URP 100: Information Literacy and Research Strategies

Participating in research and creative activity means creating new knowledge and new ways to think about our world and its challenges. Information literacy is a set of skills that will help you discover, use, and create information resources effectively, efficiently, and ethically. These skills underpin success in research and your journey as a lifelong learner. This course will explore the steps of the research process and understand how these can be applied in different disciplines. You’ll hear from librarians and faculty who will help you develop effective research skills and design a path to get involved in research/creative activity as an undergraduate. This course was designed by Syracuse University Libraries and the Syracuse Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Engagement (The SOURCE).
Students taking this course will be able to:
- Critically evaluate information sources through an understanding that information is constructed and contextual.
- Integrate information literacy skills, resources, and strategies into their professional and personal information practices, especially those most relevant to their chosen academic disciplines.
- Engage ethically with information resources, such as through citing information sources appropriately, seeking diverse or alternative information sources, and understanding issues related to information access as lifelong learners.
- Describe the steps of the research process, with an understanding of how ethics, equity, diversity, and inclusion function as foundational research skills.
- Understand how the research process is applied in different disciplines.
- Design a path for meaningful engagement in research as an undergraduate.
This course is recommended for 1st and 2nd year undergraduates. For more information, contact Kelly Delevan, Information Literacy Librarian: kkdeleva@syr.edu.