Collection inventory

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Association of University Evening Colleges (AUEC) Records

An inventory of its records at Syracuse University

The adult education holdings are collectively known as the
Alexander N. Charters Library of Resources for Educators of Adults.

Overview of the Collection

Creator: Association of University Evening Colleges (U.S.)
Title: Association of University Evening Colleges (AUEC) Records
Inclusive Dates: 1927-1969
Quantity: 17.25 linear ft.
Abstract: The Association of University Evening Colleges (AUEC) was formerly (until 1939) the Association of Deans and Directors of University Evening Colleges; in 1973 it became the Association of Continuing Higher Education. AUEC's purpose was to study the problems of the evening college and to encourage mutual interchange and stimulation of ideas among members. The papers of the AUEC consist of minutes of committees, convention records; general correspondence; enrollment statistics; history, including six phono-tapes of oral interviews with staff members; newsletters, including press releases and copy; personnel records, including vitae and correspondence; regional meeting reports; and statistical reports of the AUEC. Major correspondents include members of the Executive Committee, editors of AUEC publications, and various education organizations. Correspondents whose letters are of significant depth and/or duration include: Gurth I. Abercrombie, E. Brandenburg, Alexander N. Charters, Richard T. Deters, Cortrell K. Holsapple, Ralph C. Kendall, Daniel R. Lang, A.A. Liveright, Robert A. Love, Howell McGee, Ernest E. McMahon, Richard A. Matre, Richard A. Mumma, Frank R. Neuffer, George A. Parkinson, Bernard W. Reed, Kenneth W. Riddle, and Edwin H. Spengler.
Language: English
Repository: Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries
222 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY 13244-2010

Biographical History

The Association of University Evening Colleges (AUEC) -- which changed its name in 1973 to the Association of Continuing Higher Education (ACHE) -- was founded in 1939 in New York by the directors of twenty-seven evening college programs who were affiliated with the American Association of Urban Universities. Originally known as the Association of Deans and Directors of University Evening Schools, its purpose was "the study of the problems of the evening college and the mutual interchange and stimulation of ideas on the part of the members," providing a forum for administrators of university evening programs, and focusing public attention on, and encouraging acceptance and understanding of, the aims of collegiate education of adults. The objectives expanded through the years and, while the AUEC still aimed at providing a "clearinghouse" of information for administrators, it recognized the importance of encouraging public understanding and support of the values of adult continuing education, especially in cooperation with other organizations. Adult collegiate education is considered a primary responsibility of institutions of higher learning, and the AUEC was concerned specifically with the place of the evening division within the university, improvement in instruction and course offerings, and standards for faculty and administration.

Its membership categories were institutional, associate, association, and personal. Its standing committees were: Evening Student Personnel, Legislative, Local Arrangements, Membership, Membership Promotion, Nominating, Program, Public Relations, Regions, Relationships With Other Associations, Research, and Resolutions. It had such special committees as Finance and Liberal Education. Over the years, its regular publications have been Newsletter (quarterly), Proceedings (annual), and "From the Dean's Desk" (occasional).

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Scope and Contents of the Collection

The papers of the Association of University Evening Colleges consist of correspondence, printed matter including ditto, mimeograph, and photocopy material, published material, photographs, phonotapes, and typescript copy for AUEC publications and addresses. Because the organization does not have a general headquarters, this collection is drawn from the files of the officers, notably the presidents and executive secretaries, and from the personal files of Bernard Reed, Newsletter editor from 1956 to 1962 and AUEC historian, who collected the papers of the organization in preparation for a dissertation. The inclusive dates of the collection are 1927 to 1969, but the bulk of the material is dated from 1956 to 1967. The earliest material is a group of enrollment statistics collected later for AUEC files.

Major correspondents include members of the Executive Committee, editors of AUEC publications, AUEC committee chairmen, and staff members of other adult education organizations. Significant correspondents, selected because of the amount of their correspondence and the importance of their position in AUEC or other groups working in the continuing education field, and the inclusive dates of their correspondence are:

  • Abercrombie, Gurth I., 1960-1963
  • Brandenburg, E., 1956-1965
  • Charters, Alexander, 1956-1961
  • Deters, Richard T., S.J., 1956-1964
  • Holsapple, Cortell K., 1957-1961
  • Kendall, Ralph C., 1954-1964
  • Lang, Daniel R., 1955-1967
  • Liveright, Alexander A., 1957-1966
  • Love, Robert A., 1954-1959
  • McGee, Howell, 1958-1968
  • McMahon, Ernest E., 1964-1969
  • Matre, Richard A., 1959-1962
  • Mumma, Richard A., 1959-1960
  • Neuffer, Frank R., 1949-1960
  • Parkinson, George A., 1956-1959
  • Reed, Bernard W., 1954-1962
  • Riddle, Kenneth W., 1956-1961
  • Spengler, Edwin H., 1952-1965

The collection has been divided into two series: AUEC files and material relating to other adult education organizations.

AUEC files are arranged by subject and includes the following major subheadings: Committees, Conventions, Correspondence, Enrollment, History, Membership, Newsletter, Personnel, Regions, Studies, and "Who's Who in the AUEC."

Committees is arranged alphabetically by committee title. Within each folder material is arranged chronologically. These papers consist primarily of correspondence, stated purposes, minutes, and findings of committees. The papers of joint committees of AUEC and other organizations are arranged within the files of the other organizations. Executive Committee material is listed separately under "Correspondence."

Conventions includes correspondence relating to the annual conventions, the published proceedings of the conventions, newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and agendas, all chronologically arranged. Since the annual convention of the AUEC was the only meeting of the entire membership, all business and activities throughout the year were reported, and new plans were made. Taken together, therefore, the proceedings represent an outline history of the AUEC. Each includes the final program of the convention, an attendance roster, the budget, lists of officers and committees, minutes of Executive Committee meetings and business sessions, formal ad-dresses, reports of workshops and problem clinics, and various appendices.

Correspondence consists mostly of routine correspondence among AUEC officers that deals with AUEC policies, projects, conferences, plans, and membership. In addition to incoming and out-going mail from 1939 to 1969, there are dittoed memoranda, some statistical reports, book reviews, mimeographed reports of committee meetings, subscriptions to AUEC publications, and a notebook of comments on "Who's Who in the AUEC". Folders of corres pondence relating to specific subjects or with particular correspondents also are located in this subsection. Additional correspondence is located elsewhere in the collection, as indicated in the shelf list. Enrollment statistics are mimeographed reports on enrollment and administration in evening divisions from 1927 to 1962. Although small, this section could be valuable when used with the more extensive AUEC-NUEA statistical reports in Boxes 27-34.

The six phonotapes found in the History subsection are oral interviews of AUEC staff members concerning AUEC history. They contain detailed accounts of the formation of AUEC, opinions about the AUEC and adult education groups in general, and reminiscences of AUEC personnel.

Membership files are arranged by institutional and personal names. More than half of the files contain only a few routine letters from the AUEC. Larger files usually contain press releases for the Newsletter; descriptions of evening college programs or new courses, changes in staff or administration, special conferences, studies, and newspaper clippings; writings by evening college directors; or correspondence about AUEC programs and philosophy. These provide information on specific evening programs and the relationships of member institutions to the AUEC. The following files contain other than routine material. The largest files and those which contain the most significant material are Brooklyn College; CSLEA; Drexel Institute of Technology; Marquette University; Northwestern University; Rutgers, the State University; Syracuse University; University of California; University of Chicago; University of Cincinnati; University of Toledo; Washington University.

The AUEC Newsletter was issued eight times a year, which summarized new courses and programs in continuing education, noted convention plans, new administrators and policies, published contributions of AUEC members and officers, and served as a month-to-month study of AUEC activities. Newsletter comprises copies of the Newsletter from 1940 to 1967 and folders of correspondence concerning the Newsletter, costs of its publication, and other data.

Personnel contains vitae of various individuals and correspondence on employment. The AUEC, through the Newsletter and by word of mouth, provided an executive placement service for adult educators. In the Regions series are the reports of several regional meetings and a statement of the purpose of the regional organizational arrangement.

Most of the Studies are mimeographed questionnaires that provide information on specific programs of member institutions. These studies can have value either in compiling in-formation about member institutions as a whole, or in comparing their programs. The studies fulfill one of the AUEC's basic purposes, to serve as a clearinghouse of information.

Subject files on other adult education organizations contains material relating to other adult education organizations with which AUEC had some level of working relationship. The Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults folders contain notebooks and reports of the annual Chicago Leadership Conference, as well as programs, addresses, work-shop ideas, and correspondence. Much of the joint work of the AUEC and CSLEA was begun or discussed at these conferences.

The folders on evening colleges contain miscellaneous material on joint problems, functions of deans, terms and phrases used, and influences on adult education. There is correspondence, as well as mimeographed and dittoed materials and some hand-written notes. A number of ideas and philosophies of adult collegiate education are reflected in these folders, valuable in any overall study of continuing education. The NUEA subsection (boxes 27-34) comprises a large collection of reports; these AUEC-NUEA statistical reports were designed to provide quantitative information about the class offerings, conferences, institutes, workshops, correspondence courses, academic programs, and registration in evening colleges of universities throughout the country.

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Arrangement of the Collection

The collection has been divided into two series: AUEC files and material relating to other adult education organizations. Within each series a subject arrangement is used, with folder titles usually identical to those used by the AUEC archivist. Arrangement is alphabetical by subject, alphabetical by folder titles within subheadings, and chronological where bulk makes it necessary. Within each folder, material is arranged chronologically. Incoming letters are attached to the front of outgoing ones, even in cases where an incoming letter is a response. Individual folders usually contain correspondence for at least three months. Undated material is located at the end of a folder. Where there is more than one folder on a specific subject, the number of folders is indicated in parentheses in the shelf list.

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Access Restrictions

The majority of our archival and manuscript collections are housed offsite and require advanced notice for retrieval. Researchers are encouraged to contact us in advance concerning the collection material they wish to access for their research.

Use Restrictions

Written permission must be obtained from SCRC and all relevant rights holders before publishing quotations, excerpts or images from any materials in this collection.

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Related Material

The library holds a considerable number of collections related to adult and continuing education. Please refer to the SCRC Subject Index for a complete listing of all adult education collections.

See in particular:

The relationship with the NUEA has been particularly close, with much overlapping of memberships and many common concerns, particularly the devising of comparable statistical reporting.

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Subject Headings


Abercrombie, Gurth I.
Brandenburg, E.
Charters, Alexander N.
Deters, Richard T.
Holsapple, Cortrell K.
Kendall, Ralph C.
Lang, Daniel R.
Liveright, A. A. (Alexander Albert), 1907-
Love, Robert A.
Matre, Richard A.
McGee, Howell.
McMahon, Ernest Edward.
Mumma, Richard A.
Neuffer, Frank R.
Parkinson, George A.
Reed, Bernard W. (Bernard Webster), 1916-1962.
Riddle, Kenneth W.
Spengler, Edwin Harold.

Corporate Bodies

Association for Continuing Higher Education (U.S.) -- Records and correspondence.
Association of Continuing Higher Education (U.S.) -- Records and correspondence.
Association of Deans and Directors of University Evening Colleges (U.S.) -- Records and correspondence.
Association of University Evening Colleges (U.S.) -- Archives.
Association of University Evening Colleges (U.S.) -- Records and correspondence.


Adult education -- United States.
Educators -- United States.
Evening and continuation schools -- United States.

Genres and Forms

Minutes (administrative records)
Oral histories (literary works)


Adult education

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Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation for this material is as follows:

Association of University Evening Colleges (AUEC) Records,
Special Collections Research Center,
Syracuse University Libraries

Acquisition Information

Gift of Association of University Evening Colleges, 1966-1970.

Finding Aid Information

Created by: -
Date: Oct 1976
Revision history: Jan 1977 - unspecified revisions; 3 Nov 2006 - additions processed, converted to EAD and updated (MRC)

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AUEC files
Box 1 Activities and Services undated
Box 1 Addresses 1950-1967
Box 1 Archives 1963-1964
Box 1 Budget 1956-1964
Box 1 Aims and Objectives Committee 1958-1960
Box 1 Finance Committee 1960
Box 1 Legislation Committee 1962
Box 1 Liberal Education Committee 1957-1961 - minutes and correspondence (2 folders)
Box 1 Membership Committee 1953-1961
Research Committee
Box 1 1953-1956
Box 2 1957-1962 (2 folders)
Box 2 Special Committee 1966-1967
Box 2 Study and Research Committee 1953-1958
Box 2 Ways and Means Committee 1959-1960
Box 2 Constitutions 1940-1958
Box 2 Proceedings (New York, Omaha, Cleveland, Buffalo, Chicago) 1939-1943 (1 volume, bound)
Box 2 New York 1939 - notes
Box 2 Omaha 1940 - notes
Box 2 Cleveland 1941 - notes
Box 2, 2A Buffalo 1942 - notes, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 2A Chicago 1943 - minutes
Box 2A Proceedings (Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York, Minneapolis) 1944-1947 (1 volume, bound)
Box 2A Pittsburgh 1944 - minutes
Box 2A Philadelphia 1945 - minutes
Box 2A New York 1946 - proceedings
Box 3 Minneapolis 1947 - proceedings
Box 3 New Orleans 1948 - proceedings
Box 3 Cincinnati 1949 - proceedings
Box 3 Denver 1950 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 4 Detroit 1951 - proceedings
Box 4 Atlanta 1952 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 4 St. Louis 1953 - correspondence, proceedings (3 folders)
Box 5 Milwaukee 1954 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 5 New Orleans 1955 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 5 New York 1956 - correspondence, proceedings (3 folders)
Box 6 Montreal 1957 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 6 Louisville 1958 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 6 Pittsburgh 1959 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 7 San Francisco 1960 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 7 Cleveland 1961 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 7 Miami Beach 1962 - correspondence, proceedings (2 folders)
Box 8 Boston 1963 - proceedings
Box 8 Dallas 1964 - proceedings
Box 8 Invitations and meeting sites 1945-1961
Box 8 Book publishers
Box 8 Charters, Alexander 1957-1958 (2 folders)
Box 8 Committee reports and correspondence 1957-1958
Box 8 Executive Committee 1954, 1957-1962 (4 folders)
Box 8 1939-1943 (2 folders)
Box 9 1944-1957 (10 folders)
Box 10 1958-1961 Jul (8 folders)
Box 11 1961 Aug-1964 Aug (7 folders)
Box 12 1964 Sep-1969 (2 folders)
Box 12 "Ivory Towers in the Marketplace" 1956
Box 12 Membership 1957-1958
Box 12 Mumma, Richard A. 1959
Box 12 Parkinson, George A. 1957-1958
Box 12 Proceedings 1952-1963
Box 13 Publicity 1954-1963
Box 13 Subscriptions 1960-1962
Box 13 "Who's Who" 1954-1963
Enrollment statistics
Box 13 1927-1952 (3 folders)
Box 14 1953-1962
Box 14 Oral interview 1959-1960 - Holsapple, Cortell K., and Leslie P. Hardy, 1959; Love, Robert A., 1959; Mills, Henry C., and Brenton W. Stevenson, 1960; O'Neil, Leo D., 1960; Parkinson, George A., 1959; Waters, John A., 1960 (phonotape)
Box 15 Certificates 1960
Box 15 Classification by degree offered 1950-1960
Box 15 Blake, John M. 1962
Box 15 Hilliker, Darrell D. 1962
Box 15 Rasmussen, Neal A. 1962-1964
Box 15 Adelphi College (Richard F. Clemo, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Collins, Dr. Donald E.; Egginton, Mary T.
Box 15 American International College (Richard S. Ullery, Dean) 1957-1962
Box 15 American University (Richard Bray, Dean) 1956-1958
Box 15 Assumption University (Rev. Edward C. Pappert) 1961-1962
Box 15 Aurora College (James E. Crimi, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Crimi, James E.
Box 15 Baldwin-Wallace College (Cecil L. Dobbins, Asst. to the, Dean) 1957-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Gregg, John F.
Box 15 Baylor University (N. Lee Dunham, Director; A.W. Hunt, Director) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Hunt, Dr. Arch W.
Box 15 Bellarmine College (Rev. R. L. Friedrich, Director) 1957-1959
Box 15 Beloit College (Robert C. Judd, Director) 1956-1959
Box 15 Bluefield State College (L.B. Allen, President) 1962
Box 15 Boston University (John Waters, Director; James F. Baker, Director) 1956-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Power, Franklin A.
Box 15 Bradley University (Kermit K. Johnson, Dean; Harold P. Rodes, President) 1956-1962
Box 15 Brooklyn College (Edwin H. Spengler, Director) 1956-1962 (3 folders)
See also Membership: Personal: Jacobson, Sol; Spingarn, Edward; Stern, Bernard H.
Box 15 Canisius College (Rev. Edward Maloney S.J., Director) 1959-1960
Box 15 Carnegie Institute of Technology (Dalziel McKelway, Registrar) 1957-1961
Box 15 Case Institute of Technology (Willard E. Nudd Registrar) 1957
Box 15, 16 Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults 1951-1958, 1959-1962 (2 folders)
See also Membership: Personal: Daigneault, George H.
Box 16 City College of New York (Robert A. Love, Director; Bernard Levy, Director) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Farmer, Dr. Martha L.
Box 16 Clark University (Robert M. Hyde, Director; Thomas J. Dolphin, Director) 1956-1961
Box 16 College of William and Mary (John S. Quinn, Director) 1957-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Fuller, Melvin
Box 16 Columbia University (Clifford L. Lord, Dean) 1960-1962
Box 16 DePaul University (Thomas C. Hilliard, Associate Dean) 1956-1960
See also Membership: Personal: Fries, Robert F.
Box 16 Drake University (Alfred Schwartz, Dean) 1956-1962
Box 16 Drexel Institute of Technology (Kenneth W. Riddle, Dean and Director) 1956-1962 (2 folders)
See also Membership: Personal: Benfield, Dr. Howard; Gwiazda, Dr. Stanley J.; Montgomery, George
Box 16 Drury College (Adelaide H. Jones, Director) 1959-1961
East Stroudsburg Teachers College
See Membership: Personal: Powers, Eugene P.
Box 16 Elmira College (Barbara W. Northrup, Director) 1958-1959
Box 16 Evansville College (Marvin E. Hartig, Director) 1956-1958
Box 16 Fairleigh Dickinson University (Richard S. Desmond, Director) 1957
Box 16 Fenn College (G. Brooks Earnest, President) 1957-1960
Fordham University
See Membership: Personal: O'Neill, Rev. Charles A., S.J.
Box 16 Furman University (Raymond W. Heatwole, Director) 1960
Box 16 Georgia State College of Business Administration (Noah Langdale Jr., President) 1956
Box 16 Hofstra College (Edwin D. Duryea, Dean) 1957-1960
Box 16 Howard Payne College (Karl E. Ashburn, Director) 1959-1960
Box 16 Hunter College (Edward Davison, Director) 1959-1962
Box 16 Illinois Institute of Technology (Stanley Winston) 1959
Box 16 Indiana Central College (Harry A. McGuff, Director) 1961-1962
Box 16 Indiana University (Smith Higgins, Dean) 1957-1962
Box 16 Iona College (Thomas J. Bryde, Chairman) 1960-1962
Box 17 John Carroll University (Richard T. Deters S.J., Director; Richard E. Tischler S.J., Director) 1956-1962
Box 17 Johns Hopkins University (Richard A. Mumma, Dean) 1959-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Cooper, Howard E.
Box 17 La Salle College (Brother Francis Emery F.S.C., Dean; Brother G. Paul F.S.C., Dean) 1959-1960
Box 17 Long Island University (Harold Nierenberg, Dean) 1958-1962
Box 17 Louisiana State University (Fred H. Fenn, Director; Frank T. Carroll Jr., Director) 1956-1962
Box 17 Loyola College (William Davish S.J., Dean) 1956-1957
Box 17 Loyola University (Chicago) (Richard A. Matre, Dean) 1959-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Donohue, Dr. John P.
Box 17 McMaster University (William J. McCallion, Director) 1960-1962
Box 17 McNeese State College (R.H. James, Head) 1958-1960
Box 17 Marquette University (Leo Ryan C.S.V., Director) 1957-1960
Box 17 Michigan State University (Clair L. Taylor, Director) 1957-1961
Box 17 Milwaukee Vocational and Adult Schools (George Parkinson, Director) 1962
Box 17 Mississippi Southern College (Paul C. Morgan, Director) 1957
National Association of Credit Management
See Membership: Personal: Layton, William P.
Box 17 Newark College of Engineering (David H. Magnall, Director) 1956-1961
Box 17 New School for Social Research (Nathan W. Levin, Acting President; Henry David, President) 1960-1961
Box 17 New York University (Paul A. McGhee, Dean) 1956-1961
Newark College of Engineering
See Membership: Personal: Stephans, Clarence H.
Box 17 Niagara University (Charles J. Edgette, Director) 1959-1962
Norfolk College of William and Mary
See Membership: Personal: McClelland, Dr. Robert C.
Box 17 Northeastern University (Albert E. Everett, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Abercrombie, Gurth I.; Allen, Lawrence A.; Thompson, Clarence H.
Box 17 Northern Illinois University (Virgil Alexander, Director) 1957
Box 17 Northwestern University (Daniel R. Lang, Dean) 1956-1962 (2 folders)
See also Membership: Personal: Luck, Dr. Martha S.; Shanafield, Harold A.
Box 18 Ohio State University (Luke K. Cooperrider, Director) 1959
Box 18 Oregon State System of Higher Education (James C. Caughlan, Director) 1957-1962
Box 18 Pace College (Edward J. Mortola, Vice President) 1958-1959
Box 18 Pennsylvania Military College (Dean B. Arnold, Associate Dean) 1959
Box 18 Pennsylvania State University (E.L. Keller, Director of General Education) 1956-1961
Box 18 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (Charles E. Schnaffer, Dean) 1958
See also Membership: Personal: Heckhaus, Philip L., III
Portland Extension Center
See Membership: Personal: Caughlan, James C.
Box 18 C. W. Post College (Frederick O. Bissell, Director) 1962
Box 18 Poughkeepsie Center of Syracuse University (Robert S. McDowell) 1957
Box 18 Pratt Institute (Israel Sweet, Dean; Bernard Reed, Dean) 1958-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Shanken, Edward D.; Sweet, Israel
Box 18 Providence College (Richard D. Danilowicz O.P., Director; William R. Clark O.P., Director) 1956-1957
Box 18 Purdue University (C.H. Lawshe, Dean; William A. Jones, Calumet Center ) 1960
See also Membership: Personal: Elliott, Carl H.; Hunsaker, Herbert C.
Box 18 Queens College (N.Y.) (Glenn Howard, Director) 1957-1962
Box 18 Queens College (N.C.) (Robert W. Shaw, Director) 1957-1962
Box 18 Rider College (Sherman V.N. Kent, Dean) 1961-1962
Box 18 Rochester Institute of Technology (Burton E. Stratton, Director; Robert D. Pease, Dean) 1958-1961
Box 18 Rockford Evening College (Curtis H. Moore, Dean) 1960-1962
Box 18 Rockhurst College (Charles P. Cahill S.J., Director) 1957
Box 18 Roosevelt University (Arthur Hillman, Dean) 1956-1958
Row, Peterson & Co.
See Membership: Personal: Posey, Dr. Rollin B.
Box 18 Russell Sage College (George J. Spears, Director) 1956-1962
Box 18 Rutgers, The State University (John L. Swink, Ernest E. McMahon) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Ekstrom, Dr. J. Fredrik
Box 18 St. John's University (P. Austin Derrig C.M., Associate, Dean) 1959
Box 18 St. Joseph's College - Calumet (Rev. Edward A. Maziars, Academic Dean) 1957-1959
Box 18 Seton Hall University (Edward J. Fleming, Dean; John E. O'Brien, Dean) 1957-1960
Shaker Heights City School District
See Membership: Personal: Emery, Dr. Donald G.
Box 18 Sir George Williams College (Robert C. Rae, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Peets, Dr. Donald L.
Southern Illinois University
See Membership: Personal: Seymour, Virgil L.
Box 18 Southern Methodist University (John M. Claunch, Dean) 1957-1962
Box 18 Spring Hill College (John T. Walsh S.J., Director) 1958-1962
Box 18 Suffolk University (Joseph H. Strain, Assistant Dean) 1959-1960
Box 18 Syracuse University (Alexander Charters, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Ingham, Roy J.; Winters, Clifford L.
Box 18 Texas Christian University (Cortell K. Holsapple) 1957-1962
Box 18 Thomas More Institute for Adult Education (R. Eric O'Connor S.J., Dean) 1956-1959
Box 19 Trinity University (Walter P. West, Director) 1957-1958
Box 19 Tulane University (John P. Dyer, Dean) 1956-1962
Box 19 University of Akron (D.J. Guzzetta, Dean; W.A. Rogers, Dean) 1958-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Matthews, Richard D.
Box 19 University of Bridgeport (James W. Southouse, Director) 1956-1960
Box 19 University of British Columbia (J.K. Friesen, Director) 1959-1962
Box 19 University of Buffalo (Robert F. Berner) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Kish, Dr. Nicholas
Box 19 University of California (Paul Sheats, Director) 1956-1962
Box 19 University of Chattanooga (Charles W. Whitworth, Dean) 1957-1962
Box 19 University of Chicago (John T. Wilson, Director) 1958-1962
Box 19 University of Cincinnati (Frank R. Neuffer, Dean) 1959-1960
See also Membership: Personal: Settle, Dr. Kenneth B.
Box 19 University of Dayton (Robert E. Donovan, Director) 1956-1962
Box 19 University of Delaware (Gordon C. Godbey, Director) 1957-1961
Box 19 University of Denver (Alfred C. Nelson, Dean; W.M. Lewis, Program Coordinator) 1956-1962
Box 19 University of Detroit (William B. O'Regan, Dean) 1959-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Emmet, Dr. Thomas
Box 19 University of Hartford (Ernest A. Dudley, Director) 1956-1962
Box 20 University of Kansas (N. Webster Rickhoff, Manager) 1957
Box 20 University of Kansas City (C.J. Stevens, Director) 1957-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Kolker, Dr. Berndt L.
Box 20 University of Louisville (William C. Huffman, Dean) 1956-1962
Box 20 University of Manitoba (A.S.R. Tweedie, Director) 1957-1963
Box 20 University of Maryland (G. Allen Sager, Assistant Dean) 1956-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Quimper, James R.
Box 20 University of Miami (Dan Steinhoff, Dean) 1956-1962
Box 20 University of Minnesota (Eleanor Salisbury, NUEA Secretary; Julius Nolte, Dean) 1956-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Miller, Huntington
Box 20 University of Nebraska (Knute O. Broady, Director) 1958-1962
Box 20 University of Oklahoma (Howell McGee, Director) 1958-1962
See also Membership: Personal: McGee, Howell W.
Box 20 University of Omaha (Donald Emery; Donald Woods, Dean) 1956-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Beilis, Dr. Michel
Box 20 University of Pittsburgh (Viers Adams, Dean) 1956-1962
Box 20 University of Rhode Island (John K. Hackett, Director) 1958-1959
Box 20 University of Richmond (Melvin L. Greenhut, Associate Dean) 1962
Box 20 University of Rochester (Howard P. Anderson, Dean) 1957
Box 20 University of San Francisco (Gerald A. Sugrue S.J., Director) 1958-1960
See also Membership: Personal: Beaver, Dr. William A.
Box 20 University of Scranton (Joseph A. Barrett, Director) 1956-1962
Box 20 University of Southern California (Carl Hancey, Dean) 1956-1960
Box 20 University of Southern Illinois (Robert W. Duncan, Supervisor) 1958
Box 20 University of Tampa (James W. Covington) 1961-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Speronis, Stephen L.
Box 20 University of Tennessee (James E. Arnold, Dean) 1958
Box 20 University of Toledo (Ralph C. Kendall, Dean) 1957-1962
See also Membership: Personal: Matthews, Richard D.; Setterbo, Dr. Donald B.; Spencer, Dr. Richard A.
Box 20 University of Toronto (D.C. Williams, Director) 1960-1961
Box 20 University of Tulsa (H. Rodman Jones, Director; Andrew L. Springfield, Director) 1957-1960
Box 20 University of Washington (M.E. Marts, Director) 1956-1961
Box 20 University of Wichita (T. Reese Marsh, Director) 1956-1960
Box 20 University of Wisconsin (Roger W. Axford, Director) 1956-1962
Box 21 Utica College of Syracuse University (Thomas J. Desmond, Director) 1957-1962
Box 21 Villa Madonna College (Thomas H. Hanna, Director) 1960-1961
Villanova University (George P. Lawless, Eugene P. Powers) 1956-1960
Box 21 Virginia State College (H.D. Carpenter Jr., Director) 1956
See also Membership: Personal: Brown, Dr. George W.C.
Box 21 Washburn University (James M. Young, Director) 1956-1958
Box 21 Washington University (Willis H. Reals, Ernest Brandenburg) 1956-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Spohrer, Dr. Myron A.
Box 21 Wayne State University (Charles L. Jackson) 1959-1961
Box 21 Western Reserve University (Johns Diekhoff, Dean) 1956-1960
See also Membership: Personal: Brown, Dr. Leslie E.
Box 21 Xavier University (Richard T. Deters S.J., Henry J. Wirtenberger) 1957-1961
See also Membership: Personal: Walker, Dr. Russ
Box 21 Abercrombie, Gurth I. (Northeastern University) 1959-1961
Box 21 Allen, Lawrence A. (Northeastern University) 1962
Box 21 Beaver, Dr. William A. (University of San Francisco) 1961
Box 21 Beilis, Dr. Michel (University of Omaha) 1962-1964
Box 21 Benfield, Dr. Howard (Drexel Institute of Technology) 1957-1960
Box 21 Betz, Dr. Paul R. (St. Joseph's College) 1961-1962
Box 21 Brown, Dr. George W.C. (Virginia State College) 1962-1964
Box 21 Brown, Dr. Leslie E. (Western Reserve University) 1956-1957
Box 21 Caughlan, James C. (Portland Extension Center) 1960-1961
Box 21 Collins, Dr. Donald E. (Adelphi College, Oakdale) 1962
Box 21 Cooper, Howard E. (Johns Hopkins University) 1956-1959
Box 21 Crimi, James E. (Aurora College) 1962
Box 21 Daigneault, George H. (CSLEA) 1960-1962
Box 21 Donohue, Dr. John P. (Loyola University) 1961
Box 21 Egginton, Mary T. (Adelphi University) 1962
Box 21 Ekstrom, Dr. J. Fredrik (Rutgers University) 1961-1962
Box 21 Elliott, Carl H. (Purdue University) 1962
Box 21 Emery, Dr. Donald G. (Shaker Heights City School District ) 1956-1964
Box 21 Emmet, Dr. Thomas (University of Detroit) 1962
Box 21 Farmer, Dr. Martha L. (City College of New York ) 1962
Box 21 Fries, Robert F. (De Paul University) 1960
Box 21 Fuller, Melvin (Richmond Professional Institute, College of William and Mary ) 1961
Box 21 Gregg, John F. (Baldwin-Wallace College) 1961
Box 21 Gwiazda, Dr. Stanley J. (Drexel Institute of Technology) 1961
Box 21 Heckhaus, Philip L., III (Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn) 1962
Box 21 Howard, Dr. Glenn W. (Queens College) 1962
Box 21 Hunsaker, Herbert C. (Purdue University) 1959-1964
Box 21 Hunt, Dr. Arch W. (Baylor University) 1962
Box 21 Ingham, Roy J. (Syracuse University) 1959-1962
Box 21 Jacobson, Sol (Brooklyn College) 1960-1962
Box 21 Kish, Dr. Nicholas (University of Buffalo) 1961-1962
Box 21 Kolker, Dr. Berndt L. (University of Kansas City) 1962
Box 21 Layton, William P. (National Association of Credit Management) 1958-1963
Box 21 Luck, Dr. Martha S. (Northwestern University) 1961
Box 21 McClelland, Dr. Robert C. (Norfolk College of William and Mary) 1961
Box 21 McGee, Howell W. (University of Oklahoma ) 1960-1962
Box 21 Matthews, Richard D. (University of Toledo, University of Akron) 1957-1961
Box 21 Meyer, Dr. Peter (Queens College) 1961
Box 21 Miller, Huntington (University of Minnesota) 1960-1963
Box 21 Montgomery, George (Drexel Institute of Technology) 1959
Box 21 O'Neill, Rev. Charles A., S.J. (Fordham University) 1961
Box 21 Peets, Dr. Donald L. (Sir George Williams University) 1961
Box 21 Posey, Dr. Rollin B. (Row, Peterson & Co.) 1960
Box 21 Power, Franklin A. (Boston University) 1962
Box 21 Powers, Eugene P. (East Stroudsburg Teachers College ) 1960
Box 21 Quimper, James R. (University of Maryland ) 1961-1962
Box 21 Setterbo, Dr. Donald B. (University of Toledo ) 1961
Box 21 Settle, Dr. Kenneth B. (University of Cincinnati ) 1961
Box 21 Seymour, Virgil L. (Southern Illinois University ) 1960
Box 21 Shanafield, Harold A. (Northwestern University ) 1962
Box 21 Shanken, Edward D. (Pratt Institute) 1963
Box 21 Spencer, Dr. Richard A. (University of Toledo ) 1961
Box 21 Speronis, Stephen L. (University of Tampa ) 1962-1964
Box 21 Spingarn, Edward (Brooklyn College) 1962
Box 21 Spohrer, Dr. Myron A. (Washington University) 1961
Box 21 Stephans, Clarence H. (Newark College of Engineering ) 1958
Box 21 Stern, Bernard H. (Brooklyn College) 1957
Box 21 Sweet, Israel (Pratt Institute) 1961
Box 21 Thompson, Clarence H. (Northeastern University) 1961-1964
Box 21 Walker, Dr. Russ (Xavier University) 1961
Box 21 Winters, Clifford L. (Syracuse University) 1957-1962
Box 21 Rosters 1946-1959
Box 22 Miscellaneous 1955-1958
Box 22 Correspondence 1952-1963
Box 22 Costs 1959-1960
Box 22 Forms and mechanics 1959
Box 22 "From the Dean's Desk" 1962
Box 22 "Introducing New Members" 1962
Box 22 1940-1960 (4 folders)
Box 23 1961-1967 (3 folders)
Box 23 Officers, lists 1962
Box 23 Personnel 1954-1964 (7 folders)
Box 24 Policies and procedures 1950-1960
Box 24 Purposes and Objectives 1958-1960
Box 24 Regional groups 1955-1963
Box 24 Regional meetings 1951-1961
Regional meetings
Box 24 Cincinnati 1955
Box 24 Louisville 1956
Box 24 Evansville, Indiana 1957
Box 24 Regional reports 1968-1969
Box 24 Administrative policies 1947-1952
Box 24 Business programs 1945-1952
Box 24 Extracurricular activities 1959-1960
Box 25 Other research 1952-1963
Box 25 "Who's Who in the AUEC" 1951
Subject files on adult education organizations
Adult Education Association
Box 25 AEA-AUEC relationship 1959
Council of National Organizations for Adult Education
Box 25 AUEC Membership in CNO 1957-1961
Box 25 Correspondence 1954-1961
American Council on Education
Box 25 AUEC Membership 1951-1959
Box 25 Correspondence 1959-1962
Box 25 Canadian Adult Education Association 1962-1963 - rosters
Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults
Box 25 AUEC-CSLEA Activities 1951-1960
Box 25 Leadership Conference 1953
Box 25 Leadership Conference 1954
Box 25, 26 Leadership Conference 1955 (2 folders)
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1956 (2 folders)
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1957
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1958
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1959
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1960
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1961
Box 26 Leadership Conference 1962
Box 27 Leadership Conference 1963
Box 27 Leadership Conference 1964
Box 27 Education-Business Foundation 1950-1956
Evening colleges
Box 27 Deans undated
Box 27 Influences 1953
Box 27 Problems undated
Box 27 Terms undated
National University Extension Association (NUEA)
Box 27 AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1960-1961
Box 27 AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1962-1963
AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1963-1964
Box 27 A-G (3 folders)
Box 28 H-Z, University of A-University of L (9 folders)
Box 29 University of M-University of Z (4 folders)
AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1964-1965
Box 29 A-H (4 folders)
Box 30 I-Z, University of A-University of B (11 folders)
Box 31 University of C-University of Z (7 folders)
AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1966-1967
Box 31 A-M (4 folders)
Box 32 N-Z, University of A-University of Z (6 folders)
AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report 1967-1968
Box 32 A-I (3 folders)
Box 33 J-Z, University of A-University of S (7 folders)
Box 34 University of T-University of Z
Box 34 AUEC-NUEA Statistical Report, Correspondence 1957-1968
Box 34 Committee on Liberal Education 1957-1958
Box 34 Correspondence 1950
Box 34 Joint Committee 1955-1965
Box 34 Joint Uniform Reporting Committee 1959-1963
Box 34 Gatlinburg, Tenn. 1954
Box 34 New England, Joint Conference 1960
Box 34 Study Advisory Committee 1957
Box 34 AUEC relationship to other adult education groups 1964
Box 34 AUEC representation at other adult education meetings 1957-1963

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