Collection inventory

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International Congress of University Adult Education (ICUAE) Records

An inventory of its records at Syracuse University

The adult education holdings are collectively known as the
Alexander N. Charters Library of Resources for Educators of Adults.

Finding aid created by: EEA
Date: Jun 1976

Biographical History

The International Congress of University Adult Education (ICUAE) was formed in 1960, immediately following the Unesco World Conference on Adult Education in Montreal, Canada. Thirty-five adult educators from 14 countries met at the Sagamore Conference Center of Syracuse University to exchange information and opinions about their activities in adult education, and to discuss ways of advancing adult education on a broad front. The Congress acts as an agency of communication and liaison, and a clearinghouse of information and ideas at the international level. The Congress received support in its early years from the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults which provided Alexander Albert Liveright as secretariat. The Congress has sponsored world and regional international meetings of university adult educators, promoted the study of comparative adult education, and published a journal and occasional papers.

Scope and Contents of the Collection

The International Congress of University Adult Education (ICUAE) Records include correspondence, membership records, memoranda, minutes and reports. Organizations represented in the collection include the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults and Unesco.

Correspondence covers 1959-1968. Correspondents whose letters are of greatest depth and duration include Alexander N. Charters, Alexander Albert Liveright, and Paul Henry Sheats.Membership records includes both individual and institutional memberships from 1963-1967. Reports and memoranda includes ICUAE, UNESCO and miscellaneous reports. General information such as a directory of colleges involved in adult education and ICUAE's constitution, bylaws and editorial policies resides in General files. Committee files includes the Executive Committee, the Program Planning Committee and the Inter-University International Summer School Committee. Meetings comprises minutes from meetings in various locations (most are in Syracuse). Publications contains several issues of ICUAE's quarterly journal, dating from 1964-1974.

Material which could not be usefully placed in other categories is collected at the end in Miscellanea.

Arrangement of the Collection

The series themselves are not in any particular order. Within each series, most material is arranged chronologically.


Access Restrictions:

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions:

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

Related Material

Issues of the ICUAE journal have been transferred to general collections for cataloging. Please refer to Libraries Search to locate these items.

The library holds a considerable number of collections related to adult and continuing education. Please refer to the SCRC Subject Index for a complete listing.

The following are particularly closely related to the ICUAE Records:

Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults (CSLEA) Records
Alexander N. Charters Papers
Alexander A. Liveright Papers
Paul Sheats Papers

Subject Headings


Charters, Alexander N.
Liveright, A. A. (Alexander Albert), 1907-
Sheats, Paul H., 1907-1984.

Corporate Bodies

Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults.
International Congress of University Adult Education.

Associated Titles

International Congress of University Adult Education Journal.


Adult education -- Study and teaching.
International education.

Genres and Forms

Minutes (administrative records)



Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

International Congress of University Adult Education (ICUAE) Records,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Majority of collection, transfer from ERIC and/or University Archives, 1968-1970.

ICUAE journal issues, gift of Alexander Charters, 2011.

Table of Contents


Membership records

Reports and memoranda

General files

Committee files



