Open Access Electronic Theses & Dissertations, Summer 2019

by Déirdre F. Joyce, Head of Digital Library Program
The records for the ETDs (Electronic Theses and Dissertations) submitted by the Graduate School for Summer 2019 have been successfully uploaded into SURFACE with submissions from 30 different departments:
Anthropology; Art; Biology; Biomedical and Chemical Engineering; Chemistry; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Communication and Rhetorical Studies; Counseling and Human Services; Cultural Foundations of Education; Earth Sciences; Economics; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Geography; History; Human Development and Family Science; Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics; Mass Communications; Mathematics; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Media Studies; Nutrition Science and Dietetics; Physics; Political Science; Psychology; Public Administration; Public Relations; Social Sciences; Sociology; and Teaching and Leadership
50 dissertations were submitted and their records have been added to SURFACE. Almost all authors selected Open Access options.
- 30 items are already full open access in SURFACE.
- 9 additional items will be open access in SURFACE at the end of an embargo period.
- 3 SURFACE records were created for dissertations that were not submitted as Open Access, but which are available in ProQuest
- 8 SURFACE records were created for dissertations that were not submitted as Open Access, but which are currently embargoed in ProQuest
All electronic dissertation records are available here:
36 master’s theses were submitted and their records have been added to SURFACE. Again, almost all authors selected Open Access options.
- 24 items are already full open access in SURFACE.
- 3 additional items will be open access in SURFACE at the end of an embargo period.
- 5 SURFACE records were created for theses that were not submitted as Open Access, but which are available in ProQuest
- 4 SURFACE records were created for theses that were not submitted as Open Access, but which are currently embargoed in ProQuest
All electronic theses records are available here: