organizer of the USIA-sponsored world-wide tour of Edward Steichen's "Family of Man" exhibit. Types of material here include background material, correspondence, photographs, transcripts, and exhibition catalogs. There are also transcripts of several USIA-produced filmstrips relating to the Marshall Plan.
The War correspondent subseries reflects Martin's work during World War II, reporting from Europe. Contained here are scrapbooks, clippings, notes, background material, censored stories, issues of military newspapers including Stars and Stripes and Yank as well as some German publications, and travel records. There are also numerous drafts of an unpublished manuscript relating to World War II army nurses, along with notes and background reserach. Records on the medical units and U.S. 7th army in Italy and France were the basis for the manuscript and for several magazine features published in 1944-1945.
Subject files are subdivided into Presidents and leaders, and General. All presidents from Franklin Roosevelt to Richard Nixon are represented here through clippings, correspondence, and few photographs. There are also three volumes of Martin's personal scrapbook dedicated to Winston Churchill, photographed (1941-1942) and greatly admired by Martin throughout her life. General subject files represent an extensive reference system created for office use on such topics as United States government, foreign policy, diplomatic lists, communications, and Washington D.C.; some of these are noted as "Telefiles" and contain directories, lists, glossaries, charts, and so on. Scattered throughout this section are a considerable number of photographs; many of these are not Martin's work but rather items she obtained from other sources as part of her research.
Negatives and contact prints contains negatives and contact sheets for hundreds of Martin'sphotographs. Some of these items are packed for cold storage and are not open to researchers.
Photographs contains hundreds of images listed alphabetically by subject; most of the them are working photographs with compromised quality. The oversize photographs, especially those prepared for the 1986 exhibition, are of superior quality and exemplify Martin's true talents. As mentioned above, additional photographs may also be found in almost every part of the collection, particularly the "Projects and assignments" and "Subject files."
Recordings are all audio in nature. Items of particular interest include Edward Steichen speaking on the "Family of Man" exhibit; Martin and Alice R. Hager being interviewed on their war experiences; and numerous speeches and press conferences by John F. Kennedy, including during the Cuban missile crisis;
The collection is divided into nine series: Biographical material, Correspondence, Financial, Memorabilia, Projects and assignments, Subject files, Negatives and contact prints, Photographs, and Recordings. Most of the series are arranged alphabetically by name, title, or topic. Note that during the 2024 reprocessing and rehousing, material relating to "Jackie Martin: the Washington Years," a 1986 exhibition held at Syracuse University's Lowe Art Gallery, was removed from the collection and transferred to SCRC's internal/adminitrative files.
Access Restrictions:
Access to recordings requires advance notice to produce a use copy.
A few of the photographic film items are packed for cold storage and are not open for research.
The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.
Use Restrictions:
Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.
Four books featuring Jackie Martin's work ( Bars on Her Shoulders: A Story of a WAAC, Frontier By Air: Brazil Takes the Sky Road, Washington: City of Destiny, and Brazil: Giant To the South) have been removed from the collection and transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to the Classic Catalog for further details.
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965.
Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951.
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963.
Martin, Jackie, 1903-1969.
Patterson, Eleanor Medill, 1881-1948
Corporate Bodies
American Battle Monuments Commission.
Brazil. -- Fôrça Aérea Brasileira.
United States Information Agency.
United States. -- Army. -- Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.
Associated Titles
Times-herald (Washington, D.C.)
Documentary photography -- Europe.
Journalists -- United States.
Military nursing -- United States -- 20th century.
Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc.
Photographers -- United States.
Photojournalists -- United States.
Popular culture -- United States.
Presidents -- United States.
War correspondents -- 20th century.
Women journalists -- United States.
Women photographers.
World War, 1939-1945 -- Journalists.
World War, 1939-1945 -- Photography.
Brazil -- Description and travel.
Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Social life and customs.
Washington, D.C. -- History.
Washington, D.C. -- Intellectual life.
Washington, D.C. -- Social life and customs.
Genres and Forms
Clippings (information artifacts)
Contact sheets.
Drafts (document genre)
Manuscripts for publication.
Maps (documents)
Negatives (photographs)
Newspaper columns.
Phonograph records.
Research notes.
Slides (photographs)
Sound recordings.
Preferred Citation
Preferred citation for this material is as follows:
Jackie Martin Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
Biographical material
Projects and assignments
Subject files
Negatives and contact prints
Biographical material | |||||||||||
Box 1 | American Association of Photographers, Lake Winona School, Indiana Aug 1935 | ||||||||||
Box 1 | Awards and certificates | ||||||||||
Box 1 | Brazilian awards - photographs, correspondence, clippings (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Brazilian awards - Ordem Nacional do Cruzeirodo Sul (Order of the Southern Cross) | ||||||||||
Box 1 | Calendar pages Jan-Apr 1948 | ||||||||||
Box 1 | Clippings about 1920-1969 (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 1 | Clippings, Danish newspapers 1933, 1944 | ||||||||||
Oversize 4 | Eastern High School diploma 22 Jun 1921 | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Employment history | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Fact sheet on Jackie Martin | ||||||||||
Oversize 4 | George Arents Medal presentation certificate, Syracuse Universtiy | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Kent State photo course 1940 (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | Kent State photo course 1940 | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Lectures 1948, 1965, undated | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Obituaries, Jackie's, and related correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 2 | Obituaries, family | ||||||||||
Box 2 | "Surveillance diary" 1956-1967 (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 3 | "Surveillance diary" 1956-1967 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 3 | Surveillance clippings (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 3 | Surveillance, miscellaneous (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 4 | Surveillance, miscellaneous (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 4 | "A tribute to Jackie Martin," by Roscoe Drummond 20 Dec 1969 | ||||||||||
Box 4 | "Who's Who In American Women" entry 1968 | ||||||||||
Box 4 | Writings, autibiographical | ||||||||||
Box 4 | Writings, early literary efforts |
Correspondence | |||||||||||
Incoming, family | |||||||||||
Box 4 | Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Martin, Sr. 1922-1949 (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 5 | Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Martin, Sr. 1950-1954, undated (8 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 5 | Clements, Lillian ("Lallie-Joy") B. Martin and family 1926 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 5 | Clements family 1944-1949 | ||||||||||
Box 6 | Clements family 1950-1954, 1967, undated | ||||||||||
Box 6 | Martin, Philip Jr. (brother) 1922, 1937, 1949-1954, 1965-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 6 | Lydia ("Liddle-Lidder") Martin Pugh and family 1940, 1950-1954, 1967, undated (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 6 | Grahams to "Aunt Jackie" 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 6 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Outgoing, family | |||||||||||
Box 7 | JM to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Martin, Sr. 1923, 1940-1954 (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 7 | JM to Clements family 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 7 | JM to Phillip Martin, Jr. 1931-1939 | ||||||||||
Box 7 | JM to Pugh family 1952-1967 | ||||||||||
Incoming, general | |||||||||||
Box 7 | American Weekly 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 7 | Art Designers Ins. 1964 | ||||||||||
Box 7 | A, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 7 | Bourke-White, Margaret 1936-1938, 1942-1943, 1968, undated - includes photocopies of a few letters from JM | ||||||||||
Box 7 | B, miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 7 | Chambre Syndicale des Fabricants de Papiers Peints de France 1968 - letter and fine-press book with paper samples | ||||||||||
Box 7 | Christian Science Monitor 1948 | ||||||||||
Box 7 | Country Gentleman 1940-1944 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | C, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Dache, Lille 1948-1949, 1963 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Dar, Rita 1964-1965 - includes clippings | ||||||||||
Box 8 | DeBerenger, Antoinette 1964-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | DeRachat, Nicholas 1962-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Deschaseaux, Gerard and Claudia 1966-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Devers, Jacob 1944, 1947, 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Drummond, Roscoe and Charlotte 1951, 1956, 1962, 1667 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Dudley, Captain H.C. 1959-1964 - includes clippings and writings by Dudley; letters to Alex Wiley | ||||||||||
Box 8 | D, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Eastman Kodak Co. 1959-1968, 1950 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Embassies 1940-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | E, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Farrington, Betty 1958, 1968-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | F, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Grady, Lucretia 1949, 1954, 1964-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Griffin, George, Rutgers University Press 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Guggenheim Fellowship 1958-1960, 1964 - includes clippings | ||||||||||
Box 8 | G, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 8 | Hager, Alice Rogers 1941-1944 - includes "The Canvas Castle" chapter outline and proposal for "Civil Air Patrol" story (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hager, Alice Rogers 1945, 1952, 1955-1959, undated | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hearst, William Randolph and family 1935, 1950, 1958, 1963 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hobby, Oveta Culp 1952-1953, 1962-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hollywood movie stars 1937-1939 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Huf, Paul 1967 | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | Huf, Paul 1967-1969 - incldes clippings, writings | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hughes, Alice, New York Journal American 1937-1938 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Hurst, Fannie 1940, 1968 - includes clippings | ||||||||||
Box 9 | H, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 9 | International News Photos (INP) 1946-1950 - includes Arthur Levey, Leo Pollock, Sid Maunter, John W. Dienhart, Seymour Berkson (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Johnson-Thompson Co. 1966-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Julian Messner Inc. 1949, 1958, 1961-1962, 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | J, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Kennan, George 1960-1968 - writings on communism | ||||||||||
Box 9 | King Features Syndicate 1947-1952 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Knight, Tack, cartoonist 1947-1949 - clippings and illustrations | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Krock, Arthur 1966 - clippings, JM notes, copy of column | ||||||||||
Box 9 | K, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 9 | Ladies Home Journal 1943-1947, 1951 | ||||||||||
Box 9 | LeBaron, Robert and Peggy 1951, 1963-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Lee, Muna - poems by and notes about, no actual correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 10 | LOOK 1947-1949, 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Luce, Clare Boothe 1929, 1938-1943, 1946-1950, 1953-1954, 1967-1969 - clippings, correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 10 | L, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Macmillan Company 1944, 1948-1949, 1952, 1958, 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Machado, Anesia 1966, 1969 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Mademoiselle 1950-1951, 1963, 1969 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | McLean, Evalyn Walsh 1936, 1939-1941, 1944-1945, 1957-1958 - includes clippings, signed and inscribed book jacket from "Father struck it rich" | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Mesta, Perle 1952-1953 - photos | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Mexico City Times 1964 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | Mitchell, Margaret 1947, 1949 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | M, miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Newhall, Beaumont | |||||||||||
See Projects and assignments: United States Information Agency (USIA) : Correspondence | |||||||||||
Box 10 | New Year's Eve letter, "Desiderata" responses to 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 10 | New Year's Eve letter, Battle Monuments Commission, responses to 1967-1968 - includes JM's distribution list for the letter and handwritten notes (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 11 | New Year's Eve letter mailing list | ||||||||||
Box 11 | N, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 11 | O, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Parade Magazine 1949-1952, 1967-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Patterson, Eleanor "Cissy" 1925, 1934, 1938-1941, 1944, undated - includes clipping of article about her by Paul Healy with photo by JM | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Pepper, Claude and Mildred 1964-1969 - clippings, biography | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Plumb, Milton, of United States-Mexico Trade Union 1965-1968 - includes clippings, notes, printed items (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Post, Marjorie 1958, 1965-1968 - clippings, writings (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 11 | O, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 11 | P-Q, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Radio stations 1928 - sample scripts for radio show, correspondence with CBS, WABC | ||||||||||
Box 11 | R, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Steichen, Edward | |||||||||||
See Projects and assignments : United States Information Agency (USIA) : "Family of Man" exhibition : Correspondence with Edward Steichen. | |||||||||||
Box 11 | Saturday Evening Post 1940-1941, 1947 | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Syracuse Herald-Journal 1951-1952, 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 11 | Syracuse University 1924, 1936, 1950, 1967-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | S, miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 12 | This Week Magazine 1945-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | TIME 1934, 1966-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Town & Country 1940, 1945 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | T, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 12 | United States Congress 1938, 1945-1953, 1964-1965, 1969 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | United States Ggvernment, various departments 1943, 1946-1952, 1958-1962, 1967-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | U-V, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Washington newspapers 1930, 1938, 1951, 1958, 1962-1965 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | West, Mae 1938 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | White House 1941-1942, 1945, 1948, 1952-1953, 1964-1965, 1969 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | White, Thomas J. 1936-1937, 1947 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Winchell, Walter 1938, 1967-1968, undated | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Woman's Home Companion 1941-1943, 1947 | ||||||||||
Box 12 | W, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 12 | X-Y, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Zalles, Rose (Mrs. George) 1954, 1966, undated - mostly clippings and printed material, some in French | ||||||||||
Box 12 | Miscellaneous, first name only or unidentified | ||||||||||
Outgoing, general | |||||||||||
Box 12 | Hager, Alice Rogers 1944 | ||||||||||
Box 13 | International News Photos (INP) 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 13 | Miscellaneous (5 folders) |
Financial | |||||||||||
General | |||||||||||
Box 13 | Income tax figures 1942-1943 (7 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 14 | Income tax figures 1943-1947 (12 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 15 | Income tax figures 1947-1949 (11 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 16 | Income tax figures 1949-1955 (12 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 17 | Income tax figures 1956-1958 (10 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 18 | Income tax figures 1959-1962 (9 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 19 | Income tax figures 1962-1963 - photos (9 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 20 | Income tax figures 1964-1965 (8 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 21 | Income tax figures 1965-1967 (10 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Income tax figures 1967 (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 22 | American Battle Monuments Commission receipts 1967-1968 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Insurance | |||||||||||
Box 22 | Auto 1954-1955, 1964-1968 - damage, history | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Camera 1940-1946, 1950-1956, 1967-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Civil Service retirement 1962 | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Life 1925-1949, 1963, 1968 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Vitrine glass 1954-1958, 1965 - damaged in transport | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Miscellaneous 1959, 1966 | ||||||||||
Legal papers | |||||||||||
Box 22 | Automobile ownership - including car payments, title, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 22 | Contracts and business agreements, book publishers 1940-1950 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Guidance on use of photos in publications 1938-1939 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Lease of office in National Press Building 1965-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Record of U.S. Civil Service 1950, 1953, 1957, 1963-1965 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Record of U.S. Government Service 1952-1954 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Social Security information 1943, 1954, 1962-1965 | ||||||||||
Norwood Studios | |||||||||||
Box 23 | Contact and mailing list (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Correspondence, general 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Correspondence and notes on relocation of Norwood Studios 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | "Delaware" manuscript | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Distribution lists, media and others 1961-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 23 | Film project, "Fifty States of the U.S." (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 23 | "Filmed Features" clippings and ideas (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 24 | "Filmed Features" clippings and ideas (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Frank Dennis Golf Project 1961 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | History of clients and special services 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Motion picture lists 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Newsletters | |||||||||||
Box 24 | United Auto Workers "Washington Report" 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | "The Viewer" 1960-1963 - JM was editorial consultant | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Press releases 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Production record of movies 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Proposals | |||||||||||
Box 24 | AFL-CIO, Parts I, II, III 1961 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Kennedy record album | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Public Relations Institute, University of Wisconsin 1959-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Publicity and clippings 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 24 | Research brochures 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Research files | |||||||||||
Box 25 | National Trust, National Wildlife 1960-1963 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Non-theatrical films study 1960 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Ralph Robey, Women's Life Insurance 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 25 | U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1960-1963 - AFL job | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Staff fact sheets - background on Norwood Studio staff including JM | ||||||||||
Office files | |||||||||||
Box 25 | Annual Newspaper Awards 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Book publishing idea 1959 | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Christmas suggestions 1960 | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Creative Communications 1957-1959 - tele-trademark info (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 25 | Fashion show idea 1959 - rough draft | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Foreign Service Day" conference 1966 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Heartbeat of Washington" 1966-1967 - news column proposal | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Home improvement 1968 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Items to purchase 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Jackie in Movieland: Hollywood Stars" proposal 1965-1969 - book proposal, publicity, background information | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Maid 1958 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Motorcare Responsibility Policy" 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | National Press Building Library proposal 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | New business leads 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Office notes, appointment book | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Paris fiction story, Louis Folquet 1965 - correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Pay-Say" 1959-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Postal inspection request 1965-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Stories to work over | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "TELE-News Now" proposal 1963 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | "Voluntary $45 to USA" proposal 1961 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | White House Conference on International Cooperation 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 26 | Woman's Pavillion For HemisFair Exhibition 1968 - includes publicity photos, list of photos sent, correspondence (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 26 | World In Color Exhibition 1968 |
Memorabilia | |||||||||||
Clippings | |||||||||||
Box 27 | Adenauer, Konrad 1963-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Arts and entertainment 1960-1968 | ||||||||||
Oversize 38 | Astronauts 1961-1962 - including some of them with JFK | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Atlantic Charter 1942 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 10 | Atlantic Charter 1942-1943 - newspaper clippings plus large two-sided poster with full text | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Britain 1966-1967 - the Thaw, common market, Soviet Union, de Gaulle | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Concerts, music, theater 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Cuban missile crisis 1962 | ||||||||||
See also Kennedy, John F : Miscellaneous, below | |||||||||||
Box 27 | Education 1967-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Finance, business, industry 1960-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 27 | Foundations, publishers, press 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 27 | French Revolt, Degaulle 1941-1967 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 28 | French Revolt, Degaulle 1941-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Germany 1966-1967 - atomic role, Kissinger and the Thaw | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Gilbert Grosvenor, National Geographic Society | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | O Globo Rio newspaper 1966 | ||||||||||
Kennedy, John F. | |||||||||||
Oversize 38 | Campaign and election 1960 - includes Nixon, Johnson, etc. | ||||||||||
Oversize 38 | Inauguration 1961 | ||||||||||
Oversize 37 | Assassination 1963-1964 - mostly Washington Post; many full sections of papers (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 38 | Miscellaneous 1956, 1960-1967 - newspaper clippings including Cuban missile crisis, LOOK magazine articles, campaign poster, limited edition reproduction of inaugural address, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 37 | RFK assassination 1968 - includes many full sections of papers | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Martin Luther King Jr. assassination 1968 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Law 1967-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Lippman, Walter, Washington Post column 1960-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | McNamara, James 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Military insignia | ||||||||||
Box 28 | NATO signing 1949 - includes signed and stamped copy of the treaty (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | NATO signing 1949 - facsimile signed copy, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 28 | "Newspapers die, combine and are bought" 1965-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Obituaries 1960-1968 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 28 | Papal encyclicals 1960-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Papal encyclicals 1960-1969 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Programs - includes printed programs, flyers, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Riots and student revolts 1968 | ||||||||||
Oversize 37 | Roosevelt's death 1945 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Science "the brain drain" 1962-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | SHAPE-NATO 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Skiing vacation 1967 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Stationery | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Stevenson, Adlai, and Archibald Macleish 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 29 | Tonkin Bay, Robert S. McNamara 1960-1966 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Travel and interest 1960-1968 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Treasured letters and photographs - photos (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Truman Doctrine 1946-1947, 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Twenty Years after V-E Day 1964-1967 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 30 | United Nations 1960, 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | U.S.- European monetary 1960-1968 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | USSR invades Czechoslavakia 1960-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Vietnam, Asia 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Vietnam, Asia 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Washington, government 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 30 | Washington riot 1968 | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Washington riot 1968 | ||||||||||
Box 31 | "The World Changes" 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 31 | World War II: General 1940-1947, 1960-1967 (9 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 32 | World War II: General 1940-1947, 1960-1967 (10 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 33 | World War II: Germany, war crimes 1945-1946, 1966, undated | ||||||||||
Box 33 | World War II: Hitler, Mussolini 1944-1947, 1960s (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 33 | World War II: Special editions related to Nazi surrender, end of war Apr-May 1945 | ||||||||||
Box 33 | Miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Maps | |||||||||||
Army war maps | |||||||||||
Although labeled "Army," the maps appear to come from both British and American military sources. Most are headed "For use by War and Navy Department Agencies only" or "War Office"; several have been stamped by the Army Field Censor. There are also war-related maps published by civilian outlets and a few hand-drawn or hand-annoteted maps. | |||||||||||
Box 33 | Air-routes 1943-1945 | ||||||||||
Tube 2 | Europe roads 1943 - mostly France; numbered sheets 62, 66, 70, 74, 77, 81 (2 copies), 84, 100 (9 items) | ||||||||||
Tube 2 | Invasion (4 items) | ||||||||||
Four maps with hand-drawn annotations and markings, identified on the original folders
as follows:
(1) Invasion beaches, Carte no. 84, 7th Army and Fr. Commando group; (2) French forces progress map, northern and southern invasions; (3) D to D plus 30 progress map 7th Army list of assault and other troops Aug 15-Sept 14 '44 (4) France comparative routes of invasion '44 & Minx |
Tube 2 | Italy roads 1943 - numbered sheets 1-27 (27 items) | ||||||||||
Tube 2 | NEWSMAP: Industrial Edition weekly publication Feb 1945 - US military propaganda publication, with captioned photographs and text describing progress of war (1 item) | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 1 | War boundaries and military maps - includes Theater of War 1 Sep 1939 and hand-drawn diagram with assorted symbols and codes | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 2 | Afrique - French possession and colonies 1940 | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 2 | Arctique - Alaska, Asia, Greenland, Europe | ||||||||||
Tube 1 | Brazil 1939-1940 - Mapa do Brasil, Edição commemorativa do Quinto Recensamento geral do Brasil de Setembro de 1940; Mapa do estado de Goiáz 1939, inscribed to JM at upper left; Plano geral de viação férrea e fluvial do Brasil (3items) | ||||||||||
Box 33 | Brussels | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 2 | Brussels | ||||||||||
Box 33 | Denmark, England | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 2 | Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland - photos | ||||||||||
Europe, Asia, Germany [MISSING 2024] | |||||||||||
Box 33 | Europe and Near East 1949 - National Geographic index to | ||||||||||
Tube 1 | Europe and surrounding areas 1939, 1949, 1962, 1965 (4 items) | ||||||||||
National Geographic maps of Europe 1962, 1965; Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sep 1939; Europe and the Near East Jun 1949 | |||||||||||
Box 33 | European inland waterways | ||||||||||
Box 33 | Finland, France | ||||||||||
Tube 1 | France 1933, 1935?, 1940, 1948-1949, 1952 (11 items) | ||||||||||
Carte de France 1949, 1952; Carte générale de l'Indochine Française (French Indochina) 1948; Plan Blondel Paris et Banlieue, circa 1940; Plan Barème de la Ville d'Épinal, circa 1935?; British War Office map of Paris, "copied from a French plan dated 1938, photolithographed 1933," 2 copies; 3 small street maps of Paris; brochure about Chartres with map; transportation map of France (roads, railways, etc.) | |||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 3 | France,, including air routes | ||||||||||
Box 33 | France, Herald-Tribune guides for France and Italy 1952-1954 | ||||||||||
Box 33 | France, Paris, Lyons, Chartres 1943-1949 | ||||||||||
Box 33 | France, various regions - brochures (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Germany, Austria, Rhine, Belgium | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 4 | Germany, Austria, Rhine, Belgium | ||||||||||
Box 34 | The Heavens | ||||||||||
Box 99 | Michelin tourist maps - mostly France and Germany; no's 3, 19-20, 51-70, 73-74, 76-77, 80-81, 83-84, 87, 98-100, 103-104, 152, 162, 203-206, 987-989, 998-999, some have multiple editions | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Netherlands, Norway, Holland, Italy, Greece | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 5 | Netherlands, Norway, Holland, Italy, Greece | ||||||||||
Box 34 | to Pugh family cottage at Edgewater, Maryland - photos | ||||||||||
Box 34 | South America | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 6 | South America, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Switzerland | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Sweden, Turkey, Yugoslavia | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 7 | Sweden, Turkey, Yugoslavia | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Switzerland (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 8 | United States and Washington D.C. area | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 9 | World maps 1932, 1935, 1941, 1965 | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Miscellaneous maps | ||||||||||
Organizations | |||||||||||
American Newspaper Women's Club (ANWC) | |||||||||||
Box 34 | Annual membership rosters (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Newsletter "Shop Talk" | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 10 | British Red Ensign Naval Flag | ||||||||||
Box 34 | DACOR House | ||||||||||
Box 34 | Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) | ||||||||||
Delta Gamma (DG) | |||||||||||
Box 34 | Mrs. Abernethy's letter of recommendation of Jackie Martin 1964 | ||||||||||
Box 34 | "Anchora" coverage of schools | ||||||||||
Box 35 | The Anchora 1955, 1959, 1963-1968 (12 folders) | ||||||||||
Anchora exhibition | |||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Display advertisement and publicity flyer | ||||||||||
Box 35 | Display flyer - display was designed by JM | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 12 | Photo of Anchora display, mounted | ||||||||||
Oversize 5 | Roughs of panels - sketches, notes, mockups, pasted-up layouts, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Suppliers and materials | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Background material (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Clippings 1963 | ||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||
Box 36 | DG to Jackie Martin 1962-1964, 1968-1969, undated | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Interoffice 1963-1964 | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Leland Publishers 1964-1967 | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Miscellaneous 1963-1964 - outgoing, mostly to Maise and Roberta | ||||||||||
Box 36 | The DG house 1952, 1962 - booklet, typescript carbon | ||||||||||
Box 36 | National Panhellenic Conference 1958-1963 | ||||||||||
Box 36 | Pledge trainee handbook 1959, 1963 | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Report on Miss Martin's meeting with Collegiates 1963 | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Rose Award - Jackie Martin Receives Rose Award, clippings and correspondence 1962 | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Miscellaneous notes - typed, handwritten | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Miscellaneous 1960-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 37 | National Press Club (NPC) | ||||||||||
Box 37 | National Press Photographer's Association (NPPA) | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Overseas Press Club (OPC) - bulletins, correspondence (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 37 | The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain 1936 | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Theta Sigma Phi 1948 - correspondence. printed material | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Washington Newspaper Guild 1963 - correspondence, printed material | ||||||||||
Box 37 | White House News Photographers Association 1964-1969 - includes several of JM's press passes | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Womens National Democratic Club 1967 - correspondence, printed material | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Womens National Press Club 1931, 1954, 1957-1970 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Womens National Press Club (WNPC) 1928-1936 - clippings about annual stunt party, program for 1928 "annual cabaret," list of favorite songs, etc. | ||||||||||
Women's Newspaper Guild [MISSING 2024] - correspondence | |||||||||||
Possibly an error, supposed to be Washington Newspaper Guild (above) ? | |||||||||||
Scrapbooks | |||||||||||
Oversize 6 | "Arcadian" press books 1927-1928 - 12x12 hard cover, containing promotional clippings from Arcadia Auditorium | ||||||||||
Oversize 7 | "Arcadian" press books 1927-1928 - 12x12 hard cover, containing promotional clippings from Arcadia Auditorium | ||||||||||
Oversize 15 | Art notes 1917 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 8 | Biographical - 20x24 hard cover; photos of Jackie Martin and family; early photos and articles about her | ||||||||||
RESTRICTED: Extremely fragile, handle with care. | |||||||||||
Oversize 10 | Brazil 1941-1942 - two 20x24 hard cover paste-up books containing photographs, notes and correspondence for trip and books that followed | ||||||||||
Oversize 11 | Delta Gamma, Syracuse University 1923 - 11x14 hard cover scrapbook containing invitations, letters, memorabilia from college days | ||||||||||
Oversize 9 | Freelance career: the Beginning - 20x24 hard cover containing magazine tearsheets from Oct 1940 - Mar 1943; first edition of Chicago Sun in Washington; tearsheets: Roosevelt, Churchill | ||||||||||
Oversize 39 | Signed/inscribed photos, clippings, letters, etc. - first item is a photo of Eleanor "Cissy" Patterson, inscribed "To the best picture editor in the country - Eleanor Patterson May 1, 1931" | ||||||||||
Oversize 12 | Times-Herald 1925-1940 - 20x24 hard cover; Jackie Martin as sports editor; "Dixie's Dead End"; conventions | ||||||||||
Oversize 7 | Times-Herald: "Jackie in Movieland" 1937-1939 - 11x14 hard cover; autographed photos; tearsheets from Hollywood series | ||||||||||
Oversize 13 | Times-Herald 1939-1940 - 20x24 hard cover, containing tearsheets, clippings, and photos by Jackie Martin; "Gone With the Wind" party, 1940 Conventions, and arrival of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth | ||||||||||
Oversize 14 | WAAC Training, Des Moines 1942 - hard cover; contacts, articles, and documentation for Bars on Her Shoulders | ||||||||||
Oversize 16 | World War II book documentation, scrapbook, photographs - material for unpublished book about army nurses; articles, correspondence, contacts, and clippings; mounted prints signed by Jackie Martin, originally in a large trunk | ||||||||||
Oversize 17 | The United States Government - office numbers, layouts of congressional buildings, rules, laws, things to help JM while on capital hill | ||||||||||
Miscellaneous | |||||||||||
Box 37 | "Book for Frank Waldrop" notes - small notebook, appears to contain photo captions | ||||||||||
Oversize 4 | French lithograph prints - set by miscellaneous artists - reproductions of artwork by J. Anthony Buzzelli | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Government departments and agencies flip-chart pages - 12 past-up graphic sheets | ||||||||||
Box 96 | Index card file - general and alphabetical working file of contacts, addresses, memos, and telephone numbers | ||||||||||
Box 97 | Index card file - general and alphabetical working file of contacts, addresses, memos, and telephone numbers | ||||||||||
Box 98 | Index card file - general and alphabetical working file of contacts, addresses, memos, and telephone numbers | ||||||||||
Oversize 4 | "Instrument of Surrender" 1945 - oversize reproduction | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 10 | Jackie Martin and General Alexander McCarrell Patch 1944 - 12x12 autographed photo, military insignia patches, and 2 letters from General Patch mounted in 13x30 frame | ||||||||||
Newspapers - first/last editions | |||||||||||
Oversize 34 | London Times May 1966 - last edition of London Times air edition (May 2); first edition London Times with new front page (May 3) | ||||||||||
Oversize 34 | New York Times 9 Dec 1947 - late city edition, with numerous articles marked in black grease-pen | ||||||||||
Oversize 34 | New York, miscellaneous 1966 - last edition Herald-Tribune (Apr 24); first edition World Journal Tribune (Sep 12); first Paris edition (Dec 6) (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 37 | Pins, buttons, etc. - flag moved to OS under correct name, "British Red Ensign Naval Flag" | ||||||||||
Box 37 | "Quotes and statements to treasure and re-read" - clippings, printed material, handwritten, etc. (1 folder) | ||||||||||
Box 38 | "Quotes and statements to treasure and re-read" - clippings, printed material, handwritten, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 38 | Ship deck plans, SS Lberté, SS United States | ||||||||||
Oversize 18 | Stamps, brass used in making of 'cylindres d'impression' for Pan-Am/Brussels/Paris Cylinder story (3 items) | ||||||||||
Box 38 | Vikingland trip 1949 - includes clippings, correspondence, photographs, printed material, etc. (7 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 38 | World War II - foreign money, wine lists, restaurants, poems and lyrics of comfort, postcards, concert programs (French and Italian) (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Miscellany - Times-Herald original full-page embossed printing templates and several dummy layouts 1937-1940 18x22 sheets; small vacation photo album |
Projects and assignments | |||||||||||
American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) | |||||||||||
Background files | |||||||||||
Box 39 | About ABMC | ||||||||||
Box 39 | About memorials in other countries (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 39 | ABMC site booklets (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 39 | Notes and correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 39 | Clippings for General Dever's proposal | ||||||||||
Correspondence | |||||||||||
Box 39 | from ABMC 1967-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 39 | from JM 1967-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 40 | Requests for information - human interest stories | ||||||||||
Box 40 | Requests for information - impressions from visitors to cemeteries and memorials | ||||||||||
Box 40 | Research requests 1967 | ||||||||||
Box 40 | Notes | ||||||||||
Box 40 | Pan-Am Brussels (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Photographs | |||||||||||
Box 40 | American memorials and cemeteries - photos (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 40 | By location, A-N - photocopied dividers suggest these may originally have been in a scrapbook (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 41 | By location, miscellaneous - photocopied dividers suggest these may originally have been in a scrapbook | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Color slides, "Diapositives Couleur Veronese" - commercial slides with captions | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Color transparencies and slides by JM (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Contact prints - includes "report to ABMC on photo production" with count and type (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 41 | French memorials and cemeteries - Normandy, Somme, St. Mihiel, others | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Netherlands War Graves Committee 1965-1967 | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | Normandy | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Normandy | ||||||||||
Box 41 | Scrapbook, disassembled - photos | ||||||||||
Box 42 | War maps - photos (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 42 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Transcripts | |||||||||||
Box 42 | Dedication speeches 1956 | ||||||||||
Box 42 | Speeches by George Kent - Far and Above Our Poor Power and "Memorial Day" | ||||||||||
Box 42 | Travel records, JM | ||||||||||
Books | |||||||||||
Published editions | |||||||||||
The following four books were removed for cataloging 10/06 | |||||||||||
Brazil | |||||||||||
Box 42 | Background file - typed label "all types background material gathered as we went"; includes clippings, pamphlets, printed material, etc. | ||||||||||
Tube 1 | Background file, air routes in Latin America - Commercial air routes in Brazil as of April 1941; Airlines in South America Jan 1941, annotated by JM with "Our route" and a list of 8 stops; Commercial airlines in Latin America Oct 1 1943 (3 items) | ||||||||||
Brazil: Giant to the South | |||||||||||
Box 42 | Captions, notes, pulled proofs, magazine coverage 1942 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Manuscript - book foreword and captions only | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Clippings - publicity of trip and book | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Correspondence - with magazines, publishers | ||||||||||
Frontier By Air 1942 | |||||||||||
Box 43 | Photographs - possibly mislabeled (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Photo proofs | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Journals - handwritten notes (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Memorabilia - notes, receipts, calling cards | ||||||||||
Photographs | |||||||||||
Box 43 | Contact prints - some not Jackie Martin's (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 43 | Originals for Brazil books (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 44 | Originals for Brazil books (6 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 45 | Originals for Brazil books (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Originals for Brazil books (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Story of Mate 1942 - appeared in Inter-American Monthly as "Mate Empire" | ||||||||||
"Surgical Miracle in Rio" 1941 | |||||||||||
Box 46 | Manuscript and notes 1941 | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Travel receipts 1941 | ||||||||||
Washington: City of Destiny | |||||||||||
Background files | |||||||||||
Box 46 | Clippings about Washington DC | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Ephemera, booklets (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 46 | Government departments and services - Treasury, Agriculture, Mint, statements from various committees, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Government departments and services - Treasury, Agriculture, Mint, statements from various committees, etc. (1 folder) | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Government organizational charts | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Photographs from Dept. of State, National Archives | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Press releases about Washington DC 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Captions and picture script | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Correspondence 1948-1949 | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Jacket proofs and prospectus | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Manuscript - outline, bibliography, typescript carbon of book text | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Notes, handwritten | ||||||||||
Box 47 | Photographs, originals 1947-1949 - first folder includes list of captions headed "Finished photos for Washington" (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 48 | Photographs, originals 1947-1949 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Publicity - menus from Harvey's Restaurant, front is a montage of photos from the book with title and credit line | ||||||||||
Box 48 | Publicity and book reviews - Oversize contains two menus from restaurant called Washington, City of… | ||||||||||
Women's Army Air Corps (WAAC) book - published as Bars on her Shoulders | |||||||||||
Box 48 | Jacket proof, brochure with photos and captions | ||||||||||
Box 48 | Manuscript 1942-1943 - typescript carbon with corrections | ||||||||||
Features, general | |||||||||||
Box 49 | "Additional caption material" - handwritten and typed notes, clippings, press releases, printed material, lists, etc. (5 folders) | ||||||||||
"Denmark Brewery and Dairy" 1933 | |||||||||||
Box 49 | Background material | ||||||||||
Box 49 | Captions and notes | ||||||||||
Box 49 | Photographs | ||||||||||
Box 49 | "Drucie Snyder" 1949 | ||||||||||
Box 49 | "Electron Microscope" (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 49 | "Father Malof" Mar 1946-Apr 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 49 | "Fort Benning, Ga" Nov 1949 | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | "Garfinckel Cut Out Girl" - designs for a paper doll | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Gourmets" | ||||||||||
Matthew Brady story | |||||||||||
Box 50 | Clippings and notes | ||||||||||
Box 50 | Photographs | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Mattson Kidnap story" 1935-1936 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "News Photographer" typescript | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Olga Kahler story" 1941 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "President Truman at Cuban Embassy" 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Margaret Chase Smith, William Green, and Terry, for Tom Wrigley" 1947-1948 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Saudi Arabian Oil" 1948 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Suicide story" 1934-1939 | ||||||||||
Box 50 | "Women's Broadcast Convention" Jan 1948 | ||||||||||
Magazines | |||||||||||
(scope and content) Magazines are arranged alphabetically. After each titled folder are research files for individual feature assignments containing stories, photographs, captions, and notes. Research files are not available for all features. | |||||||||||
Box 50 | Lists of magazine and newspaper articles by JM - missing? | ||||||||||
Box 50 | The American - clipping | ||||||||||
Box 50 | American Weekly 1947 - Edith Sebald, Eunice Kennedy; clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Christian Science Monitor 1945-1951 | |||||||||||
Box 51 | "Blair House" 3 Jul 1948 - typescript carbons, clippings (2 folders) | ||||||||||
"The Touch of Genius" 3 Jul 1951 - Copenhagen porcelain | |||||||||||
Box 51 | Background material - postcards, photos from Danish ministry, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 51 | Photographs, JM | ||||||||||
Box 51 | Typescript and clippings | ||||||||||
Box 51 | "Tribute in Stone" 21 Jan 1950 - clippings, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 51 | Miscellaneous clippings | ||||||||||
Box 51 | Click Jun 1942 - full issue | ||||||||||
Collier's 7 Dec 1940, 12 Jun 1948 - "Mr. Ball Goes To Washington" and "Two-Party Gal" | |||||||||||
Box 51 | "Mr. Ball Goes to Washington" 7 Dec 1940 - clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 51 | "Two-Party Gal" 12 Jun 1948 - typescript, clippings, photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 51 | "Washington Playground" 13 Apr 1946 - clippings | ||||||||||
Cosmopolitan 1941-1945 | |||||||||||
Box 52 | "Modern Miracle Women: Patricia Drant" Sep 1942 - clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 52 | "Modern Miracle Women: Dr. Catherine MacFarlaine" Jun 1942 - clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 52 | "Modern Miracle Women: Esther Richards" Apr 1941 - clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 52 | "Yes Sir That's my Baby" Nov 1945 - clipping, reprint | ||||||||||
Country Gentleman 1941-1944 | |||||||||||
Box 52 | "A Bomb For Peacetime" Mar-Apr 1944 - background material, typescript, clippings (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 52 | "Dogs of War" Mar 1944 - background material, clippings, notes, typescripts (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Farmer's Favorites: Farm and Home Hour" Sep 1943 - background material, notes, cluipping, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Lots Goes On Here" Mar 1941 - Holtsville, Alabama; clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Short Course To Satisfaction" Jun 1942 - captions, notes, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "That Dam, Clara" - typescript | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Women You Should Know: Mary Anderson" Nov 1943 - background material, notes, typescripts, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Women You Should Know: Flo Hall" Aug 1943 - background material, notes, typescripts, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Women You Should Know: Anesia Machado" Sep 1943 - background material, notes, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Women You Should Know: Ruth Mitchel" Aug 1943 - clipping, typescript fragment | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Women You Should Know: Craig McGeachy" Oct 1943 - background material, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 53 | Miscellaneous typescripts | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | En Guardia 1943 - FIX TYPO | ||||||||||
Clippings | |||||||||||
Family Circle 1941-1943 | |||||||||||
Box 53 | "Capital Hostess" 29 Sep 1944 - clippings, typescript, notes, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 53 | "Hollywood Diary" 30 May 1941 - clippings | ||||||||||
Glamour 1942-1944 | |||||||||||
Box 53 | Clippings | ||||||||||
Inter-American Monthly 1942-1944 | |||||||||||
Box 53 | Clippings 1942, 1944 - five articles on Brazil, Mexico, Anesia Machado | ||||||||||
Ladies Home Journal 1941-1944 | |||||||||||
Box 54 | "All My Love" Nov 1943 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "A Hero Comes Home" Nov 1943 - Harold Loch; clippings | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "How America Lives: Army Nurses" 1944 - typescript draft of quesionnaire | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "I Owe My Career To Losing a Leg" May 1944 - Randall Koop; background material, notes, clippings, photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "Meet the Reinhold Hilles" Dec 1943 - captions, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "No Apples This Time" Jul 1944 - clippings, notes | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "Party of the Year in Washington" Jun 1941 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 54 | "Three's a Crowd" Feb 1944 - clippings | ||||||||||
Leader Magazine 1949 | |||||||||||
Box 54 | "A Knight at Washington" 26 Nov 1949 - Willmott Lewis; clippings | ||||||||||
LOOK | |||||||||||
Box 54 | "683 College Girls Visit West" 3 Jun 1941 - background material, notes, clippings, photographs (originals and duplicates); includes images of indigenous people local to Grand Canyon; cultural appropriation of indigenous ppl (Pueblo); Chief Max Bigman of the Crow Tribe (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "683 College Girls Visit West" 3 Jun 1941 - photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Army Nurses Overseas" 26 Jun 1945 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "The Cissie Patterson Ruckus" 1 Feb 1949 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Gambol of Stars" party - photographs, newspaper clipping about the event | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "The President's Boss: Bess Truman" 26 Jun 1945 - typescript, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "What Kind of Pianist is Truman?" 4 July 1950 - clipping, photo | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Why We Have a Women's Army" 22 Sep 1942 - clippings | ||||||||||
Madamoiselle 1945 | |||||||||||
Box 55 | Miscellaneous - clippings, typescript captions; articles about Army wedding in France, Nieves Fernandez | ||||||||||
McCall's 1943 | |||||||||||
Box 55 | "Ex-Servicemen Can Expect This Now" Oct 1943 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Madam Chiang" Aug 1943 - clippings | ||||||||||
Mirror 1943-1949 | |||||||||||
Box 55 | "Children's International Broadcast" 1947-1948 - photographs, notes, captions, typescripts (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | "Children's International Broadcast" 1947-1948 - "Diplomatic small fry" photograph with caption | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Glamour Pony of Youngest Set" [alternate title: "Peggy the Pony"] 28 Sep 1947 - clippings, notes, photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | "Glamour Pony of Youngest Set" [alternate title: "Peggy the Pony"] 28 Sep 1947 | ||||||||||
Oversize 5 | "Glamour Pony of Youngest Set" [alternate title: "Peggy the Pony"] 28 Sep 1947 - roughs consisting of photographs pasted onto tissue paper, caption reads "Peggy the Pony" | ||||||||||
Box 55 | "Newest Art Medium" 12 Oct 1947 - background materials, notes, typescripts, photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "Star-Spangled Salon" 23 Nov 1943 - notes, clippings, photographs; includes 2 typescripts by JM entitled "Washington society" and "Social revolution iin Washington" | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "Trophies of War" [alternate titled "Luftwaif"] - typescript; photos, both JM and official military | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | "Trophies of War" [alternate titled "Luftwaif"] | ||||||||||
Neue Auslese | |||||||||||
Box 56 | "Amerikas Gästehaus" Mar 1950 - about Blair House; clipping with letter from US Deoartment of State | ||||||||||
News-Week | |||||||||||
Box 56 | Clippings 16 Jan 1937, 29 May 1937 - Roosevelt talks to legislators; "Justice at home," Williem van Devanter | ||||||||||
Parade 1945-1950 | |||||||||||
Box 56 | "Air Route Speeds Wounded to the U.S.A." 25 Mar 1945 - clippings, notes, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "Army Dietitian" - typescript | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "Blair House" 26 Jan 1947 - photographs, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "Handsomest Prince: Carl Gustav" 12 Mar 1950 - photographs, clippings, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "The President's Desk" 22 May 1949 - clippings, notes, photos, captions, proofs | ||||||||||
Box 56 | "U.S. Women in Foreign Service" 1949 - notes, background material including photos from Bureau of Human Nutrition, copy of "Diplomatic List" | ||||||||||
Box 56 | Miscellaneous clippings 1945-1950 - assorted articles with JM's photos; topics include the military, Washington society, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Pathfinder 1946 | |||||||||||
Box 56 | "Vinson Swearing In" 17 Jul 1946 - Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson | ||||||||||
Photo-News | |||||||||||
Box 57 | "Coast-to-Coast Without Shifting" - Fluid Drive De Soto (automatic transmission); notes, expenses, captions, clippings | ||||||||||
Saturday Evening Post 1931-1956 | |||||||||||
Box 57 | "Britain's Ambassador Incognito" 25 Jan 1941 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Buyer No.1: Don Nelson" 14 Jun 1943 - clippings, photos | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Cissy is a Newspaper Lady" 6 May 1939 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Curley Byrd Gets Worm" 28 Jun 1948 - clippings, photos (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "The House That Jesse Built" 7 Dec 1940 - clippings, photos | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Minor League Matthewson" 19 Jul 1941 - clippings, photos | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "My Mother-in-Law Troubles" 17 Nov 1956 - clippings | ||||||||||
Skyways 1942-1945 | |||||||||||
Box 57 | "Mercy Takes Wings" Sep 1943 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Pick Your Plane" Oct 1945 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Salon: Ecole de l'air" - typescripts, pages with photos and captions | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Washington surrenders to Kaiser" Nov 1942 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 57 | "Women As Service Pilots" Feb 1944 - background material, clippings, photograph, notes, typescripts (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Stage 1941 | |||||||||||
Box 57 | Clippings | ||||||||||
This Week 1941-1948 | |||||||||||
Box 58 | "Are we killing our leaders?" 24 Jul 1949 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 58 | Mundt story 1948 - captions, photos | ||||||||||
Box 58 | "Nurses are Pretty" 27 May 1945 - captions, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 58 | "Soldiers and kids" 3 Jun 1945 - clippings | ||||||||||
TIME | |||||||||||
Box 58 | Evalyn McLean party 14 Mar 1949 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 58 | Gromy 16 Aug 1946 - clippings, photographs, notes, typescripts | ||||||||||
Town and Country 1942-1945 | |||||||||||
Box 58 | First aid / Red Cross story - photographs | ||||||||||
Box 58 | Nurses layout - captions | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | "Red Cross Tent" - mobilized evacuation hospital | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | Miscellaneous clippings | ||||||||||
U.S. Camera 1945 | |||||||||||
Box 58 | "Naples to the USA" - captions | ||||||||||
Vogue 1948-1949 - moved to OS | |||||||||||
Oversize 2 | [get titles] | ||||||||||
Who 1941 | |||||||||||
Box 58 | "Ladies in waiting in Washingon" May 1941 - clippings | ||||||||||
Woman's Home Companion 1941-1943 | |||||||||||
Box 58 | "The Angelic Maples" May 1942 - notes, clippings, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 58 | "Good neighbor fiesta" Sep 1941 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 58 | "Let's Go Bowling!" Apr 1943 - photographs, clippings, notes, typescript (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 59 | "Mme Chiang Kai Shek" 24 Feb 1943 - clippings, correspondence | ||||||||||
Box 59 | "Trailer Town" Jul 1942 - clippings, notes, photographs (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 59 | "Will He Get My Letter?" May 1943 - clippings, notes, typescript, correspondence, photos | ||||||||||
Box 59 | "Youth in Brazil" Mar 1942 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 59 | Miscellaneous clippings 1941-1943 - various articles using JM's photos; topics include Washington society | ||||||||||
Newspaper features | |||||||||||
Box 59 | "The Arcadians" 1927-1928 - JM's coverage of women's sports events at The Arcadia ("Washington's Madison Square Garden"); scrapbook and memorabilia (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 5 | "The Arcadians" roughs - pasted-up layouts with photographs and captions | ||||||||||
Box 59 | Arts and entertainment - programs, captions, clippings for concerts, music, theater, etc. (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | Arts and entertainment - captions and programs for music and theater, including Trudi Schoop; Cappel Concerts | ||||||||||
Chicago Sun 1941-1942 | |||||||||||
Box 60 | Clippings, - includes one from Pittsburgh Sun-Telegram; also note from JM about speaking to Japanese Embassy on Dec 7, 1941 | ||||||||||
Oversize 33 | Miscellaneous Dec 1941 - FDR signs declaration of war, photo by JM (Dec 9), tear sheets; paper's first edition (Dec 4), full issue | ||||||||||
Box 60 | New York Journal American 1946 - FBI story; clippings | ||||||||||
Box 60 | New York World Telegram "Newport's young set" 1945 - clippings | ||||||||||
"Radio stations" - moved to correspondence | |||||||||||
Box 60 | Sunday Star "Close look at WACs all-volunteer group" 30 May 1971 - clipping; photos uncredited but likely by JM | ||||||||||
Times-Herald | |||||||||||
Box 60 | American Legion Youth Forum 8 Aug 1946 - clippings, photographs, printed material (2 folders) | ||||||||||
"Dixie's Dead End" 1936-1937 - Washington Herald, story by Cissy Patterson, photos by JM | |||||||||||
Box 60 | Clippings, some from Washington Post | ||||||||||
Oversize 33 | Tear sheets, full set | ||||||||||
Box 60 | "Empty Boots" 24 Jan 1954 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 60 | "Eric: Hospital's Units Pride" 21 Jan 1945 - clippings, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 60 | First year 1939-1940 - clippings, fan mail | ||||||||||
Oversize 33 | "Hips, Hips Away!" 1938 - weight loss; story by Farol Frink, photos by JM; tear sheets, full set | ||||||||||
"Jackie in Movieland" | |||||||||||
Box 60 | Clippings Oct 1937-Mar 1939 | ||||||||||
Oversize 20 | Proof sheets | ||||||||||
Oversize 20 | Flongs (mats) for articles | ||||||||||
Oversize 21 | Flongs (mats) for articles | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 10 | Publicity - 2 negative prints of full page of paper featuring columns from Dec 7 and 13, 1957, large poster "READ JACKIE IN MOVIELAND" | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Jane Bartleman Interview 22 Feb 1940 - clippings, notes | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Music and theater 1939 - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Red Cross tent 14 Mar 1945 - clippings, proof sheets | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Society page and others 1947-1950, 1957 - clippings, proof sheets (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Last edition 17-18 Mar 1954 - clippings related to last edition of TH, first edition of Washington Post | ||||||||||
Oversize 3 | Last edition 17 Mar 1954 | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Miscellaneous stories by JM 1938-1941 - clippings; topics include society, dog show, war horse Jeanne d'Arc, etc. | ||||||||||
Oversize 33 | Miscellaneous stories using JM's photos 1932-1940, 1945 - tear sheets; topics include society, Democratic and Republican convenstions, horse show, World War II, etc. (6 folders) | ||||||||||
Washington Daily News | |||||||||||
Box 61 | Hoover Airport plane crash 3 Nov 1931 - photograph annotated "first shot of this kind I made", original and photoduplicate; teletype text of story | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Special editions edited by Jackie Martin 1929-1930 - original folder titled "Radio, Auto Show, Travel, etc" | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Washington Post "Women soldiers around the world" 30 May 1971 - clipping; photos uncredited but likely by JM | ||||||||||
Newspaper research files | |||||||||||
Box 61 | A.R. Hager, E. Johnston, W. Benton; UNESCO 23 Sep 1946 - notes, clippings | ||||||||||
Assistant Secretary of State William Benton and Czech Girl, Times-Herald [MISSING 2024] 4 Aug 1946 | |||||||||||
See Negatives and contact prints, below. | |||||||||||
Box 61 | Bendix VHF radio, Times-Herald 26 Apr 1946 - clippings, notes, photographs | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Bernard Baruch, Times-Herald 28 Jun 1946 - clippings, notes, captions | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Boys' Forum graduation, American University 9 Aug 1946 - clippings, notes, photographs, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 61 | "Bristol Freighter" Washington Airport 23 Sep 1946 - photo, printed material, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 61 | British ambassador and Lady Halifax, Times-Herald 14 May 1946 - photos, clippings, captions | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Callie [Carolyn] Shaw, social mentor, Times-Herald 9 Apr 1946 - typescript | ||||||||||
Box 61 | China benefit bazaar, Ann Archibald 1941 - clippings, notes, photos | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Chinese cardinal and Senator McCarran at Chinese Embassy, Times-Herald 9 Apr 1946 - clippings, photos | ||||||||||
Box 61 | Clare Boothe Luce, Times-Herald 7 Apr 1946 - clippings, notes, captions, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Clare Boothe Luce and amputees at Capitol, Times-Herald 1 Aug 1946 - photographs, captions | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Clare Boothe Luce's Birthday, Times-Herald 10 Apr 1946 - photos, typescript, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Doctors hospital premature triplets, Times-Herald 16 Jul 1946 - notes, proof sheets, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Edith Debecker Sebald 15 Aug 1946 - clippings, captions, notes | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Edith Nourse Rogers, Walter Reed Hospital, Times-Herald 1 May 1946 - clippings, notes, photos, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 62 | [Embassies, miscellaneous] - clippings, notes, business cards, captions for photos | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Eustis-Phillips wedding, Times-Herald 10 Oct 1949 - photographs, note from JM to "Dear Maggie" [Bourke-White?] | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Evie Roberts for Eleanor Patterson, Times-Herald 12 Sep 1946 - notes | ||||||||||
Box 62 | FBI, J. Edgar Hoover with Boy Scouts, Times-Herald 21 Apr 1946 - clippings, notes, photos, typescriptsm proof sheets, printed material (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 62 | FBI, Flo Bratton, Deputy Sheriff, Times-Herald 18 May 1946 - notes, clippings, photos, typescript, proof sheet | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Fertility clinic, Times-Herald 2 May 1946 - printed matetial, caption | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Francis Craig, "Near You," Capitol Theater 1947 - photos, captions, typescript, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 62 | Fredericksburg Dog Mart," Times-Herald 14 Oct 1939 - photographs, printed material, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 62 | General and Mamie Eisenhower, Times-Herald 21 Sep 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 63 | GI veteran, and son at American University, Times-Herald 10 Aug 1946 - photographs, captions, notes | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Greta Kempton portraits, Times-Herald 6 Feb 1949 - photos, exhibit program | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Guillermo DeBelt, Cuban ambassador, Times-Herald 2 Dec 1947 - notes, typescripts, photos | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Helen Waterhouse Back From Yugoslavia 10 Jul 1946 - clippings, photos | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Holmes-Bassett wedding, Times-Herald 28 Mar 1946 - clippings, notes, photos, captions | ||||||||||
Hoover Airport Plane Crash | |||||||||||
See Newspapers : Washington Daily News : Hoover Airport plane crash, above. | |||||||||||
Box 63 | Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Nagy, Times-Herald ' "How the Russians grabbed my government" 13 Jun 1946 - photos, clippings, notes, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 63 | James Maloney, Acting Chief of Secret Service 11 Sep 1946 - captions | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Job for David Berger - photos | ||||||||||
Box 63 | John D. Hertz receives medal from Secretary of Army Kenneth Royall 12 Oct 1947 - photos, notes, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Kenmore Association 25th Anniversary 9 May 1947 - clippings, printed material, postcards | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Miss Wnag Koh, Korean education missiong, Times-Herald 26 Apr 1946 - clippings, notes, photos, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Lady Astor at Dunbar High School, Times-Herald 9 Apr 1946 - clippings, notes | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Laurel Race Track, Times-Herald 5 Oct 1941 - photos | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Lille Dache at LeBaron Farm Cattle Show, Times-Herald 21 May 1946 - photos, captions, notes, printed material | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Lion statue and capitol, New York Daily Journal 13 Jul 1946 - photos, caption | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Louis Coun fight Statler Hotel 19 Jun 1946 - photos | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Margaret Woodhouse, Bulletin 26 Jun 1946 - "Legislator is daughter's boss"; typescript, proof sheets | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Matteo Mezzanotte and Claudia Stone, Times-Herald 4 May 1946 - Hollywood couple suicide; photos, notes, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 63 | May's Empty Chair:, King 29 Jul 1946 - combat amputees at Capitol Hill with Edith Nourse Rogers; photos, captions, notes, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 63 | [McLeab, Evalyn] 1946 - clippings, captions | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Mexican Embassy reception, Times-Herald 23 Apr 1946 - photo, captions | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Mme. Loudon: Netherlandish Embassy, Times-Herald 21 May 1946 - photos, clippings, notes, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 63 | Mme. Maria Martins 1947 - clippings, notes, printed material (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Mrs. Palmer Hoyt, Times-Herald 10 Nov 1945 - notes, clipping | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Mrs. Taft 1 Aug 1946 - captions | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Mrs. Truman at Newspaper Women's Ball, Times-Herald 24 May 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 64 | National Archives 1946-1948 - clippings, photographs, notes, captions, typescript, proof sheets, printed material (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 64 | National Women's Press Club inauguration 29 Jun 1946 - Alice Rogers Hager receives award; photo | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Navajo Indians at the Senate, Times-Herald 14 May 1946 - clippinsgs, photos | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Naval Academy June Week Festival, King Features Bulletin 5 Jun 1946 - photos, proof sheet | ||||||||||
Box 64 | New Chief Justice and Mrs. Vinson, Times-Herald 7 Jun 1946 - taken at Holmes wedding; photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Officials' wives canning food - photo, caption | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Oveta Hobby, Jonathan Daniels, Mrs. Smith at Washington editors' convention, Times-Herald 19 Apr 1946 - photos of noted editors | ||||||||||
Oversize 1 | Peace Monument, Capitol, Times-Herald 12 Jul 1946 - 2 photographs plus lengthy caption, note "editorial shot made to go with Mead investigation," and letter from JM to "Seymour" explaining her idea of the "symbolic editorial shot" | ||||||||||
Peter Masefield and Children at Airport, at Home; Embassy, Times-Herald [MISSING 2024] 3 Aug 1946 | |||||||||||
See Negatives and contact prints, below. | |||||||||||
Box 64 | President [Truman] addresses Congress re: railroad strike, Times-Herald 26 May 1946 - photos, negatives | ||||||||||
Box 64 | [President] Truman at Walter Reed 13 Sep 1946 - captions | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Reception for General Roxas, Phillipines, Times-Herald 18 May 1946 - photos, clippings, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Reception for Russian Editor, Time-Herald 27 Apr 1946 - photos, clippings, proof sheets | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Red Cross girl and 2 dogs 6 Aug 1946 - Marjorie Linder; caption | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas, King Features Bulletin 27 Jul 1946 - clippings, photos, typescript, proofs | ||||||||||
Box 64 | Saudi Arabian minister and American wife, Times-Herald 3 Aug 1946 - also material about British attache Peter Masefield; photos, captions, clippings, typescripts | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Senator Ball and family 31 Jul 1946 - photos, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Senator Brooks and Mrs. Peavey, Times-Herald 4 May 1946 - photos, clippings, caption | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Sgt. John Hoffman Soldier's Medal, Times-Herald 15 May 1946 - photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Soviet Reception Times-Herald 23 Feb 1946 - at embassy, 25th Anniversary of Red Army and Navy; clippings, captions, photos | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Spanish class at Canadian Embassy, Times-Herald 24 May 1946 - clippings, photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Stanley Reed and the Tom Clarks Times-Herald 22 Apr 1946 - photo, caption | ||||||||||
Box 65 | The Ellipse 442nd Nisei Combat Team, Times-Herald 15 Jul 1946 - Japanese-Americans honored; photos, captions, clippings, printed material | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Tyson barbeque 1945 - notes, clippngs | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Vinsons & group leave for [Kentucky] Derby, Times-Herald 2 May 1946 - photo, clippings, captions | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Warrenton Gold Cup Race, Times-Herald 5 May 1946 - photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 65 | White House British loan signed 15 Jul 1946 - clippings, photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 65 | White House Spanish class luncheon, Times-Herald 19 Apr 1946 | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Wife of General Clay packs for Germany, Times-Herald 4 Apr 1946 - photos, captions, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Winifred Stillwell, Vet's Adm., Gen Bradley's gal aide, Times-Herald 29 Apr 1946, 21 Jul 1946 - clippings, notes, photos, captions, typescripts, printed material (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Women's National Press Club 1946-1948 - Washington debut of Electroflash, annual awards dinners; photos, press releases, clippings, captions, typescript | ||||||||||
Box 65 | Miscellaneous - clippings on assorted topics including Joe Davies, Doris Duke, society weddings, etc. | ||||||||||
United States Information Agency (USIA), Federal Services | |||||||||||
Box 65 | Correspondence 1950-1956, 1961, 1966, undated (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Danish defense in Denmark and Germany 1954 - captions, invoices, mailing envelopes | ||||||||||
"Family of Man" exhibition | |||||||||||
Box 66 | Correspondence with Edward Steichen 1950-1955 | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Exhibitiion catalog 1955 - marked up with ID number next to each photo | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Photo album - exhibition in various cities including New York, Berlin, Minniapolis, Guatamala City, Paris | ||||||||||
Oversize 2 | Photo album 1955 - exhibition at Corcoran Gallery, Washington DC | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Supplies and equipment 1955-1957 - vendor catalogs for cases, lettering, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Speeches and scripts - includes numerous foreign language versions | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Miscellaneous - tv clips information, reactions of French press, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 66 | G.C. Marshall Library | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | G.C. Marshall Library | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | Hungarian Appeal 1952 - correspondence, government documents, clippings (original and photoreproductions) | ||||||||||
Marshall Plan | |||||||||||
Oversize 2 | Analysis and Coding Manual for Still Photography | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Correspondence 1964-1968 - includes letters to and about Chancellor William Tolley | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Documentation plan - how to document information operations; clippings, printed material, notes, quotes, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | Documentation plan - how to document information operations; clippings, printed material, notes, quotes, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Events leading to | ||||||||||
Box 66 | Filmstrip scripts 1-10 - 2 sets (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Filmstrip scripts 1-10 - 3 sets, 1 incomplete (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Filmstrip scripts 11-33 - some duplicates | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Filmstrip scripts 914.5, 914.36, 914.95 - Italy, Austria, Greece | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Photographs (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 19 | Miscellaneous - clippings, functional chart of the Council of Europe, NATO's relationship to Europe, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Paris photo conference SRE/MSA/USIS Nov 1952 - reports, statements, addresses, progrems, presentation to Sen. Fulbright, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Personnel fact sheets 1950-1955 - various photo branches and sections | ||||||||||
Box 67 | Ratings and recommendations for JM 1950-1956 | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Telephone directories 1960-1961 | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Travel orders and records 1950-1954 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
War correspondent | |||||||||||
Box 68 | Analysis of D-Day and southern invasion 15 Aug 1944-10 Dec 1944 - notes, lists, diagrams, clippings | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 11 | Analysis of D-Day and southern invasion 15 Aug 1944-10 Dec 1944 | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Army photo/story scrapbook - France and Italy; loose pages with attached photos and handwritten captions | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Captions for Signal Corps shots and other shots - bundles of typed captions; note on mailng envelope reads "no JM shots" | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Censored stories - typescript carbons, some stamped "passed as cut" | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Clippings related to Jackie Martin's stories 1944-1945 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 68 | Epinal 1944 - clippings, background material, miscellany | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Epinal 1944 - typescripts, notes | ||||||||||
Box 69 | France, invasion 1944 - clippings, typescripts, notes, photos, printed material, background, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Journal, notebooks - Jackie Martin's notes as war correspondent | ||||||||||
Manuscripts | |||||||||||
Working titles: "The Nurses: World War II," "The Army Nurses," "Nurses in Action," "Medic!," "Oh Medick!" "War Nurse" | |||||||||||
Box 69 | Outline, captions, draft fragments - most refer to title "Nurses in action" | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Proposal and background - notes, correspondence, color transparencies, clippings, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Statement of plan 1960s | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Correspondence 1944-1965 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 69 | Early drafts - short typescripts, less than 30 pp | ||||||||||
Box 69 | [Draft A], typescript carbon 1946 - title page "The Nurses: World War II," running header on pages "War Nurses"; 123pp plus unnumbered | ||||||||||
Box 70 | [Draft A], photocopy 1946 - 123pp plus unnumbered (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 70 | [Draft B], typescript original - title on cover is "Army Nurses," running header on pages is "War Nurse"; 153 pp (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 70 | [Draft B], typescript carbon - handwritten title and running header on pages is "War Nurse"; 153 pp | ||||||||||
Box 70 | [Draft B], photocopy - title on cover is "Army Nurse," running header on pages is "War Nurse"; 153 pp (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 70 | Army nurses, miscellaneous - notes, typescripts, clippings, printed material, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 70 | Hospitals, miscellaneous - notes, typescripts, clippings, printed material, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 71 | Illnesses and injuries, miscellaneous - notes, typescripts, clippings, printed material, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 71 | Photographs | ||||||||||
Box 71 | Statistical material on nurses in service | ||||||||||
Box 71 | Background material, unused - notes, typescripts, clippings, printed material, etc. (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 72 | Background material, unused - notes, typescripts, clippings, printed material, etc. (6 folders) | ||||||||||
Map-Case , Folder 11 | Map of nurses stationed around the world during World War II [?] - red dots on the world map indicate stations | ||||||||||
Box 72 | Clippings, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 72 | Printed material, miscellaneous - includes issues of Army Nurse and Army Life (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 72 | Miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 72 | Naples, Italy 1944 - typescripts, clippings | ||||||||||
Box 72 | 93rd Evacuation Hospital 1944 - typescripts, Army communiques, clippings, notes, poem "Panorama of Italy" | ||||||||||
Newspapers - military and otherwise | |||||||||||
Oversize 35 | Stars and Stripes 1944-1945 - approximately 100 issues | ||||||||||
Oversize 36 | Yank Jul 1944-Jul 1945 - approximately 100 issues; mostly British edition, some Continential edition | ||||||||||
Oversize 35 | Miscellaneous French 1940 - L'Illustration, 1 issue | ||||||||||
Oversize 36 | Miscellaneous German 1941 - Der Adler, 1 issue; Die Wehrmacht, 2 issues; handwritten notes on cover indicate JM purchased them in Brazil | ||||||||||
Oversize 35 | Miscellaneous UK and Canada 1944 - Crusader, 1 issue; Daily Mirror, 1 issue; Daily Sketch, 2 issues; The Maple Leaf, 2 issues; Union Jack, 2 issues | ||||||||||
Box 73 | Travel records 1944-1945 - passport, travel authorizations, orders, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 73 | US General Patch assignment - captions, photos | ||||||||||
Women in diplomatic service 1947 | |||||||||||
See U.S. Women in Foreign Service, above. | |||||||||||
Box 73 | War correspondent decorations and awards - lists of, invitations to, letter to JM about hers | ||||||||||
Box 73 | Miscellaneous - notes, unidentified photos, Army communications, clippings, etc. (4 folders) |
Subject files | |||||||||||
Presidents and leaders | |||||||||||
Bradley, Omar, General | |||||||||||
Box 73 | Speeches 1949-1955 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Churchill, Winston | |||||||||||
Volumes 1-3 were originally scrapbooks. They have been disassembled and foldered. | |||||||||||
Box 73 | Volume 1 - photo assignment in Ottawa for the Chicago Sun | ||||||||||
Box 74 | Volume 1 cont. - photo assignment in Ottawa for the Chicago Sun (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 74 | Volume 2 "A Night To Remember: New Year's Eve With Winston Churchill" 1942 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 74 | Volume 3 "A Private Memorial To a Great Man" (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 74 | Original scrapbook clippings | ||||||||||
Box 74 | "The War Memoirs of Winston Churchill" - clippings from LIFE magazine (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 75 | Clippings, miscellaneous (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 75 | Manuscript, "New Year's Eve" 1942 - typescript original and carbon, goes with Volume 2 above | ||||||||||
Eisenhower, Dwight | |||||||||||
Box 75 | Clippings 1945, 1958, 1965 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 75 | Correspondence to JM 1965-1968 | ||||||||||
Box 75 | "Eagles cite Eisenhower for leadership in peace" 21 Oct 1947 - draft of copy by Murray Martin, photographs by JM | ||||||||||
Box 75 | with General Joe Collins PAR #2542 - photos, captions | ||||||||||
Box 75 | Inauguration; "State of the Union" address 1952, 1958 - photos | ||||||||||
Johnson, Lyndon B. | |||||||||||
Box 75 | Clippings 1965-1968 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Convention in Atlantic City; "The Great Society" 1964 - clippings, photo (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Speeches 1967-1968 - state of the union, commencement | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Return to Texas, Nixon's inauguration 1969 | ||||||||||
Kennedy, John F. | |||||||||||
See also Recordings, below, which contains numerous JFK speeches. | |||||||||||
Box 76 | Clippings 1960-1969 - speeches, including JFK acceptance speech and RFK convention speech; Kennedy's record and achievements;eulogy, etc. (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Cuban missile crisis 1962 - radio address, text of message from Khrushchev | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Kennedy-Nixon campaign 1960 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Women leaders 1963 - list of those JFK invited to White House | ||||||||||
Box 76 | Miscellaneous - bibliography; brochure from JFK Library | ||||||||||
Kennedy, Robert F. | |||||||||||
See also Recordings, below, which contains several RFK speeches. | |||||||||||
Box 76 | Clippings 1967-1969 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Miscellaneous - text of speech, campaign literature and poster, press photo | ||||||||||
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor | |||||||||||
Box 77 | Clippings 1941, 1945-1946, 1959, 1962-1967, 1982 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Correspondence to JM 1937-1955 | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Miscellaneous - press photo, letters from National Archives re Roosevelt material, booklets/brochures about Eleanor, etc. | ||||||||||
Truman, Harry | |||||||||||
Box 77 | Clippings 1982, 1946-1949 - material may have been originally in a scrapbook | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Correspondence to JM 1945-1965 | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Program for concert by Margaret Truman 1947 | ||||||||||
General | |||||||||||
Box 77 | Advertising Club 1947-1948 - prophecies for 2004; also includes novella by Robert Spencer Carr, "Morning Star," published in Saturday Evening Post, 6 Dec 1947, about space travel to Venus | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Business directories "Telefile" [book 1] - atomic energy, aviation, electronics, labor unions, missile and rocket | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Business directories "Telefile" [book 2] - national trade associations, state/city chambers of commerce, 500 largest US industrial corporations, international advertising agencies and their clients (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Chandor, Douglas - photos and negatives | ||||||||||
Box 77 | Communications media "Telefile" - background material about the project, correspondence, clippings, film producers and distributors (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Communications media "Telefile" (cont.) - press, periodicals, radio, tv, copy of UN publication "World Communications," miscellaneous (3 folders) | ||||||||||
See also Financial records : Office files : "TELE-News Now" proposal. | |||||||||||
Box 78 | Communism - clippings | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Computers - brochures, product literature, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Diplomatic lists 1958, 1965-1968 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Electronics - security system, 2-way radios | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Flea markets, "Vive la Flea Market" by Madeline Rose - column in "News from TWA"; photos, captions, copy | ||||||||||
Box 78 | Foreign countries "Telefile" - A.G. Report on Foreign Agents Registration Act; communication facilities and foreign trade guide; directory of foreign mMedia (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 79 | Foreign countries "Telefile" (cont.) - Pan American Union directories, US Dept of Commerce publications, miscellaneous (8 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 79 | Foreign policy and aid 1960-1968 - mostly clippings, some brochures and booklets (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 80 | Foreign Service Institute 1962 | ||||||||||
Box 80 | Health insurance - product literature for AARP, travelers, [Dacor?], Congressional testimony | ||||||||||
Box 80 | Hungary 1956-1957 - 2 magazine issues about the country post-revolution | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International Labor Organization, Lee Stanley - clippings, ILO publications (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International organizations in which the United States government participates and contributes, book 1 - section 1, bilateral organizations, and section 2, multilateral organizations | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International organizations in which the United States government participates and contributes, book 2 - section 2, multilateral organizations cont. | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International organizations, research material for book 1 | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International organizations, research material for book 2 (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 80 | International Women's Day, Brussels 9 Mar 1952 - clippings, press releases/speeches | ||||||||||
Box 81 | "Invasion Remembered: 1954" - photographs, documentation (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 81 | Labor "Telefile" - unions, officials and information officers, publications and editors (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 81 | Longues sur Mer - pages with photos and captions; typed title page reads "Longues sur Mer, Calvados, France, receives the Croix de Guerre for the heroic role it played in the Allied invastion of nothern France, June 6 1944" | ||||||||||
Box 81 | Newspaper layout sheets - dummies of photo assignment sheets | ||||||||||
Box 81 | Photographic prices, equipment, information - cameras, lenses, processing, printing, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Photographic prices, equipment, information - cameras, lenses, processing, printing, etc. (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Poland - clippings, brochures, booklets, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Potomac River Power Squadrons, William Pugh 1944 - photos, correspondence, printed material, "Pocket Pylorus" issues by Texaco | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Reading Dynamics Institute | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Rio Grande Estates 1961-1963 - property in Belen, New Mexico | ||||||||||
Box 82 | Telephone directories 1958, 1960, 1964-1965 - mostly US government, e.g. NASA, Senate, House, Dept of Commerce, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Travel information - Pennsylvania Dutch Expo, Chesapeake Bay, Montreal, etc. | ||||||||||
United States government | |||||||||||
See also Financial records : Office files : "TELE-News Now" proposal. | |||||||||||
Box 83 | Army and Navy - lists of major installations and activities | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Executive branch "Telefile" Book 1 | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Executive branch "Telefile" Book 2 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Independent agencies (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Judicial branch | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Legislative branch, overview | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Legislative branch, House of Representatives - includes telephone directory | ||||||||||
Box 83 | Legislative branch, Senate - includes telephone directory | ||||||||||
Box 84 | Publications price lists - catalogs from various agencies, with titles and prices for ordering | ||||||||||
Washington D.C. | |||||||||||
Box 84 | Museums and galleries (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 84 | National landmarks (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 84 | National parks | ||||||||||
Box 84 | Organizations - directories, rosters, lists, etc.; includes list of "subversive organizations" published by House Un-American Affairs Committee (1957) (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 85 | Organizations (cont.) - directories, rosters, lists, etc.; includes list of "subversive organizations" published by House Un-American Affairs Committee (1957) | ||||||||||
Box 85 | Universities and colleges |
Negatives and contact prints | |||||||||||
Box 85 | Lists, incomplete - mix of typed and handwritten, creator(s) unknown | ||||||||||
[Remainder of this series TBD, pending return from NEDCC] |
Photographs | |||||||||||
Box 86 | Image descriptinos - notes, typed and handwritten captions, lists of names, original glassine envelopes with typed information, etc.; these were originally filed with negatives, information has been captured and added to descriptions of the appropriate items (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Biographical - photos of JM at home, at work, with family, etc., arranged roughly chronologically | |||||||||||
Box 86 | Early years, family (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 86 | American Photographer's Association School, Winona, Indiana 1935 - photos taken by JM (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 86 | at Syracuse University 1926, 1941 | ||||||||||
Box 86 | at Democratic National Convention, Chicago [1940?] | ||||||||||
Box 86 | in Brazil 1941-1942 | ||||||||||
Box 86 | with Hollywood movie stars 1937-1939 | ||||||||||
Box 86 | with Times-Herald staff 1931-1941 | ||||||||||
Box 86 | Times-Herald photo album | ||||||||||
Box 86 | as WAAC photographer and war correspondent 1942, 1944 | ||||||||||
Box 86 | Paris 1950-1956 - people, scenes, buildings, JM's apartment interior (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Paris 1950-1956 - JM's apartment exterior | ||||||||||
Box 87 | with famous people and others (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | with famous people and others | ||||||||||
Box 87 | from album - last folder includes clippings and a few other items of memorabilia (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Portraits, formal | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Portraits, formal | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Portraits, candid - at work, at events, etc. (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Ankara Apr 1953 | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Austria 1952 | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Bloom, Sol birthday party | ||||||||||
Box 87 | Brisbane, Arthur, and Walter Howey Dec 1936 | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Brisbane, Arthur, and Walter Howey Dec 1936 | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Justice Byrnes; funeral 5 Jun 1936 | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Justice Byrnes; funeral 5 Jun 1936 | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Chinese at Mrs. Archibald's 1941 | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Church; Times-Herald Christmas picture | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Circus 1938 | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Civilian Air [Map] Center | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Commandos d'Afrique, Africa; Paris Aug 1944, Dec 1967 - including Colonel Georges-Régis Bouvet | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | Conventions 1936, 1940 - Democratic National Convention, last Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) parade (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 88 | D.C. Melody concert-theater | ||||||||||
Oversize 30 | D.C. Melody concert-theater (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 31 | D.C. Melody concert-theater (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 31 | DeBelt, G. [Belt, Guillermo], Cuban Ambassador 1947 | ||||||||||
Box 88 | "Dewey's shots of Vesuvius" | ||||||||||
Box 88 | "Dixie's Dead End"' 1936-1937 | ||||||||||
Oversize 31 | "Dixie's Dead End"' 1936-1937 - matted photos | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | "Dixie's Dead End"' 1936-1937 - loose photos | ||||||||||
Oversize 26 | Entertainment: stage, theater, musicians, concerts - 16x20, some matted and mounted | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Fashion | ||||||||||
Box 88 | First trans-Atlantic air flight 14 May 1947 | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Flikke, Julia 1941 - nurse, head of US Army Nurse Corps (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Frink, Carol | ||||||||||
Box 88 | Gold Plate Breakfast 1944 | ||||||||||
Box 88 | "Gone With the Wind" premiere in Atlanta 1939 | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Gromyko, Andrei Dec 1947 - Soviet politician and diplomat | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Gustav, Carl, Prince of Sweden 1950 | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Harriman, Daisy with Maxine Davis | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Harrison, Patrick, party | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Hindenburg burning, early air shots 1909 | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Hollywood 1937-1939 | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Hollywood 1937-1939 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Hollywood, "Jackie in Movieland" 1937-1938 (4 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Hoover, J. Edgar, at convention 1940? | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Hopkins, Harry | ||||||||||
Oversize 32 | Horse races | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Hungarian president's wife | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Lord Ismay [Hastings Lionel Ismay, 1st Baron Ismay], with Generals [Alfred] Gruenther and [Matthew Bunker] Ridgeway | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Istanbul Apr 1953 | ||||||||||
Box 89 | Kahler, Olga [Mrs. Woodland] 1941 - includes some with her pets | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Kahler, Olga [Mrs. Woodland] 1941 - includes some with her pets | ||||||||||
Box 90 | King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 1937-1939 - coronation, visits to Parliament, Ottawa, United States (8 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | King George VI and FDR | ||||||||||
Box 90 | Lee, Gypsy Rose 1937-1938 | ||||||||||
Box 90 | Lewis, Sir Wilmott and Lady Lewis; Lord Lothian | ||||||||||
Box 90 | Luce, Clare Boothe 1940-1950 | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Luce, Clare Boothe 1940-1950 | ||||||||||
Marshall Plan | |||||||||||
Box 90 | "Dutch Filmstrips no.8 and no.9" 1953 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 91 | Kitzbeuhler Horn ski resort 1964-1965 - includes letter from JM noting that the material "illustrate[s] one facet of the way in which the Austrian ECA-USIS local operation and the European reagional [sic] organization, under my direction, worked together" | ||||||||||
Oversize 25 | "Photo Branch SRE" - photo agency in Paris of the Economic Cooperation Administration, the operating agency for the Marshall Plan; JM was chief of the Photo Branch from 1950-1955 | ||||||||||
Oversize 29 | "Photo reproduction of Exhibition prepared for European Regional Photo Conference, Hotel Tailerand, Rue St. Florentin, Paris; September, 1952" - mounted photo charts, 20x26" | ||||||||||
Box 91 | McLean party 1944-1948? - "one of the last held at Old Friendship" (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 91 | Men's Press Club lunch at Statler for Churchill - contact strips | ||||||||||
Box 91 | Nassau vacation Dec 1938-Jan 1939 | ||||||||||
Box 91 | Nelson, Donald, Saturday Evening Post Jun 1943 | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Newsroom - night shot of busy unidentified newsroom, possibly Times-Herald | ||||||||||
Box 91 | Nichols, Nell 1942 | ||||||||||
Box 92 | Pan American Fiesta, Woman's Home Companion (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 92 | Paris 1951 | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Paris 1951 | ||||||||||
Box 92 | Paris, Marshall Plan years 1950-1954 (5 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Patterson, Cissy 1931-1941 - parties at 15 DuPont Circle; includes some with William Randolph Hearst | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Patterson, Cissy 1931-1941 - parties at 15 DuPont Circle | ||||||||||
Oversize 5 | Patterson, Cissy, and William Randolph Hearst - matted, signed and inscribed to "Jackie my pal, E.P." | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Post, Marjorie - contact prints | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Perkins, Milo | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Reader editors trip, Crown Collier's | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Rehabilitation hospital | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Roosevelt, Alice Longworth | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor | ||||||||||
Oversize 23 | Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Eleanor | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | San Simeon, Hearst Mansion, Ca | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Scenery, beaches, St. Ives (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Scenes from airplane: Brazil, Tennesee, etc. | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Sports, miscellaneous | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Steichen, Edward 1953-1955 | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Times-Herald staff - Eleanor Patterson, William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davies, at San Simeon and elsewhere (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Times-Herald staff - Eleanor Patterson, William Randolph Hearst, Marion Davies, at San Simeon and elsewhere | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Town & Country room opening at Mayflower Mar 1948 - captions only for #1, #3, #12 | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Townsend, Natalie and Lawrence - includes full-page article about her from unidentified publication | ||||||||||
Box 93 | Truman, Harry S. and family | ||||||||||
Box 94 | U.S. Navy | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Warrenton wedding | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Washington landmarks | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Washington landmarks | ||||||||||
Oversize 4 | Washington: politics and society - matted and mounted photos of Clare Boothe Luce, William Randolph Hearst, Cissy and Joe Patterson Bernard Baruch, conventions, landmarks | ||||||||||
Oversize 27 | Washington: politics and society - matted and mounted photos of Clare Boothe Luce, William Randolph Hearst, Cissy and Joe Patterson Bernard Baruch, conventions, landmarks | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Washington society - social and political figures | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Washington society - social and political figures | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Washington, DC trial blackout 14 Mar 1942 | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Watson, General Edwin M. and Frances Nash | ||||||||||
Box 94 | "Weekly" Sep 1969 | ||||||||||
Oversize 22 | Women of Congress | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Wood-Stevens, Dr. | ||||||||||
Box 94 | Woods-Hollingworth wedding 1948 | ||||||||||
World War II | |||||||||||
Box 94 | Army Nurses 1944 - mounted photos | ||||||||||
Box 94 | "Enlargements from Dody McKee's negatives" - Army nurses, campsites, ships | ||||||||||
Box 94 | France/Italy 1944 (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Box 95 | France/Italy 1944 | ||||||||||
Oversize 22 | France/Italy 1944 | ||||||||||
Box 95 | Italy/Paris, enlargements (3 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 24 | Italy/Paris, enlargements - wounded soldiers | ||||||||||
Box 95 | Miscellaneous - includes notes, paperwork (2 folders) | ||||||||||
Oversize 28 | Various feature and news photos - some matted and mounted | ||||||||||
Box 95 | Miscellaneous contacts and negatives - originally in a 3-ring binder, removed and sleeved | ||||||||||
Box 95 | Miscellaneous prints - people, landscapes, etc. | ||||||||||
Box 95 | Miscellaneous slides and transparencies - most appear to be Paris |
Recordings | |||||||||||
Box 101 | Captain Steichen on the “Family of Man” 11 Jul 1955 - Edward Steichen, exhibit curator, speaking at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_002) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Family of Man Package (Special Events) 4 Oct 1955 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_017) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Get More from Your Kenmore [copy 1] undated - promotional disc featuring Jean Shaw, Home Economics Laboratory (Flexi Disc) (ID#: martin_cj_022) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Get More from Your Kenmore [copy 2] undated - promotional disc featuring Jean Shaw, Home Economics Laboratory (Flexi Disc) (ID#: martin_cj_023) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Gwen Sherman interviews Alice R. Hager (C.B.I. Theater of War) & Jackie Martin (M.T.O. and E.T.O.) on their war experiences 1945 (1/4 inch audio tape; running time 21:39) (ID#: martin_cj_014) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Inauguration Ceremonies [Kennedy/Johnson] 20 Jan 1961 - VP and president swearing in, "Let us begin..." speech by JFK; includes related clippings (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_008) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Interview with Alice Rogers Hager and Jackie Martin [1945] (Audio cassette; running time 60:00) (ID#: martin_cj_018) | ||||||||||
Typed label on item reads: Interview conducted by Lynn Sherman, Washington DC: / Alice Rogers Hager, Skyways Magazine, and / Jackie Martin, war correspondent for various magazines / accounts of general and hair-raising experiences during the war. / loud hum, etc. at beginning, lasts about 1 minutes . date n/a | |||||||||||
Box 101 | JFK: May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963, Vol. I "A Profile of Courage." - narrated by Barry Gray, edited by Richard Sloan (Vinyl record) (ID#: martin_cj_003) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | John F. Kennedy Acceptance Speech 16 Jul 1960 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_007) | ||||||||||
Kennedy's acceptance speech at the 1960 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles, CA. Attached to the inside of the box lid are 2 "Norwood disc" labels. One reads"Side 1: Senator John F. Kennedy - New Frontiers for America" and the other reads "Side 2: Separation of Church and State." Whether this describes the content of the tape is unknown. | |||||||||||
Box 100 | [John F. Kennedy acceptance speech, edited] 16 Jul 1960 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_011) | ||||||||||
Note on front of box reads: "Edited tape from which two short recordings were made of Sen. John F. Kenned's Acceptable speech at L.A. July 16, 1960. Editorial editing and overall direction by Jackie Martin. Tape editing by Ed Green, Edgewood Recording." Note on back of box reads: "11-3-60 Office copy of record given to Mrs. Joseph E. Casey, (Connie). President Woman's National Democratic Club. Mrs. Casey will return record but was interested in taking it to Mass. & N. H. for meetings and coffee hours with the Democratic women. Upon her return to D. C. she will visit Norwood and discuss a plan she has in mind with JM. cjh" | |||||||||||
Box 101 | John F. Kennedy: A Memorial Album: Inauguration January 20, 1961 (Vinyl record) (ID#: martin_cj_004) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | John F. Kennedy: The Presidential Years: 1960-63 [copy 1] (Vinyl record) (ID#: martin_cj_001) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | John F. Kennedy: The Presidential Years: 1960-63 [copy 2] (Vinyl record) (ID#: martin_cj_024) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | President John F. Kennedy addresses graduating class at American University, Wash. D.C. on the Cold War 11 Jun 1963 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_009) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | President Kennedy's Cuba speech 22 Oct 1963 - Cuban missile crisis (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_010) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Remarks of Robert F. Kennedy at Democratic National Convention at Atlantic City August 27, 1964 - label reads: "... and when he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars". (Lacquer disc) (ID#: martin_cj_020) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Robert Kennedy's address to Democratic National Convention, excerpted parts 27 Aug 1964 - speech about his brother John F. Kennedy, given at the convention held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_016) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Robert Kennedy's speech at Democratic Convention, Atlantic City 27 Aug 1964 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_015) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Robt. Kennedy is buried at St. Patrick's NYC; Ted Kennedy eulogy 8 Jun 1968 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_013) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Russ Morgan "Does your Heart Beat for Me" - promotional disc (Vinyl record) (ID#: martin_cj_021) | ||||||||||
Box 100 | Senator John F. Kennedy press conference, "I am ready!" speech. NBC 4 Jul 1960 - note on box (presumably by JM) reads: This was probably in answer to many things, but I believe that it was meant mainly as an answer to President Truman. (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: martin_cj_012) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | The new frontier speech, Senator John F. Kennedy, speaker (excerpt) 07/15/1960 - speech at Democratic National Convention, Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles, CA (Lacquer disc) (ID#: martin_cj_019) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Wagner: Die Walküre, Act III, Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor, Curt Schiffeler, vocal, sides 1 and 2 undated (Lacquer disc) (ID#: martin_cj_005) | ||||||||||
Box 101 | Wagner: Die Walküre, Act III, Philadelphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, conductor, Curt Schiffeler, vocal, sides 3 and 4 undated (Lacquer disc) (ID#: martin_cj_006) |