Electronic Theses and Dissertations on SURFACE for Summer and Winter 2023

Summer 2023 Theses and Dissertations
The records for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) submitted by the Graduate School for Summer 2023 have been processed and loaded into SURFACE, Syracuse University’s Institutional Repository. The Libraries processed 42 submissions from 22 different departments, including:
Anthropology (2); Biology (1); Biomedical and Chemical Engineering (2); Chemistry (2); Civil and Environmental Engineering (2); Communication and Rhetorical Studies (1); Cultural Foundations of Education (1); Design (5); Earth Sciences (1); Economics (1); Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (2); Exercise Science (1); Higher Education (1); Human Development and Family Science (3); Mass Communications (2); Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (4); Media Studies (1); Physics (3); Psychology (2); Public Administration (2); Public Relations (1); and Social Sciences (2).
- Thirty-one dissertations were submitted, and their records are available at: https://surface.syr.edu/etd/.
- Twenty-eight dissertations were submitted as Open Access (OA) publications, twenty-three of which are currently available for download on SURFACE. Five additional dissertations will be available after an embargo period.
- Three additional dissertations were submitted but are only available by subscription through ProQuest, though their records are available in SURFACE.
- The OA rate for dissertations in Summer 2023 was roughly 90%.
- Eleven graduate theses were submitted, and their records are available at https://surface.syr.edu/thesis/.
- Ten theses were submitted as OA publications, nine of which are currently available for download on SURFACE. One additional thesis will be available after an embargo period.
- One additional thesis was submitted but is only available by subscription through ProQuest, though the record is available in SURFACE.
- The OA rate for theses was roughly 90%.
The overall OA rate for dissertations and theses in summer 2023 was approximately 90%.
Winter 2023 Theses and Dissertations
The records for the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) submitted by the Graduate School for Winter 2023 include 48 submissions from 26 different departments, including:
African American Studies (1); Art (1); Biology (3); Biomedical and Chemical Engineering (2); Chemistry (2); Civil and Environmental Engineering (1); Communication Sciences and Disorders (1); Communications Management (1); Earth Sciences (3); Economics (1); Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (5); English (1); Food Studies (1); Geography (2); History (1); Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (2); Mass Communications (2); Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2); Philosophy (1); Physics (1); Political Science (1); Psychology (6); Social Sciences (2); Sociology (1); Teaching and Leadership (1); and Writing Program (3).
- Thirty-seven dissertations were submitted, and their records are available at: https://surface.syr.edu/etd/.
- Thirty-three dissertations were submitted as Open Access (OA) publications, twenty-five of which are currently available for download on SURFACE. Eight additional dissertations will be available after an embargo period.
- Four additional dissertations were submitted but are only available by subscription through ProQuest, though their records are available in SURFACE.
- The OA rate for dissertations this winter was roughly 89%.
- Eleven graduate theses were submitted, and their records are available at https://surface.syr.edu/thesis/.
- Ten theses were submitted as OA publications, six of which are currently available for download on SURFACE. Four additional theses will be available after an embargo period.
- One additional thesis was submitted but is only available by subscription through ProQuest, though the record is available in SURFACE.
- The OA rate for theses was roughly 90%.
The overall OA rate for all dissertations and theses was approximately 89%.
Anyone desiring additional information at either the departmental or school/college level can contact the SURFACE team at surface@syr.edu.