Victim files |
Box 2 |
Ahern, John M. circa December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Aicher, Sarah Margaret. December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Ammerman, Thomas January 1989 |
Box 2 |
Asrelsky, Rachel December 1988-July 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Atkinson, William and Judith Bernstein February 1989-November 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Avoyne, Babette circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Avritt, Jerry circa 1990 |
Box 2 |
Bacciochi, Clare and Clayton Flick December 1988-June
Box 2 |
Bainbridge, Harry Michael. March 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Barclay, Stuart December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Benello, Julian December 1989-February
Box 2 |
Bennett, Lawrence circa 1990 |
Box 2 |
Berkley, Alistair circa December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Bernstein, Michael Stuart October 1988 |
Box 2 |
Berrell, Steven December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Berti, Noelle circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Bhatia, Surinder December 1988-June 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Bissett, Kenneth May 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Boatmon-Fuller, Diane January 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Boland, Stephen February 1989-August
Box 2 |
Bouckley, Glenn and Paula June 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Boulanger, Nicole circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Bright, Nicholas January 1989-May 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Brunner, Colleen circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Burman, Timothy circa December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Buser, Michael and Warren circa December 1988 |
See Also: Halsch, Lorraine |
Box 2 |
Butler, Steven undated |
Box 2 |
Canady, Valerie December 1988-May
Box 2 |
Capasso, Gregory undated |
Box 2 |
Cardwell, Timothy December 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Carlsson, Bernt December 1988-October 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Cawley, Richard December 1988-August
Box 2 |
Ciulla, Frank undated |
Box 2 |
Cohen, Theodora undated |
Box 2 |
Coker, Eric and Jason January 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Colasanti, Gary December 1988
Box 2 |
Cory, Scott undated |
Box 2 |
Coursey, Willis circa 1990 |
Box 2 |
Coyle, Patricia December 1988-June 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Cummock, John December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Curry, Joseph circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Daniels, William circa December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Dater, Gretchen April 1989-May 1989;
, undated
Box 2 |
Davis, Shannon July 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Di Mauro, Joyce undated |
Box 2 |
Dornstein, David December 1988-July 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Doyle, Michael March 1989, undated |
Box 2 |
Eggleston, Edgar H., III December 1988, undated |
Box 2 |
Engstrom, Siv circa December 1988 |
Box 2 |
Ergin, Turhan December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Fisher, Charles December 1988-August 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Flynn, John December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Fondiler, Arthur circa December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Fortune, Robert July 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Franklin, Stacie March 1988-July
Box 3 |
Fuller, James December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Gallagher, Amy December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Garczynski, Kenneth undated |
Box 3 |
Garret, Paul circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Gibson, Kenneth James undated |
Box 3 |
Giebler, William David, Jr. December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Gorgacz, Ann, Loretta, and Linda January 1989 |
Box 3 |
Gould, David December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Guevorgian, Andre November 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Halsch, Lorraine circa December 1988, undated |
See Also: Buser, Michael and Warren |
Box 3 |
Hartunian, Lynne January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Hawkins, Anthony L December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Henry, Dora and Maurice undated |
Box 3 |
Herbert, Pamela December 1988-January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Hill, Alfred June 1989 |
Box 3 |
Hollister, Katherine March 1989-May 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Hudson, Josephine June 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Hudson, Melina circa December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Hunt, Karen December 1988-December
Box 3 |
Hurst, Roger January 1989-July 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Ivell, Elisabeth December 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Jeffreys, Paul and Rachel January 1989-December 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Jermyn, Kathleen June 1989-January 1990, undated |
Box 3 |
Johnson, Beth A. January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Johnson, Mary L. December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Johnson, Timothy December 1988-January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Jones, Christopher December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Kelly, Julianne December 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Kingham, Jay December 1988-May
Box 3 |
Klein, Patricia December 1988-January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Kosmowski, Gregory circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Kuehne, Elke Etha December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Kulukundis, Minas C. circa December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Larracoechea, Maria Nieves de May 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Leckburg, Robert January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Leyrer, William December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Lincoln, Wendy December 1988-March
Box 3 |
Lowenstein, Alexander December 1988-February
Box 3 |
Ludlow, Lloyd December 1988-September 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
MacAlolooy, Maria circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Malicote, David and Wendy January 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Marek, Elizabeth December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Marengo, Louis December 1988-January 1989 |
Box 3 |
Maslowski, Diane circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
McCarthy, Daniel March 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
McCollum, Robert circa December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
McKee, Charles January 1989-July 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
McLaughlin, Bernard December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Melber, Jane October 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Merrill, John circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Miazga, Suzanne circa December 1988, undated |
Box 3 |
Mitchell, Jewel circa December 1988 |
Box 3 |
Monetti, Richard May 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Morgan, Jane October 1989, undated |
Box 3 |
Mosey, Helga December 1988-June
Box 3 |
Murphy, Geraldine December 1988-June
Box 4 |
Noonan, Karen circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
O’Connor, Daniel July 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
O'Neill, Denice May 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Otenasek, Anne Lindsey circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Owen, Bryony and Gwyneth Yvonne undated |
Box 4 |
Owens, Laura, Martha, Robert, and Sarah September 1989 |
Box 4 |
Pagnucco, Robert undated |
Box 4 |
Peirce, Peter April 1988-December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Pescatore, Michael circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Philipps, Sarah December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Phillips, Frederick October 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Platt, David November 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Porter, Walter circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Posen, Pamela Lynn undated |
Box 4 |
Pugh, William November 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Rattan, Anmol, Garima, and Suruchi undated |
Box 4 |
Rein, Mark Alan undated |
Box 4 |
Reina, Jocelyn March 1990, undated |
Box 4 |
Rencevicz, Diana January 1989-September 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Rogers, Louise June 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Rosen, Saul M. undated |
Box 4 |
Rosenthal, Andrea December 1988-February
Box 4 |
Rosenthal, Daniel December 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Royal, Myra January 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Saraceni, Elyse September 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Saunders, Scott undated |
Box 4 |
Saunders, Theresa undated |
Box 4 |
Schlageter, Robert December 1988-January
Box 4 |
Schultz, Thomas December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Scott, Sally undated |
Box 4 |
Shapiro, Amy 1985-January 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Sigal, Irving October 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Simpson, Martin December 1988-May 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Skabo, Irja February 1972-September 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Smith, Cynthia circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Smith, Mary Edna circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Stinnett, Charlotte, Michael and Stacey December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Stratis, Elia December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Swire, Flora December 1988-March 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Tager, Marc circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Teran, Andrew March 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Thomas, Arva undated |
Box 4 |
Thomas, Jonathan and LaWanda circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Tobin, Mark undated |
Box 4 |
Tsairis, Alexia undated |
Box 4 |
Valentino, Barry undated |
Box 4 |
Velimirovich, Milutin undated |
Box 4 |
Vrenios, Nicholas circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Vulcu, Peter August 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Wagner, Raymond May 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Walker, Thomas January 1989-October 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Weedon, Kesha circa December 1988 |
Box 4 |
Weston, Jerome Lee January 1990 |
Box 4 |
White, Jonathan December 1988-January 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Williams, Bonnie, Brittany, Eric and Stephanie March 1988-February 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Williams, George undated |
Box 4 |
Wolfe, Miriam December 1988, undated |
Box 4 |
Wright, Andrew C. 1985-1989 |
Box 4 |
Zwynenburg, Mark January 1989, undated |
Box 4 |
Victim portraits for those with no file undated |