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William P. Graham Papers

An inventory of his papers at the Syracuse University Archives

Finding aid created by: Dane Flansburgh
Date: July 2019


William Pratt Graham (1871-1962) was Syracuse University's sixth Chancellor. Graham was a Professor of Electrical Engineering, Dean of the College of Applied Science, Vice Chancellor, and finally Chancellor, all at Syracuse University.

Portrait of William P. Graham

Graham was born in Oswego, New York, but he and his family moved to Syracuse when he was three. A product of the Syracuse City School District, Graham was a bright boy who stayed in his hometown and attended Syracuse University. He graduated from Syracuse University in 1893, and then traveled to Germany to conduct his graduate work in electrical engineering. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Berlin in 1897, and then went back to Syracuse University in 1898 to work as an instructor. A few years later, Graham helped found the College of Applied Science, and became the dean of the college in 1911. He held that position until he accepted the position of Vice Chancellor for Chancellor Flint in 1922.

When Chancellor Flint took the position, the University faced a financial deficit, and thus Flint was often away from the campus in order to raise money. Graham, therefore, handled most of the University's daily operations. When Flint left the University in 1936, Graham took over as Acting Chancellor until the University found a replacement. A search committee was formed, yet the committee had a difficult time finding Flint's replacement. When no suitable outside candidate was found, the committee determined "that we have on our own campus a man well qualified to assume the duties of this office...we, therefore, recommend to the board the election to the office of chancellor of Syracuse University the present acting chancellor, William Pratt Graham." Graham agreed to take the appointment, with the condition that he would only serve for only a year while the University found a younger man to take the job (Graham was 66 years old at the time). He ended up serving as Chancellor for six years.

When Graham took over as Chancellor, student enrollments had climbed to 6,ooo, the highest they had ever been up to that point. Additionally, because of prudent financial decisions made by Chancellor Flint, the University's finances were sound. Graham was well-liked as Chancellor. Graham was often described as quiet and kind, yet firm and efficient. He was active on the campus, and his wife, Cora, often entertained guests in their home. Despite Graham's affability, he espoused racist beliefs, which informed his policy decisions, notably the decision to limit Black student enrollment during the 1920s. Under his leadership, both the Maxwell School of Citizenship and School of Education received graduate status. In 1937, the Maxwell School of Citizenship building finished construction. Graham calmly led the University for a few years before the breakout of World War II in Europe caused disruptions to campus life. Once the United States entered the war at the end of 1941, and enrollments became to drop as young men and women left to fight the war, Graham announced that he would be retiring in the summer of 1942. At the time of his retirement, Graham had spent a total of 53 years at Syracuse University as a student, instructor, professor, dean, Vice-Chancellor, and Chancellor.

After retirement, Graham served on the Syracuse Common Council for four years. He died in 1962 at the age of 90.

Scope and Content Note

The William P. Graham Papers are the personal papers of Chancellor William P. Graham. The papers document his academic life as well as provide some personal insight into his life. The papers have been divided into five series.

The Academic materials series include materials associated with his academic work as a student and professor at Syracuse University. These documents include lecture notes, tuition receipts, notebooks, graduate work from Germany, and notes. The majority of the notes regard electrical engineering, Graham's field of study, although he also made notes on astronomy, quantum theory, philosophy, religion, and organic chemistry. Lecture notes are arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the lecture title. The series also include Graham's academic scholar certification from Syracuse High School, his student registration at a German university, and a large binder of electrical current construction diagrams that he assisted with designing.

The small Biographical material series includes a biographical sketch of the Graham family tree, as well as a biography for his Councilman-at-large candidacy in the 1940s

The Correspondence series comprises Graham's personal correspondence. The correspondence is arranged chronologically, dated between 1890 and 1958. The correspondence is mainly incoming. Majority of the early correspondence is in regards to Graham's position as professor of electrical engineering and dean of the College of Applied Science. Correspondence from 1945-1947 concerns mostly his position on the Syracuse Common Council. Concerned Syracuse city residents wrote to Graham making pleas or protests regarding his vote on topics such as a public housing proposal, an introduction of a sales tax, and modified bus line schedules.

The Memorabilia series include awards, photographs, memberships and certifications, and a scrapbook. A travel scrapbook that Graham created during his time as a graduate student in Germany is an item of note. Additionally, there are a couple items from Graham's wife Cora, including a gavel she was given from a women's organization. Two Arents awards, the highest honor Syracuse University bestows upon an alumnus, awarded to Graham and his wife round out the series.

Finally, the Writings series include Graham's writings, as well as others that he collected over the years. Graham's writings include addresses and speeches, memories of living in Syracuse, and scientific writings. Writings by others include poems, publications, and reports.


Access Restrictions:

Please note that the collection is housed off-site, and advance notice is required to allow time to have the materials brought to the Reading Room on campus.

Use Restrictions:

Written permission must be obtained from the Syracuse University Archives and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Related Material

The University Archives originally held one collection for Chancellors Graham and Flint, his predecessor. In 2019, Flint's records were separated into Chancellor Charles W. Flint Records, and Graham's chancellor records were separated into the Chancellor William P. Graham Records.

The Archives holds clipping files on Graham as well as portrait files. The Syracuse University Photograph Collection also features items related to Chancellor Graham.

Selected Search Terms


Graham, William P., 1871-1962.
L.C. Smith College of Engineering.
Syracuse (N.Y.) Common Council.
Syracuse University -- History.
Syracuse University.


Electrical engineering.
Public housing.
Quantum electrodynamics.
Quantum statistics.
College teachers.
Higher education.

Types of Material


Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

William P. Graham Papers,
University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

The materials included in the William P. Graham Papers were transferred and donated to the University Archives in a series of acquisitions up to 1992.

Processing Information

This collection was fully processed in 2019 by Dane Flansburgh. Materials were placed in acid-free folders and boxes. Photocopies were made of original newspaper clippings, which were then discarded. Oversize items were placed in oversize boxes.


With the exception of the Correspondence series, the collection is arranged alphabetically. The Correspondence series is arranged chronologically.

Table of Contents

Academic materials

Biographical material



