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Forrest J Ackerman Papers

An inventory of his papers at Syracuse University

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Ackerman, Forrest J
Title: Forrest J Ackerman Papers
Inclusive Dates: 1884-2009
Quantity: 351 linear ft.
Abstract: Papers of the American science fiction author, editor, agent, collector and fan. Biographical material, Ackerman Agency records, correspondence, Famous Monsters files, fanzines, financial material, legal material, memorabilia, Perry Rhodan files, photographs, printed material, recordings of varous types, and writings by Ackerman, his wife Wendayne, and others
Language: Mostly English, a good amount in German, scattered items in Spanish, Japanese, French, Italian, Dutch, Esperanto, and possibly other languages.
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

"I regard myself as a sci-fi sponge that should be squeezed
for information and anecdotes as long as I'm here. So while I'm still around,
squeeze me."

-- Forrest J Ackerman

[The Special Collections Research Center extends its gratitude to John Coker of First Fandom for his assistance in ensuring the accuracy of this biographical sketch.]

Forrest J Ackerman (1916-2008) (no period after the middle initial) was an American magazine editor; science fiction author, anthologist, editor, and agent; an avid collector of science fiction and "monster movie" memorabilia; and a widely recognized expert on on science fiction, horror, and fantasy films. His efforts across a broad spectrum of the arts not only encouraged the organization and spread of science fiction and its fans, but also did much to foster the acceptance of science fiction as a respectable literary, art and film genre. He truly earned and lived up to the sobriquet "Mr. Science Fiction," bestowed on him in by Willy Ley in 1949.

Born in Los Angeles, California, Ackerman saw his first fantasy film in 1922 at age five and from that moment on his life and work was built around science fiction as fan, author, agent, publisher, editor and collector. In 1928 he created The Boys' Scientifiction Club and published his first fan letter in a professional magazine, and in 1934 he became a charter member of Hugo Gernsback's Science Fiction League. That same year, Los Angeles fans organized Chapter Four of the Science Fiction League; five years later they reorganized and became the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) which still thrives today. As early as 1933 Ackerman was maintaining an active correspondence with more than one hundred fellow enthusiasts, and it is estimated that during his lifetime he corresponded with tens of thousands of people.

In 1939 Ackerman attended the First World Science Fiction Convention. He and his then-girlfriend Myrtle R. (Rebecca) Douglas, known as Morojo, attended as "visitors from the future," wearing "futuristicostumes" which Morojo had designed and made, inaugurating a tradition of fan costuming that continues to this day at science fiction conventions around the world. Ackerman missed only two WorldCons in the ensuing 70 years. In 1941 Ackerman helped found that National Fantasy Fan Federation (NFFF or NF3).

Ackerman's writing began almost as early as his fan activities -- in 1929, when he won a contest at the San Francisco Chronicle with his original story of a trip to Mars. Fifty of his stories were eventually published, including collaborations with A. E. van Vogt, Francis Flagg, Robert A.W. Lowndes, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Donald A. Wolheim and C.L. Moore, and his stories have been translated into six languages. He named and wrote the origin story for the title character of the Vampirella comic book series. In addition, he has ten non-fiction books (most on science fiction movies) and thirteen anthologies to his credit. His known pseudonyms include S.F. Balboa, Nick Beal, Walter Chinwell, J. Forrester Eckman, Jacques De Forest Erman, Laurajean Ermayne, Jone Lee Heard, Alus Kerlay, Alden Lorraine, Jack Parish, Spencer Strong, Fisher Trentworth, Allis Villette, Hubert George Wills, Weaver Wright, and Dr. Acula.

In addition to his own writing, Ackerman inspired or assisted many other future luminaries of the genre, including Ray Bradbury (whose first story was published by Ackerman), Ray Harryhausen, Charles Beaumont, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Stephen King (whose first story submission was to Ackerman's Spacemen magazine) and L. Ron Hubbard. He represented some 200 science fiction and fantasy authors, including Hugo Gernsback, L. Ron Hubbard, Andre Norton, A.E. van Vogt, and Jack Williamson, and was Ed Wood's "illiterary" agent. Ackerman is credited with having coined the term "sci-fi" in 1955.

Ackerman edited, published, or otherwise assisted a number of science fiction magazines over the years, creating and inspiring a legion of fans. In 1932, at the age of sixteen he became associate editor of The Time Traveller, the first-ever printed fanzine, and the next year became film editor of Science Fiction Digest. In 1939 he started his own fanzine, Voice of the Imagination, which ran for fifty issues, and later edited Famous Monsters of Filmland (1958-1983), Monster World (1961-1964), and Spacemen (1961-1964). He provided publishing assistance to The Daughters of Bilitis in the group's early days (that, and his several lesbian novels written under the name "Laurajean Ermayne," earned him the title of "honorary lesbian").

His love of the genre was not limited by national borders, as evidenced by his active contributions to film magazines from around the world, including the Argentinian La Cosa - Cine Fantástico, where he had a monthly column for over four years. In 1960, he introduced American readers to the longest science fiction series in history when he organized Ace Books' publication of an English translation of the German science fiction series Perry Rhodan.

Over the years Ackerman amassed a comprehensive collection of science fiction, fantasy and horror film material amounting to some 300,000 items: books (including 500 editions of Frankenstein and Dracula), magazines, videos, photographs, clippings, manuscripts, autographs, toys, and movie memorabilia, including the head of The Creature from the Black Lagoon and a Martian death-ray machine from War of the Worlds. Until 2002 the collection resided in the 18-room "Ackermansion" in the Los Feliz district of Los Angeles; he later donated a number of items to the Seattle Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame, of which he was a board member. Among his friends were icons of the genre including Fritz Lang, George Pal, Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, and Boris Karloff, and he made cameo appearances in more than fifty films.

Recognitions presented to him include a special Hugo Award for "#1 Fan Personality" (1953), two Ann Radcliffe (Gothic) Awards (1963 and 1966), Trixie Award (1972), the first Grimmy Award (1990), Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award (1997), and numerous appearances as Guest of Honor at festivals and conventions around the world.

In 1951 Ackerman married Mathilde "Tillie" Wahrmann, whom he called Wendayne (after Peter Pan's Wendy). Wendayne became a fan herself, welcoming visitors from all over the world and co-hosting the weekly Ackermansion Open House for many years. A native German speaker, she was instrumental in bringing the Perry Rhodan series to English-speaking audiences, translating numerous volumes.

In recent years, public allegations made online have described Ackerman's behavior toward women as predatory and at least one online account describes Ackerman engaging in an act of sexual assault. While SCRC is not aware of descriptions or evidence of sexual assault in the collection, several pieces of correspondence do allude to Ackerman sending sexually explicit communications to women, which are characterized as unsolicited and lacking consent.

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The Forrest J Ackerman Papers consists of biographical material, Ackerman Agency records, correspondence, Famous Monsters files, fanzines, financial material, legal material, memorabilia, Perry Rhodan files, photographs, printed material, recordings of varous types, and writings by Ackerman, his wife Wendayne, and others. The collection can best be described as "sprawling," and the researcher is advised to review the entire finding aid to ensure locating all relevant material.

Biographical material contains FJA's early school records, extensive corespondence with his mother Carrol Cridland Ackerman and other family members, and miscellaneous items relating to the Wyman family, his maternal grandparents.

The Ackerman Agency series contains material related to the operation of the agency side of FJA's business in general, such as advertisements, publicity, and unidentified clients. (Material relating to specific clients is filed under the client's name in Correspondence, below.) The bulk of this series consists of requests for representation, primarily from authors but also a few artists.

Correspondence spans more than 70 years and covers every aspect of Ackerman's life as agent, author, editor, anthologist, and fan. Included here are publishers, organizations, authors, editors, actors, artists, filmmakers, directors, and friends from around the world.

Publishers and agents/agencies with significant material include Ace (publishers of the Perry Rhodan books), Bantam, Ballantine, Berkley, E.J. Carnell, Clark Publishing, Luigi Cozzi, Judy-Lynn and Lester del Rey, Dell, Doubleday, Galaxy, Georges Gallet, Greenleaf, Herbert Haussler, Leo and Cylvia Margulies, Moewig-Verlag, and others.

Notable individuals represented in the collection include John Aiken, Brian Aldiss, Kenneth Anger, Michael Aquino, Isaac Asimov, Charles Beaumont, Eric Temple Bell, Jerome Bixby, Robert Bloch and his wife Elly, Ray Bradbury, Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, John W. Campbell, John Carpenter, Stanton Coblentz, Ray and Gabrielle Cummings, Paul Davids, L. Sprague de Camp, August Derleth, Morris Scott Dollens, Shel Dorf, Harlan Ellison, Walter Ernsting, E. Everett Evans, Edythe Eyde (Tigrina/Lisa Ben), Ralph Milne Farley, Philip Jose Farmer, Virgin Finlay, Hugo Gernsback and his wife Mary, Horace Gold, Don Glut, Theodore Gottlieb ("Brother Theodore"), James Gunn, Ray Harryhausen, L. Ron Hubbard, Boris Karloff and his daughter Sara Cotton, David and Ruth Kyle, Fritz Lang and his wife Lily Latte, Christopher Lee, Amelia Reynolds Long, Bela Lugosi, Mia May and her husband Joe, Ib Melchior, Leslyn Mocabee, Kris and Lil Neville, Andre Norton, Charles Nuetzel, George Pal, Ray Palmer ("RAP"), Frank Paul, Frederik Pohl, Conrad H. Ruppert, A.E. van Vogt, Jim Warren, Manly Wade Wellman, and Jack Williamson.

There are also many important names going back to the early days of fandom, including Abby Lu Ashley, Charles D. Hornig, Harry Bates, Charles Burbee, Walt (Walter J.) Daugherty and his wife Mary Ellen Rabogliatti, Walt Dunkelberger, Gary "JiJon" Edwards, Peggy and Helen Finn, First Fandom, Paddy Grattan, Myrtle R. (Rebecca) Douglas ("Morojo"), Patti Gray ("Pogo"), Francis Laney, Brad Linaweaver, A.H. Mellor (Albert Hischmellor), Linus Hogenmiller, Bob (Robert A.) Madle, Sam Moskowitz, Terri and Tom Pinckard, Don Reed, Phil Riley, Milt (Milton A.) Rothman, Trina Petit, Tetsu Yano, and many more.

Note: The miscellaneous material filed at the end of each letter (for example, 'B, misc') may contain items some researchers may find offensive, such as catalogs featuring sexually explicit videos. These are retained in order to provide a complete picture of Ackerman's correspondence.

Groups and organizations of note include the Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Films, American International Pictures, the Boys Scientifiction Club, Church of Scientology, the Count Dracula Society, F & SF Book Co., Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS), the National Fantasy Fan Federation (NF3), the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), numerous Esperanto organizations, and many more.

In two cases, the collection includes extensive personal papers unrelated to Ackerman: the Charles D. Hornig folders include correspondence with his family, and the Mia and Joe May folders contain s good deal of correspondence between Joe May and his family in Germany and Argentina. How or why FJA acquired the personal papers of these individuals is unknown.

Famous Monsters files include general correspondence, editorial files for each issue, and a considerable amount of fan mail.

Fanzines contains more than a thousand unique titles, many with multiple issues. Included here are the issuances of several amateur press organizations including APA-L and N'APA. Most date from the 1970s and 1980s but there are some much earlier.

Financial material contains bank account and tax information, as well as general personal expenditures (house, car, etc.).

Legal material includes estate information and correspondence with various attorneys relating to FJA's care of his mother Carrol and aunt Louise Hamell in her later years. The vast majority of this series, however, relates to the well-known lawsuit between Ackerman and Ray Ferry, colloquially known as "Forry v Ferry." This includes court papers, exhibits, testimony, and much more.

Memorabilia contains an eclectic assortment of material FJA accumulated during his lifetime, including awards, address lists, a considerable amount of artwork (much of it likely submitted to Famous Monsters, but some done simply as gifts to express the sender's affection), birthday souvenirs, clippings about Ackerman spanning more than seventy years, convention memorabilia and ephemera (including almost every WorldCon), guest books, index card files, many many lists of everything from paperback books to songs FJA knew by heart, correspondence with his various assistants through the years, posters, and an alphabetical run of subject files on everything from animation to zeppelins.

Perry Rhodan files include general correspondence, editorial files and manuscrips for each book issued in the series, and a considerable amount of fan mail.

Photographs form a substantial part of the collection, and span Ackerman's entire life from childhood and family to his last days. There are a number of albums, some compiled by FJA and others compiled for him, as well as twenty or so folders that FJA had sorted and labeled. The bulk of the photographs are, however, unidentified and undated. During processing, these were sorted into rough categories of FJA himself, family (including Wendayne), conventions/gatherings, early fandom, movie- and television-related (both stills from shows as well as actor photographs), writers/authors, and miscellaneous.

Printed material contains calendars, comic books, book and magazine covers, full issues of magazines, referece works (e.g. Futures past: A visual guidebook to science fiction history), special editions signed and/or inscribed to FJA, and clippings from various publications of stories by Ackerman Agency clients and/or authors of interest to FJA.

Recordings and media includes home movies from FJA's birthday celebrations (which were always large and public), home movies, documentaries, FJA as guest on various television shows, etc. Many of these appear in multiple formats, e.g. VHS and DVD. Included at the beginning of this series is "FJA archive home video collection inventory" which lists items with Ackerman's own ID numbers.

Writings by Ackerman is subdivided by type of material. Articles includes about himself (Ackerman was an inveterate self-promoter), about general topics, and about specific individuals such as Boris Karloff. Books includes his autobiographical publications (e.g., Forrest J Ackerman: Monster) as well as his books on various sci-fi topics such as King Kong and Lon Chaney. Many of Ackermans zines are well represented, including Imagination/Voice of the Imagination. There are also interviews, book reviews, screen treatments, speeches, stories, and much more. Note that Famous Monsters and Perry Rhodan do not appear here, as each of these has its own series in the collection as described above. There are also a small number of pieces by Wendayne.

Writings by others includes items submitted by Ackerman Agency clients, unsolicited items sent as part of a request for representation, items submitted to various publications (e.g. Famous Monsters), as well as (possibly) items acquired by FJA as being of interest. It being impossible to determine the reason each of these items was sent or how it was acquired, this series has been subdivided into type of material (articles, books, poetry, screenplays, etc.) and then arranged by author.

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Arrangement of the Collection

Biographical material is arranged with Ackerman's own material first (e.g. school papers), followed by other family members in alphabetical order by name. Ackerman Agency material, Financial material, Legal material, and Memorabilia are each arranged alphabetically by type or topic. Correspondence is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. Famous Monsters and Perry Rhodan material is arranged alphabetically by subtopic (e.g. "Fan mail" and "Editorial correspondence"). Fanzines are arranged alphabetically by title. Photographs are arranged with FJA's own titled albums first, followed by untitled albums, followed by FJA's titled folders, followed finally by loose photographs which were subdivided during processing into very general categories. Printed material, Writings by FJA, and Writings by other are each arranged alphabetically by type (Articles, Books, etc.) and within each type alphabetically by author or title. Recordings and media are subdivided in to general categories and within each category arranged alphabetically by title.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advance notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Access to audiovisual material requires advance notice to produce a use copy.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

Special Collections Research Center has substantial science fiction related holdings both in its manuscripts collections and in Rare Books. Please refer to the SCRC Subject Index for a listing of related manuscript collections and search the Classic Catalog for a complete list of books.

Ackerman also donated material to Eastern New Mexico University and the University of Wyoming. Please refer to those institutions for more information on their holdings.

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Subject Headings


Ackerman, Forrest J.
Andruschak, Harry.
Anger, Kenneth.
Aquino, Michael A.
Asimov, Isaac, 1920-1992.
Beaumont, Charles, 1929-1967.
Ben, Lisa, 1921-2015.
Bixby, Jerome, 1923-1998.
Bloch, Robert, 1917-1994.
Bradbury, Ray, 1920-2012.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Byrne, Stuart J.
Carnell, John, 1912-1972.
Carpenter, John, 1948-
Chaney, Lon, Jr., 1906-1973.
Christofferson, Eddie.
Coblentz, Stanton A. (Stanton Arthur), 1896-1982.
Cozzi, Luigi.
Cummings, Ray.
De Camp, L. Sprague (Lyon Sprague), 1907-2000.
De la Ree, Gerry.
Dollens, Morris Scott, 1920-1994.
Dorf, Shel.
Dunkelberger, Walt, 1913-1962.
Edwards, G. John.
Ellison, Harlan.
Ernsting, Walter, 1920-2005.
Estes, Oscar G.
Farmer, Philip Jose.
Gallet, Georges H.
Gernsback, Hugo, 1884-1967.
Glut, Donald F.
Gold, H. L. (Horace Leonard), 1914-1996.
Hageland, Albert van.
Hallam, Atlantis (Samuel Benoni Atlantis)
Hallind, Kristina, 1945-
Harryhausen, Ray.
Hefner, Hugh M. (Hugh Marston), 1926-2017.
Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson), 1907-1988.
Hornig, Charles D., 1916-1999.
Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986.
Hull, Cortlandt.
Jarman, Peter (Peter J.)
King, Stephen, 1947-
Kyle, David A.
Landis, John, 1950-
Laney, Francis Towner, 1914-1958.
Lang, Fritz, 1890-1976.
Langdon, Verne.
Long, Amelia Reynolds, 1904-1978.
Lowndes, Robert A. W. (Robert Augustine Ward), 1916-1998.
Margulies, Leo, 1900-1975.
May, Joe, 1880-1954.
May, Mia, 1884-1980.
Melchior, Ib.
Moskowitz, Sam.
Neville, Kris, 1925-1980.
Nolan, William F., 1928-2021.
Norton, Andre.
Novotny, Norbert.
Nuetzel, Charles.
Obbagy, Bill.
Pal, George.
Palmer, Ray, 1910-1977.
Petaja, Emil, 1915-2000.
Pinckard, Terri.
Pinckard, Tom.
Pohl, Frederik.
Ptacek, Gloria Lee.
Reed, Donald A.
Riley, Philip J., 1948-
Robbins, Trina.
Robinson, Frank M., 1926-2014.
Romer, Jean-Claude.
Ruppert, Conrad H., 1912-1997.
Saha, Arthur W.
Scardino, Carol.
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 1929-
Silverberg, Robert.
Siodmak, Curt, 1902-2000.
Sneary, Rick.
Spiegl, Walter.
Stone, Graham, 1926-
Stone, Leslie F. (Leslie Francis), 1905-1991.
Temple, William F. (William Frederick), 1914-1989.
Trimble, Bjo.
Tucker, Wilson, 1914-2006.
Unger, Julius.
Urban, Helen M.
Varno, Martin.
Vincent, Harl.
Waite, Ronald A., 1956-
Warner, Harry, 1922-2003.
Warren, James, 1930-
Wasso, John.
Waxman, John W.
Wellman, Manly Wade, 1903-1986
Williams, Lucy Chase.
Williamson, Jack, 1908-2006.
Wollheim, Donald A.
Yano, Tetsu, 1923-2004.
van Vogt, A. E. (Alfred Elton), 1912-2000.

Corporate Bodies

Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Films.
Ace Books.
American International Pictures (1956-1980)
British Science Fiction Association.
Church of Scientology of California.
Count Dracula Society (U.S.)
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
F & SF Book Co.
Fantasy Amateur Press Association.
Greenleaf Publishing Co. (Evanston, Ill.)
Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society.
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (U.S.)
National Amateur Press Association.
National Fantasy Fan Federation.
ONE, Inc.
Science Fiction Writers of America.
Shasta Publishers.
Southern Fandom Confederation.
Syracuse University. -- Library.
United States. -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
University of California, Los Angeles.
University of California, Riverside.
University of Wyoming. -- Library.
Walt Disney Company.
Warner Bros. Pictures (1969- )
Washington Science Fiction Association.
World Science Fiction Convention.
World Science Fiction Society.

Associated Titles

Famous monsters of filmland.
Metropolis (Motion picture : 1927)
Perry Rhodan (New York, N.Y.)
Playboy (Chicago, Ill.)
Voice of the imagination.


Amateur films.
Authors, American.
Cinematography -- Special effects.
Editors -- United States.
Esperanto -- Societies, etc.
Esperanto -- Study and Teaching.
Fan magazines.
Fan mail.
Fantasy fiction, American.
Film festivals.
Horror films.
Lesbian pulp fiction.
Lesbians in literature.
Literary agents.
Monsters in mass media.
Monsters in motion pictures.
Motion pictures.
Novelists, American.
Science fiction -- History and criticism.
Science fiction -- Periodicals.
Science fiction -- Societies, etc.
Science fiction conventions.
Science fiction fans.
Science fiction, American.
Science in popular culture.
Space flight -- Fiction.
Space flight in art.
Vampires -- Fiction.


Los Angeles (Calif.)

Genres and Forms

Lists (document genres)
Address books.
Booksellers' catalogs.
Business cards.
Calendars (documents)
Character toys.
Civil court records.
Clippings (information artifacts)
Comic books.
Drawings (visual works)
Film stills.
Floppy disks.
Galley proofs.
Genealogies (histories)
Indexes (reference sources)
Layouts (printed matter)
Legal documents.
Limited editions.
Magazines (periodicals)
Manuscripts for publication.
Notes (documents)
Phonograph records.
Photograph albums.
Postage stamps.
Programs (documents)
Reviews (documents)
Sales catalogs.
Scripts (documents)
Short stories.
Sound recordings.
Speeches (documents)
Tape reels.
Tax records.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Visitors' books.


Literary agents.

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Forrest J Ackerman Papers,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Bulk of collection, gift of Forrest J Ackerman and Forest J Ackerman Estate, 1967-2010.

Some items, gift of A.E. van Vogt, 1981, 1982; and G. Thomas Pinckard, 1973.

A very few items, purchased, 2021.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: -
Date: Dec 1967
Revision history: 21 Jul 2010 - converted to EAD (MRC); 16 Jul 2012 - LCNAF updates (MRC); 30 Jan 2023 - entire collection, including all additions, fully processed (MRC); 4 Apr 2023 - descriptions, access terms expanded; cross-references added; bio revised; ~1.5 linear ft. additions incorporated (MRC); 28 Mar 2024 - one miscellaneous poster, one printed Bradbury story added (MRC); Apr 2024 - Petit item returned to collection, restriction expired (MRC)

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Biographical material
Box 1 Lists of family members - names, nicknames, some dates
Box 1 FJA military records
Box 1 FJA school papers
Box 1 FJA miscellany - drawings, juvenilia, 1937 issue of "The Virgil Voice," FJA's junior high school newspaper
Box 1 Ackerman, Alden (FJA's brother) - correspondence of, as well as items about, including memorials, tributes, "Alden Press" no 1 and 2
Ackerman, Carroll (FJA's mother) - nicknames Dolly, Caddie
Box 1 Correspondence with FJA 1931, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1945-1951, 1956-1974, 1977, undated (6 folders)
Box 1 Correspondence with Wendayne 1968-1974
Box 1 Correspondence with "Mom" (Belle Wyman, her mother) 1938-1948 (2 folders)
Box 1 Correspondence with Louise (her sister) 1927-1928, 1939-1941
Box 2 Correspondence with Louise (her sister) 1942-1949, 1954, undated (3 folders)
Box 2 Correspondence, miscellaneous from
Box 2 Correspondence, miscellaneous to (2 folders)
Box 2 Correspondence about - most relates to her later years when FJA was caring for her
Box 2 Condolences on her death - almost everyone FJA knew is represented (6 folders)
Box 3 Legal / financial - health care, investments, will, etc.; FJA handled much of this in her later years (2 folders)
Ackerman, Wendayne (FJA's wife) - real name Mathilde Wahrmann; nicknames Tillie, Malka
Box 3 Correspondence 1940-1948, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1965-1985, 1988, undated (3 folders)
Box 3 College papers circa 1958 (5 folders)
Box 4 College papers circa 1958
Box 4 About - includes photo of FJA at her grave
Box 4 Ackerman, Bill (FJA's father) - William Schilling Ackerman, nickname Boo
Box 4 Ackerman family, miscellaneous
Box 4 Cohen, Dora 1964-1975, undated - friend of FJA's mother (4 folders)
Box 4 Cridland family, miscellaneous
Box 4 Hamell, Glenn (FJA's cousin, Louise's son) 1969-1974 - wife Mazie
Hamell, Louise (FJA's aunt, Carroll's sister) - nicknames Bea, Beezie; husband Ed Hamell
Box 4 Correspondence of 1927-1928, 1953, 1958, 1961, 1966-1969, 1973, undated
Box 4 Correspondence about - most relates to her later years when FJA was caring for her
Box 4 Legal / financial - health care, investments, guardianship, will, death certificate, etc.; FJA was her guardian later in life
Box 5 Legal / financial - health care, investments, guardianship, will, etc.; FJA was her guardian later in life
Box 5 Howard, Adele ("Aunt Tottie")
Box 5 Molnar, Lola (FJA's cousin) - husband Louis was an attorney in D.C.
Box 5 Porjes, Michael (FJA's stepson) - Wendayne's son from a previous marriage
Box 5 Wahrmann, Oskar (FJA's brother-in-law) - Wendayne's brother
Box 5 Wahrmann, Sig (FJA's brother-in-law) - Wendayne's brother
Box 5 Wyman, Belle - notebook containing her notes on various books, including Bucke's "Cosmic Consciousness"
Wyman, George Herbert and Belle Cridland (FJA's grandparents) - FJA refers to George as "Mom Daddy"
Box 5 Correspondence
Box 5 Memorabilia (2 folders)
Box 5 Wyman family miscellany - history, genealogy, etc. (2 folders)
Oversize 16 Wyman family miscellany - ledger pages listing corn, barley, rye, etc.; possibly belonging to FJA's father or grandfather
Box 5 Miscellaneous family correspondence
Box 5 Miscellaneous clippings - Carroll Ackerman, W.S. Ackerman, Grace Talbot, Bradbury Building
Box 5 Miscellaneous
Ackerman Agency
See also Memorabilia : Index card files, several of which may relate to Ackerman's work as agent.
Box 6 Announcements, ads, publicity, etc.
Box 6 Available poems - for something called "Trubby reads an 8-line poem"
Box 6 Available titles - lists of stories and novels handled by the agency
Box 6 Business certificates - includes summons regarding allegations he was operating without a license; also Ackerman Agency credit card
Box 6 Client lists
See also Legal material : Author estates.
Box 6 Client/title submission records
Box 6 Clients, miscellaneous
Box 6 Correspondence, miscellaneous 1951-1983, 1994, undated (3 folders)
Box 6 Deposits, unidentified - most from foreign banks, presumably royalties for clients but no publisher, agent, or client name is on them
Box 6 Employment inquiries - includes one letter with extremely offensive language
Box 6 Forms - contracts, agreements, terms of service, etc.
Box 6 Internal Revenue Service
See also Financial material : Taxes.
Box 6 Lists, miscellaneous
Box 6 Notes, miscellaneous
Box 7 Permissions, copyright statements
Box 7 Publishers, calls for submissions
Box 7 Publishers, miscellaneous
Box 7 Requests for representation, artists
Box 7 Requests for representation, authors (9 folders)
Box 8 Requests for representation, authors (10 folders)
Box 9 Requests for representation, authors (10 folders)
Box 10 Requests for representation, authors (4 folders)
Box 10 Rights reverted
Box 10 "Writers Yearbook" 1958, 1960, 1962
Box 9 Miscellaneous
The miscellaneous material filed at the end of each letter (for example, 'B, misc') may contain items some researchers may find offensive, such as catalogs featuring sexually explicit videos. These are retained in order to provide a complete picture of Ackerman's correspondence.
Box 11 A & B Books 1968
Box 11 A & W Publishers 1976-1977, 1981
Box 11 A.R. Pragare, Inc. 1977-1978
Box 11 A.S. Barnes and Company 1967-1981, undated
Box 11 AB Lindqvists Forlag 1955
Box 11 ABC (American Broadcasting Company) 1964-1971, 1974-1979, 1994, undated
Box 11 Abelard-Schuman Limited 1953-1954, 1960, undated
Box 11 Abernathy, Robert 1955
Box 11 Academy of Architecture Arts & Sciences 1995
Academy of Family Films and Family Television
See Reed, Donald A.
Box 11 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) 1939, 1941, 1975-1976, 1979, 1981, 1991, 2004, undated
Box 11 Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Films 1973-2004, undated - includes mentions of MARS productions; newsletter "The Saturn" (6 folders)
See also Reed, Donald A.
Box 11 Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS) 1977-1978, undated - earlier name Television Academy
Box 11 Ace Publishing / Ace Books 1952-1969 - editors include Don Wollheim, Walter Ernsting, Jim Baen, Pat Lobrutto, Fred Pohl (2 folders)
See also Award Books; Grosset & Dunlap
Box 12 Ace Publishing / Ace Books 1970-1982, undated (9 folders)
Box 12 Ackerman Museum 1973-1982, undated - proposals, "Ackerman Museum of the Future," draft of agreement with city, letters from kids who sent a dollar, list of contributors, etc. See also
See also Los Angeles (City of).
Box 12 Ackerman, Wendayne 1971-1978, 1985, undated - material connected with professional aspects of her life
See also Biographical material : Ackerman, Wendayne and Memorabilia : Wendayne.
Box 12 Ackermann, Henry Andrew 1941, 1943
Ackland, Don
See Rosebud Books.
Ad Astra (fanzine)
See Reinsberg, Mark.
Adam (magazine)
See Knight Publishing Corp.
Box 12 Adams, Wilson 1931
Box 12 Aday, Roger 1976-1980, undated
Box 12 Addison-Wesley 1967, 1974, undated
Advanced Organization Los Angeles (AOLA)
See Church of Scientology.
Box 12 Aeonian Press 1975 - editor John Clauss
Box 13 Agar, John 1963-1965
Box 13 Agee, Michael Lee 1963-1965
Box 13 Agel, Jerome B. 1974
Box 13 Agence Hoffman 1973-1974
Box 13 Agence Renault-Lenclud 1969-1986, 1998, undated - Maurice Renault, Anne and Pierre Lenclud
Box 13 Aiken, John K. 1947-1951, 1954, undated
Box 13 Air-A-Tans 1960-1962
Box 13 Akers, Gregory D. 1970s
Box 13 Albright, Donn 1949, 1953-1954, 1964, 1967-1982, 1985, undated - includes 2 early letters to a "Dear Everett"; letterheads include Mulvey Associates, Mulvey/Crump Associates, Neeley Associates (2 folders)
Box 13 Aldiss, Brian W. 1965-1968, 1971-1974, 1979, 1981, 1987, 1995, undated
Box 13 Aldo, Torti 1965-1966
Box 13 All-Fiction Field, Inc 1940-1941, 1946-1950 - editors Mary and Nadine Gnaedinger
Box 13 Alland, William 1956, 1960
Box 13 Allard, Raymond 1960s
Box 13 Allen, Catherine 1941-1948, undated
Box 13 Allen, John E. 1962, 1964, 1967, 1972
Box 13 Allen, Steve 1971
Box 13 Allgeier, Donald 1930-1931, 1940, 1946
Box 13 Allied Artists 1954-1957 - includes publicity for several of their movies
Box 13 Allyn Short-Wave League 1931 - Edward C. Anderson
Box 13 Alti-Ego [convention] 1985
Box 13 Altshuler, Harry 1950-1955
Box 13 Alyn, Kirk 1972, 1977-1978, undated - includes song lyrics written for him by FJA
Box 13 Amalgamated Records 1957 - catalogs
Box 13 Amateur Fantasy Publications of Australia (AFPA) 1954 - regarding ETHERLINE
Box 13 Amazing Cinema 1978, 1982
Box 13 "Amazing Forries" orders 1977
Box 13 Amazing Stories 1929-1936, 1939, 1942, 1946-1961, 1967-1968, 1980, 2000, undated - early items are typed copies of letters, presumably from FJA; names present include Paul Fairman, Harry Harrison, Howard Browne, Sol Cohen, Ultimate Publishing Co., Ziff-Davis (2 folders)
Amazing-Fantastic Publications
See Ultimate Publishing Co.
Box 13 Ambercon 1980
Box 13 Ambrose, Peter D. 1979
Box 13 American Art Agency 1961-1962, undated
Box 13 American Athiest Addiction Recovery Groups (AAARG) 1983-1985 - newsletters
Box 14 American Bela Lugosi Fan Club 1960-1961 - Bill Obbaggy, president
Box 14 American Biographical Institute 1971-1977
Box 14 American Cinema Releasing 1979, 1981-1982
Box 14 American Cinematheque 1989, 1999, 2004
Box 14 American Express - FJA proposal for ad
Box 14 American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) 1971-1974, 1981-1982, 1985, undated
Box 14 American Film Institute (AFI) 1970-1978, undated (2 folders)
Box 14 American Humanist Association 1954, 1985
Box 14 American International Pictures (AIP) 1963-1978, 1994, undated - includes American International Productions (their TV network) (2 folders)
See also Slesar, Henry and Memorabilia : Subject files : American International Pictures (AIP).
Box 14 American Peter Cushing Club 1963-1964, 1973-1979, 1994-1995
Box 14 American Society of Hypnosis 1974-1981 - newsletters
Box 14 American Sunbathing Association 1954-1955 - includes Wendayne's membership card
Box 14 American Sunbather and Nudist Leader 1961
Box 14 Analog (magazine) 1973, 1980, 1986 - includes letter from van Vogt to editors, regarding FJA
Box 14 Anderson, Dave, Cheryl, and Michael 1960s
Box 14 Anderson, Douglas A. 1997
Box 14 Anderson, Kay 1972
Box 14 Anderson, Kevin J. 1998 - regarding a proposed PC game called "Xenomorphology"
Box 14 Anderson, Les and Ethel 1935, 1944, 1963-1980, undated
Box 14 Anderson, Poul and Karen 1947, 1954-1956, 1961, 1964, 1968-1969, 1974-1975, undated
Box 14 Anderson, Virginia Combs ("Nanek") 1941-1942, 1978, 1981, undated
Box 14 Andersson, C. Dean 1980
Andersson, Gloria and Leif
See Ptacek, Gloria Lee.
Box 14 Andromeda Bookshop / Andromeda Book Co. 1976-1980
Box 15 Andromeda Publications 1977-1978
Box 15 Andruschak, Harry 1975-1976, 1982-1988, 1992-1993, undated - most is from others to Andruschak; many items scattered across the collection, particularly fanzines, are addressed to Andruschak, it is unclear why FJA had so much of his mail (3 folders)
Box 15 Angelo, Jim 1937
Box 15 Anger, Kenneth 1963, 1970-1971, 1975-1988, 1992-2000, undated - Puck Productions (5 folders)
See also Bloom, Michael C.
Box 15 Anjoorian, Valeria (Val; Valkon) 1956
Box 15 Ankrum, Joan (Ankrum Gallery) 1964, 1972, undated
Box 15 Annual British SF Convention, 23rd 1971
Box 15 Antares Nachtrichten 1965 - in German
Anthony Boucher Memorial World Mystery Convention (Bouchercon)
See Boucher, Anthony.
Box 15 Anthony, Brian 2002 - list of items removed from FJA's house
Box 15 Antosiewicz, Joe
Box 15 Appelbaum, Jacie (Jacqueline Connors ) 1960-1961, 1974, 1978-1979, 1983-1984, 1989-2006, undated - FJA's attorney; also used the name Astrachan (4 folders)
Box 16 Aquino, Michael A. 1973-1981, 1992, undated (3 folders)
See also Church of Satan; O'Brien, Demon; Temple of Set.
Box 16 Archer, Dirce (Mrs. Arthur G.) 1955-1966
Box 16 Area G Science Fiction Conference [Hollenbeck Jr. High] 1977-1978
Box 16 Arena, Jimmy 1973-1978, undated (2 folders)
Box 16 Argosy 1931, 1933, 1939, 1955, undated - includes 2 covers, short piece on Esperanto submitted by FJA
Argus Book Shop 1943-1947 - Ben Abramson
Box 16 Ariel, Brigitte 1976
Arkham House
Box 16 Correspondence 1944-1948, 1954, 1966-1967, 1970-1975
Box 16 Catalogs 1946-1949, 1965, 1971
Box 16 Arlington House Publishers 1972, 1976-1978, 1981, undated
Box 16 Arno Press Inc. 1964, 1971, 1974-1975, 1981
Box 16 Arnold Magazines 1956
Box 16 Arnoldo Mondadori Editore 1952-1958, 1967, 1970, 1987
Box 16 Arthur, Bob 1951-1952, 1959, 1967, 1974, undated - includes clippings "The Mystery of Robert Arthur" parts I and V
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 16 Asakura, Hisashi 1977
Box 16 Ash, Lowell 1956
Box 16 Asherman, Allan 1967-1973
Box 16 Ashley, Abby Lu (Ruja-Blu) 1941-1946
Box 17 Ashley, Michael 1975-1984, 1988
Ashmead, Larry
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 17 ASIFA Hollywood (Association International de Film d'Animation) 1974-1976
Asimov, Isaac
Box 17 Correspondence 1949-1950, 1954-1984, undated (2 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Subject files : Asimov, Isaac.
Box 17 Royalty statements 1980, 1984
Box 17 Askin, Osman 1992-1993, [1996?]
Box 17 Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers 1963, 1975, 1981
Box 17 Astounding Stories/Astounding Science-Fiction
Astrachan, Jacie
See Appelbaum, Jacie.
Box 17 AT&T Videophone 1992
Box 17 Atheists United 1984, 1991, 1993
Box 17 Atheneum 1963, 1967, 1970-1972, 1975-1976
Box 17 Atkins, Rick 1973-1985, 1993-1997
Box 17 Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1986
Box 17 Atlantic Monthly Press 1957
Box 17 Atlantica Cinematografica 1959 - also has Edizione Atlantica on letterhead
Box 17 Attanasio, A.A. 1981
Atvatabar Book Service
See Eggeling, John.
Audio Network International
See DramaTapes.
Box 17 August Derleth Society 1983-1984, 1988-1989, 1996
Box 17 Augustin, Niels 1958-1972, undated
Box 17 Aussiecon 1973, 1975, 1984-1985
Box 17 Austin, Alicia 1971
Box 17 Austin, Neil 1947-1948, 1952, 1984, undated - includes one piece of original art, "Destruction of the gelatinous ones by the wicked Fire Queen"
Box 17 Australian science fiction, miscellaneous 1939, 1972, 1982, 1990
Box 17 Authentic Science Fiction 1954 - editors Gordon Landsborough, H.J. Campbell, and E. C. Tubb
Box 17 Author Services, Inc. (ASI) 1982-1983, 1988, 1992, undated
See also Hubbard, L. Ron (ASI were his literary representatives).
Author's Coop Publishing Co.
See Chapdelaine, Perry.
Box 17 AVCO-Embassy 1971, 1975-1982, undated - Mick Garris
Box 17 Avery, Dwayne (Rayven Productions) 1966, undated
Box 17 Avon Books 1947-1952, 1966-1974, 1979-1982, undated - editors include Don Wollheim, George Ernsberger, Charles Platt, Irving Benig (2 folders)
Box 18 Award Books 1975 - imprint of Ace Books; editors Peter Titus, Sari Best
Box 18 Ayco, J. R. 1934-1935
Aylesworth, Owen, Mrs.
See Gray, Patti (Pogo).
Box 18 Ayres, David 1977-1980
Box 18 Ayres, Lew 1980 - fan mail from FM readers
Box 18 Azeltine, Ethan 1963-1966
Box 18 A, misc: A - Anderson, D. (9 folders)
Box 19 A, misc: Anderson, E. - Az - includes John Andrews, "A Day with FJA" (9 folders)
Box 19 B----, W.E. (Bill) 1954, 1960
Box 19 B-B Service Co 1932
Box 19 Bachellier, J. Paul 1980-1981
Box 19 Bachelor (magazine) 1956 - editor Bruce J. Friedman
Box 19 Bade, William L. 1954-1955
Box 19 Baen, Jim 1976-1978
See also Ace Publishing / Ace Books (Baen was science fiction editor)
Box 19 Bailey, J.O. 1934-1935, 1945, 1947
Box 19 Bails, Jerry
Box 19 Baker Street Irregulars 1988, 2004, 2006 - includes The Blustering Gales from the South-West, a BSI regional chapter
Box 19 Baker, Arthur Brooks 1934, 1961, 1967, 1979, undated
Box 19 Baker, Caroline Hoar 1977
Box 19 Baker, Darrell 1964-1970
Box 20 Baker, Joseph B. circa 1948
Box 20 Balboa High School 1935, 1943, 1977
See also Biographical material : FJA school papers.
Box 20 Baldwin, F. Lee 1934, 1943-1944, 1946, 1950
Box 20 Bales, V.R. 1936, 1947
Box 20 Ball, Lucille 1968
Box 20 Ballantine Books, Correspondence 1953-1988, undated - editors include Bernard Shir-Cliff
Box 20 Ballantine Books, Publicity 1967-1981, undated (2 folders)
Ballantine, Ian and Betty
See Ballantine Books.
Box 20 BALLCON (European Science Fiction Convention, 11th) 1986
Box 20 Baltadonis, John V. 1937, 1941, 1952
Box 20 BaltiCon 1981, 1984
Box 20 Banister, Manly 1952-1955
Box 20 Banks, Ken 1970-1972, undated
Box 20 Banks, Pendleton 1947-1948
Box 20 Bankson, Budd 1957-1959, 1969, undated
Box 20 Bankson, Russell A. 1969, 1972, 1976
Box 20 Bantam Books, Correspondence 1948, 1967-1982, 1989, undated - Alan Ravage, Karen Haas, others
Box 20 Bantam Books, Contract 1979 - with FJA, for SCIENCE FICTION I LOVE
Box 20 Bantam Books, Publicity 1969-1972, 1977, 1980-1985, 1999, undated - newsletters, press releases, etc.
Bar-David Literary Agency
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 20 Barbano, Nicolas 1981-1982, 1996
Box 20 Barbet, Pierre 1972, 1976-1981
Box 20 Barjavel, Rene 1960
Box 20 Barkett, Steve 1974, 1977-1980 - Nautilus Film Company
Box 20 Barnes, Arthur K. 1961, 1966, 1972, 1977
Box 20 Barny Ira Geller Productions 1979 - includes prospectus for "Science Fiction Land"
Box 20 Barr, George 1959-1964, 1969-1971, 1984
Box 20 Barrett, C.L. 1935-1936, 1947, 1968, undated
Barrett, Ronald K.
See Aquino, Michael A.; Temple of Set.
Box 20 Barrish, Jack S. 1935, 1955, 1963
Box 20 Barron, Bebe 1966-1967, undated
Box 20 Barron, Neil 1974, 1980, 1986 - editor, "Anatomy of Wonder"
Box 20 Barry Ira Geller Productions - regarding huge theme park, "Science Fiction Land"
Box 21 Barthell, Robert 1967, 1972
Box 21 Bartlett, Landell 1956
Box 21 Bartlett, Mark 1978
Box 21 Bates, Harry (Hiram) 1931, 1950, 1956-1957, 1961-1966, 1972-1979, 1982, 1987
Bates, Jonne Evans
See Evans, E. Everett (her father).
Box 21 Baton Rouge Science Fiction League 1981, 1983, 1987-1988
Box 21 Battista, Arlene 1973-1977, undated
Box 21 Battlestar Galactica 1978
Box 21 Baum, Sylvia (Kumiko) 1960-1969
Box 21 Bauman, Warren and Yvette 1977, 2000
Box 21 Baxter, Charlie 1972, undated - as "M.T. Graves," host of Miami horror-movie TV show called The Dungeon; includes signed and inscribed photo
Box 21 Baxter, John 1972, undated
See Worldcon XXVI.
Box 21 Bazaz, Greg 1968-1969, undated
Box 21 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) 1967-1968, 1973, 1977, 1986, 1988
Box 21 Beagle Books 1963, 1969, 1971 - editor Don Bensen
Box 21 Bear, Greg 1970-1979
Box 21 Beaumont, Charles 1941-1942, 1945-1946, 1949, 1953-1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, 1976, 1991, undated - includes letter to his son Chris from Forry (2 folders)
Box 21 Beck, Calvin Thomas circa 1958
Box 21 Becker, Eloise 1944-1947, undated
Box 21 Becker, Larry circa 1972-1975
Box 21 Beckman, Peter [1960?]-1968, undated
Box 21 Becwar, George 1958-1960, 1964-1965, undated
Box 21 Beena, Hope - prolific correspondent; may be more in the FM fan mail
Box 21 Beginner's Grammar and Vocabulary for Esperanto 1939 - orders for this booklet, provided (possibly written) by FJA
Box 21 Beijing International Science Fiction Convention 1997 - organizers SF World/Yang Xiao
Box 21 Beling, Charles A. 1941
Box 21 Bell, Earl L. (Earl Leaston) 1931
Box 21 Bell, Eric Temple 1934, 1947-1951, 1960-1966, 1975-1978, 1982-1984, 1988, 1992, 1998, undated - includes letter to Eric's child from FJA
Box 21 Bell, Robert (Bob) 1962-1964
Box 22 Bellah, James 1969-1970
Box 22 Bellomi, Antonio 1977-1982
Box 22 Belmont Books 1962, 1967, undated - assistant editor Gail Wendroff
Ben, Lisa
See Eyde, Edythe (Tigrina).
Box 22 Benford, Gregory 1975, 1978
Benjamin, Judy-Lynn
See Del Rey, Judy-Lynn.
Box 22 Bennett, Alfred Gordon 1955
Box 22 Bennett, Gary L. 1980-1981
Box 22 Bennett, John 1954
Box 22 Bennett, Keith 1950-1955, 1973-1974
Box 22 Bennett, Ron 1961, 1963, 1967, 1972
Box 22 Bennett, Vern (C.V.) 1966-1970, undated (2 folders)
Box 22 Bennick, Dick 1977-1978
Benson, Bobby
See Famous Monsters : Fan mail.
Box 22 Berg, Jon 1966-1968
Box 22 Bergel, Alice 1976-1981
Box 22 Berkley Publishing Co., Correspondence 1955-1957, 1961-1962, 1967, 1971, 1977, 1980-1982, 1986, undated - editors Charles Byrne, Thomas Dardis, Janet Salter, David Hartwell
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Box 22 Berkley Publishing Co., Publicity 1974-1977, undated
Box 22 Bernhard, Arthur 1979-1980 - co-owner of Ultimate Publishing Co. with Sol Cohen; includes letterhead from Jalart House
Bernhardt, Kurt
See Perry Rhodan.
Bernheim, Kurt
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 22 Berry, D. Bruce 1962, undated
Box 22 Berry, John D. 1961 - includes EGOBOO poll
Box 22 Bertin, Eddy C. 1975, undated - includes signed and inscribed copy of STAR-SEA SONGS booklet
Box 22 Best Science Fiction 1972
Best Science Fiction of 1973
Box 22 Ackerman's preface/introduction (manuscript) - project for Zenith
Box 22 Author comments with permission to quote - lots of SF individuals involved in this and wrote quotes for its release, including Albert Dytch, van Vogt, Pohl, Farmer, Silverberg, possibly Robert Bloch
Box 22 Contracts
Box 22 Reader votes for best story (3 folders)
Box 23 Reader votes for best story, opened by SCRC staff
Box 23 Miscellaneous
Box 23 Bester, Alfred undated - photocopy
Box 23 Bhoosnurmath, R.S. 1971
Box 23 Biamonti, Francesco 1967, 1971
Box 23 "The Bicentennial Man" project 1974-1975, 1980 - with Naomi Gordon; never published
Box 23 Biehler, Wolfgang M. 1963, 1965
Box 23 Big Heart Award 1967-1980, undated - also known as E. Everett Evans Memorial Award, founded in his honor (2 folders)
Box 23 Biggle, Lloyd Jr. 1970, 1983-1984, 1995, 2001
Box 23 Bilker, Harvey 1971, 1973
Box 23 Billingsley, Roena 1960
Box 23 Billows, Dennis and Sandi 1960, 1974-1978, 1988, 1996-1998, undated (2 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Notes, FJA and assistants : Dennis Billows.
Box 23 Binder, Eando 1940, 1953 - brothers Earl and Otto Binder
Bingenheimer, Heinz
See Transgalaxis.
Box 23 Bingenheimer, Rolf 1974-1984
Box 23 Binns, Merv and Helena 1955-1956, 1963, 1973, 1979, 1981, 1983, 2005, undated
See also Roberts, Helena and Kelvin (2d husband); Space Age Books (Binns was co-owner)
Box 23 Bischoff, David 1974-1975
Box 23 Bisenieks, Dainis 1974, 1982
Box 23 Bishop, Gerald ("Ye Gerbish") 1968, 1972
Box 23 Bixby, Jerome (Jerry) 1949-1950, 1956, 1960-1975, 1979-1981, 1984-1998, 1992, 1997, 2001, undated - includes correspondence with wife Linda (2 folders)
Bizarre Bazaar Ltd.
See O'Connor, Paul.
Box 23 Blackbeard, Bill (William Elsworth) 1954-1956, 1960, 1970
Box 23 Blackie & Son Ltd. 1965
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Box 23 Blackman, Gardiner 1936, 1963, 1966-1972, 1977-1979, undated
Box 23 Blaha, Barbara 1972-1973
Box 23 Blair, Stanley R. 1970-1973
See also National Central Bureau; Stan's Weekly Express.
Box 23 Blaisdell, Paul 1957-1958, 1972, undated
Box 23 Blasco, Joe 2003-2005
Box 23 Blassingame, Lurton 1946-1947
Box 23 Blatt, Lee 1937, 1949-1950
Box 24 Blazing Publications Inc. 1985-1986
Box 24 Blish, James 1957-1958, 1975, 1982
Box 24 Bloch, Robert and Elly 1935, 1948, 1955-1957, 1960-1963, 1966-1984, 1987, 1991-1994, undated (4 folders)
Box 24 Bloch, Robert - clippings about Bloch; text of his address to Count Dracula Society
Box 24 Blocki, Fritz 1952, 1963
Box 24 Blond, Martine 1979-1980
Box 24 The Blood of Frankenstein (film) 1970 - Independent-International Pictures; FJA had small role
Box 24 Blood, Linda 1978-1979
Box 24 Bloom, Michael C. 1999 - "Ackerman Confidential" project
Box 24 Bloomer, C. Hamilton 1936
Blue Centaur Book Company
See Cohen, Dave.
Box 24 Blue Ribbon Magazines 1939 - editor Louis Silberkleit
Box 24 Blum, Burkhard 1961-1964
Box 24 Boardman, John 1964-1968, 1981, undated
Box 24 Boeck, Steve 1997
Box 24 Bogaslawski, Pete circa 1961-1964 - includes items co-signed with Al Jaramillo
Box 24 Bogert, Jeanie (Jean Bryant; "Jeanie B.") 1971-1978, 1987, undated
Box 24 Boggs, Redd (Dean Walter) 1947-1949, 1960-1961, 1964, 1967, undated
Box 24 Bojarski, Richard (Dick; "Bojack") 1963, 1967-1970, 1974-1975
Box 24 Bok, Hannes - includes "Revised Hannes Bok Checklist" by C.W. Brooks
Box 24 Bokanalia Memorial Foundation 1967-1980 - Emil Petaja, chairman
Box 25 Boland, John C. circa 1963
Box 25 Boland, Stuart 1944-1946, 1951, 1972, undated
Box 25 Bolinger, Truman 1992 - includes legal form putting his writings into the public domain
Box 25 Bonanno, Rosemary and Rosalia circa 1978-1979
Box 25 Bond, Nelson S. 1948-1955, 1976-1981, undated
Box 25 Borden Publishing Co. 1949-1951 - owner Emanuel (Manny) Borden
Box 25 Borgens Forlag 1971-1972
Box 25 Borgo Press 1979-1982, 1992, 1999 - editor Robert Reginald
See also American Peter Cushing Club.
Box 25 Borland, Carroll ("Carolluna") 1966-1970, undated
Box 25 Borst, Ron (Ronald V.) 1962-1963, 1968-1980, 1996, undated (2 folders)
Box 25 Botelho, Mike circa 1974
Box 25 Boucher, Anthony 1949-1957, 1961, 1964, 1968, 1976, 1979, undated (2 folders)
Box 25 Boullet, Jean 1965
Box 25 Bourassa, Alain 1980
Box 25 Bouyxou, Jean-Pierre 1965, 1969 - Mercury-Bis Cinefantastique
Box 25 Bova, Ben 1967, 1971, 1975, 1978-1980, 1987
Box 25 Bovard, Barbara (Bobbie) 1942, 1944, 1966, 1978, undated
Box 25 Bowman, Dee (Dolores) and Earle 1979-1982, 2004, 2006
Box 25 Bowman, Hilton R. (Bauman, in Esperanto) 1935-1936
Box 25 Bowman, Jenny and Earl 1972, 1978-1981, undated
Box 25 Boyd, Waldo 1954-1956
Box 25 Boyko, Chris 2002-2003, 2005, undated
Box 25 Boys Scientifiction Club 1930-1932 - includes large full-color image of club's logo
Box 25 Brackett, Leigh 1942, 1973, 1976, 1978
See also Hamilton, Edmond (her husband).
Bradbury, Ray
Box 25 Correspondence 1948-1987, 1992, 1997, 2000-2004, undated (2 folders)
Box 26 Memorabilia - includes House Resolution honoring RB, "Ray Bradbury Review," "The case of the baroque baby-killer" (by FJA about RB), etc.
Box 26 Writings - includes text of RB's 1965 appearance on The Today Show
Box 26 Bradley, David 1963-1964, 1967, 1969, 1973-1975, 1981, undated
Box 26 Bradley, Marion Zimmer, Correspondence 1947, 1952-1962, 1975-1976, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1994, undated (2 folders)
See also Breen, Walter (her husband).
Box 26 Bradley, Marion Zimmer, Contracts, agreements, etc. 1953-1954, 1956, 1959
Box 26 Bradley, Marion Zimmer, Writings by - includes typescript of article, "Lesbian stereotypes in the commercial novel"
Box 26 Brandt, Beverly 1974-1981, 1997, undated (2 folders)
Box 26 Brandt, C. A. 1945-1946
Box 26 Bratmon, Alex 1959
Box 26 Bray Pictures Corporation 1933
Box 26 Brazier, Donn 1945-1946, 1950-1951, 1965 - includes fanzine piece on "Shaverism"
Box 26 Breen, Walter 1964 - statement from Pacificon (Worldcon XXII) committee regarding his being barred; see also
See also Bradley, Marion Zimmer (his wife).
Box 26 Breiding, G. Sutton 1966
Box 26 Brenner, Herb 1967
Box 26 Bresee, Frank and Bobbie 1981-1982, 1988, 1996, 2003, undated
Box 26 Bretnor, Reg 1976, 1978
Box 26 Breuer, Miles 1947
Bridge Publications
See Hubbard, L. Ron.
Box 26 Brilliant Films 1979-1980
Box 26 Brinkman, Charlene 1974-1981, 1989-1991, 1996, 2004, undated
Box 26 British Columbia Science Fiction Association (BCSFA) 1990-1992
Box 26 British Fantasy Library 1947-1948
Box 26 British Fantasy Society 1941-1943, 1946, 2000 (2 folders)
See also Gibson, Bob.
Box 27 British Film Institute 1962-1966, 1969-1976 - film librarian Phil Strick
British S-F War Relief Society
See Cunningham, John M.
British Science Fiction Association (BSFA)
Box 27 Correspondence 1963, 1967, 1971, 1981-1982, 1985, undated
Box 27 Publications 1962, 1981-1985, 1987-1988, 1992-1993 - Paperback Inferno, Matrix, Focus (3 folders)
Box 27 Bronson, Beverly (Waverly; Pandora) 1943, 1966-1967, undated
Box 27 Bronson, Phil 1941-1944, 1990 - includes photograph
Box 27 Brooks, Chris 1963-1965
Box 27 Brooks, Mel [1975] - in connection with his Hugo Award for "Young Frankenstein"
Box 27 Brooks, Ned 1969, 1976-1978
Box 27 Brooks, Stan, Sue, Paul and Larry 1963, 1967-1972, undated
Brosch, Robert
See Detroit Triple Fan Fair.
Box 27 Brother Theodore (Gottlieb) 1966-1968, 1971-1973, 1978, 1996, undated - includes photograph of him with infant, inscribed "Mother Theodore"; also clippings and publicity for his shows
Box 27 Brotherhood of the White Temple 1947-1949 - Maurice Doreal
Box 27 Brown, Barry circa 1975
Box 27 Brown, Charles (Charlie) and Dena 1966-1967, 1971, 1978, 1984
Box 27 Brown, Fred 1944-1951, 1968, undated (3 folders)
Box 28 Brown, Fredric 1952, 1954, 1972, undated - includes correspondence with Shasta Publishers about Mack Reynolds; pilot script for Mike Moser's REPORT TO EARTH
Box 28 Browne, Howard 1949-1950, 1954-1955
Box 28 Bruco Enterprises - catalogs and price lists
Box 28 Brudy, Bill / John 1959-1960, 1980, 1982, undated
Box 28 Bruggener, Hans circa 1980
Box 28 Brunas, John and Mike / Brunas Bros. 1961-1969, undated (2 folders)
Brundage, Margaret
See Korshak, Erle Melvin.
Box 28 Brunner, John 1979-1984
Box 28 Bryant, Edward 1984, undated
Box 28 Bryning, Frank 1986
Box 28 Brzezinski, Tony 1964-1967, 1970, 1976-1982, 1988-2000, undated (2 folders)
Box 28 Bubnis, Bernie 1962-[1967?]
Box 28 Buchanan, Keith 1942-1943 - concerning his zine "Rocket Flight"
Box 28 Budrys, Algis 1954, 1987, undated
Box 28 Bukato, Wiktor 1981, 1984-1987, undated
Box 28 Bulmer, H. Ken 1957, 1979-1980
Box 28 Bulteno, Nia 1934-1936 - in Esperanto
Box 28 Burbee, Charles ("Burb") 1945-1949, 1968, 1980, undated - include "A tragedy of fandom"
Burch, Beatrice
See Diffin, Charles (her father)
Burdick, Loraine
Box 28 Correspondence 1962-1981, undated (2 folders)
Box 28 Price lists
Box 29 Price lists
Bureau of Copyrights
See Library of Congress.
Bureau of Customs (NYC) 1967-1968
See Treasury Department, Bureau of Customs (NYC).
Box 29 Burger, Joanne 1971-1980
Box 29 Burgoon, Vivien 1966-1982, undated (4 folders)
Box 29 Burian, Zdenek 1971
Box 29 Burks, Arthur 1949-1952, 1959, 1965, 1976, 1982, 2003
Box 29 Burnill, Berta 1934-1936, 1948, undated
Box 29 Burns, Bob III 1963, 1971, undated
Box 29 Burns, Kevin 1987, 2003, undated - relating to items purchased from Ackermansion
Box 29 Burroughs Bibliophiles 1960-1961, 1964-1965, 1968, 1973, 1983, undated - names include Bob Hyde, Vern Coriell, Bill Ford, Dale Broadhurst
Box 29 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Correspondence 1931-1932, 1938, 1946-1947, 1950 - photocopies of letters from 13-year-old FJA
Box 29 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Miscellaneous - book jackets, clippings, bibliographies, photograph, etc.
See also ERB-Dom.
Box 29 Burroughs, Hulbert 1964, 1975-1976
Box 29 Burtner, Olga (Vanessa/Van) 1944, 1964, undated
Box 29 Burtt, John D. 1974, 1979-1984, 1991, 2000
Box 29 Busby, F.M. (Buz) 1959, 1961, 1978
Box 29 Butler, Octavia E. 1979
Box 29 Byhower, Nick 1959-1993 (gaps)
Box 29 Byrd, Larry M. ("Commander Byrdman") 1961-1963, undated
Box 29 Byrne, Stuart J. 1952-1970, 1993
See also Dewey, G. Gordon.
Box 30 Byrne, Stuart J. 1971-1981, 1993 1997, undated (2 folders)
Box 30 Byron Preiss Visual Publications 1978, 1992 - some items relate to Heavy Metal (magazine)
Box 30 B, misc: B - Black, R. - includes John Berry, editor of Famous Creatures (10 folders)
Box 31 B, misc: Black, T. - Buc (11 folders)
Box 32 B, misc: Bud - By (2 folders)
Box 32 C. Arthur Pearson 1954 - British publisher Robert Brandon
Box 32 Cabondell, Joan 1974
Box 32 Caidin, Eric undated - Hollywood Book and Poster Company
Box 32 Cain, Dana 2000
Box 32 Calcutta Saddle and Cycle Club 1972
Box 32 California Rocket Society 1940-1942
California State College
See California State University.
Box 32 California State University 1967-1978, 1982-1983, 1988, 1998 - anthology Mars, We Love You, work with Robert Bloch, copies of correspondence with SF authors about donating their papers, photo of FJA as homecoming parade Grand Marshal, etc.
Box 32 Calkins, Gregg 1960, 1978
Box 32 Camacho, Juan 1972, 1980-1981, 1999, 2003
Box 32 Camerarts Publishing Co. 1955 - editor G. Martin
Box 32 Cameron, Jim 1954-1956
Box 32 Campbell, Herbert J. 1951-1961 (2 folders)
Box 32 Campbell, John Scott 1933-1934, 1950-1952, 1960, 1962, 1974
Box 32 Campbell, John W. Jr. 1930-1931, 1938, 1947-1955, 1959-1964, 1971, 1976, undated
Box 32 Campbell, Ramsey 1979
Box 32 Caniff, Milton 1983
Box 32 Capra Productions 1954 - Frank Sistrom
Box 32 Captain Company circa 1961-1971 - FJA's merchandise business; sold various items
Box 32 Card, Orson Scott 1979
Box 32 Carducci, Mark P. 1970, 1996, undated - includes short essay, "FM Appreciation"
See Wathen, Stephen (all his personal letters are on Carl-Davis letterhead).
Box 32 Carl Hanser Verlag 1967
Box 32 Carl Sagan Productions 1980-1982 - include photographs
Box 32 Carlson, A.R. 1970
Box 32 Carlson, K. Martin circa 1970
Box 32 Carneiro, Andre 1969, 1971, 1995, undated - includes 2 short story manuscripts
Box 32 Carnell, E. J. (Ted) 1939-May 1947 (2 folders)
See also E. J. Carnell Literary Agency; Science Fiction Service.
Box 33 Carnell, E. J. (Ted) May 1947-1979, undated (3 folders)
See also E. J. Carnell Literary Agency; Science Fiction Service.
Box 33 The Carol Burnett Show undated - photocopy of letter addressed to "Dear Bob", with FJA annotations
Box 33 Carpenter, John H. [1962?]-1965, 1990, undated - includes fan mail to Spacemen and FM, original artwork, discussion of his fanzine Famous Films Illustrated (FFI), clippings, etc.
Box 33 Carr, Gertrude M. 1950-1951, 1971
Box 33 Carr, John F. 2003
Box 33 Carr, Robert Spencer 1950, 1952
Box 33 Carr, Terry 1960-1961, 1967-1969, 1975-1979, 1982-1983, undated - editor, first with Ace and later as freelancer
Box 33 Carradine, John 1969-1979, 1985 - includes fan mail from FM readers
See also Langdon, Verne.
Box 33 Carreras, Michael 1975 - about Vampirella script
Box 33 Carruth, Barbara circa 1974
See also Scardino, Carol.
Box 33 Carsacon (Carson High School) 1974-1975
Box 33 Carter, Lin [1965?], 1970
Box 33 Carter, Paul 1973, 1977
See also Columbia University Press.
Box 33 Cartier, Dean - contract with Triton Gallery for works by Edd Cartier
Box 33 Cartmill, Cleve 1948, 1950, 1954-1960, 1966, 1972, 1975-1980, 1988
Box 33 Cartoon/Fantasy Organization 1981-1982 - newsletters
Box 33 Casewit, Curtis W. 1951-1959, undated
Box 33 Cascade Mountain Publishing 1999 - contract with FJA
Box 33 Caskey, Bethany 1965
Castillo, Trina
See Petit, Trina.
Castle Company Ltd.
See Ishida, Hajime.
Box 33 Castle, William 1964, 1968-1976
Box 33 Castora, Phil 2003 - includes 15-20 page manuscript of his memoir "Who knows what ether lurks in the minds of fen?"
Box 33 CasualCon 1976-1977
Box 33 Catalano, Frank 1975 - letterhead "Syntactics", fanzine Sirius
Box 33 Causey, Jim 1953-1956, 1962, 1965-1971, undated
Box 33 Cavanaugh, Dick 1952-1956, 1961, 1964, 1966, 1970, 1975, undated
Box 33 Cazedessus, Camille Jr. (Caz) 1962-1971, 1975-1976, undated
See also Sargasso Bookshop.
Box 33 CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) 1951-1961, 1967-1972, 1975-1976, 1980-1982
Box 34 Cecetko, Boris 1957 - in Esperanto
Box 34 The Celestial Eye 1972 - Wendayne's retail business
Box 34 Center for the Study of Popular Culture 1969
Center for the Study of Science Fiction (University of Kansas)
See Gunn, James.
Box 34 Cerron, Kenyata 1998
Box 34 Cervon, Linda ("Winky") 1971-1983, 1996, 2005, undated
Box 34 Chalker, Jack 1963, 1966, 1974, 1978, 1982 - includes copy of "Brains for Janes" (Pirate Press, New Orleans) signed and inscribed by FJA to Chalker; text of speech by unnamed person introducing Chalker
Box 34 Chamberlain, Ron 1986, 1988, 1998, 2002, undated - includes photos, original artwork, fan letters to various people c/o FM
Box 34 Chamchoum, Georges 1983
Box 34 Chandler, A. Bertram 1979
Chaney, Ron and Lon
Box 34 Correspondence 1969-1977, 1997-1999, undated
Box 34 Fan mail to Lon 1961, 1969, 1973, undated
Box 34 Miscellaneous 1920, 1960, 1973, 1983, 1987, 1990, undated - paper by Mary Winship, event fliers, movie news and reviews, "My Star" certificate, etc. (2 folders)
Box 34 A Change of Hobbit 1972-1979, 1985, 1987 - bookstore; owner Sherry Gottlieb
Box 34 ChannelSpace Entertainment 1999 - contract
Box 34 Chaos! Comics 1997 - Brian Pulido
Chapdelaine, Perry A.
Box 34 Correspondence 1970, 1977-1980, undated
See also Nashville Science Fiction Club.
Box 34 Miscellaneous - clippings, bio, resume, photocopies of 2 stories, several issues of Mae Strelkov's fanzines addressed to him
Box 34 Chapman, Ben 1953, undated
Chapman, G. Ken
See G. Ken Chapman.
Box 34 Charles E. Tuttle (publisher) 1966, 1971-1973, 1976 - numerous FJA clients mentioned
Box 34 Charles Scribner's Sons 1947-1952, 1970-1982, undated - editor Norbert Slepyan, others
Box 34 Charlotte [NC] Science Fiction Society 1980-1981
Box 35 Charnas, Suzy McKee undated
Box 35 Charter Communications Inc. 1971-1977 - imprint of Ace Books; includes some Perry Rhodan material, possibly Frederick Pohl
See also Perry Rhodan.
Box 35 Chattacon 1979-1982
Box 35 Chattanooga Science Fiction Club 1979-1983
Box 35 Chauvenet, Louis Russell 1940-1944
Box 35 Chen Mei 1984-1985, 1997
Box 35 Cheney, Lloyd 1947
Box 35 Cher 1975 - letter requesting permission to run her picture in FM
Box 35 Cherryh, C. J. 1977, 1985, undated
Box 35 Chesley Donovan Foundation 1964-1967
Box 35 Chevalier, Remy 1978-1980
Box 35 Cheyenne Bitware 1997 - includes list of some Ackermansion items
Box 35 ChillerCon 1985
Box 35 Chibbett, Harold 1944-1952, 1965 - includes text of FJA's interview of him
Box 35 Children, Art, Books [magazine] 1968
Box 35 The Children's Museum (Indianapolis, IN) 1982
Box 35 Chiller Theatre/Expo 1996
Box 35 Chilson, Robert 1979
Box 35 Chilton Books 1963, 1966, 1974-1977 - mostly publicity
Box 35 China Research Center for Science Fiction 1990 - Guo Jianzhong
Box 35 Chiodo, Mario 1977-1980
Box 35 Chown, Miriam 1971-1981, 1990, undated
Box 35 Christie, William H. 1931
Box 35 Christoff, Joe 1956-1959
Box 35 Christofferson, Eddie 1960-1984, undated - alt name Christopher Edwards (4 folders)
Box 35 Christopher Agency 1953 - formed by FJA to be able to submit to Bill Crawford anonymously, apparently in association with Leonard Pruyn and Charles Beaumont
Box 35 Christopher Lee fan clubs 1965, 1973, 1976, undated - US and international; names include Carol Scardino, Gloria Lillibridge, Chris Fellner, Dorene Hazell
Box 35 Chronica Botanica Co. 1948 - includes numerous lists of SF novels dealing with plants, vegetation, etc.
Box 36 Church of Satan 1973
Church of Scientology - encompasses all branches of the organiation, including American and British Saint Hill organizations, AOLA (Advanced Organization Los Angeles), Dianetics, Sea Org, Flag Land Base, etc.
Box 36 Correspondence 1954-1982 (2 folders)
Box 36 Mailings 1954-1955, 1966-1988, undated (8 folders)
Box 37 Mailings, unopened (5 folders)
Publications 1969-1981 - issues of Advance, The Auditor, Cause, Clear News, Source, etc. have been transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please search the Classic Catalog to locate these items.
Box 37 Miscellaneous - organization charts, Creed, LRH statement on personal integrity, "The Saint Hill Story," "The Story of Dianetics and Scientology Training," etc,
Box 37 Ciardi, John 1953 - as editor at Twayne Publishers
Box 37 CineArt 1998
Cinefantastique Enterprises
See Clarke, Frederick S.
Box 37 Cinema Attic 1972
Box 37 Cinema Buffs/Cinema Radio Buffs 1972-1978, undated
Box 37 Cinema Graphics 1983-1984 - catalogs
Box 37 Cinemacabre 1980, 1984-1986 - editors George Stover, Steve Vertlieb, John Parnum
Box 37 Cinémathèque Française 1985
Box 37 Cinerama Releasing Corporation 1971-1974, undated
Box 37 Citadel Press 1956
Box 37 Ckw Cheong Sun Sang 1979-1982
Box 37 Clampett, Bob 1978, undated
Box 37 Clarens, Carlos 1963-1969, 1975-1976
Box 37 Clareson, Thomas 1971, 1973
Box 37 Clark Publishing 1949-1950, 1953-1954, undated - names include Ray Palmer, Bea Mahaffey, "Fate" magazine, more (2 folders)
See also Palmer, Ray.
Box 37 Clark, David 1966-1969, undated
Box 37 Clark, George G. 1936
Box 37 Clark, Harold 1969, 1981, undated
Box 37 Clark, John Drury undated
Box 37 Clarke, Arthur C. 1940, 1948, 1967, 1974, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1997, 2000, 2008, undated - includes clippings, photo, 2 pieces of fan mail
Clarke, Frederick S. - Cinefantastique Enterprises
Box 37 Correspondence 1966-1981, undated
Box 37 Price lists
Box 37 Clarke, Harvey N. 1980
Box 37 Clarke, Mae 1973, 1992
Box 37 Clarke, Robert 1977, 1997
Clash of the Titans (film)
See Harryhausen, Ray.
Box 37 Classic Images 1984
Box 37 Claudius, Pete 1964-1973
Box 38 Clauss, John E. 1974, 1976, undated
Box 38 Clayton Magazines, Inc. 1931-1932
Box 38 Claytoncon 1977-1978 - "Ackermansion Tribute"
Box 38 Cleary-Strauss & Irwin 1952 - contract for sci fi radio series
Box 38 Clemens, Paul 1971, 1975, 1978, 1982, undated
Box 38 Clement, Hal 1960, 1969, 1974, 2003 - includes printed copy of his WorldCon XVIII address, clipping of obituary colum in Locus
Box 38 Clement, Steve [1975]
Box 38 Cleveland, Jim
Clifton, Mark
Box 38 Correspondence 1952-1956, 1959, 1964-1965, 1976-1982, 2002
Box 38 Royalties 1964-1967, 1970, 1985
Box 38 Clingan, Chet 1978, undated
Box 38 Clingerman, Mildred 1956
Box 38 Clinton, Ed M. 1952, 1955, 1958-1959, 1963-1967
Box 38 Cloukey, Charles 1931
Box 38 Club Editorial Publications 1952
Box 38 Clyne, Ronald 1946, 1967 - includes printed piece by Clyne on Wallace Smith and copies of some of his artwork
Box 38 Coastline Community College 1980-1981 - Marjorie Ball, Jerry Benner
Box 38 Cobb, Ron 1958, 1966-1968
Coblentz, Stanton A.
Box 38 Correspondence with Ackerman 1931, 1939, 1947-1954, 1959, 1964, 1968
Box 39 Correspondence with Ackerman 1974-1982, 1986, 1998, undated (2 folders)
Box 39 Correspondence with others 1924-1932, 1936-1949 - persons/organizations represented include Oscar Friend, Charles D. Hornig, William (Bill) Crawford, League for Sanity in Poetry (of which SC was a member of their leadership committee), Simon & Schuster, Houghton Mifflin, and more (7 folders)
Box 40 Correspondence with others 1949-1966 - persons/organizations represented include Charles D. Hornig, William (Bill) Crawford, League for Sanity in Poetry (of which SC was a member of their leadership committee), Simon & Schuster, Houghton Mifflin, and more (11 folders)
Box 41 Correspondence with others 1967-1982, undated (10 folders)
Box 42 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1924-1977 (3 folders)
Box 42 Royalties 1938, 1946-1956, 1965-1969, 1972, 1978, 1997, 1999
Writings by - poems and essays about poetry; includes outline for "Pegasus Reborn," a book on poetry (3 folders)
Box 42 Miscellaneous - includes eulogy written by his wife Emily; typed poem signed and inscribed to Coblentz in 1949 from Walter de la Mare
Box 42 Cobun, Bill 1961-1977, undated - also Doe and Chris, and Cobun's sister Karen Frey (2 folders)
Box 42 Cockcroft, Thomas 1945-1947
Box 42 Coger, Dal 1949, 1980
Box 42 Cogswell, Theodore 1963, 1977, 1992, undated
Box 42 Cohen, Dave 1952-1955 - Blue Centaur Books
Box 42 Cohen, Herman 1981
Box 42 Cohen, Navah 1974-1975
Cohen, Sol
See Ultimate Publishing Co.
Box 42 Coker, John L. III 1995-2006, 2009, undated
Box 42 Cole, Les 1953-1955
Box 42 Cole, R.E. (Ron) 1968-1971
Cole, Sarah Cornelie (Sam)
See Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans (LNAF)
Box 42 Collecting (magazine) 1997 - Colin Kingston, Ev Phillips
Collector's Book Store
See Willits, Malcolm.
Box 42 Collectors Press 2004 - includes draft of FJA contribution to unidentified book
Box 42 Collector's Voice 1975
Box 42 Collier Books 1968-1971
Box 43 Collier, Bill 1969, 1973
Box 43 Collier, Chris 1961-1977, 1981, undated
Box 43 Colombo, John Robert 1979-1981, 1992
Box 43 Colorado Fantasy Society 1943-1944, undated
Box 43 Colorado State University 1966-1967, 1970, 1976, undated
Columbia Pictures
Box 43 Correspondence 1948, 1955, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1972-1980, 1984-1985, undated
Box 43 Publicity
Box 43 Columbia University Press 1977 - permissions for The Creation of Tomorrow: Fifty Years of Magazine Science Fiction by Paul A. Carter
Box 43 Colvin, Mary Beth and Suzan (Susie) 1972, undated
Box 43 Committee for Political Advancement of SF (CPASF) 1938 - Pamphlet No. 2, containing speeches by Don Wollheim and John B. Michel "suppressed by the committee of the Newark convention"
Box 43 Comorosky, Rob 1971
Box 43 Computerworld (film) undated - book by van Vogt; FJA's suggestions to New World Productions, not sure it was ever actually filmed
Box 43 Con*cept 1998
Box 43 Concord [MA] Community Arts 1977
Box 43 Conde Nast Publications 1977-1979
Box 43 Congdon, Don 1954, 1968, 1996, 1998
Box 43 Conklin, Groff 1950-1958, 1961-1966, 1970-1976, 1993, undated - includes some to wife Florence
See also Collier Books.
Box 43 Conner, Bill 1976-1977
Box 43 Conner, Wilkie 1950, 1955, undated
Box 43 Connerly, Lloyd (Esperanto: Lojd) 1941-1942
Box 43 Connor, Edward C. 1941-1943, 1964, 1977, undated
Box 43 Conquest, Robert 1961
Box 43 Conrad, Cathy 1985
Considine, Douglas
See Siegel, Jerry (Jerome).
Box 43 Constantinescu, Clinton 1932-1934, 1938, 1986
Box 43 Continental Publishing 1957 - editor Herbert Weinberg
Box 43 Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy (monograph series) 1980 - series editor Marshall B. Tymn; invitaiton to FJA to participate
Box 43 Convention Francaise du cinema fantastique 1972
Box 43 CONvergence 1999
Box 43 Conway, Dick 1966-1971, 1978-1981, undated
Box 43 Cook, Michael L. 1979, 1981
Box 43 Cook, R. Vernon 1947-1949
Box 43 Cooper, Frank 1949, 1952 - Fantasy Bookshop
Box 43 Cooper, Merian C. 1972
Box 43 Copsetta, Joseph Charles undated - regarding song "Karloff vs. Lugosi" which Copsetta performed at a Dark Shadows convention in NYC
Box 43 Corben, Richard and Dona ("Richardona") 1965-1971, undated
Box 43 Corbett, Don 1979-1988
Box 44 Corflu 1984, 1993-1994
Box 44 Coriell, Vern and Rita 1947, 1960-1961, 1966-1970
See also Burroughs Bibliophiles.
Box 44 Corman, Roger 1956, 1971-1977, 1985, undated - includes fan mail from FM readers
Box 44 Coslet, Walter A. ("A. Coswalt Letter") 1946, 1949, 1970
Box 44 Cosmic Brainsuckers (film) 1997, 2001 - Forrest had bit part
Box 44 The Cosmos Club 1944, 1946, undated - correspondence, library list, membership list including John Aiken
Cosmos Literary Agency
See Harbottle, Phil.
Box 44 Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine 1976-1977
Box 44 Cotten, Sara Karloff 1969-1975, 1978, 1994, undated
Box 44 Cotter, Bob 1973, 1989 - includes original art
Box 44 Coulson, Robert (Bob; Buck) 1959, 1961, 1964, 1971-1972, 1985, 2006 - incudes wife Juanita
Box 44 Council of Film Organizations 1981-1982, undated - Donald Reed, Habib Mahdavi, Gayna Shireen
Box 44 Coune, Georges ("Count Coune") 1965-1977, 1980, 1995, undated - includes organization THE SKULL and film festival "Festival de Cinema Fantastique et Science Fiction" (2 folders)
Box 44 Counselman, Mary Elizabeth 1981-1983
Count Dracula Society
Box 44 Correspondence 1963-1981, 1988, undated (3 folders)
Box 44 Mailings 1963-1981, 1987, 1989, undated (4 folders)
Box 45 Miscellaneous 1964-1973, undated - includes copy of 1972 address to Board by Christopher Lee
Box 45 Coward, McCann and Geoghegan 1967-1968, 1971, 1977-1978, undated
Box 45 Cowie, Susan and Colin 1977, undated
Box 45 Cox, Arthur Jean 1948-1955, 1958-1962, 1965-1969, 1973, 1975, 1981, 1985, 1988, 1995, 1999
Box 45 Cox, Ruth 1981, undated
Box 45 Cozzi, Luigi 1965-1987, undated (4 folders)
See also L'Editrice Dell'Automobile.
Box 45 Craig, Anderson 1957-1958
Box 45 Craigie, Hamilton 1951-1952, undated
Box 45 Crane, Les 1967
Box 45 Crawford, Bill and Peggy (Finn) 1933-1935, 1947-1951, 1955, 1967, 1970-1982, 1988, 1996, undated - includes wife Peggy (nee Finn)
See also Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc.
Box 45 Craycroft, Mary Jane 1976-1980 - most relates to Sherlockon
Box 45 Crayne, Chuck 1967-1968, 1973, undated - most relates to Future Unbounded Con (FunCon)
Box 45 Creepy (magazine) 1967, 1979, undated - fan mail, fan art
Box 45 Cremer, Bob 1973, 1975-1976, 1988
Box 45 Crepeau, Douglas 1976-1977, 1979
Box 45 Crestwood House 1977, 1981
Box 45 Crime Book Center 1944-1945 - editor Bill Newman
Box 45 Criterion Books 1954-1955
Box 45 Cronin, Bernard 1954, 1956, 1980
Box 45 Cronkite, Walter 1969
Box 45 Crook, Compton N. 1979
Box 45 Crossen, Ken 1950-1952, 1956, 1961-1974, undated
Box 46 Croutch, Leslie 1941-1953, 1974
Box 46 Crowley, Arthur M. 1950, 1955, 1960-1963, 1968, 1970
Box 46 Crown International Pictures Inc. 1972, 1988, undated
Crown Publishers, Inc.
Box 46 Correspondence 1946-1951, 1974-1981 - editor Jacob (Jake) Fondie
Box 46 Publicity 1966, undated
Box 46 Crownpoint Publications Ltd. 1952-1953
Box 46 Crozetti, Lora R. 1944, 1970-1971, undated
See also Jacobs, Mark (grandson).
Crozetti, Ruth
See Warner-Crozetti, Ruth.
Box 46 Crozier, Ian J. 1956, 1958 - Australian fandom
Box 46 Cryonics Society of California 1970-1974
Box 46 Cummings, Monette
Box 46 Cummings, Ray and Gabrielle 1932, 1947-1948, 1956-1981, 1988, 1997, undated - Gabrielle signs some as "mama mia," refers to FJA as "step-son"; Ray sometimes published under his wife's name, and they co-wrote as Ray King, Gabrielle/Gabriel Wilson (6 folders)
See also Hill, Elizabeth Starr (their daughter).
Box 46 Cunningham, John M. 1941-1946, undated - possibly associated with British S-F (War) Relief Society
Box 46 Curry, Barbara 1936-1937, undated
Box 46 Curry, Edra 1935
The Curse Company
See Price, Lorin E.
Box 47 Curtis Brown Ltd. 1949-1950, 1954-1955
Box 47 Curtis, Betsy 1950-1953, 1956, 1970-1981, 1987, 1997
Box 47 Curtis, Richard A. 1976
Box 47 Curwood, James Oliver 1949
Box 47 Cushing, Peter 1963, 1972-1973, 1976, 1981, 1992, undated - includes fan mail from FM readers, in particular a rather sad one inviting him to a child's birthday party ("if you don't come I won't have any party as I don't have any friends")
Box 47 Cuthbert, Chester D. 1952, 1970, 1979, 1997
Box 47 Czerkas, Stephen and Sylvia 2000-2001 - purchase agreements
Box 47 C, misc: Ca-Chapm (10 folders)
Box 48 C, misc: Chapp-Coq (12 folders)
Box 49 C, misc: Cor-Cz (6 folders)
Box 49 D.C. Heath and Company 1975-1977, 1980 - editors include Judy Hu, Brian McLaughlin
Box 49 Daicon 1982-1983
Box 49 Dale Books 1977 - editor Roberta Morgan
Box 49 D'Alessio, Carmen 1951, 1955, 1970-1971, 1980
Box 49 Dalgliesh, William (Bill) 1980-1981, undated
Box 49 Dalmas, John 1981-1982, undated
Box 49 Danforth, Jim 1962, 1965, 1975, 1984, undated
Box 49 Daniels, Gray 1965-1977, 1981-1982, undated
Box 49 Daniels, Les 1975, 1978
Box 49 Daniels, Richard J. (Dik) undated
Box 49 Dann, Jack 1973
Box 49 Dante, Joe Jr. 1961-1963, 1984, 1990-1992, undated
Box 49 Dard, Roger N. 1949-1950, 1960-1962
Box 49 Dardis, Thomas 1966-1967, 1970, undated - editor, Berkley/Putnam
Box 49 Dark Shadows Fan Service 1979, undated - includes issues of Shadowgram; run by Judy Labbee
Box 49 Darrieux, Danielle 1935
Box 49 Darrow, Jack 1932, 1939, undated - includes photo
Box 49 Daugherty, Walter J. 1941-1948, 1960-1978
See also Rabogliatti, Mary Ellen (his wife).
Box 50 Daugherty, Walter J. 1980-1981, 1985, 1988-1989, 1992, 1994, undated
Box 50 Daughters of Bilitis 1957-1960, 1963-1964, undated
Box 50 David Levi Productions 1977, undated
Box 50 David, Saul 1966-1968, 1975
Box 50 Davids, Paul 1962-1965, 1969, 1976-1977, 1980-1981, 1984-1985, 1995, 2003, 2006, undated - some items relate to documentary "The Sci-Fi Boys" which featured FJA
Box 50 Davidson, Avram 1943, 1971, 1980-1981
Box 50 Davidson, John 1960, 1963
Box 50 Davis Publications 1987-1988 - editor Cynthia Mason; regarding an anthology entitled Fiction to Film (Analog; Asimov's)
Box 50 Davis, Chandler 1944, undated
Box 50 Davis, Henry Jr. 1975-1981
Box 50 Davis, Sammy Jr. 1964, 1971-1972, 1975-1977
Box 50 DAW Books 1947, 1964, 1972-1981 - owner/founder Donald A. Wollheim
See also Ace Publishing/Ace Books; Wollheim, Donald A.
Box 50 The Day the Earth Stood Still (film) 1951, 1976, 1981, 1993 - aka "Farewell to the master" and "Journey to the World"; includes promotional info from studio and discussion with Rene Valente of potential sequel "Night The Earth Stood Still"
See also 20th Century Fox and Writings by FJA : Screen treatments : Night the earth stood still
Box 50 Day, Don 1947, 1949
Box 50 DC Comics undated
Box 50 De Brier, Samson 1971, 1995, undated
Box 50 de Camp, L. Sprague 1948-1960, 1964, 1971-1980, 1988, 2000, undated (2 folders)
Box 50 De Castro, Adolphe 1958, 1966, undated
Box 50 De Courcy, Jack and Dot (John and Dorothy) 1947-1950, 1955, 1967-1968, 1973, undated
Box 50 De Feo, Jeff undated
Box 50 De Grassi, Aurelio 1969, 1978
Box 50 De Graw, Pat 1969-1972, undated
Box 50 de Groote, Baron Alexandre 1960, 1963-1969, 1972, 1977-1982, undated
Box 50 De Jack, Niel 1943-1949, 1972
Box 50 De Jim, Strange undated - Ash-Kar Press
de la Ree, Gerry and Helen
Box 50 Correspondence 1941, 1945, 1954, 1957-1967
Box 51 Correspondence 1968-1986, 1991, 1993, undated (4 folders)
Box 51 Catalogs 1961-1978, 1983-1986 (3 folders)
Box 51 Specialty items and lists
Box 51 De Laet, Danny 1972-1974, 1977-1980, 1990
Box 51 De Laurentiis, Dino 1979, 1981, undated
Box 51 de Luigi, Ludovico 1972
Box 51 de Mille, Richard 1952, 1955 undated
Box 51 De Pina, Albert 1950
Deall, John
See Miles, Hal.
Box 51 Decker, Dwight R. 1973
Box 51 DeFord, Miriam Allen 1961-1967
Box 51 Degler, Claude 1941, 1943, 1954, 1977
Box 51 Del Rey, Judy-Lynn (Benjamin) 1968-1970, 1973-1977, 1981, undated
Box 51 Del Rey, Lester 1952-1953, 1968, 1974-1980
Box 51 Del Valle, David 1978-1981, undated
del Vecchio, Carl and Debbie
See American Peter Cushing Club.
Box 52 Delaney, Bill 1947-1948, 1955
Box 52 Delany, Samuel R. 1970
Box 52 Delap's Fantasy and Science Fiction Review 1975-1976
Box 52 Delgado, Marcel 1968-1976 - includes fan mail from FM readers; Marcel Delgado Appreciation Society; letter from FJA regarding son Richard
Dell Publishing - includes Delacorte Press, other Dell subsidiaries
Box 52 Correspondence 1930, 1967-1981, 1998-1999, undated
Box 52 Publicity and catalogs 1968-1978 - includes Delacorte Press, other Dell subsidiaries
Box 52 Dellenback, William H. 1934
See also Science Fiction League, Los Angeles (LASFL).
Box 52 Dellinger, Paul 1972-1975, 1978-1981
Box 52 Delta Kappa Alpha 1973-1974, 1980
Delta Literary Agency
See Van Hageland, Albert.
Box 52 Deming, Richard 1951
Box 52 Demon Dracula (film) 1975, undated - correspondence, review, plot synopsis, etc.
Box 52 Denney, Verne 1932-1933, undated
Box 52 Dennis Dobson 1966-1969
Box 52 Dennis, Walter L. 1930-1931, undated
Box 52 Denton, Frank 1973, 1978, 1983, undated
Box 52 Denton, Jack 1978, undated
Box 52 Derek, Bo 1980, undated - regarding "Queen Cutlass" by Don Glut
Box 52 Derleth, August 1937, 1948, 1951, 1967, 1972, 1975, undated - includes items from FJA to Derleth's children April and Walden; carbon of poem written by Derleth for H.P. Lovecraft. See also Lovecraft, H.P.
Destination Moon (film)
See Pal, George.
Box 52 Detring-Nathan, Evi 1932-1934
Box 52 Detroit Triple Fan Fair 1965-1967, 1970, 1988 - organizer Robert Brosch
Box 52 Deutsch, Keith 1979
Box 52 Deutsch, Lisa 1973-1974, undated
Box 52 Deutsch, Ron 1985-1986 - Break Out Productions; regarding feature-length FJA biopic
Box 52 Deutsches Filmmuseum 1985-1986 - curator Walter Schobert, regarding loan of items
Box 52 DeVore, Howard W. 1959-1962, 1976-1977, 1981, undated
Dewey, G. Gordon
Box 52 Correspondence 1945, 1950-1953, 1958, 1965, undated - includes joint agreement for Dewey and Byrne, for "Key to the Unknown" episodes
Box 52 Responses to ads 1946-1947 - buy/sell offers for books, magazines, etc.
Box 52 Dexter, Warren 1963-1972, 1976, undated
Box 52 Di Dio, Anne 1969-1972 - mentions brother Danny, also an FJA fan
Box 52 Dick, Philip K. 1976-1978, 1991
Box 52 Dickie, Francis 1950-1954
Diegel, Patricia - Aka Mau, International Metaphysical Festivals, Church of Divine Knowledge, etc.
Box 53 Correspondence 1969-1975
Box 53 Publicity
Box 53 Dietrich, Chris 1979-1980
See also Memorabilia : Notes, FJA and assistants.
Box 53 Dietrich, Marlene 1933, 1968, 1987
Box 53 Dietz, Belle C. 1963
Box 53 Dietz, Frank 1949
Box 53 Diffin, Charles W. 1933-1934, 1948-1952, 1966-1975 - includes daughter Beatrice H. (Mrs. Robert) Burch
Box 53 Dikty, Thaddeus E. 1935, 1940, 1952-1956, 1965, 1968, 1981 - includes letter from Dikty to Wilmar H. Shiras (author)
Box 53 DILIA (agency) 1964, 1966, 1973, 1977, 1982 - editors Gustav Bernau, Rudolf Sponar, G. Reimun
Box 53 Dillenbeck, Tim circa 1965
Box 53 Diner, Louis 1948-1949
Box 53 Diner, Moe 1947-1948
Box 53 Discovery Channel 1994
Box 53 Disneyland, Inc. circa 1945, 1981
Box 53 Dittelova, Zita 1989-1990, 1992, 2004, undated - in Esperanto
Box 53 Dixon, Wheeler (W.W.) 1966-1977
Box 53 Doares, Robert 1956
Box 53 Dobbins, Steve 1963-1967
Box 53 Dodd, Alan 1958-1965, undated
Box 53 Dodd, Mead and Co. 1954, 1960, 1963, 1968-1969, 1975
Box 53 Dodge, Tess 1971-1972
Doherty, Tom
See Ace Publishing / Ace Books.
Box 53 Dolenz, Micky 1967
Box 53 Dollens, Morris Scott (Morrie) 1936, 1942, 1958-1965, 1969-1982, 1987-1988, undated - Astronomical Art (3 folders)
Box 53 Dolnick, Steve 1997, 1999, undated
Box 53 Don Post Studios 1965, 1967, 1975-1976, 1979, 1981, 1985
Box 53 Donaldson, Dale C. 1847, 1975-1977 - includes wife Jane
Box 53 Donelson, Patti A. 1971-1973
Box 53 Donhauser, Harald 1977, undated
Box 54 Donne, Henry 1947-1948
The Donning Company
Box 54 Correspondence 1980-1998, undated - editor Hank Stine
Box 54 Publicity - includes FJA's book "Mr Monster's Movie Gold"
Box 54 Dopp, L. J. 2002 - includes "Casting Call of Cthulhu" and script for FJA's appearance on The Boneyard Collection
Box 54 Doremieux, Alain 1958, 1967, 1971 - Editions Opta
Box 54 Dorf, Shel 1966-1979, 1984-1986, 1989-2003, undated (3 folders)
Box 54 Doroschenko, Leonid 1961, 1965, 1977, undated
Box 54 Dorst, Gary 1961-1978, 1996, undated (3 folders)
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Box 54 Correspondence 1948-1956, 1959, 1962-1984, 1988, undated - editors include Jim Wynorski (2 folders)
Box 54 Publicity (2 folders)
Box 55 Review requests (2 folders)
Box 55 Douglas, Myrtle R. (Morojo) 1936-1944, 1951, undated
Box 55 Douthwaite, Harry 1961-1966
Box 55 Dover Publications 1951, 1961, 1967, 1974, undated
Box 55 Down Under Fan Fund (DUFF) 1972
See also Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF).
Box 55 Dracula 97 1997
Box 55 The Dracula Society undated
Box 55 Dragon Con 1992 - FJA's schedule
Box 55 Dragon Press 1974-1978 (2 folders)
Box 55 Dragonette, Ree 1947
Box 55 DramaTapes 1977-1978, undated - Kurt Michael
Box 55 Draper, Hal 1982
Box 55 The Dream Spinners 1968
Box 55 Drebert, Jean 1948-1949
Box 55 Driscoll, Eddie circa 1960 - relating to show "Weird" on WLBZ 2, Bangor, Maine
Box 55 Druillet, Philippe 1962-1965, 1971, undated
Box 55 Dryfoos, Dave 1950-1952
Box 55 Duane, Diane 1976
Box 55 Dubay, Bill 1978, 1982, undated
Box 55 The Dude (magazine) circa 1956
Box 55 Duke, Dustin (Dusty) 1931-1932, undated
Box 55 Duke, Madelaine 1966-1967
Box 55 Duke, Thomas A. 1976, 1979, undated
Box 55 Dulaney Poster Service 1962-1974 (gaps)
Box 55 Duncan, Jay 1963-1973
Box 56 Dunkelberger, Walt (Dunk) 1943-1949, 1964, undated (2 folders)
Box 56 Dunmire, Blaine 1940-1943
Box 56 Dupree, Mike circa 1984
Dutton (publisher)
See E.P. Dutton.
Box 56 Dye, Charles 1947-1948, 1952, 1974-1977
See also MacLean, Katherine (his wife).
Box 56 Dye, Fred ("Freed") 1965-1966, 1973-1974, 1981, 1987-1988, undated - includes Perry Rhodan "ShockList"
Box 56 Dynacomm circa 1990-1996
See also Dolnick, Steve; Ferry, Ray.
Box 56 Dytch, Albert 1972-1973
Box 56 Dziechowski, Mary (Mariandl) 1956, 1958, 1966-1967, undated - includes manuscript, "The Lesbian's Home Companion" with the pen name Jana Miko
Box 56 D, misc: D - Dew (7 folders)
Box 57 D, misc: Dha - Dy (8 folders)
Box 57 E! Entertainment and Television 2000 - contract for Lon Chaney production
Box 57 E.J. Brill (publisher) 1971-1973, undated (2 folders)
Box 57 E.J. Carnell Literary Agency 1947, 1951, 1961-1981
See also Carnell, Ted (E. J.)
Box 57 E.P. Dutton (publisher) 1931, 1949, 1970-1979
Box 58 Eagle-Lion Films 1950-1951
Box 58 Earley, George W. 1962, 1967-1968
Box 58 EasterCon 22 1971
Box 58 Eastern New Mexico Univerity 1972, 1977, 1982-1983
Box 58 Eastern Science Fiction Association 1961, 1964, 1968, 1971, 1977, undated
Box 58 Eastman, Lee B. 1941 - Dixie Fantasy Federation
Box 58 Eaton, J. Lloyd 1946, undated
Box 58 Ebert, Rose 1955-[1956?]
Box 58 Eck, Johnny 1979, 1986, 1988
Box 58 Edelstein, Scott 1976, undated
Box 58 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. 1938-1939, 1946, 1962-1977, undated
Box 58 Edison's Frankenstein (film) - version by Robert David; includes music list, ad for screening at World Horror, issue of "Edison Kinetogram"
Box 58 Editions Albin Michel 1972-1973, 1979
Box 58 Editions Gallimard 1967-1971, undated
Box 58 Editions Gerard and Co. 1971-1974 - several FJA clients mentioned, including van Vogt
Editions J'ai Lu
See Sadoul, Jacques.
Box 58 Editions de Schorpioen 1961-1975
Box 58 L'Editrice Dell'Automobile 1965 - Luigi Cozzi
Box 58 Editrice Nord 1974, 1977, 1980-1981, 1986
Box 58 Edmondson, G.C. (Garry) 1971, 1975, 1979
Box 58 Edwards, Bessie (G. John's mother) [1963-1966?]
See also Edwards, G. John (JiJon) (her son).
Box 58 Edwards, G. John (JiJon) 1963-1977, 1988, undated (2 folders)
See also Edwards, Bessie (his mother).
Box 58 Edwards, George 1964-1965
Box 58 Eerie (magazine) 1968-1979 - fan mail
Box 58 Eggeling, John 1969-1977 - Phantasmagoria Books, Atvatabar Book Service
See Berry, John D.
Box 58 Ehricke, Krafft A. 1952
Box 58 Eichner, Henry M. 1963-1971
Box 58 Eisenstein, Alex and Phyllis 1981, 1995
Box 58 Eisfeld, Rainer 1956-1959, 1962 - includes photographs from the 1956 SFCD Con in Bavaria
Box 58 Elegance International, Inc. 1976-1977
Box 58 Elgin, Suzette 1977, 1979
Box 58 Ellern, Bill 1960-1963, 1972-1978, 1981-1982
See also Trestrail, Verna.
Box 59 Ellersieck, Marjorie (Marjii) 1956-1959, 1962, 1967-1968, 1975, 1980, 1985, undated - includes clippings about
Box 59 Ellik, Ronald Davis 1962-1963, 1967-1968 - includes card from Ellik's funeral service
Box 59 Elliot, Bruce undated
Box 59 Elliot, Jeffrey 1978-1979, 1984
Box 59 Ellis, Jim 1970-1971, 1976
Box 59 Ellis, Sophie Wenzel 1951
Box 59 Ellison, Harlan 1956, 1966-1968, 1973-1977, 1981-1985, 1992, 1994, 1999, undated (2 folders)
See also Rogue Magazine (Ellison was editor); Wolpert, Dorothy.
Box 59 Elmo, Ann 1955-1956 - agent; clients include Frank Riley, Mark Clifton
Box 59 Elmquist, Frank 1956
Box 59 Elvira, Mistress of the Dark - fan newsletters, items about
Box 59 Elwood, Roger 1962, 1967, 1974-1978, 1981, undated
Box 59 Emanuel, Victor Rousseau 1951-1959, 1990, 2006
Box 59 Empire State Building exhibit 1983 - agreement with Howard J. Rubenstein/RKO Pictures for loan of items for 50th anniversary of King Kong celebration
Box 59 Emshwiller, Carol 1957
Box 59 Encyclopaedia Britannica 1963, 1968
Box 59 Endore, Guy 1969
Box 59 Eney, Dick 1963-1964, 1971, 1974, 1979
Box 59 Engel, Ray [1970-1980?] - most relate to "singles/swingers" events put on by Ray Engel Productions and David Levy Productions
Box 59 England, George Allan 1931, 1948-1949, 1982, undated - includes wife Blanche
Box 59 Engle, Joan [circa 1942]
Box 59 English, Paula 1972
Box 59 Epstein, Norman 1940 - Starlight Publications, Speed Devils magazine
Box 59 Equicon 1971, 1974-1975
Box 59 ERB-dom 1960, 1965-1968 - editors/publishers Albert Guillory, Camille Cazedessus
Box 59 Ergin, Sezar Erkin 1975
Box 59 Erich Pabel Verlag 1956-1958, 1966, 1975-1978 - editors include Walter Spiegl, Sybille Illfeld, Werner Muller-Reymann, others
See also Perry Rhodan : Editorial correspondence.
Box 59 Erisman, Robert O. - American Fiction Group
Box 59 Ernsting, Walter 1955-1965 (2 folders)
See also Erich Pabel Verlag; Moewig-Verlag; van Vogt, A.E..
Box 60 Ernsting, Walter 1966-1980, 1983, 1987, undated (4 folders)
Box 60 Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur 1933-1934, 1946-1955, 1959, 1968-1970, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1988, undated - associated with Fantasy Press, Polaris Press
Box 60 Correspondence, miscellaneous - letters in Esperanto between FJA and various individuals (2 folders)
Box 60 Education - conferences, courses, discussion groups, etc.
Box 60 Magazines and newsletters (3 folders)
Box 60 Organizations, miscellaneous
See also specific organizations, e.g. Esperanto Klubo de Los Angeles
Box 61 Miscellany - brochures, essays, catalogs, leaflets, etc. (2 folders)
Esperanto League of North America (ELNA)
Box 61 Correspondence 1939, 1955, 1959-1960, 1964-1969, 1976-1980, 1987, undated
Box 61 Newsletters 1939, 1969-1971, 1976-1977, 1980, 1984 (2 folders)
Box 61 Miscellaneous
Box 61 Esperanto-Klubo de Los Angeles 1938-1944, 1955, 1959-1978, 1981-1982, 1988, undated - includes letterhead and FJA's membership cards (2 folders)
Box 61 Esquire (magazine) 1954-1955, 1964-1966, 1969, undated - editor Frederic A. Birmingham
Box 61 Essoe, Gabe and Donna 1967-1968, 1971-1973, undated
Box 61 Estes, Oscar G. 1946-1953, 1963-1972, 1984, undated (2 folders)
Box 61 Estrin, Mike 1949-1950
Box 61 Etchison, Dennis 1968-1970, 1979-1981, undated
Box 61 Eurocon 1972
European Science Fiction Convention, 11th
Box 62 Evans, David and Enid 1941-1946 - includes clipping of short story by him
Evans, E. Everett
Box 62 Correspondence 1941-1948, 1952-1956, 1959-1961, 1968-1969, 1973, 1983 - includes daughter Jonne Evans Bates
See also Evans, Thelma Hamm (Thel) (his wife/widow).
Box 62 Miscellaneous - biographical sketch, badges from the 1951 WorldCon and 1951 Westercon, etc.
Box 62 Evans, Thelma Hamm (Thel) 1952-1955, 1959-1960, 1964, 1967-1981, undated (2 folders)
See also Evans, E. Everett Evans (husband).
Box 62 Everest House 1979, 1981
Box 62 Everett, Morris Jr. 1972
Box 62 Everyday Science and Mechanics 1931-1932 - editor Hugo Gernsback
Box 62 Experience Science Fiction Museum 2003, undated
Box 62 Extrapolation 1966-1971 - newsletter of the MLA Conference on Science-Fiction
Box 62 Eyde, Edythe (Tigrina) 1941-1948, 1960-1981, 1985, 1994, 1999, 2003-2004, undated - includes items by her, e.g. "Hymn to Satan" (3 folders)
Box 62 E, misc: E - Ell (5 folders)
Box 63 E, misc: Elo - Ey (5 folders)
F & SF Book Co.
Box 63 Correspondence 1955, 1957, 1960-1980, undated (3 folders)
Box 63 Catalogs 1957, 1960-1981, undated (3 folders)
Box 63 Faber and Faber, Ltd. 1959
Box 63 Fairman, Paul W. 1951-1952, 1955, 1957, 1968, undated
See also Amazing Stories (Fairman was editor).
Box 63 Famous Fantastic Mysteries (FFM) 1939, 1947, undated
Famous Players-Lasky Corporation
See Metropolis (film).
Box 64 Fan Funds of Australiia and New Zealand (FFANZ) 1984
Box 64 Fancyclopedia 3 1988
Box 64 Fandom House 1951, 1975, undated - editors Frank Prieto, James Taurasi, Ray Van Houten; publishers of Science Fiction Times, Tinplate, Science Fiction Yearbook
See also names of individual editors.
Fandom Unlimited Enterprises
See Larson, Randall D.
Box 64 Fangoria 1982-1984 - regarding FJA's editing services for Monsterama
Box 64 Fantagraphics 1993
Fantast (Medway Ltd.) - owner Ken Slater
Box 64 Correspondence 1960-1981, undated (2 folders)
Box 64 Price lists 1959-1987, 1998, undated (8 folders)
Box 64 Fantastic Fiction Publishing Co. - editor Charles Macavoy
Box 65 Fantasy Advertiser 1947 - editor Roy Squires
Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA)
Box 65 Correspondence 1938-1941, 1944-1946, 1949, 1980, undated
Box 65 Fantasy Amateur Press Association (FAPA) - Newsletter, "Fantasy Amateur" 1938, 1940-1945, 1947, 1951, 1983 (2 folders)
Box 65 Fantasy Arts Society 1968
Box 65 Fantasy Association 1974, 1977
Box 65 Fantasy Book 1981-1982
Box 65 Fantasy Castle 1977, 1981
Fantasy Centre
Box 65 Correspondence 1974-1980
Box 65 Price lists 1973-1981, undated (2 folders)
Box 65 Fantasy Collector 1962-1968 (3 folders)
Box 65 Fantasy Faire 1976-1977, 1984
Fantasy Fiction Field
See Unger, Julius.
Box 65 Fantasy Film Fans Internatonal 1972-1976
Box 65 Fantasy Films 1975-1976 - regarding re-release of Rocketship XM
Box 65 Fantasy Focus 1948-1950, undated - zine by FJA, letters directed to Weaver Wright
Box 65 Fantasy Forum undated - taping schedule, including Ackermansion
Fantasy Foundation
Box 65 Correspondence and notes circa 1935-1947, 1962, 1967, 1973-1979, undated - correspondence, planning meeting minutes, charter, proposed program, notes, etc. (2 folders)
Box 66 Bibliography and checklists - checklists, bibliographies, articles about, etc.
Box 66 Fantasy Magazine 1936, undated - editor Julius (Julie) Schwarz; includes letterhead, ads, publicity, etc.
Box 66 Fantasy Press 1947-1955, 1973, undated
See also Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur.
Box 66 Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc. 1947-1952, 1970-1978, undated - Bill Crawford, Coven 13, Witchcraft & Sorcery
Box 66 Fantasy and Science Fiction (F&SF) (magazine) 1949-1955, 1962, 1965-1969, 1976, 1978, undated - editors Howard Pruyn, Tony Boucher, Francis McComas, etc. (2 folders)
Box 66 Fantasy Secretary 1954 - Jim Ratigan
Box 66 Farley, Ralph Milne 1933, 1947-1951, 1954, 1977, 1998, undated - aka Robert Sherman Hoar; some with daughter, Caroline Hoar Baker
Box 66 Farmer, Philip Jose 1961-1962, 1966-1982, 1986, undated (2 folders)
Box 66 Farnham, Bob 1953, 1961-1962
Box 66 Farsace/Farsaci, Larry B. 1937-1939, 1955, 1968, 1979, undated
Box 66 FATE Magazine 1949, 1964, undated
Box 66 Faulkner, Dotty (Dorothea) 1954, 1965-1972, undated
Box 66 Fawcett Publications 1932, 1976-1981, undated
Box 66 Fearn, John Russell 1936, 1950-1955
Box 66 Featherstone, Nancy (Nanjo) 1935, 1938, 1951, 1970-1972, undated
Box 66 Feigen, G.M. 1955
Box 66 Fekete, Joseph B. 1967
Box 66 Fennel, Erik 1953, 1956
Box 66 Ferguson, Clay Jr. 1931-1936
Box 66 Ferguson, Malcolm M. 1947, 1949
Box 66 Ferguson, Sherry 1971, undated
Box 66 Ferman, Joe (Joseph W.) 1965-1969
Box 67 Fern, Mike (Charles James) 1948, 1973
Box 67 Ferrari, Andrea 1977-1978, 1985, 1988, 1993, 1996, undated
Ferret Fantasy Ltd.
See Locke, George.
Box 67 Ferry, Frank 1953, 1955, 1969, 1977-1979, 1986
Box 67 Ferry, Ray 1992-1998, 2001, 2003
See also Legal material : Lawsuits : Ackerman v Ferry.
Box 67 Festival Internacional de Cine Fantastico y de Terror (Sitges) 1971, 1978 - Antonio Rafales, Director
Box 67 Festival Internacional de Cine de Madrid 1984-1985
Box 67 Il Festival Internacional do Filme (Rio de Janeiro) 1969 (2 folders)
See also Sanz, Jose.
Box 67 Festival International du Film Fantastique et de Science-Fiction (Brussels) 1984
Box 67 Festival Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza (Trieste) 1963-1982, undated (2 folders)
Box 67 Fewel, Robert Avery 1947-1949
Box 67 Fiction House, Inc 1940, 1951-1952
Box 67 The Fideler Company 1960
Box 67 Fiedler, Leslie 1974
Box 67 Field trip letters 1973 - "letters from students who went to Ackermansion"
Box 67 Field, J. Eddie 1970-1971, undated
Box 67 Fields, George W. 1961, undated - regarding a project related to Metropolis
Box 67 Figueras, Alfonso undated
Box 67 Film Advisory Board 1989
Box 67 Film Journal 1972-1974
Box 67 Film & TV Study Center 1976
Box 67 Film World 1963, 1967, 1987, undated
Box 67 Filmex 1971, 1974-1975, undated
Box 67 Filmfax 1982, 1986, undated - Numerous issues of this magazine were transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to the Classic Catalog to locate these items.
Box 67 Films in Review 1953, 1963, 1974
Box 67 Finder, Jan Howard 1975, 1978-1979 - includes issues of his "Il Vombato"
Box 67 Finder, Richard 1971-1972
Finkle, Percy
See Leppin, Zeke.
Box 67 Finlay, Virgil and Beverly 1940, 1948-1949, 1956, 1969-1971, 1974-1979, 1984, undated - includes his daughter, Lael Finlay Hernandez
Box 68 Finn, Helen and Peggy 1942, 1946-1948, 1952, 1996, undated
See also Crawford, Bill and Peggy and Hasse, Henry.
Box 68 Finney, Jack 1955, 1988
Box 68 Fiorilla, Steve undated
Box 68 First Fandom 1962, 1965, 1968-1975, 1980-1981, undated - correspondence, newsletter, photo of "First Fandom Hall of Fame"
Box 68 Fisher, Terry 1972
Box 68 Fiss, Helen 1942 - mentions "ill-fated Shelby Street" publications
Box 68 Fister-Liltz, Barbara 1981, undated
See also Shadowcon.
Box 68 FJA's Wide Webbed World 1996-2000, undated - correspondence, orders, etc. relating to website (2 folders)
Box 68 Flagg, Francis 1945-1949, 1954, 1956, 1981, undated
See also Jaeger, Elizabeth (Flagg's sister).
Box 68 Flanagan, Graeme 1978-1981, 1986, undated
Box 68 Flickinger, Rick 1966-1968, undated
Box 68 Flindt / Flint, Homer Eon 1948-1956, undated - includes his wife/widow Mabel
See also Flindt, Max H. (his son); Hall, Austin (co-author); Palmer, Bonnie (his daughter)
Box 68 Flindt, Max H. 1957, 1962-1965, 1969, undated
See also Flindt / Flint, Homer Eon (his father); Hall, Javen and Mae.
Box 68 Flood, Leslie 1973-1981 - Carnell Agency
See also International Fantasy Award.
Box 68 Flory, John 1956, 1960-1961, 1965-1970, 1973-1979, undated
Box 68 Fogaris, Michael 1947, 1976, 1982
Box 68 Foley & Gordon 1951
Box 68 Follett Publishing Company 1968-1974, undated - editor Sandra Greifenstein
Box 68 Fontana, D.C. 1975-1980
Box 68 Foran, Judy 1974-1977, undated
Box 68 Forbes, Brian 1977-1981, 1984, 1986, 1999, undated - includes certificate of authenticity for "Dracula dress"
Box 68 Ford Foundation 1967
Ford, Don E.
See Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF).
Box 68 Ford, Garret 1978
Box 68 Ford, Ron and Paula 1984-1985, 1988, undated
Box 68 Forrycon 1990-1991
Box 68 Fortier, Joe 1939-1941, 1945-1946, undated
Box 68 Foss, Rick 1993, undated
Box 68 Foster, Alan Dean undated
Fowler Wright Books
See Wright, S. Fowler.
Fowler-Wright, S.
See Wright, S. Fowler.
Box 68 Fox, David 1937, 1968, 1971, undated
Box 68 Fox, J.R. 1976 - "Outer Limits" project with Jeff Frentzen
Box 69 Frank A. Munsey Co. 1940-1942 - editor Mary Gnaedinger
See also specific magazine titles, e.g. Famous Fantastic Mysteries.
Box 69 Frank, Mark 1963-1981, undated - many on Photon letterhead (fanzine for study of science fiction and horror films) (2 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Notes, FJA and assistants.
Box 69 Frank, Milo 1954, 1969, 1971
Box 69 Frank, Richard A. 1946, 1968-1969, 1978-1981, undated
Box 69 Frankenstein Horror Stories 1972
Box 69 Frankfurther, P. Hans 1963-1968, 1972-1973, 1977-1980, 1986, undated
Box 69 Franklin High School Science Fiction Seminar 1973, 1975
Box 69 Franson, Donald 1964, 1967-1968, 1977-1980, 1986, undated
Box 69 Franzke, Patricia 1977-1981, 1991
Box 69 Frazetta, Frank 1964, 1968, 1970, 1980, 2003, undated - includes fan mail
Box 69 Freas, Frank Kelly 1955, 1975, 1978-1980, 1990, undated
Box 69 Frederick Fell Inc. 1949-1956, 1969, undated
Box 69 Freehafer, Paul 1934, 1936, 1939-1941, 1944, 1979, undated - includes tribute written by T. Bruce Yerke after Freehafer's death
Box 69 French, Edward 1977, 1992
Box 69 Fresco, Jacque 1952, undated
Box 69 Freund, Karl 1964, 1967
Box 69 Friar's Club 1996
Box 69 Friels, Margaret 1978
Box 69 Friend, Oscar 1943, 1949-1952, 1955, 1960-1963, 1966, 1976
See also Otis Kline Associates (Friend later owned it).
Box 69 Frisbie, Mike 1963, undated - includes original art
Box 69 Fritch, Charles E. 1956, 1965, 1972, 1976-1981, 1986, 2006, undated
Box 69 Frome, Nils Helmer 1940
Box 69 Frost, Terry 1983
Box 69 Fry, Barbara 1955
Box 69 Fry, Ron W. 1976 - contract, also mentions Pam Fourzon (author) and Tam Mossman (Prentice Hall Agent)
Box 69 Frye, Estelle 1961
Box 69 FTL Magazine 1983 - Greg Costikyan
Box 69 Full Moon Entertainment 1988, 1992-1993 - photocopies of "amusing Full Moon fan mail"
Box 69 Fulves, Ben 1978-1979
Box 69 Funk and Wagnalls Co. 1954
Box 69 Futura Publications 1974-1975, 1981, 1986 - managing director Anthony Cheetham
Box 70 Future magazine 1978
Box 70 Futurian Society of Sydney 1940, 1955, 1961, 1964
Box 70 Fuzy, Ralph 1971
Box 70 F, misc: F - Franc (11 folders)
Box 71 F, misc: Frane - Fu (3 folders)
Box 71 G.K. Hall circa 1977-1978
G. Ken Chapman, Ltd.
Box 71 Correspondence 1949-1950, 1956-1981, undated (3 folders)
Box 71 General catalogs - #4 through #67 (3 folders)
Box 72 General catalogs - #68 through194 (6 folders)
Box 72 Recommended reading catalogs
Box 73 Science fiction / weird catalogs
Box 73 Miscellaneous catalogs
G.P. Putnam's Sons
Box 73 Correspondence 1953, 1966-1979, undated
Box 73 Publicity 1970-1978, 1999, undated
Box 73 G-Fest '99
Box 73 Gaal, Franciska - in Esperanto
Box 73 Gabelman, Dave 1963-1964
Box 73 Gable, J. Harris 1955-1956
Box 73 Gaiman, Neil 1984
Box 73 Gakken Co., Ltd. 1977-1978
Box 73 Galaxy Games 1998
Box 73 Galaxy Publishing 1951-1955, 1959-1970, 1979-1980, 1994, undated - Galaxy Science Fiction magazine; editors include Horace Gold, Robert Guinn, Sol Cohen, Judy-Lynn Benjamin, Hank Stine
Box 73 Galileo (magazine) 1976-1979
Box 73 Galle, Heinz J. 1978
Box 73 Gallet, Georges H. 1940-1941, 1945-1989, 1999, undated (4 folders)
Box 73 Gallun, Raymond Z. 1972-1988, undated
Box 74 Galouye, Daniel F. 1952-1953, 1964, 1968
Box 74 Gammill, Kerry 1973-1978, 1993 - includes original artwork
Box 74 Garber, Eric 1977
Garcia, Luis Vigil
See Vigil, Luis.
Box 74 Gardiner, John 1957, undated - New York Post
Box 74 Gardner, Dave (D.S.) 1952-1954 - Liverpool Science Fiction Society
Box 74 Gardner, Erle Stanley 1931-1932, 1948-1949
Box 74 Gardner, Maurice B. 1947, 1950, 1970
Box 74 Gardner, Ron (R.R.) 1969-1971, 1976, undated
Box 74 Gardner, Stuart 1976, 1990, 1997-2000, undated
Box 74 Garfinkle, Lil 1933-1934, 1949
Box 74 Gargiulo, Arnold 1982, undated - includes several photos of him in makeup
Box 74 Garland Publishing, Inc. 1974-1979
Box 74 Garner, Louis E. Jr. 1949-1950
Box 74 Garrett, Daniel 1965-1967 - includes list of horror films, 1900-1966; Hawaii and California addresses
Garrett, Michael
See Gelb, Jeff.
Box 74 Garrett, Randall 1974
Box 74 Gasca, Luis 1966-1980, 1986, undated - associated with Midi-Minuit but also an author/editor
Box 74 Gaskell, Jane 1966-1968
Box 74 Gates Foundation 1999
Box 74 Gay and Lesbian Atheists and Humanists 2002
Box 74 Gayety (magazine) 1961 - editor William Francis
Box 74 Gebarski, Nathalie (Nataljo) 1966, 1969-1981, 1986, undated - includes a few from parents Stan and Ruth (3 folders)
Box 74 Gee, Day 1931-1932, undated - address FJA as DM-92, signs as ZH-73
Box 74 Geier, Chester S. (Chet) 1954-1955, 1959-1963, 1981
Box 75 Geis, Richard E. 1959, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1995, 1999, undated
Box 75 Gelb, Jeff 1980, 1994
Box 75 Gelman, Woody 1963, 1966
Box 75 General Mills 1942
Box 75 General Publishing Group Inc. 1977, 1997-2000 - includes bankruptcy court papers
Box 75 Genson, Leonard 1977-1981
George Arents Research Library
See Syracuse University.
Box 75 Georgia Institute of Technology 1981-1983
Box 75 Gerd Plessl Agency 1976-1980, undated
Box 75 Gergen, John L. circa 1943
Box 75 Germeshausen, Alvin F. 1947, 1950, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1963-1969, undated - includes wife Anna Louise
Box 75 Gernsback Awards 1981-1982 - book published by Triton Books; includes typescript of FJA's preface
Gernsback, Hugo
Box 75 Correspondence 1923, 1929-1931, 1936, 1949-1956, 1959, 1963, 1967-1973, 1976-1980, 1984, 1998, 2001, undated - also wife Mary; includes photo (2 folders)
Box 75 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1972, 1977, 1984, 1987
Box 75 Manuscript, "Ein Pechvogel" - autobiographical; in German
Box 75 Gerrold, Dave 1969, 1975-1978, undated
Box 75 Getty Museum 1985
Box 75 Getty, Sir Paul 2001 - regarding a loan
Box 75 Ghidalia, Vic 1968, 1971-1972, undated
Box 75 Ghilan, Maxim 1958, undated
Box 75 Gibbons, Donald E. 1970
Box 75 Gibeson, Jacqueline 1970-1972
Box 75 Gibson, Bob 1943, 1945
Box 75 Gibson, Joe 1941-1953 (3 folders)
Box 76 Gibson, Joe 1954-1957, 1966, 1977, undated
Box 76 Gibson, W. Arthur 1935, 1955, 1966-1967, 1981
Box 76 Giesen, Rolf 1983-1989, 1992, 1997, 2000 - includes incomplete Metropolis script, in German
Box 76 Gifford, Denis 1958-1959, 1973, undated
Box 76 Gifford, Guy 1946, 1967, undated
Box 76 Gilbert, Joe (Joseph H.) 1940-1942 - co-editor of fanzine "The Southern Star"
Box 76 Gilbert, Ken 1977-1982
Box 76 Gilden, Mel 1979-1980
Box 76 Gillespie, Bruce R. 1971-1975
Box 76 Gillings, Walter 1946-1952, 1967, undated
Box 76 Ginn and Company 1974-1981
Box 76 Glad, Victoria 1951-1952
Box 76 Glaser, Alice 1969-1971, 2003
Box 76 Glass, Inge 1997, undated
Box 76 Glasser, Allen 1933, 1939, 1959, undated
Box 76 Glassman, Irving 1959-1962
Box 76 Glencoe Press 1973
Box 76 Glicksohn, Mike 1972, 1980, undated
Box 76 Globe Book Company 1973, 1976, 1979 - "Beyond Time and Space" anthology
Glut, Donald
Box 76 Correspondence 1962-1985, 1995, 2000, undated (4 folders)
See also E.J. Carnell Literary Agency.
Box 76 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1970-1979, undated
Box 76 Miscellaneous - clippings, notes, Ackerman Agency publicity, manuscript fragments, etc.
Gnaedinger, Nadine
See All-Fiction Field; Popular Publications
Box 76 Gnome Press circa 1949-1957
See also Greenberg, Marty.
Box 76 Godwin, Tom undated
Box 76 Gold Medal Books 1950-1954, 1958, 1968-1971
Box 76 Gold, Eugene undated - "roast" of him by FJA
Box 77 Gold, H.L. (Horace Leonard) and Nicky 1950-1961, 1965-1973, 1976, 1979-1981, 1987, 1993 undated (2 folders)
See also Galaxy Publishing (Gold was editor)
Box 77 Goldberg, Mark 1988-1990
Box 77 Goldberg, Whoopi 1993
Golden Atom
See Farsace, Larry B. (editor/publisher).
Box 77 Goldenhirsch, Maxime and Yvette 1952
Box 77 Goldin, Steve 1975-1981
Box 77 Goldstein, Ed 1970-1972, undated - associated with Leisure Books; includes numerous unsigned contracts with FJA clients
Box 77 Goldstone, Cynthia and Lou 1939-1942, 1948, 1954-1983, 1989, 1993, 1995, 2002, undated (3 folders)
See Olsa, Jaroslav.
Box 77 Gollancz 1962, 1965, 1999 - editors include include Malcolm Edwards, Helen Fox
Box 77 Gomez, Rocky and Carolyn 1969, 1979, 1984, undated
Box 77 Gordon, Alex and Ruth 1957, 1965-1966, 1972-1973, 1979, 1982-1984, undated - American International Pictures
Box 77 Gordon, Bert 1965, 1970, 1973-1976, undated
See also Paramount Pictures.
Box 77 Gordon, Gertrude 1933-1934
Box 77 Gordon, Naomi 1965-1975, 1980, 1982, undated - includes parents Sam and Ruth
See also "The Bicentennial Man" project; Silverton & Silverton.
Box 77 Gore, Al 2000
Box 77 Gosfilmofond 1976, 1982
Gosh! Wow! (Sense of Wonder)
See Writings by FJA : Books : Gosh! Wow!
Box 77 Gospodinov, Christophane Todorav 1970
Box 77 Gosta Dahl & Son 1972-1973
Box 77 GOTHICON 1971
Gottlieb, Sherry
See A Change of Hobbit.
Gottlieb, Theodore
See Brother Theodore.
Box 77 Gould, Geoffrey L. 1976-1979, undated
Box 77 GPI Publications 1980
Box 77 Grabnar, Boris 1960-1973, 1978, 1981, undated
Box 77 Graham, Henry 1972-1978, undated
Graham, Honey
See Phillips, Rog.
Graham, Roger
See Phillips, Rog.
Box 77 Graham, Ron 1972-1973, 1967
See also Space Age Books (Graham was co-owner).
Box 77 Granger, Peter 1949, 1951, 1967
Box 78 Grant, Donald M. 1945, 1949, 1966-1971, 1974, undated
Box 78 Grant, Nik 1976-1977, 1981, undated
Box 78 Grattan, Fitz-Gerald P. (Paddy; Fitz) 1930-1935 - British Interplanetary Society
Box 78 Gray, John R. undated
Box 78 Gray, Laura B. 1931
Gray, Myrtle
See Douglas, Myrtle R. (Morojo).
Box 78 Gray, Patti ( (Mary Corinne; Pogo) 1938-1941, 1962-1964, 1973-1974, 1981, undated - includes wedding announcement
Box 78 Grayson, Carolyn undated - related to Lydia van Vogt
Box 78 Green, Don 1936, 1960
Box 78 Green, Roland J. 1979, 1981
Box 78 Greenberg Publisher 1950-1952 - mostly about FJA clients Ken Crossen and David Keller
Box 78 Greenberg, Bob 1962-1967, 1987, undated
Box 78 Greenberg, Martin H. 1973-1997, 2003 - editor and anthologist (2 folders)
Box 78 Greenberg, Marty 1947-1957 - fan and founder of Gnome Press
Box 78 Greene-Rouse Productions undated - movie, "Unidentified Flying Objects"
Box 78 Greenleaf Publishing Co. 1951-1958, 1966-1967, 1971 - publishers of Imagination: Stories of Science and Fantasy; editors Bill Hamling, Frank M. Robinson, Earl Kemp
Box 78 Gregg Press - catalog for their science fiction series
Box 78 Gregor, John 1936, 1953
Box 78 Gregory, Alf 1955
Box 78 Gregory, John Miller 1931
Greifenstein, Sandra
See Follett Publishing Company.
Box 78 Grennell, Dean A. ("DAG") 1954-1956, 1962, 1969, undated
Gressley, Gene
See University of Wyoming.
Box 78 Greystone Communications 1995
Box 78 Griffin, Scott Tracy 1992, 1995
Box 78 Grimes, Lee 1961, 1971
Box 78 Grolier Electronic Publishing 1995 - contract with FJA for unspecified work
Box 78 Gross, Jerry 1964-1968, undated
Box 78 Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. 1950, 1966, 1970-1981, undated - editors include Joseph Greene
Box 78 Grossman, Al 1968-1982, 2001, undated
Box 79 Gruber, Frank 1955
Box 79 Grumme, Franz 1980
Box 79 Gschwender, Ernst 1933-1936
Box 79 Guay, Paul 1978-1980, 1988
Box 79 Guernsey's [auction house] 1987-1989, 1992
Box 79 Guest, Al 1968, 1971-1972
Box 79 Gunn, James E. 1955, 1966, 1969-1975, 1978-1983, undated
See also University of Kansas.
Box 79 Gustafson, Jon 1977
Box 79 Guy, G.R. (Gordon Ross) 1962-1970, undated
Box 79 G, misc: G - Gol (8 folders)
Box 80 G, misc: Gom - Gy (8 folders)
Box 80 H.G. Wells Club [England] 1956
H.M. Johnson
Box 80 Correspondence 1941, 1951, 1956-1962, 1965-1966, undated
Box 80 Invoices 1956-1966
Box 80 Haack, Cathryn 1971, 1974, 1977, 1986, 1988, 1992, undated
Haas, Karen
See Bantam Books.
Box 80 Haggard, J. Harvey 1932-1934, 1939-1941, 1967-1971, 1977-1981, 1984-1985, undated
Box 80 Hahn, Suck Jo 1961-1962, undated
Box 80 Haig, David 1979, undated
Box 81 Hajewski, Tammy 1971-1974, 1978, undated (3 folders)
Box 81 Hall, Austin 1933, 1948-1949, 1952-1955, 1964
See also Hall, Javen and Mae; Flindt / Flint, Homer Eon.
Box 81 Hall, H.W. 1973, 1982, 1984
Box 81 Hall, Javen and Mae 1947-1949, 1951, 1964, undated (2 folders)
See also Hall, Austin (his father).
Box 81 Hallam, Atlantis (Samuel Benoni Atlantis; "Sam") 1951-1954
Box 81 Halliday, Brett 1977 - copies of contracts with 50+ authors to write Mike Shayne novels
Box 81 Hallind, Kristina 1970-1981, 1988, 1993-1994, 1997-1999, undated (2 folders)
Box 81 Hamill, Mark 1981, 1984, 1997, undated - includes fan mail
See also Memorabilia : Subject files : Star Wars.
Box 81 Hamilton and Co. 1946, 1952-1953, 1956-1959, undated - includes Panther Books
Box 81 Hamilton, Daphne Ann 1972-1973
Box 81 Hamilton, Edmond 1934-1937, 1956-1959, 1964-1967, 1970-1973, 1977, undated
Box 81 Hamilton, George 1978
Box 81 Hamilton, Peter 1952-1959, undated - Crownpoint Publications, Nebula Science Fiction
Box 81 Hamling, William (Bill) 1939-1942, 1950, 1952, 1955-1961, 1964, 1975, undated - editor of "Imagination: Stories of Science and Fantasy"
See also Greenleaf Publishing.
Hamm, Thelma
See Evans, Thelma Hamm.
Box 81 Hammell, Dale 1977
Box 82 Hammell, Joe 1967, 1971-1982, 1985, undated - undated material includes photos (8 folders)
Box 82 Hammell, Joe - lists of actors/directors and their movies
Box 82 Hammell, Tim ("Horrible") 1967-1973, 1977, undated - includes original art, manuscripts
Box 82 Hammer Films circa 1963
Box 82 Hampel, Laurel Lee McD. (Lauree, Laurelee, L.L.) 1946-1947, 1960-1963, 1968, 1974, undated
Box 82 Hancer, Kevin B. 1971-1972, 1987
Box 82 Handel, Leo undated
Hanlon, Jonne Evans
See Evans, E. Everett (her father).
Box 82 Hansen, Chuck 1946-1949
Box 82 Hansen, L. Taylor 1931, 1938
Box 82 Hanson, Bruce and Pam 1941, 1966, 1969, 1973-1976, undated
Box 82 Hanson, Earle Barr (E.B.; D'Earle) 1941, 1947-1949, undated
Box 82 Hanson, Maurice K. 1936, 1946
Box 83 Häpna (magazine) 1954-1957
Box 83 Harbin, Mack and Sandy undated
Box 83 Harbottle, Phil 1964, 1973-1977, undated - Cosmos Literary Agency
Box 83 Harcourt (publisher) 1949-1950, 1956-1957, 1966-1967, 1970-1978
Box 83 Hardin, Anne 2000-2005 - includes statement by FJA "to be publisht upon my demise"
See also Bradbury, Ray (longtime friends)
Box 83 Hardin, Nils 1975-1977, 1981-1982, undated - includes issue of his fanzine Xenophile
Box 83 Hardin, Terri ("Auntie Mime") 1980-1981, undated
Box 83 Harmon, Jim (James Judson) 1949-1963, 1967-1970, 1974, 1984, undated - Harmon-Crawford Publishing Company, Radio Heroes Society, NOVA (2 folders)
Box 83 Harness, Charles L. 1950-1954, 1961, 1974, 1996
Harper & Row Publishers - includes Harper Junior Books, Harper & Row, Harper Brothers, etc.
Box 83 Correspondence 1948-1949, 1968-1981, 1988 - editors Alma Guinness, Joan Kahn
Box 83 Publicity (2 folders)
Box 83 Harrington, Curtis 1965-1966, 1970-1975, 1980, undated
Box 83 Harris, Chuck 1950-1955
Box 83 Harris, David 1974, 1979
Harris, Frederick
See Author Services Inc.
Box 83 Harris, Jack H. 1959, 1969, 1972, undated
Box 83 Harris, Lee 1971, 1988, 1992, 2000, undated
Box 83 Harris, Randall 1962-1966
Box 83 Harrison, Harry 1963-1977, 1988, undated - includes paper, "The future of the science fiction film," delivered at 1963 Festival Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza
Box 83 Harrison, Virginia M. 1962
Box 84 Harry, Vernon W. 1936 - World Girdler's International Science League
Harryhausen, Ray
Box 84 Correspondence 1963, 1966-1981, 1984-1986, 1990, 1993, 1996, 2003, undated - invludes wife Diana, daughter Vanessa (2 folders)
Box 84 Miscellaneous - fan mail from FM readers, clippings, etc.
Box 84 Hart Publishing Company 1958, 1968, 1972, 1974, undated
Box 84 Hart, Dale ("Daleh") 1939, 1950-1952, 1955-1956, 1966-1967, undated - includes Ouija board questions
Box 84 Hart, Marian 1977, undated
Box 84 Harte, James 1957
Box 84 Hartman, Norman E. 1954, 1969-1971, 1980-1981, undated
Box 84 Hartt, Reg undated - includes original artwork
Box 84 Hartwell, David 1972, 1980, 1993 - includes letter addressed to Rosalie Breuer Neligh
Box 84 Harwitz, Paul 1970, 1973-1974, undated
Box 84 Hasse, Henry (Hank) 1931, 1933, 1958-1960, 1981-1982, 1991, 2001, undated
Box 84 Hastings, Laura 1951
Box 84 Hatch, Joe 1935, 1937 - may be two different individuals here
Box 84 The Haunted Bookshop 1969-1971, undated
Box 84 Haussler, Herbert 1937, 1946-1947, 1950, 1956-1972, undated - includes items in Esperanto (3 folders)
Box 84 Haussner, Walter E. 1993, 1996, 1998
Box 84 Hawthorn Books undated
Box 84 Hay, George 1969, 1978-1979, 1983
Box 84 Hayakawa, S.I. 1980
Box 84 Hayden, Colleen 1974-1981, undated
Box 85 Haydock, Ron 1947, 1960-1964, undated
Box 85 Hayworth, Adrienne 1974, 1980, undated
Box 85 Healey, Wilfred ("Kosloff") 1963-1966, 1969, undated
Box 85 Healy, Raymond J. 1950-1952, 1955, 1965, 1967 - relates to anthology, several FJA clients mentioned
Heard, Kathleen
See Church of Scientology.
Box 85 Hefner, Hugh 1960, 1972, 2000-2003 - includes mention of The Shudder Club, started while Hefner was in his teens
See also Playboy.
See World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon).
Box 85 Heinlein, Robert 1940-1942, 1946-1950, 1968, 1972-1973, 1976-1977, 1981, 1984, 1986, undated - includes text of address to Fourth WorldCon (2 folders)
See also LeCron, Elma (Wentz).
Box 85 Heins, Amelita Wood 1947, 1994
Box 85 Heins, H.H. 1962-1963, 1972
Held, Claude
Box 85 Correspondence 1939, 1941, 1945, 1966, 1968, 1972, undated
Box 85 Price lists circa 1964-1972
Box 85 Helland, Gary 1969-1970, undated - includes one from mother Jayce
Box 85 Hellinger, Nella 1957-1961, 1965-1972, 1978, 1981, undated
Box 85 Helm-kunheim, Brigitte 1964-1965, undated
Box 85 Helu, Antonio 1948-1949, 1952, 1955
Box 85 Heminger, Vera 1968, undated
Box 85 Hemken, Gertrude 1939-1940, undated
Box 85 Henderson, Gene 1978, undated
Box 85 Henderson, Kirk 1974, undated
Box 85 Henderson, Zenna 1978
Box 85 Hensley, Joe L. 1953-1958, 1979
Box 85 Henstell, Henry and Irma undated
Box 85 Herbert, Frank 1956, 1971, 1975
Box 85 Herder & Herder 1969-1972 - editor Frank Schworer
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Hernandez, Lail Finlay
See Finlay, Virgil.
Box 85 Hernhuter, Albert L. 1952, 1956, 1971-1980, 1983-1984, 1991, undated
Box 85 Hershenson, Bruce 2001 - most relates to his auctioning items on Ebay for FJA
Box 85 Hershey, Alan and Mary 1967, 1970, 1973, undated
Box 85 Hertwig, Kurt 1965
Box 85 Herzer, Ingrid and Joe circa 1967-1968
Hess, Katie
See Jones, Doug and Katie Hess.
Box 85 Het Stripschap 1972
Box 85 Hetrich, Ivan and Suzana 1979-1980
Box 85 Hevelin, Rusty (Rust E. Barron, "Rustebar") 1942, 1973, undated
Box 85 Hewitt, Dave 1960, 1967
Box 85 Heyer, Inge 1995 - discusses audiotapes relating to Metropolis
Hickey, H.B.
See Livingston, Herb.
Box 85 Higham, Charles 1965, 1977
Box 86 Hijiri, Saki 1977, 1979, undated
Box 86 Hilchey, Eugene 1964, 1966, undated
Box 86 Hilkert, John K. 1956, 1959, 1966
Box 86 Hill House 1975
Box 86 Hill, Alma 1951, 1954, 1964, undated
Box 86 Hill, Barbara (Barbara Lugosi, Bellinda Georgina, Draculina) 1965-1967, 1971-1974, 1977, 1980, undated (2 folders)
Box 86 Hill, Cathy 1977-1978
Box 86 Hill, Elizabeth Starr 1983, undated - daughter of Gabrielle and Ray Cummings; daughter Andrea van Waldron Hill
Box 86 Hillman Periodicals, Inc. 1951
Box 86 Hillman, Arthur 1945-1949, undated - includes photograph
Box 86 Hirahara, Sylvia (Kumiko) 1944, 1977, 1986
Box 86 Hirst, Pauline undated
Hischemellor, Albert H.
See Mellor, A.H.
Box 86 Hitchcock, Alfred 1975, undated - letter from his secretary, clipping, notes; nothing from himself
Hoar, Roger Sherman
See Farley, Ralph Milne.
Box 86 Hobana, Ion ("Aurelian Manta Rosie") 1946, 1956, 1972, 1975, 1981-1982, 1991-1999
Box 86 Hockley, Warwick (Wog) 1943
Box 86 Hodes, Bob 1967-1968, 1971, 1975, 1977
Box 86 Hodgkins, Russ and Mary 1939-1940, 1947, 1957, 1964, 1966, 1982, 1986, undated
Box 86 Hodson, Carol (Hakala) 1973-1978, 1994, undated (2 folders)
Box 86 Hoffman, Eric L. 1961-1962, undated
Box 86 Hoffman, Lee 1951-1952, undated
Box 86 Hoffman, Robert A. (RAH, Sklifo) 1942-1943, 1949, 1971, 1973, 1977, undated
Box 86 Hoffman, Stu 1962, 1964, 1967
Box 86 Hofford, W.S. 1936, 1953-1954
Box 86 Hogenmiller, Linus 1931-1932, 1935, undated - most relates to Boys Scientifiction Club; FJA address him as DP Z-7 and signs as DM-92; includes 2 items by Hogenmiller: a poem and an argument for repeal of prohibition
Box 86 Holden, Fox B. 1954-1956
Box 86 Hollywood Academy of Television, Arts, & Sciences 1971-1978, undated (3 folders)
See also National Academy of Television, Arts, & Sciences.
Box 86 Hollywood Center for the Audio-Visual Arts 1969, 1972, undated
Box 86 Hollywood Los Feliz Jewish Community Center 1980
Box 87 Hollywood Museum 1963-1964, 1968, 1975, 1978, 1997, undated - correspondence, publicity, loan agreements, etc.; includes several different variations (Los Angeles County, Photography Center, Hollywood Entertainment Museum, etc.) (3 folders)
Box 87 Hollywood Press Club 1969-1981, undated - bylaws, newsletters, member mailings, etc. (4 folders)
Box 87 Hollywood Reporter 1956, 1964, 1966, 1969, 1979, 1981, undated
Box 87 Hollywood Revue (store) 1976, undated - Dick Hudson, owner
Box 87 Holm, Tim R. (Timzilla, Timotheus, Timonster) 1998-1999, undated
Box 87 Holmes, Janelle 1977-1979
Box 87 Holmes, Ron and Rita 1944, 1947
Box 87 Holt (publisher) 1947, 1951-1955, 1965-1978, undated - includes Henry Holt; Holt & Co.; Holt Rinehart; Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Box 87 Homosexual Information Center (HIC) 1966-1969, undated
Box 87 Honig, Harry 1943, undated
Box 87 Honolulu Science Fiction Society 1979 - newsletter "Background Noise"
Box 87 HoosierCon 1979
Box 87 Hopf, Alice 1979
Box 87 Hopkins, Eric C. 1941, 1943
Box 87 Hopkins, George 1956-1958, 1968-1969, undated
Box 87 Horizons du Fantastique 1968-1971 - editor Dominique Besse
Hornig, Charles D.
Box 87 Correspondence with Ackerman 1932-1942, 1947, 1953-1954, 1959, 1963-1980, 1984-1988, undated - includes typed transcript from Hornig's diary recounting his first meeting with Ackerman (2 folders)
Box 87 Correspondence with others 1928-Apr 1932 - includes Hornig's parents, sister, and other family members; early SF people such as Julius ("Julie") Schwartz, Richard Frank, Russ Hodgkins, Robert Nelson, Melvin Erle Korshak, Jimmy Taurasi, Morojo
Box 88 Correspondence with others Sep 1932-Dec 1938 (11 folders)
Box 89 Correspondence with others 1939-1940, 1944, 1955, undated (5 folders)
Box 89 Conscientious objector statement undated
Box 89 Horror Hall of Fame 1974, 1990
Horror Writers Association
Box 89 Members Directory and Handbook 1998-1999
Box 89 Newsletters 1994, 2000-2001
Box 89 Horwitz, Mark 1969-1970
Box 89 Houghton Mifflin Company 1955, 1957, 1963, 1974, 1977, undated
House, Brant
See Ace Publishing/Ace Books (Brant House was their "house name" covering multiple authors)
Box 89 Houston, David 1980-1981, undated
Box 89 Houstoncon 1971, 1977
Box 89 Hoveyda, Fereydoun 1955, 1957, 1970
Box 89 Howard, Robert E. circa 1936
Box 89 Hu, Michael W. J. 1970-1971
Hubbard, L. Ron
Box 89 Correspondence 1947-1961, 1966-1972 Feb - includes some from Irene E. Thrupp, Hubbard's secretary Scientology material is filed under Church of Scientology. (3 folders)
Box 90 Correspondence Mar 1972-1988, undated (5 folders)
Box 90 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1947, 1953-1957, 1966, 1970-1981, undated (2 folders)
Box 90 Lists, publicity, etc.
Box 90 Royalties 1949-1951, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1967-1982, undated
Box 90 Miscellaneous - book jackets, clippings, brochures, Battlefield Earth press kit, "My Star" certificate, etc. (3 folders)
Box 90 Hudson, "Bela" Donna 1973-1974, undated
Box 90 Hudson, Bob 1958 - regarding joint project with Budd Bankson
Hudson, Dick
See Hollywood Revue (store).
Box 90 Hughes, William 1969
Box 90 Hugo Awards 1962, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1982, 1996 - includes material on FJA's "retroactive Hugos" idea
See also World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon).
Box 91 Hull, Cortlandt 1965, 1968-1969, 1973, 1976, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1990-1992, 2001, undated (2 folders)
Box 91 Hull, E. Mayne 1963, 1977, 1982, undated
Box 91 Hull, Henry W. 1973, 1978 - includes fan mail from FM readers
Box 91 Hungarian Television 1972 - Andras Rajnai, regarding First International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Festival
Box 91 Hunt, Roy 1947-1948, 1975-1980, undated
Box 91 Hunter, Gene 1950-1956, 1959
Box 91 Hunter, Mel 1953
Box 91 Hunting, Gardner 1951-1958, undated
Box 91 Huntington Beach High School 1970, 1977, 1981, undated
Box 91 Huron Heights Secondary School 1976
Box 91 Hutchinson, Ken (Rev.) 1973
Box 91 Hutchinson, Ron 2000, undated - Vitaphone project
Box 91 Hutchison, Don 1947, 1977
Box 91 Hutin, Serge 1959
Box 91 Huxley, Aldous 1948, 1956 - photocopy of letter; LIFE magazine article by
Box 91 Hyperion Press 1973, 1976, 1982
Box 91 H, misc: H - Hec (6 folders)
Box 92 H, misc: Hed - Humani (12 folders)
Box 93 H, misc: Humano - Hy (2 folders)
If (magazine)
See under client nams, or specific editors including Jim Quinn (1952-1958), Larry T. Shaw (1953-1954), Damon Knight (1958-1959), Horace Gold (1959-1961), Frederik Pohl (1962-1969), Ejler Jakobsson (1969-1974), and Jim Baen (1974).
Box 93 ICON 23 1997
Box 93 Icons Authentic Replicas [circa 2000?]
Box 93 IFAGE-Film 1970
Box 93 Ijäs, Jyrki 1992
Box 93 Ilidio da Fonseca Matos 1970-1979, undated - Portuguese publisher; numerous FJA clients mentioned, including van Vogt
Box 93 Ilie, Cornelia 1984-1985, 1990, 1996
Imagination: Stories of Science and Fantasy
See Greenleaf Publishing.
See Voice of the Imagination (VOM) letters below for fan mail. See Writings by FJA : Zines : Imagination (Madge)/Voice of the Imagination (VOM) for issues, articles, covers, etc.
Box 93 Imagine, Inc. 1985-1987, undated - publisher of "Forrest J Ackerman, Famous Monster of Filmland"
Box 93 Impact 1959
Box 93 Incroyable Cinema 1970-1971
Box 93 Independent-International Pictures Corp. 1961-1971 - photographs of movie posters/lobby cards
Box 93 Indiana University 1975-1976, undated
Box 93 Indick, Benjamine P. 1984, 1987, undated
Box 93 Infinite (magazine) 1941
Box 93 Ingrid Pitt Fan Club 2003-2004
Box 93 Inouye, Jon 1976-1984, undated
Box 93 Institute of Ability 1970-1973, undated
Institute of Homophile Studies
See ONE, Inc.
Box 93 Instructors of Science Fiction in Higher Education (ISFHE) 1975, undated
Box 93 Intercontinental Aerial Research Foundation 1959
Box 93 Interface Age 1978-1979, undated
Box 93 Internacia Esperanto-Muzeo Wien 1966-1972, undated - Roan Orloff Stone (2 folders)
Box 93 International Al Jolson Society 1970-1972, 1979-1980, 1989-1992, undated - includes FJA's membership card
International Bela Lugosi Fan Club
See Obbagy, Bill.
International Exhibition of Comics, Animated Film, and Illustration
See LUCCA 14.
Box 93 International Fantasy Award 1954
Box 93 International Fortean Organization undated
Box 93 International Movie Collectors Club 1962-1965, undated - Bob McCague
Box 93 International Science Fiction Society (ISFS) 1958, 1960, 1963, undated - Erwin Scudla
Box 93 International Science Fiction Symposium 1970
Box 93 International Scientific Association 1936
Box 93 International Society for General Semantics 1967, 1974
Box 93 International Society of Science Fiction, Horror, & Fantasy 1973, undated - organizer Douglas Wright
See also Science Fiction Horror & Fantasy Con/Expo.
Box 94 International Sybil Jason Fan Club 1989-1992, 1997, 2001
Box 94 International Wizard of Oz Club 1973-1977, undated - Fred M. Meyer
Box 94 Interplanetary Exploration Society 1960 - includes story illustrated by Hannes Bok
Box 94 Irena Belle Films 2001
Box 94 Irvin, Sam L. 1975, undated
Box 94 Irwin, G.H. 1952, 1961
Box 94 Irwin, Mark D. 1967
Box 94 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine 1976-1977, 1982, undated - editor George Scithers
Box 94 Ishida, Hajime 1974-1978, 1984, 1993-1999, undated
Box 94 Ishimori, Shotaro [Ishinomori] 1961 - "prolific Japanese comic artist with a profound influence on both Anime and live-action Television in the twentieth century, particularly in the children's market"
Box 94 It's A Beautiful Day, Ltd. 2006
Box 94 It's Alive! undated - publicity for new FJA magazine
Box 94 Itoh, Norio 1962, undated
Box 94 I, misc (4 folders)
Box 94 J & S International 1978 - Shozo Tsurumoto, Jun Shimizu
Box 94 J.J. Beckbar, Inc. 1968 - editors James B. Hull, Robert W. Pradt
Box 94 Jackson, Clive 1950-1953, 1956, 1988, undated
Jackson, Peter [circa 1995?] - photo of him with FJA
Box 94 Jacobs, Mark 1986 - grandson of Lora Crozetti
Box 94 Jacobs, Sylvia 1951-1954, 1960, 1974
Jacobson, Harry
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 94 Jacobson, Tillie 1966-1967, 1971, 1974-1975, undated
Box 94 Jaeger, Elizabeth 1947, 1949, 1955, 1965, 1974 - sister of Francis Flagg
Box 94 Jakes, John 1974
Box 94 Jakubowski, Maxim 1960, 1981
Box 94 James, Bill (William H.) 1952, 1954, 1969
Box 94 Jameson, Malcom 1978, 1980, undated
Box 94 Jansen, Jan 1954-1955 - Antwerp SF Fan Club
Box 94 Japan Research Inc. 1977 - project investigating the blood types of Japanese sci fi writers
Japan Television Workshop Co. Ltd.
See Noda, Koichiro.
Jaramillo, Al
See Bogaslawski, Pete.
Box 94 Jardine, Sabra 1982, 1987, undated - actress, FJA's god-daughter
Box 95 Jarman, Peter J. 1964-1969, undated - letterheads include Western Times Co. Ltd.; Express Echo (2 folders)
Box 95 Jason, Ben 1947, 1955, 1968, 1980-1981
Box 95 Jason, Sybil 1989-2000 - includes numerous photos signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 95 The Jasoomian 1971, 1974, undated - editor Bill Dutcher
Box 95 JaSunni Productions 2006 - includes permission to use images of Ackermansion, etc. in film "The Ackermonster Chronicles"
Box 95 Jehl, Alexander T. ("Werewolf of Vienna") 1970, undated
Box 95 Jenkins, Dan 1962-1968, 1981
Box 95 Jenkins, Harry Jr. 1941-1942, 1946
Box 95 Jenkins, Will 1931-1932, 1948-1952, 1972
Box 95 Jennings, Robert 1976-1977, undated - correspondence, price lists (2 folders)
Box 95 Jenrette, David 1955, 1958
Jeppson, J.O. (Janet Opal)
See Asimov, Isaac.
Box 95 Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc. 1973, 1975, 1989
Box 95 Jet Setters of Beverly Hills 1972, undated
Box 95 Jittlov, Mike 1966, 1980, undated
Box 95 John C. Winston Co. 1953-1955 - editors Elizabeth Morton, Donald Cooke
Box 95 Johnson, Bob (Robert Barbour) 1952-1956, undated
Box 95 Johnson, George Clayton 1977, 1980-1981, undated
See also Nolan, William F. (Bill).
Johnson, L.J. (Les)
See H.M. Johnson.
Box 95 Johnson, Merrill and Peggy 1963, 1971, 1975, 1979-1981
Box 95 Johnson, R. Rowland 1944
Box 95 Johnson, Ron 1977
Box 95 Johnson, Sandy 1977-1981, 1986, undated
Johnson, V.H.
See Science-Fiction Service.
Box 95 Johnson, William 1971
Box 95 Jolson, Al 1930, 1951, undated
See also Memorabilia : Subject files : Jolson, Al.
Box 95 Jones, Doug (D.B.) and Katie Hess ("Sleeveheart") 1965, 1974-1979, 1984-1988, 1997, undated
Box 95 Jones, Jack R. 1964-1967, 1975, undated - author, Fantasy Films and Their Fiends
See also Writings by Others : Special editions : Jones, Jack, "Fantasy films and their fiends"
Box 95 Jones, Jim undated - includes original artwork
Box 95 Jones, Neil R. 1975, 1978
Box 95 Jones, Preston 1975
Box 96 Jones, Raymond F. 1948-1957, 1960, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1999, undated (2 folders)
Box 96 Jones, Russ 1967-1969, undated - correspondence with Jon Berg re some 16mm prints; also long letter about trip to England with Joe Mass
Box 96 Jones, Stephen 1980, 1985, 1988, 1993-1994, 1997, undated
Box 96 Joquel, Arthur L. II (Alojo) 1941, 1945-1946, 1951-1952, 1967, 1976, undated - includes several clippings of articles by him as well as 2 chapters from his book
Box 96 Jordan, Fred 1964, 1977-1979
Box 96 Jordan, Ruth and Ted 1962-1967, 1971, undated
Box 96 Juanillo, Bob and Barbara 1971-1980, undated - includes original artwork
Box 96 The Jules Verne Society 1972-1973
Box 96 Julian Messner Inc. 1958-1959
Box 96 Juve, Henrik Dahl 1931-1932, 1981, undated
Box 96 J, misc. (5 folders)
Box 96 Kahan, Saul undated
Box 96 Kajio, U-ko and Shinji 1977-1978, undated
Kaleidoscope Books
Box 96 Correspondence 1968-1976
Box 96 Price lists
Box 97 Price lists
Box 97 Kankowski, Joseph 1949
Box 97 Kaplan, Steve undated - Jayhawk Film Productions
Box 97 Karloff, Boris and Evelyn 1967, 1969, undated
See also Cotten, Sara Karloff (daughter).
Box 97 Karloff, Boris - fan mail - fan mail from FM readers
Box 97 Karloffornia (convention) 1961 - Lon Chaney GoH; sponsored by FM
Box 97 Karp, David 1954, 1975 - includes review of his novel ONE by FJA
Box 97 Katz, Jack 1974-1977
Box 97 Katzman, Jonathan Ned 1974 - author of Gay American History
Katzman, Sam
See Columbia Pictures.
Box 97 Kavowras, Teddy [circa 1975] - also one from his mother Mona
Box 97 Kawasaki, Barbara (Kumiko; Baar; Barbaro) 1973-1975, 1988, undated (2 folders)
Box 97 Kawicki, Dennis undated
Box 97 Kay, Jeremy 1980, undated
Box 97 Kay, Margaret, and Eugene M. Jr. 1946-1951, 1966-1973, 1979, 1986, undated
See also Weinbaum, Stanley G. (husband).
Box 97 Kaye, Marvin 1966, 1984-1991
Box 97 Kaye, Starla 1959
Box 97 KCET 1966, 1971, 1975-1976, 1979-1980, undated
Box 97 Keeler, Eloise 1946, 1957, 1960, undated
Box 97 Keenan, Michelle 1967, 1971
Box 97 Keesey, Pam 1994-1997, undated
Box 97 Keil, Dave 1963
Box 97 Keiser, Irving (Ike, "Eye-Kay") 1957, 1963-1982, undated (3 folders)
Box 97 Kelleher, Jack 1963, 2004
Box 97 Keller, David H. ("Doc") 1932, 1936-1938, 1946-1954, 1965-1968, 1972, 1979, undated - includes wife Celia, daughter Anne (2 folders)
Box 97 Kelton, Aryon 1955
Box 97 Kemeny, Peter 1974
Box 98 Kemp, Earl 1960, 1964-1970, 1975-1977, 2003-2004, undated
See also Greenleaf Publishing (Kemp was editor there)
Kemp, Sandra
See Billows, Dennis and Sandi.
Box 98 Kennedy, Joe (Joseph Charles) [X.J. Kennedy?] 1944, 1947, undated
Kennedy, Lee
See World of Horror.
Box 98 Kenner, Jim 1958-1964, 1977
Box 98 Kenner, Ron ("Arkay") 1959, 1966, 1969, undated
Box 98 Kepner, Jimmy (Jike) 1943-1946, 1949, 1966, undated
Box 98 Kerr, Bill 1947
Box 98 Khamis, Tom 1999-2000 - "The Dream Pioneers" project, with Daniel Hobbit and Chris McCartney
Box 98 Kidd, Virginia 1933, 1935, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1979-1980
Box 98 Kilian, Jeff / Kilian Enterprises 1993
Box 98 Kill, Alex 1963-1981, 1984, 1986, 1993, 1997, undated
Box 98 Killough, [Karen] Lee 1979, 1995
Box 98 Kindberg, Karl Gustav 1953-1956, 1959, 1966-1967, 1972, 1977, undated (2 folders)
Box 98 Kindt, Leo 1965
Box 98 King, Stephen 1981-1987, 1992, 1996, 1999 - includes photocopy of King's first short story signed/inscribed by him to FJA
Box 98 King-Size Publications, Inc. 1952-1958, 1969 - editors Leo Margulies, Sam Merwin, Hans Santessen, Beatrice Jones
Box 98 Kingsley, Arthur 1958
Box 98 Kirby, Brian - proposal for "fantasex" anthology
Box 98 Kirby, Hayward S. 1936
Box 98 Kirby, Josh 1970-1980, 1987, 1992, undated
Box 98 Kirschner, Barbara 1933-1934
Box 98 Kirshenblit, Harold 1936
Box 98 Kissell, Gerry R.
Box 98 Kivi, Matti 1976, 1980-1981
Box 98 Klausner, Bertha 1952-1955
Box 98 Klein, Jay Kay 1950, 1966-1971, 1974-1977, 1983, 1985, 1988, undated
Box 98 Klein, T.E.D. 1973
Kleinman, Cylvia
See Margulies, Leo and Cylvia.
Box 98 Klemensen, Richard E. 1972-1973, undated
Box 98 Klement, Otto 1967-1968, undated
Box 98 Klemm, Helmut 1961
Box 98 Kleyhauer, A.D. (Alfred Dietrich) 1954
Kline, Otis Adelbert
See Otis Kline Associates.
Box 98 Kling, Bernt 1972
Box 98 Knerr, Michael E. 1963, undated
Box 98 Knight Publishing Corp. 1956-1960, 1966, 1973, undated - most relates to Adam (magazine); includes clippings of a few stories
Box 99 Knight, Damon ("Dae") 1950-1951, 1954-1969, 1972-1976, 1985, 2002, undated
Box 99 Knokey, Jeff 1962, 1967, 1969, 1976-1978, undated - includes index he created to FM actors
Box 99 Knüsch, Jim 1988-1989, 1994, undated
Box 99 Kobal, John 1970-1977, undated
Box 99 Koenig, H.C. 1933, 1940-1943, 1946
Kohner, Paul
See May, Joe and Mia : Paul Kohner.
Box 99 Kolchak, Harriett 1961-1975, undated
Box 99 Koman, Victor undated - includes issue of his Star Wars fanzine THE FORCE
Box 99 Komatsu, Sakyo 1976-1977
Box 99 Konigsberg, Eph 1954, 1958, 1961, 1966, 1973, 1984, undated
Box 99 Kono, Masao 1974-1975
Box 99 Koppel, Chris undated
Box 99 Koppel, Ted 1987
Box 99 Kordell, Nard 1973-1974
Box 99 Kornbluth, Cyril 1946, 1950, 1953, 1984, undated
Box 99 Korshak, Erle Melvin 1939, 1941, 1946-1956, 1959, 1986, 1992, 2006, undated - includes at least one item co-signed with son Steve
Box 99 Korzhenevski, Alexander 1994
Box 99 Koutrouboussis, Panos 1966-1971, undated
Box 99 Kracalik, Al (Allen G.; "Al Satian") 1961-1967, 1971-1975, undated - includes bibliography of Chinese fiction
Box 99 Kraft, David Anthony (Fictioneer Books) 1972-1974
Box 99 Kramer, Edward E. 1994, 1997, 2001, undated
Box 99 Kranold, Peter 1955, undated
See also Ackerman Agency : Business certificates.
Box 99 Krassa, Peter undated
Box 99 Kroger, Carol 1982, undated
Box 99 Krueger, Ken (Kenneth J.) 1944-1945, 1952, 1958, 1963-1966, 1972, 1977, undated (2 folders)
See also Shroud Publishers.
Box 99 Kruger, Otto and Sue [1973-1976]
Box 99 Kube-McDowell, Michael P. 1983, 1987
Box 99 Kucera, Joe 1932-1935, 1999, undated
Box 99 Kuczka, Peter 1969-1971, 1981, 1988, undated - includes bio of Mira Szepes
Box 99 Kummer, F. A. (Frederick Arnold) 1981
Box 99 Kumming, Waldemar 1970, 1980
Box 100 Kunsthalle Bern 1967-1968, 1975 - curator Harald Szeeman
Box 100 Kurtzman, Harvey 1961, 1966, 1972, undated
Box 100 Kuslan, Louis 1939-1941
Box 100 Kuttner, Henry (Hank) 1936-1937, 1946-1949, 1953-1958, 1965, undated - includes amusing poem by Kuttner about FJA; "memorial symposium" by Karen Anderson
See also Moore, C.L. (wife and co-author).
Box 100 Kwangtung / Guangzhou Science Fiction Association 1981-1982 - Wu Jian, chairman
Box 100 Kyle, David and Ruth 1934, 1958-2000, undated - includes article by Kyle, "Remembering First Fandom" (3 folders)
Box 100 K, misc: K - Kop (7 folders)
Box 101 K, misc: Kor - Kw (2 folders)
Box 101 L.W. Currey Rare Books Inc. 1977-1981, undated
Box 101 L5 Society 1981-1985
Box 101 La Coste, Charles 1940-1941
Box 101 La Tourette, Jacqueline 1971
Box 101 Labowitz, Gary H. 1969, undated
Box 101 LaCheen, Stephen Robert 1959
Box 101 Ladd, Alan Jr. 1977
Box 101 Ladd, Thyril 1948
The Ladder
See Daughters of Bilitis.
Box 101 Ladies Home Journal 1946, 1952
Box 101 Lae, Lloyd 1942
Box 101 Laffont, Helene 1965-1971, 1974, 1979, undated - includes photograph
Box 101 Lamb, Janie 1973, undated
Box 101 Lamb, Norman 1943-1944
See also National Fantasy Fan Federation (NF3).
Box 101 Lancer Books Inc. 1966, 1969-1973, undated
Box 101 Lancer Books Inc. 1964, 1969, 1973, 1981 - includes fan mail from FM readers
Box 101 Landis, Arthur H. 1972-1973, 1978, 1981 - includes photograph
Box 101 Landis, John 1973-1988, 1996-2006, undated (3 folders)
Landis, Ruth
See Kyle, David and Ruth.
Box 101 Landmark General 1988
Box 101 Lane, Craig 1976-1985, undated - includes mother Darlene, wife Karen
Box 101 Lane, Ron 1941-1942, 1962, undated
Box 101 Laney, Francis T. ("Towner") 1942-1949, undated - includes typescript of Laney's fan memoir "Ah! Sweet Idiocy!" (2 folders)
Box 101 Laney, Virginia ("Jim-E") 1940, 1947
Lang, Fritz and Lily Latte
Box 102 Correspondence 1931, 1936-1939, 1943-1945, 1953, 1959, 1964-1979, 1985-1986, undated (3 folders)
Box 102 Miscellenous - clippings, certificates, public events, bids for auction FJA did on behalf of Lang's estate
Box 102 Langan, Bob undated
Box 102 Langdon, Verne and Dawn 1965-1983, 1991, 1996-1997, undated - Electric Lemon Record Co., Langdon Enterprises; includes info on numerous LPs he produced for which FJA did liner notes, e.g. Fist Goodbody's Traveling Torture Show, Vampyre at the Harpsichord, Poe with Pipes (narr. by John Carradine), Phantom of the Organ (2 folders)
See also Don Post Studios.
Box 102 Lange, Thomas 1988-1989, undated - artwork
Box 102 Langella, Frank 1978
Box 102 Langsam, Devra 1973
Box 102 Lanigan, W. Neale Jr. 1978-1981, undated
Box 102 Larkin, Frankie 1963-1965, 1969-1976, 1979, 1981, undated
Box 102 Larson, Randall D. 1970-1971, 1974-1976, undated
Box 102 Laser Books 1970
Box 102 Laskowski, George J. ("Lan") 1981, undated
Lasser, David
See Wonder Stories.
Box 102 Lassman, Wolf Dieter and Gloria 1964-1968, 1971, 1974, undated
Latte, Lily
See Lang, Fritz and Lily Latte.
Box 102 Laubach Literacy International 1985
Box 102 Laurance, Alice 1973 - regarding anthology, CASSANDRA RISING
Box 102 Lauterbach, Edward S. 1958
Box 102 Laven, Franklin D. 1958-1959, undated
Box 102 Lavender, Roy and Deedee 1967-1969, undated
Box 102 LaVey, Anton and Diane 1965-1968, 1986, 2000, undated - includes daughter Zeena
Box 102 LaVoo, George 1976-1978
Box 102 Lawrence, Carey A. 1980, 1984
Box 102 Lawton, Cliff
Box 102 Lazenby, Norman 1954
Box 102 Leadabrand, Russell A. 1936-1939
Box 102 Leahy, John Martin 1948, 1952, 1958-1959
Box 102 The Learning Channel 1993 - contract
Box 102 Leckrone, Roy J. 1932-1933, undated
Box 102 LeCron, Elma (Wentz) 1970-1971
Box 102 Ledoux, Jacques 1970, 1972
Lee, Christopher
Box 102 Correspondence 1964-1967, 1972-1973, 1977, 1979, undated
See also Lee, Walt.
Box 103 Miscellaneous - cliippings, publicity, fan mail from FM readers, etc.
Box 103 Lee, Tanith 1978-1979, undated
Box 103 Lee, Walt 1955, 1963-1967, 1970-1977, 2000, undated - includes reviews of his book and proofs of Christopher Lee's introduction (2 folders)
Box 103 Lees, J.D. undated - includes draft of article on trip to Japan
Box 103 Leeth, Earl D. 1947-1948, 1980, undated
Box 103 Legman, G. 1952
Box 103 Leiber, Fritz Jr. 1939, 1955, 1961, 1968-1969, 1973, undated - includes "Random thoughts on Lovecraft's writings"
Box 103 Leigh, Barbara 1975
Leinster, Murray
See Jenkins, Will.
Leipiar, Louise
See Reynolds, L. Major.
Box 103 Leisure Books 1970-1977, 1996, undated - editors Joanne Berger, Yvonne MacManus
See also Goldstein, Ed.
Box 103 Lem, Stanislaw
Box 103 Lemaire, Henry 1937-1938
Box 103 Lenard, Andrew 1934
Box 103 LenArt, Susan (Susi; "Sunny") 1967-1969, undated
Lenclud, Anne and Pierre
See Agence Renault-Lenclud.
Box 103 Lengyel, Cornel 1952, 1954, 1963
Box 103 Lentz, Harris 1978-1984, 1988, 1995, undated - includes many obits written for FM
Box 103 Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans (LNAF / LNNAF) 1967-1970 - includes Nimoyan and Spock's Scribes
Box 103 Leppin, Zeke [Percy Finkle] 1967-1972, undated
Box 103 LeRoy, Gloria 1980, 1986, undated - actress; partner Douglas Wright
Box 103 Lesser, Thomas 1997, 2004, 2006, undated
Leuzinger High School
See Claytoncon.
Leventhal, Steven
See Haunted Bookshop.
Box 103 Levett, Gray 1981-1984, undated - includes Out to Lunch Surf Club
See also Triton Books.
Box 103 Levi, Burton 1961
Box 103 Levine, Brian 1971-1972, undated
Box 103 Levine, Mike 1975-1977
Box 103 Levitt, Dan 1962-1968, 1971-1979, 1982, 2002, undated (2 folders)
Box 103 Levy, Linda 1973
Box 103 Lewis & Look undated - relates to plans for Karloff film
Box 103 Lewis, Al 1965 - fan mail from FM readers
Box 103 Lewis, Bert 1947-1948, 1962-1965, 1983-1984
Box 103 Lewis, Draper 1951
Box 104 Lewis, Jack 1952-1957, 1962, 1967-1988, undated (2 folders)
Box 104 Ley, Willy 1941, undated
Box 104 Libra Editrice 1982, undated
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Box 104 Librairie Hachette 1955-1969, 1975, 1981, undated - numerous FJA clients, including van Vogt
Box 104 Library of Congress 1964-1967, 1971-1972, 1975, 1994 - includes their copyright office
Box 104 Liebscher, Walt 1939-1943, 1967-1968, 1985, undated
See also First name only : Walter/Walt for possible more.
Box 104 Linard, Jean and Anie 1957-1962, undated
Box 104 Linaweaver, Brad 1969-1971, 1975, 1981, 1985-1990, 1993-1999, 2004, undated - includes interview from Dateline for Metropolis Anniversary, featuring him and FJA
Box 104 Linderman, Lawrence 1967
Box 104 Ling, Don 1981, undated
Box 104 Linkletter Show Productions 1970 - Elmer Pasta
Box 104 Linzner, Gordon 1979
Box 104 Lipsett, Edward 1972
Literair Agentschap Delta
See Van Hageland, Albert.
Literary Market Place
See R.R. Bowker Company.
Box 104 Litsearch 1992-1994 - science fiction database project; names include Larry Roeder, van Vogt, Blair House, UC Riverside
Box 104 Litterara Föreningen 1972, 1977
Box 104 Litz, Francis J. 1939, 1959
Box 104 Livingston, Herb 1970-1972, 1975 - includes clippings of his story "Hilda"
Box 104 Le Livre de Poche 1978 - numerous FJA clients mentioned
Box 104 Llewellyn Publications 1964, 1970, 1973, 1975, undated (2 folders)
Box 104 LoBrutto, Pat 1973-1978, undated
See also Ace Publishing/Ace Books and Doubleday & Company, Inc. (Pat was editor)
Locke, George
Box 104 Correspondence 1968-1981, undated - Ferret Fantasy Ltd.
Box 104 Catalogs 1971-1977, 1982
Box 105 Catalogs 1986, 1988, undated
Box 105 Locke, Robert Donald 1951-1956, 1959
Box 105 Locus 1970-1983, undated - includes letter from FJA regarding claims of anti-Semitism
Box 105 Loew's Theatres 1930, 1959
Box 105 L'Officier, Jean-Marc 1980, 1990, undated
Box 105 Logan, Jim 1970
Logan's Run
See Nolan, William F. (Bill); Johnson, George Clayton
Box 105 Lomax, Joann 1963-1968, undated
Box 105 London After Midnight (film) 1970, 1976, 1986, undated - includes poor-quality photocopies of images from movie
Box 105 London Film Productions Ltd. 1935-1936
Box 105 Long, Amelia Reynolds 1956-1957 - includes letter from Amalgamated Productions about movie version of her "Thought Monster"
Box 105 Long, Frank Belknap 1971-1975
Box 105 Longmeadow Press 1994-1997
Box 105 Looking Glass 1980-1981 - editors Mallory Tarcher, Bradley Koltz
Box 105 Loomis, Bat (Battell) 1947-1952, undated
Box 105 Lopez-Portillo, Guillermo 1952
Box 105 Lorance, Charles 1974, undated
Box 105 Lore (fanzine) 1966
Box 105 Lorraine, Lilith 1941, 1947-1948, 1951 - some items relate to Avalon Poetry Shrine
Box 105 Los Angeles (City of) 1979-1984 - relating to establishment of Science Fiction Museum
Box 105 Los Angeles Children's Museum 1982
Box 105 Los Angeles City Unified School District 1974-1978
Los Angeles Collegian
See Yerke, T. Bruce.
Box 105 Los Angeles Comic Book and Science Fiction Convention 1981
Los Angeles County Hollywood Museum
See Hollywood Museum.
Box 105 Los Angeles County Museum of Art 1972-1973, 1981, 1988, 1993, undated
Box 105 Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation 1990
Box 105 Los Angeles International Film Exposition 1972, undated
Box 105 Los Angeles Magazine 1962
Box 105 Los Angeles Public Library 1949, 1976-1978, 1994, undated
Los Angeles Science Fantasy League (LASFL)
See Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS).
Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS)
Box 105 About - includes FJA's completed membership application, LASFS letterhead, brochures, historical information, etc.
Box 105 Constitution, bylaws
Box 105 Correspondence 1940-1941, 1945, 1947, 1952, 1955-1961, 1966-1972
Box 106 Correspondence 1973-1981, 1987, undated
Box 106 Directories, lists 1968-1969, 1973, 1975, 1982, 1987
Box 106 Financial material 1938, 1961, 1968, 1975, undated
Box 106 FJA honors 1949, 1957, 1971, undated - certificates, resolutions, etc. honoring FJA for his contributions; also a petition to revoke his honorary membership
Box 106 FJA writings on
Box 106 "LASFS Album" 1966 - souvenir of the 1500th meeting (1966), with photos/names of many long-time members
Box 106 Library 1943, 1962, undated - club library documentation, with titles, policies, etc; includes report by Francis Laney
Box 106 Minutes 1939, 1941, 1945-1947, 1960, 1962, 1968-1973, 1986-1987, undated (2 folders)
Box 106 Newsletter, "De Profundis" 1957-1995 (gaps), 2002 (3 folders)
Box 106 Miscellaneous - "Frankenstein meets the LASFS," "Kiddy Lit: The story of an LASFS project," LOSCON memorabilia, clippings about the club, etc.
Box 106 Los Angeles Times 1965, 1971-1976, 1979-1980
Box 106 Los Angeles Valley College 1978
Box 106 Los Cuentos Fantasticos 1948
Box 106 Love, Veronica ("Ronnygirl") 2002-2006, undated
Box 106 Lovecraft, H.P. 1935 - typed transcription of letter, HPL to FJA
Box 106 Lovsky, Celia 1967-1968, 1971, undated
Box 106 Lowder, Christopher 1979-1980
Box 106 Lowe, Howie 1931-1932, undated - "Junior Science Correspondence Club"; letters highly decorated, includes artwork
Box 106 Lower, Harold A. 1932
Box 107 Lowndes, Robert A.W. (Doc, RAW) 1938-1941, 1947-1956, 1959, 1962-1971, 1974, 1996, undated (2 folders)
See also Fanzines : Science Fiction Terrier.
Box 107 Lucas, Charlie 1948, undated
Box 107 Lucas, George 1981, 1984, undated - includes fan mail from FM readers
Box 107 Lucasfilm 1974, 1977-1980, 1983, undated - includes subsidiary Star Wars Corporation, Inc.
Box 107 LUCCA 14 1980 - Salone Internazionale del Comics (International Congress of Comics) and International Congress of Cartoonists and Animators
Box 107 Lucchetti, R.F. (Rubens Francisco) 1977
Box 107 Ludington, Cindy / Inspiration Center 1965
Box 107 Ludowitz, Tom 1942-1943
Box 107 Ludwig, Edward W. 1950-1972, 1982, undated
Box 107 Lugosi, Bela G. 1931, 1940, 1954, 1976-1977, 1987, 1996, undated - includes photocopies of letters from Bela to Carroll Borland, Peter Miller; cards from Hope and Anna Lugosi; miscellaneous items about
Box 107 Lumley, Brian 1984, undated
Box 107 LUNA Publications 1969-1972
Box 107 Lunacon 1972-1974, 1978 - includes copy of program with FJA on cover
Box 107 Lunarians 1965, 1969, undated
Box 107 Lund Fantasy Fan Forening (LF3) 1974, undated
Box 107 Lund, Deanna 1995, 1999
Box 107 Lundwall, Sam J. 1975-1976, 1985
Box 107 Lupoff, Dick (Richard A.) 1961, 1964-1965, 1973, 1976, 1979-1981
Box 107 Lutsnik, John C. 1973, undated
Lvovich, David (Davidovich)
See ORT.
Box 107 Lynch, Richard [Dick) 1991, 1995, 1999-2000, undated - includes reader comments about FJA's "Through Time and Space" columns in MIMOSA
Lynn, Michael
See McQuown, Mike.
Lyons, Christine
See Rose, Christine.
Lyons, Delphine
See Smith, Evelyn E.
Box 107 L, misc: L. - Len - includes La Plume newsletters (4 folders)
Box 108 L, misc: Ler - Ly (9 folders)
Box 108 M----, G. A. ("gam") 1932-1933
Box 108 MacApp, C.C. undated
Macauley, Robie
See Playboy.
Box 108 MacAvoy, Charles 1931
Box 108 MacDermott, Aubrey 1966-1970, 1976-1981, 1985-1986
Box 108 MacDonald, John 1934, 1950, 1953, undated
Box 108 MacDonald, Theodore 1986-1988
Box 108 MacFadden-Bartell Corporation 1966-1972, undated - editors include George Glay
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Box 108 Machado, Joe 1973, 1978-1980, undated
Box 108 MacInnes, David A. 1947
MacIntyre, F. Gwynplaine
See Writings by FJA : Books : Lon of 1000 Faces.
Mackey, Sylvi Edith
See Moray, S.E. Mackey.
Box 109 MacLane, Elaine 1973-1974, undated
Box 109 MacLean, Katherine Anne 1954-1956, 1975, 1988
See also Dye, Charles (husband).
MacManus, Yvonne (Paula Christian)
See Dell Publishing; Leisure Books; Major Books
Box 109 Macmillan Publishing 1955, 1970-1975, 1978, 1988
Box 109 Macoboy, Stirling 1949-1951
Box 109 MacQueen, Scott 1968-1975, undated
Box 109 Maddock, Larry 1953-1957, 1960-1968, 1974, undated
Box 109 Madison, David 1975, undated
Box 109 Madle, Robert A. (Bob; RAM) 1947, 1952-1957, 1968-1974, 1977-1984, 2000, undated - includes copy of "A Fake Fan in London," Madle's account of his 1957 TAFF trip
Madrid International Film Festival
See Festival Internacional de Cine de Madrid.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
See Fantasy and Science Fiction (F&SF) (magazine)
Box 109 Magazine Management Company, Inc. 1954, 1972, undated
Box 109 The Magic Castle 1976-1977, 1999, undated - includes admission ticket for FJA signed by member Michael Aquino
Box 109 Magick Theatre (magazine) 1985 - Raymond Young
Box 109 Magyar Televizio 1972
Mahaffey, Bea
See Palmer, Ray; Clark Publishing.
Box 109 Mahn, Klaus 1969, 1976
Box 109 Maison d'Ailleurs, Switzerland 1990
Box 109 Maita, Paul 1979-1981
Box 109 Majestic Pictures Company 1976-1977 - includes David Somerville
Box 109 Major Books 1970, 1975 - editor Yvonne MacManus
Box 109 Makarovic, Svetlana undated
Box 109 Malibu Graphics, Inc. 1989, 1992 - contract regarding comic book adaptation of Logan's Run
Box 109 Mallen, David 1974
Box 109 Malley, Kathy 1969-1971, 1977, 1979
Box 109 Malzberg, Barry 1975, 1978-1979
Mandel, Joseph Otto
See May, Joe and Mia.
Box 109 Mandell, Paul 1973-1974, 1978, 1981
Mandl, Friedrich/Federico/Fritz
See May, Joe and Mia.
Box 109 Mank, Gregory William 1988, 1992
Box 109 Mann, Rhodia ("Puku") 1977
Box 109 Manner, David 1973, 1981 - includes fan mail sent via FM
Box 109 Manolakos, Susan 1978
Box 109 Manor Books 1972-1974
Box 109 Mansfield, John 1968-1971, undated
Box 109 Many, Peter 1979-1981, undated
Box 109 Manzon, Isidore 1933-1934
Box 109 Marabout S.A. 1974-1975, undated
Box 109 Marboro Books 1960-1961
Box 109 March, Fredric 1973 - includes fan mail
Marchand, Madona
See Corben, Richard and Dona.
Box 109 Marconette, Walter 1935-1936, 1939, 1941, 1945
Box 109 Marcuse, Katherine 1952-1953, 1956, 1977
Box 109 Margopoulos, Rich 1984
Box 109 Margulies, Leo and Cylvia 1936-1974 - includes letter from Carroll Ackerman to Cylvia, correpondence with Larry Shaw
See also King-Size Publications; Standard Magazines
Box 110 Margulies, Leo and Cylvia 1975-1984, undated (2 folders)
Box 110 Mark Suckle (publisher) 1974 - editor Marjorie Smith, regarding movie poster book
Box 110 Marks, Winston K. 1953-1954
Box 110 Marley, Florence 1967-1968, 1973, 2003, undated - includes "Cosmic Ballad" by her
Box 110 Marlin Software 1997 - promotional information for "Forrest J Ackerman's Museum of Science Fiction, Horrror and Fantasy" CD
Box 110 Marongiu, Raphael 1965
Box 110 Maronie, Samuel James 1975-1977, 1993, 1999, undated
Box 110 Marrero. Robert G. 1981
Box 110 Marscon undated
Box 110 Marshall, Gene 1977
Box 110 Marshall, George 1962-1963, 1975
Box 110 Martin, George R.R. 1979 - signature only, nothing else
Box 110 Martin, Jacky 1970
Box 110 Martin, Lew 1942 - includes Denvention issue of his fanzine Alchemist
See also Colorado Fantasy Society.
Box 110 Martin, Perri 1973-1981, undated - includes two from mother, Joanne
Box 110 Martinblum, Lew 1940
Box 110 Martindale, Michael D. 1974, 1979-1980
Box 110 Martinez, Mario 1941 - Cuban actor; includes photograph
Box 110 Marton, Touda 1972, 1975, 1980, undated
Box 110 Marvel Comics Group 1973
Marzulla, Fred
See Mom's Apple Pie, Inc.
Box 110 Masche, Irene 1972-1973, undated
Box 110 Mask, Ace 1962-1968, 1980, undated - Screen World Enterprises, Screen Whirl Magazine
Box 110 Mason, David 1975, 1979, undated
Box 110 Mason, John Keith 1973-1974
Box 110 Mass, Joe R. (Jose) 1961-1976, undated (3 folders)
Box 110 Massaro David M. 1966
Box 110 Matheson, Richard 1954, 1967, 1972-1973, 1976
Box 110 Mathieu, Mirielle 1981 - includes poem by FJA to her
Box 110 Mathison, Volney G.
Box 110 Matsumura, Yusuke 1973 - issue of his UFO NEWS
Mattingly, Gary S.
Box 110 Max Steiner Music Society 1969, 1974, undated - Albert K. Bender
May, Joe and Mia
Mia May was an Austrian silent film actress and Joe May (born Joseph or Julius Otto Mandl) was her film director husband. The bulk of this material dates from the 1930s and 1940s, and includes correspondence with Friedrich "Fritz" Mandl (who also apparently went by Federico), an Austrian armaments manufacturer and first husband of Hedy Lamarr. It is unclear why or how so much of the Mays' correspondence ended up in Ackerman's papers.
Box 111 General correspondence 1934-1967, 1980, undated (6 folders)
Box 111 Birinksi, Leo 1935
Box 111 Golding, Samuel 1945-1946
Box 111 Kohner, Paul 1938-1947 - possibly Joe May's agent (2 folders)
Box 111 Rabinovitch, Gregor 1936-1937
Box 111 Universum-film aktiongesellschaft 1935
See also Universum-film aktiongesellschaft.
Box 111 Mayer, Frederick J. 1977-1978, 1987
Box 111 MBI, Inc. 1995 - royalties, Merritt and van Vogt
Box 111 MCA 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980 - includes Revue Productions
McAdams, Sheri
Box 111 Correspondence 1967-1975, undated
Box 112 "Mr. Sci Fi himself, Gernsbackerman" - handwritten account of FJA's (visit to Riverside, 75 pp.
Box 112 McAllister, Bruce 1969
Box 112 McBride, Paul 1979
Box 112 McCaffrey, Anne 1970, 1981
Box 112 McCauley, Kirby 1975-1982 - author and agent, worked at Playboy
Box 112 McClintic, Winona 1955-1957
Box 112 McClintock, David 1968-1971, 1977, 1979 - correspondence, price lists (2 folders)
Box 112 McCloskey, John C. 1957
Box 112 McComas, J. Francis ("Mick") 1948-1949, 1952, 1975-1978, 1981, undated - includes wife Annette
Box 112 McConnell, Anne Ashley ("Changeling") 1977
Box 112 McCormack, Ford 1949-1952, 1958, 1966, 1968, undated
Box 112 McCormack, John Charles 1976
Box 112 McDaniel, David 1968
Box 112 McDonald, D.C. 1953-1955
Box 112 McDonald, Steve 1976-1979
Box 112 McElroy, R.H. 1935-1936
Box 112 McFarland, O.S. 1947
Mcgeary, Eleanor
See Paramount Pictures.
Box 112 McGee, Mark 1961-1964, 1968, 1971, undated
Box 112 McGee, Susie 1975, undated
Box 112 McGeean, Ed 1994
Box 112 McGowan, Jim 1970
Box 112 McGraw-Hill Book Company 1962, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1980
Box 112 McIlwain, Dave 1941, 1951-1953, undated
Box 112 McIntyre, Vonda N. 1968-1970, undated
Box 112 McKimmey, James Jr. 1952
Box 112 McLennon, Marshall L. 1942 - Melbourne SF Club
Box 112 McMichael, Bill
Box 112 McMurtry, Grady L. 1941
Box 112 McNally, Raymond 1972-1978
Box 112 McNaughton, Chuck 1972-1973, 1978, undated
Box 112 McNelly, Willis 1968-1969, 1972, 1974, undated - syllabus for English 351 course on science fiction
See also California State University.
McNutt, Charles
See Beaumont, Charles.
Box 112 McQuown, Mike 1964, 1978
Box 112 McVey, Tony 1980
Box 112 McVicar, Rosalie 1968, 1974-1975, 1978, undated - FJA sometimes misspells her name as McVickers
Box 112 Meadows, Tony 1986, 1998, undated
Box 112 Meagher, Maude 1951
Box 112 Meek, S.P. (Sterner St. Paul) 1950
Box 112 Meikle, Denis 1964
Box 112 Meites, Gilbert 1952-1953
Box 113 Melchior, Ib 1956, 1958, 1963, 1966, 1974-1981, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1999, undated (2 folders)
See also New World Pictures, Inc.
Box 113 Melford-Dietz Productions 1956 - Judy Udell
Box 113 Mellor, A.H. (JX-42, JX-42M, "Satan II" 1931-1935, 1983-1984, 1988 - very early BSFC member; includes humorous play about himself and FJA
Box 113 Meltzer, David 1956-1960, 1967
Box 113 Melville Productions 1956 - part of Goldwyn Studios; letter addressed to Sy Bartlett
Box 113 Mendyk, Edward 1931 - Junior Science Correspondence Club
Box 113 Menger, Lucy 1979, 1982
Box 113 Menicucci, Gilbert 1954
Box 113 Menningen, Jurgen and Siegi 1970-1974, undated
Box 113 MENSA 1967-1968, 1973-1974, 1977-1978, 1988-1992, undated - includes both US and British (2 folders)
Box 113 Mental Health Association of Prince George's County 1977, 1980-1981
Box 113 Menville, Doug 1962-1963, 1966, 1970-1974, 1980, undated
Box 113 Mercury Publications 1956-1959, 1971, undated - editors Howard Pruyn, Joe Ferman
See also Fantasy and Science Fiction (F&SF) (magazine).
Mercury-Bis Cinefantastique
See Bouyxou, Jean-Pierre and Michel, Jean-Claude.
Box 113 Merkel, Una 1950 - outgoing from FJA only
Box 113 Merkin, Barry 1974-1976
Box 113 Merril, Judith (Judy) 1948, 1952-1956, 1959, 1987
Box 113 Merritt, A.E. and Eleanor 1932-2002 (gaps) (2 folders)
Box 113 Merritt, Stanley undated - blank contract with Mythical House
Box 113 Merwin, Sam 1945, 1949-1951
See also Standard Magazines.
Box 113 Metcalf, Norm 1959, 1967-1971
Box 113 Methuen 1977
Box 113 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) 1932, 1935, 1956, 1960, 1964-1969, 1973, 1975, 1981-1983, undated (2 folders)
Box 114 Metropolis (film) 1927, 1954-1955, 1961-1965, 1973-1986, 1998, 2001, undated - includes photocopies of 1927 and 1954 censorship letters between NY Education Dept and Paramount
See also Von Harbou, Thea as well as Memorabilia : Subject files : Metropolis.
Box 114 Miami University Science Fiction Association (MUSFA)
Box 114 Michel, Jean-Claude 1961-1971, 1979, 2005, undated - Mercury-Bis Cinefantastique, Paris
Box 114 Michelucci, Bob (Robert V.) 1977-1979, undated
See also Imagine, Inc. and Questar.
Box 114 Michigan Space Center 1979-1980
Mid-west Fantasy Fan federation
See Evans, E. Everett.
Box 114 Midamericon 1976
Box 114 Middle Earth Distributing 1979, undated
Box 114 Midi-Minuit Fantastique 1963-1968 - Eric Losfeld, Alain Le Bris, Michel Caen; associated with Terrain Vague
Box 114 Midwestcon 1966-1967, 1976, 1985
Box 114 Mihalakis, Ulysses G. 1931-1932, 1958, 1976, undated
Box 114 Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine 1977 - copyright certificates, Renown Publications
Box 114 Miklis, Franz H. 1998
Miko, Jana
See Dziechowski, Mariandl.
Box 114 Milakovic, Richard Jr. 1977
Box 114 Milcross Book Service 1952-1956, 1960, undated
Box 114 Miles, Hal 2001
Box 114 Milford Writers' Conference 1977, undated
Box 114 Millard, Dennis 1976, undated
Box 114 Millard, John 1940-1942, 1945
Box 114 Miller, Barry 1955-1958, 1963-1964, undated
Box 114 Miller, Henry 1969
Box 114 Miller, K. Russell 1933, 1937, 1940
Box 114 Miller, P. Schuyler 1954, 1959-1960, 1974, 1977-1980 - includes sister Mary Drake
Box 114 Miller, R. Dewitt 1949, 1951, 1955, 1962
Box 114 Miller, Stanley 1950-1951
Box 114 Mills, Betsy 1968-1970, undated
Box 114 Mills, Robert P. 1969, 1978-1979 - literary agent
See also Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF) (magazine) and Venture Science Fiction for his work as editor.
Box 114 Milton Spahn Books 1972-1974
Box 114 Minor, Mike 1962, 1968, undated
Box 114 Minter, Richard 1963-1971, 1977-1979, 1982, 1998
Box 114 Mirman School 1967-1968, 1971
Box 114 Miscellaneous Man 1954, 1977-1979, 1988, undated
Box 114 Miske, Jack Chapman 1938-1939, 1956
Box 114 MIT Science Fiction Society 1972, 1977, undated - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Box 114 Mitchell, Curtis 1950-1951, undated
Box 114 Mitchell, Lisa 1976-1980, undated
Box 115 Mocabee, Leslyn (Heinlein) 1953-1957, 1962, undated - includes handwritten manuscript of short story
Box 115 Mochel, John 1931-1932
Box 115 Mocsi, Karl 1967-1970 - Esperanto, from Hungary
Box 115 Modern Man (magazine) 1969
Box 115 Moe, Joe 1999-2003
Box 115 Moewig-Verlag 1959-1974, 1977, undated - editors Walter Ernsting, Muller, Bernhardt; relating to Perry Rhodan, van Vogt, Kris Neville, other clients (2 folders)
Box 115 Moffatt, Len (Leonard J.) 1942-1944, 1948-1949, 1952-1953, 1957-1959, 1964-1979, 2000, 2003-2004, undated
See also Sinclare, Anna (first wife).
Mohalley, Bill
See Famous Monsters.
Box 115 Molesworth, Vol 1940-1941, 1953, undated
Box 115 Mom's Apple Pie, Inc. 1974-1978 - president Fred Marzulla
Box 115 Monarch Books 1968
Box 115 Monster Bash 1997-2000, 2005, undated
Box 115 Monster Rally 99 1999
Monster Times
See McNaughton, Chuck.
Box 115 Monster World 1964-1968 - fan mail (2 folders)
See also Famous Monsters : Editorial files : Issue #70-79 for MW issues 1-10, and Writings by FJA : Zines : Monster World for #11
Box 115 Monsterland 1984-1986 - fan mail
See also Writings by FJA : Zines : Monsterland for editorial notes, letterhead, cover, etc.
Box 115 Moomaw, Kent undated
Box 115 Moon, John 1967-1968 - includes photographs
See Donaldson, Dale C.
Box 115 Moorcock, Michael 1964
Box 115 Moore, C.L. (Catherine, Katarino) 1934-1938, 1949, 1975, 1983, 1985, 1994 - includes "SF Personality" profile of Moore and Henry Kuttner
Box 115 Moore, Ken ("Khen") 1980
Box 115 Moore, Radford Jr. 1979 - aka Rocco Korega; about a production "Terrors & Wonders of the Ackermuseum"
Box 115 Moore, Ward 1949, 1979
See also Kidd, Virginia (agent)
Box 115 Moraes, Ney 1965
Box 115 Moray, S.E. Mackey 1956-1960, undated
Box 115 More, D'Arcy undated
Box 115 Morehart, Mel 1955, 1957
Box 116 Morgan, Grace 1951, 1973
Box 116 Mori, Masaru undated
Box 116 Moroder, Giorgio 1984
Box 116 Morressey, John 1979
Box 116 Morrison, Gail 1970
Box 116 Morrison, Raven-Hill Co. Inc. 1983 - licensing agreement
Morrow, Gray
See Perry Rhodan and Writings by FJA : Series : Vampirella (Morrow was a cover artist)
Box 116 Morrow, James K. 1965, 1986
Box 116 Morrow, Jim 1974-1996, undated (2 folders)
Box 116 Morrow, Lowell Howard 1930-1933
Box 116 Morse, A. Reynolds 1948
Box 116 MOSCON 1981
Box 116 Moser, Mike / Mike Moser Productions 1952
See also Brown, Fredric.
Box 116 Mosher, Orville 1954-1955, undated - includes mention of Project Fan Club, vote sheets regarding membership in unidentified organization
Box 116 Moskowitz, Sam and Chris (Christine) 1938, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952-1954, 1961-1988, 1995-1996, 1999, undated (3 folders)
Box 116 Motion Picture Hall of Fame 1973-1976, 1981, undated]
Box 116 Mount Pilot Productions 1988 - licensing agreement
Box 116 Movie Gallery 1976-1978, undated
Box 116 Movie Star News 1962-1966, undated - correspondence, price lists (2 folders)
Box 116 Moya, Ute 1968, 1976-1978
Box 116 Mr. Monster's Movie Gold - reader responses, some related to the eleven "mystery stills" in the book for which FJA asked help identifying
See also Writings by FJA : Books : Mr Monster's Movie Gold.
Box 116 Muga, Susy 1974-1979
Box 116 Mula, Tom 1965-1966, undated
Box 116 Mullen, Stanley and Shirley 1946-1952, 1967, 1977-1980, undated (2 folders)
Mulvey Associates (later Mulvey/Crump Associates)
See Albright, Donn.
Box 117 Munn, H. Warner 1978-1981 - includes son James; letterhead "The Werewolf of Ponkert"
Box 117 Munns. William 1976
Box 117 Munshilal & Sons 1966 - regarding Wahan Ke Log, "India's first science fiction movie"
Box 117 Murcury, Miron 1986, 1990, undated
Box 117 Muren, Dennis 1963, undated
Box 117 Murphy, Patrice undated
Box 117 Murphy, Terry 1976-1977, undated
Box 117 Musha, Takaaki 1978
Box 117 Music for Robots 1962, 2000
See also Writings by FJA : Liner notes.
Box 117 My Lovely Monster (film) 1988-1991 - Xenon Films; 4e played role of "The Master"
See also Recordings and media : Movies : My Lovely Monster.
Box 117 Mystery Writers of America 1953
Mythopoeic Society
Box 117 Correspondence 1968-1970, 1981, 1987, undated - includes letter from Glen Goodknight, founder
Box 117 Newsletter, "Mythprint" 1970-1972, 1975-1976, 1984 (2 folders)
MZB's Fantasy Forum
See Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Box 117 M, misc: M - McCu (8 folders)
Box 118 M, misc: McD - Monu (11 folders)
Box 119 M, misc: Moo - My (6 folders)
Box 119 Nadler, Harry 1961-1967, 1970, 1993, 1995 - associated with Delta Films, Society of Fantastic Films
Naegeli, Barbara
See Juanillo, Bob and Barbara.
Box 119 Naha, Ed 1963-1969, 1978, 1981, undated
Box 119 Nahin, Paul J. 1997
Box 119 Nakahodo, Garrett 1976-1978
Box 119 Naron, Lynn 1966, 1988, undated
Box 119 Narraciones Terrorificas 1947, 1949
Narvid, Ethel
See Los Angeles (City of).
Box 119 Nash Publishing 1971-1974
Box 119 Nashville Science Fiction Club 1970-1979, undated (2 folders)
Box 120 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences - Correspondence 1973-1977 (2 folders)
See also Hollywood Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Box 120 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences - Newsletter 1973-1976
National Air and Space Administration (NASA)
Box 120 Correspondence 1973, 1977, 1980
Box 120 Missions, A-Z - Galileo, Mariner, Pioneer, Skylab, Viking, Voyager (3 folders)
Box 120 Miscellaneous - brochures, bulletins, publicity, reports, space shuttle paper airplane kit, etc.
National Amateur Press Association (NAPA)
See also Neffer Amateur Press Alliance (N'APA).
Box 120 Mailings 1982-1986 - bundles of items, sent monthly (5 folders)
Box 120 NAPA West 1983
Box 120 Newsletter, The National Amateur 1982, 1984-1985
Box 120 National Central Bureau 1973 - includes WSA program See also .
See also Blair, Stanley; Stan's Weekly Express.
Box 120 National Dark Shadows Society 1978-1980 - director Joseph Lilley
Box 121 National Enquirer 1975-1976, 1983, 1988, undated
National Fantasy Fan Federation (NFFF, NF3) - names include Jane Lamb/Janie the Lamb, Don Susan, Art Widner, Walter Coslet, Martin Carlson, James Hevelin, Elsie Janda, Les Croutch, Boff Perry, Phil Schumann, E. Everett Evans
See also Neffer Amateur Press Alliance (N'APA).
Box 121 Club business 1941-1942, 1945-1952, 1955, 1958, 1961-1962, 1967-1972, 1978, 1988, undated - names include Jane Lamb/Janie the Lamb, Don Susan, Art Widner, Walter Coslet, Martin Carlson, James Hevelin, Elsie Janda, Les Croutch, Boff Perry, Phil Schumann, E. Everett Evans (4 folders)
Box 121 Constitution 1948, 1972
Box 121 Directories and rosters 1950, 1958, 1962, 1968-1970
Box 121 "N.F.F.F. Reports" 1944-1945 - presidents' reports, vote tallies, etc.; originally in black binder (2 folders)
Box 121 Publications, misc. 1970, 1972, 1978, 1985, undated - includes "Science Fiction Collection Index" by Len Collins; Neffer Amateur Press items
Box 121 "Special Petition Ballot" cards 1955 - votes on petition to dissolve the NFFF
Box 121 TNFF (The National Fantasy Fan) 1947, 1955, 1966, 1968 - clubzine (2 folders)
Box 122 TNFF (The National Fantasy Fan) Nov 1968-1970, 1972-1973, 1975, 1977-1987, 1991-1993, 1998 - clubzine (6 folders)
Box 122 Miscellaneous - includes short story contest rules; "What is science fiction fandom?" created by the NF3's Welcoming Committee (contributors include FJA, Wollheim, Al Ashley, Harry Warner, Bob Tucker, Milt Rothman, others)
Box 122 National Film Archive (London) 1970
Box 122 National Film Society 1977, undated
Box 122 National Geographic 1979, 1984
Box 122 National Hall of Fame of Science Fiction and Fantasy (Beaumont, TX) 1984
Box 122 Natural History Museum, Los Angeles County 1973-1979 - John M. Cahoon, Tom Sitton
Box 122 Naughton, Peter 1962-1966
Box 122 Nazon, Ida 1975-1976, 1980, undated
Box 122 NBC 1949-1950, 1961, 1969, 1973, 1976-1977 - includes printed speeches by Herbert Schlosser and Julian Goodman, copy of "Broadcaster's Declaration of Independence"
See also Shirley, George E. (lawsuit against NBC).
Box 122 NEA Service, Inc. 1954 - Russ Winterbotham
Nebula Awards
See Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) : Nebula Awards.
Nebula Science Fiction (magazine)
See Hamilton, Peter.
Necronomicon Press
See Long, Frank Belknap.
Box 122 Nedelkovich, Alexander 1973
Box 122 Nederlands Filmmuseum 1970-1973
Box 122 Neeley, Jerry 1968, 1996
Neffer Amateur Press Alliance (N'APA)
See National Fantasy Fan Federation (NFFF)
Box 123 Nelson, Bill 1961, 1970-1974, 1977, 1981, undated - includes wife Linda (3 folders)
Box 123 Nelson, Elizabeth 1971-1976, undated
Box 123 Nelson, Ray (Radell Faraday) 1948, 1959, undated - includes several pieces of original art
Box 123 Nelson, Rog 1952-1955, 1964-1968
Box 123 Nesseler, Randy 1971, 1985, undated
Box 123 Nesvadba, Josef 1964-1979, 1997, undated
Box 123 Neumann, Kurt 1950 - Rocketship X-M / None came back
Box 123 Neutzsky-Wulff, Erwin undated - copy of his "Dialog om det enogtyvende århundredes to vigtigste verdenssystemer," signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 123 Neverending Battle, Inc. 1986, 1988 - Tim Gorman
Neville, Kris and Lil
Box 123 Correspondence 1946-1954, 1957, 1961, 1966-1982, 1993, 1995, undated - includes children[?] Leonard, Nikki, Helen; early items on letterhead of The Conveyor Company (4 folders)
Box 123 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1950-1953, 1961-1962, 1971-1972, 1977-1978, 1982, undated
Box 123 Royalties 1953, 1957, 1959, 1972
Box 123 Miscellaneous - bios, bibliographies, book proposals, etc.
Box 123 New American Library 1950, 1953, 1961, 1964-1979, 1988, undated - includes Signet, Plume, Obsidian, Roc imprints
New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA)
Box 124 Mailings 1974-1977, 1981, 1984, 1988, 1991-1992, undated
Box 124 Clubzine, "Proper Boskonian" 1978, 1984
Box 124 New English Library 1970, 1974-1978, undated - re The Frankenstein File (FJA apparently reviewed it for them)
Box 124 New Orleans Science Fiction Association (NOSFA) 1970-1971 - issues of NOSFAN
Box 124 New West 1978 - Anne O'Neill
Box 124 New World Pictures, Inc. 1975-1982, 1999, undated - most relates to Death Race 2000, based on a story by Ib Melchior, and various adaptations (game, novel, etc.); includes copy of unattributed story "The Driver" which FJA apparently proposed to them as a sequel
Box 124 New Worlds Magazine 1946, 1955
Box 124 New York Amateur Press Association (NYAPA) 1983-1984
Box 124 New York Post 1952-1957
See also Gardiner, John.
Box 124 New York Sunday News 1968
Box 124 Newman, John 1946-1948
Box 124 Newman, Kim 1996
Box 124 Newman, Lois E. 1977-1978
Box 124 Newman, Rik 1966-1968, undated
Box 124 Newsom, Ted 1966, 1970, 1978-1980, 1985, undated - includes original artwork
Box 124 Nicholson, Jim 1956, 1959-1964, 1968-1969, undated - one item is signed by him as Acting President of B.S.C., presumably the Boys Scientifiction Club
Box 124 Nieman, Nancy 1969, 1979, undated
Night of the Zombies
See Price, Lorin E.
See Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans (LNAF).
Box 124 Nin, Anais 1959, 1973-1979, undated - about only, nothing from
Box 124 Nintzel, Hans W. undated
Box 124 Nishijima, Shigeru 1979 - Japanese SF fan, visited FJA
Box 124 Nisi, Jack 1979-1980
Box 124 Nitka, John C. 1945-1947
Box 124 Niven, Larry and Marilyn ("Fuzzy") 1964, 1969, 1974, 1976, undated
Box 124 Noda, Koichiro 1965, 1969, 1977-1978, 1981, undated - includes invitation for FJA to TOKON II
Box 124 Nokes, Chris 1979, undated - fan; may be more in FM or PR fan mail
Box 124 Nolan, William F. (Bill) 1952, 1955-1956, 1966-1975, 1978-1982, 1989, 1995, undated (2 folders)
See also Johnson, George Clayton; Malibu Graphics, Inc.
Box 124 Nollen, Scott Allen 1979-1980, 1998, undated - includes issues of his "Horror Movie Fan Club" newsletter and CLASSIC MONSTER MOVIES fanzine
See Worldcon.
Box 124 Norman, John 2001
Box 124 Northern Alabama Science Fiction Association (NASFA) 1991, 1996-1997, 2000
North, Eric
See Cronin, Bernard.
Box 125 Northwest Science Fiction Society 1984
Norton, Andre
Box 125 Correspondence 1952-1962, 1965-1976, 1988, 1997-2004, undated (2 folders)
Box 125 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1953, 1960
Box 125 Royalties 1957-1972
Box 125 Norton, Haywood P. 1960
Box 125 Norwescon 1979-1980, 1984, 1990
For the WorldCon of the same name, see Worldcon.
Box 125 Norwine, Doug 1994-1995 - includes material on Mae Clark
Box 125 Nostalgia Broadcasting 1982, 1984 - royalties for numerous FJA clients
Box 125 Nourse, Alan E. (Chamberlain Press) 1953, 1965
Box 125 NOVA (magazine) 1978-1980, undated - editors Bob Guccione, Diana King, Trudy Bell; includes letter to editor about term "sci fi"
Box 125 NOVA (tv show) 1981
Novotny, Norbert
Box 125 Correspondence 1967-1979, undated (2 folders)
Box 125 Memorabilia - includes Star Trek items, Count Dracula Society membership card, biographical sketch, etc.
Box 125 Nowlan, Philip Francis [circa 1962]
Box 125 Nudelman, Robert 1976
Box 125 Nuetzel (Nuetzell), Albert 1967, 1969, 1974, undated - illustrator, father of Charles Nuetzel, wife Betty
Box 125 Nuetzel, Charles (Chas) 1937, 1955-1956, 1960-1961, 1964-1983, 1996, undated (4 folders)
Box 125 Nueva Dimension 1967-1971, undated - editors Luis Vigil, Sebastian Martinez
See also Vigil, Luis.
Box 125 Nuttall, M.J. (Marijane) 1946, 1955, undated
Box 126 N, misc. (7 folders)
Box 126 Oak Tree Publications 1981, undated
Box 126 Oakes, Dan 1973-1974
Box 126 Obbagy, Bill 1962-1966, 1973, undated (2 folders)
Box 126 Oberg, James E. (Jim) 1980
Box 126 O'Brien, Darlyne 1963-1964, 1968-1969, 1977, 1980-1981, undated - wife of author Willis H. O'Brien (she calls him "Obie")
Box 126 O'Brien, Demon 1980-1981 - includes letters from O'Brien to Michael Aquino
Box 126 O'Brien, John D. 1955-1956, undated - some in Esperanto
Box 126 O'Connor, Paul 1947-1948, undated - owner, Bizarre Bazaar Ltd.
Box 126 Octocon 1977-1980
Box 126 O'Daniel, Robert 1967, 1968, undated
Box 126 Offbeat 1959-1960
Box 126 Offutt, Andrew J. 1971-1977, undated
Box 127 Ogden, Peter 1952, 1960
Box 127 Ogutsch, Edith 1968
Box 127 O'Hara, Jerry 1971
Box 127 Ohlinger, Jerry undated
See also 20th Century Fox.
Box 127 Ohmacht, Guntram 1957-1961
Box 127 Olander, Joseph D. 1973-1974, 1977, 1980
Oliver, Chad
Box 127 Correspondence 1953-1956, 1966, 1971, undated
Box 127 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1953-1956
Box 127 Royalties 1955-1964
Box 127 Oliver, J.T. 1956
Box 127 Olsa, Jaroslav 1984, 1989, 1992, undated - Golem-Risa agency
Box 127 Olsen, Bob (Alfred Johannes; A.J.) 1930-1934, 1938, 1949-1951, 1954-1955, 1967, undated - includes manuscript of his "Captain Brinks of the Space Marines"
Box 127 The Olympia Press 1960, 1967-1968, undated
Box 127 Omarr, Sydney 1958
Box 127 OmegaCon 1978
Box 127 Omni (magazine) 1978-1980, 1991, undated - editors include Robert Sheckley
Box 127 One Billion A.D. 1971-1972, undated - miscellaneous papers related to Wendayne's business
Box 127 ONE, Inc. 1956-1973, undated - early gay rights organization (3 folders)
Box 127 ONK Copyright Agency (Turkey) 1974, undated
Box 127 Ontario Science Fiction Club (OSFiC) 1974-1975, 1982-1984
Box 127 Open University 1995
Operation Fantast
See Slater, Ken.
Box 127 Operator 13 Productions 1984, 1986 - relates to "Bela Lugosi: The Forgotten King" hosted by FJA
Box 127 O'Quinn, Kerry 1981, 1984-1985
See also StarLog.
Box 127 Ordung, Wyott Barney 1954, 1959, 1971-1972, undated
Box 127 Ordway, Frederick 1964
Box 127 Orhelein, Ann M. ("Cyr Ann O") 1975-1976, 1979, 1981, undated
Box 127 Orion Publishing Group 1998-1999
Box 127 ORT 1947, 1956 - Dr. David Lvovitch, Dr. Aron Syngalowski
Box 128 Orwig, Ray and Gail 1982, 1991, 1997, 2000-2004, undated
Box 128 ORYCON 1980 - Oregon Science Fiction Conventions, INC.
Box 128 Osborne, Allan 1973-1974
Box 128 Osborne, Charles 1961-1969, 1973, 1977, 1982, 1986, 1990, 1995, undated (2 folders)
Box 128 Osenburg, Richard 1956-1957
Box 128 Osendott, David 1976-1978
Box 128 Ostlund, Sigvard 1952-1953
Box 128 Oswald, Warren (Ozzie) 1939-1940, undated
Box 128 Other Worlds (television show) 1979
Box 128 Other Worlds Science Stories (magazine) 1953 - editor Ray Palmer; includes printed promotional item featuring FJA and Marjii Ellersieck
Box 128 Otis Kline Associates 1930, 1933, 1938, 1952-1956, 1961-1962, 2000
Box 128 Ottawa Science Fiction Society (OSFS) 1990-1991 - newsletters, address label is Harry Andruschak
Box 128 Otteson, Tam 1957, 1974-1975, undated
Box 128 Overton, Terry (T.K.W.) 1946-1949
Box 128 Owlswick 1976, 1988, undated - includes Owlswick Agency, Owlswick Press, and the Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft Mudge Electrick St Railway
Box 128 Oxford University Press 1977, 1981, undated
Box 128 O, misc. (4 folders)
Box 128 Pacific Coast Writers Conference 1953
See Worldcon.
Box 128 Page, Gerald W. (Jerry/Gerry) 1965, 1970-1971, undated
Box 128 Painter, Deborah (Dee Bee, D'Bee) 1979-1986, 1995, 1998, 2003-2006, undated
Box 128 Pais, Chris 1982 - regarding rock opera based on METROPOLIS
Box 129 Paiva, Jean 1974
Pal, George
Box 129 Correspondence 1949-1952, 1956, 1959-1977, 1980-1981, undated - includes wife Zsoka (Elizabeth), granddaughter Alison (2 folders)
See also Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).
Box 129 Notes for eulogy
Box 129 Palman, Bruce 1951
Box 129 Palmer, Bonnie 1981-1984 - daughter of Eon Flindt
Box 129 Palmer, Randy [1966?]-1989, 1993, undated - includes Taryn and Lisa Palmer (3 folders)
Box 129 Palmer, Ray ("RAP") 1932-1936, 1946, 1949-1956, 1968-1969, 1972, 1976, undated - editor of Amazing Stories, Fantastic Adventures; founded Clark Publishing which published Imagination, Other Worlds Science Stories; co-editor Bea Mahaffey; also involved somehow with Bell Publications, Inc. (2 folders)
Box 129 Palmer, Stuart 1951-1952, undated
Box 129 Palmer, William 1931-1932
Box 129 Palmera International Showcase 1986
Box 129 Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) [circa 1970] - related to "First Moon Flight Club"
Pan Film
See Frankfurther, P. Hans.
Box 129 Panorama Literary Agency 1964-1968 - editors Hans Mommers, Kurt Luif; several FJA clients mentioned
Box 129 Panshin, Alexei 1968, 1972
Box 129 Panther Books 1954-1956
Box 129 Paperback Library Inc. 1963-1971, undated (2 folders)
See also Gross, Jerry.
Paramount Pictures
Box 129 Correspondence 1931, 1939, 1946, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1967-1981, 1991, undated - Bert Gordon, Eleanor McGeary
See also Metropolis (film).
Box 129 Publicity - movies include Aliens, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Rosemary's Baby
Box 129 Pardi, Robert A. 1963, 1971, undated
Box 129 Parente, Bill 1968-1969
Box 130 Parenteau, Shirley 1976, 1969
Box 130 Parfitt, Gary 1965-1966, undated - Horror Film Club of Great Britain
Box 130 Parigi, Robert 1981
Box 130 Parker, E. Frank 1943-1946
See also Cosmos Club.
Box 130 Parker, Ella and Fred 1961
Box 130 Parkhurst, Russell 1973, undated
Box 130 Parnum, John E. 1961-1964, 1969, 1971-1972, 2002, undated
Box 130 Parr, Julian F. 1941, 1955 - Stoke-on-Trent Science Fiction Club
Parrish, Donald E.
See Universala Esperanto-Asocio.
Box 130 Parry, Michel (Mike) 1963, 1967, 1977-1978, 1981
Box 130 Parsek (magazine) 1969 - Werner Koeppe
Box 130 Partridge, Norman 1952-1953, 1963-1964
Box 130 Pashinian, Ara (Arutiun) 1977
Box 130 Pasholk, Robin - includes original artwork
Box 130 Patten, Fred 1965-1971, 1976-1977
Box 130 Patterson, Michele 1996
Box 130 Paul, Frank R. 1931, 1946, 1960-1965, 1974-1979, 1984, 1988-1991, 1995, 2005-2006, undated - includes son Robert and daughter Joan, clipping of article about him by FJA
Box 130 Paxton, Tim 1978, 1989
Box 130 Payes, Rachel Cosgrove (Mrs. Norman M.) 1977-1978
Box 130 Payne, John 1943, 1956, 1959
Box 130 Peacock, Wilbur S. 1979, [1981?] - includes list of pseudonyms; one letter obviously written after his death is misdated 1971
Box 130 Peck, Gordon L. 1941
Box 130 Pederson, Con 1948, 1950, 1954, 1962-1965, undated
Box 130 Peeples, Samuel 1941, 1949, 1955, 1961-1969, 1973, undated
Box 130 Pegasus (fanzine)
Box 130 Pellegrini & Cudahy 1947-1952
Box 130 Pelz, Bruce 1970-1974, undated - editor of fanzine Ratatosk; includes a few issues; co-chair of Bouchercon
Box 130 Penguin Books 1975, 1977, 1984, undated
Box 130 Penn & Teller 1997
Box 130 Peoples, Lona/Lisa 1972-1974, undated
Box 130 Perdue, Elmer ("Ephless El") 1938-1942, undated
Box 130 Pereslete, David 1963, undated
Box 130 Perkins, Lori 1988
Box 130 Perlman, William B.A. 1933, 1936, undated
Perlson, Trina
See Petit, Trina.
Box 130 Peroni, Carlo 1960
Box 130 Perret, Patti 1984
Box 130 Perri Press 1959, 1965, undated
Box 130 Perry, Boff (Benson) 1946
Box 130 Pessalacqua, David 1981
Box 130 Pessina, Hector R. ("the lonely alien") 1970-1974, 1977-1981, 1987, undated
Box 130 Petaja, Emil 1967-1980, undated - Bokanalia, Sisu Publishers (2 folders)
See also Bok, Hannes.
Box 130 The Petards 1966-1968, undated
Box 130 Peterson, Bob 1975-1981, 1984, 1986, 1993, 1999-2000, 2005
Box 131 Petit, Trina (Perlson) 1958-1962, 1969, 1988, undated - underground cartoonist, comic historian, author; married to Art Castillo, Paul Robbins
Box 131 Pettit, Billy 1967-1968
Box 131 Pfeffer, Max 1949-1955, undated (2 folders)
Box 131 Pfiel, Don 1972-1973, undated
See also Heinlein, Robert.
Phantasmagoria Books
See Eggeling, John.
Box 131 Phantasmicon 1978
Box 131 Phantom 1958 - British magazine, published by Pen-Dal Studios, Pennine Publications; editor Cliff Lawton
Box 131 Phenix, Carol Emery 1985
Box 131 Phi Beta Chi (University of San Francisco) 1972
Box 131 Philadelphia Inquirer 1952
Philadelphia Futurians
See Philadelphia Science Fiction Society (PSFS).
Box 131 Philadelphia Science Fiction Society (PSFS) 1938, 1940, 1958, 1974, undated - members include Hal Lynch, Ossie Train, Milt Rothman
Box 131 Phillips, Alexander M. (Lex) 1954, 1975
Box 131 Phillips, Ralph Rayburn 1953, undated - includes original artwork
Box 131 Phillips, Rog 1947, 1949, 1954-1961, 1966-1967, 1973-1983, 2003, undated
Photon (fanzine)
See Frank, Mark.
Box 131 Photoplay Magazine 1931-1932, undated - most are items from Photoplay's Q&A department, signed by "The Answer Man"
Box 131 Phringecon 1980 - Debbie Cady
Box 131 Pickering, Stephen 1964-1969, undated - includes letters from his mother, police report, lawsuit threats regarding alleged theft
Box 131 Pierce, Jack 1946, 1964, 1999 - includes fan mail from FM readers
Box 131 Pierce, John J. 1969, undated
Box 131 Pierrot Publishing 1978, undated - editors David Truesdale, Colin Lester; publishers of International Science Fiction Yearbook (ISFY)
Box 131 Pike, Robert (Bob) 1961-1962 - Pike Publishing, men's magazine Jade
Box 131 Pilotin, Michel 1949
Box 131 Pinckard, Terri and Tom 1962-1983, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998, undated (4 folders)
Box 132 Pini, Richard and Wendy 1979
Box 132 Pinnacle Books 1971-1979, undated
Box 132 Piser, Harold Palmer 1966-1968
Box 132 Pitt, Ingrid 1979, 2005
See also Ingrid Pitt Fan Club.
Box 132 Pitts, Jimmy 1970, 1986-1988 - Spinnaker Video
Box 132 Pitts, Michael R. 1966, 1969-1970, 1978, 1980
Box 132 Plachta, Dannie 1966, 1975, undated
Box 132 Placko, Bill 1978-1979
Box 132 The Planetary Society 1981
Box 132 Platia Productions 1997 - Enchanted All Hallow's Eve Revel; FJA was guest of honor
Box 132 Platt, Charles 1981-1982, [1985], 1987
Box 132 Playboy 1954-1962, 1967-1981, 1985-1986, undated - editors Ray Russell, Vivian Sodini, Tom Passavant, Robie Macauley; undated materal includes photo of FJA at Playboy Club (2 folders)
See also Hefner, Hugh; Russell, Ray.
Box 132 Playgirl 1974-1975, undated - editors Walter Hale, Marin Scott Milam, Betty Ulius, Robin Tucker
Box 132 Plummer, Kathy (Church) 1972-1974, undated
Box 132 Plunkett, Robert L. 1995
Box 132 Pocket Books, Inc. 1945, 1953, 1960, 1974-1982, undated - editors Adele Hull, Robert Goodney, David Hartwell
Box 132 Podesta, Jose M. 1958, 1960
Box 132 Poer, Jeff 1973, undated
Box 132 Pohl, Frederik 1936-1941, 1950, 1953, 1957-1961, 1967-1980, 1984-1985, 2000, undated - includes typescript of Pohl's speech as GoH at LACon in 1972, "The shape of science fiction to come" as well as a number of book/publisher mailings addressed to Pohl (3 folders)
See also Eshbach, Lloyd; F & SF Book Co.
Polaris Press
See Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur.
Box 132 Polichar, Valerie 1993
Box 132 Pollock, E.C. (Elkope, Elkopo) 1941, 1944 - in Esperanto
Box 132 Pollon, Robin Ellen (LN, "Gort") 1972, undated
Box 132 Pomeroy, Roy J. 1934
Box 132 Poole, Eileen 1967, 1969, 1975
Pop Film Productions
See Price, Lorin E.
Box 132 Popular Library 1965, 1971-1972, 1975, 1977, undated - editors include Don Bensen
Box 132 Popular Publications 1942-1952 - editors Mary Gnaedinger, Nadine Gnaedinger, Alden Norton, E. Jakobsson; multiple authors including van Vogt
Box 133 Porges, Arthur 1955-1958, undated - includes manusccript of short story, "A specimen for the queen"
Box 133 Porges, Irwin 1974, 1977, undated
Box 133 Porrua , Francisco 1954-1955, 1957, 1960
Box 133 Porter, Andy 1967-1968, 1974-1975, 1985-1986, 1999, undated
Box 133 Pournelle, Jerry 1971, 1974-1977, 1984, undated - most relates to Ace Books/SFWA audit, specifically the Perry Rhodan novels
Box 133 Powell Publications 1969-1971, undated - editors Helen and Kathleen Galbraith
Box 133 Powell, Dick 1953
Box 133 Praed Street Irregulars 1968-1970, undated - Luther Norris; Pontine Dossier
Box 133 Pragnell, Festus 1939, 1946-1970, 1976, undated
Box 133 Pratt, Fletcher 1952
Box 133 Pratt, Theodore ("72N") 1948-1951, 1957
Box 133 Preiss, Byron 1971, 1977, undated
Box 133 Prentice Hall, Inc. 1961, 1967, 1970-1979, 1999, undated
Box 133 Presar, Beverly 1968-1976, 1980, undated
Box 133 Prescott, Mike 1978-1979
Box 133 Price, Brick undated - blank contract for loan of Metropolis Robotrix
Box 133 Price, E. Hoffmann 1977
Box 133 Price, Lorin 1971-1984 (2 folders)
Price, Vincent
Box 133 Correspondence 1969-1973, 1976, 1978, 1985-1988, undated
Box 133 Fan mail
Box 133 Miscellaneous 1993 - clippings, event announcements, photocopy of book created for Price during the 35th FMoF World Convention with 30 pp. of signatures, best wishes, notes of gratitude, etc.
Box 133 Prime Press 1947-1950 - James A. (Jim) Williams
Box 133 Proctor, George W. 1962-1963, 1972
Project 6000 - This was FJA's trip across the country visiting FMOF fans; information can be found in relevant dates in Famous Monsters fan mail
Box 133 Pronzini, Bill 1977, 1979
Box 133 Propax 1952 - Dutch literary agency; editor Nic Oosterbaan
Box 133 Prosser, Dave 1961
Pruyn, Howard K.
See Fantasy & Science Fiction (F&SF) (magazine).
Box 133 Pruyn, Len 1952-1956, 1975, undated
Box 134 Ptacek, Gloria Lee (Glorilee; Glory Lee) 1970-1982, 2002, undated - husbands Leif Andersson, Bob McMillan; son Chris (3 folders)
Box 134 Publishers Weekly 1976-1978, undated - contains numerous letters to the editor and other items submitted by FJA
Box 134 Pugmire, Bill (William H. Jr.) [1958?], 1965, 1970-1978, undated
Box 134, Inc. 1999-2000 - contract for publication of Rayond F. Jones and Curt Siomak
Box 134 Purple Unicorn Books 1975-1977
Box 134 Push Pin Press 1977 - royalty request for Fritz Lang and Frank Paul
Box 134 Pyramid Publications / Pyramid Books 1956-1972, 1975, undated
Box 134 P, misc: P - Per (6 folders)
Box 135 P, misc: Pet - Py (8 folders)
Box 135 Qualls, David
Box 135 Quarry, Robert 1972-1974 - includes authorization to form Robert Quarry Fan Club
Box 135 Quattrocchi, Frank 1953-1957, 1964, 1966, 1982, undated
Box 135 Québec, Government of 1974
Box 135 Queen Mary (ship) 1986, 1998 - regarding purchase of FJA's collection to be permanent exhibit on board
Box 135 Queens Science Fiction League circa 1940
Box 135 Questar 1979-1981
Box 135 Quinn Publishing Co. 1952-1956, undated - owned/run by Jim Quinn; publisher of If: Worlds of Science Fiction
Box 135 Quinn, Seabury 1964, 1969-1970
Box 135 Quintanar, Leo L. 1982 - contract for use of FJA's likeness
Box 135 Q, misc
R.M. Cavanugh Literary Agency
See Cavanaugh, Dick.
Box 135 R.R. Bowker Company 1948-1950, 1954, 1961-1963, 1966-1976, 1981, undated
Box 136 R. Malcolm and Associates 1952 - several FJA clients involved
Box 136 Raben & Sjogren 1959
Box 136 Rabogliotti, Mary Ellen 1966, 1973, 1976-1980, 1985-1986, 1989, 2003, undated - includes "Little Green shot list for The Return of the Frankenstein Monster" with her listed as makeup person
See also Daugherty, Walter J. (husband).
Box 136 Racic, Mario 1935, 1937, 1939
Box 136 Rader, Marsha 1971-1972
Box 136 Radovich, Gary 1978-1979, 1987
Ralston, Henry W.
See Street & Smith.
Box 136 Rambelli, Roberta 1965-1966
Box 136 Rampa, T. Lobsang 1977
Box 136 Rand McNally 1974-1977, 1981
Box 136 Random House 1946-1976, undated - editor Harry Maule
Box 136 Randle, Kevin D. 1974
Rankin, Arthur Jr.
See Videocraft.
Box 136 Rao, B. Sridhar 1967
Box 136 Raposo, Fernando [?] 1941 - includes photograph
Box 136 Rasch, Carlos 1970
Box 136 Rasmussen, Randy 1967-1971, undated
Box 136 Ray, Fred Olen 1979, 1994
Box 136 Raymond, Alexander
Box 136 Rayner, Tony 1974, undated
Box 136 The Reader's Digest 1967, 1976, undated
Box 136 Reagan, Ronald [1953?] - copy of undated letter to a Miss Watson, about G.E. Theatre
Box 136 Reamy, Tom 1958, 1961 - includes letter from Walt Lee
Box 136 Reardon, Craig 1971-1973, undated
Box 136 Reed, Donald A. 1964-1982, 1985, 1988, 2003, undated (3 folders)
See also Academy of Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror Films; Cinema Buffs/Cinema Radio Buffs; Council of Film Organizations; Count Dracula Society.
Box 136 Reeds, Frank A. (Anton) 1950, 1953-1955 - also wrote as Anthony Riker
Reel Future/Reel Mysteries
See Writings by FJA : Books : Reel Future/Reel Mysteries.
Box 136 Reese, Cyndi James and Nate 1979-1980 - includes photo
Reeves, Judson W.
See Septama, Aladra.
Box 136 Regency Books 1961 - editor Algis Budrys
Box 136 Reginald, Robert circa 1970
Box 136 Reibestein, Lex 1971-1972, 1989, undated
Box 136 Reid, Ann Carll 1956 - Irma "Corky" Wolf, editor of ONE Magazine; mentions FJA's work for Vice Versa
Box 136 Reid, Gordon 1971-1972, 1999
Box 136 Reinsberg, Mark 1939-1943, 1970, 1978
Box 136 Reinsel, Charles N. 1962-1967, 1970, undated
Box 137 Reiss, Malcolm 1947-1950, 1955-1956, 1965, 1980
Renault, Maurice
See Agence Renault-Lenclud.
Box 137 Renner, Janet 1965-1967
Box 137 Rennison, J.E. 1941-1942
Box 137 Renwick, David 1970-1971, 1980, undated
Box 137 Repp, Ed Earl 1938, 1947, 1949, 1978-1979
Box 137 Republic Pictures 1955 - regarding Commander Cody credits
Resch, Kathleen
See Shadowcon.
Box 137 Resnick, Michael 1967-1973, 1977, undated
Box 137 Reston, Rodney 1967-1970, undated (2 folders)
Revue Productions
See MCA.
Box 137 Reynolds, L. Major 1949-1956, undated
Box 137 Reynolds, Mack 1954, 1977, 1979 - includes copy of "Section G Report," put out by the Reynolds Circle (fan club)
Box 137 Rezende, Carlos Eduardo Lohse 1994-1995
Box 137 Rhodes, Garydon 1986, 1988, undated
Box 137 Ricci, M. 1964-1969, undated
Box 137 Rich, Vern 1974, undated
Box 137 Richard Curtis Associates Inc. 1976, 1987
Box 137 Richardson, Darrell 1944, 1946, 1962, 1971-1974, 1984-1986, undated
Richardson, R.S.
See Westercon.
Box 137 Richter, Ernst H. 1955
Box 137 Riddle, Charles Lee 1953, undated
Box 137 Riker, Lyn 1963-1967, undated - includes Michael Rennie fan club material
Riley, Frank
See Clifton, Mark.
Box 137 Riley, Phil (Philip J.) 1961-1963, 1970-1976, 1979-1991, undated (2 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Notes, FJA and assistants.
Box 137 Rinehart 1947, 1950
See also Holt (publisher).
Box 137 Ringers: Lord of the Fans (film) 2005 - Josh Mandel, Planet BB
Box 137 Ripley's Believe It or Not circa 1935
Box 137 Rising Star Convention 1995
Box 137 Rittau, Gunther 1965 - cinematographer on Metropolis
Box 137 RiverCon 1999
Box 137 Riviere, Francois 1970, undated - possibly the French publisher, novelist, translator, biographer, comic writer
Box 137 RKO Studios 1947
RMS Foundation, Inc.
See Queen Mary (ship).
Box 137 Road House Films 2005 - regarding "Visions from the edge: The art of science fiction"
Box 137 Roark, Byron L. 1971, 1977
Box 137 Robbins, Bruce 1961-1968, undated
Box 137 Robbins, Paul 1954, 1961-1967, undated
Box 137 Robbins, Tod 1945
Robbins, Trina
See Petit, Trina.
Box 137 Roberds, Sully (Clarence Williard) - "Illini Fantasy Fictioneer" letterhead
Box 137 Roberson, Katrinka 1971-1972, 1980, undated
Box 137 Roberts, Alan (Alano) 1938-1940
Box 137 Roberts, Bill 1962-1966, undated - includes original artwork
Box 137 Roberts, Helena and Kelvin 1975-1980, 1984, undated
Box 138 Roberts, Jeffrey 1995, 1999-2000, 2004, undated - includes design work related to Ebay auctions and to AMAZING FORRIES
Box 138 Robinett, Stephen 1977 - includes his story "The Tax Man"
Box 138 Robinson, Chris 1966, 1978, undated
Box 138 Robinson, Frank M. 1944-1947, 1951, 1954-1956, 1964, 1967-1971, 1978, 1980, 1985, 1988, undated (2 folders)
See also Greenleaf Publishing.
Box 138 RoboCup 98 1998 - documentary about challenges faced in development of AI, in which they try to teach robots how to play soccer
Box 138 Rock, Jim 1979-1980, 2000, 2004
Box 138 Rocklynne [Rocklin], Ross 1939, 1951-1952, 1962-1982, undated
Box 138 Rockman, Richard 1978
Box 138 Rocky Horror Picture Show (film) 1974 - FJA's blurbs for promotional use
Box 138 Roddenberry, Gene 1967-1968, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1991, undated - includes note from widow Majel Barrett; speech by FJA ("The Remarkable Roddenberry") delivered at the Count Dracula Society Awards Banquet
See also Star Trek.
Box 138 Roddy McDowall Fan Club 1976 - includes copies of newsletter
Box 138 Roe, Robin Rene 1977-1978
Box 138 Roeder, Larry 1970, 1977-1981, 1992, 1996, undated
See also LitSearch; Simon & Schuster.
Box 138 Roena Publications 1960
Box 138 Rogers, Alva C. 1942-1943, 1961-1962, 1965-1968, 1978, undated - includes issue of Lighthouse #5
Rogers, Buddy
See So Relle, Valerie.
Box 138 Rogow, Roberta 1978, 1984, 1987 - Other World Books
Box 138 Rogue Magazine 1959 - editors Harlan Ellison, Frank Robinson
Box 138 Rohauer, Raymond 1963
Box 138 Romani, George T. 1936, 1955
Box 138 Romer, Jean Claude 1962-1981, 1985, 1989, 1993, 1997, undated - includes press kit for Litan, a French horror movie for which Romer co-wrote the script (2 folders)
Box 138 Romero, George 1979, 1984, undated
Box 138 Roncoroni, P. 1946-1947
Box 138 Roogna, Martin 1974-1975
Box 138 Root, Jock 1961, undated
Box 138 Roper, Florence Wilson [circa 1945?]
Box 138 Rosberg, Olle 1981
Box 138 Rose, Christine (Lyons) 1970-1974, 1977, 1980-1981, undated
Box 139 Rosebud Books 1979-1980
Box 139 Rosen, Bob (Robert M.; "Batman") 1961-1963, 1969-1972, 1980, undated
Box 139 Rosen, Gene (Eugene) 1973-1978
Rosenberg, Conrad
See Tic-Tac-Toe (magazine).
Box 139 Rosenblum, J. Michael 1940-1947, 1979 - includes letter on behalf of the J. Michael Rosenblum Memorial Fund; letterhead Green Jester Press
Box 139 Rosler, David 2001
Box 139 Ross, Ron 1960, 1963, 1968-1969, undated
Box 139 Rostonovich, Bonnie 1979, undated - some items co-signed by Philip Reis, Kent Gould
Box 139 Rothman, Milt (Milton) 1931, 1939-1947, 1973
Box 139 Rotsler, William N. (Bill) 1947, 1967, 1969, 1972-1981, 1994, 1997, undated - includes original artwork
Box 139 Rovin, Jeff 1963-1969, 1973, 1978-1979
Box 139 Rowland, Betty 1968
Box 139 Rowland, Cynthia ("Birdgirl") 1966-1968, undated (2 folders)
Box 139 Roxburgh, Toby (F.H.) 1968-1969 - editor, Walker & Co.
Box 139 Roy George and Associates 1961, 1965
Box 139 Roy, Rosalie [1935]
Box 139 Royal Film Archive of Belgium 1970
Box 139 Rubin, Samuel K. 1963-1974, undated
Box 139 Rubin, Shirley circa 1969-1974
Box 139 Rudhyar, Dane 1955, undated
Box 139 Ruffalo, Michael 1988
Ruja-blu / Rujablu
See Ashley, Abby Lu.
Box 139 Running Press 1976, 1978
Box 139 Ruppert, Conrad H. 1932-1934, 1940 - letterheads include "The Time Traveler" and "Science Fiction Digest" (2 folders)
Box 139 Rusch, Kristine Kathryn 1996
Box 139 Russ, Joanna 1972-1974
Box 140 Russell B. Nye Popular Culture Collection (Michigan State University) 1980-1981
Box 140 Russell, David 1967-1968 - regarding his amateur movie "Siegfried saves Metropolis"
See also Writings by FJA : Screen treatments : Siegfried saves Metropolis
Box 140 Russell, Eric Frank 1939-1942, 1952, 1971, 1974-1975, undated
Box 140 Russell, Jessyca 1956-1958, 1962
Box 140 Russell, Marc M. 1968, 1976-1981, 2000, undated
Box 140 Russell, Ray 1954-1971, undated
See also Playboy.
Box 140 Russell, Samuel D. 1940, 1948, 1964-1967, 1975
Box 140 Rustycon 1992
Rutgeerts, Albert
See Van Hageland, A.E.
Box 140 Ruuth, Marianne 1961, 1963, 1966-1967, 1974, 1978-1981, undated
Box 140 Rybak, Tom 1965-1966, 1970, undated
Box 140 R, misc.: R. - Rose (8 folders)
Box 141 R, misc.: Rosi - Ry (3 folders)
Box 141 Saari, Oliver 1975
Box 141 Sackett, Sam 1949, 1952-1959, 1974, 1977-1979, undated - includes manuscript "The Ackerman Story" (2 folders)
Box 141 Sadoul, Jacques 1969-1982, 1996, undated - editor at Editions J'ai Lu; other names appearing include Josette and Barbara
Box 141 Sagan, Carl 1984
Box 141 Saha, Art, Taimi, and Heidi 1964-1984, 1988-1990, undated (4 folders)
Box 141 St. Clair, Margaret 1952, 1976
Box 141 St. Martin's Press 1972-1978
Box 141 St. Reynard, Geoff 1966, 1979
Box 141 Sainz, Salvador 1977-1978, 1984-1985, undated - includes photo of Sainz in Dracula costume
Box 141 Saleh, Dennis (Comma Books) 1978-1981, undated
Box 141 Salerno, Roger 1961-1964, undated
Box 141 Salmonson, Jessica Amanda 1978, 1996 - includes catalog from her Violet Books in Seattle
Box 141 Sammon, Paul M. 1978-1980, undated
Box 142 San Diego Comic-Con 1970-1981, 1984, 1996, 1999-2000
Box 142 San Jose Film Festival 1985
Box 142 Sanders, Ken 1970-1971
Box 142 Sansom, William 1948
Box 142 Santa Maria (CA) School District 1975 - letters from students
Santesson, Hans
See King-Size Publications.
Box 142 Sanz, Jose 1968-1972, undated - includes copy of speech at unidentified science fiction symposium
Box 142 Sapiro, Leland - incudes paper on general semantics
See also Terzian, Richard.
Box 142 Sapp, Ron
Box 142 Sargasso Bookshop 1967-1968, undated - Camille Cazedessus, Stuart Teitler
Box 142 Sasse, Horst
Box 142 Sasser, John W. 2008, undated - re FJA's appearance on show THREE LEGENDS
Box 142 Satel Doc Ltd. 1997
Box 142 Satellite (magazine) 1960
Satian, Al
See Kracalik, Al.
Box 142 Satty, Harvey J. 1971, 1975, 1977
Box 142 Saturday Evening Post 1966, undated - Ann Bayer
Box 142 Savory, Teo 1952
Box 142 Scardino, Carol 1973-1975, undated - president, International Christopher Lee Club; also Sam, Lisa, and Barbara Carruth (3 folders)
Box 142 Scarecrow Press 1972, 1975-1976
Box 142 Scaregrounds 1995 - FJA was GoH; Darcie LaMond organizer
Box 142 Scarlet Street 1992, 1996, undated
Box 142 Schalansky, Henry 1932
Box 142 Schary, William 1954, 1956
Box 142 Schecter, Harold 1979
Box 142 Scheib, Richard 1980
Box 142 Scherer, Joseph R. ("Joroso") 1957, 1960
Box 142 Scherl, Bob 1974, 1977, undated
Box 142 Schiff, Stuart David 1972-1973, 1980, undated
Box 142 Schleicher, Dave (Howard David) 1977-1982, 1986, undated
Box 142 Schlockoff, Alain 1969-1973, 1976-1980, 1988, undated
Box 142 Schluck, Thomas 1965, 1971-1980
Box 143 Schluck, Thomas 1981-1986, 1999, undated
Box 143 Schmarje, Harry 1941-1942
Box 143 Schmitz, Jim 1968, 1972-1973, 1979, undated
Box 143 Schmitz, John 1960, 1967
Box 143 Schneider, Don 1973
Box 143 Schnepf, Ed 1960-1961
Schoepflin, Harl and Ruth
See Vincent, Harl.
Box 143 Schofield, Penrod 1953
Box 143 Scholastic (publisher) 1968-1969, 1972, 1976-1977, 1982, undated
Schoncite International Productions
See Varno, Martin.
Box 143 Schow, David J. 1934, 1977-1978
Box 143 Schrader, Donald A. 1973
Schreck, Zeena
See LaVey, Anton and Diane.
Box 143 Schreiber, Norman 1965-1966
Box 143 Schuetz, Melvin H. 1995
Box 143 Schultheis, Steve and Virginia 1950, 1953, 1956, 1960, 1962, 1967, undated
Box 143 Schumann, Phil 1940-1941, 1945-1946
Box 143 Schuster, Hal and Jack 1984-1987, undated - publishers of Forrest Ackerman's Fantastic Movie Memories (2 folders)
Box 143 Schwartz, Bill 1962-1963, 1967 - includes some on Galaxy International Pictures letterhead
Box 143 Schwartz, Julius (Julie) 1931-1941, 1946, 1974, 1987, 1992, 1996, undated
Box 143 Schwartz, Ricky 1966-1969, 1978, 1990, undated
Box 143 Schwarzmann, Robert 1953-1954
Box 143 Schweitzer, Darrell 1976-1977
Schworer, Frank
See Herder & Herder.
The Sci-Fi Boys
See Davids, Paul.
Box 143 Sci-Fi Channel undated
Science Fantasy Foundation
See Fantasy Foundation.
Box 143 Science Fantasy Service 1948-1949
Box 143 Science Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) 1952
See also Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA).
Box 143 Science-Fiction Association 1937-1938, 1941 - G. Ken Chapman, Frank Arnold; includes copy of proposed Constitution
Box 143 Science Fiction Association of Colorado Springs 1985-1986 - issues of clubzine, Galactic Dispatch
Box 143 Science Fiction Book Club 1973-1981 - correspondence, statements, monthly mailings, etc. (2 folders)
Box 143 "Science fiction book project" 1976 - list of proposed board members
Box 143 Science Fiction Chronicle undated - includes "open letter" from FJA to readers
Box 143 Science Fiction Club Deutschland (SFCD) 1957-1958, 1964-1965, 1969, 1971-1972, 1979, 1984 - includes issue of their clubzine, ANDROMEDA
Box 144 Science Fiction Critic 1936, 1938, undated
Box 144 Science Fiction and Fantasy Art Show 1978-1979 - rules for entries in both film and art sections; FJA was a judge
Box 144 Science Fiction & Fantasy Film Society 1975-1978 - John Flory, president
Box 144 Science Fiction Foundation (North East London Polytechnic) 1971 - Charles Barren, chairman
Box 144 Science Fiction Horror & Fantasy Con/Expo 1976-1979, undated - organizers Douglas Wright, Robert Nudelman
See also International Society of Science Fiction, Horror, & Fantasy.
Box 144 Science Fiction League, Los Angeles (LASFL) [1934-1939] - newsletters, letterhead, minutes, etc.
Box 144 Science Fiction League, New York 1934, 1937, 1973-1974
Science Fiction Museum
See Los Angeles (City of).
Box 144 Science Fiction Oral History Association 1977, 1981, 1993
Box 144 Science Fiction Plus (magazine)
Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA)
Box 144 Correspondence 1970-1978, 1981-1983, undated
Box 144 Publications 1976, 1984-1985, 1988 - newsletter, membership directory, conference program, etc.
Box 144 Science Fiction Service 1938-1940 - editors E.J. Carnell, H.M. Crossen, V.H. Johnson
Science Fiction South Africa (SFSA) 1981-1982, 1984-1986, 1992 - issues of their clubzine PROBE
Box 144 Science Fiction Times 1968-1969 - editor Ann Dietz
Box 144 Science fiction tour, Russia 1981-1982
Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA)
See also Science Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA).
Box 144 Ace Books dispute 1976-1977
Box 144 Bulletin 1974-1979, 1998 (2 folders)
Box 144 Bylaws 1965, 1969
Box 144 Correspondence 1965-1982, 1997, 2006, undated (3 folders)
Box 145 Forum 1975, 1977, 1987-1988, 1997, 2003 (2 folders)
Box 145 Membership directories 1970, 1976-1979, 1997
Box 145 Nebula Awards 1966-1987, 1995, 2002, undated (3 folders)
Box 145 Speakers bureau
Box 145 Science Fiction Writer's Protective Association (SFWPA) 1964-1965
Box 145 Science Research Associates (SRA) 1956, 1967, 1980 - Alice Solomon
Box 145 Science Wonder Stories 1929 - includes author guidelines, photocopy and transcript of letter to editor from FJA age 12
Box 145 Scienti-Snaps [1940?] - to editor Wally Marconette, a list of "Second Anniversary Congratulations"
Scientifantasy Foundation
See Fantasy Foundation.
See Church of Scientology.
Box 145 Scithers, George 1960, 1979-1980, 1984 - includes letter from FJA on use of term "sci fi"
See also Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (Scithers was an editor).
Box 145 Scognamillo, Giovanni 1958-1965, 1975-1982, undated (2 folders)
Box 145 Scoones, Ian 1964
Box 145 Scortia, Tom 1971
Box 145 Scott Meredith Literary Agency 1952-1953, 1966, 1969, 1975-1976, 1982, undated - several of FJA's clients are mentioned/discussed
Box 145 Scott, Adrian 1963, 1965
Box 145 Screen Guide
Box 145 Screen Thrills Illustrated 1962-1964 - fan mail
Box 145 Scrimm, Angus 1976, 1979-1981, 2001, undated
Box 145 Scullin, Vincent 1941
Box 145 Searles, A. Langley 1942-1946, 1950, 1989, undated
Box 146 Sears, Mary 1971-1975, 1979
Box 146 Sebastian (publisher) 1970-1971 - editor Don Gibbons; includes Sebastian Graphics, Sebastian Paperbacks, Sebastian Books
Box 146 Sechrest, David 1988-1989, 1995
Box 146 Seger, Eugene 1950, 1959
Box 146 Sehnert, Art and Thelma 1943-1944 - includes letters to VoM
Box 146 Seitz, Eberhard 1957
Box 146 Selznick, Brian 2002
Box 146 Senda, George 1973, undated
Box 146 Sense of Wonder Press circa 2001 - Includes "Famous Forry Fotos" (2 copies) and "Ackermania" catalogs
Box 146 Septama, Aladra 1931
Box 146 September Films 2001
Box 146 Serling, Rod 1961, 1969-1970, 1975
Box 146 Seuling, Phil 1964, 1967-1971, 1974-1980
Severance Club
Box 146 Correspondence 1964, 1968-1972, 1976, 1978, 1981, undated - includes FJA's notes for a speech
Box 146 Meeting reminders 1960-1978 - postcards include date, location, topic, and speaker(s) (2 folders)
Box 146 Sevrin, Auriga Podkayne (Podkajno) 1974-1979, undated - husband Michael Colgan
Box 146 SF and Fantasy Workshop (Salt Lake City, UT) 1984-1993, 1998, 2006 - newsletters
Box 146 SFAN (Belgium) 1970
Box 146 SFExpo 1975-1976
Box 146 SFMovieland
"SFRS Interviewee Database"
Box 146 Shadle, Linda ("Dragonlady") 1979-1980, undated
Box 146 Shadowcon 1978-1981, 1992, undated - includes a few conference presentations
Box 146 Shamie, Al (Sham-Al) 1974-1975, 1985-1989, 1992, 1994, undated
Box 146 Shangri-L'Affaires 1944-1946, undated - correspondence, subscription list, draft layouts of a few pages, photocopies of covers/pages containing FJA contributions
See Fanzines : Shangri-L'Affaires for full issues.
Box 146 Shank, Walter E. (Wes) 1961-1974, 1979, undated
Box 147 Shasta Publishers 1947-1955, 1958, undated - editors Erle Melvin Korshak, Ted Dikty; includes mention of several FJA clients as well as correspondence from other publishers and individuals, e.g. Frederick Fell, Curtis Brown, Fred Shroyer, Len Moffatt, etc. (2 folders)
Box 147 Shaub, Karen 1973-1974, 1977-1980, undated - includes photos
Box 147 Shaver, Richard S. 1955, 1971, undated - includes issue of FORUM with letters about Shaverism
Box 147 Shaw, Bob 1955-1956, 1961, 1966, 1972-1973, 1977
Box 147 Shaw, Larry and Noreen 1943, 1955-1956, 1961-1967, 1970-1977, undated - includes issue of Axe fanzine, reports from Willis Fund Committee
Box 147 Shaw, Scott - original art: 3-page comic, "FANMAN: Special FJA Issue"
Box 147 Shay, Donald 1963, 1968, 1972
Box 147 Shea, Bob 1959, 1967-1968
Box 147 Shea, J. Vernon 1953-1956, 1966
Box 147 Shea, Michael 1977
Box 147 Shearer, Norma 1975
Box 147 Sheckley, Robert 1956, 1965, undated
See also Omni (magazine) (Sheckley was editor at one time)
Box 147 Shedlofsky, Walter 1975, 1977
Box 147 Sheffield, Dick 1964, 1971, 1980
Box 147 Sheldon, Lita 1980
Box 147 Shell Scott Mystery Magazine (LeMarg Publishing) 1966 - copyright certificates
Box 147 Shelps, George G. 1964-1966
Box 147 Shepard, Mark 1965-1967, undated - includes wife Mary Ann
Box 147 Sherbourne Press 1964-1972 - numerous FJA clients mentioned
Box 147 Sheridan, Jay and Jane 1965-1967, undated
Box 147 Sheridan, Max 1953-1954
Box 147 Sherlock Holmes Society 1971-1975
See Craycroft, Mary Jane.
Box 147 Sherman, Sam (Samuel M.) 1961-1965, 1970, 1973, 1976, undated
Box 147 Sherrard, Glenn 1967-1968, 1975 - some items related to 666 Film Productions
Box 147 Shibano, Takumi 1962-1987, 2001, undated
See also International Science Fiction Symposium.
Box 147 Shiels, Tony 1966
Box 147 Shimizu, Jun 1978, 1980 - contract regarding publication of souvenir book in Japan using FJA's collection
See also J & S International.
Box 147 Shiner, Lewis 1983
Shiras, Wilmar H.
See Dikty, Thaddeus E.
Box 147 Shirley, George E. 1968, 1977-1979 - relating to Shirley's lawsuit against NBC
Box 147 Shirreffs, Gordon D. 1994 - contract for Norwegian edition of one of his books
Box 147 Shoemaker, Greg 1968, 1972-1973
Shōtarō Onodera
See Ishimori, Shotaro [Ishinomori].
Box 147 Shonberg, Burt 1959, 1961, 1964, 1967
Box 147 Shroud Publishers 1954-1955, 1972-1973, undated
Box 147 Shroyer, Fred 1939, 1945-1950, 1958, 1961, 1966-1970, 1978-1980, undated - includes humorous piece on the disease of "scientificiona"
The Shudder Club
See Hefner, Hugh.
Box 148 Shut In Club 1951
Box 148 Siclari, Joe 1977, 1986, 1992
Box 148 Sidbrant, Anna [1982?]
Box 148 Siden, Hans (Hasse) 1957-1961, 1965, 1968-1971, 1979-1981, 1996, undated
Box 148 Siegel, Jerry (Jerome) 1931-1932, 1960, 1978-1980, 1986, undated - includes letters from early partner Douglas Considine
Box 148 Sieger, James 1960-1961
Box 148 Siegmund, Wolfgang 1966
Box 148 Siemon, Frederick 1971
Box 148 SiliCon 1992
Box 148 Silverberg, Robert (Bob) 1956-1980, 1984-1985, undated (2 folders)
Box 148 Silverman, Shirley 1965-1969
Box 148 Silverton & Silverton 1965, undated - attorneys; mention of Naomi Gordon
Box 148 Simak, Clifford D. 1948, 1954, 1956, 1971, 1974, 1981, 1984
Box 148 Simmons, Gene 1980, 2004
Box 148 Simmons, Jules 1947
Box 148 Simon & Schuster 1948-1953, 1961, 1964-1977, 1980-1981, undated - includes Trident Press
Box 148 Simon, Marge 1984, undated
Box 148 Simon, Renate 1963, 1996, undated
Box 148 Simon, Simone 1981, 1996, undated - includes fan mail, "My Star" gift
Box 148 Simon, Stanley 1976-1978
Box 148 Simpson, Colette 1978, 1980, undated
Box 148 Simpson, Dale V. 1931
Box 148 Sinclare, Anna (Moffat) 1964-1965, undated - includes odd letter about Jack Kerouac
Box 148 Singer Features 1972, 1977 - Kurt Singer
Box 148 Singer, Alex 1967, 1974-1975, undated
Box 148 Singleton, Earl 1940
Box 148 Sinkiewicz, Ray J. ("Rajocz") 1940-1941 - LASFS member; includes letter to VoM
Box 148 Siodmak, Curt 1953-1967, 1973-1976, 1979, 1982-2001, undated (2 folders)
Box 148 Sipos, Frank 1977, undated
Box 149 Sirois, Allen L. 1958, 1980
Box 149 Sisson, David 1962-1964
Sisu Publishers
See Petaja, Emil.
SITES (Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service)
See Smithsonian Institution.
Box 149 Skal, David J. 1964, 1966, undated
Box 149 Skelton, T.C. 1977-1981, undated
Box 149 Skidmore, Joe 1931-1934, 1950, undated - includes correspondence with his widow, Joane Cromwell
Box 149 Skinner, Margo 1941, 1966, 1968, undated
Box 149 Skotak, Bob 1975, 1977, 2000 - includes complete set of his "Red Star Rising" articles on Russian science fiction, published in Outre
Box 149 Slater, Ken 1947-1949, 1953, 1961-1962, 1965-1968, 1973, 1976-1981, 1984, undated
See also Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
Box 149 Slesar, Henry 1957
Box 149 Sloane, Bill (William M. III) 1954, 1959-1965, 1969-1970, 1974-1975, 1980
Box 149 Slotkin, Joseph 1951-1954
Slusser, George
See University of California, Riverside.
Box 149 Smekal, Mirek 1971, 1977-1979, undated
Box 149 Smith, Clark Ashton 1933, 1941, 1944, 1947, 1959-1961, 1965, 1969, undated - includes wife/widow Carol Wakefield
Box 149 Smith, David W. 1970-1971, undated
Box 149 Smith, E.E. "Doc" 1932, 1935, 1950, 1953, 1957, 1959, 1964, 1988, undated
See also Trestrail, Verna (daughter); Space Opera Productions Ltd.
Box 149 Smith, Evelyn E. 1952
Box 149 Smith, Geoffrey B. 1962
Box 149 Smith, George H. 1955-1956, 1968-1969, 1972, 1979, undated
Box 149 Smith, George L.
Box 149 Smith, Guy 1985-1986, 1996
Box 149 Smith, Irving 1935
Box 149 Smith, Jack 1978-1979 - includes FJA's proposal for "Wife Insurance" for women, in the event of their husband leaving them
Box 149 Smith, Leah Zeldes 1985
Box 149 Smith, Louis C. 1931, 1946-1947
Box 149 Smith, Phil and Slu 1980-1982
Box 149 Smith, Ron 1953
Box 149 Smithsonian Institution 1974, 1976, 1982-1986, 1999, undated
Box 149 Sneary, Rick 1947-1952, 1961-1984, 1988-1990, undated (2 folders)
Box 150 So Relle, Valerie 1971-1973 - some material associated with Buddy Rogers
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
Box 150 Correspondence 1970-1972, undated
Box 150 Publications 1970-1972, 1978-1980 - Pennoncel, Tournaments Illuminated, Ye Page, others (3 folders)
Society of Fantastic Films
See Nadler, Harry.
Box 150 Society for the Furtherance and Study of Fantasy and Science Fiction (SF3) 1972, 1988, 1992-1993, 1997, 2006
See also WisCon.
Box 150 Sogovision Inc. 1996 - permissions for tv show, "Cinematic Illusion"
Box 150 Somerville, David S. 1974-1977, 1980, undated
Box 150 Songero, Jay 1992
Box 150 Sorensen, Julie 1978-1981 - Starfleet of Idaho
Box 150 Soucek, Carol 1967-1968
Box 150 South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS) 1985-1993, 1998 - includes copy of their newsletter
Box 150 Southern California Scientifiction Association 1980 - meeting minutes
Box 150 Southern Fandom Confederation 1970, 1973-1977, 1980, 1998-1999 (2 folders)
Box 150 Southern Fandom Press Alliance (SFPA) 1962, 1969, 1978, 1981
Box 150 Southern Illinois University Press 1973, 1980, undated
See also van Vogt, A.E.
Box 150 Souto, Marcial 1968-1970, 1977, undated
Space Age Books
Box 150 Correspondence 1975-1980, undated
See also Graham, Ron; Binns, Merv and Helena (co-owners)
Box 150 Price lists (2 folders)
Box 150 Space Age Trust 2004 - unsigned contract for purchase of unspecified items from FJA's collection
Box 150 Space Opera Productions Ltd. 1983, 1985
Box 150 Spacemen 1961 - fan mail
See Writings by FJA : Zines : Spacemen for issues.
Box 151 Spacemen 1961-1967, 1971, 1974, 1992, undated - fan mail (7 folders)
See Writings by FJA : Zines : Spacemen for issues.
Box 151 Spaceway (magazine) 1969 - editor Bill Crawford; includes letter about FJA's column and his use of "sci fi"
Box 151 Spahn, Milton 1968-1975, undated
Specific Fiction Corporation
See Whitehorn, Chester (Chet).
Speed Devils (magazine)
See Epstein, Norman.
Box 151 Speer, Jack F. ("Juffus") 1938-1947, 1965, 1982, 1995, undated
See also de Courcy, Jack and Dot.
Box 151 Spencer, Paul 1941, 1945-1948, 1953
Box 151 SPFX 1977-1978
Box 151 Spiegl, Walt 1953-1958, 1962-1963 (2 folders)
See also Erich Pabel Verlag.
Box 151 Spielberg, Steven 1977-1978, 1981, 1984-1989
Box 151 Spingarn, Lawrence P. 1955-1958, undated
Box 151 Spinrad, Norman 1972, undated
Spock's Scribes
See Leonard Nimoy Association of Fans (LNAF).
Box 151 Sports Car Press 1969-1970, undated - editor Jae Greenberg
Box 151 Springer, Nancy 1981
Box 151 Springer, Sherwood 1955, 1975, 1978-1979, 1982, 1996, undated
Box 151 Squire, H. 1947-1948
Box 152 Squires, Linda E. 1971
Box 152 Squires, Roy A. (RAS; "Roi of Terra") 1937-1939, 1963, 1967-1971, 1976-1977, undated - includes quotes about Ackerman from HPL and CAS
Box 152 Stadinger, Paul E. 1977-1978
Stan's Weekly Express
Box 152 Correspondence 1970-1972
Box 152 Price lists 1970-1972 (4 folders)
Box 152 Standard Magazines, Inc. 1937, 1946-1954
See also Margulies, Leo and Cynthia; Merwin, Sam.
Box 152 Standard Oil Co. 1969-1970
Stanley, Margaret [pseudonym]
See Weinbaum, Stanley G.
Box 152 Stanley, Norman F. 1944, 1949
Box 152 Stanton, Diana (later Lipscomb, then Garbarino) 1966-1975, undated (2 folders)
See also Swift, Thad.
Stapledon Society
See Satty, Harvey J.
Box 152 Stapledon, Olaf 1943, 1946-1951, 1960, 1970, 1972, 1976 - includes some with his widow Agnes, photo montage titled "Staplecon #2"
Box 152 Star Sea Motion Picture Company 1978, 1983
Box 152 Star Search 1971 - judges' sheet with FJA's handwritten notes
Box 152 Star Trek 1968, 1973, 1977, undated - includes letters from Paramount, aspiring authors wanting to submit their scripts, etc.
See also Roddenberry, Gene; Memorabilia : Subject files : Star Trek
Star-Boy Productions
See Swift, Thad.
Box 152 Starcon 1976-1977, 1996
Box 152 Stardust (magazine) 1939
Box 152 Stark, Henderson 1950-1951
Box 152 Stark, James 1956
Box 152 Correspondence 1978-1985, undated - most relates to the Japanese version published by Tsurumoto Room Co. Ltd.
Box 152 FJA's articles 1986, undated - manuscripts for "Mr Sci-Fi sets the record straight" and 2 other articles; clipping of a letter to the editor
Box 153 Starzl, R.F. 1930-1933, 1950, 1959-1960, 1969-1970, 1974-1975, 1978, 1983, undated
Box 153 Steed, Richard 1974-1975, undated
Box 153 Steffek, Josef and Maria 1957-1958
Box 153 Stein, Bob
Box 153 Stein, Michael 1989, 1992 - proposal to form non-profit "Ackerman Archives"
Box 153 Steinberg, Flo 1969-1977, 1980, undated
Box 153 Steinberg, Gene 1975, undated
Box 153 Sten, Anna 1935
Stephen's Book Service
Box 153 Correspondence 1960, 1971-1975, undated
Box 153 Price lists 1946, 1968-1978, undated (4 folders)
Box 153 Steranko, Jim 1971, 1974-1977, undated
Box 153 Sterling, Kenneth 1935 - includes letter from UVSST, subset of IAOPUMUMSTFPUSA, Unltd.
Box 153 Sternbach, Richard 1953
Stetson, Mark - about loan of items to Columbia Pictures, filed with the studio
Box 153 Stevens, April 1966
Stevens, Brinke
See Brinkman, Charlene.
Box 153 Stewart, Bhob (Robert Marion) 1967
Box 153 Stewart, Don 1997
Box 153 Stickler, Pearl Rae 1974, 1978
Box 153 Stidworthy, David 1959, 1962-1966, undated
Box 153 Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek (Berlin Cinema Archives) 1980, 1984, 1987, 1990-1991, undated
Box 153 Stine, Hank 1951, 1967, 1969, 1979-1982, 1988, 1995, undated
Stine, Jean
Box 153 Correspondence 1994-1995, 2002-2004, undated - much of this relates to an anthology project, "365 Science Fiction Short Short Stories"
See also Writings by FJA : Books : Reel Future/Reel Mysteries.
Box 153 Reprint permissions 1994-1995
Box 153 Stoddard, Jim 1998 - copy of email from Ray Ferry to Stoddard, describing FJA's involvement in Famous Monsters, with FJA's handwritten annotations
Box 153 Stolaroff, David 1932-1935, 1962, 1975
Box 154 Stone, Graham B. 1947-1948, 1952-1961, undated (2 folders)
Box 154 Stone, Idella 1956, 1970, 1979-1980, undated - includes foreword and TOC for two anthologies
See also Hubbard, L. Ron : Correspondence (Stone was LRH's long-time secretary and ran a Dianetic center)
Box 154 Stone, Leslie F. 1930-1935, 1939, 1950-1953, 1956, 1963, 1966, 1969-1971, 1974-1975, undated (2 folders)
Box 154 Stone, Will 1975, 1977, 1981
See also Ware, Charles M.
Box 154 Storer, Norman 1946
Box 154 Stout, Leoda 1951 - close friend of Eric Temple Bell; letters are from her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Swift, regarding manuscript entitled SATAN'S DAUGHTER; may be more in Ackerman Agency.
Box 154 Stover, George 1964-1966, 1969-1972, 1977-1981
Box 154 Stover, Leon 1984-1985, 1988
Box 154 Strandberg, Lars-Olov 1972, 1979
Box 154 Straßl [Strassl], Hubert 1968
Straßova [Strassova], Helena
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 154 Strauss, Rick (Ulrich O.) 1953, 1955, 1966, 1988, undated
Box 154 Strawn, Linda 1970-1981, 2001, undated
Box 154 Street & Smith Publications 1938-1942, 1947-1955
Box 154 Strelkov, Mae 1974
Box 154 Strete, Craig
Strick, Phil
See British Film Institute.
Box 154 Strickert, Mark 1993, 1996-1997, 1999
Box 154 Strickland, A.W. 1980-1982
See also T.I.S. Publishing.
Strieber, Whitley
See Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine.
Box 154 Stroup, William 1961-1962, 1966, 1968, undated
Box 154 Studebaker, Don [circa 1960]
Box 154 Studley, Bob 1940
Box 154 Sturgeon, Theodore 1947, 1949, 1953, 1965, 1974, 1980, 1984-1985
Box 154 Stygian Isle Press 1976-1977 - editors Jonathan Bacon, Steve Troyanovich
Box 154 Suchartikul, Somtow 1985, 1992
Box 154 Sullivan, Mark 1979
Box 154 Sullivan, Tim 2004, 2006, undated
Box 154 Summercon [1977]
Box 154 Summers, Murray (2 folders)
Box 155 Supernatural Stories 1954 - editor John Manning
Box 155 Suspense 1950-1951 - editor Ted Irwin
Box 155 Sustarsic, David 1969-1970, undated (2 folders)
Box 155 Suzuki, Mel (M.T.) 1964, 1970
Box 155 Svehla, Gary J. 1964, 1966, 1982, 1984, 1988
Box 155 Swain, Dwight V. 1953-1961, 1978-1981, 1984
Box 155 Swann, Thomas Burnett 1972-1973, 1976 - includes letter from his mother in response to FJA's condolences on Swann's death
Box 155 Swanson, Carl 1932-1933, 1936, 1946
Box 155 Sweeney, Toni 1988 - includes paper about Lon Chaney, by her son John
Box 155 Swicegood, Tom 1959
Box 155 Swift, Thad 1956-1958, 1975, 1979-1981, undated
Box 155 Swigart, Leslie Kay 1974-1975
Box 155 Swisher, Robert D. (Bob) 1939, 1941
Box 155 Sydney Science Fiction Foundation 1970, 1980
Box 155 Sykora, Will (William S.) 1932, 1935
Syms, H.N. (Norman)
Box 155 Correspondence 1948, 1952, 1961-1969, 1973-1974, 1981-1982
Box 155 Price lists 1958-1980
Box 155 Syracuse University 1963-1988, undated - correspondence, donation lists, deeds of gift, invitations to events, etc. (4 folders)
Box 155 Szentmihályi Szabó, Peter 1976-1977 - includes handwritten poem dedicated to FJA
Box 155 S, misc.: S. - Sall
Box 156 S, misc.: Salm - Simpk (11 folders)
Box 157 S, misc.: Simps - Ston (12 folders)
Box 158 S, misc.: Stor - Sz (4 folders)
Box 158 T.I.S. Publishing 1980-1983, 1987-1988 - Raymond Tichenor, president
Box 158 T-K Graphics 1973-1974, 1977, undated
Box 158 Tabakow, Lou 1953-1954, 1972, 1978-1979, undated
Box 158 Tabb, Lamar 1964-1967
Box 158 Tackett, Roy (LeRoy) 1941-1945, 1963, 1982
Box 158 Taggart, Jill 1967, 1976, 2001 - Martin Varno's sister
Taine, John
See Bell, Eric Temple.
Takacs, Ronnie and Steve
See Stephen's Book Service.
Box 158 Takei, George 1976, undated
Box 158 Talbert, Grace 1933, undated - includes original artwork
Box 158 Taliaferro, Merle 1979-1980
Box 158 Tallone, Andrew 1970
Box 158 Tanner, Charles R. 1930-1931, 1954, 1960, 1971-1972, 1997, undated - includes letter from FJA age 14
Box 158 Taplinger Publishing Company 1970-1980
Box 158 Tarr, Dale 1947
Box 158 Tarzan Clans of America 1939 - C.R. Rothmund, "Chief Scribe"
Box 158 Taubman, Ben 1963, 1966, undated
Box 158 Taurasi, James W. 1939, 1952-1956, 1961-1964, undated - some on Fantasy Times and Monster Times letterhead; includes one item from "Dynamite" Taurasi and one from his sister Millie Marceau
Box 158 Taylor, Beatrice (Bea) 1969-1972, undated
Box 158 Taylor, "Ernestine" (Mrs. Ernest) 1946
Box 158 Taylor, Jeanne 1952
Box 158 Teitler Film Inc. 1998
Box 158 Teitler, Stuart 1964-1981 - bookseller (Kaleidoscope Books) and bibliographer
See also Sargasso Bookshop.
Box 158 The Telepath [circa 1950?] - letter to editor from FJA
Television Academy
See Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (ATAS).
Box 158 Television France 1973
Temple of Set
See also Aquino, Michael.
Box 158 Correspondence 1975-1978, 1982, 1985
Box 158 The Crystal Tablet of Set
Box 159 The Scroll of Set 1975-1981, 1984
Box 159 Miscellaneous - reading list, questionnaire, informational brochure, etc.
Box 159 Temple, William F. (Bill) and Joan 1943-1986, 1989, 1991, undated - includes partial typescript (pp. 8-12) with detailed descriptions of how to create special effects for film Four Sided Triangle based on Temple's novel (5 folders)
Box 159 Tempo Books undated - Charlotte Gordon, "proposal of literary marriage"
Box 159 Tepper, M.B. 1969, 1974
Terminus, Owlswick, & Ft Mudge Electrick St. Railway
See Owlswick.
Box 159 Terra Fantastica 1992
Box 159 Terrain Vague undated - editor Eric Losfeld; includes announcement for French edition of Barbarella
Box 159 Terwilleger, Guy and Diane 1960
Box 159 Terzian, Richard 1955, 1964
Box 159 Tessmer-Osten, Lilo 1967, 1969, 1972, 1974, undated
Box 159 Test, Roy (Ro-Jo, Roj, Roj-Ro-To) 1935-1937, undated
Box 159 Thadewald, Wolfgang 1962, 1980-1981, undated
Box 159 Thailing, Bill 1964-1968, undated (2 folders)
Box 159 Thatcher, Diana 1966, 1973-1974
Box 159 Thatcher, Torin 1980-1981 - fan mail from Famous Monsters readers, unopened
Box 159 Theatre Poster Exchange 1962-1963
Box 159 Theta Books Inc. 1979-1981 - Virgil Wilhite
Box 159 Theta Cable 1975, undated - includes something called "Z Channel"
Box 159 This Week 1956, 1969, 1983, undated
Box 160 Thole, Karel 1977
Box 160 Thomas Bouregy and Company
Box 160 Thomas Nelson Inc. 1969-1976, 1984 (2 folders)
Box 160 Thomas Y. Crowell (publisher) 1947, 1967, 1970-1973, 1976, 1981, 1994, undated
Box 160 Thomas, Roy 1974
Box 160 Thomasson, Randy
Box 160 Thompsett, Dennis and Neal 1998
Box 160 Thompson, D.B. 1941-1944, 1947
Box 160 Thompson, E.P. 1972-1973
Box 160 Thompson, Earl A. 1969-1974
Box 160 Thompson, Russell G. 1974-1976 - includes photos of Leonard Nimoy speaking at Florida Tech in Orlando
Box 160 Thompson, Willard D. 1946, 1964-1967, 1971-1972, 1975, undated
Box 160 Thorne, A.C. (Tony) 1954, 1970 - includes witness testimony from author Rolf Hochhuth in a lawsuit
Box 160 Thrupp, Irene 1941, 1943, 1970-1981, 1987-1988, 1992, 1995-1996, 2003-2004, 2006, undated - mostly personal, about stamps and stamp collecting
See also Hubbard, L. Ron.
Box 160 Tibbetts, James C. (Jim) 1948, 1969-1975
Box 160 Tic-Tac-Toe (magazine) 1958-1960 - editor Richard Plumbley
Box 160 Tiger (magazine) 1956 - editor George Fox Jr.
See Eyde, Edythe (Tigrina).
Tillinghast, Cynthia
See A.S. Barnes and Company.
Box 160 Time Life 1947, 1972, 1975
Box 160 The Time Machine (bookstore) 1972-1974 - owner Ivor A. Rogers
Box 160 The Time Traveler 1932 - includes typed list of issues wth page count, contents
Box 160 Timpone, Anthony 1985
Box 160 Tippett, Phil 1968, undated
Box 160 Tiptree, James A. 1974-1975
Box 160 To Tell The Truth 1969-1970 - includes transcript of FJA's appearance on the show
Box 160 Toby (publisher) 1953
Box 160 Today's Woman 1952, undated
Box 160 Toho Co. Ltd 1961, 1964
See Noda, Koichiro.
Box 160 Tolkien Society 1966-1971, 1979 - includes 3 issues Tolkien Journal
Box 160 Tolkien, J.R.R. 1959 - one item about, nothing to or from
Box 160 Tolley, Tom undated
Box 160 Tomlin, Lily [1981] - one item to, nothing from
Box 160 Tonik, Albert 1978, 1980, [1982]
Box 160 Tooker, Richard 1956, 1967-1973, 1985
Box 160 Torgeson, Roy 1977-1979
Box 160 Tors, Ivan L. 1954-1956, 1959
Box 160 Toskey, Burnett R.
Box 160 Tourneur, Jacques 1966
Box 160 Tower Publications 1967, 1975, 1980-1981, undated
Box 160 Train, Ossie (Oswald) 1946-1957, 1960-1961, 1966-1970, undated
Box 161 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF) 1956, 1959-1966, 1971-1974, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1992-1993, undated
Box 161 Transgalaxis 1949, 1957-1958, 1965-1969, 1974, 1977-1981, 1986-1992, 1997, 1999, 2005, undated - Heinz Bingenheimer (2 folders)
Box 161 Treasury Department, Bureau of Customs (NYC) 1967-1968 - includes letter from FJA complaining about censorship
Box 161 Trelawney, Mary ("Teddy") 1967-1981
Box 161 Tremaine, F. Orlin 1940, undated - editor, Astounding
Box 161 Trestrail, Verna 1965, 1975-1980 - daughter of E. E. "Doc" Smith; includes correspondence etc. regarding complaints that Bill Ellern was writing stories set in Smith's Lensmen universe; requests from FJA for payments due to E. Everett Evans' widow; etc.
Box 161 Tribble, Dave 1971, undated
Trieste Science Fiction Film Festival
See Festival Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza.
Box 161 Trimble, Bjo and John 1959-1985, 1992-1993, 1997, 1999, undated (3 folders)
Box 161 Triton Books 1981-1982, undated - Gray Levett
Box 161 Tropicon 1984
Box 161 Troup, Dave 1976-1977
Box 161 Trover Hall Publishing 1946
Troyanovich, Steve
See Stygian Isle Press.
Box 161 Truchaud, Francois 1970, 1992
Box 161 TRUE Magazine 1975, undated
Box 161 TSR, Inc. 1980s
Tsurumoto, Shozo
See Starlog; J & S International.
Box 161 Tubb, E.C. (Ted) 1954-1957 - includes checklist of his stories
Box 161 Tuck, Donald H. 1958-1959, 1978, 1981, undated
Box 161 Tucker, Bob (Arthur Wilson) 1934, 1939-1946, 1954, 1956, 1961, undated (2 folders)
Box 161 Tullis, George 1946, 1975-1976, undated
Box 161 Tunick, Dan 1978-1979
Box 162 Turkeys in Outer Space (movie) 1992
Box 162 Turner, Harry 1942, 1945-1947
Box 162 Turner, Paul 1959, 1962, undated
Box 162 Tuscon 1990
Box 162 Tutihasi, R. Laurraine 1975-1980, 1988, 2004, undated
Box 162 Tuttle, Bill and Anita 1975-1980, undated
Box 162 Tuvikene, Tiina 1966-1967
Box 162 TV Guide 1969, 1971, 1977
Box 162 TVOntario 1989
20th Century Fox
Box 162 Correspondence 1966-1982, 1993, undated (2 folders)
Box 162 Publicity
Box 162 The Twilight Zone (television show) 1959-1963 - includes Fred Engel, Ashley-Steiner Enterprises
Box 162 2 on the Town (KNX/TV) 1982
2001: A Space Odyssey (film)
See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).
Box 162 Twomey, Darthe 1971-1972, 1976, 1979, 1981, undated
Box 162 Tymn, Marshall 1977-1981
Box 162 T, misc: Ta - True - includes exchange of letters with a Mrs. S.H. Taylor "terminating" her son Gene's association with FJA; letter from Chris Thoreson apologizing for having stolen items from FJA (6 folders)
Box 163 T, misc: Trup - Ty (2 folders)
Box 163 Uhara, Shoko 1961-1963, 1977, undated
Box 163 Uitgeverij "Het Spectrum" 1962, 1965, 1968-1971
Box 163 Ulakovic, John 1992
Box 163 Ultimate Publishing Co. 1952, 1966-1968, 1979-1980, undated
See also individual titles, e.g. Amazing Stories, Fantastic Stories.
Box 163 Unbehaun, Klaus 1955, 1958-1967, 1970-1980, undated (2 folders)
Box 163 Unger, Julius (Julie) 1935, 1939-1944, 1949, 1961-1965, undated - Fantasy Fiction Field, Jay's Corner (2 folders)
Box 163 United Artists Corporation 1970, 1975-1978, 1981
Box 163 United Fanzine Organization (UFO) 1980 - several issues of their newsletter, Tetragrammaton Fragments
Box 163 United Jewish Welfare Fund 1980 - includes program from dinner at which FJA was honoree
Box 163 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1977 - Science Study Aids
Box 163 United States Postal Service 1949, 1961-1962, 1967-1981, 1985, 1988, undated (2 folders)
Box 163 Universal Horror 1998 - program by Photoplay Productions featuring FJA
Universal Studios
Box 163 Correspondence 1932, 1935, 1955-1961, 1965-1981, 1988, 1997-1999, undated
See also Cinefantastique Enterprises and American Cinematheque.
Box 163 Publicity
Box 163 Universal-International Pictures 1952, 1955, 1959 - John Granara
Universala Esperanto-Asocio
Box 164 Correspondence 1950, 1962-1978, 1992, undated - includes chief delegate D. E. Parrish
Box 164 Printed items 1962, 1965, 1969-1971, undated
Box 164 University of Birmingham 1965
Box 164 University of California Alumni Association 1967, 1977, undated - most relates to the class of 1937, FJA's year
Box 164 University of California Extension, various campuses 1969, 1971-1978, 2002, undated
Box 164 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) 1946, 1952, 1961, 1965-1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, undated - includes transcript of "University Explorer" radio episode about Atlantis, gift acknowledgements, discussion of oral history interview with FJA, newsletters from their Film and Television Archive, etc. (2 folders)
Box 164 University of California, Riverside 1971, 1979-1983, 1987-1988
Box 164 University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) 1974
Box 164 University of Colorado 1967
Box 164 University of Kansas 1969-1974, 1979-1980, undated - includes James Gunn
Box 164 University of New Mexico Science Fiction Club [1980s] - issues of clubzine Alpha Centura Communicator
Box 164 University of San Francisco 1971-1972 - relates to their "Science Fiction Week"
Box 164 University of Southern California 1970-1971, undated
Box 164 University of Texas at Austin 1966-1967, 1973
Box 164 University of Wyoming 1966-1976 (3 folders)
Box 165 University of Wyoming 1976-1988, undated (2 folders)
Box 165 Universum Film Aktiengesellschaft 1930-1933
See also May, Joe and Mia : Universum-film aktiongesellschaft.
Box 165 Urban, Helen 1953-1957, 1961-1980, 1984-1985, 1988, 1991, undated (2 folders)
Box 165 Urpheant, Jean Claude 1966
Box 165 Urrea, Luis 1978, undated
Box 165 Utley, Steven 1965, 1967, 1971-1974, undated
Box 165 U, misc (3 folders)
Valente, Rene
See The Day the Earth Stood Still (film).
Box 165 Valentine, Cristina 1958-1959, 1963-1964, 1967-1972, 1977-1980, undated
Box 165 Vallejo, Boris 1979-1984
Box 165 Vampire Film Partnership 1987
Box 165 Vampirella 1972-1981, 1990, 2005, undated - correspondence, clippings, fan mail, lyrics to theme song
See also Writings by FJA : Series : Vampirella.
Box 165 Vampiricus 1997
Box 165 Van Aduard, Teresa Diana Lewe 1956
Box 165 Van Arnam, Dave 1967
Box 165 Van Besser, Dirk
Box 165 Van Hageland, Albert 1958-1971 - editor at Literair Agentschap Delta and possibly De Schorpioen (2 folders)
Box 166 Van Hageland, Albert 1972-1984, 1990, undated
Box 166 Van Hise, James 1974, 1985, 1989, 1998
Box 166 Van Houten, Ray 1938-1940, 1954-1957, undated
Box 166 Van Name, E.J. 1930
Box 166 Van Sloan, Edward 1963-1964 - fan mail from Famous Mpnsters readers
Box 166 Van Sweringen, Alexandra 1975, 1977
Box 166 Van Toorn, Kees 1971-1976, undated
van Vogt, A. E.
Box 166 Correspondence 1942-July 1971 - includes some with first wife, E. Mayne Hull, second wife Lydia; correspondence is with van Vogt as well as with others on his behalf such as agents, agencies, publishers, and individuals. These include Ace, Avon, Bar-David, Berkley, Charles Tuttle, Delta Literary Agency, Dilia, Doubleday, E.J. Carnell, Macfadden-Bartell; Ian and Betty Ballantine, Tom Dardis, Leslie Flood, Anne Lenclud, Frederik Pohl, Maurice Renault, Frank Schworer, A. Van Hageland, and Donald Wollheim, to name only those that appear most often. (8 folders)
Box 167 Correspondence Aug 1971-1984 (11 folders)
Box 168 Correspondence 1985-1996, 2000, undated (4 folders)
Box 168 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1947-1993, undated - includes domestic and foreign publication rights as well as various kinds of adaptations, translations, reuse, etc. (5 folders)
Box 168 Royalties 1950-1972 (2 folders)
Box 169 Royalties 1973-1992, 2003, 2005, undated (5 folders)
Box 169 Writings by - ChiCon speech, several statements/essays on science fiction, author's explanation of Slan, 2 interviews, article on how to use pictures in writing, introductions to various stories, eulogy for wife, etc.
Box 169 Miscellaneous - publicity, lists of stories, FJA blurbs, etc.
Box 169 Van Vooren, Monique 1978
Box 169 VanCin Films 1978 - contract for movie "The Lucifer Chest"
Box 169 Vanguard Amateur Press Association (VAPA) 1945, 1948
Box 169 Vanguard Press 1950-1954
Box 169 Varese Sarabande Records 1980 - Scot Holton
Box 169 Variety (magazine) 1967-1972, 1979, undated
Box 169 Varley, John 1975, 1977
Box 169 Varma, D.P. 1968, 1980-1981, undated
Box 169 Varno, Martin (Vuerhard) 1954-1962, undated (2 folders)
Box 169 Varno, Roland
Box 169 Vasquez, Elena 1946-1947, undated
Box 169 Veevers and Hensman Ltd. 1960
Box 169 VegaCon 1978
See Varno, Martin.
Box 169 Venable, Lyn 1952-1962, 1972, 1985, 1988, undated
Box 169 Venery, William D. 1940
Box 169 Venture Science Fiction [circa 1950?] - editor Robert P. Mills
Box 169 Verasdonck, Peter 1976-1981, 1985, undated
Box 169 Vereinigte Buhnen Wien / Theater an der Wien 1997 - Wolfgang Stögmann; relates to their production of "Dance of the Vampires," a musical based on Roman Polanski's "The Fearless Vampire Killers"
Box 169 Verrill, A. Hyatt 1996
Box 170 Versins, Pierre 1957-1961, 1965, 1968-1974, 1977, 1980, undated - includes reprint of his 1968 article "Voyage en pays de conjectures" signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 170 Vertex 1972-1973, undated - includes originals of FJA's "Cosmic Report Card" (aka "world's shortest sci fi story"); letter of gratitude to FJA
Box 170 Vertlieb, Steve and Erwin 1963-1980, 1987, 2000, 2003-2004, undated (2 folders)
See also Cinemacabre.
Box 170 Veryzer, Lyn Morgan ("Lt. Alura Hall") 1964, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1980-1981, undated
Box 170 Vest, Tom 1972, 1978-1981
Vice Versa
See Reid, Ann Carll.
Box 170 Video Dungeon 1997
Box 170 Videocraft 1965
Box 170 Videowest 1981
Box 170 Vigil, Luis 1967-1968, 1971
See also Nueva Dimension.
Box 170 Viking Press 1949-1951, 1966-1977
Box 170 Villard, Bob 1971, 1980, 1982, 1993, 2000, undated
Box 170 Vincent Price Appreciation Society 1990 - clubzine, in German
Box 170 Vincent, Harl (H.V. Schoepflin) 1932, 1962-1969, undated - also wife and daughter, both named Ruth; includes correspondence with van Vogt (2 folders)
Box 170 Vinge, Joan 1980
Box 170 Vinson, Stan 1966, 1969, undated
Box 170 Voice of the Imagination (VOM) letters, A-Le 1938-1946 - letters to editors FJA and Morojo, subscriptions, comments, contributions, etc.; includes notable early fans such as Syd Beach, Robert Bloch, Barbara (Bobby) Bovard, Walt Dunkelberger, Joe Fortier, Paul Freehafer, Rusty Hevelin, Arthur Joquel (Alojo), more. (2 folders)
For the fanzine itself, including drafts, covers, notes, production, and final issues, see Writings by FJA : Zines : Writings by FJA : Zines : Imagination (Madge)/Voice of the Imagination (VOM) for issues, drafts, covers, etc.
Box 171 Voice of the Imagination (VOM) letters, Li-Z and unidentified 1938-1946 - includes Walt Liebscher, Len Moffatt, Milt Rothman, Larry Shaw, John Wasso, Norman Willmorth, more (3 folders)
Box 171 Volitant Publishing 1949, 1951, 1956 - publishers of Sir! and Mr. magazines
Box 171 Volkert, Otto 1961-1962, undated
Box 171 Vollmann, Peter H. 1980-1983, 1995
Box 171 Von Bosau, Walter 1980, 1984-1985, undated
Box 171 von Bulow, Erik, Helga, and Sophie 1977-1979, undated
Box 171 von Gunden, Kenneth [1962], 1979
Box 171 Von Harbou, Thea 1976
See also Metropolis (film).
Box 171 The Vortex 1947
Box 171 Vos, Dries 1992-1993, 1997, undated
Vosburgh, Kristian (Kris)
See Count Dracula Society.
Vosburgh, Linda
See Cervon, Linda.
Vuerhard, Martin Frederick
See Varno, Martin.
Box 171 Vulcan Productions 2003
Box 171 V, misc (5 folders)
Box 171 W.W. Norton and Co. 1967-1968, 1972
Box 171 Wagener, Siegfried 1952
Box 171 Wagenknecht, Edward 1946
Box 171 Wagner, Karl Edward 1970
Box 171 Wait, Robert A. 1932, 1934 - author
Box 172 Waite, Ron 1962-1963, 1967-1969, 1975-1979, 1982-1983, undated - undated material includes very funny short piece composed almost entirely of titles of horror/monster movies (4 folders)
Wakefield, Carolyn
See Smith, Clark Ashton (husband).
Box 172 Wald, Dick 1965-1969, undated
Box 172 Waldeyer, Graph 1941
Box 172 Walker & Co. 1968-1974, 1977
See also Roxburgh, Toby (F.H.).
Walker, Beverly
See van Vogt, A.E.
Box 172 Walker, Cedric 1949-1951
Box 172 Walker, Jessie E. 1944-1945
Waller, Gabrielle
See Cummings, Ray and Gabrielle.
Box 172 Wallis, B. (Bruce) 1931-1932
Box 172 Wallis, Cathy 1957-1960, undated
Box 172 Walsen, Frederick John 1934, 1941
Box 172 Walsh, Terry 1964-1971, 1978, 1988
Walt Disney
Box 172 Correspondence 1955, 1966, 1969, 1971-1972, 1979, 1981
Box 172 Publicity (3 folders)
Box 172 Walt Disney Imagineering 1987
Box 172 Walton, Bryce 1951
Box 172 Wannen, Rich 1961-1966, 1978, undated
Box 172 Ward, Don 1947-1948 - Western Printing and Lithographing Company
Box 172 Ward, Gladys R. (Mrs. Harold) 1976
Box 172 Ware, Charles M. 1975-1977 - includes blurb from Robert Bloch about Ware's art
Box 172 Warner Books 1967, 1973-1977 - includes Warner Paperbacks, Warner Publishing, etc.
Warner Bros.
Box 173 Correspondence 1954, 1970-1978, 1992, 1998, undated
Box 173 Press releases (3 folders)
Box 173 Publicity - catalogs, brochures, etc.
Box 173 "Rambling Reporter" newsletter 1972-1974 (2 folders)
Box 173 Screening invites
Box 173 Miscellaneous
Box 173 Warner, Harry Jr. 1939-1947, 1953-1956, 1963, 1967-1979, 1983, 1986, 1993, 1995, 2002, undated (2 folders)
Box 173 Warner-Crozetti, Ruth [circa 1939], 1970-1971
Box 173 WARP (magazine) 1970
Box 173 Warren Publishing 1960-1972
See also Warren, Jim; Famous Monsters material.
Box 174 Warren Publishing 1973-1982, 1992, undated (2 folders)
Box 174 Warren, Bill and Beverly 1959-1980, 1985, undated - includes 2 items by Warren, on Karloff and on Stephen King (4 folders)
See also Memorabilia: Notes, FJA and assistants : Bill Warren.
Box 174 Warren, Jim 1957-1974 (5 folders)
These folders contain a few items which researchers may find offensive (e.g. nude photographs with accompanying comment). These are retained in order to provide a complete picture of Ackerman's correspondence.
See also Warren Publishing; Stoddard, Jim; Famous Monsters material.
Box 175 Warren, Jim 1975-1982, 1992, 1996-2000, 2003-2004, undated (6 folders)
Box 175 Warren, Thelma and David [1947 or 1948]
Box 175 Warren, Val (Valmore) 1964, 1970, 1979-1980, undated - includes typescript, "The Fantafilm World of Val Warren"
Box 175 Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA) 1969-1975, 1981-1983 - issues of clubzine; includes special edition devoted to DISCLAVE 69 (4 folders)
Box 175 Washington, Raymond Jr. 1941-1944
Box 175 Wasso, John 1941, 1947-1950, 1954, 1957, 1971, 1974, 1977-1979, undated (2 folders)
Box 176 Wathen, Stephen ("Rotwang") 1965, 1968-1973, 1979-1980, undated - Carl-Davis Productions
Box 176 Watson, Bill 1943, 1945, 1957, 1961, 1968, undated
Box 176 Waxman, John W. 1973-1976, undated - most of this concerns the Perry Rhodan books (2 folders)
See also Ace Publishing/Ace Books (Waxman was a VP of Ace at one point)
Box 176 WDME (radio station) 1971 - Al Taylor
Box 176 Webster, Bud (C. Howard) 1974
Box 176 Webster, Doug 1940-1943
Box 176 Weddle, Jerry 1971-1973, undated
Box 176 Weekley, Maurice (Maury) 1952, undated
Box 176 Wehrle, Joe 1968-1971[?]
Box 176 Weidenfeld, George and Nicholson 1952
Box 176 Weider Periodicals Inc. 1957-1958
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
See also Kay, Margaret, and Eugene M. Jr. (widow and son)
Box 176 Correspondence 1945, 1947, 1955-1956, 1961, 1966-1985, 1990-1995, 1998, 2000, undated (2 folders)
Box 176 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1969, 1973-1984, undated
Box 176 Royalties 1969-1981
Box 176 Miscellaneous - clippings, photocopies, etc.
Box 176 Weinberg, Herman G. 1963-1966, 1976, undated
Box 176 Weinberg, Robert 1972, 1976-1984
Box 176 Weird Tales 1936, 1941, 1981-1988, undated
Box 176 Weird Tales Club [1937 or 1938], 1959 - Martin Ware, Secretary
Box 176 Weiser, Marty 1950
Box 176 Weisinger, Mort 1931-1932, 1939, 1966
Box 176 Weisman, Jacob 1969, 1995, 1997, undated
Box 176 Weiss, Bob 1977
Box 176 Weist, Jerry 1963, 1966, 1971, 1973, 1995, 1998-1999, 2002, undated
Box 177 Welch, Lavon 1970
Box 177 Wellman, Manly Wade 1966-1970, 1974-1976, 1979, undated - some may be with his son Wade Wellman
Box 177 Wells, Basil 1946, 1972
Box 177 Wells, Charles 1952, 1954, 1961-1962
Box 177 Weltman, Manny (Manuel) 1963-1966, 1969, 1973, 1998, undated
See also Count Dracula Society (Weltman was co-founder).
Box 177 Wendroff, Gail 1967-1970
Box 177 Wentz, Walter J. 1965-1967
Box 177 Wertenbaker, G. (Green) Peyton 1950
Box 177 Wessolowski, Hans W. 1977
Box 177 Wesson, Helen
West (magazine)
See Essoe, Gabe and Donna.
Box 177 West Coast Comics Club (WCCC) 1976
Box 177 West, Wallace 1934, 1952, 1959, undated
Box 177 Westcott, Dorothy 1962
Box 177 Westercon 1952, 1958, 1962-1969, 1973-1980, 1983, 1987, 1997-1998, undated
Western Printing and Litho
See Ward, Don.
Box 177 Western Reserve Historical Society 1993
Western Times Co. Ltd.
See Jarman, Peter J.
Weybrew, John
See Demon Dracula (film).
Box 177 Whale, James 1957, 1986, 1998 - includes clippings about
Box 177 Whalen, Tim 1974-1975, 1981, undated
Box 177 Wheeler, Mari Beth 1944
Box 177 White, Adria [circa 1945?]
Box 177 White, Alan 1962-1966, 1969, 1975, 1984, undated - may contain several different Alan Whites
Box 177 White, Allen 1963, 1982
Box 177 White, James 1952-1954, 1986
Box 177 White, Ted 1961, 1967, 1975, undated - with John D. Berry, co-editors of EGOBOO; includes FJA's response to White's editorial in Amazing
Box 177 Whitehorn, Chester (Chet) 1952-1954, undated - Authentic Publications, Specific Fiction Corp.
Box 177 Whittington, George A. 1947, 1950
Box 177 Wiater, Stanley 2000 - related to television show Dark Dreamers
Wick, Pat
See A.R. Pragare, Inc.
Box 177 The Wicker Man (film) 1973
Box 177 Widner, Art Jr. 1940-1946
Box 177 Wiggins, Olon F. 1936-1938
See also Colorado Fantasy Society.
Box 177 Wiggins, Thomas V. 1998
Box 177 Wilcox & Follett Co. 1954 - Esther K. Meeks, editor
Box 177 Wilcox, Don 1952, 1984-1985
Box 177 Wild, Felice and Michael 1967, 1981, 1988
Box 177 Wilder, Cherry 1976
Box 177 Wilhelm Heyne Verlag 1968-1971, 1974-1975, 1979
Box 177 Wilhite, Virgil 1975-1978, undated
See also Theta Books, Inc.
Box 177 Wilkinson, Clark 1962-1963, 1969, 1973-1974, undated - Society of Cinema Collectors and Historians; Cinemaddict; Cinematist
William Castle Productions
See Castle, William.
Box 177 William Heineman Ltd. 1954, undated
Box 177 Williams, Arthur F. 1941
Box 177 Williams, Eric C. 1939, 1948
Williams, James A. (Jim)
See Prime Press.
Box 177 Williams, Joe Bob 1969-1970
Box 177 Williams, Lucy Chase 1975-1976, 1993, 1996, undated
Box 177 Williams, Myra 1949
Box 178 Williams, Nick Boddie 1957
Box 178 Williams, Randy 1967, undated
Box 178 Williams, Robert Moore 1966-1970, undated
See also Manolakos, Susan (daughter).
Box 178 Williamson, Jack 1947-1966, 1970-1981, 1985-1988, undated (2 folders)
Box 178 Willis, Walt 1950-1955, 1961-1962, 1965-1966, 1972, 1999, undated
Box 178 Willits, Malcolm 1961-1966, 1969, undated
Box 178 Willmorth, Gus (Norman) 1941-1945
Box 178 Wilson, Bill 1979 - relates to "Jeanie," a project by FJA that appeared in Wilson's QUESTAR #4 (Aug 1979)
Box 178 Wilson, Don 1947-1948, 1969
Box 178 Wilson, F. Paul 1957, 1964, undated
Box 178 Wilson, Harry 1966-1969, 1973, 1981, undated
Box 178 Wilson, Dick (Richard Jr.; "Dikibirdo") 1936-1939, 1944, 1954, 1958-1967, 1972-1977, undated
Box 178 Winans, Del 1977
Box 178 Winfrey, Oprah 2003
Box 178 Winogura, Dale 1981
Box 178 Winstead, D.E. 1951
Box 178 Winter, Pat 1975-1977
Box 178 Wiscon 1999
Witch's Dungeon Classic Movie Museum
See Hull, Cortlandt.
Box 178 Witchcraft and Sorcery Convention 1971-1975
See also Fantasy Publishing Co., Inc.; Crawford, Bill and Peggy (Finn).
Box 178 Witter, Dick 1949, 1964, 1968-1976, 1979-1980, undated
Box 178 Wnoroski, Jim 1972-1974
Box 178 Wojciechowski, Elaine 1967, 1972-1975, 1978, 1980-1981, undated
Box 178 Wolf Detlef Rohr 1957-1960, undated - editors include Walter Ernsting and Rainer Eisfeld
Wolf, Irma "Corky"
See Reid, Ann Carll.
Box 178 Wolf, Mari 1955
Box 178 Wolfe, Gene 1979, 1985 - includes typescript of his GoH speech at AussieCon 2/Worldcon 43
Wollheim, Donald A.
Box 178 Correspondence 1934-1948 - undated material includes short piece, "In Defense of Michelism"
See also Ace Publishing/Ace Books; DAW Books.
Box 179 Correspondence 1949-1985, 1988, undated (8 folders)
Box 179 Contracts, agreements, etc. 1950-1953, 1971, 1984, undated
Box 179 Wolpert, Dorothy 1980 - related to lawsuit involving Harlan Ellison
Box 179 Wolter, Jon 1930, 1963-1964
Wonder Stories
Box 179 Correspondence 1930-1936
Box 179 Letters to the editor, transcribed 1935 - from various authors, most on the topic of science fiction
See Writings by FJA : Zines : Wonderama.
Box 179 Wood, Ed (Edward D., Jr.) 1959, 1966, undated
Box 179 Woodward, Sheila 1968-1969
Box 179 Wooley, Charles (Chuck) 1969, undated
Box 179 Woolston, Stan 1947-1948, 1953-1958, 1962, 1965-1975, 1978, 1980, undated
World Editions Inc.
See Gold, H.L..
Box 179 World Fantasy Convention 1975-1977
Box 180 World Future Society 1969, 1975, 1977
Box 180 World Girdler's International Science League
See Harry, Vernon W.
Box 180 World of Horror 1975 - Lee Kennedy
Box 180 World Horror Convention 2003
World Mystery Convention (Bouchercon)
See Boucher, Anthony.
Box 180 World Publishing Company 1955-1958, 1961-1964, 1968-1971
Box 180 World Science Fiction Association 1980 - T.G. Albertson
Box 180 World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon) 1939-1942, 1946-1951, 1954-1987, 1991-1998, 2003-2004, undated (5 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Conventions : World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon).
Box 180 World Science Fiction Society (WSFS) 1958, 1962, 1964, 1979, 1981, 1984 - includes letter from Len Moffatt as well as copies of constitution and a few proposed amendments
Box 180 World Science Fiction Writer's Conference 1976
Box 180 World SF 1981-1984, 1988
Box 180 World Space Federation circa 1980 - Carol Nevins, president
Box 180 World's Company 1948
Box 180 Worlds of Tomorrow (magazine) 1967, 1971
Box 180 Worts, George F. 2004 - from his grandchildren
Wrather Port Properties, Ltd.
See Queen Mary (ship).
Box 180 Wray, Fay 1989, 1992 - from FJA only, nothing from her
Wright, Douglas
See International Society of Science Fiction, Horror, & Fantasy; Science Fiction Horror & Fantasy Con/Expo.
Wright, Mary Maude Dunn
See Lorraine, Lilith.
Box 180 Wright, S. Fowler (Sydney) 1946, 1952-1956, 1975-1977 - includes sons Nigel, Augustin, and Roger
Box 180 Wright, Sewell P. 1930-1933, 1949-1951, 1954-1955, 1960, 1965, 1969-1970
Box 180 Wright, Tom 1939-1945
Box 180 Writer's Digest 1949, 1952-1953, 1957, 1965, 1971-1976, 1981 - includes Writer's Market
Box 181 Writers Guild of America 1955, 1958, 1969, 1977
Box 181 Wyatt, Clay 1957, 1959
Box 181 Wyatt, Ron 1957, 1971
Box 181 Wylie, Philip 1945, 1951, undated
Box 181 Wyndham, John 1950-1953, 1968, 1972, 1998
Wynorski, Jim
See New World Pictures, Inc.
Box 181 W, misc.: W - Will (8 folders)
Box 182 W, misc.: Wils - Wy (5 folders)
Box 182 Xanadu Publications 1988
Box 182 XIP (Xerox Individualized Publishing) 1977 - proposal for "instant anthologies"
Box 182 X, misc
Box 182 Yandro 1963
Box 182 Yano, Tetsu 1952-1987, undated (2 folders)
Box 182 Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
See also Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA).
Box 182 Yeaworth, Irvin Shortess (Shorty) 1969
Yellow Hat Productions
See Davids, Paul.
Box 182 Yerke, T. Bruce (Tobojo, Tubby) 1940-1944, 1953, 1960, 1964, 1978, 1987, 1993, undated - includes lengthy tribute to Paul Robinson Freehafer, "Memoirs of a Superfluous Fan," other pieces on fandom
See also Los Angeles Science Fiction Society (LASFS).
Box 182 Yolen, Jane 1977-1978
Box 182 Yong's Artists 1973
Box 182 You Asked For It (tv show) 1981
Box 182 You Bet Your Life (tv show) 1993
Box 182 Youd, C.S. (Christopher Samuel) 1939-1940, undated
Box 182 Young, A.T. 1932
Box 182 Young, Frederick K. 1979, 1981
Box 182 Young, Robert F. 1955
Box 182 Young, Roger Flint 1949, 1951
Box 182 Youngman, Hungate & Leopold 1979
Box 182 Y, misc.
Box 182 Zagat, Arthur Leo 1947-1949
Box 182 Zane Grey Western Magazine 1976
Box 182 Zebra Books 1976, 1978 - editor Barbara Grossman
Box 182 Zebrowski, George 1974
Box 182 Zeldis, Leon 1964, 1986, 1988
Box 182 Zellner, Johnny 1953, 1966, 1969, 1974, 1978-1979, undated
Box 183 Zentner, David 1955-1956, 1959, 1961, 1974 - Dee Publishing; Spree magazine
Box 183 Zer, A. 1981
Box 183 Zest (magazine) 1955
Zimmer, Marion Eleanor
See Bradley, Marion Zimmer.
Box 183 Zimmer, Paul Edwin 1961, 1975
Box 183 Zimmerman, Grady 1964-1967, 1976-1977, 1984
Box 183 Ziniewicz, John 1979
Box 183 Zinnamon, Jerry 1957-1958, undated
Box 183 Zito, Zachary 2008 - includes 8x10 photo of Carl Laemmle receiving honorary scroll, with many notable producers, directors, and writers in the audience
Box 183 Zoldak, George 1970-1972
Box 183 Z, misc (2 folders)
First name only
Box 183 Albert, various
Box 183 Avril 1962 - from England; very intimate letters, possibly a girlfriend
Box 183 A, misc. (3 folders)
Box 183 Bill, various - includes list of fictional titles that were written on the "spines" of FJA's bookshelf wallpaper
Box 183 Bob, various
Box 183 B, misc: Ba - Bet
Box 184 B, misc: Bev - Bu
Box 184 Chris, various
Box 184 C, misc. - includes letter from FJA to "Celeste of my long-ago youth"; a letter from "Claire & Voyant" about Shaverism (2 folders)
Box 184 Dan, various
Box 184 Dave/David, various - includes letter on Spectra-Magic Color Process
Box 184 Dick, various
Box 184 Don, various - includes letter about starting the Big Pond Fund, which became TAFF
Box 184 D, misc. - includes several letters from a couple who signs "DAMPAM" (2 folders)
Box 184 E, misc. - includes letter from FJA referencing "youthful affair" (2 folders)
Box 184 F, misc.
Box 185 G, misc. - includes letter from a Gloria regarding a letter FJA wrote to her (2 folders)
Box 185 Harry, various
Box 185 Helen, various
Box 185 Henry, various - includes 1938 letter with vivid descriptions of SF people including Derleth, Bloch, Margulies, etc.
Box 185 H, misc.
Box 185 I, misc.
Box 185 Jack, various
Box 185 Jerry, various
Box 185 Jim, various - many of these may be Jim Warren (2 folders)
Box 185 Joe, various
Box 185 John, various
Box 185 J, misc. - includes letter from FJA to a Joan where he discusses VOM and Vomaidens (2 folders)
Box 185 K, misc: K - Ke
Box 186 K, misc: Ki - Ku
Box 186 Larry, various
Box 186 Les, various
Box 186 L, misc. - includes self-published collection of poetry by "Londa" (3 folders)
Box 186 Mark, various
Box 186 Mike, various
Box 186 M, misc. - includes letter from a Margaret about leaving her estate to the Ackermansion; letter from FJA to "Mouny et Jacqueline," two French models (3 folders)
Box 186 Norm, various
Box 186 N, misc.
Box 186 O, misc.
Box 186 Paul, various
Box 186 Pete, various
Box 186 Phil, various
Box 187 P, misc.
Box 187 Q, misc.
Box 187 Randy, various
Box 187 Ray, various
Box 187 Ron, various
Box 187 Ron, various - includes letter from a Ricky mentioning HOMBRES DEL FUTURO, an Argentine fanzine (2 folders)
Box 187 Sam, various
Box 187 Svetlana / Tlana - appears to be girlfriend/lover, no return address
Box 187 S, misc (2 folders)
Box 187 Ted, various
Box 187 Tom, various
Box 187 T, misc. (2 folders)
Box 187 U, misc.
Box 187 V, misc.
Box 187 Walt/Walter
Box 187 W, misc.
Box 188 Miscellaneous multiple, outgoing - includes letters from FJA to groups of friends/fans/clients, generic form letters, etc. (2 folders)
Box 188 Miscellaneous multiple, incoming - mostly Halloween cards signed by lots of people
Box 188 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, outgoing - from FJA; second folder includes some items of particular interest (8 folders)
Box 189 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, outgoing - from FJA (5 folders)
Box 189 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, incoming - to FJA; first few folders contain items of particular interest (7 folders)
Box 190 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, incoming - to FJA (11 folders)
Box 191 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, incoming - to FJA (5 folders)
Box 191 Miscellaneous unidentified or illegible, indeterminate - unable to tell if these are to or from FJA
Box 191 Miscellaneous fragments, outgoing (2 folders)
Box 191 Miscellaneous fragments, incoming (3 folders)
Box 192 Miscellaneous fragments, incoming (2 folders)
Box 192 Miscellaneous chain letters - a few include FJA annotations
Box 192 Miscellaneous social events - flyers, advertisements, brochures for wide variety of events, including films, parties, concerts, lectures, author appearances, concerts, etc. (7 folders)
Box 193 Miscellaneous social events (6 folders)
Famous Monsters
This series includes fanmail, contest submissions, fan reactions to Monstercon, fan reactions to the deaths of Lon Chaney and Boris Karloff, mention of convention "Son of Famous Monsters of Filmland"; drafts of articles and issues, notes between FJA and Jim Warren, and so on. Note that after FM's sister magazine MONSTER WORLD folded, the publisher determined that those 10 issues would serve as 70-79. Regular numbering resumed with Issue 80.
Box 194 Articles about FM
Box 194 Editorial correspondence 1960-1983, 1999, undated - includes letter about lawsuit by FM against New Line Cinema/Gene Simmons regarding Detroit Rock City (1999) and letter from JW asking FJA not to mention Wendy or his friends in FM (18 Nov 1966) (9 folders)
Editorial files
Box 194 Issue #1 1958
Box 194 Issue #2 1958
Box 194 Issue #4 1959
Box 194 Issue #6 1960
Box 194 Issue #7 1960
Box 194 Issue #8 1960
Box 195 Issue #9 1960
Box 195 Issue #10 1961
Box 195 Issue #11 1961
Box 195 Issue #12 1961
Box 195 Issue #13 1961
Box 195 Issue #14 1961
Box 195 Issue #15 1962
Box 195 Issue #16 1962
Box 195 Issue #17 1962
Box 195 Issue #18 1962
Box 195 Issue #19 1962
Box 195 Issue #20 1962
Box 195 Issue #21 1963
Box 195 Issue #22 1963
Box 195 Issue #23 1963
Box 195 Issue #24 1963
Box 195 Issue #25 1963
Box 195 Issue #26 1964
Box 195 Issue #27 1964
Box 196 Issue #28 1964
Box 196 Issue #29 1964
Box 196 Issue #30 1964
Box 196 Issue #31 1964
Box 196 Issue #32 1965 (2 folders)
Box 196 Issue #33 1965
Box 196 Issue #34 1965
Box 196 Issue #35 1965
Box 196 Issue #36 1965
Box 196 Issue #37 1966
Box 196 Issue #38 1966
Box 196 Issue #39 1966
Box 196 Issue #40 1966
Box 197 Issue #41 1966
Box 197 Issue #42 1967
Box 197 Issue #43 1967
Box 197 Issue #44 1967
Box 197 Issue #45 1967
Box 197 Issue #46 1967
Box 197 Issue #47 1967 (2 folders)
Box 197 Issue #48 1968
[Issue #49 not present in the collection]
Box 197 Issue #50 1968
Box 197 Issue #51 1968
Box 197 Issue #52 1968
Box 197 Issue #53 1969
Box 197 Issue #54 1969
Box 197 Issue #55 1969
Box 197 Issue #56 1969
Box 197 Issue #57 1969
Box 197 Issue #58 1969
Box 198 Issue #59 1969
Box 198 Issue #60 1969
Box 198 Issue #61 1970
Box 198 Issue #62 1970
Box 198 Issue #63 1970
Box 198 Issue #64 1970
Box 198 Issue #65 1970
Box 198 Issue #66 1970
Box 198 Issue #67 1970
Box 198 Issue #68 1970
Box 198 Issue #69 1970
Box 198 Issue #70 1964 - originally Monster World #1 (Nov 1964)
Box 198 Issue #71 1965 - originally Monster World #2 (Jan 1965)
Box 198 Issue #72 1965 - originally Monster World #3 (Apr 1965)
Box 198 Issue #73 1965 - originally Monster World #4 (Jun 1965)
Box 198 Issue #74 1965 - originally Monster World #5 (Oct 1965)
Box 198 Issue #75 1966 - originally Monster World #6 (Jan 1966)
Box 198 Issue #76 1966 - originally Monster World #7 (Mar 1966)
Box 198 Issue #77 1966 - originally Monster World #8 (May 1966)
Box 198 Issue #78 1966 - originally Monster World #9 (Jul 1966)
Box 199 Issue #79 1966 - originally Monster World #10 (Sept 1966)
Box 199 Issue #80 1970
Box 199 Issue #81 1970
Box 199 Issue #82 1971
Box 199 Issue #83 1971
Box 199 Issue #84 1971
Box 199 Issue #85 1971
Box 199 Issue #86 1971
Box 199 Issue #87 1971
Box 199 Issue #88 1972
Box 199 Issue #89 1972
Box 199 Issue #90 1972
Box 199 Issue #91 1972
Box 199 Issue #92 1972
Box 199 Issue #93 1972
Box 199 Issue #94 1972
Box 199 Issue #95 1973
Box 199 Issue #96 1973
Box 199 Issue #97 1973
Box 199 Issue #98 1973
Box 199 Issue #99 1973
Box 199 Issue #100 1973
Box 200 Issue #100 (cont.) 1973
Box 200 Issue #101 1973
Box 200 Issue #102 1973
Box 200 Issue #103 1973
Box 200 Issue #104 1974
Box 200 Issue #105 1974
Box 200 Issue #106 1974
Box 200 Issue #107 1974
Box 200 Issue #108 1974
Box 200 Issue #109 1974 (2 folders)
Box 200 Issue #110 1974
Box 200 Issue #111 1974 (2 folders)
Box 200 Issue #112 1974
Box 201 Issue #113 1975
Box 201 Issue #114 1975
Box 201 Issue #115 1975
Box 201 Issue #116 1975
Box 201 Issue #117 1975
Box 201 Issue #118 1975
Box 201 Issue #119 1975
Box 201 Issue #120 1975
Box 201 Issue #121 1975
Box 201 Issue #122 1976
Box 201 Issue #123 1976
Box 201 Issue #124 1976
Box 201 Issue #125 1976
Box 201 Issue #126 1976
Box 201 Issue #127 1976
Box 202 Issue #128 1976
Box 202 Issue #129 1976
Box 202 Issue #130 1976
Box 202 Issue #131 1977 (2 folders)
Box 202 Issue #132 1977
Box 202 Issue #133 1977 (2 folders)
Box 202 Issue #134 1977
Box 202 Issue #135 1977 (2 folders)
Box 202 Issue #136 1977 (2 folders)
Box 202 Issue #137 1977 (2 folders)
Box 203 Issue #138 1977
Box 203 Issue #139 1977
Box 203 Issue #140 1978
Box 203 Issue #141 1978 (2 folders)
Box 203 Issue #142 1978
Box 203 Issue #143 1978
Box 203 Issue #144 1978
Box 203 Issue #145 1978
Box 203 Issue #146 1978
Box 203 Issue #147 1978
Box 203 Issue #148 1978
Box 203 Issue #149 1978
Box 203 Issue #150 1979
Box 203 Issue #151 1979
Box 204 Issue #152 1979 (2 folders)
Box 204 Issue #153 1979
Box 204 Issue #154 1979
Box 204 Issue #155 1979 (2 folders)
Box 204 Issue #156 1979
Box 204 Issue #157 1979 (2 folders)
Box 204 Issue #158 1979
Box 204 Issue #159 1979
Box 204 Issue #160 1980
Box 204 Issue #161 1980
Box 205 Issue #162 1980
Box 205 Issue #163 1980
Box 205 Issue #164 1980
Box 205 Issue #165 1980
Box 205 Issue #166 1980
Box 205 Issue #167 1980 (2 folders)
Box 205 Issue #168 1980 (2 folders)
Box 205 Issue #169 1980
Box 205 Issue #170 1981
Box 205 Issue #171 1981
Box 205 Issue #172 1981
Box 205 Issue #173 1981
Box 205 Issue #174 1981
Box 205 Issue #175 1981
Box 206 Issue #176 1981
Box 206 Issue #177 1981
Box 206 Issue #178 1981
Box 206 Issue #179 1981
Box 206 Issue #180 1982
Box 206 Issue #181 1982
Box 206 Issue #182 1982
Box 206 Issue #183 1982
Box 206 Issue #184 1982
Box 206 Issue #185 1982 (2 folders)
Box 206 Issue #186 1982
Box 206 Issue #187 1982
Box 206 Issue #188 1982
Box 207 Issue #189 1982
Box 207 Issue #190 1983
Box 207 Issue #191 1983
Box 207 Issue #200 1993 - at this point in time, FM as run by FJA and Jim Warren had ceased publishing; it was revived in 1993 by Ray Ferry, and the issues hereafter were published under Ferry (this resulted in a lawsuit, the materials of which can also be found in this collection)
Box 207 Issue #203 1994
Box 207 Issue #204 1994
Box 207 Issue #206 1995
Box 207 Issue #208 1995
Box 207 Issue #209 1995
Box 207 Issue #210 1995
Box 207 Miscellaneous - unidentified issues, or "stock" material to be used as needed (5 folders)
Box 208 Miscellaneous - unidentified issues, or "stock" material to be used as needed (11 folders)
Box 209 Miscellaneous - unidentified issues, or "stock" material to be used as needed (10 folders)
Fan mail
Box 210 Fan mail, selected items
Box 558 Fan mail Jan 1958-Jul 1961 - currently unsorted in the processing area; will be sorted chronologically (11 folders)
Box 559 Fan mail Jul 1961-Mar 1962 (10 folders)
Box 560 Fan mail Apr 1962-Sep 1962 (10 folders)
Box 561 Fan mail Oct 1962-Apr 1963 (10 folders)
Box 562 Fan mail Apr 1963-Jul 1963 (9 folders)
Box 563 Fan mail Jul 1963-Nov 1963 (9 folders)
Box 564 Fan mail Nov 1963-Jul 1964 (9 folders)
Box 565 Fan mail Aug 1964-Mar 1965 - Sep 1964 includes a fanmail contest sponsored by Aurora Plastics, in which contestants sent in a bio of themselves to win a monster action figure (11 folders)
Box 566 Fan mail Mar 1965-Aug 1965 (11 folders)
Box 567 Fan mail Sep 1965-Mar 1966 (10 folders)
Box 568 Fan mail Apr 1966-Nov 1966 (13 folders)
Box 569 Fan mail Dec 1966-Jun 1968 (11 folders)
Box 570 Fan mail Jun 1968-Sep 1969 (12 folders)
Box 571 Fan mail Oct 1969-Nov 1970 (11 folders)
Box 572 Fan mail Dec 1970-May 1972 (11 folders)
Box 573 Fan mail Jun 1972-Jun 1973 (11 folders)
Box 574 Fan mail Jun 1973-Mar 1974 (11 folders)
Box 575 Fan mail Apr 1974-Feb 1975 (10 folders)
Box 576 Fan mail Feb 1975-Aug 1975 (11 folders)
Box 577 Fan mail Aug 1975-Jul 1976 (12 folders)
Box 578 Fan mail Aug 1976-May 1977 (11 folders)
Box 579 Fan mail Jun 1977-Apr 1978 (12 folders)
Box 580 Fan mail Apr 1978-Sep 1978 (12 folders)
Box 581 Fan mail Oct 1978-Jul 1979 (12 folders)
Box 582 Fan mail Jul 1979-Feb 1980 (11 folders)
Box 583 Fan mail Feb 1980-Dec 1980 (11 folders)
Box 584 Fan mail Jan 1981-Feb 2003 (16 folders)
Box 585 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 586 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 587 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 588 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 589 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 590 Fan mail undated (9 folders)
Box 591 Fan mail undated (9 folders)
Box 592 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 593 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 594 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 595 Fan mail undated (11 folders)
Box 596 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 597 Fan mail undated (10 folders)
Box 598 Fan mail undated (8 folders)
Box 193 Fan mail (legal-size paper) undated
Box 210 Indexes (2 folders)
Box 210 Monster Critic applications (5 folders)
Box 210 Promotional materials
Box 210 Submissions (2 folders)
Box 211 Submissions (11 folders)
Box 212 Submissions (4 folders)
Box 212 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Fanzines are arranged alphabetically by title. For each title, the editor(s) and issue number(s) are given, where possible. Some of the fanzines bear address labels showing that they were sent to someone other than Ackerman. It is not clear how these items ended up intermingled with Ackerman's papers; presumably the original recipients passed them on to him.
Box 213 & 1980 - editor/publisher: Sawyer, Andy
Box 213 ! 1993 - editor/publisher: Humphries, Bill; issues: 1
Box 213 A Propos de Rien 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Caughran, Jim; issues: unnumbered
Box 213 Abanico 1961-1962 - editor/publisher: Bowers, Bill; issues: 1, 5
Box 213 Abattoir 1973 - editor/publisher: Dorr, James ; issues: 4
Box 213 Abolitionist 1963 - editor/publisher: Roberts, Phil; issues: 1; for N'APA
Box 213 The Abyssinian Prince 1997 - editor/publisher: Burgess, Jim
Box 213 Ack on his Back! - editor/publisher: Burbee, Charles Jr.; issues: 1
Box 213 The Acolyte 1945 - editor/publisher: Laney, Francis T.; Russell, Samuel D. ; issues: 11, unnumbered page; includes an additional writing 'The Scientifictional History of the Future' by Elmer Perdue
Box 213 Ad Infinitum 1980 - editor/publisher: Salzar,Shirin (pub); Locke, John (ed); sponsored by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Club'
Box 213 Adventure Notebook 1978 - editor/publisher: Brown, Carl; issues: 1
Box 213 Adventurers Magazine 1961 - editor/publisher: Kurman, Michael; Acker, Robert; issues: 2
Box 213 Aeon 1984 - editor/publisher: Ramos, Cesar Ignacio; issues: 1
Box 213 After the Flood 1976 - editor/publisher: Griffin, David; issues: 101 [actually, issue no. 5, but this is what is on pub]
Box 213 AirGlow 1988 - editor/publisher: Bohman, T.L.; issues: 2
Box 213 Alarums and Excursions 1977 - editor/publisher: Gold, Lee
Box 213 Alex's Restaurant 1984 - editor/publisher: Stewart, Alex; issues: 2-3
Box 213 Alexiad 2003 - editor/publisher: Lisa and Joseph Major; issues: vol 2 no 2
Box 213 Algol 1971 - editor/publisher: Porter, Andrew; issues: 17
Box 213 The Alien Critic 1973 - editor/publisher: Geis, Richard E.; issues: 4
Box 213 All Agog 1982 - editor/publisher: Sawyer, Robert J.; pub by Ontario Science Fiction Club
Box 213 The Alliance Amateur 1965, 1979, 1993 - editor/publisher: Gatewood, Timothy A.; issues: (pages from 24, 30 and 31), 81 (uncollated and incomplete), 139, 140-141; official organ of the Neffer Amateur Press Alliance (N'APA) (2 folders)
Box 213 Alpha Centura Communicator, The [1980?], 1982, 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Haas, Eleen; issues: 52-53, 79-80, 82-83, 89, 92-93, 96; in Italian
Box 213 Alternativa [1978] - editor/publisher: Caimmi, Giuseppe; Nicolazzini, Piergiorgio
Box 213 Ambrosia 1972 - editor/publisher: Gullette, Alan D.; issues: 1
Box 213 Andromeda Nachrichten 1970, 1980, 1993 - editor/publisher: Reichrath, Armin; issues: 3, 64, 132; in German
Box 214 Andromeda Nachrichten 1993, 2007 - editor/publisher: Reichrath, Armin; issues: 145, 217; in German (2 folders)
Box 214 Ankus 1982 - editor/publisher: Pelz, Bruce; issues: 32
Box 214 Ansible 1980, 1983-1985, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2001 - editor/publisher: Langford, Dave; issues: 9, 33-35, 40-42, 44, 50, 59, 62, 123, 162
Box 214 Antipodes 1956 - editor/publisher: Harding, Leo J.; issues: 1
Box 214 Antipodes Observer 1972 - editor/publisher: O'Brien, Michael; issues: 6
Box 214 Anubis 1968 - editor/publisher: Willis, Paul J.; issues: v.1 no.2-4
Box 214 Anvil 1983-1985 - editor/publisher: Proctor, Charlotte; issues: 31, 34-36; Birmingham Alabama SF Club
Box 214 Aotearapa circa 1980's - issues: unknown; assortment of indivual contributions, not collated
Box 214 APA Bu Gnus 1987 - editor/publisher: Gatewood, Tim; issues: 3
Box 214 APA David [1979] - editor/publisher: Cargo, David S.; issues: 5
Box 214 APA-69 - editor/publisher: Mings, Brenda; issues: 57
Box 214 APA-F [1960s] - issues: 45, unnumbered
Box 214 APA-H 1979, 1992, undated - issues: 65, 86, miscellaneous pages
Box 214 APA-L 1967-1968 - editor/publisher: Jumper, George Gwynn, others; issues: 157, 181; includes duplicates
Box 214 APA-L 1969 - issues: 207, 209
Box 215 APA-L 1970 - issues: 234, 239, 245, 253, 254, 258, 260, 263-265, 281, 284, 289-290 (6 folders)
Box 216 APA-L 1970-1971 - issues: 291-293, 298-299, 306, 309, 312, 315, 333, 339 (8 folders)
Box 217 APA-L 1971-1972 - issues: 341, 350, 358-359, 363-364, 368, 370-377 (7 folders)
Box 218 APA-L 1972-1976 - issues: 380-384, 388, 413, 441, 489, 493, 534, 545, 551, 567, 569-570, 572-574, 582 (8 folders)
Box 219 APA-L 1976 - issues: 583-585, 587-589, 592-598 (7 folders)
Box 220 APA-L 1976-1977 - issues: 598-609 (8 folders)
Box 221 APA-L 1977 - issues: 610-617, 620-622, 627-629 (8 folders)
Box 222 APA-L 1977-1978 - issues: 634, 636, 639, 641, 662, 671-676, 678, 680-684 (9 folders)
Box 223 APA-L 1978-1982 - issues: 684-687, 689, 691-693, 733-734, 750, 783, 788, 905, 914-919 (8 folders)
Box 224 APA-L 1982-1983 - issues: 920-938, 940-947, 949-958; no.942 mistakenly numbered as 842 on cover (9 folders)
Box 225 APA-L 1983-1985 - issues: 959-979, 986, 993-998, 1004, 1009, 1011, 1013, 1020, 1048-1049, 1051-1052 (9 folders)
Box 226 APA-L 1985-1990 - issues: 1053-1054, 1057, 1069, 1093, 1096, 1099-1102, 1104, 1111, 1113-1116, 1218, 1230-1231, 1325-1326, 1329-1330 (8 folders)
Box 227 APA-L 1990-1993 - issues: 1331-1332, 1358, 1392, 1427-1428, 1439-1440, 1444, 1447, 1460 (3 folders)
Box 227 APA-NU 65 1980 - issues: 73/75
Box 227 APA-NYU 1978 - editor/publisher: Mazursky, Frederic M.; issues: 41
Box 227 APA-Q 1980 - issues: 143
Box 227 APA-RISFA 1985 - editor/publisher: D'Ammassa, Don/Sheila/David; issues: 1; Rhode Island Science Fiction Association
Box 227 Apathy [Australia] 1979
Box 227 Apathy [US] 1980 - editor/publisher: Braman, Joe; issues: 5
Box 227 Apatite 1979 - issues: 4
Box 227 Ape - editor/publisher: Haydock, Ron; issues: 1
Box 227 Apes 1979-1980 - editor/publisher: Fogden, Paul W. ; issues: 22, 30; Proceedings of the Adelaide Publishing and Editing Society
Box 227 Apocalypse - editor/publisher: Sorensen, Julie; issues: 2
Box 227 Apollo [1976] - editor/publisher: Collins, Tom; issues: 7; formerly 'Is'
Box 227 Apple of Dischord 1985 - editor/publisher: Palter, David; issues: 1
Box 227 Applebytes 1985 - editor/publisher: Smith, Keith; issues: 8; from New Zealand
Box 227 Applesauce 1978-early 1980's - various contributors, not an issue
Box 227 Arcadia Cookies 1983 - editor/publisher: Spielberg, Norman Maximilian; for NYAPA
Box 227 Arf 5½ - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; for WOOF
Box 227 Artichoke [early 1970s] - editor/publisher: Haldeman, Jay/Alice; issues: 2
Box 227 Asfoawn 1983 - editor/publisher: Celko, Joe; Linaweaver, Brad
Box 227 Astromancer Quarterly 1992 - editor/publisher: Maraglino, Joe; issues: v.1, no.4 (2); Niagara SF Society
Box 227 Aurora 1986/1987 - issues: 25; SF3 - Society for the Futherance and Study of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Box 227 Australian Science Fiction News 1979 - editor/publisher: Binns, Mervyn R.; issues: 12; Australian SF Society
Box 228 Australian Science Fiction Review 1968 - issues: 17-18
Box 228 Autochthon undated - editor/publisher: Carson, Lee; issues: 1
Box 228 Autopsy [early 1980's?] - editor/publisher: [Cardy, Tom]; for Aotearapa
Box 228 A. V. Substitute 1961 - editor/publisher: Lewis, Alan J.; issues: 3; for N'APA
Box 228 Axe 1962 - editor/publisher: Shaw, Larry/Noreen; issues: 19-20, 31
Box 228 Background Noise 1982 - editor/publisher: Goldberg, Seth; issues: 48; journal of the Honolulu SF Society'
Box 228 The Ballard Chronicles 1961 - editor/publisher: Jacobs, Lee; issues: 4
Box 228 Balrog 1966 - editor/publisher: Solon, Ben; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 228 Bangweulu 1985 - editor/publisher: Purcell, John/Lori; issues: 1
Box 228 Bar Stool 1975 - editor/publisher: Jamborsky, Eric; issues: 1
Box 228 Baryon 1981 - editor/publisher: Hunter, Barry R.; issues: 20
Box 228 BCFSAzine 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Cameron, R. Graeme; issues: 235-236; British Columbia SF Association
Box 228 Beabohema 1969 - editor/publisher: Lunney, Frank; issues: 4
Box 228 Beardmutterings 1981/1982 - editor/publisher: Brown, Rich ; issues: 3
Box 228 Ben's Beat 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Indick, Ben; issues: 27, 31; for FAPA
Box 228 Ben'Zine 1977 - editor/publisher: Zuhl, Ben; issues: 1
Box 228 Ben's Zine 1996 - editor/publisher: Errett, Benjamin F.; issues: 4
Box 228 Between Timid and Timbuktu undated - editor/publisher: Schumacher, Jim; for N'APA
Box 228 Beverly Garland Club Journal, The c. 1974 - editor/publisher: Del Vecchio, Carl (club president); issues: 4; The Beverly Garland Club
Box 228 Bewilderbeast, The c. 1984 - editor/publisher: Fischer, Dennis; issues: 3-4
Box 228 Beyond the 3rd Planet - editor/publisher: Low, J.A.; issues: vol. 4
Box 228 Beyond the Hyades 1980 - editor/publisher: Graham, Peter
Box 228 Bhismi'llah 1962 - editor/publisher: Main, Andy; issues: 7
Box 228 Big Eye Newsletter 1996, 2001 - editor/publisher: Orwig, Gail/Ray; issues: v.4, no.8-9; v.8, no.9
Box 228 Bionic Rabbit 1980 - editor/publisher: Brennah, Damian John; issues: 5; for Applesauce
Box 228 Bird on the Housetop - editor/publisher: Lehman, Steve; issues: 4
Box 228 Bjo Trimble's Sci-Fi Spotlite 1996 - editor/publisher: Trimble, Bjo; issues: v.1, no.4; formerly Space-Time Continuum
Box 228 Black Shoe 1979 - editor/publisher: Swift, Helen
Box 228 Blades and Blasters 1971 - editor/publisher: Doljan, David; Bocchinfuso, Mike; issues: v.1 no.1-2
Box 228 Blatherstone 1981 - editor/publisher: Lockwood, Seth; issues: 4
Box 228 The Blob - editor/publisher: Underwood, Sally; issues: 5; for Applesauce, The Phantom Zine
Box 228 The Bloodshot Pyramid ]1990s] - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 22
Box 228 Boonfark 1981 - editor/publisher: Steffan, Dan; issues: 5
Box 228 Brick c. 1981 - editor/publisher: Bellis, Anders; from Sweden
Box 228 British Fantasy Newsletter 1983 - editor/publisher: Jones, Stephen; Fletcher, Jo; issues: v.10, no.6; clubzine from British Fantasy Society
Box 228 Bronze Shadows 1966-1967 - editor/publisher: Cook, Fred C.; issues: 1-3, 5-8
Box 229 Bronze Shadows 1967-1968 - editor/publisher: Cook, Fred C.; issues: 9-15
Box 229 Brooklyn! - editor/publisher: Argoff, Fred; looks like cover may be missing
Box 229 The Brooklyn Biapan [1950s] - editor/publisher: Gerber, Leslie ; for NFFF & Spectator Amateur Press Society
Box 229 BSFan [1988] - editor/publisher: Stiles, Elaine; issues: 17; Baltimore SF Society
Box 229 Buffering Solutions c. early 1960's - editor/publisher: Beatty, Judi; issues: 1; for NAPA?
Box 229 The Bugle of Dingly Dell 1966 - editor/publisher: Tucker, Bob; issues: 3
Box 229 Bullzine 1966, 1968 - editor/publisher: Hayes, Art; issues: 52; v.7 no.7
Box 229 Bunnies, Zucchinis & Sweet Basil 1977-1978 - editor/publisher: Cadogan, Allyn; issues: 3-5 and unnumbered
Box 229 Busswarble 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Hailstone, Michael; issues: 2-3
Button-Tack - editor/publisher: Moffatt, June/Len
See The Outlander Magazine.
Box 229 Byzantium 1965-1966 - editor/publisher: Patrick, David Kirk; Husske, John Jr.; issues: 2, 8-9; for N'APA
Box 229 Calcium Light Nights 1976 - editor/publisher: Paine, Bill; issues: 3
Box 229 Calisthenics, Anyone? undated - editor/publisher: Andruschak, Harry J.N.
Box 229 Canadapa c. 1980's - issues: ?; assortment of indivual contributions; includes issue #42 of 'Canadata'
Box 229 Canadian Journal of Detournement 1996 - issues: 11, 13; Soceity for Economic Epistemology
Box 229 Canticles from Labowitz 1963 - editor/publisher: Liebscher, Walt; issues: 4
Box 229 CAPA-alpha c. 1980
Box 229 Capernicus-Mushroom 1970 - editor/publisher: Capron, Bill [along with contributions from his sister Mary]; issues: 1
Box 229 CAPRA 1982, 1985 - issues: 38, 55
Box 229 Captain George's Penny Dreadful 1978 - editor/publisher: [Henderson, George?]; issues: 472
Box 229 Carefully Sedated 1985 - editor/publisher: Rosenthal, Alan; Crockett, Catherine; issues: 4
Box 229 Casablanca 1996 - editor/publisher: White, Alan/DeDee; issues: 1
Box 229 The Castle 1991 - issues: 3; from 'Fantek'
Box 229 Cat Out of Order - editor/publisher: Stokes, Paul
Box 229 Causing Catastropies [sic] - editor/publisher: Evans, Dave
Box 229 CFS Review 1941 - editor/publisher: [Martin, Lew]; issues: 3
Box 229 Challenger 1998, 2000 - editor/publisher: Lillian, Guy H. III; issues: 8, 11
Box 229 Chat 1980 - editor/publisher: Lynch, Dick/Nicki; issues: 33; Newszine of the Chattanooga Science Fiction Association'
Box 229 Checkpoint 1972, 1976 - editor/publisher: Roberts, Peter; issues: 27, 77
Box 229 The Chigger Patch of Fandom [1953] - editor/publisher: Farnham, Bob; issues: 3
Box 229 Chimera 1980 - editor/publisher: Williams, Ian; issues: 1
Box 229 Chromakey 1978 - editor/publisher: Wielage, Marcus F.; issues: #Eye, #Gee
Box 229 The Chronologarithm Band 1979 - editor/publisher: Sutton, Mike?; complaints about Canadapa
Box 229 Cidereal Times 1979-1980 - editor/publisher: Boyd-Newton, Allen James; issues: 7, 10
Box 229 Cinder 1967-1968 - editor/publisher: Ashe, Jim; issues: 1, 4, 7-9, 11
Box 230 Cinematic 1987 - editor/publisher: Reed, Marc; issues: 64; newsletter of CAPRA, the Cinema Amateur Press Association
Box 230 Cognate 1964 - editor/publisher: Hickey, Rosemary B.; issues: 6
Box 230 The Collector's Bulletin 1969 - editor/publisher: Brooks, Ned; issues: 10
Box 230 Collector's Item c. 1980's - editor/publisher: Thompson, Ray [UK]; issues: 1
Box 230 Comics '79 1979 - editor/publisher: Mitchell, Paul; issues: v.3, no.8
Box 230 Complete Story of how not to move, The - editor/publisher: Dietz, Belle C.
Box 230 Compound Fracture 1980 - editor/publisher: Giguere, Georges; issues: 2
Box 230 Con Confessions 1977 - editor/publisher: Brown Gary; issues: 6; no.6 'Transcontinental Confessions'
Box 230 Conacs 1979-1980 - editor/publisher: Johnson, M. David; issues: 1-4
Box 230 Contact 1956 - editor/publisher: Bennett, Ron; Hitchcock, John; Mills, Ellis; Jansen, Jan; issues: 1-2
Box 230 Coonamaling undated - editor/publisher: Faulder, Richard J.; issues: unnumbered; for 13th 'Applesauce'
Box 230 Corr [1969] - editor/publisher: Corrick, Perri; issues: 1-2
Box 268 Cosmian World 1944 - editor/publisher: Matthews, Rex; issues: 1
Box 230 Cosmic Circle Commentator c. 1943 - editor/publisher: Rogers, Don; issues: 1, 2-4; includes a supplement
Box 230 The Cosmic Glitch, The 1981 - editor/publisher: Boggs, Redd; for Fantasy APA, #176
Box 230 Cosmic Tales 1940 - editor/publisher: Crain, Richard B.; issues: v.2, no.3
Box 230 Coswalzine 1959, 1961 - editor/publisher: Coslet, Walter A.; issues: 170, 190; A.k.a "Buck Rogers Fan"", in NAPA.
Box 230 Count Ken Fan Club c. 1990's - editor/publisher: Gilbert, Ken; issues: 75, 119
Box 230 Coventranian Gazette, The [early 1960s] - editor/publisher: [Pelz, Bruce]; issues: 1
Box 230 Crabapple 1980 - editor/publisher: Ozanne, Ken ; issues: 17
Box 230 Crepuscule Galactique c. early 1980's - editor/publisher: Blond, Martine; in French
Box 230 Crazy Eddie 1981 - editor/publisher: Rattan, Kevin K.; issues: 2; includes unidentified issue from the author
Box 230 Crossroads 1969 - editor/publisher: Snider, Al; issues: 4; Brown University SF Union
Box 230 The Crown Prints 1976 - editor/publisher: Trimble, Bjo/John; Unofficial Newsletter of Caid Principality'
Box 230 Cruel & Unusual : A Punthology 1984 - editor/publisher: Kenin, Millea
Box 230 Cry of the Wild Moose [c. 1960-1961] - editor/publisher: Harness, Jack; issues: 3-5; for N'APA
Box 230 Cryptor c. 1971 - editor/publisher: Miller, Warren Scott; issues: 4
Box 230 Cullowhee Comments 1978, 1983 - editor/publisher: Llewellyn, Richard D.; issues: 2, 8
Box 230 Cusfussing 1979, 1984 - editor/publisher: Seelig, Charles; Daw, E. Warwick; issues: 16, 40, 42-43; Bernard-Columbia SF Society
Box 230 Cygnus X-1 undated - editor/publisher: Ruben, Bob; Western Pennsylvania SF Association
Box 230 The Cygnus Chronicler 1981 - editor/publisher: Angove, Neville J.; issues: 8
Box 230 DAAPA 1984 - editor/publisher: Kaden, Neil E.; issues: 12; Dallas Area Amateur Publishing Association
Box 230 D'APA 1979, 1984-1986 - editor/publisher: Cleaver, Fred; issues: 92, 155-157, 167-169; also called 'The Dasfanny'
Box 231 D'APA 1986 - editor/publisher: Cleaver, Fred; issues: 176
Box 231 Dagon 1964-1965, 1978-1979 - editor/publisher: Boardman, John; issues: 9, 15-16, 53, 172-176, 204; for APA-F, APA-Q
Box 231 The Daily Rally 1977 - editor/publisher: Markstein, Don; issues: 1-4; created during B'Hamacon, 1977
Box 231 Dalmatian Alley 1992 - editor/publisher: Forman, Kenneth C.; issues: 3; Fan Encyclopedia mistakenly has this as 'Dalmation Alley'(!)
Box 231 Damballa c. 1980 - editor/publisher: Hansen, Chuck; issues: 40; for FAPA
Box 231 Dark Eyes 1997 - editor/publisher: Lecky, James; issues: 2
Box 231 Darkover Newsletter - editor/publisher: Bryan, Ted; issues: 11
Box 231 Daryl Rides Again - editor/publisher: Mannell, Daryl; for Applesauce
Box 231 Dasfax 1988 - editor/publisher: Thompson, Don C.; issues: v.20, no.11; monthly newsletter of the Denver Area SF Association
Box 231 David Malone's Science Fiction Fantazine 1969 - editor/publisher: Malone, David T.; issues: 2
Box 231 The Dead Rat Journal 1985 - editor/publisher: Heatley, Alex; for Aotearapa
Box 231 Deadline Dementia c. 1983 - editor/publisher: McLeay, Majorie
Box 231 Decal 1975 - editor/publisher: Cochran, Donald E.; issues: 5
Box 231 DecalcoMania 1997 - editor/publisher: Bytheway, Phil (?); issues: 145, 148, 151
Box 231 December 27th 1968 - editor/publisher: Mercer, Beryl
Box 231 Deeper than You Think… 1968-1969 - editor/publisher: Frieman, Joel; issues: 2-3
Box 231 Degler! 1967 - editor/publisher: Porter, Andrew; issues: 93, 168
Box 231 Del Potrillo 1968 - editor/publisher: Breier, Beth; Will C. Crawford High School, San Diego
Box 231 Delineator 1985-1987 - editor/publisher: White, Alan; issues: 3, 5 [partial], unnumbered
Box 231 Delta Psi 1977 - editor/publisher: [MacDonald, Taral]
Box 231 Defenestration 1984 - editor/publisher: Singer, David; issues: 7
Box 231 Den Haag Nieuwsblaadje 1968 - editor/publisher: Pettit, Billy H.; issues: 2, unnumbered
Box 231 The Denventioneer 1941 - issues: 1
Box 231 Derogatory Reference 1992, 1999 - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 73, 92
Box 231 Desk Set Gazette 1985 - editor/publisher: Steffan, Dan?; issues: 1; promoting CORFLU III
Box 231 Detours 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Chauvenet, Russ; issues: 2nd. Series 44, 47; for FAPA
Box 231 Devil Ritter 1961-1961 - editor/publisher: Eklund, Gordon; issues: 1, 4; for Neffer' APA
Box 231 The Devil's Work 1970 - editor/publisher: Metcalf, Norm; issues: 15-17
Box 231 Diablerie 1944-1945, 1958 - editor/publisher: Watson, Willie [Bill]; issues: 1-2, 3-7 (3 folders)
Box 232 The Diagonal Relationship 1981 - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 18
Box 232 Dianoura 1963 - editor/publisher: Harrell, Phillip A.; issues: 1
Box 232 Different 1966-1968, 1977 - editor/publisher: Moskowitz, Sam; issues: v.3, no.2-3; v.4, no.4
Box 232 Differential 1963-1964 - editor/publisher: Wyszkowski, Paul; issues: 10, 18-19
Box 232 Digging for Apples undated - editor/publisher: Ortlieb, Marc; for Applesauce
Box 232 The Dillenger Relic 1984-1985, 1988 - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 32, 36-39, 41-42, 56
Box 232 Discordia Revisited 1993 - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 1
Box 232 Disinformation undated - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 16, 41, 45; for FAPA
Box 232 Diversity 1970 - editor/publisher: Foster, Tom(?); issues: 1; Mid-South Fantasy Association
Box 232 DNR [1983] - editor/publisher: Wayne, Taral; issues: 34
Box 232 Doctor Different undated - editor/publisher: Ramage, Blair S.; issues: 9
Box 232 Don-O-Saur 1976 - editor/publisher: Thompson, Donald C.; issues: 46
Box 232 Don't Get Caught 1984 - editor/publisher: Rattan, Kevin K.; issues: 4-5; no.5 also prominently titled as 'Epileptic Caterpillar'
Box 232 The Door Into George c. 1984 - editor/publisher: Hay, George
Box 232 Doppelgängers 1981 - editor/publisher: Kaden, Neil E.; issues: 1
Box 232 Double:bill 1965-1969 - editor/publisher: Malardi, Bill; Bowers, Bill; issues: 13-20 (3 folders)
Box 232 Down Under Press 1988 - editor/publisher: Makin, Gary; issues: 3
Box 232 Dream Quest c. 1978 - editor/publisher: Parker, Richard F.; issues: 1
Box 232 Dreamberry Wine 1984: Apr, Dec; 1986: Nov
Box 232 Drift 1975 - editor/publisher: Farber, Gary; issues: 2
Box 232 Dubhe 1962-1963 - editor/publisher: Baker, Edwin Joseph; issues: v.50, no.10; v.11, no.11; 110; for NAPA
Box 233 Duende 1976/1977 - editor/publisher: Murray, Will; issues: v.1, no.2
Box 233 Dusk undated - editor/publisher: Locke, Dave; issues: 1; for N'APA
Box 233 Dynatron 1966, 1968-1969, 1983 - editor/publisher: Tackett, Roy; issues: 29, 39, 55, 77; dates don't always appear in number order
Box 233 e undated - editor/publisher: Casey, Joe Jr.
Box 233 Eastern Gnomes, Elves, & Spaceman's Moonshining and Science Fantasy Society Newsletter 1970 - editor/publisher: Koch, Irvin; issues: [1]-9, 11
Box 233 Eerie Country 1976, 1979 - editor/publisher: Ganley, W. Paul; issues: 1-2
Box 233 8½X11 Zine [Eight and a half-by-eleven Zine] 1990 - editor/publisher: Thayer, David [Teddy Harvia]; issues: "6 7/8"
Box 233 8-track Mind [Eight-track Mind] 1996 - editor/publisher: Van Gelder, Gordon; Forster, F.R.; issues: 90
Box 233 Egotrip 1971 - editor/publisher: Leingang, Douglas; issues: 1
Box 233 El John Smith undated - editor/publisher: Ward, Mike; Seidman, Cory; others; issues: 1
Box 233 Elanor 1982-1986 - issues: 51, 55, 57-59, 61; includes 'Elanorian Round Nazgul' issue (2 folders)
Box 233 The Eldon Tree 1974 - editor/publisher: Keller, Donald G.; issues: 1
Box 233 Eldritch Leanings 1977 - editor/publisher: Hart, William E.; issues: 7-8; for The Esoteric Order of Dagon
Box 233 Elephants in the Dark 1985 - editor/publisher: Greene, Kent A.; issues: 4
Box 233 The Eltdown Shards undated - editor/publisher: Metzger, Arthur; issues: 2-3
Box 233 Embelyon 1970 - editor/publisher: Lavell, Lee/Jim; issues: 1
Box 233 Emotional Americanine 1984
Box 233 Empire Review 1980 - editor/publisher: Barrett, Shirley; "pre-issue"
Box 233 Empties 1984, 1988 - editor/publisher: Tudor, Martin; issues: 6, 8
Box 233 En Garde 1942, 1946 - editor/publisher: Ashley, Al/Abby Lu; issues: 1-2, 16
Box 233 Energumen 1971 - editor/publisher: Glicksohn, Mike/Susan; issues: 5-7
Box 234 Energumen 1971-1973 - editor/publisher: Glicksohn, Mike/Susan; issues: 8-15; no. 8 has tipped-in supplement (3 folders)
Box 234 Engram 1962 - editor/publisher: Schuster, Al Jr.; issues: v.1 no.2; Evening Session SF Society of the City University of NY
Box 234 The Epsilon Eridian Express 1978 - editor/publisher: Angove, Neville J.; issues: 3; issue #3 includes 'C.D.'s Zine' within, ed/pub by Carolyn Doyle
Box 268 Erb-dom 1962-1963 - editor/publisher: Cazedessus, Camille Jr.; issues: 1 and supplement to no.13; supplement to no.13 titled "The subscribers and friends of ERB-dom"
Box 234 ERG 1980, 1984-1985, 1990, 1993 - editor/publisher: Jeeves, [B.] Terry; issues: 72, 88, 91, 111-112, 120; includes 1984 ERG Calendar
Box 234 Eric B. Lindsay 1978 - editor/publisher: Lindsay, Eric; issues: 1
Box 234 Escape! 1961 - editor/publisher: Haydock, Ron; Byrd, Larry; issues: 1
Box 234 The Essence 1970 - editor/publisher: Zaremba, Jay; issues: 2
Box 234 Eternity [1967] - editor/publisher: Gregg, Stephen; issues: 1
Box 234 Ethel the Aardvark 1988, 1992 - editor/publisher: Allen, James; issues: 20, 44; Melbourne SF Club
Box 234 Ettle 1984 - editor/publisher: Causgrove, Jackie; issues: 1
Box 234 Eurapa 1984 - editor/publisher: Henke, Joachim; issues: 6
Box 268 European Link 1968 - editor/publisher: Muggoch, Jean G.; issues: 3
Box 234 Excalibur Oct 1991; Jan/Feb, Oct 1992 - editor/publisher: Speck, Felecia
Box 234 The Fabulous Faust Fanzine 1948, 1950 - editor/publisher: Richardson, Darrell C.; issues: 1, 3; reprints
Box 234 Factsheet Five 1988 - editor/publisher: Gunderloy, Michael A.; issues: 27
Box 234 Fadom is Just a Hobby 1961 - editor/publisher: Prieto, Frank R. Jr.; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 234 Fais sécher ces chaussures sous le feu 1960 - editor/publisher: Lambeck, Bob; for N'APA
Box 235 Fan 1945 - editor/publisher: Daugherty, Walter J.; issues: 3
Box 235 Fan Slants 1943 - editor/publisher: Brown, Mel; issues: 1, plus 1 unidentifieid page
Box 235 Fan-atic 1941 - editor/publisher: Beling, Charles; issues: 3
Box 268 Fan-Dango 1943-1944, 1946, 1949 - editor/publisher: Laney, Francis T. ; issues: 2, 6, 7a, 10, 13, 21
Box 268 Fan-Newsie 1958 - editor/publisher: Cook, Bernard M.; issues: 3
Box 235 Fan-Tale 1941 - editor/publisher: Jones, Cornelius R.; issues: 2
Box 235 Fan-Tods 1942-1943, 1946 - editor/publisher: Stanley, Norman; issues: 1-2, 4, 15; includes duplicates
Box 235 Fan-tome c. 1960 - editor/publisher: Sample, William Leslie; issues: 1
Box 235 Fan's Zine [1978] - editor/publisher: Stoelting, Wally/Peggy/Derek/Clint; issues: 14-15
Box 235 Fanac 1960-1961 - editor/publisher: Ellik, Ron; Carr, Terry; issues: 40, 51, 55, 62, 74-75, 81-82
Box 235 Fanac Less Than Infinity 1966 - editor/publisher: Ward, Michael; for N'APA; special issue
Box 235 Fanalysis 1992 - editor/publisher: Schaffer, Ray; issues: 9; for FAPA
Box 235 Fanden 1961 - editor/publisher: Higgs, Ray C.; issues: 5-7; for N'APA
Box 235 Fandom Speaks 1948 - editor/publisher: Clements, Jack; issues: 5
Box 235 Fanfare 1941 - editor/publisher: Widner, Art Jr.; issues: 6; The Stranger Club of Boston, Mass.
Box 235 Fanletters 1966 - editor/publisher: Bennett, Vern; issues: 1
Box 235 Fanta's Zine 1979 - editor/publisher: Patten, Fred; issues: 1; official organ of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization'
Box 235 Fantascience Digest [1937] - editor/publisher: Madle, Robert A.; issues: 1
Box 235 Fantascienza 1979 - editor/publisher: Grousset, Alain; issues: 1; in French
Box 235 Fantasmagorique c. 1960 - editor/publisher: Neilsen, Scott; issues: 1
Box 235 Fantast 1940-1942 - editor/publisher: Burke, John F.; issues: 8, 11-13; includes duplicates
Box 235 Fantast's Folly 1944-1945 - editor/publisher: [Youd, C.S.]; issues: 1, 3
Box 235 Fantastic Fanzine 1984 - editor/publisher: Patterson, Ken; Fantasy Unlimited [pub.]; issues: 1-2; Not the same one as the 1950's one
See Writings : Zines : Glom.
Box 235 The Fantasy Ambler [1962] - editor/publisher: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; for FAPA mailing
Box 235 Fantasy Commentator 1992 - editor/publisher: Searles, A. Langley; issues: 44
Box 235 Fantasy Digest 1939 - editor/publisher: Dikty, Thaddeus; issues: 2
Box 235 Fantasy Faire Film Reviews - editor/publisher: Subke, [Bruce] R.
Box 235 The Fantasy Fan 1934 - editor/publisher: Hornig, Charles D.; issues: 12
Box 235 Fantasy Fiction Field [1941]-1942, 1944, 1963 - editor/publisher: Unger, Julius; issues: 40, 71, 186, 203
Box 236 Fantasy Fiction Field 1963 - editor/publisher: Inman, Harvey; issues: 2
Box 268 Fantasy Forum 1944 - editor/publisher: Bradleigh, Helen; issues: 2-3
Box 236 Fantasy Frontiers [1987] - editor/publisher: Tomlinson, Robert; issues: 4
Box 236 Fantasy Mongers 1984 - editor/publisher: Ganley, W. Paul (?); issues: 9
Box 236 Fantasy Newsletter 1978 - editor/publisher: Allen, Paul; issues: 4
Box 236 Fantasy Times 1950-1951, 1953, 1955 - editor/publisher: Taurasi, James V., others; issues: v.5, no.24; v.6, no.10, 14, 19; v.8, no.15, 16, 22; v.10, no.230
Box 236 Fantasy-Comics 1960/1961 - editor/publisher: Taurasi, James V.; issues: 17; for N'APA
Box 236 Fantasy-Scope [1996] - editor/publisher: Sims, Roger; issues: v.3, no.1 [#3]
Box 236 Fantasy War Bulletin [1939]-1940 - editor/publisher: Youd, C.S.; issues: v.1, no.2, 3 (missing page); v.2, no.1
Box 236 Fanzine Fanatique c. 1983] - editor/publisher: Walker, Keith/Rosemary; issues: 60-61, unnumbered piece
Box 236 FAPA - miscellaneous contributions (2 folders)
Box 236 Faunch - editor/publisher: Coslet, Walter A.; for the Neffer Amateur Press Alliance
Box 236 Fen 1943 - editor/publisher: ['Jike']; issues: 1
Box 236 Fenris [1960s] - editor/publisher: Hulan, David G.; issues: 1, 4-5; for Neffer' APA
Box 236 Fijagh 1958 - editor/publisher: Ellington, Dick; issues: 2
Box 236 File 770 1980-1982, 1984-1988, 1991-1992 - editor/publisher: Glyer, Mike; issues: 23, 28, 32, 47-54, 57, 64, 71, 75, 88, 94-95 (2 folders)
Box 236 Film Fan Monthly 1965 - editor/publisher: McLeay, Majorie; issues: 47
Box 236 Finger Tip Reality 1978-1979 - editor/publisher: Moudry, Joe; issues: 10-11; Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 236 520 07 3028 1980 - editor/publisher: Perdue, Elmer; issues: 1
Box 236 The FJA Newsletter 1968 - editor/publisher: Bennett, Vern; issues: 1; "dummy issue"
Box 236 Flights of Fantasy 1969 - editor/publisher: Miller, Craig; issues: 1
Box 236 The Flying Kangaroo 1986 - editor/publisher: McConchie, Lyn; issue no. 17 of 'Dum Vivimus, Vivamus'
Box 236 Focalpoint 1970 - editor/publisher: Brown, Rich; issues: 16-17, 20
Box 236 Focus 1985 - editor/publisher: Thomason, Sue; issues: 10; pub by the British SF Association
Box 236 Folly 1992 - editor/publisher: Katz, Arnie; issues: 16-18
Box 236 Foofaraw 1961, 1963 - editor/publisher: Patten, Fred; issues: 1-3, 8; for N'APA
Box 237 Foraging Thru the Tangled Bank 1977 - editor/publisher: Keller, Mark M.; for Apple 10
Box 237 Forbidden Worlds 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Mapson, Robert James (?); issues: 10-11
Box 237 Forerunner 1979 - editor/publisher: Herman, Jack R.; issues: v.2, no.2-3
Box 237 Fosfax 1988, 1990 - editor/publisher: Lane, Timothy (?); issues: 130, 150; Falls of the Ohio SF and Fantasy Association
Box 237 Four Star Extra 1978 - editor/publisher: Katz, Arnie/Joyce; Kunkel, Bill/Charlene; issues: 2
Box 237 FPO5 undated - editor/publisher: Richardson, Nigel E.
Box 237 Frak 1981-[1982] - editor/publisher: Ellicott, Janet; issues: 1-2
Box 237 The Free Radical [1962] - editor/publisher: Beatty, Judi; issues: 1
Box 237 Frejac Express 1978 - editor/publisher: Jackson, Fred III; issues: 4; for N'APA
Box 237 Fribtsch + Other Newts - editor/publisher: Cohen, David; issues: 2
Box 237 Friends of American Living - editor/publisher: Mark, Angela; Shores, Michael
Box 237 Fringe - editor/publisher: Murray, Carol; issues: 7-8; for N'APA
Box 237 From Beyond the Dark Gateway 1972-1974 - editor/publisher: Berglund, Edward P.; issues: 1-3
Box 237 The Frozen Frog 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Girard, Benoit; issues: 4, 7
Box 237 Fuck the Torries 1990 - editor/publisher: Hanna, Judith; Nicholas, Joseph; issues: 8
Box 237 Fucking Animals and Things c. 1980's - editor/publisher: van Ewyck, Annemarie; issues: 2
Box 237 Fun Fun Fun Surfin' Alpha Centauri 1985 - editor/publisher: Thompson, Rex; APA contribution, but unclear for what
Box 237 Funhouse c. late 1990's - editor/publisher: Johnson, Brian; issues: 5, 8
Box 237 The Future Focus [1981-1982] - issues: 13-14
Box 268 Futurian Daily Planet 1943 - editor/publisher: Stein, Frankfort Nelson [Claude Degler]; issues: 2
Box 268 G2 1963-1967 - editor/publisher: Gibson, Joe/Roberta; issues: v.2, no.7-8; v.3, no.8, 12; v.4, no.1-12; v.5, no.1-8; v.5, no.9-12; v.6, no.1 (6 folders)
Box 237 Galactic Dispatch 1985 - editor/publisher: Sokola, Joe; issues: 59, 64-65; SF Association of Colorado Springs
Box 237 Gambit [1961], 1982 - editor/publisher: White, Ted; issues: 44, 55
Box 237 Gannetscrapbook 1978-1979 - editor/publisher: Cockfield, Dave; issues: 5-6
Box 237 GAPA 1979 - editor/publisher: Engholm, Ahrvid; Bellis, Anders; in Swedish
Box 237 Garden Ghoul's Gazette 1962 - editor/publisher: Keil, David T.; issues: 3
Box 237 Gardyloo 1962 - editor/publisher: Wilimczyk, Frank; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 237 Gasport? The Son of Zacher-Lore 1990
Box 237 Gegenschein 1982-1985, 1988, 1990, 1992 - editor/publisher: Lindsay, Eric; issues: 42, 45, 47-49, 54, 57, 64
Box 237 The Geis Letter 1992 - editor/publisher: Geis, Richard E.; issues: 8
Box 238 Geko Goes Alien [1980] - editor/publisher: Collister, Terry
Box 238 Gemzine c. early 1960's - editor/publisher: Carr, G.M.; issues: 4/29-4/31, 4/43; for N'APA
Box 238 Genre Plat 1977 - editor/publisher: Cadogan, Allyn; Gibson, Bill; issues: 2
Box 238 German Con News c. 1970 - editor/publisher: Kage, Manfred; issues: 1
Box 238 Geuse-Chase 1980 - editor/publisher: Robinson, Susan; issues: 3
Box 238 Gimble 1961 - editor/publisher: Johnstone, Ted; issues: 3
Box 238 Gimboate c. late 1970's - editor/publisher: Steele, Gary; issues: 1 (2 issues)
Box 238 Give Dog Boiled Yak 1983 - editor/publisher: Lockwood, Seth; issues: 2-3
Box 238 Glitz 1992 - editor/publisher: Katz, Arnie/Joyce; issues: 7; for FAPA
See Writings : Zines : Glom.
Box 238 Gobs! 1984 - editor/publisher: Melchert, Christopher; issues: 31; for NYAPA #78
Box 238 The Godzilla Fan Letter 1977 - editor/publisher: Campbell, Rich; issues: 2-3; includes 'The King Kong Fan Letter', no.4, which references the 'Godzilla Fan Letter', both of which are sent from the same person
Box 238 Godzill'a Dental Floss 1983 - editor/publisher: Cardy, Tom; issues: 2
Box 238 Golden Atom 1940 - editor/publisher: Farsaci, Larry B.; issues: 9
Box 238 Gory Stories Quarterly [also called 'Gory Story Quarterly'] 1971 - editor/publisher: Krueger, Ken; issues: 2
Box 238 The Gostak - editor/publisher: Gilbert, Michael
Box 238 Gothique 1968 - editor/publisher: Griffiths, Dave; Nicholls, Stan; special 3rd Mancon issue
Box 238 Grallator - editor/publisher: Harrell, Phil
Box 238 Granfalloon [UK] 1973-1976 - editor/publisher: Bushyager, Linda E./Ron; issues: 18-19
Box 238 Granfaloon [Australia] - editor/publisher: Wallace, Daniel
Box 238 Grapo 1977 - editor/publisher: Poole, Gra; issues: 22; for WOOF 2
Box 238 Great Green Furglewurster c. 1978 - issues: 2
Box 238 Gribble 1961, undated - editor/publisher: Wanshel, Jeff; issues: 1-2; for N'APA includes diplicates
Box 238 Grip 1981 - editor/publisher: Rogow, Roberta; issues: 10
Box 238 Groggy 1981, 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Mayer, Eric/Kathy; issues: 13, 23-25
Box 238 Grotty 1984 - editor/publisher: Brown, Rich
Box 238 Guano 1966 - editor/publisher: Hayes, Art; issues: 28; for N'APA
Box 238 Guard the North - editor/publisher: Say, Daniel; for N'APA
Box 238 Habakkuk 1960 - editor/publisher: Donaho, Bill; issues: 1.1-1-4
Box 239 Habakkuk 1960-1961, 1966-1967 - editor/publisher: Donaho, Bill; issues: 1.5-1.6; 2.1-2.3 (2 folders)
Box 239 Haiku of Hate 1996 - issues: 1; poetry orig. in "So What?"Temple of Holy Electronic Media & Unadulterated Slack
Box 239 Half-Folio Press Publication # .009 1961 - editor/publisher: Fitch, Don; for N'APA
Box 239 Half Life 1962-1963, 1966, 1972 - editor/publisher: Woolston, Stan; issues: 1, plus 7 unnumbered issues; for N'APA
Box 239 Halfanthol 1961 - editor/publisher: Fitch, Don; issues: v.1, fascicle A, supplement 1
Box 239 Hard Pore Corn 1980 - editor/publisher: Bartlett, Marie L.; issues: 4; Northern Illinois SF Association
Box 239 Hardwood undated - editor/publisher: Stein, N.; issues: 3
Box 239 Haunted 1963, 1968 - editor/publisher: Russell, Samuel D.; issues: 1, 3
Box 239 Heckmeck 1965 - editor/publisher: Marwitz, E.D.; in German
Box 239 Heeling Error 1945 - editor/publisher: Emden, V.K.; issues: 1; for Vangaurd Amateur Press Association
Box 239 Helen's Fantasia 1980 - editor/publisher: Wesson, Helen
Box 239 Hemeralopia 1977 - editor/publisher: Marion, Tim C.; issues: 1; for WorldCon APA
Box 239 Hippicaloric [alt. title: Hippikaloric] c. early 1960's - editor/publisher: Johnstone, Ted; issues: 1-2
Box 239 The Hitching Rail undated - editor/publisher: Whitledge, Fred C.; issues: v.2, no.2
Box 239 Hobgoblin 1960 - editor/publisher: Carr, Terry; issues: 4; for FANAC
Box 239 Holier Than Thou 1979, 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Cantor, Marty/Robbie; issues: 2, 20-21
Box 239 Hollywood Kids Street Gossip 1984 - issues: 20
Box 239 Holy Temple of Mass Consumption 1998 - issues: 35
Box 239 Homunculus 1962 - editor/publisher: Demmon, Calvin W.; issues: 3
Box 239 Hoop 1966 - editor/publisher: Atkins, Lon; issues: 5-6; for N'APA
Box 239 Horizons [1970s] - editor/publisher: Warner, Harry Jr.; issues: v.36, no.2; v.53, no. 3-4; v.54, no.4
Box 239 Horrorscoop 1990 - editor/publisher: Raymakers, Barry; issues: 59; in Dutch
Box 239 Hot & Cold 1981 - editor/publisher: Johnson, Herbert R.; issues: 1
Box 240 How Many Lightbulbs Does it Take to Change a Comedian? [1980s] - editor/publisher: Albertson, Rich; for LASFAPA
Box 240 How We Won 1967 - editor/publisher: Donaho, Bill; for FAPA and LILAPA
Box 240 Hyphen 1956-1958 - editor/publisher: Harris, Chuck; issues: 17-19, and an issue with no cover
Box 240 I-94 1992 - editor/publisher: Parsons, Spike; issues: 3
Box 240 Ideogram 1984 - editor/publisher: Amburn, Johnny L.; issues: 2
Box 240 Idomo 1985 - editor/publisher: Connor, Chuck; issues: 18
Box 240 If! 1949 - editor/publisher: Pederson, Conrad; issues: 5
Box 240 Ikaros [in Finnish] 1987 - editor/publisher: Ijäs, Jyrki; issues: 3/87
Box 240 Il Vombato c. 1980 - editor/publisher: Finder, Jan Howard; issues: 13
Box 240 I'm Not Like Everybody Else 1978 - editor/publisher: Weber, Mike; issues: 15
Box 240 Imaginapa 1986 - issues: 58
Box 240 IMK 1964 - editor/publisher: Koch, Irvin; issues: 4; for N'APA
Box 240 In Flux 1988 - editor/publisher: Spann, Richard (?); issues: v.3, no.1
Box 240 In Praise of Tobold Hornblower 1980 - editor/publisher: Toluzzi, Peter; issues: 5; for Applesauce
Box 240 In the Shadow of the Monolith [1977] - editor/publisher: Kelley, David J.; issues: 66
Box 240 In Sitio 1997 - editor/publisher: Verloop, Robert J.; van Dunne, H.J.F.; issues: 8
Box 240 Indiana Inks 1985 - editor/publisher: Syrjala, Sally A.; issues: 4
Box 240 Infamous Worldcon One-shot, The [1986] - editor/publisher: Watts, Eric L.; fanzine put out during Confederation, 44th Worldcon in Atlanta
Box 240 Infernal Avenues 1965 - editor/publisher: Boston, John; issues: 3
Box 240 Infinite Fanac 1966 - editor/publisher: Ward, Michael; issues: 4
Box 240 Infinity Cubed 1982 - editor/publisher: Cunningham, Lowell; issues: 8; SF and Fantasy Writers' League (Knoxville, TN)
Box 240 Inky Trails 1984/1985 - editor/publisher: Kirk, Pearl L.
Box 240 Inside 1963 - editor/publisher: White, Jon; issues: 2
Box 240 Inspiration 1944, 1946 - editor/publisher: Bridges, Lynn; issues: v.3, no.1; v.4, no.1
Box 240 Instant Gratification 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Gonzalez, Victor; issues: 1-2
Box 240 Instant Zine 1992 - editor/publisher: Moises Hasson C.; issues: 1; from Chile; in Spanish and English
Box 240 Insufficient 1988 - editor/publisher: Tucker, Larry; issues: 3.5
Box 268 Intelligence Quotient 1944 - editor/publisher: Degler, Claude; issues: 2
Box 240 Interdimensional Journal 1984-1985, 1987-1988 - editor/publisher: Wolansky, Taras; Matthews, Nina; issues: v.2, no.3; v.3, no.4; v.4, no. 5; v.5, no.6; SF and Fantasy Special Interest Group of Mensa
Box 268 Intermediate Vector Bosons 1981 - editor/publisher: Andruschak, Harry J.N.; issues: 3
Box 240 Ionisphere 1983 - editor/publisher: Thiel, John; issues: 20
Box 240 Is 1971-1972 - editor/publisher: Collins, Tom; issues: 2, 5
Box 241 Is 1972 - editor/publisher: Collins, Tom; issues: 6
Box 241 It Goes on the Shelf (IGOTS) 1987 - editor/publisher: Brooks, Neil; issues: 4
Box 241 It's Been a Hard Day's Night [1980s?] - editor/publisher: Jew, Benton; issues: 1
Box 241 Jag är en Gurkbit - editor/publisher: Sjölander, Roger; issues: 1
Box 241 Janus 1978 - editor/publisher: Bogstad, Janice; Gomoll, Jeanne; issues: 12/13
Box 241 The Jasoomian 1974 - editor/publisher: Dutcher, William; issues: 13; includes 'The Jasoomian Bazaar' no. 3
Box 241 The Jolson Journal 1956, 1972 - editor/publisher: Kaczynski, Dolores; issues: 18, 45
Box 241 The Jonathan Apple 1983 - editor/publisher: Jonathan/Carolyne [no last name]; issues: 59; for Applesauce
Box 241 Jompjr 1990 - editor/publisher: Dengrove, Richard A.; issues: 2
Box 241 Jupiter Jump 1990 - editor/publisher: Manning, Mark; issues: 3
Box 241 Kaleidoscope 1968 - editor/publisher: Cinema Education Service
Box 241 Kalmar - editor/publisher: Krogh, Cristina; issues: 1
Box 241 Kantele 1982 - editor/publisher: Middleton, Margaret; issues: 10; The Filk Foundation
Box 241 Karass 1976-1977 - editor/publisher: Bushyager, Linda; issues: 21-22, 33-34
Box 241 Kaymar c. 1961, 1966, 1978 - editor/publisher: Carlson, K. Martin; issues: 9, 14, 40; for N'APA
Box 268 Ke-We 1969-1970 - editor/publisher: Freeman, Keith; issues: 5, 10, unnumbered
Box 241 King Arthur and the Red Indians - editor/publisher: Berry, John D.; issues: 1; for N'APA
Box 241 The Klaxon 1979 - issues: 4; SCARPA FLOW - Southern California Amateur Press Association for Lasfsians and other writers
Box 241 The Knarley Knews 1992 - editor/publisher: Welch, Henry L.; issues: 36
Box 241 Knights 1976 - editor/publisher: Bracken, Mike; issues: 16
Box 241 Know News 1996 - editor/publisher: Crow, Scott; issues: v.4, no.1
Box 241 Knowledge-in-Brief (K-i-B) Magazine 1996 - issues: v.2, no.5
Box 241 Kobwebs on the Keyboard 1987 - editor/publisher: Crawford, Glen; issues: 2-3
Box 268 The Kong-ressional Record 1962 - editor/publisher: Turner, Glenn; issues: v.2, no.1
Box 241 Kota 1962 - editor/publisher: Armistead, Tom; issues: 2
Box 241 Kronos 1976 - editor/publisher: Giorgi, Piero; issues: 8; in Italian
Box 241 The Kryptonite Fanzine 1987 - editor/publisher: Macskasy, Frank Jr.; issues: 2
Box 241 KTP 1960-1961 - editor/publisher: Lichtman, Bob; issues: 2, 4-5; for N'APA #5 has '#4" on inside cover
Box 241 Lan's Lantern 1979, 1985 - editor/publisher: Laskowski, George J.; issues: 8-9, 17
Box 241 LASFAPA 1984 - issues: 95, 96; Los Angeles Scientifiction Fans Amateur Press Association (2 folders)
Box 242 LASFAPA 1984-1985 - issues: 97, 100, 102, 104, 106-108 (parts 1-2) (8 folders)
Box 243 LASFAPA 1985-1988, 1993 - issues: 108 (part 3), 117-119, 145-146, 1999-200 (6 folders)
Box 243 Last Resort 1993 - editor/publisher: George, Steve; issues: 1
Box 243 Laughing Osiris 1975 - editor/publisher: Andrus, Reed; Borgman, Leo/Rita; Metzger, Arhtur; Perin, Wayne; Wagner, George; issues: 3
Box 243 L'Ecran Fantastique 1970 - editor/publisher: Schlockoff, Alain; issues: 5/6; in French
Box 243 Le Zombie 1943 - editor/publisher: Tucker, Bob; Evans, E.E.; issues: 55
Box 243 The Leningrad Applejack c. 1980's - editor/publisher: Herman, Jack R.; for Applesauce
Box 243 Let's Fanac 1992 - editor/publisher: Rapoport, Barnaby; issues: 3
Box 243 Lethe 1947 - editor/publisher: [Riggs, Jack]; issues: 7
Box 243 Licks 1993 - editor/publisher: Hansen, Rob; issues: 10; for FAPA
Box 243 Lilith's Child [1987] - editor/publisher: Hibbert, Joy; special issue covering 5th National Conference on Bisexuality
Box 243 Limericks Illuminated undated - editor/publisher: Barr, George
Box 243 Lines of Occurrence 1980, 1982, 1985 - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 1, 5, 9
Box 244 The Literary Magazine of Fantasy & Terror 1973 - editor/publisher: Salmonson, Amos; issues: 1-2, 4
Box 244 Little Wee Zine 1979 - editor/publisher: Bedford, K. Adrian; issues: 3.5
Box 244 Living in the Limelight 1984-1985, undated - editor/publisher: Jackson, Stewart M.; Perry, Ian; issues: 7, plus 3 unnumbered issues
Box 244 Lobster Tales [Tails] undated - editor/publisher: Glyer, Mike; Carmody, Larry; issues: 3, 6, 9
Box 244 Lofgeornost 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Lerner, Fred; issues: 29, 33
Box 268 The Lonely Alien 1983 - editor/publisher: Pessina, Hector Raul; issues: 4
Box 244 Look What We Got Here 1984 - editor/publisher: Clegg, Mark; issues: 4; for NYAPA
Box 244 Looking Ahead c. 1940 - editor/publisher: Robins, Jack; issues: 4
Box 244 The Looking Glass 1978-1981 - editor/publisher: Fulves, Ben; issues: 5, 9-10, 14, 17, 19, one unnumbered
Box 244 Luna Monthly 1969 - editor/publisher: Dietz, Ann F./Frank; issues: 1
Box 244 Mac and Me c. 1995 - editor/publisher: Seth; issues: 2; about Macaulay Culkin
Box 244 Macabre 1970 - editor/publisher: Brennan, Joseph Payne
Box 244 Mad Mar 1984 - editor/publisher: Mader, Hans-Jürgen; Marwitz, Eckhard; issues: 2
Box 244 The Magazine of Rambling - editor/publisher: Eney, Dick?
Box 244 Mahogany Wood 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Hofmann, Matthias; issues: 5, 9; for FAPA
Box 244 Mainstream 1984 - editor/publisher: Tompkins, Suzanne (Suzie); Kaufman, Jerry; issues: 10
Box 244 Mammoth 1980 - editor/publisher: Rabogliatti, Mary Ellen; Daugherty, Walt; issues: 1; Society for the Preservation of Live Prehistoric Animals
Box 244 The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey [1977], undated - editor/publisher: Boutillier, Lester; issues: 2, 5
Box 244 Maneki-Neko 1967 - issues: 1; Pan-Pacificon Committee
Box 244 The Marianas Modicum 1945 - issues: 2
Box 244 MarkTime 1997 - editor/publisher: Strickert, Mark; issues: 43
Box 244 Marquee 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Bernardi, Woody; issues: 1, 5/6; for FAPA
Box 244 Masque [late 1990s/early 2000s]
Box 244 Maverick 1988-1989 - editor/publisher: Glover, Jenny; issues: 5-6, [9]
Box 244 Maybe 1970-1979, 1985 - editor/publisher: Koch, Irvin [pub.]; issues: 3, 5, 8, 40-41, 44 [43L], 52, 65; includes 'Baby of Maybe' no.9, c. mid-1970's
Box 244 Meeper Blue 1979 - editor/publisher: Paczolt, George; issues: 13/14
Box 244 Megaloscope 1961-1962 - editor/publisher: McCombs, Larry; issues: 1-2, 4; for N'APA
Box 244 Melikaphkhaz 1977-1978 - editor/publisher: Atkins, Lon; issues: 62, 65
Box 244 The Memory Hole [1984] - editor/publisher: Koman, Victor; issues: 3
Box 244 The Mentor 1984 - editor/publisher: Clarke, Ron L.; issues: 49-50
Box 245 The Mentor 1985-1986 - editor/publisher: Clarke, Ron L.; issues: 51-53, 60 (2 folders)
Box 245 Merlin's Daughter - editor/publisher: Phillips, Susan; issues: 4
The Meteor - editor/publisher: Glasser, Alan?; FJA?
See The Planet-Meteor.
Box 245 The Mexican Chizzi-con-carne 1984 - editor/publisher: Richardson, Nigel E.
Box 245 Mhodjee 1962 - editor/publisher: Hayes, Art; issues: 1
Box 245 Michel's Magazine 1938 - issues: 1
Box 245 Midnight Musings [1979] - editor/publisher: Syrjala, Sally A.; issues: 2
Box 245 The Mighty Atom c. early 1940's - editor/publisher: Johnson, R. Rowland; issues: 2
Box 245 The Mini Blam Blam - editor/publisher: Cardy, Robert
Box 245 Miniacopolis - editor/publisher: Nicholls, Warren/Margaret; issues: 6
Box 245 Miniconapa 1979 - editor/publisher: Goltz, Kenneth (Ken); issues: 1
Box 245 Minneapa 1991, 1993 - editor/publisher: Gahlon, Dean C.; issues: 265, 290
Box 245 Mirage 1963-1966, 1971 - editor/publisher: Chalker, Jack L.; issues: 6-8, 10
Box 245 Mishap 1981, 1985 - editor/publisher: Brown, Brian Earl; Trend, Gregg T.; issues: 54, 77-79; Michigan Society of Amateur Publishers (2 folders)
Box 245 Mishima undated - editor/publisher: Hlavaty, Arthur D.; issues: 2
Box 245 Moa Bone Stew 1982-1984 - editor/publisher: Stighter, Julie; others; issues: 20 (TOC page only), 26 (TOC page only), 31-32; assortment of indivual contributions, not collated (2 folders)
Box 246 Moa Bone Stew 1985 - issues: 34; assortment of indivual contributions, not collated
Box 246 Moebius Trip 1970, 1980 - editor/publisher: Connor, Edward C. ; issues: 3, 5, 27; changed name to 'SF Echo' after issue no.17
Box 246 Molemen, Over the Rainbow, Way Up High 1987 - editor/publisher: Wells, G.H.; issues: 1
Box 246 Mongoloid Moose, The 1994, 1996 - editor/publisher: Wilson, Scott; issues: 2, 28-29
Box 246 Monster-Times 1961 - editor/publisher: Taurasi, James V. (ed); issues: 1; pub by Science Fiction Times
Box 246 Moonscape 1983 - editor/publisher: Brondum, Mogens; issues: 1
Box 246 More or Les 1949 - issues: 4
Box 246 Mother Told Me There'd be Zines Like This 1980's - editor/publisher: Albertson, Rick
Box 246 Mountainsea [1981] - editor/publisher: Hills, Greg; issues: 81:4; for Applesauce
Box 246 Mumblings from Munchkinland c. 1991 - editor/publisher: Nelson, Chris; issues: 5
Box 246 Munich Round-up 1966, 1997 - editor/publisher: Kumming, Waldemar; Klüpfel; issues: 87, 166; German with some English
Box 246 My Little Chipmunk has Tits - editor/publisher: Schwarzin, Beth
Box 246 Myall Street Chronicles 1979-1980 - editor/publisher: Weber, Jean; issues: 1, 9; for Applesauce
Box 246 Mynd's undated, [circa 1980s] - editor/publisher: Collins, Graham P.; issues: 3-4, 13
Box 246 Mythologies 1985 - editor/publisher: D'Ammassa, Don; issues: 18
Box 246 Mythril 1971-1975 - editor/publisher: Goodnight, Glen; Ruskin, Laura; issues: v.1, no.1-4; v.2, no.1-3
Box 246 N'APA [related] - various contributors to the Neffer APA
Box 246 The National Fantasy Taper (TNFT) 1963 - editor/publisher: Ettlin, David; issues: 3
Box 246 The National Futurian Weekly 1944 - issues: 22; formerly 'Cosmic Circle Commentator', changes with no.22, Jun 3, 1944
Box 246 The National Pastime 1995-1996 - issues: 49, 56-58, supplement
Box 246 Natterjack undated - editor/publisher: Bailes, Len; issues: 5
Box 246 Nebulous undated - editor/publisher: Hamlin, Clay; Harrell, Phil; issues: 2-3
Box 246 Necropolitan [1990s] - issues: 1; in German
Box 246 Neffervescent 1961-1962 - editor/publisher: Franson, Donald; issues: 1-2; for Neffer APA
Box 246 Negativfan 1993-1997 - editor/publisher: Fields, Don; issues: 6-14, 16; includes successor Negativfanboyland, no.2
Box 247 Nekromonikon 1982 - editor/publisher: Kaden, Neil E.; issues: 7; formerly Dopplegangers
Box 247 Neo Feras [1980s] - in Japanese
Box 247 Neofan - editor/publisher: Hannifen, Owen M.; issues: 2-3, 5; includes issue # 2.1
Box 247 Neology 1981, 1984-1985, 1987 - editor/publisher: Giguere, Georges; issues: v.6, no.2; v.9, no.4-6; v.10, no.2-3; v.12, no.1/2, no. 4-5; Edmonton SF & Comic Art Society (2 folders)
Box 247 New Captain George's Whizzbang, The [early 1970s?] - editor/publisher: Harris, Peter; issues: 12
Box 247 The New Invocation 1991 - editor/publisher: Hilford, Doc; issues: 64, 68
Box 247 Niekas 1964-1966, 1981, 1983-1985 - editor/publisher: Meškys, Edumnd R.; issues: 8, 13, 15 (partial), 25, 31-33 (2 folders)
Box 247 Night Comics 1979 - editor/publisher: Seaton, Jay W.; issues: 287
Box 247 Nine Innings 1988 - editor/publisher: Hooper, Andrew; issues: 2
Box 247 No Place 1961 - editor/publisher: Busby, F.M.; issues: 4-6; for N'APA
Box 247 Nolazine c. 1968, 1971 - editor/publisher: Adkins, Patrick H.; issues: 7-8, 12; official organ of the New Orleans SF Association
Box 247 Nonconn 1960 - editor/publisher: Boatman, Alan N.; issues: 1
Box 247 Norb's Notes 1962 - editor/publisher: Reinsel, Charles Norbert; issues: special #1
Box 247 The Northern Guffblower 1979 - issues: 5; collated within is Ansible #1
Box 247 Not of this Island 1986 - issues: v.1 no.6; Eastern Quadrant SF Alliance
Box 247 Notes from Arinam 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Tackett, Roy
Box 247 Notes from Bob Peterson 1987 - editor/publisher: Peterson, Bob; issues: 25
Box 247 Notes from Oblivion 1989 - editor/publisher: Harber, Jay; issues: 23
Box 247 Nothing Left to the Imagination 1984 - editor/publisher: Chu, Alina; Miñambres, Teresa; issues: 7
Box 248 Nova 1941-1943 - editor/publisher: Ashley, Al; issues: 1-3; includes duplicates (2 folders)
Box 248 Nova [Norwegian edition] 1976 - editor/publisher: Myhre, Øyvind; issues: 2; in Norwegian
Box 248 Null Set - editor/publisher: Rolfe, Felice; Meskys, Ed; issues: 3
Box 248 Nutz 1985 - editor/publisher: Wells, Pam; issues: 3-4
Box 248 Nuz from Home c. 1944 - editor/publisher: Dunkelberger, Walter
Box 248 Nyctalops 1972-1975 - editor/publisher: Morris, Harry O. Jr.; issues: 6, 8-10
Box 248 Oald Bore's Tales of the Expected - editor/publisher: Sellars, Nigel
Box 248 Obelisk 1962 - editor/publisher: Kaye, Lenny; issues: 2
Box 248 Oblio 1977-1978 - editor/publisher: Brown, Gary; issues: 35, 38; Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 248 Oblique 1955 - editor/publisher: Gould, Clifford I.; issues: 2
Box 248 Obscene Matter - editor/publisher: Harness, Jack; issues: 1; for Neffer APA
Box 248 Obscure Publications 1997 - editor/publisher: Romenesko, Jim; issues: 39
Box 248 Octopus's Garden 1997 - editor/publisher: Sulliva, Peter; issues: 16
Box 248 Ogotrya - editor/publisher: Abramowitz, Alyson L.
Box 248 Oikumene-K 1990 - editor/publisher: Fisher, Christopher Neal; issues: 8; Ecumenical APA
Box 248 Old Bones 1975 - editor/publisher: Pugmire, Bill
Box 248 Olé Chavela! 1960 - writings praising Isabel Burbee
Box 248 Omega 1976 - editor/publisher: Jackson, David; Harrison, Roger; issues: 1; movie related
Box 248 Omnibhinge One - editor/publisher: Trimble, Bjo?; for APA-L no.63 and LASFS no. 1431
Box 248 On to Jupiter! [early 1980s] - editor/publisher: Andruschak, Harry
Box 248 1544 [One Five Four Four] 1999 - editor/publisher: Roth, Larry I.; issues: 16
Box 248 One-off - editor/publisher: Bridges, David
Box 248 One-shot Science Fiction Double Feature 1978 - members of the Falls of the Ohio SF and Fantasy Association
Box 248 Onoma 1983-1985 - editor/publisher: Bryant, G.A.; issues: 1-3
Box 248 Oops! [1970s] - editor/publisher: Propp, Larry; issues: 3, 4, and an unnumbered issue
Box 248 Ophicleide [1978] - editor/publisher: Prince, Sarah Symonds; issues: 2
Box 248 Opuntia 1992-1994, 1997-1999 - editor/publisher: Speirs, Dale; issues: 10.5A, 11.5, 12, 21.1, 30, 32, 36, 37, 37.1, 39.5, 40, 40.2, 40.5, 41.1D, 42.1,43
Box 249 Orb 1951 - editor/publisher: Johnson, Bob; issues: 9
Box 249 Order of Service fall 1996 - editor/publisher: "Rev. Groovy G."
Box 249 Orientbreeze - editor/publisher: Ladonko, Askold; issues: 5
Box 249 Ork! - editor/publisher: Chambers, Johnny; issues: 5; cartoons for N'APA
Box 249 Ornithopter [1981] - editor/publisher: Edmonds, Leigh; issues: 9
Box 249 Our Yesterdays Sep 1973 - editor/publisher: Burger, Joanne; fanzine for Torcon 2
Box 249 Out of the Bin 2003 - editor/publisher: Binns, Merv; issues: 19
Box 249 The Outlander Magazine 1992 - editor/publisher: Moffatt, Len and June; Hertz, Rick; issues: 5; "Button-Tack - the Rick Sneary Memorial Fanzine"
Box 249 Outworlds 1974-1975, 1992 - editor/publisher: Bowers, William L.; issues: 19-25, 64 (2 folders)
Box 249 Pablo Lennis 1982 - editor/publisher: Thiel, John; issues: 1
Box 249 Page Two Flag 1985 - editor/publisher: Hopkins, Richard L.; issues: 8
Box 249 Paisley & Steel 1993 - editor/publisher: Richards, Mark William; issues: 4; for FAPA
Box 249 Palantir 1982 - editor/publisher: Kobayashi, Yoshio; issues: [1]; in Japanese
Box 249 Panazine 1982 - editor/publisher: Teague, Robert; issues: 9
Box 249 Paper Rockets 1985 - editor/publisher: Wilcox, Jeff; issues: 2
Box 249 Paradox 1961-1965 - editor/publisher: Robbins, Bruce; issues: 1-4; #1 and 2 titled 'The Paradox'
Box 249 Passionate Scribe 1997 - editor/publisher: Bausert, Ken; issues: 5
Box 249 Passions 1997-1998 - editor/publisher: Bausert, Ken; issues: 7-8, 10, 12, 13 (3 folders)
Box 268 Passport Newsletter 1979 - issues: 141
Box 250 Peals 1959 - editor/publisher: Dietz, Belle/Frank; issues: 3
Box 250 Penguin Dip 1987-1988, 1990, 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Dorneman, Stephen H.; issues: 4, 8-9, 18, 37, 56, 60, 62-63
Box 250 People are Crazy undated - editor/publisher: Raybin, George Nims; issues: 1; for N'APA #5
Box 250 Peripheral Visions 1992 - editor/publisher: Sommers, Rob; issues: 11
Box 250 The Permanence of Empemera 1993 - editor/publisher: Raeburn, Boyd J.; issues: 2; for FAPA
Box 250 Pesky's 1961, 1962, undated - editor/publisher: Meskys, Edmund R.; issues: [3?], 6/7, 9, 11; for N'APA
Box 250 Pet-Rich 1965 - editor/publisher: Jackson, Pete; Benyo, Richie; issues: 1
Box 250 The Phantagraph 1945 - editor/publisher: Wollheim, Donald A.; issues: v.13, no.2; v.14, no.1-2
Box 250 Phantasphere 1945 - editor/publisher: Wollheim, Donald A.; issues: v.1, no.1, 3
Box 250 The Phantom Zine undated - editor/publisher: Dunning, Larry; various individual contributions, not an assembled issue, miscellaneous 'rule' pages
Box 250 Philosophical Gas 1992 - editor/publisher: Bangsund, John; issues: 83
Box 250 Phoenix [alternate title: Nix] 1961 - editor/publisher: Locke, Dave; issues: 5
Box 250 Phrenitis 1972 - editor/publisher: Scher, Kenneth; issues: 4; for N'APA #53
Box 250 Picture Trick 1959 - editor/publisher: Bradley, Marion Zimmer; issues: 1
Box 250 Pieces 1989 - editor/publisher: Schneier, Bruce; issues: 26-27
Box 250 Pied Type 1961, 1963, undated - editor/publisher: Armistead, Tom; issues: 3, 69, one unnumbered issue; for N'APA
Box 250 Pillycock 1964, 1966 - editor/publisher: Boardman, John; issues: 9, 25
Box 250 Pink 1992 - editor/publisher: Pender-Gunn, Karen; issues: 12
Box 250 Pirate Jenny 1989 - editor/publisher: Mueller, Pat; issues: 3
Box 250 Plack 1961-1962 - editor/publisher: Anderson, Don; issues: 6-7; for NAPA
Box 268 The Planet-Meteor - editor/publisher: Glasser, Alan?; FJA?
Box 250 The Pointed Stake 1970-1971 - editor/publisher: Connor, Edward C.; issues: 1-3; includes spinoff "Ye Compleat SF Jackass"
Box 250 The Pointing Vector 1963-1965 - editor/publisher: Boardman, John; issues: 16-25; #20 issue has supplement 'This Our City'
Box 250 Polaris 1940 - editor/publisher: Freehafer, Paul; issues: v.2, no.1 (2)
Box 250 Polhode 1960 - editor/publisher: Meskys, Edmund R.; issues: 2; for National Fantasy Fan Federation-APA #4
Box 250 Pong 1982, 1992 - editor/publisher: Steffan, Dan; White, Ted; issues: 31-34, 41
Box 250 The Pontine Dossier 1970 - editor/publisher: Norris, Luther; issues: 7B
Box 250 The Poppy Seed c. mid-1960's - editor/publisher: Patrick, David K.; issues: 5-6
Box 268 The Porpoise News 1974 - editor/publisher: Jay, Alix; issues: 4
Box 250 Potboiler 1983 - editor/publisher: Davidson, Lari ; issues: 6
Box 250 Poutník / Pilgrim 1988 - Jules Verne Club Prague
Box 250 Presenting Moonshine 1976 - editor/publisher: Fox, Morley H.; Yenter, Charles E.; issues: v.3, no.1
Box 251 Priscvs Ordo Seclorvm 1971-1973 - editor/publisher: Boardman, John; issues: 4-7, 9, 11
Box 251 Procrastination [1971 or 1972] - editor/publisher: Schweitzer, Darrell; issues: 9
Box 251 Promethean 1971 - editor/publisher: Vadeboncoeur, Jim Jr. et al; issues: 3
Box 251 Psychoholics Unanimous 1997-1998 - editor/publisher: Lee, Joni; issues: 45, 47
Box 251 Puffed Wheat - editor/publisher: Townley, Bruce A.
Box 251 Pulp [US] 1970-1972, 1974, 1976 - editor/publisher: Weinberg, Robert (ed); Riley, Steve (pub); issues: 1-2, 4, 6, 9
Box 251 Pulp [UK] 1987, 1990 - editor/publisher: Carol, Avedon; Hansen, Rob; Harvey, John; Clarke, Vince; issues: 5, 16
Box 251 The Pulp Era 1965-1970 - editor/publisher: Hickman, Lynn; issues: 62-68, [70]-74 (3 folders)
Box 251 Pulpdom 2001 - editor/publisher: Cazedessus, Camille Erwin; issues: 28
Box 251 Pulsar! 1988 - editor/publisher: Ubelhor, A.E. (pub); issues: 9
Box 251 Pyrotechnics 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Hanrahan, Gail/Jamie; issues: 35-36
Box 251 Quasar - editor/publisher: Davis, Greg / Wheaton High School SF Club
Box 251 Quasiquote 2003 - editor/publisher: Bond, Sandra; issues: 5
Box 251 The Questor Chronicles 1974 - editor/publisher: Bethel, Kim; issues: v.2, no.5; North High School SF club 'Questors'
Box 251 Quipu 1993 - editor/publisher: Rosenzweig, Vicki; issues: 1-2
Box 251 Raccoon Times 1997-1998 - editor/publisher: Nelson, Bob; issues: 8, 11; includes other miscellaneous pages from Bob Nelson, 'Masked Bandit', 'Small Adventures', 'My Rocky Horror Memories'
Box 251 Rache 1961-1964, 1966 - editor/publisher: Pelz, Bruce; issues: 2-3, 9, 11, 17, 23-24; for Neffer APA
Box 251 Rainbow-Trail 1945 - editor/publisher: Farsaci, Larry; for Spring 1945 FAPA
Box 251 Rappin' [early 1970s] - editor/publisher: Indick, Ben
Box 251 Rastus [1984] - editor/publisher: Owen, John D.; issues: 3
Box 251 Rataplan 1984 - editor/publisher: Edmonds, Leigh; issues: 28, 30
Box 251 Ratatosk 1966 - editor/publisher: Pelz, Bruce; issues: 35-37, 40-41
Box 252 Rats on Fire [1984]-1985 - editor/publisher: Brown, Brian Earl; issues: 43-45
Box 252 Rattail File 1984 - editor/publisher: Glyer, Mike; issues: 3
Box 252 The Raven of Osskill 1976 - editor/publisher: Denton, Frank; issues: 24; for APANAGE #37
Box 252 The Ravin' 1981 - editor/publisher: Dedman, Stephen; issues: v.3, no.2
Box 252 The Raving Maine-iac - editor/publisher: Hamlin, Clayton; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 252 Ray 1943 - editor/publisher: Wollheim, Donald A.; issues: 2; for FAPA
Box 252 Realm of Adventure 1985 - editor/publisher: Vanella, Michael; issues: 3
Box 252 The Rebel 1961 - editor/publisher: Jackson, John; issues: 1
Box 252 Recycled Art 1999 - editor/publisher: Silverman, Sharon; issues: 1
Box 252 Red Planet Earth 1974 - editor/publisher: Strete, Craig; issues: 5
Box 252 The Reluctant Famulus 1991-1992 - editor/publisher: Sadler, Thomas D.; issues: 14, 25
Box 252 Remember Lindisfarne 1987 - editor/publisher: Lyshol, Heidi; issues: [1]
Box 268 Renaissance [1970s] - editor/publisher: Pierce, John J.; issues: v.2, no.1; unnumbered issue
Box 252 Requiem [1961] - editor/publisher: Koning, John; issues: [1]
Box 252 Retreads c. 1986 - editor/publisher: Willis, Steve; issues: 5; a cartoon zine
Box 252 Return of the Nudomaniacal Scumbag [1982] - editor/publisher: Muck, Tom; issues: 1
Box 252 The Return of Zacher-Lore Apr 1989 - editor/publisher: Knusch, Jim
Box 252 Return to Wonder 1969 - editor/publisher: [Taylor, Michael; Gayle, R.E.; Riley, Stephen]; issues: [6]
Box 252 The Rhodan Magnetic Digest [1976] - editor/publisher: Bennett, Todd
Box 252 Rhubarb 1981, 1983 - editor/publisher: Fox, John/Diane; issues: 1-2, 4, [9]
Box 252 The Rib(bler's) Ram 1964 - editor/publisher: Benyo, Richie; issues: 1-3; for N'APA
Box 252 Richard E. Geis 1972 - editor/publisher: Geis, Richard E.; issues: 1, 3
Box 252 Rim Runner/From the Rim 1985 - editor/publisher: Thompson, Donald C.; issues: 33-35, 39-40; for D'APA
Box 252 Rising Star 1982 - editor/publisher: Betancourt, John; Wendell, Leilah; issues: 4
Box 252 Riverside Quarterly 1970 - editor/publisher: Sapiro, Leland; issues: v.4, no. 3
Box 252 Robots & Roadrunners 1988, 1990, 1992 - editor/publisher: Slate, Alexander R.; Garcia, Lynn; issues: v.3, no.3; v.5, no.4; v.7, no.2
Box 252 The Rogue Raven 1984 - editor/publisher: Denton, Frank; issues: 33
Box 252 Rollmag 1984 - editor/publisher: Maue, Kenneth; issues: 7
Box 252 Rot 1984 - editor/publisher: Ashworth, Mal; issues: 6
Box 252 Rothnium 1978 - editor/publisher: Hull, David; issues: 4
Box 252 Rubber Duckie 1972 - editor/publisher: Svoboda, Aljo; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 252 The Rubbish Bin(ns) 2000 - editor/publisher: Binns, Merv/Helena Roberts; issues: 8
Box 252 Rumble Newsletter 1957 - editor/publisher: Magnus, John; issues: 6
Box 252 Rune 1978-1980, 1983, 1992 - editor/publisher: Biever, Erik; Digre, M.K.; issues: 52, 56, 59, 74, 83
Box 252 Runes 1986 - editor/publisher: Flowers, Stephen; issues: v.4, no.4
Box 253 S.F. Weekly 1967 - editor/publisher: Porter, Andrew; issues: 200-202, 207; formerly 'Degler'
Box 253 S-F Dividend c. 1938 - editor/publisher: Wilson, Richard; issues: 5
Box 253 Sadistic Sphinx [1960s] - editor/publisher: [Kaye, Lenny]; issues: 3; for N'APA #13
Box 253 Sagana 1965 - editor/publisher: [Boardman, John]; issues: 4, 6-8; for APA-L
Box 253 Sam 1983 - editor/publisher: Stiles, Steve; issues: 15
Box 253 Sam Haskins Slide Show c. early 1980's - editor/publisher: Hirsch, Irwin; issues: 4; for Applesace
Box 268 Sanders 1971-[1972] - editor/publisher: Nee, Dave; issues: 2-12, 21
Box 253 Sandman Sentinel 1983, 1986 - editor/publisher: Holmes, Janelle; issues: 7, 10; Journal of the United Sandman', all and only about the movie Logan's Run
Box 253 Sands of Time 1942 - editor/publisher: [Carnell, Ted]; issues: 4; included is 'Delirium Tremens' no.1 by Dennis Tucker
Box 253 Sapphire 1941 - editor/publisher: Jones, R. Cornelius; for Fantasy Amateur Press Association
Box 253 Sardonyx - issues: 1; for FAPA
Box 253 The Sasparilla Gazette 1980 - editor/publisher: Pullin, Ernie; issues: 1
Box 253 Saturday c. 1980 - editor/publisher: Simon, Bill; issues: 5, 9
Box 253 Satyric 1943 - editor/publisher: Martin, Edgar A.; issues: 1
Box 253 Saucer Full of Secrets c. 1980's - editor/publisher: Hanna, Judith; issues: 1; for Applesace
Box 253 The Savoyard 1960 - editor/publisher: Pelz, Bruce; issues: 5
Box 253 Scavenger's Newsletter 1985 - editor/publisher: Fox, Janet; issues: 11
Box 253 Schokkend Nieuws 1997 - editor/publisher: Van Tonggeren, Phil; issues: 32; in Dutch
Box 253 Science, Fantasy, and Science Fiction 1949 - editor/publisher: Dietz, Franklin M. Jr.; issues: v.2, no.1
Box 253 Science Fiction Digest 1933 - editor/publisher: Ingher, Maurice Z.; issues: 6-7
Box 253 The Science Fiction Fan 1939 - editor/publisher: Wiggins, Olon F.; issues: 34; includes miscellaneous cover pages in duplicates
Box 253 Science Fiction Magazine 1977 - editor/publisher: Pollack, Andy; issues: 3
Box 253 The Science Fiction Monitor 1976 - editor/publisher: Creech, Mark L. ; issues: 3; Santa Cruz SF Society
Box 253 Science Fiction News 1953, 1970, 1983 - editor/publisher: [Stone, Graham]; issues: 2, 24, 71-72; Australian SF Society
Box 253 Science Fiction News Letter 1938 - editor/publisher: [Wilson, Richard]; issues: 33, 36
Box 253 Science Fiction Review 1970, 1975-1976 - editor/publisher: Reis, Richard E.; issues: 15, 17, 19, 35-36; includes duplicates (2 folders)
Box 253 Science Fiction Terrier 1941 - editor/publisher: Lowndes, Doc; issues: v.1, no.1
Box 253 Science Fiction Times 1957, 1959-1960, 1963, 1967-1969 - editor/publisher: Taurasi, James V.; Ashe, James; Dietz, Ann F. ; issues: 270, 276, 329-330, 349, 406, 438-449, 458-462 (3 folders)
Box 253 Science Fiction Weekly 1940 - issues: 10
Box 269 The Science-Fiction Gazette 1939 - editor/publisher: Williams, Eric C.; issues: "New Series no.3"
Box 254 Scienti-Snaps 1940 - editor/publisher: Marconette, Walter E.; issues: v.3, no.5
Box 254 Scientifiction: the First Fandom report winter 1994, summer 2001 - editor/publisher: Harmon, Jim
Box 254 Scientifriction 1976 - editor/publisher: Glyer, Mike; issues: 4-5
Box 254 Scopus: 3007 1998 - editor/publisher: Bouchard, Alexander J.L.; issues: 9
Box 254 Scottishe 1981 - editor/publisher: Lindsay, Ethel; issues: 82
Box 254 Seamonsters 1979 - editor/publisher: Walsh, Simone; issues: 3
Box 254 Secant 1987 - editor/publisher: Hills, Greg; issues: 1-3
Box 254 Secondhand Goods 1987 - editor/publisher: Connor, Chuck; issues: 1
Box 254 Seldon's Plan 1970, 1975-1976 - editor/publisher: Snyder, Guy; issues: v.3, no. 5; 37-38, 40
Box 254 Self Abused but Still Standing 1983 - editor/publisher: Connor, Chuck; issues: 3; Skate Press
Box 254 Senior Woodchuck's Guidebook, The 1978 - editor/publisher: Hutchinson, Alan; issues: 1; for APA-I
Box 254 Sense of Wonder 1979 - editor/publisher: Lareau, Chris; issues: 4
Box 254 Serenity 1978 - editor/publisher: Dunn, Reuben; issues: 2
Box 254 Serie-B 1984 - editor/publisher: Calleja [Alvarez], Pedro; issues: 3; in Spanish
Box 254 SF Commentary 1970-1972 - editor/publisher: Gillespie, Bruce R.; issues: 17-26 (4 folders)
Box 255 SF Commentary 1974-1979 - editor/publisher: Gillespie, Bruce R.; issues: 38-51, 53, 55½ (4 folders)
Box 255 SF Monochrome 1982 - editor/publisher: Barsoom Press; in Japanese
Box 269 SF...ere [late 1970s] - issues: 1-2, 8, 11-12; in Italian; publication of Dell'ANASF (dell'Associazone Nazionale Amatori della Science Fiction)
Box 255 Sfear 1984 - editor/publisher: George, Steve; issues: 1
Box 255 Sferical Aberration 1988 - issues: 2
Box 255 Sfinctor 1975 - editor/publisher: Miller, Criag; Glyer, Mike; Weinstein, Elliot; Mitchell, Glenn; issues: 8
Box 255 Sfinx 1987 - editor/publisher: Tringham, Neal; Hamilton, Maria; Towlson, Ivan; issues: 4
Box 255 SForum 1975 - editor/publisher: Bertrand, F.C.; issues: 3; published by Tesseract, Univ.of New Hampshire SF Society, and UNH Student Press
Box 255 SFPA-related - assortment of individual contributions
Box 255 Shadow 1972-1973 - editor/publisher: Sutton, David; issues: 16-19
Box 255 Shadow FAPA [1978], 1980, 1982 - editor/publisher: Thiel, John; issues: v.1, no.5; v.2, no.1; v.4, no.1
Box 255 Shadow SFPA 1978 - editor/publisher: Karrh, Linda; issues: 8; official organ of Shadow-SFPA
Box 255 Shamana Lioness 1982 - editor/publisher: Logan, Anne Laurie; issues: 14
Box 255 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] 1940 - issues: series 1 no.1, 2
Box 269 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] 1942-1943 - issues: series 2 no.2, 4, 5, 8
Box 256 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] 1942-1947 - issues: series 2 no.11, 16-30, 34, 36 (4 folders)
Box 256 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] 1948-1960 - issues: series 2 no.4, 8, 11-12, 14, 22-26, 39-41, 43, 45-46, 49-53; numbering restarted to follow on from series 1 (5 folders)
Box 257 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] 1960-1965, 1987, 1992 - issues: series 3 no.54, Christmas art supplement, 56-57, 60-64, 67, 69-70, 82, 84 (5 folders)
Box 257 Shangri L'Affaires [alternate title: Shangri-La] - issues: miscellaneous; fragments; index to no's 1-39
Box 257 Shards Oct/Nov 1983 - editor/publisher: Bangsund, John
Box 257 Shipyard Blues [1990s] - editor/publisher: Owen, John D.; issues: 4
Box 257 Shotgun [1986] - editor/publisher: Bellis, Anders; issues: 2; for Fantasy Amateur Press Association
Box 257 Shmuck-o-Rat c. early 1990's - editor/publisher: Fields, Don; issues: 2
Box 257 Sic Buiscuit Disintegraf undated, 1985 - editor/publisher: Rowley, Dave; Hibbert, Joy; issues: 5, 7, suppl.; includes religious supplement
Box 257 The Sick Elephant 1972 - editor/publisher: Wells, George H.; issues: 15; for N'APA
Box 257 Sidney Suppey's Quarterly and Confused Pet Monthy 1996 - editor/publisher: Strecker, Candi; issues: 23
Box 257 Sikander 1981 - editor/publisher: Hirsh, Irwin; issues: 5
Box 257 Singing the Marseillaise [mid-1980s] - editor/publisher: Hayden, Patrick/Teresa Nielsen
Box 257 Siralos undated - editor/publisher: Lehman, Steve; issues: 1
Box 257 Sirius XIV 1975 - editor/publisher: Catalano, Frank; issues: 24/25
Box 257 Sisu undated - editor/publisher: Main, Andy; issues: 1; for N'APA
Box 257 Skeet's Fan Forum and Review 1993 - editor/publisher: Keeter, Steve; issues: 7
Box 257 Skiffy Party Fantasy - editor/publisher: Bush, Shelby; Barker, A.J.; Wilhout, Julia
Box 257 Skim Milk - issues: 4
Box 257 Skimming the Clouds of Venus 1978 - editor/publisher: Andruschak, Harry J.N.; issues: 11, 14; for Sourthern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 257 Slam Bang 1985 - editor/publisher: Freeman, Allen; issues: 1
Box 257 Sleazoid Express 1980-1981 - editor/publisher: Landis, Bill; issues: v.1, no.1-2, 21-22, 24; v.2, no.3
Box 257 Slime 1962 - editor/publisher: Trimble, Bjo; issues: 2
Box 257 Slow Leek 1998 - editor/publisher: Breier, Davida Gypsy; issues: 17
Box 257 Slubberdegullion 1992 - editor/publisher: Richardson, Nigel E.; issues: 4-5
Box 257 Small Friendly Dog 1979 - editor/publisher: Skel 'n Cas'; issues: 17
Box 257 Smart-Ash 1982-1985, 1987-1988, 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Shields, Ruth (?); issues: 18, 23, 26, 28, 38, 41, 51-55; Chimneyville Fantasy & SF Society
Box 258 Smash undated - editor/publisher: Harland [Ronning?]; issues: 33
Box 258 Smoke Out of Joint [1974] - editor/publisher: various ; created during Westercon 27includes 'The Galactic Potsmoker'
Box 258 Snarkin' Surfari 1993 - editor/publisher: Rapoport, Barnaby; issues: [1]-3
Box 258 Snickersnee 1992/1993 - editor/publisher: Silverberg, Bob [Robert]; issues: vol 3412 no. 1; for FAPA
Box 258 So What [1962] - editor/publisher: Norwood, Nick; issues: 4
Box 258 So What? [Temple of Holy Electronic Media & Unadulterated Slack] 1996-1998 - issues: 16, 19, "Best of v. 2"
Box 258 The SoKy Satellite 1983 - editor/publisher: Robe, Gary R.; issues: 4-5; Bowling Green-Warren County SF and Fantasy Club
Box 258 Songs Quarterly 1982, 1984 - editor/publisher: Presford, Peter E.; issues: 5-6, 8, 11; issues variously titled as 'Songs', 'Songs Quarterly' and 'Sing me a Song'
Box 258 Sonoma [early 1960s] - editor/publisher: Metcalf, Norm; issues: 4, 6; includes duplicates
Box 258 Sound Off! [early 1940s] - editor/publisher: Gilbert, Joseph; issues: 1
Box 258 Sounding the Ritual Echo 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Green, Steve; issues: 2.5, 3; issue 2.5 titled as 'Atmospheres for Dreaming' on front sheet
Box 258 South on Peachtree 1983 - editor/publisher: Rogers, Mike; issues: 2
Box 258 The Southern Fan 1961 - editor/publisher: Broyles, L.D.; issues: v.2, no.3
Box 258 Space and Time 1968-1980 - editor/publisher: Linzner, Gordon; issues: 3-5, 7, 9-12, 15-20, 22-30, 32-34, 57; includes Dark Over no.1, a comic extra (4 folders)
Box 258 Space Log [1970s] - issues: v.3, no.1-2; in Japanese
Box 258 Space-Time Continuum 1992: May-Jun - editor/publisher: Trimble, Bjo
Box 258 The Space Wastrel 1986-1988 - editor/publisher: Loney, Mark; Michelle; Warner, Julian; issues: v.2, no.4, 8, 9A-9B
Box 258 Spacewarp 1947 - editor/publisher: Rapp, Arthur H.; issues: v.2, no.3; includes miscellaneous page from v.3, no.4
Box 258 Spaceways 1938 - editor/publisher: Warner, Harry; issues: 1
Box 258 The Spang Blah 1976 - editor/publisher: Finder, Jan Howard; issues: 12
Box 258 Spangler 1991 - editor/publisher: Danielson, Garth Edmond; issues: 1
Box 259 The Spectator 1976 - editor/publisher: Frierson, Meade III; issues: 117
Box 259 Speculation 1971-1972 - editor/publisher: Weston, Peter R. [pub.]; issues: 29-30
Box 259 Speer's Sustaining Program circa 1943 - editor/publisher: Speer, Jack
Box 259 Spellbound 1981 - editor/publisher: Smeds, Dave; issues: v.6, no.2
Box 259 Spent Brass 1989, 1991-1993 - editor/publisher: Hooper, Andy; Root, Carrie; issues: 1, 4, 8/9, 19
Box 259 Spina 1966 - editor/publisher: Thorne, Creath; issues: 9
Box 259 Spiritus Mundi 1977-1978 - editor/publisher: Lillian, Guy H. III; issues: 42-43, 46; for Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 259 Spirochete 1991, 1993 - editor/publisher: Boggs, Redd; issues: 46, 57, 66
Box 259 Splynter - editor/publisher: Newman, John; for Applesauce #23
Box 259 Spoor/Spoor Anthology 1974 - editor/publisher: Adams, Fred C.; issues: 1, 4
Box 259 Spudnut [1993] - editor/publisher: Deindorfer, Gary; issues: 1; supplement to 'Spud'
Box 259 Squat on my Grunt 1985 - editor/publisher: Whiteoak, Owen; issues: 5
Box 259 Stanley 1972 - issues: 12; A Cepheid Variable Science Fiction Club Publication'
Box 259 Star Dust 1979 - issues: v.1, no.2
Box 259 Star Song 1975 - editor/publisher: Diederichsen, James ; issues: v.1, no.2
Box 259 Starsongs 1983 - editor/publisher: Mullin, Dennis; issues: 54/59; Univeristy of Waterloo SF Club
Box 259 Starsprinkle 1964 - editor/publisher: Ellik, Ron; issues: 30
Box 259 Stayin' Sane 1993 - editor/publisher: Juette, T.M.; issues: 1
Box 259 Stefantasy 1992 - editor/publisher: Danner, William M.; issues: 110-111
Box 259 Stefnews 1946 - editor/publisher: Speer, Jack; issues: 41
Box 259 Stet 1992 - editor/publisher: Smith, Leah Zeldes; issues: 5
Box 259 STF-Ette 1940-1941 - editor/publisher: Pogo (Mary Corinne Gray)
Box 259 Sticky Quarters 1984-1986, 1988 - editor/publisher: Brown, Brian Earl; issues: 10-11, 14-15, 18, 22
Box 259 Still it Moves 1983 - editor/publisher: Ounsley, Simon; issues: 5
Box 259 Still Life 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Ounsley, Simon; issues: 1-2
Box 259 Stipple-APA 1982-1983 - editor/publisher: Gahlon, Dean C. (collator); issues: 19, 25
Box 259 Stoned Henge 1973, 1975 - editor/publisher: Boardman, Jim; issues: 1-3, 5, 7, 9
Box 259 Stoner's Monster Mayhem 1998 - editor/publisher: Stoner, Richard; issues: 8
Box 260 Strangler Elephants Gazette? [circa 1977] - editor/publisher: Stevens, Paul J.
Box 260 Struck by Constriction (there's a demon in my mind...) - editor/publisher: ?; issues: 1
Box 260 Stun Gunn 1992 - editor/publisher: Gunn, Ian; issues: 15
Box 260 Sun Spots 1941 - editor/publisher: Gaetz, Roderick; Plotkin, Roy; Ree, Gerry de la; issues: 16
Box 260 Superscience [1980s] - editor/publisher: Kowalski, Michael; issues: 10; for Aoteorapa
Box 260 Supramundane Stories 1937 - editor/publisher: Frome, Nils H.
Box 260 Survival Magazine 1987 - editor/publisher: Maes, Alfons J.; issues: 27; from Antwerp, Begium; in Dutch or Flemish
Box 260 Swede Ishes [1987?] - editor/publisher: Engholm, Ahrvid
Box 260 Sweetness and Light 1940 - editor/publisher: Hodgkins, Russ; Kuttner, Henry; Shroyer, Fred; Mooney, Jim; Barnes, Art; issues: 4
Box 260 Syzygy 1974 - editor/publisher: Baker, Ron; issues: 1
Box 269 Tamlacht circa 1972 - editor/publisher: Boruta, Victor; Attanasio, Alfred; issues: 12-14; issue #14 mislabeled #13
Box 260 Tand 1990 - editor/publisher: Manning, Mark; issues: 3, 5
Box 260 Tanjent 1983 - editor/publisher: Hills, Greg; issues: 13
Box 260 Tanstaafl 1968 - editor/publisher: Godwin, John; issues: 6
Box 260 Tantalus 1961 - editor/publisher: Dickenstreet, Dean/Shirley; issues: 1
Box 260 Tapadance 1993 - editor/publisher: Strickert, Mark; issues: 172
Box 260 Tarzine 1986-1987 - editor/publisher: Ross, Bill; issues: 42, 45-46, 51-52, 56
Box 260 Tash [The Amazing Sentient House] [1988] - editor/publisher: Ferguson, Tommy; issues: 4
Box 260 Tau Ceti Pheonix: Apocrypha [also called simply 'Apocrypha'] 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Dunning, Larry Anthony; issues: 2-5
Box 260 Tedscan undated - editor/publisher: Mayer, Eric; issues: 1
Box 260 Tekeli - Li 1979 - editor/publisher: Faig, Ken Jr.; issues: 4; for FAPA
Box 260 Telos 1980 - editor/publisher: Hayden, Teresa/Patrick Nielsen; issues: 1
Box 260 The Ten Page News 1997 - editor/publisher: Thomas, Owen; issues: 8-9, 16
Box 260 Tentativity 1980 - editor/publisher: Gunderloy, Mike; issues: 1
Box 269 Terran Daily Gazette - editor/publisher: Hamlin, Clayton
Box 260 The Terrean 1982, 1984 - editor/publisher: Rostrom, Richard C.; issues: 207, 213, 229; Issue # 213 called 'The Pizza Terrean' on cover TAPS?
Box 260 Terminal Brain Rot 1997 - editor/publisher: Huegen, Mike; issues: 10, special 1
Box 260 Terra 1979 - issues: 43; Perry Rhodan Science Fiction Vereniging; in Dutch
Box 260 Texas SF Inquirer 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Denton, Dale; Slate, Alexander R.; issues: 45-46, 48; Fandom Association of Central Texas
Box 260 Thanatos Ceasing 1977 - editor/publisher: Alan; issues: v.2, no.1
Box 260 They Sell Horses, Don't They? c. late 1970's - editor/publisher: Severs, Lawrence; issues: 2
Box 260 Thin Ice 1978 - editor/publisher: Verheiden, Mark; issues: 27-28, 31
Box 261 Thingumybob 1992 - editor/publisher: Connor, Chuck; issues: 6
Box 261 The Third Foundation [1968] - editor/publisher: Shapiro, James; issues: 78
Box 261 This House 1981 - editor/publisher: Purcell, John A.; issues: 13
Box 261 Thrift Score 1998 - editor/publisher: Hoff, Al; issues: 13
Box 261 Thru Black Holes undated - editor/publisher: Roden, Michael; issues: 1
Box 261 Thru the Haze 1962, 1968-1969 - editor/publisher: Hayes, Art? or McCombs, Larry; issues: 2-3, [31], 36
Box 261 Thyme 1984-1985, 1988, 1993 - editor/publisher: Stewart, Alan?; issues: 38-44, 66, 89-90
Box 261 Tightbeam 1967, 1977-1978, 1981-1986, 1988, 1992-1993, 1997 - editor/publisher: Laurion, Owen K.; Maack, Ingrid; issues: 46, unnumbered, 8, 12, unnumbered (2), 130, 132, 134-138, 142, 144, 155, 174, 177-179, 181, 207; fanzine/letterzine of the National Fantasy Fan Federation; #46 numbering seems out of synch with the later year issues (6 folders)
Box 261 Timbre [1984], 1986, 1988 - editor/publisher: Jones, Tim; issues: 2-3, 5
Box 261 Time Enough for Applesauce 1983 - editor/publisher: Lounsbury, Linda; for Applesauce
Box 261 The Time Scanner - editor/publisher: Studley, Bob; issues: 2
Box 261 Time-Tea 1991 - editor/publisher: Bridges, Dave; issues: 2
Box 261 A Tink from the Tongzine - editor/publisher: Strelkov, Mae
See also Correspondence : Chapdelaine, Perry.
Box 261 Tintinnabulation 1975 - editor/publisher: Cochran, Don ; issues: 7
Box 261 Toffee Apple circa 1983 - editor/publisher: Ozanne, Alex; issues: 5
Box 262 Tomorrow and… 1971 - editor/publisher: Lapidus, Jerry; issues: 5-7
Box 269 Tong / Tongzine 1974, undated - editor/publisher: Strelkov, Mae
See also Correspondence : Chapdelaine, Perry.
Box 262 Topozine [1990s] - editor/publisher: Argoff, Fred; issues: 14, 20, 22
Box 262 Torch [1970s] - editor/publisher: Decker, Dwight R.; issues: 21
Box 262 Tos Hostivar 1984 - issues: 3; in Czech; includes Sestavili M. Nejedly, M. Martinova, a translation by famous SF anthologist/diplomat Jaroslav Olša Jr., story by FJA translated into Czech
Box 262 Totally Wired 1984 - editor/publisher: Gonzalez, Victor; issues: 1
Box 262 Trap Door 1985 - editor/publisher: Lichtman, Robert; issues: 4
Box 262 Trash Times 1998 - editor/publisher: Behrens, Rich; issues: 2-3
Box 269 Trashola undated - editor/publisher: Morton, Jim; issues: v.1, no.12, 16; v.2, no. 12
Box 262 Travelling Shoes 1998-1999 - editor/publisher: Miller, H.D.; issues: 2-3
Box 262 Troglodyte 1966 - editor/publisher: Luttrell, Hank; issues: 10-11; for N'APA
Box 269 Troy 1944 - editor/publisher: Bradleigh, Helen [Degler, Claude]; issues: 1
Box 262 True Banana Tales - cartoon zine, looks to be photocopied
Box 262 True Facts 1978 - editor/publisher: Martin, Diane; issues: 3
Box 269 Turn Left at Thursday 1979 - editor/publisher: Rowley, John; issues: 2; includes separate preface sheet
Box 262 TV Ministry - editor/publisher: Stocky, A.E.; issues: 1
Box 262 Twenty Bus [20 Bus] c. 1994 - editor/publisher: Williams, K.; issues: 2-3, extra
Box 262 Twilight Zine 1987, 1989 - editor/publisher: Eisen, Janice M.; issues: 39-40; Massachusetts Institute of Technology SF Society
Box 262 Twiltone Zone 1984 - issues: 1[?]; Norfolk Howard People's Co-Operative Press
Box 262 Twll-Ddu [1983] - editor/publisher: Langford, Dave; issues: 20
Box 262 Two Magicians [1970s] - editor/publisher: Balazs, Frank; Romm, Dave
Box 262 Tympani / Tympany 1947 - editor/publisher: Stein, Bob (Robert L.); issues: 5, 15
Box 262 UFO Afrinews 1997 - editor/publisher: Hind, Cynthia; issues: 16
Box 262 Ul 1965, 1969, 1971 - editor/publisher: Metcalf, Norman; issues: 18, 25, 34
Box 262 Ully Mully Gue 1961 - editor/publisher: McInerney, Mike; issues: 1-2; for N'APA
Box 262 Un-named undated - editor/publisher: Lamb, Janie; issues: 1, 3, unnumbered; for N'APA
Box 262 Uncensored [circa 1980] - editor/publisher: McBride, Jo-Anne C.; issues: 1; for Canapada
Box 262 Uncle Dick's Little Thing 1984 - editor/publisher: Smith, Richard H.E. II; issues: 7-9
Box 262 Under the Ozone Hole 1992-1993 - editor/publisher: Herbert, John Wilcox; Johanson, Karl; issues: 1-3
Box 262 Underdog Zine 1997 - issues: 19; from Underdog Records, Chicago
Box 262 Undulant Fever 1979-1986 - editor/publisher: Arthurs, Bruce D.; issues: 4-10
Box 262 Unicorn 1973 - editor/publisher: Rockow, Karen; issues: v.2, no.4
Box 262 Univax and Unicorns 1975 - editor/publisher: Solt, Melanie J.; issues: 3
Box 262 The Unteleported Fan undated - editor/publisher: Moudry, Joe; issues: 13-16; for FAPA
Box 262 Unterm Rad undated - editor/publisher: Anderson, Paul; issues: 2; otherwise known as The Moorazine'
Box 262 Up from the Pitts undated - editor/publisher: drawn by Dennis Hood and Jim Phillips; issues: 1
Box 262 Ur 1957 - editor/publisher: Mills, Ellis T.; issues: 2
Box 262 Utgard undated - editor/publisher: Hulan, Dave; issues: 28; Southern Fandom Press Alliance, 84th mailing
Box 262 Utopian 1952 - issues: 6; includes various other pages titled 'Miscellany' and 'A Second Dose'
Box 263 Van Houten Says 1939 - editor/publisher: van Houten, Raymond ; issues: v.3, no.5
Box 263 Vanamonde 1997-1999 - editor/publisher: Hertz, John; issues: 232, 258, 278, 294, 310, 318-322
Box 263 Vaux Hall Fanatic - editor/publisher: Johnson, Seth A.; issues: 5 unnumbered issues; for N'APA
Box 263 Vector 1963-1964, 1969, 1981-1982, 1984-1985, 1987-1988, 1992 - editor/publisher: Smith, Kevin; Mercer, Archie; Kenward, Michael; issues: 19, 27, 52, 101, 105-106, 122-126, 140, 145, 171; publication of the BSFA (British SF Association) (3 folders)
Box 263 Vehmgericht undated - editor/publisher: Reamy, Tom; issues: 2
Box 263 Velocity N.Y.C. [1997] - editor/publisher: Collins, Shawn; issues: 6
Box 263 Velvet c. 1983 - editor/publisher: Brubaker, Scott; issues: 13
Box 263 Venus 1944 - editor/publisher: Crozetti, Lora; issues: 1; a LASFS publication
Box 263 Venus-Con 1944 - editor/publisher: Laney, Francis T.; Brown, Mel; issues: [1?]
Box 263 Vheckans Avfentyr 1979 - editor/publisher: Engholm, Ahrvid; issues: 30
Box 263 The Village iDiot 1991, 1994 - editor/publisher: Singer, Joe M.; issues: 14, unnumbered final issue
Box 263 Villoidus 1985 - editor/publisher: Hlaváč, Martin; issues: 1; in Czech
Box 263 Viper 1960-1962 - editor/publisher: Donaho, Bill; issues: 1-3, 4-6 (2 folders)
Box 263 Visions 1980 - editor/publisher: Van Der Lingen, Laurens; issues: 3
Box 263 Visions of Paradise 1993 - editor/publisher: Sabella, Robert; issues: 48
Box 263 Vitriolic Vagaries [1945]
Box 263 Voarchadumia 1972 - editor/publisher: Mattingly, Gary S.; issues: 2; for N'APA
Box 263 Voice of the Lobster 1979 - editor/publisher: Flynn, George; issues: 3
Box 263 The Voicemakers 1998 - editor/publisher: Ochieng, Frank (?); issues: 6
Box 263 Wahf-full 1981-1982, 1985 - editor/publisher: Herman, Jack R.; issues: 7, 9, 13.5
Box 264 Wait for the Ricochet 1984, undated - editor/publisher: Thomas, Pascal J.; issues: 6-8
Box 264 Wallbanger 1984 - editor/publisher: Harvey, Eve; issues: 9
Box 264 Walt Disney's Crime and SuspenStories 1978 - editor/publisher: Hutchinson, Alan; issues: 33; Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 264 Walt's Wramblings 1942 (Jun) - editor/publisher: Liebscher, Walt; for FAPA
Box 264 Wang 1973 - editor/publisher: Herwell, Roger; issues: 1; for APA-69, I think this is a 'spoofzine'
Box 264 War of the Words / Zelot [1908s] - editor/publisher: Fyri, Ragner; issues: 4 / 6.5; combined 2-title issue
Box 264 The Wasffan 1980, 1983 - editor/publisher: McCaw, Kevin; issues: 19, 30; Western Australian SF Association
Box 264 "Watch the Closing Doors!" 1991, 1999 - editor/publisher: Argoff, Fred; issues: 1-2, 7
Box 264 Wax Museum 1997 - editor/publisher: Costulis, T.C.; issues: 4
Box 264 We Don't Know Yet 1977 - editor/publisher: Tucker, Lawrence K.; issues: v.2, no.1
Box 264 Weber Woman's Wrevenge 1981-1982, 1984-1985, 1992 - editor/publisher: Weber, Jean; issues: v.1, no.1, 4-5; v.2, no.1; v.4, no.1-4; v.7, no.3
Box 264 Weird City c. 1990 - editor/publisher: Szurek, Dave; issues: 1, 4
Box 264 Weird Scenes [c. 1978] - editor/publisher: Whitehead, Andy; issues: v.2, no.1; Southern Fandom Press Alliance
Box 264 The Weird Tales Collector 1977-1978 - editor/publisher: Weinberg, Robert; issues: 2-3
Box 264 Weirdbook 1968-1978 - editor/publisher: Ganley, W. Paul; issues: 1-7, 8-13, special edition; no's 8-10 each have a separately published appendix; special edition, "The Gothic Horror and Other Weird Tales" (5 folders)
Box 265 Weirdbook 1979-1981 - editor/publisher: Ganley, W. Paul; issues: 14-15
Box 265 The West Virginia Surf Report 1997 - editor/publisher: Kay, Jeffrey S.; issues: 13
Box 265 What the Dormouse Said c. 1980's - editor/publisher: Ortlieb, Marc; issues: 7; for FAPA
Box 265 What's Going Down c. 1970's? - editor/publisher: Shiffman, Stu; issues: 2
Box 265 Wheeks Adfentures 1979 - editor/publisher: Bellis, Anders; issues: v.2, no.32
Box 265 Whimsey 1987 - editor/publisher: Gomoll, Jeanne; issues: 6
Box 265 Whisky Zine and Pipe Smoke Messages 1965 - editor/publisher: Lopatka, Hans; Arenz, Heinrich R.; issues: 3; in German with English
Box 265 Whispers 1973-1977 - editor/publisher: Schiff, Stuart David; issues: v.1, no.1-3; v.1, no.4; v.2, no.1-4; v.3, no.1-2; "mini issue"; most copies inscribed by Schiff to Art Saha; includes a supplement sheet (3 folders)
Box 265 Whistlestar 1984 - editor/publisher: Bailes, Lenny; issues: 1-2; notated as '#1/w Tuesday After Lunch (another zine of Bailes)
Box 265 The Whole Fanzine Catalog 1981-1983 - editor/publisher: Brown, Brian Earl; issues: 21-22/25; in association with Metro Detroit SF Society
Box 265 Why Not 1961-1962 - editor/publisher: Lewis, Al; issues: 3-5; N'APA mailing
Box 265 Wild Fennel 1981 - editor/publisher: Palmer, Pauline; issues: 15
Box 265 Wild Heirs 1995 - editor/publisher: Katz, Arnie/Joyce and others; issues: 3
Box 265 Winding Numbers 1984 - editor/publisher: Reichardt, Randy; issues: 7
Box 265 Winnie 1970 - editor/publisher: Ward, Michael; issues: v.4, no. 5, 8
Box 269 Wiz 1984 - editor/publisher: Bergeron, Richard; issues: 12
Box 265 Wonder Gab circa 1970's? - editor/publisher: Boutillier, Lester; issues: 23-24
Box 265 Wonderful Watermelons 1977 - editor/publisher: Caldwell, Roger; issues: 1
Box 265 The Woodchuck Weakly 1969 - editor/publisher: Clark, David; others; issues: 4
Box 265 Woof 1977, 1979-1980, 1984 - editor/publisher: Patten, Fred; Smith, Dick; issues: 2 (partial), 4-5, 9; Worldcon Organization of Faneditors
Box 265 The World According to Garth 1984-1985 - editor/publisher: Spencer, Garth; issues: 11-12
Box 266 Worlds Beyond 1980 - editor/publisher: Cardy, Tom; issues: 11
Box 266 The Wretch Takes to Writing 1980 - editor/publisher: Cline, Cheryl; issues: 4
Box 266 Write Now [1981] - editor/publisher: Trimble, John and Bjo
Box 266 Wurlitzer 1993 - editor/publisher: Cantor, Robbie; issues: 197; official organ of the Los Angeles Scietifiction Fans' Amateur Press Association'
Box 266 Wyknot 1976 - editor/publisher: Josenhans, Ken; issues: 4-5
Box 266 X [1940s] - editor/publisher: Conway, Roger; issues: 3
Box 266 Xenium 1986 - editor/publisher: Glicksohn, Mike; issues: 14
Box 266 Xenolith 1979-1981 - editor/publisher: Bowers, Bill; issues: 1, 4, 14; includes an index sheet
Box 266 Xenophilia 1981-1982 - editor/publisher: Faulder, Richard J.; issues: 2-4
Box 266 Xyster [1984]-1985 - editor/publisher: Wood, Dave; issues: 6, 8
Box 266 Yaargh! undated - editor/publisher: Ron; issues: 1
Box 266 Yandro 1968, 1970-1971, 1976-1977, [1981] - editor/publisher: Coulson, Robert/Juanita; issues: 179, 201, 204, 237, 240, 251 (2 folders)
Box 266 Yesterday and Today 1974 - editor/publisher: Burger, Joanne
Box 266 Yeti Times 1997-1998 - editor/publisher: "Rev. Phil"; issues: 7-8, 10; includes duplicates
Box 266 Yhos undated, 1982, 1987, 1991, 1993 - editor/publisher: Widner, Art; issues: 19, 21, 39, 41, 45, 50, 53
Box 266 Your Friend, Loretta Lynn Aug, Dec 1971; Jun 1972 - editor/publisher: Johnson, Loudilla/Loretta/Kay; Loretta Lynn International Fan Club
Box 266 Yrrazine 1976 - editor/publisher: Troup, Dave; issues: 1; Young Readers Rhofan Association
Box 267 Zelot [alternate titles: Zealot, Zelok, Zelook, ZeaLoc] - editor/publisher: Fyri, Ragner; issues: 6
See also War of the Words / Zelot.
Box 267 Zenith Speculation 1966 - editor/publisher: Weston, Peter R.; issues: 13
Box 267 Zetetic [1980s] - editor/publisher: Hibbert, Joy; issues: 3
Box 267 Zine circa 1980 - editor/publisher: Zandersson, Jan-Erik; issues: 1; in Swedish
Box 267 Zine World [1990s] - editor/publisher: Holland, Doug; issues: 1-2
Box 267 Zinerevzine - editor/publisher: Walker, Keith and Rosemary; issues: 1
Box 267 Zingaro [1964?]-1966 - editor/publisher: Irwin, Mark; issues: 6, 8
Box 267 Zinith! - editor/publisher: Lillie, Scott C.; issues: 1, 3
Box 267 Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah [late 1970s] - editor/publisher: Morrissey, Rich; issues: 1
Box 267 Zoetrope Jun 1979 - editor/publisher: Greizis, Joe Michael
Box 267 Zosma 1981 - editor/publisher: George, Steve [pub.]; issues: 15
Box 267 ZZZ - editor/publisher: [Hill, Alma?]; issues: 1; for N'APA
Box 267 Miscellaneous fanzines - unidentified and/or not significant enough to warrant separate folders
Box 267 Miscellaneous fragments (3 folders)
Box 269 Miscellaneous fragments
Financial material
The majority of the material in this series relates to Ackerman's personal finances. For financial matters connected with day-to-day operation of the Ackerman Agency (e.g. office supplies), see Ackerman Agency. For financial matters connected with a specific client (e.g. royalty payments), see Correspondence under the client's name. Royalty payments for multiple clients, or for unidentified client(s), are filed in Correspondence under the relevant publisher or agent. For payments where neither client nor agent nor publisher is known, see Ackerman Agency : Deposits, unidentified. Cancelled checks and all material connected with legally protected health/medical information have been discarded and destroyed. This material is not sorted by date; all dates given below are estimates.
Box 270 Banks circa 1958-2000 (3 folders)
Box 270 Car circa 1955-1998 - includes driver's licenses; application for custom license plates MOONFAN and MRSCIFI
Box 270 Check registers circa 1967-1986
Box 270 Collection survey 1980 - survey of collection, with estimates for proper cataloging and housing including supplies, equipment, staff, etc.
Box 270 Collection valuations circa 1967-2001 - appraisals, price lists, auctions, "for sale" lists, FJA's descriptions/estimates of value, etc. (2 folders)
See also Legal material : Inventories; Recordings and media : FJA estate inventory + photos.
Box 270 Credit cards circa 1955-2001 (2 folders)
Box 270 House maintenance circa 1954-1991 (2 folders)
Box 270 House ownership 1973-1974, 2000-2001 - includes mortgage information (2 folders)
Box 270 IBM circa 1962-1981
Box 271 Insurance circa 1942-1998 - car, property, life, misc. (4 folders)
Box 271 Investments circa 1973-2000 (2 folders)
Box 271 Mead Pumping Station 1982-1985 - FJA rented the space as storage
Box 271 Phone circa 1966-1983 (2 folders)
Box 271 Real estate, miscellaneous 1942, 1973
Box 271 Royalties, unspecified 1987 - given the dates, these may be for his book Forrest J. Ackerman's Fantastic Movie Memories
Box 271 Taxes 1946, 1949-1969 (4 folders)
Box 272 Taxes 1970-1988, 1991-2006, undated (11 folders)
Box 272 Travel circa 1957-2006 - hotel receipts, travel insurance, etc. (2 folders)
For itineraries for specific trips, see Memorabilia : Itineraries. For souvenirs, maps, etc., see Memorabilia : Travel.
Box 273 Travel circa 1957-2006 - hotel receipts, travel insurance, etc.
See also Memorabilia : Itineraries; Memorabilia : Travel.
Box 273 Utilities circa 1963-1998 - gas, water, etc.
Box 273 Warren Publications payments - for articles, editorial expenses, etc, for FM, MW, other Warren titles
Box 273 World Savings/Golden West Savings 2000-2002
Box 273 Miscellaneous circa 1936-2002 - assorted bills, receipts, etc. (5 folders)
Legal material
Legal material includes correspondence with attorneys, estate planning material, and documentation concerning various lawsuits in which Ackerman was involved. For material relating to legal matters connected with Ackerman's mother Carroll Ackerman and/or his aunt Louise Hamell, see under Biographical material.
Box 273 Advanced health care directive 2002
Box 273 Author estates - list of authors whose estates FJA managed
Box 273 Correspondence - lawyers
Box 273 Caidin, Stanley 1981, 1984
Box 273 Curzon, Myron W. 1976-1977
Box 273 Kolb, Hart and Seba 1970-1971, 1976, undated
Box 273 Licker, Marvin 1969, 1973-1976, undated (2 folders)
Box 274 McCabe, Harold 1970, 1975-1976
Box 274 Miscellaneous 1961-1965, 1973-1974, 1980, 1988, 2003-2004
Box 274 "Dr. Ackula" patent and trademark 2000 - includes several items stamped as court exhibits
Box 274 Estate planning - wills, trusts, notes on disposal of assets, etc. (2 folders)
See also Inventories below.
Box 274 Interspousal transfers
Box 274 Inventories - several inventories of FJA's estate after his death, with list of "bequeathments"; inventory [A] includes DVD with photos (ackerman_fj_001); "misc" folder includes list of significant items with name of donor (5 folders)
See also Financial material : Collection valuations; Recordings and media : FJA estate inventory + photos.
Box 274 Kris Darkon Co., Inc. 1975-1976 - business certificates, articles of incorporation filing
Lawsuits, etc.
See also Ackerman Agency : Business certificates and Correspondence : Kranold, Peter.
Ackerman v Ferry - lengthy lawsuit against Ray Ferry for copyright infringement and other matters; often referred to as "Forry v Ferry"
Box 275 "Early Correspondence" (2 folders)
Box 275 "Correspondence I"
Box 275 "Correspondence II"
Box 275 "Correspondence III"
Box 275 "Correspondence IV"
Box 276 "Correspondence V" (4 folders)
Box 276 "Correspondence VI" (4 folders)
Box 276 "Correspondence VII" (2 folders)
Box 277 "Correspondence VIII" (2 folders)
Box 277 Correspondence (5 folders)
Box 277 Bankruptcy filings (2 folders)
Box 278 Bankruptcy filings (2 folders)
Box 278 FJA deposition Volume I (bound)
Box 278 FJA deposition Volume II (bound) (2 copies)
Box 278 FJA deposition Volume II (loose pages) (2 folders)
Box 279 Jury instructions for slander/libel case (1 folders)
Box 279 Motion to dismiss appeal
Box 279 Ray Ferry deposition (bound)
Box 279 "Ray Ferry faxes" (2 folders)
Box 280 Reporter's partial transcript, Feb 28, 2001
Box 280 Respondent's brief
Box 280 Stalking complaint (1 folders)
Oversize 1 "Trial Exhibits Book 1" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 2 "Trial Exhibits Book 1" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 3 "Trial Exhibits Book 3" [3-ring binders] (2 volumes)
Oversize 4 "Trial Exhibits Book 4" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 5 "Trial Exhibits Book 5" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 5 "Trial Exhibits Book 5 (Stalking Action)" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 6 "LC 039660 Book No. 4 Dr. Acula and FM Issues 200-2176 revived FM, issues 98-190 original FM" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 7 "Interrogators Book 1" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Oversize 8 "Ray Ferry's Exhibit Notebook Case Nos. LC 039960; LC 044154" [3-ring binder] (1 volume)
Box 280 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (4 folders)
Box 281 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (7 folders)
Box 282 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (8 folders)
Box 283 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (8 folders)
Box 284 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (9 folders)
Box 285 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (9 folders)
Box 286 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (8 folders)
Box 287 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (8 folders)
Box 288 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (9 folders)
Box 289 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (8 folders)
Box 290 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (9 folders)
Box 291 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (9 folders)
Box 292 [Identified material] - foldered as received, with original sticky tabs (presumably Appelbaum's) (6 folders)
Box 293 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (9 folders)
Box 294 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (11 folders)
Box 295 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (11 folders)
Box 296 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (11 folders)
Box 297 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (11 folders)
Box 298 [Unidentified material] - foldered as received, no identifying information (4 folders)
Oversize 9 Unidentified trial documents [3-ring binder] - possibly trial exhibits book 2, but not labeled as such (1 volume)
Oversize 9 Unidentified trial documents [3-ring binder] - filings, notes, correspondence, etc. (1 volume)
Box 274 [Harlan] Ellison restraining order 1999
Box 274 General Publishing Group bankruptcy 1999
Box 274 Madden, Helen 1974 - small claims court case
Box 274 [Joe] Mass v Braswell Freight [1976?] - FJA's testimony
Box 274 Twentieth Century Fox v. MCA 1983 - FJA's testimony
Box 274 U.S. v Forrest Ackerman 1960-1961
Box 274 Warner Communications bankruptcy 1989
Box 274 Loan agreements, unidentified - loans to identified individuals and institutions are filed in Correspondence
Box 274 Marriage 1950, 1990 - letter states he and Wendayne remarried in 1978
Box 274 Power of attorney, Wendayne 1982
Box 274 Prenuptial agreements 1975, 1978
Box 274 Thefts, burglaries, etc. 1982, 1995
See also Correspondence : Pickering, Stephen and Correspondence : Schwartz, Ricky.
Box 274 Miscellaneous - includes photocopy of passport, complaint from Better Business Bureau against Bizarre Bazaar
This series contains a wide range of material, including original artwork sent by fans; birthday invitations and souvenirs; hundreds of clippings about Ackerman and/or the Ackermansion; convention programs, schedules, and souvenirs; Ackermansion guest books; index card files; leaves from the graves of Mary Shelley and Jules Verne; letterheads, business cards and stationery; notes between Ackerman and a series of personal assistants; pins, buttons, and lapel badges; posters; Ackerman's own subject files on everything from Actors to Zeppelins; and of course many, many, many lists -- of books, movies, stories, magazines, songs, and more. Note that Photographs have their own separate series.
See Labels, miscellaneous; Notes left for FJA at the Ackermansion; Posters : Events, misc.; Signs from around the Ackermansion; and numerous albums and folders of Photographs.
Box 299 Address list, from binder
Box 299 Address list [1] thru [5] - identifiable complete lists (5 folders)
Box 299 Address lists - partial/fragmentary (6 folders)
Box 300 Address lists, fans and fan clubs
Box 300 Address lists, specialty - agents, subject experts, foreign representatives, complimentary copies, invitation lists, etc.
Box 300 Addresses, miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 300 "Answering service messages for FJA while away in '71 at NorEasCon & business trip to New York afterwards" 1971
Box 300 Artifacts, miscellaneous - small rubber bat, pennant from "2a convencion de escritores y centros de anticipacion cientifica," two small Tarot puzzles, etc. (2 folders)
Artifacts, miscellaneous
Oversize 90 (A) address stamp
Oversize 90 (B) Frankenstein head, small, plastic
Oversize 90 (C) pendants (2): gold seashell with pearl and silver peace dove
Oversize 90 (D) magnet, black-and-white noir detective design
Oversize 90 (E) floral ashtray
Oversize 90 (F) "I AM SCI-FI" picture frames (2), one with photo of FJA and unidentified woman
Oversize 90 (G) keyring, "Remember me with every key 4E4E4E4E"
Oversize 90 (H) keyring, Japanese, in original packaging
Oversize 90 (I) Ackerman Agency coaster
Oversize 91 (A) pens and pencils custom-printed with various FJA phrases, e.g. "Beast Witches" and "Ackermonster"
Oversize 91 (A) "LUNCH?" sign, labeled "Walt Daugherty"
Oversize 91 (B) handwritten scroll in Japanese
Oversize 91 (C) monster, small plastic in original packaging, with note on back from Howard Galen
Oversize 91 (D) plaque, wax and ink, "Munchen Marienplatz"
Oversize 92 (A) "Super ACK" superhero doll, in handmade and hand-lettered box
Oversize 92 (B) jawbone (dog?), with several small drawings on it
Oversize 92 (C) St.Labre Indian School items - FJA was apparently a donor to the school
Oversize 93 (A) "Nov-Jorko al Parizo" mounted painting of nose of vehicle
Oversize 93 (B) unidentified piece of 3-D art: swirling clouds or piece of planet
Oversize 93 (C) Famous Monsters t-shirt from WorldCon 35
Oversize 94 Pucky plush toy
Albums / art by specific artists
Oversize 11 Carvel, Jack - portfolio with two original lithographs by artist Lee Carvel
Box 300 Dollens, Morris Scott, "Approach to Infinity" 1951 - art and poetry
Box 300 Dollens, Morris Scott, "Astronomical Photographs" undated - small chapbook-style item; original photographs, many of which appear in the book (2 folders)
Box 300 Dollens, Morris Scott, "Fantasy in Art" 1950 - photographs of original art in red spiral-bound album, signed and inscribed to FJA
Oversize 11 Haddock, Rex - two original pieces, both signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 301 Kihachi, Nara, "Nara-Kihachi Works" 1977 - photographs of original art in small spiral-bound album, signed by artist
Box 301 McSherry, Frank, "The Fearsom Island" 1965 - printed folio of illustrations based on book by Albert Kinross
Oversize 10 Unidentified artist, "Lizzie from Mars" - loose pages from an album, some original art, some clippings
Oversize 10 Unidentified artist - floral-pattern photo album containing original cartoons/caricatures
Box 301 Books, graphic novels, stories by title - text and artwork (2 folders)
Box 301 Covers, Famous Monsters
Box 301 Covers, miscellaneous
Box 301 Famous Monsters amateur makeup contest
Box 301 FJA portraits, caricatures, cartoons, etc. (2 folders)
Oversize 11 FJA portraits, caricatures, cartoons, etc.
Box 301 Perry Rhodan
Box 301 "Twenty Million Miles to Earth" 5th grade class drawings
Box 301 Western art - cowboys, horses, cacti, etc.; black-and-white, some pasted onto layouts (2 folders)
Oversize 12 Worldcon, VoM
Box 301 Miscellaneous original (1) - vast majority are pencil, ballpoint pen, magic marker
Box 302 Miscellaneous original (2-11) - vast majority are pencil, ballpoint pen, magic marker (9 folders)
Box 303 Miscellaneous original (12-22) - vast majority are pencil, ballpoint pen, magic marker (11 folders)
Box 304 Miscellaneous original (23-32) - most are pencil, ballpoint pen, magic marker; also includes a few decorated envelopes, pen-and-ink drawings (10 folders)
Box 304 Miscellaneous original (33) - pen and ink, woodblock prints, lithographs, etc.
Oversize 11 Miscellaneous original, oversize - includes caricature of Charlie Brown reading/reacting to Famous Monsters magazine (2 folders)
Oversize 12 Miscellaneous original, oversize (3 folders)
Oversize 13 Miscellaneous original, oversize - mostly paintings on boards
Oversize 14 Miscellaneous original, oversize
Box 305 Miscellaneous reproductions - photographs, photocopies, printed items, mimeograph, etc. (7 folders)
Oversize 12 Miscellaneous reproductions, oversize
Oversize 14 Miscellaneous reproductions, oversize
Box 305 Author inscriptions - photocopies of title pages or end pages of books signed/inscribed by the author to FJA
Box 305 Autographs - science fiction authors; most are originals, including a signed letter from John Kendrick Bangs
Box 305 Awards, honors, recognitions - Forry Fest, San Diego Comic-Con, honorary D.Lit. Degree from St. Andrew's University (photocopy), various honorary memberships, etc. (2 folders)
Oversize 15 Awards, honors, recognitions - includes LASFS Certificate of Recognition
Box 305 Birthday celebrations 1953-1976 - FJA's party announcements (2 folders)
Box 306 Birthday celebrations 1981-2005 (some gaps), undated - FJA's party announcements (6 folders)
Box 306 Birthday souvenirs 1956, 1968-1969, 1971, 1978-1979, 1985, 1988, 1994, 2000, undated - includes horoscope, "Forry at Forty," "Famous Forry Fotos," some fan-made items (4 folders)
Map-Case 130 Blueprints, unidentified
Box 306 Business cards, FJA
Box 599 Business cards, others
Box 306 Calendars 1961 - desk calendar
Box 307 Calendars 1961-1962, 1966, 1968-1969, 1974, 1976-1978, 1980, 1986 - desk calendars, pocket calendars (7 folders)
Oversize 12 Calendars 1992 - wall calender
Box 308 Calendars 2000 - desk calendar, miscellaneous pages (2 folders)
Box 308 California, miscellaneous - maps, pamphlets, voter information, etc. (2 folders)
Box 308 Cartoons - magazine and newspaper clippings, photocopies; some mildly pornographic (2 folders)
Box 308 Certificates of authenticity
Box 308 Classes, workshops, surveys, etc. - includes FJA's reponse to 1963 survey rating the creativity of SF authors
Clippings about FJA - newspaper, magazine, fanzine, etc.
Box 308 Interviews 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1982, 1987-1991, 1997-1998, 2000, undated (5 folders)
For FJA interviews of other people, see Writings by FJA : Interviews.
Box 308 General 1933-1940s (2 folders)
Box 309 General 1950-1996 (11 folders)
Box 310 General 1997-2006, undated - includes some unpublished typescripts (11 folders)
Box 311 Competitions judged - ballots, lists, etc.
Box 311 Convention requirements - list of what FJA required to attend a con
See also Recordings and media : Conventions.
Box 311 AggieCon 1, 3, 9, 18 1969, 1972, 1978, 1987
Box 311 Ambercon 2-3 1980-1981
Box 311 Aquacon 1980-1983
Box 311 Atlanta Fantasy Fair 1983-1984
Box 311 Australian Natcon 1-2, 5-6, 11-12, 23 1952-1953, 1956, 1958, 1972-1973, 1984 - annual names include Australian Science Fiction Convention, Advention, Eurekacon
Box 311 Baycon 10 1992
Box 311 Boskone 3, 18-19, 24, 30 1966, 1981-1982, 1987, 1993 - includes Boskone 10 Filksongbook
Box 311 A-B misc
Box 311 Chattacon 3-4, 6 1978-1979, 1981
Box 311 ClaytonCon 1 1977 - FJA was Guest of Honor
Box 311 Comic-Con 1970-1977, 1981-1982, 1987, 2002
Box 311 Corflu 5 1988 - includes "The Portable Carl Brandon," published on behald of Corflu 5; a few items from other years
Box 311 C misc
Box 311 DaiCon II 1971
Box 311 DeepSouthCon 8, 15, 20, 28, 30 1970, 1977, 1982, 1990, 1992 - includes bid sheets for #16
Box 311 Detroit Triple Fan Fair 1965, 1970
Box 311 Disneyland Convention 1971 - FJA was Guest of Honor
Box 311 Eastercon 1962, 1985 - British National Science Fiction Convention; for Eastercon 35 (1984), see Eurocon.
Box 311 Equicon 1974-1975, 1981, 1985, 1987
Box 312 Eurocon 1974, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1988 - majority of the folder is from SeaCon, the 1984 convention in Brighton, which was also Eastercon 35
Box 312 D-E misc
Box 312 Famous Monsters of Filmland 1993, undated - with Forry, of course
Box 312 Fantasy Faire 6-7, 9 1976-1977, 1979
Box 312 Fantasy Film Celebrity Con 1978 - Forry spoke at
Box 312 Fantasy Film Fan Convention 1972
Box 312 Filmcon 1, 2 1972-1973 - Forry spoke at
Forrycon - See New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention, 12th.
Box 312 FUNcon 1, 2 (Future UNbounded) 1968-1969 - includes program/menu for Star Trek Memorial Luncheon, at which Kris Neville was speaker; FUNcon 2 was also the 1969 Westercon
Box 312 F-I miscellaneous
Box 312 Japan National SF Convention (Nihon SF Taikai ; 日本SF大会) 1967, 1971, 1977 - Tokon III (Tokyo), Daicon II (Osaka), Hincon (Yokohama) (1 folders)
Box 312 Karloffornia Monster Convention 1961
Box 312 Kubla Khan 1-4, 6-9 1973-1976, 1978-1981 - annual names: Clave (1), Kubla-Kon Too (2), Khubed (3), Kubla Khwandry (4), Sex (6), Ception (7), 8 Kubla Khan Ate (8), Kubla's Ninth Khanphony (9); see also Competitions judged, above.
Box 312 Loscon 11, 12, 18 1984-1985, 1991
Box 312 Lunacon 1962, 1972, 1974, 1987 - FJA was Guest of Honor at the 1974 one
Box 312 MidWestCon 17, 19, 21-22, 24-25, 28 1966, 1968, 1970-1971, 1973-1974, 1977
Box 312 Minicon 22, 28 1987, 1993
Box 312 Mo-Kan Comics Festival undated - FJA was Guest of Honor
Box 312 Mythcon 5, 13 1974, 1982
Box 312 J-M misc
Box 312 NasFic (North American Science Fiction Convention) 1979, 1985, 1987 - held in years when Worldcon was not in North America; contains Northamericon (Louisville, KY), LoneStarCon (Austin, TX), and Cactuscon (Phoenix, AZ)
Box 312 New Zealand National Science Fiction Convention, 12th (Forrycon) 1991 - FJA was Guest of Honor
Nihon SF Taikai
See Japan National SF Convention (Nihon SF Taikai ; 日本SF大会).
Box 312 N-P miscellaneous
Box 313 RoVaCon 15 1990 - Guest of Honor
Box 313 SaarCon 1988 - Saarbrucken, Germany; in German
Box 313 Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy Con 1977
Box 313 SFCon [Westercon 24] 1970-1971
Box 313 Sherlockon 2 1987
Box 313 Son of Famous Monsters of Filmland 1995 - with Forry, of course
Box 313 Space-Con 4, 7 1977-1978
Box 313 Starcon 1973, 1977
Box 313 Symposium 70 1970
Box 313 R-S misc
Box 313 Tropicon 9, 10, 18 1990-1991, 1999
West Coast Scienti-Fantasy Conference
See Westercon, 1948.
Box 313 Westercon 1, 15, 20, 23, 27, 29-31, 33, 35-37, 50-51 1948, 1962, 1967, 1969-1970, 1974, 1976-1987, 1997-1998 (3 folders)
For the Westercon 21 (1968), see Worldcon 26 (Baycon, Oakland); for Westercon 22 (1969), see FUNcon; for the Westercon 24 (1971), see SFCon 71.
Box 313 WisCon 1, 6, 9-11, 30 1977, 1982, 1985-1987, 2006
Box 313 Witchcraft and Sorcery Convention 1, 3, 4 1971-1974 - oversize poster in OS items
Box 313 World Fantasy Convention 1-7 1975-1977, 1983, 1992
Box 313 World Horror Convention 13 2003
World Science Fiction Convention (WorldCon)
Box 313 2 (Chicon I, Chicago) 1940
Box 313 4 (Pacificon I, Los Angeles) 1946
Box 313 6 (Torcon I, Toronto) 1948
Box 313 7 (Cinvention, Cincinnati) 1949
Box 313 8 (NorWesCon, Portland) 1950
Box 313 9 (Nolacon, New Orleans) 1951
Box 313 10 (Chicon II, Chicago) 1952
Box 313 17 (Detention, Detroit) 1959
Box 313 19 (Seacon, Seattle) 1961
Box 313 22 (Pacificon II, Oakland) 1964
Box 314 25 (NyCon 3, New York) 1967
Box 314 26 (Baycon, Oakland) 1968
Box 314 28 (Heicon, Heidelberg) 1970
Box 314 29 (Noreascon I, Boston) 1971
Box 314 30 (L.A.Con I, Los Angeles) 1972
Box 314 33 (AussieCon I, Melbourne) 1975
Box 314 34 (MidAmeriCon, Kansas City) 1976
Box 314 35 (SunCon, Miami Beach) 1977
Box 314 36 (IguanaCon II, Phoenix) 1978
Box 314 37 (Seacon'79, Brighton, England) 1979
Box 314 38 (Noreascon Two, Boston) 1980
Box 314 39 (Denvention Two, Denver) 1981 (2 folders)
Box 314 40 (Chicon IV, Chicago) 1982
Box 314 41 (ConStellation, Baltimore) 1983 (2 folders)
Box 314 42 (L.A. Con II, Anaheim) 1984
Box 315 42 (L.A. Con II, Anaheim) 1984
Box 315 43 (AussieCon II, Melbourne) 1985
Box 315 44 (ConFederation, Atlanta) 1986
Box 315 46 (Nolacon II, New Orleans) 1988
Box 315 47 (Noreascon III, Boston) 1989
Box 315 50 (MagiCon, Orlando) 1992
Box 315 51 (ConFrancisco, San Francisco) 1993
Box 315 53 (Intersection, Glasgow, Scotland) 1995
Box 315 54 (L.A. Con III, Anaheim) 1996
Box 315 55 (LoneStarCon II, San Antonio) 1997
Box 315 56 (Bucconeer, Baltimore) 1998
Box 315 61 (Torcon 3, Toronto) 2003
Box 315 Miscellaneous WorldCons
Box 315 T-Y misc
Box 315 "Credo and conclusions" 1984
Box 315 Diary, Ron Waite Aug-Oct 1982 - mostly about FJA
Box 316 Ephemera, unusual/interesting - Official Church of Satan Possession Kit, Fan-Tangent game, Ghost Viewer, Perry Rho-Dan Blackwell birth certificate, invitations to Embassies, other unusual items (2 folders)
Box 316 Ephemera, miscellaneous - ticket stubs, programs, menus, assorted small paper items (5 folders)
Oversize 16 Fantasy Foundation list, unidentified 4 Jul 1946 - item titles paired w/names of individuals, e.g. "Shadow over Innsmouth - Tigrina"; possibly either donors or borrowers
Fanzine miscallany
Box 316 "The Fans Forum" - article about fanzines, APAs, etc.
Oversize 15 Scientifantasy layout pages 1949 - layouts for 7 pages from the spring 1949 issue ("On the trail of the Jenny Haniver" by Ray Ramsay) and the cover of the winter 1949 issue
Box 316 "NOVA" airbrush masks - possibly for "Novalicious," FJA's short-lived fanzine
Box 316 Fragments, most unidentified
Oversize 15 Unidentified layouts and stencils
Box 316 Filk
Box 316 Film festivals (3 folders)
Oversize 17 "FJA Anniversary: Sci Fi 1926/66" - signed by numerous guests
Box 316 "Fluor-O-Scope" 1942-1943 - newsletters from Fluor Corporation, at which FJA evidently worked; includes contribution from him
Box 316 "Graveyard Examiner" vol. 1 no. 1
Box 316 Guest book comments, compilations - includes some from FJA's website
Box 316 Guest book, online 1996
Box 317 Guest book, unidentified - photocopies of pages; FJA and Wendy are first signers
Oversize 18 Guest books 1960s-1980s (3 volumes)
Oversize 19 Guest books 1970s - volumes are stuck together, handle with care and DO NOT attempt to separate (2 volumes)
Oversize 20 Guest books 1980s; 1994-2002 (3 volumes)
Oversize 11 Guest books 1971 - FJA's 55th birthday (1 volume)
Box 317 Horror, misc. - horror as a genre; clippings, papers, notes, etc.
Box 317 Humor, SF-related - items related to or featuring authors, agents, fans, fandom, etc.; includes "The Battle of the Buffet" and a plot flowchart
Box 317 Humor, misc.
Index card files
Box 600 Addresses, A-W
Box 601 (A) Addresses, X-Z and miscellaneous
Box 601 (B) Loose rolodex cards, unsorted
Box 601 (C) Story submissions by story title - in FJA's handwriting; each card has story title, author, and list of publications to which it was submitted
Box 601 (D) Singers/songs - in FJA's handwriting; each card has artist name and list of songs
Box 601 (E) Authors/books, 1880s-1930s - not in FJA's handwriting; each card gives author, title, publisher, publication date
Box 601 (F) Authors/books, unknown purpose - not in FJA's handwriting; in red magic marker, each card has an author and book title, and a notation "NL" with a number, for example, "NL3"
Box 602 (A) Harl Vincent notes - typed, creator unknown; all appear to relate to Harl Vincent stories
Box 602 (B) Movie article index, incomplete - typed, L-Z only; each card has a movie title and then a list of published reviews, articles, etc.
Box 603 (A) Movies, incomplete - typed, A-R only; each card has a move title and sometimes a number or checkmark
Box 603 (B) Books by author - typed; each card has author, book title, publication information, page count
Box 603 (C) Movies - not in FJA's handwriting; each card has movie title and occasionally some notes
Box 603 (D) Movies - not in FJA's handwriting; each card has movie title with names of studio, producer, director, and notable cast members
Box 603 (E) Box listing, unknown purpose - not in FJA's handwriting; lists contents of "Box 1" through "Box 6"
Box 603 (F) Pseudonyms - small set of typed cards with author names and pseudonyms
Box 603 (G) Historical events - printed set of cards with year/list of events
Box 603 (H) Authors/books, in German - printed set of cards with authors and book titles, in German; A-B only
Box 604 (A) Story submissions by author - typed with annotations in FJA's handwriting; each card has author name, list of stories and publications to which it was sent
Box 604 (B) Story submissions by publication - typed with annotations in FJA's handwriting; each card has name of publication and list of stories subitted
Box 604 (C) Magazine index[?] fragments - 5 cards with magazine date, title, volume, and list of contents
Box 604 (D) University Adult School postcards - printed set of postcards with encouraging messages
Box 604 Miscellaneous - miscellaneous loose cards with variety of content
Box 317 International SPFX Museum prospectus 1977 - proposed museum, would include Forrest J Ackerman Gallery
Box 317 Itineraries - (2 folders)
For receipts and bills connected with travel, see Financial : Travel. For souvenirs and similar items, see Travel below.
Box 317 Japan polls and conventions
Box 317 "LA Science Club" inaugural meeting minutes 1937
Box 317 Labels, miscellaneous - item labels; some may be from the Ackermansion, as they have FJA's annotations
Box 317 Leaves, Mary Shelley/Jules Verne - pressed/dried leaves from Mary Shelley's home and Jules Verne's gravesite
Box 317 Letterheads and stationery - envelopes, address labels, stickers, etc. for FJA and his various aliases and businesses; includes custom Famous Monsters mailing envelope (2 folders)
Lists, FJA - created and/or edited by FJA
Box 317 Books and stories
Box 317 Exhibits, unidentified
Box 317 Favorites, best, etc. - includes "Indelible impressions made during my lifetime of phrases from fiction, films, friends…and enemies"
Box 317 "FJA list of flat posters" 1999
Box 318 Movies (3 folders)
Box 318 Paperback book lists - FJA's personal collection, 2 separate lists (4 folders)
Box 318 People - invitation lists, recipients of complimentary copies, etc. (2 folders)
Box 318 "Second time around" - list of things FJA would do if he could start his life over
Box 318 Songs - including "Forry Ackerman's Musical Reportoire"
Box 318 Television
Box 318 Want / for sale (2 folders)
Box 319 Miscellaneous - miscellaneous lists created by FJA (2 folders)
Lists, miscellaneous - miscellaneous lists created by others
Box 319 Books and stories (4 folders)
Box 319 Magazines and fanzines
Box 319 Movies (5 folders)
Box 319 People - includes chart of notable horror actors with birthdate, screen name, etc.
Box 320 Miscellaneous
Oversize 14 Newspapers, military 1942-1946 - Fort MacArthur Alert and Bulletin
Oversize 14 Newspapers, school 1931, 1937 - Buccaneer (Balboa High School), Poly Owl (Polytechnic Evening High School)
Box 320 Magazine proposal
Box 320 Monsters, misc. - clippings of Gene Simmons (KISS) in makeup, greeting cards featuring various monsters, Dr. Lady's 1996 Monster Calendar (with photos), etc. (2 folders)
Box 320 Notebooks - small spiral notepads, with FJA's notes
Notes, FJA and assistants
Box 320 General instructions
Box 320 Bill Warren - also wife Beverly (2 folders)
Box 320 Dennis Billows - also wife Sandi
Box 320 Chris Dietrich, Mark Frank, Pam Hanson, Phil Riley, Ron Waite
Box 320 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 321 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 321 Notes, FJA to others (2 folders)
Box 321 Notes, FJA random (sample) - example of the random notes found throughout the collection; most of these were discarded as impossible of meaning
Box 321 Notes left for FJA at the Ackermansion
Box 321 Passport
Box 321 Phonetic spelling 1897 - includes issue of "Jurnal of Orthoepi & Orthografi," Fonic Publishing House, Ringoes, NJ
Box 605 Pins, buttons, membership cards, convention badges, etc. - most are FJA's but there are also some with other names, including Wendayne and FJA's mother Carroll
Box 321 Pins and buttons, miscellaneous - not related to any particular event
Box 321 Poems and songs about FJA - Battle Hymn of the Fanation, Ode to Forry, etc.
Box 321 Postcards - includes 2 packets from Russia (3 folders)
Oversize 14 Books
Box 322 Events featuring FJA - includes poster from FJA exhibit in Japa
Oversize 14 Events, misc - includes some from events at the Ackermansion
Oversize 16 "Monster Bash" 2001, 2004, 2007, undated
Box 322 Movies
Oversize 14 Movies - includes some in which FJA appeared, and one for "2001 Maniacs" signed and inscribed to FJA
Map-Case 130 Movies
Map-Case 130 Miscellaneous - includes a poster featuring the Bradbury Building and large poster-size photo of FJA with unidentified man
Box 322 Programs - Disney's Fantasia, Saturn Awards, American Nostalgia Convention (signed by several guests of honor), concerts, etc. (2 folders)
Box 322 Puzzles, quizzes, etc. - mostly monster-related; more are scattered through FM fan mail and submissions
Box 322 Quotations, poems, etc.
Box 322 "Remembering Forrest J Ackerman, Mister Science Fiction," John L. Coker, Days of Wonder Publishers 2009 - spiral-bound publication containing posthumous tributes, appreciations, memories, photos of FJA, etc.
Box 322 "Sanamu"
Box 322 "Sci Fi Biz" emails 1996 - printouts of emails about FJA, FM, various topics
Box 322 "Sci-Fi" star name certificate
Box 322 "Science fiction through the years" exhibit - Canadian exhibit, text in French; FJA is mentioned in the text
Box 322 Géry Danhier portfolio - bound booklet containing resume, articles/exhibits about, photographs of his work
Box 322 "Innersphere," Science Fiction Hall of Fame - souvenir book from exhibit of sculptural works by Rik Allen
Box 322 Parc Exposition Morales - souvenir book, postcards
See also Photographs : Photograph albums : [Volume 14].
Box 322 Signs from around the Ackermansion
Box 323 Stamps (3 folders)
Subject files - most of these were created by FJA or his assistants; original folder titles (where present) have been retained, folder titles in square brackets were assigned by SCRC staff during processing
Box 323 [Actors scrapbook] - spiral-bound notebook with glued-in clippings, many of which have come loose; use care when handling
Box 323 [Actors, misc.] - bios, articles about, obituaries, etc. (2 folders)
Box 323 Alien [movie] - includes Warren Magazines special issue
Box 323 American International Pictures (AIP) - some overlap with Movies, misc.
Box 323 Animation
Box 323 Art (female) - includes photographs
Box 323 [Art and artists] - includes Fantasy no. 7 ("the Fantasy Artists Network magazine") (2 folders)
Box 323 [Artzybasheff, Boris]
Box 323 Asimov, Isaac
Box 324 L'Atlantide
Box 324 Atlantis
Box 324 [Authors, misc.] - bios, articles about, obituaries, etc.; includes packet, "Masters of Science Fiction" from USSR Copyright Agency
Box 324 Bardot, Brigitte (2 folders)
Box 324 Baron Munchhausen [movie]
Box 324 Book reviews - also much other book-related material, such as book lists, promotional material from publishers, news items on books/publishers/publishing in general (5 folders)
Box 324 Bradbury, Ray - items by and about, including clippings, manuscripts, magazines, articles, bibliographies, etc. (2 folders)
Box 325 Bradbury, Ray - items by and about, including clippings, manuscripts, magazines, articles, bibliographies, etc. (2 folders)
Box 325 Buck Rogers - includes box for Official Buck Rogers Sonic Ray Gun (2 folders)
Box 325 Cataclysm [movie]
Censorship - See Obscenity and the courts [real].
Box 325 Chaney, Lon
Box 325 Chaney's face and eyes, Lugosi's mouth, Lee's nose - composite photo
Box 325 The Crawling Eye [movie]
Box 325 Daddy's Deadly Darling [movie]
Box 325 Daddy's Gone A-hunting [movie] - pressbook
Box 325 The Damned [movie]
Box 325 Dante, Joe
Box 325 The Dark [movie]
Box 325 The Dark Crystal [movie]
Box 325 Dark Intruder [movie]
Box 325 Dark Mirror [movie]
Box 325 Dark Places [movie]
Box 325 D.A.R.Y.L. [movie]
Box 325 The Date [movie]
Box 325 Daugherty, Walt (3 folders)
Box 325 Daughters of Satan [movie]
Box 325 David and Lisa [movie]
Box 325 Dawn of the Mummy [movie]
Box 325 Day of the Animals [movie]
Box 326 Day of the Dead [movie]
Box 326 Day of the Dolphin [movie]
Box 326 The Day the Earth Caught Fire [movie]
Box 326 The Day the Fish Came Out [movie]
Box 326 The Day the Sky Exploded [movie]
Box 326 Day of the Triffids [movie]
Box 326 The Day the World Ended [movie]
Box 326 The Day Mars Invaded Earth [movie]
Box 326 Daydreamer [movie]
Box 326 de Forest, Lee
Box 326 de Laurentiis, Dino
Box 326 de Sade, Marquis
Box 326 Dead and Buried [movie]
Box 326 Dead Ringer [movie]
Box 326 Deadly Bees [movie]
Box 326 Deadtime Stories [movie]
Box 326 Death in Canaan [movie]
Box 326 Death Machines [movie]
Box 326 Death Predicter [movie]
Box 326 Death Race 2000 [movie]
See also Correspondence : New World Pictures.
Box 326 Death Ship [movie]
Box 326 Death Smiles on a Murderer [movie]
Box 326 Death Trap [movie]
Box 326 Deathsport [movie]
Box 326 Decapitron
Box 326 Deep Throat [movie]
Box 326 DefCon 4 [movie]
Box 326 Deliverance [movie]
Box 326 Demon Lover [movie]
Box 326 Destination Inner Space [movie]
Box 326 [Dietrich, Marlene]
Box 326 [Dinosaurs]
Box 326 [Dracula / vampires] - Dracula, Dark Shadows, miscellaneous vampire items, etc.
Box 326 [Fandom] - mainstream press coverage of conventions, fan phenomenon, etc.
Box 326 Forbidden Planet [movie]
Box 326 [Frankenstein]
Box 326 [Games] - ads and reviews of board games, computer games, etc.
Box 326 Gardner, Erle Stanley
Box 327 Gernsback, Hugo - includes copy of "Hugo Gernsback, Father of Science Fiction" by Sam Moskowitz, issues of his annual "Forecast" (2 folders)
Box 327 Ghosts, misc. (2 folders)
See also Printed material : Covers, magazine.
Box 327 [Godzilla]
Box 327 Graves and graveyards - includes short piece "The Corpse" by Richard Selzer (2 folders)
Box 327 Hardy, David A.
Box 327 Haunted house[s]
Box 327 Heinlein, Bob
Box 327 Horror comics (2 folders)
Box 327 Howard, Robert E.
Box 327 Hugo Awards - includes "Genesis of a book award: The science fiction Hugos" by Bruce Pelz
Box 327 Hull, E. Mayne
Box 327 Hull, Henry
Box 327 Huxley, Aldous
Box 327 H (misc)
Box 327 The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant [movie]
Box 327 [Japanese films] - includes Bungeishunju [?] #46, on space opera (2 folders)
Box 328 Jolson, Al
Box 328 Journey to the 7th Planet [movie]
Box 328 Karloff, Boris - includes typed transcriptions of several dozen articles from Hollywood Reporter, Film Daily, and other trade magazines
Box 328 Kiel, Richard
Box 328 King Kong - includes "King Kong's 50th Birthday" card with photo of Ackerman
Box 328 Kipling, Rudyard
Box 328 Kosleck, Martin
Box 328 Landis, John
Box 328 Lang, Fritz
Box 328 Le Guin, Ursula - essay on her work by George Slusser, Milford Writers Series
Box 328 Lee, Walt
Box 328 Leiber, Fritz
Box 328 Liebscher, Walt
Box 328 Loch Ness monster
Box 328 Logan's Run [movie]
Box 328 London, Jack - "The alien worlds of Jack London" by Dale Walker
Box 328 Lorre, Peter
Box 328 The Lost World [movie] - includes German version, "Die Verlorene Welt"
Box 328 Lovecraft, H.P. - includes photocopied items by HPL and photocopy of letter from August Derleth to HPL
Box 328 Lugosi, Bela (3 folders)
Box 329 Lugosi, Bela
Box 329 The Mad Magician [movie]
Box 329 [Magic]
Box 329 Mars - includes English translation of dialogue from Ne jouez pas avec les Martiens (Don't Play with the Martians), 1967; story, "Report on the findings of the Martian Sociological Research Society" by Don Dwiggins (2 folders)
Box 329 McDowall, Roddy
Box 329 McGoohan, Patrick
Box 329 Men Must Fight [movie]
Box 329 Mermaids
Box 329 Merritt, A.E. (2 folders)
Box 329 Metropolis (2 folders)
See also Correspondence : Metropolis.
Box 329 Mexican films
Box 329 [Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine]
Box 329 Monsters (real)
Box 329 Moon (3 folders)
Box 330 Moon (2 folders)
Box 330 Moreland, Mantan
Box 330 [Movie news, misc.] - movies and the motion picture industry in general, including directors, production companies, etc.; mostly clippings but there are some booklets and full issues of movie magazines (5 folders)
Box 330 Movies - specific movies, including reviews, studio press releases, casting, production updates, etc. (4 folders)
Box 331 Movies - specific movies, including reviews, studio press releases, casting, production updates, etc. (4 folders)
Box 331 Naish, J. Carroll
Box 331 Necrophilia
Box 331 Night of the Blood Beast [movie]
Box 331 Norton, Andre
Box 331 [Obituaries, misc.]
Box 331 Oboler, Arch
Box 331 Obscenity and the courts (real) - includes censorship
Box 331 Our Heavenly Bodies [movie]
Box 331 Pal, George
Box 331 Perversions (2 folders)
Box 331 Petaja, Emil
Box 331 Pinckards
Box 331 Planets (real)
Box 331 Polanski, Roman
Box 331 [Politics and current events] - Vietnam, Karen Silkwood, drunk driving, eldercare, Oklahoma City bombing, Kennedy, 9/11, etc. (2 folders)
Box 332 [Predictions]
Box 332 Psychic [and weird] phenomena - ESP, Elvis, Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, Shroud of Turin, other oddities; includes clothbound blank book filled with handwritten notes about strange/weird phenomena, sticker inside front cover has name and address of April Branch in Boise, Idaho (2 folders)
Box 332 Robots, misc. (4 folders)
Box 332 [Rocket ships and space travel] - includes UFOs; amusing poem "Flying Chaucer"; promotional material for Showtime original movie Roswell (2 folders)
Box 332 [Science fiction, misc.] - includes 2 issues of Extrapolation (MLA Seminar on Science Fiction); reprint of Fletcher Pratt article "From the fairy tale of science to the science of fairy tale"; photocopy of 1899 paper "Forecasts of the future in modern literature" (4 folders)
Box 333 [Science, misc.] - includes a catalog from the Science Materials Center and a brochure from Hughes Aircraft Company (3 folders)
Box 333 Simon, Simone
Box 333 [Space, misc] (3 folders)
Box 333 [Space program] - missions, shuttles, Sputnik, etc. (2 folders)
Box 333 [Spanish films]
Box 333 [Special effects and makeup] - includes items on Ray Harryhausen, Jack Pierce, Roy Pomeroy; FJA's vote card for unidentified competition (3 folders)
Box 333 Star Trek - includes article by Roddenberry
Box 334 Star Wars - includes special "Star Wars Spectacular" issue of Famous Monsters (2 folders)
Box 334 Tarzan - includes Tarzan coloring book, Burroughs Bulletin #55 (2 folders)
Box 334 [Television] - includes article, "The last minority: Television and gay people" (2 folders)
Box 334 The Terminator [movie]
Box 334 [Theatre reviews] - includes program for Oct 1946 performance of Gogol's "The Inspector General"
Box 334 Turn Back the Clock [movie]
Box 334 Twelve to the Moon [movie]
Box 334 Use of term "sci fi"
Box 334 Vampire jokes (3 folders)
Box 335 van Vogt, A.E. (2 folders)
Box 335 Verne, Jules - includes original Verne letter, signed, dated 17 Oct 1884
Box 335 The Warrior's Husband [movie]
Box 335 Wells, H.G.
Box 335 [Women] - mostly naked ones
Box 335 Zeppelin [movie]
Box 335 Zeppelins - includes special issue of Gernsback's "Science & Invention" (May 1928) airships" by Cmdr. Garland Fulton (1925) (3 folders)
Box 335 [Miscellaneous/unidentified] - includes issue of "Freies Leben," a German naturist (nudist) magazine; "It's a Wonderful Lifestyle" about the 1970s; Dinky Toys catalog; "Human rights and the denial of sexual freedom" article by Rene Guyon; etc. (2 folders)
Box 335 "The Ten Top Fans" - includes FJA
Box 335 "Too close for comfort" - list of concepts/items "originated by Monsters" and "appropriated by Creatures"
Box 335 Trading cards, FJA-related - "Mr. Sci-Fi's Scientifiction Cards", Vampirella, Perry Rhodan
Box 335 Trading cards and stickers - monsters, movies, television shows
Box 335 Travel, miscellaneous (2 folders)
For receipts and bills connected with travel, see Financial : Travel. For itineraries of specific trips, see Itineraries above.
Box 336 Travel, miscellaneous (2 folders)
For receipts and bills connected with travel, see Financial : Travel. For itineraries of specific trips, see Itineraries above.
Box 336 Treasurer records, unidentified organization - names include Tigrina, Bill Rotsler, Joe Gibson; possibly LASFS
Box 336 Union Label Monster Catalog undated - page 3 is full-page dedication of the issue to FJA
Box 336 "Vintage Hollywood Film Posters" exhibit catalog 1998
Box 336 Wendayne
Oversize 16 Wendayne 1984 - fandom-related items, including "Friend of Fandom," San Diego Comic-Con
Oversize 16 Wendayne 1936-1937, 1955 - midwifery-related items, including board certification, "City of London Maternity Hospital Casebook," letter from Los Angeles employer
Box 336 Work schedules
Box 336 "World Science Fiction Day" proclamation 1959 - Mayor of Detroit, in honor of WorldCon 17
Box 336 Miscellaneous, FJA-related - by or about; includes several pieces of mail with amusing commentary by FJA, clipping of piece by "Allis Villette" with notation "pseudonym," photo/description of an animated FJA-as-Frankenstein doll, etc. (4 folders)
Oversize 17 Miscellaneous, FJA-related - includes "Creepy Castle" board game, "Views from the Rocket Ship" exhibit book, spoof poster "Fan of a Thousand Faces, featuring..." list of FJA's pseudonyms
Box 336 Miscellaneous, not FJA-related - neither by nor about (3 folders)
Oversize 11 Miscellaneous, not FJA-related - includes Monster Movies calendar
Perry Rhodan
Included in this series are articles and clippings about Perry Rhodan (the character as well as the series), Perry Rhodan convention material, editorial correspondence covering more than 130 issues of the digest-size publication, thousands of fan letters, manuscripts for both Perry Rhodan and Atlan novels, promotional material, royalty statements, shipping receipts, "Shock Shorts" submissions from readers, and subscription forms demonstrating the popularity of the series across more than ten years.
Box 337 Articles and clippings (2 folders)
Box 337 Conventions 1974, 1977, 1999, undated - includes materials regarding Perry Rhodan and Rhodan-related conventions; Rhocon, Rhodancon (organizer[?] Eckhard Schwettman), Perry Rhodan Day, and others
Box 337 Editorial correspondence 1966-1979, 1981, 1986, 1998, undated - sorted chronologically; 11 Nov 1972 calls out 'stf-nal paleontologist of the future' (archivists) at SU library (8 folders)
Box 337 Editorial files - edited MSS fragments may also be found in editorial files
Box 337 Issue #2 undated
Box 337 Issue #3 1969
Box 337 Issue #4 1970 - Title is The Mind Snatchers; German issue was titled Hilfe für die Erde (aka "Help for the Earth") and PR English issue #4 is titled "Invasion from Space", but this editorial file is believed to be that of issue #4 based on online information
Box 337 Issue #5 1970
Box 337 Issue #6 1971
Box 337 Issue #7 1971
Box 337 Issue #8 1971
Box 337 Issue #9 1971
Box 337 Issue #10 1971
Box 337 Issue #11 1972
Box 337 Issue #12 1972
Box 338 Issue #12 1972
Box 338 Issue #13 1972
Box 338 Issue #14 1972
Box 338 Issue #15 1972
Box 338 Issue #16 1972
Box 338 Issue #17 1972
Box 338 Issue #18 1972 (2 folders)
Box 338 Issue #19 1972
Box 338 Issue #20 1972
Box 338 Issue #21 1973
Box 338 Issue #22 1973
Box 338 Issue #23 1973
Box 338 Issue #24 1973 (2 folders)
Box 338 Issue #25 1973
Box 338 Issue #26 1973 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #27 1973
Box 339 Issue #28 1973
Box 339 Issue #29
Box 339 Issue #30 1973
Box 339 Issue #31 1973
Box 339 Issue #32 1973
Box 339 Issue #33 1973 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #34 1973
Box 339 Issue #35 1973
Box 339 Issue #36 1973
Box 339 Issue #37 1974
Box 339 Issue #38 1974 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #39 1974
Box 339 Issue #40 1974 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #41 1974 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #42 1974 (2 folders)
Box 339 Issue #43 1974
Box 339 Issue #44 1974
Box 339 Issue #45 1974
Box 339 Issue #46 1974
Box 340 Issue #47 1974
Box 340 Issue #48 1974
Box 340 Issue #49 1974
Box 340 Issue #50 1974
Box 340 Issue #51 1974
Box 340 Issue #52 1974
Box 340 Issue #53 1974
Box 340 Issue #54 1974
Box 340 Issue #55 1974
Box 340 Issue #56 1974
Box 340 Issue #57 1974
Box 340 Issue #58 1974
Box 340 Issue #59 1974
Box 340 Issue #60 1974 (3 folders)
Box 340 Issue #61 1975 (3 folders)
Box 340 Issue #62 1975 (2 folders)
Box 341 Issue #62 1975
Box 341 Issue #63 1975 (3 folders)
Box 341 Issue #64 1975
Box 341 Issue #65 1975 (2 folders)
Box 341 Issue #66 1975 (3 folders)
Box 341 Issue #67 1975
Box 342 Issue #67 1975
Box 342 Issue #68 1975 (2 folders)
Box 342 Issue #69 1975 (2 folders)
Box 342 Issue #70 1975 (2 folders)
Box 342 Issue #71 1975 (2 folders)
Box 342 Issue #72 1975 (2 folders)
Box 342 Issue #73 1975
Box 343 Issue #73 1975
Box 343 Issue #74 1975 (2 folders)
Box 343 Issue #75 1975 (2 folders)
Box 343 Issue #76 1975 (2 folders)
Box 343 Issue #77 1975
Box 343 Issue #78 1975 (3 folders)
Box 343 Issue #79 1975 (2 folders)
Box 343 Issue #80 1975
Box 344 Issue #80 1975
Box 344 Issue #81 1975 (2 folders)
Box 344 Issue #82 1975
Box 344 Issue #83 1975 (2 folders)
Box 344 Issue #84 1975
Box 344 Issue #85 1976
Box 344 Issue #86 1976
Box 344 Issue #87 1976
Box 344 Issue #88 1976
Box 344 Issue #89 1976
Box 344 Issue #90 1976
Box 344 Issue #91 1976 (2 folders)
Box 344 Issue #92 1976
Box 344 Issue #93 1976
Box 344 Issue #94 1976
Box 344 Issue #95 1976
Box 344 Issue #96 1976 (2 folders)
Box 344 Issue #97 1976
Box 344 Issue #98 1976
Box 345 Issue #98 1976
Box 345 Issue #99 1976
Box 345 Issue #100 1976 (2 folders)
Box 345 Issue #101 1976
Box 345 Issue #102 1976
Box 345 Issue #103 1976
Box 345 Issue #104 1976
Box 345 Issue #105 1976
Box 345 Issue #106 1976
Box 345 Issue #107 1977
Box 345 Issue #108 1977
Box 345 Issue #109 1977
Box 345 Issue #110 1977
Box 345 Issue #111 1977
Box 345 Issue #112 1977
Box 345 Issue #113 1977
Box 345 Issue #114 1977
Box 345 Issue #115 1977
Box 345 Issue #116 1977
Box 345 Issue #117 1977 (2 folders)
Box 345 Issue #118 1977
Box 345 Issue #121 1978
Box 345 Issue #127 1979 (2 folders)
Box 345 Issue #130 1979
Box 345 Issue #131 1979
Box 345 Issue #139
Box 345 Issue #151 - Letter
Box 375 Issue #151
Box 345 Atlan #1 1977 - Atlan was a spin-off series of Perry Rhodan, and is therefore listed after the PR material (2 folders)
Box 346 Atlan #2 1977 (3 folders)
Box 346 Atlan #3 1977
Box 346 Atlan #4 1977
Box 346 Miscellaneous (9 folders)
Box 347 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 375 Miscellaneous - subscription renewal form (photocopy); production schedule for PR and Atlan
Fan mail - sorted by year and month but not day; empty envelopes are filed at the end of their respective year
Box 347 Fan mail 1952, 1955, 1969-Feb 1978 (8 folders)
Box 348 Fan mail Mar 1978-1979 - includes 3 folders empty envelopes (9 folders)
Box 349 Fan mail 1979-1986, 1991-1993, 1996-1997, undated - includes 2 folders empty envelopes (11 folders)
Box 350 Fan mail undated (4 folders)
Box 350 Indexes - includes list of characters in PR stories; mentions DictionPerry (2 folders)
Manuscripts - sorted by issue #
Box 350 In the Center of the Galaxy 1978 - by Clark Dalton (Walter Ernsting); does not have an issue number (3 folders)
Box 350 Issue list
Box 350 Issue #4 1970 - Title is The Mind Snatchers; German issue was titled Hilfe für die Erde (aka "Help for the Earth") and PR English issue #4 is titled "Invasion from Space", but this manuscript is believed to be that of issue #4 based on online information (2 folders)
Box 350 Issue #5 1970
Box 351 Issue #5 1970 (2 folders)
Box 351 Issue #15 1972 - English title Escape to Venus; German issue was titled Thoras Flucht (aka "Thora's Flight") (2 folders)
Box 351 Issue #18 1972 (2 folders)
Box 351 Issue #19 1972 (3 folders)
Box 351 Issue #20 1972 (3 folders)
Box 351 Issue #21 1973 (2 folders)
Box 351 Issue #22 1973 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #23 1973
Box 352 Issue #24 1973 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #25 1973 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #42 1974 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #44 1974 - English title The Pseudo One; German issue was titled Der falsche Inspekteur (aka "The False Inspector") (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #50 1974 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #51 1974 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #53 1974 (2 folders)
Box 352 Issue #57 1974
Box 353 Issue #57 1974
Box 353 Issue #59 1974 (4 folders)
Box 353 Issue #61 1975 (2 folders)
Box 353 Issue #62 1975 (2 folders)
Box 353 Issue #64 1975 (3 folders)
Box 353 Issue #65 1975 (2 folders)
Box 354 Issue #66 1975 (2 folders)
Box 354 Issue #67 1975 (2 folders)
Box 354 Issue #68 1975 (2 folders)
Box 354 Issue #69 1975 (3 folders)
Box 354 Issue #70 1975
Box 354 Issue #71 1975 (2 folders)
Box 354 Issue #72 1975
Box 355 Issue #72 1975
Box 355 Issue #73 1975 (2 folders)
Box 355 Issue #75 1975 (2 folders)
Box 355 Issue #77 1975 (2 folders)
Box 355 Issue #79 1975
Box 355 Issue #80 1975 (2 folders)
Box 355 Issue #87 1976 (2 folders)
Box 355 Issue #88 1976
Box 355 Issue #90 1976
Box 356 Issue #90 1976
Box 356 Issue #91 1976
Box 356 Issue #96 1976 (2 folders)
Box 375 Issue #97 1976 - galleys (2 folders)
Box 356 Issue #97 1976 (2 folders)
Box 375 Issue #98 1976 - galleys
Box 356 Issue #99 1976 (4 folders)
Box 356 Issue #111 1977
Box 356 Issue #114 1977 (2 folders)
Box 356 Isseu #125 1979
Box 357 Issue #125 1979
Box 357 Issue #126 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #129 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #130 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #133 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #135 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #137 1979 (2 folders)
Box 357 Issue #151
Box 357 Atlan #3 - Manuscript is for an Atlan novel (the Atlan series is a spin-off of Perry Rhodan and material is therefore listed after Perry Rhodan issues) (2 folders)
Box 358 Atlan #4 (2 folders)
Box 358 Atlan #5
Box 358 Promotional material - includes Perry Rhodan trading cards
Oversize 10 Promotional material
Box 358 Royalty statements 1969-1977 (2 folders)
Box 358 Shipping receipts (2 folders)
Box 358 Submissions - Shock Short submissions with accompanying correspondence; unsorted (2 folders)
Box 358 Submission letters - correspondence indicating a submission, but no actual submission present; unsorted (3 folders)
Subscriptions - left in original envelopes; sorted by year and month but not day, based on postmark
Box 359 Subscriptions 1972-1974 - first folder includes blank expiration notice form (7 folders)
Box 360 Subscriptions 1974-1977 (7 folders)
Box 361 Subscriptions 1977-1978 (7 folders)
Box 362 Subscriptions 1978 (8 folders)
Box 363 Subscriptions 1978 (8 folders)
Box 364 Subscriptions 1978 (6 folders)
Box 365 Subscriptions 1978 (7 folders)
Box 366 Subscriptions 1978-1979 (7 folders)
Box 367 Subscriptions 1979 (7 folders)
Box 368 Subscriptions 1979 (7 folders)
Box 369 Subscriptions 1979 (7 folders)
Box 370 Subscriptions 1979 (6 folders)
Box 371 Subscriptions 1979-1980 (8 folders)
Box 372 Subscriptions 1980 (7 folders)
Box 373 Subscriptions 1980-1982 (7 folders)
Box 374 Subscriptions 1982-1986, undated (4 folders)
Box 374 Miscellaneous
The vast majority of photographs in the collection were either unsorted or poorly sorted. Albums with titles are listed first, followed by untitled albums. Following this are a series of folders created by Ackerman and/or his assistant(s); these folder titles have been preserved, although the contents don't always match. Finally, loose photographs have been sorted into the following broad categories: Ackerman (where he is the focus of the picture, whether alone, with others, at events, etc.); family (parents, grandparents, Wendayne, etc.); conventions and gatherings; early fandom (largely black and white from the 1940s-1960s); fans (many of these were probably submitted by readers of Famous Monsters for publication in the magazine, but there are also some showing off amateur makeup and special effects); movie and television-related (movie stills, actor photos, film-making, make-up, sets, etc.); writers and authors; and miscellaneous.
Photograph albums - Albums containing movie stills are listed first, followed by personal/memorabilia albums
Oversize 17 "Autobiography & Photographs on Anthony P. Tierney" undated - black-and-white photos, some of person in makeup, and a few pages of drawings
Oversize 21 "The Day the Earth Stood Still" undated - small brown leatherette album containing 3x5" black-and-white stills from the 1951 movie
Oversize 22 "Frankenstein" undated - black-and-white stills from the 1931 Carl Laemmle production
Oversize 22 "Lugosi" undated - dark blue and green flowered album; black-and-white photos; assorted 8x10 shots of Bela Lugosi, some in character as Dracula
Oversize 22 "Mia's letzter film & andere [illegible]" [1924] - black-and-white stills, presumably from "The Love Letters of Baroness S." which was Mia May's last appearance
Oversize 23 "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad" undated - small (3x5) color stills from the the 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958); album is in very poor condition, handle with care
Oversize 24 "This Island Earth and War of the Worlds" undated - small (3x5) color stills from This Island Earth and War of the Worlds; album is missing cover and in very poor condition, handle with care
Oversize 25 "The Time Machine" undated - small reddish-brown leatherette album containing 3x5" color stills from the 1960 movie; album is in poor condition, cover detached, handle with care
Oversize 26 "Family Photos" [on spine] circa 1935-1980 - brown leatherette; black-and-white and color; FJA, "Tante Tinschen," Charles D. Hornig, Bernard Berger, Morojo, T. Bruce Yerke, Paul Freehafer, Frank Robinson, Francis Laney, Phil Bronson, Antonio Bellomi, "Fuzzy" Niven, the Pinckards, Herbert Haussler, Fritz Lang, Ray Harryhausen, Tetsu Yano, Shel Dorf, van Vogts, Tigrina, Bill Rotsler, Jack and Jacie Appelbaum, "the Clonettes"; Italy, London, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Alaskan cruise
Oversize 27 [Army days / early photos] circa 1942-1957 - red with silver with silver "PHOTO ALBUM" on cover; FJA at Fort MacArthur ("Pvt. Ack-Ack"), Wendy,Bjo Trimble, Trina Petit, LASFS group shot, Morojo, Pogo, Tigrina, Marjii Ellers
Oversize 27 "1" [on cover] "Mainly Young" [on first page] circa 1931-1943 - red with silver "PHOTO ALBUM" on cover, blank tag tied to spine; black-and-white photos; FJA, Bill Crawford, Esperantists, Frederik Pohl, Ray Bradbury, Julie Unger, Walter Ernsting, Carroll Borland, Paul Freehafer, possibly one of FJA age 15
Oversize 28 "2" [on cover] circa 1959-1961 - red with silver "PHOTO ALBUM" on cover; FJA, mother, Ray Bradbury, Stan Woolston, Charles Burbee, Dave Kyle, Bill Warren, NyCon 2
Oversize 28 "7" [on cover] circa 1939-1959 - red with silver with silver "PHOTO ALBUM" on cover; black-and-white photos, many missing; Haunted Wine Cellar, Count Dracula Society event, Mickey Rooney's son holding copy of "Monster World", Hope Lugosi, FJA on set of The Incredible Invasion
Oversize 28 "FJA's Home w/ B.K. kids" [on tag tied to spine] [1969?] - flowered album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold; black-and-white photos; FJA and fans in the Ackermansion
Oversize 29 "Happy Birthday from us all - Nick, Ruth, Martin, Bill" [Byhower] 1969
Oversize 29 "Forrest J Ackerman for President" [on first page] [early 1970s?]
Oversize 29 "Photographs of the Ackermansion and old LASFS" [on spine] / "Thanksgiving Party at the Ackermansion November, 1971" [on second page] 1971 - black-and-white photos, removed from album and sleeved/foldered
Oversize 30 "Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year to the Ackermonster from Cortlandt and Sandy Claws" 21 Dec 1971
Oversize 31 "L.A. Con" 1972
Oversize 31 "To Forry for Christmas 1976 & New Year 1977 - A Remembrance of Aussiecon 1975 from Helena" 1975 - includes shots of costume contest, original artwork, Fritz Leiber with his Grand Master of Fantasy Award
Oversize 32 "The Making of Hooray for Horrorwood! Edited by Heidi Gibson" Sep 1990
Oversize 33 "Happy 90th Birthday, Forry - All the best, Patrick Ford" [2006]
"Collection and Journeys of David A. Batchelder" 1998
Oversize 32 "Friends" [on tag on spine] undated - flowered album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold; black-and-white portrait shots of Oscar Estes in uniform, other unidentified people, some in costume
Oversize 34 [Count Dracula Society event] undated - blue cloth with silver "PHOTO ALBUM" on cover; black-and-white; FJA giving speech, Vincent Price, etc.
Oversize 34 [Count Dracula Society event] undated - small blue paperback album, printed in Japanese; color photos; FJA with unidentified Japanese young men, Japanese magazines, props/artifacts, etc.
Oversize 34 "R.I.P. Forry's Girls" [on first page] undated - turquoise blue cloth with "PHOTO ALBUM" in red lettering; color and black-and-white photos, lots of empty pages; FJA with various females
Oversize 35 "Special 4e Pix" undated
Oversize 36 [Volume 1] 1960s-1970s - brown leatherette; black-and-white and color; FJA, Ackermansion, various people, first three are 3-D holograms
Oversize 37 [Volume 2] undated - blue leatherette, gold PHOTOS on spine; color photos; candid shots of FJA and others, also masks, props, exhibits; locations include Hollywood, Paris, Krakow, unidentified events
Oversize 38 [Volume 3] undated - photos removed from album and placed in sleeves/folder; color and black-and-white, mix of early personal photos and later ones with fans, visitors, Ackermansion, etc.
Oversize 38 [Volume 4] undated - cream album with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos, many detached/loose; most are of people in costume
Oversize 39 [Volume 5] undated - flowered album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold; color and black-and-white photos; FJA at unidentified event(s), with family, with kids, etc.
Oversize 40 [Volume 6] undated - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA, family, friends, fans, various event(s), Alden's grave in France, many photos of the Ackermansion
Oversize 39 [Volume 7] undated - blue flowered album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold; black-and-white photos; FJA with props, cutting ribbon on "your new office, courtesy of Jim Warren and Walto," family photos possibly in Germany, FJA on Art Linkletter
Oversize 39 [Volume 8] [mid-1960s] - red-and-green flowered album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold; color photos; FJA with fans, friends, props, at home and at event(s), fake Greystoke coat-of-arms, group of Lovecraft books
Oversize 41 [Volume 9] undated - bright green leatherette album with "PHOTO ALBUM" in gold cursive; black-and-white and color photos; FJA, Horace Gold, Tigrina, other family and friends, Japan trip
Oversize 41 [Volume 10] undated - greenish woven album with plastic badge "PHOTO ALBUM"; black-and-white and color photos; people dressed as Frankenstein and Dracula, FJA at home alone and with others, FJA's mother, unidentified wedding
Oversize 42 [Volume 11] undated - reddish leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; first half appears to be mid-1970s, second half mid-1960s; FJA and the Ackermansion with friends, family, fans, humungous King Kong cutout
Oversize 30 [Volume 12] undated - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA, family, friends, fans, several of props and other Ackermansion items
Oversize 43 [Volume 13] - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA, friends, fans, Ackermansion, several unidentified events including Count Dracula Society and/or Vampirella
Oversize 30 [Volume 14] undated - cream leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; mostly the Ackermansion and its contents, a few of FJA at a comic book store event talking to fans, at the Parc Exposition Morales (sculpture park) in Port-du-bouc, France, and at Stonehenge
Oversize 44 [Volume 15] undated - reddish-brown with gold accents; black-and-white and color photos; FJA and the Ackermansion, series of photos showing someone being made up as Frankenstein, FJA in front of a life-size cutouts of Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, display of MAD and Famous Monsters covers, several unidentified events, sunset and surf along the coast
Oversize 45 [Volume 16] undated - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA posing with Nosferatu poster (poster for Mia May movie "The Dragon's Claw" also visible), FJA with Spock ears, meeting of Dark Shadows Club, contact sheets with shots of Ackermansion kitchen, FJA on Japanese television, Verne Langdon, John Goodwin, last page has full view of Ackermansion living room
Oversize 46 [Volume 17] undated - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA posting with charcoal portrait of himself (signed "T. Volkert"), several formal portraits, FJA with boxes of FM fan mail, Ackermansion, shots of amateur production of Frankenstein, FJA being attacked by zombie, various unidentified events
Oversize 47 [Volume 18] undated - brown leatherette with gold accents; color and black-and-white photos; FJA comforting crying child at TorCon 2, Japan, unidentified events, a few very early photos possibly 1940s
Oversize 48 [Volume 19] undated - dark blue and green flowered album; bladk-and-white photos; Count Dracula Society, standing by sign "Rue du Purgatoire," with Metropolis robot, Eurocon 1972, unidentified costume and/or makeup contest
Oversize 48 [Volume 20] undated - green and gold flowered album with plastic "PHOTO ALBUM" badge; color and black-and-white photos; mostly family, many with Wendayne
Oversize 49 [Volume 21] undated - dark green with gold lettering "Photo Album"; mostly black-and-white photos; unidentified event possibly Count Dracula Society, early shots of Ackermansion, shots of LASFS club room and meeting, FJA with Wendayne and fans
Oversize 49 [Volume 22] undated - photos removed from album and placed in sleeves/folder; color photos, most of an unidentified wedding
Oversize 49 [Volume 23] undated - red leatherette with gold accents; appear to be color prints of digital photos on glossy paper; all are head shots of the same young person in various makeup and poses, including one of them working on a painting
Oversize 50 [Volume 24] undated - cobalt blue leatherette with gold accents; mostly black-and-white candid photos of FJA at various events, a few at home
Oversize 51 [Volume 25] undated - brown with gold accents; mix of color and black-and-white photos of FJA at various events, signing things at a table, damaged Ackermansion items (cause not noted)
Oversize 52 [Volume 26] undated - reddish-brown with gold accents; black-and-white and color photos; candid shots of parties, people in costume, artwork
Box 376 [Volume 27] - small, black velvet, possibly from a Count Dracula Society dinner
Box 376 [Volume 28] - small, flowered plastic cover; has label inside the front cover, "Fannish Folks Inside and Outside Hollywood, Karloffornia by D'Bee"
Box 376 Miscellaneous small, FJA 1950s, 1989, circa 2000 - 2 large and 6 small softcover booklets (2 folders)
Box 376 Miscellaneous small, Japan [1977?] - 16 small softcover albums; color photos; all appear to be of FJA and others in Japan; some have handwritten notes on the covers including "Kyoto," "Tokyo," and "Nara" (3 folders)
Oversize 53 Miscellaneous album pages undated - identified individuals include Davey Lee (performer with Al Jolson as "Sonny Boy"), Tetsu Yano, Howie Low (Chinese fan, 1930s), Elizabeth Starr Cummings, and Paddy FitzGerald O'Grattan
Box 376 Miscellaneous, "Collection and Journeys of David A. Batchelder" 1998 - includes dedicatory letter to FJA
Box 376 Miscellaneous, "Monsters in my Life" by Clix Byrne 1994 - includes letter from creator to FJA
Forry's folders - These folders were created by FJA. The original folder titles have been retained; however, the contents do not always match the titles
Box 377 "Ackermansion #1" - Only 2 photos of Forry's home. Most unrelated.
Box 377 "Atwill, Lionel" - English actor, born 1885
Box 377 "Authors"
Box 377 "B personalities"
Box 377 "Edgar Wallace Series - Germany" - Rialto film series; stills heavily water damaged
Box 377 "Erotica Project"
Box 377 "F personalities - misc."
Box 377 "FJA End of Ackermansion #1"
Box 377 "FJA Birth of the Ackermansion "#2 (Son of)"
Box 377 "FJA 1942 to 1946 = In the Army"
Box 377 "FJA 1963 = Project 7000 Crosscountry"
Box 377 "FJA 1965 European trip"
Box 377 "FJA 1966 = 50th Birthday, Hotel Knickerbocker"
Box 377 "FJA 1969 = Rio de Janeiro"
Box 377 "FJA 1971 = Earthquake!" - pictures of the inside of Ackermansion after an earthquake
Box 377 "FJA 1976 - Photo Center Masque"
Box 377 "Forry's Gals"
Box 377 "Frye, Dwight" - actor, born 1899
Box 377 "G misc"
Box 377 "H personalities (misc)"
Box 377 "Hull, Henry"
Box 377 "J personalities misc"
Box 378 "J. D.'s Revenge" - mostly contains photos of FJA
Box 378 "Journey to the 7th Planet" - 1962 movie
Box 378 "Karloff! The Uncanny"
Box 378 "L personalities (misc)"
Box 378 "Marly, Florence" - Czech-born French film actress
Oversize 54 "Metropolis"
Box 378 "N misc"
Box 378 "Pinckard Salon"
Box 378 "Ray Harryhausen"
Box 378 "Robinson, Ann" - American actress, born 1929
Box 378 "Simone Simon" - French actress
Box 378 "van Vogt, A.E." - author
Box 378 "W personalities (misc)"
Forrest Ackerman - alone, with family, friends, fans, at events, etc.
Box 378 "Return of the Frankenstein Monster" 1976 - movie short directed by Walt Daugherty
Box 379 "Return of the Frankenstein Monster" 1976 - movie short directed by Walt Daugherty
Box 379 Forry, misc. (1-8) - folder 1 includes small reproduction photos of young FJA and Morojo (8 folders)
Box 380 Forry, misc. (9-16) - folder 9 includes photo of FJA posing huge piles of mail arrived during his absence (8 folders)
Box 389 Forry, misc. (2 folders)
Oversize 54 Forry, misc.
Oversize 55-65 Forry, misc.
Family - Family photos include Ackerman's mother Caroll, brother Alden, and wife Wendayne Ackerman. Many of the photos show members of Wendayne's family, the Wahrmans, including her parents, first husband, and son Michael. Some of the photos were taken at FJA's house, the Ackermansion
Box 381 Family - miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 381 Family - Alden Ackerman's grave, cemetery views, etc. (2 folders)
Box 381 Family - at the Ackermansion
Oversize 54 Family
Oversize 66-67 Family
Conventions and gatherings - conventions, dinners, ceremonies, gatherings at the Ackermansion and other places, trips with others
Box 381 Conventions/gatherings - folders 1-3; mostly Walt Daugherty (3 folders)
Box 382 Conventions/gatherings - folders 4-11 (6 folders)
Box 389 Conventions/gatherings
Oversize 77-83 Conventions/gatherings
Early fandom - early photos of fandom conventions, meetings, gatherings, mostly from the 1940s-1960s, mainly black & white; may include LASFS, Forry and Morojo, etc.
Box 382 Miscellaneous
Oversize 68-70 Miscellaneous
Fans - many many photos of readers of Famous Monsters submitted for publication in the magazine; also shots of individuals and families, fans of Forry in makeup, amatuer movie stills, fans with copies of his magazines, etc.
Box 382 Miscellaneous - includes "Forry Fanettes"
Box 383 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Oversize 54 Miscellaneous
Oversize 71-76 Miscellaneous
Movie and television related - photos related to production of movies and television shows, including movie stills, actor photos, publicity photos, film-making, make-up, special effects, sets, etc.
Box 383 "Journey to the Center of the Earth," 1959 production
Box 383 "Just Imagine," 1930 production (2 folders)
Box 383 "The Master Mystery," 1918 production
Box 383 "White Zombie," 1932 production
Box 383 "The Wolfman," unidentified circa 1960s production
Box 383 Miscellaneous - folders 1-2 (2 folders)
Box 384 Miscellaneous - folders 3-9 (7 folders)
Box 385 Miscellaneous - folders 10-17 (8 folders)
Box 386 Miscellaneous - folders 18-21 (4 folders)
Oversize 54 Miscellaneous
Box 386 Miscellaneous - Ray Bradbury, L. Ron Hubbard, Martin Varno, Frederik Pohl August Derleth, Tetsu Yano, Walter Ernsting, Stuart Byrne, Rene Barjavel, Horace Gold, Charles Beaumont, Joanna Russ, others (2 folders)
Miscellaneous - All sorts of things: many photos of magazine covers, movie posters, art
Box 386 Miscellaneous - folders 1-3 (3 folders)
Box 387 Miscellaneous - folders 4-11 (7 folders)
Box 388 Miscellaneous - folders 12-13 (2 folders)
Oversize 54 Miscellaneous
Oversize 84-85 Miscellaneous
Box 388 Miscellaneous negatives and slides - [4 negatives were discarded due to conditon] (2 folders)
Oversize 53 Miscellaneous photocopies of photographs
Printed material
This series contains unused wall calendars (calendars Ackerman actually wrote in or on, see Memorabilia : Calendars), comic books, book and magazine covers, issues of magazines and newspapers, reference works connected with science fiction and horror (including two proposals for a Dewey decimal classification system for "fantastic fiction"), special/limited editions (most of which are signed/inscribed to Ackerman), stories clipped from various publications, and issues of two trade publications that were closely concerned with the movie business: Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety.
The collection as donated also contained a full run of Perry Rhodan; numerous science fiction novels and graphic novels; and hundreds of issues of magazines such as Famous Monsters, Filmfax, Locus, and other similar publications, as well as a substantial number of publications from the Church of Scientology. These have been transferred to Rare Books for cataloging. Please refer to the Classic Catalog to locate these items.
Calendars - wall calendars with artwork
Box 390 Kent - artist Diane Setek
Box 390 The Maidens - artist initials LP
Box 390 Watership Down - artist Eric Tenney
Box 390 Adventure in Disneyland [1955] - extremely fragile, exercise great care in handling
Box 390 Avventuras Seculo XX no. 1 1959 - Spanish
Box 390 Il Batman no. 1, no. 54 1966, 1969 - Italian, published by Mondadori
Box 390 Bethlehem Steele [1996?] - English; artist Alphonso Azpiri, published in Penthouse
Box 390 Cavewoman: Pangaean Sea no. 1 2000 - English; includes a page of commentary about the Forry v. Ferry lawsuit
Box 390 Doctor Strange, vol. 1 no. 1 1982 - English
Box 390 Hardi les gars! no. 30 1947 - French
Box 390 Makyou Amunimachin Tankenki [Expedition to the Ominous Amne Machin peak] 1949 - Japanese; writer and artist Runze Takizawa
Box 390 Metal Hurlant no. 58 1980 - French
Box 390 The Monster Club 1980 - English; appears to be related to the 1981 movie
Box 390 Net Profit 1974 - English; produced for Project Jonah, a whale conservation initiative
Box 390 Shounen Taazan Wa Iku [Young Tarzan on the Move] undated - Japanese; writer Akamaro Yamada, artist Minoru Toyoda
Box 390 Silver Starr no. 25-26 [1974?] - English
Box 390 Los Sobrevivientes del Infinito [1965] - Spanish; combination of movie or tv stills and text, possibly a fragment of Cosmo Aventuras no. 19?
Box 390 Starstream no. 3 1976 - English; stories by Sturgeon, Williamson, McCaffrey, van Vogt, others
Box 390 The Wild Hunt 1994 - English
Box 390 Miscellaneous - includes a "Bazooka Joe" and "Crazy Christian Conspiracy Theories"
Box 390 Unidentified fragment - English; one page, includes a character named Dogra
Box 390 Books - includes some in Japanese (3 folders)
Box 390 Magazines 1914-[1960?] - earliest is 1914; includes several Gernsback publications as well as "Scienza Fantastics"
Box 391 Magazines - back covers, most unidentified
Oversize 86 Magazines
Magazines - [need note about many many many magazines transferred to Rare Books for cataloging]
Box 391 American Science Fiction Magazine no. 35 1955
Box 391 The Black Cat no. 56 May 1900
Box 391 Doc Savage Journal no. 1 May 1969
Box 391 Fantasy Book no. 1 1947
Box 391 Forum for a Better World 1976-1978 - English-language publication of Japanese research organization PHP (2 folders)
Box 391 Le Moustique vol. 9 no. 6 Feb 1933
Box 391 Stanford Chaparral vol. 48 no. ? 1947
Box 391 Undinal Songs no. 7 1983
Box 391 Velocities no. 3 1983 - speculative poetry
Box 391 Xenon no. 2 1968 - issue dedicated to FJA
Box 391 Miscellaneous (5 folders)
Newspapers and newsprint
Oversize 86 Miscellaneous - mostly from comic book dealers
Reference works
Box 392 Bad years zeppelin no. 7 - publications containing work of Joseph M. Shea, also one small item by him
Box 392 Decimal classification, Speer
Box 392 A Decimal classification of fantastic fiction, Russell undated
Box 392 Fancyclopedia II circa 1959
Box 392 Fanzine index #3 1958
Box 392 FFF Index vol. 1 [1926?]
Box 392 Filmindex [1960?] - science fiction, horror, fantasy; date range is from 1913 to 1959
Box 392 Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, index [to] no's 1-8 1975
Box 392 Futures past: A visual guidebook to science fiction history 1991-1992
Box 392 The hero-pulp index 1970-1971
Box 392 Index to science fiction book reviews in Astounding/Analog 1949-1969, Fantasy and Science Fiction 1949-1969, Galaxy 1950-1969 1973
Box 392 Index to the verse in Weird Tales 1960
Box 392 Index to the weird fiction magazines 1964
Box 392 [Index to Weird Tales no. 85-122] undated
Box 392 [Indexes, miscellaneous fragments]
Box 392 Preliminary checklist of science fiction and fantasy published by Ballantine Books 1977 - covers the years 1953-1977
Box 392 Science fiction bibliography vol. 1 no. 1 1935
Box 392 Science Fiction Book Review Index 1970
Box 392 Science fiction and fantasy film checklist 1958
Box 393 Science fiction and fantasy magazine index 1985
Box 393 Science fiction and fantasy published by Avalon Books and Bouregy & Curl 1977
Box 393 Science fiction and fantasy research index vol. 3 1983
Box 393 SF published in 1969 [1970?]
Box 393 Talbut Mundy bibliography 1955
Box 393 Weird Tales in the thirties 1966
Box 393 The who's who in fandom 1940
Box 393 Whole science fiction database quarterly 1988
Box 393 Yearbook of science, fantasy, and weird fiction 1940
Special editions - chapbooks, limited editions, small press works, signed/inscribed items, etc.
Box 393 Aronowitz, Davis [2 items, Pretentious Press] 1985 - "Run hither, run yon" dedicated to Damon Knight, and "Dealer of the mist" signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 393 Benford, Gregory, "At the summer solstice" 1986 - Cheap Street, limited/numbered edition; signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 393 Binder, Eando, "The cancer machine" (Bizarre Series #3) undated - Bizarre
Box 393 Breiding, Sutton, "The crosses of December" undated - The Strange Company, limited/numbered edition
Box 393 Dietz, Frank [2 items] 1999-2000 - 2 volumes of "classic creature caricatures," signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 393 Edwards, Wayne, "Martin" 1988 - Merrimack Books, limited/numbered edition, signed
Box 393 Jones, Jack, "Fantasy films and their fiends" 1969 - original typescript in custom-stamped binder, with letter from author expressing gratitude to FJA (2 folders)
Box 393 Keller, David H., "Figment of a dream" 1962 - Anthem, limited edition produced by Jack Chalker, illustrated by David Prosser, signed by the author
Box 393 Lovecraft, H.P., "Medusa: A Portrait" 1975 - Oliphant Press, limited/numbered edition
Box 393 Priest, Christopher, "The making of the lesbian horse" 1979 - BSFG Press, limited/numbered edition produced for NovaCon 9
Box 393 Rutherford, Brett (ed.), "May eve" 1975 - Grim Reaper Books
Box 393 Saleh, Dennis, "First Z Poems" 1984 - limited/numbered edition, signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 393 Searles, A. Langley, "Introduction," to Edison's Conquest of Mars by Garrett Putnam Serviss 1947 - Carcosa House, with FJA's handwritten dedications on first page
Box 393 Tani, Koushu, "Martian Railroad 19" 1986 - Jin-Gai-Kyo; English translation
Box 393 Valdron, D.G. [5 items] - Badlands Press, Dark Icons no's 2 and 4, Lite Fancies no's 1 and 2; Whetstone Writing Group, "Psychosis"
Box 394 Van Hageland, A., "Volkskunde en oceanografie fantasie en werkelijkheid in de diepzee" 1960 - De Brabantse Folklore, signed and inscribed to FJA
Box 394 Whitman, Walt, "As if a phantom caress'd me" [1978?] - Fantome Press, limited/numbered edition
Box 394 Willis, Walt, and Bob Shaw, "The Enchanted Duplicator" 1983 - Editions Dante and ConStellation (WorldCon 41)
Box 394 Miscellaneous - assorted small chapbooks
Stories - most of these are by Ackerman Agency authors, clipped from various publications; some include Ackerman's notes and/or brief introduction to the story
Box 394 Adams, Samuel Hopkins 1937
Box 394 Anderson, Paul L. 1926
Box 394 Arnold, H.F.
Box 394 Arthur, Robert 1941
Box 394 Asimov, Isaac 1966
Box 394 Athanas, W.V.
Box 394 Backus, W. Elwyn
Box 394 Ballard, J.G. 1963, 1991
Box 394 Balzac, Honor de 1937
Box 394 Bankson, Russell
Box 394 Bartlett, Arthur
Box 394 Berry, John 1960
Box 394 Bishop, Michael 1991 - photocopy
Box 394 Bixby, Jerome - photocopy
Box 394 Blish, James
Box 394 Bond, Nelson
Box 394 Bradbury, Ray 1941-1948, 1951, 1962, undated - includes one item in French, "La derniere aventure d'Ernest Hemingway" (2 folders)
Box 394 Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Box 394 Brandon, William 1953
Box 394 Briarton, Grendel [Bretnor, Reginald] 1959
Box 394 Brown, Fredric 1951
Box 394 Brunner, John 1973
Box 394 Burks, Arthur J. 1927
Box 394 Burrough, Loretta 1935
Box 394 Burroughs, Edgar Rice 1918, 1933
Box 394 Burtis, Thomson 1929
Box 394 Byrne, S.J. 1952 - includes one as John Bloodstone
Box 394 Cadigan, Pat 1991 - photocopy
Box 394 Cady, Jack 1991 - photocopy
Box 394 Cartmill, Cleve 1941, undated - one item is a photocopy
Oversize 87 Cartmill, Cleve 1937
Box 395 Challis, George 1929
Box 395 Clarke, Arthur C. 1953, 1962
Box 395 Clinton, Ed [1946?] - photocopy
Box 395 Colin, Vladimir undated - photocopy
Box 395 Cummings, Ray 1919-1920, 1926-1927, 1930-1935, 1941, undated (6 folders)
Oversize 87 Cummings, Ray 1931
Box 395 Dann, Jack 1991 - photocopy
Box 395 Day, Bradford M. 1954 - three stories bound together; the first is a republication of "Henry FitzOwen, a gothic tale" by Nathan Drake (1798)
Box 395 de Camp, L. Sprague 1950
Box 395 de Lue, Ross undated
Box 395 de Mille, Richard 1956
Box 395 Dellinger, Paul 1962
Box 395 Derleth, August 1926, 1942 - also includes a poem
Box 395 Dickie, Francis 1939
Oversize 87 Drussai, Kirk and Garen 1955
Box 395 Duncan, David 1954
Box 395 Dunn, J. Alan 1916
Box 395 Dunn, J.R. 1991 - photocopy
Box 395 Dyalhis, Nictzin 1925
Box 395 Ellanby, Boyd 1952
Box 395 England, George Allan 1916
Box 395 Ernst, Paul 1930, 1954
Box 395 Eshbach, L.A. [Lloyd Arthur] 1934, 1948
Box 395 Estes, O.G. 1948, undated - includes one item in Spanish
Box 395 Evans, E. Everett 1948, 1950, 1953 - includes one item as H.E. Verett
Box 396 Fearn, John Russell 1949, 1952, 1973 - includes "Conquest of the Amazon" (Cosmos Science Fiction Series #1) and one written as Dom Passante
Oversize 87 Fearn, John Russell 1948-1949
Box 396 Felsen, Henry George 1955
Oversize 87 Ferrat, Jacques Jean 1957
Box 396 Fetler, Andrew 1963
Box 396 Fezandié, Clement 1921-1924 - collected and bound serialized version of "Doctor Hackensaw's Secrets," complete, stamped "Property of Hannes Bok"
Box 396 Flagg, Francis 1929
Box 396 Flanders, John [Ray, Jean] 1934
Box 396 Frank, Pat 1947
Oversize 87 Fritch, Charles E. 1956, 1958
Box 396 Gallun, Raymond Z. 1936, 1940
Box 396 Gerrold, David [1999?] - fax
Box 396 Gibson, William 1991 - photocopy
Box 396 Gillings, Walter 1947
Box 396 Glut, Don undated - in Dutch?
Box 396 Green, Don 1932
Box 396 Griffith, George 1903
Box 396 Grigsby, Doris 1928 - photocopy
Box 396 Grosser, E.A. 1941
Box 396 Haggard, H. Rider 1887, 1920 - includes a short bibliography of his works composed by FJA (2 folders)
Box 396 Haggard, J. Harvey 1934
Oversize 88 Hall, Austin [1949?] - French serialization of Les Voyageurs de la comète [People of the Comet]
Oversize 87 Hall-Brown, Olga 1930
Box 396 Hamilton, Edmond 1926, 1929, 1934, 1938, 1969, undated (2 folders)
Box 396 Hamm, T.D. [Evans, Thelma Hamm] 1955
Oversize 87 Hamm, T.D. [Evans, Thelma Hamm] 1955
Box 396 Hamrick, James 1955
Box 396 Harmon, Andrew undated
Box 396 Harmon, Jim 1961, undated
Box 396 Harris, Clare Winger 1926
Box 396 Hart, Dale undated - photocopy
Box 396 Hart, Thomas undated
Oversize 88 Hawkins, John 1938
Oversize 87 Heinlein, Robert [1952]
Box 396 Heinlein, Robert [1958?] - photocopy
Box 396 Hendred, Paul 1939
Box 396 Herbert, Benson 1938
Box 397 Hernhuter, Albert 1953
Oversize 87 Hernhuter, Albert 1956
Box 397 Hershey, Alan undated - in Spanish
Oversize 87 Hopley, George 1950
Box 397 Howard, Hayden 1967
Box 397 Howard, Robert E. 1936
Oversize 87 Hoyle, Fred 1963
Box 397 Hubbard, L. Ron 1942, 1949 - includes one as Rene LaFayette
Box 397 Huber, Helen 1953
Oversize 87 Huber, Helen 1955
Box 397 Hugi, Maurice G. 1937
Box 397 Hunter, Gene undated
Box 397 Jenssen, Ward 1949
Box 397 Johnson, George Clayton [1961?] - photocopy
Box 397 Johnson, Robert Barbour 1954
Box 397 Jones, Raymond F. 1950
Box 397 Kateley, Walter 1929
Box 397 Kayser, Ronal 1936
Box 397 Keller, David H. 1929, 1935, undated - includes one published as Amy Worth
Box 397 Kenner, James E. undated
Box 397 Kilpatrick, Colin G. 1967
Box 397 Kirk, R.G. 1934
Box 397 Kline, Otis Adelbert 1924, 1930, 1933-1935 (2 folders)
Box 397 Kopin, Charles 1961 - photocopy
Oversize 87 La Farge, Christopher 1947
Box 397 Landis, Geoffrey A. [1997]
Box 397 Langelaan, George 1959-1960
Box 397 Lawrence, James V. 1957
Box 397 Leiber, Fritz 1959, 1962
Box 397 Leinster, Murray 1951
Box 397 Leslie, Hal Field [1935?]
Box 397 Liebscher, Walt 1964, 1974 - photocopies
Box 397 Locke, William J. 1924
Box 397 Long, Amelia R. 1930
Box 397 Long, Frank Belknap 1924, 1939 - one item is photocopy with FJA annotations
Box 397 Lord Dunsany 1930, [1952?]
Box 397 Lovecraft, H.P. [1925?]
Oversize 87 Ludwig, Edward 1955-1956
Box 397 Lyon, Richard K. 1973
Oversize 87 Melchior, Ib 1956
Box 397 Merril, Judith 1954
Box 397 Merritt, A. 1927, 1934, undated (3 folders)
Oversize 87 Merwin, Sam Jr. 1957
Box 397 Mitchell, John Ames 1917 - illustration plates only, from "Drowsy"
Box 397 Murphy, Pat 1991 - photocopy
Box 397 Naviglio, Luigi undated - 3 stories, in Spanish; not listed in
Box 397 Neal, Harry [Bixby, Jerome] 1954
Box 398 Neville, Kris 1952-1953
Box 398 Newman, John 1953
Box 398 Nolan, William F. (Bill) 1968
Box 398 North, Andrew [Norton, Andre] 1947
Oversize 87 Norton, Andre 1955
Oversize 87 Noyes, Alfred 1946
Box 398 Olsen, Bob 1931
Box 398 Owen, Frank 1953
Oversize 87 Passingham, W.J. 1938
Box 398 Paul, Herb 1950
Box 398 Peacock, Scott 1951, 1975, undated - photocopies
Box 398 Pederson, Con 1953
Box 398 Petaja, Emil 1951
Box 398 Phillips, Frank [Nowlan, Philip Francis] 1929
Box 398 Pines, Mark 1954, 1966
Box 398 Porges, Arthur 1952, 1955
Box 398 Quattrocchi, Frank 1951-1952, 1955
Box 398 Ray, Mary L. 1947
Box 398 Regard, Paul [Sheehan, Perley Poore] 1915, 1932
Box 398 Reynolds, L. Major 1952-1953, 1956
Oversize 87 Reynolds, L. Major 1955-1956
Box 398 Rogoz, Adrian 1973
Oversize 87 Rohmer, Sax 1934-1935, 1951
Box 398 Rosenberg, Conrad undated
Box 398 Russell, Bertram 1928
Box 398 Russell, Ray 1960, 1967
Box 398 Russell, Samuel D. undated - photocopy
Box 398 Schenck, William 1960
Box 398 Schmitz, James 1972
Box 398 Searight, Richard F. 1935
Box 398 Shallit, Joseph 1953
Box 398 Shallit, Rebecca undated
Box 398 Sheridan, Thomas [Gillings, Walter] 1938
Box 398 Shute, George undated
Box 398 Siegel, Larry 1950
Box 398 Silverberg, Robert 1991 - photocopies
Oversize 87 Silverberg, Robert 1957
Box 398 Slotkin, Joseph 1953
Box 398 Smith, Clark Ashton 1931, 1933
Box 398 Smith, Cordwainer 1958
Box 398 Smith, E.E. "Doc" 1930
Box 398 Smith, George H. 1955
Oversize 87 Smith, George H. 1956
Box 398 Spencer, Paul 1950
Box 398 Spingarn, Lawrence undated
Box 398 Spinrad, Norman 1973
Box 398 Starzl, R.F. 1932
Box 398 Stoker, Bram [1935?]
Oversize 87 Stringer, Arthur 1928
Box 398 Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris 1962
Box 398 Sturgeon, Theodore 1941, 1948 - one item is a photocopy
Box 398 Sturgis, Mel 1951, undated
Box 398 Teed, G. Hamilton 1938
Box 398 Temple, A.D. 1924
Box 399 Temple, William F. 1940, 1946, 1950
Box 399 Theodore, Blanche 1919
Box 399 Thomson, Henry 1932
Box 399 Tooker, Richard 1924, 1936
Box 399 Train, Arthur 1916
Box 399 Van Dresser, Peter 1933, 1936
Box 399 Van Lorne, Warner [Tremaine, Nelson] 1939
Box 399 van Vogt, A.E. 1947-1948, 1951, 1953, 1965 - includes undated item in French newspaper France Dimanche
Oversize 87 van Vogt, A.E. 1955
Box 399 Venable, Lyn 1953
Box 399 Verrill, A. Hyatt [1931?]
Box 399 Vonnegut, Kurt 1950-1951
Box 399 Walker, Cedric 1951
Box 399 Walton, Bryce 1947
Box 399 Ward, Harold 1934-1935
Box 399 Warner, Harry 1956
Box 399 Weldon, Michael [1957]
Box 399 West, Wallace G. 1931
Box 399 Williamson, Jack 1933, 1938, 1953
Box 399 Wodehouse, P.G. 1956
Box 399 Wolf, Mari 1952
Box 399 Wollheim, Don 1941, 1951, 1955 - includes items published as David Grinnell/Grinell and Martin Pearson
Box 399 Womack, Jack 1991 - photocopy
Box 399 Wood, Charles Erskine Scott undated
Box 399 Wouk, Herman 1956
Box 399 Wright, Sewell Peaslee 1932
Oversize 87 Wylie, Philip 1934, 1946
Box 399 Wyndham, John [1956?]
Box 399 Zagat, Arthur Leo 1937-1939 (3 folders)
Box 400 Zagat, Arthur Leo 1939-1940 (2 folders)
Box 400 Unknown author
Box 400 Fragments
Trade publications
Box 400 Daily Variety 1976, 1979-1981 (2 folders)
Box 400 Hollywood Reporter 1979-1980, 1988-1989, 1991-1992 (2 folders)
See also Memorabilia : Subject files : [Movie news, misc.].
Box 400 Miscellaneous (2 folders)
Box 400 Miscellaneous items - includes a photobook for the French movie "Des pas vers la lune" and a tiny flip-book animation of "Mutoscope Reel No. 1" by Oskar Fischinger (3 folders)
Recordings and media
Most of the items in this series are home recordings -- birthdays, convention events, panels, etc. Others, for example most of the items under "FJA appearances," were recorded as they aired on television or radio. There are a few commercial items as well, including two hosted by Christopher Lee. Ackerman's original "home video collection inventory" with his own numbering system may be found under "Documentation."
RESTRICTED: Access to recordings requires advance notice to produce a use copy.
Box 405 "FJA archive home video collection inventory"
Box 405 Original containers and photos of original containers
Personal - birthday parties, home movies, etc.; contains numerous duplicates in various formats (VHS, DVD, etc.)
Box 402 4E to be 73 Michaels Rest 07/16/2009 - (DVD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_092)
Forrest J Ackerman's 73rd Birthday at Michael's Restaurant. Contents include: Forry walks around a dinning room introducing his friends and family to the room; ; Forry sits and reminisces to the camera while family arrive bringing him gifts; Forry interviewed and opening more gifts.
Box 401 Forrest J Ackerman's 73rd birthday at Michael's Restaurant Nov 19, 1989 - (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_054)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman's 73rd birthday at Michael's Restaurant 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 96:19) (ID#: ackerman_fj_055)
Box 403 Forrest J Ackerman's 73rd Birthday at Michael's Restaurant Nov 19, 1989 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_091)
Box 404 Forrest J Ackerman's 73rd Birthday celebration; Edited home movies Nov 19 1989 - Forry's 73rd birthday party at Michael's restaurant, Hollywood; Forry introduces and reminisces with friends and family at his birthday dinner (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_107)
Box 402 Forry 73rd Birthday Party / Home Movies 07/16/2009 - Forry's 73rd birthday party at Michael's restaurant, Hollywood; Forry introduces and reminisces with friends and family at his birthday dinner (DVD; running time 73:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_108)
Box 402 4E / 79th Birthday China 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 51:15) (ID#: ackerman_fj_104)
Box 404 Forrest J Ackerman's 79th Birthday party, China Dec 3 1995 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_103)
Box 401 Forrest J Ackerman 82/83 Birthday 1998/1999 (China Inn Glen) Nov 21, 1998; Nov 20, 1999 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_030)
Contents: Forry's 83rd birthday (Nov 21, 1998); RT 8:06 Forry speaks at his birthday party; RT 1:29:20 Forry opens presents from friends and family (Nov 20, 1999)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman 82/83 Birthday 1998/1999 (China Inn Glen) 07/21/2009 (DVD; running time 96:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_031)
Contents: Forry's 83rd birthday (Nov 21, 1998); RT 8:06 Forry speaks at his birthday party; RT 1:29:20 Forry opens presents from friends and family (Nov 20, 1999).
Box 402 Forrest Ackerman's 85th Birthday Banquet 10/15/2009 (DVD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_015)
Box 401 Forrest Ackerman's 85th Birthday Banquet [CAM B] (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_014)
Box 403 Forrest J Ackerman 85th Birthday Banquete [Cam B] (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_079)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman 85th Birthday Banquete [Cam B] 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 93:35) (ID#: ackerman_fj_080)
Box 402 FJA 85th Birthday Banquet 08/06/2009 (DVD; running time 106:27) (ID#: ackerman_fj_096)
Contents include Forry's speech, friends and family: Brad Linaweaver, John Landis, Jim Morrow (sp?).
Box 403 Forrest J Ackerman's 85th Birthday at Michael's Restaurant [Cam A] (most complete copy) (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_072)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman's 85th Birthday at Michael's Restaurant [Cam A] (most complete copy) 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 97:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_073)
Contents include Forry's speech, friends and family: Brad Linaweaver, John Landis, Jim Morrow (sp?).
Box 403 Forrest J Ackerman's 85th Birthday banquet [Cam A] (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_064)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman's 85th Birthday banquet [Cam A] 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 102:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_065)
Contents include Forry's speech, friends and family: Brad Linaweaver, John Landis, Jim Morrow (sp?).
Box 404 Forrest J Ackerman's 85th Birthday Banquet [Cam A] (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_095)
Box 401 Forrest J Ackerman's 87th Birthday Celebration (VHS; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_002)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman's 87th Birthday Celebration 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_003)
Friends and family gather to celebrate and reminisce on Forry's 87th birthday.
Box 404 Family movies 1979-1980 - note on label reads "Wendy, Forry, Sig, Mary, Markie, Michael" (VHS; running time 15:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_099)
Box 402 Family movies 1979-80 08/06/2009 (DVD; running time 15:30) (ID#: ackerman_fj_100)
Box 274 FJA estate inventory + photos Feb 20, 2009 - 2 Word documents (inventory and list of bequeathments); 9 folders of .jpg photos; 463 files total (CD) (ID#: ackerman_fj_001)
Box 405 FJA Private 78's Aug. 1993 (Audio cassette; running time 90:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_132)
Box 406 "10364" [Salvation Army home recording disc] undated (Flexi Disc) (ID#: ackerman_fj_152)
Box 406 "9220" [Salvation Army home recording disc] undated (Flexi Disc) (ID#: ackerman_fj_150)
Box 406 "9915" [Salvation Army home recording disc] undated (Flexi Disc) (ID#: ackerman_fj_151)
Box 406 [Salvation Army home recording disc] undated (Flexi Disc) (ID#: ackerman_fj_153)
Box 405 FJA & Wendy at Westercon, St. Louis (1980); Forrest J Ackerman on Book talk show for Buena Park Library (Mid 80s) [1980s] (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_119)
Box 402 FJA & Wendy at Westercon, St. Louis [also FJA on Book talk show for Buena Park Library] 1980-1985 (DVD; running time 32:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_120)
Box 401 Highlights from Forrest J Ackerman's 35th Anniversary Famous Monsters of Filmland World Convention May 28-30, 1193 (VHS; running time 105:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_038)
Gathering took place at the Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Virginia. People on the recording include Forrest J Ackerman, Ray Bradbury, Ray Harryhausen, Richard Matheson, Robert Bloch, and others.
Box 402 Highlights from Forrest J Ackerman's 35th Anniversary Famous Monsters of Filmland World Convention 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 116:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_039)
Gathering took place at the Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Virginia. People on the recording include Forrest J Ackerman, Ray Bradbury, Ray Harryhausen, Richard Matheson, Robert Bloch, and others.
Box 405 LASFS Director's dinner November 1970 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: ackerman_fj_138)
Box 404 Monster Bash 1997 1997 (VHS; running time 50:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_117)
Contains highlights from the convention including Sara Karloff, Bela Lugosi Jr., Ron Chaney, Forest J. Ackerman, Tom Savini. According to the label on the original VHS tape, "50 minutes of home video featuring the creepy cool events and feel of THE MONSTER BASH CONVENTION 1997. See the U.S. Postal Service's unveiling of the Classic Monster Stampe. Forry Ackerman's 80th Birthday Party. A glimpse at question & answer sessions." Label illustrated with drawing of fight between Frankenstein, Dracula, and The Wolfman. Produced and sold by Creepy Classics, Ligonier, PA.
Box 402 Monster Bash 1997 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 49:30) (ID#: ackerman_fj_118)
Contains highlights from the convention including Sara Karloff, Bela Lugosi Jr., Ron Chaney, Forest J. Ackerman, Tom Savini. Label reads "50 minutes of home video featuring the creepy cool events and feel of THE MONSTER BASH CONVENTION 1997. See the U.S. Postal Service's unveiling of the Classic Monster Stampe. Forry Ackerman's 80th Birthday Party. A glimpse at question & answer sessions."
Box 401 Noreascon Three Banquet: The 47th World Science Fiction Convention Sunday, September 3, 1989, Science Fiction's 50th Anniversary Family Reunion September 3, 1989 (VHS; running time 90:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_036)
Toastmaster: Issac Asimov; other speakers in alphabetical order include: Forrest J Ackerman, Betty Ballantine, Ian Ballantine, Gregory Benford, Emma Bull, Arthur C. Clarke, Hal Clement, Samuel R. Delany, Dave Kyle, Frederik Pohl, Richard Powers, Terry Pratchett, Anita Raj, Mike Resnick, George Richard, Takumi Shibano, Harry Stubbs, Kees van Toorn, Michael Whelan, Art Widner, Jack Williamson, Betsy Wollheim, Jane Yolen.
Box 402 Noreascon Three Banquet: The 47th World Science Fiction Convention Sunday, September 3, 1989, Science Fiction's 50th Anniversary Family Reunion 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 83:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_037)
Toastmaster: Issac Asimov; other speakers in alphabetical order include: Forrest J Ackerman, Betty Ballantine, Ian Ballantine, Gregory Benford, Emma Bull, Arthur C. Clarke, Hal Clement, Samuel R. Delany, Dave Kyle, Frederik Pohl, Richard Powers, Terry Pratchett, Anita Raj, Mike Resnick, George Richard, Takumi Shibano, Harry Stubbs, Kees van Toorn, Michael Whelan, Art Widner, Jack Williamson, Betsy Wollheim, Jane Yolen.
Box 403 Westercon 42 Sci-Fi Convention/Fantasy Fair, Anaheim, CA; Channel 5 News Report covering Westercon; 10 July 1989 Westercon panel discussion (disk 1 and 2) 10July 1989 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_074)
Contains: 1. 40 years of F & SF magazine; 2. Comix: when did they become hip?; 3. Getting started riting [writing] SF, part 2; 3. There are some things man was not meant to know; 5. Midnite tales of horror (no video); 6. Riting [writing] SF for TV and movies contin.
Box 402 Westercon 42 Sci-Fi Convention/Fantasy Fair, Anaheim, CA; Channel 5 News Report covering Westercon; 10 July 1989 Westercon panel discussion (disk 1) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 270:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_075)
Box 404 Westercon 42: Harlan Ellison panels; Ana Marriott speaks 1979-1980 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_101)
According to label, contents are "6. cont. writing for TV & movies (SF); 7. Jack the Ripper, fact & fiction; 8. Ask Ms. Manners: SF fan masquerade - kontest [sic]."
Box 402 Westercon 42: Harlan Ellison panels; Ana Marriott speaks 08/06/2009 (DVD; running time 319:52) (ID#: ackerman_fj_102)
Box 402 Westercon panel discussion (disk 2) 10 July 1989 (DVD; running time 103:43) (ID#: ackerman_fj_076)
Contents include Ballroom dance lessons; Harlan Ellison lecturing (audio only).
FJA appearances - news, documentaries, guests on various shows
See also Writings by FJA : Movie and television appearances and Writings by FJA : Video documentaries.
Box 401 Ackermansion Tour on British Disinfo Nation - British TV show (VHS; running time 10:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_028)
Box 402 Ackermansion Tour on British Disinfo Nation 07/21/2009 - British TV show (DVD; running time 9:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_029)
Box 401 AirTalk No. 207: Science Fiction and Horror featuring Forrest J Ackerman, Part 1 (U-matic; running time 29:30) (ID#: ackerman_fj_050)
Forry talks about his collection.
Box 402 AirTalk No. 207: Science Fiction and Horror featuring Forrest J Ackerman, Part 1 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 29:30) (ID#: ackerman_fj_051)
Forry talks about his collection.
Box 401 American Movie Classics: Behind the scenes with Forrest Ackerman; Ackermansion Tour 10/29/2000 (VHS; running time 15:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_026)
Box 402 American Movie Classics: Behind the scenes with Forrest Ackerman; Ackermansion Tour 10/15/2009 (DVD; running time 15:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_027)
Box 404 Celebrity Justice with guest Forrest J Ackerman [segment] (VHS; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_111)
Box 402 Celebrity Justice with guest Forrest J Ackerman [segment] 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 3:45) (ID#: ackerman_fj_112)
Box 403 Collector's Edition: Mr. Science Fiction's Fantastic Universe - commercially-produced item; FJA gives tour of "Ackermuseum" (VHS; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_070)
Box 402 Collector's Edition: Mr. Science Fiction's Fantastic Universe 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 87:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_071)
Forrest J. Ackerman gives a tour of Ackerman's Horrorwood Karloffornia Ackermuseum of science fiction memorabilia.
Box 403 Dr. Zombie's Halloween Theater (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_068)
Box 402 Dr. Zombie's Halloween Theater (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 120:40) (ID#: ackerman_fj_069)
Box 403 Famous American Authors Tour by Cornelia Shields 6/15/2003; 10/17-19/2005; 10/20-21/2005 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_089)
Contents as listed on original inventory are as follows: interview of Forrest J. Ackerman and tour of the Mini Ackermansion (6/15/2003), Los Angeles, California; Tour of Edgar Allan Poe house (10/17-19/2005) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Thomas Wolfe (10/20-21/2005), Asheville, North Carolina.
Box 402 Famous American Authors Tour by Cornelia Shields (Ackerman, Poe, Wolfe) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 360:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_090)
Note in provided inventory reads: "Title #1: Forest talks on the phone about Fathers day, Forrest reminisces about his collection while the camera pans over his mementos; Vincent Price Penny Story; Title #2: Touring Edgar Allan Poe house; tour Philadelphia, Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin's grave; Title #3: continuation of #2, tour Philadelphia and inside Poe house, Ben Franklin's house; Title #4: Touring North Carolina Historic sites, places Thomas Wolfe went in Asheville; Title #5 & 6: continue touring North Carolina.
Box 402 FJA [visiting] with Huell Howser on KCET LA: Tours the Ackermansion with guest Forrest J Ackerman 07/16/2009 - Howser tours the Ackermansion with guest Forrest J Ackerman (DVD; running time 29:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_114)
Box 404 [FJA] Visiting with Huell Howser on KCET LA: Tours the Ackermansion with guest Forrest J Ackerman (VHS; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_113)
Box 401 Forrest J Ackerman lecture at Learning Annex in LA (copy 1) Spring 2002 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_016)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman lecture at Learning Annex in LA (copy 1) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 228:18) (ID#: ackerman_fj_017)
Box 401 Forrest J Ackerman lecture at Learning Annex in LA (copy 2) Spring 2002 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_020)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman lecture at Learning Annex in LA (copy 2) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 3:70:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_021)
Box 402 Forrest J Ackerman lecture at Learning Annex in LA (copy 3) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 240:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_088)
Box 403 Forrest J Ackerman at The Learning Annex in LA Copy 3 Spring 2002 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_087)
Box 404 Forrest J Ackerman's Amazing Worlds of Science Fiction & Fantasy: 75 years of classic science fiction and fantasy - commercial item (VHS; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_097)
Box 401 Hooray for Horrorwood! Forrest J Ackerman's Famous Monsters of Filmland - documentary (VHS; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_004)
Box 402 Hooray for Horrorwood! Forrest J Ackerman's Famous Monsters of Filmland 07/16/2009 - documentary (DVD; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_005)
Box 401 Hooray for Horrorwood! Forrest J Ackerman's Famous Monsters of Filmland - feature documentary (VHS; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_042)
Box 405 Horror House introduced by Forrest J Ackerman as Dr. Acula 1978 (Audio cassette; running time 90:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_131)
Recording of program orginally broadcast on National Public Radio. FJA, Side A: FJA's introduction, Poe's "Imp of the Perverse" and "Berenice", adapted by Brad Linaweaver; Side B: Lovecraft's "Pickman's Model", adapted by Berl Boykin
Box 404 KTLA Ch5 Los Angeles morning news life, with guest Forrest J Ackerman 10/31/1996 - Halloween 1996 at the Ackermansion "Edited Early Home Movies" (VHS; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_105)
Box 402 KTLA Ch5 Los Angeles morning news life, with guest Forrest J Ackerman 07/16/2009 - Halloween 1996 at the Ackermansion "Edited Early Home Movies" (DVD; running time 51:15) (ID#: ackerman_fj_106)
Box 403 Lugosi: The Forgotten King, hosted by Forrest J Ackerman (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_081)
Box 402 Lugosi: The Forgotten King, hosted by Forrest J Ackerman 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 45:50) (ID#: ackerman_fj_082)
Box 403 Masters of Fantasy: Hollywood Horror Legends - features interview with FJA (VHS; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_077)
Box 402 Masters of Fantasy: Hollywood Horror Legends 07/16/2009 - feature interview with FJA (DVD; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_078)
Featuring an interview of Forry.
Box 405 NBC-TV: The Tomorrow Show; WNJV-Channel 50: Discussion of Lon Chaney November 6, 1975 (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: ackerman_fj_137)
NBC-TV: The Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder, moderator, Forrest Ackerman, Peter Cushing, Leonard Wolf; WNJV-Channel 50: Discussion of Lon Chaney with Jim Welsh, moderator, Robert Anderson, Tammy Hajewski, Orson Welles
Box 402 Science Fiction & Fantasy [Forrest J Ackerman's Amazing Worlds of Science Fiction & Fantasy] 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_098)
Box 402 Teens of the Thirties: FJA Interview 07/16/2009 - students interview Forrest J Ackerman (DVD; running time 94:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_110)
Box 404 Teens of the Thirties: Students interview Forrest J Ackerman 1999 - students interview Forrest J Ackerman (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_109)
Box 401 Universal Horror Week with Tom Hatten with special guest Forrest Ackerman; John Chambers (Hollywood makeup artist) birthday video (VHS; running time 30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_024)
Box 402 Universal Horror Week with Tom Hatten with special guest Forrest Ackerman; John Chambers (Hollywood makeup artist) birthday video 07/21/2009 (DVD; running time 27:40) (ID#: ackerman_fj_025)
Box 401 What's Your Gripe? with special guest Forrest J Ackerman 1993 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_018)
Box 402 What's Your Gripe? with special guest Forrest J Ackerman 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 48:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_019)
Box 405 WQLT Radio: Forry Ackerman & Corey Hannah interview October 18, 2001 - accompanied by tickets to Sado Mannequin and Donovan's Brain (Audio cassette; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_136)
Box 405 A: AEL (Aelita), by D. R. Painter 01/07/1997 - file formats unknown (Floppy disk: 3 1/2 inch) (ID#: ackerman_fj_128)
Box 401 The Double-D Avenger (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) - low budget feature (VHS; running time 77:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_058)
Box 402 The Double-D Avenger (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 76:25) (ID#: ackerman_fj_059)
Box 401 Hell is Sold Out (1951) (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_010)
Box 402 Hell is Sold Out (1951) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 1:30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_011)
Box 401 I was a Teenage Mummy (VHS; running time 73:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_060)
Contents includes introduction by Forrest J. Ackerman; Forrest interviews director Ralph C. Bluemke after the film.
Box 402 I was a Teenage Mummy 07/19/2009 (DVD; running time 73:30) (ID#: ackerman_fj_061)
Contents include introduction by Forrest J. Ackerman; Forrest interviews director Ralph C. Bluemke after the film.
Box 401 My Lovely Monster (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_022)
Box 402 My Lovely Monster (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 90:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_023)
Box 402 Nosferatu [and Frankenstein] - homemade DVD containing silent film versions of Frankenstein (1910) and Nosferatu (1922) in VOB format (DVD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_147)
Box 402 Perry Rhodan im Cyberspace (CD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_124)
Commercially-produced item, no ISBN. Contents listed on label in German are as follows: (1) Abenteuer Universum - Das Perry Rhodan-Archiv, 6 monate Top 20 bei media control; (2) Grafik-Adventure, Thoregon Spielbare Demo/Animationen/Diashow; (3) Computergame, Operation Eastside, Strategiespie/Demoversion Fanpro; (4) Perry Rhodan-Homepage: alle 800 Seiten stand 8/97.
Box 401 Planet of Blood (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) - low budget feature (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_034)
Box 402 Planet of Blood (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) 07/09/2009 - low budget feature (DVD; running time 78:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_035)
Box 403 A Polish Vampire in Burbank - commercially-produced item from Ace Video, ISBN 3226303783; low budget feature film (VHS; running time 84:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_085)
Box 402 A Polish Vampire in Burbank 07/19/2009 - low budget feature (DVD; running time 79:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_086)
Box 401 Schlock (1972) (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_006)
Box 402 Schlock (1972) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 129:27) (ID#: ackerman_fj_007)
Box 402 Schlock (1972) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 79:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_084)
Box 401 Science Fiction Aux: B roll of The First Gernsback Awards 06/25/1983 (U-matic: SP; running time 20:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_052)
Box 402 Science Fiction Aux: B roll of The First Gernsback Awards 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 11:59) (ID#: ackerman_fj_053)
Box 401 Science Fiction No. 2: Interviews 06/25/1983 (U-matic; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_044)
Contents: Robert Bloch interviews Ann Robinson; C L Moore; Terri Pinckard interviews Forry; Terri Pinckard interviews Wendayne Ackerman.
Box 402 Science Fiction No. 2: Interviews 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 54:06) (ID#: ackerman_fj_045)
Contents: RT 6:35: Robert Bloch interviews Ann Robinson; RT 10:12: C L Moore; RT: 16: Terri Pinckard interviews Forry (starting at 13:40); RT 25:05 Terri Pinckard interviews Wendayne Ackerman.
Box 402 Science Fiction No. 2: The First Gernsback Awards Ceremony 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 53:48) (ID#: ackerman_fj_047)
Box 401 Science Fiction No. 2: The First Gernsback Awards Ceremony 06/25/1983 (U-matic; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_046)
Box 401 Science Fiction No. 3: Interviews 06/25/1983 (U-matic; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_048)
Includes George Clayton Johnson interviews John Trimble (Fandom).
Box 402 Science Fiction No. 3: Interviews 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 34:14) (ID#: ackerman_fj_049)
Includes George Clayton Johnson interviews John Trimble (Fandom).
Box 403 Shlock [sic] Directed by John Landis Copy 2 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_083)
Box 404 Spider Baby Chaney Jr - Spider Baby starring Lon Chaney; Jim Knysch interviews Ken Anger, Lee Harris, Harry Thomas; A & E Frankenstein Documentary (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_115)
Box 402 Spider Baby Chaney Jr 10/15/2009 - Spider Baby starring Lon Chaney; Jim Knysch interviews Ken Anger, Lee Harris, Harry Thomas; A & E Frankenstein Documentary (DVD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_116)
Box 401 That Little Monster (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) - low budget feature (VHS; running time 56:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_062)
See also Writings by others : Scripts : That little monster.
Box 402 That Little Monster (cameo by Forrest J Ackerman) 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 56:10) (ID#: ackerman_fj_063)
Box 402 War of the Worlds: The Original Invasion Special Collector's Edition - commercially-produced item, ISBN 1415711666; note on box reads "for Forry / from David Marchant / your commentary / special features / H. G. Wells doc" (DVD; running time 85:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_043)
Box 403 100 Years of Horror hosted by Christopher Lee (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_066)
Box 402 100 Years of Horror hosted by Christopher Lee 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 100:25) (ID#: ackerman_fj_067)
Box 401 100 Years of Science Fiction hosted by Christopher Lee (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_056)
Box 402 100 Years of Science Fiction hosted by Christopher Lee 07/09/2009 (DVD; running time 104:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_057)
Box 401 20th Century Fox TV Syndication: Mr. Belvedere Fan Club Promos (version two) - featuring Forrest J Ackerman as the Butler, includes six 30 sec spots (VHS; running time 15:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_040)
Box 402 20th Century Fox TV Syndication: Mr. Belvedere Fan Club Promos (version two) 07/19/2009 - featuring Forrest J Ackerman as the Butler, includes six 30 sec spots (DVD; running time 180:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_041)
Box 401 ABC Nightline: The Future That Wasn't; New Years Eve telecast 2000 Dec 30 1999 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_032)
Contents includes New Year's Eve countdown in New York, New Year's Eve 2000 with ball drop; countdown in LA with Hollywood sign. Appears to have been recorded from a television broadcast.
Box 402 ABC Nightline: The Future That Wasn't; New Years Eve telecast 2000 07/21/2009 (DVD; running time 145:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_033)
Contents includes New Year's Eve countdown in New York, New Year's Eve 2000 with ball drop; countdown in LA with Hollywood sign.
Box 405 The Artist & the Shaman - commercial item; accompanied by flyer with Paul Davids' paintings (VHS; running time 75:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_121)
Box 405 Bela Lugosi *unauthorized - words and music by Joe Girardi, impersonations of celebrity voices by Dr. Skull, Ygor and The Creature from Quogue; accompanied by printed insert with list of contents (Audio cassette; running time 90:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_133)
Box 406 Chuck, Tim, & Joey (Vinyl record; running time 4:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_146)
Commercially-produced item. Contents are Side A: Memories are made of this (Gilkeyson - Dehr - Miller); Side B: You can't do that (Lennon-McCartney). Sleeve has black and white photo of group, and is signed and inscribed to FJA: "Mr. & Mrs. Ackermonster, thanx for all the spooks, Chuck Winston."
Box 405 Dear Cod, there's something really fishy going on around this plaice! Said inspector Haddock: A Skate Tape Compilation - accompanying envelope indicates item was sent by Connor Sildan to Harry Andruschak; paper inside cassette case has complete list of contents (Audio cassette; running time 45:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_135)
Box 402 Frankenstein: Through The Eyes Of The Monster (CD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_148)
Commercially-produced item, ISBN 5969990283. This is an interactive computer game on CD, made with Macromedia and QuickTime, Microsoft windows compatible. The game features live actors (including Tim Curry), digitized speech and sound effects, and realistic 3-D environments. Also included is a cinematic mutimedia interactive preview.
Box 402 Frequency / The Best Science Fiction You've Ever Heard / Special Issue 2000 Hugo Nominees - audiobook (CD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_149)
Commercially-produced audio book, no ISBN, still sealed in original packaging. Contents are listed on back as follows: "Ancient Engines" by Michael Swanwick, read by Gil Gerard; "Macs" by Terry Bisson, read by Peter Dillard; "Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" by Michael Swanwick, read by Tim Klein; "Sarajevo" by Nicholas DiChario, read by Laura Brodian Freas; "Hothouse Flowers" by Mike Resnick, read by Patrick Stinson.
Box 405 Galaxy Audio Project: Wells of Wisdom, by Brad Linaweaver, read by Catherine Oxenberg - audiobook (Audio cassette; running time 60:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_134)
Box 406 Greta Keller Singt Chansons Von Tuscholsky, Kästner, Beckamnn und Anderson (Vinyl record) (ID#: ackerman_fj_141)
Commercially-produced item. Contents are as follows: Side A: So oder so ist das Leben (Mackeben-Beckmann); Die Dorfschöne (Heymann-Tucholsky); Heinz-Brüning-Ensemble; Side B: Ja, das mit der Liebe (Nick-Kästner); Der verlorene Stern aus "Der weite Weg" (Lost In the Stars) (Weill-Anderson-Symonette) Heinz-Brüning-Ensemble.
Box 402 Heroes of Horror Disc 1 - commercially-produced 2-disc set, ISBN 1438106872, with scenes from classic horror movies; this disc contains scenes featuring Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Lon Chaney (DVD; running time 135:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_122)
Box 402 Heroes of Horror Disc 2 - commercially-produced 2-disc set, ISBN 1438106872, with scenes from classic horror movies; this disc contains scenes featuring Peter Lorre and Vincent Price (DVD; running time 89:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_123)
Box 402 Hour 25: Ib Melchior on the Radio Disk 1 of 1 Recorded by Michael Feeney April 25, 1997 - KPFK-FM 90.7; label reads "Off Air from cassette tape rec source" (CD; running time 79:38) (ID#: ackerman_fj_125)
Box 402 Ib Melchior Guest of Honor Disc 1 of 2 April 11, 1999 - according to label, "Recorded by Michael Feeney / Recorded at Woodbury University, Burbank, CA" (CD; running time 47:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_126)
Box 402 Ib Melchior Guest of Honor Disc 2 of 2 April 11, 1999 - according to label, "Recorded by Michael Feeney / Recorded at Woodbury University, Burbank, CA" (CD; running time 45:01) (ID#: ackerman_fj_127)
Box 406 It Came From... Outer Space ...n' Stuff! (Vinyl record) (ID#: ackerman_fj_142)
Commercially-produced item. Original music from the motion picture. Contents as listed on the sleeve are Side A: The Tijuanas, "Outer Spacers"; The Grinners, "Satan's In The Back"; Side B: Skillshot, "That Beautiful Alien Face"; Soardy, "Falling Down"
Box 406 Kremmen of the Star Corps Demo - demo disc for radio stations; includes inner liner printed with "May the Kremmen Be With You" (Vinyl record) (ID#: ackerman_fj_140)
Box 401 Library of Congress: "Origins of the Fantasy Feature" (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_012)
Contents: The Patchwork Girl of Oz and a Florida Enchantment; The Killer Shrews (feature); Tomorrow with Tom Snyder and the cast of Star Trek (TV show); Ms. Shirley James speaks on Permanent Disability Evaluation.
Box 402 Library of Congress: "Origins of the Fantasy Feature" 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 5:00:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_013)
Contents: The Patchwork Girl of Oz and a Florida Enchantment; The Killer Shrews (feature); Tomorrow with Tom Snyder and the cast of Star Treck (TV show); Ms. Shirley James speaks on Permanent Disability Evaluation.
Box 401 Ray Bradbury (Documentary 1977); Bradbury TV interviews (Two on the Town; CBS Morning) 1977 (VHS; running time 160:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_008)
Contains: RT 1:01:03 Ray Bradbury with interview from Forry; RT 12:09: Two on the town: Ray Bradbury interviewed in the basement of his home where he works; RT 12: At home with CBS this morning; Various Ray Bradbury theater episodes.
Box 402 Ray Bradbury (Documentary 1977); Bradbury TV interviews (Two on the Town; CBS Morning) 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 7:30:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_009)
Box 406 The Thompson Vocal Eliminator - promotional item demonstrating the capabilities of the Eliminator, featuring excerpts of recordings by Elvis Presley, John Denver, Barbara Streisand, and Englebert Humperdinck (Flexi Disc) (ID#: ackerman_fj_139)
Box 404 Tour of Borst Museum 1979 (VHS; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_093)
Box 402 Tour of Borst Museum 07/16/2009 (DVD; running time 120:00) (ID#: ackerman_fj_094)
Box 405 [Untitled] - contents unknown; disk formatted for IBM PS/2 and compatibles (1.44MB) (Floppy disk: 3 1/2 inch) (ID#: ackerman_fj_129)
Box 405 [Untitled] - file formats unknown (Floppy disk: 3 1/2 inch) (ID#: ackerman_fj_130)
Box 405 [Untitled] - contents unknown; box indicates it was sent from C.R. Bryan III to Forrest J. Ackerman, c/o Famous Monsters; accompanied by old tape box with additional notes (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: ackerman_fj_143)
Box 405 [Untitled] 1963 - contents unknown; old tape box postmarked "1963" sent from Joe Mass to Forrest J. Ackerman (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: ackerman_fj_144)
Box 405 [Untitled] 1963 - contents unknown; accompanied by old tape box postmarked "1963" sent from José Mass to FJA (1/4 inch audio tape) (ID#: ackerman_fj_145)
Writings [by FJA]
This series spans Ackerman's entire career, and highlights the wide range of his creative output. These include Ackerman's writings about himself and about the term "sci-fi"; articles on general "scientifictional" topics and on specific individuals; book ideas, proposals, and manuscripts; convention coverage; items in or about Esperanto; "fanac" and "proac" pieces; humor, puns, and bad jokes; interviews including Elvira Mistress of the Dark; introductions, prefaces, forewords, and afterwords; letters to the editor and "open" letters to friends and fandom; poems and songs; reviews of books, movies, and television shows; screen treatments; series including Vampirella; speeches; stories; tributes (and "roasts") of friends and colleagues; scripts, notes, and other material relating to video documentaries about Ackerman/the Ackermansion; and zines, both fan and pro, including Imagination ("Madge")/ Voice of the Imagination ("VOM");
Box 407 About himself - second folder contains bio of Laurajean Ermayne, issue of "Fantasite" newsletter (12 folders)
Box 408 About himself (4 folders)
Box 425 About himself
Box 408 About the term "sci fi" - includes responses from contest to suggest term for bad science fiction (e.g. "why-fi")
Box 408 General topics - unsorted, a mix of drafts, notes, clippings; folder 4 contains piece "Anent atheism" (8 folders)
Box 409 General topics - unsorted, a mix of drafts, notes, clippings (12 folders)
Box 425 General topics (3 folders)
Box 410 About people - Heidi Saha
Box 410 About people - Boris Karloff
Box 410 About people - ranging from brief bios to lengthy profiles; unsorted, a mix of drafts, notes, clippings (7 folders)
Box 411 About people - ranging from brief bios to lengthy profiles; unsorted, a mix of drafts, notes, clippings
Box 425 About people
Box 425 Artwork - doodles, drawings, etc
Box 411 Book ideas/proposals (2 folders)
Box 411 4E at 60 (2 folders)
Box 411 Ackermanthology
Box 411 Amazing Forries - includes published edition
Oversize OS 11 Amazing Forries - poster
Box 411 Beauties and Beasts (3 folders)
Box 411 Best SF of '73
See also Correspondence : Best Science Fiction of 1973.
Box 411 Brave Nude World
Box 425 Forrest J Ackerman: Monster (FJAM) (2 folders)
Box 411 Frankenscience Monster - about Karloff; includes proofs (2 folders)
Box 412 Frankenscience Monster - about Karloff; includes proofs (2 folders)
Box 412 Golden Age of Classical Horror
Box 412 Gosh! Wow! (6 folders)
Box 412 "Japanese souvenir book" - text in English and Japanese (2 folders)
Box 413 "Japanese souvenir book"
Oversize OS 89 Kong of Kongs - layout pages; original box labeled "Kong Proofs can't use"
Box 413 [Jules Verne book] (2 folders)
Box 413 Lon of 1000 Faces - about Lon Chaney; includes page of photos of FJA with cover artist Hyang Ro Kim (2 folders)
Box 425 Lon of 1000 Faces
Oversize OS 11 Lon of 1000 Faces - proof of jacket
Box 413 Lord of the Rings Filmbook (2 folders)
Box 413 Martianthology - anthology, FJA was editor
Box 413 Mr. Monster's Movie Gold: A Treasure Trove of Imagi-Movies (3 folders)
Box 413 Rainbow Fantasia - anthology, FJA was editor
Box 413 Reel Future/Reel Mysteries - anthology, FJA was editor
Box 413 Sci-Fi Worlds of Forrest Ackerman (3 folders)
Box 414 Science Fiction Book of Facts - never published; includes letter from Reg Bretnor
Box 414 Vampire joke book
See also Memorabilia : Subject files : Vampire jokes.
Box 414 Womanthology - anthology, FJA was editor
Box 414 [Unidentified project I] - typed transcriptions of letters, articles, news items, etc. by FJA that appeared in various SF magazines in the 1930s, with introductory material by FJA (3 folders)
Box 414 [Unidentified project II] - appears to have been a joint project with Phil Riley; most consists of FM covers with notes (3 folders)
Box 414 [Unidentified project III] - 2 sets of photocopies of items by FJA, going back to eraly fanzine days
Box 414 Fragments, identified - alphabetical by title
Box 414 Fragments, unidentified
Box 414 Convention coverage - includes a piece on the "Exclusion Act" (2 folders)
Box 414 Dianetics / Scientology
Box 415 Encyclopedia entry, "Science fiction fandom"
Box 425 Esperanto (in or about) (2 folders)
Box 415 Fannish miscellany - news about activities of fans and pros, sometimes referred to as "fanac and proac"; some of these were likely written for VOM or other fanzines/prozines; includes 4SJ's Sci-Fi Kaleidoscope (8 folders)
Box 415 Forry v Ferry - FJA's thoughts on the lawsuit
Box 415 Humor, puns, bad jokes, etc. - includes fictitious account of FJA, age 100+, expiring of joy at a showing of London After Midnight, and numerous examples of humorous anagrams of movie titles, people's names, etc. (2 folders)
Box 415 Interviews - FJA interviewing others, including Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Reggie Nalder
For interviews with FJA see Memorabilia : Clippings about FJA : Interviews.
Box 416 Intros, prefaces, forewords - to books, stories, anthologies, auction catalogs, etc.; also jacket blurbs and afterwords, and a "poison pen" letter regarding FJA's intro to "Who's Who in Sci Fi" (5 folders)
Box 416 Lecture notes - includes workshop and course descriptions, "Science Fiction Fact Sheet"
Letters (4 folders)
Box 416 Ackerman-Smith debate - typed transcriptions of a series of published letters from 1933 between/about FJA and Clark Ashton Smith
Box 416 Form letters
Box 416 "Open" letters - to fandom, friends, general public, including several defending himself against various allegations
Box 416 To publications - letters to the editor, mostly; includes "Letter from Mr SF" which appears to have been a semi-regular features in Spaceways magazine (2 folders)
Box 416 Liner notes - includes transcript of his narration for "Music for Robots"
Box 416 Lists of FJA published works - anthologies, articles, stories, etc.
Box 416 Metropolis - various pieces about the Fritz Lang movie, including "souvenir book" with text and captions by FJA in English and Japanese.
Box 417 Movie and television appearances - includes partial script with FJA's lines and notes, as well as numerous "Medialogs" (lists) (2 folders)
See also Recordings and media : FJA appearances.
Box 417 Obituaries ("Necrologies") (2 folders)
Box 417 Dreams
Box 417 "World Without Wendy"
Box 417 Miscellaneous - death of dog, "dear diary," tributes to mother, brother, Wendy, etc.
Box 417 Photo captions, miscellaneous - first folder includes captions for "stillustrations" from movie High Treason (2 folders)
Box 417 Poems and songs (4 folders)
Box 425 Poems and songs
Box 418 Quizzes and games - includes issue of high school paper with crossword puzzle created by FJA; some of these may be by others, intended for FM or other magazine (2 folders)
Box 418 Radio shows
Box 418 Books (2 folders)
Box 418 Movie and television - includes FJA's columns, e.g. "scientificinematorially speaking" and a special "Scientifilm" issue of Fantasy Magazine (May 1934) (7 folders)
Box 419 Movie and television (2 folders)
Box 419 Miscellaneous - radio shows, plays, music, music videos, etc.; includes Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and a review of an LP of lesbian poetry, which appeared in The Ladder
Screen treatments
Box 419 Atomic beast - with Larry Maddock
Box 419 Bobbie Bresee vehicles, miscellaneous - The 13th room, Draculette, Draculina, Vampire's vengeance
Box 419 Frankenstein from space - with Alex Gordon
Box 425 Hidden horror
Box 419 It came to kill - with Larry Maddock
Box 419 Letter to an angel
Box 419 Metropolis sequels, miscellaneous
Box 419 Midnight menace
Box 419 Night the earth stood still - sequel to "The day the earth stood still"
Box 419 Pell Melton - based on story by A.E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull
Box 419 Phoenix - Act 2 only
Box 419 Science fiction films 1897-1970
Box 419 Siegfried saves Metropolis - part of FM amateur home movie contest
Box 419 The Teenage werewolf - authors given as "Anna Sten and Tom Conway" but appears to be by FJA
Box 419 Twin of Frankenstein - part of unidentified contest
Box 419 Witching hour - about Vincent Price
Box 419 Fragments and ideas
Box 419 Jeanie - graphic novel (2 folders)
Box 419 Vampirella - includes scene treatment by Mark Carducci and Gary Gerani, director Jim Wynorski (2 folders)
Box 420 Vampirella - includes comic book, a few clippings about
Box 420 Speeches - includes guest of honor and "roast" introductions as well as notes for unidentified speeches (4 folders)
Stories - written under various pseudonyms; includes very early pieces "The record," "Skyscraper kidnappers," and "War of the dimensions"
Box 420 Ideas
Box 420 Adam Linx meets Aunty Science - "as told to FJA"
Box 420 And then the cover was bare
Box 420 Ark of space - includes hand-drawn cover
Box 420 Behind the ate ball
Box 420 Being of blasphemy
Box 420 Bolognese tears
Box 420 Changed choice
Box 420 Cosmic report card - billed as "the shortest ever science fiction story"
Box 420 Dhactwhu - with Wilfred Owen Morley
Box 420 Donovan's brainstorm - includes clipping as published in New York Post
Box 420 [Dusty]
Box 420 Dwellers in the dust - includes page with comments from readers
Box 420 Earth's lucky day [alt title: Earthmen's lucky day]
Box 420 Experiment with time - with Francis Flagg; clipping from unidentified publication
Box 420 Flight into the future
Box 420 For women only [alt title: The Radclyffe effect] - as Laurajean Ermayne
Box 420 Generation of vapors [alt title: Pre-hysteric]
Box 420 Great Gog's grave - with Don Wollheim; includes clipping as published in Fantasybook
Box 420 Great Jane robbery [alt title: Great male robbery]
Box 420 Into the future circa 1930
Box 420 It happened in 2000
See Three lesbian fantasies.
Box 420 The lady takes a powder - includes photocopy of clipping as published in Inside
Box 420 Last man on earth [alt titles: Last and thirst men; The man who was thirsty] - includes photocopy of clipping as published in Adam
Box 420 Laugh, clone, laugh - with A.E. van Vogt; includes photocopy as published in Italian van Vogt collection
Box 421 Letter to an angel
Box 421 The little man [alt title: Me and the mite; Micro-man] - one page has Carl F. Burk handwritten in as author
Oversize OS 14 [The little man] Micro-Man - as printed in New York Post, 1955
Box 421 Madman of Mars - includes sequel, "Rahuun Ta-Ka"
Box 421 Man who made women - as Karl Kepac
Box 421 Mixpedition - missing page 1
Box 421 Monsters of the moon - "price 25c produced by Ray Heinz [and] Mike Frisby"
Box 421 Moon and sus-pense [alt title: Race to the moon]
Box 421 Mute question - includes clippings as published in Evolutionary Rag
Box 421 My friend the night - as Laurajean Ermayne
See also Three lesbian fantasies.
Box 421 Naughty Venusienne - includes clipping from unidentified publication; copies have pseudonyms Jacques de la Foret, Al Sace-Lorraine, Spencer Strong, and Frank Leigh Flagg
The Night you were wed
See Three lesbian fantasies.
Box 421 No more tomorrow
Box 421 Nymph of Darkness - with C.L. Moore; clippings from Weird Tales
Box 421 Perpetual motion circa 1930
Box 421 Radium "Pool"
Box 421 The Record
Box 421 The Red co-ed
Box 421 Rush hour - includes translation from the Italian by Chris Dietrich
Box 421 Sabina of the white cyinder - includes unidentified fanzine featuring the story
Box 421 Satana in satin - as Laurajean Ermayne
Box 421 Search for a new idea
Box 421 Skyscraper kidnappers - includes hand-illustrated cover
Box 421 Stars and atoms
Box 421 Stitch in time
Box 421 Super science satire [alt title: Scientific bluff]
Box 421 The Survivor
Box 421 Three lesbian fantasies - as Laurajean Ermayne; facsimile reproduction from the pages of Vice Versa
Box 421 Time twister - with Francis Flagg; includes clipping as published in New york Post and photocopy of clipping from unidentified publication
Box 421 To serf man [alt title: Two serve man]
Box 421 Tomb Swift
Box 421 A Walk in the moon
Box 421 War of the dimensions
Box 421 The Woman who destroyed Hollywood's heritage
Box 421 World of loneliness - as Laurajean Ermayne
Box 421 Miscellaneous, A-M
Box 421 Miscellaneous, N-Y
Box 421 Fragments, unidentified
Box 422 Tributes - includes printed booklet tribute to H.G. Wells (3 folders)
Box 422 Video documentaries
Filed here is material related to documentaries about FJA and his collection. Not all are by FJA, but presumably he had significant input into the production. For actual recordings, see Recordings and media : FJA appearances.
Box 422 Forrest J Ackerman's Amazing Worlds of Science Fiction & Fantasy - box and wrapper for VHS tape
Box 422 Forrest J Ackerman's Museum of Science Fiction, Horror, and Fantasy - promotional material for 2-CD set
Box 425 Horrorwood / Karloffornia - screen treatment for film by Michel Bergmann about FJA and his collection
Box 425 Mr. Science Fiction's Fantastic Universe - proof of box for VHS tape
Box 422 Visions and Voices of the Imagi-Nation - notes for proposed video
Box 422 Wonders and Terrors of the Ackermuseum - script, Robotrix productions
Included here are both fanzines (e.g. Imagination/Voice of the Imagination) and prozines (e.g. Eerie). For letters from readers, see specific zine titles under Correspondence. For all Famous Monsters material, including fan mail, see the separate Famous Monsters series.
Box 422 Classic Sci-Fi & Fantasy - editorial notes, promotional poster
Oversize OS 11 Classic Sci-Fi & Fantasy - proof of cover for issue #1
Box 422 E.-T. - portfolio of sketches by FJA's grandfather George Wyman, issued for Denvention
Box 422 Eerie
Box 422 Exciting
Famous Monsters - See separate Famous Monsters series.
Box 422 Fox News - no 1711 (1929)
Box 422 Glom - no's 1-13; issue 1 title is "Fantasticonglomeration" (2 folders)
Oversize OS 11 IF - corrected proof for Sep 1954 cover
Imagination ("Madge")/Voice of the Imagination ("VOM")
Box 425 Imagination - issues 1-13 (1937-1938) (13 folders)
Voice of the Imagi-Nation - issues 14, 15, 19 (1940-1941) (4 folders)
Box 425 Denvention special coverage - (1941)
Box 426 Voice of the Imagi-Nation - issues 21-23, 30-31, 34-35, 38-42, 44, 46-47, 49 (1942-1946) (10 folders)
Box 426 Issue covers
Box 426 Issue fragments - some may be from the short-lived fanzine "Novacious" (3 folders)
Box 426 Letterheads
Box 426 Publicity - includes list of subscribers
Box 426 Miscellaneous - includes amusing clipping about a book titled "How to get the most out of your vom"; some items may be from FJA's short-lived fanzine "Novacious"
Oversize OS 11 Miscellaneous
Box 422 MAIM no's 1-3 - likely "Monsters & Imagi-Movies," of which only one issue was published (3 folders)
Box 422 Monster World - issues 1-10 were folded into Famous Monsters as no's 70-79; includes interview with FJA
Box 426 Monster World - editor's notes, publicity, etc.
Box 422 Monsterama - includes issue no. 1
Box 422 Monsterland
Box 426 Monsterland - editor's notes, publicity, etc.
Novacious - See Imagination (Madge)/Voice of the Imagination (VOM) : Issue fragments.
Box 422 Science Fiction Digest no's 1, 2, 4, 7 - FJA is listed as "Scientifilm Editor"
Box 422 Science Fiction Times
Box 422 Screen Thrills
Box 423 Issue index - typed; for each issue, gives number, date, cover artist, articles, features, etc. (2 folders)
Box 423 Issues - notes, drafts, etc. for issues 1-8 (8 folders)
Box 423 Miscellaneous
Box 426 Wonderama
Box 423 Miscellaneous titles - some actual, some only proposed
Box 423 Miscellaneous items - complete items that don't fit in any of the above categories; includes proposals for an exhibit ("Saucerama") and a game (Ultima); "Land of the Mechanicloids" story by Evan Appelman which apparently won an "Ack Over Content" in unidentified magazine
Box 423 Miscellaneous fragments - clearly fragments of larger works, but unable to identify what (2 folders)
Box 423 Miscellaneous - scribbles, notes, random jottings, etc. (2 folders)
Box 424 Miscellaneous - scribbles, notes, random jottings, etc. (5 folders)
Writings by Wendayne
Box 424 About FJA
The Invincible, by Stanislaw Lem [translation]
See Writings by others : Books : Lem, Stanislaw.
Box 424 The science fiction film phenomenon
Box 424 Tarzan the German-Eater [translation] - article by Stefan Sorel, originally published 1925, translated 1970
Box 424 Miscellaneous
Writings by others
It is impossible to know when, where, why, or from whom Ackerman acquired the bulk of these items. Some of these may have been sent to him in his capacity as agent, so that he could find a market for them. Others may have been sent to him simply for his professional opinion. Some were clearly sent as gifts of gratitude or affection; still others may have been acquired by Ackerman as collectibles, intended to enhance his "Ackermuseum." Because of this uncertainty, this series is simply subdivided by type of material and, within that, arranged by author or title.
Items of particular note include a "Bibliography of Homosexuality in Fantasy and Science Fiction," an untitled filmography that runs to more than two thousand typed pages, interviews with Rod Serling and Vincent Price, the shooting script for Bram Stoker's Dracula with storyboards, a 12-episode proposal for a radio show entitled "True Stories of the Y.W.C.A.", and a short piece by Peter Benchley, "Facts about sharks." There are also a number of stories that were submitted for Ackerman's never-published "Lesbianthology."
Articles, including book and movie reviews - alpha by author
Box 427 A - Kenneth Anger, Dario Argento/Luigi Cozzi, Arndt
Box 427 B - Franklin Lee Baldwin, B. R. Baliga, J. G. Ballard, Steve Beai, George Becwar, Chris Bell, Vern Bennett, Bill Benwell, Dainis Bisenieks, Stuart Morton Boland, Vincent Bossone, David K. Bowman, Ray Bradbury, Mark Bradford, Frank Bresee, Brooks (2 folders)
Box 427 C - Edward R Campbell, Edd Cartier, Mickey Caruso, Perry A. Chapdelaine, Arthur P. Church, Bob Colbath, Chris Collier, Max Allan Collins, Luigi Cozzi, M. A. Cummings, Cunningham, Selwyn Curby
Box 427 D - Walter J. Daugherty, L. Sprague de Camp, Alan Dodd, Marlene Du Vall,
Box 427 E - G. John Edwards, Harlan Ellison, Wendell Emery, Scott Essman, Oscar G. Estes, Jr., R. Alain Everts, Eldon K. Everett
Box 427 F - David K. Farley, Tom Feller
Box 427 G - Joe Gibson, W. R. Gibson, Kevin M. Glover, Donald F. Glut, George Griffith, Sam Gutworth
Box 427 H - J. Harvey Haggard, Robert A. Heinlein, Henry H. Henstell, William Hope Hodgson, Eric Hoffman, Charles D. Hornig, James Rudy Humphreys
Box 427 J - David James, Peter J. Jarman, Thomas E. Jeffrey, Steven Jochsberger, Charles pp. Johnson
Box 427 K - Kenneth Kaasen, Boris Karloff, K. T. Kay, E. E. Kellett, Karel Kropoquin
Box 427 L - Jon A. Lackey, R. Lane, Verne Langdon, Larry Larson, George LaVoo, Walt Lee, Sussan C. Lette, Gary Levinson, Jack Lewis, Leydon, Joel Lima, Paul Linden
Box 427 M - Mark Thomas McGee, Hilary McGrath, A. Merritt, Charles Milham, Tom Morris, Jim Morrow, Sam Moskowitz, Michael Much (2 folders)
Box 427 N - Ted Newsom, William F. Nolan
Box 428 P - Deborah Painter, Randy Palmer, George Parrott, A.G. Parry, Mike Parry, John Peel, David Pereslete, Stephen E Pickering, Terri E. Pinckard, Michael R. Pitts, Frederik Pohl (3 folders)
Box 428 R - Robbie Richardson, Thomas E. Richardson, Larry W. Roeder, Jr., Thomas Rogers, R. Michael Rosen
Box 428 S - Ron Sapp, H. Saraydarian, Gio Scognamillo, Blackie Seymour, Dick Sheffield, Todd Sinclair, Gordon Shiver, Dave Skal, Clark Ashton Smith, Ronald L. Smith, Roy Smith, Wayne R. Smith, Sherwood Springer
Box 428 T - Robert Tharp, Charles Thomaws
Box 428 U - Klaus Unbehaun, Steven Utley
Box 428 V - James Van Hise, A. E. van Vogt, Jimmie R. Vestal, Robert Villard, Erik von Buelow, Erich von Däniken
Box 428 W - Ronald N. Waite, Bill Warren, Braxton Wells, Claude Wells, Bari Wood, Donald A. Wollheim, S. Fowler Wright
Box 428 Z - Bernie Zuber
Box 428 Unknown authors (5 folders)
Box 429 Unknown authors (2 folders)
Bibliographies and indexes
Box 429 Bibliography of Homosexuality in Fantasy and Science Fiction
Box 429 The Blackdex/Bluedex (2 folders)
Box 429 Fantasy Filmlist and Critical Reference Guide to Science-Fiction and Mystery-Horror Movies - incomplete
Box 429 Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films
Box 429 Horror and Science Fiction Film Checklist - incomplete: includes letter
Box 429 Index to the Hardbound Book Reviews: Astounding/Analog SF 1949-1968
Box 429 Index on the Weird and Fantastica in Magazines
Box 429 The Race that Shall Rule the Sevagram - van Vogt bibliography
Box 429 Science-Fiction Movie Almanac
Box 429 The Terrors of the Japanese Cinema
Box 429 Unidentified fanzine index
Box 429 Unidentified filmography - organized by actor, then director; pp. 6-94
Box 430 Unidentified filmography (cont.) - organized by actor, then director; pp. 95-1139 (12 folders)
Box 431 Unidentified filmography (cont.) - organized by actor, then director; pp. 1140-2068 (11 folders)
Box 432 Unidentified filmography (cont.) - organized by actor, then director; pp. 2069-2317 (3 folders)
Box 432 Unidentified index of authors (4 folders)
Box 432 Unidentified science fiction index
Box 432 Fragments (2 folders)
Biographical sketches
Box 554 Miscellaneous - includes Bela Lugosi, Robert Bloch, Fritz Lang, Bill Crawford, E.J. Carnell, Ray Bradbury, Hannes Bok, Henry Kuttner, others (2 folders)
Books - non-fiction; for fiction see Novels below.
Anderson, Craig W.
Box 432 The Incredible Decade:The Science Fiction Films of the 70!s
Box 433 The Incredible Decade:The Science Fiction Films of the 70!s (2 folders)
Bailey, J. O.
Box 433 Pilgrims Through Space and Time - preface only
Barney, Marion David
Box 433 [Diary excerpts] - sample pages of proposed book; includes lengthy section on FJA
Carr, G. M.
Box 433 [August Wall book] - chapter 8 only
Coblentz, Stanton A.
Box 433 An Editor Recollects - incomplete: includes pp. 1-122
Box 433 Humanity's Fourth Dimension: The Mystery of Genius - incomplete book proposal
Box 433 Man in Presidency (5 folders)
Box 433 [misc. memoirs]
Di Fate, Vincent and Ian Summers
Box 433 Di Fate's Catalog of Science Fiction Hardware - proof pages (2 folders)
Finkelstein, Haim
Box 434 The Shape of Utopia: Architectural Visions in Sciene Fiction Art and Other Popular Media - book proposal
Flindt, Max H.
Box 434 Unified Theory of Man - outline only
Gareau, Paul
Box 434 Shock Theatre Revisited: Horror Film Critiques or Reviews
Gladwin, Lee A.
Box 434 [Lon Chaney Sr. biography]
Glut, Donald F.
Box 434 The Dracula Book (8 folders)
Box 434 The Frankenstein Legend - incomplete: pp. 200-300
Box 435 The Frankenstein Legend - pp. 301-471 and index (3 folders)
Box 435 True Werewolves of History (2 folders)
Box 435 The Vampire Image (2 folders)
Hickman, Gail Morgan
Box 435 The Films of George Pal (2 folders)
Joquel, Arthur
Box 435 The Challenge of Space - incomplete: chapters 1, 2, 3, 7, 14 and misc pages (2 folders)
Box 436 The Challenge of Space - miscellaneous pages (2 folders)
Lee, Walter Jr. W.
Box 436 Science Fiction and Fantasy Films - bibliography only
Low, Ca Han
Box 436 Mysticism and Magic Surrounding the Holy Number Seven: The Number of Self-Motion! - sample chapters
Margulies, Leo
Box 436 How to Write a Western Story - incomplete: includes pp. 237-370 (2 folders)
Molnar, Louis
Box 436 Life of an Unknown Man: An Autobiography (4 folders)
Mouradian, John and Nicky Yu
Box 436 The Fear of Looking Better, The Power of Hair
Sarno, Joseph
Box 436 The New Necronomicon
Wellman, Wade
Box 436 The Dreadful Visitor: A Literary History of the Vampire - pp. 1-95
Box 437 The Dreadful Visitor: A Literary History of the Vampire - pp. 96-end
Box 437 [Ed Wood book] - chapter list only
Box 436 Rapping on the Mummy - incomplete: first 10 pages only
Box 437 [Science fiction history] - incomplete: pp. 73-315 (3 folders)
Box 437 Speed Reading
Box 437 Fragments
Comic scripts
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Box 437 Rogers Daily Strip
Canwell, Bruce
Box 437 Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet - includes art by Lee Weeks
Cavanaugh, Richard M.
Box 437 Buck Rogers - outline
Glut, Donald F.
Box 437 Comics, B-L - Bigot!, Cool Chick, Cops Die Hard, Drac Shadows, Exicutioner, Queen of Horror, The Hagopian Experiment, Identity Hang-Up, Isle of the Vrykolakas, Journey to the Center of…?, Last Act: October
Box 437 Comics, M-S - Magazine Monsters, Marsh, Mayan Treasures, Miracle of the Bell-Ringer, The Oblong Box, Scavenger Hunt, Side Show, Sleeping Beauty, Soul Power
Box 437 Comics, T-U - A Tiger in Africa, Tin Star, Token Negroes, Uncle Creepy's Creepy Creature
Harmon, Jim
Box 437 Tex Starr
Lastra, Frank
Box 437 Marco - story idea
Morrison, Victor
Box 437 Monster Bait
Siegel, Jerry
Box 437 Starling
Rosen, Robert M.
Box 437 Miscellaneous - three are for something called "Monster Gallery - Feary Tales"
Speer, Jack
Box 437 To Relive Ten Years!
Urk, Peter and Ben
Box 437 Animal Phenomenology - includes art
Waldron, Lamar and Rod Whigham
Box 437 Lightrunner - includes art
Box 438 with Craig Reardon
Box 438 with E. Hoffman Price
Box 438 with Hugh B. Cave
Box 438 with Linus Pauling
Box 438 with Mike Miner
Box 438 with Robert Quarry
Box 438 with Rod Serling
Box 438 with Vincent Price
Box 438 Miscellaneous, unsorted - includes introductions by Boris Karloff and A.E. van Vogt; introductions to "Who's who in science fiction," L. Ron Hubbard biography; more (2 folders)
Novels - unless otherwise mentioned, these are typed manuscripts
---, Gabrielle - possibly Gabrielle Cummings Waller, Ray Cummings' wife
Box 438 A Poignant Love - incomplete: pp. 1-12 and scattered later pages
Ackers, King
Box 438 A Stranger Site (2 folders)
Ackley, Paul
Box 438 The Devil's Triangle - synopsis, prologue, and chapter 1
Albero, Giuseppe
Box 438 A Ride to Nowhere - synopsis and excerpts
Alexander, David M
Box 438 Fane - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Appleton, Victor
Box 438 The Alien Probe - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Box 438 Tom Swift: The City in the Stars - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Box 438 Tom Swift: Terror on the Moons of Jupiter - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Box 439 Tom Swift: The War in Outer Space - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Banister, Manly
Box 439 The Scarlet Saint - pp. 1-80
Box 439 The Scarlet Saint (cont.) - pp. 81-254 (2 folders)
Barbet, Pierre
Box 439 Club Chronos - incomplete: only has first 20 pages
Box 439 Psyborgs [draft 1] - includes first few pages written in French (2 folders)
Box 439 Psyborgs [draft 2] - same as previous "Psyborgs" but with heavy edits; title "Games Psyborgs Play" written on front page (2 folders)
Baisden, Salenta Smith
Box 439 The T Option (3 folders)
Barron, Betty
Box 439 The Final Finesse - incomplete: pp. 22-56, 60-77
Billows, Dennis
Box 439 Pandora's Box - synopsis; scattered pages out of order, possibly from multiple versions
Box 440 Pandora's Box - scattered pages out of order, possibly from multiple versions
Black, Cahill
Box 440 Star Curse [copy 1] (4 folders)
Box 440 Star Curse [copy 2] (3 folders)
Blackbeard, William
Box 440 Object All Sublime - first page only
Blevins, D. Irving
Box 440 The American Manine (Trumandingo) - synopsis
Bloodstone, John
Box 440 Flannigan Trilogy 1: Land Beyond the Lens
Box 440 Flannigan Trilogy 2: The Secret Gods
Box 440 Flannigan Trilogy 3: The Return of Michael Flannigan
Box 440 Thundar: Man of Two Worlds - pp. 1-128
Box 441 Thundar: Man of Two Worlds (cont.) - pp. 129-221
Boyd, John
Box 441 Last starship from Earth - title page, blurb from Arthur C. Clarke
Bradbury, Ray
See Germeshausen, Alvin : Detectives of Darkness.
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Box 441 Stranger's Harbor - synopsis
Bruno, Frank J.
Box 441 The Last Free Man (4 folders)
Burks, Arthur J.
Box 441 Who Do You Think You Are? [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 441 Who Do You Think You Are? [copy 2] (2 folders)
Burrt, J. Douglas
Box 441 Scam - incomplete: pp. 3-69
Box 441 Senseless [copy 1] - pp. 1-181 (2 folders)
Box 442 Senseless [copy 1] (cont.) - pp. 182-303 (2 folders)
Box 442 Senseless [copy 2] (4 folders)
Byrne, Stuart J.
See also Bloodstone, John.
Box 442 Bridge of Time - first chapter and story outline
Box 442 Children of the Chronotron
Box 442 Colossus Trilogy 2: The King of the World - pseudonym Marx Kaye written and crossed out (4 folders)
Box 442 Colossus Trilogy 3: The Golden Guardsmen (2 folders)
Box 443 Day of the Demon - sales package; pp. 1-160 (2 folders)
Box 443 Day of the Demon (cont.) - pp. 161-214
Box 443 Day of the Demon - miscellaneous pages
Box 443 Lord of the Djinn - first page only
Box 443 The Metamorphs - first 48 pages
Box 443 The Naked Goddess
Box 443 Potential Zero
Box 443 Power Metal (3 folders)
Box 443 Star Man Preliminary series format [draft A]
Box 443 Star Man Preliminary series format [draft B]
Box 443 Star Man Power Metal - "completely rewritten adaptation of magazine novel"; pp. 1-183 (2 folders)
Box 444 Star Man Power Metal (cont.) - pp. 184-273
Box 444 Star Man 1 Supermen of Alpha
Box 444 Star Man 1 Supermen of Alpha - photocopied proofs
Box 444 Star Man 2 The Window
Box 444 Star Man 2 The Window - photocopied proofs
Box 444 Star Man 3 Interstellar Mutineers (2 folders)
Box 444 Star Man 3 Interstellar Mutineers - correction sheets
Box 444 Star Man 3 Interstellar Mutineers - photocopied proofs
Box 444 Star Man 4 The Cosmium Raiders (2 folders)
Box 444 Star Man 4 The Cosmium Raiders - photocopied proofs
Box 444 Star Man 5 The World Changer (2 folders)
Box 444 Star Man 5 The World Changer - photocopied proofs
Box 445 Star Man 6 Slaves of Venus (2 folders)
Box 445 Star Man 7 Lost in the Milky Way
Box 445 Star Man 8 Time Trap
Box 445 Star Man 9 The Centaurians (2 folders)
Box 445 Star Man 10 The Emperor
Box 445 Star Man 11 The Return of Star Man (2 folders)
Box 445 Star Man notes - notes on no's 6-11
Box 445 Star Quest [copy 1] - pp. 1-149 (2 folders)
Box 446 Star Quest [copy 1] (cont.) - pp. 150-338 (3 folders)
Box 446 Star Quest [copy 2] - includes letter from the author (5 folders)
Box 446 The Ultimate Death
Box 446 Miscellaneous - proposals for 10 novels
Campbell, H.J.
Box 446 Test Omega - incomplete: pp. 1-6 and pp. 3 of summary
Campbell, John S.
Box 446 The Book of Arin (3 folders)
Box 447 Circle of Light (4 folders)
Campbell, John W. Jr.
Box 447 Piracy Preferred
Casad, Nanci Folsom
Box 447 A Vampire in the Theatre - bound typescript
Cassutt and Egge
Box 447 The Weapon Shop - fragment, pp. 85-87
Chapdelaine, Perry A
Box 447 The Heart Changeling (3 folders)
Box 447 The Magnificent Cythetic - incomplete: pp. 1-22
Child, _______
Box 447 [Johnny radiation novel] - incomplete: pp. 57-93
Clemmons, Raymond W.
Box 447 Nature Boy - synonpsis for novel and letter from editor
Clifton, Mark
Box 447 Keys to Eden - title page only
Coates, Lewis and van Vogt, A.E.
Box 447 Star Riders - pp. 1-85
Box 448 Star Riders (cont.) - pp. 86-247, epilogue (3 folders)
Coblentz, Stanton A.
Box 448 Ab of the Red Planet (3 folders)
Box 448 Bacillus Q - title page only
Box 448 Crisis on the Planet Krong [copy 1] (3 folders)
Box 448 Crisis on the Planet Krong [copy 2] - incomplete but includes synopsis of missing chapters as well as a letter (2 folders)
Box 448 The Fluid of Enlightenment
Box 448 From Life to Life - pp. 1-94
Box 449 From Life to Life (cont.) - pp. 95-131
Box 449 Into Plutonian Depths - incomplete: pp. 166-240
Box 449 John Ironwood, President (2 folders)
Box 449 Lost on the Moon (2 folders)
Box 449 The Man from Tomorrow (2 folders)
Box 449 The Miracle Man (3 folders)
Box 449 The Mulberry Caterpillar - pp. 1-140 (2 folders)
Box 450 The Mulberry Caterpillar (cont.) - pp. 141-283 (3 folders)
Box 450 Revolution (3 folders)
Box 450 The Sunken World - proofs with illustrations (3 folders)
Box 450 The Sunken World - setting copy, incomplete
Box 450 A Tale of Two Planets
Conrad, Gene and Nuetzel, Charles
Box 450 The Great American Ripoff - sample chapter and outline, 2 copies (2 folders)
Counselman, Mary-Elizabeth
Box 450 Lucky Star - misc pages, incomplete
Cozzi, Luigi
Box 450 Challenge of the Night Gods - sample chapter and synopsis
Crossen, Ken
Box 451 The Starcon (2 folders)
Crossen, Ken and Lubon, Milton
Box 451 Barrier to the Stars
Cummings, Ray
Box 451 The Fire Planet
Dalmas, John
Box 451 The Varkaus Conspiracies (4 folders)
Dancey and Dewey
Box 451 The Time Twin - incomplete synopsis, scattered pages
Darrah, Rose
Box 451 The Rising of a Vampire - synopsis, sample chapter
Davids, Paul
Box 451 Skinner Box [copy 1] (3 folders)
Box 451 Skinner Box [copy 2] - pp. 1-81
Box 452 Skinner Box [copy 2] (cont.) - pp. 82-230 (2 folders)
de Paul, Ted
Box 452 Huntress of the Odd - incomplete: pp. 1-33, pp. 8-60
Dellinger, Paul
Box 452 The Gemini Twins - pp. 1-75
Box 452 The Gemini Twins - pp. 76-304 (3 folders)
Denham, Iris
Box 452 Nor Suffer a Witch to Live [draft 1] - pp. 1-300 (4 folders)
Box 453 Nor Suffer a Witch to Live [draft 1] - pp. 301-386 (2 folders)
Box 453 Nor Suffer a Witch to Live [draft 2] - incomplete: pp. 1-132 (2 folders)
Diffin, Charles Willard
Box 453 Two Thousand Miles Below - incomplete: miscellaneous pages
Box 453 We are the Living (3 folders)
D'Mello, F. X.
Box 453 From Dream to Reality - synopsis
Donaldson, Jack
Box 453 Executive Stud - incomplete: pp. 1-36
Drake, _____
Box 453 Hardee's - chapters 1 and 2, first page of chapter 4
Duncan, Alex
Box 453 Figure 5 (2 folders)
Durant, Bob
Box 453 Cult of the Sex God - incomplete: pp. 1-35
Eaves, Charles Dudley
Box 454 Black Jade - incomplete: includes first 3 chapters and partial 4th chapter
Eichner, Henry M
Box 454 Atlantean Chronicles - bund photocopy typescript
Ellern, William B
Box 454 Legion of Gray Lensmen - incomplete: includes first 20 pages
Box 454 New Lensman [copy 1] - pp. 1-104
Box 454 New Lensman [copy 1] - pp. 105-232
Box 454 New Lensman [copy 2] (2 folders)
Enna, Franco
Box 454 The Scratch of the Cat
Evans, E Everett
Box 454 The Planet Mappers (4 folders)
Frankish, H.
See Germeshausen, Alvin : Detectives of Darkness.
Fresco, Jacque and Steve Doll
Box 455 And the World Will be Won - includes letter to Forry and notes by Doll (2 folders)
Gallun, Raymond Z
Box 455 People Minus X (2 folders)
Box 455 The Planet Strappers
Gardner, David S
Box 455 The Aliens
Gernsback, Hugo
Box 554 Ultimate World
Gibson, Joe
Box 455 The Merry Kons - incomplete: p. 1 only
Gisey, J.U. and Smith, Junius B.
Box 455 Black Butterfly [copy 1] - 2 copies
Box 455 Black Butterfly [copy 2]
Box 455 The Occult Detective [copy 1] - includes a letter from Ackerman Agency to publisher
Box 455 The Occult Detective [copy 2] - includes a letter from Ackerman Agency to publisher
Glut, Donald F
Box 455 Brother Blood - incomplete: first page only
Box 554 Bugged - galley proof
Box 455 Frankenstein - incomplete: pp. 155-162
Box 455 The Frankenstein Omnibus [copy 1] - proposal and introduction
Box 455 The Frankenstein Omnibus [copy 2] - proposal and introduction
Box 455 Killer Clone [copy 1] - sample chapter and outline, synopsis
Box 455 Killer Clone [copy 2] - incomplete: chapter 1 only
Box 455 Man-Lizard - sample chapters and outline
Box 455 The Mysterious Count Noctilio - sample chapters and outline
Box 455 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 1: Frankenstein Lives Again [draft 1] - incomplete: pp. 1-36
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 1: Frankenstein Lives Again [draft 2] - "extensively revised from the Spanish edition" (2 folders)
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 2: Terror of Frankenstein [draft 1] (2 folders)
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 2: Terror of Frankenstein [draft 2] (2 folders)
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 3: Bones of Frankenstein (2 folders)
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 4: Frankenstein Meets Dracula [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 456 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 4: Frankenstein Meets Dracula [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 5: Frankenstein vs The Werewolf (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 6: Frankenstein in the Lost World [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 6: Frankenstein in the Lost World [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 7: Frankenstein in the Mummy's Tomb (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 8: The Return of Frankenstein (2 folders)
Box 457 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 9: Frankenstein and the Curse of Dr. Jekyll (2 folders)
Box 458 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 10: Tales of Frankenstein - anthology of short stories, but labeled as part of the New Adventures series (2 folders)
Box 458 New Adventures of Frankenstein Book 11: Frankenstein and the Evil of Dracula (2 folders)
Box 458 Study in Blood - Synopsis for novel
Box 458 Warrior of the Nth Dimension [draft A] - sample chapters and outline
Box 458 Warrior of the Nth Dimension [draft B] - sample chapters and outline
Box 458 Wolfsbane Hill
Box 458 Wolf Spawn - outline only
Gold, E.J.
Box 458 Slimewars - bound volume, "Reading copy / Work in progress"
Golding, Sam and Joe May
Box 458 Mr. Anonymous (2 folders)
Graham, -----
Box 458 [Untitled novel] - pp. 2-170 (2 folders)
Box 459 [Untitled novel] (cont.) - pp. 271-455 (4 folders)
Greenfield, Irving A.
Box 459 The Face of Him - uncorrected proof
Halliday, Brett
Box 459 Murder at Random
Box 459 The Rich Die, Too (2 folders)
Hartman, N. E.
Box 459 The Empty Land - incomplete: first page only
Harness, Charles L.
Box 459 The Catalyst - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Hasse, Henry L.
Box 459 [untitled novel] - incomplete: pp. 1-24
Heindl, Christian
Box 459 The Night Holds More Than Darkness (3 folders)
Box 460 The Reappearance of Dracula - query letter, synopsis, first three chapters
Holmes, John Eric
Box 460 Red Axe of Pellucidar - bound typescript
Houston, David
Box 460 Red Dust - photocopy of corrected typescript, bound
Hyde, Christine Bentley
Box 460 Cap Ring - synopsis only
Inouye, Jon
Box 460 Museum
Box 460 Soldier of Light (3 folders)
Jay, -----
Box 460 untitled [time travel novel] - incomplete: pp. 2-8, 50-64
Jordan, Bret Anthony
Box 460 Graven Image
Joseph, William
Box 460 Owaee, Land of the Heathens - proposal
Knockey, Jeff
Box 460 All Roads Lead to Earth - outline and sample chapters
Box 461 Darker than Death or Night - outline and sample chapters
Box 461 Gorgon Spawn - outline and sample chapter
Box 461 The Snow Wolves - outline and sample chapters
Kyle, David A.
Box 554 The Dragon Lensman - galleys
Landis, Arthur H.
Box 461 Roland! - synopsis
Lem, Stanislaw
Box 606 The Invincible - bound photocopy of annotated typescript, correspondence from Ace Books; translated by Wendayne Ackerman, annotations by FJA
Box 606 Memoirs found in a bathtub - incomplete: title page and pp. 116-123, 126-128, 367-369
Lodge, Michael
Box 461 One and the Same Apple (2 folders)
Logsdon, Syd
Box 461 A Fond Farewell to Dying - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Lorenz, Robert
Box 461 Into the Weeds - title page and first page only
Lowenkopf, Shelly and Williams, Jerry
Box 461 The Early Italian Outhouse (5 folders)
Manos, Alhanase
Box 461 Four in a Dance: Love, Death, She, and I - incomplete: photocopies of scattered pages
Manvell, Roger
Box 462 The Dreamers (2 folders)
Margroff, Robert E.
Box 462 Journey to Generation
May, Joe
Box 462 Counterblast - synopsis only
Box 462 The Lady was a Crook [alt title: The Crooked Lady] - appears to be a mix of multiple drafts, alternate pages, notes, etc. (7 folders)
Box 554 Miscellaneous pages - possibly from "The lady was a crook"
May, Joe with Jack Hartfield
Box 462 ...But Not Without the Valet! [alt titles: His man for a lifetime; Hello Mr. Black]
Mayumura, Taku
Box 462 Administrator - incomplete: pp. 1-8
McBurnie, Donald C.
Box 462 Leviathan - synopsis and sample chapters
McCalman, Iain
Box 463 The Last Alchemist - incomplete: pp. 431-578 (2 folders)
McGee, Mark Thomas
Box 463 A Cozy Place to Die [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 463 A Cozy Place to Die [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 463 The Evil (2 folders)
Miles, Robert
Box 463 Safespace [copy 1]
Box 463 Safespace [copy 2]
Moffat, Len J.
Box 463 The King of Arizona - synopsis and pp. 1-2, 8-42
Mullen, Stanley
Box 463 Kinsmen of the Dragon - pp. 1-59 (2 folders)
Box 464 Kinsmen of the Dragon (cont.) - pp. 60-156
Mulligan, James E
Box 464 By Destiny Alone (2 folders)
Nasr, Constantine
Box 464 [untitled Frankenstein/Jekyll novel] - incomplete: pp. 47-65
Neal, K. O.
Box 464 In the Eye of the Beholder - incomplete: pp. 1-9
Nesvadba, Josef
Box 464 A Selection of Stories
Neville, Kris
Box 464 The Ultimate Solution - title page only
Neville, Lil and Kris
Box 464 Power Stations - proposal
Box 464 Thorstein Macaulay [copy 1] - incomplete: pages ii-119
Box 464 Thorstein Macaulay [copy 2] - incomplete: pages ii-118 (2 folders)
Niven, Larry
Box 464 The Ringworld Engineers - advance uncorrected proofs, bound
Norton, Andre
Box 464 Star Guard - incomplete: misc pages
Nuetzel, Charles
Box 465 Adapt or Die - title page and dedication page only
Box 465 Blueblade - sample chapters and outline
Box 465 Child from the Stars [copy 1] (3 folders)
Box 465 Child from the Stars [copy 2] (4 folders)
Box 465 Last Call from the Stars - photo copy of published book (2 folders)
Box 465 Master of the House - first 3 chapters and outline
Box 465 Mindwar - sample chapters and outline (2 folders)
Box 465 Nightmare Planet - sample chapters and outline
Box 466 Once Up On a Time: A Paradox of Walls - sample chapters
Box 466 Slaves of Lomooro - incomplete: pp. 1-140 (2 folders)
Box 466 The Spacerammers - sample pages only
Box 466 Starnarc - outline and sample chapters
Box 466 Warriors of Noomas - includes letter and excerpt of sequel "Youi of Noomas"
Box 466 Miscellaneous first pages
Nyborg, B.
Box 466 The Return of Conan the Cimmerian - chapter 5 only
Offutt, Andrew and Lyon, Richard
Box 466 The Eyes of Sarsis - uncorrected proof
Olsen, Bob
Box 466 Four Dimensional Transit - incomplete: pp. 32-38
Box 466 The Pool of Death - incomplete: includes pp. 1-4, 6-7, 24-34, 41-50
Orsi, Maria
Box 466 The Red Lion: The Potion of Eternal Life [copy 1] - pp. 1-320 (4 folders)
Box 467 The Red Lion: The Potion of Eternal Life [copy 1] (cont.) - pp. 321-430 (2 folders)
Box 467 The Red Lion: The Potion of Eternal Life [copy 2] - incomplete: pp. 1-60
Padgett, Lewis
Box 467 The Fairy Chessmen - pseudonym for Henry Kuttner (2 folders)
Palmer, Raymond A.
Box 467 Cosmos - incomplete: chapter 10 only
Pate, Jo Anne
Box 467 The Alchemist's Hourglass - story outline and sample chapter
Payne, I. John and Strandell, M.
Box 467 Hit Man, Invisible Death - synopsis and sample chapter
Petaja, Emil
Box 467 Death of a Whore - incomplete: includes first 40 pages
Box 467 Glory Stone - missing first 12 pages (2 folders)
Box 467 Orphans of the Stars - title page only
Pinckard, Terri E
Box 467 Walk in the Shadow Worlds With Me - short story collection
Pine, Ted
Box 467 Rip Off on Wolf (2 folders)
Pragnell, Festus
Box 468 The Green Man of Graypec (4 folders)
Box 468 The Time Catapult - sample chapters and synopsis
Raffi, Mario
Box 468 The Monsters of Hatros - incomplete: pp. 1-89
Reichman, Rick
Box 468 Johnny in the Box - synopsis and sample chapters
Reiner, Ivan
Box 468 Station Skylab XIII
Repp, Ed Earl
Box 468 The Metal World - incomplete: pp. 5-33
Resnick, Mike
Box 468 The Redbeard - first 2 chapters and synopsis
Roeder, Larry Jr. W.
Box 468 Night of the Blue Door (2 folders)
Rosen, R. Michael
Box 468 Terror Loves a Lady - incomplete: pp. 1-52, plus synopsis of rest of book
Rosen, ---
Box 468 [untitled Dracula novel] - incomplete: photocopies of scattered pages
Rousseau, Victor
Box 468 Eric of the Strong Heart (2 folders)
Rudhyar, Dane
Box 469 Lovely Little Ghost (2 folders)
Box 469 Return from No-Return - incomplete: missing first 3 chapters (2 folders)
Ryan, C. Richard and Timothy C. Bruckner
Box 469 The Eye of Horus (2 folders)
Sackett, Sam
Box 469 Holy Toledo (3 folders)
Box 469 Serpents in Iidn (4 folders)
Sargent, Pamela
Box 470 The Golden Space - advance uncorrected proof, bound; includes review by A.E. van Vogt
Severus, Alec
Box 470 A Penny for Your Thoughts - first page only
Shaw, Bob
Oversize 88 The Palace of Eternity - galleys from Ace books
Shea, Michael
Box 470 Nifft the Lean of Karkhmahn-Ra (2 folders)
Sheridan, Max C.
Box 470 Entropic Paradox - possibly incomplete, as it's only 24pp and the title page says "to be short-novel length"
Shiel, M.P.
Box 470 The New King - "privately printed"; possibly proofs
Shirreffs, Gordon D.
Box 470 The Man From Yuma (3 folders)
Silverberg, Robert
Box 470 Lord Valentine's Castle - advance uncorrectd proof, bound
Siodmak, Curt
Box 470 I, Gabriel [copy 1] - pp. 1-80
Box 471 I, Gabriel [copy 1] (cont.) - pp. 81-314 (3 folders)
Box 471 I, Gabriel [copy 2] (4 folders)
Smith, Clark Ashton
Box 471 The Infernal Star - incomplete: pp. 29-37
Smith, E.E. "Doc"
Box 471 Cosmos - incomplete: chapter 13 only
Smith, Maurice
Box 471 A Stranger in Hell - synopsis for a novel
Standen, Ashby
Box 471 The Game of Spheres: Move/Countermove - pp. 1-220 (3 folders)
Box 472 The Game of Spheres: Move/Countermove (cont.) - pp. 221-294
Box 472 The Game of Spheres: Move/Countermove - sample chapters and outline
Box 472 The Game of Spheres: Vrok (4 folders)
Box 472 The Gift-Curse of Rhutgr (4 folders)
Box 472 Ogmandu: Genesis - pp. 1-205 (3 folders)
Box 473 Ogmandu: Genesis (cont.) - pp. 206-337
Box 473 Ogmandu: Odyssey [copy 1] (4 folders)
Box 473 Ogmandu: Odyssey [copy 2] (4 folders)
Box 473 The Return of Ogmandu - synopsis only
Box 473 The War of the Sun Kings - pp. 1-159 (2 folders)
Box 474 The War of the Sun Kings (cont.) - pp. 160-299 (2 folders)
Steeber, Max and Wyott Ordung
Box 474 Shanghai Quest
Box 474 Teheran
Stevens, Brinke and A. E. van Vogt
Box 474 The Pandora Principle - incomplete: chapter 1
St. Gabriels, Pius
Box 474 The Chains of Destiny: Doretta 1641-1969 - plot summary and character list
Strauss, Rick
Box 474 Strange Attractors - sample chapters and outline
Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris
Box 474 Hard to be a God (4 folders)
Sturgis, Melvin
Box 474 The Wheels Must Roll
Szepes, Mária
Box 474 Mirror Door in the Sea - short excerpt
Tanner, Charles R.
Box 474 Neath Other Stars - incomplete: pp. 13-96
Tarr, Patricia
Box 474 The Monsters of Noberly - pp. 1-62; includes synopsis, drawings of characters and monsters
Box 475 The Monsters of Noberly (cont.) - pp. 63-134
Tevis, Walter
Box 475 Mocking Bird - uncorrected proof
Tyler, S.
Box 475 Phantasm (2 folders)
Urban, Helen
Box 475 And Pi is Three [copy 1]
Box 475 And Pi is Three [copy 2] - incomplete: pp. 20-44
Box 475 The Creator - incomplete: first page only
Box 475 Flashes! Flashes! (5 folders)
Box 475 The Fragrant Blood [copy 1] - pp. 1-150 (5 folders)
Box 476 The Fragrant Blood [copy 1] (cont.) - pp. 151-320
Box 476 The Fragrant Blood [copy 2] (4 folders)
Box 476 I Hate You, Brother! (4 folders)
Box 476 The Love Master - incomplete: pp. 1-9
Box 476 The Mayor - incomplete: pp. 138-220
Box 477 The Mayor (cont.) - incomplete: pp. 221-340 (2 folders)
Box 477 Never Send a Boy [draft A] (3 folders)
Box 477 Never Send a Boy [draft B] - missing first page (3 folders)
van Vogt, A.E.
Box 477 The Anarchistic Colossus - introduction only
Box 554 The Beast - galleys (2 folders)
Box 477 The Book of Ptah (2 folders)
Box 477 Computerworld - incomplete: pp. 146-255 (2 folders)
Box 478 Null-A Three [copy 1] (4 folders)
Box 478 Null-A Three [copy 2] (4 folders)
Box 478 Recruiting Station (2 folders)
Box 478 Slan - miscellaneous pages, includes explanation by the author
Box 478 Sword and Sorcery - incompete: chapter 9
Box 478 To Conquer Kiber [copy 1] (3 folders)
Box 479 To Conquer Kiber [copy 2] - incomplete: missing pp. 1-16 and 230 (3 folders)
Verasdonck, Pieter
Box 479 Frozen Fears [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 479 Frozen Fears [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 479 The Protein Conspiracy (3 folders)
Versins, Pierre
Box 479 Fireworks - includes synopsis by Wendayne Ackerman
Vincent, Harl
Box 479 Dimension Five - incomplete: chapters 1-3 and partial chapter 4
Box 480 The Edge of Time - sample chapters and outline
Box 480 Enigma of the Bleaklands - sample chapters and outline
Box 480 Oracle of the Barrens (2 folders)
Ward, Harold
Box 480 Murder Music - accompanying note says "This is the unpublished manuscript of Dr. Death #4" and lists the titles of #s 1-3 (3 folders)
Box 480 The Red Mist of Death (2 folders)
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
Box 480 Dawn of Flame (2 folders)
Werder, Albert D.
Box 480 Losing - pp. 1-215; includes letter to Forry (3 folders)
Box 481 Losing (cont.) - pp. 216-339 (2 folders)
White, Alan M
Box 481 The Hills Send Back the Cry [copy 1] (3 folders)
Box 481 The Hills Send Back the Cry [copy 2] (3 folders)
Wiencke, Dagmar
Box 481 Stories of the Cheshire Cat - proposal and sample pages (pages written in German)
Williamson, Jack
Box 481 The Humanoid Touch - advance uncorrected proofs
Wilson, Teresa A.
Box 481 Capture the Snow - incomplete: only first two pages
Winter, Patricia
Box 481 The Mata Codex - pp. 1-160 (2 folders)
Box 482 The Mata Codex (cont.) - pp. 161-266 (2 folders)
Wright, S. Fowler
Box 482 Deluge (2 folders)
Box 482 Purgatorio - translated from Dante; incomplete (2 folders)
Box 482 Space in Reverse - incomplete: chapter 1-17, first paragraph of chapter 18
Box 482 Under Ten - first eleven chapters
Zimmerman, Robert L.
Box 482 [untitled] - incomplete: pp. 26-154 (2 folders)
Author unknown - most of these are fragments or outlines/synopses only
Box 482 [Acacia Mansion novel] - incomplete: pp. 41-176 (2 folders)
Box 482 Alice's New Adventure - incomplete: chapters 11-13
Box 482 [Berkeley, CA novel] - outline
Box 483 [Bermuda Triangle novel] - 5-page fragment
Box 483 Beyond the Black Hole - incomplete: pp. 1-139 and some alternative pages (2 folders)
Box 483 A Bride of Bel-Zoar - chapters 1, 18-22
Box 483 The Burning Flame (2 folders)
Box 483 [coughing death/vaccine novel] - incomplete: missing title page and pp. 1-3 (4 folders)
Box 483 [D.C. apocalypse novel] - incomplete: pp. 2-214 (3 folders)
Box 484 Dark of the Sun - outline
Box 484 The Darkness Story - incomplete: pp. 121-168
Box 484 Death in Shanghai - synopsis
Box 484 ["Democracy of Skad" novel] - incomplete: pp. 162-225
Box 484 [desert clans novel] - outline
Box 484 [dog-star experiment novel] - incomplete: missing pp. 78-80, pp. 157-190 (2 folders)
Box 484 Diggings - incomplete: pp. 1-19 only (2 folders)
Box 554 [Esperanto novel] (2 folders)
Box 484 Fear Not the Boatman - synopsis
Box 484 [Gladwyn and Jasmine novel] - incomplete: pp. 96-198
Box 484 [Greek mythology novel] - incomplete: pp. 47-73, 112-134, 138-142
Box 484 "I sometimes think they are smarter than I am..." [first line] - incomplete: pp. 5-54
Box 484 "In the Temple of the New Science" [title of chapter 1] (3 folders)
Box 484 [Ireland vacation novel] - incomplete: includes pp. 17-121 (2 folders)
Box 484 [Jack Mather secret agent novel] - missing first 2 pages
Box 484 Kafka Nobodies [draft A] - in German; possibly by Joe May
Box 485 Kafka Nobodies [drafts B-D] - in German; possibly by Joe May (3 folders)
Box 485 [Lemno, Jalna, Gleda novel] - 4-page fragment
Box 485 Light Speed - pp. iii and 1-720 (9 folders)
Box 486 Light Speed (cont.) - pp. 721-1120 (5 folders)
Box 486 "Manhattan Boyhood" [title of Part I] (4 folders)
Box 486 [Marc/Firnas merger novel] - incomplete: pp. 25-253 (3 folders)
Box 487 [Marc/Firnas merger novel] (cont.) - pp. 254-393
Box 487 [Marise/Anthony vampire novel] - incomplete: chapters XX-XXII
Box 487 [Martian cloning novel] - incomplete: scattered pages
Box 487 [misogynist novel] - incomplete: pp. 204-314 (2 folders)
Box 487 Mistigar - incomplete: chapters 1-4
Box 487 [mother murder novel] - outline
Box 487 The Murder Bund - incomplete: pp. 1-161 plus misc pages (2 folders)
Box 487 ["Night Marauders" murders novel] [copy 1] - incomplete: pp. 2-320 (5 folders)
Box 487 ["Night Marauders" murders novel] [copy 2] - incomplete: pp. 72-226 (2 folders)
Box 488 ["Night Marauders" murders novel] [copy 2] (cont.) - pp. 227-278
Box 488 The Nine Great Mysteries (3 folders)
Box 488 [Omans planet novel] - incomplete: pp. 73-237 (2 folders)
Box 488 [Pierre and Eustache novel] - incomplete: pp. 163-181
Box 488 "Polish Sausage a La Gargantua" [title of chapter 2] - incomplete: chapters 2 and 5-21 (5 folders)
Box 489 Quest - incomplete: first 13 chapters
Box 489 [rat-men novel] - incomplete: pp. 18-132 (2 folders)
Box 489 "The same dream has harassed me…" [first line] (3 folders)
Box 489 Sexton Blake and the Uncompleted Murders - first chapter and synopsis
Box 489 [space exploration/Alkibiades novel] - incomplete: pp. 2-39
Box 489 [space politics novel] - incomplete: pp. 56-86
Box 489 [Spaceruptor novel] - incomplete: pp. 3-82
Box 489 [Tarbell magician novel] - incomplete: pp. 3-47
Box 489 [telepathy novel] - incomplete: pp. 9-251 (3 folders)
Box 489 [Teota / Atlantis novel] - incomplete: pp. 30-116
Box 490 [Teota / Atlantis novel] (cont.) - pp. 117-164
Box 490 [Tribes of the Kol novel] - incomplete: pp. 157-185
Box 490 The Underprivileged Millionaires - TOC and prologue
Box 490 [Valdos / Vicereine Ulaia novel] - incomplete: pp. 7-58
Box 490 [vampirism outbreak novel] - incomplete: includes pp. 172-220
Box 490 [Venus organization novel] - incomplete: inlcudes pp. 36-50
Box 490 [wedding novel] - incomplete: missing pp. 236-245 and ending after 285
Box 490 "With all his experience with hero-worshippers..." [first line] - incomplete: pp. 2-62
Box 490 The Wrong Kind - incomplete: pp. 15-183; title is given on p. 101 (2 folders)
Box 490 Fragments, miscellaneous (4 folders)
Box 491 Fragments, miscellaneous (3 folders)
Box 491 Miscellaneous - includes Evelyn Ankers, Robert Bloch, Lon Chaney, Alfred Hitchcock, Claude Rains, others; in most cases the author is not given
Plays and musicals
Box 491 Bradbury, Ray / The Jar
Box 491 Burns, Cliff / Dracula
Box 491 Duling, Dan / A Dream of Frankenstein
Gordon, Naomi
See Magaziner, Naomi Gordon.
Box 555 Grassi, A.J. / The Chronicles of Ronar (2 folders)
Box 491 Guay, Paul / End of the Line for Frankenstein
Box 491 Magaziner, Naomi Gordon / Alas, Poor Archie, I Knew Him When… (2 folders)
Box 491 Studer, Brenda / The Grey's Missing Deed
Box 491 Von Sternberger, Patia / The Femme-Fan Who Saved an Author - H.M.S. Pinafore parody; cast list includes Arthur and Heidi Saha
Box 491 Wathen, Stephen C. / Frankenstein - cover has promotional flier for performance at Saratoga Civic Theatre attached (2 folders)
Box 492 Welch, William / How to Make a Man - based on short story by Clifford Simak (2 folders)
Box 492 Yellen, Sherman / Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - musical (2 folders)
Box 492 Unknown / [Interracial marriage play]
Box 492 A-Z and unknown authors (3 folders)
Scripts - scripts, screenplays, and screen treatments for television shows and movies
Box 492 Adam and the One with the Alephian Face by Florence Marly von Wurmbrand - screen treatment/outline
Box 492 The Aftermath by Steve Barkett [copy 1]
Box 492 The Aftermath by Steve Barkett [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 492 Alias Nick Beal by Jonathan Latimer - incomplete: pp. 1-20
Box 492 Alien by Walter Hill and David Giler [draft A] (2 folders)
Box 493 Alien by Walter Hill and David Giler [draft B] (2 folders)
Box 493 Alien II: The Nightmare Continues by Tom and Paul Brant - story outline
Box 493 Aliens by James Cameron
Box 493 All in the Family: "The Drug Scene" by Tam Otteson and B. George Stark - TV show episode
Box 493 The Amphibians by Orville H. Hampton - screen treatment
Box 493 Android by Maurice Seiderman - screen treatment
Box 493 The Angry Red Planet by Sid Pink and Ib Melchior (2 folders)
Box 493 Anthiem by Parivarto and Dhyan John (2 folders)
Box 493 [apocalypse survivors movie] - screen treatment, incomplete: pp. 7-31
Box 493 The Archer by Nicholas Corea (2 folders)
Box 493 Around the World in 80 Hours by Herbert Baker and Carl Foreman (2 folders)
Box 494 A.T.D. (After Total Destruction) by Kathi and Paul de Sainte Colombe (2 folders)
Box 494 At the Bells and Motley by Cylvia K. Margulies
Box 494 Atomic Submarine by Orville H. Hampton (2 folders)
Box 494 The Attack of the ------!, author not given - screen treatment
Box 494 Az Idő Ablakai [Windows of Time] by Péter Kuczka
Box 494 Barry Segal by Gene Kirkwood (2 folders)
Box 494 The Batman by Tom Mankiewicz - second draft (2 folders)
Box 494 The Battle of Forever by Thomas J. Genelli and Sydney Dutton [copy 1] - adaptation of novel by A.E. van Vogt
Box 494 The Battle of Forever by Thomas J. Genelli and Sydney Dutton [copy 2] - adaptation of novel by A.E. van Vogt
Box 495 Ben by Gilbert A. Ralston
Box 495 Beyond the Barriers of Space [alt titles: Hidden universe; Under the double star] by Rickert van Halspiegel and Poul Anderson - signed and inscribed on title page to FJA (3 folders)
Box 495 Beyond Evil - incomplete: pp. 23-134 (2 folders)
Box 495 Beyond the Moon by William Read Woodfield and Allan Balter (2 folders)
Bid Time Return by Richard Matheson
See Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson.
Box 495 Bigfoot Meets the Martians! By Mike Sherlock - third draft
Box 495 Billy the Kid Versus Dracula! By Carl K. Hittleman
Box 495 Bizarre (2 folders)
Box 496 The Black Adept by Dave McDaniel - shot list; based on story by Fritz Leiber
Box 496 The Black Cat by Peter Ruric - bound in cover stamped with FJA's name
Box 496 The Black Hole by Jeb Rosebrook (2 folders)
Box 496 The Black Vampire by Charles Johnson [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 496 The Black Vampire by Charles Johnson [copy 2] - title page has "FANG" crossed out above the title (2 folders)
Box 496 The Blood Drips Thick and Red by Bill Warren and Donald Willis - screen treatment
Box 496 Blood Feast II by Michael D. Sonye - first draft (2 folders)
Box 496 Bloody Twilight by Margo Layne [copy 1] - original typescript
Box 496 Bloody Twilight by Margo Layne [copy 2] - photocopy
Box 496 Blue Power! by George Clayton Johnson and Dennis Etchison - screen treatment, 2 copies
Box 496 The Boarding House by Norman Bryn and John DeMita - second draft, 1980; pp. 1-68
Box 497 The Boarding House by Norman Bryn and John DeMita (cont.) - second draft, 1980; pp. 1-69-109
Box 497 The Boarding House by Norman Bryn - second draft, 1981
Box 497 The Boy Who Saved the World by Budd Bankson and Thad Swift - first draft (2 folders)
Box 497 Brain-Storm by Marc Behm (2 folders)
Box 497 Bram Stoker's Dracula by Jim Hart - shooting script with storyboards (3 folders)
Box 497 Brave New World by Robert J. Ariech (2 folders)
Box 497 Brave New World by Nigel Kneale - pp. 1-89
Box 498 Brave New World by Nigel Kneale (cont.) - pp. 90-173
Box 498 Bride of Death by Dan Sutherland - signed and inscribed on title page to FJA
Box 498 Bride of the Gorilla by Curt Siodmak - final revised shooting script (2 folders)
Box 498 Broken Arrow: The Wanderer by Robert Leslie Bellem - TV show episode
Box 498 The Brother by Martin Varno - screen treatment
Box 498 Bug: The Hephaestus Plague by William Castle and Thomas Page (2 folders)
Box 498 Bugged! by Donald F. Glut - screen treatment
Box 498 Captain Midnight - series proposal
Box 498 Captain Midnight: Electronic Killer by Dane Slade - TV show episode
Box 498 Captain Midnight: The Electrified Man by Dane Slade - TV show episode
Box 498 Captain Midnight: The Lost Moon by DeVallen Scott - TV show episode
Box 498 Captain Midnight: Missing Element by Dane Slade - TV show episode
Box 498 Casino by Robert Harai - first draft
Box 498 The Cast of the Castle by Phil Riley [draft A] (2 folders)
Box 498 The Cast of the Castle by Phil Riley [draft B] - pp. 1-80 (2 folders)
Box 499 The Cast of the Castle by Phil Riley [draft B] (cont.) - pp. 81-101
Box 555 Castle of Evil - "combined continuity"
Box 499 Castle of Frankenstein by David Somerville
Box 499 Cat People by Allan Ormsby - final draft screenplay (2 folders)
Box 499 Cavemen by Carl Gottlieb - revised final draft shooting script (2 folders)
Box 499 Child From the Stars by Thad Swift, Budd Bankson, Charles Nuetzel [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 499 Child From the Stars by Thad Swift, Budd Bankson, Charles Nuetzel [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 499 The Choice by Thornton O'Reilly - screen treatment
Box 499 Choice Cuts by Robert Carrington and Jane-Howard Holderness - based on novel by Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac (2 folders)
Box 499 Chrysler Theatre: Time of Flight by Richard Matheson
Box 500 Circle of Fear: Ghost of Potter's Field [alt title: The doppelganger] by Bill S. Ballinger - final draft
Box 500 Circle of Fear: The Phantom of Herald Square by Seeleg Lester and Jimmy Sangster - final draft
Box 500 Circle of Fear: Night of the Toad [alt title: The thirteenth floor] by Anthony Lawrence - final draft
Box 500 Circle of Fear: Spare Parts by Jimmy Sangster and Seeleg Lester - revised draft
Box 500 City Beneath the Sea by John Meredyth Lucas - revised production final (2 folders)
Box 500 Cleveland Smith, Bounty Hunter by Josh Becker and Scott Spiegel
Box 500 The Climax by Frederick Hoffman and Clay Wagner (2 folders)
Box 500 Coma (2 folders)
Box 500 Computerworld by A. E. van Vogt [draft A] (2 folders)
Box 500 Computerworld by A. E. van Vogt [draft B] - pp.1-50; includes a few pieces of correspondence/notes about cast, title, etc.
Box 501 Computerworld by A. E. van Vogt [draft B] (cont.) - pp. 51-158 (2 folders)
Box 501 Conan! by J. O. Causey - screen treatment, includes some alternate pages; 2 copies
Box 501 Conjure Wife by Richard Matheson and Charles Beaumont [draft A] - based on novel by Fritz Leiber (2 folders)
Box 501 Conjure Wife by Richard Matheson and Charles Beaumont [draft B] - incomplete: pp. 1-90; "BURN WITCH BURN" is handwritten below the title on the title page
Box 501 The Cosmic Frame by Sam Merwin Jr. - screen treatment
Box 501 The Creature Walks Among Us - 2 versions of story outline, both incomplete, and a page of notes
Box 501 Creeping Terror - incomplete: pp. 15-40
Box 501 Creepshow by Stephen King - first draft (2 folders)
Box 501 Crime Classics [radio show]: James Evans, Fireman
Box 501 Cyborg 2087 by Arthur C. Pierce (2 folders)
Box 501 Cyborg XM-1 by Ib Melchior - synopsis
Box 501 Dactyl by Sam Rolfe - second draft
Box 501 Damnation Alley by Alan Sharo (2 folders)
Box 502 Dangerous Waters! By Ashby Standen - based on a novel by Claude Riffaud (2 folders)
Box 502 The Dark Power by Frank J. Adinolfi, Jr. (2 folders)
Box 502 Darkroom [tv show]: Exit Lane by Peter S. Fischer - based on short story by Richard Levinson and William Link
Box 502 Darkroom [tv show]: Lost in Translation by MaryAnne Kasica and Michael Scheff
Box 502 Darkroom [tv show]: Makeup by Jeffrey Bloom
Box 502 Darkroom [tv show]: The Partnership by Christopher Crowe
Box 502 Darkroom [tv show]: Uncle George by Peter S. Fischer
Box 502 The Daughter of Dracula by David Delvalle and Phil Riley - screen treatment
Box 502 The Day Before Tomorrow by Budd Bankson and Larry Jackson - film outline
Box 555 The Day the Earth Caught Fire - post-production script (2 folders)
Box 502 The Day of the Triffids by Philip Yordan - based on novel by John Wyndham (2 folders)
Box 555 Dead of Night - post-production shooting script (2 folders)
Box 502 Death Planet [tv show] by Ashby Standen - synopsis of pilot
Box 502 The Dead Zone by Jeffrey Boam - based on novel by Stephen King; first draft (2 folders)
Box 502 The Deadly Menace [alt title: Crocodile] by Frank Ray Perilli - second draft (2 folders)
Box 502 Death Sports by Stuart J. Byrne - thumbnail sketch
Box 502 Death Valley Project [tv show?]: Tomesha
Box 503 Deliver Us from Dracula by Janus Whitehead [copy 1] - first draft (2 folders)
Box 503 Deliver Us from Dracula by Janus Whitehead [copy 2] - first draft photocopy (2 folders)
Box 503 The Demolished Man by Brian De Palma - second draft (2 folders)
Box 503 Demon Dracula - PR package, plot synopsis, incomplete script pp. 1-49
Box 503 Demon Knight by Ethan Reiff, Cyrus Woris, and Mark Bishop - revised draft (2 folders)
Box 503 The Demon Prince: Genesis of the Vampire by Victor R. Wiscovitch (2 folders)
Box 503 Demon Seed [by Robert Jaffe and Roger Hirson] (2 folders)
Box 503 The Demon Within by Peter Michaels - shooting script (2 folders)
Box 504 The Devil Flower [alt title: Devila: The Plant That Destroyed New York] by Harl Vincent and A.E. van Vogt - 2 drafts
Box 504 The Devil's Brood by José [Joe] Mass - shot list
Box 504 The Diamond Monster by Ronald Kenner - incomplete screen treatment
Box 555 Die, Monster, Die! By Jerry Sohl - combined continuity
Box 504 Dimension X [radio show]: The Outer Limit - based on story by Graham Doar
Box 504 Doctor Death: Seeker of Souls by Sal Ponti - revised final draft
Box 504 Doctor Dolittle by Leslie Bricusse - first draft screenplay (3 folders)
Box 504 Doctor Doom: The Invisible Doctor by Ron Kenner and Gene Coughlin
Box 504 [Dr. Frankenstein and Dracula movie] - shot list
Box 504 Doctor Who by Johnny Byrne - based on original story by Peter Litten and George Dugdale; new revised draft (2 folders)
Box 555 A Doll with a Fever by Ton Van Reen and Peter Schunckstraat
Box 504 Dominance by Mark Patrick Carducci [draft A] (2 folders)
Box 504 Dominance by Mark Patrick Carducci [draft B] (2 folders)
Box 505 Don't Stalk in the Dark by Rocco Karega - reader's script (3 folders)
Box 505 Dr. No by Richard Maibaum - fifth draft (2 folders)
Box 505 Dracula Returns by Edward Ansara - screen treatment
Box 555 Dracula in Space by Nicholas Leahy - synopsis for feature film
Box 505 Dune by David Lynch - second draft (2 folders)
Box 505 Dunwich by Ronald Silkosky - based on story by H.P. Lovecraft; shot list, incomplete
Box 505 The Earth Watchers by G. Gordon Dewey and Simon Matrii - screen treatment
Box 505 Earthquake by George Fox - final screenplay (2 folders)
Box 505 Earthscape by S.W. and S.D. - screen treatment
Box 505 Edge of the World by George Clayton Johnson - first draft
Box 506 The Eleventh Hour of the Wolf by Constantine Z. Nasr (2 folders)
Box 506 Embryo by Anita Doohan and Jack Thomas - final draft (2 folders)
Box 506 Empire of the Ants by Bert I. Gordon and Jack Turley - final revised draft; shot list (2 folders)
Box 506 The Enemy by Lowell Cannon (2 folders)
Box 506 Escape [radio show]: The Invader
Box 506 Eye of the Beholder by Stephen Lord - incomplete
Box 506 Fallen Devil by R. DeWitt Miller
Box 506 Fantastica by Daniel Joseph Fiebiger - sequel to Disney's Fantasia; first draft (2 folders)
Box 506 Faust - shot list for 1926 MGM production
Box 506 The Fear Chamber [La camara del terror] by Jack Hill (2 folders)
Box 507 February's Choice by Ron Ford
Box 555 Fiend by Marc Behm (2 folders)
Box 507 Final Cut by John D. Brancato and Ted Newson (2 folders)
Box 507 The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. by Allan Scott and Dr. Seuss - revised final draft (2 folders)
Box 555 Flying Disc Man From Mars [tv show]: Episode 1 - cutting continuity (2 folders)
Box 507 The Food of the Gods by Bert I. Gordon - based on novel by H.G. Wells; shooting script (2 folders)
Box 507 For the Blood is the Life by Richard Villa - preliminary script
Box 507 Frankencar by Paul Bartel and Dick Blackburn - first draft
Box 507 Frankenstein by Garrett Ford and Francis Faragoth - appears to be transcription of 1931 production
Box 507 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 2, Killer Instinct by Allen B. Urly (2 folders)
Box 507 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 3, Besieged by Michael De Luca (3 folders)
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 3, Besieged by Michael De Luca (2 folders)
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 4, The Exhibitionist by Alan L. Katz and Gil Adler (2 folders)
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 5, Saturday Night Special by J. Nathan and Don Bohlinger
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 6, Beat the Reaper by Michael De Luca
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 7, Mother's Day by David Ehrman (5 folders)
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 8, Sister's Keeper by Jeff Freilich
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 9, Escape from Springwood by Christopher Trumbo (4 folders)
Box 508 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 10, The Bride Wore Red by Howard Lakin (2 folders)
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 10, The Bride Wore Red by Howard Lakin
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 11, Do Dreams Bleed? by Michael De Luca (2 folders)
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 12, Out to Launch by James Cappe (3 folders)
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 13, Deadline by Jill Donner (5 folders)
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 14, Black Tickets by Howard Lakin (3 folders)
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 15, School Daze by David Ehram
Box 509 Freddy's Nightmares [tv show]: Ep. 16, Cabin Fever by Rhet Topham
Box 510 Frosty by Mark Steven Johnson (2 folders)
Box 510 Futureworld by George Schenck (2 folders)
Box 510 Galactica: Saga of a Star World by Glen A. Larson - includes set list (3 folders)
Box 510 Gar by Richard Buonanno - includes letter from author to FJA
Box 510 The Gates of Hell by Monte Christiansen (2 folders)
Box 510 Genesis II by Gene Roddenberry - revised final draft
Box 510 The Ghoul Goes West by Ed Wood, Jr. (2 folders)
Box 510 Ghoulies III by Brent Olson and Jim Herzfeld - version 1.5; pp. 1-76
Box 511 Ghoulies III by Brent Olson and Jim Herzfeld - version 1.5; pp. 77-122
Box 511 The Golum by Michael Kriegsman - third draft (2 folders)
Box 511 The Good, The Bad, And The Radioactive by Sam F. Park [copy 1] - second draft (2 folders)
Box 511 The Good, The Bad, And The Radioactive by Sam F. Park [copy 2] - second draft (2 folders)
Box 511 The Gorgon by John Llewellyn Devine (2 folders)
Box 511 The Grandfather Clock by George Clayton Johnson - incomplete: pp. 1-24; later adapted for a Twilight Zone episode
Box 511 Grass Land by Leo Garen and Steve Katz - incomplete: pp. 1-24
Box 511 Grubstake [tv show] by Budd Bankson - proposal for anthology-style series
Box 511 The Gulf [alt title: The span] by Kurt Martell and Jerry Zinnamon
Box 511 Happy Golucky's Mystery Menace by Lee Bennett Sobel and Christopher Woods - first draft
Box 511 The H.A.R.M. Machine by Carla Bell - first draft (2 folders)
Box 512 Harvest Home: Part One by James and Jennifer Miller and Jack Guss - adaptation of novel by Thomas Tryon
Box 512 The Heads by Peter Beckman - based on 1959 German film Die Nackte und der Satan by Victor Trivas
Box 512 Heaven on Earth [tv show] by George Eckstein - script for pilot episode
Box 512 Her Morbid Desire by Edward L. Plumb - based on story by Brad Linaweaver; handwritten note on title page, "part of Dr. Acula's Boneyard Collection - Forry, see p. 17"
Box 512 Hex by Leo Garen, Stephen Katz, Vernon Zimmerman, Doran Cannon - incomplete: pp. 25-107 (2 folders)
Box 512 Hiawatha - "working copy" and a few scattered pages from a different version
Box 512 The Highwayman [tv show]: The Once and Future Dictator by Ron Ford
Box 512 The Hoaxers [tv show] - series proposal and pilot script
Box 512 Hobbies for the Very Rich [tv show] by Mary Demos and Bill Lopresto - pilot episode
Box 512 Horror Show by Leslie Bohem - blue revised draft (2 folders)
Box 556 Hound of the Baskervilles by Peter Bryan - release script (2 folders)
Box 512 House of the Devil
Box 512 The House that Dripped Blood by Robert Bloch - includes production guide, pp. 1-81
Box 513 The House that Dripped Blood by Robert Bloch (cont.) - pp. 82-115
Box 513 House of Shock - cutting continuity
Box 513 How to Make a Picture Move by Ron Ford (2 folders)
Box 513 Huntress by Anthony Palange Jr. - based on story by L. Jim Khennedy; proposal package including marketing, budget, production art, screen treatment, synopsis, etc.
Box 513 Impasse by Geff Leventhal
Box 513 The Incredible Shrinking Woman by Jane Wagner - first draft revision (2 folders)
Box 513 The Inhuman Racers by Ken Dixon - includes drawings of characters (2 folders)
Box 513 The Initiation by Robert Henty Joseph Murrow
Box 513 Interworlds by Lauren Fitzhugh and Bryan Ryman - revised second draft (2 folders)
Box 513 The Invaders [tv show]: 2 episode ideas by Harvey Haggard
Box 513 Invaders from Mars by Dan O'Bannon and Don Jakoby - second draft (2 folders)
Box 513 The Invisible Woman [alt title: The Curse of the Nile] (2 folders)
Box 514 [Iris and Russ] by Joe May [?] - mix of handwritten pages, typed pages; no apparent order (2 folders)
Box 514 The Island of Dr. Moreau by John Herman Shaner and Al Ramrus - based on novel by H.G. Wells (2 folders)
Box 514 it by Allen Chun (2 folders)
Box 514 Jaws 3-D, by Carl Gottlieb - final shooting script, with blocking notes and drawings (2 folders)
Box 514 Jessie's Game by Rick Strauss [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 514 Jessie's Game by Rick Strauss [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 514 Johan - incomplete: pp. 1-47
Box 514 Journey to the Center of the Earth by Walter Reish and Charles Brackett - final; pp. 1-71
Box 515 Journey to the Center of the Earth by Walter Reish and Charles Brackett - pp. 72-146
Box 515 Judge Dredd (2 folders)
Box 515 Jungle Captive by M. Coates Webster and Dwight V. Babcock (2 folders)
Box 556 Jungle Girl [tv show]: Episode 13 - cutting continuity
Box 556 Jungle Girl [tv show]: Episode 14 - cutting continuity
Box 556 Jungle Girl [tv show]: Episode 15 - cutting continuity
Box 515 Junkeroo by Bill Cox and Kris Neville - "a musical comedy"; screen treatment and sample scenes
Box 515 Just Imagine by Buddy G. DeSylva - cast list, script, dialog script (2 folders)
Box 515 K-9 Incorporated [tv show] by Gray Daniels - series proposal
Box 515 Kassark The Monster God [alt title: They] by Richard Martin - signed and inscribed on title page to FJA
Box 515 Ken Burton: Time-Traveler - 8-page fragment
Box 515 Killer Sorceress [alt title: Cry Sorceress] by Arthur C. Pierre and Eric Edson (2 folders)
Box 515 King Kong by Lorenzo Semple, Jr. [copy 1] (2 folders)
Box 516 King Kong by Lorenzo Semple, Jr. [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 516 Kingdom of the Dead by Curt Siodmak - second draft; title page only
Box 516 Knight Rider by Glen A. Larson and R.A. Cinader - ninth[?] draft (2 folders)
Box 516 The Laboratory of Horror by Susan Berman and Bill Brinton
Box 516 The Last Ark by Sam Warda - screen treatment
Box 516 Last Vacation by Joe May and Laozlo Vadnai - screen treatment; in English and German
Box 516 The LaVaynia Kindred's Hallowe'en Magica by Jery Vincent Stier - synopsis, set list, shot list, special effect list, script (2 folders)
Box 516 Legend of Darkness by William Hjortsberg (2 folders)
Box 516 Legends of Van Helsing [tv show] by Barry Gaines - series proposal
Box 516 Linda and the Lucky Lady - screen treatment
Box 516 Little Shop of Horrors - revised draft (2 folders)
Box 516 Live and Let Die by Tom Mankiewicz - shooting script (2 folders)
Box 517 Lives of Grey by Anthony Flessas [copy 1] - includes letter from Flessas to "Dearest Joe" (2 folders)
Box 517 Lives of Grey by Anthony Flessas [copy 2] (2 folders)
Box 517 Logan's Run [tv show]: Crypt by Al Hayes - final draft
Box 517 Logan's Run [tv show]: Man out of Time by David Gerrold - final draft
Box 517 Logan's Run [tv show]: Stargate by Dennis O'Neil - final draft
Box 517 London After Midnight by Jeffrey Hershow - screen treatment
Box 517 The Lone Hand by Henry Randolph
Box 517 The Long Awaited Return of Kolonel Komet by Mark Thomas McGee and R.J. Robertson - first draft (2 folders)
Box 517 The Lord of the Rings: Part One by Chris Conkling and Peter S. Beagle
Box 517 Lost in Darkness by Alan Fine and Brant van Hoffmann - screen treatment
Box 517 Die Lotosesser [The Lotus Eater] - German adaptation of story by Stanley Weinbaum
Box 517 The Lottery by Brainerd Duffield - based on story by Shirley Jackson
Box 517 Love at First Bite by Robert Kaufman - final shooting script; pp. 1-75
Box 518 Love at First Bite by Robert Kaufman (cont.) - final shooting script; pp. 76-107
Box 518 Make-up by Jeff G. Rack and James A Kasmir - third draft (2 folders)
Box 518 Malsum's Curse by Gerald John O'Hara (2 folders)
Box 518 Man-Lizard: Stone Age Avenger by Donald F. Glut
Box 518 Man of Many Minds [tv series] - series proposal with description of first 13 episodes
Box 518 Man out of Time by Peter Michaels - screen treatment
Box 518 Mark Twain's War of the Worlds by John R. Ellis and Gary D. Douglass - proposal for two-part television series
Box 518 [Mark of the Vampire by Guy Endore] - incomplete: pp. 7-106
Box 518 Mars Attacks! by Jonathan Gems - fifth revised draft (2 folders)
Box 518 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Steph Lady and James V. Hart - first draft (2 folders)
Box 518 The Mask of the Demon by Arthur Rowe - first revised draft (2 folders)
Box 519 The Mask of Fu Manchu - script, dialogue cutting continuity, and article (2 folders)
Box 519 The Maze by Dan Ullman (2 folders)
Box 519 Meteor! by Steven Bach (2 folders)
Box 519 Meteor! by Edmund H. North and Steven Back - revised draft
Box 519 The Mission Story: Sign of the Double Comet by Martin Varno
Box 519 Mojave Frankenstein - final draft; signed and inscribed to FJA on title page (2 folders)
Box 519 Molly Andrews: The Brain by Cleve Cartmill
Box 519 Moment of Decision by Del Connell - screen treatment
Box 519 The Monroes [tv show]: Ghosts of Paradox
Box 519 Monster Murders! By Mark Saltzman - version 2.1
Box 520 Monsters by Thomas J. Genelli and Sydney Dutton
Box 520 Monument by Lloyd Biggle, Jr. and John Flory (2 folders)
Box 520 More Than Human by Alexander and Judith Singer - based on novel by Thedore Sturgeon (2 folders)
Box 520 Morpheus by John Eppolito [copy 1]
Box 520 Morpheus by John Eppolito [copy 2]
Box 520 Mr. and Mrs. Dracula [tv show]: The Crossing by Robert Klane - pilot episode; final draft
Box 520 The Mummy by Gene R. Kearney - includes cast and set list (2 folders)
Box 520 The Mummy's Tomb by Michael Brunas - tapescript
Box 520 The Mysterious Wall by Joe May - screen treatment, along with 5-page "expose" on how to increase the box office value of a production
Box 520 Night Gallery [tv show]: Night of the Gypsies by William Russell Bittner, Jr.
Box 520 Night Gallery [tv show]: The Mystification of Death by Michael L. Nash
Box 520 The Night Hand of Adam Stone by Pat de Graw - synopsis and partial script, 2 copies
Box 520 Night of the Living Dead: Part Two The Return of the Living Dead by Gene Walsh - screen treatment
Box 520 Nightcrew by Scott Spiegel
Box 520 Nightmare House by Mark McGee Thomas - pp. 1-66
Box 521 Nightmare House by Mark McGee Thomas (cont.) - pp. 7-98
Box 521 1999 by Leslie Stevens - based on "Things to come" by Dominic Frontiere (2 folders)
Box 521 The Nobodies Club by Joe May (2 folders)
Box 521 North of Hell by Carlo Allen, Ted Elrick, and Tom Lavagnino
Box 556 Oliver Keith by Joe May - script and miscellaneous notes (4 folders)
Box 521 Orion Entity by John Scott Campbell (4 folders)
Box 521 The Outer Limits [tv show]: The Brain of Colonel Barham by Robert C. Dennis - final shooting script
Box 521 The Outer Limits [tv show]: Cry of Silence by Robert C. Dennis - final shooting script
Box 521 The Outer Limits [tv show]: The Eyes of the Beholder by Rik Vollaerts - step outline
Box 521 The Outer Limits [tv show]: Nightmare [working title: Ebon struck first] by Joseph Stefano - revision pages
Box 521 Passing for Human by Jody Scott - screen treatment
Box 521 Peer Gynt by George Pal - based on play by Henrik Ibsen
Box 522 Peer Gynt by George Pal (cont.) - based on play by Henrik Ibsen
Box 522 Penitence by Lowell Cannon (2 folders)
Box 522 The People That Time Forgot by Patrick Tilley - based on novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs and earlier script by Kevin Connor and Maurice Carter
Box 522 A Persian Tale by Blake Maxam - screen treatment; cast list (which includes Bjo Trimble) and notes suggest this was an amateur fan production
Box 522 The Phantom of Riverside by Jeff Edwards - based on idea by Steven Prange; screen treatment
Box 522 The Planets are Calling by Jack Williamson - screen treatment
Box 522 The Plastic City by Gilbert Fyre and Robert C. Bruce (2 folders)
Box 522 Poltergeist - continuity, covering reel one part A through reel six Part B (3 folders)
Box 522 Pretense by Albert Hernhunter - "a fantasy for tape in one act"
Box 522 A Princess of Mars by Terri Rossio and Ted Elliot - based on novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs; third revised draft (2 folders)
Box 522 Project Integrens by Jack Burville [John B. Biggs]
Box 523 Project U.F.O. [tv show]: Sighting 4014, The Academy Incidents by Robert Blees - final shooting script
Box 523 The Projected Man by Frank Quattrocchi (2 folders)
Box 523 Quark [tv show]: pilot by Buck Henry - revised final draft; incomplete: pp. 1-15
Box 523 Quest for Fire - second draft
Box 523 Questor by Gene Roddenberry and Gene Coon (2 folders)
Box 556 Rasputin, The Mad Monk by John Elder (Anthony Hinds) - release script
Box 523 The Raven by Richard Matheson - photocopy of "Karloff's copy!" signed by Matheson, Vincent Price, others (2 folders)
Box 523 Raven Tales by Sam F. Park - first draft
Box 523 The Reasonably Scary First Adventure of Thigpen and Drndl by Jonathan Berlin - draft (2 folders)
Box 523 Red Dawn by Kevin Reynolds - shooting script (2 folders)
Box 523 Red Snow by Joe May - screen treatment; incomplete: pp. 7-71
Box 524 Reflection of Horror by Nance Crawford-Olson and Daniel L. Symmes (2 folders)
Box 524 Reflection of Horror by Nance Crawford-Olson and Daniel L. Symmes - storyboard for drive-in sequence on script pp. 74-76
Box 524 Remake by John Settle and Anita Rodgers (2 folders)
Box 524 Repeat Performance by F. Sheffield and M. Spencer - one-page summary of script "especially written for Bela Lugosi"
Box 524 Return from River Styx [alt title: The living dead] by Rudy Makoul and Alexander Schaeffer (2 folders)
Box 524 Return of Blackenstein [by Frank R. Saletri?]
Box 524 Return of the Body Snatchers (Sleep No More) by Wayne Luellen and Richard Dean Hill - signed and inscribed on title page to FJA
Box 524 Return of Maxwell Smart by Arne Sultan and Bill Dana (2 folders)
Box 524 Revenge of the Spider by Daniel Collins and Joel Freeman - based on characters created by Harry Steeger; screen treatment
Box 606 The Ring by [unattributed] - screen treatment for story based on characters from The Ring of the Nibelung
Box 524 Rip Van Winkle in the 21st Century by Marion Hargrove - based on story by Washington Irving (2 folders)
Box 525 Root of All Evil by William D. Smith
Box 525 Scalps by Fred Olen Ray, T. Lee Lankford, and John Ray
Box 525 Scheherazade by Dale Wasserman - first draft (2 folders)
Box 525 The Science Fiction and Fantasy Memorabilia Show by Sean Waldron - note to FJA on title page
Box 525 Scream, Bloody Murder by Neil Thomas Yarema, Gary Bell, and Susan and Peter Deyell (2 folders)
Box 525 Screaming Room Only by Noram J. Bryn - second draft
Box 525 Secret Fires by William Wayne Wallace [Bill James?] - first draft of synopsis
Box 525 Shack: The Arrangements of Dr. Death by Stephen J. Cannell - March 1977 draft (2 folders)
Box 525 Shadow Over Innsmouth by Stuart J. Byrne - based on story by H.P. Lovecraft; shot list
Box 525 [Sharkman]
Box 525 The Ship of Ishtar by Robert Hertl - adaptation of novel by A. Merritt (2 folders)
Box 525 Shoot Out by Larry E. Jackson, Charles Buchinsky, Steve Masino
Box 525 Sickos by Mark H. Conklin and Esther Traver (2 folders)
Box 526 Sinkhole! By Rita Dyan - outline, sample dialogue, research materials
Box 526 Sins of the Father by C. M. Harnick
Box 526 Slan by Jol August - based on novel by A.E. van Vogt; 2 copies
Box 526 Slan by Dean Ferrandini and Stephen Tolkin - based on novel by A.E. van Vogt; revised first draft (2 folders)
Box 526 Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson [draft A] - has earlier title "Bid Time Return (2 folders)
Box 526 Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson [draft B] - title page has "Bid Time Return," handwritten above it is "Somewhere in time" (2 folders)
Box 526 Somewhere in Time by Richard Matheson [draft C] - revised final draft (2 folders)
Box 526 Space Intruder by Gerry Cowan (2 folders)
Box 527 Space [tv series]: Moonquake! By Kris Neville - screen treatment for series
Box 527 The Spectre of Edgar Allan Poe by Denton Foxx - first draft (2 folders)
Box 527 Spider-Man Strikes - shooting script; signed and inscribed to FJA from "Spidey"
Box 527 The Spider People by William Reed Woodfield
Box 527 Star Trek - movie outlne
Box 527 Star Trek [tv show]: The Haunting of the Enterprise by J. Michael Tanenbaum
Box 527 Star Trek [tv show]: Millions of Deaths and Miles of Ruin by Alan R. Thayer and Colin Cameron - screen treatment; includes letter from Thayer to FJA
Box 527 Star Trek [tv show]: A Problem in Navagation by Ruth Berman - outline
Box 527 Star Trek [tv show]: Tiger in a Cage by Dorothy Jones - screen treatment
Box 527 Star Trek [tv show]: Timeless Bomb by Hal Clement - outline and notes
Box 527 Stephen King's Graveyard Shift - new version/fourth draft (2 folders)
Box 527 A Study in Identity by Bill Warren - screen treatment; 2 copies
Box 527 Tarzan [tv show]: Tarzan and the Lost River by Stuart J. Byrne - screen treatment for pilot
Box 527 Teenage Monster Rumble by Donald F. Glut
Box 527 Teenage Scarface by Tony Magro - screen treatment and 1 page of notes
Box 527 The Telephone by Michael A. de Gaetano - title page has note from de Gaetano to Joe Mass
Box 527 Terror Times Two by Kent Edens by Thomas Townsend - final draft
Box 527 [Texas oil] - screen treatment, incomplete: pp. 2-15
Box 527 That by A.E. van Vogt and Howard Paulson - based on The Replicators by van Vogt
Box 606 That Little Monster by Paul Bunnell - final revised draft, annotated by the author for FJA who had a bit part
See also Recordings and media : Movies : That little monster.
Box 528 The Theory of Delegation [tv show] by Bob Ward - includes letter from author to FJA
Box 528 There Ain't No Justice by David Tomack
Box 528 They Bow No More by Paul Reimer - screen treatment
Box 528 They Came from Below by Roger Elwood - author's notes only
Box 528 They Live by Frank Armitage - first draft (2 folders)
Box 528 The Thing from Outer Space by C.S. Lamb - includes letter from author to FJA
Box 528 Through the Eye of a Needle by Joe Mass - outline
Box 528 Time Ark by William Rotsler and Dwayne Avery - outline (2 folders)
Box 528 Time Shot by Linda Yandell and Robert Slavin
Box 528 Time-Capsule [radio show]: Ship Shape Home by Richard Matheson - parts of several different drafts
Box 528 Transformations by Thomas B. Lange - revised shooting script
Box 528 True Stories of the Y.W.C.A. [radio show] by Margaret H. Lewis and Noni C. Bailey - 12 episodes and proposal letter
Box 528 The Turn of the Screw by William F. Nolan - first draft; title page and 2-page fragment, with numerous handwritten author notes on title page
Box 528 12 to the Moon by DeWitt Bodeen - final shooting script (2 folders)
Box 528 2010 - "2nd Rev." (2 folders)
Box 529 The Ultra Man - based on story by A.E. van Vogt; outline, incomplete: pp. 1-2
Box 529 Unknown Origin by Tim Wright and Toni Covington - first draft
Box 529 V [tv show]: Ep. 1, Liberation Day by Paul Monash - final draft
Box 529 V [tv show]: Ep. 5, The Sanction by Brian Taggert - first draft
Box 529 V [tv show]: Ep. 7, Visitor's Choice by David Braff - first draft
Box 556 Valley of the Zombies by Dorroll and Stuart E. McGowen - shooting script
Box 529 The Vampire Hunters Club by Edward L. Plumb, Daniel Roebuck, Kathe Duba, Buddy Barnett, Whitney Bain - "Forry's copy"; handwritten note on title page regarding scenes with FJA
Box 529 The Vampire Killers by Gerard Brach and Roman Polanski - music cue sheet, cutting continuity
Box 556 Vampire Ltd. By Josef Nesuadba - detailed screen treatment
Box 556 The Vampire's Ghost by John K. Butler and Leigh Brackett - shooting script
Box 529 [Van Dorn family drama] - incomplete screen treatment; note on title page, "Mr. May's copy"
Box 529 Via Fast Freight - one-page outline only
Box 529 Wake the Dead by Madeline Chase [draft A] - "second draft", incomplete
Box 529 Wake the Dead by Madeline Chase [draft B]
Box 529 Wake the Dead by Madeline Chase - analysis and critique by Stuart J Byrne
Box 529 Walk like a Monster by Michael James Sarley and Michael Sarley
Box 529 The War at the End of Time by William Rotsler and Frank Coe - screen treatment; includes lengthy list of alternate titles
Box 529 [Washington DC political thriller] - incomplete
Box 529 The Weapon Shop by Mandel Geoffrey - based on story by A.E. van Vogt; "Draft 3.0 Thesis Film"
Box 530 Weekend for the Dead [alt title: Fin de semana para los muertos] by Alessandro Continenza and Marcello Coscia (2 folders)
Box 530 [William Carpenter / world domination film]
Box 530 Wizard #1 [alt title: Balaoo] by Harry O. Hoyt - based on novel by Harry Hoyt
Box 530 Woman from Hell by Larry Maddock and Corrie Howard - screen treatment
Box 530 World Gone Wild by Jorge Zamacona - final draft (2 folders)
Box 530 The Young and Wise by John Scott Campbell (3 folders)
Box 530 Unknown fragments (3 folders)
Box 531 Unknown fragments
Box 531 Ackerman, Karen
Box 531 Adams, Vicke L
Box 531 Adler, Margaret Elizabeth
Box 531 Aicklen, Bill
Box 531 Aiken, John K.
Box 531 Alexander, Robert W.
Box 531 Allegretto, Mike
Box 531 Anderson, Lester
Box 531 Andre, Henry
Box 531 Antosiewicz, John
Box 531 Aquino, Michael A.
Box 531 Ashley, Al
Box 531 Asimov, Isaac
Box 531 Athanas, W. V.
Box 531 Atienza, Juan G.
Box 531 Audin, Lindsay
Box 531 Babcock, Alberta
Box 531 Bade, William L.
Box 531 Baldwin, Lee
Box 531 Banister, Manly
Box 531 Bankson, Budd and Larry Jackson
Box 531 Bankson, Russel A.
Box 531 Bargeron, Richard Jr.
Box 531 Barlow, R. H.
Box 531 Barrett, Tommy
Box 531 Bates, Harry
Box 531 Beaird, Dick
Box 531 Beaumont, Charles
Box 531 Beaumont, Charles and William F. Nolan
Box 531 Beckers, Walter
Box 531 Bennett, John
Box 532 Bennett, Terry
Box 532 Bennett, Vern
Box 532 Bergman, Fred
Box 532 Berman, Shari J. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 532 Berrien, Roger
Box 532 Bertness, Paul
Box 532 Bischoff, Dave
Box 532 Blake, Alex
Box 532 Bliss, Crystal Nicole
Box 532 Bloch, Robert
Box 532 Boggs, Redd
Box 532 Bond, Nelson
Box 532 Bonnell, Kenneth H.
Box 532 Bounds, Sydney J.
Box 532 Boyd, Waldo T.
Box 532 Bradbury, Ray
Box 532 Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Box 532 Bregen, Olga
Box 532 Brera, Paolo
Box 532 Brera, Paolo and Luigi Cozzi
Box 532 Bretnor, Reg
Box 532 Brisson, Richard Paul
Box 532 Bristow, Frank
Box 532 Brouillette, Marc
Box 532 Brudy, John
Box 532 Buerstatte, Gary E.
Box 532 Burbee, C Edward
Box 532 Burk, Carl F.
Box 532 Burtt, John D.
Box 532 Bury, Frank
Box 532 Byrne, S.J.
Box 532 Caisse, George
Box 532 Calhoun, Jeff
Box 532 Campbell, H.J.
Box 532 Caprera, J. G.
Box 532 Carducci, Mark Patrick
Box 532 Carlson, Clay
Box 532 Carroll, B. J. (2 folders)
Box 533 Carroll, B. J. (cont.) (2 folders)
Box 533 Carroll, Jim
Box 533 Cartmill, Cleve
Box 533 Casewit, Curtis W.
Box 533 Castle, Bonnie
Box 533 Causey, James
Box 533 Chapdelaine, Perry A. (3 folders)
Box 533 Chapman, Lyle
Box 533 Charles, Alexis
Box 533 Cheveaux, Daniel
Box 533 Chibbett, H. S.W.
Box 533 Christian, M. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 533 Claudius, Pete
Box 533 Clinton Jr., Ed M.
Box 533 Coblentz, Stanton A. (3 folders)
Box 534 Coblentz, Stanton A. (8 folders)
Box 534 Coblentz, Stanton A. - anthology, One Minute Past Noon (6 folders)
Box 535 Coblentz, Stanton A. - untitled anthology
Box 535 Cobun, Bill
Box 535 Cole, Daniel F.
Box 535 Collins, Shad
Box 535 Collins, Wilkie
Box 535 Conley, Michael
Box 535 Cory, Richard
Box 535 Coughlin, Gene
Box 535 Courtney, Barry P.
Box 535 Cowan, Thomas
Box 535 Cox, Arthus Jean
Box 535 Cox, Terry
Box 535 Cox, William D.
Box 535 Cozzi, Luigi
Box 535 Cozzi, Luigi and Ugo Malaguti
Box 535 Crawford, F. Marion
Box 535 Crockett, Art
Box 536 Crohmalniceanu, Ovid S.
Box 536 Cross, Gene
Box 536 Croutch, Leslie A.
Box 536 Crozetti, L. R.
Box 536 Cruz, Alfredo
Box 536 Cummings, M. A.
Box 536 Cummings, Ray
Box 536 Cumnock, Bob
Box 536 Curtis, A. A.
Box 536 Curtis, Keith
Box 536 Da Costa, Lima
Box 536 Dancey, Max and G. Gordan Dewey
Box 536 Darázs, Bérci
Box 536 Dard, Roger
Box 536 D'Asaro, Priscilla
Box 536 Davidson, Gene A.
Box 536 Davis, Jay
Box 536 Decker, Dwight R.
Box 536 Decker, Robert F.
Box 536 De Graw, Pat
Box 536 Dellinger, Paul
Box 536 de Melikoff, Jodi
Box 536 deMille, Richard
Box 536 Denton, Erin Cashier
Box 536 DeVoe, Robert C.
Box 536 Dewey, G. Gordon
Box 536 Diffin, Charles Willard
Box 536 "Dolly" (pseudonym)
Box 536 Dorian, Dorel
Box 536 Dorr, James S. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 536 Dufradé, Paolocarlo
Box 536 Dunn, Robert Charles Thomas
Box 536 E., A. S.
Box 536 Edelman, Joseph
Box 536 Edwards, G. John
Box 536 Eggers, Toby K.
Box 536 Eichelman, Fred R.
Box 536 Ekstedt, R.A.
Box 536 Elder, R. J.
Box 536 Ellenson, Linda
Box 536 Ellis, Sophie Wenzel
Box 537 Ellis, Sophie Wenzel (cont.)
Box 537 Ellson, Hal - stamped "Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine"
Box 537 Elmquist, Frank
Box 537 Eplett, David K.
Box 537 Ernsting, Walter - as Clark Darlton; in German
Box 537 Estes, Oscar G. (O.G.)
Box 537 Evans, E. Everett - includes incomplete anthology, "The undead die and other weird tales' (2 folders)
Box 537 Fellows, Lee
Box 537 Fenn, Jaine
Box 537 Ferry, Frank
Box 537 Fink, Teri A.
Box 537 Fitchett, Lee
Box 537 Flagg, Francis (2 folders)
Box 537 Flandré, Nik
Box 537 Forbes, Brian L.
Box 537 Frank, Allen
Box 537 Fraser, D. R.
Box 537 Fravcavilla, Joe
Box 537 Frederick, J. H.
Box 537 Freskaugh, Jack
Box 537 Frisco, Harry
Box 537 Frost, Jack Willis
Box 537 Frye, Gilbert
Box 537 Fuller, Steve M.
Box 537 Gable, J. Harris
Box 537 Gafford, Sam
Box 537 Gardner, D.S.
Box 537 Garland, Pat Jr.
Box 537 Garrison, Joan
Box 537 Geis, Richard E.
Box 538 Germeshausen, Alvin (editor) - anthology, Detectives of Darkness; multiple authors (2 folders)
Box 538 Ginovsky, John S.
Box 538 Glass, Kit
Box 538 Glut, Donald F. (3 folders)
Box 538 Glut, Donald F. - introduction to Thrilling Frankenstein Stories
Box 538 Glut, Donald F. - untitled anthology of stories
Box 538 Gold, E. J.
Box 538 Gold, H.L. (Horace) and Robert W. Krepps
Box 538 Goodman, Ken - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 538 Grant, Donald L.
Box 538 Greco, Ralph Jr.
Box 538 Greenswood, Brom
Box 538 Griffin, Bruce
Box 538 Grinnell, David
Box 538 Gurney, Lawrence S.
Box 538 Haggard, J. Harvey
Box 538 Hall, Austin
Box 538 Hall, Ronald
Box 538 Hallan, Atlantis
Box 539 Hammack, Robert
Box 539 Hammell, Tim
Box 539 Harmon, Jim
Box 539 Harmon, Jim and Bob Farnham
Box 539 Harner, Robert III
Box 539 Harness, Charles L.
Box 539 Harris, Herbert
Box 539 Hart, E. Dale
Box 539 Harte, James L.
Box 539 Hartman, Norman E.
Box 539 Hartt, Reginald W.
Box 539 Hasse, Henry
Box 539 Hayworth, Adrienne L.
Box 539 Healey, Wilfred
Box 539 Hennessey, Kevin
Box 539 Hernhuter, Albert L.
Box 539 Hernhuter, Emma Mollie
Box 539 Hickey, H.B.
Box 539 Higginbotham, Gregory A.
Box 539 Highe, Jefferson
Box 539 Hildreth, Dennis
Box 539 Hill, Napoleon
Box 539 Hillman, A. F.
Box 539 Hine, L. L.
Box 539 Hoffman, Eric L.
Box 539 Hopkins, George (2 folders)
Box 539 Hubbard, L. Ron
Box 539 Hubbard, R. A. Jr.
Box 539 Huff, E. T.
Box 539 Hugi, Maurice G.
Box 540 Hunter, Gene
Box 540 Hunting, Gardner
Box 540 Hyde, Gavin
Box 540 Inforzato, Jerry
Box 540 Inouye, Jon (2 folders)
Box 540 Ives, Morgan
Box 540 Jacobs, Sylvia
Box 540 Jacobson, Jerry
Box 540 Jarvis, Roland
Box 540 Jay, Lewis D.
Box 540 Jeffrey, William
Box 540 Jenkins, Daniel Michael
Box 540 Joachimson, Felix and Joe May
Box 540 Johnson, George Clayton (4 folders)
Box 540 Jones, George H.
Box 540 Jones, Raymond
Box 540 Joy, Greg
Box 540 Joyce, Kenneth
Box 540 Judson, Jay
Box 540 Kalinowski, Kaz
Box 556 Karinthy, Frigyes
Box 541 Keck, A. L.
Box 556 Keller, David H.
Box 541 Kelley, Leo P.
Box 541 Kenner, James E.
Box 541 Kenner, Ron
Box 541 Kerestan, Stuart Paul
Box 541 Kerrigan, Ronald
Box 541 Kim, Robert Jr.
Box 541 King, Frank
Box 541 Kirk, E. R.
Box 541 Klass, Judy
Box 556 Knappe, John A. [?]
Box 541 Knokey, Jeff (2 folders)
Box 541 Kobett, Ernest F.
Box 541 Koblick, June
Box 541 Koontz, Dean
Box 541 Kroll, Morton
Box 541 Kuczka, Peter
Box 541 Kuhn, Fred G., Jr.
Box 541 Kummings, Katarin Markov
Box 541 Landen, Robert
Box 541 Landis, Geoffrey A. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 541 Lane, Madelaine
Box 541 Lansdale, Joe R.
Box 541 Lauler, Michael
Box 541 Leache, Joy
Box 541 Leberts, Josef
Box 541 Lee, Huk S.
Box 541 Leiber, Fritz
Box 541 Leming, R. L.
Box 541 Lesser, Derwin
Box 541 Levine, H. L.
Box 541 Levine, Marty
Box 541 Lewis, Arthur B.
Box 541 Lewis, Jack
Box 541 Liebscher, Walt
Box 542 Linaweaver, Brad
Box 542 Little, Kenny and John
Box 557 Lloyd, William
Box 542 Lombardo, Stan Jr.
Box 542 Long, Amelia Reynolds
Box 542 Loomis, Battell
Box 542 Lorenz, Will
Box 542 Lovecraft, H.P. - photocopy
Box 542 Lovelace, Hunter
Box 542 Lowenkopf, Shelly
Box 542 Lowndes, Robert W. - includes incomplete "Horror Tales" anthology
Box 542 Luban, Milton
Box 542 Ludwig, Edward W.
Box 542 Macklin, F.
Box 542 Mac Lane, Elaine
Box 542 Maclean, Katherine and Michael Porjes
Box 542 Magill, Rory
Box 542 Mainelli, Linda H. Jackson
Box 542 Malsbary, George
Box 542 Manchel, David
Box 542 Mandill, Frances
Box 542 Marks, Twane
Box 542 Mask, Ace
Box 542 Mason, John Hollis
Box 542 Mattingly, Robert
Box 542 Matthies, Ronald
Box 542 May, Joe
Box 542 Mayes, Jerry
Box 542 Mayes, Jerry and Wilson Leigh
Box 542 McCannon, ---
Box 542 McConchie, Lyn
Box 542 McDonald, Geraldine
Box 542 McDonell, Gordon
Box 542 McGaughey, Mike
Box 542 McGee, Mark
Box 542 McHardy, Vincent
Box 542 McKean, Anne
Box 542 Melchior, Ib
Box 542 Melnichok, James
Box 542 Meltzer, David
Box 542 Merritt, A.
Box 542 Merritt, Aime
Merritt, T.E.O.
See Pinckard, Terry.
Box 543 Merwin, Sam Jr.
Box 543 Michael, Red
Box 543 Milita, Jim
Box 543 Miller, Barry P.
Box 543 Miller, Leon
Box 543 Miller, P. Schuyler
Box 543 Milns, George
Box 543 Mitchell, Albert Page
Box 543 Mitchell, Lisa
Box 543 Mitchell, Steven G.
Box 543 Moisescu, Mihnea
Box 543 Mommers, H.W. and Ernst Vlcek
Box 543 Monod, Jean-Louis M.
Box 543 Moore, Stan
Box 543 Mullen, Stanley
Box 543 Murray, John
Box 543 Neeley, Jerry
Box 543 Nemeth, Jim
Box 543 Neruda, Jan
Box 543 Nesvadba, Josef
Box 543 Neugebauer, T. W.
Box 543 Neville, Kris
Box 543 Nicoll, Gregory
Box 543 Nolan, William F. (Bill)
Box 543 Nolcini, Edmond
Box 543 Novotny, Norbert F.
Box 543 Nuetzel, Charles
Box 543 Ocinski, Vladimir
Box 543 Offutt, Andrew J.
Box 543 Oliver, J. T.
Box 543 Olsen, Bob
Box 544 Olsen, Bob (2 folders)
Box 544 O'Neill, Beverly B. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 544 O'Neill, K. A.
Box 544 Ordung, Wyott
Box 544 Otteson, Tam
Box 544 Page, Gerald
Box 544 Page, Tom
Box 544 Paige, Evelyn
Box 544 Painter, Deborah
Box 544 Paley, Alan L.
Box 544 Panorides, Adamandios
Box 544 Parchman, Gen
Box 544 Payne, William T.
Box 544 Pearson, Martin and Cecil Corwin
Box 544 Pereslete, David Lawrence
Box 544 Petaja, Emil
Box 544 Pick, Gerard
Box 544 Pinckard, Terri (3 folders)
Box 544 Poole, Eileen
Box 544 Porges, Arthur and Francis Raymond
Box 544 Porjes, Michael A.
Box 544 Pragnell, Festus
Box 544 Pratt, Dennis H.
Box 545 Princeton, Earle
Box 545 Proctor, George W.
Box 545 Proegler, Walter H.
Box 545 Pugsley, William
Box 545 Quattrocchi, Frank
Box 545 Rand, William
Box 545 Rao, B. Sridhar
Box 545 Redmond, Jeffrey
Box 545 Reeds, F. Anton
Box 545 Reynolds, Allen
Box 545 Reynolds, L. Major (2 folders)
Box 545 Rhodes, R.M.
Box 557 Richards, Ron
Box 545 Riker, Anthony
Box 545 Roark, Thomas
Box 545 Robbins, Paul J.
Box 545 Roberson, Stanley
Box 557 Robertson, R. J.
Box 545 Rocklynne, Ross
Box 545 Roeder, Larry W.
Box 545 Rogers, Alva
Box 545 Rogers, Brian H. and Bergen C. Davidson
Box 545 Rogoz, Georgina Viorica
Box 545 Roidt, Dennis
Box 545 Roos, Rose
Box 545 Rose, Christine
Box 545 Rosenbauer, Roland
Box 545 Rosenberg, Conrad
Box 545 Rosenman, John B.
Box 545 Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen
Box 545 Rowe, Richard O.
Box 545 Rubin, Harry
Box 545 Rudhyar, Dane (2 folders)
Box 545 Russell, Ray
Box 546 Saha, Heidi E.
Box 546 Saha, Taimi
Box 546 Salotte, Mark
Box 546 Sarver, H.L., Jr.
Box 546 Sasarman, Gheorghe
Box 546 Satterlee, Dan
Box 546 Schimel, Lawrence
Box 546 Schmitz, John
Box 546 Schoof, J. J.
Box 546 Schow, David J.
Box 546 Schreck, Nikolas - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 546 Scognamillo, Giovanni
Box 546 Scoles, Michael A.
Box 546 Serxner, Stan
Box 546 Shannon, Lorelei
Box 546 Sharp, Arlo C.
Box 546 Shaver, R. - as "Earth-Mother"
Box 546 Shaw, Bob
Box 546 Shaw, Melissa Lee - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 546 Shea, Michael
Box 546 Sies, Mark
Box 546 Simons, Alan
Box 546 Singer, Ben and William Garwood
Box 546 Sinor, Bradley H. - submitted for Lesbianthology
Box 546 Skidmore, Joe W.
Box 546 Skolmowski, Robert L.
Box 546 Smith, Pauline C.
Box 546 Smith, S. C.
Box 546 Souto, Marcial
Box 546 Spencer, Lawton
Box 546 Spillman, Pat
Box 546 Spingarn, Lawrence P.
Box 546 Springer, Sherwood
Box 546 Spurlock, Duane
Box 546 Standen, Ashby
Box 546 Starke, Henderson
Box 546 Starr, Bill
Box 546 Starzl, R.F.
Box 546 Steele, Allen Jr.
Box 546 Sterling, Richard
Box 546 Sternbach, Richard A.
Box 546 Stidworthy, David
Box 546 Stine, Hank - as Sibly White
Box 546 [Stone, Leslie F.?]
Box 546 Strauss, Rick
Box 547 Strauss, Rick (cont.) (2 folders)
Box 547 Strickland, Brad
Box 547 Stroup, William H.
Box 547 Sturgeon, Theodore (2 folders)
Box 547 Sturgis, Melvin
Box 547 Suradis, Russell
Box 547 Swain, Joye R.
Box 547 Swift, Thad - some with Norman Rice
Box 547 Taurasi, James V.
Box 547 Taylor, William Homer
Box 547 Terzian, Richard
Box 547 Thorsen, [?]
Box 547 Thurman, Wayne
Box 547 Tigrina [Eyde, Edith; Ben, Lisa]
Box 547 Tindall, Florence
Box 547 Tomack, David
Box 547 Toro, A. M. A.
Box 547 Travis, David L.
Box 547 Tremblay, Stephen
Box 547 Truman, Wanda
Box 547 Tubb, E.C.
Box 547 Turner, Jack
Box 547 Urban, Helen (2 folders)
Box 548 Urban, Helen (7 folders)
Box 548 Urban, Helen - anthology, "Magics and Fancies" (3 folders)
Box 548 Utley, Steven D. - some with Howard Waldrop
Box 548 VanDenn, Marrin
Box 548 van Helsing, Peter Jr.
Box 549 van Vogt, A. E. (2 folders)
Box 549 Varno, Martin
Box 549 Velakius, O.M.
Box 549 Venable, Lyn
Box 549 Vertlieb, Stephen
Box 549 Vincent, Harl (2 folders)
Box 549 Vorkonezh, L.
Box 549 Vuerhard, Martin
Box 549 Wagner, Karl and John Mayor
Box 549 Waite, Ronald N.
Box 549 Walker, Cedric
Box 549 Wallis, Cathy
Box 549 Wallis, McDonald
Box 549 Ward, Lonie Blackman
Box 549 Warner, Harry Jr.
Box 549 Warren, Bill
Box 557 Wellman, Wade
Box 549 Wells, Claude
Box 549 Wells, William M. Jr.
Box 549 Wesley, Cynthia J.
Box 549 Whittington, George A.
Whyte, Sibly
See Stine, Hank.
Box 549 Wilcox, Don
Box 549 Wild, Dean H.
Box 549 Wilde, Anthony
Box 549 Williamson, Jack
Box 550 Wilson, Jim
Box 550 Wilson, Richard
Box 550 Wilson, W.L.
Box 550 Wnoroski, Jim
Box 550 Woods, Robert
Box 550 Wright, Rosco
Box 550 Wright, S. Fowler
Box 550 Wujek, Philip
Box 550 Wylie, Philip
Box 550 Yerke, T. Bruce
Box 550 Youd, C.S.
Box 550 Young, Jeff C.
Box 550 Young, Robert G.
Box 550 Young, Roger Flint
Box 550 Zeldis, Leon
Box 550 Zimmerman, M.G. and Martin Varno
Box 550 Zinnamon, Jerry
Box 550 Zyler, Andrew T. O.
Box 550 Astounding Stories serialized story, no author given - synopsis
Box 557 Weird Tales, Vol. 49 Issue 1 - proofs
Box 550 Unknown / misc. fragments - folders 1-6 (6 folders)
Box 551 Unknown / misc. fragments - folders 7-16 (10 folders)
Box 552 Unknown / misc. fragments - folders 17-20 (4 folders)
Box 552 Amateur submissions - some of these may have been intended for FM
Box 552 Menville, Douglas, A Historical and Critical Survey of the Science-Fiction Film (2 folders)
Box 552 Unknown author, [historical survey of science fiction] (2 folders)
Miscellaneous fiction
Box 557 Star Wars miscellaneous - several are by Michael Aquino (3 folders)
Box 552 By author, A-Z (2 folders)
Box 552 Author unknown
Box 553 Author unknown (4 folders)
Miscellaneous non-fiction
Box 553 Benchley, Peter, "Facts about sharks"
Box 553 Coblentz, Stanton A., "The answer to a dream" - autobiographical reflection on how he became a writer
Box 553 Dianetics - includes copy of 1951 publication, "L. Ron Hubbard Notes and Lectures on Dianetics
Box 553 Ehricke, Krafft, "Jump to the Red Star" - index for science fiction novel
Box 553 Finocchio, Robert V. and Barbara Fister-Liltz, "Without Makeup"
Box 553 Hartt, Reg, "We're Building Around a Great Idea" - proposal for film school
Box 553 Miscellaneous non-fiction (2 folders)
Box 557 Miscellaneous non-fiction (4 folders)
Box 557 Miscellaneous non-fiction fragments (2 folders)
Box 557 Miscellaneous unidentified and fragments

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