Collection inventory

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John Margetts Bull Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Bull, John Margetts.
Title: John Margetts Bull Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1849-1877
Quantity: 1.5 linear ft.
Abstract: Biographical material and writings (speeches, reviews, essays, sermons, etc) of the American clergyman.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

John Margetts Bull (1812?-1897?) was an American Methodist clergyman.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The John Margetts Bull Papers consist of biographical material and photocopies of writings by Bull, including addresses, book reviews, essays, lectures, notes, reviews, and sermons. The latter constitute the bulk of the collection. They are of course religious in character, but also refer to current events and social questions of the time, such as a typhoid epidemic, the Great Rebellion (Civil War), and the characteristics of a good teacher.

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Arrangement of the Collection

Material is arranged alphabetically.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

Special Collections Research Center has the papers of numerous clergymen as well as the records of a number of churches. Please refer to the SCRC Subject Index for a complete listing.

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Subject Headings


Bull, John Margetts.


Clergy -- United States.
Methodist Church -- Clergy.


New York (State) -- Manners and customs.

Genres and Forms

Book reviews.
Notes (documents)



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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

John Margetts Bull Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Marian Bull Wheeler, February 1988. Given in honor of her father, Charles King Bull.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: --
Date: circa 1980
Revision history: 17 Oct 2008 - converted to EAD (MRC); 5 Dec - minor updates (MRC)

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Biographical material
Box 1 Miscellaneous
Box 1 Mental Power 1858?
Box 1 (Untitled). Sodus, Winter 1845-1846
Bible Class Lessons
Box 1 #1 On the existence and attributes of God
Box 1 #2 Creation 1856
Box 1 #3 The Flood
Book Review
Box 1 "Philosophy of the plan of Salvation"
Box 1 Abrahamic covenant
Box 1 On ancient religious festivals 1869?
Box 1 Birth of Christ 1849
Box 1 The Church, the past, the present, and the future
Box 1 Church Saving
Box 1 Conflict of antagonistic principles
Box 1 Duties of members of the M.E. Church towards their pastors
Box 1 Essay on posthumous influence
Box 1 On the gradual development of religious truth 1861
Box 1 History of the Prophets
Box 1 History of the Prophets, cont
Box 1 The human mind
Box 1 "I know thy work"
Box 1 Lord's Supper
Box 1 Lost soul
Box 1 Moral agency of man 1849
Box 1 On sacrifice 1857, 1861, 1866, 1869
Box 1 On the best means of promoting a revival of religion
Box 1 The responsibilities of teachers
Box 1 A shadow of things to come
Box 1 Worldly amusements versus the Church
Box 1 Untitled (3 items)
Box 1 The ideal and the actual
Box 1 Temperance 1850
Box 1 Lecture #3, On Bible chronology 1867, 1868
Box 1 Lecture #14, Israel and her judges
Box 1 Lecture #15, Israel and her judges, cont
Box 1 Bible Lecture #16, Israel and her judges, cont
Box 1 #17 Scripture history: Samuel and the Kingdom 1869
Box 1 #18 Saul and David. 1870
Box 1 #19 David. 1870
Box 1 Lecture #20 Solomon 1870
Box 1 Lecture #21 Division of the Kingdom 1870
Box 1 Lecture #22 Kingdom of Israel 1870
Box 1 #23 Kingdom of Judah 1870?
Legal documents
Box 1 Constitution of Canandaigua District Ministerial Association
Missionary address
Box 1 A world converted to Christ
Box 1 Early usages with respect to the Lord's Supper
Box 1 Testimonies of Saints
Box 1 Andrews, Herman
Box 1 Rev. Ira Fairbanks. Died, Benton Center, Yates County, N.Y. May 31, 1857
Box 1 Lisk, Elizabeth
Box 1 Methodist Quarterly Review, April
Scripture lessons
Box 1 Untitled, 1 item
Box 1 Advantages of a return to the Almighty
Box 1 Advantages of retirement for religious purposes, or, a plea for Camp Meetings
Box 1 Advent of Christ
Box 1 Agony of Christ
Box 1 All for Jesus 1869
Box 1 Amazing love of God as displayed in the high priveleges (sic) and perogatives [sic] of God's people
Box 1 Assimilation to the Divine image 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873
Box 1 Atonement with its glorious results
Box 1 The beneficial results of a national annual Thanksgiving
Box 1 Bondage of sin
Box 1 The brevity of time
Box 1 Christ Jesus the only source and dispenser of the blessings of salvation
Box 1 Christ stilling the tempest
Box 1 Christ the sacrificial offering for human guilt
Box 1 Christian aims and efforts
Box 1 The Christian Church, the agent in the World's conversion 1855
Box 1 Christian minister's closing act for his people
Box 1 The Christian ministry 1859, 1861
Box 1 Christian Unity 1866, 1870
Box 1 Christian watchword
Box 1 Christ's second Advent
Box 1 The Death of Saints Precious
Box 1 Death of the soul
Box 1 Deluge
Box 1 Divine and human agencies cooperative in promoting the best interests of the race 1869
Box 1 Divine and human agencies cooperative in promoting the best interests of the race. (rewritten) 1880
Box 2 Divine expectations not realized
Box 2 The Divine hand in public calamities (on the occasion of the great fire at Chicago, Oct 8, 1871)
Box 2 Divine help in time of earthly sorrow
Box 2 Divine longsuffering 1869, 1870, 1873
Box 2 Divine support in the time of trouble
Box 2 Duty of the Church in respect to the erring and the disobedience
Box 2 Duty of the Church with regard to children
Box 2 Duty of the Church with respect to education
Box 2 Duty of the hour
Box 2 Entire consecration to God accepted and ratified
Box 2 Faith an absolute condition to the reception of the blessings of salvation
Box 2 Forgiveness
Box 2 God pleading His own cause
Box 2 God the Christian's Rock
Box 2 God's witnesses 1871, 1872, 1875, 1877?
Box 2 Golden rule as applicable to our duty with respect to missions
Box 2 The Gospel the Wisdom of God
Box 2 Grateful joy of the soul that has Jehovah for its salvation
Box 2 The harmony existing between the Divine, and human government 1864
Box 2 Heart iniquity and effectual barrier between the soul and God
Box 2 The heinous nature & effects of sin 1872
Box 2 Historical sermon #1 - Scriptural characters: Adam 1860, 1861
Box 2 Historical sermon #4 - The life and times of Noah
Box 2 Historical sermon #5 - Job 1861, 1863, 1865, 1868, 1871, 1874
Box 2 Historical sermon #6 - Abraham
Box 2 Holy Eucharist
Box 2 Hope of the Soul
Box 2 Human sorrow alleviated (on the occasion of the death of 3 persons by small-pox) 1869
Box 2 The imperatively specific and religious duty 1858, 1860
Box 2 Individuality of human duty
Box 2 Individuality of human responsibility
Box 2 Infinite contrast between present and external things
Box 2 Inseparable connection of the Divine Promise with our duty in world's conversion
Box 2 Intemperance and the duty of the hour
Box 2 Jesus Christ is the only source of the blessings of salvation
Box 2 Justification, its high and exalted character
Box 2 Lean hand. (Ch. Adv.) March 11, 1869
Box Box 2 2 (To the Sunday School) The Letter "S"
Box 2 (Notes) Levi
Box 2 Light from the sanctuary on dark and mysterious providences
Box 2 Loss and gain
Box 2 Lost soul
Box 2 Lore of Christ a divine force
Box 2 Marks of true discipleship to Christ 1872, 1873, 1874
Box 2 Moral contrast
Box 2 National advantages arising from the possession of the Divine Oracles
Box 2 National affairs 1861
Box 2 Nature and office work of the Holy Spirit
Box 2 Neutrality towards the Church of God impossible
Box 2 Noble Bereans
Box 2 Of Angels 1869
Box 2 Office and work of Christ
Box 2 Old paths
Box 2 On Baptism
Box 2 On Church polity 1855
Box 2 On Conscience
Box 2 On death
Box 2 On prophecy 1857
Box 2 On sacred song
Box 2 On the death of Albert H. Stacy who was slain in battle, Sept.13, 1862 1862
Box 2 On the due observance of the Sabbath
Box 2 On the occasion of the fall of Richmond 1865
Box 2 Opposite views of God
Box 2 The perfect Christian 1876
Box 2 Practical atheism
Box 2 Praise for national blessings
Box 2 Praise for national mercies
Box 2 Prayer
Box 2 Premature judging of things mysterious
Box 2 Prime requirement
Box 2 Psychology of conversion
Box 2 Race for glory
Box 2 Relation of the Sunday School to the church and the world
Box 2 The repentance of the Ninevites
Box 2 Resurrection of Christ
Box 2 Returning to God
Box 2 Right - improvement of God-given talents
Box 2 Sabbath
Box 2 Scripture biography #7: scenes in the life of Jacob 1866, 1867, 1868, 1872, 1874
Box 2 Scripture biography #8: Life of Joseph
Box 2 Scripture biography #10: Moses 1869, 1874
Box 2 Scripture biography #11 Moses, cont
Box 2 Self abasement before God
Box 2 Self conservation to God
Box 3 Self-examination
Box 3 Self-humiliation before God
Box 3 Self-sacrifice for others' benefits
Box 3 Sermon of baptism (rewritten) July 1864
Box 3 Sermon on the Trinity
Box 3 Spiritual Armory
Box 3 Temperance sermon 1854
Box 3 Temperance sermon
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - The beneficial results of a national annual Thanksgiving 1867, 1870, 1873, 1874
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - God for the right: a praise for national blessings 1863
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - Our country - its prosperity, its sins & its future prospects 1852
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - Rebellion vanquished - Praise to God or/for National Deliverance 1865
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - The true element of national prosperity 1858, 1860
Box 3 Thanksgiving sermon - The true principles of national prosperity 1856
Box 3 Time in its relation to humanity
Box 3 Trial of faith
Box 3 The true national fast, with its attendant happy consequences. April 30, 1863
Box 3 True remedy for troubled times
Box 3 Truth
Box 3 Twelve meanings of the term Xapls-Grace
Box 3 Unaccepted service
Box 3 Unaccomplished purposes
Box 3 Unspeakable gift
Box 3 Uses and ends of Holy Scripture
Box 3 Vigilance against moral evil
Box 3 Untitled (8 items)

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