Writings |
Box 2 |
1950 - 1956
"Some Freaks of Discipleship. A Study in Indian Hagiography"
(article) (Publication #1) 1950
"Alma Mater vs. Pulpit. A Study in Hindu Scholastic Traditionalism"
(article) (Publication #2) 1950
"Hinduism as a Religion for Skeptics" (article) (Publication
#3) 1950
"Rādhākrishnan and the Other Vedānta" (book chapter in The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan)
(Publication #10) 1952
"The Metamorphosis of Esthetic Value in India" (article)
(Publication #11) 1952
"Monasticism as a Way of Life" (article) (Publication
#12) 1952
"Philosophy and Sādhanā" (article) (Publication #13) 1952 |
"Die Lage der Philosophische im heutigen Indien" (report in German)
(Publication #16) 1953
"Is Hindu Sculpture Obscene?" (article) (Publication
#18) 1953
“On Heroism” (article) (Publication #19) 1953 |
"Speeches at Mandakkad, Kerala, March 6, 7, 8 & 9, 1953"
(English text in a Malayalam publication) (Publication #20A) 1953
"Inductive Reasoning: A Study of Tarka in Indian Logic" (review;
Bagchi), "Philosophical Essays" (review; Damle), and "The Nature of
Philosophy" (review; Damle) (Publications #66, #67, and #68) 1953-1955
"Bericth über den 28" Indischen Philosophenkongress in Baroda
(report in German) (Publication #21) 1954
"Bericht über den 1" Indischen Wissenschaftlerkongress in Hyderabad
Dn. (report in German) (Publication #22) 1954
"Belur and Halebid: The Hoyshala Shrines of Mysore" (article)
(Publication #25) 1954
"Dogmatism and Our Time" (article) (Publication #27) 1954 |
"India's Message" (review article, M.N. Roy, Fragments) (Publication #9) 1955
"Das Studium der Philosphie an Den Indischen Universitäten" (report
in German) (Publication #28) 1955
"Lebensregeln und Meditation im Indischen Mönchstum" (article in
German) (Publication #29) 1955
"Philosophy: East and West" (article) (Publication #35) 1955 |
"The Monastic Manifesto" (Publication #36) 1955 |
"On My Monastic Myth - A Reply to Mrs. Barnard" (response article)
(Publications #37) 1955
"The Status of the individual in Indian Thought" (article)
(Publication #38) 1955
"Radical Humanism and Western Philosophy" (article) (Publication
#57A) 1955
"A Mystic's Epistle" (article) (Publication #58) 1956 |
"Universitäterziehung und Hochschulbildung im heutigen Thailand"
(report) (Publication #59) 1956
"A Note on Buddhist Logic" (book chapter in Viśvajyoti, Buddha Jayantī Special Issue) (Publication
#60) 1956
"Saffron Robes and Joie de Vivre - Letters from Thailand" (article)
(Publication #61) 1956
"Buddhistische Geisteswelt" (review in German; Mensching)
(Publication #63) 1956
Box 2 |
1957 - 1960
"Indian Thought Viewed from a Western Critical Viewpoint" (lectures
transcribed in Japanese) (Publication #65) 1957
"History of Philosophy - Eastern and Western" (review; S.
Radhakrishnan) and "The Principal Upanishads" (review; S. Radhakrishnan)
(Publications #69 and #69A) 1957
"The Changing Face of Japan: A Letter from Japan" (article)
(Publication #70) 1957
"The Loves of Krishna in Indian Art" (review; Archer)
(Publication #71) ca. 1958
"Die geistigen Kräfte Asiens in Der Krise der Gegenwart" (article
in German) (Publication #72) 1958
"The Central Philosophy of Buddhism" (review in German; T.R.V.
Murti) (Publication #73) 1958
"The Padārthatattvanirūpanam of Raghunatha Śiromani" (review in
German; Karl H. Potter) (Publication #74) 1958
"Geschichte der Indischen Philosophie, Vol. II" (review in
German; Frawallner) (Publication #75) 1958
"Philosophy and Psychology in Abhidharma" (review in English;
Guenther) (Publication #77) ca. 1958
"The Dalai Lama and Buddhism" (published letters in 3 parts)
(Publications #78, 82, and 94) 1959-1960
"Philosophie und Psychologie im Abhidharma" (review in German;
Guenther - see also Publication #77) (Publication #76) 1959
"Time and Modality" (review article in German; A. N. Prior)
(Publication #81) ca. 1959
"Yoga - Immortality and Freedom" (review in German; Mircea
Eliade) (Publication #83) ca. 1959
"Popular Essays in Indian Philosophy"; "Art Experience"; "The Quest
after Perfection" (reviews in German) (Publication #84) ca. 1959
"sGam.po.pa - the Jewel Ornament of Liberation" (review; Guenther)
and "Modern Hindi Grammar" (review; Saihgal) (Publications #79 and
#80) 1960
"A Note on Albert Schweitzer" (article in German) (Publication
#85) 1960
"Metaphysics of Tantrism" (review article, N. Brown) (Publication
#86) ca. 1960
"Philosophisches 'klar'" (article in German) (Publication
#87) 1960
"Über Eliades Yogaauffassung" (article in German) (Publication
#88) ca. 1960
"Weltprobleme am Himalaya" (review in German; W. Leifer)
(Publication #89) ca. 1960
"Dattātreya" (review in German; H.H. Chamaraja Wadiyar of Mysore)
(Publication #90) 1960
"Philosophical Analysis" (review in German; J. O. Urmson)
(Publication #91) ca. 1960
"Indian Philosophical Studies" (review in German; M. Hiriyanna)
(Publication #92) ca. 1960
"Die Philosophie des Buddhismus" (review article in German;
Frauwallner) (Publication #93) 1960
"The Saundaryalaharī" (review in German; W. Norman Brown)
(Publication #95) ca. 1960
"Das Pañcatantra und seine Morallehre" (review; W. Ruben)
(Publication #96) ca. 1960
"Jeopardy to Specific Scholastic Pursuits" (article) (Publication
#97) 1960
"Existentialism and Religious Belief" (review in German; D. E.
Roberts) (Publication #98) 1960
"Mahatma Gandhi - eine Philosophische und Anthropologische
Studie" (article in German) (Publication #99) 1960
"Essays in Moral Philosophy" (review in German; A.I. Melden, ed.)
(Publication #100) 1960
Box 2 |
1961 - 1962
"The Hevajra Tantra" (review; D.L. Snellgrove) (Publication
#101) ca. 1961
"Tagore and the Hindu Renaissance" (article) (Publication
#102) 1961
"The Brahma Sūtras" (review; S. Radhakrishnan) (Publication
#104) ca. 1961
"The Brahma Sūtras" (review in German; S. Radhakrishnan - see
also Publication #104) (Publication #105) ca. 1961
"Gandhi and Buddhist Atheism" (article) (Publication
#106) 1961
"Education of Tribals in India: A Rejoinder to DeMeulder"
(Publication #108) ca. 1961
Saundaryaśāstra evam Ravindra kā darśan" (article in Hindi)
(Publication #109) ca. 1961
"Aesthetical Doctrine and the Philosophy of Tagore" (article;
English version of Publication #109) (Publication #110) ca. 1961
"Mudrā - A Study in Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist
Sculpture" (review article; Dale Saunders; jointly with Dr. Leon N. Hurvitz)
(Publication #111) ca. 1961
Meditations-Sūtras des Mahāyāna Buddhismus (review in German; R. von
Muralt) (Publication #113) 1961
"Albert Schweitzer im Lichte Indischen Denkens" (book chapter in
German in Albert Scweitzer: Sein Denken und sein
Weg) (Publication #118) 1961
"Sandhābāsā or Intentional Language in Tantras" (article)
(Publication #119) 1961
Das Pañcatantra und seine Morallehre" (review in English; W. Ruben)
(Publication #120) 1961
"The Naturalistic Tradition of Indian Thought" (review in German; D.
Riepe) (Publication #127) ca. 1961
"Esthetical Norm and Value Modification in
Modern India (monograph) (Publication #116) 1962
"Cultural Criticism as a Tool for Social Studies" (article)
(Publication #122) 1962
"Recent Reflections on M.N. Roy" (article) (Publication
#123) 1962
"Spiritual vs. Materialistic - A Corrective Analysis" (article)
(Publication #124) 1962
"Modern Hindu Exegesis of a Mahāyāna Buddhist Text" (article)
(Publication #125) ca. 1962
"The Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein" (review in German; David
Pole) (Publication #126) ca. 1962
"Philosophie und Religion Indiens" (review in German; H. Zimmer)
(Publication #128) 1962
"The Concept of Man: A Study in Comparative Philosophy" (review in
German; S. Radhakrishnan and P. T. Raju) (Publication #129) ca. 1962
"Srī Bali Parāi - The Historical Background of the Dispute about the
Vivekananda Rock" (article) (Publication #130) 1962
"The Mind-Body Dichotomy and Psychosomatic Syndromes in Modern
India" (article) (Publication #132) ca. 1962
"In Defense of the Robe: A Rejoinder to Prof. D. McCutchion"
(article) (Publication #133) 1962
"Nationalism and Humanism: Two Incompatible -isms" (article)
(Publication #134) 1962
"Indian Idealism and Modern Challenges" (review in German; P. T.
Raju) (Publication #136) ca. 1962
"Theory and Practice of Mandala"
(review; G. Tucci, trl. of Teoria e prattico del
Mandala) and "Politische Polemiken im Staatslehrbuch des Kautaya"
(review; Friedrich Wilhelm) (Publications #137 and #138) ca. 1962
"Indo-Scythian Studies - Khotanese Texts, Vol IV" (review; H. W.
Bailey) (Publication #139) ca. 1962
"Medical Research and Disease Apprehension Patterns in
Cross-cultural Perspective" (book chapter in The
Cancer Relief Society Souvenir Volume, K. G. Thankama, ed.)
(Publication #140) ca. 1962
"Albert Schweitzers Denken in Indiscner Sicht" (chapter in German in
Albert Schweitzer, Sein Denken und Sein Weg)
(Publication #140A) 1962
Box 2 |
"Paralelismos Sincretisticos: Un Metodo Heuristico" (article in
Spanish) (Publication #141) 1963
"The Sino-Indian Border Situation and the Indian Student in America"
(Publication #142) 1963
"Critic versus Pundit and Puritanism - Some Reflections on Prof.
McCutchion's Essay" (Publication #143) 1963
"Der Ganapātha zu den Adhyāyas IV und V der Grammatik Pāninis"
(review; R. Harre) (Publication #144) ca. 1963
"The Wisdom of Buddhism" (review; Ch. Humphreys) (Publication
#147) ca. 1963
"Tongue-Tide - The Battle of Babel" (letter to the editor in Newsweek International) (Publication
#148) 1963
"The Kāma Sūtra of Vātsyayana" (review; R. Burton) (Publication
#149) 1963
"Cultura y Etica: Un Analisis Critico del Pensamiento Schweitzeriano
y Humanistico" (article in Spanish) (Publication #151) 1963
"Sensa and Sensibilia" and "Philosophical Papers" (reviews in
German; J. L. Austin) (Publications #152 and #153) ca. 1963
"The Gandhārī Dharmapāda" (review in English; J. Brough)
(Publication #154) ca. 1963
"Pilgrimage in the Indian Tradition" (Publication of
#155) 1963
"Cultural Hurdles in Development Administration" (chapter in Development Administration: Problems and Concepts,
Syracuse University Press) (Publication #156) ca. 1963
"Coup in Vietnam" (letter to the editor in Newsweek International) (Publication #158) 1963
Kinship-term Avoidance and Substitution in North Indian Middle Class
Milieux" (article in German) (Publication #159) ca. 1963
"China, Cuba, and Conflict: Ideology vs. Intellect" (Publication
#160) ca. 1963
“Attitude of Hindu Scholars & Nationalists to Pre-Nazi Germany
and the Third Reich” (abstract) and “Overseas Indians: Cultural Stagnation
and the Transitional Situation” (abstract) (Publications #565 and #565A) 1963
Box 2 |
"The Life and Teaching of Nāropa" (review; H. V. Guenther)
(Publication #164) ca. 1964
"Western Psychotherapy and Hindu Sādhanā" (review; H. Jacobs) and
"India of Vedic Kapasūtras" (review; Ram Gopal) (Publications #165 and
#166) ca. 1964
"Foundations of Empiricism" and "Inside the Great Mirror" (reviews
in German; J. K. Feibleman) (Publications #167 and #168) 1964
"Die Ansprüche der Logistiker auf die Logik und ihre
Geschichtschreibung" (review; M. Jacoby) (Publication #169) 1964
"Paz Mundial: Analisis de una Posibilidad" (article in Spanish)
(Publication #170) 1964
"Prospects of Secularism in India" (Publication #171) ca. 1964 |
"Possession and Divination among Lohana Hindus in East Africa"
(Publication #172) 1964
"The Indians in East Africa - A Survey of Problems of Transition and
Adaptation" (Publication #173) 1964
"Contemporary Ethical Theories" (review in German; L. J. Binkley)
and "Experience and Culture - The Philosophy of Georg Simmel" (review in
German; R. Weingarten) (Publications #174 and #175) ca. 1964
"Political Pressures and Reactions in the Asian Minority in East
Africa" (Publication #176) ca. 1964
"A Contemporary Interpretation of Ahimsā" (book chapter in Gandhi: His Relevance for our Time) (Publication
#177) ca. 1964
"Symbolik der Beruhrüng in der Hinduistisch-Buddhistischen
Vorstellungswelt" (article in German) (Publication #178) 1964
"Love, Miscegenation, and Anthropology" (Publication
#179) 1964
"Problems of Asian Minorities in East Africa" (Publication
#187) 1964
“What is Sanātana Dharma?” (Publication #569) 1964 |
Box 2 |
1965, Publications #180 -
"The Contribution of Hinduism to the Modern World" (Interfaith
Lecture Series 1964, Wells Express, Wells
College Bulletin) (Publication #180) 1965
"Hindu Scholars, Germany, and the Third Reich" (article)
(Publication #181) 1965
"L'Enseignement du Vimalakīrti" (review; E. Lamotte) (Publication
#183) ca. 1965
"The Intellectual and Modernity: The Occidental Situation" (article
in two parts) (Publication #184) 1965
"Untersuchungen zur Kritik des Phänomenalistischen Agnostizismus und
des Subjektiven Idealismus" (review in German; A. Konrad) (Publication
#185) ca. 1965
"Fringe Reference and Non-Commitment" (Publication #186) ca. 1965 |
"A Social Survey" (book chapter in Portrait of
a Minority: The Asians in East Africa, ed. D. P. Ghai)
(Publication #189) ca. 1965
Box 2 |
1965, Publications #190 -
"Indo-African Cultural Ties" (article) (Publication
#190) 1965
"Relativism and the Study of Man" (review in German; J. W. Wiggins)
(Publication #191) ca. 1965
"Perception, Understanding and Society" (review in German; F. P.
Chambers) (Publication #192) ca. 1965
"Prospects for Secularism in India" (book chapter in Jawaharlal Nehru: A Critical Tribute) (Publication
#193) ca. 1965
"Decline of Philosophical Thought" (review article based on P.
Linke's Niedergangerscheinungen)(Publication
#194) 1965
"Directed 'Massification' and the Failure of Philosophy" (review
article based on G. Schischkoff's Gesteuerte
Vermassung) (Publication #195) 1965
"Interpretation of Deflective Parlance in India: A Paradigm for the
Ethnography of Communication" (Publication #196) 1965
"Humanism 'and' Religion: The Problem of Communication" (Publication
#197) 1965
"Die Echtheit in Anthropologischer und Konfliktpsychologischer
Sicht" (review in German; H. Stoffer) (Publication #198) ca. 1965
"Die Religiös-Magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstämme Indiens:
Die Bhagoria-Bhils" (review in English; M. Hermanns) (Publication
#199) 1965
"Spirit and Man: An Essay on Being and Value" (review in German; N.
Rothenstreich) (Publication #200) ca. 1965
"Philosophy and Linguistic Analysis" (review in German; M. J.
Charlesworth) (Publication #201) ca. 1965
The Philosophical Potential of Indian
Esotericism. (monograph) (Publication #202) ca. 1965
"Śākta and Vajrayāna - Their Place in Indian Thought" (book chapter
in Studies of Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism)
(Publication #203) 1965
"Patterns of Identification among the East African Indians"
(Publication #204) 1965
"The Asian Entrepreneur in East Africa" (Publication
#205) ca. 1965
Box 2 |
1966 - 1967
"Plurality and Antimony. Cultural Foundations of Spiritual
Conflicts" (review; Michael Landmann) (Publication #207) 1966
"Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy" (review in German;
Nanian Smart) (Publication #208) 1966
"Vedānta or the Science of Reality" (review; K. A. Iyer)
(Publication #210) ca. 1966
"Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des Buddhismus" (report in German)
(Publication #211) ca. 1966
"Clarity is not Enough" (review in German; M. D. Lewis, ed.)
(Publication #213) ca. 1966
"Language, Meaning, and Persons" (review in German; N. K. Bannerji)
(Publication #214) ca. 1966
"The Unwanted Elite in East Africa" (article) (Publication
#215) ca. 1966
"Mithras: Geschiche eines Kultes" (review in English; Vermasseren)
(Publication #216) ca. 1966
"The Indian Spirit" (review; K. Satchidarandamurty) (Publication
#217) ca. 1966
"El Significado de la Antropologia ambos Lados de Atlantico"
(article in Spanish) (Publication #218) 1966
"Hindu Polytheism" (review article; Danielou) (Publication
#219) 1966
"East-West Parallels" (review; W. F. Wertheim) (Publication
#220) 1966
"The Destiny of the Veda in India" (review; Louis Renou)
(Publication #221) ca. 1966
"Nietzsche: The Man and his Philosophy" (review in German;
Holingdale) (Publication #223) ca. 1966
"The Decline of Teknonymy: Changing Husband-Wife Appellations in
Modern India" (article) (Publication #224) 1966
"Religious Observances in Tibet" (review; R. B. Ekvall) (Publication
#241) 1966
"How Sacred is the Sacred Cow?" (Publication #230) 1967 |
"M. N. Roy, Narcissism and the Anomic Theme in India" (article)
(Publication #231) 1967
"The Sādhu's Jargon: A Note on Indian Anti-Intellectualism"
(article) (Publication #232) 1967
"Ideology and Content of Caste among the Indians in East Africa"
(book chapter in Caste in Overseas Indian
Communities, ed. Barton M. Schwartz) (Publication
#233) ca. 1967
"Axiomatische Philosophie: Ein Beitrag zur Selbstkritik der
Philosophie" (review in German; F. Austeda) (Publication #234) 1967
"Die Politische Willensbildung in Indien: 1900-1960" (review in
English; D. Rothermund) (Publication #235) ca. 1967
"Hindu Culture and Personality" (review; P. Spratt) (Publication
#236) ca. 1967
"Manicūdavadanoddhrta: A Buddhist Rebirth Story in the Newari
Language" (review; S. Lienhard) (Publication #237) 1967
"The Patimokkha: 227 Fundamental Rules for a Bhikkhu" (review; Ven.
Nanamoli Thera) and "The Wisdom Gone Beyond: An Anthology of Buddhist Texts"
(review; H. H. Prince Dhani Nivat) (Publications #238 and 242) ca. 1967
"Prüfung und Initiation im Buche Pausya und in der Biographie des
Nāropa" (review; R. Wilhelm) (Publication #239) ca. 1967
"Śrī Guru Granth Sahib" (review; ed. Gopal Singh) (Publication
#240) 1967
"Dr. Conrad Schwartz and L.S.D." (letter in The Vancouver Sun) (Publication #243) 1967
"The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language"
(review in German; J. A. Fodor & J. J. Katz, eds.) (Publication
#244) ca. 1967
"Das System des Advaita nach der Lehre
Prakāśātmans" (review in German; K. Camman) and "Mandanamiśra's Vibhramavivekah mit einer Studie zur Entwicklung
der Indischen Irrtumslehre" (review in German; L. Schmithausen)
(Publications #245 and #246) ca. 1967
"Personale Anthropologie: Aufriss der humanen Struktur" (review in
German; A. Vetter) (Publication #247) ca. 1967
"Naturalism in Modern Indian Philosophy. II + 33 Seiten" (review in
German; S. P. Kanal) (Publication #247A) ca. 1967
"Tibetan Mysticism without Mystification" (review; Herbert V.
Guenther) (Publication #248) 1967
"The Place of the Hidden Moon" (review; E. D. Dimock) (Publication
#250) 1967
"British Analytical Philosophy" (review in German; B. William &
A. Montefiore, eds.) (Publication #251) ca. 1967
"Krishna: Myths, Rites, and Attitudes" (review; Milton Singer)
(Publication #252) 1967
Box 3 |
"The Mahimnastava or Praise of Śiva's Greatness" (review; Norman
Brown) (Publication #253) ca. 1968
"The Concept of Perfection in the Teachings of Kant and the Gītā"
(review; B. S. Gauchwal) (Publication #254) 1968
"Great Tradition and Little Traditions: An Anthropological View of
Eastern Societies" (book chapter in Anthropological
Backgrounds of Adult Education, Th. Cummings, ed.) (Publicaion
#255) 1968
"Linguistica Antroplogica y Antropologia Linguistica (article in
Spanish) (Publication #256) 1968
"Hindu Culture and Personality" (review; P. Spratt) (Publication
#257) ca. 1968
"Philosophy in America" (review in German; Max Black, ed.)
(Publication #258) ca. 1968
"Bhakti-rasāmrta-sindhuh of Śrī Rūpa
Gosvāmi" (review; Bhakti Hridaya Bon Maharaj) (Publication #260) ca. 1968
"Yoga and Yantra: Their Interrelation and their Significance for
Indian Archaeology" (review in Artibus Asiae;
P. H. Pott) (Publication #261, see also Publication #292) ca. 1968
"The Three Jewels: An Introduction to Buddhism" (review; Bhikku
Sangharakshita) and "The Indian Mind: Essentials of Indian Philosophy and
Culture" (review; Charles A. Moore, ed.) (Publications #263 and
#264) 1968
"The Great Integrators: The Saint-Singers of India" (review; V.
Raghavan) (Publication #265) 1968
"Under the Bo Tree: Studies in Caste, Kinship, and Marriage in the
Interior of Ceylon" (review; Nur Yalman); "F. D. Lessing's Lamaist
Iconography of the Peking Temple Yung-ho-kung" (review; J. B. Kruger &
E. D. Francis); "Myth and Cosmos: Readings in Mythology and Symbolism"
(review; J. Middleton, ed.); "The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagaon" (review; I.
Morris); "Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, Tibet, China, Japan"
(review; Hajime Nakamura); "Gods and Rituals: Readings in Religious Beliefs
and Practices" (review; J. Middleton); "Two Plays of Ancient India: The
Little Clay Cart and the Minister's Seal" (review; I. A. B. van Buitenen);
"Essays in Idleness: The Tsure-tsure-guza of Kenko" (review; Donald Keene);
"An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry: Vidyākara's Subhāśita - Ratnakosa" (review; D. H. Ingalls); "A Thousand Lives
Away: Buddhism in Contemporary Burma" (review; Winston L. King); "The Forest
of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual" (review; Victor Turner); "Burmese
Suernaturalism: A Study in the Explanation and Reduction of Suffering"
(review; Melford E. Spiro); "Three Ways of Asian Wisdom, Hinduism, Buddhism
and Zen and their Significance in the West" (review; Nancy Wilson Ross);
"The I-Ching or Book of Changes" (review; Richard Wilhelm); "Shinto, the Way
of the Gods (review; Floyd H. Ross) (all reviews in German) (Publications
#266 - #280) 1968
"Śrī Rupa Gosvāmi's Bhakti-rasmārta-sindhuh" (review; B. H. Bon Maharaj) (Publication
#281) ca. 1968
"Baha'i Statistics and Self-fulfilling Design: Comment on James J.
Keene's 'Redefinitions of Religion'" (article) (Publication
#282) ca. 1968
"The Two-Story World" (review in German; James K. Feibleman)
(Publication #283) ca. 1968
"The Revolution in Ethical Theory" (review in German; George C.
Kerner) and "The Genesis of Twentieth Century Philosophy" (review; Harry
Prosch) (Publications #284 and #285) ca. 1968
"The Indian Minority in Zambia, Rhodesia, and Malawai" (review;
Floyd & Lillian Dotson) (Publication #286) 1968
"Infinity: An Essay in Metaphysics" (review in German; Jose A.
Benardete) (Publication #287) ca. 1968
"Hindi Grammar and Reader" (review; E. Bender) and "Urdu Grammar and
Reader" (review; E. Bender) (Publications #288 and #289) 1968
"The Glass Curtain between Asia and Europe" (review; Raghavan Iyer)
(Publication #290) 1968
"Three Ways of Wisdom: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen and their
Significance for the West" (review in Journal of the
American Oriental Society; Nancy Wilson Ross - see also
Publication #278) (Publication #291) 1968
"Yoga and Yantra: Their Interrelations and their Significance for
Indian Archaeology" (review in Journal of the American
Oriental Society; P. H. Pott - see also Publication #261)
(Publication #292) 1968
"Culture and Cultures: A Linguistic Approach" (abstract)
(Publication #301) 1968
Box 3 |
"The Indians in Uganda" (review; H. Stephen Morris) (Publication
#293) 1969
"Mkhas 'Grub Rje's Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras" (review; F.
Lessing & A. Wayman) (Publicartion #294) 1969
"Explanation and Human Action" (review in German; A. R. Louch)
(Publication #295) ca. 1969
"Hinduistische und Islamische Kunst Indiens" (review; H. G. Franz)
and "Buddhistische Kunst Indiens" (review; H. G. Franz) (Publications #296
and #297) 1969
"Moral Strategy" (review in German; James K. Feibleman) (Publication
#298) ca. 1969
"References to Tibet in Medieval Indian Literary Documents"
(article) (Publication #299) 1969
"Structurale Anthropologie" (review in German; C. Lévi-Strauss)
(Publication #300) 1969
"The integration of Behavioral Sciences" (article) (Publication
#302) 1969
"Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan"
(review in German; Hajime Nakamura - see also Publication #270) (Publication
#305) ca. 1969
"Resemblance and Identity: An Examination of the Problem of
Universals" (review in German; P. Butchvarov) (Publication #306) ca. 1969
"Principals of Empirical Realism" (review; Donald C. Williams)
(Publication #307) ca. 1969
"Polarizacion Conceptual en la Antropologia Moderna" (article in
Spanish) (Publication #310) 1969
"Revivalist Movements within Religions" (article) (Publication
#311) 1969
"Studies of Nāyaka-nāyikā-bheda" (review; Rākeśagupta) (Publication
#312) ca. 1969
"Tibet's Terrifying Deities: Sex and Aggression in Religious
Acculturation" (review article; Fokke Sierksma); "Les Enseignements
Iconogrāphiques de I'Agnipurāna" (review; de Mallmann); "Êtude
Iconographique sur Mañjuśrī" (review; de Mallmann) (Publication #313 -
315) ca. 1969
"Existential Foundations of Psychology" (review in German; A. van
Kamm) (Publication #316) ca. 1969
"Das Leben Buddhas: Ein Chinesisches Holzschnitt Fragment" (review;
Grimm) (Publication #317) ca. 1969
"Ritual Songs and Folksongs of the Hindus of Surinam" (review; U.
Arya) (Publication #318) ca. 1969
Box 3 |
1970 - 1971
“The Hindu Renaissance and its Apologetic Patterns” (article)
(Publication #319) 1970
“Śamkara and Bradley: a Comparative and Critical Study” (review; S.
N. L. Shrivastava/Motil Banarsidas) (Publication #320) ca. 1970
“Five Indian Movies: Introduction to the South Asian Film Festival”
(S.U. Internal publication) (Publication #321) ca. 1970
“Ehre und Beleidigung: Grundfragen des strafrechtlichen
Ehrenschutzes” (review in German; Hans Hirsch, C. Miller Verlag)
(Publication #322) 1970
“The Logic of Invariable Concomitance in the Tattvacintāmani”
(review in German; C. Gekoop) (Publication #323) ca. 1970
“Reals in Jaina Metaphysics” (review; Hari Satya Bhattacharya, Seth
Shantidas Khetsi Charitable Trust, Bombay) (Publication #324) ca. 1970
“The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy”
(review article in German; A.H. Armstrong, ed., Cambridge, University Press)
(Publication #325) ca. 1970
“The Navya-Nyaya Doctrine of Negation: The Semantics and Ontology of
Negative Statements in Navya-Nyaya Philosophy” (review in German; Bimal
Krishna Matilal) (Publication #326) ca. 1970
“Gandhi’s Interpretation of the Gītā: an Anthropological Analysis”
(chapter in Gandhi, India and the World, S. N.
Ray, ed.) (Publication #327) ca. 1970
“Pilgrimage Sites and Indian Civilization” (book chapter in Chapters in Indian Civilization, J. W. Elder, ed.)
(Publication #328) 1970
“A History of Asians in East Africa; c. 1886-1945” (review; J.S.
Mangat) (Publication #329) ca. 1970
“Die philosophischen Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis”
(review in German; A. Fischer) (Publication #330) 1970
“The Royal Song of Sarāha: A Study in the History of Buddhist
Thought” (review; H. V. Guenther) (Publication #332) ca. 1970
“Wahrnehmen, Beobachten, Konstituieren: Phaenomenologie und
Begriggsbestimmung der ersten Erkenntnisakte” (review in German; Y. Reenpaa)
(Publication #335) ca. 1970
“Kierkegaard’s Authorship” (review in German; G. E. and G. B.
Arbaugh) (Publication #336) ca. 1970
“The Use of ‘Superstition’ as an Anti-Traditional Device in Urban
Hinduism” (article) (Publication #337) 1970
“Wittengstei, Die Negation Der Philosophie” (review; W. Schulz)
(Publication #338A) 1970
“Wittgenstein: Die Negation der Philosophie” (review in German;
Walter Schulz) (Publication #547) 1970
“Non-Linguistic Philosophy” (review in German; A.C. Ewing, G. Allen)
(Publication #338) ca. 1971
“Innere Entwicklungshilfe: Eine Enthologische Studie in Südindien”
(review in English; U. von Ehrenfels) (Publication #339) 1971
“Advaita Vedānta: A Philosophical Reconstruction” (review in German;
Eliot Deutsch) (Publication #340) 1971
“Hinduism and Modernization” (book chapter in Religion and Change in
Contemporary Asia, Robert F. Spencer, ed.) (Publication #341) 1971
“Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences” (review in
German; May Brodbeck, ed.) (Publication #342) ca. 1971
“Existence as Dialectical Tension” (review in German; A.R. Luther)
(Publication #343) ca. 1971
“Speech Acts: An Essay in Philosophy of Language” (review in German;
J.R. Searle) (Publication #344) ca. 1971
“Bharati Whom Bharat Could Not Take” (article) (Publication
#568) 1971
Box 3 |
1972 - 1973
“Asian Idea of East and West: Tagore and his Critics in Japan,
china, and India” (review article; Stephen N. Hay) (Publication
#345) ca. 1972
“Freewill and Determinism: A Study of Rival Concepts of Man” (review
in German; R. L. franklin) (Publication #346) 1972
“Philosophic Foundation of Genetic Psychology and Gestalt Psychology” (review in German; Ash Govar)
(Publication #347) 1972
“East West Studies in the Problems of the Self” (review in German;
P/ T. Raju & A. Castell, eds.) (Publication #348) 1972
“Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion: Ritual and
Belief Systems” (book chapter in Biennial Review of
Anthropology, Bernard J. Siegel, ed.) (Publication
#349) 1972
“Language and Philosophy” (review in German; Sidney Hook, ed.)
(Publication #350) 1972
“In Memoriam David McCutcheon” (book chapter in David McCutcheon Memorial Volume; P. Lal, ed.)
(Publication #351) 1972
“Analisis Antropologico con Enfoque Cultural de la Sexualidad
Humana” (article in Spanish; in 2 parts) (Publication #352) 1972
“The Meanings of Ghandi” (review; Paul P. Power, ed.) and “Le Yoga
Tantrique” (review in English; J. Evola) (Publications #355 and
#356) 1972
“Essays on the Caste System” (review; C. Bougle) (Publication #357) 1972 |
“Return to the Source” (review; DelVasto) (Publication #358) 1972 |
“Sprachtheorie: Grundbegriffe und Methoden zur Unterschung der
Sprachstruktur" (review in German; Rudolf Freundlich) (Publication
#359) ca. 1972
“Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge” (review in German; A. Danto)
(Publication #360) 1972
“Serendipity Suddenly Armed the 1971 Sri Lanka Insurgence” (article)
(Publication #361) 1973
“Hindus Ignorant of Hinduism - Phoney Swamis Abroad” (article)
(Publication #362) 1973
“Symposium on J. L. Austin” (review article in German) (Publication
#363) 1973
“Philosophy, Science, and Method: Essays in Honor of E. Nagel”
(review article in German; editors S. Morgenbesser, S. P. Suppes, M. White)
and “The Reach of Politics: A New look at Government” (review in German; J.
K. Feibleman) (Publications #364 and #365) 1973
“Discussions on Wittgenstein” (review in German; Rush Rhees)
(Publication #366) 1973
“Russell and Moore: The Analytic Heritage” (review; A. J. Ayer)
(Publication #367) 1973
“My Life with a Brahmin Family” (review in German; Lizella Raymond)
(Publication #368) 1973
“Hinduism, Psychotherapy, and the Human Predicament” (chapter in
Religious Systems and Psychoterapy, Richard
H. Cox, ed.) (Publication #369) ca. 1973
Box 3 |
1974 - 1976
“The Language of Modern Hinduism: Cognitive Models and
Ethnoscientific Analysis” (book chapter in Religious Ferment in Asia; Robert
J. Miller, ed.) (Publication #370) ca. 1974
“Fictitious Tibet: The Origin and Persistence of Rampaism” (article)
(Publication #371) ca. 1974
“Hare Krishna vs. Shiva Shiva: The Bharati-ISKCON Debate at Oakland
University” (article) (Publication #372) 1974
“The Private Language Argument” (review in German; P. Butchvarov)
(Publication #373) ca. 1974
“The Concept of Knowledge” (review in German; P. Butchvarov)
(Publication #374) ca. 1974
“Monasticism” (Entry in The New Encyclopedia
Britannica (III), 15th ed.) (Publication #375) 1974
“The Ontological Status of Psychic Phenomena in Hinduism and
Buddhism” (chapter in Parapsychology and
Anthropology; A. Angoff and D. Barth, eds.; Proceedings of an
International Conference held in London, U.K., August 29-31, 1973)
(Publication #376) ca. 1974
“Separate Realities: Sense and (mostly) Nonsense” (Publication
#377) 1974
“Alienation” (review in German; Richard Schacht) (Publication #378) ca. 1974 |
“Semantics: An Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Linguistics,
and Psychology” (review in German; D.D. Steinberg & L.A. Jakobovits,
eds.) (Publication #379) ca. 1975
“The Kapālikas and Kālamukas: Two Lost Saivite Sects” (review; D.M.
Lorenzen); “Godmen of India” (review; P. Brent); “The Afro-Asian Movement”
(review; David Kimche) (Publications #380-382) 1975
“Ernest Becker—an Obituary” (Syracuse) (Publication #383) 1975 |
“Proceeding of the Aristotelian Society Vol. LXX & Supplementary
Volume 1969-70” (review in German; Methuen) (Publication #384) 1975
“The Future (if any) of Tantrism” (article) (Publication #385) 1975 |
“Monastic and Lay Buddhism in the 1971 Sri Lanka Insurgency”
(article) (Publication #386) ca. 1975
“Studies in the Language and Culture of South Asia” (review; E.
Gerow & M.D. Laing, eds.) (Publication #387) 1975
“The Tantric View of Life” (review; Herbert V. Guenther)
(Publication #388) 1975
“Essays on J. L. Austin” (review in German; G. J. Warnock)
(Publication #389) ca. 1975
“Det Uppdiktade Tibet: Om Rampaismen” (Swedish translation of
Bharati's article “Fictitious Tibet: The Origin and Persistence of
Rampaism,” see Publication #371) and a reader's published letter in response
(Publication #550) 1975
“The Himalayas as a Culture Area: A Novel Methodological
Perspective” (book chapter in Main Currents in Indian
Sociology, Giri Raj Gupta, ed.) (Publication #390) ca. 1976
“The Achilles of Rationalist Argument” (review in German; Ben
Lazarre Mijuskovic) (Publication #392) ca. 1976
“Sadhuization - An Indian Paradigm for Political Mobilization”
(Publication #393) 1976
“Monastic and Lay Buddhism in the 1971 Sri Lanka Insurgency” (book
chapter in Religion and Social Conflict in South
Asia, Bardwell L. Smith, ed.) (Publication #394) 1976
“Making Sense out of Tantrism and Tantrics” (Publication
#395) ca. 1976
Introduction in The Realm of Extrahuman:
Agents and Audiences (book edited) (Publication #396) ca. 1976
“Actual and Ideal Himalayas” (book chapter in Himalayan Anthropology, J. Fisher, ed.) (Publication #398) ca. 1976
“Techniques of Control in the Esoteric Traditions of India and
Tibet” (book chapter in The Real of the Extrahuman: Ideas and Actions)
(Publication #399) ca. 1976
“The Nature of Necessity” (review in German; Alvin Plantigna)
(Publication #401) ca. 1976
“Husserlian Meditations—How Words Present Things” (review in German;
R. Sokolowski) (Publication #402) ca. 1976
“Agency and Urgency: The Origin of Moral Obligation” (review in
German; Thomas E. Wren) (Publication #403) ca. 1976
“Ritualistic Tolerance and Ideological Rigour: The Paradigm of the
Expatriate Hindus in East Africa” (Publication #407) 1976
Box 3 |
1977 - 1978
“The Anthropology of Hindi Movies” (article) (Publication #404) 1977 |
“Las Minorias Hispanicas in Norteamerica. Informe Cultural
Anthropologico” (The Hispanic Monorities in North America; cultural
anthropological report) (article in Spanish) (Publication #405) 1977
“Broad, Noeticness, and other Guentheriana” (article) (Publication
#409) ca. 1977
“The Cosmology of Freedom” (review in German; Robert C. Neville)
(Publication #410) 1977
“Swami” (review; Douglas Boyd & Robert Briggs) (Publication
#411) 1977
“Separate Realities: Sense and (mostly) Nonsense” (book chapter in
Extrasensory Ecology: Parapsychology and Anthropology; Joseph K. Long, ed.)
(Publication #412) 1977
“The Philosophy of History” (review in German; Patrick Gardiner)
(Publication #415) ca. 1977
“Explorations in the Anthropology of Religion—Essays in Honour of
Jan van Baal” (review; W.E. A. van Beek, J. H. Scherer, eds.) (Publication
#416) 1977
“The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Great Liberation through the
Hearing of the Bar Do” (review; Francesca Fremantle and Chyogyam Trungpa);
“The Changing Face of Tibet: The Impact of the Chinese Communist Ideology on
the Landscape” (review—Pradyumna R. Kar); “Tibetan Sacred Art. The Heritage
of Tantra’ (review; Detlef Lauf) (two copies) (Publications #417 - 419) 1977, 1978
“The Banyan Tree: Overseas Emigrants from India, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh” (review; Hugh Tinker) (Publication #421) 1978
“Text and Context: Collaboration or Collision?” (article)
(Publication #422) 1978
“Psychological Approaches to Indian Studies—More Cons than Pros”
(article) (Publication #423) 1978
“Readings in Semantics” (review article in German, Farhang Zabeeh,
E.D. Klemke Arthur Jacobsen, eds. ) (Publication #424) 1978
Foreword to H. Daniel Smith: The Smith Agama
Collection (Publication #426) 1978
“Determinants and Controls of Scientist Development” (review article
in German, Karin D. Korr, H. Straser, H. G. Zilian, eds.) (Publication #427) 1978
“Rudolf Carnap—Logical Empiricist. Materials and Perspectives”
(review in German; Jaakoo Hintikka, ed.) (Publication #428) 1978
“Search for the Absolute in Neo-Vedānta” (review in German; K.C.
Bhattacharya) (Publication #430) 1978
“The Concepts of Space and Time: Their Structure and their
Development” (review article in German; Miliv Capek, ed.) (Publication
#433) 1978
Box 3 |
1979 - 1981
“Chaudhuri Shortchanges Hindu Traditions’ Intellectual Content”
(review article in two parts of Hinduism: A Religion
to Live By; Chaudhuri) (Publication #444) 1979
“Inequality Among Men” (review; Andre Beteille) (Publication #445) 1979 |
“Tibetan Buddhism in America: The Late Seventies” (article)
(Publication #447) 1979
“Religion for the Thinking Person” (article) (Publication #448) 1979 |
“Sab Āzād Sab Barbād: Indian Parents and their American Children”
(article) (Publication #449) 1979
“Systemic Dissimulation in Modern Indian Religious Parlance” (essay)
(Publication #450) ca. 1979
“Sans-kritic! Rejoinder to the critics of the Chaudhuri Essay”
(Publication #452) 1979
“Sacred Journeys: The Conversion of Young Americans to the Divine
Light Mission” (review; James V. Downtown) (Publication #451) ca. 1980
“Comment of Gabriella Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi’s ‘The Female Lingam’”
(Publication #453) 1980
“Rise of Anthropology in India” (review; P. L. Vidyarthi, ed.)
(Publication #454) 1980
“Uttarī Amerikā vic Bhāratī Parvāsi Ate Nava Hindu Āndolan” (Punjabi
translation of “Indian Expatriates in North American and the Neo-Hindu
Movements” presented at the Xth International Congress) (Publication #457) 1980
“The Only Tribe Permanently Settled at Airports” (letter to the
editor) (Publication #458) 1980
“Cats, Brunches, and the Open Society –Memories of Mhini Road” (book
chapter) (Publication #459) ca. 1980
“Hindu Tantrism” (review; S. Gupta, Hoens, Goudriaan) (Publication
#460) ca. 1980
“Sacred and Profane Dimension of Love in Indian Traditions as
Exemplified in the Gītagovinda by Jayadeva” (review; Lee Siegal)
(Publication #461) ca. 1980
“Springing Tiger to Himalayan Rishi: The Persistence of the Netaji
Bose Legend” (article) (Publication #462) 1980
“Castaneda and His Apologists: A Dual Mystical Fantasy” (book
chapter in The Don Juan Papers - Further Casteneda
Controversies, Richard B. DeMille, ed.) (Publication
#463) 1980
“Indian Expatriates in North America and the Neo-Hindu Movements”
(book chapter in The Communication of Ideas,
J.S. Yadava and Vinayshil Gautam, eds.) (Publication #464) 1980
“Peasant Society and Redfield’s Fields” (article) (Publication #467) ca. 1980 |
“Comment on G. Ferro-Luzzi’s ‘The Female Lingam’” (Publication
#567) 1980
“Contributions to South Asian Studies” (book note; Gopal Krishna,
ed.); “The Changing Munda” (book note; Schchidananda); "The Transformation
of a Sacred Town: Bhubaneswar, India" (book note; Susan Seymour, ed.)
(Publications #470 - 472) 1981
“The Guru Industry” (article [incomplete]) (Publication
#474) ca. 1981
“Bose and the German Indian National Army: An Unexplored Chapter”
(article) and "Discussion: Bose and the German INA" (letters from readers
and Bharati published following the article) (Publication #475) 1981
“Tantrism” and "Kundalini" (entries in Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions) (Publication #476 and
#477) 1981
“The Sacred Complex of Kashi: A Microcosm of Indian Civilization”
(review; P.L. Vidyarthi) (Publication #478) 1981
“Process, Performance, and Pilgrimage. A Study in Comparative
Symbology” (review; Victor Turner) (Publication #480) ca. 1981
“The Meaning of a Hindu Temple in the Diaspora” (article)
(Publication #481) 1981
“Karma: Cognition and Behavior in Contemporary South Asian Religion”
(article) (Publication #481A) 1981
“Holy Guests and Worldly Natives: Hindu Monasteries in the Kumaon
Region” (Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Asian Studies)
(Publication #488) ca. 1981
“Update Interview: New Religious Movements” (published interview)
(Publication #588) 1981
Box 3 |
1982 - 1983
“Flowers of Emptiness: Reflections on an Ashram” (review; Sally
Befrage) (Publication #482) 1982
“Comment on M. Winkelman’s Magic: A Theoretical Reassessment”
(letter to the editor) (Publication #483) 1982
“Dharma Ki Bat” (article in Hindi, “Talking About Religion”)
(Publication #485) 1982
“Western Sociologist on Indian Society” Marx, Weber, Spencer,
Durkeim, Pareto” (review; G.R. Madan) (Publication #486) ca. 1982
“Grundfragen der Ethnologie” Beitraege zur Gegenwartigen
Theoric-Diskussion” (review in English; W. Schimed-Kowarzik & J. Sagl,
eds) (Publication #490) 1982
“Fanatics: More Dangerous than Hypocrites? Analysis of Religious
Politicization” (article) (Publication #491) 1982
“Religious Presentations (Dāna) in Contemporary India” (article)
(Publication #497) 1982
“Hindu Scholars, Germany, and the Third Reich” (Publication
#587) 1982
“India: South Asian Perspectives on Aggression” (book chapter in
Aggression in Global Perspective; A.P. Goldstein and M.H. Segall, eds.)
(Publication #492) 1983
“Śivasūtra et Vimarśinī de Ksemarāja” (review in English; Lillian
Silburn) (Publication #493) 1983
“Banaras: City of Light” (review ; Diana L. Egk) (Publication
#494) 1983
“Caste et Class en Asie du Sud” (review in English; Jacques
Pouchepadass, ed.) (Publication #495) 1983
“Medusa’s Hair: Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience”
(review; G. N. Obeyesekere) (Publication #496) 1983
“Tribes of India: The Struggle for Survival” (review; Ch. Von
Furer-Haimendorf) (Publication #498) 1983
“Mircea Eliade: Privilegierte Information und Anthropologische
Aporien” (book chapter in German in Sehnsucht nach dem
Ursprung - zu M. Eliade, Hans Peter Duerr, ed.) (Publication
#499) 1983
Box 4 |
1984 - 1985
“The Life of Marpa the Translator” (review; the Nalanda Translation
Group) (Publication #500) 1984
“The Personality of Kerala” (review; A. Aiyappan) (Publication #501) 1984 |
“History of the Tantric Religion: A Historical, Ritualistic, and
Philosophical Study” (review; N. N. Bhattacharya) and “Tantricism: A Study
of the Yogini Cult” (review; H. C. Das) (Publications #503 and
#504) ca. 1984
“Charisma of Office or Charisma of Person: The Role of Leaders in
South Asian Sects” (book chapter in Identity and
Division: In Cults and Sects in South Asia, P. Gaeffke and D. A.
Utz, eds.) (Publication #505) 1984
“A Celebration of Demons” (review; Bruce Kapferer) (Publication
#506) ca. 1984
“Sikhism - a Form of Hinduism” (letter to the editor) (Publication
#507) ca. 1984
“The Kulakundalinī Template: Analysis or Reverie?” (chapter in
Religion and Society in Ancient India) (Publication #509) 1984
“The Notion of God: A Cross-Cultural Perspective” (article)
(Publication #510) 1984
“Theoretical Approaches to the Anthropology of Pilgrimage” (book
chapter in Anthropology as a Historical Science -
Essays in Honour of Stephen Fuchs, M. Bhuria and S. M. Michael,
eds.) (Publication #512) 1984
“Challenges to the Anthropological Study of Religion in the Year
2000” (Publication #517) 1984
“Pattini: The Anthropological Consummation of a Goddess” (review
article; G.N. Obeyesekere) (Publication #511) 1985
“The Self in Hindu Thought and Action” (book chapter in Culture and Self: Asian and Western Perspectives,
A. J. Marsella, G. DeVos, F. L. K. Hsu, eds.) (Publication #514) 1985
“Dreams, Illusion, and other Realities” (review; Wendy D.
O’Flaherty) (Publication #515) ca. 1985
“Hinduism and Unbelief” (entry in The Encyclopedia of Unbelief;
Gordon Stein, ed.) (Publication #516) 1985
Box 4 |
“Das dialektische Verhaltnis des Menschen zur Natur:
Philosophiegeschichtiliche Studien zur Naturproblematik bei Karl Marx”
(review in German; Wolf-Dietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Verlag Karl Alber)
(Publication #518) 1986
“Der Volksschullehre Wittgenstein” (review in German; Konrad
Wuensche) (Publication #519) 1986
“Life and Culture in Orissa” (review; Binod Sankar Das, ed.)
(Publication #520) 1986
“Perspectives on Indian Fiction in English” (review; M.K.Naik, ed.)
(Publication #521) 1986
“Hindu Faschismus” (article) (Publication #522) 1986 |
“The Twice-born Heretic: M.N. Roy and the Comintern” (review article
in Radical Humanist; Samaren K. Roy) (Publication #523) 1986
“Tales of Sex and Violence: Folklore, Sacrifice, and Danger in the
Jaiminiya Brahmana” (review; Wendy D. O’Flaherty) (Publication
#524) 1986
“Hindu Loaves and Fishes” (film review; P. Singer) (Publication
#525) ca. 1986
“Kāshayāmbara" (Telugu translation of Bharati's The Ochre Robe; translated by R. Innaiah)
(Publication #526) ca. 1986
“Kultur: Begriff und Wort in China und Japan” (review in German;
Sigrid Paul, ed.) (Publication #528) 1986
“Hermeneutics and the Anthropology of South Asia” (article)
(Publication #529) 1986
Box 4 |
“Esoterisches Wissen” (book chapter in German in Die Zweite
Wirklichkeit; A. Holl, ed.) (Publication #531) 1987
“Mundus vult decipi: Falsche Lamas, ein
Marchentibet, und vermischte Esoterica” (book chapter in Autentizitaet und Betrug in der Ethnologie; H. P.
Duerr, ed.) and "Mundus vul decipi: Fictitious Tibet, Fake Lamas, and
Assorted Esoterica" (English translation) (Publication #532) 1987
“The Denial of Caste in Modern Urban Parlance” (book chapter in
Dimensions of Social Life: Essays in Honor of D. G. Mandelbaum; Paul
Hockings, ed.) (Publication #533) ca. 1987
“Authenticity and Lineage in Indian Religious Transmission and
Transaction” (book chapter in Bhāratiya-Vidyā: J. H. Dave Felicitation
Volume) (Publication #534) ca. 1987
“Mountain People and Monastics in the Kumaon Himalayas, India” (book
chapter in Human Impact on Mountains; N. J. R. Allan, G. W. Knapp, Ch.
Stadel, eds.) (publications #535) 1987
“Essays on Davidson: Actions and Events” (review in German; B.
Vermazen, M.B. Hintikka, eds.) (Publication #536) 1987
“South Asian Religion and Society” (review; Asko Parpola & Bent
Smidt Hansen, eds.) (Publication #549) 1987
“The Twice-born Heretic: M.N. Roy and the Comintern” (review
article in The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies; Samaren K. Roy) (Publication #553) 1987
Box 4 |
“Tantra,” “Upanishads” (entries in Encyclopedia of Asian History, A. T. Embree, ed.) (Publication
#537) 1988
“The German Intellectual Quest for India” (review; Dietmar
Rothermund) and “German Pessimism and Indian Philosophy: A Hermeneutic
Reading” (review; J. Gestering) (Publications #538 and #539) 1988
“Western Views of India: A Longitudinal Analysis” (Publication
#540) 1988
“La jungle et la fumet des viands: une theme ecologique dans la
medecine hindoue" (review in English; Francis Zimmerman) (Publication
#541) 1988
“Derrida on the Mend” (review in German; R. Magliola) (Publication
#542) 1988
“Geschichte der Literatur im Alten Indien” (review in English; Klaus
Mylius) (Publication #543) ca. 1988
“Brahmanical Religion in Ancient Orissa” (review; Satyendra Patnaik)
(Publication #544) 1988
“Et kulterelt sygdomsbillede - Nyhinduismen, I, II,” (articles in
Danish) (Publication #545) 1988
“Noam Chomsky: Linguistics and Philosophy” (review in German;
Finngair Hiorth) (Publication #548) ca. 1988
“Redemptive Encounters: Three Modern Styles in the Hindu Tradition”
(review; Lawrence A. Babb) (Publication #550A) 1988
“An Introduction to Samkara’s Theory of Knowledge” (review; N.K.
Devaraja) (Publication #550B) 1988
“Analytische Philosphie” (review in German; H.U. Hoche & W.
Strube) (Publication #551) 1988
“Devavānipraveśikā: An Introduction to the Sanskrit Language”
(review in English; R. Goldman & S. Sutherland) (Publication
#552) ca. 1988
“Gramatika Hodocasca” (Serbo-Croatian translation of Bharati's
"Grammatical and Notational Models of Hindu Pilgrimage") (Publication
#554) 1988
Box 4 |
1989 - 1992
A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951
(promotional statement, dust jacket of Melvyn C. Goldstein book)
(Publication #555) 1989
“History of Indian Epistemology” (review; Jwala Prasad) (Publication
#557) ca. 1989
Coming to Our Senses - Body & Spirit and
the Hidden History of the West (promotional statement, dust jacket
of Morris Berman book) (Publication #558) 1989
“Mein Weg zum Hinduismus: fahre nach Indien, aber ohne Illusionen”
(Bharati interview with A. Holl, in German) (Publication #559) 1989
“Objektivatione des Geistigen: Beitrage zu einer Kulturphilosphie”
(review in German; W.D. Schmied-Kowarzik) (Publication #560) ca. 1989
“The Canon of the Śaivāgama and the Kubjikā Tantra of the Western
Kaula Tradition” (review; Mark S. G. Dyczowski) (Publication
#561) 1989
“Roy, Secular Integrity and the Indian Scholastic Tradition” (book
chapter in For A Revolution from Below: An M. N. Roy
Commemorative Volume, Sibnarayan Ray, ed.) (Publication
#562) 1989
“Antwort auf: wie haltst du’s mit der Religion?” (book chapter in
Taufschein Katholisch, A. Holl, ed.)
(Publication #566) 1989
“Fruitful Journeys: They Ways of Rajasthani Pilgrimage” (review; Ann
G. Gold) (Publication #570) 1989
“The Dynamics of Polyandry” (review; Nancy Levine) (Publication
#571) 1989
"Das Erbe des Grossmoguln. Volkerschicksale zwischen Hindukusch und
dem Golf von Bengalen” (review in English; Hans Walter Berg) (Publication
#572) 1989
“Religious Revival in Modern India” (essay) (Publication
#573) 1989
“Holistische Ansatz im indischen Denken uber Geist” (book chapter
in German in Geist und Natur: Ueber den Widerspruch
naturwissenschaftlicher Krkenntnis und philosophischer
Welterfahrung, Hans Peter Duerr and Walther Ch. Zimmerli, eds.)
(Publication #578) 1989
“Women’s Seclusion and Men’s Honor: Sex Roles in North India,
Bangladesh, and Pakistan” (review; D.G. Mandelbaum) (Publication #579) 1989
“Folk Tales of India” (review; Brenda F. Beck, Peter J. Claus, J. L.
Handoo, eds.) (Publication #580) 1989
“Non-renunciation: Themes and Interpretations of Hindu culture”
(review; T. N. Madan) (Publication #581) 1989
“Wahrheit und sprachliche Handlung: Untersuchungen zur
sprachphilophischen Wahreheitsheorie” (review in German; Wolfgung Becke)
(publications #582) 1989
“Oral Epics in India” (review; S. H. Balckburn, P. J. Claus. S.S.
Wadley, eds.) (Publication #583) 1990
“Wandern Seelen Weiter?” (book chapter in German in Neues vom Tod. Heutige Umangsformen mit dem
Sterbenmussen, A. Holl, ed.) (Publication #584) ca. 1990
“Hindu Ethics: Purity, Abortion, and Euthanasia” (review; H.G.
Coward, J.J. Lipner, K.K. Young) (Publication #585) 1990
“Familienahnlichkeit und Analogie-Zur Semantik genereller Termin bei
Wittgenstein und Thomas von Aquin” (review in German; Rudolf Teuwsen, Verlag
Karl Alber) (Publication #586) 1990
“The Hare Krishnas in India” (review; Charles R. Brooks)
(Publication #589) 1990
“Sanskrit in Contemporary Hindu Monasticism” (abstract) (Publication
#590) ca. 1990
“Storytellers, Saints, and Scoundrels. Folk Narrative in Hindu
Religious Teaching” (review; Kirin Narayan) (Publication #591) 1990
“Kundalini - Energy of the Depths” (review; Lillian Silburn)
(Publication #592) 1990
“Satī: Historical and Phenomenological Essays” (review; Arvind
Sharma, Ajit Ray, A. Hajib, Katherine Young, eds.) (Publication
#593) 1990
“The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism” (review; A.L.
Basham: Kenneth Zysk, ed.) (Publication #595) 1990
“The Korkus of the Vindhya Hills” (review; S. Fuchs) (Publication
#596) 1991
“The Philosophy of Sādhanā with Special Reference to the Trika
Philosophy of Kāshmīr” (review; D. S. Sharma) (Publication #597) 1991
“Derrida and Indian Philosophy” (review; H. Coward) (Publication
#598) 1992
Box 4 |
Published Books 1962 - 1978 |
Great Traditions and Little Traditions:
Indological Investigations in Cultural Anthropology 1978
Hindu Views and Ways and the Hindu-Muslim
Interface: An Anthropological Assessment 1982
The Light at the Center: Context and Pretext
of Modern Mysticism 1976
The Ochre Robe 1962
The Tantric Tradition 1965
Box 4 |
Undated Drafts
“Tantra” (draft; reference entry) (Publication #603) undated |
“Sannyāsa” “Tantras” “Upanishads” “Veda” (draft; reference entries)
(Publication #604) undated