Collection inventory

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Frank Smalley Papers

An inventory of his papers at the Syracuse University Archives


Creator: Smalley, Frank.
Title: Frank Smalley Papers
Dates: 1861-1933
Size: 3 boxes (1.5 linear feet)
Abstract: The Frank Smalley Papers contains his personal and professional correspondence, publications, records and other documents relating to his time at Syracuse University.
Language: English
Repository: University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Ave., Suite 600
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010


Frank Smalley

Frank Smalley served Syracuse University in numerous roles, including professor, registrar, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, acting Chancellor, and University historian.

Smalley was born on December 10, 1846 in Towanda, Pennsylvania where he received his early education in the public schools and the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute of Towanda. He enrolled into Northwestern University in Illinois, where he met Dr. Erastus O. Haven, the soon-to-be Chancellor of Syracuse University. Smalley followed Haven to Syracuse University, transferring in 1871, where he witnessed the laying of the cornerstone of the Hall of Languages, the first building on the new campus. He graduated in 1874 with his Bachelor of Arts and was subsequently offered a teaching position in chemistry. This began a lifelong connection, where his history became entwined with the history of the University.

Smalley continued his education at Syracuse University, earning his master's degree in geology in 1876 and his Ph.D. in Latin in 1891. During the commencement ceremony of 1924, the Chancellor presented Smalley with the degree Doctor of Laws, an honor that both Colgate University and Union College bestowed upon Smalley a few years before. He was a member of Delta Upsilon since the Syracuse chapter was founded in 1873 as well as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, where he maintained an active interest. Smalley was involved with University sports early on, having been an ardent follower of football, and active in the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association beginning in 1888.

The roles Smalley filled through the 57 years he spent at the University gave him direct involvement in its development as a whole, its educational goals and the students that came to call him, affectionately, Dean Smalley. Starting as an instructor in chemistry, Smalley became an adjunct professor in botany, geology and zoology in 1875. Following his deeper passion in the Classics, he became a member of the Latin Department in 1877 to become a professor in Latin Language and Literature, a role he stayed active in for the rest of his life, including being head of the department. From 1895 to 1902, he lectured in Roman law at the College of Law and also held a number of lectures on Roman history.

Smalley took on many other responsibilities while teaching, dedicating as much effort to the administrative aspects of the University as he did the students under his tutelage. For a number of years up to 1894, he acted as the Receiver of the College Dues and was registrar from 1894 to 1900. In 1910, Smalley became Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. He resigned this position in 1917, when he was elected vice-chancellor emeritus of the University. On two occasions, the summer of 1903 and from 1908 to 1909, Smalley became acting Chancellor, taking over the responsibilities as head of the University. Smalley was also highly devoted to the Syracuse University Alumni Association, becoming its president from 1899 to 1900, then later, treasurer in 1916, a position he held until 1930. In 1924, always devoted to preserving the University's history and its students, Smalley became the Special Historian of the University, a position he held up to his death.

Smalley's connection to the Alumni Association and his role as registrar gave him the opportunity to compile The Alumni Record, a comprehensive biography of all who had attended the University and a history of the institution itself. Multiple editions had been published and at the time of his death, he was in the middle of creating a new one, his office filled with thousands of records. Smalley was also responsible for raising money for the Alumni Endowment Fund, his connections with the seniors and the alumni allowing him to increase the total from $6,200 to $50,000 over the span of his career.

Smalley was married in Rushville, New York to Jennie Mather on September 7, 1876. A daughter, Carrie Elizabeth, born October 19, 1879, died the year after graduating from Syracuse University in 1903. Frank Mather Smalley, their son, graduated from Syracuse University in 1898 and became president of the Glens Falls Insurance Company in Glens Falls, New York. Frank M. Smalley went on to become a trustee of the University, staying involved throughout his life.

Frank Smalley died on April 3, 1931, honored by faculty, students and alumni from all over the world as the "Greatest Syracuse Alumnus."

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Scope and Content Note

The Frank Smalley Papers span the years 1884 through 1933 and include many different items pertaining to his personal and professional life during his time at Syracuse University as professor, dean, registrar and vice-chancellor. The material is divided into four series.

The Correspondence series is split between personal and University-related letters received between 1890 and 1931, including letters from Chancellor James Roscoe Day and Dr. Anna M. Comfort.

The Subject Files series contains materials spanning Smalley's life including photographs, diplomas, postcards and a scrapbook.

The Syracuse University series includes materials relating to the University, the majority when Smalley was Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. There are a number of University publications that he kept as well as records from the creation of the Alumni Association.

The Writings series consist of a variety of works by Smalley, including several volumes of Latin textbooks. Some unpublished and undated work on a variety of topics is included as well.

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Access Restrictions

Please note that the collection is housed off-site, and advance notice is required to allow time to have the materials brought to the Reading Room on campus.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

The Archives holds a clipping file and portrait file on Frank Smalley.

The Alumni Record is also held by the Archives, the first volumes featured online on SU Library's Surface page: "Alumni Records."

Related correspondence can be found in the Comfort Family Collection at the Archives.

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Selected Search Terms


Comfort, Anna (Manning), 1845-1931.
Day, James Roscoe, 1845-1923.
Smalley, Frank, 1846-1931.
Syracuse University -- History.
Syracuse University.

Types of material


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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Frank Smalley Papers,
University Archives,
Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Records indicate that these materials were given to the University prior to the establishment of the Archives. There is an undated note on file stating that they were donated by Mrs. C. I. Bush, granddaughter of Frank Smalley.

Processing Information

Materials were rehoused in acid-free folders and boxes.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: Matthew Isom
Date: 2014
Revision history:

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The series in this collection are arranged alphabetically, as are the materials within each of the series. General correspondence is ordered chronologically.

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Box 1 Comfort, Anna M. 1911-1919
Box 1 Day, James R. 1894-1915
Box 1 Eisenbrey, Grace 1911-1929
Box 1 General 1900-1911
Box 1 General 1912-1920
Box 1 General 1921-1926
Box 1 General 1927-1933
Box 1 General undated
Box 1 Syracuse University, Alumni Record 1912-1930
Box 1 Syracuse University, General 1890-1911
Box 1 Syracuse University, General 1912-1922
Box 1 Syracuse University, General 1924-1931
Box 1 Syracuse University, Inter-Collegiate Association 1900-1902
Subject Files
Box 2 Associations, Miscellaneous 1902-1928
Box 2 Breezy Point Play 1907
MC 0-3 Broadside, Class of 1910 Mascot 1909 Oversize
Box 2 Checkbooks 1903, 1917
Box 2 Currency, Confederate States of America 1861, 1864
Box 2 Fraternities, Pi Gamma Mu/Phi Kappa Phi 1916
Box 2 Genealogy, Smalley Family undated
Box 2 High School Panorama 1907
Box 2 Methodist Episcopal Church 1918-1929
Box 2 Photographs 1900-1901, 1927-1929, undated
Box 2 Postcards 1900-1930
Box 3 Scrapbook, Latin play Trinummus of Plautus 1895
Syracuse University
Box 2 Alumni Association Record 1898-1904
Box 2 Athletic Association 1888-1927
Box 2 Class Census, College of Liberal Arts 1909
Box 2 Practices Regarding Student Absences 1907-1915
Box 2 Publications 1907-1912, undated
Box 3 An Appreciation of Chancellor Charles N. Sims 1910
Box 3 Brief Selections to Illustrate Roman Literature 1894
Box 3 Faith, Hope and Charity 1900
Box 3 Introduction and Notes to the Fifth Book of Cicero's Tusculum Disputations 1892-1897
Box 3 Latin Verse 1884, 1890, 1894, 1900
Box 3 Status of Classical Studies in Secondary Schools 1906
Box 3 Lectures on Roman History 1894, 1905
Box 3 The Trinummus of Plautus 1895
Box 3 Unpublished undated

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