Correspondence |
Miscellaneous |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
Box 1 |
By Subject |
Box 1 |
Copies of Letters (originals belonging to Mrs. D Bishop) 1897-1908 |
Box 1 |
“Cornell Bill” 1904 |
Box 2 |
Death Threat 1908 |
Box 2 |
Letters and Addresses from the Chancellor to Alumni 1914-1922 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the College Classification
Controversy 1912
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the College of Applied Sciences 1914 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the College of Forestry (ESF) 1912 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the Construction of Carnegie Library 1903-1915 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the Dismissal of Dean William Kent 1908 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to the Dismissal of Treasurer W.W. Porter 1913 |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to Notes Owed to SU 1906, undated |
Box 2 |
Letters Pertaining to Notes Owed to SU 1913 |
Box 3 |
Letters Pertaining to Notes Owed to SU 1914 |
Box 3 |
Letters to Days’ Daughter, Mary Imogene 1914 |
Box 3 |
Letters to the Editor 1911, 1919-1920 |
Box 3 |
Regarding Day’s Personality 1916, 1923, 1961 |
Box 3 |
Trustee Letters to Alumni 1913 |
By name |
Box 3 |
Abbott, Ernest H. 1914 |
Box 3 |
Adams, E.C.B. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Adams. J.E. 1909 |
Box 3 |
Alcott, Nellie 1913 |
Box 3 |
Algeo, J.W. 1906 |
Box 3 |
Allen, C. Loomis 1910 |
Box 3 |
Allen, Florence 1914 |
Box 3 |
Allewelt, E.M. 1906, undated |
Box 3 |
Alta, Gluchen 1913 |
Box 3 |
American Auto Supply Company 1910 |
Box 3 |
Amos, Jacob 1906 |
Box 3 |
Anderson, Justice 1912 |
Box 3 |
Anderson, William F. 1912-1915 |
Box 3 |
Andrews, Burnett B. 1912-1915 |
Box 3 |
Andrews, Kate Deane 1915, undated |
Box 3 |
Arbuckle, R.C. 1906 |
Box 3 |
Archbold, C. W. 1907 |
Box 3 |
Archbold, John Dustin 1905-1920, undated |
Box 3 |
Archbold, J.F. 1916-1919 |
Box 3 |
Archbold, W.K. 1905 |
Box 3 |
Areson, S.F. 1912 |
Box 3 |
Armstrong, Ida Whalen undated |
Box 3 |
Arnold, Edwin 1914 |
Box 3 |
Arundel-Bell, S.H. 1915 |
Box 3 |
Atwater, A.E. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Atwell, Joseph 1908 |
Box 3 |
Atwell, William G. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Ault, J.P. 1907 |
Box 3 |
Ault, P.S. 1905 |
Box 3 |
Austin, Charles 1907 |
Box 3 |
Ayer, Fred E. 1911 |
Box 3 |
Ayer, N.W. & Son 1912 |
Box 3 |
Ayelsworth, Basil B. 1914 |
Box 3 |
Ayelsworth, Basil B. 1914 |
Box 3 |
Ayling, Nellie L. 1914 |
Box 3 |
Babcock, Kendrick C. 1912 |
Box 3 |
Baffrey, R. 1905 |
Box 3 |
Bailey, Banks, & Biddle Co. 1908-1910, 1913-1914, 1916 |
Box 3 |
Bailey, L.H 1913 |
Box 3 |
Baker, C.E. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Baker, G.C. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Baker, Hugh P. 1912-1915 |
Box 3 |
Baker, J.V. 1911 |
Box 3 |
Baker, M.W. 1913-1914 |
Box 3 |
Baker, William 1905 |
Box 3 |
Baketel, O.S. 1912 |
Box 3 |
Baldwin, D.P. 1908 |
Box 3 |
Baldwin, Francis E. 1906 |
Box 3 |
Ballantyne, Arthur 1911, 1913 |
Box 3 |
Bankers Trust Co. 1930 |
Box 3 |
Barber, Frederick Courtenay 1914-1915 |
Box 3 |
Barber, M.W. 1913 |
Box 3 |
Barlow, Floyd S. 1916 |
Box 3 |
Barnes, George M. 1914 |
Box 3 |
Barney, Kent 1914-1916 |
Box 3 |
Barrows, Franklin W. 1907 |
Box 3 |
Barton, James L. 1905 |
Box 3 |
Baskerville, Guy H. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Bates, Seldon S. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bates, W.O. Jr. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Batt, C.P. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Beals, John D. 1912 |
Box 4 |
Bean, Selia A. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Beard, Gerald H. 1908 |
Box 4 |
Becker, George J. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Bedford, Frank A. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Belcher, Harry B. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Belsterling, C.S. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Benham, F.G. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Benkesser, T.W. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bennett, Bertha 1906 |
Box 4 |
Bennett, James M. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Bent, George P. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Benton, Stephen O. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Berry, E.E. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Bergman, Samuel 1913 |
Box 4 |
Bertsch, William & Co. 1912 |
Box 4 |
Betts, Charles H. 1906-1907, 1913 |
Box 4 |
B.F. Goodrich Co. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Bickford, John H. 1915 |
Box 4 |
Bigby, Margaret H. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Bigelow, E.A. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Billings, C.H. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Billings, C.W. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Bimm, H.H. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bimm, J.E. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Blake, Fred K. 1912 |
Box 4 |
Blanchard, Milton E. 1916 |
Box 4 |
Blessing, J.G. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Bloomingdale, R.C. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Bond, George H. 1912 |
Box 4 |
Booth, R.A. 1908 |
Box 4 |
Borch Magnets Co. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Boss, W.S. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bourke, William J. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bovard, Freeman. D. 1913-1914 |
Box 4 |
Bowen, Perry & Fobes 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bowne, B.P. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Bowne, Robert A. 1907 |
Box 4 |
Bowne, S.W. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Boyd, Samuel T. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Brackett, Edgar Truman 1914 |
Box 4 |
Braddock, J. Harold 1913 |
Box 4 |
Bradford, Charles undated |
Box 4 |
Bragdon, F.E. 1907 |
Box 4 |
Brainerd, F.J. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Brangs, Paul H. 1906 |
Box 4 |
Bray, William L. 1915 |
Box 4 |
Brewster, A.J. 1909, 1911 |
Box 4 |
Brewster, B.R. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Brewster, Elizabeth F. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Bridgman, E.C. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Bridgman, H.A. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Briggs, Frank C. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Briggs, George M. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Briggs, J.W. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Brooks, Emerson 1911 |
Box 4 |
Brooks, James B. 1910, 1913 |
Box 4 |
Brown, A.A. 1915 |
Box 4 |
Brown, Alex T. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Brown, Elmer E. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Brown, Lloyd Ellwood 1905 |
Box 4 |
Brown, W.C. 1909 |
Box 4 |
Brown, W.S. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Brown, Wallace E. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Brown, Wells 1914 |
Box 4 |
Bruce, Mrs. George undated |
Box 4 |
Bryson, Samuel 1916 |
Box 4 |
Buck, Milton D. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Buckley, James M. 1907 |
Box 4 |
Budelson, Jennie A. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Bull, -- D. 1912 |
Box 4 |
Bullard, Thomas E. 1915 |
Box 4 |
Bullard, Warren G. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Burbank, William R. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Burchard, Herbert M. 1906 |
Box 4 |
Burdick, H.C. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Burdick, Mary E. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Burdick, N.C. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Burdick, Rev. Dr. 1920 |
Box 4 |
Burgess, J.G. 1905 |
Box 4 |
Burgin, S.H.C. 1908 |
Box 4 |
Burke, John F. 1914-1915 |
Box 4 |
Burkett, W.B. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Burlen, L.W. 1906, 1908 |
Box 4 |
Burlingame, Menzo 1914 |
Box 4 |
Burns Brothers 1910 |
Box 4 |
Burns, Guy A. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Burns, Robert 1905 |
Box 4 |
Burritt, M.C. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Burt, William 1912 |
Box 4 |
Bushnell, Curtis C. 1908 |
Box 4 |
Butterworth, B.J. 1910 |
Box 4 |
Buttrick, Wallace 1920-1921 |
Box 4 |
Cabeen, C.W. 1907 |
Box 4 |
Cadman, S. Parkes 1912 |
Box 4 |
Cain, Edward M. 1908 |
Box 4 |
Caldwell, B.D. 1911 |
Box 4 |
Caldwell, William H. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Camberlain, Don E. 1913 |
Box 4 |
Cambridge University Press 1911 |
Box 4 |
Campbell, Buel Owen 1914 |
Box 4 |
Campbell, Edna 1913 |
Box 4 |
Campbell, H.C. 1914 |
Box 4 |
Campbell, Marion S. 1912 |
Box 4 |
The Carleton Company 1914 |
Box 4 |
Carlisle, J.N. 1913 |
Box 4 |
The Carnegie Foundation 1911 |
Box 5 |
Carr, Edwin, H. 1905 |
Box 5 |
Carroll, H. K. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Carse, David B. 1909, 1914 |
Box 5 |
Carter, Christina C. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Carter, C.R. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Carter, Lewis E. 1910, 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cary, C. McK. 1909 |
Box 5 |
Case, A.M. 1908 |
Box 5 |
Case, Roscoe 1913 |
Box 5 |
Case, William H. 1904-1905 |
Box 5 |
Cass, J.F. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Chadwick, Frank 1914 |
Box 5 |
Chamber of Commerce 1906, 1908, undated |
Box 5 |
Champaign Daily Gazette 1908 |
Box 5 |
Champlin, G.J. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Chappell, Charles E. 1922 |
Box 5 |
Chase, A.S. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Chase, M.W. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Cherry, H.M. 1908 |
Box 5 |
Chubbuck, H.W. undated |
Box 5 |
Church, M.E. 1905 |
Box 5 |
Churchill, Francis M. 1915 |
Box 5 |
Clark, Arthur H. 1905 |
Box 5 |
Clark, Burton M. 1913, undated |
Box 5 |
Clark, Harlew C. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Clarke, J. 1917 |
Box 5 |
Clark, J. Scott 1909 |
Box 5 |
Clark, Lucian 1909 |
Box 5 |
Clark Music Co. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Clark, Ralph L. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Clark, S.E. 1913, 1915 |
Box 5 |
Class, George B. 1911, 1914 |
Box 5 |
Claxton, P.P.Clarke, J. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cleveland, W.J. 1915 |
Box 5 |
Clinton, DeWitt 1913 |
Box 5 |
C.N. Cady Company 1915 |
Box 5 |
Cobb, Charles Newell 1907 |
Box 5 |
Cobb, D.R. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Cobb, Honorable Judge 1920 |
Box 5 |
Cobb, J.M. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Cobey, E.A. 1919 |
Box 5 |
Coddington, -- 1907 |
Box 5 |
Cogshall, L.L. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Cogswell, P.J. 1916 |
Box 5 |
Cole, Chas G. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Coleman, John H. 1911 |
Box 5 |
Colgate, James C. 1916 |
Box 5 |
College Magazine 1912
- to Day’s secretary Caroline R. Rulinson
Box 5 |
Collett, Thomas A. F. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Collingwood, H.W. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Collins, F.W. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Collins, John 1906 |
Box 5 |
Collins, Mary C. Love 1913 |
Box 5 |
Colter, John R. 1913-1914 |
Box 5 |
Colter, Joseph 1905 |
Box 5 |
Colwell, James 1922 |
Box 5 |
Comfort, F.P. 1905 |
Box 5 |
Concrete Construction and Engineering 1910 |
Box 5 |
Congdon, Chester A. 1907 |
Box 5 |
Congdon, Chas H. 1907 |
Box 5 |
Congdon, C.S. 1912 |
Box 5 |
Congdon, Randolph J. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Conley, Albert H. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Consolidated Engineering and Construction Company 1906-1907, undated |
Box 5 |
Contant, Howard 1910 |
Box 5 |
Cook, D.H. 1905 |
Box 5 |
Cook, H.W. 1916 |
Box 5 |
Cook, O.J. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cook, Samuel H. 1908 |
Box 5 |
Cooke, Walter P. 1920 |
Box 5 |
Cooper, D.B. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cooper, H.C. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Copeland, A. Stanley 1912 |
Box 5 |
Corbett, Mary J. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Corbin, William H. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Cornell, A.F. 1916 |
Box 5 |
Cornish, L.D. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cornwall, Lenett undated |
Box 5 |
Cortwright, E. Everett 1909 |
Box 5 |
Covert, - 1906 |
Box 5 |
Crainer, G.H. 1911 |
Box 5 |
Creighton, W.B. 1910 |
Box 5 |
Cribb, Fred D. 1915 |
Box 5 |
Croft, Albert J. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Crosby, Willis K. 1906 |
Box 5 |
Cross, J. Barry 1908 |
Box 5 |
Crouse-Hinds Company 1915 |
Box 5 |
Crowe, John 1918 |
Box 5 |
Cullen, John F. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Cullins, Joseph F. 1918 |
Box 5 |
Cummings, Charles F. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Cunningham, Harte 1911 |
Box 5 |
Currie, W.M. undated |
Box 5 |
Currier, S.B. 1908 |
Box 5 |
Curtis, Henry N. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Curtis, John G. 1910-1914 |
Box 5 |
Curtis, Mary Carr 1915 |
Box 5 |
Cushman, Ruth E. 1914 |
Box 5 |
Cuthbert, Richard B. 1913 |
Box 5 |
D. Appleton & Company 1908 |
Box 5 |
Daily Orange 1919 |
Box 5 |
Dakin, Raymund E. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Dalir, P.J. 1913 |
Box 5 |
Daly, C.F. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Danforth, A.L. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Daniel, Janine F. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Daniels, George H. 1905 |
Box 6 |
Daniels, Josophus 1919 |
Box 6 |
Dann, E.H. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Davenport, J.S. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Davis, Alex Henry 1908 |
Box 6 |
Davis, Booth C. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Davis, Frank A. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Davis, Mark E. 1912 |
Box 6 |
Davis, W.W. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Dawley, F.E. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Dawson, J.W. 1905-1906, 1914 |
Box 6 |
Day, Emory P. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Day, James R. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Day, Richard E. 1913 |
Box 6 |
DeCartier, S. 1921 |
Box 6 |
Decker, Fred L. 1912-1913 |
Box 6 |
Deering, William 1906 |
Box 6 |
DeForest, Henry W. 1907, 1909-1910, 1919-1920 |
Box 6 |
DeForest, Robert 1911 |
Box 6 |
Delcasse, Carlos undated |
Box 6 |
Del Rio, Pablo 1911 |
Box 6 |
Demarest, H.T. 1911 |
Box 6 |
Denie, J.F. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Denny, George H. 1916 |
Box 6 |
Denton, Edgar Jr. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Derby, George 1911 |
Box 6 |
Deubler, E.S. 1914-1915 |
Box 6 |
DeWart, Elizabeth 1912 |
Box 6 |
Dewey, Melvil 1905, 1907, 1914 |
Box 6 |
Dey Brothers 1912 |
Box 6 |
Dey, Donald 1906, 1912 |
Box 6 |
Dickie, Daniel 1908 |
Box 6 |
Dickie, Nellie S. undated |
Box 6 |
Dickinson, C.J. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Dickinson, Walter B. 1916 |
Box 6 |
Diefendorf, B.F. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Dieges and Clust 1911 |
Box 6 |
Disney, Francis X. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Doblin, Benjamin 1915 |
Box 6 |
Dodd, Frederick 1907 |
Box 6 |
Doran, David 1914 |
Box 6 |
Dorion, E.C.E. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Dorr, Carl E. 1911 |
Box 6 |
Dosch, Henry E. 1905 |
Box 6 |
Dotereau, D.M. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Doty, Claude A. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Doty, W.H. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Downing, Augustus S. 1911-1916, 1919-1920 |
Box 6 |
Drake, Rachel T. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Draper, A.S. 1909, 1911 |
Box 6 |
Driscoll, G.W. 1912 |
Box 6 |
Driscoll, Michael E. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Dryden F. 1905 |
Box 6 |
Duffrield, J. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Duffy, T.J. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Duncan, W.A. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Dunham, Frank F. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Dunlap, D.L. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Dustin, Mrs. Judge 1920 |
Box 6 |
Easley, Ralph M. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Eastern, J. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Eastman, George 1912 |
Box 6 |
Eaton, Amasa M. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Eaton & Mains Publishing 1906, 1909-1910 |
Box 6 |
Ebeling, F.H. 1910, 1912-1914 |
Box 6 |
Eckhardt, Lisgar 1913 |
Box 6 |
Eckman, George P. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Eddy, E.E. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Eddy, W.P. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Edmonds, Richard H. 1908 |
Box 6 |
Edwards, E.W. & Son 1912 |
Box 6 |
E.H. Rollins & Sons 1914 |
Box 6 |
Ellery, Frank M. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Elliot, W.R. 1908 |
Box 6 |
Elsner, Henry L. 1905 |
Box 6 |
Ely, Robert Ecskine 1911, 1914 |
Box 6 |
Emerson, A.W. 1896 |
Box 6 |
Emery, James A. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Emmons, Fred E. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Emory, G.S. 1908 |
Box 6 |
Engel, John W. 1910 |
Box 6 |
Estabrooks, C.S. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Estes, Mary E. 1922 |
Box 6 |
Evans, Albert R. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Evans, Arthur L. 1907, 1913-1914 |
Box 6 |
Evans, E.L. 1909 |
Box 6 |
Evans, Gilbert 1906 |
Box 6 |
Evans, W.W. 1907 |
Box 6 |
Everson, L.L. 1920 |
Box 6 |
Ewart, William J. 1912 |
Box 6 |
Fairbanks, Morse, & Co. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Fairbanks, Morse & Co. 1914 |
Box 6 |
Fairchild, E.T. 1912 |
Box 6 |
Fancher, F.J. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Fanning, A.C. 1911 |
Box 6 |
Fans, H.W. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Farmer, William S. 1910-1911 |
Box 6 |
Farrington, W.B. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Fauer, W.B. 1915 |
Box 6 |
Faulkner, E.M. 1913 |
Box 6 |
Faulks, J.B. 1906 |
Box 6 |
Faus, H.W. 1911 |
Box 7 |
Fearon, George R. 1915, 1919-1920 |
Box 7 |
Fees, Chas S. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Fenton, George 1910 |
Box 7 |
Ferri--, Seymour C. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Feyer, G.G. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Fiat Automobile Co. 1909 |
Box 7 |
Field, Henry M. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Finley, John H. undated |
Box 7 |
Fisher, A.W. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Fisher, R.M. 1911 |
Box 7 |
Fitch, Warren R. 1908 |
Box 7 |
Fitzlenod, Harrington 1910 |
Box 7 |
Flanders, George L. 1907 |
Box 7 |
Flemming, Bryant 1907 |
Box 7 |
Flexner, Abram 1920 |
Box 7 |
Flick, A.C. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Flint, Howard D. 1912 |
Box 7 |
Flonton, W.H. 1913 |
Box 7 |
F.O. Boyd Co. 1915 |
Box 7 |
Fogg, Preston D. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Folsom, L.B. 1907 |
Box 7 |
Foraker, Joseph B. 1908 |
Box 7 |
Forbes, Robert 1915 |
Box 7 |
Ford, F.J. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Ford, Henry 1915 |
Box 7 |
Ford, Stephen V.R. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Foster, William H. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Fowler, C.H. Rev. 1905 |
Box 7 |
Fowler, Emily 1914 |
Box 7 |
Franklin, H.H. 1919-1920 |
Box 7 |
Freeman, F.C. 1913 |
Box 7 |
French, Calvin H. 1911 |
Box 7 |
French, E.L. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Friedman, Herbert J. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Funk Wagnalls Co. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gaines, C.C. 1909 |
Box 7 |
Gale, C.R. 1907 |
Box 7 |
Gannett, G.J. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Gardner, M.H. 1913-1915 |
Box 7 |
Garland, Charles 1906 |
Box 7 |
Gary, Elbert H. 1915, 1921 |
Box 7 |
Gary, Judge E.M. undated |
Box 7 |
Gatlin, H.D. 1905 |
Box 7 |
Gavit & Co. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Genge, Edwin 1910, 1915 |
Box 7 |
George, William P. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Gere, J. Brewster 1905-1906 |
Box 7 |
Gere, Robert H. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Gerrish, Theodore 1915 |
Box 7 |
Gibbs, J.S. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gifford, Harriet S. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gilbert, James M. 1906-1907, 1909-1914 |
Box 7 |
Gill, Francis B. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Gillard, L.C. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gilsman, J.H. 1912-1913 |
Box 7 |
Gleason, E. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gleason, Harry C. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Glynn, Martin A. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gobin, H.A. 1915 |
Box 7 |
Goldsmith, Peter H. 1915 |
Box 7 |
Goodale, G.A. undated |
Box 7 |
Goodelle, George G. 1916 |
Box 7 |
Goodwin, E.J. 1906-1907 |
Box 7 |
Goodwin, Harold C. 1915 |
Box 7 |
Gore, James H. 1912 |
Box 7 |
Goreham, F.E. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Goucher, -- 1909 |
Box 7 |
Gould, Mildred 1908 |
Box 7 |
Governor Smith 1920 |
Box 7 |
Gow, R.M. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Graham, William P. 1916 |
Box 7 |
Graves, G.T. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Gray, Frank F. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Green, Mary Wolcott 1914 |
Box 7 |
Griffin, J.D. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Griffin, Lois K. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Grinton, G.W. 1911 |
Box 7 |
Groat, George G. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Gross, Clifford A. 1920 |
Box 7 |
Gruber, -- 1907 |
Box 7 |
Gunnison, Almon 1910, 1913 |
Box 7 |
Gurgis, C.T. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Haanel, Eugene 1915 |
Box 7 |
Haanel, Florence E. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Hadley, George F. 1912 |
Box 7 |
Hager, Ruth M. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Haigh, George H. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Haight, Edna Goldsmith 1910, 1914 |
Box 7 |
Haines, C.P. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hale, Lyman L. 1914 |
Box 7 |
Hall, Frank A. & Sons 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hallenbeck, A.H. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hallenbeck, Earl 1913-1915 |
Box 7 |
Halstead, T.H. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Hamersly, L.R. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Hamilton, Franklin 1909 |
Box 7 |
Hamlin, -- 1907 |
Box 7 |
Hamlin, Harry J. 1915 |
Box 7 |
Hamm, Mary E. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hammond, Elizabeth Lowell 1913 |
Box 7 |
Hammond, J.D. 1908 |
Box 7 |
Hargitt, C.W. 1905 |
Box 7 |
Hargrave, Joseph 1915 |
Box 7 |
Harold, B.C. undated |
Box 7 |
Harris, Alice N. 1913 |
Box 7 |
Harris, A.W. 1908, 1921 |
Box 7 |
Harris (Bramhall, Dean Co.) 1915 |
Box 7 |
Harris, S.G. 1914-1915 |
Box 7 |
Harrison, Beverly D. 1910 |
Box 7 |
Harston, D.B. 1906 |
Box 7 |
Hart, Marion K. 1910 |
Box 8 |
Hartwell Stafford Publishers 1912 |
Box 8 |
Harvey, C.C. 1914 |
Box 8 |
Harvey, F.M. 1918 |
Box 8 |
Harvey, George 1910 |
Box 8 |
Harward, Walter B. 1909 |
Box 8 |
Hatfield, Joshua A. 1906 |
Box 8 |
Hauford, W.C. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hauners, George S. 1911 |
Box 8 |
Hayden, Helen W. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hayden, Stone & Co. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hayler, Paul 1911 |
Box 8 |
Hayward, F.S. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hayward, Walter B. 1910 |
Box 8 |
Head, W.H. 1908 |
Box 8 |
Heard, Frank C. 1916 |
Box 8 |
Heffernan, Dennis 1914 |
Box 8 |
Heffron, John L. 1910-1920 |
Box 8 |
Heinbry, Benjamin 1914 |
Box 8 |
Helfer, P.M. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Henderson, Chast 1914 |
Box 8 |
Henderson, James 1914 |
Box 8 |
Henderson, Jas 1914 |
Box 8 |
Henderson, Theodore S. 1907 |
Box 8 |
Hendricks, J.G. 1913, 1916 |
Box 8 |
Henn, A.W. 1914 |
Box 8 |
Henry, Lee Boyd 1914 |
Box 8 |
Herben, Stephen J. 1905 |
Box 8 |
Hermans, Florence 1915 |
Box 8 |
Herrick Agency 1915 |
Box 8 |
Hessler, H.E. 1911 |
Box 8 |
Hews, Hollinger 1913 |
Box 8 |
Higgins, G.L. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hilal, Salim B. 1910 |
Box 8 |
Hill, Harvey J. 1920 |
Box 8 |
Hills, Albert Freeman 1915 |
Box 8 |
Hills, C.A. 1912 |
Box 8 |
Hills, Carrie A. 1901 |
Box 8 |
Hilton, Henry 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hinkey, B. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hitchcock, H.P. 1915 |
Box 8 |
Hitchcock, H.H. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hobart, A.A. 1912 |
Box 8 |
Hodgett, A. 1912 |
Box 8 |
Holden, H.S. 1906 |
Box 8 |
Holden, Willis A. 1910 |
Box 8 |
Holkins, B.C. 1910 |
Box 8 |
Hollingworth, Arthur L. 1909 |
Box 8 |
Homrighouse, S.L. 1920 |
Box 8 |
Hook, T. Wesley 1912-1913, 1915 |
Box 8 |
Hookway, W.B. 1906, 1908 |
Box 8 |
Hopkins, Frank 1916 |
Box 8 |
Horner, H.H. 1906, 1909, 1913-1914 |
Box 8 |
Hornsby, A.J. 1907 |
Box 8 |
Hougby, W.P. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Houghton, F.L. 1911-1912, 1914 |
Box 8 |
Houseknucht, Clarence J. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Houston, Hough 1911 |
Box 8 |
Howard, Eugene undated |
Box 8 |
Howe, C.S. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Howe, E.P. undated |
Box 8 |
Howe, F.W. 1913-1916, 1920 |
Box 8 |
Hoyt, Oswald 1914 |
Box 8 |
Hubbell, George A. 1909 |
Box 8 |
Huilsey, -- 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hulbert, N.E. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Humbert, James O. 1909 |
Box 8 |
Humphrey, William 1913-1914 |
Box 8 |
Humphreys, Alex C. 1919 |
Box 8 |
Hunter, Catherine 1905 |
Box 8 |
Huntington, W.E. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hurdman, Frederick H. 1914 |
Box 8 |
Huson, Calvin J. 1913-1915 |
Box 8 |
Hutchings, G.E. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hutchinson, A. 1913 |
Box 8 |
Hyatt, Edward 1909 |
Box 8 |
Ingham, John A. 1907 |
Box 8 |
Ingolsbe, Frank 1914 |
Box 8 |
Ingraham, Edgar B. 1913-1914 |
Box 8 |
International Instrument Company 1914 |
Box 8 |
Irvine, William Mann 1910 |
Box 8 |
Irwin, Theodore 1907 |
Box 8 |
Ives, Benoni I. 1912 |
Box 8 |
Jackson, John J. 1911 |
Box 8 |
Jackson, T. Frederick 1914 |
Box 8 |
Jacobs, P.P. 1913 |
Box 8 |
James, E.J. 1912 |
Box 8 |
James Manufacturing Co. 1913-1915 |
Box 8 |
Jarvis, Henry K. 1914 |
Box 8 |
Jarvis, Mrs. G.M. 1911 |
Box 8 |
Jarvis, Henry K. 1911-1912, 1914 |
Box 9 |
J.B. Lyon Company 1914 |
Box 9 |
Jenkins, George M. 1905, 1910 |
Box 9 |
Jenkins, L.R. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Jenkins, O.E. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Jenners, Kelley 1914 |
Box 9 |
Jenness, James F. 1912 |
Box 9 |
John, E. 1914 |
Box 9 |
John, Robert 1912 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, Elliot Grant 1913 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, George C. 1908 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, J. Mercer 1914 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, Myra J. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, Robert Underwood 1925 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, W.H. 1906 |
Box 9 |
Johnson, Willis F. 1905 |
Box 9 |
Jones, A.E. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Jones, D. Clifford 1913 |
Box 9 |
Jones, Henry N. 1914-1915 |
Box 9 |
Jones, Jim Price 1920 |
Box 9 |
Jones, O.E. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Joslyn, J.R. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Joy, James R. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Joy, L. Fowler 1913 |
Box 9 |
Judson, Sidney A. 1913 |
Box 9 |
June H.M. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Katz, Abram 1919 |
Box 9 |
Katz, Theresa R. undated |
Box 9 |
Kaufmann, W. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Keane, Thomas F. 1912 |
Box 9 |
Kelleg, W.V. 1905-1906 |
Box 9 |
Kelly, D.J. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Kent, Charles F. 1912 |
Box 9 |
Kent, William 1906-1907 |
Box 9 |
Kenyon, O.C. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Kershnuer, Eugene B. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Kesel, John J. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Ketchum, C.V. 1905 |
Box 9 |
Kind, Wallie F. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Kindel, George J. 1912 |
Box 9 |
King, B. & Whitfield, H. 1905 |
Box 9 |
King, William R. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Kingsley, Leo E. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Kinne, Lee 1914-1915 |
Box 9 |
Kinne, Lucius M. 1907 |
Box 9 |
Kipe, Wilmer 1911 |
Box 9 |
Kipp, H.E. 1912 |
Box 9 |
Laeppert, H.C. 1916 |
Box 9 |
Lafayette, J. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Lake, G.A. 1906 |
Box 9 |
Lamb, Anthony 1906-1907, 1913, 1916 |
Box 9 |
Lancaster, Frank H. 1912 |
Box 9 |
Lancaster, George A. 1906 |
Box 9 |
Landee, L.E. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Lane, W.W. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Lankton, Clarks 1913-1914 |
Box 9 |
Larmore, Cora E. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Latham, J.C. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Laudry, John 1910 |
Box 9 |
Lauport, A.W. 1916 |
Box 9 |
Lazansky, Edward 1911 |
Box 9 |
Leavenworth & Company 1907 |
Box 9 |
Leffingwell, Maurice A. 1912, undated |
Box 9 |
Lehman, Walter J. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Leish, Victor G. 1909 |
Box 9 |
Len Brocek, Ernest M. 1910 |
Box 9 |
Lette, Frederick D. 1909, 1913 |
Box 9 |
Linch, Alan H. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Linner, J. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Lippincott, Oliver 1910 |
Box 9 |
Littig, W.T. 1906-1910 |
Box 9 |
Little, Bessie C. 1909, 1915 |
Box 9 |
Little, E.F. 1909, undated |
Box 9 |
Little, H.C. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Loasby, Arthur W. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Lohrmann, Richard 1910 |
Box 9 |
Longbotham, A.H. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Loomis, A.M. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Lord, Esther P. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Lord, Ethel G. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Lord, Franklin B. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Lounsburg, H.D. 1907, 1914 |
Box 9 |
Lowry, H.H. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Lowry, R.W. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Luce, Landon G. 1914 |
Box 9 |
Lyman, Edwin P. 1913 |
Box 9 |
Lyon, -- 1905 |
Box 9 |
Lyon, Francis Murray 1911 |
Box 9 |
Lyon, J.B. Co. 1912, 1915 |
Box 9 |
Mabie, H.W. 1908 |
Box 9 |
MacCauley, Irving P. 1913-1914 |
Box 9 |
MacClenthen, William H. 1905, undated |
Box 9 |
MacCracken, Henry Mitchell 1913 |
Box 9 |
Mackenzie, John 1914 |
Box 9 |
MacLaughlin, William D. 1915 |
Box 9 |
Maclermon, J.F. 1913 |
Box 9 |
MacMaster, Marian 1910 |
Box 9 |
Maddock, H.L. 1910 |
Box 10 |
Magee, Charles R. 1911 |
Box 10 |
Magee, Walter W. 1919 |
Box 10 |
Magill, Henry D. 1909-1910 |
Box 10 |
Maher, John F. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Main, Henry W. 1908 |
Box 10 |
Mallard, Mary M. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Manierre, Alfred L. 1906 |
Box 10 |
Manning, Alice 1913 |
Box 10 |
Marcar, Andrew H. 1919 |
Box 10 |
March, Samuel 1909 |
Box 10 |
Marion, F.J. 1912-1913, 1915-1916 |
Box 10 |
Markell, John P. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Markers, Luella M. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Markshaw, Marion E. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Marlow, F.W. 1911 |
Box 10 |
Marshall, E.D. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Marshall, J.W. Jr. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Marshall, Louis 1908, 1913-1916, 1918-1920, undated |
Box 10 |
Martin, S.A. 1912 |
Box 10 |
Mason, Daniel 1909 |
Box 10 |
Mason, M. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Matterson, C.H. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Matzen, B.A. 1910 |
Box 10 |
Maxson, E.S. 1913, 1920 |
Box 10 |
Maxwell, G.H. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Mayce, George E. 1910 |
Box 10 |
McAdam, Quentin 1915 |
Box 10 |
McCarthy, P.D. 1914 |
Box 10 |
McCleary, James T. 1912 |
Box 10 |
McClure’s Magazine 1911 |
Box 10 |
McDermott, Hugh C. 1910 |
Box 10 |
McDowell, Boyd 1913 |
Box 10 |
McDowell, Rachel K. 1916 |
Box 10 |
McDowell, W.F. 1909 |
Box 10 |
McGavern, J.W. 1919 |
Box 10 |
McKee, Bessie 1913 |
Box 10 |
McKee, James H. 1914 |
Box 10 |
McLavey, Albert J. 1913 |
Box 10 |
McLean, Lydia 1913 |
Box 10 |
McNally, Augustin 1919 |
Box 10 |
McNutt, Randolph 1907 |
Box 10 |
Meader, J.M. 1909 |
Box 10 |
Megnub, Helen Collins 1919 |
Box 10 |
Mendius, Carl 1907 |
Box 10 |
Merriam, C. & C. Co. 1909 |
Box 10 |
Messer, Agnes L. 1911 |
Box 10 |
Meyer, George S. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Middleton, P. Harvey 1910 |
Box 10 |
Miller, Edward 1912-1913 |
Box 10 |
Miller, F.W. 1915 |
Box 10 |
Miller, J.P. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Miller, Robert T. 1905 |
Box 10 |
Miller, W. 1908 |
Box 10 |
Mills, Edwin S. 1915 |
Box 10 |
Millspaugh, C. E. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Mitchell, William S. 1916 |
Box 10 |
Mix, Robert J. 1911 |
Box 10 |
Monroe, Nathan A. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Montgomery, William 1913 |
Box 10 |
Moon, F.F. 1920 |
Box 10 |
Moore, Charles S. 1910 |
Box 10 |
Moore, David H. undated |
Box 10 |
Moore, Fanny C. 1909 |
Box 10 |
Moore, J. Stanley 1915 |
Box 10 |
Moorhead, Abie 1914 |
Box 10 |
Morris, Edgar 1906 |
Box 10 |
Morris, Henry H. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Morrow, Pierce A. 1912 |
Box 10 |
Morse, Elisha W. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Morse, Charles P. 1905 |
Box 10 |
Moseley, William J. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Mount, Mary W. 1910 |
Box 10 |
Mouror, D.C. 1913 |
Box 10 |
Mowat, S. 1915 |
Box 10 |
Mowbray, Alpheus S. 1907 |
Box 10 |
Mudge, James 1913-1914 |
Box 10 |
Munson, Silas L. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Murlin, S.H. 1906 |
Box 10 |
Murphy, Starr J. 1911 |
Box 10 |
Musselman, O.J. 1914 |
Box 10 |
Myers, F.C. 1910-1911 |
Box 10 |
Myers, G.H. 1913, 1917 |
Box 10 |
Naylor, H.W. 1915 |
Box 10 |
Neely, Thomas B. 1905, 1910, 1914 |
Box 11 |
Nettleton, Albert E. 1921 |
Box 11 |
Neusy, Laurie S. 1913 |
Box 11 |
New York Times 1910, 1913 |
Box 11 |
The New Association of American Colleges 1915 |
Box 11 |
Newhall, B.R. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Nicholson, Douglas 1911-1912 |
Box 11 |
Nicholson, Frank W. 1909 |
Box 11 |
Nicholson, H.L. 1911 |
Box 11 |
Nicholson, Thomas 1909-1910 |
Box 11 |
Ninde, William E. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Noble, H.E. 1913 |
Box 11 |
North, F.M. Rev. 1905 |
Box 11 |
North, G.B. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Norton, G.M. (J.B. Norton & Co.) 1913, undated |
Box 11 |
Nottingham, Edwin 1906, 1909, 1911, 1914 |
Box 11 |
Nottingham, William 1907, 1914, 1920 |
Box 11 |
Noxen, Frank W. 1911-1913 |
Box 11 |
Noyes, E.P. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Nugent, Paul C. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Nurses Alumni Association 1915 |
Box 11 |
Odell, B.B. 1911 |
Box 11 |
O’Donnell, Edward L. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Oesterlein, R. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Oldham, William F. 1912 |
Box 11 |
Olmstead Brothers 1910 |
Box 11 |
Olmstead, E.G. 1905 |
Box 11 |
Olmsted, Frederick Law 1911 |
Box 11 |
Olney, L.D. 1913 |
Box 11 |
O’Neill, Frank J. 1915 |
Box 11 |
Orosley, J.G. 1906 |
Box 11 |
Pack Brothers 1910 |
Box 11 |
Packard, Edward N. 1913-1914 |
Box 11 |
Paine Furniture Company 1913 |
Box 11 |
Palmer, L.D. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Park, J.E. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Parker, George F. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Parkhurst, Charles 1905, 1914 |
Box 11 |
Parks, Arthur L. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Parry, H. 1909 |
Box 11 |
Parsons, Arthur E. 1920 |
Box 11 |
Parsons, John R. 1911 |
Box 11 |
Pattee, E.N. 1915 |
Box 11 |
Patter, S.W. 1912 |
Box 11 |
Pattison, Preston K. 1909 |
Box 11 |
Patton, H.F. 1912 |
Box 11 |
Patton, Leicester 1909 |
Box 11 |
Peck, Fred R. 1906, 1913 |
Box 11 |
Peck, Henry A. 1921 |
Box 11 |
Peck & Hills Co. 1913, 1915 |
Box 11 |
Peck, William H. 1913-1914, 1922 |
Box 11 |
Penniman, George W. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Pepper, William Platt 1915 |
Box 11 |
Percy, W.W. 1912 |
Box 11 |
Perkins, Raymond G. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Perkins, Thomas C. 1911 |
Box 11 |
Perriene, Frederick J. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Pertz, Elizabeth R. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Pesinger, George W. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Peterson, E.C. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Petigrue, B.B. 1916 |
Box 11 |
Phelps, J. 1906, undated |
Box 11 |
Phillips, C.E. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Philips, Henry 1910, 1913, 1920 |
Box 11 |
Phillips, Ruth L. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Pierce, Bruce E. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Pierce, Palmer E. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Pierce, Payson E. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Pierce, R.M. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Pilcher, Lewis F. 1914, 1916 |
Box 11 |
Pinney, N.S. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Piper, P.F. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Pitt, D.C. 1909, 1912 |
Box 11 |
Pitts, Clarence E. 1910 |
Box 11 |
Place, Perley O. 1911 |
Box 11 |
Popers, Howard 1906 |
Box 11 |
Porter, R.A. 1915 |
Box 11 |
Porter, W.W. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Posh, Stella L.H. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Post, Franklin 1911 |
Box 11 |
Potter, C.W. 1913 |
Box 11 |
Powell, Lyman P. 1915 |
Box 11 |
Powers, John 1910 |
Box 11 |
Prado, Miguel 1913 |
Box 11 |
Pratt, H.C. 1905 |
Box 11 |
Pratt, John B. 1912 |
Box 11 |
Pratt, W.A. 1914 |
Box 11 |
Pratt, William 1910 |
Box 11 |
Preble, S.E. 1913 |
Box 11 |
President Palmer 1906 |
Box 11 |
Price, George M. 1908 |
Box 11 |
Price, J.E. 1911, 1920 |
Box 11 |
Price, S. Allen 1913 |
Box 11 |
Prince, John D. 1911 |
Box 11 |
Prince, John D. 1906-1910 |
Box 11 |
Proper, Lewis A. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Puckette, Charles 1912 |
Box 12 |
Quayle & Sons Corp. 1907 |
Box 12 |
Quigley, John P. 1906 |
Box 12 |
R. Richards & Sons Co. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Rayher, Edward R. 1909 |
Box 12 |
Rayler, Edward R. 1909 |
Box 12 |
Raymond, B.P. 1907 |
Box 12 |
Reddy, Weebaw R. 1911 |
Box 12 |
Redmond, Margaret F. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Redmond, O. 1906 |
Box 12 |
Rees, Herman 1914 |
Box 12 |
Reeshaw, Paul 1913 |
Box 12 |
Regal P.H. 1922 |
Box 12 |
Religious Press Association 1914 |
Box 12 |
Remington, E. 1907 |
Box 12 |
Reveley, Ida L. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Reynolds, H.D. 1908 |
Box 12 |
Reynolds, H.W. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Rhees, Rush 1905, 1914 |
Box 12 |
Rice, Calvin W. 1907 |
Box 12 |
Rice, Edward I. 1905, 1914 |
Box 12 |
Richards Court Martial 1905-1906 |
Box 12 |
Richards, George S. 1905 |
Box 12 |
Richards, W.B. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Richardson, C.H. 1908 |
Box 12 |
Richardson, H.E. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Richardson, H.H. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Richardson, Roy Spencer 1914 |
Box 12 |
Richardson, Thomas 1910 |
Box 12 |
Ricketts, Palmer C. 1910, 1914 |
Box 12 |
Rider, William M. 1912-1913, 1915 |
Box 12 |
Ripley, Eleanor G. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Risk, Joseph B. 1916 |
Box 12 |
Robbins, Arthur F. 1920 |
Box 12 |
Roberts, John T. 1909 |
Box 12 |
Roberts, Will A. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Robertson, Clement T. 1911 |
Box 12 |
Robertson, David 1909 |
Box 12 |
Robertson, W.D. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Robinson, Frederick 1915 |
Box 12 |
Rockefeller, John D. 1910, 1916, 1918, 1920 |
Box 12 |
Rockrise, Thos. S. 1908 |
Box 12 |
Rockwood, G.G. 1906-1907, 1909 |
Box 12 |
Rogers, Howard J. 1908 |
Box 12 |
Rogers, J. Brownell 1914 |
Box 12 |
Rogers, L.H. 1912 |
Box 12 |
Ronne, Sherman 1914 |
Box 12 |
Roome, H.B. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1919 |
Box 12 |
Root, Elihu 1912, 1914 |
Box 12 |
Rosebrugh, Jesse W. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Ross, E.C. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Ross, R.A. 1912 |
Box 12 |
Rosser, John E. 1909 |
Box 12 |
Rowland, Frank S. 1905 |
Box 12 |
Rowley, Lincoln E. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Rudolph Bros. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Rueldy, F.L. 1920 |
Box 12 |
Rulison, Caroline R. 1909-1910 |
Box 12 |
Rulison, Howard V. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Rummell, L.J. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Ruoff, Henry W. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Russell, G. Alex 1913 |
Box 12 |
Russell, Howard H. 1906 |
Box 12 |
Russell, S.T. 1911 |
Box 12 |
Ryan, Henry 1906 |
Box 12 |
Ryan, T.F. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Sackett, Henry W. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Sage, E.C. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Sage, Mrs. Russell and Estate 1912 |
Box 12 |
Sallin, E. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Sanborn, George W. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Sanders, Frederick W. 1908 |
Box 12 |
Sanford, F.F. 1915 |
Box 12 |
Sanford, George A. 1906 |
Box 12 |
Sanford, Henry R. 1906 |
Box 12 |
Sanford Motor Truck Co. 1915 |
Box 12 |
Sanford, M.R. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Sargent L.Carl 1913 |
Box 12 |
Sauber, Carrie Jones 1909 |
Box 12 |
Saudus, L.W. 1909 |
Box 12 |
Saunders, Frederick 1906-1907, 1911-1913 |
Box 12 |
Savay, N. Lafayette 1913 |
Box 12 |
Saxe, Alfred J. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Saxton, L.J. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Schatz J. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Schoeneck, Edward 1916 |
Box 12 |
Schriver, Andrew 1912 |
Box 12 |
Schurman, Jacob Gould 1908 |
Box 12 |
Schurman, Jacob G. 1915 |
Box 12 |
Schwartz, Herbert W. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Scott, J.A.R. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Scott, James Brown 1914 |
Box 12 |
Scott, Jone C. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Scott, Walter Dill 1922 |
Box 12 |
Scribner, Charles & Sons 1912 |
Box 12 |
Scripture, Charles M. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Seamans, Clarence W. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Seaton, John L. 1920 |
Box 12 |
Seaver, L.H. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Seely, Florence C. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Sellers, Edwin F. 1911 |
Box 12 |
Sessions, D.M. 1910 |
Box 12 |
Sessions, T.W. 1914, undated |
Box 12 |
Shafer, D.R. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Sham, Walter F. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Shamplin, L.J. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Shanklin, William A. 1920 |
Box 12 |
Sharp, Mary A. 1905, 1909 |
Box 12 |
Sharpe, John C. 1914 |
Box 12 |
Sharrock, E. 1906 |
Box 12 |
Shay, Charles M. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Shea, John undated |
Box 12 |
Shedd, Albert E. 1913 |
Box 12 |
Shelmidine, J.D. & Sons 1914 |
Box 13 |
Shepard, Edwin H. undated |
Box 13 |
Shepard, George H. 1906-1907, 1909-1911 |
Box 13 |
Sheridan, W.F. 1912 |
Box 13 |
Sherman, Fred 1913 |
Box 13 |
Shorey, Leroy T. 1906 |
Box 13 |
Sibley, Katharine undated |
Box 13 |
Sibley, M.J. 1912 |
Box 13 |
Sidney Spitzer & Co. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Simmons, George S. 1911 |
Box 13 |
Simpson, Katherine P. 1907 |
Box 13 |
Simpson, W.G. 1906 |
Box 13 |
Sims, C.N. 1906 |
Box 13 |
Sisson, George M. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Sleicher, John A. 1909, 1912-1913 |
Box 13 |
Sleneus, K.A. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Slocum, J.J. Colonel 1913-1914 |
Box 13 |
Slym, Martin C. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Smalley, Frank 1909, 1914-1915 |
Box 13 |
Smallwood, W.M. 1910-1911 |
Box 13 |
Smith, A.D. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Burns, Lyman 1920 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Ernest O. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Earnest W. 1906 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Flora B. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Frank M. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Hurlburt 1920, 1922 |
Box 13 |
Smith, J.A. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Smith, L.C. & Co. 1905-1906, 1909-1911 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Lewis P. 1920 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Lillian S. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Minnie K. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Smith, M.R. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Paul R. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Sam Ferry 1916 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Stanley G. 1906 |
Box 13 |
Smith, W.L. 1916 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Walter S. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Smith, Wing R. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Snider, Lara O. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Sniffen Edward J. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Snow, Sargent F. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Snyder, J.L. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Snyder, William L. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Schmer, William 1912 |
Box 13 |
Spalding Brothers 1912 |
Box 13 |
Spann, Hazel M. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Sparks, William C. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Spedding, H.L. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Spencer C.B. 1905, 1911 |
Box 13 |
Spencer, James B. 1922 |
Box 13 |
Spencer, Robert S. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Sperry, E.E. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Spiller, G. 1911 |
Box 13 |
Spragg, Frank A. 1912 |
Box 13 |
Springer, Howard E. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Stafford, E.M. 1906 |
Box 13 |
St. John, G.C. 1905 |
Box 13 |
Staley, George E. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stallwood, Jabez 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stanke, E. 1916 |
Box 13 |
Stanley, Dewitt 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stanton, George 1906 |
Box 13 |
Starr, David J. 1922 |
Box 13 |
States, Lawrence H. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Statham, George K. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Steckel, H.B. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Stedman, Morray S. 1910-1912 |
Box 13 |
Steele, Allen 1915 |
Box 13 |
Steele, William E. 1920 |
Box 13 |
Steinacher, J.M. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Stephens, George R. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Steuben, G. Walter 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stevens, K. 1907 |
Box 13 |
Stevens, W. H. 1905 |
Box 13 |
Stevenson, Charles 1916 |
Box 13 |
Stickney, Arthur J. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Stiles, W. undated |
Box 13 |
Stitcher, O.B. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Stock, R.G. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Stolfe, Albert 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stone, Horace M. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Story, M.A. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Stout, T.W. 1912 |
Box 13 |
Stowell, Claude V. 1913-1914 |
Box 13 |
Street, Jacob R. 1907 |
Box 13 |
Strong, Frank 1914 |
Box 13 |
Struthers, Robert Jr. 1911 |
Box 13 |
Sturgess, Charles M. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Sturgis, R. Clipston 1916 |
Box 13 |
Sullivan, Daniel E. 1914 |
Box 13 |
Sulzer, William 1913 |
Box 13 |
Super, Charles W. undated |
Box 13 |
Susat, Frank C. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Swain, A.W. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Sweeney, Arthur 1914 |
Box 13 |
Sweet, Thaddeus C. 1920 |
Box 13 |
Syracuse Steel Plate Co. 1912-1913 |
Box 13 |
Tait, W. Binnie 1907 |
Box 13 |
Tasker, Lawrence H. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Tavering, H.A. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, Arthur O. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, B.U. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, Charles F. 1910 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, S. Earl 1915-1916 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, George E. 1915 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, Kathryn 1913 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, N.L. 1913 |
Box 13 |
Taylor, V. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Templeton, I.H. 1905, 1913 |
Box 14 |
Templeton, R.H. 1905, 1910, 1913 |
Box 14 |
Terry, M.S. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Terzian, H.G. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Thomas, Mason, B. 1905 |
Box 14 |
Thomas, Flavel S. 1915, 1918 |
Box 14 |
Thompson, Emery 1914 |
Box 14 |
Thompson, John Stuart 1913 |
Box 14 |
Thompson, Robert L. 1910 |
Box 14 |
Thompson, W.E. 1905 |
Box 14 |
Thoms, Chas. M. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Thorne, Elizabeth 1912 |
Box 14 |
Thornton, W.A. 1920 |
Box 14 |
Thurston, Alan W. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Tierney, Frank A. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Tillet, W. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Tinker, Martin B. 1919 |
Box 14 |
Tipple, Bertrand M. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Tipple, E.S. 1915 |
Box 14 |
Titus, Bennett E. 1906 |
Box 14 |
Todd, E.L. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Tombo, Rudolf Jr. 1905, 1908, 1910 |
Box 14 |
Tomlinson, Everett T. circa 1910 |
Box 14 |
Todd, Charles F. 1920 |
Box 14 |
Tooke, Charles W. 1916 |
Box 14 |
Trevorrow, Robert J. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Trew, Calvin H. 1910 |
Box 14 |
Trupin, Max 1914 |
Box 14 |
Trustees 1903, 1921 |
Box 14 |
Trux, M.E. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Tucker, H. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Tudor & Jones 1913-1914 |
Box 14 |
Turner, J.K. 1907 |
Box 14 |
Turner, M.H. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Turner, Robert T. 1913, undated |
Box 14 |
Turner & Turner 1911 |
Box 14 |
Turney, George W. 1910 |
Box 14 |
Tutley, Carrie L.O. 1911 |
Box 14 |
Tyler, Comfort A. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Van Allen, W.H. 1905 |
Box 14 |
Van Beneschoten, William H. 1919-1921 |
Box 14 |
Van Deusen, G.C. 1908-1909 |
Box 14 |
Van Duser, H. Douglass 1911 |
Box 14 |
Vann, Irving G. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Vary, Willet H. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Vaught, Sallie 1913 |
Box 14 |
Vernon, Stephen P. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Vreeland, Wallace N. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Vrooman, John W. 1919 |
Box 14 |
Wadsworth, J.E. 1915 |
Box 14 |
Waffle, Herman D. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Wagner, L.C. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Wakefield, Jessie 1913-1914 |
Box 14 |
Walden, John M. 1905 |
Box 14 |
Waldo, Frank 1913 |
Box 14 |
Waldron, Mary E. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Walker, Arthur H. 1914-1915 |
Box 14 |
Walker, Joseph & Sons 1914 |
Box 14 |
Wall, E.J. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Wallace, William L. 1913-1914 |
Box 14 |
Ward, -- 1913 |
Box 14 |
Ward, Charles H. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Ward, Charles Sumner 1920 |
Box 14 |
Ward, Elwyn F. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Ward, H.C. 1911-1914 |
Box 14 |
Warde, Andrew D. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Warn, Mary M. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Warne, Frank W. 1909 |
Box 14 |
Washburn, George F. 1906-1907 |
Box 14 |
Washington, William D.H. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Waterbury, Sarah M. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Waters, Emily A. 1906 |
Box 14 |
Waugh, O.L. 1914 |
Box 14 |
W.D. Dunning Co. 1913 |
Box 14 |
W.D. Hoard & Sons Co. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Wean, Lois 1913 |
Box 14 |
Weaver, H.L. 1909 |
Box 14 |
Webb, Benjamin L. 1910 |
Box 14 |
Webb, Chas. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Webb, Frank J. 1905 |
Box 14 |
Webber, Herbert J. 1912 |
Box 14 |
Webster, H. 1906 |
Box 14 |
Wells, Edwin M. 1914 |
Box 14 |
Wells, Eugene F. 1914-1915 |
Box 14 |
Wemple, H.D. 1911 |
Box 14 |
Wendell, James A. 1911 |
Box 14 |
West, L.V. 1908 |
Box 14 |
West, W.C. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Westcott, F.M. 1910 |
Box 14 |
Weston, J. Henry 1914 |
Box 14 |
Weston, Waldo 1913-1914 |
Box 14 |
Wheatley, William 1914 |
Box 14 |
Wheeler, James R. 1913 |
Box 14 |
Whitbeck, F.V. 1915 |
Box 14 |
White, D.A. 1914 |
Box 14 |
White, E.D. 1909, 1915 |
Box 14 |
White, H. 1914 |
Box 14 |
White, J.D. 1913 |
Box 14 |
White, Lewis C. 1915 |
Box 14 |
White, Mercer V. 1914 |
Box 14 |
White, W.A. 1918 |
Box 15 |
Whitlock, H. 1907 |
Box 15 |
Whitman, Charles S. undated |
Box 15 |
Whitney, E.R. 1910 |
Box 15 |
Wholohan, John W. 1913 |
Box 15 |
Wilder, Burt G. 1906 |
Box 15 |
Wiley, H.S. & Son 1910 |
Box 15 |
Wilhelmi, Bruno 1911 |
Box 15 |
Wilkinson, Forman 1909 |
Box 15 |
Wilkinson, H.S. 1916, 1920-1921 |
Box 15 |
Will, Louis 1913-1915 |
Box 15 |
Willcock, William 1914 |
Box 15 |
Willett, H.C. 1912 |
Box 15 |
Willey Brothers 1913 |
Box 15 |
Willey, Day Allen 1907 |
Box 15 |
Williams, Carl S. 1908 |
Box 15 |
Williams, J.G. undated |
Box 15 |
Williams, Leroy B. 1905 |
Box 15 |
Williams, M.L. 1914 |
Box 15 |
Williams, Ralph H. 1914 |
Box 15 |
Wills, J.G. 1916 |
Box 15 |
Wilmot, F.M. 1909 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, Clarence True 1911 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, Grant Hulon 1914 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, Luther B. 1910, 1912-1913 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, Charles S. 1915 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, George A. 1915 |
Box 15 |
Wilson, Professor 1913 |
Box 15 |
Winters, Harry B. 1914 |
Box 15 |
Wise, J.B. 1905 |
Box 15 |
Wiseman, Eugene 1910 |
Box 15 |
Wixom, F.C. 1914 |
Box 15 |
Wong, T.T. 1914 |
Box 15 |
Wood, Helen M. 1913 |
Box 15 |
Wood, Leonard 1920 |
Box 15 |
Wood, V.A. 1913 |
Box 15 |
Woodward, James Otis 1913 |
Box 15 |
Woodworth, McRendree 1913 |
Box 15 |
Woodworths, Newell 1914-1915 |
Box 15 |
Worchais, H.L. 1913 |
Box 15 |
Work, Paul 1914 |
Box 16 |
Wright, B.H. 1906 |
Box 16 |
Wright, C.P. 1914 |
Box 16 |
Wright, E.A. 1910 |
Box 16 |
Wright, Louis C. 1913 |
Box 16 |
W.T. Littig & Co. 1913 |
Box 16 |
Wysham, Veredon W. 1907 |
Box 16 |
Young, Charles J. 1907 |
Box 16 |
Young & Power 1914 |
Box 16 |
Zimmerman, C.H. 1908 |
Box 16 |
Illegible Correspondence 1905-1910, 1913-1916, 1919-1920, 1923, undated |
Box 16 |
Unsigned Correspondence 1905-1907, 1909, 1911-1915, 1919-1920, undated |