Collection Spotlight: Politico Pro: Real-time Policy and Political News

by Anita Kuiken, Falk College Librarian
Syracuse University Libraries’ Politico Pro institutional access features United States politics and policy news coverage researched and written by non-partisan teams of journalists. “Pro News,” unique to the Pro subscription, provides a weekly aggregate of news organized by policy sectors: agriculture, budget and appropriations, campaigns, cybersecurity, defense, education, energy, health, labor, employment, taxes, technology, trade and transportation. These curated collections provide quick perspective compared to the free “Politico” version, which features political and policy news more broadly across North America and Europe. Additionally, Pro News readers will find news and reports focusing on policy developments at the federal level, in select states (California, Florida, New Jersey, New York) and Canada. Check in weekly to stay on top of developments in your policy area of interest.
This year, as we enter another highly competitive political race, Politico Pro’s “Campaign Races” dashboard is an essential introduction to the national political landscape as the election cycle heats up. “Campaign Races” provides detailed information of party control by state and which seats in the House and Senate are up for grabs in a simple clickable graphic of the United States. By breaking it down by state, “Campaign Races” helps readers determine which races are particularly contentious. Additionally, readers will find a basic biographical sketch and fundraising data by contender.
Including Politico Pro’s “Campaign Races” and “Pro News” along with other news resources available from SU Libraries this campaign season will keep you on top of the issues you care most about and provide a clear view of the political races to watch closely. Together, these tools will ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the political environment, allowing you to cover the campaign season with depth and accuracy. To provide feedback or suggest a title to add to the collection, please complete the Resource Feedback Form.