Division 4 - Masonry
Section 04200 Unit Masonry

image 1: Brick cavity wall.

The initial course of masonry on the building is concrete block. This is located at a typical exterior wall assembly and shows the first floor slab, five courses of block. The block has horizontal truss reinforcing installed at every second course starting one course above the through wall flashing. The flashing is asphalt coated copper and is set in half a coursing bed joint. It will be set in turn into the face brick when it is laid up. Note the block is set prior to the brick. The nature of the assembly allows this to occur as a construction procedure due to the independent brick tie that hooks into the horizontal truss reinforcing of the CMU's. Note the vertical slot at the end condition of concrete block this is a sash block end. The sash block is also used as a masonry expansion joint which will receive a rubber insert as well as caulking in the vertical bond joint.

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