Collection inventory

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Gerrit Smith Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874.
Title: Gerrit Smith Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1762-1962
Quantity: 130.0 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the social reformer and philanthropist from Peterboro, New York. Business, family and general correspondence; business and land records; writings; and maps. Notable correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, John Jacob Astor, Henry Ward Beecher, Antoinette Blackwell, Caleb Calkins, Lydia Maria Child, Cassius Clay, Alfred Conkling, Roscoe Conkling, Charles A. Dana, Paulina W. Davis, Edward C. Delavan, Frederick Douglass, Albert G. Finney, Sarah Grimke, Elizabeth Cady and Henry B. Stanton, Louis Tappan, Sojourner Truth, and Theodore Weld.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

Gerrit Smith (1797-1874) was an American social reformer, abolitionist, politician, and philanthropist. Born in Utica, New York, he spent much of his life in nearby Peterboro. Smith's grandfather, Colonel James Livingston, fought in the American Revolution and his first cousin, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was a founder and leader of the women's suffrage movement. Smith was non-sectarian in his religious views, active in the temperance movement, an avid and outspoken abolitionist (he was a financial backer of John Brown of Kansas, whose raid on Harper's Ferry nearly led to Smith's prosecution), and three times ran for President of the United States. His philanthropic gifts are said to have exceeded $8 million over his lifetime. Although he rarely ventured far afield from his central New York village, and spent less than two years in elected public office, his biographer Ralph Volney Harrow says, "He and a few others like him furnished the oratory, the written propaganda, and the emotional fervor necessary to keep good causes constantly before the public" (Harlow, Ralph Volney, Gerrit Smith, Philanthropist and Reformer, New York, Henry Holt and Co., 1939, p.v.)

Gerrit Smith was born at Utica, New York, 1797, one of the six children of Peter and Elizabeth Livingston Smith. Peter was a successful businessman, a partner of John Jacob Astor in the fur trade, and owner of vast estates in New York State. These included 20,000 acres in the Mohawk Valley and a continuous tract of more than 60,000 acres in northern Madison County. In 1806 when Gerrit was nine years old, Peter moved his family to his Madison County preserves and named the village he established there Peterboro.

Gerrit entered Hamilton College in 1814 and graduated as valedictorian in 1818. In January of the following year he married Wealtha Ann Backus, daughter of Hamilton's president. Wealtha Ann died seven months after the wedding, and in 1822, Gerrit married Ann Carroll Fitzhugh of Rochester, New York. There were four children of this union: Elizabeth, born September 20, 1822; Fitzhugh, born October 18, 1824 and died July 1836; Ann, born July 7, 1830 and died April 1835; and Green, born April 14, 1842.

In 1818 Gerrit purchased 18,000 acres of land in Oneida County. The following year his father Peter turned over responsibility for the management of all his property to Gerrit and Gerrit's uncle, Daniel Cady. Gerrit moved into the "mansion house" in Peterboro, thus at age twenty-one assuming responsibility not only for the extensive lands in central New York, but also as "patron" for the village of Peterboro. By 1823 value of his purchase in Oneida County had increased and he took his first step in philanthropy, never ceasing from then until his death to provide funds generously for public causes, particularly those he considered "moral."

When Peter Smith died in 1837, he held some 556,000 acres of land in 43 counties of New York State. His will directed that the property should be sold and the proceeds divided among his son Peter Skenandoah, the children of his daughter Cornelia, and Gerrit. Gerrit gained the consent of the other heirs to maintain the property and bought out their shares for cash.

Gerrit Smith was something of a hypochondriac and imagined himself ill for most of his life. However, according to Harlow, "In the course of his life he had printed approximately two hundred circular letters, speeches, and pamphlets, dealing with the various questions, political, social, and theological, in which he happened to be interested. Then he kept a close oversight of his voluminous correspondence, both general and business, as the numerous notes and endorsements in his own hand show. He also wrote out drafts of replies for his clerks to copy. His land books carried about fifteen, hundred separate accounts, which ran on year after year. All these were in addition to the numerous transactions in which he bought or sold land for cash. Much of the routine work in connection with these accounts was done by his clerks, but Smith was always an observant employer.' (Harlow, pp.33, 35)

In addition to his land interests, in the 1830s Gerrit Smith was a director of the Utica branch of the Bank of the United States, held a franchise for the mail stage between Utica and Peterboro, and owned considerable stock in the Hudson and Mohawk Railroad, forerunner of the New York Central, During the 1840s, he helped to reorganize the Commercial Bank of Oswego and to promote the Syracuse and Oswego Railroad. One of his early ventures in business had been the purchase of 91 of the total 100 shares in the Oswego Canal Company, which proved to be one of his most profitable business investments, and during the 1840s, he also worked actively to prevent discriminatory rates on the Canal. Before he was fifty, then, he was a landholder of large estates, ¡r businessman, and a citizen of reputation as one ready to espouse business and commercial enterprises of public concern.

The record indicates, however, that Gerrit Smith's most significant contributions to his era were his efforts in the causes of social and moral reform. He used his powers of oratory and his ability to write on controversial issues on behalf of anti-slavery, anti-tobacco, and anti- Masonic movements; temperance, women's rights; religion; education; and international peace. His gifts to these causes were divided roughly into three categories: speaking, writing both for publication and privately, and providing funds.

One of Gerrit Smith's earliest concerns was religion, and he claimed its precepts as the basis of his reform efforts throughout his life. He was involved in the work of the American Bible Society, the American Tract Society, the American Sunday School Union, and the American Home Missionary Society. After he became interested in abolition, he thought Protestant denominationalism was wrong because he believed the churches, as organizations, were not taking a "sufficient" stand against slavery. He was instrumental in forming non-denominational churches in Oswego and Peterboro.

Perhaps the first significant reform movement espoused by Smith was that of temperance. He was a member of the New York Temperance Society and spoke at its first annual meeting in January 1830, to the effect that alcohol was responsible for most of the crime and poverty in the world. He established a "temperance hotel" in Peterboro, where no liquor was sold or consumed, and had an interest in similar hostelries in Oswego and Utica. In 1833, he attended the National Temperance Convention of the American Temperance Society in Philadelphia, where he spoke at meetings, introduced resolutions, and wrote circular letters. He attacked with his oratory distilleries in Cazenovia and Eton, neighbors of Peterboro, and apparently "cleaned up" Peterboro, which "went dry" in 1846, following passage of the New York option law on the licensing of liquor sales.

As Smith's reputation as both reformer and philanthropist grew' he was besieged by founders of societies and organizations devoted to one or another of the social reforms, both for funds and for the support of his name. He either became a member of, wrote circular letters for, provided funds to--or all three--societies fighting the use of tobacco, vegetarian groups, societies to save the souls of canal workers, supporters of sexual purity' the American Peace Society, the Seamen's Friends Society, and organizations devoted to limiting the control of the federal government over canals, railroads' schools, and internal improvements. He supported women's rights movements, including Amelia Bloomer's drive for reform in women's dress, and responded with speeches, funds, and letters to requests for help from feminists Lucy Stone; Susan B. Anthony; his cousin, Elizabeth Cady Stanton; and his own wife and daughter Elizabeth, both of whom became active in the women's rights movement.

In December 1831, Benjamin Lundy, the Quaker publisher of the journal The Genius of Emancipation, visited Gerrit Smith in Peterboro, the first of many abolitionists to be entertained there over the ensuing years. For about four years, Smith remained more of an observer than active supporter of the more militant anti-slavery groups, but by the mid-thirties he had become an avowed abolitionist. He attended the convention in Utica In 1835 where the New York State Anti-Slavery Society was born, and from that time to the Civil War and beyond, he was a committed and articulate member of the country's anti- slavery forces. The Utica meeting was broken up by a mob of anti- abolitionists and Smith was appointed chairman of a committee to decide on the place and time of the next meeting; it reconvened in Peterboro the next day.

Gerrit Smith was elected president of the New York State Anti-Slavery Society in 1836, and began publication of approximately fifty essays on slavery printed in the form of circular letters. By the decade of the 1830s he also was helping slaves to escape and sheltering them at Peterboro before sending them on, usually to Canada. In some cases, he bought slaves and set them free.

The Liberty Party was born in Albany, New York, on April 1, 1840, on the basis of pledges by its members not to support pro-slavery candidates for office. Although he refused the party's nomination as a gubernatorial candidate in 1842, Gerrit Smith spoke at conventions, wrote his circular letters, gave his financial support, and seems to have had considerable influence in the party. He was nominated as a presidential candidate in 1848 by the National Liberty Party, the Liberty League, and the Industrial Congress. In New York State, Smith polled 2,545 votes out of more than 500,000, the moderate abolitionists of the state giving 120,510 votes to Martin Van Buren.

Combining his interests in land reform and in free labor as opposed to slavery, Gerrit Smith gave parcels of his lands, the greater part in the Adirondacks, to thousands of poor white and black families to give them a start as farmers. He also granted lands to 196 white families in Madison County, with an additional thousand grants going to other inhabitants of New York State.

In 1853 Gerrit Smith was elected to Congress, representing the 22nd New York District of Oswego and Madison counties. He was supported by anti- slavery Whigs, Democrats, Free Democrats, and other abolitionists. While an incumbent, he strongly advocated temperance, abolition, and peace, and fought the Kansas-Nebraska-Bill. But he resigned his seat in August 1854, giving as his reason "the pressure of my too extensive private business.

Gerrit Smith was caught up in the Kansas Aid movement, becoming its leader in Madison County and pledging more than $3000 to help pour anti-slavery settlers from the North into the-territory in order to secure a free state. He was active in supporting the "free soilers" of Kansas in their sometimes bloody battles with the Missouri slave-holders, who were determined to make Kansas a slave state.

John Brown had been a leader for free soil in Kansas, but by 1857 the Kansas troubles had lessened, and Brown turned his thoughts to an attack on Virginia and the colonization of free-soilers there. He traveled about from place to place seeking funds, and arrived in Peterboro in February 1858' where he discussed his plans with Gerrit Smith and others. Documents indicate that Smith understood perfectly what John Brown had in mind and that it would involve violence. The attack on Harper's Ferry began on 0ctober 16, 1859. Brown was captured; charged with conspiracy, murder and treason; found guilty; sentenced; and hanged in early December.

During this period, the New York Herald printed documents disclosing Smith's connection with John Brown and his plot, and accused Smith of being an accessory. Smith's fear and anxiety over the possible effects of his involvement resulted in a nervous breakdown. Five days after John Brown was sentenced, Gerrit Smith was taken to the New York State Lunatic Asylum in Utica, where he remained for about two months before he was returned to Peterboro. He consistently denied any more than the most superficial knowledge of Brown's plans and activities and brought libel suits against those who published attacks on him. However, he settled out of court in preference to having his close connection with John Brown publicized through the documents held by his accusers.

For a year after his breakdown, Smith withdrew from public life and lived in retirement; he then resumed his activities in defense of the slaves. He ran for the United States presidency on an abolitionist ticket in 1861 but, while voting for himself, supported Lincoln and gave the administration his full approval once the Civil War had begun. Although he sometimes criticized Lincoln's attitude toward slavery, he made speeches and wrote public letters upholding the government. He advocated Negro suffrage but was in favor of making literacy a prerequisite of the ballot. He advocated bail for Jefferson Davis and, with Horace Greeley and Cornelius Vanderbilt, signed Davis' bail bond.

Gerrit Smith emerged from the Civil War a Republican. By the 1870's he had become active in the party and a supporter of business enterprise. At age 75, he was a delegate to the National Republican convention in Philadelphia, and even supported Ulysses S. Grant in spite of Grant's indulgence in liquor and Smith's abhorrence of alcohol In his late years, Gerrit Smith continued to contribute funds liberally to any cause he thought worthwhile. He spent freely for his own village of Peterboro, providing for flagstone walks, swamp drainage, and the building of roads. He reopened the Peterboro Academy, providing a site for it in the village as well as a salary budget and free tuition for needy students. He gave money to Cornell University, Hampton Institute, Howard University, Alfred University, and finally, in the last year of his life, $10,000 to his alma mater, Hamilton College, although for many years he had disapproved of its policies and refused to have anything to do with it except to criticize.

Gerrit Smith died suddenly on December 28, 1874, in New York City, where he had gone to spend Christmas with his nephew, John Cochrane. He was buried in Peterboro. The New York Times of December 29 commented: "The history of the most important half century of our national life will be imperfectly written if it fails to place Gerrit Smith in the front rank of the men whose influence was most felt in the accomplishment of its results without official participation in politics, beyond a single session in Congress, he was active and powerful in forming the public sentiment that controlled politicians."

[Biography taken from the Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the Gerrit Smith Papers, Microfilming Corporation of America, 1974.]

A genealogy of the Smith family is available here (if online) or at the end of this finding aid (if in hard copy).

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Gerrit Smith Papers contain business, family and general correspondence (1795-1897); business and land records (1775-1910); writings (1820-1924); miscellaneous files, and maps (1790-1827). Bound volumes have been numbered for ease of location. Oversize bound volumes are shelved separately at the end of the collection.

Correspondence is subdivided as follows:

  • Incoming: Box 1-40, 1819-1892
  • Outgoing: Box 41-42, 1815-1874
  • Business: Box 43-63, 1809-1889, undated
  • Family: Box 63-74, 1795-1897

Incoming correspondence, box 1-40, 1819-1892: This subseries, consisting of letters, notes and other material sent to Gerrit Smith during his lifetime and to survivors following his death, reflects Smith's concerns with and influence on political events and reforms of the day. Notable correspondents include Susan B. Anthony, John Jacob Astor, Henry Ward Beecher, Antoinette Blackwell, Caleb Calkins, Lydia Maria Child, Cassius Clay, Alfred Conkling, Roscoe Conkling, Charles A. Dana, Paulina W. Davis, Edward C. Delavan, Frederick Douglass, Albert G. Finney, Sarah Grimke, Elizabeth Cady and Henry B. Stanton, Louis Tappan, Sojourner Truth, and Theodore Weld. Other correspondents include Charles G. Finney, Abby Kelley Foster, Henry H. Garnet, William Lloyd Garrison, Horace Greeley, Beriah Green, Hinton R. Helper, Julia Ward Howe, S.G. Howe, DeWitt C. Littlejohn, Horace Mann, Samuel J. May, John H. Noyes, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, John Pierpont, Parker Pillsbury, Charles B. Ray, Henry R. Schoolcraft, Mary H. Schoolcraft, W.H. Seward, Elizabeth Smith, James M. Smith, Lucy Stone, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Charles Sumner, Theodore Tilton, Martin Van Buren, Jacob Van Vechten, Thurlow Weed, Andrew D. White, John Greenleaf Whittier, and Victoria C. Woodhull.

Other letters contain appeals for money and assistance for living expenses, or the lending of the Smith name for other reforms. The inventory below lists major correspondents as well as those of lesser national importance but of long-term and/or copious correspondence.

Outgoing correspondence, box 41-42, 1815-1874, and oversize letter books: The oversize letter books cover part of the same period as the loose letters. Some of the letters are in Smith's hand, others in that of various secretaries, responding to some of the letters cited above.

Business correspondence, box 43-63, 1809-1899, and undated: This subseries contains both incoming letters and outgoing drafts. Topics of especial interest are Smith's financial dealings and the movement of lands owned in New York and other states.

Family correspondence, box 63-74, 1795-1807: This subseries includes incoming and outgoing correspondence of the members of the Smith family as well as cousins and relatives by marriage. Families represented include Backus, Cady, Cochrane, Fitzhugh, Livingston, Miller, and Smith.

Business and land files are subdivided as follows:

  • Financial documents: box 75-98, 1802-1903
  • Land documents: box 98-111, 1775-1910
  • Legal documents: box 112-144, 1793-1882
  • Subject files: box 145-147, 1801-1873

Financial documents, box 75-98, 1802-1903: This includes the debts, daily expenses, household and traveling expenses of Gerrit Smith, his relatives and business associates. Categories include, among others: charity, household, family, Oswego Hotel, Oswego Pier and Dock Co., estate of Peter Smith, bank account books, bills and receipts, cash books, cancelled checks and check stubs, income taxes and insurance policies.

Land documents, box 98-111, 1775-1910, supply detailed information on the purchase, rent or sale of Smith's land holdings. This includes descriptions of land and acreage, information on New York State tax sales, surveyors' records and New York State treasurer's receipts.

Legal documents, box 112-144, 1793-1882: This consists predominantly of agreements for land purchases. Also included are Cabel Calkins' legal files; deeds and indentures; papers relating to lawsuits; and a few wills and estate papers of family members.

Subject files, box 145-147, 1801-1873: This final subseries under "Business and land files" contains a number of records related to small Smith enterprises or interests, such as the Canastota and Morrisville Plank Road, gifts of land and money to blacks and poor whites, Oneida Turnpike Co., Oswego Canal Co., Peterboro Glass Co., and miscellaneous land interests.

Writings by and about Smith, boxes 147, [148-149 no longer exist], 150, 1832-1878 and undated: Aside from an autobiographical fragment and some of Smith's verse, the bulk of this section consists of printed letters, sermons and discourses. These are addressed to both friends and opponents of various reform movements, such as abolition, temperance and women's rights. Smith also published commentaries on and subject he thought to be of public interest. The majority of these writing have been removed from the collection and transferred to Rare Books for cataloging, such that boxes 148 and 149 no longer exist. Many of these items have also been digitized and are available online. Please see "Related Material" and "Other Formats Available" below for more information.

Writings of others are generally handwritten, although published broadsides are also present. The dominant subject is slavery.

Miscellaneous files, box 150-155, 1813-1962: A collection of handwritten and printed material, correspondence, legal records and clippings, falling into a number of interesting categories, yet with little depth in any area. Here will be found materials on the aftermath of Harper's Ferry, the Church of Peterboro, Peterboro Academy (also Evans Academy), Children's Home, Lunatic Asylum at Utica, the Jerry Rescue, reconstruction, and obituaries and printed portraits of Smith.

For a listing of Maps, see separate cartobibliography. (WARNING: This file is quite large and may take some time to download/open.)

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Arrangement of the Collection

Incoming correspondence and family correspondence are arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Outgoing correspondence and business correspondence are is arranged chronologically, by year and month. Business and land files are subdivided into financial, land, legal and subject files; within these, material is arranged alphabetically by type. Writings are subdivided by type; many have been removed from the collection (see Related Material below).

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Some original documents are restricted for preservation purposes. Photocopies have been made and placed in the appropriate locations in the collection. Researchers are encouraged to use the microfilm version of the collection if at all possible.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

More than 400 of Smith's writings on the subjects of abolitionism, suffrage, transportation, and the postal system have been removed from the collection and transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search and search on "Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874" as author for a complete listing and detailed descriptions.

The entire collection is also available on microfilm (Microfilm #3998). In addition, many of Smith's writings, comprising several hundred letters, pamphlets, broadsides, speeches and so on, have been digitized and are available online through the Gerrit Smith Pamphlets and Broadsides Collection.

For additional material related to Gerrit Smith, see the Gerrit Smith Collection and the Gerrit Smith Pamphlets and Broadsides Collection.

Special Collections Research Center has the papers of many members of the Smith family. See also the Gerrit Smith Miller Papers, the Peter Smith Papers, and the Greene Smith Papers.

The Madison County Historical Society (435 Main Street, Oneida, N. Y., 13421, has family correspondence, manuscripts, documents, published writings of and publications on Gerrit Smith, along with Smith family paintings, furniture etc. covering a period of over 100 years.

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Subject Headings


Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906.
Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848.
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887.
Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown, 1825-1921.
Calkins, Caleb.
Child, Lydia Maria, 1802-1880.
Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903.
Conkling, Alfred, 1789-1874.
Conkling, Roscoe, 1829-1888.
Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson), 1819-1897.
Davis, Paulina W., 1813-1876.
Delavan, Edward C. (Edward Cornelius), 1793-1871.
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895.
Finney, Charles G., 1792-1875.
Foster, Abby Kelley, 1811-1887.
Garnet, Henry Highland, 1815-1882.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879.
Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872.
Green, Beriah, 1795-1874.
Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879.
Grimké, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873.
Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829-1909.
Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910.
Howe, S. G. (Samuel Gridley), 1801-1876.
Littlejohn, De Witt Clinton, 1818-1892.
Mann, Horace, 1796-1859.
May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871.
Noyes, John Humphrey, 1811-1886.
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894.
Pierpont, John, 1785-1866.
Pillsbury, Parker, 1809-1898.
Ray, Charles B.
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864.
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, Mrs.
Seward, William H. (William Henry), 1801-1872.
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince, 1806-1893.
Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874.
Smith, James McCune, 1813-1865.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902.
Stanton, Henry B. (Henry Brewster), 1805-1887.
Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896.
Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874.
Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873.
Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907.
Truth, Sojourner, 1799-1883.
Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862.
Van Vechten, Jacob, 1788-1871.
Weed, Thurlow, 1797-1882.
Weld, Theodore Dwight, 1803-1895.
White, Andrew Dickson, 1832-1918.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892.
Woodhull, Victoria C. (Victoria Claflin), 1838-1927.

Corporate Bodies

Liberty Party (Madison County, N.Y.)
Liberty Party (U.S. : 1840-1848)


Abolitionists -- United States.
Antislavery movements -- United States.
Social reformers -- United States.
Women -- Suffrage -- United States.


Madison County (N.Y.) -- History.
New York (State) -- History -- 1775-1865.
Peterboro (N.Y.) -- History.
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865.

Genres and Forms

Bank statements.
Bonds (negotiable instruments)
Broadsides (notices)
Check stubs.
Estate records.
Judicial records.
Land registers.
Land surveys.
Maps (documents)
Warrant books.


Social reformers.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Gerrit Smith Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Gerrit Smith Miller, 1928.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: [Summit record]
Date: Feb 1996
Revision history: 1 Dec 2009 - description converted to EAD (MRC); 9 Aug 2011 - full inventory converted to EAD (MRC); 5 Oct 2011 - title corrected (MRC); 18 Sep 2012 - box 42 date corrected (MRC); 24 Aug 2015 - correction to Garnet dates, box 20 (MRC); 9 May 2016 - updated related material (MRC); 29 Nov 2017 - links corrected (MRC); 12 Jan 2018 - marriage date corrected (MRC); 11 Mar 2022 - corrected date on "To the members of the Liberty Party" in Box 147 (MRC); 9 Jan 2025 - spelling correction in inventory (DTF)

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Note on alternate formats:

The entire collection is also available on microfilm (Microfilm #3998). In addition, many of Smith's writings, comprising several hundred letters, pamphlets, broadsides, speeches and so on, have been digitized and are available online through the Gerrit Smith Pamphlets and Broadsides Collection.

General Correspondence
Box 1 Aaron – Abell 1835-1873
Box 1 Adams, A. – W. 1820-1874
Box 1 Addington – Alden 1836-1874
Box 1 Alderman – Alford 1854-1870
Box 1 AIlen, A. – K. 1844-1874
Box 1 Allen, M. – W 1839-1873
Box 1 Allibone – Alston 1862-1874
Box 1 Ambush – Ames 1843-1873
Box 1 Anderman – Angel 1839-1873
Box 1 Anthony, Susan Brownell 1855-1892 (19 letters)
Box 1 Applegate – Armstrong 1848-1874
Box 1 Arnold – Ashley 1846-1873
Box 1 Astor, John Jacob 1829-1843 (78 items)
See also Astor, William B. for later letters from the Astors
Box 1 Astor, William B. 1843-1862 (91 items)
See also Astor, John Jacob. For Astor letters addressed to Peter Smith, see the Peter Smith Papers.
Box 1 Atkins – Averill 1838-1871
Box 1 Avery – Ayrault 1826-1874
Box 2 Babbitt – Backus 1837-1874
Box 2 Bacon, A. – W. 1835-1874
Box 2 Badger – Bailey 1835-1873
Box 2 Bailey, A. – F. (Rev.) 1870-1874
Box 2 Bailey, Gamaliel 1838-1859
Box 2 Bailey, W.H. 1866-1873
Box 2 Bailey, William Shreve 1859-1866
Box 2 Baird – Baker 1847-1868
Box 2 Balcom – Bales 1835-1874
Box 2 Ball – Bannister 1834-1874
Box 2 Baptiste – Bardwell 1841-1873
Box 2 Barker – Barlow 1824-1874
Box 2 Barnard – Barnes 1845-1874
Box 2 Barnes, Albert 1835-1870
Box 2 Barnett – Barns 1825-1874
Box 2 Barns, Lemon 1858-1865 - includes letters to Gerrit Smith from other correspondents
Box 2 Barotti, Bartlett 1823-1874
Box 2 Bassett – Bassford 1860-1872
Box 2 Bates, A. – M. 1835-1874
Box 2 Bateson – Bayley 1840-1874
Box 3 Beach – Beaumond 1819-1872
Box 3 Becker, A. – N. 1831-1874
Box 3 Beckwith, George C. 1849-1869
Box 3 Beege – Beecher 1839-1855
Box 3 Beecher, Henry Ward 1866-1873 (3 items)
Box 3 Beekman, Thomas 1819-1862 (21 items)
Box 3 Beekman – Beeson 1854-1874
Box 3 Belden – Bell 1860-1874
Box 3 Bellows – Benedict 1839-1873
Box 3 Bennett – Betker 1845-1873
Box 3 Bibb – Bigelow 1824-1874
Box 3 Binga – Birdseye 1841-1874
Box 3 Birdseye, Ezekiel 1841-1846
Box 3 Birney, A. – M. 1871
Box 3 Birney, David B. and M. Antoinette 1848-1874 (3 letters)
Box 3 Birney, Elizabeth P. (Fitzhugh) 1850-1867 (7 letters)
Box 3 Birney, James 1846-1871 (2 folders)
Box 3 Birney, James Gillespie 1839-1857
Box 3 Birney, William 1843-1870 (10 letters)
Box 3 Bishop – Bissell 1828-1874
Box 3 Bissell, G. – W. 1859-1881 (2 folders)
Box 4 Black – Blackman 1835-1870
Box 4 Blackwell, Antoinette and Louisa Brown 1851-1869 (9 letters)
Box 4 Blackwell, Henry 8. 1870 (1 item)
Box 4 Blair – Blanchard 1847-1874
Box 4 Blanchard, Jonathan 1840-1874
Box 4 Bland – Bleecker 1835-1874
Box 4 Bliss – Bloomfield 1840-1873
Box 4 Bloomfield, Joseph E. 1856-1869 (3 folders)
Box 4 Bloomfield, Julia 1858-1873
Box 4 Bogart – Bond 1859-1874
Box 4 Bonham – Booth 1852-1873
Box 4 Borrlen – Borra 1837-1874
Box 4 Bovee, Marvin H. 1859-1874 (3 folders)
Box 4 Bowe – Boyd 1845-1874
Box 4 Boyden – Boynton 1848-1874
Box 4 Brace – Bradburn 1859-1874
Box 4 Bradburn, George 1845-1873, undated (2 folders)
Box 5 Bradford, A. – V. 1837-1874
Box 5 Bradish – Brayton 1838-1874
Box 5 Breckinridge – Brewster 1834-1874
Box 5 Bridge – Brittan 1843-1874
Box 5 Brockett – Bronson 1840-1874
Box 5 Bronson, Alvin 1853-1870
Box 5 Brooke – Brotherson 1847-1874
Box 5 Brown, A. – E. 1844-1872
Box 5 Brown, F. – L. 1850-1872
Box 5 Brown, M. – Z. 1831-1874
Box 5 Brown, John (Rev.) (not of Harper's Ferry) 1823-1864
Box 5 Brown, William Wells 1862-1873 (3 letters)
Box 5 Browne – Brownson 1834-1873
Box 5 Bruce – Bryant 1828-1874
Box 5 Buchanan, Joseph Rhodes 1848-1869
Box 5 Buchanan – Buffum 1836-1872
Box 5 Buffum, Arnold 1835-1840
Box 5 Bugbee – Bunner 1831-1874
Box 5 Bunner, Catharine C. 1861-1871
Box 5 Bunner, ElÍzabeth 1841-1869
Box 5 Burchard – Burke 1830-1874
Box 5 Burleigh – Burns 1837-1874
Box 5 Burnside, Ambrose 1865
Box 5 Burr – Burns 1849-1859
Box 5 Burrit, Elihu 1846-1872 (14 letters and 3 items of non-correspondence)
Box 5 Burroughs – Bushnell 1841-1869
Box 5 Butler – Byrdsall 1830-1874
Box 6 Cabell – Cadwallader 1859-1873
Box 6 Cady – Caldwell 1841-1874
Box 6 Calhoun, James Edward 1862-1867 (3 letters)
Box 6 Calkins, Caleb 1838-1892, undated
Box 6 Calkins, L.G. – Camp 1837-1873
Box 6 Campbell, A. – M. 1837-1874
Box 6 Candee – Cardozo 1838-1871
Box 6 Carey, Matthew 1832-1833 (6 letters)
Box 6 Carmalt – Carrington 1827-1874
Box 6 Carroll, Anna Ella 1854-1874
Box 6 Carroll, A. – M. 1828-1874
Box 6 Carskaddan – Castle 1845-1874
Box 6 Catlin, C. – O. 1819-1869
Box 6 Caufman – Cauley 1852-1869
Box 6 Chaffee – Chandler 1837-1874
Box 6 Chandler, Joseph Ripley 1833-1861 (4 letters)
Box 6 Channing, William Ellery 1839-1841 (4 letters)
Box 6 Channing – Chaplin 1837-1871
Box 6 Chapman, B. – W. 1839-1874, undated
Box 6 Chase, Salmon P. 1842-1846, undated (5 letters)
Box 6 Chase – Chavis 1837-1871
Box 6 Cheever, George Barrell 1836-1870 (8 letters)
Box 6 Cheever, Henry 1859-1872 (2 folders)
Box 6 Cherry – Cheyney 1851-1874
Box 7 Chichester – Child 1859-1869
Box 7 Child, David Lee 1838-1852
Box 7 Child, Lydia Maria 1836-1872
Box 7 Childs – Churen 1837-1869
Box 7 Churchill – Clapp
Box 7 Clark, B. – W.
Box 7 Clark, James G.
Box 7 Clark, Myron Holley 1870
Box 7 Clarke, A. – W.
Box 7 Clarke, James Freeman
Box 7 Clarkson, Thomas 1840-1845
Box 7 Clarkson – Clay
Box 7 Clay, Cassius Marcellus 1844-1872
Box 7 Clay, Lucretia Hart (Mrs. Henry) 1831
Box 7 Cleanland – Clews
Box 7 Clinton – Clubb
Box 7 Coates – Codding
Box 7 Codding, Ichabod 1862-1863
Box 7 Codner – Coffin
Box 7 Coffin, Levi 1861
Box 7 Coffin, N.W. 1863-1864
Box 7 Cogswell – Coleman
Box 7 Colfax, Schuyler 1868-1869
Box 7 Collar – Colton
Box 7 Combs – Conger
Box 7 Conkling, Alfred 1867-1873 (51 letters)
Box 7 Conkling, Frederick 1862 (1 letter)
Box 7 Conkling, Roscoe 1864-1874 (13 letters)
Box 7 Connell – Cook
Box 8 Cooke – Cooper
Box 8 Copeland – Cornell
Box 8 Cornell, Alonzo B. 1872
Box 8 Corner – Coye
Box 8 Craig – Crandall
Box 8 Crandall L.S. 1870-1874
Box 8 Crane – Crawford
Box 8 Crenshaw – Crittenden
Box 8 Crocker – Crooks
Box 8 Cropsey – Crozier
Box 8 Crummell – Cummings
Box 8 Cunningham – Cushing
Box 8 Cushman – Cuyler
Box 8 Dall – Dana
Box 8 Dana, Charles A. 1859-1873
Box 8 Dana, Federal 1831-1870 (15 letters)
Box 8 Danforth – Davidson
Box 8 Davis, A. – S.
Box 8 Davis, Paulina Wright 1851-1871
Box 8 Davis, Thomas T. 1855-1863
Box 8 Dawes – Dayton
Box 9 Dawson, Mary A. 1849-1874 (4 folders)
Box 9 Day – Dayton
Box 9 Dealy – Delavan
Box 9 Delavan, Edward C. 1832-1870 (6 folders)
Box 9 Delcoetz – Devine
Box 9 Deuyer, Thomas Ainge 1856-1874 (2 folders)
Box 9 Dewey – Deyo
Box 9 Dibbie – Dix
Box 9 Dix, Dorothea 1857 (1 letter)
Box 9 Dixon – Dixwell
Box 9 Doane – Dorrance
Box 10 Dorrance, D.G. 1840-1859 (20 folders)
Box 11 Dorrance, D.G. 1860-1876 (4 folders)
Box 11 Dorwin – Doty
Box 11 Doubleday, Ammi 1845-1861 (3 folders)
Box 11 Dougall – Douglass
Box 11 Douglass, Frederick 1849-1874 (7 folders)
Box 11 Dow – Doxtater
Box 11 Drake – Drummond
Box 11 Dudley – Duer
Box 11 Duffin – Dutton
Box 11 Duval, W.O.
Box 11 Dwight – Dye
Box 12 Earle – Eaton
Box 12 Eaton, George
Box 12 Echols – Edwards
Edwards, John B.
Box 12 1831-1845 (13 folders)
Box 13 1846-1851 (12 folders)
Box 14 1852-1857 (12 folders)
Box 15 1858-1862 (12 folders)
Box 16 1863-1869 (12 folders)
Box 17 1870-1874 (10 folders)
Box 17 Edwards, Justin 1833-1851
Box 17 Egbert – Eldridge
Box 17 Ellinson – Ely
Box 17 Enos – Etson
Box 17 Evans – Everson
Box 18 Fabrick – Fairbanks
Box 18 Fairchild – Farnsworth
Box 18 Farquhar – Fay
Box 18 Fee, John Gregg 1850-1874 (2 folders)
Box 18 Feeser – Fessenden
Box 18 Field – Fillmore
Box 18 Finch – Finney
Box 18 Finney, Charles Grandison 1839-1855
Box 18 Fish, William H. 1854-1874
Box 18 Fish – Fisher
Box 18 Fisk – Fitler
Box 18 Fitzhugh – Fitzsimmons
Box 18 Flack – Flournoy
Box 18 Fogg – Foote
Box 18 Forbes – Foster
Box 18 Foster, Abigail Kelly 1843-1869
Box 18 Fourney – Fowler
Box 18 Fowler, Loring 1839-1873
Box 18 Fowlkes – Fox
Box 18 Francis – Fraser
Box 18 Frederick – Freeman
Box 18 Fremont, John C. 1861
Box 18 French – Fritts
Box 18 Frone – Frothingham
Box 18 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks
Box 18 Fry – Fuller, Hannah
Box 19 Fuller, Henry 1838-1867 (8 folders)
Box 19 Fuller, James – Furness 1839-1874
Box 19 Gag – Gan 1827-1874
Box 19 Gar – Ger 1837-1874
Box 19 Gib – Gil 1824-1868
Box 19 Gilb – Gill 1845-1871
Box 19 Gille – Gla 1859-1874
Box 19 Gle – Gol 1835-1874
Box 19 Gon – Goo 1855-1873
Box 19 Good – Gor 1855-1870
Box 19 Gos – Grac 1835-1873
Box 20 Grah – Grang 1821-1872
Box 20 Grant – Grav 1826-1874
Box 20 Gray, A. – Gray, M. 1837-1874
Box 20 Greely – Green, N. 1845-1871
Box 20 Green, S. – Grid 1835-1874
Box 20 Grif – Groso 1842-1872
Box 20 Gross – Gum 1852-1872
Box 20 Gantt, Thomas T. 1852-1871
Box 20 Garnet, Henry Highland 1836-1873 (13 items)
Box 20 Garrison, William Lloyd 1861-1870 (3 items)
Box 20 Gates, Seth M. 1839-1872 (2 folders)
Giddings, Joshua R.
Box 20 to Seth M. Gates 1842-1848
Box 20 to Gerrit Smith 1846-1870 (30 items)
Box 20 Gold, Theodore 1823-1832
Box 20 Goodel, William 1831-1872 (36 items)
Box 20 Grant, Ulysses Simpson 1872 (2 items, secretarial)
Box 20 Greeley, Horace 1852-1872 (21 items)
Green, Beriah
Box 20 1834-Aug 1838 (2 folders)
Box 21 Sep 1838-1872 (12 folders)
Box 21 Green, Johnathan S. 1857-1860
Box 21 Griffiths, Julia Crafts circa 1850-1869 (18 items)
Grimke, Angelina
See Weld, Angelina Grimke (Box 38)
Box 21 Grimke, Sarah 1840-1872 (16 items)
Box 21 Gurley, Ralph Randolph 1827-1854 (13 items)
Box 21 Had – Haig 1819-1875
Box 21 Hain – Hal 1824-1872
Box 21 Ham – Han 1840-1874
Box 21 Hard – Harris 1841-1874
Box 21 Harrison – Harw 1860-1874
Box 21 Has – Hat 1828-1874
Box 21 Hav – Hawley, F. 1847-1874
Box 22 Hawley, J. – Hawk 1847-1870
Box 22 Hay – Hayn 1836-1873
Box 22 Hayt – Haz 1846-1873
Box 22 Hea – Hen 1859-1874
Box 22 Hep – Hey 1829-1874
Box 22 Hib – Hig 1841-1870
Box 22 Hil – Hine 1850-1871
Box 22 Hink – Hit 1850-1870
Box 22 Hoa – Holland, E. 1859-1870
Box 22 Holland, F. – Holley, Myron 1839-1870
Box 22 Holley, O. – Hollo 1836-1873
Box 22 Holly – Hon 1832-1874
Box 22 Hoo – Hopk 1831-1870
Box 22 Hopp – Hou 1837-1872
Box 22 How – Hoy 1837-1870
Box 22 Hub – Hul 1837-1871
Box 22 Hum – Hunt, T. 1835-1873
Box 22 Hunt, W. – Huntington 1841-1874
Box 22A Hur – Hut 1847-1874
Box 22A Hya – Hys 1845-1874
Box 22A Hammond, Charles A. 1858-1874
Box 22A Hammond, Jabez Delano 1836-1854 (2 folders)
Box 22A Hardin, James A. 1865-1874 (2 folders)
Box 22A Helper, Hinton R. 1856-1859 (5 items)
Box 22A Herring, Elbert 1860-1873
Box 22A Higginson, Thomas Wentworth 1855-1867 (8 items)
Box 22A Holley, Sallie 1841-1873
Box 22A Hosmer, William 1869-1871
Box 22A Howard, Oliver Otis 1868-1873 (9 items)
Box 22A Howe, Julia Ward 1869-1874 (7 items)
Box 22A Howe, Samuel Gridley 1836-1872
Box 22A Hull, N.V. 1851-1873
Box 22A Huntington, Nehemiah 1828-1852
Box 22A Imb – Ive 1855-1874
Box 22A Jac – Jackson, Job 1838-1874
Box 22A Jackson, James Caleb 1838-1873
Box 22A Jackson, Julia – James, H. 1833-1868
Box 23 James, J. – Jaw 1837-1874
Box 23 Jay, William 1836-1857 (24 items)
Box 23 Jef – Jewett 1830-1874
Box 23 Jenkins, Hiram 1856-1866
Box 23 Jenkins, Timothy 1841-1859 (3 folders)
Box 23 Jocelyn, Simeon D. 1834-1872
Box 23 Joh – Johnson, J. 1828-1874
Box 23 Johnson, J.R. – Johnston, 1843-1873
Box 23 Johnson, Oliver 1839-1873
Box 23 Jol – Jones, S.W. 1839-1874
Box 23 Jones, T. – Jones, Wm. 1839-1869
Box 23 Jones, David S. 1831-1835 (3 folders)
Box 24 Jones, David S. 1836-1844 (3 folders)
Box 24 Jons – Jul 1830-1873
Box 24 Julian, George Washington 1852-1873
Box 24 Kak – Kay 1850-1873
Box 24 Kea – Kello 1837-1873
Box 24 Kellog, H.H. 1839-1872
Box 24 Keily – Kepp 1833-1874
Box 24 Kern – Keyes 1844-1874
Box 24 Key, Francis Scott 1827 (1 item)
Box 24 Kief – Kinb 1856-1873
Box 24 King – King, F. 1835-1874
Box 24 King, H. – King, 1840-1874
Box 24 Kingsley, Victor 1859-1874
Box 24 Kingman – Kirk, J. 1834-1873
Box 24 Kirkland – Kirt 1825-1871
Box 24 Kli – Knox 1831-1844
Box 24 Knowles – Kyr 1835-1869
Box 24 Lad – Lama 1836-1874
Box 24 Lamb – Lane 1868-1872
Box 25 Lang – Langrand 1856-1870
Box 25 Langston – Lansing 1854-1874
Box 25 Lap – Lath 1833-1873
Box 25 Latr – Law 1833-1870
Box 25 Law – Lea 1851-1873
Leavitt, Joshua
Box 25 [General] 1834-1872
Box 25 to Seth M. Gates 1840
Box 25 Led – Leml 1837-1874
Box 25 Leigh, Charles C. 1862-1874
Box 25 Lemo – Leon 1848-1869
Box 25 Leona – Let 1840-1874
Box 25 Lew – Lewis, Y. 1831-1873
Box 25 Lib – Lind 1834-1873
Box 25 Line – Lip 1847-1872
Box 25 Lis – Liv 1834-1869
Box 25 Littlejohn, DeWitt C. 1857-1872 (18 items)
Box 25 Lio – Lon 1838-1874
Box 25 Loguen, Jermaine 1849-1870
Box 25 Loo – Lord 1829-1874
Box 25 Lore – Love, J. 1837-1874
Box 25 Lovejoy – Lox 1825-1872
Box 25 Lovejoy, Owen 1838-1858 (6 items)
Box 25 Lud – Lum 1819-1874
Box 26 Lundy, Benjamin 1833-1834 (2 items)
Box 26 Lut – Lyo 1837-1873
Box 26 MacArt – MacCar 1832-1873
Box 26 MacCle – MacDon 1854-1874
Box 26 MacE – MacKay 1830-1872
Box 26 MacKeo – MacMay 1835-1865
Box 26 MacNei – MacRea 1830-1873
Box 26 McWhorter, G.H. 1828-1859
Box 26 McWhorter, J.L. and Mary 1862-1874
Box 26 Mab – Mah 1820-1873
Box 26 Maddock, Roger 1834-1861
Box 26 Maj – Marr 1831-1874
Box 26 Mann, Horace 1853 (2 items)
Box 26 Mars – Marsh, S. 1839-1872
Box 26 Marshall – Mart 1847-1874
Box 26 Marshall, Josiah T. 1821-1862 (2 folders)
Box 26 Marv – Maste 1836-1874
Box 26 Mason, John Thompson 1842-1867
Box 27 Masti – May 1821-1871
Box 27 Matteson, O.B. 1857-1864 (8 items)
Box 27 May, Samuel J. 1846-1869 (11 items)
Box 27 Mazzini, Giuseppe 1866 (1 item)
Box 27 Mea – Merc 1835-1871
Box 27 Mere – Mey 1854-1874
Box 27 Mic – Miles, A. 1838-1873
Box 27 Miles, J. – Miller, T. 1836-1874
Box 27 Miller, R.B. 1850-1873 (2 folders)
Box 27 Milli – Mills, R. 1840-1871
Box 27 Mills, S. – Miz 1826-1872
Box 27 Mof – Moo 1846-1872
Box 27 Montgomery, Thomas C. 1850-1873 (2 folders)
Box 27 Mor – Morgan, G. 1836-1872
Box 28 Morgan, H. – Morris, H. 1837-1873
Box 28 Morris, T. – Morti 1840-1873
Box 28 Morto – Moy 1857-1873
Box 28 Morton, Edwin 1855-1875 (3 folders)
Box 28 Morton, William Thomas G. 1864 (1 item)
Box 28 Murp – Murr 1866-1873
Box 28 Mud – Munson 1836-1873
Box 28 Mus – Mys 1834-1863
Box 28 Nad – Nat 1850-1871
Box 28 Nea – Nei 1854-1873
Box 28 Nel – New 1830-1874
Box 28 Neumann, Emma 1833-1867 (3 items)
Box 28 Nic – Nix 1840-1872
Box 28 Nob – North 1843-1874
Box 28 North, John W. 1849-1874 (21 items)
Box 28 Northr – Nortwich 1833-1873
Box 28 Nott – Nye 1840-1873
Box 28 Noyes, John Humphrey, Helen C. and Victor 1864-1877 (3 items)
Box 29 Oak – Ore 1840-1873
Box 29 O'Reilly, Henry 1842-1873
Box 29 Orr – Osg 1837-1874
Box 29 Oss – Owe 1825-1874
Box 29 Owen, Robert Dale 1863-1864
Box 29 Pac – Pai 1836-1869
Box 29 Pal – Pao 1835-1871
Box 29 Par – Parsh 1839-1872
Box 29 Parker, Theodore 1854-1860 (3 letters)
Box 29 Parso – Pau 1836-1873
Box 29 Pay – Payn 1854-1872
Box 29 Peab – Peal 1839-1874
Box 29 Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 1855-1871 (13 letters)
Box 29 Peck – Pei 1841-1872
Box 29 Pel – Penno 1822-1874
Box 29 Penne – Pep 1836-1861
Box 29 Per – Pet 1826-1874
Box 29 Phe – Phi 1839-1873
Box 29 Phelps, Anos 1835-1846
Box 29 Phelps, John Wolcott, (General) 1872-1873 (6 letters)
Box 29 Phillips, Wendell 1851-1867, undated (15 letters and 1 item non-correspondence)
Box 30 Pho – Phoe 1868-1874
Box 30 Pia – Pin 1859-1871
Box 30 Pierpont, John 1839-1865 (2 folders)
Box 30 Pillsbury, Parker 1863-1871 (12 letters)
Box 30 Pla – Plu 1833-1871
Box 30 Plumb, David 1862-1874 (2 folders)
Box 30 Post, George F. 1859-1870
Box 30 Pog – Poq 1828-1877
Box 30 Por – Pos 1837-1872
Box 30 Pot – Pott 1834-1873
Box 30 Pou – Pow 1853-1870
Box 30 Pra – Pre 1834-1873
Box 30 Pri – Pro 1831-1872
Box 30 Pru – Pry 1859-1S73
Box 30 Pur – Pyl 1852-1874
Box 30 Qua – Qui 1850-1869
Box 30 Quiney, Edmund 1839-1852
Box 30 Rad – Randa 1841-1870
Box 30 Rand, Asa 1845-1847, undated (3 folders)
Box 30 Rando – Rans 1837-1874
Box 31 Ras – Ray 1832-1874
Box 31 Ray, Charles Bennett 1847-1873 (12 items)
Box 31 Rea – Red 1842-1874
Box 31 Reeder, David 1862-1865 (3 folders)
Box 31 Ree – Renssalaer, J. 1828-1874
Box 31 Rensselaer, M. – Rey 1834-1871
See also Van Rensselaer surname
Box 31 Rhe – Rice, C. 1852-1874
Box 31 Rice, D. – Rice, R. 1834-1874
Box 31 Rich – Rit 1828-1871
Box 31 Richards, James (Rev.) 1863-1864 (6 letters)
Box 31 Richards, William C. 1868-1874 (9 letters)
Box 31 Richmond, B.W. 1856-1860, undated (8 letters)
Box 31 Richter, M.A. 1859-1867 (9 letters)
Box 31 Rob – Robertson 1837-1872
Box 31 Robie – Roch 1832-1870
Box 31 Rock – Rogers, C. 1836-1874
Box 31 Rogers, M. – Rook 1842-1874
Box 32 Roos – Rose, A.C. 1847-1872
Box 32 Rose, D. – Roy 1834-1874
Box 32 Rud – Rut 1827-1874
Box 32 Sac – Sand 1846-1874
Box 32 Sampson, G.C. 1838-1874 (2 folders)
Box 32 Sanf – Say 1845-1874
Box 32 Sanger, H.K. 1839-1861
Box 32 Sawyer, Leicester Ambrose 1862-1874 (2 folders)
Box 32 Sca – Sch 1839-1870
Box 32 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe and Mary Howard 1854-1874 (24 letters and 1 item of non-correspondence)
Box 32 Schurz, Carl 1858-1859 (3 letters)
Box 32 Sco – Scott 1841-1874
Box 33 Scov – Scr 1863-1874
Box 33 Sea – Sey 1841-1874
Box 33 Sedgwick, Charles B. 1852, undated
Box 33 Sedgwick, C.H. 1872-1874
Box 33 Seward, William Henry 1842-1853, undated (22 letters)
Box 33 Sha – Shaw 1854-1873
Box 33 She – Shel 1832-1874
Box 33 Shep – Sherwi 1847-1874
Box 33 Sherwa – Shr 1836-1868
Box 33 Eib – Simo 1839-1872
Box 33 Sims – Sis 1858-1874
Box 33 Ski – Sly 1837-1871
Box 33 Sma – Smith, A. 1840-1874
Box 33 Smith, B. – J.S. 1839-1874
Box 33 Smith, James – Smith, R.M. 1848-1874
Box 33 Smith, S. – Sny 1836-1874
Box 34 Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince 1832-1867 (9 letters, 1 poem)
Box 34 Smith, James McCune 1839-1864
Box 34 Smith, James Milton 1873
Box 34 Sol – Spea 1833-1874
Box 34 Spee – Spencer, O. 1828-1873
Box 34 Spencer, E. – Spencer, W. 1836-1873
Box 34 Sper – Squ 1837-1874
Box 34 Sta – Stat 1845-1874
Box 34 Stanton, Elizaþeth Cady 1850-1873, undated (41 letters)
Box 34 Stanton, Freeman 1841-1842 (9 letters)
Box 34 Stanton, Henry Brewster 1834-1873, undated (47 letters, 1 item of non-correspondence)
Box 34 Stea – Stebbins, C. 1826-1874
Box 34 Stebbins, G. – Stee 1847-1874
Box 34 Stei – Stew 1834-1874
Box 34 Stîc – Stin 1845-1870
Box 34 Stoc – Ston 1834-1874
Box 35 Stone, Lucy 1854-1873 (7 letters)
Box 35 Stow – Stowe 1841-1874
Box 35 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1852 (1 letter)
Box 35 Str – Stu 1832-1874
Box 35 Stuart, Charles 1835-1863 (5 folders)
Box 35 Stuart, Rebecka 1859-1879 (3 folders)
Box 35 Sturge, Joseph 1839-1858 (11 letters)
Box 35 Sud – Swe 1837-1874
Box 35 Sullivan, John W. 1855-1873 (2 folders)
Box 35 Sumner, Charles 1845-1875 (35 letters and 3 items non-correspondence)
Box 35 Sweet, Samuel N. 1841-1874 (2 folders)
Box 35 Swi – Syk 1831-1872
Box 35 Tac – Tal 1836-1874
Box 36 Taft, S.H. 1856-1874
Box 36 Talcott, E.B. 1865-1869
Box 36 Tan – Taylor, G. 1856-1874
Box 36 Tappan, Arthur 1856
Box 36 Tappan, John 1834-1868
Tappan, Lewis
Box 36 [General] 1832-1870, undated (7 folders)
Box 36 to Seth M. Gates 1840-1842
Box 36 Non-correspondence items 1852-1855
Box 36 Taylor, H. – Ter 1836-1873
Box 36 Tha – The 1848-1874
Box 36 Tho – Thomas 1839-1874
Box 36 Thomas, John 1847-1872
Box 37 Thompson – Thu 1846-1874
Box 37 Tif – Titler, E. 1835-1872
Box 37 Tilton, Theodore 1863-1870 (8 items)
Box 37 Titler, N. – Titu 1839-1874
Box 37 Tob – Tor 1834-1874
Box 37 Tou – Toz 1848-1872
Box 37 Tra – Tred 1840-1874
Box 37 Trask, George 1852-1874
Box 37 Trev – Try 1837-1874
Box 37 Truth, Sojourner 1863-1871
Box 37 Tuck – Turner, E. 1837-1872
Box 37 Turner, J. – Turner, R. 1831-1873
Box 37 Turner, T. – Tyl 1835-1873
Box 37 Uff – Underwood 1848-1874
Box 37 Une – Utt 1842-1874
Box 37 Vad – Viv 1826-1872
Box 37 Van Buren, Martin 1830-1831 (3 items)
Van Rensselaer
See also Rensselaer surname.
Box 37 Van Rensselaer, Cortlandt 1832-1834
Box 37 Van Rensselaer, Stephen 1828
Box 37 Van Santwood, Adrían 1850-1856
Box 38 Van Vechten, Jacob 1836-1874 (2 folders)
Box 38 Wad – Wag 1858-1873
Box 38 Wai – Walk 1858-1873
Box 38 Wall – Walton, E. 1838-1871
Box 38 Walton, J. – Waln 1839-1874
Box 38 Wan – Warn 1838-1874
Box 38 Ward, Samuel Ringgold 1842-1854
Box 38 Warr – Waterm 1858-1874
Box 38 Waters – Watkins 1830- 1874
Box 38 Wats – Watson, W. 1828-1868
Box 38 Watt – Way 1841-1862
Box 38 Wayland, Francis 1853
Box 38 Wea – Webb, R. 1845-1874
Box 38 Webb, S. – Welle 1837-1874
Box 38 Weed, Thurlow 1852-1874 (3 items)
Box 38 Weld, Angelina Grimke 1854-1872 (7 items)
Box 38 Weld, Theodore Dwight 1838-1871 (30 items)
Box 38 Welli – Wells, L. 1825-1871
Box 38 Wells, S. – Wer 1846-1867
Box 38 Wes – West 1845-1869
Box 38 Weth – Wett 1836-1871
Box 38 Wha – Whea 1851-1873
Box 39 Wheel – Wheelw 1837-1873
Box 39 Wheeler, Edward 1859-1872
Box 39 Whip – White, S. 1835-1873
Box 39 Whipple, George 1849-1874
Box 39 White, T. – Whitt 1846-1874
Box 39 White, Andrew D. 1862-1874 (12 items)
Box 39 Whittier, John Greenleaf 1840-1873 (6 items)
Box 39 Whitewall, S.W. 1858-1859
Box 39 Wic – Wig 1832-1872
Box 39 Wilb – Wilk 1848-1873
Box 39 Will – Williams, D.W. 1839-1874
Box 39 Willard, Frances 1874 (1 item)
Box 39 Williams, D. – Williams, R. 1834-1874
Box 39 Williams, S. – Willy 1836-1874
Box 39 Williams, E[lisha] 1819-1854 (2 folders)
Box 39 Wilmot, David 1856 (1 item)
Box 39 Wils – Wilson, W. 1847-1874
Box 39 Wilson, Henry 1838-1874 (11 items)
Box 39 Win – Wint 1847-1874
Box 40 Wis – Wiz 1856-1869
Box 40 Wob – Wood, W. 1832-1874
Box 40 Woodb – Wool 1824-1874
Box 40 Woodhull, Victoria 1871 (1 item)
Box 40 Wor – Wright, F. 1851-1874
Box 40 Wright, H. – Wyn 1841-1873
Box 40 Wright, Elizur 1834-1873
Box 40 Wright, H.C. 1839-1862
Box 40 Wright, Theodore 1834-1835 (4 items)
Box 40 Yal – Yos 1825-1873
Box 40 Young – Young 1841-1871
Box 40 Zac – Zuo 1852-1870
Box 40 Anonymous
Box 40 Illegible signatures
Box 40 Pseudonyms
Box 40 Transcripts and photocopies
Box 40 Letters addressed to others than Gerrit Smith, his family or relatives
Outgoing letters
Volume 1 Letter copybook 1827-1843
Volume 2 Letter copybook 1843-1855
Box 41 [General] 1815 Jun-1859 Dec (28 folders)
Box 42 [General] 1860 Feb-1874 Nov (12 folders)
Business correspondence
Box 43 Undated (2 folders)
Box 43 1809-1826 (17 folders)
Box 44 1827-1831 Apr (9 folders)
Box 45 1831 May-1834 Jul (9 folders)
Box 46 1834 Aug-1837 Feb (8 folders)
Box 47 1837 Mar-1838 Jul (9 folders)
Box 48 1838 Aug-1840 Aug (7 folders)
Box 49 1840 Sep-1842 Aug (6 folders)
Box 50 1842 Sep-1844 Dec (7 folders)
Box 51 1845 Jan-1846 Dec (9 folders)
Box 52 1847 Jan-1848 Dec (6 folders)
Box 53 1849 Jan-1850 Dec (7 folders)
Box 54 1851 Jan-1853 Feb (7 folders)
Box 55 1853 Mar-1855 Dec (9 folders)
Box 56 1856 Jan-1858 Jun (9 folders)
Box 57 1858 Jul-1859 Dec (7 folders)
Box 58 1860 Jan-1862 Jan (9 folders)
Box 59 1862 Feb-1864 Dec (11 folders)
Box 60 1865 Jan-1867 Dec (9 folders)
Box 61 1868 Jan-1870 Dec (12 folders)
Box 62 1871 Jan-1873 Dec (11 folders)
Box 63 1874-1889 (4 folders)
Family correspondence
Box 63 Andrews, Ann (cousin) 1849-1877
Box 63 Backus, Azel 1855-1870
Box 63 Backus, Frederick F. and Rebecca A. 1819-1861
Box 63 Backus, Frederick W. 1848-1860 (2 folders)
Box 63 Backus, Montgomery, Gerrit Fitzhugh and Rebecca 1866-1869
Box 63 Backus family 1808-1874, undated (2 folders)
Box 63 Baird, Cornelia W. (Smith) 1847-1873
Box 63 Barclay, Cornelia (Cochrane) 1848-1869
Box 63 Barclay family, miscellaneous 1847-1873
Box 63 Bayard, Tryphena 1826-1870
Box 64 Biddle, Chapman 1855-1869
Box 64 Biddle, Mary L. (Cochrane) 1850-1873
Box 64 Biddle, Walter L.C. 1873
Box 64 Brent, Welthea A. (niece) 1858-1874
Box 64 Cady, Daniel (uncle) 1819-1859
Box 64 Cady, Daniel W. 1874 (12 folders)
Box 64 Cochrane, Cornelia W. (Smith) 1805-1847, undated (4 folders)
Box 64 Cochran, Major James 1819-1842
Box 65 Cochrane, James W. 1839-1870
Box 65 Cochrane, John 1835-1866, undated (4 folders)
Box 65 Cochrane, Peter 1834-1841, undated
Box 65 Cochrane, Walter L. 1870-1874
Box 65 Cochrane family to GS and others 1823-1873
Box 65 Fitzhugh, David H. 1833-1873
Box 65 Fitzhugh, George 1850-1874
Fitzhugh, Henry
Box 65 1823-1831 (7 folders)
Box 66 1832-1865 (6 folders)
Box 66 Fitzhugh, William to GS and Ann (Fitzhugh) Smith 1821-1847 (3 folders)
Box 66 Fitzhugh family 1823-1874, undated (3 folders)
Box 66 Henry, Catherine (aunt) 1826-1869
Box 66 Kemeys, Catherine S. (Cochrane) 1830-1874
Box 66 Kemeys, William 1849-1873
Box 66 Livingston, James 1842-1850
Box 66 Livingston family 1817-1870
Box 66 Miller, Anne Fitzhugh 1868
Box 66 Miller, Charles D. 1845-1869 - incoming only
Box 67 Miller, Charles D., Jr. 1867-1874
Miller, Elizabeth Smith (Mrs. Charles D.; "Bessie")
Box 67 to GS and Ann Carrol (Fitzhugh) Smith 1831-1877 (6 folders)
Box 67 to her father Gerrit Smith; incoming only 1860-1897
Box 67 Miller, Gerrit Smith 1867-1874
Box 67 Miller, William Fitzhugh 1873-1874
Box 67 Miller family 1861-1881
Box 67 Pitcher, Emily Backus 1859-1874
Smïth, Ann C. (Fitzhugh)
Box 67 Incoming 1824-1875
Box 67 to Betsey Fitzhugh 1827-1835
Box 67 to Elizabeth (Smith) Miller and others 1834-1840, 1843, undated (4 folders)
Box 68 to Elizabeth (Smith) Miller and others 1844-1874 (14 folders)
Box 68 to GS 1823-1846, undated (9 folders)
Box 69 to GS 1849-1874 (8 folders)
Box 69 to Peter Smith and others 1822-1843
Box 69 Smith, Ann Van Buskirk (Prentiss) to Peter Skenandoah Smith 1831-1832
Box 69 Smith, Ann E. (Cumming) to GS and others 1848-1860, undated
Box 69 Smith, Elizabeth (Livingston) 1808-1818, undated - incoming only
Box 69 Smith, Garret P. to Peter Smith 1826
Smith, Gerrit
Box 69 to Ann (Fitzhugh) Smith 1824-1868 (8 folders)
Box 70 to Ann (Fitzhugh) Smith 1869-1874
Box 70 Smith, Gerrit (of New York and Brooklyn) 1835-1865
Box 70 Smith, Gerrit Henry 1852-1873, undated (2 folders)
Box 70 Smith, Greene and Bessie circa 1850-1874 - to GS and others (4 folders)
Smith, Peter
Box 70 to GS 1814-1825 (5 folders)
Box 71 to GS 1826-1835 (17 folders)
Box 72 to GS 1836-1837 (2 folders)
Smith, Peter Skenandoah
Box 72 to GS and others, related letters 1813-1832 (7 folders)
Box 73 to GS and others, related letters 1833-1856 (12 folders)
Box 74 to GS and others, related letters 1857-1858 (2 folders)
Box 74 Smith, Sarah (Pogson) 1823-1871, undated (8 folders)
Box 74 Smith, Wealtha Ann (Backus) 1818
Box 74 Smith, Wyntje 1795-1834
Box 74 Smith family 1813-1818
Box 74 Talman family 1840-1874
Box 74 Taylor, E.L. (cousin?) 1863-1873
Box 74 Walter, Ellen (Cochrane) and William 1837-1874 (5 folders)
Business and land files
Financial documents
Box 75 Miscellaneous undated
Account books
Box 75 General 1822-1825, 1869-1882
Volume 3A Caleb Calkins, daybook (vol.3A) 1840-1859
Volume 3B Caleb Calkins, daybook (vol.3B) 1840-1859
Box 75 Caleb Calkins, daybook (vol.3C) 1840-1859
Box 75 Charity 1854
Box 75 Lists of debts owed by Gerrit Smith, including all debts from his late father (vol.4) 1837-1844
Box 75 Debts due from Gerrit Smith to the People of the State of New York (vol.5) 1837-1851
Box 75 Lists of debts due in Land Book D (vol.6) 1826-1833
Box 75 Lists of debts (vol.6A) 1833-1834
Box 75 Debts due in Land Book E (vol.7); List of debtors and debts (vol.7A and 7B) 1838-1842 (3 volumes in 1 folder)
Box 76 Debts due in Land Book F (vol.8) 1845-1847
Box 76 Debts due in Land Book G-1 (vol.9) 1848-1851
Box 76 Debts due in Land Book G-M (vol.10) 1852-1857
Box 76 Debts due in Land Book G-N (vol.11) 1857-1903
Household expenses
Box 76 Daybook, Gerrit Smith debtor to Asa Raymond and John G. Curtis (vol.12) 1827-1837
Box 76 Daybook (vol.12A) 1829-1838
Box 76 Daybook, Gerrit Smith debtor to Asa Raymond and John G. Curtis (vol.13) 1837-1842
Box 77 Daybook, including wages paid (vol.14) 1849-1850
Box 77 Daybook (vol.15) 1850-1853
Box 77 Daybook, including wages paid (vol.16) 1853-1856
Box 77 Daybook, including wages paid (vol.17) 1853-1857
Box 77 Daybook, [C.D. Miller?] (vol.18) 1856-1857
Box 77 Daybook, wages paid (vol.18A) 1839-1842
Box 77 Daybook, Gerrit Snith Miller (vol.19) 1890
Box 77 Daybook, Miss Lincoln, Peterboro (vol.20) 1896
This item not filmed by MCA
Box 77 Daybook (vol.21) 1863-1870
Traveling expenses
Box 77 Expenses for Gerrit Smith (vol.22) 1869
Box 77 Board book with Federal Dana and Andrew P. Lord, Peterboro Temperance House (vol.22A) 1831-1835
Box 77 Expenses for Gerrit Smith (vol.22B) 1845
Box 77 Expenses (vol.22C) 1877-1878
Box 77 Miscellaneous 1810-1835, undated
Box 78 Miscellaneous 1836-1874
Box 78 Miscellaneous daily accounts for Gerrit Smith 1822-1872 (4 folders)
Box 78 Abstracts for Oswego Canal Co., Oswego Hotel, and Oswego pier Dock Co. undated
Box 78 Backus, Frederick W. 1849-1859
Box 78 Baird, Cornelia W.S. 1865-1866
Box 78 Barclay, Cornelia (Cochrane) 1842-1866
Box 78 Biddle, Mary L. (Cochrane) 1843-1870
Box 78 Cochrane, James and Catherine (Cochrane) Kemeys 1829-1832
Box 79 Cochrane, James W. 1862-1881
Box 79 Cochrane, Peter 1837-1841
Box 79 Cochrane family 1841
Box 79 Fitzhugh, Henry 1825-1865 (2 folders)
Box 79 Fitzhugh family 1829-1869
Box 79 Kemeys, Catherine S. (Cochrane) 1847-1854
Box 79 Miller, Charles D. 1866-1868
Box 79 Pitcher, Emily Backus 1871
Box 79 Smíth, Ann C. (Fitzhugh) 1867-1874
Box 79 Smith, Peter (with Gerrit Smith) 1819-1837
Box 79 Smith, Peter Skenandoah 1810-1855, undated (4 folders)
Box 79 Smith, Sarah (Pogson) 1826-1870
Box 79 Walter, Ellen Cochrane and William H. 1837-1872
Box 80 Bissell, G.W. 1859-1881
Box 80 Calkins, Caleb 1848-1866 (2 folders)
Box 80 Dorrance, D.G. 1810-1862 (2 folders)
Box 80 Edwards, J.B. 1845-1874 (2 folders)
Box 80 Fuller, Henry 1840-1845 (2 folders)
Box 80 Gold, Theodore 1825-1830
Box 81 Jenkins, Timothy and Hiram 1853-1863
Box 81 Jones, David S. 1831-1843
Box 81 Montgomery, Thomas C. 1851-1869
Box 81 Littlefield property 1859-1863
Box 81 Oswego Hotel 1840-1853
Box 81 Oswego Pier and Dock Co. 1852-1856
Box 81 Rents 1822-1879, undated
Volume 109 Settlement of estate of Peter Smith, 1837, "Book of Explanations, regarding settlement of estate and Gerrit Smith's assumption of land holdings in 1819 (vol.109) circa 1819-1847
Box 81 Town of Smithfield 1851-1852
Bank account books
Box 81 New York State Bank (vol.23 through vol.27) 1846-1866 (5 volumes)
Box 81 Syracuse City Bank (vol.27A and 27B) 1857-1867 (2 volumes)
Box 82 Bank notes 1804-1860
Bills and receipts
Box 82 Undated
Box 82 1802-1824 (23 folders)
Box 83 1824-1827 (7 folders)
Box 84 1828-1830 (7 folders)
Box 85 1831-1834 (8 folders)
Box 86 1835-1840 (11 folders)
Box 87 1841-1847 (7 folders)
Box 88 1848-1854 (10 folders)
Box 89 1855-1857 (8 folders)
Box 90 1858-1862 (7 folders)
Box 91 1863-1867 (6 folders)
Box 92 1868-1870 (6 folders)
Box 93 1871-1872 (8 folders)
Box 94 1873-1879 (8 folders)
Cash books, accounts of disbursements and receipts
Box 94 (vol.28, 29, 30, 31) 1827-1837 (4 volumes)
Box 95 (vol.32, 33, 34) 1837-1848 (3 volumes)
Volume 35 (vol.35) 1849-1855
Box 95 (vol.36, 37) 1856-1876 (2 volumes)
Checks, cancelled
Box 96 [General] 1834-1837, 1855-1856, 1859-1872 (11 folders)
Box 97 [General] 1873-1874 (2 folders)
Check stubs
Box 97 (vol.38) 1840-1849
Volume 39 (vol.39) 1859
Box 97 (vol.40 through 44) 1850-1863 (5 volumes)
Box 98 (vol.45, 46, 47) 1860-1874 (3 volumes)
Box 98 Income tax 1863-1870
Box 98 Insurance policies 1828-1872
Box 98 Loans outstanding 1828-1849
Land Documents
Box 98 Auctions of property 1841-1846
Box 98 Index to ledger A, Florence lands undated
Description of lots and acreage 1824-1868
Box 98 Township #9 East, part of the Old Military Tract (vol.47a) undated
Box 98 Hardenburgh Patent, Great Lot. 2 (vol.47b) undated
Box 98 Township #23, McCombs Purchase (vol.47c) undated
Box 98 Township ll7, Old Military Tract (vol.47d) undated
Box 98 Lands in Ontario and Cayuqa Counties (vol.47e) undated
Box 98 Lands in Otsego and Schoharie Counties (vol.47f) undated
Box 98 Northwest part of the Oneida indian Reservation (vol.47g) undated
Box 98 Lands in Oneida and Lewis Counties (vol.47h) undated
Box 98 Lands in Herkimer County (vol.47i) undated
Box 98 Lands in northern New York State (vol.47j) undated
Box 98 Lands in Onondaga, Seneca, Yates and Allegany Counties (vol.47k) undated
Box 98 Lands in Broome, Cortland and Chenango Counties (vol.47L) 1830s
Box 99 Townships #9, 10 & 11 of the Old Military Tract (vols.47m and 47m1) undated
Box 99 Land in Phelps and Gorham's Purchase (vol.47n) undated
Box 99 Lands in Sullivan, Ulster, Orange and Greene Counties (vol.47o) undated
Box 99 Land in Essex County (vol.47p) undated
Box 99 Land in Warren County (vol.47q) undated
Box 99 Land in Cattaraugus County (vol.47r) 1867-1868
Box 99 "Peter Smith, Remarks, Ch[arlotte] River Patent and Byrne's patent,1818 Ec" (vol.48) 1831 - miscellaneous lands
Box 99 Lands in Wayne, Cayuga and Oswego Counties (vol.49), with another notebook, unidentified (vol.49a) undated
Box 99 Loose papers undated (2 folders)
Box 99 Report of the Commissioners of the Land Office...Requiring a detailed Statement of all the unsold lands..." (Albany: Croswell & Van Benthuysen) 1829 - printed item
Box 100 Lands in many New York State counties purchased at tax sales and given to Federal Dana to sell (vol.50) 1835-[ ]
Box 100 "Dana Book No. 1" and "Dana Book No. 2", lands in many New York State counties purchased at tax sales in 1814 & 1815 and given to Federal Dana to sell (vols.50a and 50b) 1824 - also includes some loose papers
Box 100 Land book, list of names and addresses by county and state of people in debt to Gerrit Smith for land (vol.51) undated
Lists of lands to be sold by New York State for arrears of taxes
Box 100 [Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes] (vol.51a) 1813 - printed item
Box 100 Lists of Lands to be sold in November 1815, for Arrears of Taxes. (Albany: J. Buel) (vol.51b) 1815 - printed item
Box 100 List of Patents of Lands, etc. to be Sold in November, 1815 for Arrears of Quit Rent (Albany: J. Buel) (vol.51c) 1815 - printed item
Box 100 List of Lands to be Sold in October, 1819, for Arrears of Taxes. (Albany: I.W. Clark, 1819) (vol.51d) 1819 - printed item
Box 100 Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes (vol.52) 1821 - printed item
Box 100 List of Patents of Lands, etc. to be Sold in January, 1822 for Arrears of Quit Rent (Albany: E & E Horsford) (vol.52a) 1822 - printed item
Box 100 List of Lands to be Sold in January, 1826, for Arrears of Taxes. (Albany: Croswell & Van Benthuysen) (vol.53) 1825 - printed item (2 copies)
Box 101 List of Lands to be Sold in April, 1830, for Arrears of Taxes. (Albany: Croswell & Van Benthuysen) (vol.54) 1829 - printed item
Box 101 List of Lands to be Sold in March, 1834, for Arrears of Taxes for the years 1827, 1828, 1829 and 1830. (Albany: Croswell, Van Benthuysen and Burt) (vol.55) 1834 - printed item
Box 101 Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes (vol.55a) 1836? - printed item
Box 101 List of Lands to be Sold in June, 1843, for Arrears of Taxes for the years 1836, 1837, 1838 and 1839. (Albany: Thurlow Weed) (vol.55b) 1843 - printed item
Box 101 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843 & 1844. (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.55b1) 1848 - printed item
Box 102 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848. (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.55b2) 1853 - printed item
Box 102 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1852, 1853, 1854 & 1855... (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.55c) 1859 - printed item
Box 102 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859 & 1860... (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) printed item (vol.55c1) 1866
Box 102 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864 & 1865... (Albany: The Argus Company) (vol.55d) 1871 - printed item
Box 102 List of Lands to be Sold for Arrears of Taxes, for the years 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875 & 1876... (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.55d1) 1881 - printed item
Box 102 Statement of Lands Sold for Taxes. By Virtue of Several Acts of the Legislature of the State of New York, from 14th Sept. 1808 to 1st March 1821 (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.5e1) 1881 - printed item
Box 103 [Statement of lands sold for taxes by the State of New York] (vol.55e) 1825-1830 - printed item
Box 103 Statement of all the Lands Sold by the Comptroller...Prior to the Sale of the Sales of 1834, 1839 & 1843 (Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co.) (vol.56) - printed item
Volume 57 Description of lands in Allegany, Broome, Cayuga, Chenango & Cortland Counties that were sold for arrears of taxes (vol.57) 1838-1839
List of land holdings
Box 103 Miscellaneous undated
Box 104 Miscellaneous 1803-1838, 1844-1871 undated (6 folders)
Box 105 Purchased at tax sales 1821-1871 (3 folders)
Box 105 List of lands in various counties purchased at tax sales (vol.57a) undated
Locations of lots 1819-1830s
Volume 58 List of locations of land, arranged by county (vol.58) undated
Volume 59 List of locations of land, arranged by county (vol.59) undated
Box 105 List of locations of land (vol.60) undated
Box 105 List of locations of land, arranged by county (vol.61) undated
Box 105 List of locations of land in the Old Military Tract (vol.62) undated
Box 105 List of locations of land, arranged by county (vol.63) undated
Box 105 List of locations of land (vol.64) 1819
Box 106 List of locations of land in Madison and Oneida Counties (vol.64a) undated
Box 106 List of locations of land, unidentified (vol.64b) undated
Box 106 List of locations of land in the Old Military Tract (vol.64c) undated
Box 106 List of locations of land, unidentified (vol.64d) undated
Purchases and sales, accounts of 1799-1910
Box 106 Unidentified (vol.64e) undated
Box 106 Crosby's Manor and Jerseyfield Patent (vol.64f) undated
Box 106 First township in Chenango Triangle (vol.64g) undated
Box 106 First township in Chenango Triangle (vol.64h) undated
Box 106 First township in Chenango Triangle (vol.64i) undated
Box 106 First township in Chenango Triangle (vol.64j) undated
Box 106 Old Military Tract, Abstract No. 1 (vol.65) 1827-1833
Box 106 Old Military Tract, Abstract No.2 (vol.66) 1833-1835
Box 106 Lands westward, New York State (vol.67) 1821, 1832
Box 106 Lands owned by Dr. John D. Henry and Gerrit Smith (vol.67a) 1816-1823
Box 106 Lands in the town of Florence, Oneida County, the fourth township in Scriba's Patent (vol.68) 1818-1822
Box 106 Land Book C of Peter Smith, and the Lake Oneida Reservation (vol.68a) 1814-1825
Box 107 Peter Smith's memos regarding purchases for arrears of quit rent and taxes (vol.69) 1826-1834
Box 107 Tax land book of properties acquired by New York State tax sales in 1814 and 1815 1829
Volume 70 Accounts, with an abstract of earlier land books (vol.70) 1799-1829
Volume 71 Land book No. 1, includes all lands owned by Peter Smith at the time of his death in 1837 (vol.71) 1810-1854
Volume 72 Accounts (vol.72) 1819-1837
Volume 73 Accounts (vol.73) 1821-1854
Volume 74 List of all lands in which Gerrit Smith has any interest, compiled to facilitate making up tax lists (vol.74) 1824
Volume 75 Record of lands purchased at tax sales (vol.75) 1826-1830
Volume 76 Record of lands purchased at tax sale, Oswego (vol.76) 1827-1835
Volume 77 Record of purchases made after 1819 and taxes upon this property (vol.77) 1824-1837
Volume 78 Land Book G, of trust estate lands and sales (vol.78) 1827-1864
Volume 79 Great Book No. 2, continued from Great Book (vol.79) 1828-1852
Volume 80 Land Book H of trust estate lands and sales 1837-1866
Volume 81 Land Book I of trust estate lands and sales 1839-1864
Volume 82 Land Book K 1846-1866
Volume 83 Land Book L 1848-1871 - includes lists of persons receiving free land
Volume 84 Records of land bought at tax sales 1850
Volume 85 Land Book M 1853-1873
Volume 86 Land Book No. 3 (vol.86) 1858-1869
Volume 87 Land Book N 1869-1910
Volume 88 Land Book [J?], includes lists of land distributed among colored men in 1846 (vol.88) 1844-1877
Box 107 Receipts for land purchased of New York State at public auction 1825-1859
Box 107 Records of accounts of land payments 1836-1874
Box 107 Records of accounts of lands purchased, miscellaneous 1817-1860, undated
Box 107 Redemption of land for back taxes, certificates and tax lists undated
Box 108 Redemption of land for back taxes, certificates and tax lists 1830-1879 (5 folders)
Surveyors' records
Box 109 (vol.88a through 88f) 1796-1835 (10 volumes in 1 folder)
See also Land Book [J?] (vol.88), which includes descriptions and maps.
Field book of 84 lots of land in Killarney township, McCombs Purchase, surveyed by Nathan Ward, 1823-1824 (vol.88a); Township 9 & 10 of the Old Military Tract, minutes by [Nathan] Ward, 1832-1833 (vols.88b, 88b1, 88b2, 88b5); Killarney township, McCombs Purchase, undated (vol.88c); Townships 27 and 46, Totten and Crossfield's Purchase, 1796 (vol.88d); Gore, western part of Refugee Tract, Champlain township, minutes by Nathan Ward, 1833 (vol.88e); Essex County, Old Military Tract, township 12, Thorn's survey, undated (vol.88f)
Box 109 (vol.88g through 88k) (5 volumes in 1 folder)
Jay Tract, Old Military Tract, township 3, minutes by John H. Smith, 1835 (vol.88g); Hyde Township, minutes by John H. Smith, 1835 (vol.88h); Township 11, Totten and Crossfield's Purchase, minutes by John H. Smith, 1835 (vol.88i); Unidentified, David S. Crandal, 1830 (vol.88j); Unidentified, James Frost, 1830 (vol.88k)
Box 109 (vol.88L through 88o) (4 volumes in 1 folder)
Charlotte River Patent, a resurvey of sundry lots and parts by Benj. Overbagh, May – June 1831 (vol.88L); Boundaries and partial description of sundry farms and lots in Byrne's Patent, Schoharie County, re-surveyed and subdivided by Benjamin Overbagh, June - Aug. 1831 (vol.88m); Old Military Tract, township 10, re-surveyed by Nathan Ward, 1834-1835 (vol.88n); Old Military Tract township 10, 14 lots, 9 of which are subdivided by Nathan Ward, September 1835 (vol.88o)
Box 109 (vol.89 and 89a) (2 volumes in 1 folder)
Chenango Triangle, map book, undated (vol.89); unidentified field book, undated (vol.89a)
Surveyor's notes, field books and maps
Box 109 Miscellaneous 1775-1872, undated (2 folders)
Box 110 Miscellaneous 1775-1872, undated (5 folders)
Box 111 Treasurer's receipts for land purchased from New York State 1810-1876 (8 folders)
Legal documents
Box 112 Miscellaneous 1820-1874, undated (4 folders)
Agreements for land purchases
Box 112 Ab – Ac 1826-1854
Box 112 Ad 1829-1861
Box 112 Ag – Ak 1815-1854
Box 112 Ai – Ak 1815-1846
Box 112 Al 1819-1856 (4 folders)
Box 112 Am 1814-1852 (2 folders)
Box 112 An 1830-1864 (2 folders)
Box 113 Ar 1838-1851
Box 113 Ar – At 1824-1851
Box 113 Au – Av 1827-1853
Box 113 Ax – Ay 1826-1845
Box 113 Ba 1809-1865 (9 folders)
Box 113 Be 1814-1867 (7 folders)
Box 114 Bi 1823-1873 (5 folders)
Box 114 Bl 1822-1857
Box 114 Bo 1820-1870
Box 114 Br 1811-1864 (4 folders)
Box 115 Bu 1818-1877 (6 folders)
Box 115 By 1826-1858
Box 115 Fragments
Box 115 Ca 1827-1874 (4 folders)
Box 116 Ch 1823-1862 (4 folders)
Box 116 Cl 1807-1863 (3 folders)
Box 116 Co 1807-1866 (18 folders)
Box 116 Fragments
Box 117 Cr 1824-1859
Box 117 Cu – Cy 1822-1851
Box 117 Da 1827-1871 (3 folders)
Box 117 De 1823-1873 (2 folders)
Box 117 Di 1829-1861
Box 118 Do 1821-1863
Box 118 Dr 1820-1841
Box 118 Du 1822-1868
Box 118 Dw – Dy 1827-1850
Box 118 Ea – Ec 1834-1858
Box 118 Ed 1821-1858
Box 118 Eg – El 1814-1851
Box 118 Em – En 1827-1854
Box 118 Er – Ev 1824-1845
Box 119 Fa 1822-1859 (3 folders)
Box 119 Fe 1824-1858
Box 119 Fi 1824-1869 (4 folders)
Box 119 Fl 1817-1856
Box 119 Fo 1818-1867 (3 folders)
Box 119 Fr 1821-1858 (3 folders)
Box 119 Fu 1827-1852 (2 folders)
Box 120 Ga 1827-1870 (2 folders)
Box 120 Ge 1829-1851
Box 120 Gi 1824-1857 (2 folders)
Box 120 Gl 1848-1865
Box 120 Go 1821-1874 (3 folders)
Box 120 Gr 1812-1865 (5 folders)
Box 120 Gu 1838-1842
Box 121 Ha 1818-1866 (7 folders)
Box 122 He 1816-1858 (2 folders)
Box 122 Hi 1821-1858 (2 folders)
Box 122 Ho 1825-1864 (3 folders)
Box 123 Hu 1816-1858 (2 folders)
Box 123 Hy 1821-1860
Box 123 In 1819-1853
Box 123 Ir – Iv 1831-1855
Box 123 Ja 1826-1850
Box 123 Je 1825-1839
Box 123 Jo 1818-1862 (3 folders)
Box 123 Ju 1825-1854
Box 123 Ke 1820-1869 (2 folders)
Box 124 Ke 1820-1874 (2 folders)
Box 124 Ki 1825-1864 (2 folders)
Box 124 Kl 1826-1865
Box 124 Kn – Ky 1820-1854
Box 124 La 1826-1855 (3 folders)
Box 124 Le 1815-1874 (2 folders)
Box 125 Li 1814-1860
Box 125 Ll 1831-1851
Box 125 Lo 1814-1862 (2 folders)
Box 125 Lu 1819-1847
Box 125 Ly 1817-1855
Box 125 Ma 1822-1862 (4 folders)
Box 125 Mc 1824-1867 (2 folders)
Box 126 Mc 1825-1866 (2 folders)
Box 126 Me 1819-1866 (3 folders)
Box 126 Mi 1817-1881 (3 folders)
Box 126 Mo 1815-1858 (3 folders)
Box 127 Mu 1828-1860
Box 127 My 1818-1858
Box 127 Na 1810-1856
Box 127 Ne 1823-1863
Box 127 Ni 1822-1860
Box 127 No 1813-1857
Box 127 Nu – Ny 1813-1847
Box 127 Ob – Ol 1815-1866
Box 127 On – Or 1824-1870
Box 127 Os – Ow 1813-1874
Box 127 Pa 1817-1871 (4 folders)
Box 128 Pe 1814-1874 (2 folders)
Box 128 Ph 1822-1853
Box 128 Pi – Pl 1815-1858
Box 128 Po 1822-1863 (2 folders)
Box 128 Pr 1814-1874
Box 128 Pu 1814-1863
Box 128 Qu 1830-1853
Box 129 Ra 1814-1865 (2 folders)
Box 129 Re 1826-1869 (2 folders)
Box 129 Rh 1847-1855
Box 129 Ri 1814-1866 (2 folders)
Box 129 Ro 1818-1874 (5 folders)
Box 130 Ru 1825-1876 (2 folders)
Box 130 Ry 1839-1872
Box 130 Sa 1820-1859 (2 folders)
Box 130 Sc 1827-1874
Box 130 Se 1835-1849
Box 130 Sh 1825-1873 (3 folders)
Box 130 Si 1832-1869
Box 130 Sk 1823-1860
Box 131 Sl 1813-1854
Box 131 Sm 1812-1872 (4 folders)
Box 131 Sn 1821-1860
Box 131 So 1815-1845
Box 131 Sp 1814-1863 (2 folders)
Box 131 Sq 1833
Box 131 St 1816-1865
Box 132 St 1816-1865 (4 folders)
Box 132 Su 1824-1869
Box 132 Sw 1824-1858
Box 132 Ta 1823-1871
Box 132 Te 1823-1848
Box 132 Th 1814-1864
Box 133 Ti 1821-1862
Box 133 To 1823-1869
Box 133 Tr 1820-1850
Box 133 Tu 1821-1874
Box 133 Tw – Ty 1825-1849
Box 133 U 1824-1847
Box 133 V 1827-1861
Box 133 Wa 1816-1864
Box 134 Wa 1816-1855
Box 134 We 1816-1865
Box 134 Wh 1828-1861
Box 134 Wi 1824-1879
Box 135 Wo 1814-1846 (2 folders)
Box 135 Wr – Wy 1829-1851
Box 135 Y 1816-1848
Box 135 Fragments
Box 135 Bond 1793-1874, undated
Caleb Calkins' files
Box 135 Justice of the Peace records 1857-1862 (2 folders)
Box 136 Miscellaneous legal records 1857-1877
Package 1 Deeds, federal bounty lands purchased in Michigan by Gerrit Smith 1853-1860
Deeds and indentures
Box 136 1824-1834 (12 folders)
Box 137 1835-1840 (10 folders)
Box 138 1840-1844 (8 folders)
Box 139 1845-1853 (11 folders)
Box 140 1854-1869 (12 folders)
Box 141 1871-1874
Box 141 Mortgages 1827-1882
Notes and judgements
Box 141 General 1859-1872, undated
Box 141 List of land purchases and legal actions taken against the purchaser (vol.89b) undated
Suits, general
Box 141 Howard vs. Smith 1866
Box 141 Marble vs. McMinn 1870 - printed material
Box 141 New York vs. Ambrecht 1860,
Box 141 Sayles vs. Smith 1819-1845
Box 141 Smith vs. Oswego Rail Road 1866
Box 141 Smith vs. Sanger 1850
Box 141 Varick vs. Smith undated
Suits, property
Box 141 Books of Suits N. 1 (vol.90) 1818-1833 - contains a list of suits, judgments, etc. re estate of Peter Smith
Box 141 Book of Suits (vol.91) 1851-1855
Box 141 Book of Suits (vol.92) 1843 - compilation of first two suit books
Box 142 Miscellaneous undated
Box 142 Miscellaneous 1820, 1827-1842 (16 folders)
Box 143 Miscellaneous 1843-1846 (8 folders)
Box 144 Miscellaneous 1846-1868 (5 folders)
Summonses and complaints
Box 144 [General] 1836-1873, undated (8 folders)
Box 144 Justice of the Peace docket (vol.92a) 1857-1860
Wills and estates of relatives
Box 144 Biddle, Mary Livingston Cochran 1891
Box 144 Smith, Gerrit P. 1817-1836 (3 folders)
Box 144 Smith, Peter 1834-1837, undated (2 folders)
Box 145 Miscellaneous documents 1856-1888
Subject files
Box 145 Bunner, Elizabeth, properties 1843-1857
Canastota and Morrisville Plank Road Company
Box 145 Legal and financial records 1849-1850 (2 folders)
Box 145 Vouchers, bills and receipts 1850
Box 145 Cochrane property 1827-1839
Gifts of land and money 1846-1855
Box 145 To Negroes 1846-1854
To poor whites of Madison County and New York State
Box 145 Correspondence 1847-1855 (3 folders)
See also Land Book [J?] (vol.88), which includes "Lists of lands distributed among colored men 1846".
Box 145 Financial papers, receipts, and miscellaneous documents 1847-1852 (2 folders)
Box 145 Hamilton College 1867-1868 - correspondence
Box 146 Howard Insurance Company 1828-1835 - financial and legal papers
Oneida Turnpike Company
Box 146 Minutes of meetings of directors and stock holders 1801-1805
Box 146 Financial records 1806-1810
Box 146 Legal records 1802-1812
Box 146 Stocks 1801-1809
Box 146 Toll receipts 1806-1808
Oswego Canal Company
Box 146 Financial accounts 1830-1853 (2 folders)
Box 146 Legal records 1823-1857
Box 146 Dispute with H. Seymour 1830-1831, undated
Peterboro Glass Factory
Box 146 Agreements 1819-1820
Box 146 Census of Manufacturers, Gerrit Smith's description of the Peterboro works 1820 - copy from the National Archives
Box 146 Financial records 1819-1822
Box 146 Rock Oil Company (vol.93) 1861-1862 - minute book
Box 146 Saint Lawrence County lands 1851-1870 - financial records
Box 146 Saranac lands 1837-1873 - financial records
Box 147 Tax title disputes 1849-1852 - legal papers
Box 147 Tioga County, Pennsylvania lands 1856-1867 - correspondence, legal and financial records, map of holdings
By Gerrit Smith
Box 147 Fragments, holograph undated
Box 147 Autobiographical sketch, holograph undated
Articles, public letters and speeches 1823-1874, undated
Almost all of these items, comprising several hundred letters, pamphlets, broadsides, speeches and so on, have been removed from the collection and cataloged individually. Please refer to Libraries Search and search for "Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874" as author for a complete listing and detailed description. These items have also been digitized and are available online through the Gerrit Smith Pamphlets and Broadsides Collection . The few items that remain in the collection are listed below. Note that boxes 148 and 149 no longer exist.
Box 147 To the editor of the Advocate of Temperance, published in Albany 7 Apr 1835 - holograph
Box 147 To the members of the Liberty Party after 1851 - letter, holograph
Box 147 The Liberty Votes of the Town of Smithfield, to the Friends of the Slave in the County of Madison 9 Feb 1843 - letter, holograph
Box 147 To the Democrats of the County of Madison Aug 1844 - letter, holograph
Box 147 Gerrit Smith to Adain Ballou 25 Oct 1844 - newspaper clipping
Box 147 [Miscellaneous, relating to Rev. Asa Rand's charges against Smith] 1845
"To my Neighbors," Oct 1845, holograph; Notice, 1845, holograph; and another "To my Neighbors, 1845, holograph
Box 150 To the Public 12 May 1852 - call for the convention of the Liberty Party; holograph
Box 150 Gerrit Smith on the future state 21 Jan 1875 - newspaper clipping
Box 150 A Beautiful Letter for Boys [on the smoking of tobacco] - printed material
Box 150 A Story. The Ruinous Visit to Monkeyville, holograph 15 Nov 1851
Box 150 [Southern Arrogance & Violence] undated - newspaper clipping
Box 150 Gerrit Smith on temperance undated - newspaper clipping
Box 150 Published speeches, letters, broadsides, with index (vol.94) 1835-1874
Some of these are not included in the cataloged / scanned items.
Box 150 Verse by Gerrit Smith and others, bound (vol.95) 1837-1874 - holograph and printed material
Box 150 Verse by Gerrit Smith and others, unbound 1820-1875 - holograph and printed material
By others
Box 150 Cochran, John, "Has the Jury the Right of Judging Both of the Law, and the Fact?" undated - holograph, 7pp.
Box 150 Cowper, H. Augustus, "Slavery in Brazil" 1843 - printed material, 7pp.; includes holograph copy in the hand of Gerrit Smith of Benjamín Franklin's Petition to Congress, 1790 Feb.2
Box 150 Gates, Seth M. "Answer of the Hon. Seth M. Gates, to the Letter of Gerrit Smith." LeRoy Gazette-Extra 30 Oct 1839 - broadside
Box 150 Green, S.W. Gerrit Smith's "Biography" To the editor of the Library Table 20 Mar 1878 - broadside
Box 150 Hawley, Rev. Francis. A Review of Hon. Gerrit Smith's Discourse Setting Forth the Claims of a New Religion...Delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Sabbath, April 11, 1858. Syracuse: Daily Journal 1858 - printed material
Box 150 H,. T. On Reconstruction circa 1870 - broadside
Box 150 Jay, Judge [William] "Influence of Slavery in the Free States" 1853 - holograph, 44pp.
Box 150 Keppel, David "The Religious Experience of Hon. Gerrit Smith" circa 1874 - newspaper clipping
Box 150 K[eppel], David "Gerrit Smith's Christian Experience" circa 1874 - newspaper clipping
Box 150 Key, Francis Scott "Hymn" and "If Life's Pleasures Charm Thee" undated - holograph copy in Smith's hand; 1 leaf (2pp.)
Box 150 Lake, Lydia "My Grandmother's Muff" undated - holograph, 12 pp.
Box 150 New York Manumission Society, "Extracts from the I Vol. minutes of the New York Manumission Society, 1785-1797" undated - holograph copy in an unidentified hand, 8pp.
Box 150 "American Conventions for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and Improving the Conditions of the African Race" undated - holograph copy in the same unidentified hand, 9pp.
Box 150 Sherwood, Lorenzo 5 Feb 1867 - letter, possibly to Gerrit Smithbroadside
Box 150 Sullivan, William, "What smoking did in one case," Boston 23 Sep 1872 - holograph, 3pp,
Box 150 "Gerrit Smith and the Vigilant Association of the City of New York," New York: John A. Gray, printer 1860
Box 150 "Slavery and Marriage: A Dialogue," [Oneida Community] 1850 - printed material
Box 150 Miscellaneous undated
Box 150 Broadsides 1813-1870
Box 150 Brown, John circa 1850-1871 - correspondence related to legal papers: land deed including John Brown's signature, and printed matter and photocopies by and about
Box 151 Chaplin, William L. 1849-1873 - correspondence re, including correspondence of William H. Seward, David A. Hall, William Goodell, Lewis Tappan and others, holograph (2 folders)
Box 151 Gerrit Smith vs. the Chicago Tribune 1865-1867 - correspondence, legal and financial papers, and clippings re John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry and Smith's subsequent insanity (3 folders)
Church of Peterboro
Box 151 Correspondence 1835-1871
Box 151 Memoranda and notes of Gerrit Smith 1842-1849, undated
Box 151 Newspaper clippings 1850-1852
Box 151 Open letters 1849-1859, undated
Box 151 Ownership of pews (Presbyterian Church) 1821-1871
Box 151 Resolutions and creed 1841-1869, undated
Box 151 Miscellaneous undated
Box 151 Miscellaneous 1836-1879 (21 folders)
Box 152 Miscellaneous 1885, 1892-1962 (6 folders)
Box 152 Miscellaneous undated
Box 152 Miller, Elizabeth Smith. Common Place Book, 72L (vol.99) circa 1851-1889 - holograph
Congressional term, 30th and 33rd Congresses
Box 152 Miscellaneous printed and holograph material 1852
Box 152 "An Act to Suppress Insurrection, to Punish Treason and Rebellion, to Seize and Confiscate the Property of Rebels, and for Other Purposes" 1862 - holograph, 8pp.
Box 152 Ex. Doc. no.19 1848 - printed material
Box 152 Ex. Doc. no.46 1854 - printed material
Box 152 Report Bill no.239 - printed material
Box 152 Report on Richard W. Meade 1853 - printed material
Box 152 Draftees and volunteers in Madison County 1863-1864 - correspondence and notes, holograph
Box 152 "The Hour and the Man" 1858 - financial records, holograph, 11 leaves
Box 152 Imprisonment of Jefferson Davis 1866 - correspondence and clippings
Box 152 Jerry Rescue 1851-1859 - printed material (2 folders)
Box 152 Kansas Relief, "Destitution in Kansas" 1856-1860 - broadside to citizens of Kansas and holograph notes
Box 152 Liberty Party 1845-1850 - lists of subscribers, voter tally sheets and miscellaneous material, holograph
Box 152 List of anti-slavery men circa 1842 - holograph, 8 pp. paperbound
Box 152 Madison County Protective Mercantile Association undated - constitution and by-laws, printed, 6 pp.
New York Central College, McGrawville
Box 152 Correspondence 1852-1864
Box 152 Financial and legal records 1858-1861
Box 152 Printed matter 1850-1860
Box 152 Obituaries, Gerrit Smith 1874-1875 - newspaper clippings (2 folders)
Peterboro Academy (also Evans Academy)
Box 152 Miscellaneous 1851
Box 152 Accounts 1851-1877
Box 152 Agreements 1851-1864 - holograph, 6pp.
Box 152 Bills and receipts 1851-1869, undated - holograph (2 folders)
Box 153 Bills and receipts 1870-1879 - holograph
Box 153 Enrollment and tuition 1864-1878, undated - holograph
Box 153 Correspondence 1851-1892, undated - holograph
Box 153 Incorporation 1851-1858 - holograph
Box 153 Printed material 1858-1889 - broadsides, catalogues and clippings
Box 153 Reports 1861-1863 - holograph, 4 leaves
Box 153 Stock Assignments undated - holograph
Box 153 Peterboro Children's Home 1871-1887 - holograph and clippings
Box 153 Peterboro Temperance Meeting Resolution 1835 - holoqraph, 2 leaves
Box 153 Petition for Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law 1851 - printed with holograph signatures, 1 leaf
Box 153 Practical Democrats, "Address of the Practical Democrats" 1854 - printed material, 7 pp.; also clipping with "Platform of the Practical Democrats," 1 p. (2 copies)
Box 153 Portraits of Gerrit Smith undated - 2 different reproductions
Box 153 Printed matter on abolition, temperance, state support of churches, etc. 1847-1863
Reciprocal trade agreement with Canada
Box 153 Correspondence re 1853 - holograph
Box 153 Printed material related to 1849-1853
Scrapbooks of clippings, broadsides and genealogical records
Box 154 [scrapbook A] (vol.100) 1834-1904
Box 154 [scrapbook B] (vol.101) 1834-1873
Box 154 Shipman Pension Case 1852-1853 - correspondence and printed material
Box 154 Sermon Book, Johann Kaspar Lavater 1762 - holograph, 28pp., in German
Box 154 New York State Lunatic Asylum, Utica, New York 1859-1860 - correspondence, itemized lists and clippings
Box 154 Gerrit Smith vs. the New York Democratic Vigilant Association 1860, undated - re John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
Box 154 Correspondence Mar-Nov 1860, undated (2 folders)
Box 154 Miscellaneous 1859-1860 - includes holograph notes, clippings, "Address of the Vigilant Association of the City of New York", printed 27pp. and three copies of "Gerrit Smith and the Vigilant Association of the City of New York", John A. Gray, printer, 27pp
Box 154 Zecher, George William, Case 1854-1869 - correspondence (most in German), holograph (2 folders)
Box 155 Lovejoy, Owen, "State of the Union" 23 Jan 1861 - printed material, 8pp.
Box 155 Marks, E. Letter to Dear Cousin W.B., Camillus, Onondaga Co., NY 12 Feb 1862 - printed material
Box 155 Nuermberger, Ruth Ketríng, The Free Produce Movement: A Quaker Against Slavery, Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press (Historical Papers of the Trinity College Historical Society, Series XXV) 1942
Box 155 Ray, Frederick A., "Gerrit Smith, the friend of John Brown," Herkimer County Historical Society Papers, vol.4, printed 1914
Box 155 Sperry, Earl E., The Jerry Rescue, October 5, 1851, Syracuse NY, Onondaga Historical Association 1924
Box 155 Tanner, Edwin Platt, "Gerrit Smith: an interpretation", a paper read at the New York Historical Association 2-4 Oct 1923 - printed material, 19pp
Box 155 American Anti-Slavery Almanac, NY: S.W. Benedict 1840, 1842
Box 155 Women's Rights Almanac, Worcester, MA: 2. Baker and Co. 1858
Box 155 Blackwell, Henry B. "What the South Can Do: How the Southern States Can Make Themselves Masters of the Situation" 15 Jan 1867 - printed material, 4pp
Box 155 Douglass, Frederick, "Address by Frederick Douglass, and poem by A.C. Hills, delivered at the erection of the Wing Monument at Mexico, Oswego, NY, Sept 11, 1855," Syracuse: J.G.K. Truair, printer 1855
Box 155 Faithful, Emily, Three Visits to America, Edinburgh 1884 - reproduction, 2pp
Box 155 Frothingham, Octavius B., Gerrit Smith: A biography 3rd ed., NT: G.P. Putnam's Sons 1909, undated - includes photocopy of note by Greene Smith from the Greene Smith Papers, 2pp.
Box 155 Hammond, Charles A. Gerrit Smith: The story of a noble man's life, Geneva, NY: W.F. Humphrey 1900
Box 155 Harlow, Ralph V. Gerrit Smith and the John Brown Raid, reprinted from the American Historical Review, v.XXXVIII, no. 1 Oct 1932
Box 155 Harlow, Ralph V. Gerrit Smith and the Free Church Movement, reprinted from The New York History, vol.XVIII, no.3 Jul 1837
Box 155 Harlow, Ralph V. Gerrit Smith: Philanthropist and Reformer, NY: Henry Holt and Co., vol.97 1939
Box map-case "First Through," Auburn and Ithaca Railroad, Genoa, NY - oversized illustration, removed from frame
Maps are listed in a separate cartobibliography. (WARNING: This file is quite large and may take some time to download/open.)

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