Collection inventory

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#NotAgainSU Collection

An inventory of the collection at the Syracuse University Archives

Finding aid created by: Halsey Van Allen
Date: 2022

Historical Note

#NotAgainSU was a student movement at Syracuse University protesting the University's handling of a series of hate incidents on and surrounding campus from 2019 to 2020. Led by Black students, they organized two major sit-ins to pressure the administration to meet their demands and support Black, Jewish, and Asian students, as well as students of color and international students generally.

Approximately thirteen incidents of hate speech occurred between November 7 and November 19, 2019, causing significant unrest on campus. It took a few days for the general student body to learn about the first incidents on November 7 and 8. Notably, information spread by word of mouth in the absence of a statement from the University. This sparked formal and informal discussions across campus. The first #NotAgainSU sit-in led by student organizers began on November 13 in the Barnes Center at The Arch. Chancellor Kent Syverud eventually signed 16 of the movement's 19 demands and the sit-in ended November 21. The demands included short- and long-term objectives that would improve campus life for students of color and how the University responds to hate crimes, including increased transparency with students when such incidents happen. Protest activity continued through the end of the fall semester and students began calling for the resignation or removal of Chancellor Syverud, Department of Public Safety (DPS) Chief Bobby Maldonado, DPS Associate Chief John Sardino, and Senior Vice President of Enrollment and the Student Experience Dolan Evanovich. Discussions continued between #NotAgainSU and University administration without resolution.

#NotAgainSU began occupying Crouse-Hinds Hall, home of the offices of Chancellor Syverud and other University administrators, on February 17 having revised its list of demands, including formally calling for the resignation or removal of Chancellor Syverud, Maldonado, Sardino, and Evanovich. Students occupied Crouse-Hinds Hall for more than 30 days, despite suspensions (which were later lifted) and being locked inside for over a day without access to food or other support. #NotAgainSU and University administrators continued negotiating until the University chose to end negotiations on March 10. For much of the occupation, graduate student assistants of color across campus striked in solidarity with the movement. Additionally, University faculty organized a march across campus in support of #NotAgainSU on the day negotiations ended.

By March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had escalated across the United States, with many workplaces and schools closing or transitioning to work-from-home for an indefinite period of time by mid-month. At many universities, students went home for spring break expecting to be back in campus housing and in classes before the end of the semester. While this was the case for many students at Syracuse University, members of #NotAgainSU were still protesting at Crouse-Hinds Hall when the University announced on March 16 that classes would be held online for the rest of the semester. All students still on campus were encouraged to go home and begin social distancing. The sit-in at Crouse-Hinds Hall ended on March 18 with assurance from the administration that negotiations would continue virtually.

Some changes resulted from the #NotAgainSU movement, including updated punishments for hate speech and bias incidents in the student code of conduct, the establishment of a new Black student center at 119 Euclid Avenue, and an external review of DPS led by former United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Incremental progress on the movement's demands continues.

Scope and Content Note

The #NotAgainSU Collection contains materials documenting #NotAgainSU student activities and the University's response to the movement.

The Student response series contains both handmade and printed posters that were displayed in Bird Library, official communications from #NotAgainSU organizers, and a printed list of the movement's goals.

The University response series contains printouts of official University emails in response to #NotAgainSU protests, including from Chancellor Syverud, and Daily Orange articles reporting on University actions.


Access Restrictions:

Please note that the collection is housed off-site, and advance notice is required to allow time to have the materials brought to the Reading Room on campus. Born-Digital materials remain unprocessed and are therefore restricted.

Use Restrictions:

Written permission must be obtained from the Syracuse University Archives and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Related Material

The University Archives has a clipping file for #NotAgainSU.

Selected Search Terms


Syracuse University -- History.
Syracuse University.


Student movements.
Student protesters.
Students -- Political activity.
Higher education.

Types of Material


Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

#NotAgainSU Collection,
University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Transfer from Syracuse University Libraries for materials displayed in Bird Library.

Processing Information

Materials were placed in acid-free folders and boxes.


Materials are arranged alphabetically.

Table of Contents

Student response

University response
